Supplemental Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment and Request for Public Scoping Comments for the Air Tour Management Plan Program at Mount Rainier National Park, 18568-18569 [2010-8194]
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sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 69 / Monday, April 12, 2010 / Notices
Commercial air
Privately owned vehicle
Rail transit (subway, streetcar, or light
Commuter rail
Transit (local) and intercity (long
distance) bus
Intercity Rail (Amtrak)
Other modes such as biking and
Confidence in the safety of the following
modes of transportation
Commercial air
Privately owned vehicle
Rail transit (subway, streetcar, or light
Commuter rail
Water transportation (taxis, ferries,
Transit (local) and intercity (long
distance) bus
Intercity Rail (Amtrak)
Other modes such as biking/walking/
Confidence in the security procedures
for the following modes of
Commercial air
Charter/general aviation
Privately owned vehicle
Rail transit (subway, streetcar, or light
Commuter rail
Water transportation (taxis, ferries,
Transit (local) and intercity (long
distance) bus
Intercity Rail (Amtrak)
Assessment of/satisfaction with security
procedures for the following modes
of transportation
Commercial air
Charter/general aviation
Rail transit (subway, streetcar, or light
Commuter rail
Water transportation (taxis, ferries,
Transit (local) and intercity (long
distance) bus
Intercity Rail (Amtrak)
Processing through security at
Commercial airports
Train stations
Waterway entry points for ferries,
water taxis, cruises
Knowledge of current check-in
procedures at
Commercial airports
Train stations
Waterway entry points for ferries,
water taxis, cruises
Knowledge of/confidence in the Alien
Flight Student Program
Experiences with transit delays related
to suspicious/unattended baggage
Willingness/tolerance of transportation
security risk management
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:58 Apr 09, 2010
Jkt 220001
Information on journey to work
Transportation used (single mode/
multiple mode)
Time required for one-way trip
Number of days traveled
Assessment of congestion
Methods for dealing with congestion
Telecommuting information
Commuting costs
Availability of transportation
Impact of congestion on commute
Impact of on-line shopping on passenger
and freight travel
Impact of accessibility of transportation
on livability of communities
Assessment of/opinions regarding
distracted driving behaviors
Public Comments Invited: Interested
parties are invited to send comments
regarding any aspect of this information
collection, including, but not limited to:
(1) The necessity and utility of the
information collection for the proper
performance of the functions of the
DOT; (2) the accuracy of the estimated
burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the collected
information; and (4) ways to minimize
the collection burden without reducing
the quality of the collected information.
Send comments to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, 725
17th Street, NW., Washington, DC
20503, Attention: BTS Desk Officer.
Issued in Washington, DC, on this 5th day
of April 2010.
Steven D. Dillingham,
Director, Bureau of Transportation Statistics,
Research and Innovative Technology
[FR Doc. 2010–8235 Filed 4–9–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Supplemental Notice of Intent To
Prepare an Environmental Assessment
and Request for Public Scoping
Comments for the Air Tour
Management Plan Program at Mount
Rainier National Park
AGENCY: Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).
ACTION: Supplemental Notice of Intent
To Prepare an Environmental
Assessment and to request public
scoping comments.
SUMMARY: The FAA, with National Park
Service (NPS) as a cooperating agency,
has initiated development of an Air
Tour Management Plan (ATMP) for
Mount Rainier National Park (MORA),
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pursuant to the National Parks Air Tour
Management Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106–
181) and its implementing regulations
(14 CFR Part 136, Subpart B, National
Parks Air Tour Management). The
objective of the ATMP is to develop
acceptable and effective measures to
mitigate or prevent the significant
adverse impacts, if any, of commercial
air tour operations upon the natural
resources, cultural resources, and visitor
experiences of a national park unit and
any tribal lands within or abutting the
park. It should be noted that the ATMP
has no authorization over other non-airtour operations such as military and
general aviation operations. In
compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) and FAA Order 1050.1E, CHG 1,
an Environmental Assessment is being
prepared. This supplemental notice of
intent extends the date by which
scoping comments must be submitted
(see DATES) because the original Federal
Register notice published on April 2,
2010 (Vol. 75, No. 63, 16899–16900)
referenced a link to the FAA Web site
that had the wrong public scoping
packet. The correct public scoping
packet has now been posted.
In October 2009, the NPS and FAA
held a two-day kickoff meeting at
MORA; minutes may be found at:
The purpose of the kickoff meeting
was for the FAA and NPS to have the
opportunity to share information
regarding environmental and other
issues to consider in the development of
an ATMP. Materials presented at the
meeting included information on: park
resources; the acoustical environment at
MORA; current and historical air tour
operations; and representative air tour
flight paths. In addition, MORA staff
provided information regarding
sensitive park resources, tribal concerns,
and tourism patterns. Based on input
received at the meeting, the FAA and
NPS have decided to proceed with
developing the ATMP at MORA with an
Environmental Assessment (EA).
The FAA and NPS are now inviting
the public, agencies, tribes, and other
interested parties to provide comments,
suggestions, and input on the scope of
issues to be addressed in the
environmental process.
DATES: By this notice, the FAA is
requesting comments on the scope of
the environmental assessment for the
ATMP at Mount Rainier National Park.
Comments must be submitted by May
12, 2010.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 69 / Monday, April 12, 2010 / Notices
Keith Lusk—Mailing address: P.O. Box
92007, Los Angeles, California 90009–
2007. Telephone: (310) 725–3808. Street
address: 15000 Aviation Boulevard,
Lawndale, California 90261. E-mail: Written comments
on the scope of the Environmental
Assessment should be submitted
electronically via the electronic public
comment form on the NPS Planning,
Environment and Public Comment
System at:
projectId=29122, or sent to the mailing
address or e-mail address above.
A public
scoping packet that describes the project
in greater detail is available at:
• Longmire Museum, Mount Rainier
National Park.
• Henry M Jackson Memorial Visitor
Center at Paradise, Mount Rainier
National Park.
• Ohanapecosh Visitor Center, Mount
Rainier National Park.
• Sunrise Visitor Center, Mount
Rainier National Park.
• Eatonville Library.
• Puyallup Library.
• Enumclaw City Library.
• Buckley Library.
• Tacoma Public Library.
• Yakima Valley Regional Library.
• Environmental Ctr. Resource
Library, Huxley College of
Environmental Studies, Western
Washington University.
Notice Regarding FOIA: Individuals
may request that their name and/or
address be withheld from public
disclosure. If you wish to do this, you
must state this prominently at the
beginning of your comment.
Commentators using the Web site can
make such a request by checking the
box ‘‘keep my contact information
private.’’ Such requests will be honored
to the extent allowable by law, but you
should be aware that pursuant to the
Freedom of Information Act, your name
and address may be disclosed. We will
make all submissions from
organizations, businesses, and from
individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses available for
public inspection in their entirety.
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:58 Apr 09, 2010
Jkt 220001
Issued in Hawthorne, CA, on April 5, 2010.
Keith Lusk,
Program Manager, Special Programs Staff,
Western-Pacific Region.
[FR Doc. 2010–8194 Filed 4–9–10; 8:45 am]
Departmental Offices; Proposed
Collection; Comment Request
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Treasury, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 (44 U.S.C.
Currently, the Office of Financial
Stability (OFS) is soliciting comments
concerning the banks and thrifts, banks
and thrifts exchange, and credit union
applications for the Community
Development Capital Initiative.
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before June 11, 2010 to
be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Department of the Treasury, Daniel
Abramowitz, 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220;
(202) 927–9645.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the form(s) and instructions
should be directed as above.
Title: Troubled Asset Relief Program
(TARP)—Community Development
Capital Initiative (CDCI).
OMB Control Number: 1505–0223.
Abstract: Authorized under the
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
(EESA) of 2008 (Pub. L. 110–343), the
Department of the Treasury is
implementing several aspects of the
Troubled Asset Relief Program. The
statute provides the Secretary broad
authority to purchase and insure
mortgage assets, and to purchase any
other financial instrument that the
Secretary, in consultation with the
Federal Reserve Chairman, determines
necessary to stabilize our financial
markets—including equity securities.
The TARP is comprised of several
components including a voluntary
Community Development Capital
Initiative (CDCI) under which the
PO 00000
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Department may purchase qualifying
assets from U.S. banking organizations
that are certified Community
Development Financial Institutions
(CDFI). Treasury, through Federal
banking and credit union agencies, is
seeking applicant information for
financial institutions that seek
participation in the CDCI.
Eligible institutions include bank
holding companies, financial holding
companies, insured depository
institutions, credit unions, and savings
and loan holding companies that engage
solely or predominately in activities that
are permissible for financial holding
companies under relevant law. To
qualify, the applicant must be
established and operating in the United
States and may not be controlled by a
foreign bank or company, and must be
a certified CDFI. Additionally, CDFIs
that have participated in and have
outstanding obligations under the TARP
Capital Purchase Program (CPP) may
apply to request an exchange of
securities purchased under CPP by
Treasury, for securities to be issued to
Treasury under the CDCI. Eligibility to
participate in the CDCI solely for
purposes of exchanging outstanding
obligations under CPP shall occur
without regard to whether the
institution seeks to participate in the
CDCI for purposes of receiving
additional capital. Institutions seeking
additional capital under the CDCI shall
submit a separate application for that
The application information will be
used to determine eligibility and
participation in the CDCI.
Type of Review: Extension without
change to a currently approved
information collection.
Affected Public: Private sector:
Businesses or other for-profits.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 400 hours.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the collection of
information including the validity of the
methodology and assumption used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 69 (Monday, April 12, 2010)]
[Pages 18568-18569]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-8194]
Federal Aviation Administration
Supplemental Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental
Assessment and Request for Public Scoping Comments for the Air Tour
Management Plan Program at Mount Rainier National Park
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
ACTION: Supplemental Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental
Assessment and to request public scoping comments.
SUMMARY: The FAA, with National Park Service (NPS) as a cooperating
agency, has initiated development of an Air Tour Management Plan (ATMP)
for Mount Rainier National Park (MORA), pursuant to the National Parks
Air Tour Management Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-181) and its implementing
regulations (14 CFR Part 136, Subpart B, National Parks Air Tour
Management). The objective of the ATMP is to develop acceptable and
effective measures to mitigate or prevent the significant adverse
impacts, if any, of commercial air tour operations upon the natural
resources, cultural resources, and visitor experiences of a national
park unit and any tribal lands within or abutting the park. It should
be noted that the ATMP has no authorization over other non-air-tour
operations such as military and general aviation operations. In
compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)
and FAA Order 1050.1E, CHG 1, an Environmental Assessment is being
prepared. This supplemental notice of intent extends the date by which
scoping comments must be submitted (see DATES) because the original
Federal Register notice published on April 2, 2010 (Vol. 75, No. 63,
16899-16900) referenced a link to the FAA Web site that had the wrong
public scoping packet. The correct public scoping packet has now been
In October 2009, the NPS and FAA held a two-day kickoff meeting at
MORA; minutes may be found at:
The purpose of the kickoff meeting was for the FAA and NPS to have
the opportunity to share information regarding environmental and other
issues to consider in the development of an ATMP. Materials presented
at the meeting included information on: park resources; the acoustical
environment at MORA; current and historical air tour operations; and
representative air tour flight paths. In addition, MORA staff provided
information regarding sensitive park resources, tribal concerns, and
tourism patterns. Based on input received at the meeting, the FAA and
NPS have decided to proceed with developing the ATMP at MORA with an
Environmental Assessment (EA).
The FAA and NPS are now inviting the public, agencies, tribes, and
other interested parties to provide comments, suggestions, and input on
the scope of issues to be addressed in the environmental process.
DATES: By this notice, the FAA is requesting comments on the scope of
the environmental assessment for the ATMP at Mount Rainier National
Park. Comments must be submitted by May 12, 2010.
[[Page 18569]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Keith Lusk--Mailing address: P.O. Box
92007, Los Angeles, California 90009-2007. Telephone: (310) 725-3808.
Street address: 15000 Aviation Boulevard, Lawndale, California 90261.
E-mail: Written comments on the scope of the
Environmental Assessment should be submitted electronically via the
electronic public comment form on the NPS Planning, Environment and
Public Comment System at:, or sent to the mailing
address or e-mail address above.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A public scoping packet that describes the
project in greater detail is available at:
Longmire Museum, Mount Rainier National Park.
Henry M Jackson Memorial Visitor Center at Paradise, Mount
Rainier National Park.
Ohanapecosh Visitor Center, Mount Rainier National Park.
Sunrise Visitor Center, Mount Rainier National Park.
Eatonville Library.
Puyallup Library.
Enumclaw City Library.
Buckley Library.
Tacoma Public Library.
Yakima Valley Regional Library.
Environmental Ctr. Resource Library, Huxley College of
Environmental Studies, Western Washington University.
Notice Regarding FOIA: Individuals may request that their name and/
or address be withheld from public disclosure. If you wish to do this,
you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comment.
Commentators using the Web site can make such a request by checking the
box ``keep my contact information private.'' Such requests will be
honored to the extent allowable by law, but you should be aware that
pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, your name and address may
be disclosed. We will make all submissions from organizations,
businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of organizations or businesses available
for public inspection in their entirety.
Issued in Hawthorne, CA, on April 5, 2010.
Keith Lusk,
Program Manager, Special Programs Staff, Western-Pacific Region.
[FR Doc. 2010-8194 Filed 4-9-10; 8:45 am]