Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company; Notice of Application, 18190 [2010-8075]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 68 / Friday, April 9, 2010 / Notices
would have an estimated annual
generation of 2,190 gigawatt-hours.
Applicant Contact: Douglas
Spaulding, Nelson Energy, 8441
Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 101, Golden
Valley, MN 55426, (952) 544–8133.
FERC Contact: Brandon Cherry, (202)
Deadline for filing comments, motions
to intervene, competing applications
(without notices of intent), or notices of
intent to file competing application: 60
days from the issuance of this notice.
Comments, motions to intervene,
notices of intent, and competing
applications may be filed electronically
via the Internet. See 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s Web site under the
‘‘eFiling’’ link. If unable to be filed
electronically, documents may be paperfiled. To paper-file, an original and eight
copies should be mailed to: Kimberly D.
Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. For
more information on how to submit
these types of filings please go to the
Commission’s Web site located at
More information about this project
can be viewed or printed on the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link of Commission’s Web
site at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/
elibrary.asp. Enter the docket number
(P–13655) in the docket number field to
access the document. For assistance,
call toll-free 1–866–208–3372.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2010–8065 Filed 4–8–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP10–110–000]
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company;
Notice of Application
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
April 2, 2010.
Take notice that on March 30, 2010,
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
(Tennessee), 1001 Louisiana Street,
Houston, Texas 77002, filed in the
above referenced docket an application
pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural
Gas Act (NGA) and Part 157 of the
Commission’s regulations, requesting
authorization to abandon in place an
inactive segment of an offshore supply
lateral designated as Line No. 523M–
2300, consisting of approximately 6.23
miles of 24-inch diameter pipeline and
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:07 Apr 08, 2010
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associated appurtenances located in
federal waters offshore Louisiana.
Tennessee states that the subject
facilities have been out of service since
W & T Offshore, Inc.’s platform was
toppled by Hurricane Ike in September
2008, all as more fully set forth in the
application which is on file with the
Commission and open to public
inspection. The filing is available for
review at the Commission in the Public
Reference Room or may be viewed on
the Commission’s Web site Web at
https://www.ferc.gov using the ‘‘eLibrary’’
link. Enter the docket number excluding
the last three digits in the docket
number field to access the document.
For assistance, contact FERC at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call
toll-free, (886) 208–3676 or TTY, (202)
Any questions concerning this
application may be directed to Thomas
G. Joyce, Manager, Certificates,
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, 1001
Louisiana Street, Houston, Texas 77002,
by telephone at (713) 420–3299, by
facsimile at (713) 420–1605, or by e-mail
at tom.joyce@elpaso.com; Susan T.
Halbach, Senior Counsel, Legal,
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, 1001
Louisiana Street, Houston, Texas 77002,
by telephone at (713) 420–5751, by
facsimile at (713) 420–1601, or by e-mail
at susan.halbach@elpaso.com; or Debbie
Kalisek, Analyst, Rates and Regulatory
Affairs, Tennessee Gas Pipeline
Company, 1001 Louisiana Street,
Houston, Texas 77002, by telephone at
(713) 420–3292, by facsimile at (713)
420–1605, or by e-mail at
There are two ways to become
involved in the Commission’s review of
this project. First, any person wishing to
obtain legal status by becoming a party
to the proceedings for this project
should, on or before the comment date
stated below file with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426,
a motion to intervene in accordance
with the requirements of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211)
and the Regulations under the NGA (18
CFR 157.10). A person obtaining party
status will be placed on the service list
maintained by the Secretary of the
Commission and will receive copies of
all documents filed by the applicant and
by all other parties. A party must submit
14 copies of filings made in the
proceeding with the Commission and
must mail a copy to the applicant and
to every other party. Only parties to the
proceeding can ask for court review of
Commission orders in the proceeding.
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However, a person does not have to
intervene in order to have comments
considered. The second way to
participate is by filing with the
Secretary of the Commission, as soon as
possible, an original and two copies of
comments in support of or in opposition
to this project. The Commission will
consider these comments in
determining the appropriate action to be
taken, but the filing of a comment alone
will not serve to make the filer a party
to the proceeding. The Commission’s
rules require that persons filing
comments in opposition to the project
provide copies of their protests only to
the party or parties directly involved in
the protest.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filings of comments, protests
and interventions in lieu of paper using
the ‘‘eFiling’’ link at https://www.ferc.gov.
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 14 copies
of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
This filing is accessible on-line at
https://www.ferc.gov, using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link and is available for
review in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC.
There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the
Web site that enables subscribers to
receive e-mail notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please e-mail
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Comment Date: April 12, 2010.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2010–8075 Filed 4–8–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 13399–000]
New Jersey Water Supply Authority;
Notice of Preliminary Permit
Application Accepted for Filing and
Soliciting Comments, Motions To
Intervene, and Competing Applications
April 2, 2010.
On March 17, 2009, the New Jersey
Water Supply Authority (New Jersey
WSA) filed an application, pursuant to
section 4(f) of the Federal Power Act
(FPA), proposing to study the feasibility
of the Spruce Run & Round Valley
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 68 (Friday, April 9, 2010)]
[Page 18190]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-8075]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. CP10-110-000]
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company; Notice of Application
April 2, 2010.
Take notice that on March 30, 2010, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
(Tennessee), 1001 Louisiana Street, Houston, Texas 77002, filed in the
above referenced docket an application pursuant to section 7(b) of the
Natural Gas Act (NGA) and Part 157 of the Commission's regulations,
requesting authorization to abandon in place an inactive segment of an
offshore supply lateral designated as Line No. 523M-2300, consisting of
approximately 6.23 miles of 24-inch diameter pipeline and associated
appurtenances located in federal waters offshore Louisiana. Tennessee
states that the subject facilities have been out of service since W & T
Offshore, Inc.'s platform was toppled by Hurricane Ike in September
2008, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file
with the Commission and open to public inspection. The filing is
available for review at the Commission in the Public Reference Room or
may be viewed on the Commission's Web site Web at https://www.ferc.gov
using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket number excluding the last
three digits in the docket number field to access the document. For
assistance, contact FERC at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call toll-
free, (886) 208-3676 or TTY, (202) 502-8659.
Any questions concerning this application may be directed to Thomas
G. Joyce, Manager, Certificates, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, 1001
Louisiana Street, Houston, Texas 77002, by telephone at (713) 420-3299,
by facsimile at (713) 420-1605, or by e-mail at tom.joyce@elpaso.com;
Susan T. Halbach, Senior Counsel, Legal, Tennessee Gas Pipeline
Company, 1001 Louisiana Street, Houston, Texas 77002, by telephone at
(713) 420-5751, by facsimile at (713) 420-1601, or by e-mail at
susan.halbach@elpaso.com; or Debbie Kalisek, Analyst, Rates and
Regulatory Affairs, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, 1001 Louisiana
Street, Houston, Texas 77002, by telephone at (713) 420-3292, by
facsimile at (713) 420-1605, or by e-mail at debbie.kalisek@elpaso.com.
There are two ways to become involved in the Commission's review of
this project. First, any person wishing to obtain legal status by
becoming a party to the proceedings for this project should, on or
before the comment date stated below file with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426, a
motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements of the
Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or
385.211) and the Regulations under the NGA (18 CFR 157.10). A person
obtaining party status will be placed on the service list maintained by
the Secretary of the Commission and will receive copies of all
documents filed by the applicant and by all other parties. A party must
submit 14 copies of filings made in the proceeding with the Commission
and must mail a copy to the applicant and to every other party. Only
parties to the proceeding can ask for court review of Commission orders
in the proceeding.
However, a person does not have to intervene in order to have
comments considered. The second way to participate is by filing with
the Secretary of the Commission, as soon as possible, an original and
two copies of comments in support of or in opposition to this project.
The Commission will consider these comments in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but the filing of a comment alone will
not serve to make the filer a party to the proceeding. The Commission's
rules require that persons filing comments in opposition to the project
provide copies of their protests only to the party or parties directly
involved in the protest.
The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings of comments,
protests and interventions in lieu of paper using the ``eFiling'' link
at https://www.ferc.gov. Persons unable to file electronically should
submit an original and 14 copies of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
This filing is accessible on-line at https://www.ferc.gov, using the
``eLibrary'' link and is available for review in the Commission's
Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. There is an ``eSubscription''
link on the Web site that enables subscribers to receive e-mail
notification when a document is added to a subscribed docket(s). For
assistance with any FERC Online service, please e-mail
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or call (866) 208-3676 (toll free). For
TTY, call (202) 502-8659.
Comment Date: April 12, 2010.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2010-8075 Filed 4-8-10; 8:45 am]