Meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 16177-16178 [2010-7175]
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 61 / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / Notices
complaint in the United States District
Court for the District of Idaho.
The United States and the Coeur
d’Alene Tribe (‘‘Tribe’’) filed a complaint
against Sidney Resources Corp.
(‘‘Sidney’’) alleging that Sidney is liable
pursuant to Section 107(a) of CERCLA
for response costs and natural resources
damages in connection with Operable
Unit Three of the Bunker Hill Mining
and Metallurgical Complex Superfund
Site in northern Idaho. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency has
incurred response costs and the U.S.
Department of the Interior, U.S.
Department of Agriculture and the Tribe
are trustees of injured natural resources
for the Site. The proposed Consent
Decree is based on a financial analysis
that Sidney has no ability to pay. Sidney
does not currently own property within
the Site. The Decree requires Sidney to
assign its interests in insurance policies
to a trust, for the benefit of EPA and the
natural resource trustees. The Decree
grants Sidney a covenant not to sue for
response costs and natural resource
damages in connection with the Site.
For thirty (30) days after the date of
this publication, the Department of
Justice will receive comments relating to
the Consent Decree. Comments should
be addressed to the Assistant Attorney
General, Environment and Natural
Resources Division, and either e-mailed
to or
mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611. In either case, the
comments should refer to United States
and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe v. Sidney
Resources Corp., D.J. Ref. No. 90–11–3–
During the comment period, the
Consent Decree may be examined on the
following Department of Justice Web
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
Consent Decree may also be obtained by
mail from the Consent Decree Library,
P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611, or
by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia
Fleetwood (,
fax no. (202) 514–0097, phone
confirmation number (202) 514–1547. In
requesting a copy from the Consent
Decree Library, please enclose a check
in the amount of $14.25 (25 cents per
page reproduction cost) payable to the
United States Treasury or, if by e-mail
or fax, forward a check in that amount
VerDate Nov<24>2008
19:40 Mar 30, 2010
Jkt 220001
to the Consent Decree Library at the
stated address.
Maureen Katz,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2010–7118 Filed 3–30–10; 8:45 am]
Notice of Lodging of Material
Modification to Consent Decree Under
the Clean Water Act
Pursuant to Department of Justice
policy, notice is hereby given that, on
March 26, 2010, a proposed First
Material Modification to Consent Decree
(‘‘First Decree Modification’’) in United
States and the State of Indiana v. City
of Anderson, Indiana, Civil Action No.
IP 02–1103 C M/S (S.D. Ind.) was lodged
with the United States District Court for
the Southern District of Indiana. The
original Consent Decree in this matter,
entered on September 18, 2002,
addressed alleged violations of the
Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251–1387,
and corresponding state law by the City
of Anderson (‘‘Anderson’’). Among other
things, the 2002 Consent Decree
required Anderson to develop and
implement a Long Term Control Plan to
control Combined Sewer Overflows
from its combined sewer system. Since
entry of the 2002 Consent Decree,
Anderson has been developing a Long
Term Control Plan in consultation with
the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency and the Indiana Department of
Environmental Management. The
control plan alternative that Anderson
selected under that proposed Long Term
Control Plan would require an array of
sewer system and wastewater treatment
plant improvement projects, at an
estimated cost of more than $160
million. The First Decree Modification
would require Anderson to adhere to a
new three-phase Long Term Control
Plan implementation schedule: (1)
Phase I would be completed by no later
than December 31, 2014; (2) Phase II
would be completed by no later than
December 31, 2019; and (3) Phase III
would be completed by no later than
December 31, 2029.
The Department of Justice will receive
comments relating to the First Decree
Modification for a period of thirty (30)
days from the date of this publication.
Comments should be addressed to the
Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, and mailed either
electronically to or in hard copy to
PO 00000
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P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611.
Comments should refer to United States
and the State of Indiana v. City of
Anderson, Indiana, Civil Action No. IP
02–1103 C M/S (S.D. Ind.) and D.J. Ref.
No. 90–5–2–1–07043/2.
The First Decree Modification may be
examined at: (1) The offices of the
United States Attorney, 10 West Market
Street, Suite 2100, Indianapolis,
Indiana; and (2) the offices of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 77
West Jackson Boulevard, 14th Floor,
Chicago, Illinois. During the public
comment period, the First Decree
Modification may also be examined on
the following Department of Justice Web
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
First Decree Modification may also be
obtained by mail from the Department
of Justice Consent Decree Library, P.O.
Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044–7611
or by faxing or e-mailing a request to
Tonia Fleetwood
(, fax no.
(202) 514–0097, phone confirmation
number (202) 514–1547. In requesting a
copy from the Consent Decree Library,
please enclose a check in the amount of
$2.75 (11 pages at 25 cents per page
reproduction cost) payable to the U.S.
Maureen M. Katz,
Assistant Chief, Environmental Enforcement
Section, Environment and Natural Resources
[FR Doc. 2010–7208 Filed 3–30–10; 8:45 am]
Coordinating Council on Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention
[OJP (OJJDP) Docket No. 1514]
Meeting of the Coordinating Council
on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
AGENCY: Coordinating Council on
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: The Coordinating Council on
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention (Council) announces its
April 2010 meeting.
DATES: Friday, April 16, 2010 from 11
a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place
in the third floor main conference room
at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office
of Justice Programs, 810 7th St. NW.,
Washington, DC 20531.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 61 / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / Notices
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
the Web site for the Coordinating
Council at https:// or contact
Robin Delany-Shabazz, Designated
Federal Official, by telephone at 202–
307–9963 [Note: this is not a toll-free
telephone number], or by e-mail at The
meeting is open to the public.
Coordinating Council on Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
established pursuant to Section 3(2)A of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
U.S.C. App. 2) will meet to carry out its
advisory functions under Section 206 of
the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention Act of 2002, 42 U.S.C. 5601,
et seq. Documents such as meeting
announcements, agendas, minutes, and
reports will be available on the
Council’s Web page, https://, where you
may also obtain information on the
Although designated agency
representatives may attend, the Council
membership is composed of the
Attorney General (Chair), the
Administrator of the Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention
(Vice Chair), the Secretary of Health and
Human Services (HHS), the Secretary of
Labor, the Secretary of Education, the
Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development, the Director of the Office
of National Drug Control Policy, the
Chief Executive Officer of the
Corporation for National and
Community Service, and the Assistant
Secretary of Homeland Security for U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Up to nine additional members are
appointed by the Speaker of the House
of Representatives, the Senate Majority
Leader, and the President of the United
States. Other federal agencies take part
in Council activities including the
Departments of Agriculture, Defense,
the Interior, and the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services
Administration of HHS.
Meeting Agenda
The agenda for this meeting will
include: (a) Reports from the Council’s
Operations Committee and Issue Team;
(b) presentations on juvenile
information systems work and
children’s exposure to violence and c)
update on and discussion of
reconstruction of the Juvenile Justice
system in New Orleans.
For security purposes, members of the
public who wish to attend the meeting
must pre-register online at https://
VerDate Nov<24>2008
19:40 Mar 30, 2010
Jkt 220001 no later than
Monday, April 12, 2010. Should
problems arise with web registration,
call Daryel Dunston at 240–221–4343 or
send a request to register for the April
16, 2010 Council meeting to Mr.
Dunston. Include name, title,
organization or other affiliation, full
address and phone, fax and e-mail
information and send to his attention
either by fax to 301–945–4295, or by email to
[Note: these are not toll-free telephone
numbers.] Additional identification
documents may be required. Space is
Note: Photo identification will be required
for admission to the meeting.
Written Comments: Interested parties
may submit written comments and
questions by Monday, April 12, 2010, to
Robin Delany-Shabazz, Designated
Federal Official for the Coordinating
Council on Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, at The
Coordinating Council on Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention
expects that the public statements
presented will not repeat previously
submitted statements.
Jeff Slowikowski,
Acting Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2010–7175 Filed 3–30–10; 8:45 am]
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—Cooperative Research
Group on Integrated Investigations of
Faulting in Carbonate Strata
Notice is hereby given that, on
February 25, 2010, pursuant to Section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’),
Southwest Research Institute (‘‘SwRI’’):
Cooperative Research Group on
Integrated Investigations of Faulting in
Carbonate Strata has filed written
notifications simultaneously with the
Attorney General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing changes in its
membership, nature and objective. The
notifications were filed for the purpose
of extending the Act’s provisions
limiting the recovery of antitrust
plaintiffs to actual damages under
specified circumstances. Specifically,
ConocoPhillips Co., Houston, TX; and
Shell International Exploration &
Production, Inc., Houston, TX have
PO 00000
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withdrawn as parties to this venture.
The changes in its nature and objectives
are: The period of performance has been
extended to December 31, 2011.
No other changes have been made in
either the membership or planned
activity of the group research project.
Membership in this group research
project remains open, and the
participants intend to file additional
written notifications disclosing all
changes in membership.
On September 10, 2007, Cooperative
Research Group on Integrated
Investigation of Faulting in Carbonate
Strata filed its original notification
pursuant to Section 6(a) of the Act. The
Department of Justice published a notice
in the Federal Register pursuant to
Section 6(b) of the Act on November 7,
2007 (72 FR 62870).
Patricia A. Prink,
Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust
[FR Doc. 2010–7004 Filed 3–30–10; 8:45 am]
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—Joint Venture Agreement
Between Cambridge Major
Laboratories, Inc. and Konarka
Technologies, Inc., in Furtherance of
NIST Cooperative Agreement
(Proposal Number 00–00–7749)
Notice is hereby given that, on
February 18, 2010, pursuant to Section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), Joint
Venture Agreement Between Cambridge
Major Laboratories, Inc. and Konarka
Technologies, Inc., in Furtherance of
NIST Cooperative Agreement (Proposal
Number 00–00–7749) (‘‘Cambridge and
Konarka 00–00–7749’’) has filed written
notifications simultaneously with the
Attorney General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing (1) the identities
of the parties to the venture and (2) the
nature and objectives of the venture.
The notifications were filed for the
purpose of invoking the Act’s provisions
limiting the recovery of antitrust
plaintiffs to actual damages under
specified circumstances.
Pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Act,
the identities of the parties to the
venture are: Konarka Technologies, Inc.,
Lowell, MA; and Cambridge Major
Laboratories, Inc., Germantown, WI. The
general area of Cambridge and Konarka
00–00–7749’s planned activity is to
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 61 (Wednesday, March 31, 2010)]
[Pages 16177-16178]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-7175]
Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
[OJP (OJJDP) Docket No. 1514]
Meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention
AGENCY: Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: The Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention (Council) announces its April 2010 meeting.
DATES: Friday, April 16, 2010 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place in the third floor main
conference room at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, 810 7th St. NW., Washington, DC 20531.
[[Page 16178]]
Coordinating Council at or contact Robin
Delany-Shabazz, Designated Federal Official, by telephone at 202-307-
9963 [Note: this is not a toll-free telephone number], or by e-mail at The meeting is open to the public.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, established pursuant to Section 3(2)A of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2) will meet to carry
out its advisory functions under Section 206 of the Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002, 42 U.S.C. 5601, et seq.
Documents such as meeting announcements, agendas, minutes, and reports
will be available on the Council's Web page, https://, where you may also obtain information on the
Although designated agency representatives may attend, the Council
membership is composed of the Attorney General (Chair), the
Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention (Vice Chair), the Secretary of Health and Human Services
(HHS), the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Education, the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Director of the Office
of National Drug Control Policy, the Chief Executive Officer of the
Corporation for National and Community Service, and the Assistant
Secretary of Homeland Security for U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement. Up to nine additional members are appointed by the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, the Senate Majority Leader, and the
President of the United States. Other federal agencies take part in
Council activities including the Departments of Agriculture, Defense,
the Interior, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration of HHS.
Meeting Agenda
The agenda for this meeting will include: (a) Reports from the
Council's Operations Committee and Issue Team; (b) presentations on
juvenile information systems work and children's exposure to violence
and c) update on and discussion of reconstruction of the Juvenile
Justice system in New Orleans.
For security purposes, members of the public who wish to attend the
meeting must pre-register online at no
later than Monday, April 12, 2010. Should problems arise with web
registration, call Daryel Dunston at 240-221-4343 or send a request to
register for the April 16, 2010 Council meeting to Mr. Dunston. Include
name, title, organization or other affiliation, full address and phone,
fax and e-mail information and send to his attention either by fax to
301-945-4295, or by e-mail to [Note: these
are not toll-free telephone numbers.] Additional identification
documents may be required. Space is limited.
Note: Photo identification will be required for admission to the
Written Comments: Interested parties may submit written comments
and questions by Monday, April 12, 2010, to Robin Delany-Shabazz,
Designated Federal Official for the Coordinating Council on Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention, at
The Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
expects that the public statements presented will not repeat previously
submitted statements.
Jeff Slowikowski,
Acting Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2010-7175 Filed 3-30-10; 8:45 am]