Version One Regional Reliability Standard for Resource and Demand Balancing, 14103-14111 [2010-6477]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
entities. Accordingly, no regulatory
flexibility analysis is required.
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
VI. Comment Procedures
37. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
notice to be adopted, including any
related matters or alternative proposals
that commenters may wish to discuss.
Comments are due May 10, 2010.
Comments must refer to Docket No.
RM09–18–000, and must include the
commenter’s name, the organization
they represent, if applicable, and their
address in their comments.
38. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
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Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
created electronically using word
processing software should be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
39. Commenters that are not able to
file comments electronically must send
an original and 14 copies of their
comments to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
40. All comments will be placed in
the Commission’s public files and may
be viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
normal business hours from FERC
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Public Reference Room at (202) 502–
8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. E-mail the
Public Reference Room at
List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 40
Electric power; Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
By direction of the Commission.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2010–6479 Filed 3–23–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM09–15–000]
Version One Regional Reliability
Standard for Resource and Demand
March 18, 2010.
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Pursuant to section 215 of the
Federal Power Act, the Commission
proposes to remand a revised regional
Reliability Standard developed by the
Western Electricity Coordinating
Council and approved by the North
American Electric Reliability
Corporation, which the Commission has
VII. Document Availability
certified as the Electric Reliability
41. In addition to publishing the full
Organization responsible for developing
text of this document in the Federal
and enforcing mandatory Reliability
Register, the Commission provides all
Standards. The revised regional
interested persons an opportunity to
Reliability Standard, designated by
view and/or print the contents of this
WECC as BAL–002–WECC–1, would set
document via the Internet through
revised Contingency Reserve
FERC’s Home Page (
requirements meant to maintain
and in FERC’s Public Reference Room
scheduled frequency and avoid loss of
during normal business hours (8:30 a.m.
firm load following transmission or
to 5 p.m. Eastern time) at 888 First
generation contingencies.
Street, NE., Room 2A, Washington, DC
DATES: Comments are due May 24, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Comments and reply
42. From FERC’s Home Page on the
Internet, this information is available on comments may be filed electronically
via the eFiling link on the Commission’s
eLibrary. The full text of this document
Web site at
is available on eLibrary in PDF and
Documents created electronically using
Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access word processing software should be
filed in the native application or printthis document in eLibrary, type the
to-PDF format and not in a scanned
docket number excluding the last three
format. This will enhance document
digits of this document in the docket
retrieval for both the Commission and
number field.
43. User assistance is available for
the public. The Commission accepts
eLibrary and the FERC’s Web site during most standard word processing formats
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and commenters may attach additional
files with supporting information in
certain other file formats. Attachments
that exist only in paper form may be
scanned. Commenters filing
electronically should not make a paper
filing. Service of rulemaking comments
is not required. Commenters that are not
able to file electronically must send an
original and 14 copies of their
comments to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
Cory Lankford (Legal Information),
Office of General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–6711.
Nick Henery (Technical Information),
Office of Electric Reliability, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–8636.
Scott Sells (Technical Information),
Office of Electric Reliability, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–6664.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
March 18, 2010.
1. Pursuant to section 215 of the
Federal Power Act (FPA),1 the
Commission proposes to remand a
revised regional Reliability Standard
developed by the Western Electricity
Coordinating Council (WECC) and
approved by the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC),
which the Commission has certified as
the Electric Reliability Organization
(ERO) responsible for developing and
enforcing mandatory Reliability
Standards.2 The revised regional
Reliability Standard, designated by
WECC as BAL–002–WECC–1
(Contingency Reserves),3 is meant to
ensure that adequate generating capacity
is available at all times to maintain
scheduled frequency, and avoid loss of
firm load following transmission or
generation contingencies. As discussed
below, the Commission believes that the
proposed regional Reliability Standard
does not meet the statutory criteria for
1 16
U.S.C. 824o (2006).
American Electric Reliability Corp., 116
FERC ¶ 61,062, order on reh’g & compliance, 117
FERC ¶ 61,126 (2006), aff’d sub nom. Alcoa, Inc.
v. FERC, 564 F.3d 1342 (D.C. Cir. 2009).
3 NERC designates the version number of a
Reliability Standard as the last digit of the
Reliability Standard number. Therefore, original
Reliability Standards end with ‘‘¥0’’ and modified
version one Reliability Standards end with ‘‘¥1.’’
2 North
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
approval that it be just, reasonable, not
unduly discriminatory or preferential,
and in the public interest.4
2. The Commission proposes to
remand the proposed regional
Reliability Standard based on concerns
that it not only fails to support the
adoption of less stringent requirements
than those in the currently effective
WECC regional standard that it would
replace, but may also in some respects
be less stringent than the corresponding
NERC continent-wide Reliability
Standard pertaining to contingency
reserves. Of particular concern with
respect to whether the proposed
standard is less stringent than the
continent-wide Reliability Standard is
the provision of proposed BAL–002–
WECC–1 that would permit a balancing
authority, when an emergency is
declared, to count ‘‘Load, other than
Interruptible Load’’ as contingency
reserve. This provision allows a
balancing authority to activate load
shedding when a single contingency
occurs instead of procuring and
utilizing generating or demand response
resources held in reserve for
contingencies to balance the Bulk-Power
System. We believe that such operation,
which is not permitted in either the
current regional Reliability Standard or
the NERC continent-wide Reliability
Standard, is detrimental to reliability.
3. Further, we are concerned that
proposed BAL–002–WECC–1,
Requirement R1, reformulates the
minimum contingency reserve
requirement without providing adequate
support that the new requirement is
sufficiently stringent to meet the
requirements of NERC’s continent-wide
Disturbance Control Standard, BAL–
002–0. While NERC in its transmittal
letter provides several justifications for
the proposed modification to the
minimum contingency reserve
requirement, it also states that WECC
relied on just eight hours of operating
data in its analysis to support its
proposal to make a modest reduction in
the amount of contingency reserve
under the proposed Reliability
Standard. We believe that NERC and
WECC should provide additional data
and analysis to support the proposed
reformulation. Accordingly, we propose
to remand WECC regional Reliability
Standard BAL–002–WECC–1.
I. Background
A. Mandatory Reliability Standards
4. Section 215 of the FPA requires a
Commission-certified ERO to develop
mandatory and enforceable Reliability
4 16
U.S.C. 824o(d)(2).
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Standards, which are subject to
Commission review and approval. Once
approved, the Reliability Standards may
be enforced by the ERO, subject to
Commission oversight, or by the
Commission independently.5
5. Reliability Standards that the ERO
proposes to the Commission may
include Reliability Standards that are
proposed to the ERO by a Regional
Entity.6 A Regional Entity is an entity
that has been approved by the
Commission to enforce Reliability
Standards under delegated authority
from the ERO.7 When the ERO reviews
a regional Reliability Standard that
would be applicable on an
interconnection-wide basis and that has
been proposed by a Regional Entity
organized on an interconnection-wide
basis, the ERO must rebuttably presume
that the regional Reliability Standard is
just, reasonable, not unduly
discriminatory or preferential, and in
the public interest.8 In turn, the
Commission must give ‘‘due weight’’ to
the technical expertise of the ERO and
of a Regional Entity organized on an
interconnection-wide basis.9
6. In Order No. 672, the Commission
urged uniformity of Reliability
Standards, but recognized a potential
need for regional differences.10
Accordingly, the Commission stated
As a general matter, we will accept the
following two types of regional differences,
provided they are otherwise just, reasonable,
not unduly discriminatory or preferential and
in the public interest, as required under the
statute: (1) A regional difference that is more
stringent than the continent-wide Reliability
Standard, including a regional difference that
addresses matters that the continent-wide
Reliability Standard does not; and (2) a
regional Reliability Standard that is
necessitated by a physical difference in the
Bulk-Power System.11
B. Western Electricity Coordinating
7. On April 19, 2007, the Commission
accepted delegation agreements between
NERC and each of eight Regional
Entities.12 In its order, the Commission
5 16
U.S.C. 824o(e)(3).
U.S.C. 824o(e)(4).
7 16 U.S.C. 824o(a)(7) and (e)(4).
8 18 CFR 39.5 (2009).
9 16 U.S.C. 824o(d)(2).
10 Rules Concerning Certification of the Electric
Reliability Organization; Procedures for the
Establishment, Approval, and Enforcement of
Electric Reliability Standards, Order No. 672, 71 FR
8662 (Feb. 17, 2006), FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,204,
at P 290 (2006); order on reh’g, Order No. 672–A,
71 FR 19814 (Apr. 18, 2006), FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 31,212 (2006).
11 Id. P 291.
12 North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119
FERC ¶ 61,060, at P 432 (2007).
6 16
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accepted WECC as a Regional Entity
organized on an Interconnection-wide
basis. As a Regional Entity, WECC
oversees transmission system reliability
in the Western Interconnection. The
WECC region encompasses nearly 1.8
million square miles, including 14
western U.S. states, the Canadian
provinces of Alberta and British
Columbia, and the northern portion of
Baja California in Mexico.
8. In June 2007, the Commission
approved eight regional Reliability
Standards for WECC including the
currently effective regional Reliability
Standard for operating reserves, WECC–
BAL–STD–002–0.13 The Commission
found that the current regional
Reliability Standard was more stringent
than the corresponding NERC
Reliability Standard, BAL–002–0, since
WECC required a more stringent
minimum reserve requirement than the
continent-wide requirement.14
Moreover, the Commission found that
WECC’s requirement to restore
contingency reserves within 60 minutes
was more stringent than the 90 minute
restoration period as set forth in NERC’s
9. The Commission directed WECC to
develop certain minor modifications to
WECC–BAL–STD–002–0, as identified
by NERC in its filing letter for the
current standard.16 For example, the
Commission determined that: (1)
Regional definitions should conform to
definitions set forth in the NERC
Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability
Standards (NERC Glossary), unless a
specific deviation has been justified;
and, (2) documents that are referenced
in the Reliability Standard should be
attached to the Reliability Standard. The
Commission also found that it is
important that regional Reliability
Standards and NERC Reliability
Standards achieve a reasonable level of
consistency in their structure so that
there is a common understanding of the
elements. The Commission also directed
WECC to address stakeholder concerns
regarding ambiguities in the terms ‘‘load
responsibility’’ and ‘‘firm transaction.’’ 17
II. WECC Regional Reliability Standard
10. On March 25, 2009, NERC
submitted a petition (NERC Petition) to
the Commission seeking approval of
13 North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119
FERC ¶ 61,260, at P 53 (2007).
14 Id.
15 Id.
16 Id. P 55.
17 Id. P 56.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
BAL–002–WECC–1 18 and requesting
the concurrent retirement of BAL–STD–
002–0.19 In that March petition, NERC
states that the proposed regional
Reliability Standard was approved by
the NERC Board of Trustees at its
October 29, 2008 meeting. NERC also
requests an effective date for the
proposed regional Reliability Standard
of 90 calendar days after receipt of
applicable regulatory approval.
11. The proposed regional Reliability
Standard contains three main
provisions. Requirement R1 provides
that each reserve sharing group 20 or
balancing authority must maintain a
minimum contingency reserve that is
the greater of (1) an amount of reserve
equal to the loss of the most severe
single contingency; or (2) an amount of
reserve equal to the sum of three percent
of the load and three percent of net
generation. Requirement R2 states that
each reserve sharing group or balancing
authority must maintain at least half of
the contingency reserve as spinning
reserve. Requirement R3 identifies
acceptable types of reserve to satisfy
Requirement R1:
R3.1. Spinning Reserve;
R3.2. Interruptible Load;
R3.3. Interchange Transactions designated by
the source Balancing Authority as nonspinning contingency reserve;
R3.4. Reserve held by the other entities by
agreement that is deliverable on Firm
Transmission Service;
R3.5. An amount of off-line generation which
can be synchronized and generating; or
R.3.6. Load, other than Interruptible Load,
once the Reliability Coordinator has
declared a capacity or energy emergency.
In addition, Measure M1 provides that
a reserve sharing group or balancing
authority must have documentation that
it maintained 100 percent of required
contingency reserve levels ‘‘except
within the first 105 minutes (15 minute
Disturbance Recovery Period, plus 90
minute Contingency Reserve Restoration
Period) following an event requiring the
activation of Contingency Reserves.’’
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
III. Discussion
12. As discussed below, proposed
regional Reliability Standard BAL–002–
18 See 18 CFR 39.5(a) (requiring the ERO to
submit regional Reliability Standards on behalf of
a Regional Entity).
19 The proposed regional Reliability Standard is
not attached to the NOPR. It is, however, available
on the Commission’s eLibrary document retrieval
system in Docket No. RM09–15–000 and is on the
ERO’s Web site, available at:
20 A ‘‘reserve sharing group’’ is a group whose
members consist of two or more balancing
authorities that collectively maintain, allocate, and
supply operating reserves required for each
balancing authority’s use in recovering from
contingencies within the group. See NERC Glossary,
available at:
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WECC–1 does not appear to satisfy the
statutory criteria for approval. The
Commission therefore proposes to
remand BAL–002–WECC–1 to the
Regional Entity with instructions for
development of suitable modifications.
The Commission also discusses
additional concerns with the proposed
regional Reliability Standard, and
proposes that the Regional Entity
address these concerns on remand.
A. Calculation of Minimum Contingency
13. NERC’s Disturbance Control
Standard, continent-wide Reliability
Standard BAL–002–0, requires each
balancing authority or reserve sharing
group, at a minimum, to maintain at
least enough contingency reserve to
cover the most severe single
contingency. Similarly, requirement
WR1(a)(ii) of WECC’s current WECC–
BAL–STD–002–0 requires balancing
authorities to maintain a contingency
reserve of spinning and nonspinning
reserves (at least half of which must be
spinning), sufficient to meet the NERC
Disturbance Control Standard, BAL–
002–0, equal to the greater of: (1) the
loss of generating capacity due to forced
outages of generation or transmission
equipment that would result from the
most severe single contingency; or (2)
the sum of five percent of load
responsibility served by hydro
generation and seven percent of the load
responsibility served by thermal
generation. In approving the regional
BAL–STD–002–0 Reliability Standard,
the Commission noted that the regional
Reliability Standard is more stringent
than the NERC Reliability Standard,
BAL–002–0, because WECC requires a
more stringent minimum reserve
requirement than the continent-wide
WECC and NERC Proposal
14. As proposed, Requirement R1 of
BAL–002–WECC–1 would require each
reserve sharing group or balancing
authority that is not a member of a
reserve sharing group to maintain a
minimum contingency reserve. NERC
contends that the proposed minimum
contingency reserve amount is more
stringent than that required by the
continent-wide Reliability Standard.21
NERC explains that, whereas
Requirement R3.1 of BAL–002–0
requires that each balancing authority or
reserve sharing group carry, at a
minimum, at least enough contingency
reserve to cover the most severe single
contingency, proposed Requirement
R1.1 of BAL–002–WECC–1 requires that
each balancing authority or reserve
sharing group maintain, as a minimum,
contingency reserves equal to the loss of
the most severe single contingency or an
amount of reserve equal to the sum of
three percent of the load (generation
minus station service minus net actual
interchange) and three percent of net
generation (generation minus station
15. NERC states that the proposed
requirements for minimum contingency
reserves provide a comparable level of
contingency reserves to those contained
in the currently approved regional
Reliability Standard. NERC explains
that, based on operational experience,
the requirements have been revised to
remove what it considers to be
ambiguous terms, such as ‘‘load
responsibility,’’ and separate market
transactions from the determination of
required reserves that exist using the
methodology in the current Reliability
Standard.23 In support of the revised
minimum contingency reserve
calculations, NERC states that, based on
technical studies covering a total eight
hours from the four operating seasons
(summer, fall, winter and spring, both
on and off-peak), the drafting team
determined that the sum of 3 percent of
load and 3 percent of net generation
level was appropriate to approximate
the same level of contingency reserves
as the existing approved standard
provides throughout the year.
16. NERC contends, however, that,
due to ambiguities that exist using the
current methodology, historical
information necessary to calculate the
required contingency reserve levels
under the proposed methodology is not
readily available from collected data.
NERC explains that this situation exists
because the calculations are based on
the term ‘‘load responsibility’’ as it is
used in the current regional Reliability
Standard and not on load itself. Thus,
NERC comments, WECC does not have
additional data available in order to
compare the contingency reserve levels
required under the existing
methodology with the prospective
reserve levels under the proposed
methodology. NERC states that requiring
an additional survey of the applicable
entities would place an undue burden
on those entities to compile and submit
the data, and on the drafting team to
evaluate and verify the data, considering
the amount of time that has passed since
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard was approved by the WECC
Board of Directors.
22 Id.
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23 Id.
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at 14.
at 16.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
17. NERC acknowledges that even the
data collected illustrates that the
proposed methodology for calculating
minimum contingency reserves results
in a slight reduction in required total
reserves in the interconnection for each
of the eight hours assessed as compared
to the total reserves required under the
current methodology.24 In fact, the eight
hours of data shows an overall decrease
in required reserves under the proposed
methodology of approximately 350
MWs (from approximately 10,850 MWs
to 10,500 MWs) on high load days.
NERC argues, however, that, under the
currently effective regional Reliability
Standard, the potential exists for the
total reserves required in the Western
Interconnection to be reduced if firm
transactions are purchased from
balancing authorities or from reserve
sharing groups whose reserve
requirements are determined by the
most severe single contingency.25
18. NERC also contends that industry
will benefit from the improved clarity in
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard.26 NERC states that the
ambiguity associated with the term
‘‘load responsibility,’’ as it is used in the
current regional Reliability Standard,
results in confusion regarding the
location and amount of the reserves
being carried in the interconnection.
NERC explains that:
[t]he identification of the entities responsible
for providing reserves may be lost as
purchases are bundled and remarketed. With
regard to the ability to audit applicable
entities for compliance to the existing BAL–
STD–002–0 relative to the proposed BAL–
002–WECC–1 standard, WECC has been able
to audit the current standard with a
reasonable level of consistency; however, the
industry would benefit from greater clarity.
The interpretation of the term ‘‘load
responsibility,’’ which is used to determine
the amount of reserves required has been
problematic for WECC, particularly because
FERC Order No. 888 expanded the types of
commercial products traded in the electric
power industry. The influence of routine
commercial transactions and terms in the
existing regional Reliability Standard has
introduced the possibility of varying
interpretations for the term ‘‘load
responsibility’’ and a degree of uncertainty as
to the responsibility for reserves, resulting in
challenges when evaluating compliance.27
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
24 Id.
at 15.
25 Id.
26 Id. at 15–16. In its order approving the current
regional Reliability Standard, the Commission
directed WECC, in preparing a revised regional
Reliability Standard, to resolve concerns raised by
stakeholders that certain terms, including ‘‘load
responsibility,’’ were ambiguous. North American
Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ¶ 61,260 at P
27 NERC Petition at 16.
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19. In addition, NERC states that the
existing regional Reliability Standard
considers load served by hydro and
thermal generation but does not
explicitly require contingency reserves
for other types of generation such as
wind, solar or other renewable
resources. NERC concludes that the
proposed regional Reliability Standard
adds clarity by explicitly requiring
reserves for renewable resources.28
NERC argues further that even though
the use of the proposed method for
calculating minimum contingency
reserves results in a reduction in total
reserves required in the interconnection,
such impact is negligible when
compared to the uncertainty in the
actual amount of reserves being carried
in the interconnection under the
existing regional Reliability Standard
and the potential shortfall in reserves
existing as a result of new technologies
not currently addressed in the existing
regional Reliability Standard.
NOPR Proposal
20. The Commission proposes to find
that the eight hours of data provided by
WECC is insufficient to demonstrate
that the proposed minimum
contingency reserve requirements are
sufficiently stringent to ensure that
entities within the Western
Interconnection will meet the
requirements of NERC’s continent-wide
Disturbance Control Standard, BAL–
002–0. In the regional Reliability
Standard development process, several
commenters raised similar concerns
about the lack of technical justification
for the proposed method for calculating
minimum contingency reserve levels.29
The Commission believes that NERC did
not adequately respond to these
21. In its March 2007 petition
proposing the currently effective
regional Reliability Standard, NERC
explained that WECC–BAL–STD–002–0
and the other seven regional Reliability
Standards were WECC’s translation of
existing WECC criteria that the WECC
Operating Committee and Western
Interconnection Regional Advisory
Petition at 16.
e.g., NERC, Petition at Exhibit C (Record
of Development of Proposed Reliability Standard),
Avista, October 30, 2007 Comments at 21; Alberta
Electric System Operator, October 30, 2007
Comments at 23; Bonneville Power Administration,
October 30, 2007 Comments at 28; Grant County
PUD, October 30, 2007 Comments at 16–17;
PacifiCorp Commercial and Trading, October 30,
2007 Comments at 33–34; NorthWestern Energy,
October 30, 2007 Comments at 36; Northwest Power
Pool Reserve Sharing Group, October 30, 2007
Comments at 8; PacifiCorp, October 30, 2007
Comments at 34; Pacific Gas & Electric, January 2,
2008 Comments at 4; Portland General Electric
Merchant, October 30, 2007 Comments at 25.
29 See,
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Body both concluded to be critical to
maintaining reliability within the
Western Interconnection.30 NERC stated
that all of these regional Reliability
Standards were ‘‘well vetted, approved,
tested, and proven effective in
monitoring and enforcing critical
reliability elements in the Western
Interconnection’’ 31 and were developed
in response to the 1996 blackouts. NERC
also stated that, in developing WECC–
BAL–STD–002–0 and the other seven
regional Reliability Standards, the
‘‘WECC Operating Committee undertook
a comprehensive review of all WECC
criteria, policies, and guidelines in an
effort to identify all unique * * *
criteria it believed critical to the
reliability of the Western
Interconnection’’ 32 and concluded that
these eight regional Reliability
Standards were of the ‘‘highest
priority.’’ 33 These statements indicate
that these eight regional Reliability
Standards were necessary to maintain
reliability in the Western
Interconnection. Our review of the
provisions relating to the calculation of
minimum contingency reserve
requirements in the proposed Reliability
Standard indicates that they may be less
stringent than the currently-effective
regional Reliability Standard, WECC–
BAL–STD–002–0, and may also be less
stringent than the currently-effective
continent-wide Reliability Standard.
NERC and WECC have not provided an
adequate explanation or supporting
studies to resolve these concerns.
22. NERC admits that the eight hours
of data illustrates that the proposed
methodology for calculating
contingency reserves results in a
reduction of total reserves required in
the Western Interconnection for each of
the eight hours assessed when
compared with the methodology in the
current regional Reliability Standard.
Neither NERC nor WECC has provided
sufficient evidence that the proposed
regional Reliability Standard provides
adequate requirements to ensure that
entities within WECC will continue to
satisfy the continent-wide disturbance
control standard and will not cause
frequency-related instability,
uncontrolled separation or cascading
outages. Moreover, the evidence
provided is insufficient to demonstrate
that the proposed regional Reliability
Standard is more stringent than the
30 NERC, March 26, 2007 Petition Proposing
Current Regional Reliability Standard, Docket No.
RR07–11–000, at 4.
31 Id.
32 Id.
33 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
corresponding NERC Reliability
23. Although the proposed Reliability
Standard offers some added clarity by
eliminating reference to the term ‘‘load
responsibility’’ and including
renewables in the calculation of
contingency reserves, the Commission
proposes to find that NERC and WECC
have not provided sufficient technical
justification to support the proposed
revised method for calculating
contingency reserves. Thus, we propose
to remand BAL–002–WECC–1 so that
WECC can develop additional support
and make modifications as appropriate
for a future proposal, consistent with
the above discussion. In preparing its
response, NERC could provide a variety
of technical justifications. For example,
NERC could provide statistically
significant data, supported by a
sampling representative of all balancing
authorities and expected operating
conditions (such as each season, peak
periods, off-peak periods and reportable
disturbances), to cover the range of
operating conditions that must be
addressed to ensure that the proposed
amount of contingency reserve that are
on-line and deliverable will exceed the
performance under the NERC Reliability
Standards, taking into account the
specific electrical characteristics and
topology of the Western
Interconnection. Alternatively, NERC
could provide model simulations
demonstrating that the proposed
amount of contingency reserves are online and deliverable for all expected
operating conditions and will exceed
the performance required under the
NERC Reliability Standards, taking into
account the specific electrical
characteristics and topology of the
Western Interconnection.
24. The Commission recognizes that
NERC has suggested that confusion
exists with regard to the term ‘‘load
responsibility.’’ However, the
Commission believes that any confusion
concerning the term ‘‘load
responsibility’’ has been addressed by
WECC and therefore does not have a
reliability impact. WECC has defined
the term ‘‘load responsibility’’, although
not in its regional Reliability
Standard.34 Under WECC’s definition
34 WECC’s interpretation of ‘‘Load Responsibility,’’
which was approved by the WECC Board of
Directors September 7, 2007, places the
responsibility on the balancing authorities to
determine the amount of and assure that adequate
contingency reserves are provided. See WECC
Interpretation of Load Responsibility (Sept. 7,
2007), available at:
20Responsibility.pdf. Likewise, the current regional
Reliability Standard places the responsibility on the
balancing authorities to determine the amount of
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for ‘‘load responsibility’’, a balancing
authority’s ‘‘load responsibility’’, for
maintaining adequate contingency
reserves, is determined by a balancing
authority’s firm load (net generation
minus net actual interchange); minus
loads contractually interruptible within
10 minutes; minus imports where the
source balancing authority is
responsible for contingency reserves;
plus exports where the exporting
balancing authority is responsible for
contingency reserves. WECC’s
procedures for load responsibility
require that the entities (purchasing
selling entity or load serving entity) that
are party to the import or export are
required to identify the transaction to
the balancing authority using the etagging prescheduling tool and identify
the associated contingency reserves.
B. Use of Firm Load To Meet
Contingency Reserve Requirement
25. Requirement R1 of NERC’s
continent-wide Reliability Standard
BAL–002–0, allows balancing
authorities to supply their contingency
reserves from generation, controllable
load resources, or coordinated
adjustments to interchange schedules.35
Similarly, WECC’s current WECC–BAL–
STD–002–0 identifies acceptable types
of non-spinning reserve and, among
those identified, ‘‘interruptible load.’’ 36
WECC Proposal
26. Requirement R3 of BAL–002–
WECC–1 requires that each reserve
sharing group or balancing authority use
certain types of reserves that must be
fully deployable within ten minutes of
notification to meet their contingency
reserve requirement. Requirement R3.2
allows these entities to count
‘‘Interruptible Load’’ as contingency
reserves.37 In addition, Requirement
R3.6 allows entities to use ‘‘Load, other
than Interruptible Load, once the
Reliability Coordinator has declared a
capacity or energy emergency.’’ 38
27. NERC contends that the changes
made by the proposed regional
Reliability Standard related to the
treatment of firm load have reduced the
number of occasions when an entity
may use firm load as contingency
reserves.39 NERC explains that, under
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard, balancing authorities or
reserve sharing groups may only use
and assure that adequate contingency reserves are
35 Reliability Standard BAL–002–0, Requirement
36 WECC–BAL–STD–002–0, Requirement WR1(b).
37 BAL–002–WECC–1, Requirement R3.2.
38 BAL–002–WECC–1, Requirement R3.6.
39 NERC Petition at 19.
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firm load as contingency reserves once
the reliability coordinator has declared
a capacity or energy emergency. NERC
also states that the proposed regional
Reliability Standard continues to
require that reserves must be deliverable
to be included in the minimum
calculations of contingency reserves.
NOPR Proposal
28. The Commission does not agree
with NERC that the proposed regional
Reliability Standard reduces the
occasions when an entity may use firm
load as contingency reserves. The
Commission proposes to find that
Requirement R3.6 is not technically
sound because it permits balancing
authorities and reserve sharing groups
within WECC to use firm load to meet
their minimum contingency reserve
requirement ‘‘once the Reliability
Coordinator has declared a capacity or
energy emergency,’’ thus creating the
possibility that firm load could be shed
due to the loss of a single element on
the system.40
29. Although NERC states in its
petition that the proposed regional
Reliability Standard ‘‘reduce[s] the
number of occasions when an entity
may use firm load as contingency
reserves,’’ the currently effective
regional Reliability Standard does not
allow the use of firm load to meet
minimum contingency reserve levels. In
fact, the current regional Reliability
Standard does not mention ‘‘firm load’’
as an acceptable type of reserve.
30. In the 2007 proceeding in which
the Commission approved the currently
effective WECC–BAL–STD–002–0, one
commenter argued that the definition of
‘‘interruptible’’ is unclear and that firm
transactions are potentially curtailable
and thus interruptible under a ‘‘very
narrow interpretation.’’ 41 The
Commission rejected the protest on this
issue stating that ‘‘the meaning of the
term ‘interruptible’ is generally well
understood in the industry, i.e.,
transmission or generation subject to
interruption at the provider’s
discretion.’’ 42 Thus, if entities within
40 Order No. 672, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,204,
at P 324 (identifying guidelines for what constitutes
a just and reasonable Reliability Standard including
the ‘‘proposed Reliability Standard must be
designed to achieve a specified reliability goal and
must contain a technically sound means to achieve
this goal’’).
41 North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119
FERC ¶ 61,260 at P 50.
42 Id. P 59. The NERC Glossary defines
Interruptible Load as interruptible demand or the
demand that the end-use customer makes available
to its load-serving entity via contract or agreement
for curtailment. See NERC Glossary, available at:
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
WECC have interpreted the term
‘‘interruptible load’’ to include firm load,
this is a mistake.
31. The Commission does not support
a regional practice by balancing
authorities or reserve sharing groups to
count firm load towards their minimum
contingency reserve requirements.
Neither the corresponding NERC
continent-wide Reliability Standard,
BAL–002–0, nor the currently effective
WECC regional Reliability Standard
permit a balancing authority to consider
firm load when satisfying minimum
contingency reserve requirements.
Accordingly, the Commission proposes
to find that the proposed regional
Reliability Standard is less stringent
than the continent-wide Reliability
Standard because it would allow
entities to count firm load towards their
minimum contingency reserve
32. Moreover, we are concerned that
the provision of the proposed WECC
regional Reliability Standard that would
allow a balancing authority to include
firm load as contingency reserve when
an emergency is declared is
inappropriate because there are
provisions of NERC continent-wide
Reliability Standards that specifically
address the actions entities must take in
emergency situations. The proposed
WECC regional Reliability Standard
appears to be incongruent with these
other provisions. Specifically, the
requirements of Reliability Standard
EOP–002–2.1 ensure that entities are
prepared to handle capacity and energy
emergency situations, and include
minimum remedies required for
mitigating capacity and energy
emergencies to meet the Disturbance
Control Standard and resolve the
emergency conditions. Attachment 1 of
EOP–002–2.1, Energy Emergency Alerts,
describes three emergency alert levels,
in order of severity. A reliability
coordinator (either by its own initiative
or at the request of a balancing authority
or load serving entity) may initiate a
level one energy emergency alert if a
load-serving entity is, or expects to be,
unable to provide customers’ energy
requirements or the load-serving entity
cannot schedule resources due to, for
example, available transfer capability or
transmission loading relief
limitations.43 A level two alert is more
severe, addressing situations when an
43 An energy emergency level 1 can be declared
either if an entity foresees or is experiencing in realtime, conditions where all available resources are
committed to firm load, firm transactions, and
reserve commitments are being met, but the entity
is concerned about sustaining its required operating
reserve. Reliability Standard EOP–002–2.1,
Attachment 1.
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entity can no longer provide its
customers’ energy requirements. A level
three alert is called when a firm load
interruption is imminent or in progress.
33. As mentioned above, Requirement
R3.6 of proposed BAL–002–WECC–1,
would allow an entity to include firm
load to satisfy contingency reserve
requirements once the reliability
coordinator ‘‘has declared a capacity or
energy emergency’’ and applies when
any level alert is initiated without
qualification. This is of concern to the
Commission because, if an entity
initiated energy emergency alert level 1,
under BAL–002–WECC–1, that entity
could count firm load as contingency
reserve instead of taking other actions to
remedy the situation as set forth in
NERC Reliability Standard EOP–002–2.1
(e.g., public appeals, voltage reduction,
firm or non-firm imports, emergency
assistance from neighboring entities,
and demand-side management). This
practice is not allowed under the
corresponding continent-wide
Reliability Standard, BAL–002–0. Since
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard includes requirements that are
less stringent than BAL–002–0, the
Commission proposes to remand BAL–
002–WECC–1 and direct WECC to
modify the regional Reliability Standard
to ensure consistency with the
continent-wide Reliability Standards.
C. Contingency Reserve Restoration
34. NERC Reliability Standard BAL–
002–0 provides that a balancing
authority or reserve sharing group
responding to a disturbance must fully
restore its contingency reserves within
90 minutes following the disturbance
recovery period, which is set at 15
minutes.44 Thus, under BAL–002–0, if
there is a disturbance, a balancing
authority or reserve sharing group has
105 minutes to fully restore its
contingency reserves. The current
WECC regional BAL Reliability
Standard requires reserve sharing
groups and balancing authorities to
maintain 100 percent of required
operating reserve levels except within
the first 60 minutes following an event
requiring the activation of operating
reserves.45 Thus, currently, applicable
entities in WECC have 60 minutes to
restore their operating reserves to 100
percent. In the March 2007 petition
asking the Commission to approve the
currently effective WECC–BAL–STD–
002–0, NERC explained that the
44 Reliability
Standard BAL–002–0, Requirements
R4 and R6.
45 WECC regional Reliability Standard WECC–
BAL–STD–002–0, Measure of Compliance WM1.
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increased stringency was meant to
address concerns arising out of the 1996
blackouts in California and that,
according to WECC, the regional
requirements were critical to the
reliability of the Western
35. In approving WECC–BAL–STD–
002–0, the Commission found that
WECC’s requirement to restore
contingency reserves within 60 minutes
was more stringent than the 90 minute
restoration period set forth in NERC’s
WECC Proposal
36. WECC proposes to replace the
current 60 minute restoration period
requirement with a new provision that
would require the restoration of
contingency reserves within 90 minutes
from the end of the disturbance recovery
period (15 minutes). NERC states that
the 60 minute restoration period
required by the current regional
Reliability Standard was developed and
used under a manual interchange
transaction structure among vertically
integrated utilities. NERC states that,
due to a substantial increase in the
number of market participants and
interchange transactions in the Western
Interconnection, entities within the
Western Interconnection have
implemented an electronic tagging
system (e-tagging). NERC states that the
adoption of the e-tagging system
accommodates multiple market
participants and the corresponding
increased number of interchange
transactions makes the current mid-hour
reserve restoration period more
cumbersome and makes the
inappropriate rejection of reserve
restoration transactions more likely
because such transactions are outside
the e-tagging cycle. Thus, NERC
contends that eliminating the 60 minute
reserve restoration requirement and
adopting the proposed new
requirements, which provide the same
reserve restoration period as NERC’s
BAL–002–0, results in more efficient
communication among balancing
authorities because it aligns the
restoration of contingency reserves with
the e-tagging system approval cycle.
NOPR Proposal
37. The Commission proposes to
remand the regional Reliability
Standard BAL–002–WECC–1 based on
the lack of any technical justification or
analysis of the potential increased risk
46 NERC, March 26, 2007 Petition Proposing
Current Regional Reliability Standard, Docket No.
RR07–11–000, at 5.
47 North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119
FERC ¶ 61,260 at P 53.
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
to the Western Interconnection resulting
from the increase in the contingency
reserve restoration period. Without
sufficient data, the Commission is
unable to determine whether the
increase in contingency reserve
restoration period is sufficient to
maintain the reliable operation of the
Bulk-Power System in the Western
Interconnection. A requirement to
restore contingency reserves following a
disturbance improves reliability by
ensuring an entity will be in position to
respond to the next disturbance, thus
preventing adverse reliability impacts.
When a contingency has occurred and
operating reserves, generation or
interruptible load, have been deployed,
the system typically has insufficient
reserves to respond to another
contingency until such reserves are
replenished. During this time, the
system is in a vulnerable position, an
emergency state, in which the next
contingency could lead to cascading
outages. Exposure in such a state should
be limited to the extent possible. The
Commission notes that in the Western
Interconnection a significant number of
transmission paths are voltage or
frequency stability limited, in contrast
to other regions of the Bulk-Power
System where transmission paths more
often are thermally limited.
Disturbances that result in a ‘‘stability
limited’’ transmission path overload,
generally, must be responded to in a
shorter time frame than a disturbance
that results in a ‘‘thermally limited’’
transmission path overload. The
Commission understands that this
physical difference is one of the reasons
for the need for certain provisions of
regional Reliability Standards in the
Western Interconnection.
38. Proposed BAL–002–WECC–1 does
not include a requirement that an entity
restore either contingency reserves or
operating reserves. Instead, proposed
compliance measure M1 provides that
an entity should have documentation to
prove it maintained the required
contingency reserve level except during
the 105 minutes following a
disturbance, which represents a 45
minute increase over the current
requirement. As an initial matter, a
Reliability Standard should set forth
substantive compliance obligations in
the ‘‘Requirements’’ section of the
Reliability Standard, and not in the
‘‘Compliance Measures’’ section.
Moreover, we believe that there is no
need for a provision of regional
Reliability Standard that simply restates
the requirement of a corresponding
continent-wide Reliability Standard.
This is unnecessary, duplicative, and
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potentially confusing if the regional
Reliability Standard is intended to
create the same obligation as the
continent-wide Reliability Standard.
Instead, the regional Reliability
Standard should remain silent with
regard to any such requirements, and
possibly cross-reference the
corresponding continent-wide
Reliability Standard as appropriate.
39. The only justification offered by
NERC for the extension of the reserve
restoration period to match the
continent-wide Reliability Standard is
the adoption of the e-tagging system by
entities in the Western Interconnection.
The e-tagging system is an efficient tool
used for day-ahead and hour-ahead
market accounting and as input for dayahead and hour-ahead transfer
capability analysis of scheduled
interchange transactions and
development of day-ahead and hourahead capacity and energy resource
schedules. Proposing to adapt reliability
requirements to resolve problems
extending from software to the extent it
is intended to better enable economic
transactions is not a technical
justification since it does not address
any change in the need for the reliability
requirement. Extending the contingency
reserve restoration period from 60
minutes to 105 minutes increases
exposure to unstable operating
conditions. Although adoption of the etagging system may result in more
efficient communication among
transmission operators and balancing
authorities for day-ahead and hourahead scheduling, this fact alone does
not appear sufficient to justify the
extension of the reserve restoration
40. Although NERC BAL–002–0
provides for a 90-minute contingency
restoration period, WECC explained in
2007 that it needed a shortened
contingency restoration period to ensure
the reliability of the Bulk-Power System
in the Western Interconnection. In its
March 2007 petition for approval of the
currently effective WECC regional
Reliability Standard, NERC presented
arguments from WECC that its
experience in the 1996 blackouts led to
an analysis of essential criteria to ensure
the reliability of the Bulk-Power System
in the Western Interconnection and, as
a result, WECC developed more
stringent requirements as it relates to
this issue for the region.48 The proposal
in the immediate proceeding, however,
offers marketing or administrative
reasons for increasing the contingency
48 NERC, March 26, 2007 Petition Proposing
Current Regional Reliability Standard, Docket No.
RR07–11–000, at 4–5.
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reserve restoration period. NERC does
not provide a technical justification
regarding how this proposed
modification adequately ensures the
reliability of the Bulk-Power System in
the Western Interconnection. We
encourage Regional Entities periodically
to reevaluate their need for regional
Reliability Standards. However, when a
Regional Entity proposes to modify a
regional Reliability Standard it
previously claimed was necessary to
maintain reliability in that region by
adopting less stringent requirements,
the Regional Entity must demonstrate
that the modified requirements are
sufficient to maintain reliability in the
41. It appears to the Commission that
the proposed modification set forth in
Measure M1 may weaken the reliability
of the Bulk-Power System in the
Western Interconnection. Accordingly,
the Commission proposes to remand
BAL–002–WECC–1 and to direct WECC
to either: (1) Retain the current 60minute rule; or (2) provide technical
justification and supporting data
demonstrating how WECC will maintain
adequate reliability with the proposed
105-minute reserve restoration period.
The regional entity could provide a
variety of technical justifications to
support this modification. For example,
WECC could perform a statistically
significant analysis of the level of risk
associated with the conditions using the
60-minute reserve restoration period as
compared to the projected level of risk
associated with the proposed 90-minute
restoration period. The analysis must
demonstrate that the proposed revisions
do not expose entities within the
Western Interconnection to a level of
risk that is greater than the level of risk
accepted by entities operating under the
requirements of the continent-wide
NERC Reliability Standard, taking into
account the specific electrical
characteristics and topology of the
Western Interconnection. Alternatively,
WECC could perform model
simulations, representative of all
operating conditions, showing how the
system would deploy contingency
reserves after a first contingency (n-1)
and, prior to restoration of the reserves,
apply a second contingency (n-1-1) to
determine if the system will stabilize.
Based on comments made by the
Reliability Standards drafting team,
submitted as part of the development
record in Exhibit C to the NERC
petition, the Commission believes that
NERC should be able to provide this
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
information without any undue
D. Including Demand-Side Management
as a Resource
42. In Order No. 693, the Commission
directed the ERO to submit a
modification to continent-wide
Reliability Standard BAL–002–0 that
includes a Requirement that explicitly
allows that demand-side management
be used as a resource for contingency
reserves, and clarifies that demand-side
management should be treated on a
comparable basis and must meet similar
technical requirements as other
resources providing this service.50 The
Commission directed the ERO to list the
types of resources that can be used to
meet contingency reserves to provide
users, owners and operators of the BulkPower System a set of options to meet
contingency reserves.51 The
Commission clarified that the purpose
of this directive was to ensure
comparable treatment of demand-side
management with conventional
generation or any other technology and
to allow demand-side management to be
considered as a resource for contingency
reserves on this basis without requiring
the use of any particular contingency
reserve option.52 The Commission
further clarified that in order for
demand-side management to
participate, it must be technically
capable of providing contingency
reserve service, with the ERO
determining the technical
1. BAL–002–WECC–1
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
WECC Proposal
43. The proposed regional Reliability
Standard does not explicitly address the
use of demand side management as a
resource for contingency reserves. NERC
states that it raised this concern with
WECC, and WECC responded that the
drafting team wrote the regional
Reliability Standard ‘‘to permit load,
Demand-Side Management, generation,
or another resource technology that
qualifies as Spinning Reserve or
Contingency Reserve to be used as
49 NERC Petition, Exhibit C at p. 24 (stating that
‘‘the WECC Performance Work Group performed
studies in 2005 that show little if any increase in
risk to the system by changing the restoration
period to the NERC time’’). The referenced studies,
however, are not part of the record in this
50 Mandatory Reliability Standards for the BulkPower System, Order No. 693, 72 FR 16416 (Apr.
4, 2007), FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,242, at P 330
(2007), order on reh’g, Order No. 693–A, 120 FERC
¶ 61,053 (2007).
51 Id. P 331, 335.
52 Id. P 333.
53 Id. P 334.
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such.’’ WECC further explained that
demand-side management that is
deployable within ten minutes is a
subset of interruptible load, which is an
acceptable type of reserve set forth in
proposed Requirement R3.2.54
NOPR Proposal
44. While WECC indicates that the
phrase ‘‘interruptible load’’ is intended
to include demand-side management as
contingency reserve, we believe that the
regional Reliability Standard should
state this explicitly, consistent with
Order No. 693. Accordingly, pursuant to
section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, we
propose to direct WECC to develop a
modification to BAL–002–WECC–1 that
explicitly provides that demand-side
management, that is technically capable
of providing this service, may be used
as a resource for contingency reserves.
Consistent with the Commission’s
directive in Order No. 693, the
modification should list the types of
resources, including demand-side
management, which can be used to meet
contingency reserves. The modification
should also ensure comparable
treatment of demand-side management
with conventional generation or any
other technology and allow demandside management to be considered as a
resource for contingency reserves on
this basis without requiring the use of
any particular contingency reserve
45. In addition, there appears to be a
conflict related to the definition of
Spinning Reserve as it is used in the
proposed regional Reliability Standard.
Requirement R3.1 provides that
Spinning Reserves may be used to meet
the minimum contingency reserve
requirement. The NERC Glossary
defines Spinning Reserves as
‘‘[u]nloaded generation that is
synchronized and ready to serve
additional demand.’’ This definition
omits the use of demand-side
management or other technologies that
could be used as a resource because it
limits acceptable Spinning Reserve
resources to generation resources. An
alternative definition of spinning
reserves exists in the NERC Glossary as
Operating Reserve—Spinning, which
includes as part of the definition of
Operating Reserve, ‘‘load fully
removable from the system within the
Disturbance Recovery Period following
the contingency event.’’ Thus, this
second definition would capture the use
of demand-side management as a
resource in the calculation of spinning
reserve because it allows entities to
include reductions in load as spinning
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reserve resources. Furthermore, the
definition of Operating ReserveSpinning is consistent with our
instruction on the continent-wide
Reliability Standard as discussed in
Order No. 693.55 Accordingly, we
propose to direct the Regional Entity to
develop a modification to the regional
Reliability Standard that references this
broader definition of spinning reserve to
include demand-side management.
2. NERC Glossary
46. As discussed above, the NERC
Glossary offers two definitions of
spinning reserve: Spinning Reserve and
Operating Reserve-Spinning. The
definition of Spinning Reserve does not
include demand-side management as a
resource, whereas the definition of
Operating Reserve-Spinning does.
Considering that the term Spinning
Reserve is not used in any approved
Reliability Standard other than the
current regional Reliability Standard,
WECC–BAL–STD–002–0, the
Commission proposes to direct NERC to
remove this term from the NERC
Glossary upon retirement of the current
regional Reliability Standard.
47. Although the definitions of
Operating Reserve-Spinning and
Operating Reserve-Supplemental both
include ‘‘[l]oad fully removable from the
system within the Disturbance Recovery
Period following the contingency
event,’’ which is broad enough to
include demand-side management,
demand-side management should still
be explicitly included. Consistent with
Order No. 693, the proposed directive to
remove the term Spinning Reserve from
the NERC Glossary would promote
comparable treatment of demand-side
management with conventional
generation or any other technology and
to allow demand-side management to be
considered as a resource for operating
reserves on this basis without requiring
the use of any particular operating
reserve option.56 Moreover, in order for
demand-side management or any other
technology to be used as a spinning
reserve resource, it must be technically
capable of providing operating reserve
service.57 Accordingly, the Commission
proposes to direct the ERO to develop
modifications to the definitions of
Operating Reserve-Spinning and
55 Order No. 693, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,242 at
P 333 (indicating that NERC’s continent-wide
Reliability Standard should provide for the
inclusion of other technologies that may be able to
provide contingency reserves, including demandside management). The Commission understands
that NERC is currently developing modifications to
BAL–002–0 that will, inter alia, address relevant
directives set forth in Order No. 693.
56 See id.
57 See id. P 334.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Operating Reserve-Supplemental to
provide for the inclusion of other
technologies that could reliably
contribute to operating reserves,
including demand-side management.58
IV. Information Collection Statement
48. The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) regulations require that
OMB approve certain reporting and
recordkeeping (collections of
information) imposed by an agency.59
The information contained here is also
subject to review under section 3507(d)
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995.60 By remanding the proposed
Reliability Standard the Commission is
maintaining the status quo until future
revisions to the Reliability Standard are
approved by the Commission. Thus, the
Commission’s proposed action does not
add to or increase entities’ reporting
V. Environmental Analysis
49. The Commission is required to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement
for any action that may have a
significant adverse effect on the human
environment.61 The Commission has
categorically excluded certain actions
from this requirement as not having a
significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion
are rules that are clarifying, corrective,
or procedural or that do not
substantially change the effect of the
regulations being amended.62 The
actions proposed herein fall within this
categorical exclusion in the
Commission’s regulations.
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
50. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (RFA) 63 generally requires a
description and analysis of final rules
that will have significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. The RFA mandates
consideration of regulatory alternatives
that accomplish the stated objectives of
a proposed rule and that minimize any
significant economic impact on a
58 The Commission recognizes that there may be
regional limitations on the amount of demand-side
management, or other technically capable
resources, that can be reliably employed. Any
modifications proposed to the Commission must
allow regional discretion to make this
determination based on the technical issues
inherent to those regions.
59 5 CFR 1320.11.
60 44 U.S.C. 3507(d).
61 Regulations Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Order No. 486,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 30,783 (1987).
62 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii).
63 5 U.S.C. 601–612.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:08 Mar 23, 2010
Jkt 220001
substantial number of small entities.
The Small Business Administration’s
Office of Size Standards develops the
numerical definition of a small
business.64 For electric utilities, a firm
is small if, including affiliates, it is
primarily engaged in the transmission,
generation and/or distribution of
electric energy for sale and its total
electric output for the preceding twelve
months did not exceed four million
megawatt hours. The RFA is not
implicated by this proposed rule
because by remanding the proposed
Reliability Standard the Commission is
maintaining the status quo until future
revisions to the Reliability Standard are
approved by the Commission.
VII. Comment Procedures
51. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
notice to be adopted, including any
related matters or alternative proposals
that commenters may wish to discuss.
Comments are due May 24, 2010.
Comments must refer to Docket No.
RM09–15–000, and must include the
commenter’s name, the organization
they represent, if applicable, and their
address in their comments.
52. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
Web site at The
Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
created electronically using word
processing software should be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
53. Commenters that are not able to
file comments electronically must send
an original and 14 copies of their
comments to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
54. All comments will be placed in
the Commission’s public files and may
be viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
VIII. Document Availability
55. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the Internet through
64 See
PO 00000
13 CFR 121.201.
Frm 00015
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
FERC’s Home Page (
and in FERC’s Public Reference Room
during normal business hours (8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Eastern time) at 888 First
Street, NE., Room 2A, Washington, DC
56. From FERC’s Home Page on the
Internet, this information is available on
eLibrary. The full text of this document
is available on eLibrary in PDF and
Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access
this document in eLibrary, type the
docket number excluding the last three
digits of this document in the docket
number field.
57. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the FERC’s Web site during
normal business hours from FERC
Online Support at 202–502–6652 (toll
free at 1–866–208–3676) or e-mail at, or the
Public Reference Room at (202) 502–
8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. E-mail the
Public Reference Room at
By direction of the Commission.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2010–6477 Filed 3–23–10; 8:45 am]
22 CFR Part 22
[Public Notice: 6928]
RIN 1400–AC57 and 1400–AC58
Schedule of Fees for Consular
Services, Department of State and
Overseas Embassies and Consulates
Department of State.
Supplemental notice of
proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Department of State
(‘‘Department’’) published two proposed
rules in the Federal Register on
December 14, 2009, and February 9,
2010, proposing to amend the Schedule
of Fees for Consular Services. In this
supplemental proposed rule, the
Department of State is providing
additional supplementary information
regarding the Cost of Survey Study
(CoSS), the activity-based costing model
that the Department used to determine
the fees for consular services proposed
in. The Department is also re-opening
the comment periods on both proposed
rules for an additional 15 days.
DATES: Written comments must be
received on or before 15 days from the
date of publication in the Federal
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 56 (Wednesday, March 24, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 14103-14111]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-6477]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM09-15-000]
Version One Regional Reliability Standard for Resource and Demand
March 18, 2010.
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 215 of the Federal Power Act, the
Commission proposes to remand a revised regional Reliability Standard
developed by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council and approved
by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, which the
Commission has certified as the Electric Reliability Organization
responsible for developing and enforcing mandatory Reliability
Standards. The revised regional Reliability Standard, designated by
WECC as BAL-002-WECC-1, would set revised Contingency Reserve
requirements meant to maintain scheduled frequency and avoid loss of
firm load following transmission or generation contingencies.
DATES: Comments are due May 24, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Comments and reply comments may be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission's Web site at
Documents created electronically using word processing software should
be filed in the native application or print-to-PDF format and not in a
scanned format. This will enhance document retrieval for both the
Commission and the public. The Commission accepts most standard word
processing formats and commenters may attach additional files with
supporting information in certain other file formats. Attachments that
exist only in paper form may be scanned. Commenters filing
electronically should not make a paper filing. Service of rulemaking
comments is not required. Commenters that are not able to file
electronically must send an original and 14 copies of their comments
to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Cory Lankford (Legal Information), Office of General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502-6711.
Nick Henery (Technical Information), Office of Electric Reliability,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-8636.
Scott Sells (Technical Information), Office of Electric Reliability,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-6664.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
March 18, 2010.
1. Pursuant to section 215 of the Federal Power Act (FPA),\1\ the
Commission proposes to remand a revised regional Reliability Standard
developed by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) and
approved by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC),
which the Commission has certified as the Electric Reliability
Organization (ERO) responsible for developing and enforcing mandatory
Reliability Standards.\2\ The revised regional Reliability Standard,
designated by WECC as BAL-002-WECC-1 (Contingency Reserves),\3\ is
meant to ensure that adequate generating capacity is available at all
times to maintain scheduled frequency, and avoid loss of firm load
following transmission or generation contingencies. As discussed below,
the Commission believes that the proposed regional Reliability Standard
does not meet the statutory criteria for
[[Page 14104]]
approval that it be just, reasonable, not unduly discriminatory or
preferential, and in the public interest.\4\
\1\ 16 U.S.C. 824o (2006).
\2\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 116 FERC ]
61,062, order on reh'g & compliance, 117 FERC ] 61,126 (2006), aff'd
sub nom. Alcoa, Inc. v. FERC, 564 F.3d 1342 (D.C. Cir. 2009).
\3\ NERC designates the version number of a Reliability Standard
as the last digit of the Reliability Standard number. Therefore,
original Reliability Standards end with ``-0'' and modified version
one Reliability Standards end with ``-1.''
\4\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(d)(2).
2. The Commission proposes to remand the proposed regional
Reliability Standard based on concerns that it not only fails to
support the adoption of less stringent requirements than those in the
currently effective WECC regional standard that it would replace, but
may also in some respects be less stringent than the corresponding NERC
continent-wide Reliability Standard pertaining to contingency reserves.
Of particular concern with respect to whether the proposed standard is
less stringent than the continent-wide Reliability Standard is the
provision of proposed BAL-002-WECC-1 that would permit a balancing
authority, when an emergency is declared, to count ``Load, other than
Interruptible Load'' as contingency reserve. This provision allows a
balancing authority to activate load shedding when a single contingency
occurs instead of procuring and utilizing generating or demand response
resources held in reserve for contingencies to balance the Bulk-Power
System. We believe that such operation, which is not permitted in
either the current regional Reliability Standard or the NERC continent-
wide Reliability Standard, is detrimental to reliability.
3. Further, we are concerned that proposed BAL-002-WECC-1,
Requirement R1, reformulates the minimum contingency reserve
requirement without providing adequate support that the new requirement
is sufficiently stringent to meet the requirements of NERC's continent-
wide Disturbance Control Standard, BAL-002-0. While NERC in its
transmittal letter provides several justifications for the proposed
modification to the minimum contingency reserve requirement, it also
states that WECC relied on just eight hours of operating data in its
analysis to support its proposal to make a modest reduction in the
amount of contingency reserve under the proposed Reliability Standard.
We believe that NERC and WECC should provide additional data and
analysis to support the proposed reformulation. Accordingly, we propose
to remand WECC regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-1.
I. Background
A. Mandatory Reliability Standards
4. Section 215 of the FPA requires a Commission-certified ERO to
develop mandatory and enforceable Reliability Standards, which are
subject to Commission review and approval. Once approved, the
Reliability Standards may be enforced by the ERO, subject to Commission
oversight, or by the Commission independently.\5\
\5\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(e)(3).
5. Reliability Standards that the ERO proposes to the Commission
may include Reliability Standards that are proposed to the ERO by a
Regional Entity.\6\ A Regional Entity is an entity that has been
approved by the Commission to enforce Reliability Standards under
delegated authority from the ERO.\7\ When the ERO reviews a regional
Reliability Standard that would be applicable on an interconnection-
wide basis and that has been proposed by a Regional Entity organized on
an interconnection-wide basis, the ERO must rebuttably presume that the
regional Reliability Standard is just, reasonable, not unduly
discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest.\8\ In turn,
the Commission must give ``due weight'' to the technical expertise of
the ERO and of a Regional Entity organized on an interconnection-wide
\6\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(e)(4).
\7\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(a)(7) and (e)(4).
\8\ 18 CFR 39.5 (2009).
\9\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(d)(2).
6. In Order No. 672, the Commission urged uniformity of Reliability
Standards, but recognized a potential need for regional
differences.\10\ Accordingly, the Commission stated that:
\10\ Rules Concerning Certification of the Electric Reliability
Organization; Procedures for the Establishment, Approval, and
Enforcement of Electric Reliability Standards, Order No. 672, 71 FR
8662 (Feb. 17, 2006), FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,204, at P 290 (2006);
order on reh'g, Order No. 672-A, 71 FR 19814 (Apr. 18, 2006), FERC
Stats. & Regs. ] 31,212 (2006).
As a general matter, we will accept the following two types of
regional differences, provided they are otherwise just, reasonable,
not unduly discriminatory or preferential and in the public
interest, as required under the statute: (1) A regional difference
that is more stringent than the continent-wide Reliability Standard,
including a regional difference that addresses matters that the
continent-wide Reliability Standard does not; and (2) a regional
Reliability Standard that is necessitated by a physical difference
in the Bulk-Power System.\11\
\11\ Id. P 291.
B. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
7. On April 19, 2007, the Commission accepted delegation agreements
between NERC and each of eight Regional Entities.\12\ In its order, the
Commission accepted WECC as a Regional Entity organized on an
Interconnection-wide basis. As a Regional Entity, WECC oversees
transmission system reliability in the Western Interconnection. The
WECC region encompasses nearly 1.8 million square miles, including 14
western U.S. states, the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British
Columbia, and the northern portion of Baja California in Mexico.
\12\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ]
61,060, at P 432 (2007).
8. In June 2007, the Commission approved eight regional Reliability
Standards for WECC including the currently effective regional
Reliability Standard for operating reserves, WECC-BAL-STD-002-0.\13\
The Commission found that the current regional Reliability Standard was
more stringent than the corresponding NERC Reliability Standard, BAL-
002-0, since WECC required a more stringent minimum reserve requirement
than the continent-wide requirement.\14\ Moreover, the Commission found
that WECC's requirement to restore contingency reserves within 60
minutes was more stringent than the 90 minute restoration period as set
forth in NERC's BAL-002-0.\15\
\13\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ]
61,260, at P 53 (2007).
\14\ Id.
\15\ Id.
9. The Commission directed WECC to develop certain minor
modifications to WECC-BAL-STD-002-0, as identified by NERC in its
filing letter for the current standard.\16\ For example, the Commission
determined that: (1) Regional definitions should conform to definitions
set forth in the NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards
(NERC Glossary), unless a specific deviation has been justified; and,
(2) documents that are referenced in the Reliability Standard should be
attached to the Reliability Standard. The Commission also found that it
is important that regional Reliability Standards and NERC Reliability
Standards achieve a reasonable level of consistency in their structure
so that there is a common understanding of the elements. The Commission
also directed WECC to address stakeholder concerns regarding
ambiguities in the terms ``load responsibility'' and ``firm
transaction.'' \17\
\16\ Id. P 55.
\17\ Id. P 56.
II. WECC Regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-1
10. On March 25, 2009, NERC submitted a petition (NERC Petition) to
the Commission seeking approval of
[[Page 14105]]
BAL-002-WECC-1 \18\ and requesting the concurrent retirement of BAL-
STD-002-0.\19\ In that March petition, NERC states that the proposed
regional Reliability Standard was approved by the NERC Board of
Trustees at its October 29, 2008 meeting. NERC also requests an
effective date for the proposed regional Reliability Standard of 90
calendar days after receipt of applicable regulatory approval.
\18\ See 18 CFR 39.5(a) (requiring the ERO to submit regional
Reliability Standards on behalf of a Regional Entity).
\19\ The proposed regional Reliability Standard is not attached
to the NOPR. It is, however, available on the Commission's eLibrary
document retrieval system in Docket No. RM09-15-000 and is on the
ERO's Web site, available at:
11. The proposed regional Reliability Standard contains three main
provisions. Requirement R1 provides that each reserve sharing group
\20\ or balancing authority must maintain a minimum contingency reserve
that is the greater of (1) an amount of reserve equal to the loss of
the most severe single contingency; or (2) an amount of reserve equal
to the sum of three percent of the load and three percent of net
generation. Requirement R2 states that each reserve sharing group or
balancing authority must maintain at least half of the contingency
reserve as spinning reserve. Requirement R3 identifies acceptable types
of reserve to satisfy Requirement R1:
\20\ A ``reserve sharing group'' is a group whose members
consist of two or more balancing authorities that collectively
maintain, allocate, and supply operating reserves required for each
balancing authority's use in recovering from contingencies within
the group. See NERC Glossary, available at:
R3.1. Spinning Reserve;
R3.2. Interruptible Load;
R3.3. Interchange Transactions designated by the source Balancing
Authority as non-spinning contingency reserve;
R3.4. Reserve held by the other entities by agreement that is
deliverable on Firm Transmission Service;
R3.5. An amount of off-line generation which can be synchronized and
generating; or
R.3.6. Load, other than Interruptible Load, once the Reliability
Coordinator has declared a capacity or energy emergency.
In addition, Measure M1 provides that a reserve sharing group or
balancing authority must have documentation that it maintained 100
percent of required contingency reserve levels ``except within the
first 105 minutes (15 minute Disturbance Recovery Period, plus 90
minute Contingency Reserve Restoration Period) following an event
requiring the activation of Contingency Reserves.''
III. Discussion
12. As discussed below, proposed regional Reliability Standard BAL-
002-WECC-1 does not appear to satisfy the statutory criteria for
approval. The Commission therefore proposes to remand BAL-002-WECC-1 to
the Regional Entity with instructions for development of suitable
modifications. The Commission also discusses additional concerns with
the proposed regional Reliability Standard, and proposes that the
Regional Entity address these concerns on remand.
A. Calculation of Minimum Contingency Reserves
13. NERC's Disturbance Control Standard, continent-wide Reliability
Standard BAL-002-0, requires each balancing authority or reserve
sharing group, at a minimum, to maintain at least enough contingency
reserve to cover the most severe single contingency. Similarly,
requirement WR1(a)(ii) of WECC's current WECC-BAL-STD-002-0 requires
balancing authorities to maintain a contingency reserve of spinning and
nonspinning reserves (at least half of which must be spinning),
sufficient to meet the NERC Disturbance Control Standard, BAL-002-0,
equal to the greater of: (1) the loss of generating capacity due to
forced outages of generation or transmission equipment that would
result from the most severe single contingency; or (2) the sum of five
percent of load responsibility served by hydro generation and seven
percent of the load responsibility served by thermal generation. In
approving the regional BAL-STD-002-0 Reliability Standard, the
Commission noted that the regional Reliability Standard is more
stringent than the NERC Reliability Standard, BAL-002-0, because WECC
requires a more stringent minimum reserve requirement than the
continent-wide requirement.
WECC and NERC Proposal
14. As proposed, Requirement R1 of BAL-002-WECC-1 would require
each reserve sharing group or balancing authority that is not a member
of a reserve sharing group to maintain a minimum contingency reserve.
NERC contends that the proposed minimum contingency reserve amount is
more stringent than that required by the continent-wide Reliability
Standard.\21\ NERC explains that, whereas Requirement R3.1 of BAL-002-0
requires that each balancing authority or reserve sharing group carry,
at a minimum, at least enough contingency reserve to cover the most
severe single contingency, proposed Requirement R1.1 of BAL-002-WECC-1
requires that each balancing authority or reserve sharing group
maintain, as a minimum, contingency reserves equal to the loss of the
most severe single contingency or an amount of reserve equal to the sum
of three percent of the load (generation minus station service minus
net actual interchange) and three percent of net generation (generation
minus station service).\22\
\21\ NERC Petition at 9.
\22\ Id. at 14.
15. NERC states that the proposed requirements for minimum
contingency reserves provide a comparable level of contingency reserves
to those contained in the currently approved regional Reliability
Standard. NERC explains that, based on operational experience, the
requirements have been revised to remove what it considers to be
ambiguous terms, such as ``load responsibility,'' and separate market
transactions from the determination of required reserves that exist
using the methodology in the current Reliability Standard.\23\ In
support of the revised minimum contingency reserve calculations, NERC
states that, based on technical studies covering a total eight hours
from the four operating seasons (summer, fall, winter and spring, both
on and off-peak), the drafting team determined that the sum of 3
percent of load and 3 percent of net generation level was appropriate
to approximate the same level of contingency reserves as the existing
approved standard provides throughout the year.
\23\ Id. at 16.
16. NERC contends, however, that, due to ambiguities that exist
using the current methodology, historical information necessary to
calculate the required contingency reserve levels under the proposed
methodology is not readily available from collected data. NERC explains
that this situation exists because the calculations are based on the
term ``load responsibility'' as it is used in the current regional
Reliability Standard and not on load itself. Thus, NERC comments, WECC
does not have additional data available in order to compare the
contingency reserve levels required under the existing methodology with
the prospective reserve levels under the proposed methodology. NERC
states that requiring an additional survey of the applicable entities
would place an undue burden on those entities to compile and submit the
data, and on the drafting team to evaluate and verify the data,
considering the amount of time that has passed since the proposed
regional Reliability Standard was approved by the WECC Board of
[[Page 14106]]
17. NERC acknowledges that even the data collected illustrates that
the proposed methodology for calculating minimum contingency reserves
results in a slight reduction in required total reserves in the
interconnection for each of the eight hours assessed as compared to the
total reserves required under the current methodology.\24\ In fact, the
eight hours of data shows an overall decrease in required reserves
under the proposed methodology of approximately 350 MWs (from
approximately 10,850 MWs to 10,500 MWs) on high load days. NERC argues,
however, that, under the currently effective regional Reliability
Standard, the potential exists for the total reserves required in the
Western Interconnection to be reduced if firm transactions are
purchased from balancing authorities or from reserve sharing groups
whose reserve requirements are determined by the most severe single
\24\ Id. at 15.
\25\ Id.
18. NERC also contends that industry will benefit from the improved
clarity in the proposed regional Reliability Standard.\26\ NERC states
that the ambiguity associated with the term ``load responsibility,'' as
it is used in the current regional Reliability Standard, results in
confusion regarding the location and amount of the reserves being
carried in the interconnection. NERC explains that:
\26\ Id. at 15-16. In its order approving the current regional
Reliability Standard, the Commission directed WECC, in preparing a
revised regional Reliability Standard, to resolve concerns raised by
stakeholders that certain terms, including ``load responsibility,''
were ambiguous. North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC
] 61,260 at P 56.
[t]he identification of the entities responsible for providing
reserves may be lost as purchases are bundled and remarketed. With
regard to the ability to audit applicable entities for compliance to
the existing BAL-STD-002-0 relative to the proposed BAL-002-WECC-1
standard, WECC has been able to audit the current standard with a
reasonable level of consistency; however, the industry would benefit
from greater clarity. The interpretation of the term ``load
responsibility,'' which is used to determine the amount of reserves
required has been problematic for WECC, particularly because FERC
Order No. 888 expanded the types of commercial products traded in
the electric power industry. The influence of routine commercial
transactions and terms in the existing regional Reliability Standard
has introduced the possibility of varying interpretations for the
term ``load responsibility'' and a degree of uncertainty as to the
responsibility for reserves, resulting in challenges when evaluating
\27\ NERC Petition at 16.
19. In addition, NERC states that the existing regional Reliability
Standard considers load served by hydro and thermal generation but does
not explicitly require contingency reserves for other types of
generation such as wind, solar or other renewable resources. NERC
concludes that the proposed regional Reliability Standard adds clarity
by explicitly requiring reserves for renewable resources.\28\ NERC
argues further that even though the use of the proposed method for
calculating minimum contingency reserves results in a reduction in
total reserves required in the interconnection, such impact is
negligible when compared to the uncertainty in the actual amount of
reserves being carried in the interconnection under the existing
regional Reliability Standard and the potential shortfall in reserves
existing as a result of new technologies not currently addressed in the
existing regional Reliability Standard.
\28\ NERC Petition at 16.
NOPR Proposal
20. The Commission proposes to find that the eight hours of data
provided by WECC is insufficient to demonstrate that the proposed
minimum contingency reserve requirements are sufficiently stringent to
ensure that entities within the Western Interconnection will meet the
requirements of NERC's continent-wide Disturbance Control Standard,
BAL-002-0. In the regional Reliability Standard development process,
several commenters raised similar concerns about the lack of technical
justification for the proposed method for calculating minimum
contingency reserve levels.\29\ The Commission believes that NERC did
not adequately respond to these concerns.
\29\ See, e.g., NERC, Petition at Exhibit C (Record of
Development of Proposed Reliability Standard), Avista, October 30,
2007 Comments at 21; Alberta Electric System Operator, October 30,
2007 Comments at 23; Bonneville Power Administration, October 30,
2007 Comments at 28; Grant County PUD, October 30, 2007 Comments at
16-17; PacifiCorp Commercial and Trading, October 30, 2007 Comments
at 33-34; NorthWestern Energy, October 30, 2007 Comments at 36;
Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Group, October 30, 2007
Comments at 8; PacifiCorp, October 30, 2007 Comments at 34; Pacific
Gas & Electric, January 2, 2008 Comments at 4; Portland General
Electric Merchant, October 30, 2007 Comments at 25.
21. In its March 2007 petition proposing the currently effective
regional Reliability Standard, NERC explained that WECC-BAL-STD-002-0
and the other seven regional Reliability Standards were WECC's
translation of existing WECC criteria that the WECC Operating Committee
and Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body both concluded to be
critical to maintaining reliability within the Western
Interconnection.\30\ NERC stated that all of these regional Reliability
Standards were ``well vetted, approved, tested, and proven effective in
monitoring and enforcing critical reliability elements in the Western
Interconnection'' \31\ and were developed in response to the 1996
blackouts. NERC also stated that, in developing WECC-BAL-STD-002-0 and
the other seven regional Reliability Standards, the ``WECC Operating
Committee undertook a comprehensive review of all WECC criteria,
policies, and guidelines in an effort to identify all unique * * *
criteria it believed critical to the reliability of the Western
Interconnection'' \32\ and concluded that these eight regional
Reliability Standards were of the ``highest priority.'' \33\ These
statements indicate that these eight regional Reliability Standards
were necessary to maintain reliability in the Western Interconnection.
Our review of the provisions relating to the calculation of minimum
contingency reserve requirements in the proposed Reliability Standard
indicates that they may be less stringent than the currently-effective
regional Reliability Standard, WECC-BAL-STD-002-0, and may also be less
stringent than the currently-effective continent-wide Reliability
Standard. NERC and WECC have not provided an adequate explanation or
supporting studies to resolve these concerns.
\30\ NERC, March 26, 2007 Petition Proposing Current Regional
Reliability Standard, Docket No. RR07-11-000, at 4.
\31\ Id.
\32\ Id.
\33\ Id.
22. NERC admits that the eight hours of data illustrates that the
proposed methodology for calculating contingency reserves results in a
reduction of total reserves required in the Western Interconnection for
each of the eight hours assessed when compared with the methodology in
the current regional Reliability Standard. Neither NERC nor WECC has
provided sufficient evidence that the proposed regional Reliability
Standard provides adequate requirements to ensure that entities within
WECC will continue to satisfy the continent-wide disturbance control
standard and will not cause frequency-related instability, uncontrolled
separation or cascading outages. Moreover, the evidence provided is
insufficient to demonstrate that the proposed regional Reliability
Standard is more stringent than the
[[Page 14107]]
corresponding NERC Reliability Standard.
23. Although the proposed Reliability Standard offers some added
clarity by eliminating reference to the term ``load responsibility''
and including renewables in the calculation of contingency reserves,
the Commission proposes to find that NERC and WECC have not provided
sufficient technical justification to support the proposed revised
method for calculating contingency reserves. Thus, we propose to remand
BAL-002-WECC-1 so that WECC can develop additional support and make
modifications as appropriate for a future proposal, consistent with the
above discussion. In preparing its response, NERC could provide a
variety of technical justifications. For example, NERC could provide
statistically significant data, supported by a sampling representative
of all balancing authorities and expected operating conditions (such as
each season, peak periods, off-peak periods and reportable
disturbances), to cover the range of operating conditions that must be
addressed to ensure that the proposed amount of contingency reserve
that are on-line and deliverable will exceed the performance under the
NERC Reliability Standards, taking into account the specific electrical
characteristics and topology of the Western Interconnection.
Alternatively, NERC could provide model simulations demonstrating that
the proposed amount of contingency reserves are on-line and deliverable
for all expected operating conditions and will exceed the performance
required under the NERC Reliability Standards, taking into account the
specific electrical characteristics and topology of the Western
24. The Commission recognizes that NERC has suggested that
confusion exists with regard to the term ``load responsibility.''
However, the Commission believes that any confusion concerning the term
``load responsibility'' has been addressed by WECC and therefore does
not have a reliability impact. WECC has defined the term ``load
responsibility'', although not in its regional Reliability
Standard.\34\ Under WECC's definition for ``load responsibility'', a
balancing authority's ``load responsibility'', for maintaining adequate
contingency reserves, is determined by a balancing authority's firm
load (net generation minus net actual interchange); minus loads
contractually interruptible within 10 minutes; minus imports where the
source balancing authority is responsible for contingency reserves;
plus exports where the exporting balancing authority is responsible for
contingency reserves. WECC's procedures for load responsibility require
that the entities (purchasing selling entity or load serving entity)
that are party to the import or export are required to identify the
transaction to the balancing authority using the e-tagging
prescheduling tool and identify the associated contingency reserves.
\34\ WECC's interpretation of ``Load Responsibility,'' which was
approved by the WECC Board of Directors September 7, 2007, places
the responsibility on the balancing authorities to determine the
amount of and assure that adequate contingency reserves are
provided. See WECC Interpretation of Load Responsibility (Sept. 7,
2007), available at: Likewise, the
current regional Reliability Standard places the responsibility on
the balancing authorities to determine the amount of and assure that
adequate contingency reserves are provided.
B. Use of Firm Load To Meet Contingency Reserve Requirement
25. Requirement R1 of NERC's continent-wide Reliability Standard
BAL-002-0, allows balancing authorities to supply their contingency
reserves from generation, controllable load resources, or coordinated
adjustments to interchange schedules.\35\ Similarly, WECC's current
WECC-BAL-STD-002-0 identifies acceptable types of non-spinning reserve
and, among those identified, ``interruptible load.'' \36\
\35\ Reliability Standard BAL-002-0, Requirement R1.
\36\ WECC-BAL-STD-002-0, Requirement WR1(b).
WECC Proposal
26. Requirement R3 of BAL-002-WECC-1 requires that each reserve
sharing group or balancing authority use certain types of reserves that
must be fully deployable within ten minutes of notification to meet
their contingency reserve requirement. Requirement R3.2 allows these
entities to count ``Interruptible Load'' as contingency reserves.\37\
In addition, Requirement R3.6 allows entities to use ``Load, other than
Interruptible Load, once the Reliability Coordinator has declared a
capacity or energy emergency.'' \38\
\37\ BAL-002-WECC-1, Requirement R3.2.
\38\ BAL-002-WECC-1, Requirement R3.6.
27. NERC contends that the changes made by the proposed regional
Reliability Standard related to the treatment of firm load have reduced
the number of occasions when an entity may use firm load as contingency
reserves.\39\ NERC explains that, under the proposed regional
Reliability Standard, balancing authorities or reserve sharing groups
may only use firm load as contingency reserves once the reliability
coordinator has declared a capacity or energy emergency. NERC also
states that the proposed regional Reliability Standard continues to
require that reserves must be deliverable to be included in the minimum
calculations of contingency reserves.
\39\ NERC Petition at 19.
NOPR Proposal
28. The Commission does not agree with NERC that the proposed
regional Reliability Standard reduces the occasions when an entity may
use firm load as contingency reserves. The Commission proposes to find
that Requirement R3.6 is not technically sound because it permits
balancing authorities and reserve sharing groups within WECC to use
firm load to meet their minimum contingency reserve requirement ``once
the Reliability Coordinator has declared a capacity or energy
emergency,'' thus creating the possibility that firm load could be shed
due to the loss of a single element on the system.\40\
\40\ Order No. 672, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,204, at P 324
(identifying guidelines for what constitutes a just and reasonable
Reliability Standard including the ``proposed Reliability Standard
must be designed to achieve a specified reliability goal and must
contain a technically sound means to achieve this goal'').
29. Although NERC states in its petition that the proposed regional
Reliability Standard ``reduce[s] the number of occasions when an entity
may use firm load as contingency reserves,'' the currently effective
regional Reliability Standard does not allow the use of firm load to
meet minimum contingency reserve levels. In fact, the current regional
Reliability Standard does not mention ``firm load'' as an acceptable
type of reserve.
30. In the 2007 proceeding in which the Commission approved the
currently effective WECC-BAL-STD-002-0, one commenter argued that the
definition of ``interruptible'' is unclear and that firm transactions
are potentially curtailable and thus interruptible under a ``very
narrow interpretation.'' \41\ The Commission rejected the protest on
this issue stating that ``the meaning of the term `interruptible' is
generally well understood in the industry, i.e., transmission or
generation subject to interruption at the provider's discretion.'' \42\
Thus, if entities within
[[Page 14108]]
WECC have interpreted the term ``interruptible load'' to include firm
load, this is a mistake.
\41\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ]
61,260 at P 50.
\42\ Id. P 59. The NERC Glossary defines Interruptible Load as
interruptible demand or the demand that the end-use customer makes
available to its load-serving entity via contract or agreement for
curtailment. See NERC Glossary, available at:
31. The Commission does not support a regional practice by
balancing authorities or reserve sharing groups to count firm load
towards their minimum contingency reserve requirements. Neither the
corresponding NERC continent-wide Reliability Standard, BAL-002-0, nor
the currently effective WECC regional Reliability Standard permit a
balancing authority to consider firm load when satisfying minimum
contingency reserve requirements. Accordingly, the Commission proposes
to find that the proposed regional Reliability Standard is less
stringent than the continent-wide Reliability Standard because it would
allow entities to count firm load towards their minimum contingency
reserve requirements.
32. Moreover, we are concerned that the provision of the proposed
WECC regional Reliability Standard that would allow a balancing
authority to include firm load as contingency reserve when an emergency
is declared is inappropriate because there are provisions of NERC
continent-wide Reliability Standards that specifically address the
actions entities must take in emergency situations. The proposed WECC
regional Reliability Standard appears to be incongruent with these
other provisions. Specifically, the requirements of Reliability
Standard EOP-002-2.1 ensure that entities are prepared to handle
capacity and energy emergency situations, and include minimum remedies
required for mitigating capacity and energy emergencies to meet the
Disturbance Control Standard and resolve the emergency conditions.
Attachment 1 of EOP-002-2.1, Energy Emergency Alerts, describes three
emergency alert levels, in order of severity. A reliability coordinator
(either by its own initiative or at the request of a balancing
authority or load serving entity) may initiate a level one energy
emergency alert if a load-serving entity is, or expects to be, unable
to provide customers' energy requirements or the load-serving entity
cannot schedule resources due to, for example, available transfer
capability or transmission loading relief limitations.\43\ A level two
alert is more severe, addressing situations when an entity can no
longer provide its customers' energy requirements. A level three alert
is called when a firm load interruption is imminent or in progress.
\43\ An energy emergency level 1 can be declared either if an
entity foresees or is experiencing in real-time, conditions where
all available resources are committed to firm load, firm
transactions, and reserve commitments are being met, but the entity
is concerned about sustaining its required operating reserve.
Reliability Standard EOP-002-2.1, Attachment 1.
33. As mentioned above, Requirement R3.6 of proposed BAL-002-WECC-
1, would allow an entity to include firm load to satisfy contingency
reserve requirements once the reliability coordinator ``has declared a
capacity or energy emergency'' and applies when any level alert is
initiated without qualification. This is of concern to the Commission
because, if an entity initiated energy emergency alert level 1, under
BAL-002-WECC-1, that entity could count firm load as contingency
reserve instead of taking other actions to remedy the situation as set
forth in NERC Reliability Standard EOP-002-2.1 (e.g., public appeals,
voltage reduction, firm or non-firm imports, emergency assistance from
neighboring entities, and demand-side management). This practice is not
allowed under the corresponding continent-wide Reliability Standard,
BAL-002-0. Since the proposed regional Reliability Standard includes
requirements that are less stringent than BAL-002-0, the Commission
proposes to remand BAL-002-WECC-1 and direct WECC to modify the
regional Reliability Standard to ensure consistency with the continent-
wide Reliability Standards.
C. Contingency Reserve Restoration Period
34. NERC Reliability Standard BAL-002-0 provides that a balancing
authority or reserve sharing group responding to a disturbance must
fully restore its contingency reserves within 90 minutes following the
disturbance recovery period, which is set at 15 minutes.\44\ Thus,
under BAL-002-0, if there is a disturbance, a balancing authority or
reserve sharing group has 105 minutes to fully restore its contingency
reserves. The current WECC regional BAL Reliability Standard requires
reserve sharing groups and balancing authorities to maintain 100
percent of required operating reserve levels except within the first 60
minutes following an event requiring the activation of operating
reserves.\45\ Thus, currently, applicable entities in WECC have 60
minutes to restore their operating reserves to 100 percent. In the
March 2007 petition asking the Commission to approve the currently
effective WECC-BAL-STD-002-0, NERC explained that the increased
stringency was meant to address concerns arising out of the 1996
blackouts in California and that, according to WECC, the regional
requirements were critical to the reliability of the Western
\44\ Reliability Standard BAL-002-0, Requirements R4 and R6.
\45\ WECC regional Reliability Standard WECC-BAL-STD-002-0,
Measure of Compliance WM1.
\46\ NERC, March 26, 2007 Petition Proposing Current Regional
Reliability Standard, Docket No. RR07-11-000, at 5.
35. In approving WECC-BAL-STD-002-0, the Commission found that
WECC's requirement to restore contingency reserves within 60 minutes
was more stringent than the 90 minute restoration period set forth in
NERC's BAL-002-0.\47\
\47\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ]
61,260 at P 53.
WECC Proposal
36. WECC proposes to replace the current 60 minute restoration
period requirement with a new provision that would require the
restoration of contingency reserves within 90 minutes from the end of
the disturbance recovery period (15 minutes). NERC states that the 60
minute restoration period required by the current regional Reliability
Standard was developed and used under a manual interchange transaction
structure among vertically integrated utilities. NERC states that, due
to a substantial increase in the number of market participants and
interchange transactions in the Western Interconnection, entities
within the Western Interconnection have implemented an electronic
tagging system (e-tagging). NERC states that the adoption of the e-
tagging system accommodates multiple market participants and the
corresponding increased number of interchange transactions makes the
current mid-hour reserve restoration period more cumbersome and makes
the inappropriate rejection of reserve restoration transactions more
likely because such transactions are outside the e-tagging cycle. Thus,
NERC contends that eliminating the 60 minute reserve restoration
requirement and adopting the proposed new requirements, which provide
the same reserve restoration period as NERC's BAL-002-0, results in
more efficient communication among balancing authorities because it
aligns the restoration of contingency reserves with the e-tagging
system approval cycle.
NOPR Proposal
37. The Commission proposes to remand the regional Reliability
Standard BAL-002-WECC-1 based on the lack of any technical
justification or analysis of the potential increased risk
[[Page 14109]]
to the Western Interconnection resulting from the increase in the
contingency reserve restoration period. Without sufficient data, the
Commission is unable to determine whether the increase in contingency
reserve restoration period is sufficient to maintain the reliable
operation of the Bulk-Power System in the Western Interconnection. A
requirement to restore contingency reserves following a disturbance
improves reliability by ensuring an entity will be in position to
respond to the next disturbance, thus preventing adverse reliability
impacts. When a contingency has occurred and operating reserves,
generation or interruptible load, have been deployed, the system
typically has insufficient reserves to respond to another contingency
until such reserves are replenished. During this time, the system is in
a vulnerable position, an emergency state, in which the next
contingency could lead to cascading outages. Exposure in such a state
should be limited to the extent possible. The Commission notes that in
the Western Interconnection a significant number of transmission paths
are voltage or frequency stability limited, in contrast to other
regions of the Bulk-Power System where transmission paths more often
are thermally limited. Disturbances that result in a ``stability
limited'' transmission path overload, generally, must be responded to
in a shorter time frame than a disturbance that results in a
``thermally limited'' transmission path overload. The Commission
understands that this physical difference is one of the reasons for the
need for certain provisions of regional Reliability Standards in the
Western Interconnection.
38. Proposed BAL-002-WECC-1 does not include a requirement that an
entity restore either contingency reserves or operating reserves.
Instead, proposed compliance measure M1 provides that an entity should
have documentation to prove it maintained the required contingency
reserve level except during the 105 minutes following a disturbance,
which represents a 45 minute increase over the current requirement. As
an initial matter, a Reliability Standard should set forth substantive
compliance obligations in the ``Requirements'' section of the
Reliability Standard, and not in the ``Compliance Measures'' section.
Moreover, we believe that there is no need for a provision of regional
Reliability Standard that simply restates the requirement of a
corresponding continent-wide Reliability Standard. This is unnecessary,
duplicative, and potentially confusing if the regional Reliability
Standard is intended to create the same obligation as the continent-
wide Reliability Standard. Instead, the regional Reliability Standard
should remain silent with regard to any such requirements, and possibly
cross-reference the corresponding continent-wide Reliability Standard
as appropriate.
39. The only justification offered by NERC for the extension of the
reserve restoration period to match the continent-wide Reliability
Standard is the adoption of the e-tagging system by entities in the
Western Interconnection. The e-tagging system is an efficient tool used
for day-ahead and hour-ahead market accounting and as input for day-
ahead and hour-ahead transfer capability analysis of scheduled
interchange transactions and development of day-ahead and hour-ahead
capacity and energy resource schedules. Proposing to adapt reliability
requirements to resolve problems extending from software to the extent
it is intended to better enable economic transactions is not a
technical justification since it does not address any change in the
need for the reliability requirement. Extending the contingency reserve
restoration period from 60 minutes to 105 minutes increases exposure to
unstable operating conditions. Although adoption of the e-tagging
system may result in more efficient communication among transmission
operators and balancing authorities for day-ahead and hour-ahead
scheduling, this fact alone does not appear sufficient to justify the
extension of the reserve restoration period.
40. Although NERC BAL-002-0 provides for a 90-minute contingency
restoration period, WECC explained in 2007 that it needed a shortened
contingency restoration period to ensure the reliability of the Bulk-
Power System in the Western Interconnection. In its March 2007 petition
for approval of the currently effective WECC regional Reliability
Standard, NERC presented arguments from WECC that its experience in the
1996 blackouts led to an analysis of essential criteria to ensure the
reliability of the Bulk-Power System in the Western Interconnection
and, as a result, WECC developed more stringent requirements as it
relates to this issue for the region.\48\ The proposal in the immediate
proceeding, however, offers marketing or administrative reasons for
increasing the contingency reserve restoration period. NERC does not
provide a technical justification regarding how this proposed
modification adequately ensures the reliability of the Bulk-Power
System in the Western Interconnection. We encourage Regional Entities
periodically to reevaluate their need for regional Reliability
Standards. However, when a Regional Entity proposes to modify a
regional Reliability Standard it previously claimed was necessary to
maintain reliability in that region by adopting less stringent
requirements, the Regional Entity must demonstrate that the modified
requirements are sufficient to maintain reliability in the region.
\48\ NERC, March 26, 2007 Petition Proposing Current Regional
Reliability Standard, Docket No. RR07-11-000, at 4-5.
41. It appears to the Commission that the proposed modification set
forth in Measure M1 may weaken the reliability of the Bulk-Power System
in the Western Interconnection. Accordingly, the Commission proposes to
remand BAL-002-WECC-1 and to direct WECC to either: (1) Retain the
current 60-minute rule; or (2) provide technical justification and
supporting data demonstrating how WECC will maintain adequate
reliability with the proposed 105-minute reserve restoration period.
The regional entity could provide a variety of technical justifications
to support this modification. For example, WECC could perform a
statistically significant analysis of the level of risk associated with
the conditions using the 60-minute reserve restoration period as
compared to the projected level of risk associated with the proposed
90-minute restoration period. The analysis must demonstrate that the
proposed revisions do not expose entities within the Western
Interconnection to a level of risk that is greater than the level of
risk accepted by entities operating under the requirements of the
continent-wide NERC Reliability Standard, taking into account the
specific electrical characteristics and topology of the Western
Interconnection. Alternatively, WECC could perform model simulations,
representative of all operating conditions, showing how the system
would deploy contingency reserves after a first contingency (n-1) and,
prior to restoration of the reserves, apply a second contingency (n-1-
1) to determine if the system will stabilize. Based on comments made by
the Reliability Standards drafting team, submitted as part of the
development record in Exhibit C to the NERC petition, the Commission
believes that NERC should be able to provide this
[[Page 14110]]
information without any undue burden.\49\
\49\ NERC Petition, Exhibit C at p. 24 (stating that ``the WECC
Performance Work Group performed studies in 2005 that show little if
any increase in risk to the system by changing the restoration
period to the NERC time''). The referenced studies, however, are not
part of the record in this proceeding.
D. Including Demand-Side Management as a Resource
42. In Order No. 693, the Commission directed the ERO to submit a
modification to continent-wide Reliability Standard BAL-002-0 that
includes a Requirement that explicitly allows that demand-side
management be used as a resource for contingency reserves, and
clarifies that demand-side management should be treated on a comparable
basis and must meet similar technical requirements as other resources
providing this service.\50\ The Commission directed the ERO to list the
types of resources that can be used to meet contingency reserves to
provide users, owners and operators of the Bulk-Power System a set of
options to meet contingency reserves.\51\ The Commission clarified that
the purpose of this directive was to ensure comparable treatment of
demand-side management with conventional generation or any other
technology and to allow demand-side management to be considered as a
resource for contingency reserves on this basis without requiring the
use of any particular contingency reserve option.\52\ The Commission
further clarified that in order for demand-side management to
participate, it must be technically capable of providing contingency
reserve service, with the ERO determining the technical
\50\ Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System,
Order No. 693, 72 FR 16416 (Apr. 4, 2007), FERC Stats. & Regs. ]
31,242, at P 330 (2007), order on reh'g, Order No. 693-A, 120 FERC ]
61,053 (2007).
\51\ Id. P 331, 335.
\52\ Id. P 333.
\53\ Id. P 334.
1. BAL-002-WECC-1
WECC Proposal
43. The proposed regional Reliability Standard does not explicitly
address the use of demand side management as a resource for contingency
reserves. NERC states that it raised this concern with WECC, and WECC
responded that the drafting team wrote the regional Reliability
Standard ``to permit load, Demand-Side Management, generation, or
another resource technology that qualifies as Spinning Reserve or
Contingency Reserve to be used as such.'' WECC further explained that
demand-side management that is deployable within ten minutes is a
subset of interruptible load, which is an acceptable type of reserve
set forth in proposed Requirement R3.2.\54\
\54\ NERC Petition at 40.
NOPR Proposal
44. While WECC indicates that the phrase ``interruptible load'' is
intended to include demand-side management as contingency reserve, we
believe that the regional Reliability Standard should state this
explicitly, consistent with Order No. 693. Accordingly, pursuant to
section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, we propose to direct WECC to develop a
modification to BAL-002-WECC-1 that explicitly provides that demand-
side management, that is technically capable of providing this service,
may be used as a resource for contingency reserves. Consistent with the
Commission's directive in Order No. 693, the modification should list
the types of resources, including demand-side management, which can be
used to meet contingency reserves. The modification should also ensure
comparable treatment of demand-side management with conventional
generation or any other technology and allow demand-side management to
be considered as a resource for contingency reserves on this basis
without requiring the use of any particular contingency reserve option.
45. In addition, there appears to be a conflict related to the
definition of Spinning Reserve as it is used in the proposed regional
Reliability Standard. Requirement R3.1 provides that Spinning Reserves
may be used to meet the minimum contingency reserve requirement. The
NERC Glossary defines Spinning Reserves as ``[u]nloaded generation that
is synchronized and ready to serve additional demand.'' This definition
omits the use of demand-side management or other technologies that
could be used as a resource because it limits acceptable Spinning
Reserve resources to generation resources. An alternative definition of
spinning reserves exists in the NERC Glossary as Operating Reserve--
Spinning, which includes as part of the definition of Operating
Reserve, ``load fully removable from the system within the Disturbance
Recovery Period following the contingency event.'' Thus, this second
definition would capture the use of demand-side management as a
resource in the calculation of spinning reserve because it allows
entities to include reductions in load as spinning reserve resources.
Furthermore, the definition of Operating Reserve-Spinning is consistent
with our instruction on the continent-wide Reliability Standard as
discussed in Order No. 693.\55\ Accordingly, we propose to direct the
Regional Entity to develop a modification to the regional Reliability
Standard that references this broader definition of spinning reserve to
include demand-side management.
\55\ Order No. 693, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,242 at P 333
(indicating that NERC's continent-wide Reliability Standard should
provide for the inclusion of other technologies that may be able to
provide contingency reserves, including demand-side management). The
Commission understands that NERC is currently developing
modifications to BAL-002-0 that will, inter alia, address relevant
directives set forth in Order No. 693.
2. NERC Glossary
46. As discussed above, the NERC Glossary offers two definitions of
spinning reserve: Spinning Reserve and Operating Reserve-Spinning. The
definition of Spinning Reserve does not include demand-side management
as a resource, whereas the definition of Operating Reserve-Spinning
does. Considering that the term Spinning Reserve is not used in any
approved Reliability Standard other than the current regional
Reliability Standard, WECC-BAL-STD-002-0, the Commission proposes to
direct NERC to remove this term from the NERC Glossary upon retirement
of the current regional Reliability Standard.
47. Although the definitions of Operating Reserve-Spinning and
Operating Reserve-Supplemental both include ``[l]oad fully removable
from the system within the Disturbance Recovery Period following the
contingency event,'' which is broad enough to include demand-side
management, demand-side management should still be explicitly included.
Consistent with Order No. 693, the proposed directive to remove the
term Spinning Reserve from the NERC Glossary would promote comparable
treatment of demand-side management with conventional generation or any
other technology and to allow demand-side management to be considered
as a resource for operating reserves on this basis without requiring
the use of any particular operating reserve option.\56\ Moreover, in
order for demand-side management or any other technology to be used as
a spinning reserve resource, it must be technically capable of
providing operating reserve service.\57\ Accordingly, the Commission
proposes to direct the ERO to develop modifications to the definitions
of Operating Reserve-Spinning and
[[Page 14111]]
Operating Reserve-Supplemental to provide for the inclusion of other
technologies that could reliably contribute to operating reserves,
including demand-side management.\58\
\56\ See id.
\57\ See id. P 334.
\58\ The Commission recognizes that there may be regional
limitations on the amount of demand-side management, or other
technically capable resources, that can be reliably employed. Any
modifications proposed to the Commission must allow regional
discretion to make this determination based on the technical issues
inherent to those regions.
IV. Information Collection Statement
48. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations require
that OMB approve certain reporting and recordkeeping (collections of
information) imposed by an agency.\59\ The information contained here
is also subject to review under section 3507(d) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.\60\ By remanding the proposed Reliability
Standard the Commission is maintaining the status quo until future
revisions to the Reliability Standard are approved by the Commission.
Thus, the Commission's proposed action does not add to or increase
entities' reporting burden.
\59\ 5 CFR 1320.11.
\60\ 44 U.S.C. 3507(d).
V. Environmental Analysis
49. The Commission is required to prepare an Environmental
Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement for any action that may
have a significant adverse effect on the human environment.\61\ The
Commission has categorically excluded certain actions from this
requirement as not having a significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion are rules that are clarifying,
corrective, or procedural or that do not substantially change the
effect of the regulations being amended.\62\ The actions proposed
herein fall within this categorical exclusion in the Commission's
\61\ Regulations Implementing the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969, Order No. 486, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 30,783 (1987).
\62\ 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii).
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
50. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) \63\ generally
requires a description and analysis of final rules that will have
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
The RFA mandates consideration of regulatory alternatives that
accomplish the stated objectives of a proposed rule and that minimize
any significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities. The Small Business Administration's Office of Size Standards
develops the numerical definition of a small business.\64\ For electric
utilities, a firm is small if, including affiliates, it is primaril