Missouri & Valley Park Railroad Corporation-Discontinuance of Service Exemption-in St Louis County, MO, 13808-13809 [2010-6380]
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 23, 2010 / Notices
Instructions: Identify the docket
number, PHMSA–2010–0088 at the
beginning of your comments. Note that
all comments received will be posted
without change to https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided. You
should know that anyone is able to
search the electronic form of all
comments received into any of our
dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
Therefore, you may want to review
DOT’s complete Privacy Act Statement
in the Federal Register published on
April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477) or visit
https://www.regulations.gov before
submitting any such comments.
Docket: For access to the docket or to
read background documents or
comments, go to https://
www.regulations.gov at any time or to
Room W12–140 on the ground level of
the West Building, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC, between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays. If you
wish to receive confirmation of receipt
of your written comments, please
include a self-addressed, stamped
postcard with the following statement:
‘‘Comments on PHMSA–2010–0088.’’
The Docket Clerk will date-stamp the
postcard prior to returning it to you via
the U.S. mail. Please note that due to
delays in the delivery of U.S. mail to
Federal offices in Washington, DC, we
recommend that persons consider an
alternative method (Internet, fax, or
professional delivery service) of
submitting comments to the docket and
ensuring their timely receipt at DOT.
Cameron Satterthwaite by telephone at
202–366–1319, by fax at 202–366–4566,
or by mail at U.S. Department of
Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., PHP–30,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
1320.8(d), Title 5, Code of Federal
Regulations requires PHMSA to provide
interested members of the public and
affected agencies an opportunity to
comment on information collection and
recordkeeping requests. This notice
identifies an information collection
request that PHMSA will be submitting
to OMB for renewal and extension. This
information collection is contained in
the pipeline safety regulations at 49 CFR
parts 190–199. The following
information is provided for each
information collection: (1) Title of the
information collection; (2) OMB control
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number; (3) type of request; (4) abstract
of the information collection activity; (5)
description of affected public; (6)
estimate of total annual reporting and
recordkeeping burden; and (7)
frequency of collection. PHMSA will
request a three-year term of approval for
each information collection activity.
PHMSA requests comments on the
following information collection:
Title: Pipeline Safety: New Reporting
Requirements for Hazardous Liquid
Pipeline Operators: Hazardous Liquid
Annual Report.
OMB Control Number: 2137–0614.
Type of Request: Renewal of a
currently approved information
Abstract: Operators of hazardous
liquid pipelines must prepare and file
annual reports regarding the condition
of their systems. The data provides the
basis for more efficient and meaningful
analyses of the safety status of
hazardous liquid pipelines. PHMSA
uses the information to compile a
national pipeline inventory, identify
and determine the scope of safety
problems, and target inspections.
Affected Public: Operators of
hazardous liquid pipelines.
Estimated number of responses: 447.
Estimated annual burden hours: 5,364
Frequency of collection: Annually.
It should be noted that this
information collection, which includes
the Hazardous Liquid Annual Report
(PHMSA F 7000–1), is being revised in
a rulemaking titled: Pipeline Safety:
Updates to Pipeline and Liquefied
Natural Gas Reporting Requirements
(One Rule). The Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking for the One Rule was
published in the Federal Register on
July 2, 2009 (74 FR 31675) and
comments were submitted to Docket No.
PHMSA–2008–0291. The purpose of
this notice is only for an extension of
the currently approved referenced
information collection with no
Issued in Washington, DC, on March 18,
Jeffrey D. Wiese,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 2010–6360 Filed 3–22–10; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Surface Transportation Board
[STB Docket No. AB–1057X]
Missouri & Valley Park Railroad
Corporation—Discontinuance of
Service Exemption—in St Louis
County, MO
On March 3, 2010, Missouri & Valley
Park Railroad Corporation (MVPR) 1
filed with the Surface Transportation
Board a petition under 49 U.S.C. 10502
for exemption from the provisions of 49
U.S.C. 10903 to discontinue service over
3.5 miles of rail lines owned by BNSF
located on the south side of BNSF’s
Cuba Subdivision between milepost
18.36 and milepost 20.50, near West
Valley Park, St. Louis County, MO.2 The
lines traverse U.S. Postal Service Zip
Code 63088, and include no stations.3
According to MVPR, the lines do not
contain any Federally granted rights-ofway. Any documentation in MVPR’s
possession will be made available
promptly to those requesting it.
MVPR proposes to discontinue
service over these lines, which
constitute its entire operations. When
issuing discontinuance authority for
railroad lines that constitute the
carrier’s entire system, the Board does
not impose labor protection, except in
specifically enumerated circumstances.
See Northampton and Bath R. Co.—
Abandonment, 354.I.C.C. 784, 785–86
(1978) (Northampton). Therefore, if the
Board grants the petition for exemption,
in the absence of a showing that one or
more of the exceptions articulated in
Northampton are present, no labor
protective conditions would be
By issuance of this notice, the Board
is instituting an exemption proceeding
pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10502(b). A final
decision will be issued by June 21,
Any offer of financial assistance
(OFA) under 49 CFR 1152.27(b)(2) to
1 MVPR leased the lines from BNSF Railway
Company (BNSF) in 2002. See Missouri & Valley
Park Railroad Corporation—Lease Exemption—The
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway
Company, STB Finance Docket No. 34231 (STB
served Aug. 5, 2002) (MVPR lease). According to
MVPR, upon the expiration of MVPR’s lease, BNSF
leased the lines to Burlington Shortline Railroad,
Inc. d/b/a Burlington Junction Railway, which
commenced operations on the lines on January 30,
2010. See Burlington Shortline Railroad, Inc.
d/b/a Burlington Junction Railway—Lease and
Operation Exemption—BNSF Railway Company,
STB Finance Docket No. 35333 (STB served Dec.
31, 2009).
2 In MVPR lease, the length of the lines was
described as 2.14 miles. According to MVPR, the
lines are actually 3.5 miles in length.
3 On March 12, 2010, MVPR supplemented its
petition with station information.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 23, 2010 / Notices
subsidize continued rail service will be
due no later than 10 days after service
of a decision granting the petition for
exemption. Each offer must be
accompanied by a $1,500 filing fee. See
49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25).4
All filings in response to this notice
must refer to STB Docket No. AB–
1057X, and must be sent to: (1) Surface
Transportation Board, 395 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20423–0001; and (2)
Karl Morell, Of Counsel, Ball Janik LLP,
1455 F Street, NW., Suite 225,
Washington, DC 20005. Replies to the
petition are due on or before April 12,
Persons seeking further information
concerning discontinuance procedures
may contact the Board’s Office of Public
Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and
Compliance at (202) 245–0230 or refer
to the full abandonment and
discontinuance regulations at 49 CFR
part 1152. Questions concerning
environmental issues may be directed to
the Board’s Section of Environmental
Analysis (SEA) at (202) 245–0305.
Assistance for the hearing impaired is
available through the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at https://
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Andrea Pope-Matheson,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2010–6380 Filed 3–22–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Highway Administration
[FHWA Docket No. FHWA–2010–0010]
Reclassification of Motorcycles (Two
and Three Wheeled Vehicles) in the
Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics
AGENCY: Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice, request for comments.
Electronic Access and Filing
This Notice proposes to
update FHWA’s guidance regarding
State reporting of motorcycle
registration information disseminated to
the public in FHWA’s annual
publication Guide to Reporting Highway
Statistics. The intent of these actions is
to improve FHWA’s motorcycle
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
4 Because this is a discontinuance proceeding and
not an abandonment, trail use/rail banking and
public use conditions are not appropriate.
Similarly, no environmental or historic
documentation is required under 49 CFR
1105.6(c)(2) and 1105.8.
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registration data to assist in the analysis
of crash data relating to these vehicles.
Thus, it is critical that the motorcycle
registration data collected and
published by FHWA is accurate,
comprehensive, and timely. FHWA’s
Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics
(Guide) is the guide by which FHWA
instructs States on selected data
required by FHWA to perform its
mission of informing Congress, the
highway community, and the general
public on a wide variety of highway
extent, condition, use, and performance
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before 90 days after date of
publication in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Mail or hand deliver
comments to the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Dockets Management
Facility, Room W12–140, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC
20590, or submit electronically at
https://www.regulations.gov. All
comments should include the docket
number that appears in the heading of
this document. All comments received
will be available for examination and
copying at the above address from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m., e.t., Monday through
Friday, except Federal Holidays. Those
desiring notification of receipt of
comments must include a selfaddressed, stamped postcard or you
may print the acknowledgment page
that appears after submitting comments
Ralph Erickson, Highway Funding and
Motor Fuels Team Leader, Office of
Policy, HPPI–10, (202) 366–9235, or
Adam Sleeter, Office of the Chief
Counsel, (202) 366–8839, Federal
Highway Administration, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC
20590. Office hours are from 7:45 a.m.
to 4:15 p.m. e.t., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
You may submit or retrieve comments
online through the Federal Docket
Management System at: https://
www.regulations.gov. Regulations.gov is
available 24 hours each day, 365 days
each year. Electronic submission and
retrieval help and guidelines are
available under the help section of the
Web site.
An electronic copy of this document
may also be downloaded from the Office
of the Federal Register’s home page at:
and the Government Printing Office’s
Web page at: https://www.gpoaccess.gov.
PO 00000
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All comments received before the
close of business on the comment
closing date indicated above will be
considered and will be available for
examination in the docket at the above
address. Comments received after the
comment closing date will be filed in
the docket and will be considered to the
extent practicable. In addition to late
comments, the FHWA will also
continue to file relevant information in
the docket as it becomes available after
the comment period closing date and
interested persons should continue to
examine the docket for new material.
FHWA has collected motorcycle
registration data since 1914. In the last
few years, however, the population of
motorcycles and related vehicle types
has risen dramatically. Additionally,
there has been an increase in motorcycle
crashes due to factors including, but not
limited to, rider inexperience, rider
impairment, decreased use of helmets,
and increased motorcycle use.
Data from the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration’s
(NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting
System (FARS) 1 indicates that in 2008,
motorcycle rider fatalities increased for
the eleventh consecutive year: From
2,116 in 1997 to 5,290 in 2008, an
increase of 150 percent. Other trends
include a dramatic rise in motorcycle
ownership and changes in other factors
such as motorcycle size and new
designs for these vehicles. However, this
increase in fatality data is
disproportionate to reported increases
in motorcycle registration and in
reported miles traveled. Due to this
disconnect, safety advocates have
encouraged improving the data
collection process in order to better
analyze and identify rider exposure and
crash causality.
On October 3, 2007, the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
sent a letter to FHWA containing an
NTSB Safety Recommendation H–07–
34, which States:
Following the 2007 Motorcycle Travel
Symposium, develop guidelines for the
States to use to gather accurate motorcycle
registrations and motorcycle vehicle miles of
travel data. The guidelines should include
information on the various methods to collect
registrations and vehicle miles traveled data
and how these methods can be put into
FHWA is committed to improving
both sets of data. This notice addresses
the NTSB recommendation to gather
1 FARS data can be viewed on the following Web
site: https://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Main/
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 55 (Tuesday, March 23, 2010)]
[Pages 13808-13809]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-6380]
Surface Transportation Board
[STB Docket No. AB-1057X]
Missouri & Valley Park Railroad Corporation--Discontinuance of
Service Exemption--in St Louis County, MO
On March 3, 2010, Missouri & Valley Park Railroad Corporation
(MVPR) \1\ filed with the Surface Transportation Board a petition under
49 U.S.C. 10502 for exemption from the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 10903 to
discontinue service over 3.5 miles of rail lines owned by BNSF located
on the south side of BNSF's Cuba Subdivision between milepost 18.36 and
milepost 20.50, near West Valley Park, St. Louis County, MO.\2\ The
lines traverse U.S. Postal Service Zip Code 63088, and include no
\1\ MVPR leased the lines from BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) in
2002. See Missouri & Valley Park Railroad Corporation--Lease
Exemption--The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company, STB
Finance Docket No. 34231 (STB served Aug. 5, 2002) (MVPR lease).
According to MVPR, upon the expiration of MVPR's lease, BNSF leased
the lines to Burlington Shortline Railroad, Inc. d/b/a Burlington
Junction Railway, which commenced operations on the lines on January
30, 2010. See Burlington Shortline Railroad, Inc. d/b/a Burlington
Junction Railway--Lease and Operation Exemption--BNSF Railway
Company, STB Finance Docket No. 35333 (STB served Dec. 31, 2009).
\2\ In MVPR lease, the length of the lines was described as 2.14
miles. According to MVPR, the lines are actually 3.5 miles in
\3\ On March 12, 2010, MVPR supplemented its petition with
station information.
According to MVPR, the lines do not contain any Federally granted
rights-of-way. Any documentation in MVPR's possession will be made
available promptly to those requesting it.
MVPR proposes to discontinue service over these lines, which
constitute its entire operations. When issuing discontinuance authority
for railroad lines that constitute the carrier's entire system, the
Board does not impose labor protection, except in specifically
enumerated circumstances. See Northampton and Bath R. Co.--Abandonment,
354.I.C.C. 784, 785-86 (1978) (Northampton). Therefore, if the Board
grants the petition for exemption, in the absence of a showing that one
or more of the exceptions articulated in Northampton are present, no
labor protective conditions would be imposed.
By issuance of this notice, the Board is instituting an exemption
proceeding pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10502(b). A final decision will be
issued by June 21, 2010.
Any offer of financial assistance (OFA) under 49 CFR 1152.27(b)(2)
[[Page 13809]]
subsidize continued rail service will be due no later than 10 days
after service of a decision granting the petition for exemption. Each
offer must be accompanied by a $1,500 filing fee. See 49 CFR
\4\ Because this is a discontinuance proceeding and not an
abandonment, trail use/rail banking and public use conditions are
not appropriate. Similarly, no environmental or historic
documentation is required under 49 CFR 1105.6(c)(2) and 1105.8.
All filings in response to this notice must refer to STB Docket No.
AB-1057X, and must be sent to: (1) Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20423-0001; and (2) Karl Morell, Of
Counsel, Ball Janik LLP, 1455 F Street, NW., Suite 225, Washington, DC
20005. Replies to the petition are due on or before April 12, 2010.
Persons seeking further information concerning discontinuance
procedures may contact the Board's Office of Public Assistance,
Governmental Affairs, and Compliance at (202) 245-0230 or refer to the
full abandonment and discontinuance regulations at 49 CFR part 1152.
Questions concerning environmental issues may be directed to the
Board's Section of Environmental Analysis (SEA) at (202) 245-0305.
Assistance for the hearing impaired is available through the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at https://www.stb.dot.gov.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell, Director, Office of
Andrea Pope-Matheson,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2010-6380 Filed 3-22-10; 8:45 am]