James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant; Exemption, 13323-13327 [2010-6069]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 53 / Friday, March 19, 2010 / Notices
Statement for License Renewal of
Nuclear Plants, Supplement 35
Regarding Susquehanna Steam Electric
Station, Units 1 and 2 Final Report,’’
dated March 2009.
[FR Doc. 2010–6055 Filed 3–18–10; 8:45 am]
Agencies and Persons Consulted
In accordance with its stated policy,
on February 17, 2010, the NRC staff
consulted with the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania State official, Larry
Winker of the Department of
Environmental Protection/Bureau of
Radiation Protection, regarding the
environmental impact of the proposed
action. The State official had no
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Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental
assessment, the NRC concludes that the
proposed action will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the
human environment. Accordingly, the
NRC has determined not to prepare an
environmental impact statement for the
proposed action.
For further details with respect to the
proposed action, see the licensee’s letter
dated December 3, 2009, as
supplemented by letters dated January
8, 2010, and January 29, 2010. Portions
of the letter dated December 3, 2009, as
supplemented by letters dated January 8
and January 29, 2010, contain security
sensitive information and, accordingly,
are withheld from public disclosure in
accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. The
redacted versions of the December 3,
2009, as supplemented by letters dated
January 8 and January 29, 2010,
(Agencywide Documents Access and
Management System (ADAMS)
Accession Number ML093410632,
ML100120657, and ML100330085,
respectively), may be examined, and/or
copied for a fee, at the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR), located at One
White Flint North, Public File Area O–
F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor),
Rockville, Maryland. Publicly available
records will be accessible electronically
from the ADAMS Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the
NRC Web site, https://www.nrc.gov/
Persons who do not have access to
ADAMS or who encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff by telephone at 1–800–
397–4209 or 301–415–4737, or send an
e-mail to pdr.resource@nrc.gov.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 15th day
of March 2010.
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For The Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Bhalchandra K. Vaidya,
Project Manager, Plant Licensing Branch I–
1, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[Docket No. 50–333; NRC–2010–0095]
James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power
Plant; Exemption
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (the
licensee) is the holder of Facility
Operating License No. DPR–59, which
authorizes operation of the James A.
FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
(JAFNPP). The license provides, among
other things, that the facility is subject
to all rules, regulations, and orders of
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC, the Commission) now or hereafter
in effect.
The facility consists of a boiling-water
reactor located in Oswego County in
New York State.
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR), Part 50, Section
50.48, requires that nuclear power
plants that were licensed before January
1, 1979, satisfy the requirements of 10
CFR Part 50, Appendix R, ‘‘Fire
Protection Program for Nuclear Power
Facilities Operating Prior to January 1,
1979,’’ Section III.G, ‘‘Fire protection of
safe shutdown capability.’’ JAFNPP was
licensed to operate prior to January 1,
1979. As such, the licensee’s Fire
Protection Program (FPP) must provide
the established level of protection as
intended by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix
R, and Section III.G.
By letter dated February 18, 2009,
‘‘Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50
Appendix R Section III.G.2
Requirements Based on Manual
Actions,’’ (Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS) Accession No.
ML090860980), as supplemented by
letter dated March 30, 2009, ‘‘James A.
FitzPatrick Nuclear Power PlantResponse to Request for Information
Required for Acceptance Review
Regarding: Request for Exemption’’
(ADAMS Accession No. ML091320387),
the licensee requested an exemption for
the JAFNPP from certain technical
requirements of 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, Section III.G.2 (III.G.2) for
the use of an operator manual action
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(OMA) in lieu of meeting the circuit
separation and protection requirements
contained in III.G.2 for Fire Area 10 at
the plant.
In response to the NRC staff’s requests
for additional information (RAI), the
licensee provided supplemental
information by letters dated November
17, 2009, (ADAMS Accession No.
ML093270075), December 11, 2009,
(ADAMS Accession No. ML093520408),
and January 19, 2010 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML100210195).
3.0 Discussion
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the
Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own
initiative, grant exemptions from the
requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 when:
(1) The exemptions are authorized by
law, will not present an undue risk to
public health or safety, and are
consistent with the common defense
and security; and (2) when special
circumstances are present. The licensee
has stated that special circumstances are
present in that the application of the
regulation in this particular
circumstance is not necessary to achieve
the underlying purpose of the rule,
which is consistent with the language
included in 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii).
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.48(b),
nuclear power plants licensed before
January 1, 1979, are required to meet
Section III.G, of 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R. The underlying purpose of
10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, and
Section III.G is to ensure that the ability
to achieve and maintain safe shutdown
is preserved following a fire event. The
regulation intends for licensees to
accomplish this by extending the
concept of defense-in-depth to:
(1) Prevent fires from starting;
(2) Rapidly detect, control, and
extinguish promptly those fires that do
(3) Provide protection for structures,
systems, and components important to
safety so that a fire that is not promptly
extinguished by the fire suppression
activities will not prevent the safe
shutdown of the plant.
The stated purpose of 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, Section III.G.2 (III.G.2) is to
ensure that one of the redundant trains
necessary to achieve and maintain hot
shutdown conditions remains free of
fire damage in the event of a fire. III.G.2
requires one of the following means to
ensure that a redundant train of safe
shutdown cables and equipment is free
of fire damage, where redundant trains
are located in the same fire area outside
of primary containment:
a. Separation of cables and equipment
by a fire barrier having a 3-hour rating;
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b. Separation of cables and equipment
by a horizontal distance of more that 20
feet with no intervening combustibles or
fire hazards and with fire detectors and
an automatic fire suppression system
installed in the fire area; or
c. Enclosure of cables and equipment
of one redundant train in a fire barrier
having a 1-hour rating and with fire
detectors and an automatic fire
suppression system installed in the fire
Entergy has requested an exemption
from the requirements of III.G.2 for
JAFNPP to the extent that one of the
redundant trains of systems necessary to
achieve and maintain hot shutdown is
not maintained free of fire damage in
accordance with one of the required
means, for a fire occurring in Fire Area
10 in the Reactor Building. In their
November 17, 2009, response to the
NRC’s RAI–02 the licensee specifically
stated that, ‘‘JAFNPP does not comply
with any of the methods provided and
relies on an OMA to operate the SRVs
from the Local SRV Control Panel for a
fire in Fire Area 10. In addition, Fire
Area 10 does not have a full area
automatic suppression system.’’ In
summary, JAFNPP does not meet the
requirements of III.G.2 for a fire in Fire
Area 10 and an OMA may be necessary
to achieve and maintain hot shutdown
capability. The licensee also stated in
their November 17, 2009, letter that the
only credible fire scenario that would
result in loss of the redundant cables
involved a fire in one of the motor
control cabinets (MCCs), which are
located nominally 6 feet, measured
horizontally, from the stack of trays
containing the control cables. In
addition to the horizontal offset, the
bottom tray in the stack is located
approximately 9 feet, measured
vertically, above the MCCs.
For a fire in Fire Area 10, JAFNPP
assumes the High-Pressure Coolant
Injection (HPCI) and Reactor Core
Injection Cooling (RCIC)) systems are
both lost in addition to one side of the
control and power cables for the main
steam safety relief valves (SRVs) (the
‘‘A’’ division cables for the SRV X1
solenoids) which would be used with
the Automatic Depressurization System
(ADS) in conjunction with either Core
Spray (CS) or Residual Heat Removal—
Low-Pressure Coolant Injection (RHR–
LPCI) to achieve and maintain hot
shutdown. Control cables for all these
systems are located in the same cable
tray. The operation of these SRVs is
necessary in the event of a fire in this
area. In the event that the safe shutdown
equipment including the redundant
trains of SRVs are lost due to a fire in
Fire Area 10, the licensee has indicated
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that the implementation of the OMA
procedure will provide the necessary
assurance that safe shutdown capability
is maintained. The OMA procedure
directs operators to operate an
alternative SRV panel located in Fire
Area 8, which is located adjacent to Fire
Area 10.
The licensee has described in their
initial request, and subsequent
documents, elements of their fire
protection program that provide their
justification that the concept of defensein-depth that is in place in Fire Area 10
is consistent with that intended by the
regulation. To accomplish this, the
licensee provides various forms of
protection in order to maintain the
concept of defense-in-depth. The
licensee’s approach is discussed below.
3.1 Fire Prevention
The licensee has stated that it has an
administrative controls program in
place to strictly control ignition sources
and transient combustibles for Fire Area
10. Controls are also in place to ensure
fire barrier breaches are tracked and that
compensatory measures are established
in accordance with the Technical
Requirements Manual (TRM). In
addition to these administrative
programs, the licensee has also stated
that there are no in situ combustible
materials, aside from the contents of the
MCCs and the cables within the same
stack of cable trays, within the
immediate vicinity of the hot shutdown
control cables in Fire Area 10. The
cables meet the requirements of Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE)–383, ‘‘Standard for Qualifying
Class 1E Electric Cable and Field
Splices for Nuclear Power Generating
Stations,’’ or they are equivalent to the
same, and they are thermoset, therefore
self-ignited cable fires and flame
propagation are not expected.
3.2 Detection, Control and
The licensee has stated that Fire Area
10 is separated from other fire areas
including Fire Areas 8 and 9, by 3-hour
rated fire barriers or water spray
curtains (installed in accordance with
National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) 13: Standard for the Installation
of Sprinkler Systems—1982 Edition),
which provides assurance that a fire in
Fire Area 10 will not propagate beyond
the boundaries of the fire area. Fire
rated barriers installed to separate Fire
Area 10 from surrounding fire areas
meet the design requirements of a 3hour fire rated barrier when tested in
accordance with the American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Standard E119, ‘‘Standard Test Methods
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for Fire Tests of Building Construction
and Material,’’ and deviations from these
designs have been evaluated by the
licensee and found to be acceptable
with regard to providing an equivalent
level of protection to what is intended
by the standards.
In addition, the licensee has indicated
that an ionization smoke detection
system (installed in accordance with
NFPA 72E: National Fire Alarm Code—
1978 Edition) is installed throughout the
entire Reactor Building with the
exception of the 369′6″ elevation and
below the removable hatchway cover on
the 300′ elevation. The lack of coverage
in these two areas is not expected to
impact the staff conclusions because, as
noted in their response to RAI–05 in
their November 17, 2009, letter, the
licensee stated that for the 300′
elevation ‘‘the deviation was determined
to be acceptable based on the other fire
protection features and the low
combustible loading in the area.’’ The
369′6″ elevation is above the 272′
elevation and a postulated fire event on
the 369′6″ elevation would not be
expected to impact equipment on lower
elevations in the Reactor Building. The
installed smoke detection systems on
lower elevations of the Reactor Building
are installed to detect and alert
operators of a fire event allowing
prompt commencement of fire brigade
operations for fires that could affect the
redundant train cables.
The Reactor Building has manual
hose stations installed in accordance
with NFPA 14–1978 Edition and
portable fire extinguishers installed in
accordance with NFPA 10–1990
Edition, which will enable for fire
brigade to effectively perform their
operations. The licensee has also stated
that all of the automatic and manual fire
protection features discussed above are
tested and maintained in accordance
with the guidance provided in the
respective NFPA standards and the
3.3 Preservation of Safe Shutdown
The licensee has indicated that the
postulated fire event for Fire Area 10
that could affect safe shutdown
capability would be from one of the
MCCs, which are located minimally 6
feet, measured horizontally, from the
stack of trays containing the control
cables of concern and that the bottom of
the stack is located approximately 9
feet, measured vertically, above the
MCCs. A fire in the MCCs would likely
either remain within the MCC enclosure
or be detected and extinguished before
any cable damage in the overhead cable
trays could occur. For fires that
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propagate beyond the MCC enclosure,
the heat and smoke would be dissipated
and stratified due to the large volume
and high ceiling of the space making the
exposure of cables to elevated
temperatures even less likely. JAFNPP
contends that these fire scenarios would
be detected early and that the fire
brigade would respond with manual fire
suppression to minimize the impact of
the fire.
The licensee also considered the
possibility of self ignited cable fires
however, the licensee deemed this
unlikely. Self ignited cable fires are not
postulated due to the fire retardant
properties of the thermoset cables
themselves (IEEE–383 qualified, or
equivalent) and the absence of power
cables in the same cable tray stack as
described in 2009 Updated Final Safety
Analysis Report, Section 8.5–3.
For a fire in Fire Area 10, JAFNPP
assumes the HPCI and RCIC systems are
both lost in addition to one side of the
control and power cables for the main
steam safety relief valves (SRVs) (the
‘‘A’’ division cables for the SRV X1
solenoids) which would be used with
the ADS in conjunction with either CS
or RHR–LPCI to achieve and maintain
hot shutdown. JAFNPP credits the ADS
in conjunction with either RHR–LPCI or
the CS system to achieve and maintain
hot shutdown for a fire occurring in Fire
Area 10, but procedurally directs
operators to perform an OMA to operate
the SRVs from outside the control room.
The OMA is comprised of traveling to
a Local SRV Panel and a sequence of
manipulations of the SRV X2 solenoids
at the panel.
JAFNPP has indicated that the
redundant control cables for the SRVs
are routed through Fire Areas 8 and 9
and that the redundant SRV power
cables are routed through Fire Areas 8,
9, and 17. The cables for the ‘‘B’’
division cables that serve the SRV X2
solenoids for redundant initiation of
reactor depressurization utilizing the
ADS in conjunction with a low pressure
emergency core cooling system (i.e. CS
or RHR–LPCI) are located outside Fire
Area 10. The manual operation of the
SRV X2 solenoids at the local SRV
Control Panel 02ADS–071 in Fire Area
8 is necessary in the event of a fire in
Fire Area 10. According to the licensee’s
February 18, 2009, letter, this panel was
installed as part of a modification to
comply with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix
R, Section III.G.3 (III.G.3). As such, this
panel is maintained in accordance with
the JAFNPP approved fire protection
Since the control cables associated
with the operation of the SRVs from the
Control Room (at Panel 09–4 for the X1
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solenoids) are assumed lost for a fire in
Fire Area 10, the safe shutdown
procedures also direct the operators to
isolate the electric lift function of the X1
solenoids from the Relay Room (to
prevent spurious operation) and that an
operator be dispatched to the Local SRV
Control Panel (02ADS–071) located in
Fire Area 8 to operate the SRVs as
directed by the shift manager. For a fire
in Fire Area 10, plant shutdown is
performed from the Control Room
which JAFNPP considers a normal plant
shutdown, except for operation of the
SRVs from the Local Control Panel in
Fire Area 8, which is considered the
OMA. The OMA for bypassing the SRV
X1 solenoids and for SRV operation at
the Local Control Panel are necessary to
achieve and maintain hot shutdown
conditions for the postulated fire event
in Fire Area 10.
Bases for Establishing Feasibility and
The licensee’s analysis addresses
factors such as environmental concerns,
equipment functionality and
accessibility, available indications,
communications, portable equipment,
personnel protection equipment,
procedures and training, staffing and
demonstrations. In its February 18,
2009, letter, the licensee stated that
environmental considerations such as
radiation levels, emergency lighting,
temperature and humidity conditions
and smoke and toxic gases were
evaluated and found to not represent a
negative impact on the operators’
abilities to complete the OMA.
The licensee’s analysis demonstrates
that there are no components present in
Fire Area 8 or Fire Area 10 that, due to
fire damage, would result in an
increased radiological hazard in the area
of the Local SRV Panel where the action
is to be completed. Since the Local SRV
Panel is part of JAFNPP’s alternate
shutdown strategy, there is adequate
emergency lighting provided along the
path between the Control Room and the
panel to ensure that operators can
perform the actions and there are two
travel paths, both independent of Fire
Area 10, available to access the panel.
Additionally, since Fire Area 8 is
separated from Fire Area 10 by water
curtains (installed in accordance with
NFPA 13—1982 Edition guidance) or 3hour fire rated barriers, fires would be
contained within Fire Area 10. Any
smoke and products of combustion that
may propagate into Fire Area 8 would
be dissipated due to the large volume
and high ceiling of the Reactor Building
areas. For these reasons, no personnel
protective equipment is relied upon
when performing this action.
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The licensee has also stated that the
Local SRV Panel is located at the floor
level in an open area of the plant that
is normally accessible and that while
the panel is locked at all times, all shift
operators carry keys to access the panel.
Aside from these keys, no other tools or
equipment are required to perform the
action. Once operators access the panel,
they manipulate a breaker to energize
the panel and then each SRV can be
operated by a switch when requested by
the Shift Manager. The OMA procedure
also contains steps for the operators to
place the electric lift function of the X1
solenoids in ‘‘BYPASS’’ to prevent
spurious operation prior to dispatching
an operator to the Local SRV Panel to
operate the SRVs as directed by the
Shift Manager. Operators are in constant
communication with the Control Room
throughout the procedure via a headset
and dedicated shutdown
communication system that is
maintained at the Local SRV Panel.
The steps necessary to achieve and
maintain safe shutdown for a fire in Fire
Area 10 are contained in Abnormal
Operating Procedure (AOP)–28,
‘‘Operation During Plant Fires,’’
Attachment 5 and AOP–43, ‘‘Plant
Shutdown From Outside the Control
Room.’’ The procedure AOP–28 is
structured such that each fire area has
an individual attachment to provide
operators the necessary information to
achieve and maintain safe shutdown
during a fire. The licensee has also
stated that operators receive training on
AOP–28 and AOP–43, during initial
training and annually thereafter and that
operations staff also perform annual
walkthroughs of the safe shutdown
procedures. Additionally, only one
operator is required to complete the
action at the Local SRV Panel aside from
a control room operator who places the
electric lift function of the X1 solenoids
in ‘‘BYPASS’’ to prevent spurious
A scenario involving initiating
shutdown with decay heat removal by
ADS in conjunction with CS or RHR–
LPCI and Control Room abandonment
represents a more challenging scenario
than the postulated scenario involving a
fire event in Fire Area 10 because
Control Room abandonment is not
necessary. The licensee has stated that
the scenario involving Control Room
abandonment would result in a 30minute time to achieve hot shutdown
conditions but since the Control Room
is not abandoned for a fire in Fire Area
10, a 15-minute time for the operator to
get to the local panel in Fire Area 8 and
perform the requested OMA, as directed
by the Shift Manager, is conservative
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 53 / Friday, March 19, 2010 / Notices
especially given the 15-minute safety
JAFNPP indicates that the OMA
included in this review has been
evaluated and found to be feasible and
reliable. The OMA is feasible because
there is adequate time available for the
operator to perform the required manual
action to achieve and maintain hot
shutdown after a single fire. The
licensee’s analysis demonstrates that,
for the expected scenario, the OMA can
be diagnosed and executed in 15
minutes while the available time to
complete it is 30 minutes. The licensee’s
analysis also demonstrates that various
factors, as discussed above, have been
considered to address uncertainties in
estimating the time available.
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The action is reliable because the
licensee’s analysis demonstrates that
there is adequate time available to
account for uncertainties not only in
estimates of the time available, but also
in estimates of how long it takes to
diagnose and execute the operator
manual action (e.g., as based, at least in
part, on a plant demonstration of the
action under nonfire conditions). The
stated completion time of 15 minutes
provides reasonable assurance that the
OMA can reliably be performed under a
wide range of conceivable conditions by
different plant crews because it, in
conjunction with the 15-minute margin
and other installed fire protection
features, accounts for sources of
uncertainty such as variations in fire
and plant conditions, factors unable to
be recreated in demonstrations and
human-centered factors.
In summary, the defense-in-depth
concept for a fire in Fire Area 10
provides a level of safety that results in
the unlikely occurrence of fires, rapid
detection, control and extinguishment
of fires that do occur and the protection
of structures, systems and components
important to safety. As discussed above,
the licensee has provided preventative
and protective measures in addition to
a feasible and reliable OMA that
together demonstrate the licensee’s
ability to preserve or maintain safe
shutdown capability at JAFNPP in the
event of a fire in Fire Area 10.
Authorized by Law
This exemption would allow JAFNPP
to rely on an OMA, in conjunction with
the other installed fire protection
features, to ensure that at least one
means of achieving and maintaining hot
shutdown remains available during and
following a postulated fire event, as part
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of its fire protection program, in lieu of
meeting the requirements specified in
III.G.2 for a fire in Fire Area 10. As
stated above, 10 CFR 50.12 allows the
NRC to grant exemptions from the
requirements of 10 CFR Part 50. The
NRC staff has determined that granting
of the licensee’s proposed exemption
will not result in a violation of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,
or the Commission’s regulations.
Therefore, the exemption is authorized
by law.
4.0 Response to Comments From the
State of New York
In accordance with its stated policy
and the requirements of 10 CFR
51.30(a)(2), on May 4, 2009, the NRC
staff consulted with the New York State
official, at the New York State Energy
Research and Development Authority,
regarding the environmental impact of
the proposed action. The New York
State official provided following
comments by e-mail dated June 12, 2009
(ADAMS Accession No. ML091690397):
No Undue Risk to Public Health and
Public Notice and Opportunity To Request a
It appears that the requested action will
effectively amend the facility’s operating
license as well as the operative regulation, 10
CFR 50.48 and Appendix R to Part 50
Appendix R, Section III.G. Thus, regardless
of what words are used to refer to the
requested change, notice of the request
should be published in the Federal Register
and the public should be offered an
opportunity to comment on the
environmental impacts and request a hearing.
Such transparency and opportunity for
participation is consistent with the Atomic
Energy Act, the National Environmental
Policy Act, the Administrative Procedure
Act, the Federal Council on Environmental
Quality regulations, and the Commission’s
commitment to public participation in its
administrative matters.
The underlying purpose of 10 CFR
Part 50, Appendix R, Section III.G is to
ensure that at least one means of
achieving and maintaining hot
shutdown remains available during and
following a postulated fire event. Based
on the above, no new accident
precursors are created by the use of the
specific OMA, in conjunction with the
other installed fire protection features,
in response to a fire in Fire Area 10,
thus, the probability of postulated
accidents is not increased. Also based
on the above, the consequences of
postulated accidents are not increased.
Therefore, there is no undue risk to
public health and safety.
Consistent With Common Defense and
The proposed exemption would allow
JAFNPP to credit the use of the specific
OMA, in conjunction with the other
installed fire protection features, in
response to a fire in Fire Area 10 in lieu
of meeting the requirements specified in
III.G.2. This change, to the operation of
the plant, has no relation to security
issues. Therefore, the common defense
and security is not diminished by this
Special Circumstances
One of the special circumstances
described in 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) is
that the application of the regulation is
not necessary to achieve the underlying
purpose of the rule. The underlying
purpose of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R,
Section III.G is to ensure that at least
one means of achieving and maintaining
hot shutdown remains available during
and following a postulated fire event.
While the licensee does not comply
with the explicit requirements of III.G.2,
specifically, they do meet the
underlying purpose of 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, and Section III.G as a
whole. Therefore, special circumstances
exist that warrant the issuance of this
exemption as required by 10 CFR
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The Fire Safety Regulation
Specifically, paragraph III.G.2 of 10 CFR,
Appendix R requires that, where electrical
cables or equipment, including associated
non-safety circuits that could prevent
operation or cause maloperation [as a result
of hot shorts, open circuits, or shorts to
ground ] of redundant trains of systems
necessary to achieve and maintain hot
shutdown conditions are located within the
same fire area outside of primary
containment, one of the following means of
ensuring that one of the redundant trains is
free of fire damage shall be provided:
(a) Separation of cables and equipment by
a fire barrier having a 3-hour rating,
(b) Separation of cables and equipment by
a horizontal distance of more than 20 feet
with no intervening combustibles or fire
hazards and with fire detectors and an
automatic fire suppression system in the fire
area, and
(c) enclosure of cables and equipment in a
fire barrier having a 1-hour rating and with
fire detectors and an automatic fire
suppression system in the fire area.
Paragraph III.G.2 of Appendix R does not
list operator manual actions as a means of
ensuring that one of the redundant trains is
free of fire damage.
This regulation has been applicable since
November 1980 when it was promulgated by
the NRC. According to RIS 2006–10, in 2000,
the NRC implemented the Reactor Oversight
Process which included systematic
inspections of licensees’ safe shutdown
capability. During these inspections, fire
protection inspectors noticed that many
licensees had not upgraded or replaced
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 53 / Friday, March 19, 2010 / Notices
Regarding the comment concerning
‘‘Public Notice and Opportunity to
Request a Hearing,’’ the regulations
under 10 CFR 50.12, ‘‘Specific
exemptions’’ do not include comment
period and opportunity for a hearing.
The public can pursue other avenues,
such as petition for changes to the
regulatory framework to allow hearings
via the rulemaking process (10 CFR
2.802), or a petition for enforcement
action (10 CFR 2.206) where
stakeholders assert that license holders
are not meeting regulatory requirements.
The Proposed Operator Manual Action
According to the February 2009 filing, the
licensee relies upon an Operator Manual
Action that is not allowed per 10 CFR Part
50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2. Further, the
NRC has stated that manual actions are not
specifically authorized by Appendix R,
Section III.G.2.
If a fire were to occur, the manual action
proposed by the licensee requires an operator
to leave the control room, travel to a local
control panel located in the reactor building,
and then operate up to eleven (11) valves that
are essential for the depressurization system
and the emergency core cooling system.
Based on the submissions, it appears that it
could take up to fifteen minutes for an
operator to reach the local control panel in
the reactor building.
While it may be appropriate to regularize
and formalize the proposal to have an
employee manually operate the safety related
valves, the February 2009 application seeks
to do so in a way that avoids the opportunity
for the public to request a proceeding or
comment on potential environmental
impacts. Also, the application does not
appear to discuss the impact of the proposed
change on the defense and security of the
facility and host community, the feasibility of
the proposed change during a significant fire
event, or the cumulative effect of the
proposed change given the several previous
changes to the fire protection program at the
facility. It would seem appropriate to address
these issues via a public forum under the
AEA, APA, and NEPA before reaching any
final decision.
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Thermo-Lag 330–1 fire barrier material or
had not provided the required separation
distance between redundant safe shutdown
trains, in order to satisfy the requirements in
paragraph III.G.2 of Appendix R to 10 CFR
Part 50.
In the present situation, the licensee states
that the Safety Relief Valve electrical trains
or cables, which control the emergency
depressurization system, do not meet the
required minimum separation distances
prescribed in Appendix R. (The issue of fire
insulation material does not come in to play
here since the facility does not use significant
amounts of such insulation around electric
cables or trains.)
The NRC staff has reviewed the
comments provided by the State of New
York, dated June 12, 2009, on the fire
safety regulation and the proposed OMA
and has concluded that the
consideration or granting of the
requested exemption does not violate
the fire safety regulation or diminish the
level of safety that is present at JAFNPP.
Additionally, upon review of the
request, NRC staff has concluded that
the licensee is not solely reliant upon
the requested OMA for compliance with
the regulation and that the overall
defense-in-depth concept employed in
the specific fire area is consistent with
the underlying purpose of the fire safety
VerDate Nov<24>2008
14:14 Mar 18, 2010
Jkt 220001
Based on the all of the features of the
defense-in-depth concept discussed
above, the NRC staff concludes that the
use of the requested OMA, in this
particular instance and in conjunction
with the other installed fire protection
features, in lieu of strict compliance
with the requirements of III.G.2 is
consistent with the underlying purpose
of the rule. As such, the level of safety
present at JAFNPP is commensurate
with the established safety standards for
nuclear power plants.
Accordingly, the Commission has
determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR
50.12(a), the exemption is authorized by
law, will not present an undue risk to
the public health and safety, is
consistent with the common defense
and security and that special
circumstances are present to warrant
issuance of the exemption. Therefore,
the Commission hereby grants Entergy
an exemption from the requirements of
Section III.G.2 of Appendix R of 10 CFR
Part 50, to JAFNPP for the OMA
discussed above.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the
Commission has determined that the
granting of this exemption will not have
a significant effect on the quality of the
human environment (75 FR11575).
This exemption is effective upon
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 11th day
of March 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Joseph G. Giitter,
Director, Division of Operating Reactor
Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. 2010–6069 Filed 3–18–10; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00084
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
[Docket Nos. 50–259, 50–260 and 50–296;
Tennessee Valley Authority; Browns
Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3;
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA, the
licensee) is the holder of Facility
Operating License Numbers DPR–33,
DPR–52 and DPR–68, which authorize
operation of the Browns Ferry Nuclear
Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 (BFN). The
licenses provide, among other things,
that the facility is subject to all rules,
regulations, and orders of the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC,
the Commission) now or hereafter in
The facility consists of three boilingwater reactors located in Limestone
County, Alabama.
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) Part 73, ‘‘Physical
protection of plants and materials,’’
Section 73.55, ‘‘Requirements for
physical protection of licensed activities
in nuclear power reactors against
radiological sabotage,’’ published March
27, 2009, effective May 26, 2009, with
a full implementation date of March 31,
2010, requires licensees to protect, with
high assurance, against radiological
sabotage by designing and
implementing comprehensive site
security programs. The amendments to
10 CFR 73.55 published on March 27,
2009, establish and update generically
applicable security requirements similar
to those previously imposed by
Commission orders issued after the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
and implemented by licensees. In
addition, the amendments to 10 CFR
73.55 include additional requirements
to further enhance site security based
upon insights gained from
implementation of the post-September
11, 2001, security orders. It is from three
of these new requirements that BFN
now seeks an exemption from the March
31, 2010, implementation date. All other
physical security requirements
established by this recent rulemaking
have already been or will be
implemented by the licensee by March
31, 2010.
By letter dated November 6, 2009, the
licensee requested an exemption in
accordance with 10 CFR 73.5, ‘‘Specific
exemptions.’’ Portions of the licensee’s
November 6, 2009, letter contain
safeguards and security sensitive
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 53 (Friday, March 19, 2010)]
[Pages 13323-13327]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-6069]
[Docket No. 50-333; NRC-2010-0095]
James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant; Exemption
1.0 Background
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (the licensee) is the holder of
Facility Operating License No. DPR-59, which authorizes operation of
the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant (JAFNPP). The license
provides, among other things, that the facility is subject to all
rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC, the Commission) now or hereafter in effect.
The facility consists of a boiling-water reactor located in Oswego
County in New York State.
2.0 Request/Action
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Part 50,
Section 50.48, requires that nuclear power plants that were licensed
before January 1, 1979, satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, ``Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities
Operating Prior to January 1, 1979,'' Section III.G, ``Fire protection
of safe shutdown capability.'' JAFNPP was licensed to operate prior to
January 1, 1979. As such, the licensee's Fire Protection Program (FPP)
must provide the established level of protection as intended by 10 CFR
Part 50, Appendix R, and Section III.G.
By letter dated February 18, 2009, ``Request for Exemption from 10
CFR 50 Appendix R Section III.G.2 Requirements Based on Manual
Actions,'' (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
Accession No. ML090860980), as supplemented by letter dated March 30,
2009, ``James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant-Response to Request
for Information Required for Acceptance Review Regarding: Request for
Exemption'' (ADAMS Accession No. ML091320387), the licensee requested
an exemption for the JAFNPP from certain technical requirements of 10
CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2 (III.G.2) for the use of an
operator manual action (OMA) in lieu of meeting the circuit separation
and protection requirements contained in III.G.2 for Fire Area 10 at
the plant.
In response to the NRC staff's requests for additional information
(RAI), the licensee provided supplemental information by letters dated
November 17, 2009, (ADAMS Accession No. ML093270075), December 11,
2009, (ADAMS Accession No. ML093520408), and January 19, 2010 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML100210195).
3.0 Discussion
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own initiative, grant exemptions from
the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 when: (1) The exemptions are
authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to public health or
safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security; and
(2) when special circumstances are present. The licensee has stated
that special circumstances are present in that the application of the
regulation in this particular circumstance is not necessary to achieve
the underlying purpose of the rule, which is consistent with the
language included in 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii).
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.48(b), nuclear power plants licensed
before January 1, 1979, are required to meet Section III.G, of 10 CFR
Part 50, Appendix R. The underlying purpose of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix
R, and Section III.G is to ensure that the ability to achieve and
maintain safe shutdown is preserved following a fire event. The
regulation intends for licensees to accomplish this by extending the
concept of defense-in-depth to:
(1) Prevent fires from starting;
(2) Rapidly detect, control, and extinguish promptly those fires
that do occur;
(3) Provide protection for structures, systems, and components
important to safety so that a fire that is not promptly extinguished by
the fire suppression activities will not prevent the safe shutdown of
the plant.
The stated purpose of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2
(III.G.2) is to ensure that one of the redundant trains necessary to
achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions remains free of fire
damage in the event of a fire. III.G.2 requires one of the following
means to ensure that a redundant train of safe shutdown cables and
equipment is free of fire damage, where redundant trains are located in
the same fire area outside of primary containment:
a. Separation of cables and equipment by a fire barrier having a 3-
hour rating;
[[Page 13324]]
b. Separation of cables and equipment by a horizontal distance of
more that 20 feet with no intervening combustibles or fire hazards and
with fire detectors and an automatic fire suppression system installed
in the fire area; or
c. Enclosure of cables and equipment of one redundant train in a
fire barrier having a 1-hour rating and with fire detectors and an
automatic fire suppression system installed in the fire area.
Entergy has requested an exemption from the requirements of III.G.2
for JAFNPP to the extent that one of the redundant trains of systems
necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown is not maintained free
of fire damage in accordance with one of the required means, for a fire
occurring in Fire Area 10 in the Reactor Building. In their November
17, 2009, response to the NRC's RAI-02 the licensee specifically stated
that, ``JAFNPP does not comply with any of the methods provided and
relies on an OMA to operate the SRVs from the Local SRV Control Panel
for a fire in Fire Area 10. In addition, Fire Area 10 does not have a
full area automatic suppression system.'' In summary, JAFNPP does not
meet the requirements of III.G.2 for a fire in Fire Area 10 and an OMA
may be necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown capability. The
licensee also stated in their November 17, 2009, letter that the only
credible fire scenario that would result in loss of the redundant
cables involved a fire in one of the motor control cabinets (MCCs),
which are located nominally 6 feet, measured horizontally, from the
stack of trays containing the control cables. In addition to the
horizontal offset, the bottom tray in the stack is located
approximately 9 feet, measured vertically, above the MCCs.
For a fire in Fire Area 10, JAFNPP assumes the High-Pressure
Coolant Injection (HPCI) and Reactor Core Injection Cooling (RCIC))
systems are both lost in addition to one side of the control and power
cables for the main steam safety relief valves (SRVs) (the ``A''
division cables for the SRV X1 solenoids) which would be used with the
Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) in conjunction with either Core
Spray (CS) or Residual Heat Removal--Low-Pressure Coolant Injection
(RHR-LPCI) to achieve and maintain hot shutdown. Control cables for all
these systems are located in the same cable tray. The operation of
these SRVs is necessary in the event of a fire in this area. In the
event that the safe shutdown equipment including the redundant trains
of SRVs are lost due to a fire in Fire Area 10, the licensee has
indicated that the implementation of the OMA procedure will provide the
necessary assurance that safe shutdown capability is maintained. The
OMA procedure directs operators to operate an alternative SRV panel
located in Fire Area 8, which is located adjacent to Fire Area 10.
The licensee has described in their initial request, and subsequent
documents, elements of their fire protection program that provide their
justification that the concept of defense-in-depth that is in place in
Fire Area 10 is consistent with that intended by the regulation. To
accomplish this, the licensee provides various forms of protection in
order to maintain the concept of defense-in-depth. The licensee's
approach is discussed below.
3.1 Fire Prevention
The licensee has stated that it has an administrative controls
program in place to strictly control ignition sources and transient
combustibles for Fire Area 10. Controls are also in place to ensure
fire barrier breaches are tracked and that compensatory measures are
established in accordance with the Technical Requirements Manual (TRM).
In addition to these administrative programs, the licensee has also
stated that there are no in situ combustible materials, aside from the
contents of the MCCs and the cables within the same stack of cable
trays, within the immediate vicinity of the hot shutdown control cables
in Fire Area 10. The cables meet the requirements of Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-383, ``Standard for
Qualifying Class 1E Electric Cable and Field Splices for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations,'' or they are equivalent to the same, and they are
thermoset, therefore self-ignited cable fires and flame propagation are
not expected.
3.2 Detection, Control and Extinguishment
The licensee has stated that Fire Area 10 is separated from other
fire areas including Fire Areas 8 and 9, by 3-hour rated fire barriers
or water spray curtains (installed in accordance with National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) 13: Standard for the Installation of
Sprinkler Systems--1982 Edition), which provides assurance that a fire
in Fire Area 10 will not propagate beyond the boundaries of the fire
area. Fire rated barriers installed to separate Fire Area 10 from
surrounding fire areas meet the design requirements of a 3-hour fire
rated barrier when tested in accordance with the American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E119, ``Standard Test Methods for
Fire Tests of Building Construction and Material,'' and deviations from
these designs have been evaluated by the licensee and found to be
acceptable with regard to providing an equivalent level of protection
to what is intended by the standards.
In addition, the licensee has indicated that an ionization smoke
detection system (installed in accordance with NFPA 72E: National Fire
Alarm Code--1978 Edition) is installed throughout the entire Reactor
Building with the exception of the 369'6'' elevation and below the
removable hatchway cover on the 300' elevation. The lack of coverage in
these two areas is not expected to impact the staff conclusions
because, as noted in their response to RAI-05 in their November 17,
2009, letter, the licensee stated that for the 300' elevation ``the
deviation was determined to be acceptable based on the other fire
protection features and the low combustible loading in the area.'' The
369'6'' elevation is above the 272' elevation and a postulated fire
event on the 369'6'' elevation would not be expected to impact
equipment on lower elevations in the Reactor Building. The installed
smoke detection systems on lower elevations of the Reactor Building are
installed to detect and alert operators of a fire event allowing prompt
commencement of fire brigade operations for fires that could affect the
redundant train cables.
The Reactor Building has manual hose stations installed in
accordance with NFPA 14-1978 Edition and portable fire extinguishers
installed in accordance with NFPA 10-1990 Edition, which will enable
for fire brigade to effectively perform their operations. The licensee
has also stated that all of the automatic and manual fire protection
features discussed above are tested and maintained in accordance with
the guidance provided in the respective NFPA standards and the TRM.
3.3 Preservation of Safe Shutdown Capability
The licensee has indicated that the postulated fire event for Fire
Area 10 that could affect safe shutdown capability would be from one of
the MCCs, which are located minimally 6 feet, measured horizontally,
from the stack of trays containing the control cables of concern and
that the bottom of the stack is located approximately 9 feet, measured
vertically, above the MCCs. A fire in the MCCs would likely either
remain within the MCC enclosure or be detected and extinguished before
any cable damage in the overhead cable trays could occur. For fires
[[Page 13325]]
propagate beyond the MCC enclosure, the heat and smoke would be
dissipated and stratified due to the large volume and high ceiling of
the space making the exposure of cables to elevated temperatures even
less likely. JAFNPP contends that these fire scenarios would be
detected early and that the fire brigade would respond with manual fire
suppression to minimize the impact of the fire.
The licensee also considered the possibility of self ignited cable
fires however, the licensee deemed this unlikely. Self ignited cable
fires are not postulated due to the fire retardant properties of the
thermoset cables themselves (IEEE-383 qualified, or equivalent) and the
absence of power cables in the same cable tray stack as described in
2009 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 8.5-3.
For a fire in Fire Area 10, JAFNPP assumes the HPCI and RCIC
systems are both lost in addition to one side of the control and power
cables for the main steam safety relief valves (SRVs) (the ``A''
division cables for the SRV X1 solenoids) which would be used with the
ADS in conjunction with either CS or RHR-LPCI to achieve and maintain
hot shutdown. JAFNPP credits the ADS in conjunction with either RHR-
LPCI or the CS system to achieve and maintain hot shutdown for a fire
occurring in Fire Area 10, but procedurally directs operators to
perform an OMA to operate the SRVs from outside the control room. The
OMA is comprised of traveling to a Local SRV Panel and a sequence of
manipulations of the SRV X2 solenoids at the panel.
JAFNPP has indicated that the redundant control cables for the SRVs
are routed through Fire Areas 8 and 9 and that the redundant SRV power
cables are routed through Fire Areas 8, 9, and 17. The cables for the
``B'' division cables that serve the SRV X2 solenoids for redundant
initiation of reactor depressurization utilizing the ADS in conjunction
with a low pressure emergency core cooling system (i.e. CS or RHR-LPCI)
are located outside Fire Area 10. The manual operation of the SRV X2
solenoids at the local SRV Control Panel 02ADS-071 in Fire Area 8 is
necessary in the event of a fire in Fire Area 10. According to the
licensee's February 18, 2009, letter, this panel was installed as part
of a modification to comply with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section
III.G.3 (III.G.3). As such, this panel is maintained in accordance with
the JAFNPP approved fire protection program.
Since the control cables associated with the operation of the SRVs
from the Control Room (at Panel 09-4 for the X1 solenoids) are assumed
lost for a fire in Fire Area 10, the safe shutdown procedures also
direct the operators to isolate the electric lift function of the X1
solenoids from the Relay Room (to prevent spurious operation) and that
an operator be dispatched to the Local SRV Control Panel (02ADS-071)
located in Fire Area 8 to operate the SRVs as directed by the shift
manager. For a fire in Fire Area 10, plant shutdown is performed from
the Control Room which JAFNPP considers a normal plant shutdown, except
for operation of the SRVs from the Local Control Panel in Fire Area 8,
which is considered the OMA. The OMA for bypassing the SRV X1 solenoids
and for SRV operation at the Local Control Panel are necessary to
achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions for the postulated fire
event in Fire Area 10.
Bases for Establishing Feasibility and Reliability
The licensee's analysis addresses factors such as environmental
concerns, equipment functionality and accessibility, available
indications, communications, portable equipment, personnel protection
equipment, procedures and training, staffing and demonstrations. In its
February 18, 2009, letter, the licensee stated that environmental
considerations such as radiation levels, emergency lighting,
temperature and humidity conditions and smoke and toxic gases were
evaluated and found to not represent a negative impact on the
operators' abilities to complete the OMA.
The licensee's analysis demonstrates that there are no components
present in Fire Area 8 or Fire Area 10 that, due to fire damage, would
result in an increased radiological hazard in the area of the Local SRV
Panel where the action is to be completed. Since the Local SRV Panel is
part of JAFNPP's alternate shutdown strategy, there is adequate
emergency lighting provided along the path between the Control Room and
the panel to ensure that operators can perform the actions and there
are two travel paths, both independent of Fire Area 10, available to
access the panel. Additionally, since Fire Area 8 is separated from
Fire Area 10 by water curtains (installed in accordance with NFPA 13--
1982 Edition guidance) or 3-hour fire rated barriers, fires would be
contained within Fire Area 10. Any smoke and products of combustion
that may propagate into Fire Area 8 would be dissipated due to the
large volume and high ceiling of the Reactor Building areas. For these
reasons, no personnel protective equipment is relied upon when
performing this action.
The licensee has also stated that the Local SRV Panel is located at
the floor level in an open area of the plant that is normally
accessible and that while the panel is locked at all times, all shift
operators carry keys to access the panel. Aside from these keys, no
other tools or equipment are required to perform the action. Once
operators access the panel, they manipulate a breaker to energize the
panel and then each SRV can be operated by a switch when requested by
the Shift Manager. The OMA procedure also contains steps for the
operators to place the electric lift function of the X1 solenoids in
``BYPASS'' to prevent spurious operation prior to dispatching an
operator to the Local SRV Panel to operate the SRVs as directed by the
Shift Manager. Operators are in constant communication with the Control
Room throughout the procedure via a headset and dedicated shutdown
communication system that is maintained at the Local SRV Panel.
The steps necessary to achieve and maintain safe shutdown for a
fire in Fire Area 10 are contained in Abnormal Operating Procedure
(AOP)-28, ``Operation During Plant Fires,'' Attachment 5 and AOP-43,
``Plant Shutdown From Outside the Control Room.'' The procedure AOP-28
is structured such that each fire area has an individual attachment to
provide operators the necessary information to achieve and maintain
safe shutdown during a fire. The licensee has also stated that
operators receive training on AOP-28 and AOP-43, during initial
training and annually thereafter and that operations staff also perform
annual walkthroughs of the safe shutdown procedures. Additionally, only
one operator is required to complete the action at the Local SRV Panel
aside from a control room operator who places the electric lift
function of the X1 solenoids in ``BYPASS'' to prevent spurious
A scenario involving initiating shutdown with decay heat removal by
ADS in conjunction with CS or RHR-LPCI and Control Room abandonment
represents a more challenging scenario than the postulated scenario
involving a fire event in Fire Area 10 because Control Room abandonment
is not necessary. The licensee has stated that the scenario involving
Control Room abandonment would result in a 30-minute time to achieve
hot shutdown conditions but since the Control Room is not abandoned for
a fire in Fire Area 10, a 15-minute time for the operator to get to the
local panel in Fire Area 8 and perform the requested OMA, as directed
by the Shift Manager, is conservative
[[Page 13326]]
especially given the 15-minute safety margin.
JAFNPP indicates that the OMA included in this review has been
evaluated and found to be feasible and reliable. The OMA is feasible
because there is adequate time available for the operator to perform
the required manual action to achieve and maintain hot shutdown after a
single fire. The licensee's analysis demonstrates that, for the
expected scenario, the OMA can be diagnosed and executed in 15 minutes
while the available time to complete it is 30 minutes. The licensee's
analysis also demonstrates that various factors, as discussed above,
have been considered to address uncertainties in estimating the time
The action is reliable because the licensee's analysis demonstrates
that there is adequate time available to account for uncertainties not
only in estimates of the time available, but also in estimates of how
long it takes to diagnose and execute the operator manual action (e.g.,
as based, at least in part, on a plant demonstration of the action
under nonfire conditions). The stated completion time of 15 minutes
provides reasonable assurance that the OMA can reliably be performed
under a wide range of conceivable conditions by different plant crews
because it, in conjunction with the 15-minute margin and other
installed fire protection features, accounts for sources of uncertainty
such as variations in fire and plant conditions, factors unable to be
recreated in demonstrations and human-centered factors.
In summary, the defense-in-depth concept for a fire in Fire Area 10
provides a level of safety that results in the unlikely occurrence of
fires, rapid detection, control and extinguishment of fires that do
occur and the protection of structures, systems and components
important to safety. As discussed above, the licensee has provided
preventative and protective measures in addition to a feasible and
reliable OMA that together demonstrate the licensee's ability to
preserve or maintain safe shutdown capability at JAFNPP in the event of
a fire in Fire Area 10.
Authorized by Law
This exemption would allow JAFNPP to rely on an OMA, in conjunction
with the other installed fire protection features, to ensure that at
least one means of achieving and maintaining hot shutdown remains
available during and following a postulated fire event, as part of its
fire protection program, in lieu of meeting the requirements specified
in III.G.2 for a fire in Fire Area 10. As stated above, 10 CFR 50.12
allows the NRC to grant exemptions from the requirements of 10 CFR Part
50. The NRC staff has determined that granting of the licensee's
proposed exemption will not result in a violation of the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended, or the Commission's regulations. Therefore,
the exemption is authorized by law.
No Undue Risk to Public Health and Safety
The underlying purpose of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section III.G
is to ensure that at least one means of achieving and maintaining hot
shutdown remains available during and following a postulated fire
event. Based on the above, no new accident precursors are created by
the use of the specific OMA, in conjunction with the other installed
fire protection features, in response to a fire in Fire Area 10, thus,
the probability of postulated accidents is not increased. Also based on
the above, the consequences of postulated accidents are not increased.
Therefore, there is no undue risk to public health and safety.
Consistent With Common Defense and Security
The proposed exemption would allow JAFNPP to credit the use of the
specific OMA, in conjunction with the other installed fire protection
features, in response to a fire in Fire Area 10 in lieu of meeting the
requirements specified in III.G.2. This change, to the operation of the
plant, has no relation to security issues. Therefore, the common
defense and security is not diminished by this exemption.
Special Circumstances
One of the special circumstances described in 10 CFR
50.12(a)(2)(ii) is that the application of the regulation is not
necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. The underlying
purpose of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section III.G is to ensure that
at least one means of achieving and maintaining hot shutdown remains
available during and following a postulated fire event. While the
licensee does not comply with the explicit requirements of III.G.2,
specifically, they do meet the underlying purpose of 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, and Section III.G as a whole. Therefore, special
circumstances exist that warrant the issuance of this exemption as
required by 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii).
4.0 Response to Comments From the State of New York
In accordance with its stated policy and the requirements of 10 CFR
51.30(a)(2), on May 4, 2009, the NRC staff consulted with the New York
State official, at the New York State Energy Research and Development
Authority, regarding the environmental impact of the proposed action.
The New York State official provided following comments by e-mail dated
June 12, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No. ML091690397):
Public Notice and Opportunity To Request a Hearing
It appears that the requested action will effectively amend the
facility's operating license as well as the operative regulation, 10
CFR 50.48 and Appendix R to Part 50 Appendix R, Section III.G. Thus,
regardless of what words are used to refer to the requested change,
notice of the request should be published in the Federal Register
and the public should be offered an opportunity to comment on the
environmental impacts and request a hearing. Such transparency and
opportunity for participation is consistent with the Atomic Energy
Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Administrative
Procedure Act, the Federal Council on Environmental Quality
regulations, and the Commission's commitment to public participation
in its administrative matters.
The Fire Safety Regulation
Specifically, paragraph III.G.2 of 10 CFR, Appendix R requires
that, where electrical cables or equipment, including associated
non-safety circuits that could prevent operation or cause
maloperation [as a result of hot shorts, open circuits, or shorts to
ground ] of redundant trains of systems necessary to achieve and
maintain hot shutdown conditions are located within the same fire
area outside of primary containment, one of the following means of
ensuring that one of the redundant trains is free of fire damage
shall be provided:
(a) Separation of cables and equipment by a fire barrier having
a 3-hour rating,
(b) Separation of cables and equipment by a horizontal distance
of more than 20 feet with no intervening combustibles or fire
hazards and with fire detectors and an automatic fire suppression
system in the fire area, and
(c) enclosure of cables and equipment in a fire barrier having a
1-hour rating and with fire detectors and an automatic fire
suppression system in the fire area.
Paragraph III.G.2 of Appendix R does not list operator manual
actions as a means of ensuring that one of the redundant trains is
free of fire damage.
This regulation has been applicable since November 1980 when it
was promulgated by the NRC. According to RIS 2006-10, in 2000, the
NRC implemented the Reactor Oversight Process which included
systematic inspections of licensees' safe shutdown capability.
During these inspections, fire protection inspectors noticed that
many licensees had not upgraded or replaced
[[Page 13327]]
Thermo-Lag 330-1 fire barrier material or had not provided the
required separation distance between redundant safe shutdown trains,
in order to satisfy the requirements in paragraph III.G.2 of
Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50.
In the present situation, the licensee states that the Safety
Relief Valve electrical trains or cables, which control the
emergency depressurization system, do not meet the required minimum
separation distances prescribed in Appendix R. (The issue of fire
insulation material does not come in to play here since the facility
does not use significant amounts of such insulation around electric
cables or trains.)
The Proposed Operator Manual Action
According to the February 2009 filing, the licensee relies upon
an Operator Manual Action that is not allowed per 10 CFR Part 50,
Appendix R, Section III.G.2. Further, the NRC has stated that manual
actions are not specifically authorized by Appendix R, Section
If a fire were to occur, the manual action proposed by the
licensee requires an operator to leave the control room, travel to a
local control panel located in the reactor building, and then
operate up to eleven (11) valves that are essential for the
depressurization system and the emergency core cooling system. Based
on the submissions, it appears that it could take up to fifteen
minutes for an operator to reach the local control panel in the
reactor building.
While it may be appropriate to regularize and formalize the
proposal to have an employee manually operate the safety related
valves, the February 2009 application seeks to do so in a way that
avoids the opportunity for the public to request a proceeding or
comment on potential environmental impacts. Also, the application
does not appear to discuss the impact of the proposed change on the
defense and security of the facility and host community, the
feasibility of the proposed change during a significant fire event,
or the cumulative effect of the proposed change given the several
previous changes to the fire protection program at the facility. It
would seem appropriate to address these issues via a public forum
under the AEA, APA, and NEPA before reaching any final decision.
The NRC staff has reviewed the comments provided by the State of
New York, dated June 12, 2009, on the fire safety regulation and the
proposed OMA and has concluded that the consideration or granting of
the requested exemption does not violate the fire safety regulation or
diminish the level of safety that is present at JAFNPP. Additionally,
upon review of the request, NRC staff has concluded that the licensee
is not solely reliant upon the requested OMA for compliance with the
regulation and that the overall defense-in-depth concept employed in
the specific fire area is consistent with the underlying purpose of the
fire safety regulation.
Regarding the comment concerning ``Public Notice and Opportunity to
Request a Hearing,'' the regulations under 10 CFR 50.12, ``Specific
exemptions'' do not include comment period and opportunity for a
hearing. The public can pursue other avenues, such as petition for
changes to the regulatory framework to allow hearings via the
rulemaking process (10 CFR 2.802), or a petition for enforcement action
(10 CFR 2.206) where stakeholders assert that license holders are not
meeting regulatory requirements.
4.0 Conclusion
Based on the all of the features of the defense-in-depth concept
discussed above, the NRC staff concludes that the use of the requested
OMA, in this particular instance and in conjunction with the other
installed fire protection features, in lieu of strict compliance with
the requirements of III.G.2 is consistent with the underlying purpose
of the rule. As such, the level of safety present at JAFNPP is
commensurate with the established safety standards for nuclear power
Accordingly, the Commission has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR
50.12(a), the exemption is authorized by law, will not present an undue
risk to the public health and safety, is consistent with the common
defense and security and that special circumstances are present to
warrant issuance of the exemption. Therefore, the Commission hereby
grants Entergy an exemption from the requirements of Section III.G.2 of
Appendix R of 10 CFR Part 50, to JAFNPP for the OMA discussed above.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that the
granting of this exemption will not have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment (75 FR11575).
This exemption is effective upon issuance.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 11th day of March 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Joseph G. Giitter,
Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2010-6069 Filed 3-18-10; 8:45 am]