Proposed Rate Adjustment, Public Forum, and Opportunities for Public Review and Comment for Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina System of Projects, 12740-12743 [2010-5801]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 17, 2010 / Notices
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attach that file to your submission. New
eFiling users must first create an
account by clicking on the links called
‘‘Sign up’’ or ‘‘eRegister’’. You will be
asked to select the type of filing you are
making. A comment on a particular
project is considered a ‘‘Comment on a
Filing’’; or
(3) You may file a paper copy of your
comments at the following address:
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Room 1A, Washington,
DC 20426.
wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1
Environmental Mailing List
The environmental mailing list
includes Federal, State, and local
government representatives and
agencies; elected officials;
environmental and public interest
groups; Native American Tribes; other
interested parties; and local libraries
and newspapers. This list also includes
all affected landowners who own land
within certain distances of aboveground
facilities, and anyone who submits
comments on the Project. We will
update the environmental mailing list as
the analysis proceeds to ensure that we
send the information related to this
environmental review to all individuals,
organizations, and government entities
interested in and/or potentially affected
by the proposed Project.
If the EA is published for distribution,
copies will be sent to the environmental
mailing list for public review and
comment. If you would prefer to receive
a paper copy of the document instead of
the CD version or would like to remove
your name from the mailing list, please
return the attached Information Request
(Appendix 2).
Becoming an Intervenor
In addition to involvement in the EA
scoping process, you may want to
become an ‘‘intervenor,’’ which is an
official party to the Commission’s
proceeding. Intervenors play a more
formal role in the process and are able
to file briefs, appear at hearings, and be
heard by the courts if they choose to
appeal the Commission’s final ruling.
An intervenor formally participates in
the proceeding by filing a request to
intervene. Instructions for becoming an
intervenor are included in the User’s
Guide under the ‘‘e-filing’’ link on the
Commission’s Web site.
Additional Information
Additional information about the
Project is available from the
Commission’s Office of External Affairs,
at (866) 208–FERC, or on the FERC Web
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site at using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Click on the eLibrary
link, click on ‘‘General Search’’ and enter
the docket number, excluding the last
three digits in the Docket Number field
(i.e., CP10–65). Be sure you have
selected an appropriate date range. For
assistance, please contact FERC Online
Support at
or toll free at (866) 208–3676, or for
TTY, contact (202) 502–8659. The
eLibrary link also provides access to the
texts of formal documents issued by the
Commission, such as orders, notices,
and rulemakings.
In addition, the Commission now
offers a free service called eSubscription
which allows you to keep track of all
formal issuances and submittals in
specific dockets. This can reduce the
amount of time you spend researching
proceedings by automatically providing
you with notification of these filings,
document summaries and direct links to
the documents. Go to https://
Finally, public meetings or site visits
will be posted on the Commission’s
calendar located at
EventCalendar/EventsList.aspx along
with other related information.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2010–5776 Filed 3–16–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
WIC should be prepared to address all
concerns raised by the parties in their
comments to the filing, and to provide
additional technical, engineering, and
operational support for its proposed gas
quality allocation procedures.
Consistent with the Commission’s
policy statement on gas quality issues,
WIC should also be prepared to explain
how its proposal conforms with or
differs from the Interim Guidelines and
principles. See Natural Gas
Interchangeability, Policy Statement on
Provisions Governing Natural Gas
Quality and Interchangeability in
Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline
Company Tariffs, 115 FERC ¶ 61,325
(2006) P 34, 37.
Further, WIC should be prepared to
identify and discuss any existing gas
quality waivers on its system, including
how long those waivers have been in
place. Any party proposing alternatives
to WIC’s proposals should be prepared
to support its position with adequate
technical, engineering, and operational
FERC conferences are accessible
under section 508 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973. For accessibility
accommodations please send an e-mail
to or call toll free
(866) 208–3372 (voice) or (202) 502–
8659 (TTY), or send a fax to (202) 208–
2106 with the required
All interested persons are permitted
to attend. For further information please
contact Michael.Freeman at (202) 502–
6367 or at
Kimberly D. Bose,
[Docket No. RP10–337–000]
[FR Doc. 2010–5775 Filed 3–16–10; 8:45 am]
Wyoming Interstate Company, Inc.;
Notice of Technical Conference
March 10, 2010.
Take notice that Commission Staff
will convene a technical conference in
the above-referenced proceeding on
Wednesday, March 24, 2010, at 9 a.m.
(EST), in a room to be designated at the
offices of the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
The purpose of the conference is to
address all issues arising from Wyoming
Interstate Company’s (WIC’s) January
28, 2010 tariff filing. That filing was
intended to revise the gas quality
allocation procedures that WIC may
implement when differing carbon
dioxide or Btu standards on
downstream pipelines cause these
downstream pipelines to restrict or
cease receipts into their pipeline
systems to enforce their own gas quality
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Southeastern Power Administration
Proposed Rate Adjustment, Public
Forum, and Opportunities for Public
Review and Comment for GeorgiaAlabama-South Carolina System of
AGENCY: Southeastern Power
Administration, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rate.
SUMMARY: Southeastern Power
Administration (Southeastern) proposes
to revise existing schedules of rates and
charges applicable to the sale of power
from the Georgia-Alabama-South
Carolina System of Projects effective for
a 5-year period, October 1, 2010,
through September 30, 2015.
Additionally, opportunities will be
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 17, 2010 / Notices
available for interested persons to
review the present rates and the
proposed rates and supporting studies,
to participate in a public forum, and to
submit written comments. Southeastern
will evaluate all comments received in
this process.
DATES: Written comments are due on or
before June 15, 2010. A public
information and comment forum will be
held in Atlanta, Georgia, at 10 a.m., on
April 29, 2010. Persons desiring to
speak at the forum should notify
Southeastern at least three (3) days
before the forum is scheduled, so that a
list of forum participants can be
prepared. Others may speak if time
Written comments should
be submitted to: Administrator,
Southeastern Power Administration,
Department of Energy, 1166 Athens
Tech Road, Elberton, Georgia, 30635–
6711. The public information and
comment forum for the GeorgiaAlabama-South Carolina System of
Projects will be at the Sheraton Gateway
Atlanta Airport, 1900 Sullivan Road,
Atlanta, Georgia 30337 (770) 997–1100.
Leon Jourolmon, Assistant
Administrator, Finance & Marketing,
Southeastern Power Administration,
Department of Energy, 1166 Athens
Tech Road, Elberton, Georgia 30635,
(706) 213–3800.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) by order issued April 8, 2008
(123 FERC ¶ 62,022), confirmed and
approved on a final basis Wholesale
Power Rate Schedules SOCO–1–C,
ALA–1–L, MISS–1–L, Duke-1–C, Duke2–C, Duke-3–C, Duke-4–C, Santee-1–C,
Santee-2–C, Santee-3–C, Santee-4–C,
SCE&G–1–C, SCE&G–2–C, SCE&G–3–C,
SCE&G–4–C, Pump-1–A, Pump-2,
Regulation-1 and Replacement-1
applicable to Georgia-Alabama-South
Carolina System of Projects’ power for a
period ending September 30, 2012.
Discussion: Existing rate schedules
are predicated upon a July 2006
repayment study and other supporting
data that was adopted prior to the
completion of a final cost allocation for
the Richard B. Russell Project. The final
cost allocation for the Richard B. Russell
Project was adopted on March 25, 2008.
Southeastern prepared a repayment
study in February 2010 with the cost
adjustments necessary to comply with
the final cost allocation. This repayment
study demonstrates that the existing
rates are not adequate to meet
repayment criteria. Southeastern is
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proposing to establish new rates that
will recoup these unrecovered costs.
A revised study with a revenue
increase of $27,679,000 in fiscal year
2011 and all future years over the
current repayment study shows that all
costs are repaid within their service life.
Therefore, Southeastern is proposing to
revise the existing rates to generate this
additional revenue. The rate adjustment
is an increase of about fifteen percent.
Four reversible pumped storage units
have been installed at the Richard B.
Russell Project. Construction of these
units was completed in Fiscal Year
1993. However, due to litigation, these
units were not available for commercial
operation until Fiscal Year 2002.
Southeastern’s customers have
suggested the cost of interest during
construction from 1993 should not be
allocated to power for repayment. The
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has
provided Southeastern with financial
statements that show $223,733,000 was
charged to interest during construction
at the Russell Project for the period from
Fiscal Year 1993 through Fiscal Year
2002. Southeastern has computed an
additional $115,466,000 of interest for
the period from Fiscal Year 2002
through Fiscal Year 2009. The total
interest for the period from 1993
through 2009 is $339,198,000.
Consistent with the comments received,
Southeastern’s proposed rates do not
include these costs because
Southeastern believes that exclusion of
the disputed costs should be discussed
further at the public forum.
Southeastern is proposing the
following rate schedules to be effective
for the period from October 1, 2010,
through September 30, 2015.
Rate Schedule SOCO–1–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power
may be wheeled and scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the
Government and Southern Company
Services, Incorporated.
Rate Schedule SOCO–2–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power
may be wheeled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Southern
Company Services, Incorporated. The
customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the
Rate Schedule SOCO–3–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power
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may be scheduled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Southern
Company Services, Incorporated. The
customer is responsible for providing a
transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule SOCO–4–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida served through
the transmission facilities of Southern
Company Services, Inc. The customer is
responsible for providing a scheduling
arrangement with the Government and
for providing a transmission
Rate Schedule ALA–1–M
Available to PowerSouth Energy
Rate Schedule MISS–1–M
Available to the South Mississippi
Electric Power Association to whom
power may be wheeled pursuant to
contract between the Government and
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative.
Rate Schedule Duke-1–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina to whom power may be
wheeled and scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
Duke Power Company.
Rate Schedule Duke-2–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina to whom power may be
wheeled pursuant to contracts between
the Government and Duke Power
Company. The customer is responsible
for providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government.
Rate Schedule Duke-3–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina to whom power may be
scheduled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Duke
Power Company. The customer is
responsible for providing a transmission
Rate Schedule Duke-4–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina served through the
transmission facilities of Duke Power
Company. The customer is responsible
for providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government and for providing
a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule Santee-1–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina to whom
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 17, 2010 / Notices
power may be wheeled and scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the
Government and South Carolina Public
Service Authority.
Government and South Carolina Electric
& Gas Company.
Rate Schedule Santee-2–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company.
The customer is responsible for
providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government.
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
South Carolina Public Service
Authority. The customer is responsible
for providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government.
Rate Schedule Santee-3–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina to whom
power may be scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
South Carolina Public Service
Authority. The customer is responsible
for providing a transmission
Rate Schedule Santee-4–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina served
through the transmission facilities of
South Carolina Public Service
Authority. The customer is responsible
for providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government and for providing
a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule SCE&G–1–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled and scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the
Rate Schedule SCE&G–2–D
Rate Schedule SCE&G–3–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina to whom
power may be scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company.
The customer is responsible for
providing a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule SCE&G–4–D
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in South Carolina served
through the transmission facilities of
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company.
The customer is responsible for
providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government and for providing
a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule Pump—1–A
Available to all customers of the
Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina
System and applicable to energy from
pumping operations at the Carters and
Richard B. Russell projects.
Rate Schedule Pump—2
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives who provide their own
scheduling arrangement and elect to
allow Southeastern to use a portion of
their allocation for pumping.
Rate Schedule Regulation—1
Available to public bodies and
cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, or
North Carolina to whom regulation
service is provided pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
the customer.
Rate Schedule Replacement—1
Available to all customers in the
Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina
System and applicable to replacement
The proposed rates for capacity,
energy, and generation services are as
Capacity: $4.48 per kW per month.
Energy: 11.43 mills per kWh.
Generation Services: $0.12 per kW per
Under this scenario, 75 per cent of
generation revenues are recovered from
capacity sales and 25 per cent are
recovered from energy sales. These rates
are expected to produce an average
revenue increase of $27,679,000 in FY
2011 and all future years.
The rates for transmission,
scheduling, reactive supply, and
regulation and frequency response
apply to all four scenarios and are
illustrated in Table 1.
wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1
Rate schedule
SOCO–1–D ......................................................................................................
SOCO–2–D ......................................................................................................
SOCO–3–D ......................................................................................................
SOCO–4–D ......................................................................................................
ALA–1–M .........................................................................................................
MISS–1–M .......................................................................................................
Duke–1–D ........................................................................................................
Duke–2–D ........................................................................................................
Duke–3–D ........................................................................................................
Duke–4–D ........................................................................................................
Santee–1–D .....................................................................................................
Santee–2–D .....................................................................................................
Santee–3–D .....................................................................................................
Santee–4–D .....................................................................................................
SCE&G–1–D ....................................................................................................
SCE&G–2–D ....................................................................................................
SCE&G–3–D ....................................................................................................
SCE&G–4–D ....................................................................................................
Pump—1–A ......................................................................................................
Pump—2 ..........................................................................................................
Regulation–1 ....................................................................................................
Replacement–1 ................................................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 17, 2010 / Notices
The referenced repayment studies are
available for examination at 1166
Athens Tech Road, Elberton, Georgia
30635–6711. Proposed Rate Schedules
SOCO–4–D, ALA–1–M, MISS–1–M,
Duke–1–D, Duke–2–D, Duke–3–D,
Duke–4–D, Santee–1–D, Santee–2–D,
Santee–3–D, Santee–4–D, SCE&G–1–D,
SCE&G–2–D, SCE&G–3–D, SCE&G–4–D,
Pump–1–A, Pump–2, Regulation–1, and
Replacement–1 are also available.
Dated: March 10, 2010.
Kenneth E. Legg,
[FR Doc. 2010–5801 Filed 3–16–10; 8:45 am]
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy; Request for
Information; Weatherization
Assistance Program; Sustainable
Energy Resources for Consumers
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of Request for
Information (RFI).
SUMMARY: The Department of Energy
(DOE) is seeking information from
stakeholders on a potential competitive
Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA) in support of the Sustainable
Energy Resources for Consumers Grants.
The authority for these Grants was
created by the Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007 (‘‘EISA’’) Section
DATES: Written comments and
information are requested on or before
5 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, March
22, 2010. The RFI was posted publicly
on FedConnect on Monday, March 8,
Interested persons may
submit information by the following
• E-mail:
Please include ‘‘Response to Sustainable
Energy Resources for Consumer Grants
RFI’’ in the subject line of the message.
• Instructions: Responses must be
provided as a Microsoft Word (.doc)
attachment to the e-mail, of no more
than 3 pages in length, 12 point font, 1
inch margins. Only electronic responses
will be accepted.
• The Request for Information can be
viewed at:
1. Go to the FedConnect Web site:
wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1
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2. Click on ‘‘Search Public
3. Search by title: ‘‘Weatherization.’’
4. Select the listing with issue date of
5. In the Documentation section at the
right side of the screen, click on
‘‘Weatherization Assistance Program
Sustainable Energy Resources for
Consumers Grants.’’
Direct requests for additional
information to Mr. Tyler Huebner, U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of
Weatherization and Intergovernmental
Programs, E-mail:
Request for Information text as shown
below was posted on FedConnect on
Monday, March 8, 2010.
DOE Request for Information (RFI)
Weatherization Assistance Program
Sustainable Energy Resources for
Consumers Grants
Date: March 8, 2010.
Subject: Request for Information (RFI).
Description: The Department of
Energy (DOE) is seeking information
from stakeholders on a potential
competitive Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA) in support of the
Sustainable Energy Resources for
Consumers Grants (‘‘Sustainable Energy
Grants’’). The authority for these Grants
was created by the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007
(‘‘EISA’’) Section 411(b). (42 U.S.C. 6827
note). Program Manager/Area: Claire
Broido Johnson/Weatherization and
Intergovernmental Programs, Robert
Adams/Weatherization Assistance
Program (WAP).
The traditional Weatherization
Assistance Program (‘‘WAP’’ or ‘‘the
Program’’) provides funds to States, the
District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and
other U.S territories to weatherize the
homes of low income Americans. EISA
Section 411(b) authorizes the Secretary
to make funding available to local
weatherization agencies to expand the
Weatherization Assistance Program for
residential buildings to include
materials, benefits, and renewable and
domestic energy technologies not
currently covered by the Program.
Section 411(b) states that for a local
agency applicant to receive funding
under this provision, the State
weatherization agency (the grantee
under the traditional WAP) must certify
that the applicant has the capacity to
carry out the proposed activities and
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that the State weatherization agency
will include the project in their
financial oversight of the traditional
The amount of funds used for
Sustainable Energy Grants may equal up
to two (2) percent of the amount of
funds made available for any fiscal year
under section 422 of the Energy
Conservation and Production Act (42
U.S.C. 6872; the WAP authority) if those
funds exceed $275 million. The
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act (‘‘ARRA’’ or ‘‘Recovery Act’’)
provided $5 billion for WAP, and FY
2009 provided $450 million ($250
million in supplemental and $200
million in base FY 2009 funding). Thus,
the Department has up to $109 million
available for Sustainable Energy Grants.
Purposes of the Sustainable Energy
Resources for Consumers Grants
The purposes of the Sustainable
Energy Resources for Consumers Grants
are to:
• Expand WAP for residential
buildings to include materials, benefits,
and renewable and domestic energy
technologies not covered by the
• Work with existing partners to
expand and enhance the Program.
Section 411(b)(2) states that in
selecting grant recipients under this
subsection, DOE shall give priority to:
(A) The expected effectiveness and
benefits of the proposed project to lowand moderate-income energy
(B) The potential for replication of
successful results;
(C) The impact on the health and
safety and energy costs of consumers
served; and
(D) The extent of partnerships with
other public and private entities that
contribute to the resources and
implementation of the program,
including financial partnerships.
The purpose of this Request for
Information (RFI) is primarily to
determine the interest and capacity of
local weatherization agencies to apply
for and implement the Sustainable
Energy Grants, and the types of
activities that applicants would
propose; and secondarily to solicit
feedback on the proposed topic area and
evaluation criteria for these competitive
Sustainable Energy Grants.
This is a Request for Information (RFI)
and not a Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA). DOE is not
accepting applications, and is instead
seeking information from local
weatherization agencies, State
Weatherization agencies, and other
stakeholders under the potential FOA.
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 51 (Wednesday, March 17, 2010)]
[Pages 12740-12743]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-5801]
Southeastern Power Administration
Proposed Rate Adjustment, Public Forum, and Opportunities for
Public Review and Comment for Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina System of
AGENCY: Southeastern Power Administration, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rate.
SUMMARY: Southeastern Power Administration (Southeastern) proposes to
revise existing schedules of rates and charges applicable to the sale
of power from the Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina System of Projects
effective for a 5-year period, October 1, 2010, through September 30,
2015. Additionally, opportunities will be
[[Page 12741]]
available for interested persons to review the present rates and the
proposed rates and supporting studies, to participate in a public
forum, and to submit written comments. Southeastern will evaluate all
comments received in this process.
DATES: Written comments are due on or before June 15, 2010. A public
information and comment forum will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, at 10
a.m., on April 29, 2010. Persons desiring to speak at the forum should
notify Southeastern at least three (3) days before the forum is
scheduled, so that a list of forum participants can be prepared. Others
may speak if time permits.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be submitted to: Administrator,
Southeastern Power Administration, Department of Energy, 1166 Athens
Tech Road, Elberton, Georgia, 30635-6711. The public information and
comment forum for the Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina System of Projects
will be at the Sheraton Gateway Atlanta Airport, 1900 Sullivan Road,
Atlanta, Georgia 30337 (770) 997-1100.
Administrator, Finance & Marketing, Southeastern Power Administration,
Department of Energy, 1166 Athens Tech Road, Elberton, Georgia 30635,
(706) 213-3800.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) by order issued April 8, 2008 (123 FERC ] 62,022), confirmed and
approved on a final basis Wholesale Power Rate Schedules SOCO-1-C,
SOCO-2-C, SOCO-3-C,SOCO-4-C, ALA-1-L, MISS-1-L, Duke-1-C, Duke-2-C,
Duke-3-C, Duke-4-C, Santee-1-C, Santee-2-C, Santee-3-C, Santee-4-C,
SCE&G-1-C, SCE&G-2-C, SCE&G-3-C, SCE&G-4-C, Pump-1-A, Pump-2,
Regulation-1 and Replacement-1 applicable to Georgia-Alabama-South
Carolina System of Projects' power for a period ending September 30,
Discussion: Existing rate schedules are predicated upon a July 2006
repayment study and other supporting data that was adopted prior to the
completion of a final cost allocation for the Richard B. Russell
Project. The final cost allocation for the Richard B. Russell Project
was adopted on March 25, 2008. Southeastern prepared a repayment study
in February 2010 with the cost adjustments necessary to comply with the
final cost allocation. This repayment study demonstrates that the
existing rates are not adequate to meet repayment criteria.
Southeastern is proposing to establish new rates that will recoup these
unrecovered costs.
A revised study with a revenue increase of $27,679,000 in fiscal
year 2011 and all future years over the current repayment study shows
that all costs are repaid within their service life. Therefore,
Southeastern is proposing to revise the existing rates to generate this
additional revenue. The rate adjustment is an increase of about fifteen
Four reversible pumped storage units have been installed at the
Richard B. Russell Project. Construction of these units was completed
in Fiscal Year 1993. However, due to litigation, these units were not
available for commercial operation until Fiscal Year 2002.
Southeastern's customers have suggested the cost of interest during
construction from 1993 should not be allocated to power for repayment.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has provided Southeastern with
financial statements that show $223,733,000 was charged to interest
during construction at the Russell Project for the period from Fiscal
Year 1993 through Fiscal Year 2002. Southeastern has computed an
additional $115,466,000 of interest for the period from Fiscal Year
2002 through Fiscal Year 2009. The total interest for the period from
1993 through 2009 is $339,198,000. Consistent with the comments
received, Southeastern's proposed rates do not include these costs
because Southeastern believes that exclusion of the disputed costs
should be discussed further at the public forum.
Southeastern is proposing the following rate schedules to be
effective for the period from October 1, 2010, through September 30,
Rate Schedule SOCO-1-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power may be wheeled and scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the Government and Southern Company
Services, Incorporated.
Rate Schedule SOCO-2-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power may be wheeled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and Southern Company Services,
Incorporated. The customer is responsible for providing a scheduling
arrangement with the Government.
Rate Schedule SOCO-3-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power may be scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and Southern Company Services,
Incorporated. The customer is responsible for providing a transmission
Rate Schedule SOCO-4-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida served through the transmission facilities of
Southern Company Services, Inc. The customer is responsible for
providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government and for
providing a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule ALA-1-M
Available to PowerSouth Energy Cooperative.
Rate Schedule MISS-1-M
Available to the South Mississippi Electric Power Association to
whom power may be wheeled pursuant to contract between the Government
and PowerSouth Energy Cooperative.
Rate Schedule Duke-1-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina to whom power may be wheeled and scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and Duke Power Company.
Rate Schedule Duke-2-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina to whom power may be wheeled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Duke Power Company. The customer is
responsible for providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government.
Rate Schedule Duke-3-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina to whom power may be scheduled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Duke Power Company. The customer is
responsible for providing a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule Duke-4-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in North Carolina and
South Carolina served through the transmission facilities of Duke Power
Company. The customer is responsible for providing a scheduling
arrangement with the Government and for providing a transmission
Rate Schedule Santee-1-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina to
[[Page 12742]]
power may be wheeled and scheduled pursuant to contracts between the
Government and South Carolina Public Service Authority.
Rate Schedule Santee-2-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina to
whom power may be wheeled pursuant to contracts between the Government
and South Carolina Public Service Authority. The customer is
responsible for providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government.
Rate Schedule Santee-3-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina to
whom power may be scheduled pursuant to contracts between the
Government and South Carolina Public Service Authority. The customer is
responsible for providing a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule Santee-4-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina
served through the transmission facilities of South Carolina Public
Service Authority. The customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the Government and for providing a
transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule SCE&G-1-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina to
whom power may be wheeled and scheduled pursuant to contracts between
the Government and South Carolina Electric & Gas Company.
Rate Schedule SCE&G-2-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina to
whom power may be wheeled pursuant to contracts between the Government
and South Carolina Electric & Gas Company. The customer is responsible
for providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government.
Rate Schedule SCE&G-3-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina to
whom power may be scheduled pursuant to contracts between the
Government and South Carolina Electric & Gas Company. The customer is
responsible for providing a transmission arrangement.
Rate Schedule SCE&G-4-D
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in South Carolina
served through the transmission facilities of South Carolina Electric &
Gas Company. The customer is responsible for providing a scheduling
arrangement with the Government and for providing a transmission
Rate Schedule Pump--1-A
Available to all customers of the Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina
System and applicable to energy from pumping operations at the Carters
and Richard B. Russell projects.
Rate Schedule Pump--2
Available to public bodies and cooperatives who provide their own
scheduling arrangement and elect to allow Southeastern to use a portion
of their allocation for pumping.
Rate Schedule Regulation--1
Available to public bodies and cooperatives in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, or North Carolina to whom
regulation service is provided pursuant to contracts between the
Government and the customer.
Rate Schedule Replacement--1
Available to all customers in the Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina
System and applicable to replacement energy.
The proposed rates for capacity, energy, and generation services
are as follows:
Capacity: $4.48 per kW per month.
Energy: 11.43 mills per kWh.
Generation Services: $0.12 per kW per month.
Under this scenario, 75 per cent of generation revenues are
recovered from capacity sales and 25 per cent are recovered from energy
sales. These rates are expected to produce an average revenue increase
of $27,679,000 in FY 2011 and all future years.
The rates for transmission, scheduling, reactive supply, and
regulation and frequency response apply to all four scenarios and are
illustrated in Table 1.
Southeastern Power Administration Proposed Rates for Transmission Scheduling, Reactive, and Regulation Charges
Transmission Scheduling Reactive Regulation
Rate schedule charge ($/kW/ charge $/kW/ charge $/kW/ charge $/kW/
month) month month month
SOCO-1-D........................................ 2.69 0.0806 0.11 0.0483
SOCO-2-D........................................ 2.69 N/A 0.11 N/A
SOCO-3-D........................................ N/A 0.0806 N/A 0.0483
SOCO-4-D........................................ N/A N/A N/A N/A
ALA-1-M......................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
MISS-1-M........................................ 2.62 N/A N/A N/A
Duke-1-D........................................ 0.94 N/A N/A N/A
Duke-2-D........................................ 0.94 N/A N/A N/A
Duke-3-D........................................ N/A N/A N/A N/A
Duke-4-D........................................ N/A N/A N/A N/A
Santee-1-D...................................... 1.32 N/A N/A N/A
Santee-2-D...................................... 1.32 N/A N/A N/A
Santee-3-D...................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
Santee-4-D...................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
SCE&G-1-D....................................... 1.02 N/A N/A N/A
SCE&G-2-D....................................... 1.02 N/A N/A N/A
SCE&G-3-D....................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
SCE&G-4-D....................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pump--1-A....................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pump--2......................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
Regulation-1.................................... N/A N/A N/A 0.05
Replacement-1................................... N/A N/A N/A N/A
[[Page 12743]]
The referenced repayment studies are available for examination at
1166 Athens Tech Road, Elberton, Georgia 30635-6711. Proposed Rate
Schedules SOCO-1-D, SOCO-2-D, SOCO-3-D, SOCO-4-D, ALA-1-M, MISS-1-M,
Duke-1-D, Duke-2-D, Duke-3-D, Duke-4-D, Santee-1-D, Santee-2-D, Santee-
3-D, Santee-4-D, SCE&G-1-D, SCE&G-2-D, SCE&G-3-D, SCE&G-4-D, Pump-1-A,
Pump-2, Regulation-1, and Replacement-1 are also available.
Dated: March 10, 2010.
Kenneth E. Legg,
[FR Doc. 2010-5801 Filed 3-16-10; 8:45 am]