Truth in Lending, 12334-12375 [2010-4859]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Stephen Shin, Attorney, or Amy
Henderson or Benjamin K. Olson,
Senior Attorneys, Division of Consumer
and Community Affairs, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, at (202) 452–3667 or 452–2412;
for users of Telecommunications Device
for the Deaf (TDD) only, contact (202)
12 CFR Part 226
[Regulation Z; Docket No. R–1384]
Truth in Lending
AGENCY: Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
public comment.
The Board proposes to amend
Regulation Z, which implements the
Truth in Lending Act, and the staff
commentary to the regulation in order to
implement provisions of the Credit Card
Accountability Responsibility and
Disclosure Act of 2009 that go into effect
on August 22, 2010. In particular, the
proposed rule would require that
penalty fees imposed by card issuers be
reasonable and proportional to the
violation of the account terms. The
proposed rule would also require credit
card issuers to reevaluate at least every
six months annual percentage rates
increased on or after January 1, 2009.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before April 14, 2010. Comments on
the Paperwork Reduction Act analysis
set forth in Section VII of this Federal
Register notice must be received on or
before May 14, 2010.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. R–1384, by any
of the following methods:
• Agency Web Site: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments at
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• E-mail:
Include the docket number in the
subject line of the message.
• Facsimile: (202) 452–3819 or (202)
• Mail: Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary,
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, 20th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20551.
All public comments are available
from the Board’s Web site at https://
foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as submitted,
unless modified for technical reasons.
Accordingly, your comments will not be
edited to remove any identifying or
contact information. Public comments
may also be viewed electronically or in
paper form in Room MP–500 of the
Board’s Martin Building (20th and C
Streets, NW.) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
on weekdays.
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I. Background
The Credit Card Act
This proposed rule represents the
third stage of the Board’s
implementation of the Credit Card
Accountability Responsibility and
Disclosure Act of 2009 (Credit Card
Act), which was signed into law on May
22, 2009. Public Law 111–24, 123 Stat.
1734 (2009). The Credit Card Act
primarily amends the Truth in Lending
Act (TILA) and establishes a number of
new substantive and disclosure
requirements to establish fair and
transparent practices pertaining to openend consumer credit plans.
The requirements of the Credit Card
Act that pertain to credit cards or other
open-end credit for which the Board has
rulemaking authority become effective
in three stages. First, provisions
generally requiring that consumers
receive 45 days’ advance notice of
interest rate increases and significant
changes in terms (new TILA Section
127(i)) and provisions regarding the
amount of time that consumers have to
make payments (revised TILA Section
163) became effective on August 20,
2009 (90 days after enactment of the
Credit Card Act). A majority of the
requirements under the Credit Card Act
for which the Board has rulemaking
authority, including, among other
things, provisions regarding interest rate
increases (revised TILA Section 171),
over-the-limit transactions (new TILA
Section 127(k)), and student cards (new
TILA Sections 127(c)(8), 127(p), and
140(f)) become effective on February 22,
2010 (9 months after enactment).
Finally, two provisions of the Credit
Card Act addressing the reasonableness
and proportionality of penalty fees and
charges (new TILA Section 149) and reevaluation by creditors of rate increases
(new TILA Section 148) become
effective on August 22, 2010 (15 months
after enactment). The Credit Card Act
also requires the Board to conduct
several studies and to make several
reports to Congress, and sets forth
differing time periods in which these
studies and reports must be completed.
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Implementation of Credit Card Act
The Board is implementing the
provisions of the Credit Card Act in
stages, consistent with the statutory
timeline established by Congress. On
July 22, 2009, the Board published an
interim final rule to implement the
provisions of the Credit Card Act that
became effective on August 20, 2009.
See 74 FR 36077 (July 2009 Regulation
Z Interim Final Rule). On January 12,
2010, the Board issued a final rule
adopting in final form the requirements
of the July 2009 Regulation Z Interim
Final Rule and implementing the
provisions of the Credit Card Act that
become effective on February 22, 2010.
See 75 FR 7658 (February 2010
Regulation Z Rule). This proposed rule
implements the provisions of the Credit
Card Act that become effective on
August 22, 2010.
II. Summary of Major Proposed
A. Reasonable and Proportional Penalty
Statutory requirements. The Credit
Card Act provides that ‘‘[t]he amount of
any penalty fee or charge that a card
issuer may impose with respect to a
credit card account under an open end
consumer credit plan in connection
with any omission with respect to, or
violation of, the cardholder agreement,
including any late payment fee, overthe-limit fee, or any other penalty fee or
charge, shall be reasonable and
proportional to such omission or
violation.’’ The Credit Card Act further
directs the Board to issue rules that
‘‘establish standards for assessing
whether the amount of any penalty fee
or charge * * * is reasonable and
proportional to the omission or
violation to which the fee or charge
In issuing these rules, the Credit Card
Act requires the Board to consider: (1)
The cost incurred by the creditor from
an omission or violation; (2) the
deterrence of omissions or violations by
the cardholder; (3) the conduct of the
cardholder; and (4) such other factors as
the Board may deem necessary or
appropriate. The Credit Card Act
authorizes the Board to establish
‘‘different standards for different types
of fees and charges, as appropriate.’’
Finally, the Act authorizes the Board to
‘‘provide an amount for any penalty fee
or charge * * * that is presumed to be
reasonable and proportional to the
omission or violation to which the fee
or charge relates.’’
Cost incurred as a result of violations.
The proposed rule permits an issuer to
charge a penalty fee for a particular type
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
of violation (such as a late payment) if
it has determined that the amount of the
fee represents a reasonable proportion of
the costs incurred by the issuer as a
result of that type of violation. Thus, the
proposed rule permits issuers to use
penalty fees to pass on the costs
incurred as a result of violations while
ensuring that those costs are spread
evenly among consumers so that no
individual consumer bears an
unreasonable or disproportionate share.
The proposed rule provides guidance
regarding the types of costs incurred by
card issuers as a result of violations. For
example, with respect to late payments,
the proposed rule states that the costs
incurred by a card issuer include
collection costs, such as the cost of
notifying consumers of delinquencies
and resolving those delinquencies
(including the establishment of workout
and temporary hardship arrangements).
In order to ensure that penalty fees are
based on relatively current cost
information, the proposed rule would
require card issuers to re-evaluate their
costs at least annually.
Notably, the proposed rule states that,
although higher rates of loss may be
associated with particular violations,
those losses and related costs (such as
the cost of holding reserves against
losses) are excluded from the cost
Deterrence of violations. The Credit
Card Act requires the Board to consider
the deterrence of violations by the
cardholder. Accordingly, as an
alternative to basing penalty fees on
costs, the proposed rule permits a card
issuer to charge a penalty fee for a
particular type of violation if it has
determined that the amount of the fee is
reasonably necessary to deter that type
of violation.
Because it would not be feasible to
determine the specific amount
necessary to deter a particular
consumer, the proposed rule requires
issuers that base their penalty fees on
deterrence to use an empirically
derived, demonstrably and statistically
sound model that reasonably estimates
the effect of the amount of the fee on the
frequency of violations. In order to
support a determination that the dollar
amount of a fee is reasonably necessary
to deter a particular type of violation, a
model must reasonably estimate that,
independent of other variables, the
imposition of a lower fee amount would
result in a substantial increase in the
frequency of that type of violation.
Consumer conduct. The Credit Card
Act requires the Board to consider the
conduct of the cardholder. The
proposed rule does not require that each
penalty fee be based on an assessment
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of the individual consumer conduct
associated with the violation. Instead,
the proposed rule takes consumer
conduct into account in other ways.
The proposed rule contains
provisions specifically based on
consumer conduct. First, the proposed
rule prohibits issuers from imposing
penalty fees that exceed the dollar
amount associated with the violation.
Thus, for example, a consumer who
exceeds the credit limit by $5 could not
be charged an over-the-limit fee of more
than $5. Second, the proposed rule
prohibits issuers from imposing
multiple penalty fees based on a single
event or transaction.
Safe harbor. Consistent with the
authority granted by the Credit Card
Act, the proposed rule contains a safe
harbor that provides a single penalty fee
amount that will generally be sufficient
to cover an issuer’s costs and to deter
violations. Because the Board does not
have sufficient information to determine
the appropriate safe harbor amount at
this time, the proposed rule does not
provide a specific amount. Instead, the
proposed rule requests that credit card
issuers and other interested parties
submit data regarding costs incurred as
a result of violations and the deterrent
effect of different fee amounts on
Because violations involving large
dollar amounts may impose greater
costs on the card issuer and require
greater deterrence, the proposed safe
harbor would also permit an issuer to
impose a penalty fee that exceeds the
specific safe harbor amount in certain
circumstances. Specifically, the
proposed safe harbor would permit an
issuer to impose a penalty that does not
exceed 5% of the dollar amount
associated with the violation (up to a
specific dollar limit). Thus, for example,
if a $500 minimum payment was
delinquent, the safe harbor would
permit the card issuer to impose a $25
late payment fee.
B. Reevaluation of Rate Increases
Statutory requirements. The Credit
Card Act requires card issuers that
increase an annual percentage rate
applicable to a credit card account,
based on the credit risk of the consumer,
market conditions, or other factors, to
periodically consider changes in such
factors and determine whether to reduce
the annual percentage rate. Creditors are
required to perform this review no less
frequently than once every six months,
and must maintain reasonable
methodologies for this evaluation. The
statute requires card issuers to reduce
the annual percentage rate that was
previously increased if a reduction is
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‘‘indicated’’ by the review. However, the
statute expressly provides that no
specific amount of reduction in the rate
is required. This provision is effective
August 22, 2010 but requires that
creditors review accounts on which an
annual percentage rate has been
increased since January 1, 2009.
General rule. Consistent with the
Credit Card Act, the proposed rule
applies to card issuers that increase an
annual percentage rate applicable to a
credit card account, based on the credit
risk of the consumer, market conditions,
or other factors. For any rate increase
imposed on or after January 1, 2009, the
proposed rule requires card issuers to
review changes in such factors no less
frequently than once each six months
and, if appropriate based on their
review, reduce the annual percentage
rate applicable to the account. The
requirement to reevaluate rate increases
applies both to increases in annual
percentage rates based on factors
specific to a particular consumer, such
as changes in the consumer’s
creditworthiness, and to increases in
annual percentage rates imposed due to
factors such as changes in market
conditions or the issuer’s cost of funds.
If based on its review a card issuer is
required to reduce the rate applicable to
an account, the proposed rule requires
that the rate be reduced within 30 days
after completion of the evaluation.
Factors relevant to reevaluation of
rate increases. The proposed rule sets
forth guidance on the factors that a
credit card issuer must consider when
performing the reevaluation of a rate
increase. Credit card underwriting
standards can change over time and for
various reasons. In some cases, the
proposed rule would require card
issuers to review a consumer’s account
every six months for several years, and
the issuer’s underwriting standards for
its new and existing cardholders may
change significantly during that time.
Accordingly, the proposed rule would
permit a card issuer to review either the
same factors on which the rate increase
was originally based, or to review the
factors that the card issuer currently
considers when determining the annual
percentage rates applicable to its credit
card accounts.
Termination of obligation to
reevaluate rate increases. The proposed
rule requires that a card issuer continue
to review a consumer’s account each six
months unless the rate is reduced to the
rate in effect prior to the increase. In
some circumstances, the proposed rule
may require card issuers to reevaluate
rate increases each six months for an
indefinite period. The proposal solicits
comment on whether the obligation to
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
review the rate applicable to a
consumer’s account should terminate
after some specific time period elapses
following the initial increase, for
example after five years, as well as on
whether there is significant benefit to
consumers from requiring card issuers
to continue reevaluating rate increases
even after an extended period of time.
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III. Statutory Authority
Section 2 of the Credit Card Act states
that the Board ‘‘may issue such rules
and publish such model forms as it
considers necessary to carry out this Act
and the amendments made by this Act.’’
In addition, the provisions of the Credit
Card Act implemented by this proposal
rule direct the Board to issue
implementing regulations. See Credit
Card Act § 101(c) (new TILA § 148) and
§ 102(b) (new TILA § 149). Furthermore,
these provisions of the Credit Card Act
amend TILA, which mandates that the
Board prescribe regulations to carry out
its purposes and specifically authorizes
the Board, among other things, to do the
• Issue regulations that contain such
classifications, differentiations, or other
provisions, or that provide for such
adjustments and exceptions for any
class of transactions, that in the Board’s
judgment are necessary or proper to
effectuate the purposes of TILA,
facilitate compliance with the act, or
prevent circumvention or evasion. 15
U.S.C. 1604(a).
• Exempt from all or part of TILA any
class of transactions if the Board
determines that TILA coverage does not
provide a meaningful benefit to
consumers in the form of useful
information or protection. The Board
must consider factors identified in the
act and publish its rationale at the time
it proposes an exemption for comment.
15 U.S.C. 1604(f).
• Add or modify information required
to be disclosed with credit and charge
card applications or solicitations if the
Board determines the action is
necessary to carry out the purposes of,
or prevent evasions of, the application
and solicitation disclosure rules. 15
U.S.C. 1637(c)(5).
• Require disclosures in
advertisements of open-end plans. 15
U.S.C. 1663.
For the reasons discussed in this
notice, the Board is using its specific
authority under TILA and the Credit
Card Act, in concurrence with other
TILA provisions, to effectuate the
purposes of TILA, to prevent the
circumvention or evasion of TILA, and
to facilitate compliance with TILA.
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IV. Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 226.5a Credit and Charge Card
Applications and Solicitations
Section 226.6
Sections 226.5a(a)(2)(iv) and
226.6(b)(1)(i) address the use of bold
text in, respectively, the application and
solicitation table and the accountopening table. Currently, these
provisions require that any fee or
percentage amounts for late payment,
returned payment, and over-the-limit
fees be disclosed in bold text. However,
these provisions also state that bold text
shall not be used for any maximum
limits on fee amounts unless the fee
varies by state.
As discussed in detail below with
respect to the proposed amendments to
Appendix G–18, disclosure of a
maximum limit (or ‘‘up to’’ amount) will
generally be necessary to accurately
describe penalty fees that are consistent
with the new substantive restrictions in
proposed § 226.52(b). While the Board
previously restricted the use of bold text
for maximum fee limits in order to focus
consumers’ attention on the fee or
percentage amounts, the Board believes
that—because the maximum limit will
generally be the only amount disclosed
for penalty fees—it is important to
highlight that amount.
Accordingly, the Board is proposing
to amend §§ 226.5a(a)(2)(iv) and
226.6(b)(1)(i) to require the use of bold
text when disclosing maximum limits
on fees. For consistency and to facilitate
compliance, these amendments would
apply to maximum limits for all fees
required to be disclosed in the §§ 226.5a
and 226.6 tables (including maximum
limits for cash advance and balance
transfer fees). The Board would also
make conforming amendments to
comment 5a(a)(2)–5.ii.
Section 226.7
Periodic Statement
Section 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B) requires
card issuers to disclose the amount of
any late payment fee and any increased
rate that may be imposed on the account
as a result of a late payment. If a range
of late payment fees may be assessed,
the card issuer may state the range of
fees, or the highest fee and at the
issuer’s option with the highest fee an
indication that the fee imposed could be
lower. Comment 7(b)(11)–4 clarifies that
disclosing a late payment fee as ‘‘up to
$29’’ complies with this requirement.
Model language is provided in Samples
G–18(B), G–18(D), G–18(F), and G–
As discussed in greater detail below
with respect to the proposed
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amendments to Appendix G, an ‘‘up to’’
disclosure will generally be necessary to
accurately describe a late payment fee
that is consistent with the substantive
restrictions in proposed § 226.52(b).
Accordingly, the Board is proposing to
amend § 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B) to clarify that
it is no longer optional to disclose an
indication that the late payment fee may
be lower than the disclosed amount.
However, the Board notes that,
consistent with § 226.52(b), a card issuer
could disclose a range of late payment
fees if, for example, the issuer chose not
to impose a fee when a required
minimum periodic payment below a
certain amount is not received by the
payment due date. As discussed in
detail below, proposed § 226.52(b)(2)(i)
would prohibit a card issuer from
imposing a late payment fee that
exceeds the amount of the delinquent
minimum payment. A card issuer could
choose to comply with this prohibition
by only charging a late payment fee
when the delinquent payment is above
a certain amount. In these
circumstances, the card issuer could
disclose the late payment fee as a range.
For example, if a card issuer chose not
to impose a late payment fee when a
payment that is less than $5 is late, the
issuer could disclose its fee as a range
from $5 to the maximum fee amount
under the safe harbor in proposed
§ 226.52(b)(3).
Section 226.9 Subsequent Disclosure
9(c) Change in Terms
9(c)(2) Rules Affecting Open-End (Not
Home-Secured) Plans
9(g) Increases in Rates Due to
Delinquency or Default or as a Penalty
The Credit Card Act added new TILA
Section 148, which requires creditors
that increase an annual percentage rate
applicable to a credit card account
under an open-end consumer credit
plan, based on factors including the
credit risk of the consumer, market
conditions, or other factors, to consider
changes in such factors in subsequently
determining whether to reduce the
annual percentage rate. New TILA
Section 148 requires creditors to
maintain reasonable methodologies for
assessing these factors. The statute also
sets forth a timing requirement for this
review. Specifically, creditors are
required to review, no less frequently
than once every six months, accounts
for which the annual percentage rate has
been increased to assess whether these
factors have changed. New TILA Section
148 is effective August 22, 2010 but
requires that creditors review accounts
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
on which the annual percentage rate has
been increased since January 1, 2009.1
New TILA Section 148 requires
creditors to reduce the annual
percentage rate that was previously
increased if a reduction is ‘‘indicated’’ by
the review. However, new TILA Section
148(c) expressly provides that no
specific amount of reduction in the rate
is required. The Board is proposing to
implement the substantive requirements
of new TILA Section 148 in a new
§ 226.59, discussed elsewhere in this
supplementary information.
In addition to these substantive
requirements, TILA Section 148 also
requires creditors to disclose the reasons
for an annual percentage rate increase
applicable to a credit card under an
open-end consumer credit plan in the
notice required to be provided 45 days
in advance of that increase. The Board
proposes to implement the notice
requirements in § 226.9(c) and (g),
which are discussed in this section. As
discussed in the February 2010
Regulation Z Rule, card issuers are
required to provide 45 days’ advance
notice of rate increases due to a change
in contractual terms pursuant to
§ 226.9(c)(2) and of rate increases due to
delinquency, default, or as a penalty not
due to a change in contractual terms of
the consumer’s account pursuant to
§ 226.9(g). The additional notice
requirements included in new TILA
Section 148 are the same regardless of
whether the rate increase is due to a
change in the contractual terms or the
exercise of a penalty pricing provision
already in the contract; therefore for
ease of reference the proposed notice
requirements under § 226.9(c)(2) and (g)
are discussed in a single section of this
supplementary information.
Consistent with the approach that the
Board has taken in implementing other
provisions of the Credit Card Act that
apply to credit card accounts under an
open-end consumer credit plan, the
proposed changes to § 226.9(c)(2) and
(g) would apply to ‘‘credit card accounts
under an open-end (not home-secured)
consumer credit plan’’ as defined in
§ 226.2(a)(15). Therefore, home-equity
lines of credit accessed by credit cards
and overdraft lines of credit accessed by
a debit card would not be subject to the
new requirements to disclose the
reasons for a rate increase implemented
in § 226.9(c)(2) and (g).
Section 226.9(c)(2)(iv) sets forth the
content requirements for significant
1 As
discussed in the supplementary information
to § 226.59, the proposed rule would require that
rate increases imposed between January 1, 2009 and
August 21, 2010 first be reviewed prior to February
22, 2011 (six months after the effective date of new
§ 226.59).
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changes in account terms, including rate
increases that are due to a change in the
contractual terms of the consumer’s
account. The Board is proposing to add
a new § 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) that
requires a card issuer to disclose no
more than four principal reasons for the
rate increase for a credit card account
under an open-end (not home-secured)
credit plan, listed in their order of
importance, in order to implement the
notice requirements of new TILA
Section 148. Comment 9(c)(2)(iv)–11
would provide additional guidance on
the required disclosure. Specifically
comment 9(c)(2)(iv)–11 states that there
is no minimum number of reasons that
are required to be disclosed under
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8), but that the
reasons disclosed are required to relate
to and accurately describe the principal
factors actually considered by the credit
card issuer. The Board does not believe
that it is appropriate to mandate
disclosure of a minimum number of
reasons, because rate increases may
occur in different circumstances and the
number of principal factors considered
by the issuer could vary. For example,
the rate increase could be the result of
the consumer’s behavior on the account,
such as making a late payment, and in
that case there would be only one
principal reason for the rate increase. In
contrast, a card issuer could base a rate
increase on several different reasons, for
example, a decrease in the consumer’s
credit score and changes in market
conditions. In those circumstances, the
card issuer would be required to
disclose both principal reasons.
However, as noted above, in order to
avoid information overload, the
regulation would limit the number of
principal reasons to a maximum of four.
The comment further notes that a card
issuer may describe the reasons for the
increase in general terms, by disclosing
for example that a rate increase is due
to ‘‘a decline in your creditworthiness’’
or ‘‘a decline in your credit score,’’ if the
rate increase is triggered by a decrease
of 100 points in a consumer’s credit
score. Similarly, the comment notes that
a notice of a rate increase triggered by
a 10% increase in the card issuer’s cost
of funds may be disclosed as ‘‘a change
in market conditions.’’ The Board
believes that this is the appropriate level
of detail for this disclosure, because it
would inform the consumer whether the
rate increase is due to changes in the
consumer’s creditworthiness or
behavior on the account, which the
consumer may be able to take actions to
mitigate, or whether the increase is due
to more general factors such as changes
in market conditions. The Board
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believes that consumers may find more
detailed information confusing, and
that, accordingly, the benefit to
consumers of such detailed information
would not outweigh the operational
burden associated with providing
additional detail.
The disclosure requirements of new
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) are intended to be
flexible, to reflect the Board’s
understanding that different card issuers
may consider different reasons, or may
weigh similar reasons differently, in
determining whether to raise the rate
applicable to a consumer’s account.
Proposed comment 9(c)(2)(iv)–11 notes
that in some circumstances, it may be
appropriate for a card issuer to combine
the disclosure of several reasons in one
statement. For example, assume that the
rate applicable to a consumer’s account
is being increased because a consumer
made a late payment on the credit card
account on which the rate increase is
being imposed, made a late payment on
a credit card account with another card
issuer, and the consumer’s credit score
decreased, in part due to such late
payments. The card issuer may disclose
the reasons for the rate increase as a
decline in the consumer’s credit score
and the consumer’s late payment on the
account subject to the increase. Because
the late payment on the credit card
account with the other issuer also likely
contributed to the decline in the
consumer’s credit score, it is not
required to be separately disclosed.
Similarly, the Board proposes to add
a new § 226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6) for rate
increases due to delinquency, default, or
as a penalty not due to a change in
contractual terms of the consumer’s
account pursuant to § 226.9(g). Proposed
§ 226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6) would require a
card issuer to disclose no more than
four reasons for the rate increase, listed
in their order of importance, for a credit
card account under an open-end (not
home-secured) credit plan. New
comment 9(g)–7 would cross-reference
comment 9(c)(2)(iv)–11 for guidance on
disclosure of the reasons for a rate
The Board proposes to amend
Samples G–18(F), G–18(G), G–20, and
G–22 to incorporate examples of
disclosures of the reasons for a rate
increase as required by proposed
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) and (g)(3)(i)(A)(6).
Section 226.52
Limitations on Fees
52(b) Limitations on Penalty Fees
Most credit card issuers will assess a
penalty fee if a consumer engages in
activity that violates the terms of the
cardholder agreement or other
requirements imposed by the issuer
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
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with respect to the account. For
example, most agreements provide that
a fee will be assessed if the required
minimum periodic payment is not
received on or before the payment due
date or if a payment is returned for
insufficient funds or for other reasons.
Similarly, many agreements provide
that a fee will be assessed if amounts are
charged to the account that exceed the
account’s credit limit.2 These fees have
increased significantly over the past
fifteen years. A 2006 report by the
Government Accountability Office
(GAO) found that late-payment and
over-the-limit fees increased from an
average of approximately $13 in 1995 to
an average of approximately $30 in
2005.3 The GAO also found that, over
the same period, the percentage of
issuer revenue derived from penalty fees
increased to approximately 10%.4
According to data obtained by the
Board from Mintel Comperemedia, the
average late payment fee has increased
to approximately $37 as of May 2009,
while the average over-the-limit fee has
increased to approximately $36.5 In
addition, a July 2009 review of credit
card application disclosures by the Pew
Charitable Trusts found that the median
late-payment and over-the-limit fees
charged by the twelve largest bank card
issuers were $39.6
2 The Board notes that some card issuers have
recently announced that they will cease imposing
fees for exceeding the credit limit. In addition,
§ 226.56 prohibits card issuers from imposing such
fees unless the consumer has consented to the
issuer’s payment of transactions that exceed the
credit limit.
3 U.S. Gov’t Accountability Office, Credit Cards:
Increased Complexity in Rates and Fees Heightens
Need for More Effective Disclosures to Consumers
(Sept. 2006) (GAO Credit Card Report) at 5, 18–22,
33, 72 (available at
4 See GAO Credit Card Report at 72–73.
5 The Mintel data, which is derived from a
representative sample of credit card solicitations,
indicates that the average late payment fee was
approximately $37 in January 2007 and remained
at that level through May 2009. During the same
period, the average over-the-limit fee increased
from approximately $35 to approximately $36. In
addition, the average returned-payment fee during
this period increased from approximately $30 to
approximately $32.
6 See The Pew Charitable Trusts, Still Waiting:
‘‘Unfair or Deceptive’’ Credit Card Practices
Continue as Americans Wait for New Reforms to
Take Effect (Oct. 2009) (Pew Credit Card Report) at
3, 12–13, 31–33 (available at https://
Pew_Credit_Cards_Oct09_Final.pdf). As noted in
the Pew Credit Card Report, the largest bank card
issuers generally tier late payment fees based on the
account balance (with a median fee of $39 applying
when the account balance is $250 or more).
Similarly, some bank card issuers tier over-the-limit
fees (with the median fee of $39 applying when the
account balance is $1,000 or more). In both cases,
the balance necessary to trigger the highest penalty
fee is significantly less than the average outstanding
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However, it appears that many
smaller credit card issuers charge
significantly lower late-payment and
over-the-limit fees. For example, the
Board understands that some
community bank issuers charge latepayment and over-the-limit fees that
average between $17 to $25. In addition,
the Board understands that many credit
unions charge late-payment and overthe-limit fees of $20 on average.
Similarly, the Pew Credit Card Report
found that the median late-payment and
over-the-limit fees charged by the
twelve largest credit union card issuers
were $20.7
The Credit Card Act creates a new
TILA Section 149. Section 149(a)
provides that ‘‘[t]he amount of any
penalty fee or charge that a card issuer
may impose with respect to a credit card
account under an open end consumer
credit plan in connection with any
omission with respect to, or violation of,
the cardholder agreement, including any
late payment fee, over-the-limit fee, or
any other penalty fee or charge, shall be
reasonable and proportional to such
omission or violation.’’ Section 149(b)
further provides that the Board, in
consultation with the other Federal
banking agencies 8 and the National
Credit Union Administration (NCUA),
shall issue rules that ‘‘establish
standards for assessing whether the
amount of any penalty fee or charge
* * * is reasonable and proportional to
the omission or violation to which the
fee or charge relates.’’
In issuing these rules, new TILA
Section 149(c) requires the Board to
consider: (1) The cost incurred by the
creditor from such omission or
violation; (2) the deterrence of such
omission or violation by the cardholder;
(3) the conduct of the cardholder; and
(4) such other factors as the Board may
deem necessary or appropriate. Section
149(d) authorizes the Board to establish
‘‘different standards for different types
of fees and charges, as appropriate.’’
Finally, Section 149(e) authorizes the
Board—in consultation with the other
Federal banking agencies and the
NCUA—to ‘‘provide an amount for any
penalty fee or charge * * * that is
presumed to be reasonable and
proportional to the omission or
violation to which the fee or charge
As discussed below, the Board
proposes to implement new TILA
Section 149 in proposed § 226.52(b). In
balance on active credit card accounts. See id. at
12–13, 31.
7 See Pew Credit Card Report at 3, 31–33.
8 The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OCC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), and the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS).
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developing this proposal, the Board
consulted with the other Federal
banking agencies and the NCUA.
Reasonable and Proportional Standard
and Consideration of Statutory Factors
As noted above, the Board is
responsible for establishing standards
for assessing whether a credit card
penalty fee is reasonable and
proportional to the violation for which
it is imposed. New TILA Section 149
does not define ‘‘reasonable and
proportional,’’ nor is the Board aware of
any generally accepted definition for
those terms when used in conjunction
with one another. As a separate legal
term, ‘‘reasonable’’ has been defined as
‘‘fair, proper, or moderate.’’ 9 Congress
often uses a reasonableness standard to
provide agencies or courts with broad
discretion in implementing or
interpreting a statutory requirement.10
The term ‘‘proportional’’ is seldom used
by Congress and does not have a
generally-accepted legal definition.
However, it is commonly defined as
meaning ‘‘corresponding in size, degree,
or intensity’’ or as ‘‘having the same or
a constant ratio.’’ 11 Thus, it appears that
Congress intended the words
‘‘reasonable and proportional’’ in new
TILA Section 149(a) to require that there
be a reasonable and generally consistent
relationship between the dollar amounts
of credit card penalty fees and the
violations for which those fees are
imposed, providing the Board with
substantial discretion in implementing
that requirement.
However, in Section 149(c), Congress
also set forth certain factors that the
Board is required to consider when
establishing standards for determining
whether penalty fees are reasonable and
proportional. Although Section 149(c)
only requires consideration of these
9 E.g., Black’s Law Dictionary at 1272 (7th ed.
1999); see also id. (‘‘It is extremely difficult to state
what lawyers mean when they speak of
‘reasonableness.’ ’’ (quoting John Salmond,
Jurisprudence 183 n.(u) (Glanville L. Williams ed.,
10th ed. 1947)).
10 See, e.g., 42 U.S.C. 12112(b)(5) (defining the
term ‘‘discriminate’’ to include ‘‘not making
reasonable accommodations to the known physical
or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified
individual with a disability who is an applicant or
employee’’); 28 U.S.C. 2412(b) (‘‘Unless expressly
prohibited by statute, a court may award reasonable
fees and expenses of attorneys * * * to the
prevailing party in any civil action brought by or
against the United States or any agency.’’); 43 U.S.C.
1734(a) (‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the Secretary may establish reasonable filing
and service fees and reasonable charges, and
commissions with respect to applications and other
documents relating to the public lands and may
change and abolish such fees, charges, and
11 E.g., Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary at
936 (10th ed. 1995).
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factors, the Board believes that they
reflect Congressional intent with respect
to the implementation of Section 149(a)
and therefore provide useful measures
for determining whether penalty fees are
‘‘reasonable and proportional.’’
Accordingly, when implementing the
reasonable and proportional
requirement, the Board has been guided
by these factors. In addition, pursuant to
its authority under Section 149(c)(4) to
consider ‘‘such other factors as the
Board may deem necessary or
appropriate,’’ the Board has considered
the need for general regulations that can
be consistently applied by card issuers
and enforced by the Federal banking
agencies, the NCUA, and the Federal
Trade Commission. The Board has also
considered the need for regulations that
result in fees that can be effectively
disclosed to consumers in solicitations,
account-opening disclosures, and
As discussed below, when the
statutory factors in Section 149(c) were
in conflict, the Board found it necessary
to give more weight to a particular factor
or factors. In addition, while the Board
has generally attempted to establish
consistent relationships between the
dollar amounts of penalty fees and the
violations for which they are imposed,
there are certain circumstances in which
the Board believes that a particular
factor or factors may warrant
modifications to those relationships that
could produce some degree of
inconsistency. The Board is making
these determinations pursuant to the
authority granted by new TILA Section
149 and existing TILA Section 105(a). In
particular, as noted above, new TILA
Section 149(d) provides that ‘‘the Board
may establish different standards for
different types of fees and charges, as
Cost Incurred as a Result of Violations
New TILA Section 149(c)(1) requires
the Board to consider the cost incurred
by the creditor from the violation. The
Board believes that, for purposes of new
TILA Section 149(a), the dollar amount
of a penalty fee is reasonable and
proportional to a violation if it
represents a reasonable proportion of
the total costs incurred by the issuer as
a result of that type of violation across
all consumers. This interpretation
appears to be consistent with Congress’
intent insofar as it permits card issuers
to use penalty fees to pass on the costs
incurred as a result of violations while
ensuring that those costs are spread
evenly among consumers and that no
individual consumer bears an
unreasonable or disproportionate share.
As discussed below, the Board also
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intends to adopt a safe harbor amount
for penalty fees that the Board believes
would be generally sufficient to cover
issuers’ costs.
The Board notes that the proposed
rule would not require that a penalty fee
be reasonable and proportional to the
costs incurred as a result of a specific
violation on a specific account. Such a
requirement would force card issuers to
wait until after a violation has occurred
to determine the associated costs. In
addition to being inefficient and overly
burdensome for card issuers, this type of
requirement would be difficult for
regulators to enforce and would result
in fees that could not be disclosed to
consumers in advance. The Board does
not believe that Congress intended this
result. Instead, as discussed in greater
detail below, the proposed rule would
require card issuers to determine that
their penalty fees represent a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by
the issuer as a result of the type of
violation (for example, late payments).
Deterrence of Violations
New TILA Section 149(c)(2) requires
the Board to consider the deterrence of
violations by the cardholder. The Board
believes that a penalty fee is reasonable
and proportional to a violation under
new TILA Section 149(a) if the dollar
amount of the fee is reasonably
necessary to deter that type of violation.
The Board believes that this
interpretation is consistent with
Congress’ intent because it will prevent
consumers from being charged fees that
unreasonably exceed—or are out of
proportion to—their deterrent effect. As
discussed below, the Board would also
adopt a safe harbor amount for penalty
fees that the Board believes would be
generally sufficient to deter violations.
The proposed rule does not require
that penalty fees be calibrated to deter
individual consumers from engaging in
specific violations. The Board believes
that this type of requirement would be
unworkable because the amount
necessary to deter a particular consumer
from, for example, paying late may
depend on the individual characteristics
of that consumer (such as the
consumer’s disposable income or other
obligations) and other highly specific
factors. Imposing such a requirement
would create compliance, enforcement,
and disclosure difficulties similar to
those discussed above with respect to
costs. Accordingly, as discussed in more
detail below, the proposed rule would
require that penalty fees be reasonably
necessary to deter the type of violation,
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rather than a specific violation or an
individual consumer.12
Consumer Conduct
New TILA Section 149(c)(3) requires
the Board to consider the conduct of the
cardholder. As discussed above, the
Board does not believe that Congress
intended to require that each penalty fee
be based on an assessment of the
individual characteristics of the
violation. Thus, the proposed rule
would not require card issuers to
examine the conduct of the individual
consumer before imposing a penalty fee.
The Board believes that—to the extent
certain consumer conduct that violates
the account terms or other requirements
has the effect of increasing the costs
incurred by the card issuer—fees
imposed pursuant to the proposed rule
would reflect that conduct because the
issuer would be permitted to recover the
increased cost. Similarly, the proposed
rule takes consumer conduct into
account by permitting issuers to charge
penalty fees that are reasonably
necessary to deter certain types of
conduct that result in violations. Thus,
because consideration of individual
consumer conduct is not feasible and
because general consumer conduct
would be reflected in the cost and
deterrence analyses, the Board’s general
rule would not permit penalty fees to be
based exclusively on consumer conduct.
However, the Board considered
consumer conduct when developing
other provisions of the proposed rule.
These provisions reflect the Board’s
belief that Congress intended the
amount of a penalty fee to bear a
reasonable relationship to the
magnitude of the violation. For
example, a consumer who exceeds the
credit limit by $5 should not be
penalized to the same degree as a
consumer who exceeds the limit by
$500. Accordingly, the proposed rule
would prohibit issuers from imposing
penalty fees that exceed the dollar
amount associated with the violation of
the account terms or other requirements.
Thus, a consumer who exceeds the
12 The Board acknowledges that a penalty fee is
unlikely to have a deterrent effect in circumstances
where consumers cannot avoid the violation of the
account terms. However, deterrence is a required
factor under new TILA Section 149(c), and there is
evidence indicating that, as a general matter,
penalty fees may deter future violations of the
account terms. See Agarwal et al., Learning in the
Credit Card Market (Feb. 8, 2008) (finding that,
based on a study of four million credit card
statements, a consumer who incurs a late payment
fee is 40% less likely to incur a late payment fee
during the next month, although this effect
depreciates approximately 10% each month)
(available at
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credit limit by $5 could not be charged
an over-the-limit fee of more than $5.
The proposed rule would also
establish a safe harbor permitting higher
penalty fees when a large dollar amount
is associated with the violation.
Specifically, issuers would be permitted
to impose penalty fees that do not
exceed 5% of the dollar amount
associated with the violation (up to a
maximum amount). Thus, a consumer
who exceeds the credit limit by $500
could be charged an over-the-limit fee of
Furthermore, the proposed rule would
prohibit issuers from imposing multiple
penalty fees based on a single event or
transaction. The Board believes that
imposing multiple fees in these
circumstances could be unreasonable
and disproportionate to the conduct of
the consumer because the same conduct
may result in a single or multiple
violations, depending on circumstances
that may not be in the control of the
consumer. For example, the proposed
rule would prohibit issuers from
charging a late payment fee and a
returned payment fee based on a single
Finally, the Board solicits comment
on whether there are additional
methods for regulating the amount of
credit card penalty fees based on the
conduct of the consumer. In particular,
the Board solicits comment on whether
the safe harbor in § 226.52(b)(3) should
permit issuers to base penalty fees on
consumer conduct by:
• Tiering the dollar amount of
penalty fees based on the number of
times a consumer engages in particular
conduct during a specified period. For
example, card issuers could be
permitted to charge a fee for the second
late payment during a 12-month period
that is higher than the fee charged for
the first late payment.
• Imposing penalty fees in increments
based on the consumer’s conduct. For
example, card issuers could be
permitted to charge a late payment fee
of $5 each day after the payment due
date until the required minimum
periodic payment is received. Thus, a
consumer who is only a day late would
be charged $5 in late payment fees,
while a consumer who is five days late
would be charged $25.
52(b)(1) General Rule
Proposed § 226.52(b)(1) implements
the general rule in new TILA Section
149(a) by providing that a card issuer
must not impose a fee for violating the
terms or other requirements of a credit
card account under an open-end (not
home-secured) consumer credit plan
unless the card issuer has determined
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that either: (1) The dollar amount of the
fee represents a reasonable proportion of
the total costs incurred by the card
issuer as a result of that type of
violation; or (2) the dollar amount of the
fee is reasonably necessary to deter that
type of violation.
Because a card issuer is in the best
position to determine the costs it incurs
as a result of violations and the
deterrent effect of its penalty fees, the
Board believes that, as a general matter,
it is appropriate to make card issuers
responsible for determining that their
fees comply with new TILA Section
149(a) and § 226.52(b)(1). As discussed
below, proposed § 226.52(b)(3) contains
a safe harbor that is intended to reduce
the burden of making these
determinations. The Board notes that a
card issuer that chooses to base its
penalty fees on its own determinations
(rather than on the safe harbor) must be
able to demonstrate to the regulator
responsible for enforcing compliance
with TILA and Regulation Z that its
determinations are consistent with
§ 226.52(b)(1).
As discussed above, it would be
inefficient and overly burdensome to
require card issuers to make
individualized determinations with
respect to the costs incurred as a result
of each violation or the amount
necessary to deter each violation.
Instead, card issuers would be required
to make these determinations with
respect to the type of violation (for
example, late payments), rather than a
specific violation or an individual
consumer. Although ‘‘the conduct of the
cardholder’’ is a relevant consideration
under new TILA Section 149(c)(3),
proposed § 226.52(b)(1) would not
require a card issuer to examine the
conduct of the individual consumer
with respect to a particular violation
before imposing a penalty fee, nor
would it permit an issuer to base the
amount of a penalty fee solely on a
consumer’s conduct. Instead, the Board
believes that this factor supports the
prohibitions in proposed § 226.52(b)(2)
on penalty fees that exceed the dollar
amount associated with the violation
and the imposition of multiple penalty
fees based on a single event or
Proposed comment 52(b)–1 would
clarify that, for purposes of § 226.52(b),
a fee is any charge imposed by a card
issuer based on an act or omission that
violates the terms of the account or any
other requirements imposed by the card
issuer with respect to the account, other
than charges attributable to periodic
interest rates. This comment provides
the following examples of fees that are
subject to the limitations in—or
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prohibited by—§ 226.52(b): (1) Late
payment fees and any other fees
imposed by a card issuer if an account
becomes delinquent or if a payment is
not received by a particular date; (2)
returned-payment fees and any other
fees imposed by a card issuer if a
payment received via check, automated
clearing house, or other payment
method is returned; (3) any fee or charge
for an over-the-limit transaction as
defined in § 226.56(a), to the extent the
imposition of such a fee or charge is
permitted by § 226.56; 13 (4) any fee or
charge for a transaction that the card
issuer declines to authorize; and (5) any
fee imposed by a card issuer based on
account inactivity (including the
consumer’s failure to use the account for
a particular number or amount of
transactions or a particular type of
transaction) or the closure or
termination of an account.14
Proposed comment 52(b)–1 would
also provide the following examples of
fees to which § 226.52(b) does not
apply: (1) Balance transfer fees; (2) cash
advance fees; (3) foreign transaction
fees; (4) annual fees and other fees for
the issuance or availability of credit
described in § 226.5a(b)(2), except to the
extent that such fees are based on
account inactivity; (4) fees for insurance
described in § 226.4(b)(7) or debt
cancellation or debt suspension
coverage described in § 226.4(b)(10)
written in connection with a credit
transaction, provided that such fees are
not imposed as a result of a violation of
the account terms or other requirements;
(5) fees for making an expedited
payment (to the extent permitted by
§ 226.10(e)); (6) fees for optional
services (such as travel insurance); and
(7) fees for reissuing a lost or stolen
In addition, proposed comment 52(b)–
1 would clarify that § 226.52(b) does not
apply to charges attributable to an
increase in an annual percentage rate
based on an act or omission that violates
the account terms. Currently, many
credit card issuers apply an increased
13 It appears that Congress intended new TILA
Section 149 to apply to all over-the-limit fees, even
if the consumer has affirmatively consented to the
payment of over-the-limit transactions pursuant to
new TILA Section 127(k) and § 226.56. See new
TILA § 149(a) (listing over-the-limit fees as an
example of a penalty fee or charge). Furthermore,
the Board has determined that the Credit Card Act’s
restrictions on fees for over-the-limit transactions
apply regardless of whether the card issuer
characterizes the fee as a fee for a service or a fee
for a violation of the account terms. See comment
14 As discussed below, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B) would
prohibit the imposition of fees for declined
transactions, fees based on account inactivity, and
fees based on the closure or termination of an
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annual percentage rate (or penalty rate)
based on certain violations of the
account terms. Application of this
increased rate can result in increased
interest charges. However, the Board
does not believe that Congress intended
the words ‘‘any penalty fee or charge’’ in
new TILA Section 149(a) to apply to
penalty rate increases.
Elsewhere in the Credit Card Act,
Congress expressly referred to increases
in annual percentage rates when it
intended to address them.15 In fact, the
Credit Card Act contains several
provisions that specifically limit the
ability of card issuers to apply penalty
rates. Revised TILA Section 171
prohibits application of penalty rates to
existing credit card balances unless the
account is more than 60 days
delinquent. See revised TILA
§ 171(b)(4); see also § 226.55(b)(4).
Furthermore, if an account becomes
more than 60 days delinquent and a
penalty rate is applied to an existing
balance, the card issuer must terminate
the penalty rate if it receives the
required minimum payments on time
for the next six months. See revised
TILA § 171(b)(4)(B); § 226.55(b)(4)(ii).
With respect to new transactions, new
TILA § 172(a) generally prohibits card
issuers from applying penalty rates
during the first year after account
opening. See also § 226.55(b)(3)(iii).
Subsequently, the card issuer must
provide 45 days advance notice before
applying a penalty rate to new
transactions. See new TILA § 127(i);
§ 226.9(g). Finally, once a penalty rate is
in effect, the card issuer generally must
review the account at least once every
six months thereafter and reduce the
rate if appropriate. See new TILA § 148;
proposed § 226.59. These protections—
in combination with the lack of any
express reference to penalty rate
increases in new TILA Section 149—
indicate that Congress did not intend to
apply the ‘‘reasonable and proportional’’
standard to increases in annual
percentage rates.16
15 For example, revised TILA Section 171(a) and
(b) and new TILA Section 172 explicitly distinguish
between annual percentage rates, fees, and finance
16 The Board also notes that prior versions of the
Credit Card Act contained language that would
have limited the amount of penalty rate increases,
but that language was removed prior to enactment.
See S. 414 § 103 (introduced Feb. 11, 2009)
(proposing to create a new TILA § 127(o) requiring
that ‘‘[t]he amount of any fee or charge that a card
issuer may impose in connection with any omission
with respect to, or violation of, the cardholder
agreement, including any late payment fee, over the
limit fee, increase in the applicable annual
percentage rate, or any similar fee or charge, shall
be reasonably related to the cost to the card issuer
of such omission or violation’’) (emphasis added)
(available at
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Proposed comment 52(b)–2 would
clarify that a card issuer may round any
fee that complies with § 226.52(b) to the
nearest whole dollar. For example, if the
proposed rule permits a card issuer to
impose a late payment fee of $21.50, the
card issuer may round that amount up
to the nearest whole dollar and impose
a late payment fee of $22. However, if
the permissible late payment fee were
$21.49, the card issuer would not be
permitted to round that amount up to
$22, although the card issuer could
round that amount down and impose a
late payment fee of $21.
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)–1 would
clarify that the fact that a card issuer’s
fees for violating the account terms are
comparable to fees assessed by other
card issuers is not sufficient to satisfy
the requirements of § 226.52(b)(1).
Instead, a card issuer must make its own
determinations whether the amounts of
its fees represent a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by
the issuer or are reasonably necessary to
deter violations.
A. Fees Based on Costs
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)–1
would clarify that a card issuer is not
required to base its fees on the costs
incurred as a result of a specific
violation of the account terms or other
requirements. Instead, for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i), a card issuer must have
determined that a fee for violating the
account terms or other requirements
represents a reasonable proportion of
the costs incurred by the card issuer as
a result of that type of violation. The
factors relevant to this determination
include: (1) The number of violations of
a particular type experienced by the
card issuer during a prior period; and
(2) the costs incurred by the card issuer
during that period as a result of those
violations. In addition, the card issuer
may, at its option, base its fees on a
reasonable estimate of changes in the
number of violations of that type and
the resulting costs during an upcoming
For example, a card issuer could
satisfy § 226.52(b)(1)(i) by determining
that its late payment fee represents a
reasonable proportion of the total costs
incurred by the card issuer as a result
of late payments based on the number
of delinquencies it experienced in the
past twelve months, the costs incurred
as a result of those delinquencies, and
a reasonable estimate about changes in
delinquency rates and the costs incurred
as a result of delinquencies during a
subsequent period of time (such as the
next twelve months). As discussed
below, proposed comments 52(b)(1)(i)–4
through –6 would provide more detailed
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examples of the types of costs that a
card issuer may incur as a result of late
payments, returned payments, and
transactions that exceed the credit limit
as well as examples of fees that would
represent a reasonable proportion of
those costs.
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)–2
would clarify that, although higher rates
of loss may be associated with particular
violations of the account terms, those
losses and associated costs (such as the
cost of holding reserves against losses)
are excluded from the § 226.52(b)(1)(i)
cost analysis. Although an account
cannot become a loss without first
becoming delinquent, delinquencies
and associated losses may be caused by
a variety of factors (such
unemployment, illness, and divorce).
Furthermore, it appears that most
violations of the account terms do not
actually result in losses.17
In addition, the Board understands
that, as a general matter, card issuers
currently do not price for the risk of loss
through penalty fees; instead, issuers
generally price for risk through upfront
annual percentage rates and penalty rate
increases.18 However, the Credit Card
Act generally prohibits penalty rate
increases during the first year after
account opening and with respect to
existing balances.19 The Board imposed
similar limitations in January 2009,
reasoning that pricing for risk using
upfront rates rather than penalty rate
increases would promote transparency
and protect consumers from
unanticipated increases in the cost of
credit.20 For these same reasons, the
Board is concerned that—if card issuers
17 For example, data submitted to the Board
during the comment period for the January 2009
FTC Act Rule indicated that more than 93% of
accounts that were over the credit limit or
delinquent twice in a twelve month period did not
charge off during the subsequent twelve months.
See Federal Reserve Board Docket No. R–1314:
Exhibit 5, Table 1a to Comment from Oliver I.
Ireland, Morrison Foerster LLP (Aug 7, 2008) (Argus
Analysis) (presenting results of analysis by Argus
Information & Advisory Services, LLC of historical
data for consumer credit card accounts believed to
represent approximately 70% of all outstanding
consumer credit card balances). Furthermore,
because collections generally continue after the
account has been charged off, an account that has
been charged off is not necessarily a total loss.
18 The Board recognizes that this is not
necessarily the case for charge card accounts, which
generally impose an annual fee but not interest
charges because the balance must be paid in full
each billing cycle. As discussed below, the Board
solicits comment on whether a different approach
should be taken with these types of accounts.
19 See revised TILA § 171; new TILA § 172; see
also § 226.55.
20 This rule was issued jointly with the OTS and
NCUA under the Federal Trade Commission Act to
protect consumers from unfair acts or practices with
respect to consumer credit card accounts. See 74 FR
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were permitted to begin recovering
losses and associated costs through
penalty fees rather than upfront rates—
transparency in credit card pricing
would be reduced.21 Nevertheless, the
Board solicits comment on whether card
issuers should be permitted to include
losses and associated costs in the
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i) determination.
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)–3
would clarify that, as a general matter,
amounts charged to the card issuer by
a third party as a result of a violation of
the account terms are costs incurred by
the card issuer for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i). For example, if a card
issuer is charged a specific amount by
a third party for each returned payment,
that amount is a cost incurred by the
card issuer as a result of returned
payments. However, if the amount is
charged to the card issuer by an affiliate
or subsidiary of the card issuer, the card
21 The Board notes that this proposed approach is
consistent with the conclusions reached by the
United Kingdom’s Office of Fair Trading in its
statement of the principles that credit card issuers
must follow in setting default charges. See Office of
Fair Trading (United Kingdom), Calculating Fair
Default Charges in Credit Card Contracts: A
Statement of the OFT’s Position (April 2006) (OFT
Credit Card Statement) at 1, 19–22 (‘‘[W]e fail to see
how [losses] can legitimately be said to have been
caused in any legally relevant sense by a particular
default of the consumer given that * * * most
defaulters do not default again in any given year,
let alone are their accounts written off at a later
stage.’’); see also id. at 25 (‘‘[I]t is preferable for
credit card providers’ costs to be covered * * * by
the overall interest rate charged for using the card.
That rate is most likely to be in the forefront of the
minds of consumers when entering contracts, and
the figure is one which readily enables the
consumer to compare the advantages (or otherwise)
of signing up for one credit card rather than
another. The transparency of core terms such as the
interest rate payable on the card enhances the
ability of consumers to compare and contrast the
various credit cards on offer in the market and is
therefore likely to bring about competitive
downward pressure on the rates, and hence costs
involved. It is therefore preferable, from the point
of view of making markets work well that if credit
card companies want to recover costs associated
with default from their customers, they should do
so by virtue of the overall interest rate payable for
credit on the card.’’) (available at https://
financial_products/oft842.pdf). The Board is aware
that a recent opinion by the Supreme Court of the
United Kingdom has called into question aspects of
the OFT’s legal authority to regulate prices paid by
consumers for banking services. See Office of Fair
Trading v. Abbey Nat’l Plc and Others (Nov. 25,
2009) (available at https://
UKSC_2009_0070_Judgment.pdf). However, this
opinion does not appear to affect the OFT’s
authority to regulate default charges, which was the
basis for the Credit Card Statement. See OFT Credit
Card Statement at 10–17. Regardless, this question
does not affect the Board’s legal authority (and
mandate) to regulate credit card penalty fees under
new TILA Section 149. Accordingly, while the
Board does not find the OFT Credit Card Statement
to be dispositive on any particular point, the Board
believes that the OFT’s findings with respect to
credit card penalty fees warrant consideration,
along with other factors.
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issuer must have determined for
purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i) that the
amount represents a reasonable
proportion of the costs incurred by the
affiliate or subsidiary as a result of the
type of violation. For example, if an
affiliate of a card issuer provides
collection services to the card issuer for
delinquent accounts, the card issuer
must determine that the amount charged
to the card issuer by the affiliate for
such services represents a reasonable
proportion of the costs incurred by the
affiliate as a result of late payments.
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)–4
would clarify the application of
proposed § 226.52(b)(1)(i) to late
payment fees. In addition to providing
illustrative examples, the comment
would state that, for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i), the costs incurred by a
card issuer as a result of late payments
include the costs associated with the
collection of late payments, such as the
costs associated with notifying
consumers of delinquencies and
resolving delinquencies (including the
establishment of workout and temporary
hardship arrangements). The Board
solicits comment on whether card
issuers incur other costs as a result of
late payments.
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)–5
would clarify the application of
proposed § 226.52(b)(1)(i) to returnedpayment fees. The comment would state
that, for purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i),
the costs incurred by a card issuer as a
result of returned payments include the
costs associated with processing
returned payments and reconciling the
card issuer’s systems and accounts to
reflect returned payments as well as the
costs associated with notifying the
consumer of the returned payment and
arranging for a new payment. The
comment would also provide
illustrative examples. As above, the
Board solicits comment on whether card
issuers incur other costs as a result of
returned payments.
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)–6
would clarify the application of
proposed § 226.52(b)(1)(i) to over-thelimit fees. In addition to providing
illustrative examples, the comment
would state that, for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i), the costs incurred by a
card issuer as a result of over-the-limit
transactions include the costs associated
with determining whether to authorize
over-the-limit transactions and the costs
associated with notifying the consumer
that the credit limit has been exceeded
and arranging for payments to reduce
the balance below the credit limit. The
Board solicits comment on whether card
issuers incur other costs as a result of
over-the-limit transactions.
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B. Fees Based on Deterrence
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(ii)–1
would clarify that § 226.52(b)(1)(ii) does
not require a card issuer to determine
that a fee for violating the account terms
or other requirements is necessary to
deter violations by a specific consumer
or with respect to a specific account.
Instead, for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(ii), a card issuer must
determine that a fee is reasonably
necessary to deter the type of violation
for which the fee is imposed.
Because it would not be feasible to
determine the specific amount
necessary to deter a particular consumer
from violating the account terms or
other requirements, § 226.52(b)(1)(ii)
would require issuers that base their
penalty fees on deterrence to use an
empirically derived, demonstrably and
statistically sound model that
reasonably estimates the effect of the
amount of the fee on the frequency of
violations. Proposed comment
52(b)(1)(ii)–2 clarifies that a model that
reasonably estimates a statistical
correlation between the imposition of a
fee and the frequency of a type of
violation is not sufficient to satisfy the
requirements of § 226.52(b)(1)(ii). The
Board acknowledges that, as a general
matter, the imposition of a fee for
particular behavior (such as paying late)
can reduce the frequency of that
behavior. However, the frequency of
violations may also be influenced by
other factors (such as unemployment
rates). In addition, consistent with the
intent of new TILA Section 149,
proposed § 226.52(b)(1)(ii) requires the
issuer to determine that the dollar
amount of the fee is reasonably
necessary to deter violations.
Thus, the proposed comment clarifies
that, in order to support a determination
that the dollar amount of a fee is
reasonably necessary to deter a
particular type of violation, a model
must reasonably estimate that,
independent of other variables, the
imposition of a lower fee amount would
result in a substantial increase in the
frequency of that type of violation. In
addition, the parameterization of the
model must be sufficiently flexible to
allow for the identification of a lower
fee level above which additional fee
increases have no marginal effect on the
frequency of violations. In other words,
a card issuer that currently charges a
$35 late payment fee could not satisfy
the requirements in § 226.52(b)(1)(ii) by
developing a model that estimates that
delinquencies will increase if no late
payment fee is charged. Instead, the
issuer’s model must be able to
reasonably estimate that delinquencies
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will increase substantially if a late
payment fee of less than $35 is charged.
The Board understands that, in order
to develop the empirically-derived
estimates required by § 226.52(b)(1)(ii),
card issuers must have data regarding
the effect of different fee amounts on the
frequency of violations. Specifically, in
order to comply with § 226.52(b)(1)(ii),
it will be necessary for a card issuer to
test the effect of fee amounts that are
lower and higher than the amount
ultimately found to be reasonably
necessary to deter a type of violation.
For example, in the process of
determining that a $20 fee is reasonably
necessary to deter a particular type of
violation, a card issuer may need to test
the deterrent effect of an $15 fee and a
$25 fee.
Some card issuers may be able to
gather the necessary data by testing the
deterrent effect of different fee amounts
prior to the August 22, 2010 effective
date for new TILA Section 149. Issuers
that cannot do so would be required to
base their penalty fees on costs
consistent with § 226.52(b)(1)(i) or to
use the safe harbor in § 226.52(b)(3).
However, the Board does not believe
that these issuers should be
permanently foreclosed from gathering
the data necessary to base their penalty
fees on deterrence. Furthermore, as
discussed below with respect to
§ 226.52(b)(1)(iii), card issuers that base
their fees on deterrence will be required
to reevaluate those fees annually and
will therefore need to gather updated
Accordingly, the Board solicits
comment on whether it is appropriate to
permit card issuers to test the effect of
penalty fee amounts that exceed the
amounts otherwise permitted by
§ 226.52(b)(1). In addition, the Board
solicits comment on whether limitations
are necessary to ensure that such testing
is legitimate. For example, testing of
higher fee amounts could be limited to
a representative sample of accounts that
is no larger than reasonably necessary to
make statistically-sound estimates
regarding the effect of the amount of the
fee on the frequency of violations.
Similarly, testing could be limited to a
period of time that is no longer than
reasonably necessary to make such
C. Reevaluation of Fees
Proposed § 226.52(b)(1)(iii) provides
that a card issuer must reevaluate its
determination under § 226.52(b)(1)(i) or
(b)(1)(ii) at least once every twelve
months. If as a result of the reevaluation
the card issuer determines that a lower
fee is consistent with § 226.52(b)(1)(i) or
(b)(1)(ii), the card issuer must begin
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imposing the lower fee within 30 days
after completing the reevaluation. If the
card issuer instead determines that a
higher fee is consistent with
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i) or (b)(1)(ii), the card
issuer may begin imposing the higher
fee after complying with the notice
requirements in § 226.9. This provision
is intended to ensure that card issuers
impose penalty fees based on relatively
current cost or deterrence information.
However, the Board does not wish to
encourage frequent changes in penalty
fees, which could reduce predictability
for consumers. Accordingly, the Board
solicits comment on whether twelve
months is an appropriate interval for the
52(b)(2) Prohibited Fees
Section 226.52(b)(2) would prohibit
credit card penalty fees that the Board
believes to be inconsistent with new
TILA Section 149. In particular, these
prohibitions are intended to ensure
that—consistent with new TILA Section
149(c)(3)—penalty fees are generally
reasonable and proportional to the
conduct of the cardholder.
A. Fees That Exceed Dollar Amount
Associated With Violation
Section 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would
prohibit fees based on violations of the
account terms that exceed the dollar
amount associated with the violation at
the time the fee is imposed. The Board
believes that this prohibition is
consistent with Congress’ intent to
prohibit penalty fees that are not
reasonable and proportional to the
violation. Specifically, penalty fees that
exceed the dollar amount associated
with the violation do not appear to be
proportional to the consumer conduct
that resulted in the violation. For
example, the Board believes that
Congress did not intend to permit
issuers to impose a $35 over-the-limit
fee when a consumer has exceeded the
credit limit by $5.
The Board recognizes the possibility
that a card issuer could incur costs as
a result of a violation that exceed the
dollar amount associated with that
violation. However, the Board does not
believe this will be the case in most
circumstances. Furthermore, to the
extent an issuer cannot recover all of its
costs from violations involving small
dollar amounts, proposed § 226.52(b)(1)
permits the issuer to recover those costs
by spreading them evenly among all
other consumers who engage in that
type of violation. In addition, the
proposed limitation may encourage card
issuers either to undertake efforts to
reduce the costs incurred as a result of
violations that involve small dollar
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amounts or to build those costs into
upfront rates and fees, which will result
in greater transparency for consumers
regarding the cost of using their credit
card accounts.
An argument could be made that
prohibiting penalty fees from exceeding
the dollar amount associated with the
violation will result in fees that are not
sufficient to deter violations. However,
the need for deterrence may be less
pronounced with respect to violations
involving small dollar amounts.
Furthermore, the Board believes that
consumers may be unlikely to change
their behavior in reliance on this
limitation. Penalty fees will still have a
deterrent effect in these circumstances
because a card issuer would be
permitted to impose a fee that equals the
dollar amount associated with the
violation (so long as that fee is
otherwise consistent with § 226.52(b)).
See examples in proposed comment
52(b)(2)(i)–1 through –3.
Finally, the Board recognizes that
proposed § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would
require card issuers to charge
individualized penalty fees insofar as
the amount of the fee is tied to the dollar
amount associated with the particular
violation. However, unlike
individualized consideration of cost,
deterrence, or consumer conduct,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would require a
mathematical determination that issuers
should generally be able to program
their systems to perform automatically.
Thus, it does not appear that
compliance with § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A)
would be overly burdensome.
Nevertheless, the Board solicits
comment on the compliance burden
associated with this provision.
As discussed below, the proposed
commentary and § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B)
provide guidance regarding the dollar
amounts associated with specific
violations of the account terms or other
requirements. Consistent with the intent
of proposed § 226.52(b)(2)(i), the Board
generally clarifies the dollar amount
associated with a violation in terms of
the consumer conduct that resulted in
the violation. The Board requests
comment on whether additional
guidance is needed regarding the dollar
amounts associated with other types of
1. Dollar Amount Associated With Late
Proposed comment 52(b)(2)(i)–1
would clarify that the dollar amount
associated with a late payment is the
amount of the required minimum
periodic payment that was not received
on or before the payment due date.
Thus, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits a
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card issuer from imposing a late
payment fee that exceeds the amount of
the required minimum periodic
payment on which that fee is based. For
example, a card issuer would be
prohibited from charging a late payment
fee of $39 based on a consumer’s failure
to make a $20 required minimum
periodic payment by the payment due
2. Dollar Amount Associated With
Returned Payments
Proposed comment 52(b)(2)(i)–2
would clarify that, for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A), the dollar amount
associated with a returned payment is
the amount of the required minimum
periodic payment due during the billing
cycle in which the payment is returned
to the card issuer. Thus,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits a card
issuer from imposing a returnedpayment fee that exceeds the amount of
that required minimum periodic
For example, assume that the billing
cycles for an account begin on the first
day of the month and end on the last
day of the month and that the payment
due date is the twenty-fifth day of the
month. A minimum payment of $20 is
due on March 25. The card issuer
receives a check for $100 on March 23,
which is returned to the card issuer for
insufficient funds on March 26. Section
226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would prohibit the
card issuer from imposing a returnedpayment fee that exceeds $20. However,
assume instead that the card issuer
receives the $100 check on March 31
and the check is returned for
insufficient funds on April 2. The
minimum payment due on April 25 is
$30. Section 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would
prohibit the card issuer from imposing
a returned-payment fee that exceeds
The Board considered whether the
dollar amount associated with the
required minimum periodic payment
should be the amount of the returned
payment itself. However, some returned
payments may substantially exceed the
amount of the required minimum
periodic payment, which would result
in § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) permitting a
returned-payment fee that substantially
exceeds the late payment fee. For
example, if the required minimum
periodic payment is $20 and the
consumer makes a $100 payment that is
returned, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would
have limited the late payment fee to $20
but permitted a $100 returned-payment
fee. In addition to being anomalous, this
result would be inconsistent with the
intent of new TILA Section 149.
Accordingly, the Board believes the
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better approach is to define the dollar
amount associated with a returned
payment as the required minimum
periodic payment due when the
payment is returned.
As a general matter, a card issuer
should be readily able to determine the
required minimum periodic payment
due during the billing cycle in which
the payment is returned because that
payment must be disclosed on the
periodic statement provided shortly
after the start of each cycle. However, it
is possible that, in certain
circumstances, this approach could
result in a short delay in the imposition
of a returned-payment fee. For example,
assume that the billing cycles for an
account begin on the first day of the
month and end on the last day of the
month, that periodic statements are
mailed on the third day of the month,
and that the required minimum periodic
payment is due on the twenty-fifth day
of the month. If a payment is returned
on March 1, the card issuer may not yet
have determined the required minimum
periodic payment due on March 25.
However, the card issuer must
determine the amount of the payment
prior to sending the periodic statement
on March 3. Furthermore, regardless of
whether the fee is imposed on March 1
or March 3, it will be reflected on the
periodic statement sent on April 3.
Thus, in these circumstances, it does
not appear that the short delay in the
imposition of the fee would be
significantly detrimental to the issuer or
the consumer.
Proposed comment 52(b)(2)(i)–2
would also clarify that, if a payment has
been returned and is submitted again for
payment by the card issuer, there is no
separate or additional dollar amount
associated with a subsequent return of
that payment. Thus, as discussed below,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B) prohibits a card
issuer imposing an additional returnedpayment fee in these circumstances. It
would be inconsistent with the Board’s
understanding of the consumer conduct
factor in new TILA Section 149(c)(3) to
permit a card issuer to generate
additional returned-payment fees by
resubmitting a returned payment
because resubmission does not involve
any additional conduct by the
22 Although this concern could also be addressed
under the prohibition on multiple fees based on a
single event or transaction in § 226.52(b)(2)(ii), that
provision permits issuers to comply by imposing no
more than one penalty fee per billing cycle. Thus,
if imposition of an additional returned-payment fee
were not prohibited under § 226.52(b)(2)(i), the card
issuer could impose that fee by resubmitting a
payment that is returned late in a billing cycle
immediately after the start of the next cycle.
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3. Dollar Amount Associated With
Extensions of Credit In Excess of Credit
Proposed comment 52(b)(2)(i)–3
would clarify that the dollar amount
associated with extensions of credit in
excess of the credit limit is the total
amount of credit extended by the card
issuer in excess of that limit as of the
date on which the over-the-limit fee is
imposed. The comment would further
clarify that, although § 226.56(j)(1)(i)
prohibits a card issuer from imposing
more than one over-the-limit fee per
billing cycle, the card issuer may choose
the date during the billing cycle on
which to impose an over-the-limit fee.23
For example, assume that the billing
cycles for a credit card account with a
credit limit of $5,000 begin on the first
day of the month and end on the last
day of the month. Assume also that,
consistent with § 226.56, the consumer
has affirmatively consented to the
payment of transactions that exceed the
credit limit. On March 1, the account
has a $4,950 balance. On March 6, a $60
transaction is charged to the account,
increasing the balance to $5,010. If the
card issuer chooses to impose an overthe-limit fee on March 6,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would prohibit the
card issuer from imposing an over-thelimit fee that exceeds $10.
However, assume instead that the
card issuer chooses not to impose an
over-the-limit fee on March 6. On March
25, a $5 transaction is charged to the
account, increasing the balance to
$5,015. If the card issuer chooses to
impose an over-the-limit fee on March
25, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would prohibit
the card issuer from imposing an overthe-limit fee that exceeds $15.
4. Dollar Amounts Associated With
Other Types of Violations
Section 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B) would
prohibit the imposition of penalty fees
in circumstances where there is no
dollar amount associated with the
violation. In particular,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B) would specifically
prohibit a card issuer from imposing a
fee based on a transaction that the issuer
declines to authorize. Although the
imposition of fees based on declined
transactions does not appear to be
23 The Board considered whether the dollar
amount associated with extensions of credit in
excess of the credit limit should be the total amount
of credit extended by the card issuer in excess of
that limit as of the last day of the billing cycle.
However, in the February 2010 Regulation Z Rule,
the Board determined with respect to § 226.56(j)(1)
that this approach could delay the generation and
mailing of the periodic statement, thereby impeding
issuers’ ability to comply with the 21-day
requirement for mailing statements in advance of
the payment due date.
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widespread at present, the Board
believes that it is important to address
this issue in this rulemaking. A card
issuer may decline to authorize a
transaction because, for example, the
transaction would have exceeded the
credit limit for the account. Unlike overthe-limit transactions, however,
declined transactions do not result in an
extension of credit. Thus, there does not
appear to be any dollar amount
associated with a declined transaction.
In addition, it does not appear that the
imposition of a fee for a declined
transaction can be justified based on the
costs incurred by the card issuer. Unlike
returned payments, it is not necessary
for a card issuer to incur costs
reconciling its systems or arranging for
a new payment when a transaction is
declined. Furthermore, the Board
understands that card issuers generally
use a single automated system for
determining whether transactions
should be authorized or declined. Thus,
to the extent that card issuers incur
costs designing and administering such
systems, they are permitted to recover
those costs through over-the-limit fees.
See proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)–6.
However, the Board solicits comment on
whether a prohibition on penalty fees in
these circumstances is appropriate.
In addition, proposed
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B) specifically prohibits
a card issuer from imposing a penalty
fee based on account inactivity or the
closure or termination of an account.
The Board believes that this prohibition
is warranted because there does not
appear to be any dollar amount
associated with this consumer conduct.
The Board understands that card issuers
may receive less revenue from accounts
that are not used for a significant
number of transactions or are inactive or
closed. The Board also understands that
card issuers incur costs associated with
the administration of such accounts
(such as providing periodic statements
or other required disclosures). However,
because card issuers incur these costs
with respect to all accounts, the Board
does not believe that they constitute a
dollar amount associated with a
violation. As above, however, the Board
solicits comment on whether it is
appropriate to prohibit penalty fees in
these circumstances.
B. Multiple Fees Based On a Single
Event or Transaction
Section 226.52(b)(2)(ii) would
prohibit card issuers from imposing
more than one penalty fee based on a
single event or transaction, although
issuers would be permitted to comply
with this requirement by imposing no
more than one penalty fee during a
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billing cycle. As discussed above, the
Board believes that imposing multiple
fees based on a single event or
transaction is unreasonable and
disproportionate to the conduct of the
consumer because the same conduct
may result in a single or multiple
violations, depending on how the card
issuer categorizes the conduct or on
circumstances that may not be in the
control of the consumer. For example, if
a consumer submits a payment that is
returned for insufficient funds or for
other reasons, the consumer should not
be charged both a returned payment fee
and a late payment fee. Similarly, in
these circumstances, it does not appear
that multiple fees are reasonably
necessary to deter the single event or
transaction that caused the violations.
The Board understands that a card
issuer may incur greater costs as a result
of an event or transaction that causes
multiple violations than an event or
transaction that causes a single
violation. Using the example above,
assume that the card issuer incurs costs
as a result of the late payment and costs
as a result of the returned payment. If
the card issuer imposes a late payment
fee, § 226.52(b)(2)(ii) would prohibit the
issuer from recovering the costs
incurred as a result of the returned
payment by also charging a returnedpayment fee. However, in these
circumstances, § 226.52(b)(1)(i) permits
the issuer to recover those costs by
spreading them evenly among all other
consumers whose payments are
Proposed comment 52(b)(2)(ii)–1
provides additional examples of
circumstances where multiple penalty
fees would be prohibited, as well as
examples of circumstances where
multiple fees would be permitted. For
instance, assume that the credit limit for
an account is $1,000. On March 31, the
balance on the account is $975 and the
card issuer has not received the $20
required minimum periodic payment
due on March 25. On that same date
(March 31), a $50 transaction is charged
to the account, which increases the
balance to $1,025. Section
226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) would permit the card
issuer to impose a late payment fee of
$20 and an over-the-limit fee of $25
(assuming that these amounts comply
with the requirements of § 226.52(b)(1)
or the safe harbor in § 226.52(b)(3)).
Section 226.52(b)(2)(ii) would not
prohibit the imposition of both fees
because those fees are based on different
events or transactions (payment not
being received on or before the payment
due date and the $25 extension of credit
in excess of the credit limit).
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Notwithstanding this guidance, the
Board understands that determining
whether multiple violations are caused
by a single event or transaction will be
operationally difficult for card issuers.
Accordingly, in order to facilitate
compliance, § 226.52(b)(2)(ii) permits a
card issuer to avoid the burden
associated with making such
determinations by charging no more
than one penalty fee per billing cycle.
The Board believes that this approach
will generally provide at least the same
degree of protection for consumers as
prohibiting multiple fees based on a
single event or transaction because fees
imposed in different billing cycles will
generally be caused by different events
or transactions.
52(b)(3) Safe Harbor
As discussed above, new TILA
Section 149(e) authorizes the Board to
provide amounts for penalty fees that
are presumed to be reasonable and
proportional to the violation. The Board
acknowledges that specific safe harbor
amounts cannot be entirely consistent
with the factors listed in new TILA
Section 149(c) insofar as the costs
incurred as a result of violations, the
amount necessary to deter violations,
and the consumer conduct associated
with violations will vary depending on
the issuer, the consumer, the type of
violation, and other circumstances.
However, as discussed above, it would
not be feasible to implement new TILA
Section 149 based on individualized
determinations. Instead, the Board
believes that establishing a generally
applicable safe harbor will facilitate
compliance by issuers and increase
consistency and predictability for
Accordingly, § 226.52(b)(3) would
provide a safe harbor that may be used
to comply with the requirement in
§ 226.52(b)(1) that a card issuer
determine that its penalty fees either
represent a reasonable proportion of the
total costs incurred by the card issuer as
a result of violations or are reasonably
necessary to deter violations. However,
the Board does not have sufficient
information to determine the
appropriate amount at this time.
Accordingly, rather than proposing a
specific dollar amount, the Board is
requesting comment regarding an
amount that is generally consistent with
the requirements in § 226.52(b)(1).
A. Information Considered by the Board
As discussed below, in developing the
proposed safe harbor approach, the
Board considered a variety of relevant
information. First, the Board considered
the dollar amounts of penalty fees
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currently charged by card issuers.
Although credit card penalty fees
appear to be approximately $32 to $37
on average, many smaller card issuers
(such as community banks and credit
unions) charge penalty fees of
approximately $20. The Board
understands that—rather than basing
penalty fees solely on costs and
deterrence—card issuers currently
consider a number of additional factors,
including the need to maintain or
increase overall revenue. Nevertheless,
the discrepancy between the fees
charged by large and small issuers
suggests that—although violations of the
account terms or other requirements
likely impact different types of card
issuers to different degrees—fees that
are substantially lower than the current
average may be sufficient to cover the
costs incurred as a result of those
violations and to deter such violations.
Second, the Board considered the
dollar amounts of penalty fees charged
with respect to deposit accounts and
consumer credit accounts other than
credit cards. As a general matter, these
fees appear to be significantly lower
than average credit card penalty fees,
which also indicates that lower credit
card penalty fees may adequately reflect
the cost of violations and deter future
violations. For example, according to a
recent report by the GAO, the average
overdraft and insufficient funds fee
charged by depository institutions was
just over $26 per item in 2007.24
Notably, the GAO also reported that
large institutions on average charged
between $4 and $5 more for overdraft
and insufficient funds fees compared to
smaller institutions.25 Similarly, the
Board understands that, for many homeequity lines of credit, the late payment
fee, returned-payment fee, and over-thelimit fee is $25 (although in some cases
those fees may be set by state law).
However, for most closed-end mortgage
loans and some home-equity lines of
credit and automobile installment loans,
24 See Bank Fees: Federal Banking Regulators
Could Better Ensure That Consumers Have
Required Disclosure Documents Prior to Opening
Checking or Savings Accounts, GAO Report 08–281,
at 14 (January 2008) (GAO Bank Fees Report); see
also ‘‘Consumer Overdraft Fees Increase During
Recession: First-Time Phenomenon,’’ Press release,
Moebs $ervices (July 15, 2009) (Moebs 2009 Pricing
Survey Press Release) (available at: https://
(reporting an average overdraft fee of $26).
25 See GAO Bank Fees Report at 16. Another
recent survey suggests that the cost difference in
overdraft fees between small and large institutions
may be larger than reported by the GAO. See Moebs
2009 Pricing Survey Press Release (reporting that
banks with more than $50 billion in assets charged
on average $35 per overdrawn check compared to
$26 for all institutions).
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the late payment fee is 5% of the
overdue payment.
Third, the Board considered state and
local laws regulating penalty fees. As
above, except in the case of late
payment fees that are a percentage of the
overdue amount, it appears that state
and local laws that specifically address
penalty fees generally limit those fees to
amounts that are significantly lower
than the current average for credit card
penalty fees. For example, California
law does not permit credit and charge
card late payment fees unless the
account is at least five days’ past due
and then limits the fee to an amount
between $7 and $15, depending on the
number of days the account is past due
and whether the account was previously
past due.26 In addition, California law
does not permit over-the-limit fees
unless the credit limit is exceeded by
the lesser of $500 or 20% of the limit
and then restricts the fee to $10.27
Massachusetts law limits delinquency
charges for all open-end credit plans to
the lesser of $10 or 10% of the
outstanding balance and permits such
fees only when the account is more than
15 days past due.28 Maine law generally
limits delinquency charges for
consumer credit transactions and openend credit plans to the lesser of $10 or
5% of the unpaid amount.29 Finally, the
Board understands some state and local
laws governing late payment fees for
utilities permit only fixed fee amounts
(ranging between $5 and $25), while
others limit the fee to a percentage of
the amount past due (ranging from 1%
to 10%) or some combination of the two
(for example, the greater of $20 or 5%
of the amount past due).
Fourth, the Board considered the safe
harbor threshold for credit card default
charges established by the United
Kingdom’s Office of Fair Trading (OFT)
in 2006. As a general matter, the OFT
concluded that—under the laws and
regulations of the United Kingdom—
provisions in credit card agreements
authorizing default charges ‘‘are open to
challenge on grounds of unfairness if
they have the object of raising more in
revenue than is reasonably expected to
be necessary to recover certain limited
administrative costs incurred by the
credit card issuer.’’ 30 In order to ‘‘help
26 See
Cal. Fin. Code § 4001(a)(1)–(2).
id. § 4001(a)(3).
28 See Mass. Ann. Laws ch. 140 § 114B.
29 See Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 9–A, § 2–502(1); see
also Minn. Stat. §§ 48.185(d), 53C.08(1)(c), and
604.113(2)(a) (generally limiting late payment fees
on open-end credit plans to the greater of $5 or 5%
of the amount past due if the account is more than
10 days past due and limiting returned-payment
and over-the-limit fees to $30).
30 OFT Credit Card Statement at 1.
27 See
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encourage a swift change in market
practice,’’ the OFT stated that it would
regard charges set below a monetary
threshold of £12 as ‘‘either not unfair, or
insufficiently detrimental to the
economic interests of consumers in all
the circumstances to warrant regulatory
intervention at this time.’’ 31 The OFT
explained that, in establishing its
threshold, it took into account
‘‘information * * * on the banks’
recoverable costs includ[ing] not only
direct costs but also indirect costs that
have to be allocated on the basis of
judgment.’’ 32 The OFT did not,
however, disclose this cost information,
nor does it appear that the OFT
considered the need to deter violations
of the account terms or the relationship
between the amount of the fee and the
conduct of the cardholder (which the
Board is required to do). Based on
average annual exchange rates, £12 has
been equivalent to approximately $18 to
$24 (based on annual averages) since the
OFT announced its monetary threshold
in April 2006.
The Board requests that commenters
submit additional relevant information
that will assist the Board in establishing
a safe harbor amount or amounts for
credit card penalty fees. In particular, to
the extent possible, commenters are
asked to provide, for each type of
violation of the terms or other
requirements of a credit card account,
data regarding the costs incurred as a
result of that type of violation (itemized
by the type of cost). In addition,
commenters are asked to provide, if
known, the dollar amounts reasonably
necessary to deter violations and the
methods used to determine those
B. Proposed Safe Harbor
If a card issuer imposes a penalty fee
pursuant to the safe harbor in proposed
§ 226.52(b)(3), that fee would be limited
to the greater of: (1) A specific dollar
amount; or (2) 5% of the dollar amount
associated with the violation of the
account terms or other requirements (up
to a specific dollar amount). This
approach is generally consistent with
state laws that permit penalty fees to be
the greater of a dollar amount or a
percentage of the amount past due.
Proposed § 226.52(b)(3) is intended to
provide a single penalty fee amount that
is generally consistent with the
requirements of § 226.52(b)(1) and
would be imposed for most violations.
Card issuers would be permitted to use
the 5% safe harbor to impose a higher
fee when the dollar amount associated
31 OFT
32 OFT
Credit Card Statement at 27–28.
Credit Card Statement at 29.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
with the violation is large, although that
fee could not exceed a specified upper
limit. For example, if the specific safe
harbor amount were $20, the safe harbor
would not permit a card issuer to
impose a fee that exceeds $20 unless the
dollar amount associated with the
violation was more than $400. In
addition, if the upper limit were $40, a
card issuer could not impose a fee that
exceeds $40 under the safe harbor even
if the dollar amount associated with the
violation was more than $800.33
Section 226.52(b)(3)(i) would provide
that a card issuer generally complies
with the requirements of § 226.52(b)(1)
if the amount of the fee does not exceed
a specific amount. As noted above, the
Board is requesting comment on the
appropriate amount. This amount
would be adjusted annually by the
Board to reflect changes in the
Consumer Price Index. Proposed
comment 52(b)(3)–2 states that the
Board will calculate each year a price
level adjusted safe harbor fee using the
Consumer Price Index in effect on June
1 of that year. When the cumulative
change in the adjusted minimum value
derived from applying the annual
Consumer Price level to the current safe
harbor fee amount has risen by a whole
dollar, the safe harbor fee amount will
be increased by $1.00. In contrast, when
the cumulative change in the adjusted
minimum value derived from applying
the annual Consumer Price level to the
current safe harbor fee amount has
decreased by a whole dollar, the safe
harbor fee amount will be decreased by
$1.00. The comment also states that the
Board will publish adjustments to the
safe harbor fee.34
Section 226.52(b)(3)(ii) would
generally permit a card issuer to impose
a penalty fee that does not exceed 5%
of the dollar amount associated with the
violation.35 Because violations
involving substantial dollar amounts
may impose greater costs on card
33 Proposed comments 52(b)(2)–1 and 52(b)(3)–1
would clarify that the safe harbor in § 226.52(b)(3)
would not permit a card issuer to impose a fee that
is prohibited by § 226.52(b)(2). For example, if
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i) prohibits the card issuer from
imposing a late payment fee that exceeds $15, the
card issuer could not use the safe harbor in
§ 226.52(b)(3) to impose a higher fee.
34 The approach set forth in this proposed
comment is similar to § 226.5a(b)(3), which sets a
$1.00 threshold for disclosure of the minimum
interest charge but provides that the threshold will
be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the
Consumer Price Index.
35 Consistent with proposed § 226.52(b)(2)(i),
proposed comment 52(b)(3)–3 clarifies the meaning
of ‘‘dollar amount associated with the violation’’
with respect to late payments, returned payments,
and extensions of credit in excess of the credit
limit. As above, the Board requests comment on
whether guidance is needed regarding the dollar
amount associated with other type of violations.
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issuers, require greater deterrence, and
involve more serious conduct by the
consumer, § 226.52(b)(3)(ii) would
generally permit a card issuer to impose
a penalty fee in excess of the specific
safe harbor amount in § 226.52(b)(3)(i),
so long as that fee does not exceed 5%
of the dollar amount associated with the
However, the Board is concerned
that—even when a substantial dollar
amount is associated with a violation—
a penalty fee over a certain dollar
amount could generally be inconsistent
with the factors in new TILA Section
149(c) because the fee could
substantially exceed the costs incurred
by the card issuer as a result of that type
of violation and the amount reasonably
necessary to deter such violations.
Furthermore, the Board does not believe
that Congress intended new TILA
Section 149 to authorize the imposition
of penalty fees that are significantly
higher than those currently charged by
credit card issuers. Accordingly, a fee
imposed pursuant to § 226.52(b)(3)(ii)
could not exceed a specific dollar
amount. The Board requests comment
on the appropriate upper limit.36
The Board solicits comment on the
general safe harbor approach in
proposed § 226.52(b)(3). The Board also
solicits comment on the appropriate
dollar amounts for proposed
§ 226.52(b)(3)(i) and the upper limit in
proposed § 226.52(b)(3)(ii). Finally, the
Board solicits comment on whether 5%
is the appropriate percentage for
proposed § 226.52(b)(3)(ii). As noted
above, the Board encourages
commenters to provide data supporting
their submissions.
Application of Proposed § 226.52(b) to
Charge Card Accounts
For purposes of Regulation Z, a charge
card is a credit card on an account for
which no periodic rate is used to
compute a finance charge. See
§ 226.2(a)(15)(iii). Charge cards are
typically products where outstanding
balances cannot be carried over from
one billing cycle to the next and are
payable when the periodic statement is
received. See § 226.5a(b)(7). The Board
understands that—unlike conventional
credit card accounts—issuers do not use
upfront annual percentage rates to
manage risk on charge card accounts.
Charge card accounts typically require
payment of an annual fee, although it is
unclear whether these fees are based on
the risk.
36 As discussed in proposed comment 52(b)(3)–2,
this upper limit would also be adjusted annually
based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.
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The Board solicits comment on the
methods used by issuers to manage risk
with respect to charge card accounts.
The Board also solicits comment on
whether any adjustments to proposed
§ 226.52(b) are necessary to permit
charge card issuers to manage risk.
Section 226.56 Requirements for Overthe-Limit Transactions
Section 226.56(e)(1)(i) provides that,
in the notice informing consumers that
their affirmative consent (or opt-in) is
required for the card issuer to pay overthe-limit transactions, the issuer must
disclose the dollar amount of any fees
or charges assessed by the issuer on a
consumer’s account for an over-the-limit
transaction. Model language is provided
in Model Forms G–25(A) and G–25(B).
Comment 56(e)–1 states that, if the
amount of an over-the-limit fee may
vary, such as based on the amount of the
over-the-limit transaction, the card
issuer may indicate that the consumer
may be assessed a fee ‘‘up to’’ the
maximum fee. For the reasons discussed
below with respect to Model Forms G–
25(A) and G–25(B), the Board proposes
to amend comment 56(e)–1 to refer to
those model forms for guidance on how
to disclose the amount of the over-thelimit fee consistent with the substantive
restrictions in proposed § 226.52(b).
In addition, because proposed
§ 226.52(b) would impose additional
substantive limitations on over-the-limit
fees, the Board proposes to add a crossreference to § 226.52(b) in new comment
Section 226.59
Reevaluation of Rate
As discussed in the supplementary
information to § 226.9(c)(2) and (g), the
Credit Card Act added new TILA
Section 148, which requires creditors
that increase an annual percentage rate
applicable to a credit card account
under an open-end consumer credit
plan, based on factors including the
credit risk of the consumer, market
conditions, or other factors, to consider
changes in such factors in subsequently
determining whether to reduce the
annual percentage rate. Creditors are
required to maintain reasonable
methodologies for assessing these
factors. The statute also sets forth a
timing requirement for this review.
Specifically, at least once every six
months, creditors are required to review
accounts as to which the annual
percentage rate has been increased to
assess whether these factors have
changed. New TILA Section 148 is
effective August 22, 2010 but requires
that creditors review accounts on which
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
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an annual percentage rate has been
increased since January 1, 2009.
New TILA Section 148 requires
creditors to reduce the annual
percentage rate that was previously
increased if a reduction is ‘‘indicated’’ by
the review. However, new TILA Section
148(c) expressly provides that no
specific amount of reduction in the rate
is required. The Board is proposing to
implement the substantive requirements
of new TILA Section 148 in new
§ 226.59.
In addition to these substantive
requirements, TILA Section 148 also
requires creditors to disclose the reasons
for an annual percentage rate increase
applicable to a credit card under an
open-end consumer credit plan in the
notice required to be provided 45 days
in advance of that increase. The Board
proposes to implement the notice
requirements of new TILA Section 148
in § 226.9(c)(2) and (g), which are
discussed in the supplementary
information to § 226.9.
Proposed § 226.59 would apply to
‘‘credit card accounts under an open-end
(not home-secured) consumer credit
plan’’ as defined in § 226.2(a)(15),
consistent with the approach the Board
has taken to other provisions of the
Credit Card Act that apply to credit card
accounts. Therefore, home-equity lines
of credit accessed by credit cards and
overdraft lines of credit accessed by a
debit card would not be subject to the
new substantive requirements regarding
reevaluation of rate increases.
59(a) General Rule
Proposed § 226.59(a) sets forth the
general rule regarding the reevaluation
of rate increases. Proposed § 226.59(a)(1)
generally mirrors the statutory language
of TILA Section 148 and states that if a
card issuer increases an annual
percentage rate that applies to a credit
card account under an open-end (not
home-secured) consumer credit plan,
based on the credit risk of the consumer,
market conditions, or other factors, or
increased such a rate on or after January
1, 2009, the card issuer must review
changes in such factors and, if
appropriate based on its review of such
factors, reduce the annual percentage
rate applicable to the account. Proposed
§ 226.59(a)(1) would limit this
obligation to rate increases for which 45
days’ advance notice is required under
§ 226.9(c)(2) or (g). The Board believes
that this limitation is appropriate and
necessary for consistency with the
approach Congress adopted in new
TILA Section 171(b), which sets forth
the exceptions to the 45-day notice
requirement for rate increases and
significant changes in terms. The Board
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believes that Congress did not intend for
card issuers to have to reevaluate rate
increases in those circumstances where
no advance notice is required, for
example, rate increases due to
fluctuations in the index for a properlydisclosed variable rate plan or rate
increases due to the expiration of a
properly-disclosed introductory or
promotional rate. The Board also notes
that creditors do not consider factors in
connection with the expiration of a
promotional rate or an increase in a
variable rate due to fluctuations in the
index on which that rate is based. Thus,
the Board believes that coverage of such
rate increases by § 226.59 would be
inconsistent with the purposes of new
TILA Section 148. Accordingly, the
Board is proposing this limitation to the
scope of § 226.59(a) using its authority
under TILA Section 105(a) to provide
for adjustments and exceptions for any
class of transactions as necessary to
effectuate the purposes of TILA. 15
U.S.C. 1604(a).
Proposed comment 59(a)–1 would
clarify that § 226.59(a) applies both to
increases in annual percentage rates
imposed on a consumer’s account based
on circumstances specific to that
consumer, such as changes in the
consumer’s creditworthiness, and to
increases in annual percentage rates
applied to the account due to factors
such as changes in market conditions or
the issuer’s cost of funds. The Board
believes that this is consistent with the
intent of TILA Section 148, which is
broad in scope and specifically notes
‘‘market conditions’’ as a factor for
which rate increases need to be
reevaluated. The Board believes that
Congress intended for new TILA Section
148 to apply broadly to most types of
rate increases, and is not limited to
those rate increases based on an
individual consumer’s conduct on the
account or creditworthiness. The Board
notes that as discussed below in the
supplementary information to
§ 226.59(d), a card issuer is not required
under § 226.59(a) to evaluate the same
factors it considered in connection with
the rate increase, but may evaluate those
factors that it currently uses in
determining the annual percentage rates
applicable to its accounts. For example,
if a card issuer raised a rate based on
market conditions, the card issuer may
review all relevant factors, including the
credit risk of the consumer, current
market conditions, the card issuer’s cost
of funds, and other factors, in
determining whether a rate reduction is
required for the account.
Proposed comment 59(a)–2 clarifies
that a card issuer must review changes
in factors under § 226.59(a) only if the
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increased rate is actually imposed on
the consumer’s account. For example, if
a card issuer increases the penalty rate
applicable to a consumer’s credit card
but the consumer’s account has no
balances that are currently subject to the
penalty rate, the card issuer is required
to provide a notice pursuant to
§ 226.9(c)(2) of the change in terms, but
the requirements of § 226.59 do not
apply. If the consumer’s actions later
trigger application of the penalty rate,
the card issuer must provide 45 days’
advance notice pursuant to § 226.9(g)
and must, upon imposition of the
penalty rate, begin to periodically
review and consider factors to
determine whether a rate reduction is
appropriate under § 226.59. The Board
believes that this approach is
appropriate because until an increased
rate is imposed on the consumer’s
account, the consumer incurs no costs
associated with that increased rate. For
example, requiring a review of a
consumer’s account if the penalty rate
was increased but the consumer’s
account has no balance subject to the
penalty rate would have no benefit to
the consumer but would place a
continuing burden on the card issuer. In
addition, the Credit Card Act and
Regulation Z contain additional
protections for consumers against
prospective rate increases, including the
general prohibition on increasing the
rate applicable to an outstanding
balance set forth in § 226.55 and the 45day advance notice requirements in
§ 226.9(c)(2) and (g). Finally, once an
increased rate is imposed on the
consumer’s account, the card issuer
would then be subject to the
requirements of § 226.59.
Proposed § 226.59(a)(2) states that if a
card issuer is required to reduce the rate
applicable to an account pursuant to
§ 226.59(a)(1), the card issuer must
reduce the rate not later than 30 days
after completion of the evaluation
described in § 226.59(a)(1). The Board
believes that the intent of new TILA
Section 148 is to ensure that the rates on
consumers’ accounts be reduced
promptly when the card issuer’s review
of factors indicates that a rate reduction
is appropriate. The Board solicits
comment on the operational issues
associated with reducing the rate
applicable to a consumer’s account and
whether a different timing standard for
how promptly rate changes must be
implemented should apply.
Proposed comment 59(a)–3 clarifies
how § 226.59(a) applies to certain rate
increases imposed prior to the effective
date of the rule. Section 226.59(a) and
new TILA Section 148 require that card
issuers reevaluate rate increases that
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
occurred between January 1, 2009 and
August 21, 2010. Proposed comment
59(a)–3 states that for increases in
annual percentage rates on or after
January 1, 2009 and prior to August 22,
2010, § 226.59(a) requires a card issuer
to review changes in factors and reduce
the rate, as appropriate, if the rate
increase is of a type for which 45 days’
advance notice would currently be
required under § 226.9(c)(2) or (g). The
requirements of § 226.9(c)(2) and (g),
which were first effective on August 20,
2009 and modified by the February 2010
Regulation Z Rule were not applicable
during the entire period from January 1,
2009 to August 21, 2010. Therefore, the
relevant test for purposes of proposed
§ 226.59(a)(1) and comment 59(a)–3
would be whether the rate increase is or
was of a type for which 45 days’
advance notice pursuant to § 226.9(c)(2)
or (g) would currently be required.
Comment 59(a)–3 would further
illustrate this requirement by stating, for
example, that the requirements of
§ 226.59 would not apply to a rate
increase due to an increase in the index
by which a properly-disclosed variable
rate is determined in accordance with
§ 226.9(c)(2)(v)(C) or if the increase
occurs upon expiration of a specified
period of time and disclosures
complying with § 226.9(c)(2)(v)(B) have
been provided.
The Board understands that the
requirement to review changes in factors
in connection with rate increases that
occurred prior to the effective date of
this rule may impose a substantial
burden on card issuers that raised
interest rates applicable to consumers’
accounts prior to the enactment of the
Credit Card Act or prior to the effective
date of this rule. However, the Board
believes that this requirement is
necessary to effectuate the intent of new
TILA Section 148, which expressly
requires a review of rate increases
imposed on or after January 1, 2009. As
discussed further in this supplementary
information, the Board’s proposal would
permit a card issuer to review either the
factors that it used in increasing the rate
applicable to the consumer’s account or
the factors that the card issuer currently
uses in determining the annual
percentage rates applicable to its credit
card accounts. The Board solicits
comment on appropriate transition
guidance for card issuers in conducting
reviews of rate increases imposed prior
to August 22, 2010.
59(b) Policies and Procedures
Proposed § 226.59(b) provides,
consistent with new TILA Section 148,
that a card issuer must have reasonable
policies and procedures in place to
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review the factors described in § 226.59.
Section 226.59(b) would further require
that these policies and procedures be
written. The Board is not proposing to
prescribe specific policies and
procedures that issuers must use in
order to conduct this analysis. The
Board believes that a requirement that
such policies and procedures be
reasonable will ensure that issuers
undertake due consideration of these
factors in order to determine whether a
rate reduction is required on a
consumer’s account. The Board believes
that a more prescriptive rule could
unduly burden creditors and raise safety
and soundness concerns for financial
institutions. In addition, the particular
factors that are the most predictive of
the credit risk of a particular consumer
or portfolio of consumers, and the
appropriate manner in which to weigh
those factors, may change over time.
Moreover, the factors can vary greatly
among institutions. For example,
underwriting standards for private label
or retail credit cards will differ from the
standards used for general purpose
credit card accounts. The Board solicits
comment on whether more guidance is
necessary regarding whether a card
issuer’s policies and procedures are
Proposed comment 59(b)–1 notes,
consistent with TILA Section 148, that
even in circumstances where a rate
reduction is required, § 226.59 does not
require that a card issuer decrease the
rate to the annual percentage rate that
was in effect prior to the rate increase
giving rise to the obligation to
periodically review the consumer’s
account. The comment notes that the
amount of the rate decrease that is
required must be determined based
upon the issuer’s reasonable policies
and procedures. Proposed comment
59(b)–1 sets forth an illustrative
example, which assumes that a
consumer’s rate on new purchases is
increased from a variable rate of 15.99%
to a variable rate of 23.99% based on the
consumer’s making a required minimum
periodic payment five days late. The
consumer then makes all of the
payments required on the account on
time for the six months following the
rate increase. The comment notes that
the card issuer is not required to
decrease the consumer’s rate to the
15.99% that applied prior to the rate
increase, but that the card issuer’s
policies and procedures for performing
the review required by § 226.59(a) must
be reasonable and should take into
account any reduction in the
consumer’s credit risk based upon the
consumer’s timely payments.
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The Board notes that the requirements
of proposed § 226.59 are different from,
and operate in addition to, the
requirements of § 226.55(b)(4). Section
226.55(b)(4) addresses a consumer’s
right to cure the application of an
increased rate by making the first six
minimum payments on time after the
effective date of the increase, when the
rate increase is the result of a
delinquency of more than 60 days. The
Board notes that it may appear to be an
anomalous result that a consumer
whose rate is increased based on a
payment received five days late cannot
automatically cure the application of the
increased rate by making six timely
minimum payments, while a consumer
whose account is more than 60 days
delinquent has that right under
§ 226.55(b)(4).
The Board believes that this is the
appropriate reading of TILA Sections
148 and 171(b)(4), for two reasons. First,
a rate increase based on a consumer’s
making a payment that is five days late
can only apply to new transactions.
Therefore, a consumer has the ability to
mitigate the impact of the rate increase
by reducing the number of new
transactions in which he or she engages.
In contrast, a creditor may increase the
rate on both existing balances and new
transactions when a consumer makes a
payment that is more than 60 days late.
Second, new TILA Section 171(b)(4)
expressly provides for the cure right
implemented in § 226.55(b)(4) only for
payments that are more than 60 days
late. Congress could have, but did not,
adopt an analogous cure provision for
delinquencies of less than 60 days. The
Board believes that for other violations
of the account terms, Congress intended
for the review of factors in TILA Section
148 to be the means by which rate
decreases, when appropriate, are
required in circumstances other than
delinquencies of more than 60 days.
59(c) Timing
Proposed § 226.59(c) clarifies the
timing requirements for the reevaluation
of rate increases pursuant to § 226.59(a).
Consistent with new TILA Section
148(b)(2), a card issuer that is subject to
§ 226.59(a) must review changes in
factors in accordance with § 226.59(a)
and (d) not less frequently than once
every six months after the initial rate
increase. Proposed comment 59(c)–1
would clarify that an issuer has
flexibility in determining exactly when
to engage in this review for its accounts.
Specifically, comment 59(c)–1 would
provide that an issuer may review all of
its accounts at the same time every six
months, may review each account once
each six months on a rolling basis based
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on the date on which the rate was
increased for that account, or may
otherwise review each account not less
frequently than once every six months.
The Board believes that as long as the
consideration of factors required for
each account subject to § 226.59 is
performed at least once every six
months, it is appropriate to provide
flexibility to card issuers to decide upon
a schedule for reviewing their accounts.
Proposed comment 59(c)–2 sets forth
an example of the timing requirements
in § 226.59(c). The example assumes
that a card issuer increases the rates
applicable to one half of its credit card
accounts on June 1, 2010, and increases
the rates applicable to the other half of
its credit card accounts on September 1,
2010. The card issuer may review the
rate increases for all of its credit card
accounts on or before December 1, 2010,
and at least every six months thereafter.
In the alternative, the card issuer may
first review the rate increases for the
accounts that were repriced on June 1,
2010 on or before December 1, 2010,
and may first review the rate increases
for the accounts that were repriced on
September 1, 2010 on or before March
1, 2011.
Proposed comment 59(c)–3 clarifies
the timing requirement for increases in
annual percentage rates applicable to a
credit card account under an open-end
(not home-secured) consumer credit
plan on or after January 1, 2009 and
prior to August 22, 2010. Proposed
comment 59(c)–3 states that § 226.59(c)
requires that the first review for such
rate increases be conducted prior to
February 22, 2011. The Board believes
that this clarification is consistent with
the general timing standard under new
TILA Section 148, which requires that
rate increases generally be reevaluated
at least once every six months. The
Board believes, therefore, that six
months from the effective date of TILA
Section 148, or February 22, 2011, is the
appropriate date by which the initial
review of rate increases that occurred
prior to the effective date of the final
rule must take place.
59(d) Factors
Proposed 226.59(d) provides
clarification on the factors that a credit
card issuer must consider when
performing the consideration of a
consumer’s account under § 226.59(a).
The Board is aware that credit card
underwriting standards can change over
time and for a number of reasons. Under
some circumstances, a card issuer may
be required to continue to review a
consumer’s account each six months for
several years, and the issuer’s
underwriting standards for its new and
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existing cardholders may change
significantly during that time. As a
result, proposed § 226.59(d) would
provide that a card issuer is not required
to base its review under § 226.59(a) on
the same factors on which a rate
increase was based. A card issuer would
be permitted to review either the same
factors on which the rate increase was
originally based, or to review the factors
that it currently uses when determining
the annual percentage rates applicable
to its consumers’ credit card accounts.
The Board believes that it is appropriate
to permit card issuers to review the
factors they currently consider in
advancing credit to new consumers,
because a review of these factors may
result in the consumer receiving any
reduced rate that he or she would
receive if applying for a new credit card
with the same card issuer. The Board
believes that competition for new
consumers is an incentive that may lead
an issuer to lower its rates, and if the
rates on existing consumers’ accounts
are assessed using the same factors used
for new consumers, existing customers
of a card issuer may also benefit from
competition in the market.
Proposed comment 59(d)–1 clarifies
the requirements of § 226.59(d) in the
circumstances where a creditor has
recently changed the factors that it
evaluates in determining annual
percentage rates applicable to its credit
card accounts. The proposed comment
notes that a creditor that complies with
§ 226.59(a) by reviewing the factors it
currently considers in determining the
annual percentage rates applicable to its
credit card accounts may change those
factors from time to time. The comment
clarifies that when a creditor changes
the factors it considers in determining
the annual percentage rates applicable
to its credit card accounts from time to
time, it may comply with § 226.59(a) for
a brief transition period by reviewing
the set of factors it considered
immediately prior to the change in
factors, or may consider the new factors.
For example, a creditor changes the
factors it uses to determine the rates
applicable to new credit card accounts
on January 1, 2011. The creditor reviews
the rates applicable to its existing
accounts that have been subject to a rate
increase pursuant to § 226.59(a) on
January 25, 2011. The creditor complies
with § 226.59(a) by reviewing, at its
option, either the factors that it
considered on December 31, 2010 when
determining the rates applicable to its
new credit card accounts, or may
consider the factors that it considers as
of January 25, 2011. The Board notes
that this provision is intended to permit
a card issuer to consider its prior set of
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factors only for a brief period after it
changes the factors it uses to determine
the rates applicable to new accounts, for
operational reasons. Accordingly, the
Board solicits comment on whether the
rule should establish an express safe
harbor for what constitutes a brief
transition period following a change in
factors, for example, 30 days or 60 days.
The Board is not proposing a list of
particular factors that card issuers must
consider. Similarly, the Board is not
proposing to prohibit the consideration
of other factors. The Board believes that
a prescriptive rule that sets forth certain
factors or excludes other factors could
inadvertently harm consumers, in part
by constraining card issuers’ ability to
design or utilize new underwriting
models and products that could
potentially benefit consumers. The
Board believes that the requirement that
a card issuer consider either the factors
it currently uses in determining the
annual percentage rate to apply to its
credit card accounts or the factors that
it originally used to increase the annual
percentage rate will ensure that the
factors considered in connection with
the reduction of rates will parallel the
factors an issuer considers when
determining whether to increase a rate.
Proposed comment 59(d)–2 clarifies
that the review of factors need not result
in existing accounts being subject to the
same rates and rate structure as a
creditor imposes on new accounts, even
if a creditor evaluates the same factors
for both types of accounts. For example,
the comment notes that a creditor may
offer variable rates on new accounts that
are computed by adding a margin that
depends on various factors to the value
of the LIBOR index. The account that
the creditor is required to review
pursuant to § 226.59(a) may have
variable rates that were determined by
adding a different margin, depending on
different factors, to the prime rate. In
performing the review required by
§ 226.59(a), the creditor may review the
factors it uses to determine the rates
applicable to its new accounts. If a rate
reduction is required, however, the
creditor need not base the variable rate
for the existing account on the LIBOR
index but may continue to use the prime
rate. The amount of the rate on the
existing account after the reduction,
however, as determined by adding the
prime rate and margin, must be
comparable to the rate, as determined by
adding the margin and LIBOR, charged
on a new account (except for any
promotional rate) for which the factors
are comparable.
Proposed comment 59(d)–3 provides
additional clarification on how an issuer
should identify the factors to consider
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when evaluating whether a rate
reduction is required. Comment 59(d)–
3 states that if a card issuer evaluates
different factors in determining the
applicable annual percentage rates for
different types of credit card plans, it
must review those factors that it
considers in determining annual
percentage rates for the consumer’s
specific type of credit card plan. The
Board believes that this clarification is
appropriate to ensure that a credit card
issuer considers only those factors that
are relevant to the consumer’s specific
type of credit card account rather than
factors for a different product that may
be underwritten based on different
information. Proposed comment 59(d)–
3 sets forth several examples to
illustrate what constitute ‘‘types’’ of
credit card plans. For example, a card
issuer may review different factors in
determining the annual percentage rate
that applies to credit card plans for
which the consumer pays an annual fee
and receives rewards points than it
reviews in determining the rates for
credit card plans with no annual fee and
no rewards points. Similarly, a card
issuer may review different factors in
determining the annual percentage rate
that applies to private label credit cards
than it reviews in determining the rates
applicable to credit cards that can be
used at a wider variety of merchants.
However, a card issuer must review the
same factors for credit card accounts
with similar features that are offered for
similar purposes and may not consider
different factors for each of its
individual credit card accounts.
59(e) Rate Increases Subject to
§ 226.55(b)(4)
Proposed § 226.59(e) sets forth a
special timing rule for card issuers that
increase a rate pursuant to § 226.55(b)(4)
based on the card issuer not receiving
the consumer’s required minimum
periodic payment within 60 days after
the due date for that payment. In such
circumstances, § 226.55(b)(4)(ii) requires
a card issuer to reduce the annual
percentage rate to the rate that applied
prior to the increase if the consumer
makes the first six consecutive required
minimum periodic payments on time
after the effective date of the increase.
The Board believes that new TILA
Section 171(b)(4)(B), as implemented in
§ 226.55(b)(4)(ii), provides the
appropriate mechanism for lenders to
use in determining whether to reduce
the rate on an account that has become
more than 60 days delinquent, during
the period immediately following the
effective date of the increase. The Board
understands that consumers whose
accounts are more than 60 days
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delinquent pose a significantly greater
risk of nonpayment than consumers
who make timely payments or payments
that are, for example, one day late. The
statute therefore sets forth one clear
method that establishes consumers’
rights for a rate increase caused by the
consumer’s failure to make a minimum
payment within 60 days of the due date
for that payment. The Board believes
that in light of the statutory cure
mechanism, as implemented in
§ 226.55(b)(4)(ii), the requirement to
review an account under § 226.59(a)
should not apply during the first six
billing periods following a rate increase
based on a delinquency of more than 60
days. The Board notes that the cure
mechanism implemented in
§ 226.55(b)(4)(ii) is a stronger right than
the requirement that card issuers review
consumers’ accounts pursuant to
§ 226.59. Section 226.55(b)(4)(ii)
requires that the rate be reduced to the
rate that was in effect prior to the rate
increase, if the consumer makes the next
six required minimum periodic
payments on time. In contrast, new
TILA Section 148 and proposed § 226.59
do not require in all circumstances that
the rate be reduced to the rate that was
in effect prior to the rate increase.
Accordingly, § 226.59(e) would
provide that a card issuer is not required
to review factors in accordance with
§ 226.59(a) prior to the sixth payment
due date following the effective date of
the rate increase when the rate increase
results from a consumer’s account
becoming more than 60 days
delinquent. At that time, if the rate has
not been decreased based on the
consumer making six consecutive
timely minimum payments, the issuer
would be required to begin performing
a review of factors for subsequent sixmonth periods. The Board believes that
it is appropriate that a creditor review
a consumer’s account after the cure right
expires under § 226.59(a) if the
consumer’s rate has not been reduced,
because a consumer’s credit risk or
other factors might change after the cure
period expires, warranting a rate
reduction at that time.
59(f) Termination of Obligation to
Review Factors
TILA Section 148 does not expressly
state when the obligation to review
changes in factors and determine
whether to reduce the annual
percentage rate applicable to a
consumer’s credit card account
terminates. The Board believes that the
intent of TILA Section 148 is not to
impose a permanent requirement on
card issuers to review changes in factors
for a consumer’s account even after the
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annual percentage rate applicable to the
account has been reduced to the original
rate. The statutory requirement applies
once the card issuer has increased an
annual percentage rate applicable to a
consumer’s account but does not apply
to accounts on which an annual
percentage rate has not been increased.
The Board believes that if Congress had
intended for all card issuers to review
the annual percentage rates applicable
to all of their accounts indefinitely, this
would be expressly provided for in
TILA Section 148. Therefore, proposed
§ 226.59(f) would state that the
obligation to review factors under
§ 226.59(a) ceases to apply if the issuer
reduces the annual percentage rate to a
rate equal to or less than the rate
applicable immediately prior to the
increase, or, if the rate applicable
immediately prior to the increase was a
variable rate, to a rate equal to or less
than a variable rate determined by the
same index and margin that applied
prior the increase.
The Board is aware that proposed
§ 226.59 could require card issuers to
review the annual percentage rates
applicable to certain credit card
accounts for an extended period of time.
Under the proposed rule, an issuer
would be required to continue to review
a consumer’s account each six months
unless and until the rate is reduced to
the rate in effect prior to the increase.
In some circumstances, this could mean
that the review required by § 226.59(a)
would need to occur each six months
for an indefinite period. The Board is
concerned that an obligation to continue
to review the rate applicable to a
consumer’s account many years after the
rate increase occurred would impose
significant burden on issuers, and might
not have a significant benefit to
consumers. For example, a card issuer
might increase the rate applicable to a
consumer’s account based on market
conditions in year one. If those market
conditions do not change and the
review of factors each six months
pursuant to § 226.59(a) does not
otherwise require that the consumer’s
rate be decreased, an issuer could be
required to continue reviewing the
consumer’s account ten or even twenty
years after the initial increase. The
Board solicits comment on whether the
obligation to review the rate applicable
to a consumer’s account should
terminate after some specific time
period elapses following the initial
increase, for example after five years.
The Board also solicits comment on
whether there is significant benefit to
consumers from requiring card issuers
to continue reviewing factors under
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§ 226.59 even after an extended period
of time.
59(g) Acquired Accounts
Proposed § 226.59(g) addresses
existing credit card accounts acquired
by a card issuer. Section 226.59(g)(1)
sets forth the general rule that, except as
provided in § 226.59(g)(2), the
obligation to review changes in factors
in § 226.59(a) applies even to such
acquired accounts. Consistent with the
rule in § 226.59(d), a card issuer may
review either the factors that the
original issuer considered when
imposing the rate increase, or may
review the factors that the acquiring
card issuer currently considers in
determining the annual percentage rates
applicable to its credit card accounts.
The Board notes that in some cases, a
card issuer may not know whether
accounts that it acquired were subject to
a rate increase by the prior issuer. In
these cases, a card issuer complying
with § 226.59(g)(1) may choose to
review factors in accordance with
§ 226.59(a) for all of its acquired
accounts rather than seeking to identify
just those accounts to which a rate
increase was applied.
Proposed § 226.59(g)(2) sets forth an
alternate means for compliance with
§ 226.59 for accounts acquired by a card
issuer. The Board is proposing
§ 226.59(g)(2) using its authority under
TILA Section 105(a) to provide for
adjustments and exceptions for any
class of transactions as necessary to
effectuate the purposes of TILA. 15
U.S.C. 1604(a). Proposed § 226.59(g)(2)
applies if a card issuer reviews all of the
credit card accounts it acquires, as soon
as reasonably practicable after the
acquisition of such accounts, in
accordance with the factors that it
currently uses in determining the rates
applicable to its credit card accounts.
Following the card issuer’s initial
review of its acquired accounts,
proposed § 226.59(g)(2)(i) provides that
the card issuer generally is required to
review changes in factors for those
acquired accounts in accordance with
§ 226.59(a) only for rate increases that
are imposed as a result of that review.
Similarly, § 226.59(g)(2)(ii) provides that
the card issuer generally is not required
to review changes in factors in
accordance with § 226.59(a) for any rate
increases made prior to the card issuer’s
acquisition of such accounts.
The Board believes that this
alternative means of compliance is
important because, as noted above, card
issuers may not have full information
regarding rate increases imposed by the
prior issuer, when it acquires a new
portfolio of accounts. If a card issuer
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does not know the rate that initially
applied to the accounts it acquires, it
would be required to continue to review
its accounts indefinitely, without the
opportunity to cease reviewing those
accounts under § 226.59(f) once the rate
is reduced to the rate that initially
applied. The Board is proposing an
alternative means of compliance rather
than an exception for acquired accounts,
because it believes that coverage of
these accounts is consistent with the
purposes of new TILA Section 148.
However, the Board believes that if a
card issuer reviews all of the accounts
that it acquires in accordance with the
factors that it currently uses in
determining the rates applicable to its
credit card accounts, this will ensure
that acquired accounts are subject to the
same rates that would apply if the
consumer opened a new credit card
account with the acquiring issuer
(except for any promotional rates). The
Board believes that this will promote
fair pricing of consumers’ accounts
when they are acquired by a new card
issuer. If the card issuer raises the rate
applicable to a consumer’s account as a
result of that review, it will have full
information about the rate that applied
prior to that increase and therefore the
requirements of § 226.59(a) would apply
with regard to that rate increase. The
Board solicits comment on whether
§ 226.59(g) appropriately addresses
acquired accounts and on any
alternatives that would balance the
burden on card issuers against
consumer benefit. The Board also
solicits comment on whether additional
guidance is necessary regarding the
requirement that the review of acquired
accounts occur ‘‘as soon as reasonably
practicable’’ after the acquisition of
those accounts.
Comment 59(g)(2)–1 sets forth an
example of the alternative means of
compliance in § 226.59(g)(2). The
example assumes that a card issuer
acquires a portfolio of accounts that
currently are subject to annual
percentage rates of 12%, 15%, and 18%.
As soon as reasonably practicable after
the acquisition of such accounts, the
card issuer reviews all of these accounts
in accordance with the factors that it
currently uses in determining the rates
applicable to its credit card accounts. As
a result of that review, the card issuer
decreases the rate on the accounts that
are currently subject to a 12% annual
percentage rate to 10%, leaves the rate
applicable to the accounts currently
subject to a 15% annual percentage rate
at 15%, and increases the rate
applicable to the accounts currently
subject to a rate of 18% to 20%.
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Proposed § 226.59(g)(2) requires the
card issuer to review, no less frequently
than once every six months, the
accounts for which the rate has been
increased to 20%. The card issuer is not
required to review the accounts subject
to 10% and 15% rates pursuant to
§ 226.59, unless and until the card
issuer makes a subsequent rate increase
applicable to those accounts.
In addition to the general rule in
§ 226.59(g)(2)(i) and (g)(2)(ii), the Board
is proposing § 226.59(g)(2)(iii), which
provides that if as a result of the card
issuer’s review, an account is subject to,
or continues to be subject to, an
increased rate as a penalty or due to the
consumer’s delinquency or default, the
requirements to review the account
under § 226.59(a) would apply. The
Board is aware that penalty rates are
often much higher than the standard
rates that apply to consumers’ credit
card accounts and that the imposition of
a penalty rate for an extended period of
time can be very costly to a consumer.
The Board believes that the
requirements to review accounts under
§ 226.59(a) should apply if a card issuer
imposes, or continues to impose, a
penalty rate on an acquired account.
The Board believes that this treatment is
consistent with the purposes of new
TILA Section 148, which specifically
mentions the credit risk of the consumer
as a factor giving rise to the obligation
to review the rate on an account.
Comment 59(g)(2)–2 sets forth an
example of the requirements of
proposed § 226.59(g)(2)(iii) for acquired
accounts. A card issuer acquires a
portfolio of accounts that currently are
subject to standard annual percentage
rates of 12% and 15%. In addition,
several acquired accounts are subject to
a penalty rate of 24%. As soon as
reasonably practicable after the
acquisition of such accounts, the card
issuer reviews all of these accounts in
accordance with the factors that it
currently uses in determining the rates
applicable to its credit card accounts. As
a result of that review, the card issuer
leaves the standard rates applicable to
the accounts at 12% and 15%,
respectively. The card issuer decreases
the rate applicable to the accounts
currently at 24% to its penalty rate of
23%. Section 226.59(g)(2) requires the
card issuer to review, no less frequently
than once every six months, the
accounts that are subject to a penalty
rate of 23%. The card issuer is not
required to review the accounts subject
to 12% and 15% rates pursuant to
§ 226.59(a), unless and until the card
issuer makes a subsequent rate increase
applicable to those accounts.
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The Board notes that any rate
increases the acquiring card issuer
makes as a result of its review pursuant
to § 226.59(g)(2) are subject to the
substantive and notice requirements
regarding rate increases in §§ 226.9 and
226.55. Proposed § 226.59(g)(2) contains
an express cross-reference to those
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
59(h) Exceptions
The Board is proposing two
exceptions to the requirements of
§ 226.59, using its authority under TILA
Section 105(a), which are set forth in
§ 226.59(h). The first exception applies
to rate increases imposed when the
requirement to reduce rates pursuant to
the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
(SCRA), 50 U.S.C. app. 501 et seq.,
ceases to apply. Specifically, 50 U.S.C.
app. 527(a)(1) provides that ‘‘[a]n
obligation or liability bearing interest at
a rate in excess of 6 percent per year
that is incurred by a servicemember, or
the servicemember and the
servicemember’s spouse jointly, before
the servicemember enters military
service shall not bear interest at a rate
in excess of 6 percent. * * *’’ With
respect to credit card accounts, this
restriction applies during the period of
military service. See 50 U.S.C. app.
The Board believes that it is not
appropriate to require a card issuer to
perform an ongoing review of the rates
on an account, when the rate increase is
a reinstatement of a prior rate that was
temporarily reduced to comply with the
SCRA. Proposed § 226.59(h)(1) provides
that the requirements of § 226.59 do not
apply to increases in an annual
percentage rate that was previously
decreased pursuant to 50 U.S.C. app.
527, provided that such a rate increase
is made in accordance with
§ 226.55(b)(6). Section 226.55(b)(6)
provides that the rate may be increased
when the SCRA ceases to apply, but that
the increased rate may not exceed the
rate that applied prior to the decrease.
The second proposed exception
applies to charged off accounts.
Proposed § 226.59(h)(2) provides that
the requirements of § 226.59 do not
apply to accounts that the card issuer
has charged off in accordance with loanloss provisions. The Board understands
that for safety and soundness reasons,
card issuers charge off accounts that
have serious delinquencies, typically of
180 days or six months. For such
accounts, full payment is due
37 50 U.S.C. app. 527(a)(1)(B) applies to
obligations or liabilities that do not consist of a
mortgage, trust deed, or other security in the nature
of a mortgage.
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immediately. The Board understands,
therefore, that there should be no
further activity on these accounts, and
therefore believes that the requirement
to review the rate every six months
should not apply.
Appendix G—Open-End Model Forms
and Clauses
For consistency with the substantive
limitations in proposed § 226.52(b), the
Board is proposing to amend the model
language in Appendix G for the
disclosure of late payment fees, overthe-limit fees, and returned-payment
Samples G–10(B) & G–10(C)—
Applications and Solicitations Samples
(Credit Cards) (§ 226.5a(b))
Samples G–17(B) & G–17(C)—AccountOpening Samples (§ 226.6(b)(2))
Sections 226.5a and 226.6 require
creditors to disclose late payment fees,
over-the-limit fees, and returnedpayment fees in, respectively, the
application and solicitation disclosures
and the account-opening disclosures.
See §§ 226.5a(b)(9), (b)(10), (b)(12);
§§ 226.6(b)(2)(viii), (b)(2)(ix), (b)(2)(xi).
Model language is provided in Samples
G–10(B) and G–10(C) and G–17(B) and
G–17(C). The model language generally
reflects current fee practices by
disclosing specific amounts for over-thelimit and returned-payment fees, while
disclosing a lower late payment fee if
the account balance is less than or equal
to a specified amount ($1,000 in the
model forms) and a higher fee if the
account balance is more than that
As discussed above, proposed
§ 226.52(b) would establish new
substantive restrictions on the amount
of credit card penalty fees, including
late payment fees, over-the-limit fees,
and returned-payment fees. If adopted,
these restrictions would change the way
penalty fees are disclosed. Accordingly,
for consistency with § 226.52(b), the
Board is proposing to amend the model
language in Samples G–10(B) and G–
10(C) and G–17(B) and G–17(C) to
disclose late payment fees, over-thelimit fees, and returned-payment fees as
‘‘up to $XX.’’ In this model language,
$XX represents the maximum fee under
the safe harbor in proposed
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii).
The Board recognizes that, because
the maximum safe harbor fee only
applies when a large dollar amount is
associated with the violation, this
disclosure will generally overstate the
amount of the penalty fee. For example,
if the maximum fee were $40, the card
issuer would disclose the amount of its
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penalty fees as ‘‘up to $40.’’ However,
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii) would not actually
permit the issuer to impose a $40
penalty fee unless 5% of the dollar
amount associated with the violation
was greater than or equal to $40—in
other words, the dollar amount
associated with the violation would
have to be $800 or more. Nevertheless,
a consumer who incorrectly assumes
that a $40 penalty fee will be imposed
for all violations of the account terms or
other requirements will not be harmed
if—when a violation actually occurs—a
lower penalty fee is imposed.
Furthermore, disclosing the highest
possible penalty fee under the safe
harbor in § 226.52(b)(3) may deter
consumers from violating the account
terms or other requirements, which
would be consistent with the intent of
new TILA Section 149 (as stated in
Section 149(c)(2)).
The Board is also concerned that
providing additional detail could
increase consumer confusion and would
not substantially improve the accuracy
of the model disclosure. In particular,
the Board considered whether the
method used in Samples G–10(B) and
G–10(C) and G–17(B) and G–17(C) for
disclosing cash advance and balance
transfer fees should be applied to
penalty fees. For example, Sample G–
10(C) discloses the balance transfer fee
as ‘‘[e]ither $5 or 3% of the amount of
each transfer, whichever is greater
(maximum fee: $100).’’ Similarly, using
as examples a safe harbor amount of $20
and a maximum safe harbor fee of $40,
late payment fees could be disclosed as
‘‘either $20 or 5% of the minimum
payment, which is greater (maximum
fee: $40).’’ However, although this
disclosure would provide more detail
than a disclosure of ‘‘up to $40,’’ it
would not inform consumers that,
consistent with $ 226.52(b)(2)(i), a $20
late payment fee could not be imposed
if the delinquent minimum payment is
$15. Thus, a more detailed disclosure
could create an appearance of accuracy
that is not justified.38 Nevertheless, the
Board solicits comment on the proposed
model language as well as alternative
methods for disclosing penalty fees.
38 The Board also considered combining the ‘‘up
to’’ disclosure with the method currently used for
disclosing cash advance and balance transfer fees.
For example, late payment fees would be disclosed
as ‘‘either up to $20 or 5% of the minimum
payment, whichever is greater (maximum fee: $40).’’
However, the Board is concerned that this
disclosure would be too complex to provide
consumers with useful information about the
amount of penalty fees.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Samples G–18(B), G–18(D), G–18(F), and
G–18(G)—Periodic Statement Forms
(§ 226.7(b))
As noted above, § 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B)
requires cards issuers to disclose the
amount of any late payment fee and any
increased rate that may be imposed on
the account as a result of a late payment.
The model language in Sample G–18(B)
states: ‘‘Late Payment Warning: If we do
not receive your minimum payment by
the date listed above, you may have to
pay a $35 late fee and your APRs may
be increased up to the Penalty APR of
28.99%.’’ This language is restated in
Samples G–18(D), G–18(F), and G–
18(G). Consistent with the proposed
amendments to Samples G–10(B), G–
10(C), G–17(B), and G–17(C), the Board
is proposing to amend the late payment
warning in Samples G–18(B), G–18(D),
G–18(F), and G–18(G) to read as follows:
‘‘If we do not receive your minimum
payment by the date listed above, you
may have to pay a late fee of up to $XX
and your APRs may be increased up to
the Penalty APR of 28.99%.’’
Sample G–21—Change-in-Terms
Sample (Increase in Fees) (§ 226.9(c)(2))
The Board proposes to amend the
model language in Sample G–21
disclosing a change in a late payment
fee for consistency with the proposed
amendments to Samples G–10(B), G–
10(C), G–17(B), and G–17(C).
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
Model Form G–25(A)—Consent Form for
Over-the-Limit Transactions (§ 226.56)
Model Form G–25(B)—Revocation
Notice for Periodic Statement Regarding
Over-the-Limit Transactions (§ 226.56)
As noted above, § 226.56(e)(1)(i)
provides that, in the notice informing
consumers that they must affirmatively
consent (or opt in) to the card issuer’s
payment of over-the-limit transactions,
the card issuer must disclose the dollar
amount of any fees or charges assessed
by the issuer on a consumer’s account
for an over-the-limit transaction. Model
language is provided in Model Forms
G–25(A) and G–25(B). For consistency
with proposed § 226.52(b) and the
proposed amendments to Samples G–
10(B), G–10(C), G–17(B), and G–17 (C)
discussed above, the Board proposes to
revise Model Forms G–25(A) and G–
25(B) to disclose the amount of the overthe-limit fee as ‘‘up to $XX.’’
V. Comment Period
The consumer protections in new
TILA Sections 148 and 149 go into effect
on August 22, 2010. See new TILA
Section 148(d); new TILA Section
149(b). Accordingly, the Board must
issue the final rule implementing those
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provisions sufficiently in advance of
August 22 to permit card issuers to
make the necessary changes to bring
their systems and practices into
compliance. Thus, in order to ensure
that the Board has adequate time to
analyze the comments received on the
proposed rule, the Board is requiring
that those comments be submitted no
later than 30 days after publication of
the proposal in the Federal Register.
Because the proposal is limited to the
implementation of two statutory
provisions, the Board believes that
interested parties will have sufficient
time to review the proposed rule and
prepare their comments.
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.) (RFA) requires an
agency to perform an initial and final
regulatory flexibility analysis on the
impact a rule is expected to have on
small entities.
Based on its analysis and for the
reasons stated below, the Board believes
that this proposed rule would have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Accordingly, the Board has prepared the
following initial regulatory flexibility
analysis pursuant to section 604 of the
RFA. A final regulatory flexibility
analysis will be conducted after
consideration of comments received
during the public comment period.
1. Statement of the need for, and
objectives of, the proposed rule. The
proposed rule would implement new
substantive requirements and updates to
disclosure provisions in the Credit Card
Act, which establishes fair and
transparent practices relating to the
extension of open-end consumer credit
plans. The supplementary information
above describes in detail the reasons,
objectives, and legal basis for each
component of the proposed rule.
2. Small entities affected by the
proposed rule. All creditors that offer
credit card accounts under open-end
(not home-secured) consumer credit
plans are subject to the proposed rule.
The Board is relying on the analysis in
the January 2009 FTC Act Rule, in
which the Board, the OTS, and the
NCUA estimated that approximately
3,500 small entities offer credit card
accounts. See 74 FR 5549–5550 (January
29, 2009). The Board acknowledges,
however, that the total number of small
entities likely to be affected by the
proposed rule is unknown, in part
because the estimate in the January 2009
FTC Act Rule does not include card
issuers that are not banks, savings
associations, or credit unions. The
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Board invites comment on the effect of
the proposed rule on small entities.
3. Recordkeeping, reporting, and
compliance requirements. The proposed
rule does not impose any new
recordkeeping or reporting
requirements. The proposed rule would,
however, impose new compliance
requirements. The compliance
requirements of this proposed rule are
described above in IV. Section-bySection Analysis. The Board notes that
the precise costs to small entities to
conform their open-end credit
disclosures to the proposed rule and the
costs of updating their systems to
comply with the rule are difficult to
predict. These costs would depend on a
number of factors that are unknown to
the Board, including, among other
things, the specifications of the current
systems used by such entities to prepare
and provide disclosures and administer
credit card accounts, the complexity of
the terms of the credit card products
that they offer, and the range of such
product offerings. The Board seeks
information and comment on any costs,
compliance requirements, or changes in
operating procedures arising from the
application of the proposed rule to
small entities.
Proposed Amendments
This subsection summarizes several of
the proposed amendments to Regulation
Z and their likely impact on small
entities that offer open-end credit. More
information regarding these and other
proposed changes can be found in IV.
Section-by-Section Analysis.
Proposed §§ 226.5a(a)(2)(iv) and
226.6(b)(1)(i) would generally require
creditors that are small entities to use
bold text when disclosing maximum
limits on fees in the application and
solicitation table and the accountopening table, respectively. Creditors
that are small entities are already
required to provide this information so
the Board does not anticipate any
significant additional burden on small
entities by requiring the use of bold text.
Proposed § 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B) would
generally require card issuers that are
small entities to disclose the amount of
any late payment fee and any increased
rate that may be imposed on the account
as a result of a late payment. In
addition, proposed § 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B)
would permit the use of the term ‘‘up to’’
to disclose the highest fee if a range of
late payment fees may be assessed.
However, § 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B) already
requires card issuers to disclose late
payment fee information so the Board
does not anticipate any significant
additional burden on small entities. The
Board also seeks to reduce the burden
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
on small entities by proposing model
forms which can be used to ease
compliance with the proposed rule.
Proposed §§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) and
226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6) would generally
require card issuers that are small
entities to disclose no more than four
reasons for an annual percentage rate
increase in the notice required to be
provided 45 days in advance of that
increase. Although §§ 226.9(c) and (g)
already require card issuers to provide
45 days’ notice prior to an annual
percentage rate increase, proposed
§§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) and
226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6) may require some
small entities to establish processes and
alter their systems in order to comply
with the provision. The cost of such
change would depend on the size of the
institution and the composition of its
Proposed § 226.52(b) would generally
limit the dollar amount of penalty fees
imposed by card issuers that are small
entities. Specifically, credit card penalty
fees must be based on certain permitted
determinations or on a proposed safe
harbor. In addition, proposed
§ 226.52(b) prohibits penalty fees that
exceed the dollar amount associated
with the violation and certain types of
penalty fees. As discussed in IV.
Section-by-Section Analysis, in 2006 the
GAO found that the percentage of issuer
revenue derived from penalty fees had
increased to approximately 10%.39
Compliance with this provision may
reduce revenue that some entities derive
from fees. Compliance with proposed
§ 226.52(b) would also require card
issuers that are small entities to conform
certain penalty fee disclosures already
required under §§ 226.5a, 226.6, 226.7,
and 226.56.
Proposed § 226.59 would generally
require small entities that are card
issuers to reevaluate an increased
annual percentage rates no less than
every six months. In addition, proposed
§ 226.59 would require small entities
that are card issuers to reduce the
annual percentage rate, if appropriate,
based on such reevaluation. Proposed
§ 226.59 would require some small
entities to establish processes and alter
their systems in order to comply with
the provision. The cost of such change
would depend on the size of the
institution and the composition of its
portfolio. In addition, this provision
may reduce revenue that some small
entities derive from finance charges.
Accordingly, the Board believes that,
in the aggregate, the provisions of its
proposed rule would have a significant
39 See
GAO Credit Card Report at 72–73.
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economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
4. Other Federal rules. The Board has
not identified any Federal rules that
duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the
proposed revisions to Regulation Z.
5. Significant alternatives to the
proposed revisions. The provisions of
the proposed rule would implement the
statutory requirements of the Credit
Card Act that go into effect on August
22, 2010. The Board has sought to avoid
imposing additional burden, while
effectuating the statute in a manner that
is beneficial to consumers. The Board
welcomes comment on any significant
alternatives, consistent with the Credit
Card Act, which would minimize
impact of the proposed rule on small
VII. Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3506; 5 CFR part 1320 Appendix A.1),
the Board reviewed the proposed rule
under the authority delegated to the
Board by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB). The collection of
information that is required by this
proposed rule is found in 12 CFR part
226. The Federal Reserve may not
conduct or sponsor, and an organization
is not required to respond to, this
information collection unless the
information collection displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
The OMB control number is 7100–
This information collection is
required to provide benefits for
consumers and is mandatory (15 U.S.C.
1601 et seq.). The respondents/
recordkeepers are creditors and other
entities subject to Regulation Z,
including for-profit financial
institutions, small businesses, and
institutions of higher education. TILA
and Regulation Z are intended to ensure
effective disclosure of the costs and
terms of credit to consumers. For openend credit, creditors are required to,
among other things, disclose
information about the initial costs and
terms and to provide periodic
statements of account activity, notices of
changes in terms, and statements of
rights concerning billing error
procedures. Regulation Z requires
specific types of disclosures for credit
and charge card accounts and homeequity plans. For closed-end loans, such
as mortgage and installment loans, cost
disclosures are required to be provided
40 In 2009, the information collection was retitled—Reporting, Recordkeeping and Disclosure
Requirements associated with Regulation Z (Truth
in Lending) and Regulation AA (Unfair or Deceptive
Acts or Practices).
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prior to consummation. Special
disclosures are required in connection
with certain products, such as reverse
mortgages, certain variable-rate loans,
and certain mortgages with rates and
fees above specified thresholds. TILA
and Regulation Z also contain rules
concerning credit advertising. Creditors
are required to retain evidence of
compliance for twenty-four months
(§ 226.25), but Regulation Z does not
specify the types of records that must be
Under the PRA, the Federal Reserve
accounts for the paperwork burden
associated with Regulation Z for the
state member banks and other creditors
supervised by the Federal Reserve that
engage in lending covered by Regulation
Z and, therefore, are respondents under
the PRA. Appendix I of Regulation Z
defines the Federal Reserve-regulated
institutions as: State member banks,
branches and agencies of foreign banks
(other than Federal branches, Federal
agencies, and insured state branches of
foreign banks), commercial lending
companies owned or controlled by
foreign banks, and organizations
operating under section 25 or 25A of the
Federal Reserve Act. Other Federal
agencies account for the paperwork
burden on other entities subject to
Regulation Z. To ease the burden and
cost of complying with Regulation Z
(particularly for small entities), the
Federal Reserve provides model forms,
which are appended to the regulation.
Under proposed §§ 226.5a(a)(2)(iv)
and 226.6(b)(1)(i), the use of bold text
would be required when disclosing
maximum limits on fees in the
application and solicitation table and
the account-opening table, respectively.
The Board anticipates that creditors
would incorporate, with little change,
the proposed formatting change with the
disclosure already required under
§§ 226.5a(a)(2)(iv) and 226.6(b)(1)(i).
Under proposed § 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B), a
card issuer would be required to
disclose the amount of any late payment
fee and any increased rate that may be
imposed on the account as a result of a
late payment. In addition, proposed
§ 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B) would permit the use
of the term ‘‘up to’’ to disclose the
highest fee if a range of late payment
fees may be assessed. The Board
anticipates that card issuers, with little
additional burden, would incorporate
the proposed disclosure requirement
with the disclosures already required
under § 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B). In an effort to
reduce burden the Board is amending
Appendix G–18 to provide guidance on
an ‘‘up to’’ disclosure.
Under proposed
§§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) and
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6), a card issuer would
be required to disclose no more than
four reasons for an annual percentage
rate increase in the notice required to be
provided 45 days in advance of that
increase. The Board anticipates that
card issuers, with little additional
burden, would incorporate the proposed
disclosure requirement with the
disclosure already required under
§ 226.9(c) and § 226.9(g).
Proposed § 226.52(b) would generally
limit the dollar amount of penalty fees
imposed by card issuers. Specifically,
credit card penalty fees must be based
on certain permitted determinations or
on a proposed safe harbor. In addition,
proposed § 226.52(b) prohibits penalty
fees that exceed the dollar amount
associated with the violation and certain
types of penalty fees. Compliance with
proposed § 226.52(b) would require card
issuers to conform certain penalty fee
disclosures already required under
§§ 226.5a, 226.6, 226.7, and 226.56. As
mentioned in IV. Section-by-Section
Analysis, in an effort to reduce burden
the Board is proposing to amend
guidance in Appendix G to provide
model language for the disclosure of
late-payment fees, over-the-limit fees,
and returned-payment fees.
The Board anticipates that creditors
would incorporate the proposed
disclosure requirement with the
disclosures already required under
§§ 226.5a(a)(2)(iv), 226.6(b)(1)(i),
226.7(b)(11)(i)(B), 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8),
226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6), and 226.52(b). The
Board estimates that the proposed rule
would impose a one-time increase in the
total annual burden under Regulation Z.
The 1,138 respondents would take, on
average, 40 hours to update their
systems to comply with the disclosure
requirements addressed in this
proposed rule. The total annual burden
is estimated to increase by 45,520 hours,
from 1,654,814 to 1,700,334 hours.41
The total one-time burden increase
represents averages for all respondents
regulated by the Federal Reserve. The
Federal Reserve expects that the amount
of time required to implement each of
the proposed changes for a given
financial institution or entity may vary
based on the size and complexity of the
The other Federal financial agencies:
the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), the Office of Thrift
41 The burden estimate for this rulemaking does
not include the burden addressing changes to
implement provisions of Closed-End Mortgages
(Docket No. R–1366), the Home-Equity Lines of
Credit (Docket No. R–1367), or Notification of Sale
or transfer of Mortgage Loans (Docket No. R–1378),
as announced in separate proposed rulemakings.
See 74 FR 43232, 74 FR 43428, and 74 FR 60143.
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Supervision (OTS), the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the
National Credit Union Administration
(NCUA) are responsible for estimating
and reporting to OMB the total
paperwork burden for the domestically
chartered commercial banks, thrifts, and
Federal credit unions and U.S. branches
and agencies of foreign banks for which
they have primary administrative
enforcement jurisdiction under TILA
Section 108(a), 15. U.S.C. 1607(a). These
agencies are permitted, but are not
required, to use the Board’s burden
estimation methodology. Using the
Board’s method, the total current
estimated annual burden for the
approximately 17,200 domestically
chartered commercial banks, thrifts, and
Federal credit unions and U.S. branches
and agencies of foreign banks
supervised by the Federal Reserve, OCC,
OTS, FDIC, and NCUA under TILA
would be approximately 13,706,325
hours. The proposed rule would impose
a one-time increase in the estimated
annual burden for such institutions by
688,000 hours to 14,394,325 hours. The
above estimates represent an average
across all respondents; the Board
expects variations between institutions
based on their size, complexity, and
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the Board’s functions; including
whether the information has practical
utility; (2) the accuracy of the Board’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
information collection, including the
cost of compliance; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of
information collection on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology. Comments on
the collection of information should be
sent to Michelle Shore, Federal Reserve
Board Clearance Officer, Division of
Research and Statistics, Mail Stop 95–A,
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551,
with copies of such comments sent to
the Office of Management and Budget,
Paperwork Reduction Project (7100–
0199), Washington, DC 20503.
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 226
Advertising, Consumer protection,
Federal Reserve System, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Truth in
Text of Interim Final Revisions
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Board proposes to amend
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Regulation Z, 12 CFR part 226, as set
forth below:
1. In § 226.5a, revise paragraph
(a)(2)(iv) to read as follows:
§ 226.5a Credit and charge card
applications and solicitations.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(iv) When a tabular format is required,
any annual percentage rate required to
be disclosed pursuant to paragraph
(b)(1) of this section, any introductory
rate required to be disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, any
rate that will apply after a premium
initial rate expires required to be
disclosed under paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of
this section, and any fee or percentage
amounts or maximum limits on fee
amounts disclosed pursuant to
paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(4), (b)(8) through
(b)(13) of this section must be disclosed
in bold text. However, bold text shall
not be used for: The amount of any
periodic fee disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (b)(2) of this section that is
not an annualized amount; and other
annual percentage rates or fee amounts
disclosed in the table.
2. In § 226.6, revise paragraph (b)(1)(i)
to read as follows:
§ 226.6
Account-opening disclosures.
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) Highlighting. In the table, any
annual percentage rate required to be
disclosed pursuant to paragraph (b)(2)(i)
of this section; any introductory rate
permitted to be disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (b)(2)(i)(B) or required to be
disclosed under paragraph (b)(2)(i)(F) of
this section, any rate that will apply
after a premium initial rate expires
permitted to be disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (b)(2)(i)(C) or required to be
disclosed pursuant to paragraph
(b)(2)(i)(F), and any fee or percentage
amounts or maximum limits on fee
amounts disclosed pursuant to
paragraphs (b)(2)(ii), (b)(2)(iv), (b)(2)(vii)
through (b)(2)(xii) of this section must
be disclosed in bold text. However, bold
text shall not be used for: The amount
of any periodic fee disclosed pursuant
to paragraph (b)(2) of this section that is
not an annualized amount; and other
annual percentage rates or fee amounts
disclosed in the table.
3. Section 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B) is revised
to read as follows:
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§ 226.7
Periodic statement.
(11) Due date; late payment costs.
(i) * * *
(B) The amount of any late payment
fee and any increased periodic rate(s)
(expressed as an annual percentage
rate(s)) that may be imposed on the
account as a result of a late payment. If
a range of late payment fees may be
assessed, the card issuer may state the
range of fees, or the highest fee and an
indication that the fee imposed could be
lower. If the rate may be increased for
more than one feature or balance, the
card issuer may state the range of rates
or the highest rate that could apply and
at the issuer’s option an indication that
the rate imposed could be lower.
4. Section 226.9(c)(2) and (g) are
revised to read as follows:
§ 226.9 Subsequent disclosure
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(c) * * *
(2) Rules affecting open-end (not
home-secured) plans. (i) Changes where
written advance notice is required. (A)
General. For plans other than homeequity plans subject to the requirements
of § 226.5b, except as provided in
paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(B), (c)(2)(iii) and
(c)(2)(v) of this section, when a
significant change in account terms as
described in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this
section is made to a term required to be
disclosed under § 226.6(b)(3), (b)(4) or
(b)(5) or the required minimum periodic
payment is increased, a creditor must
provide a written notice of the change
at least 45 days prior to the effective
date of the change to each consumer
who may be affected. The 45-day timing
requirement does not apply if the
consumer has agreed to a particular
change; the notice shall be given,
however, before the effective date of the
change. Increases in the rate applicable
to a consumer’s account due to
delinquency, default or as a penalty
described in paragraph (g) of this
section that are not due to a change in
the contractual terms of the consumer’s
account must be disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (g) of this section instead of
paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(B) Changes agreed to by the
consumer. A notice of change in terms
is required, but it may be mailed or
delivered as late as the effective date of
the change if the consumer agrees to the
particular change. This paragraph
(c)(2)(i)(B) applies only when a
consumer substitutes collateral or when
the creditor can advance additional
credit only if a change relatively unique
to that consumer is made, such as the
consumer’s providing additional
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security or paying an increased
minimum payment amount. The
following are not considered agreements
between the consumer and the creditor
for purposes of this paragraph
(c)(2)(i)(B): the consumer’s general
acceptance of the creditor’s contract
reservation of the right to change terms;
the consumer’s use of the account
(which might imply acceptance of its
terms under state law); the consumer’s
acceptance of a unilateral term change
that is not particular to that consumer,
but rather is of general applicability to
consumers with that type of account;
and the consumer’s request to reopen a
closed account or to upgrade an existing
account to another account offered by
the creditor with different credit or
other features.
(ii) Significant changes in account
terms. For purposes of this section, a
‘‘significant change in account terms’’
means a change to a term required to be
disclosed under § 226.6(b)(1) and (b)(2),
an increase in the required minimum
periodic payment, or the acquisition of
a security interest.
(iii) Charges not covered by
§ 226.6(b)(1) and (b)(2). Except as
provided in paragraph (c)(2)(vi) of this
section, if a creditor increases any
component of a charge, or introduces a
new charge, required to be disclosed
under § 226.6(b)(3) that is not a
significant change in account terms as
described in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this
section, a creditor may either, at its
(A) Comply with the requirements of
paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section; or
(B) Provide notice of the amount of
the charge before the consumer agrees to
or becomes obligated to pay the charge,
at a time and in a manner that a
consumer would be likely to notice the
disclosure of the charge. The notice may
be provided orally or in writing.
(iv) Disclosure requirements. (A)
Significant changes in account terms. If
a creditor makes a significant change in
account terms as described in paragraph
(c)(2)(ii) of this section, the notice
provided pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(i)
of this section must provide the
following information:
(1) A summary of the changes made
to terms required by § 226.6(b)(1) and
(b)(2), a description of any increase in
the required minimum periodic
payment, and a description of any
security interest being acquired by the
(2) A statement that changes are being
made to the account;
(3) For accounts other than credit card
accounts under an open-end (not homesecured) consumer credit plan subject to
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(B), a statement
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indicating the consumer has the right to
opt out of these changes, if applicable,
and a reference to additional
information describing the opt-out right
provided in the notice, if applicable;
(4) The date the changes will become
(5) If applicable, a statement that the
consumer may find additional
information about the summarized
changes, and other changes to the
account, in the notice;
(6) If the creditor is changing a rate on
the account, other than a penalty rate,
a statement that if a penalty rate
currently applies to the consumer’s
account, the new rate described in the
notice will not apply to the consumer’s
account until the consumer’s account
balances are no longer subject to the
penalty rate;
(7) If the change in terms being
disclosed is an increase in an annual
percentage rate, the balances to which
the increased rate will be applied. If
applicable, a statement identifying the
balances to which the current rate will
continue to apply as of the effective date
of the change in terms; and
(8) If the change in terms being
disclosed is an increase in an annual
percentage rate for a credit card account
under an open-end (not home-secured)
consumer credit plan, a statement of no
more than four principal reasons for the
rate increase, listed in their order of
(B) Right to reject for credit card
accounts under an open-end (not homesecured) consumer credit plan. In
addition to the disclosures in paragraph
(c)(2)(iv)(A) of this section, if a card
issuer makes a significant change in
account terms on a credit card account
under an open-end (not home-secured)
consumer credit plan, the creditor must
generally provide the following
information on the notice provided
pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this
section. This information is not required
to be provided in the case of an increase
in the required minimum periodic
payment, a change in an annual
percentage rate applicable to a
consumer’s account, a change in the
balance computation method applicable
to consumer’s account necessary to
comply with § 226.54, or when the
change results from the creditor not
receiving the consumer’s required
minimum periodic payment within 60
days after the due date for that payment:
(1) A statement that the consumer has
the right to reject the change or changes
prior to the effective date of the changes,
unless the consumer fails to make a
required minimum periodic payment
within 60 days after the due date for
that payment;
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(2) Instructions for rejecting the
change or changes, and a toll-free
telephone number that the consumer
may use to notify the creditor of the
rejection; and
(3) If applicable, a statement that if
the consumer rejects the change or
changes, the consumer’s ability to use
the account for further advances will be
terminated or suspended.
(C) Changes resulting from failure to
make minimum periodic payment
within 60 days from due date for credit
card accounts under an open-end (not
home-secured) consumer credit plan.
For a credit card account under an
open-end (not home-secured) consumer
credit plan, if the significant change
required to be disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section is an
increase in an annual percentage rate or
a fee or charge required to be disclosed
under § 226.6(b)(2)(ii), (b)(2)(iii), or
(b)(2)(xii) based on the consumer’s
failure to make a minimum periodic
payment within 60 days from the due
date for that payment, the notice
provided pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(i)
of this section must also contain the
following information:
(1) A statement of the reason for the
increase; and
(2) That the increase will cease to
apply to transactions that occurred prior
to or within 14 days of provision of the
notice, if the creditor receives six
consecutive required minimum periodic
payments on or before the payment due
date, beginning with the first payment
due following the effective date of the
(D) Format requirements. (1) Tabular
format. The summary of changes
described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A)(1) of
this section must be in a tabular format
(except for a summary of any increase
in the required minimum periodic
payment), with headings and format
substantially similar to any of the
account-opening tables found in G–17
in appendix G to this part. The table
must disclose the changed term and
information relevant to the change, if
that relevant information is required by
§ 226.6(b)(1) and (b)(2). The new terms
shall be described in the same level of
detail as required when disclosing the
terms under § 226.6(b)(2).
(2) Notice included with periodic
statement. If a notice required by
paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section is
included on or with a periodic
statement, the information described in
paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A)(1) of this section
must be disclosed on the front of any
page of the statement. The summary of
changes described in paragraph
(c)(2)(iv)(A)(1) of this section must
immediately follow the information
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described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A)(2)
through (c)(2)(iv)(A)(7) and, if
applicable, paragraphs (c)(2)(iv)(A)(8),
(c)(2)(iv)(B), and (c)(2)(iv)(C) of this
section, and be substantially similar to
the format shown in Sample G–20 or G–
21 in appendix G to this part.
(3) Notice provided separately from
periodic statement. If a notice required
by paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section is
not included on or with a periodic
statement, the information described in
paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A)(1) of this section
must, at the creditor’s option, be
disclosed on the front of the first page
of the notice or segregated on a separate
page from other information given with
the notice. The summary of changes
required to be in a table pursuant to
paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A)(1) of this section
may be on more than one page, and may
use both the front and reverse sides, so
long as the table begins on the front of
the first page of the notice and there is
a reference on the first page indicating
that the table continues on the following
page. The summary of changes
described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A)(1) of
this section must immediately follow
the information described in paragraph
(c)(2)(iv)(A)(2) through (c)(2)(iv)(A)(7)
and, if applicable, paragraphs
(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8), (c)(2)(iv)(B), and
(c)(2)(iv)(C), of this section,
substantially similar to the format
shown in Sample G–20 or G–21 in
appendix G to this part.
(v) Notice not required. For open-end
plans (other than home equity plans
subject to the requirements of § 226.5b)
a creditor is not required to provide
notice under this section:
(A) When the change involves charges
for documentary evidence; a reduction
of any component of a finance or other
charge; suspension of future credit
privileges (except as provided in
paragraph (c)(2)(vi) of this section) or
termination of an account or plan; when
the change results from an agreement
involving a court proceeding; when the
change is an extension of the grace
period; or if the change is applicable
only to checks that access a credit card
account and the changed terms are
disclosed on or with the checks in
accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of this
(B) When the change is an increase in
an annual percentage rate upon the
expiration of a specified period of time,
provided that:
(1) Prior to commencement of that
period, the creditor disclosed in writing
to the consumer, in a clear and
conspicuous manner, the length of the
period and the annual percentage rate
that would apply after expiration of the
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(2) The disclosure of the length of the
period and the annual percentage rate
that would apply after expiration of the
period are set forth in close proximity
and in equal prominence to the first
listing of the disclosure of the rate that
applies during the specified period of
time; and
(3) The annual percentage rate that
applies after that period does not exceed
the rate disclosed pursuant to paragraph
(c)(2)(v)(B)(1) of this paragraph or, if the
rate disclosed pursuant to paragraph
(c)(2)(v)(B)(1) of this section was a
variable rate, the rate following any
such increase is a variable rate
determined by the same formula (index
and margin) that was used to calculate
the variable rate disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (c)(2)(v)(B)(1);
(C) When the change is an increase in
a variable annual percentage rate in
accordance with a credit card agreement
that provides for changes in the rate
according to operation of an index that
is not under the control of the creditor
and is available to the general public; or
(D) When the change is an increase in
an annual percentage rate, a fee or
charge required to be disclosed under
§ 226.6(b)(2)(ii), (b)(2)(iii), or (b)(2)(xii),
or the required minimum periodic
payment due to the completion of a
workout or temporary hardship
arrangement by the consumer or the
consumer’s failure to comply with the
terms of such an arrangement, provided
(1) The annual percentage rate or fee
or charge applicable to a category of
transactions or the required minimum
periodic payment following any such
increase does not exceed the rate or fee
or charge or required minimum periodic
payment that applied to that category of
transactions prior to commencement of
the arrangement or, if the rate that
applied to a category of transactions
prior to the commencement of the
workout or temporary hardship
arrangement was a variable rate, the rate
following any such increase is a variable
rate determined by the same formula
(index and margin) that applied to the
category of transactions prior to
commencement of the workout or
temporary hardship arrangement; and
(2) The creditor has provided the
consumer, prior to the commencement
of such arrangement, with a clear and
conspicuous disclosure of the terms of
the arrangement (including any
increases due to such completion or
failure). This disclosure must generally
be provided in writing. However, a
creditor may provide the disclosure of
the terms of the arrangement orally by
telephone, provided that the creditor
mails or delivers a written disclosure of
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the terms of the arrangement to the
consumer as soon as reasonably
practicable after the oral disclosure is
(vi) Reduction of the credit limit. For
open-end plans that are not subject to
the requirements of § 226.5b, if a
creditor decreases the credit limit on an
account, advance notice of the decrease
must be provided before an over-thelimit fee or a penalty rate can be
imposed solely as a result of the
consumer exceeding the newly
decreased credit limit. Notice shall be
provided in writing or orally at least 45
days prior to imposing the over-thelimit fee or penalty rate and shall state
that the credit limit on the account has
been or will be decreased.
(g) Increase in rates due to
delinquency or default or as a penalty.
(1) Increases subject to this section. For
plans other than home-equity plans
subject to the requirements of § 226.5b,
except as provided in paragraph (g)(4) of
this section, a creditor must provide a
written notice to each consumer who
may be affected when:
(i) A rate is increased due to the
consumer’s delinquency or default; or
(ii) A rate is increased as a penalty for
one or more events specified in the
account agreement, such as making a
late payment or obtaining an extension
of credit that exceeds the credit limit.
(2) Timing of written notice.
Whenever any notice is required to be
given pursuant to paragraph (g)(1) of
this section, the creditor shall provide
written notice of the increase in rates at
least 45 days prior to the effective date
of the increase. The notice must be
provided after the occurrence of the
events described in paragraphs (g)(1)(i)
and (g)(1)(ii) of this section that trigger
the imposition of the rate increase.
(3)(i) Disclosure requirements for rate
increases. (A) General. If a creditor is
increasing the rate due to delinquency
or default or as a penalty, the creditor
must provide the following information
on the notice sent pursuant to paragraph
(g)(1) of this section:
(1) A statement that the delinquency
or default rate or penalty rate, as
applicable, has been triggered;
(2) The date on which the
delinquency or default rate or penalty
rate will apply;
(3) The circumstances under which
the delinquency or default rate or
penalty rate, as applicable, will cease to
apply to the consumer’s account, or that
the delinquency or default rate or
penalty rate will remain in effect for a
potentially indefinite time period;
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(4) A statement indicating to which
balances the delinquency or default rate
or penalty rate will be applied;
(5) If applicable, a description of any
balances to which the current rate will
continue to apply as of the effective date
of the rate increase, unless a consumer
fails to make a minimum periodic
payment within 60 days from the due
date for that payment; and
(6) For a credit card account under an
open-end (not home-secured) consumer
credit plan, a statement of no more than
four principal reasons for the rate
increase, listed in their order of
(B) Rate increases resulting from
failure to make minimum periodic
payment within 60 days from due date.
For a credit card account under an
open-end (not home-secured) consumer
credit plan, if the rate increase required
to be disclosed pursuant to paragraph
(g)(1) of this section is an increase
pursuant to § 226.55(b)(4) based on the
consumer’s failure to make a minimum
periodic payment within 60 days from
the due date for that payment, the notice
provided pursuant to paragraph (g)(1) of
this section must also contain the
following information:
(1) A statement of the reason for the
increase; and
(2) That the increase will cease to
apply to transactions that occurred prior
to or within 14 days of provision of the
notice, if the creditor receives six
consecutive required minimum periodic
payments on or before the payment due
date, beginning with the first payment
due following the effective date of the
(ii) Format requirements. (A) If a
notice required by paragraph (g)(1) of
this section is included on or with a
periodic statement, the information
described in paragraph (g)(3)(i) of this
section must be in the form of a table
and provided on the front of any page
of the periodic statement, above the
notice described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)
of this section if that notice is provided
on the same statement.
(B) If a notice required by paragraph
(g)(1) of this section is not included on
or with a periodic statement, the
information described in paragraph
(g)(3)(i) of this section must be disclosed
on the front of the first page of the
notice. Only information related to the
increase in the rate to a penalty rate may
be included with the notice, except that
this notice may be combined with a
notice described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)
or (g)(4) of this section.
(4) Exception for decrease in credit
limit. A creditor is not required to
provide a notice pursuant to paragraph
(g)(1) of this section prior to increasing
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the rate for obtaining an extension of
credit that exceeds the credit limit,
provided that:
(i) The creditor provides at least 45
days in advance of imposing the penalty
rate a notice, in writing, that includes:
(A) A statement that the credit limit
on the account has been or will be
(B) A statement indicating the date on
which the penalty rate will apply, if the
outstanding balance exceeds the credit
limit as of that date;
(C) A statement that the penalty rate
will not be imposed on the date
specified in paragraph (g)(4)(i)(B) of this
section, if the outstanding balance does
not exceed the credit limit as of that
(D) The circumstances under which
the penalty rate, if applied, will cease to
apply to the account, or that the penalty
rate, if applied, will remain in effect for
a potentially indefinite time period;
(E) A statement indicating to which
balances the penalty rate may be
applied; and
(F) If applicable, a description of any
balances to which the current rate will
continue to apply as of the effective date
of the rate increase, unless the consumer
fails to make a minimum periodic
payment within 60 days from the due
date for that payment; and
(ii) The creditor does not increase the
rate applicable to the consumer’s
account to the penalty rate if the
outstanding balance does not exceed the
credit limit on the date set forth in the
notice and described in paragraph
(g)(4)(i)(B) of this section.
(iii) (A) If a notice provided pursuant
to paragraph (g)(4)(i) of this section is
included on or with a periodic
statement, the information described in
paragraph (g)(4)(i) of this section must
be in the form of a table and provided
on the front of any page of the periodic
statement; or
(B) If a notice required by paragraph
(g)(4)(i) of this section is not included
on or with a periodic statement, the
information described in paragraph
(g)(4)(i) of this section must be disclosed
on the front of the first page of the
notice. Only information related to the
reduction in credit limit may be
included with the notice, except that
this notice may be combined with a
notice described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)
or (g)(1) of this section.
5. Section 226.52(b) is added to read
as follows:
§ 226.52
Limitations on fees.
(b) Limitations on penalty fees. (1)
General rule. A card issuer must not
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impose a fee for violating the terms or
other requirements of a credit card
account under an open-end (not homesecured) consumer credit plan unless
the dollar amount of the fee is based on
one of the determinations set forth in
this paragraph.
(i) Fees based on costs. A card issuer
may impose a fee for violating the terms
or other requirements of an account if
the card issuer has determined that the
dollar amount of the fee represents a
reasonable proportion of the total costs
incurred by the card issuer as a result
of that type of violation.
(ii) Fees based on deterrence. A card
issuer may impose a fee for violating the
terms or other requirements of an
account if the card issuer has
determined that the dollar amount of
the fee is reasonably necessary to deter
that type of violation using an
empirically derived, demonstrably and
statistically sound model that
reasonably estimates the effect of the
amount of the fee on the frequency of
(iii) Reevaluation of determinations.
A card issuer must reevaluate a
determination made under paragraph
(b)(1)(i) or (b)(1)(ii) of this section at
least once every twelve months. If as a
result of the reevaluation the card issuer
determines that a lower fee is consistent
with paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (b)(1)(ii) of
this section, the card issuer must begin
imposing the lower fee within 30 days
after completing the reevaluation. If as
a result of the reevaluation the card
issuer determines that a higher fee is
consistent with paragraph (b)(1)(i) or
(b)(1)(ii) of this section, the card issuer
may begin imposing the higher fee after
complying with the notice requirements
in § 226.9.
(2) Prohibited fees. (i) Fees that
exceed dollar amount associated with
violation. (A) Generally. A card issuer
must not impose a fee for violating the
terms or other requirements of a credit
card account under an open-end (not
home-secured) consumer credit plan
that exceeds the dollar amount
associated with the violation at the time
the fee is imposed.
(B) No dollar amount associated with
violation. A card issuer must not impose
a fee for violating the terms or other
requirements of a credit card account
under an open-end (not home-secured)
consumer credit plan when there is no
dollar amount associated with the
violation. For purposes of paragraph
(b)(2)(i) of this section, there is no dollar
amount associated with the following
(1) Transactions that the card issuer
declines to authorize;
(2) Account inactivity; and
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(3) The closure or termination of an
(ii) Multiple fees based on a single
event or transaction. A card issuer must
not impose more than one fee for
violating the terms or other
requirements of a credit card account
under an open-end (not home-secured)
consumer credit plan based on a single
event or transaction. A card issuer may
at its option comply with this
prohibition by imposing no more than
one fee for violating the account terms
or other requirements during a billing
(3) Safe harbor. Except as provided in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a card
issuer complies with paragraph (b)(1) of
this section if the dollar amount of a fee
for violating the terms or other
requirements of a credit card account
under an open-end (not home-secured)
consumer credit plan does not exceed
the greater of:
(i) $[XX.XX], adjusted annually by the
Board to reflect changes in the
Consumer Price Index; or
(ii) Five percent of the dollar amount
associated with the violation, provided
that the dollar amount of the fee does
not exceed $[XX.XX], adjusted annually
by the Board to reflect changes in the
Consumer Price Index.
6. Section 226.59 is added to read as
§ 226.59
Reevaluation of rate increases.
(a) General rule. (1) Reevaluation of
rate increases. If a card issuer increases
an annual percentage rate that applies to
a credit card account under an open-end
(not home-secured) consumer credit
plan, based on the credit risk of the
consumer, market conditions, or other
factors, or increased such a rate on or
after January 1, 2009, and 45 days’
advance notice of the rate increase is
required pursuant to § 226.9(c)(2) or (g),
the card issuer must:
(i) Evaluate whether such factors have
changed; and
(ii) Based on its review of such
factors, reduce the annual percentage
rate applicable to the consumer’s
account, as appropriate.
(2) Rate reductions—timing. If a card
issuer is required to reduce the rate
applicable to an account pursuant to
paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the card
issuer must reduce the rate not later
than 30 days after completion of the
evaluation described in paragraph (a)(1).
(b) Policies and procedures. A card
issuer must have reasonable written
policies and procedures in place to
review the factors described in
paragraphs (a) and (d) of this section.
(c) Timing. A card issuer that is
subject to paragraph (a) of this section
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must review changes in factors in
accordance with paragraphs (a) and (d)
of this section not less frequently than
once every six months after the initial
rate increase.
(d) Factors. A card issuer is not
required to base its review under
paragraph (a) of this section on the same
factors on which an increase in an
annual percentage rate was based. The
card issuer may, at its option, review the
factors on which the rate increase was
originally based, or may review the
factors that it currently considers when
determining the annual percentage rates
applicable to its credit card accounts
under an open-end (not home-secured)
consumer credit plan.
(e) Rate increases subject to
§ 226.55(b)(4). If an issuer increases a
rate applicable to a consumer’s account
pursuant to § 226.55(b)(4) based on the
card issuer not receiving the consumer’s
required minimum periodic payment
within 60 days after the due date, the
issuer is not required to review factors
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section
prior to the sixth payment due date after
the effective date of the increase.
However, if the annual percentage rate
applicable to the consumer’s account is
not reduced pursuant to
§ 226.55(b)(4)(ii), the card issuer must
review factors in accordance with
paragraph (a) of this section no later
than six months after the sixth payment
due following the effective date of the
rate increase.
(f) Termination of obligation to review
factors. The obligation to review factors
described in paragraph (a) and (d) of
this section ceases to apply if:
(1) The issuer reduces the annual
percentage rate applicable to a credit
card account under an open-end (not
home-secured) consumer credit plan to
the rate applicable immediately prior to
the increase, or, if the rate applicable
immediately prior to the increase was a
variable rate, to a variable rate
determined by the same formula (index
and margin) that was used to calculate
the rate applicable prior to the increase;
(2) The issuer reduces the annual
percentage rate to a rate that is lower
than the rate described in paragraph
(f)(1) of this section.
(g) Acquired accounts. (1) General.
Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2)
of this section, the obligation to review
changes in factors in paragraph (a) of
this section applies to credit card
accounts that have been acquired by the
card issuer from another card issuer. A
card issuer may review either the factors
that the card issuer from which it
acquired the accounts considered in
connection with the rate increase, or
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may review the factors that it currently
considers in determining the annual
percentage rates applicable to its credit
card accounts.
(2) Review of acquired portfolio. If a
card issuer reviews all of the credit card
accounts it acquires, as soon as
reasonably practicable after the
acquisition of such accounts, in
accordance with the factors that it
currently uses in determining the rates
applicable to its credit card accounts:
(i) Except as provided in paragraph
(g)(2)(iii), the card issuer is required to
review changes in factors in accordance
with paragraph (a) of this section only
for rate increases that are imposed as a
result of that review. See §§ 226.9 and
226.55 for additional requirements
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regarding rate increases on acquired
(ii) Except as provided in paragraph
(g)(2)(iii) of this section, the card issuer
is not required to review changes in
factors in accordance with paragraph (a)
of this section for any rate increases
made prior to the card issuer’s
acquisition of such accounts.
(iii) If as a result of the card issuer’s
review, an account is subject to, or
continues to be subject to, an increased
rate as a penalty, or due to the
consumer’s delinquency or default, the
requirements of this section apply.
(h) Exceptions. (1) Servicemembers
Civil Relief Act exception. The
requirements of this section do not
apply to increases in an annual
percentage rate that was previously
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decreased pursuant to 50 U.S.C. app.
527, provided that such a rate increase
is made in accordance with
§ 226.55(b)(6).
(2) Charged off accounts. The
requirements of this section do not
apply to accounts that the card issuer
has charged off in accordance with loanloss provisions.
7. Appendix G to part 226 is amended
by revising Forms G–10(B), G–10(C), G–
17(B), G–17(C), G–18(B), G–18(D), G–
18(F), G–18(G), G–20, G–21, G–22, G–
25(A), and G–25(B).
Appendix G to Part 226—Open-End
Model Forms and Clauses
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G–18(B)—Late Payment Fee Sample
Late Payment Warning: If we do not
receive your minimum payment by the
date listed above, you may have to pay
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a late fee of up to $XX and your APRs
may be increased up to the Penalty APR
of 28.99%.
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G–25(A)—Consent Form for Over-the-Credit
Limit Transactions
Your Choice Regarding Over-the-Credit Limit
Unless you tell us otherwise, we will
decline any transaction that causes you to go
over your credit limit. If you want us to
authorize these transactions, you can request
over-the-credit limit coverage.
If you have over-the-credit limit coverage
and you go over your credit limit, we will
charge you a fee of up to $XX. We may also
increase your APRs to the Penalty APR of
XX.XX%. You will only pay one fee per
billing cycle, even if you go over your limit
multiple times in the same cycle.
Even if you request over-the-credit limit
coverage, in some cases we may still decline
a transaction that would cause you to go over
your limit, such as if you are past due or
significantly over your credit limit.
If you want over-the-limit coverage and to
allow us to authorize transactions that go
over your credit limit, please:
—Call us at [telephone number];
—Visit [Web site]; or
—Check or initial the box below, and return
the form to us at [address].
lI want over-the-limit coverage. I
understand that if I go over my credit limit,
my APRs may be increased and I will be
charged a fee of up to $XX. [I have the right
to cancel this coverage at any time.]
[lI do not want over-the-limit coverage. I
understand that transactions that exceed my
credit limit will not be authorized.]
Printed Name: llllllllllllll
Date: llllllllllllllllll
[Account Number]: lllllllllll
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
G–25(B)—Revocation Notice for Periodic
Statement Regarding Over-the-Credit Limit
You currently have over-the-credit limit
coverage on your account, which means that
we pay transactions that cause you go to over
your credit limit. If you do go over your
credit limit, we will charge you a fee of up
to $XX. We may also increase your APRs. To
remove over-the-credit-limit coverage from
your account, call us at 1–800–xxxxxxx or
visit [insert web site]. [You may also write us
at: [insert address]. ]
[You may also check or initial the box
below and return this form to us at: [insert
l I want to cancel over-the-limit coverage
for my account.
Printed Name: llllllllllllll
Date: llllllllllllllllll
[Account Number]: lllllllllll
8. In Supplement I to Part 226:
A. Under Section 226.5a—Credit and
Charge Card Applications and
Solicitations, under 5a(a) General rules,
under 5a(a)(2) Form of disclosures;
tabular format, paragraph 5.ii. is
B. Under Section 226.9—Subsequent
Disclosure Requirements:
(i) Under 9(c) Change in terms, under
9(c)(2)(iv) Disclosure requirements,
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paragraphs 1. through 11. are revised;
(ii) Under 9(g) Increase in rates due to
delinquency or default or as a penalty,
paragraphs 1. through 7. are revised.
C. Under Section 226.52—Limitations
on Fees, 52(b) Limitations on penalty
fees is added.
D. Under Section 226.56—
Requirements for over-the-limit
(i) Under 56(e) Content, paragraph 1.
is revised; and
(ii) Under 56(j) Prohibited practices,
paragraph 6. is added.
E. Section 226.59—Reevaluation of
Rate Increases is added.
Supplement I to Part 226—Official Staff
Section 226.5a—Credit and Charge Card
Applications and Solicitations
5a(a) General rules.
5a(a)(2) Form of disclosures; tabular
5. * * *
ii. Maximum limits on fees. Section
226.5a(a)(2)(iv) provides that any maximum
limits on fee amounts must be disclosed in
bold text. For example, assume that,
consistent with § 226.52(b)(3), a card issuer’s
late payment fee will not exceed $XX.XX.
The maximum limit of $XX.XX for the late
payment fee must be highlighted in bold.
Similarly, assume an issuer will charge a
cash advance fee of $5 or 3 percent of the
cash advance transaction amount, whichever
is greater, but the fee will not exceed $100.
The maximum limit of $100 for the cash
advance fee must be highlighted in bold.
Section 226.9—Subsequent Disclosure
9(c) Change in terms.
9(c)(2)(iv) Disclosure requirements.
1. Changing margin for calculating a
variable rate. If a creditor is changing a
margin used to calculate a variable rate, the
creditor must disclose the amount of the new
rate (as calculated using the new margin) in
the table described in § 226.9(c)(2)(iv), and
include a reminder that the rate is a variable
rate. For example, if a creditor is changing
the margin for a variable rate that uses the
prime rate as an index, the creditor must
disclose in the table the new rate (as
calculated using the new margin) and
indicate that the rate varies with the market
based on the prime rate.
2. Changing index for calculating a
variable rate. If a creditor is changing the
index used to calculate a variable rate, the
creditor must disclose the amount of the new
rate (as calculated using the new index) and
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indicate that the rate varies and how the rate
is determined, as explained in
§ 226.6(b)(2)(i)(A). For example, if a creditor
is changing from using a prime rate to using
the LIBOR in calculating a variable rate, the
creditor would disclose in the table the new
rate (using the new index) and indicate that
the rate varies with the market based on the
3. Changing from a variable rate to a nonvariable rate. If a creditor is changing a rate
applicable to a consumer’s account from a
variable rate to a non-variable rate, the
creditor must provide a notice as otherwise
required under § 226.9(c) even if the variable
rate at the time of the change is higher than
the non-variable rate.
4. Changing from a non-variable rate to a
variable rate. If a creditor is changing a rate
applicable to a consumer’s account from a
non-variable rate to a variable rate, the
creditor must provide a notice as otherwise
required under § 226.9(c) even if the nonvariable rate is higher than the variable rate
at the time of the change.
5. Changes in the penalty rate, the triggers
for the penalty rate, or how long the penalty
rate applies. If a creditor is changing the
amount of the penalty rate, the creditor must
also redisclose the triggers for the penalty
rate and the information about how long the
penalty rate applies even if those terms are
not changing. Likewise, if a creditor is
changing the triggers for the penalty rate, the
creditor must redisclose the amount of the
penalty rate and information about how long
the penalty rate applies. If a creditor is
changing how long the penalty rate applies,
the creditor must redisclose the amount of
the penalty rate and the triggers for the
penalty rate, even if they are not changing.
6. Changes in fees. If a creditor is changing
part of how a fee that is disclosed in a tabular
format under § 226.6(b)(1) and (b)(2) is
determined, the creditor must redisclose all
relevant information related to that fee
regardless of whether this other information
is changing. For example, if a creditor
currently charges a cash advance fee of
‘‘Either $5 or 3% of the transaction amount,
whichever is greater. (Max: $100),’’ and the
creditor is only changing the minimum dollar
amount from $5 to $10, the issuer must
redisclose the other information related to
how the fee is determined. For example, the
creditor in this example would disclose the
following: ‘‘Either $10 or 3% of the
transaction amount, whichever is greater.
(Max: $100).’’
7. Combining a notice described in
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv) with a notice described in
§ 226.9(g)(3). If a creditor is required to
provide a notice described in § 226.9(c)(2)(iv)
and a notice described in § 226.9(g)(3) to a
consumer, the creditor may combine the two
notices. This would occur if penalty pricing
has been triggered, and other terms are
changing on the consumer’s account at the
same time.
8. Content. Sample G–20 contains an
example of how to comply with the
requirements in § 226.9(c)(2)(iv) when a
variable rate is being changed to a nonvariable rate on a credit card account. The
sample explains when the new rate will
apply to new transactions and to which
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
balances the current rate will continue to
apply. Sample G–21 contains an example of
how to comply with the requirements in
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv) when (i) the late payment fee
on a credit card account is being increased
in accordance with a formula that depends
on the outstanding balance on the account,
and (ii) the returned payment fee is also
being increased. The sample discloses the
consumer’s right to reject the changes in
accordance with § 226.9(h).
9. Clear and conspicuous standard. See
comment 5(a)(1)–1 for the clear and
conspicuous standard applicable to
disclosures required under
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(1).
10. Terminology. See § 226.5(a)(2) for
terminology requirements applicable to
disclosures required under
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(1).
11. Reasons for increase. Section
226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) requires card issuers to
disclose the principal reason(s) for increasing
an annual percentage rate applicable to a
credit card account under an open-end (not
home-secured) consumer credit plan. The
regulation does not mandate a minimum
number of reasons that must be disclosed.
However, the specific reasons disclosed
under § 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) are required to
relate to and accurately describe the
principal factors actually considered by the
card issuer in increasing the rate. A card
issuer may describe the reasons for the
increase in general terms. For example, the
notice of a rate increase triggered by a
decrease of 100 points in a consumer’s credit
score may state that the increase is due to ‘‘a
decline in your creditworthiness’’ or ‘‘a
decline in your credit score.’’ Similarly, a
notice of a rate increase triggered by a 10%
increase in the card issuer’s cost of funds
may be disclosed as ‘‘a change in market
conditions.’’ In some circumstances, it may
be appropriate for a card issuer to combine
the disclosure of several reasons in one
statement. For example, assume that a
consumer made a late payment on the credit
card account on which the rate increase is
being imposed, made a late payment on a
credit card account with another card issuer,
and the consumer’s credit score decreased, in
part due to such late payments. The card
issuer may disclose the reasons for the rate
increase as a decline in the consumer’s credit
score and the consumer’s late payment on the
account subject to the increase. Because the
late payment on the credit card account with
the other issuer also likely contributed to the
decline in the consumer’s credit score, it is
not required to be separately disclosed.
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9(g) Increase in rates due to delinquency or
default or as a penalty.
1. Relationship between § 226.9(c) and (g)
and § 226.55—examples. Card issuers subject
to § 226.55 are prohibited from increasing the
annual percentage rate for a category of
transactions on any consumer credit card
account unless specifically permitted by one
of the exceptions in § 226.55(b). See
comments 55(a)–1 and 55(b)–3 and the
commentary to § 226.55(b)(4) for examples
that illustrate the relationship between the
notice requirements of § 226.9(c) and (g) and
§ 226.55.
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2. Affected consumers. If a single credit
account involves multiple consumers that
may be affected by the change, the creditor
should refer to § 226.5(d) to determine the
number of notices that must be given.
3. Combining a notice described in
§ 226.9(g)(3) with a notice described in
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv). If a creditor is required to
provide notices pursuant to both
§ 226.9(c)(2)(iv) and (g)(3) to a consumer, the
creditor may combine the two notices. This
would occur when penalty pricing has been
triggered, and other terms are changing on
the consumer’s account at the same time.
4. Content. Sample G–22 contains an
example of how to comply with the
requirements in § 226.9(g)(3)(i) when the rate
on a consumer’s credit card account is being
increased to a penalty rate as described in
§ 226.9(g)(1)(ii), based on a late payment that
is not more than 60 days late. Sample G–23
contains an example of how to comply with
the requirements in § 226.9(g)(3)(i) when the
rate increase is triggered by a delinquency of
more than 60 days.
5. Clear and conspicuous standard. See
comment 5(a)(1)–1 for the clear and
conspicuous standard applicable to
disclosures required under § 226.9(g).
6. Terminology. See § 226.5(a)(2) for
terminology requirements applicable to
disclosures required under § 226.9(g).
7. Reasons for increase. See comment
9(c)(2)(iv)–11 for guidance on disclosure of
the reasons for a rate increase for a credit
card account under an open-end (not homesecured) consumer credit plan.
Section 226.52—Limitations on Fees
52(a) Limitations during first year after
account opening.
52(b) Limitations on penalty fees.
1. Fees for violating the account terms or
other requirements. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b), a fee is any charge imposed by
a card issuer based on an act or omission that
violates the terms of the account or any other
requirements imposed by the card issuer
with respect to the account, other than
charges attributable to periodic interest rates.
Accordingly, § 226.52(b) does not apply to
charges attributable to an increase in an
annual percentage rate based on an act or
omission that violates the account terms.
i. The following are examples of fees that
are subject to the limitations in § 226.52(b) or
are prohibited by § 226.52(b):
A. Late payment fees and any other fees
imposed by a card issuer if an account
becomes delinquent or if a payment is not
received by a particular date.
B. Returned-payment fees and any other
fees imposed by a card issuer if a payment
received via check, automated clearing
house, or other payment method is returned.
C. Any fee or charge for an over-the-limit
transaction as defined in § 226.56(a), to the
extent the imposition of such a fee or charge
is permitted by § 226.56.
D. Any fee or charge for a transaction that
the card issuer declines to authorize. See
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B).
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E. Any fee imposed by a card issuer based
on account inactivity (including the
consumer’s failure to use the account for a
particular number or dollar amount of
transactions or a particular type of
transaction) or the closure or termination of
an account. See § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B).
ii. The following are examples of fees to
which § 226.52(b) does not apply:
A. Balance transfer fees.
B. Cash advance fees.
C. Foreign transaction fees.
D. Annual fees and other fees for the
issuance or availability of credit described in
§ 226.5a(b)(2), except to the extent that such
fees are based on account inactivity.
E. Fees for insurance described in
§ 226.4(b)(7) or debt cancellation or debt
suspension coverage described in
§ 226.4(b)(10) written in connection with a
credit transaction, provided that such fees are
not imposed as a result of a violation of the
account terms or other requirements.
F. Fees for making an expedited payment
(to the extent permitted by § 226.10(e)).
G. Fees for optional services (such as travel
H. Fees for reissuing a lost or stolen card.
2. Rounding to nearest whole dollar. A card
issuer may round any fee that complies with
§ 226.52(b) to the nearest whole dollar. For
example, if § 226.52(b) permits a card issuer
to impose a late payment fee of $21.50, the
card issuer may round that amount up to the
nearest whole dollar and impose a late
payment fee of $22. However, if the late
payment fee permitted by § 226.52(b) were
$21.49, the card issuer would not be
permitted to round that amount up to $22,
although the card issuer could round that
amount down and impose a late payment fee
of $21.
52(b)(1) General rule
1. Amounts charged by other card issuers.
The fact that a card issuer’s fees for violating
the account terms or other requirements are
comparable to fees assessed by other card
issuers does not satisfy the requirements of
§ 226.52(b)(1).
52(b)(1)(i) Fees based on costs.
1. Costs incurred as a result of violations
of the account terms. Section 226.52(b)(1)(i)
does not require a card issuer to base a fee
on the costs incurred as a result of a specific
violation of the account terms or other
requirements. Instead, for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i), a card issuer must have
determined that a fee for violating the
account terms or other requirements
represents a reasonable proportion of the
costs incurred by the card issuer as a result
of that type of violation. The factors relevant
to this determination include:
A. The number of violations of a particular
type experienced by the card issuer during a
prior period;
B. The costs incurred by the card issuer
during that period as a result of those
violations; and
C. At the card issuer’s option, reasonable
estimates of changes in the number of
violations of that type and the resulting costs
during an upcoming period. See illustrative
examples in comments 52(b)(1)(i)–4 through–
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2. Losses and associated costs. Losses and
associated costs (including the cost of
holding reserves against potential losses) are
not costs incurred by a card issuer as a result
of violations of the account terms or other
requirements for purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i).
3. Third party charges. As a general matter,
amounts charged to the card issuer by a third
party as a result of a violation of the account
terms or other requirements are costs
incurred by the card issuer for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i). For example, if a card issuer
is charged a specific amount by a third party
for each returned payment, that amount is a
cost incurred by the card issuer as a result
of returned payments. However, if the
amount is charged to the card issuer by an
affiliate or subsidiary of the card issuer, the
card issuer must have determined that the
charge represents a reasonable proportion of
the costs incurred by the affiliate or
subsidiary as a result of the type of violation.
For example, if an affiliate of a card issuer
provides collection services to the card issuer
on delinquent accounts, the card issuer must
have determined that the amounts charged to
the card issuer by the affiliate for such
services represent a reasonable proportion of
the costs incurred by the affiliate as a result
of late payments.
4. Late payment fees.
i. Costs incurred as a result of late
payments. For purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i),
the costs incurred by a card issuer as a result
of late payments include the costs associated
with the collection of late payments, such as
the costs associated with notifying
consumers of delinquencies and resolving
delinquencies (including the establishment
of workout and temporary hardship
ii. Examples.
A. Late payment fee based on past
delinquencies and costs. Assume that, during
year one, a card issuer experienced 1 million
delinquencies and incurred $23 million in
costs as a result of those delinquencies. For
purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i), a $23 late
payment fee would represent a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by the
card issuer as a result of late payments
during year two.
B. Adjustment based on reasonable
estimate of future changes. Same facts as
above except the card issuer reasonably
estimates that—based on past delinquency
rates and other factors relevant to potential
delinquency rates for year two—it will
experience a 1% decrease in delinquencies
during year two (in other words, 10,000
fewer delinquencies for a total of 990,000).
The card issuer also reasonably estimates
that—based on past changes in costs incurred
as a result of delinquencies and other factors
relevant to potential costs for year two—it
will experience a 3% increase in costs during
year two (in other words, $690,000 in
additional costs for a total of $23.69 million).
For purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i), a $24 late
payment fee would represent a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by the
card issuer as a result of late payments
during year two.
5. Returned-payment fees.
i. Costs incurred as a result of returned
payments. For purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i),
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the costs incurred by a card issuer as a result
of returned payments include:
A. Costs associated with processing
returned payments and reconciling the card
issuer’s systems and accounts to reflect
returned payments; and
B. Costs associated with notifying the
consumer of the returned payment and
arranging for a new payment.
ii. Examples.
A. Returned-payment fee based on past
returns and costs. Assume that, during year
one, a card issuer experienced 150,000
returned payments and incurred $3.1 million
in costs as a result of those returned
payments. For purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i), a
$21 returned-payment fee would represent a
reasonable proportion of the total costs
incurred by the card issuer as a result of
returned payments during year two.
B. Adjustment based on reasonable
estimate of future changes. Same facts as
above except the card issuer reasonably
estimates that—based on past returned
payment rates and other factors relevant to
potential returned payment rates for year
two—it will experience a 2% increase in
returned payments during year two (in other
words, 3,000 additional returned payments
for a total of 153,000). The card issuer also
reasonably estimates that—based on past
changes in costs incurred as a result of
returned payments and other factors relevant
to potential costs for year two—it will
experience a 3% decrease in costs during
year two (in other words, a $93,000 reduction
in costs for a total of $3.007 million). For
purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i), a $20 returnedpayment fee would represent a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by the
card issuer as a result of returned payments
during year two.
6. Over-the-limit fees.
i. Costs incurred as a result of over-thelimit transactions. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(i), the costs incurred by a card
issuer as a result of over-the-limit
transactions include:
A. Costs associated with determining
whether to authorize over-the-limit
transactions; and
B. Costs associated with notifying the
consumer that the credit limit has been
exceeded and arranging for payments to
reduce the balance below the credit limit.
ii. Examples.
A. Over-the-limit fee based on past fees
and costs. Assume that, during year one, a
card issuer authorized 600,000 over-the-limit
transactions and incurred $4.5 million in
costs as a result of those over-the-limit
transactions. However, because of the
affirmative consent requirements in § 226.56,
the card issuer was only permitted to impose
200,000 over-the-limit fees during year one.
For purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i), a $23 overthe-limit fee would represent a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by the
card issuer as a result of over-the-limit
transactions during year two.
B. Adjustment based on reasonable
estimate of future changes. Same facts as
above except the card issuer reasonably
estimates that—based on past over-the-limit
transaction rates, the percentages of over-thelimit transactions that resulted in an over-
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the-limit fee in the past (consistent with
§ 226.56), and factors relevant to potential
changes in those rates and percentages for
year two—it will authorize approximately the
same number of over-the-limit transactions
during year two (600,000) and impose
approximately the same number of over-thelimit fees (200,000). The card issuer also
reasonably estimates that—based on past
changes in costs incurred as a result of overthe-limit transactions and other factors
relevant to potential costs for year two—it
will experience a 6% decrease in costs
during year two (in other words, a $270,000
reduction in costs for a total of $4.23
million). For purposes of § 226.52(b)(1)(i), a
$21 over-the-limit fee would represent a
reasonable proportion of the total costs
incurred by the card issuer as a result of overthe-limit transactions during year two.
52(b)(1)(ii) Fees based on deterrence.
1. Deterrence of violations. Section
226.52(b)(1)(ii) does not require a card issuer
to determine that a fee for violating the
account terms or other requirements is
reasonably necessary to deter violations by a
specific consumer or with respect to a
specific account. Instead, for purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(1)(ii), a card issuer must have
determined that the dollar amount of a fee for
violating the account terms or other
requirements is reasonably necessary to deter
the type of violation for which the fee is
2. Use of models. Section 226.52(b)(2)(ii)
provides that, in order to determine that the
dollar amount of a fee for violating the
account terms or other requirements is
reasonably necessary to deter that type of
violation, the card issuer must use an
empirically derived, demonstrably and
statistically sound model that reasonably
estimates the effect of the dollar amount of
the fee on the frequency of the type of
violation. A model that reasonably estimates
a statistical correlation between the
imposition of a fee and the frequency of a
type of violation is not sufficient to satisfy
the requirements of § 226.52(b)(1)(ii). Instead,
in order to support a determination that the
dollar amount of a fee is reasonably
necessary to deter a particular type of
violation, a model must reasonably estimate
that, independent of other variables, the
imposition of a lower fee amount would
result in a substantial increase in the
frequency of that type of violation. The
parameterization of the model used for this
purpose must be sufficiently flexible to allow
for the identification of a lower fee level
above which additional fee increases have no
marginal effect on the frequency of
52(b)(2) Prohibited fees
1. Relationship to § 226.52(b)(1) and (b)(3).
A card issuer does not comply with
§ 226.52(b)(1) if it imposes a fee that is
inconsistent with the prohibitions in
§ 226.52(b)(2). Similarly, the prohibitions in
§ 226.52(b)(2) apply even if a fee is consistent
with the safe harbor in § 226.52(b)(3). For
example, even if a card issuer has determined
for purposes of § 226.52(b)(1) that a $25 fee
represents a reasonable proportion of the
total costs incurred by the card as a result of
a particular type of violation or that a $25 fee
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
is reasonably necessary to deter that type of
violation, § 226.52(b)(2)(i) prohibits the card
issuer from imposing that fee if the dollar
amount associated with the violation is less
than $25.
52(b)(2)(i) Fees that exceed dollar amount
associated with violation.
1. Late payment fees. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i), the dollar amount associated
with a late payment is the amount of the
required minimum periodic payment that
was not received on or before the payment
due date. Thus, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits
a card issuer from imposing a late payment
fee that exceeds the amount of the required
minimum periodic payment on which that
fee is based. For example, assume that an
account has a balance of $1,000. If the card
issuer does not receive the $20 required
minimum periodic payment on or before the
payment due date, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A)
prohibits the card issuer from imposing a late
payment fee that exceeds $20 (even if a
higher fee would be permitted under
§ 226.52(b)(1) or (b)(3)).
2. Returned-payment fees. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i), the dollar amount associated
with a returned payment is the amount of the
required minimum periodic payment due
during the billing cycle in which the
payment is returned to the card issuer. Thus,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits a card issuer
from imposing a returned-payment fee that
exceeds the amount of that required
minimum periodic payment. However, if a
payment has been returned and is submitted
again for payment by the card issuer, there
is no additional dollar amount associated
with a subsequent return of that payment and
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B) prohibits the card issuer
from imposing an additional returnedpayment fee. The following examples
illustrate the application of § 226.52(b)(2)(i)
to returned-payment fees:
i. Assume that the billing cycles for an
account begin on the first day of the month
and end on the last day of the month and that
the payment due date is the twenty-fifth day
of the month. A minimum payment of $20 is
due on March 25. The card issuer receives a
check for $100 on March 23, which is
returned to the card issuer for insufficient
funds on March 26. Section 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A)
prohibits the card issuer from imposing a
returned-payment fee that exceeds $20 (even
if a higher fee would be permitted under
§ 226.52(b)(1) or (b)(3)). Furthermore,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(ii) prohibits the card issuer
from assessing both a late payment fee and
a returned-payment fee in these
circumstances. See comment 52(b)(2)(ii)–1.
ii. Same facts as above except that the card
issuer receives the $100 check on March 31
and the check is returned for insufficient
funds on April 2. The minimum payment
due on April 25 is $30. Section
226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits the card issuer
from imposing a returned-payment fee that
exceeds $30 (even if a higher fee would be
permitted under § 226.52(b)(1) or (b)(3)).
iii. Same facts as paragraph i. above except
that, on March 28, the card issuer presents
the $100 check for payment a second time.
On April 1, the check is again returned for
insufficient funds. Section 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B)
prohibits the card issuer from imposing a
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returned-payment fee based on the return of
the payment on April 1.
3. Over-the-limit fees. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i), the dollar amount associated
with extensions of credit in excess of the
credit limit for an account is the total amount
of credit extended by the card issuer in
excess of the credit limit as of the date on
which the over-the-limit fee is imposed.
Thus, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits a card
issuer from imposing an over-the-limit fee
that exceeds that amount. Although
§ 226.56(j)(1)(i) prohibits a card issuer from
imposing more than one over-the-limit fee
per billing cycle, the card issuer may choose
the date during the billing cycle on which to
impose an over-the-limit fee so long as the
dollar amount of the fee does not exceed the
total amount of credit extended in excess of
the limit as of that date. The following
examples illustrate the application of
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) to over-the-limit fees:
i. Assume that the billing cycles for a credit
card account with a credit limit of $5,000
begin on the first day of the month and end
on the last day of the month. Assume also
that, consistent with § 226.56, the consumer
has affirmatively consented to the payment of
transactions that exceed the credit limit. On
March 1, the account has a $4,950 balance.
On March 6, a $60 transaction is charged to
the account, increasing the balance to $5,010.
If the card issuer chooses to impose an overthe-limit fee on March 6, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A)
prohibits the card issuer from imposing an
over-the-limit fee that exceeds $10 (even if a
higher fee would be permitted under
§ 226.52(b)(1) or (b)(3)).
ii. Same facts as above, except that the card
issuer chooses not to impose an over-thelimit fee on March 6. On March 25, a $5
transaction is charged to the account,
increasing the balance to $5,015. If the card
issuer chooses to impose an over-the-limit fee
on March 25, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits
the card issuer from imposing an over-thelimit fee that exceeds $15 (even if a higher
fee would be permitted under § 226.52(b)(1)
or (b)(3)).
iii. Same facts as in paragraph ii. above,
except that the card issuer chooses not to
impose an over-the-limit fee on March 25. On
March 26, the card issuer receives a payment
of $20, reducing the balance below the credit
limit to $4,995. In these circumstances,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A) prohibits the card issuer
from imposing an over-the-limit fee (even if
a fee would be permitted under § 226.52(b)(1)
or (b)(3)). Furthermore, § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A)
does not permit the card issuer to impose a
fee at the end of the billing cycle (March 31)
based on the total amount of credit extended
in excess of the credit limit on an earlier date
(such as March 6 or 25).
52(b)(2)(ii) Multiple fees based on single
event or transaction.
1. Single event or transaction. Section
226.52(b)(2)(ii) prohibits a card issuer from
imposing more than one fee for violating the
account terms or other requirements based on
a single event or transaction. The following
examples illustrate the application of
§ 226.52(b)(2)(ii). Assume for purposes of
these examples that the billing cycles for a
credit card account begin on the first day of
the month and end on the last day of the
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month and that the payment due date for the
account is the twenty-fifth day of the month.
i. Assume that the required minimum
periodic payment due on March 25 is $20.
On March 26, the card issuer has not
received any payment and imposes a late
payment fee. Section 226.52(b)(2)(ii)
prohibits the card issuer from imposing an
additional late payment fee if the $20
minimum payment has not been received by
a subsequent date (such as March 31).
However, § 226.52(b)(2)(ii) does not prohibit
the card issuer from imposing an additional
late payment fee if the required minimum
periodic payment due on April 25 (which
may include the $20 due on March 25) is not
received on or before that date.
ii. Assume that the required minimum
periodic payment due on March 25 is $20.
A. On March 25, the card issuer receives
a check for $50, but the check is returned for
insufficient funds on March 27. Consistent
with § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A), the card issuer may
impose a late payment fee of $20 or a
returned-payment fee of $20 (assuming that
these amounts comply with § 226.52(b)(1) or
(b)(3)). However, § 226.52(b)(2)(ii) prohibits
the card issuer from imposing both fees
because those fees would be based on a
single event or transaction.
B. Same facts as paragraph ii.A. above
except that that card issuer receives the $50
check on March 27 and the check is returned
for insufficient funds on March 29.
Consistent with § 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A), the card
issuer may impose a late payment fee of $20
or a returned-payment fee of $20 (assuming
that these amounts comply with
§ 226.52(b)(1) or (b)(3)). However,
§ 226.52(b)(2)(ii) prohibits the card issuer
from imposing both fees because those fees
would be based on a single event or
iii. Assume that the credit limit for an
account is $1,000. On March 31, the balance
on the account is $975 and the card issuer
has not received the $20 required minimum
periodic payment due on March 25. On that
same date (March 31), a $50 transaction is
charged to the account, which increases the
balance to $1,025. Consistent with
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i)(A), the card issuer may
impose a late payment fee of $20 and an
over-the-limit fee of $25 (assuming that these
amounts comply with § 226.52(b)(1) or
(b)(3)). Section 226.52(b)(2)(ii) does not
prohibit the imposition of both fees because
those fees are based on different events or
52(b)(3) Safe harbor.
1. Relationship to § 226.52(b)(1) and (b)(2).
A fee that complies with the safe harbor in
§ 226.52(b)(3) complies with the
requirements of § 226.52(b)(1). However, the
safe harbor in § 226.52(b)(3) does not permit
a card issuer to impose a fee that is
inconsistent with the prohibitions in
§ 226.52(b)(2). For example, if
§ 226.52(b)(2)(i) prohibits the card issuer
from imposing a late payment fee that
exceeds $15, § 226.52(b)(3) does not permit
the card issuer to impose a higher late
payment fee.
2. Adjustments based on Consumer Price
Index. For purposes of § 226.52(b)(3)(i) and
(b)(3)(ii), the Board shall calculate each year
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price level adjusted amounts using the
Consumer Price Index in effect on June 1 of
that year. When the cumulative change in the
adjusted minimum value derived from
applying the annual Consumer Price level to
the current amounts in § 226.52(b)(3)(i) and
(b)(3)(ii) has risen by a whole dollar, those
amounts will be increased by $1.00. In
contrast, when the cumulative change in the
adjusted minimum value derived from
applying the annual Consumer Price level to
the current amounts in § 226.52(b)(3)(i) and
(b)(3)(ii) has decreased by a whole dollar,
those amounts will be decreased by $1.00.
The Board will publish adjustments to the
amounts in § 226.52(b)(3)(i) and (b)(3)(ii).
3. Fees as percentages of dollar amount
associated with transaction.
i. Late payment fee. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii), the dollar amount
associated with a late payment is the amount
of the required minimum periodic payment
that was not received on or before the
payment due date. Thus, § 226.52(b)(3)(ii)
generally permits a card issuer to impose a
late payment fee that does not exceed 5% of
the required minimum periodic payment on
which that fee is based. For example, assume
that, under the terms of a credit card account,
the card issuer must receive a minimum
payment of $450 on or before June 15. If the
card issuer does not receive the $450
payment on or before June 15,
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii) permits the card issuer to
impose a late payment fee of $23 (which
equals 5% of the $450 required minimum
periodic payment, rounded to the nearest
whole dollar).
ii. Returned-payment fee. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii), the dollar amount
associated with a returned payment is the
amount of the required minimum periodic
payment due during the billing cycle in
which the payment is returned to the card
issuer. See comment 52(b)(2)(i)–2. Thus,
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii) generally permits a card
issuer to impose a returned-payment fee that
does not exceed 5% of the amount of that
required minimum periodic payment. For
A. Assume that a $500 required minimum
periodic payment is due on March 25. On
that date, the card issuer receives a check for
$700, but the check is returned to the card
issuer for insufficient funds on March 27.
Section 226.52(b)(3)(ii) permits the card
issuer to impose a returned-payment fee of
$25 (which equals 5% of $500 required
minimum periodic payment), provided this
amount does exceed the limitation in
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii).
B. Same facts as above except that the card
issuer receives the $700 check on March 31
and the check is returned for insufficient
funds on April 2. The minimum payment
due on April 25 is $800. Section
226.52(b)(3)(ii) permits the card issuer to
impose a returned-payment fee of $40 (which
equals 5% of $800 required minimum
periodic payment), provided this amount
does exceed the limitation in
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii).
iii. Over-the-limit fee. For purposes of
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii), the dollar amount
associated with extensions of credit in excess
of the credit limit for an account is the total
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amount of credit extended by the card issuer
in excess of the credit limit as of the date on
which the over-the-limit fee is imposed.
Thus, § 226.52(b)(3)(ii) generally permits a
card issuer to impose an over-the-limit fee
that does not exceed 5% of that amount.
Although § 226.56(j)(1)(i) prohibits a card
issuer from imposing more than one over-thelimit fee per billing cycle, a card issuer may
choose the date during the billing cycle on
which to impose an over-the-limit fee. For
example, assume that the billing cycles for a
credit card account with a credit limit of
$5,000 begin on the first day of the month
and end on the last day of the month.
Assume also that, consistent with § 226.56,
the consumer has affirmatively consented to
the payment of transactions that exceed the
credit limit. On September 1, the account has
a balance of $4,900. On September 15, a $500
transaction is charged to the account,
increasing the balance to $5,400. The card
issuer chooses not to impose an over-thelimit fee at this time. On September 20, a
$200 transaction is charged to the account,
increasing the balance to $5,600. If the card
issuer chooses to impose an over-the-limit fee
on September 20, § 226.52(b)(3)(ii) permits
the issuer to impose a fee of $30 (which
equals 5% of the $600 extensions of credit in
excess of the $5,000 credit limit), provided
this amount does exceed the limitation in
§ 226.52(b)(3)(ii).
Section 226.56—Requirements for Over-theLimit Transactions
56(e) Content
1. Amount of over-the-limit fee. See Model
Forms G–25(A) and G–25(B) for guidance on
how to disclose the amount of the over-thelimit fee.
56(j) Prohibited Practices
6. Additional restrictions on over-the-limit
fees. See § 226.52(b).
Section 226.59–Reevaluation of Rate
59(a) General Rule
1. Types of rate increases covered. Section
226.59(a) applies both to increases in annual
percentage rates imposed on a consumer’s
account based on that consumer’s credit risk
or other circumstances specific to that
consumer and to increases in annual
percentage rates applied to the account due
to factors such as changes in market
conditions or the issuer’s cost of funds.
2. Rate increases actually imposed. Under
§ 226.59(a), a card issuer must review
changes in factors only if the increased rate
is actually imposed on the consumer’s
account. For example, if a card issuer
increases the penalty rate for a credit card
account under an open-end (not homesecured) credit plan and the consumer’s
account has no balances that are currently
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subject to the penalty rate, the card issuer is
required to provide a notice pursuant to
§ 226.9(c) of the change in terms, but the
requirements of § 226.59 do not apply.
However, if the consumer’s account later
becomes subject to the penalty rate, the card
issuer is required to provide a notice
pursuant to § 226.9(g) and the requirements
of § 226.59 begin to apply upon imposition
of the penalty rate. Similarly, if a card issuer
raises the cash advance rate applicable to a
consumer’s account but the consumer
engages in no cash advance transactions to
which that increased rate is applied, the card
issuer is required to provide a notice
pursuant to § 226.9(c) of the change in terms,
but the requirements of § 226.59 do not
apply. If the consumer subsequently engages
in a cash advance transaction, the
requirements of § 226.59 begin to apply at
that time.
3. Rate increases prior to effective date of
rule. For increases in annual percentage rates
applicable to a credit card account under an
open-end (not home-secured) consumer
credit plan on or after January 1, 2009 and
prior to August 22, 2010, § 226.59(a) requires
the card issuer to review changes in factors
and reduce the rate, as appropriate, if the rate
increase is of a type for which 45 days’
advance notice would currently be required
under § 226.9(c)(2) or (g). For example, 45
days’ notice is not required under
§ 226.9(c)(2) if the rate increase results from
the increase in the index by which a
properly-disclosed variable rate is
determined in accordance with
§ 226.9(c)(2)(v)(C) or if the increase occurs
upon expiration of a specified period of time
and disclosures complying with
§ 226.9(c)(2)(v)(B) have been provided. The
requirements of § 226.59 do not apply to such
rate increases.
59(b) Consideration of Factors
1. Amount of rate decrease. Even in
circumstances where a rate reduction is
required, § 226.59 does not require that a
card issuer decrease the rate that applies to
a credit card account to the rate that was in
effect prior to the rate increase subject to
§ 226.59(a). The amount of the rate decrease
that is required must be determined based
upon the card issuer’s reasonable policies
and procedures for consideration of factors
described in § 226.59(a) and (d). For example,
a consumer’s rate on new purchases is
increased from a variable rate of 15.99% to
a variable rate of 23.99% based on the
consumer’s making a required minimum
periodic payment five days late. The
consumer makes all of the payments required
on the account on time for the six months
following the rate increase. The card issuer
is not required to decrease the consumer’s
rate to the 15.99% that applied prior to the
rate increase. However, the card issuer’s
policies and procedures for performing the
review required by § 226.59(a) must be
reasonable and should take into account any
reduction in the consumer’s credit risk based
upon the consumer’s timely payments.
59(c) Timing
1. In general. The issuer may review all of
its accounts subject to paragraph (a) of this
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 / Proposed Rules
section at the same time once every six
months, may review each account once each
six months on a rolling basis based on the
date on which the rate was increased for that
account, or may otherwise review each
account not less frequently than once every
six months.
2. Example. A card issuer increases the
rates applicable to one half of its credit card
accounts on June 1, 2010. The card issuer
increases the rates applicable to the other
half of its credit card accounts on September
1, 2010. The card issuer may review the rate
increases for all of its credit card accounts on
or before December 1, 2010, and at least
every six months thereafter. In the
alternative, the card issuer may first review
the rate increases for the accounts that were
repriced on June 1, 2010 on or before
December 1, 2010, and may first review the
rate increases for the accounts that were
repriced on September 1, 2010 on or before
March 1, 2011.
3. Rate increases prior to effective date of
rule. For increases in annual percentage rates
applicable to a credit card account under an
open-end (not home-secured) consumer
credit plan on or after January 1, 2009 and
prior to August 22, 2010, § 226.59(c) requires
that the first review for such rate increases
be conducted prior to February 22, 2011.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
59(d) Factors
1. Change in factors. A creditor that
complies with § 226.59(a) by reviewing the
factors it currently considers in determining
the annual percentage rates applicable to its
credit card accounts may change those
factors from time to time. When a creditor
changes the factors it considers in
determining the annual percentage rates
applicable to its credit card accounts from
time to time, it may comply with § 226.59(a)
by reviewing the set of factors it considered
immediately prior to the change in factors for
a brief transition period, or may consider the
new factors. For example, a creditor changes
the factors it uses to determine the rates
applicable to new credit card accounts on
January 1, 2011. The creditor reviews the
rates applicable to its existing accounts that
have been subject to a rate increase pursuant
to § 226.59(a) on January 25, 2011. The
creditor complies with § 226.59(a) by
reviewing, at its option, either the factors that
it considered on December 31, 2010 when
determining the rates applicable to its new
credit card accounts, or may consider the
factors that it considers as of January 25,
2. Comparison of existing account to
factors used for new accounts. Under
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§ 226.59(a), if a creditor evaluates its existing
accounts using the same factors that it uses
in determining the rates applicable to new
accounts, the review of factors need not
result in existing accounts being subject to
the same rates and rate structure as a creditor
imposes on new accounts. For example, a
creditor may offer variable rates on new
accounts that are computed by adding a
margin that depends on various factors to the
value of the LIBOR index. The account that
the creditor is required to review pursuant to
§ 226.59(a) may have variable rates that were
determined by adding a different margin,
depending on different factors, to the prime
rate. In performing the review required by
§ 226.59(a), the creditor may review the
factors it uses to determine the rates
applicable to its new accounts. If a rate
reduction is required, however, the creditor
need not base the variable rate for the
existing account on the LIBOR index but may
continue to use the prime rate. Section
226.59(a) requires, however, that the rate on
the existing account after the reduction, as
determined by adding the prime rate and
margin, be comparable to the rate, as
determined by adding the margin and LIBOR,
charged on a new account (except for any
promotional rate) for which the factors are
3. Multiple product lines. If a card issuer
uses different factors in determining the
applicable annual percentage rates for
different types of credit card plans,
§ 226.59(d) requires the card issuer to review
those factors that it uses in determining the
annual percentage rates for the consumer’s
specific type of credit card plan. For
example, a card issuer may review different
factors in determining the annual percentage
rate that applies to credit card plans for
which the consumer pays an annual fee and
receives rewards points than it reviews in
determining the rates for credit card plans
with no annual fee and no rewards points.
Similarly, a card issuer may review different
factors in determining the annual percentage
rate that applies to private label credit cards
than it reviews in determining the rates
applicable to credit cards that can be used at
a wider variety of merchants. However, a
card issuer must review the same factors for
credit card accounts with similar features
that are offered for similar purposes and may
not consider different factors for each of its
individual credit card accounts.
59(g) Acquired Accounts
59(g)(2) Review of Acquired Portfolio
1. Example—general. A card issuer
acquires a portfolio of accounts that currently
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 9990
are subject to annual percentage rates of 12%,
15%, and 18%. As soon as reasonably
practicable after the acquisition of such
accounts, the card issuer reviews all of these
accounts in accordance with the factors that
it currently uses in determining the rates
applicable to its credit card accounts. As a
result of that review, the card issuer
decreases the rate on the accounts that are
currently subject to a 12% annual percentage
rate to 10%, leaves the rate applicable to the
accounts currently subject to a 15% annual
percentage rate at 15%, and increases the rate
applicable to the accounts currently subject
to a rate of 18% to 20%. Section 226.59(g)(2)
requires the card issuer to review, no less
frequently than once every six months, the
accounts for which the rate has been
increased to 20%. The card issuer is not
required to review the accounts subject to
10% and 15% rates pursuant to § 226.59(a),
unless and until the card issuer makes a
subsequent rate increase applicable to those
2. Example—penalty rates. A card issuer
acquires a portfolio of accounts that currently
are subject to standard annual percentage
rates of 12% and 15%. In addition, several
acquired accounts are subject to a penalty
rate of 24%. As soon as reasonably
practicable after the acquisition of such
accounts, the card issuer reviews all of these
accounts in accordance with the factors that
it currently uses in determining the rates
applicable to its credit card accounts. As a
result of that review, the card issuer leaves
the standard rates applicable to the accounts
at 12% and 15%, respectively. The card
issuer decreases the rate applicable to the
accounts currently at 24% to its penalty rate
of 23%. Section 226.59(g)(2) requires the card
issuer to review, no less frequently than once
every six months, the accounts that are
subject to a penalty rate of 23%. The card
issuer is not required to review the accounts
subject to 12% and 15% rates pursuant to
§ 226.59(a), unless and until the card issuer
makes a subsequent rate increase applicable
to those accounts.
By Order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, March 3, 2010.
Jennifer J. Johnson,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2010–4859 Filed 3–12–10; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 49 (Monday, March 15, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 12334-12375]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-4859]
[[Page 12333]]
Part II
Federal Reserve System
12 CFR Part 226
Truth in Lending; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 75 , No. 49 / Monday, March 15, 2010 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 12334]]
12 CFR Part 226
[Regulation Z; Docket No. R-1384]
Truth in Lending
AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for public comment.
SUMMARY: The Board proposes to amend Regulation Z, which implements the
Truth in Lending Act, and the staff commentary to the regulation in
order to implement provisions of the Credit Card Accountability
Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 that go into effect on August
22, 2010. In particular, the proposed rule would require that penalty
fees imposed by card issuers be reasonable and proportional to the
violation of the account terms. The proposed rule would also require
credit card issuers to reevaluate at least every six months annual
percentage rates increased on or after January 1, 2009.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 14, 2010. Comments
on the Paperwork Reduction Act analysis set forth in Section VII of
this Federal Register notice must be received on or before May 14,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. R-1384, by
any of the following methods:
Agency Web Site: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments at
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Include the
docket number in the subject line of the message.
Facsimile: (202) 452-3819 or (202) 452-3102.
Mail: Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20551.
All public comments are available from the Board's Web site at as
submitted, unless modified for technical reasons. Accordingly, your
comments will not be edited to remove any identifying or contact
information. Public comments may also be viewed electronically or in
paper form in Room MP-500 of the Board's Martin Building (20th and C
Streets, NW.) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.
Henderson or Benjamin K. Olson, Senior Attorneys, Division of Consumer
and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, at (202) 452-3667 or 452-2412; for users of Telecommunications
Device for the Deaf (TDD) only, contact (202) 263-4869.
I. Background
The Credit Card Act
This proposed rule represents the third stage of the Board's
implementation of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and
Disclosure Act of 2009 (Credit Card Act), which was signed into law on
May 22, 2009. Public Law 111-24, 123 Stat. 1734 (2009). The Credit Card
Act primarily amends the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and establishes a
number of new substantive and disclosure requirements to establish fair
and transparent practices pertaining to open-end consumer credit plans.
The requirements of the Credit Card Act that pertain to credit
cards or other open-end credit for which the Board has rulemaking
authority become effective in three stages. First, provisions generally
requiring that consumers receive 45 days' advance notice of interest
rate increases and significant changes in terms (new TILA Section
127(i)) and provisions regarding the amount of time that consumers have
to make payments (revised TILA Section 163) became effective on August
20, 2009 (90 days after enactment of the Credit Card Act). A majority
of the requirements under the Credit Card Act for which the Board has
rulemaking authority, including, among other things, provisions
regarding interest rate increases (revised TILA Section 171), over-the-
limit transactions (new TILA Section 127(k)), and student cards (new
TILA Sections 127(c)(8), 127(p), and 140(f)) become effective on
February 22, 2010 (9 months after enactment). Finally, two provisions
of the Credit Card Act addressing the reasonableness and
proportionality of penalty fees and charges (new TILA Section 149) and
re-evaluation by creditors of rate increases (new TILA Section 148)
become effective on August 22, 2010 (15 months after enactment). The
Credit Card Act also requires the Board to conduct several studies and
to make several reports to Congress, and sets forth differing time
periods in which these studies and reports must be completed.
Implementation of Credit Card Act
The Board is implementing the provisions of the Credit Card Act in
stages, consistent with the statutory timeline established by Congress.
On July 22, 2009, the Board published an interim final rule to
implement the provisions of the Credit Card Act that became effective
on August 20, 2009. See 74 FR 36077 (July 2009 Regulation Z Interim
Final Rule). On January 12, 2010, the Board issued a final rule
adopting in final form the requirements of the July 2009 Regulation Z
Interim Final Rule and implementing the provisions of the Credit Card
Act that become effective on February 22, 2010. See 75 FR 7658
(February 2010 Regulation Z Rule). This proposed rule implements the
provisions of the Credit Card Act that become effective on August 22,
II. Summary of Major Proposed Revisions
A. Reasonable and Proportional Penalty Fees
Statutory requirements. The Credit Card Act provides that ``[t]he
amount of any penalty fee or charge that a card issuer may impose with
respect to a credit card account under an open end consumer credit plan
in connection with any omission with respect to, or violation of, the
cardholder agreement, including any late payment fee, over-the-limit
fee, or any other penalty fee or charge, shall be reasonable and
proportional to such omission or violation.'' The Credit Card Act
further directs the Board to issue rules that ``establish standards for
assessing whether the amount of any penalty fee or charge * * * is
reasonable and proportional to the omission or violation to which the
fee or charge relates.''
In issuing these rules, the Credit Card Act requires the Board to
consider: (1) The cost incurred by the creditor from an omission or
violation; (2) the deterrence of omissions or violations by the
cardholder; (3) the conduct of the cardholder; and (4) such other
factors as the Board may deem necessary or appropriate. The Credit Card
Act authorizes the Board to establish ``different standards for
different types of fees and charges, as appropriate.'' Finally, the Act
authorizes the Board to ``provide an amount for any penalty fee or
charge * * * that is presumed to be reasonable and proportional to the
omission or violation to which the fee or charge relates.''
Cost incurred as a result of violations. The proposed rule permits
an issuer to charge a penalty fee for a particular type
[[Page 12335]]
of violation (such as a late payment) if it has determined that the
amount of the fee represents a reasonable proportion of the costs
incurred by the issuer as a result of that type of violation. Thus, the
proposed rule permits issuers to use penalty fees to pass on the costs
incurred as a result of violations while ensuring that those costs are
spread evenly among consumers so that no individual consumer bears an
unreasonable or disproportionate share.
The proposed rule provides guidance regarding the types of costs
incurred by card issuers as a result of violations. For example, with
respect to late payments, the proposed rule states that the costs
incurred by a card issuer include collection costs, such as the cost of
notifying consumers of delinquencies and resolving those delinquencies
(including the establishment of workout and temporary hardship
arrangements). In order to ensure that penalty fees are based on
relatively current cost information, the proposed rule would require
card issuers to re-evaluate their costs at least annually.
Notably, the proposed rule states that, although higher rates of
loss may be associated with particular violations, those losses and
related costs (such as the cost of holding reserves against losses) are
excluded from the cost analysis.
Deterrence of violations. The Credit Card Act requires the Board to
consider the deterrence of violations by the cardholder. Accordingly,
as an alternative to basing penalty fees on costs, the proposed rule
permits a card issuer to charge a penalty fee for a particular type of
violation if it has determined that the amount of the fee is reasonably
necessary to deter that type of violation.
Because it would not be feasible to determine the specific amount
necessary to deter a particular consumer, the proposed rule requires
issuers that base their penalty fees on deterrence to use an
empirically derived, demonstrably and statistically sound model that
reasonably estimates the effect of the amount of the fee on the
frequency of violations. In order to support a determination that the
dollar amount of a fee is reasonably necessary to deter a particular
type of violation, a model must reasonably estimate that, independent
of other variables, the imposition of a lower fee amount would result
in a substantial increase in the frequency of that type of violation.
Consumer conduct. The Credit Card Act requires the Board to
consider the conduct of the cardholder. The proposed rule does not
require that each penalty fee be based on an assessment of the
individual consumer conduct associated with the violation. Instead, the
proposed rule takes consumer conduct into account in other ways.
The proposed rule contains provisions specifically based on
consumer conduct. First, the proposed rule prohibits issuers from
imposing penalty fees that exceed the dollar amount associated with the
violation. Thus, for example, a consumer who exceeds the credit limit
by $5 could not be charged an over-the-limit fee of more than $5.
Second, the proposed rule prohibits issuers from imposing multiple
penalty fees based on a single event or transaction.
Safe harbor. Consistent with the authority granted by the Credit
Card Act, the proposed rule contains a safe harbor that provides a
single penalty fee amount that will generally be sufficient to cover an
issuer's costs and to deter violations. Because the Board does not have
sufficient information to determine the appropriate safe harbor amount
at this time, the proposed rule does not provide a specific amount.
Instead, the proposed rule requests that credit card issuers and other
interested parties submit data regarding costs incurred as a result of
violations and the deterrent effect of different fee amounts on
Because violations involving large dollar amounts may impose
greater costs on the card issuer and require greater deterrence, the
proposed safe harbor would also permit an issuer to impose a penalty
fee that exceeds the specific safe harbor amount in certain
circumstances. Specifically, the proposed safe harbor would permit an
issuer to impose a penalty that does not exceed 5% of the dollar amount
associated with the violation (up to a specific dollar limit). Thus,
for example, if a $500 minimum payment was delinquent, the safe harbor
would permit the card issuer to impose a $25 late payment fee.
B. Reevaluation of Rate Increases
Statutory requirements. The Credit Card Act requires card issuers
that increase an annual percentage rate applicable to a credit card
account, based on the credit risk of the consumer, market conditions,
or other factors, to periodically consider changes in such factors and
determine whether to reduce the annual percentage rate. Creditors are
required to perform this review no less frequently than once every six
months, and must maintain reasonable methodologies for this evaluation.
The statute requires card issuers to reduce the annual percentage rate
that was previously increased if a reduction is ``indicated'' by the
review. However, the statute expressly provides that no specific amount
of reduction in the rate is required. This provision is effective
August 22, 2010 but requires that creditors review accounts on which an
annual percentage rate has been increased since January 1, 2009.
General rule. Consistent with the Credit Card Act, the proposed
rule applies to card issuers that increase an annual percentage rate
applicable to a credit card account, based on the credit risk of the
consumer, market conditions, or other factors. For any rate increase
imposed on or after January 1, 2009, the proposed rule requires card
issuers to review changes in such factors no less frequently than once
each six months and, if appropriate based on their review, reduce the
annual percentage rate applicable to the account. The requirement to
reevaluate rate increases applies both to increases in annual
percentage rates based on factors specific to a particular consumer,
such as changes in the consumer's creditworthiness, and to increases in
annual percentage rates imposed due to factors such as changes in
market conditions or the issuer's cost of funds. If based on its review
a card issuer is required to reduce the rate applicable to an account,
the proposed rule requires that the rate be reduced within 30 days
after completion of the evaluation.
Factors relevant to reevaluation of rate increases. The proposed
rule sets forth guidance on the factors that a credit card issuer must
consider when performing the reevaluation of a rate increase. Credit
card underwriting standards can change over time and for various
reasons. In some cases, the proposed rule would require card issuers to
review a consumer's account every six months for several years, and the
issuer's underwriting standards for its new and existing cardholders
may change significantly during that time. Accordingly, the proposed
rule would permit a card issuer to review either the same factors on
which the rate increase was originally based, or to review the factors
that the card issuer currently considers when determining the annual
percentage rates applicable to its credit card accounts.
Termination of obligation to reevaluate rate increases. The
proposed rule requires that a card issuer continue to review a
consumer's account each six months unless the rate is reduced to the
rate in effect prior to the increase. In some circumstances, the
proposed rule may require card issuers to reevaluate rate increases
each six months for an indefinite period. The proposal solicits comment
on whether the obligation to
[[Page 12336]]
review the rate applicable to a consumer's account should terminate
after some specific time period elapses following the initial increase,
for example after five years, as well as on whether there is
significant benefit to consumers from requiring card issuers to
continue reevaluating rate increases even after an extended period of
III. Statutory Authority
Section 2 of the Credit Card Act states that the Board ``may issue
such rules and publish such model forms as it considers necessary to
carry out this Act and the amendments made by this Act.'' In addition,
the provisions of the Credit Card Act implemented by this proposal rule
direct the Board to issue implementing regulations. See Credit Card Act
Sec. 101(c) (new TILA Sec. 148) and Sec. 102(b) (new TILA Sec.
149). Furthermore, these provisions of the Credit Card Act amend TILA,
which mandates that the Board prescribe regulations to carry out its
purposes and specifically authorizes the Board, among other things, to
do the following:
Issue regulations that contain such classifications,
differentiations, or other provisions, or that provide for such
adjustments and exceptions for any class of transactions, that in the
Board's judgment are necessary or proper to effectuate the purposes of
TILA, facilitate compliance with the act, or prevent circumvention or
evasion. 15 U.S.C. 1604(a).
Exempt from all or part of TILA any class of transactions
if the Board determines that TILA coverage does not provide a
meaningful benefit to consumers in the form of useful information or
protection. The Board must consider factors identified in the act and
publish its rationale at the time it proposes an exemption for comment.
15 U.S.C. 1604(f).
Add or modify information required to be disclosed with
credit and charge card applications or solicitations if the Board
determines the action is necessary to carry out the purposes of, or
prevent evasions of, the application and solicitation disclosure rules.
15 U.S.C. 1637(c)(5).
Require disclosures in advertisements of open-end plans.
15 U.S.C. 1663.
For the reasons discussed in this notice, the Board is using its
specific authority under TILA and the Credit Card Act, in concurrence
with other TILA provisions, to effectuate the purposes of TILA, to
prevent the circumvention or evasion of TILA, and to facilitate
compliance with TILA.
IV. Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 226.5a Credit and Charge Card Applications and Solicitations
Section 226.6 Account-Opening Disclosures
Sections 226.5a(a)(2)(iv) and 226.6(b)(1)(i) address the use of
bold text in, respectively, the application and solicitation table and
the account-opening table. Currently, these provisions require that any
fee or percentage amounts for late payment, returned payment, and over-
the-limit fees be disclosed in bold text. However, these provisions
also state that bold text shall not be used for any maximum limits on
fee amounts unless the fee varies by state.
As discussed in detail below with respect to the proposed
amendments to Appendix G-18, disclosure of a maximum limit (or ``up
to'' amount) will generally be necessary to accurately describe penalty
fees that are consistent with the new substantive restrictions in
proposed Sec. 226.52(b). While the Board previously restricted the use
of bold text for maximum fee limits in order to focus consumers'
attention on the fee or percentage amounts, the Board believes that--
because the maximum limit will generally be the only amount disclosed
for penalty fees--it is important to highlight that amount.
Accordingly, the Board is proposing to amend Sec. Sec.
226.5a(a)(2)(iv) and 226.6(b)(1)(i) to require the use of bold text
when disclosing maximum limits on fees. For consistency and to
facilitate compliance, these amendments would apply to maximum limits
for all fees required to be disclosed in the Sec. Sec. 226.5a and
226.6 tables (including maximum limits for cash advance and balance
transfer fees). The Board would also make conforming amendments to
comment 5a(a)(2)-5.ii.
Section 226.7 Periodic Statement
Section 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B) requires card issuers to disclose the
amount of any late payment fee and any increased rate that may be
imposed on the account as a result of a late payment. If a range of
late payment fees may be assessed, the card issuer may state the range
of fees, or the highest fee and at the issuer's option with the highest
fee an indication that the fee imposed could be lower. Comment
7(b)(11)-4 clarifies that disclosing a late payment fee as ``up to
$29'' complies with this requirement. Model language is provided in
Samples G-18(B), G-18(D), G-18(F), and G-18(G).
As discussed in greater detail below with respect to the proposed
amendments to Appendix G, an ``up to'' disclosure will generally be
necessary to accurately describe a late payment fee that is consistent
with the substantive restrictions in proposed Sec. 226.52(b).
Accordingly, the Board is proposing to amend Sec. 226.7(b)(11)(i)(B)
to clarify that it is no longer optional to disclose an indication that
the late payment fee may be lower than the disclosed amount.
However, the Board notes that, consistent with Sec. 226.52(b), a
card issuer could disclose a range of late payment fees if, for
example, the issuer chose not to impose a fee when a required minimum
periodic payment below a certain amount is not received by the payment
due date. As discussed in detail below, proposed Sec. 226.52(b)(2)(i)
would prohibit a card issuer from imposing a late payment fee that
exceeds the amount of the delinquent minimum payment. A card issuer
could choose to comply with this prohibition by only charging a late
payment fee when the delinquent payment is above a certain amount. In
these circumstances, the card issuer could disclose the late payment
fee as a range. For example, if a card issuer chose not to impose a
late payment fee when a payment that is less than $5 is late, the
issuer could disclose its fee as a range from $5 to the maximum fee
amount under the safe harbor in proposed Sec. 226.52(b)(3).
Section 226.9 Subsequent Disclosure Requirements
9(c) Change in Terms
9(c)(2) Rules Affecting Open-End (Not Home-Secured) Plans
9(g) Increases in Rates Due to Delinquency or Default or as a Penalty
The Credit Card Act added new TILA Section 148, which requires
creditors that increase an annual percentage rate applicable to a
credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan, based on
factors including the credit risk of the consumer, market conditions,
or other factors, to consider changes in such factors in subsequently
determining whether to reduce the annual percentage rate. New TILA
Section 148 requires creditors to maintain reasonable methodologies for
assessing these factors. The statute also sets forth a timing
requirement for this review. Specifically, creditors are required to
review, no less frequently than once every six months, accounts for
which the annual percentage rate has been increased to assess whether
these factors have changed. New TILA Section 148 is effective August
22, 2010 but requires that creditors review accounts
[[Page 12337]]
on which the annual percentage rate has been increased since January 1,
\1\ As discussed in the supplementary information to Sec.
226.59, the proposed rule would require that rate increases imposed
between January 1, 2009 and August 21, 2010 first be reviewed prior
to February 22, 2011 (six months after the effective date of new
Sec. 226.59).
New TILA Section 148 requires creditors to reduce the annual
percentage rate that was previously increased if a reduction is
``indicated'' by the review. However, new TILA Section 148(c) expressly
provides that no specific amount of reduction in the rate is required.
The Board is proposing to implement the substantive requirements of new
TILA Section 148 in a new Sec. 226.59, discussed elsewhere in this
supplementary information.
In addition to these substantive requirements, TILA Section 148
also requires creditors to disclose the reasons for an annual
percentage rate increase applicable to a credit card under an open-end
consumer credit plan in the notice required to be provided 45 days in
advance of that increase. The Board proposes to implement the notice
requirements in Sec. 226.9(c) and (g), which are discussed in this
section. As discussed in the February 2010 Regulation Z Rule, card
issuers are required to provide 45 days' advance notice of rate
increases due to a change in contractual terms pursuant to Sec.
226.9(c)(2) and of rate increases due to delinquency, default, or as a
penalty not due to a change in contractual terms of the consumer's
account pursuant to Sec. 226.9(g). The additional notice requirements
included in new TILA Section 148 are the same regardless of whether the
rate increase is due to a change in the contractual terms or the
exercise of a penalty pricing provision already in the contract;
therefore for ease of reference the proposed notice requirements under
Sec. 226.9(c)(2) and (g) are discussed in a single section of this
supplementary information.
Consistent with the approach that the Board has taken in
implementing other provisions of the Credit Card Act that apply to
credit card accounts under an open-end consumer credit plan, the
proposed changes to Sec. 226.9(c)(2) and (g) would apply to ``credit
card accounts under an open-end (not home-secured) consumer credit
plan'' as defined in Sec. 226.2(a)(15). Therefore, home-equity lines
of credit accessed by credit cards and overdraft lines of credit
accessed by a debit card would not be subject to the new requirements
to disclose the reasons for a rate increase implemented in Sec.
226.9(c)(2) and (g).
Section 226.9(c)(2)(iv) sets forth the content requirements for
significant changes in account terms, including rate increases that are
due to a change in the contractual terms of the consumer's account. The
Board is proposing to add a new Sec. 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) that
requires a card issuer to disclose no more than four principal reasons
for the rate increase for a credit card account under an open-end (not
home-secured) credit plan, listed in their order of importance, in
order to implement the notice requirements of new TILA Section 148.
Comment 9(c)(2)(iv)-11 would provide additional guidance on the
required disclosure. Specifically comment 9(c)(2)(iv)-11 states that
there is no minimum number of reasons that are required to be disclosed
under Sec. 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8), but that the reasons disclosed are
required to relate to and accurately describe the principal factors
actually considered by the credit card issuer. The Board does not
believe that it is appropriate to mandate disclosure of a minimum
number of reasons, because rate increases may occur in different
circumstances and the number of principal factors considered by the
issuer could vary. For example, the rate increase could be the result
of the consumer's behavior on the account, such as making a late
payment, and in that case there would be only one principal reason for
the rate increase. In contrast, a card issuer could base a rate
increase on several different reasons, for example, a decrease in the
consumer's credit score and changes in market conditions. In those
circumstances, the card issuer would be required to disclose both
principal reasons. However, as noted above, in order to avoid
information overload, the regulation would limit the number of
principal reasons to a maximum of four.
The comment further notes that a card issuer may describe the
reasons for the increase in general terms, by disclosing for example
that a rate increase is due to ``a decline in your creditworthiness''
or ``a decline in your credit score,'' if the rate increase is
triggered by a decrease of 100 points in a consumer's credit score.
Similarly, the comment notes that a notice of a rate increase triggered
by a 10% increase in the card issuer's cost of funds may be disclosed
as ``a change in market conditions.'' The Board believes that this is
the appropriate level of detail for this disclosure, because it would
inform the consumer whether the rate increase is due to changes in the
consumer's creditworthiness or behavior on the account, which the
consumer may be able to take actions to mitigate, or whether the
increase is due to more general factors such as changes in market
conditions. The Board believes that consumers may find more detailed
information confusing, and that, accordingly, the benefit to consumers
of such detailed information would not outweigh the operational burden
associated with providing additional detail.
The disclosure requirements of new Sec. 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) are
intended to be flexible, to reflect the Board's understanding that
different card issuers may consider different reasons, or may weigh
similar reasons differently, in determining whether to raise the rate
applicable to a consumer's account. Proposed comment 9(c)(2)(iv)-11
notes that in some circumstances, it may be appropriate for a card
issuer to combine the disclosure of several reasons in one statement.
For example, assume that the rate applicable to a consumer's account is
being increased because a consumer made a late payment on the credit
card account on which the rate increase is being imposed, made a late
payment on a credit card account with another card issuer, and the
consumer's credit score decreased, in part due to such late payments.
The card issuer may disclose the reasons for the rate increase as a
decline in the consumer's credit score and the consumer's late payment
on the account subject to the increase. Because the late payment on the
credit card account with the other issuer also likely contributed to
the decline in the consumer's credit score, it is not required to be
separately disclosed.
Similarly, the Board proposes to add a new Sec.
226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6) for rate increases due to delinquency, default, or
as a penalty not due to a change in contractual terms of the consumer's
account pursuant to Sec. 226.9(g). Proposed Sec. 226.9(g)(3)(i)(A)(6)
would require a card issuer to disclose no more than four reasons for
the rate increase, listed in their order of importance, for a credit
card account under an open-end (not home-secured) credit plan. New
comment 9(g)-7 would cross-reference comment 9(c)(2)(iv)-11 for
guidance on disclosure of the reasons for a rate increase.
The Board proposes to amend Samples G-18(F), G-18(G), G-20, and G-
22 to incorporate examples of disclosures of the reasons for a rate
increase as required by proposed Sec. 226.9(c)(2)(iv)(A)(8) and
Section 226.52 Limitations on Fees
52(b) Limitations on Penalty Fees
Most credit card issuers will assess a penalty fee if a consumer
engages in activity that violates the terms of the cardholder agreement
or other requirements imposed by the issuer
[[Page 12338]]
with respect to the account. For example, most agreements provide that
a fee will be assessed if the required minimum periodic payment is not
received on or before the payment due date or if a payment is returned
for insufficient funds or for other reasons. Similarly, many agreements
provide that a fee will be assessed if amounts are charged to the
account that exceed the account's credit limit.\2\ These fees have
increased significantly over the past fifteen years. A 2006 report by
the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that late-payment and
over-the-limit fees increased from an average of approximately $13 in
1995 to an average of approximately $30 in 2005.\3\ The GAO also found
that, over the same period, the percentage of issuer revenue derived
from penalty fees increased to approximately 10%.\4\
\2\ The Board notes that some card issuers have recently
announced that they will cease imposing fees for exceeding the
credit limit. In addition, Sec. 226.56 prohibits card issuers from
imposing such fees unless the consumer has consented to the issuer's
payment of transactions that exceed the credit limit.
\3\ U.S. Gov't Accountability Office, Credit Cards: Increased
Complexity in Rates and Fees Heightens Need for More Effective
Disclosures to Consumers (Sept. 2006) (GAO Credit Card Report) at 5,
18-22, 33, 72 (available at
\4\ See GAO Credit Card Report at 72-73.
According to data obtained by the Board from Mintel Comperemedia,
the average late payment fee has increased to approximately $37 as of
May 2009, while the average over-the-limit fee has increased to
approximately $36.\5\ In addition, a July 2009 review of credit card
application disclosures by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that the
median late-payment and over-the-limit fees charged by the twelve
largest bank card issuers were $39.\6\
\5\ The Mintel data, which is derived from a representative
sample of credit card solicitations, indicates that the average late
payment fee was approximately $37 in January 2007 and remained at
that level through May 2009. During the same period, the average
over-the-limit fee increased from approximately $35 to approximately
$36. In addition, the average returned-payment fee during this
period increased from approximately $30 to approximately $32.
\6\ See The Pew Charitable Trusts, Still Waiting: ``Unfair or
Deceptive'' Credit Card Practices Continue as Americans Wait for New
Reforms to Take Effect (Oct. 2009) (Pew Credit Card Report) at 3,
12-13, 31-33 (available at As noted in the Pew Credit Card Report, the largest bank
card issuers generally tier late payment fees based on the account
balance (with a median fee of $39 applying when the account balance
is $250 or more). Similarly, some bank card issuers tier over-the-
limit fees (with the median fee of $39 applying when the account
balance is $1,000 or more). In both cases, the balance necessary to
trigger the highest penalty fee is significantly less than the
average outstanding balance on active credit card accounts. See id.
at 12-13, 31.
However, it appears that many smaller credit card issuers charge
significantly lower late-payment and over-the-limit fees. For example,
the Board understands that some community bank issuers charge late-
payment and over-the-limit fees that average between $17 to $25. In
addition, the Board understands that many credit unions charge late-
payment and over-the-limit fees of $20 on average. Similarly, the Pew
Credit Card Report found that the median late-payment and over-the-
limit fees charged by the twelve largest credit union card issuers were
\7\ See Pew Credit Card Report at 3, 31-33.
The Credit Card Act creates a new TILA Section 149. Section 149(a)
provides that ``[t]he amount of any penalty fee or charge that a card
issuer may impose with respect to a credit card account under an open
end consumer credit plan in connection with any omission with respect
to, or violation of, the cardholder agreement, including any late
payment fee, over-the-limit fee, or any other penalty fee or charge,
shall be reasonable and proportional to such omission or violation.''
Section 149(b) further provides that the Board, in consultation with
the other Federal banking agencies \8\ and the National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA), shall issue rules that ``establish standards for
assessing whether the amount of any penalty fee or charge * * * is
reasonable and proportional to the omission or violation to which the
fee or charge relates.''
\8\ The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of
Thrift Supervision (OTS).
In issuing these rules, new TILA Section 149(c) requires the Board
to consider: (1) The cost incurred by the creditor from such omission
or violation; (2) the deterrence of such omission or violation by the
cardholder; (3) the conduct of the cardholder; and (4) such other
factors as the Board may deem necessary or appropriate. Section 149(d)
authorizes the Board to establish ``different standards for different
types of fees and charges, as appropriate.'' Finally, Section 149(e)
authorizes the Board--in consultation with the other Federal banking
agencies and the NCUA--to ``provide an amount for any penalty fee or
charge * * * that is presumed to be reasonable and proportional to the
omission or violation to which the fee or charge relates.''
As discussed below, the Board proposes to implement new TILA
Section 149 in proposed Sec. 226.52(b). In developing this proposal,
the Board consulted with the other Federal banking agencies and the
Reasonable and Proportional Standard and Consideration of Statutory
As noted above, the Board is responsible for establishing standards
for assessing whether a credit card penalty fee is reasonable and
proportional to the violation for which it is imposed. New TILA Section
149 does not define ``reasonable and proportional,'' nor is the Board
aware of any generally accepted definition for those terms when used in
conjunction with one another. As a separate legal term, ``reasonable''
has been defined as ``fair, proper, or moderate.'' \9\ Congress often
uses a reasonableness standard to provide agencies or courts with broad
discretion in implementing or interpreting a statutory requirement.\10\
The term ``proportional'' is seldom used by Congress and does not have
a generally-accepted legal definition. However, it is commonly defined
as meaning ``corresponding in size, degree, or intensity'' or as
``having the same or a constant ratio.'' \11\ Thus, it appears that
Congress intended the words ``reasonable and proportional'' in new TILA
Section 149(a) to require that there be a reasonable and generally
consistent relationship between the dollar amounts of credit card
penalty fees and the violations for which those fees are imposed,
providing the Board with substantial discretion in implementing that
\9\ E.g., Black's Law Dictionary at 1272 (7th ed. 1999); see
also id. (``It is extremely difficult to state what lawyers mean
when they speak of `reasonableness.' '' (quoting John Salmond,
Jurisprudence 183 n.(u) (Glanville L. Williams ed., 10th ed. 1947)).
\10\ See, e.g., 42 U.S.C. 12112(b)(5) (defining the term
``discriminate'' to include ``not making reasonable accommodations
to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise
qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or
employee''); 28 U.S.C. 2412(b) (``Unless expressly prohibited by
statute, a court may award reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys
* * * to the prevailing party in any civil action brought by or
against the United States or any agency.''); 43 U.S.C. 1734(a)
(``Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary may
establish reasonable filing and service fees and reasonable charges,
and commissions with respect to applications and other documents
relating to the public lands and may change and abolish such fees,
charges, and commissions.'').
\11\ E.g., Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary at 936 (10th
ed. 1995).
However, in Section 149(c), Congress also set forth certain factors
that the Board is required to consider when establishing standards for
determining whether penalty fees are reasonable and proportional.
Although Section 149(c) only requires consideration of these
[[Page 12339]]
factors, the Board believes that they reflect Congressional intent with
respect to the implementation of Section 149(a) and therefore provide
useful measures for determining whether penalty fees are ``reasonable
and proportional.'' Accordingly, when implementing the reasonable and
proportional requirement, the Board has been guided by these factors.
In addition, pursuant to its authority under Section 149(c)(4) to
consider ``such other factors as the Board may deem necessary or
appropriate,'' the Board has considered the need for general
regulations that can be consistently applied by card issuers and
enforced by the Federal banking agencies, the NCUA, and the Federal
Trade Commission. The Board has also considered the need for
regulations that result in fees that can be effectively disclosed to
consumers in solicitations, account-opening disclosures, and elsewhere.
As discussed below, when the statutory factors in Section 149(c)
were in conflict, the Board found it necessary to give more weight to a
particular factor or factors. In addition, while the Board has
generally attempted to establish consistent relationships between the
dollar amounts of penalty fees and the violations for which they are
imposed, there are certain circumstances in which the Board believes
that a particular factor or factors may warrant modifications to those
relationships that could produce some degree of inconsistency. The
Board is making these determinations pursuant to the authority granted
by new TILA Section 149 and existing TILA Section 105(a). In
particular, as noted above, new TILA Section 149(d) provides that ``the
Board may establish different standards for different types of fees and
charges, as appropriate.''
Cost Incurred as a Result of Violations
New TILA Section 149(c)(1) requires the Board to consider the cost
incurred by the creditor from the violation. The Board believes that,
for purposes of new TILA Section 149(a), the dollar amount of a penalty
fee is reasonable and proportional to a violation if it represents a
reasonable proportion of the total costs incurred by the issuer as a
result of that type of violation across all consumers. This
interpretation appears to be consistent with Congress' intent insofar
as it permits card issuers to use penalty fees to pass on the costs
incurred as a result of violations while ensuring that those costs are
spread evenly among consumers and that no individual consumer bears an
unreasonable or disproportionate share. As discussed below, the Board
also intends to adopt a safe harbor amount for penalty fees that the
Board believes would be generally sufficient to cover issuers' costs.
The Board notes that the proposed rule would not require that a
penalty fee be reasonable and proportional to the costs incurred as a
result of a specific violation on a specific account. Such a
requirement would force card issuers to wait until after a violation
has occurred to determine the associated costs. In addition to being
inefficient and overly burdensome for card issuers, this type of
requirement would be difficult for regulators to enforce and would
result in fees that could not be disclosed to consumers in advance. The
Board does not believe that Congress intended this result. Instead, as
discussed in greater detail below, the proposed rule would require card
issuers to determine that their penalty fees represent a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by the issuer as a result of the
type of violation (for example, late payments).
Deterrence of Violations
New TILA Section 149(c)(2) requires the Board to consider the
deterrence of violations by the cardholder. The Board believes that a
penalty fee is reasonable and proportional to a violation under new
TILA Section 149(a) if the dollar amount of the fee is reasonably
necessary to deter that type of violation. The Board believes that this
interpretation is consistent with Congress' intent because it will
prevent consumers from being charged fees that unreasonably exceed--or
are out of proportion to--their deterrent effect. As discussed below,
the Board would also adopt a safe harbor amount for penalty fees that
the Board believes would be generally sufficient to deter violations.
The proposed rule does not require that penalty fees be calibrated
to deter individual consumers from engaging in specific violations. The
Board believes that this type of requirement would be unworkable
because the amount necessary to deter a particular consumer from, for
example, paying late may depend on the individual characteristics of
that consumer (such as the consumer's disposable income or other
obligations) and other highly specific factors. Imposing such a
requirement would create compliance, enforcement, and disclosure
difficulties similar to those discussed above with respect to costs.
Accordingly, as discussed in more detail below, the proposed rule would
require that penalty fees be reasonably necessary to deter the type of
violation, rather than a specific violation or an individual
\12\ The Board acknowledges that a penalty fee is unlikely to
have a deterrent effect in circumstances where consumers cannot
avoid the violation of the account terms. However, deterrence is a
required factor under new TILA Section 149(c), and there is evidence
indicating that, as a general matter, penalty fees may deter future
violations of the account terms. See Agarwal et al., Learning in the
Credit Card Market (Feb. 8, 2008) (finding that, based on a study of
four million credit card statements, a consumer who incurs a late
payment fee is 40% less likely to incur a late payment fee during
the next month, although this effect depreciates approximately 10%
each month) (available at
Consumer Conduct
New TILA Section 149(c)(3) requires the Board to consider the
conduct of the cardholder. As discussed above, the Board does not
believe that Congress intended to require that each penalty fee be
based on an assessment of the individual characteristics of the
violation. Thus, the proposed rule would not require card issuers to
examine the conduct of the individual consumer before imposing a
penalty fee. The Board believes that--to the extent certain consumer
conduct that violates the account terms or other requirements has the
effect of increasing the costs incurred by the card issuer--fees
imposed pursuant to the proposed rule would reflect that conduct
because the issuer would be permitted to recover the increased cost.
Similarly, the proposed rule takes consumer conduct into account by
permitting issuers to charge penalty fees that are reasonably necessary
to deter certain types of conduct that result in violations. Thus,
because consideration of individual consumer conduct is not feasible
and because general consumer conduct would be reflected in the cost and
deterrence analyses, the Board's general rule would not permit penalty
fees to be based exclusively on consumer conduct.
However, the Board considered consumer conduct when developing
other provisions of the proposed rule. These provisions reflect the
Board's belief that Congress intended the amount of a penalty fee to
bear a reasonable relationship to the magnitude of the violation. For
example, a consumer who exceeds the credit limit by $5 should not be
penalized to the same degree as a consumer who exceeds the limit by
$500. Accordingly, the proposed rule would prohibit issuers from
imposing penalty fees that exceed the dollar amount associated with the
violation of the account terms or other requirements. Thus, a consumer
who exceeds the
[[Page 12340]]
credit limit by $5 could not be charged an over-the-limit fee of more
than $5.
The proposed rule would also establish a safe harbor permitting
higher penalty fees when a large dollar amount is associated with the
violation. Specifically, issuers would be permitted to impose penalty
fees that do not exceed 5% of the dollar amount associated with the
violation (up to a maximum amount). Thus, a consumer who exceeds the
credit limit by $500 could be charged an over-the-limit fee of $25.
Furthermore, the proposed rule would prohibit issuers from imposing
multiple penalty fees based on a single event or transaction. The Board
believes that imposing multiple fees in these circumstances could be
unreasonable and disproportionate to the conduct of the consumer
because the same conduct may result in a single or multiple violations,
depending on circumstances that may not be in the control of the
consumer. For example, the proposed rule would prohibit issuers from
charging a late payment fee and a returned payment fee based on a
single payment.
Finally, the Board solicits comment on whether there are additional
methods for regulating the amount of credit card penalty fees based on
the conduct of the consumer. In particular, the Board solicits comment
on whether the safe harbor in Sec. 226.52(b)(3) should permit issuers
to base penalty fees on consumer conduct by:
Tiering the dollar amount of penalty fees based on the
number of times a consumer engages in particular conduct during a
specified period. For example, card issuers could be permitted to
charge a fee for the second late payment during a 12-month period that
is higher than the fee charged for the first late payment.
Imposing penalty fees in increments based on the
consumer's conduct. For example, card issuers could be permitted to
charge a late payment fee of $5 each day after the payment due date
until the required minimum periodic payment is received. Thus, a
consumer who is only a day late would be charged $5 in late payment
fees, while a consumer who is five days late would be charged $25.
52(b)(1) General Rule
Proposed Sec. 226.52(b)(1) implements the general rule in new TILA
Section 149(a) by providing that a card issuer must not impose a fee
for violating the terms or other requirements of a credit card account
under an open-end (not home-secured) consumer credit plan unless the
card issuer has determined that either: (1) The dollar amount of the
fee represents a reasonable proportion of the total costs incurred by
the card issuer as a result of that type of violation; or (2) the
dollar amount of the fee is reasonably necessary to deter that type of
Because a card issuer is in the best position to determine the
costs it incurs as a result of violations and the deterrent effect of
its penalty fees, the Board believes that, as a general matter, it is
appropriate to make card issuers responsible for determining that their
fees comply with new TILA Section 149(a) and Sec. 226.52(b)(1). As
discussed below, proposed Sec. 226.52(b)(3) contains a safe harbor
that is intended to reduce the burden of making these determinations.
The Board notes that a card issuer that chooses to base its penalty
fees on its own determinations (rather than on the safe harbor) must be
able to demonstrate to the regulator responsible for enforcing
compliance with TILA and Regulation Z that its determinations are
consistent with Sec. 226.52(b)(1).
As discussed above, it would be inefficient and overly burdensome
to require card issuers to make individualized determinations with
respect to the costs incurred as a result of each violation or the
amount necessary to deter each violation. Instead, card issuers would
be required to make these determinations with respect to the type of
violation (for example, late payments), rather than a specific
violation or an individual consumer. Although ``the conduct of the
cardholder'' is a relevant consideration under new TILA Section
149(c)(3), proposed Sec. 226.52(b)(1) would not require a card issuer
to examine the conduct of the individual consumer with respect to a
particular violation before imposing a penalty fee, nor would it permit
an issuer to base the amount of a penalty fee solely on a consumer's
conduct. Instead, the Board believes that this factor supports the
prohibitions in proposed Sec. 226.52(b)(2) on penalty fees that exceed
the dollar amount associated with the violation and the imposition of
multiple penalty fees based on a single event or transaction.
Proposed comment 52(b)-1 would clarify that, for purposes of Sec.
226.52(b), a fee is any charge imposed by a card issuer based on an act
or omission that violates the terms of the account or any other
requirements imposed by the card issuer with respect to the account,
other than charges attributable to periodic interest rates. This
comment provides the following examples of fees that are subject to the
limitations in--or prohibited by--Sec. 226.52(b): (1) Late payment
fees and any other fees imposed by a card issuer if an account becomes
delinquent or if a payment is not received by a particular date; (2)
returned-payment fees and any other fees imposed by a card issuer if a
payment received via check, automated clearing house, or other payment
method is returned; (3) any fee or charge for an over-the-limit
transaction as defined in Sec. 226.56(a), to the extent the imposition
of such a fee or charge is permitted by Sec. 226.56; \13\ (4) any fee
or charge for a transaction that the card issuer declines to authorize;
and (5) any fee imposed by a card issuer based on account inactivity
(including the consumer's failure to use the account for a particular
number or amount of transactions or a particular type of transaction)
or the closure or termination of an account.\14\
\13\ It appears that Congress intended new TILA Section 149 to
apply to all over-the-limit fees, even if the consumer has
affirmatively consented to the payment of over-the-limit
transactions pursuant to new TILA Section 127(k) and Sec. 226.56.
See new TILA Sec. 149(a) (listing over-the-limit fees as an example
of a penalty fee or charge). Furthermore, the Board has determined
that the Credit Card Act's restrictions on fees for over-the-limit
transactions apply regardless of whether the card issuer
characterizes the fee as a fee for a service or a fee for a
violation of the account terms. See comment 56(j)-1.
\14\ As discussed below, Sec. 226.52(b)(2)(i)(B) would prohibit
the imposition of fees for declined transactions, fees based on
account inactivity, and fees based on the closure or termination of
an account.
Proposed comment 52(b)-1 would also provide the following examples
of fees to which Sec. 226.52(b) does not apply: (1) Balance transfer
fees; (2) cash advance fees; (3) foreign transaction fees; (4) annual
fees and other fees for the issuance or availability of credit
described in Sec. 226.5a(b)(2), except to the extent that such fees
are based on account inactivity; (4) fees for insurance described in
Sec. 226.4(b)(7) or debt cancellation or debt suspension coverage
described in Sec. 226.4(b)(10) written in connection with a credit
transaction, provided that such fees are not imposed as a result of a
violation of the account terms or other requirements; (5) fees for
making an expedited payment (to the extent permitted by Sec.
226.10(e)); (6) fees for optional services (such as travel insurance);
and (7) fees for reissuing a lost or stolen card.
In addition, proposed comment 52(b)-1 would clarify that Sec.
226.52(b) does not apply to charges attributable to an increase in an
annual percentage rate based on an act or omission that violates the
account terms. Currently, many credit card issuers apply an increased
[[Page 12341]]
annual percentage rate (or penalty rate) based on certain violations of
the account terms. Application of this increased rate can result in
increased interest charges. However, the Board does not believe that
Congress intended the words ``any penalty fee or charge'' in new TILA
Section 149(a) to apply to penalty rate increases.
Elsewhere in the Credit Card Act, Congress expressly referred to
increases in annual percentage rates when it intended to address
them.\15\ In fact, the Credit Card Act contains several provisions that
specifically limit the ability of card issuers to apply penalty rates.
Revised TILA Section 171 prohibits application of penalty rates to
existing credit card balances unless the account is more than 60 days
delinquent. See revised TILA Sec. 171(b)(4); see also Sec.
226.55(b)(4). Furthermore, if an account becomes more than 60 days
delinquent and a penalty rate is applied to an existing balance, the
card issuer must terminate the penalty rate if it receives the required
minimum payments on time for the next six months. See revised TILA
Sec. 171(b)(4)(B); Sec. 226.55(b)(4)(ii). With respect to new
transactions, new TILA Sec. 172(a) generally prohibits card issuers
from applying penalty rates during the first year after account
opening. See also Sec. 226.55(b)(3)(iii). Subsequently, the card
issuer must provide 45 days advance notice before applying a penalty
rate to new transactions. See new TILA Sec. 127(i); Sec. 226.9(g).
Finally, once a penalty rate is in effect, the card issuer generally
must review the account at least once every six months thereafter and
reduce the rate if appropriate. See new TILA Sec. 148; proposed Sec.
226.59. These protections--in combination with the lack of any express
reference to penalty rate increases in new TILA Section 149--indicate
that Congress did not intend to apply the ``reasonable and
proportional'' standard to increases in annual percentage rates.\16\
\15\ For example, revised TILA Section 171(a) and (b) and new
TILA Section 172 explicitly distinguish between annual percentage
rates, fees, and finance charges.
\16\ The Board also notes that prior versions of the Credit Card
Act contained language that would have limited the amount of penalty
rate increases, but that language was removed prior to enactment.
See S. 414 Sec. 103 (introduced Feb. 11, 2009) (proposing to create
a new TILA Sec. 127(o) requiring that ``[t]he amount of any fee or
charge that a card issuer may impose in connection with any omission
with respect to, or violation of, the cardholder agreement,
including any late payment fee, over the limit fee, increase in the
applicable annual percentage rate, or any similar fee or charge,
shall be reasonably related to the cost to the card issuer of such
omission or violation'') (emphasis added) (available at
Proposed comment 52(b)-2 would clarify that a card issuer may round
any fee that complies with Sec. 226.52(b) to the nearest whole dollar.
For example, if the proposed rule permits a card issuer to impose a
late payment fee of $21.50, the card issuer may round that amount up to
the nearest whole dollar and impose a late payment fee of $22. However,
if the permissible late payment fee were $21.49, the card issuer would
not be permitted to round that amount up to $22, although the card
issuer could round that amount down and impose a late payment fee of
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)-1 would clarify that the fact that a card
issuer's fees for violating the account terms are comparable to fees
assessed by other card issuers is not sufficient to satisfy the
requirements of Sec. 226.52(b)(1). Instead, a card issuer must make
its own determinations whether the amounts of its fees represent a
reasonable proportion of the total costs incurred by the issuer or are
reasonably necessary to deter violations.
A. Fees Based on Costs
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)-1 would clarify that a card issuer is
not required to base its fees on the costs incurred as a result of a
specific violation of the account terms or other requirements. Instead,
for purposes of Sec. 226.52(b)(1)(i), a card issuer must have
determined that a fee for violating the account terms or other
requirements represents a reasonable proportion of the costs incurred
by the card issuer as a result of that type of violation. The factors
relevant to this determination include: (1) The number of violations of
a particular type experienced by the card issuer during a prior period;
and (2) the costs incurred by the card issuer during that period as a
result of those violations. In addition, the card issuer may, at its
option, base its fees on a reasonable estimate of changes in the number
of violations of that type and the resulting costs during an upcoming
For example, a card issuer could satisfy Sec. 226.52(b)(1)(i) by
determining that its late payment fee represents a reasonable
proportion of the total costs incurred by the card issuer as a result
of late payments based on the number of delinquencies it experienced in
the past twelve months, the costs incurred as a result of those
delinquencies, and a reasonable estimate about changes in delinquency
rates and the costs incurred as a result of delinquencies during a
subsequent period of time (such as the next twelve months). As
discussed below, proposed comments 52(b)(1)(i)-4 through -6 would
provide more detailed examples of the types of costs that a card issuer
may incur as a result of late payments, returned payments, and
transactions that exceed the credit limit as well as examples of fees
that would represent a reasonable proportion of those costs.
Proposed comment 52(b)(1)(i)-2 would clarify that, although higher
rates of loss may be associated with particular violations of the
account terms, those losses and associated costs (such as the cost of
holding reserves against losses) are excluded from the Sec.
226.52(b)(1)(i) cost analysis. Although an account cannot become a loss
without first becoming delinquent, delinquencies and associated losses
may be caused by a variety of factors (such unemployment, illness, and
divorce). Furthermore, it appears that most violations of the account
terms do not actually result in losses.\17\
\17\ For example, data submitted to the Board during the comment
period for the January 2009 FTC Act Rule indicated that more than
93% of accounts that were over the credit limit or delinquent twice
in a twelve month period did not charge off during the subsequent
twelve months. See Federal Reserve Board Docket No. R-1314: Exhibit
5, Table 1a to Comment from Oliver I. Ireland, Morrison Foerster LLP
(Aug 7, 2008) (Argus Analysis) (presenting results of analysis by
Argus Information & Advisory Services, LLC of historical data for
consumer credit card accounts believed to represent approximately
70% of all outstanding consumer credit card balances). Furthermore,
because collections generally continue after the account has been
charged off, an account that has been charged off is not necessarily
a total loss.
In addition, the Board understands that, as a general matter, card
issuers currently do not price for the risk of loss through penalty
fees; instead, issuers generally price for risk through upfront annual
percentage rates and penalty rate increases.\18\ However, the Credit
Card Act generally prohibits penalty rate increases during the first
year after account opening and with respect to existing balances.\19\
The Board imposed similar limitations in January 2009, reasoning that
pricing for risk using upfront rates rather than penalty rate increases
would promote transparency and protect consumers from unanticipated
increases in the cost of