Advisory Panel on Department of Defense Capabilities for Support of Civil Authorities After Certain Incidents, 9588-9589 [2010-4390]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 41 / Wednesday, March 3, 2010 / Notices
Office of the Secretary
Defense Intelligence Agency Advisory
Board; Closed Meeting
Defense Intelligence Agency,
Notice of closed meeting.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of
subsection (d) of section 10 of Public
Law 92–463, as amended by section 5 of
Public Law 94–409, notice is hereby
given that the Defense Intelligence
Agency Advisory Board, will meet on
March 22 and 23, 2010. The meeting is
closed to the public.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
March 22, 2010 (from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.)
and on March 23, 2010 (from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m.).
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Pentagon on March 22, and on
Bolling Air Force Base on March 23.
William Caniano, Director, DIA
Congressional and Public Affairs,
Washington, DC 20340; phone: 703–
meeting is devoted to the discussion of
classified information as defined in
section 552b(c)(1), title 5 of the U.S.
Code and therefore will be closed.
Dated: February 25, 2010.
Mitchell S. Bryman,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2010–4402 Filed 3–2–10; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Advisory Panel on Department of
Defense Capabilities for Support of
Civil Authorities After Certain Incidents
Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense
and America’s Security Affairs), DoD.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
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SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act of
1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended),
the Government in the Sunshine Act of
1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and
41 CFR 102–3.150, the Department of
Defense announces that the Federal
advisory committee meeting of the
Advisory Panel on Department of
Defense Capabilities for Support of Civil
Authorities after Certain Incidents
(hereinafter referred to as the Advisory
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Panel) will take place on March 17 and
18, 2010. Subject to the availability of
space, the meeting is open to the public.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Wednesday, March 17, 2010, from 8:30
a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Thursday, March
18, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern Daylight Time.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the RAND Corporation, 1200 South
Hayes Street, Arlington, Virginia 22202,
4th floor conference facilities.
Advisory Panel’s Designated Federal
Officer: Catherine Polmateer, telephone:
703–697–6370, OASD(HD&ASA),
Resources Integration, 2600 Defense
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301–2600,
Advisory Panel’s Points of Contact at
the Federally Funded Research and
Development Center (FFRDC): Andrew
Morral, Principal Investigator, telephone
703–413–1100, x5119, e-mail:; The RAND
Corporation, 1200 South Hayes Street,
Arlington, Virginia 22202.
15-Calendar Day Notification
Due to internal DoD difficulties,
beyond the control of the Advisory
Panel on Department of Defense
Capabilities for Support of Civil
Authorities After Certain Incidents or its
Designated Federal Officer, the
Government was unable to process the
Federal Register notice for the March
17–18, 2010, meeting of the Advisory
Panel on Department of Defense
Capabilities for Support of Civil
Authorities After Certain Incidents as
required by 41 CFR 102–3.150(a).
Accordingly, the Committee
Management Officer for the Department
of Defense, pursuant to 41 CFR 102–
3.150(b), waives the 15-calendar day
notification requirement.
Purpose of the Meeting
The panel will discuss the key issues
in its congressional mandate with senior
members of the Department of Defense.
It will receive briefings from one or
more of the panel’s subpanels. It will
discuss preliminary findings,
conclusions, and recommendations,
based on its activities to date. It will
decide on topics for research and other
activities for future meetings, based on
its congressionally-mandated tasks.
• Opening Remarks by the Chairman
• Subpanel briefings
• Discussions with senior officials of
the Department of Defense, including
the Office of the Secretary of Defense,
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the Joint Staff, and the National Guard
• Discussion of preliminary findings,
conclusions, and recommendations
• Discussion of future meetings
• Administration
Public’s Accessibility to the Meeting
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR
102–3.140 through 102–3.165, and the
availability of space, this meeting is
open to the public. Seating is on a firstcome basis. (Note: Members of the
public who choose to attend the meeting
should allow approximately 15 minutes
to clear building security on the ground
floor (Hayes Street entrance) and RAND
security (4th floor reception area)).
Written Statements
Pursuant to 41 CFR 102–3.105(j) and
102–3.140, and section 10(a)(3) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act of
1972 (FACA), the public or interested
organizations may submit written
statements to the Advisory Panel about
its mission and functions. Written
statements may be submitted at any
time or in response to the stated agenda
of a planned meeting of the Advisory
All written statements shall be
submitted to the Designated Federal
Officer for the Advisory Panel, and this
individual will ensure that the written
statements are provided to the
membership for their consideration.
Contact information for the Designated
Federal Officer is provided in this
notice or can be obtained from the
GSA’s FACA Database: https://
Written statements being submitted in
response to the agenda mentioned in
this notice must be received by the
Designated Federal Officer (see FOR
than 11 a.m., Eastern Standard Time
(EST), Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
Written statements received after this
date may not be provided to or
considered by the Advisory Panel until
its next meeting.
The Designated Federal Officer will
review all timely submissions with the
Advisory Panel Chairperson and ensure
they are provided to all members of the
Advisory Panel before the meeting that
is the subject of this notice.
All written statements received by the
Designated Federal Officer will be
retained as part of the committee’s
official records. In addition, statements
timely submitted in response to a stated
agenda of a planned meeting and
provided to committee members in
preparation for a meeting, will be made
available to the public during the
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 41 / Wednesday, March 3, 2010 / Notices
meeting and posted to the GSA’s FACA
Oral Statements
In addition to written statements, and
time permitting, the Chairperson of the
Advisory Panel may allow Oral
Statements by the public to the
Members of the Advisory Panel. Any
person seeking to address orally the
Advisory Panel must submit a request to
the Designated Federal Officer no later
than 11 a.m., EST, Wednesday, March
10, 2010. Oral statements will be limited
to five minutes (or less depending on
time available). The Designated Federal
Officer will provide timekeeping for oral
statements and will notify the
Chairperson when a presenter has
reached allotted time.
Dated: February 25, 2010.
Mitchell S. Bryman,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2010–4390 Filed 3–2–10; 8:45 am]
Dated: February 25, 2010.
James Hyler,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of Management.
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection Requests
Department of Education.
SUMMARY: The Acting Director,
Information Collection Clearance
Division, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of
Management, invites comments on the
proposed information collection
requests as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before May 3,
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) provide interested
Federal agencies and the public an early
opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. OMB may amend or
waive the requirement for public
consultation to the extent that public
participation in the approval process
would defeat the purpose of the
information collection, violate State or
Federal law, or substantially interfere
with any agency’s ability to perform its
statutory obligations. The Acting
Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Regulatory
Information Management Services,
Office of Management, publishes that
notice containing proposed information
collection requests prior to submission
of these requests to OMB. Each
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proposed information collection,
grouped by office, contains the
following: (1) Type of review requested,
e.g. new, revision, extension, existing or
reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of
the collection; (4) Description of the
need for, and proposed use of, the
information; (5) Respondents and
frequency of collection; and (6)
Reporting and/or Recordkeeping
burden. OMB invites public comment.
The Department of Education is
especially interested in public comment
addressing the following issues:
(1) Is this collection necessary to the
proper functions of the Department; (2)
will this information be processed and
used in a timely manner; (3) is the
estimate of burden accurate; (4) how
might the Department enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology.
Office of Planning, Evaluation, and
Policy Development
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Annual Mandatory Collection of
Elementary and Secondary Education
Data through EDFacts.
Frequency: Annually.
Affected Public: State, Local, or Tribal
Gov’t, SEAs or LEAs.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 7,059.
Burden Hours: 1,113,034.
Abstract: EDFacts is in the
implementation phase of a multiple year
effort to consolidate the collection of
education information about States,
Districts, and Schools in a way that
improves data quality and reduces
paperwork burden for all of the national
education partners. To minimize the
burden on the data providers, EDEN
seeks the transfer of the proposed data
as soon as it has been processed for
State, District, and School use. These
data will then be stored in EDFacts and
accessed by Federal education program
managers and analysts as needed to
make program management decisions.
This process will eliminate redundant
data collections while providing for the
timeliness of data submission and use.
Additional Information: The
Department of Education (ED) is
specifically requesting the data
providers in each the State Education
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Agency (SEA) to review Attachment D
which ask specific questions about the
proposed data elements. These
questions will help ED to determine
which of these data can be provided for
the upcoming school year and which
data would be available in later years
and which data, if any, is never
expected to be available from the SEA.
If information for a data group is not
available, please provide information
beyond the fact that it is not available.
Are there specific impediments to
providing this data that you can
describe? Is the definition for the data
group unclear or ambiguous? Do the
requested permitted values align with
the way your state collects the data?
This is very important information
because the collection of these data is
mandatory. ED also seeks to know if the
SEA data definitions are consistent and
compatible with the EDEN definitions
and accurately reflect the way data is
stored and used for education by the
States, Districts, and Schools. The
answers to these questions by the data
providers will influence the timing and
content of the final EDEN proposal for
the collection of this elementary and
secondary data.
Requests for copies of the proposed
information collection request may be
accessed from,
by selecting the ‘‘Browse Pending
Collections’’ link and by clicking on link
number 4232. When you access the
information collection, click on
‘‘Download Attachments’’ to view.
Written requests for information should
be addressed to U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
LBJ, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Requests may also be electronically
mailed to or faxed
to 202–401–0920. Please specify the
complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be electronically mailed to Individuals who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
[FR Doc. 2010–4359 Filed 3–2–10; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
U.S. Department of Energy.
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 41 (Wednesday, March 3, 2010)]
[Pages 9588-9589]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-4390]
Office of the Secretary
Advisory Panel on Department of Defense Capabilities for Support
of Civil Authorities After Certain Incidents
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense
and America's Security Affairs), DoD.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of
1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the Government in the Sunshine
Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the
Department of Defense announces that the Federal advisory committee
meeting of the Advisory Panel on Department of Defense Capabilities for
Support of Civil Authorities after Certain Incidents (hereinafter
referred to as the Advisory Panel) will take place on March 17 and 18,
2010. Subject to the availability of space, the meeting is open to the
DATES: The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 17, 2010, from 8:30
a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Thursday, March 18, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 5
p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the RAND Corporation, 1200 South
Hayes Street, Arlington, Virginia 22202, 4th floor conference
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Advisory Panel's Designated Federal
Officer: Catherine Polmateer, telephone: 703-697-6370, OASD(HD&ASA),
Resources Integration, 2600 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-
2600, e-mail:
Advisory Panel's Points of Contact at the Federally Funded Research
and Development Center (FFRDC): Andrew Morral, Principal Investigator,
telephone 703-413-1100, x5119, e-mail:; The RAND
Corporation, 1200 South Hayes Street, Arlington, Virginia 22202.
15-Calendar Day Notification
Due to internal DoD difficulties, beyond the control of the
Advisory Panel on Department of Defense Capabilities for Support of
Civil Authorities After Certain Incidents or its Designated Federal
Officer, the Government was unable to process the Federal Register
notice for the March 17-18, 2010, meeting of the Advisory Panel on
Department of Defense Capabilities for Support of Civil Authorities
After Certain Incidents as required by 41 CFR 102-3.150(a).
Accordingly, the Committee Management Officer for the Department of
Defense, pursuant to 41 CFR 102-3.150(b), waives the 15-calendar day
notification requirement.
Purpose of the Meeting
The panel will discuss the key issues in its congressional mandate
with senior members of the Department of Defense. It will receive
briefings from one or more of the panel's subpanels. It will discuss
preliminary findings, conclusions, and recommendations, based on its
activities to date. It will decide on topics for research and other
activities for future meetings, based on its congressionally-mandated
Opening Remarks by the Chairman
Subpanel briefings
Discussions with senior officials of the Department of
Defense, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint
Staff, and the National Guard Bureau
Discussion of preliminary findings, conclusions, and
Discussion of future meetings
Public's Accessibility to the Meeting
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR 102-3.140 through 102-3.165,
and the availability of space, this meeting is open to the public.
Seating is on a first-come basis. (Note: Members of the public who
choose to attend the meeting should allow approximately 15 minutes to
clear building security on the ground floor (Hayes Street entrance) and
RAND security (4th floor reception area)).
Written Statements
Pursuant to 41 CFR 102-3.105(j) and 102-3.140, and section 10(a)(3)
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the public or
interested organizations may submit written statements to the Advisory
Panel about its mission and functions. Written statements may be
submitted at any time or in response to the stated agenda of a planned
meeting of the Advisory Panel.
All written statements shall be submitted to the Designated Federal
Officer for the Advisory Panel, and this individual will ensure that
the written statements are provided to the membership for their
consideration. Contact information for the Designated Federal Officer
is provided in this notice or can be obtained from the GSA's FACA
Written statements being submitted in response to the agenda
mentioned in this notice must be received by the Designated Federal
Officer (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) no later than 11 a.m.,
Eastern Standard Time (EST), Wednesday, March 10, 2010. Written
statements received after this date may not be provided to or
considered by the Advisory Panel until its next meeting.
The Designated Federal Officer will review all timely submissions
with the Advisory Panel Chairperson and ensure they are provided to all
members of the Advisory Panel before the meeting that is the subject of
this notice.
All written statements received by the Designated Federal Officer
will be retained as part of the committee's official records. In
addition, statements timely submitted in response to a stated agenda of
a planned meeting and provided to committee members in preparation for
a meeting, will be made available to the public during the
[[Page 9589]]
meeting and posted to the GSA's FACA Database.
Oral Statements
In addition to written statements, and time permitting, the
Chairperson of the Advisory Panel may allow Oral Statements by the
public to the Members of the Advisory Panel. Any person seeking to
address orally the Advisory Panel must submit a request to the
Designated Federal Officer no later than 11 a.m., EST, Wednesday, March
10, 2010. Oral statements will be limited to five minutes (or less
depending on time available). The Designated Federal Officer will
provide timekeeping for oral statements and will notify the Chairperson
when a presenter has reached allotted time.
Dated: February 25, 2010.
Mitchell S. Bryman,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2010-4390 Filed 3-2-10; 8:45 am]