South Carolina Electric and Gas Company, Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Unit 1; Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, 8756-8757 [2010-3852]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 37 / Thursday, February 25, 2010 / Notices
this action are listed below, along with
their ADAMS accession numbers.
1. National Health Physics Program
Request for Decommissioning for
Unrestricted Release of Building 26 at
the VA North Florida/South Georgia
Veterans Health System, Gainesville,
Florida, dated October 29, 2009
(ADAMS Accession No. ML093060270).
2. Additional Information for Closeout
of Building 26 North Florida/South
Georgia Veterans Health System,
Gainesville, Florida (ADAMS Accession
No. ML100110095).
3. Title 10 Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 20, Subpart E,
‘‘Radiological Criteria for License
4. Title 10 Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 51, ‘‘Environmental
Protection Regulations for Domestic
Licensing and Related Regulatory
5. NUREG–1556, Consolidated
Guidance about Material Licenses,
Volume 9.
6. NUREG–1757, Consolidated
Decommissioning Guidance.
7. These documents may also be
viewed electronically on the public
computers located at the NRC’s PDR,
O1F21, One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852.
The PDR reproduction contractor will
copy documents for a fee.
Company (SCE&G, the licensee), for
operation of the Virgil C. Summer
Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (VCSNS),
located in Fairfield County, South
Carolina. In accordance with 10 CFR
51.21, the NRC prepared an
environmental assessment documenting
its finding. The NRC concluded that the
proposed action will have no significant
environmental impact.
Environmental Assessment
Identification of the Proposed Action
The proposed action would exempt
VCSNS from the required
implementation date of March 31, 2010,
for two new requirements of 10 CFR
part 73. Specifically, VCSNS would be
granted an exemption from being in full
compliance with two new requirements
contained in 10 CFR 73.55 by the March
31, 2010, deadline. SCE&G has proposed
an alternate full compliance
implementation date of September 30,
2010, approximately 6 months beyond
the date required by 10 CFR part 73. The
proposed action, an extension of the
schedule for completion of certain
actions required by the revised 10 CFR
part 73, does not involve any physical
changes to the reactor, fuel, plant
structures, support structures, water, or
land at the VCSNS, Unit 1 site.
The proposed action is in accordance
with the licensee’s application
contained in two letters dated December
11, 2009, SCE&G designation RC–09–
0154 (Agencywide Documents Access
and Management System (ADAMS)
Accession No. ML093490316) and RC–
09–0148 (NRC ADAMS ML093480496
and ML093480497). SCE&G’s letter RC–
09–0148 contains security-related
information and, accordingly, is not
available to the public. SCE&G’s letter
RC–09–0154 is a redacted version of
RC–09–0148 that does not contain
security related information.
[Docket No. 50–395; NRC–2010–0067]
The Need for the Proposed Action
South Carolina Electric and Gas
Company, Virgil C. Summer Nuclear
Station, Unit 1; Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact
The proposed action is needed to
provide the licensee with additional
time to complete the design, planning,
procurement, construction, testing and
project closeout activities for the
required upgrades to the SCE&G
security system, while simultaneously
maintaining the current security
defensive strategy.
Dated at Lisle, Illinois, this 17th day of
February 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Christine A. Lipa,
Chief, Materials Control, ISFSI, and
Decommissioning Branch, Division of Nuclear
Materials Safety, Region III.
[FR Doc. 2010–3862 Filed 2–24–10; 8:45 am]
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is considering
issuance of an Exemption, pursuant to
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) section 73.5,
‘‘Specific exemptions,’’ from the
implementation date for certain new
requirements of 10 CFR part 73,
‘‘Physical protection of plants and
materials,’’ for Renewed Facility
Operating License No. NPF–12, issued
to South Carolina Electric & Gas
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:34 Feb 24, 2010
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Environmental Impacts of the Proposed
The NRC has completed its
environmental assessment of the
proposed exemption. The staff has
concluded that the proposed action to
extend the implementation deadline
would not significantly affect plant
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safety and would not have a significant
adverse effect on the probability of an
accident occurring.
The proposed action would not result
in an increased radiological hazard
beyond those previously analyzed in the
environmental assessment and finding
of no significant impact made by the
Commission in promulgating its
revisions to 10 CFR part 73, as
discussed in a Federal Register notice
dated March 27, 2009 (74 FR 13967).
There will be no change to radioactive
effluents that affect radiation exposures
to plant workers and members of the
public. Therefore, no changes or
different types of radiological impacts
are expected as a result of the proposed
The proposed action does not result
in changes to land use or water use, or
result in changes to the quality or
quantity of non-radiological effluents.
No changes to the National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System permit
are needed. No effects on the aquatic or
terrestrial habitat in the vicinity of the
plant, or to threatened, endangered, or
protected species under the Endangered
Species Act, or impacts to essential fish
habitat covered by the MagnusonSteven’s Act are expected. There are no
impacts to the air or ambient air quality.
There are no impacts to historical and
cultural resources. There would be no
impact to socioeconomic resources.
Therefore, no changes to or different
types of non-radiological environmental
impacts are expected as a result of the
proposed exemption.
Accordingly, the NRC concludes that
there are no significant environmental
impacts associated with the proposed
action. In addition, in promulgating its
revisions to 10 CFR part 73, the
Commission prepared an environmental
assessment and published a finding of
no significant impact [Part 73, Power
Reactor Security Requirements, 74 FR
13926, 13967 (March 27, 2009)].
The licensee currently maintains a
security system acceptable to the NRC
and will continue to provide acceptable
physical protection of the VCSNS.
Therefore, the extension of the
implementation date for certain new
requirement of 10 CFR part 73 to
September 30, 2010, would not have
any significant environmental impacts.
The NRC staff’s safety evaluation will
be provided in the exemption that will
be issued as part of the letter to the
licensee approving the exemption to the
regulation, if granted.
Environmental Impacts of the
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed
action, the NRC staff considered denial
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 37 / Thursday, February 25, 2010 / Notices
of the proposed action (i.e., the ‘‘noaction’’ alternative). Denial of the
exemption request would result in no
change in current environmental
impacts. If the proposed action was
denied, the licensee would have to
comply with the March 31, 2010,
implementation deadline. The
environmental impacts of the proposed
exemption and the ‘‘no action’’
alternative are similar.
Alternative Use of Resources
The action does not involve the use of
any different resources than those
considered in the Final Environmental
Statement for the Virgil C. Summer
Nuclear Station, Unit No. 1, NUREG–
0719, dated May 1981 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML072750234) and the
Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for License Renewal of
Nuclear Plants, NUREG–1437,
Supplement 15, dated February 2004
(ADAMS Accession No. ML040540718).
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Agencies and Persons Consulted
In accordance with its stated policy,
on December 17, 2009, the NRC staff
consulted with the South Carolina State
official, Ms. Susan Jenkins of the South
Carolina Department of Health and
Environmental Control, regarding the
environmental impact of the proposed
action. The State official had no
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental
assessment, the NRC concludes that the
proposed action will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the
human environment. Accordingly, the
NRC has determined not to prepare an
environmental impact statement for the
proposed action.
For further details with respect to the
proposed action, see the licensee’s letter
dated December 11, 2009 (RC–09–0154).
The licensee’s letter RC–09–0148, dated
December 11, 2009 contains securityrelated information and, accordingly, is
not available to the public pursuant to
10 CFR 2.390. The licensee’s letter RC–
09–0154 may be examined, and/or
copied for a fee, at the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR), located at One
White Flint North, Public File Area O–
1F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor),
Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly
available records will be accessible
electronically from the Agencywide
Document Access and Management
System (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the
Persons who do not have access to
ADAMS or who encounter problems in
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:34 Feb 24, 2010
Jkt 220001
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff by telephone at 1–800–
397–4209 or 301–415–4737, or send an
e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day
of February 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Robert E. Martin,
Sr. Project Manager, Plant Licensing Branch
II–1, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2010–3852 Filed 2–24–10; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 50–298; NRC–2008–0617]
Nebraska Public Power District,
Cooper Nuclear Station, Unit 1; Notice
of Availability of the Draft Supplement
41 to the Generic Environmental
Impact Statement for License Renewal
of Nuclear Plants, and Public Meetings
for The License Renewal of Cooper
Nuclear Station, Unit 1
Notice is hereby given that the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC
or Commission) has published a draft
plant-specific supplement to the
Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for License Renewal of
Nuclear Plants (GEIS), NUREG–1437,
regarding the renewal of operating
license DPR–46 for an additional 20
years of operation for Cooper Nuclear
Station, Unit 1 (CNS–1). CNS–1 is
located near Brownville, Nebraska, on
the Missouri River in Nemaha County.
Possible alternatives to the proposed
action (license renewal) include no
action and reasonable alternative energy
Any interested party may submit
comments on the draft supplement to
the GEIS for consideration by the NRC
staff. To be considered, comments on
the draft supplement to the GEIS and
the proposed action must be received by
May 5, 2010; the NRC staff is able to
ensure consideration only for comments
received on or before this date.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any one of the following methods.
Please include Docket ID NRC–2008–
0617 in the subject line of your
comments. Comments submitted in
writing or in electronic form will be
posted on the NRC Web site and on the
Federal rulemaking Web site Because your
comments will not be edited to remove
any identifying or contact information,
the NRC cautions you against including
any information in your submission that
PO 00000
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you do not want to be publicly
The NRC requests that any party
soliciting or aggregating comments
received from other persons for
submission to the NRC inform those
persons that the NRC will not edit their
comments to remove any identifying or
contact information, and therefore, they
should not include any information in
their comments that they do not want
publicly disclosed.
Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to and search
for documents filed under Docket ID
NRC–2008–0617. Address questions
about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher
301–492–3668; e-mail
Mail comments to: Michael T. Lesar,
Chief, Rulemaking and Directives
Branch (RDB), Division of
Administrative Services, Office of
Administration, Mail Stop: TWB–05–
B01M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
0001, or by fax to RDB at (301) 492–
You can access publicly available
documents related to this notice using
the following methods:
NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR):
The public may examine and have
copied for a fee publicly available
documents at the NRC’s PDR, Public
File Area O1 F21, One White Flint
North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
Maryland 20852.
NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access
and Management System (ADAMS):
Publicly available documents created or
received at the NRC are available
electronically at the NRC’s Electronic
Reading Room at
reading-rm/adams.html. From this page,
the public can gain entry into ADAMS,
which provides text and image files of
NRC’s public documents. If you do not
have access to ADAMS or if there are
problems in accessing the documents
located in ADAMS, contact the NRC’s
PDR reference staff at 1–800–397–4209,
301–415–4737, or by e-mail to The Accession
Number for the draft Supplement 41 to
the GEIS is available electronically
under ADAMS Accession Number
Federal Rulemaking Web site: Public
comments and supporting materials
related to this notice can be found at by searching
on Docket ID: NRC–2008–0617.
In addition, a copy of the draft
supplement to the GEIS is available to
local residents near the site at the
Auburn Memorial Library, 1810
Courthouse Avenue, Auburn, NE 68305.
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 37 (Thursday, February 25, 2010)]
[Pages 8756-8757]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-3852]
[Docket No. 50-395; NRC-2010-0067]
South Carolina Electric and Gas Company, Virgil C. Summer Nuclear
Station, Unit 1; Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering
issuance of an Exemption, pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) section 73.5, ``Specific exemptions,'' from the
implementation date for certain new requirements of 10 CFR part 73,
``Physical protection of plants and materials,'' for Renewed Facility
Operating License No. NPF-12, issued to South Carolina Electric & Gas
Company (SCE&G, the licensee), for operation of the Virgil C. Summer
Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (VCSNS), located in Fairfield County, South
Carolina. In accordance with 10 CFR 51.21, the NRC prepared an
environmental assessment documenting its finding. The NRC concluded
that the proposed action will have no significant environmental impact.
Environmental Assessment
Identification of the Proposed Action
The proposed action would exempt VCSNS from the required
implementation date of March 31, 2010, for two new requirements of 10
CFR part 73. Specifically, VCSNS would be granted an exemption from
being in full compliance with two new requirements contained in 10 CFR
73.55 by the March 31, 2010, deadline. SCE&G has proposed an alternate
full compliance implementation date of September 30, 2010,
approximately 6 months beyond the date required by 10 CFR part 73. The
proposed action, an extension of the schedule for completion of certain
actions required by the revised 10 CFR part 73, does not involve any
physical changes to the reactor, fuel, plant structures, support
structures, water, or land at the VCSNS, Unit 1 site.
The proposed action is in accordance with the licensee's
application contained in two letters dated December 11, 2009, SCE&G
designation RC-09-0154 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML093490316) and RC-09-0148 (NRC ADAMS
ML093480496 and ML093480497). SCE&G's letter RC-09-0148 contains
security-related information and, accordingly, is not available to the
public. SCE&G's letter RC-09-0154 is a redacted version of RC-09-0148
that does not contain security related information.
The Need for the Proposed Action
The proposed action is needed to provide the licensee with
additional time to complete the design, planning, procurement,
construction, testing and project closeout activities for the required
upgrades to the SCE&G security system, while simultaneously maintaining
the current security defensive strategy.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
The NRC has completed its environmental assessment of the proposed
exemption. The staff has concluded that the proposed action to extend
the implementation deadline would not significantly affect plant safety
and would not have a significant adverse effect on the probability of
an accident occurring.
The proposed action would not result in an increased radiological
hazard beyond those previously analyzed in the environmental assessment
and finding of no significant impact made by the Commission in
promulgating its revisions to 10 CFR part 73, as discussed in a Federal
Register notice dated March 27, 2009 (74 FR 13967). There will be no
change to radioactive effluents that affect radiation exposures to
plant workers and members of the public. Therefore, no changes or
different types of radiological impacts are expected as a result of the
proposed exemption.
The proposed action does not result in changes to land use or water
use, or result in changes to the quality or quantity of non-
radiological effluents. No changes to the National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System permit are needed. No effects on the aquatic or
terrestrial habitat in the vicinity of the plant, or to threatened,
endangered, or protected species under the Endangered Species Act, or
impacts to essential fish habitat covered by the Magnuson-Steven's Act
are expected. There are no impacts to the air or ambient air quality.
There are no impacts to historical and cultural resources. There
would be no impact to socioeconomic resources. Therefore, no changes to
or different types of non-radiological environmental impacts are
expected as a result of the proposed exemption.
Accordingly, the NRC concludes that there are no significant
environmental impacts associated with the proposed action. In addition,
in promulgating its revisions to 10 CFR part 73, the Commission
prepared an environmental assessment and published a finding of no
significant impact [Part 73, Power Reactor Security Requirements, 74 FR
13926, 13967 (March 27, 2009)].
The licensee currently maintains a security system acceptable to
the NRC and will continue to provide acceptable physical protection of
the VCSNS. Therefore, the extension of the implementation date for
certain new requirement of 10 CFR part 73 to September 30, 2010, would
not have any significant environmental impacts.
The NRC staff's safety evaluation will be provided in the exemption
that will be issued as part of the letter to the licensee approving the
exemption to the regulation, if granted.
Environmental Impacts of the Alternatives to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed action, the NRC staff considered
[[Page 8757]]
of the proposed action (i.e., the ``no-action'' alternative). Denial of
the exemption request would result in no change in current
environmental impacts. If the proposed action was denied, the licensee
would have to comply with the March 31, 2010, implementation deadline.
The environmental impacts of the proposed exemption and the ``no
action'' alternative are similar.
Alternative Use of Resources
The action does not involve the use of any different resources than
those considered in the Final Environmental Statement for the Virgil C.
Summer Nuclear Station, Unit No. 1, NUREG-0719, dated May 1981 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML072750234) and the Generic Environmental Impact
Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, NUREG-1437, Supplement
15, dated February 2004 (ADAMS Accession No. ML040540718).
Agencies and Persons Consulted
In accordance with its stated policy, on December 17, 2009, the NRC
staff consulted with the South Carolina State official, Ms. Susan
Jenkins of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental
Control, regarding the environmental impact of the proposed action. The
State official had no comments.
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental assessment, the NRC concludes
that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment. Accordingly, the NRC has determined
not to prepare an environmental impact statement for the proposed
For further details with respect to the proposed action, see the
licensee's letter dated December 11, 2009 (RC-09-0154). The licensee's
letter RC-09-0148, dated December 11, 2009 contains security-related
information and, accordingly, is not available to the public pursuant
to 10 CFR 2.390. The licensee's letter RC-09-0154 may be examined, and/
or copied for a fee, at the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR), located
at One White Flint North, Public File Area O-1F21, 11555 Rockville Pike
(first floor), Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly available records
will be accessible electronically from the Agencywide Document Access
and Management System (ADAMS) Public Electronic Reading Room on the
Internet at the NRC:
Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who encounter problems
in accessing the documents located in ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff by telephone at 1-800-397-4209 or 301-415-4737, or send
an e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day of February 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Robert E. Martin,
Sr. Project Manager, Plant Licensing Branch II-1, Division of Operating
Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2010-3852 Filed 2-24-10; 8:45 am]