Financial Crimes Enforcement Network; Expansion of Special Information Sharing Procedures To Deter Money Laundering and Terrorist Activity, 6560-6570 [2010-2928]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
the narrative portion of the notice to
(i) The name and address of the
Federal credit union;
(ii) An identification of the debt to be
cosigned (e.g., a loan identification
(iii) The amount of the loan;
(iv) The date of the loan;
(v) A signature line for a cosigner to
acknowledge receipt of the notice; and
(vi) To the extent permitted by State
law, a cosigner notice required by State
law may be included in the notice in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(3) To the extent the notice to cosigner
specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this
section refers to an action against a
cosigner that is not permitted by State
law, the notice to cosigner may be
§ 706.4
Late charges.
(a) In connection with collecting a
debt arising out of an extension of credit
to a consumer, it is an unfair act or
practice for a Federal credit union,
directly or indirectly, to levy or collect
any delinquency charge on a payment,
which payment is otherwise a full
payment for the applicable period and
is paid on its due date or within an
applicable grace period, when the only
delinquency is attributable to late fee(s)
or delinquency charge(s) assessed on
earlier installment(s).
(b) For purposes of this section,
‘‘collecting a debt’’ means any activity
other than the use of judicial process
that is intended to bring about or does
bring about repayment of all or part of
a consumer debt.
By the National Credit Union
Administration Board, on January 29, 2010.
Mary F. Rupp,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2010–2311 Filed 2–9–10; 8:45 am]
31 CFR Part 103
cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
RIN 1506–AB04
Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network; Expansion of Special
Information Sharing Procedures To
Deter Money Laundering and Terrorist
AGENCY: Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network (‘‘FinCEN’’), Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: FinCEN is issuing this final
rule to amend the relevant Bank Secrecy
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Act (‘‘BSA’’) information sharing rules to
allow certain foreign law enforcement
agencies, and State and local law
enforcement agencies, to submit
requests for information to financial
institutions. The rule also clarifies that
FinCEN itself, on its own behalf and on
behalf of other appropriate components
of the Department of the Treasury
(‘‘Treasury’’), may submit such requests.
Modification of the information sharing
rules is a part of Treasury’s continuing
effort to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of its anti-money
laundering and counter-terrorist
financing policies.
DATES: Effective Date: February 10,
FinCEN regulatory helpline at (800)
949–2732 and select Option 2.
I. Background
A. Statutory Provisions
On October 26, 2001, the President
signed into law the Uniting and
Strengthening America by Providing
Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept
and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001
(‘‘USA PATRIOT ACT’’), Public Law
107–56 (‘‘the Act’’). Title III of the Act
amends the anti-money laundering
provisions of the BSA, codified at 12
U.S.C. 1829b and 1951–1959 and 31
U.S.C. 5311–5314 and 5316–5332, to
promote the prevention, detection, and
prosecution of international money
laundering and the financing of
terrorism. Regulations implementing the
BSA appear at 31 CFR Part 103. The
authority of the Secretary of the
Treasury (‘‘the Secretary’’) to administer
the BSA has been delegated to the
Director of FinCEN.
Of the Act’s many goals, the
facilitation of information sharing
among governmental entities and
financial institutions for the purpose of
combating terrorism and money
laundering is of paramount importance.
Section 314 of the Act furthers this goal
by providing for the sharing of
information between the government
and financial institutions, and among
financial institutions themselves. As
with many other provisions of the Act,
Congress has charged Treasury with
promulgating regulations to implement
these information-sharing provisions.
Subsection 314(a) of the Act states in
part that:
[t]he Secretary shall * * * adopt regulations
to encourage further cooperation among
financial institutions, their regulatory
authorities, and law enforcement authorities,
with the specific purpose of encouraging
regulatory authorities and law enforcement
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authorities to share with financial
institutions information regarding
individuals, entities, and organizations
engaged in or reasonably suspected based on
credible evidence of engaging in terrorist acts
or money laundering activities.
B. Overview of the Current Regulatory
Provisions Regarding the 314(a)
On September 26, 2002, FinCEN
published a final rule implementing the
authority contained in section 314(a) of
the Act.1 That rule (‘‘the 314(a) rule’’)
allows FinCEN to require financial
institutions to search their records to
determine whether they have
maintained an account or conducted a
transaction with a person that a Federal
law enforcement agency has certified is
suspected based on credible evidence of
engaging in terrorist activity or money
laundering.2 Before processing a request
from a Federal law enforcement agency,
FinCEN also requires the requesting
agency to certify that, in the case of
money laundering, the matter is
significant, and that the requesting
agency has been unable to locate the
information sought through traditional
methods of investigation and analysis
before attempting to use this authority
(‘‘the 314(a) program’’).
Since its inception, the 314(a)
program has yielded significant
investigative benefits to Federal law
enforcement users in terrorist financing
and major money laundering cases.
Feedback from the requesters and
illustrations from sample case studies
consistently demonstrate how useful the
program is in enhancing the scope and
expanding the universe of
investigations. In view of the proven
success of the 314(a) program, FinCEN
is broadening access to the program as
outlined in the following paragraphs.
C. Objectives of Changes
1. Allowing Certain Foreign Law
Enforcement Agencies To Initiate 314(a)
In order to satisfy the United States’
treaty obligation with certain foreign
governments, FinCEN is extending the
use of the 314(a) program to include
foreign law enforcement agencies. On
June 25, 2003, the Agreement on Mutual
Legal Assistance between the United
States and the European Union (‘‘EU’’)
(hereinafter, the ‘‘U.S.–EU MLAT’’) was
signed. In 2006, the U.S.–EU MLAT,
along with twenty-five bilateral
instruments, were submitted to the U.S.
Senate for its advice and consent for
1 Special Information Sharing Procedures to Deter
Money Laundering and Terrorist Activity, 67 FR
60,579 (Sept. 26, 2002).
2 31 CFR 103.100.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
ratification. The U.S.–EU MLAT and all
twenty-seven bilateral instruments were
ratified by the President on September
23, 2008, upon the advice and consent
of the U.S. Senate.3
Article 4 of the U.S.–EU MLAT
(entitled ‘‘Identification of Bank
Information’’) obligates a requested
Signatory State to search on a
centralized basis for bank accounts
within its territory that may be
important to a criminal investigation in
the requesting Signatory State. Article 4
also contemplates that Signatory States
may search for information in the
possession of a non-bank financial
institution. Under Article 4, a Signatory
State receiving a request may limit the
scope of its obligation to provide
assistance to terrorist activity and
money laundering offenses, and many
did so in their respective bilateral
instruments with the United States.4 In
negotiating the terms of Article 4, the
United States expressly envisioned that
EU member States would be able to
access the 314(a) program. Expanding
that process to include certain foreign
law enforcement requesters will greatly
benefit the United States by granting
law enforcement agencies in the United
States reciprocal rights to obtain
information about matching accounts in
EU member States.
Foreign law enforcement agencies
will be able to use the 314(a) program
in a way analogous to how Federal law
enforcement agencies currently access
the program. Thus, a foreign law
enforcement agency, prior to initiating a
314(a) query, will have to certify that, in
the case of a money laundering
investigation, the matter is significant,
and that it has been unable to locate the
information sought through traditional
methods of investigation and analysis
before attempting to use the 314(a)
program. A Federal law enforcement
official serving as an attache to the
requesting jurisdiction will be notified
of and will review the foreign request
prior to its submission to FinCEN. The
application of these internal procedures
will help ensure that the 314(a) program
is utilized only in significant situations,
thereby minimizing the cost to reporting
financial institutions. Comments
addressed to the expansion of the 314(a)
program to include foreign law
3 An additional two bilateral instruments, with
Romania and Bulgaria, were concluded and
submitted to the Senate in 2007, following those
countries’ accession to the EU.
4 In addition, Article 4 makes clear that the
United States and the EU are under an obligation
to ensure that the application of Article 4 does not
impose extraordinary burdens on States that receive
search requests.
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enforcement agencies will be discussed
2. Allowing State and Local Law
Enforcement Agencies To Initiate 314(a)
Money laundering and terroristrelated financial crimes are not limited
by jurisdiction or geography. Detection
and deterrence of these crimes require
information sharing across all levels of
investigative authorities, to include
State and local law enforcement, to
ensure the broadest U.S. Government
Access to the 314(a) program by State
and local law enforcement agencies will
provide them a platform from which
they can more effectively and efficiently
fill information gaps, including those
connected with multi-jurisdictional
financial transactions, in the same
manner as Federal law enforcement
agencies. This expansion of the 314(a)
program, in certain limited
circumstances, to include State and
local law enforcement authorities, will
benefit overall efforts to ensure that all
law enforcement resources are made
available to combat money laundering
and terrorist financing.
As is the case currently with
requesting Federal law enforcement
agencies, State and local law
enforcement, prior to initiating a 314(a)
query, will have to certify that, in the
case of a money laundering
investigation, the matter is significant,
and that it has been unable to locate the
information sought through traditional
methods of investigation and analysis
before attempting to use the 314(a)
program. The application of these
internal procedures will help ensure
that the 314(a) program will be utilized
only in the most compelling situations,
thereby minimizing the cost incurred by
reporting financial institutions.
Comments addressed to the expansion
of the 314(a) program to allow State and
local law enforcement participation will
be discussed below.
3. Clarifying That FinCEN, on Its Own
Behalf and on Behalf of Appropriate
Components of the Department of the
Treasury, May Initiate 314(a) Queries
FinCEN’s statutory mandate includes
working to identify possible criminal
activity to appropriate Federal, State,
local, and foreign law enforcement
agencies, and to support ongoing
criminal financial investigations and
prosecutions.5 FinCEN also routinely
assists the law enforcement community
through proactive analyses to discover
trends, patterns, and common activity in
5 See
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31 U.S.C. 310.
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the financial information contained in
BSA reports. FinCEN’s use of the 314(a)
program will enhance the scope and
utility of its case support efforts,
including insights provided from BSA
data, thereby delivering critical
information about significant criminal
activity on a timelier basis.
FinCEN assists law enforcement by
providing advanced or specialized
analysis of BSA data on significant
investigations involving offenses of
money laundering or terrorist financing.
These investigations often involve
multiple locations or are otherwise
linked to other investigations. A single
314(a) request issued by FinCEN can
more efficiently coordinate and
simultaneously support several
investigations, thereby eliminating the
need for separate requests from each
investigating agency or jurisdiction.
There also are instances in which
FinCEN’s analytical products will
benefit from access to the 314(a)
program by providing a more complete
picture of financial transactions and
mechanisms, as well as
interrelationships among investigative
subjects and financial transactions or
entities. In addition, other appropriate
components of Treasury that provide
analytical support in areas such as
Treasury’s counter-terrorist financing
and anti-money laundering efforts will
be better equipped to fulfill their
missions with access to the 314(a)
program. It is anticipated that the
findings from the use of the 314(a)
program will reveal additional insights
and overall patterns of suspicious
financial activities. Comments
addressed to the expansion of the 314(a)
program to allow FinCEN to self-initiate
requests will be discussed below.
II. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
The final rule contained in this
document is based on the Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking published in the
Federal Register on November 16, 2009
(‘‘Notice’’).6 With the intent of
broadening access to the 314(a)
program, the Notice proposed to allow
certain foreign law enforcement
agencies, and State and local law
enforcement agencies, to initiate 314(a)
queries. In addition, the Notice
proposed to clarify that FinCEN, on its
own behalf and on behalf of appropriate
components of Treasury, may initiate
314(a) queries.
III. Comments on the Notice—Overview
and General Issues
The comment period for the Notice
ended on December 16, 2009. We
6 See
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74 FR 58926 (Nov. 16, 2009).
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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received a total of 13 comment letters
from 14 entities and individuals.7 Of
these, 7 were submitted by trade groups
or associations, 4 were submitted by
individuals, 2 were submitted by
Federal law enforcement agencies, and
1 was submitted by an individual
financial institution.8
Comments on the Notice focused on
the following matters: (1) Requirements
for foreign, State, and local law
enforcement 314(a) requests; (2)
Confidentiality and privacy concerns
regarding information provided to
foreign, State, and local law
enforcement; (3) Requirements for
FinCEN self-initiated 314(a) requests; (4)
FinCEN’s authority to expand the 314(a)
rule; (5) The 314(a) statutory goal of
sharing information with financial
institutions; and (6) Estimate of burden.
A. Requirements for Foreign, State, and
Local Law Enforcement 314(a) Requests
Some commenters requested that
FinCEN clarify what the requirements
are for foreign, State, and local law
enforcement to submit 314(a) requests.
In addition, those commenters asked
FinCEN to clarify how the requests will
be monitored to ensure that regulatory
and procedural requirements are met.
For example, some commenters
requested clarification as to how
FinCEN will determine whether a
money laundering investigation is
‘‘significant’’ and that more traditional
means of investigation have been
exhausted. FinCEN will require these
law enforcement agencies to certify that
each individual, entity, or organization
about which the law enforcement
agency is seeking information is
engaged in, or is reasonably suspected
based on credible evidence of engaging
in, terrorist financing, or money
laundering. As discussed above, FinCEN
will require these law enforcement
agencies to certify that, in the case of
money laundering, the matter is
significant, and the requesting agency
has been unable to locate the
information sought through traditional
methods of investigation before
attempting to make a 314(a) request. In
addition, foreign, State, and local law
enforcement agencies making 314(a)
requests are required to include the
following information in their
certification request: A citation of the
relevant statutory provisions; a
description of the suspected criminal
conduct; for money laundering cases, a
description as to why the case is
7 All comments to the Notice are available for
public viewing at
8 One comment letter was submitted on behalf of
two entities.
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significant, and a list of the traditional
methods of investigation and analysis
which have been conducted prior to
making the request. Factors that
contribute towards evaluating the
significance of a money laundering case
include, for example: The seriousness
and magnitude of suspected criminal
conduct; the dollar amount involved;
whether the analysis is being conducted
as part of a multi-agency task force; the
importance of analysis to agency
program goals; criminal organization
involvement; and multi-regional and/or
cross border implications.
All requests made by foreign, State,
and local law enforcement agencies will
be submitted to FinCEN for review and
approval. With regard to a request made
by a foreign law enforcement agency,
the request will be submitted to a
Federal law enforcement attache. The
attache will review the request to ensure
that the request is from a legitimate
entity. The attache will then forward the
request to FinCEN for review. Following
FinCEN’s approval, the request will be
made available to financial institutions
via the 314(a) Secure Information
Sharing System. The financial
institutions may contact FinCEN’s 314
Program Office with any questions
regarding a foreign law enforcement
request. With regard to a State or local
law enforcement request, the financial
institution may contact FinCEN, or the
State or local law enforcement agency
with any questions regarding its request.
FinCEN’s determination to subject
foreign, State, and local law
enforcement requests to the same
procedural review and vetting process
imposed upon Federal law enforcement
requests goes directly to the
recommendations offered by many
One commenter asked whether
foreign, State, or local law enforcement
will be identified as the requester on
314(a) requests sent by FinCEN to
financial institutions. Currently, in a
request made by a Federal law
enforcement agency, the request made
available by FinCEN to financial
institutions only includes the name and
contact number of the agency
representative making the request. The
Federal law enforcement agency making
the request is not identified on 314(a)
requests sent by FinCEN to financial
institutions. For a request made by a
State or local law enforcement agency,
the request made available by FinCEN to
financial institutions also will include
the name and contact number of the
agency representative making the
request. For a request made by a foreign
law enforcement agency, the request
made available by FinCEN to financial
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institutions will include the contact
number for FinCEN’s 314 Program
Office. This decision was made to
alleviate the need for financial
institutions to call overseas.
One commenter asked for clarification
as to whether foreign, State, and local
law enforcement requests could be
made independent of a Federal
investigation. There is no obligation that
requests from these agencies be linked
to a Federal investigation. However,
with regard to State and local law
enforcement requests, the law
enforcement agency must include in the
certification the identity of any Federal
law enforcement agency with whom
they have consulted. In addition, for
terrorism cases FinCEN will review the
request with the FBI liaison to FinCEN
prior to further processing the request.
A few commenters suggested that
FinCEN should limit access to those
countries that cooperate with the United
States via a treaty or other bilateral
agreement. As we discuss above, only
foreign law enforcement agencies with
criminal investigative authority that are
from a jurisdiction that is a party to a
treaty that provides for, or in the
determination of FinCEN is from a
jurisdiction that otherwise allows, law
enforcement agencies in the United
States reciprocal access to information
comparable to that obtainable under
section 103.100 will be allowed to
access the 314(a) program. Some
commenters suggested that FinCEN
should clarify which State and local law
enforcement agencies will be allowed to
access the 314(a) program. All State and
local law enforcement agencies with
criminal investigative authority will be
allowed to access the 314(a) program.
One association suggested that before
any expansion in the proposal is
considered, the current internal controls
over the 314(a) program should be
incorporated into the rule. FinCEN is
not inclined to incorporate its internal
operating procedures into the
regulation, as this would not allow us
sufficient latitude to revise our internal
operating procedures as needed.
A few commenters asked for
clarification as to what steps foreign,
State, and local law enforcement will be
required to take to obtain information
from a financial institution if a match to
their request is identified. The steps
required to be taken by one of these law
enforcement agencies to obtain
information from a financial institution
once a match has been confirmed is not
addressed within the 314(a) rule. These
law enforcement agencies will have to
follow the standard procedures that they
currently follow in order to obtain
financial information from financial
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
institutions, for example through
issuance of a subpoena, a letter rogatory,
or national security letter.
Two commenters noted that Federal
law enforcement is required to track
their use of the 314(a) data to provide
feedback, demonstrate program value,
and maintain accountability. FinCEN
routinely provides feedback and data to
the regulated public as to the
effectiveness of the 314(a) program (e.g.,
SAR Activity Review articles 9) and will
continue to do so in the future. The
commenters suggested that the data
reporting requirements be made explicit
in the implementing regulations and the
same data reporting requirements
should apply to foreign, State, and local
law enforcement. As noted above,
FinCEN is not inclined to incorporate its
internal operating procedures into the
regulation. However, the same data
reporting requirements will apply to
foreign, State, and local law
One commenter asked how FinCEN
would address overlapping interests of
different law enforcement agencies
pursuing the same subject. With regard
to foreign requests, while processing the
request, any existing cases the 314(a)
subject(s) hits against will be brought to
the immediate attention of FinCEN’s
314 Team Leader to determine what
further action will take place. FinCEN
will automatically network (i.e., notify)
all international terrorism-related
requests with the FBI only, and will
automatically network all international
money laundering requests with both
Federal and non-Federal law
enforcement agencies, as applicable.
With regard to State and local law
enforcement requests, the law
enforcement agency must include in the
certification the identity of any Federal
law enforcement agency with whom
they have consulted. For State and local
law enforcement requests related to
terrorism cases, FinCEN will review the
request with the FBI liaison to FinCEN
prior to further processing the request.
In addition, it is FinCEN’s policy to
network different requesters that have
submitted requests for information to
FinCEN on the same subject.
Networking gives requesters the
opportunity to coordinate their efforts
with U.S. law enforcement and other
international entities on matters of
mutual interest. Networking will apply
to requests made by foreign, State, and
local law enforcement.
9 See, e.g., ‘‘BSA Records, 314(a) Request Assists
Investigation of International Money Laundering
Using Stored Value Cards,’’ SAR Activity Review—
Trends, Tips & Issues, Issue 12, October 2007,
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A few commenters suggested that
FinCEN provide training to foreign,
State, and local law enforcement
regarding the proper procedures for
utilizing the 314(a) program. While a
formal process has not been instituted at
this point, FinCEN’s intention is to
provide outreach to the new law
enforcement users.
Another commenter suggested that
instead of allowing all State and local
law enforcement agencies to access the
314(a) program, a 2-year pilot program
allowing access to two or three large
State and local law enforcement
agencies be implemented instead. The
commenter noted that FinCEN could
monitor the results of the pilot program
and report the results to Congress and
the public. While FinCEN will monitor
the effectiveness of the program’s
expansion, arbitrarily limiting access to
certain large local jurisdictions would
deny potential access to smaller
communities confronting serious
criminal threats.
One commenter suggested that local
law enforcement agencies be required to
enter into a memorandum of
understanding with FinCEN in order to
access the 314(a) program. FinCEN has
an active cooperative relationship with
law enforcement at every level in the
country, and expanding the 314(a)
program to allow local law enforcement
access is part of the ongoing support
FinCEN provides to law enforcement.
This support includes, for example,
providing access to BSA data, fostering
information exchange with international
counterparts, and offering financial
subject matter knowledge in key realms.
B. Confidentiality and Privacy Concerns
Regarding Information Provided to
Foreign, State, and Local Law
A few commenters expressed concern
about the confidentiality of information
that financial institutions would
provide to FinCEN as a result of the
rule, particularly when such
information is shared by FinCEN with
requesting foreign, State and local law
enforcement agencies. At least one
commenter drew an analogy between
section 314(a) ‘‘hit’’ information and
information in suspicious activity
reports (‘‘SARs’’) to argue that section
314(a) information should be accorded
the same protections and assurances of
confidentiality when such information
is shared with foreign law enforcement
FinCEN believes these concerns are
unfounded. Section 314(a) information
is extremely limited. Unlike SAR
information, section 314(a) information
will continue to consist of only a
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confirmation that a matching account or
transaction exists. Also unlike the
documentation supporting the filing of
a SAR, the underlying account and
transaction information relating to a
314(a) hit that contains sensitive
customer financial information is not
deemed to be part of the 314(a)
response, and can only be obtained by
the requesting agency through
appropriate legal process, such as a
subpoena. FinCEN is not part of that
legal process to obtain the underlying
information; its involvement ends at
informing requesting agencies that a
match exists. In addition, unlike with
SARs, the personally-identifiable
information (e.g., subject names, aliases,
dates of birth, and social security
numbers) that a financial institution
uses to conduct a section 314(a) search
is provided not by the institution, but by
the requesting agency.
Another commenter questioned
whether sharing section 314(a)
information with foreign law
enforcement agencies may run afoul of
the Right to Financial Privacy Act
(‘‘RFPA’’), 12 U.S.C. 3401 et seq., or any
other Federal or state privacy law.
Because any hit information provided to
FinCEN would be reported pursuant to
a Federal rule, the reporting of such
information to FinCEN would fall
within an exception to the RFPA.10
FinCEN is not aware of any other
Federal or state law that would prohibit
a financial institution from reporting
section 314(a) information to FinCEN in
response to a foreign law enforcement
agency’s request or that would prevent
FinCEN from sharing such information
with the foreign requester.
C. Requirements for FinCEN SelfInitiated 314(a) Requests
Some commenters requested that
FinCEN clarify the reason FinCEN needs
access to expand the 314(a) program to
allow it to make self-initiated requests,
how FinCEN will use the information,
the procedures that will apply to
initiating the requests, the parties who
will screen such requests, and any
limitations that will apply to FinCEN’s
self-initiated requests. FinCEN selfinitiated requests will be for the purpose
of conducting analysis to deter and
detect terrorist financing activity or
money laundering. These requests will
be made in order to increase the value
of analytical support to law
enforcement. FinCEN or the appropriate
Treasury component making the request
shall certify in writing in the same
manner as a requesting law enforcement
agency that each individual, entity or
10 12
U.S.C. 3413(d).
cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
organization about which FinCEN or the
appropriate Treasury component is
seeking information is engaged in, or is
reasonably suspected based on credible
evidence of engaging in, terrorist
activity or money laundering. FinCEN
or the other appropriate Treasury
component making the request shall
also certify that, in the case of money
laundering, the matter is significant, and
the requesting agency has been unable
to locate the information sought through
traditional methods of analysis before
attempting to make a 314(a) request. In
addition, FinCEN or the appropriate
Treasury component making the 314(a)
request is required to include
information such as the following in
their certification request: For money
laundering cases, a description as to
why the case is significant, and a list of
the traditional methods of analysis
which have been conducted prior to
making the request. If FinCEN uses the
314(a) process in support of proactive
target development, FinCEN will first
brief law enforcement to ensure that the
analysis is of interest to law
enforcement and to ensure deconfliction with any ongoing
investigation. In addition, FinCEN selfinitiated 314(a) requests will be
independently reviewed and approved
by multiple offices within FinCEN.
In addition, some commenters
requested that FinCEN clarify the
components of Treasury that will have
access to the 314(a) program and under
what circumstances. The components of
Treasury that will have access to the
314(a) program will be those
components that provide analytical
support, such as those providing
support to Treasury’s counter-terrorist
financing and anti-money laundering
efforts. The components of Treasury
which submit 314(a) requests will be
required to comply with the same
procedures and certification
requirements as FinCEN self-initiated
Two commenters noted that
permitting FinCEN and other
components of Treasury to self-initiate
314(a) requests may be detrimental to
law enforcement and may cause many
unnecessary searches by banks. The
same commenters noted that it appears
that FinCEN is lowering the threshold as
to when FinCEN can initiate 314(a)
requests. The commenters explained
that law enforcement must exhaust all
traditional methods of investigation
before they can initiate a 314(a) request.
Because FinCEN is not a law
enforcement agency, FinCEN cannot
exhaust all traditional methods of
investigation, and therefore FinCEN will
be held to a much lower threshold than
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law enforcement. In addition, the
commenters are concerned that law
enforcement may be precluded from
making a 314(a) request on a subject, at
a crucial point of an investigation, if
FinCEN has previously conducted a
self-initiated request on the same
subject, because this would create a
duplicative search, something that has
been discouraged by FinCEN. The
commenters also are concerned that a
FinCEN or Treasury 314(a) request may
be submitted on a subject who is already
under investigation by law enforcement,
because the broad audience that
receives these requests could cause
operational concerns for the
investigation. In addition, the
commenters noted that it is not clear
what FinCEN will do with the
information once it learns of a
previously unknown bank account
through the 314(a) process if FinCEN
does not have subpoena or summons
authority to pursue the lead any further.
Finally these commenters noted that
FinCEN’s requests will be competing
with law enforcement for access to the
limited number of 314(a) requests that
can be made, due to the need not to
overburden financial institutions.
FinCEN will be implementing review
procedures to ensure that any request it
intends to make will not conflict with
ongoing law enforcement efforts. As
noted above, in the certification FinCEN
or other components of Treasury will
submit for a 314(a) request, they must
certify that to ensure de-confliction with
any possible on-going investigation
within the Federal law enforcement
community, they have consulted with
FinCEN’s Federal law enforcement
liaisons. In addition, FinCEN must also
certify that they have been unable to
locate the information sought through
traditional methods of analysis, and
they must list the type of analysis they
have conducted. It is anticipated that
any direct use by FinCEN of the 314(a)
program will not cause any significant
increase in the amount of case requests
going to the industry. The primary
scenarios in which we would envision
FinCEN making a 314(a) request are as
follows: (1) A request could be made for
FinCEN to serve as a conduit in issuing
a consolidated 314(a) request on behalf
of a multi-agency task force
investigation. In this instance, it might
actually reduce/preclude an otherwise
larger number of separate requests
emanating from individual agencies.
FinCEN would request that these
agencies conduct the subpoena/
investigative followup on any positive
hits received from the industry. (2)
FinCEN may occasionally develop
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significant, multi-state proactive targets/
leads which might be appropriate for a
314(a) request. These are typically longterm selective efforts and therefore not
likely to constitute any significant
increase in the number of 314(a)
requests. In addition, FinCEN would
first brief the law enforcement
community on the target package before
deciding to issue a 314(a) request to
ensure it is of substantial interest to law
enforcement agencies and also to ensure
an opportunity for de-confliction. If
positive hits occur, FinCEN would
collaborate with law enforcement on
any subpoena/investigative follow-up.
Furthermore, for any FinCEN selfinitiated 314(a) requests, the same
parameters will exist for justifying the
significance of the ‘case request’ which,
in turn, will also likely limit the number
of such requests.
D. FinCEN’s Authority To Expand the
314(a) Rule
A few commenters questioned
FinCEN’s authority to expand the
section 314(a) program to include
requesters other than Federal law
enforcement agencies. Section 314(a)
authorizes Treasury to adopt regulations
to encourage further cooperation among
‘‘financial institutions, their regulatory
authorities, and law enforcement
authorities.’’ Nowhere in section 314(a)
is the term ‘‘law enforcement’’ limited to
just Federal law enforcement agencies.
That FinCEN initially included only
Federal law enforcement agencies when
it first established the section 314(a)
program in 2002 was never meant to
suggest a limitation on FinCEN’s
authority. On the contrary, the section
314(a) program began with Federal law
enforcement because of uncertainty
about how the program would work in
practice and uncertainty about the
resulting burden to financial
institutions. FinCEN has had almost
eight years of experience in
administering the section 314(a)
program, and for the reasons outlined
elsewhere in this rulemaking, believes
that its expansion to include other
requesters will reap benefits that far
outweigh the additional obligations on
financial institutions. This is
particularly true in the case of foreign
requesters because law enforcement
agencies in the United States, as a result
of FinCEN accommodating foreign
requesters, now will have the
opportunity to obtain information about
matching accounts and transactions in
those EU jurisdictions that have signed
the U.S.-EU MLAT. FinCEN therefore
believes that its expansion of the section
314(a) program is entirely consistent
with the stated goals of section 314(a) of
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
encouraging cooperation between
financial institutions and law
enforcement agencies.
FinCEN received another comment
questioning its ‘‘expansion’’ of the term
‘‘money laundering,’’ as that term is used
in the rule. Currently, that term is
defined to mean activity criminalized by
18 U.S.C. 1956 or 1957. The one change
to the definition of the term ‘‘money
laundering’’ would be to clarify that the
term includes activity that would be
criminalized by 18 U.S.C. 1956 or 1957
if such activity occurred in the United
States. The change is necessary because
of the addition of foreign law
enforcement agencies as an authorized
requester. Aside from making the
provisions of the rule relevant to foreign
requesters, the change is not intended
and should not be viewed as expanding
the scope of activity for which the
section 314(a) program may be used.
One commenter also expressed
concern about the pace at which
FinCEN is seeking to amend the section
314(a) process, given its belief that
section 314(a) information may be
obtained through existing processes. As
was explained in the Notice and
elsewhere in this rulemaking, FinCEN is
seeking to finalize a rule as quickly as
possible so that the U.S. Government
can comply with its obligations under
the U.S.-E.U. MLAT and related
bilateral instruments. Those treaties
enter into force on February 1, 2010.
Contrary to that commenter’s belief,
there is no current mechanism available
to State, local and foreign law
enforcement agencies that would allow
those agencies to ascertain quickly
whether financial institutions
throughout the United States have
established an account or conducted a
transaction for a particular person or
E. 314(a) statutory goal of sharing
information with financial institutions
A few commenters noted that the
proposed rule sets forth additional
reporting requirements for the industry,
but does not address how this furthers
the statutory goal of sharing information
with financial institutions. One of these
commenters noted that FinCEN should
develop mechanisms, in addition to its
bi-annual SAR Activity Review
publication, that will help share
information with financial institutions.
The overarching policy directive of the
Act generally, and section 314 in
particular, is that more information
sharing will better enable the Federal
Government and financial institutions
to guard against money laundering and
terrorist financing. This rule supports
the policy directive of the Act. FinCEN
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recognizes the importance of providing
financial institutions information to
assist them in identifying and reporting
suspected terrorist activity and money
laundering. For this reason, FinCEN
regularly provides sample case feedback
studies to the industry which illustrate
how the use of 314(a) has often made a
‘breakthrough’ difference in terrorist
financing and significant money
laundering cases. The studies also
convey insight on related trends and
patterns. FinCEN also has posted several
Federal law enforcement informational
alerts on the 314(a) Secure Information
Sharing System, which has provided for
enhanced sharing of information
between the financial industry and law
enforcement in a secure environment. In
addition, the final rule does not
preclude law enforcement, when
submitting a list of suspects to FinCEN,
from providing additional information
relating to suspicious trends and
patterns, and FinCEN specifically will
encourage law enforcement to share
such information with the financial
F. Estimate of burden
Refer to section V–Administrative
Matters, item D—Paperwork Reduction
Act for details regarding comments on
the estimate of burden.
IV. Section-by-Section Analysis
A. Section 103.90(a)
FinCEN proposed to amend 31 CFR
103.90(a) by changing the definition of
the term ‘‘money laundering’’ to include
activity that would be criminalized by
18 U.S.C. 1956 or 1957 if such activity
occurred in the United States.11 The
change will allow the term to be applied
to information requests by foreign law
enforcement agencies. State and local
law enforcement requesters will be
subject to the same definition of money
laundering that currently applies to
Federal law enforcement agencies—i.e.,
activity that is criminalized by 18 U.S.C.
1956 or 1957. Thus, in the case of a
significant money laundering matter, a
State or local law enforcement agency
seeking information under the section
314(a) program will have to certify that
it is investigating activity that would be
11 Two commenters noted that they are opposed
to redefining what constitutes money laundering for
314(a) information sharing purposes by
incorporating guidance that was issued in 2009
under the companion statutory provision, section
314(b), that allows U.S. financial institutions to
share information. The commenters noted that
broadening the scope improperly sends a signal that
serious money-laundering and terrorist financing
crimes have no greater priority than standard
financial fraud or other criminal cases. FinCEN has
not expanded the definition of the term ‘‘money
laundering’’ beyond the change noted above.
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criminalized under 18 U.S.C. 1956 or
1957. Such activity could include, for
example, conducting a financial
transaction with proceeds of murder,
kidnapping, or dealing in a controlled
substance (as defined in section 102 of
the Controlled Substances Act), which
is punishable as a felony under State
law.12 FinCEN is adopting this
amendment as proposed.
B. Section 103.100(a)(4)
FinCEN proposed to add 31 CFR
103.100(a)(4), which will define a ‘‘law
enforcement agency’’ to include a
Federal, State, local, or foreign law
enforcement agency with criminal
investigative authority, provided that
the foreign law enforcement agency is
from a jurisdiction that is a party to a
treaty that provides, or in the
determination of FinCEN is from a
jurisdiction that otherwise allows, law
enforcement agencies in the United
States with reciprocal access to
information comparable to that
obtainable under section 103.100. The
addition of foreign law enforcement
agencies will enable the United States to
be compliant with its obligations under
the U.S.-EU MLAT, thereby providing
law enforcement agencies in the United
States with the benefit of reciprocal
access to information in EU member
The addition of State and local law
enforcement agencies, as discussed
above, will provide a platform for such
agencies to deal more effectively with
multi-jurisdictional financial
transactions in the same manner as
Federal law enforcement agencies.
Access to the 314(a) program will
provide State and local law enforcement
agencies with another resource to aid in
discovering the whereabouts of stolen
proceeds. FinCEN is adopting these
amendments as proposed.
C. Section 103.100(b)(1)
FinCEN proposed, for the reasons
discussed above, to amend section
103.100(b)(1) to make conforming
changes to reflect the addition of State
and local law enforcement agencies, and
foreign law enforcement agencies, as
potential requesters of information.14
12 See 18 U.S.C. 1956(c)(7) (defining the term
‘‘specified unlawful activity’’ to include, inter alia,
an offense listed in 18 U.S.C. 1961(1)).
13 The U.S.-EU MLAT, and 27 bilateral
instruments with EU Member States implementing
its terms, require each EU member State to be able
to search for the kind of information covered by 31
CFR 103.100 and to report to the requesting State
the results of such a search promptly.
14 Two Federal law enforcement agencies noted
that the NPRM’s appeal to add the EU countries as
well as state and local law enforcement to the
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
FinCEN adopts this amendment as
D. Section 103.100(b)(2)
FinCEN proposed to add a new 31
CFR 103.100(b)(2) which will clarify
that FinCEN may request directly, on its
own behalf and on behalf of appropriate
components of Treasury, whether a
financial institution or a group of
financial institutions maintains or has
maintained accounts for, or has engaged
in transactions with, specified
individuals, entities, or organizations.
Comments directed to this amendment
were discussed above and FinCEN has
reviewed and weighed the concerns
expressed by some commenters.
FinCEN, however, continues to hold
that expanding the 314(a) program to
allow itself, and acting on behalf of
other appropriate Treasury components,
to initiate search requests for the
purpose of conducting analyses to deter
and detect terrorist financing activity or
money laundering will enhance
Treasury’s ability to fulfill its collective
mission. FinCEN, therefore, adopts the
amendments as proposed.
V. Administrative Matters
A. Executive Order 12866
It has been determined that this rule
is a significant regulatory action for
purposes of Executive Order 12866
because it raises a novel policy issue.
However, a regulatory impact analysis
was not required.
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B. Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995
Section 202 of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995
(‘‘Unfunded Mandates Act’’), Public Law
104–4 (March 22, 1995), requires that an
agency prepare a budgetary impact
statement before promulgating a rule
that may result in expenditure by that
State, local, and tribal governments, in
the aggregate, or by the private sector, of
$100 million or more in any one year.
If a budgetary impact statement is
required, section 202 of the Unfunded
Mandates Act also requires an agency to
identify and consider a reasonable
number of regulatory alternatives before
promulgating a rule. FinCEN has
determined that it is not required to
prepare a written statement under
section 202.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
When an agency issues a final rule,
the Regulatory Flexibility Act (‘‘RFA’’) (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.), requires the agency
to prepare either a final regulatory
314(a) program is understandable, because these
elements are all law enforcement entities.
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flexibility analysis, which will ‘‘describe
the impact of the rule on small entities,’’
or to certify that the final rule is not
expected to have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. For the reasons stated below,
FinCEN certifies that the final rule will
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small
Estimate of the number of small
entities to which the rule will apply:
The proposed rule applies to all
financial institutions of which FinCEN
estimates there are 55,000. However,
FinCEN has limited its inquiries to
banks,15 broker-dealers in securities,
future commission merchants, trust
companies, and life insurance
companies (‘‘Covered Institutions’’).
Because entities of all sizes are
vulnerable to abuse by money
launderers and financers of terrorism,
the final rule will apply to all Covered
Institutions regardless of size. As
discussed below, FinCEN acknowledges
that the final rule will affect a
substantial number of small entities.
For purposes of the RFA, both banks
and credit unions are considered small
entities if they have less than $175
million in assets.16 Of the estimated
8,000 banks, 80% have less than $175
million in assets and are considered
small entities.17 Of the estimated 7,000
credit unions, 90% have less than $175
million in assets.18 A broker-dealer is
considered a small entity if its total
capital is less than $500,000, and it is
not affiliated with a broker-dealer that
has $500,000 or more in total capital.19
Of the estimated 5,000 broker-dealers,
15% are small entities.20 FinCEN
estimates that the majority of the
remaining 250 affected Covered
Institutions are small entities. Therefore,
FinCEN acknowledges that the rule will
affect a substantial number of small
Description of the projected reporting
and recordkeeping requirements of the
15 31
CFR 103.11(c).
Small Business Administration, ‘‘Table of
Small Business Size Standards Matched to North
American Industry Classification System Codes’’ at
28 (Aug. 22, 2008).
17 See FDIC, Bank Find (Number of Banks),
(last visited Mar. 24, 2009).
18 See also NCUA, Credit Union Data (Number of
Credit Unions),
customquery/ (last visited Mar. 24, 2009).
19 17 CFR 240.0–10.
20 See 73 FR 13692, 13704 (Mar. 13, 2008) (The
Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’)
reports from commission records that there are 6016
broker-dealers, 894 of which are small businesses.
FinCEN only sends 314(a) requests to an estimated
5,000 broker-dealers; however we rely on the SEC
numbers to estimate that 15% are small businesses).
16 U.S.
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Currently, Covered Institutions are
already subject to the reporting
requirements of section 314 of the USA
PATRIOT Act and FinCEN’s
implementing regulation.21 However,
FinCEN estimates that the final
amendment may potentially increase
the cost of reporting. Under the 314(a)
program, Covered Institutions are
provided a list of individuals and
entities that are subjects of significant
money laundering or terrorist financing
investigations. The list is primarily
provided bi-weekly. Covered
Institutions are required to review their
records to determine whether the
institutions currently maintain, or have
maintained, an account for a named
subject during the preceding 12 months,
or have conducted any transactions
involving any named subjects during
the previous six months.22 Covered
Institutions are required to report any
positive matches to FinCEN.23
Currently, only Federal law enforcement
agencies participate in the 314(a)
program. The final rule will allow State
and local law enforcement, as well as
certain foreign law enforcement
agencies, and FinCEN, as well as other
Treasury components, to add subjects to
this list. This expansion will most likely
result in additional requests for
information from Covered Institutions.
As discussed in the Paperwork
Reduction Act analysis below, FinCEN
estimates 120 search requests 24 per year
associated with the recordkeeping
requirement in this rule and 9 subjects
(including aliases) per request, resulting
in an estimated 1,080 subjects per year.
The estimated burden associated with
searching and identifying each subject is
4 minutes per subject.25 FinCEN
21 31
CFR 103.100.
CFR 103.100(b)(2).
23 31 CFR 103.100(b)(2)(ii).
24 Estimated requests per annum subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act include 10 from FinCEN,
50 from State/local law enforcement, and 60 from
foreign law enforcement agencies, for a total of 120
25 FinCEN based its estimate on experience and
contact with the regulated industries. However, due
to one of the comments received on the proposed
rule, FinCEN re-assessed this original estimate. For
example, FinCEN considered the time necessary for
a depository institution to process basic customer
transactions. These types of transactions are similar
to searching and identifying the subject of a 314(a)
request because, in order to process a transaction
for a customer, a depository institution teller must
confirm that a customer maintains an account with
the depository institution. In many cases, this
requires the customer to provide some sort of
identifying information to the depository institution
teller, such as a driver’s license, which contains
specific identifying information, including name,
address, and date of birth. When a 314(a) request
is submitted to a Covered Institution, the request
includes the following identification information
for a subject: name, address, date of birth, and
social security number. Therefore, an employee of
22 31
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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therefore estimates that each
recordkeeper will, on average, spend
approximately 4,320 minutes, or
roughly 72 hours per year to comply
with the recordkeeping requirement in
this rule. According to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, a compliance officer’s
mean hourly wage is $24.47. This would
equate to a cost of $1,761.84 per year for
a financial institution to comply with
this recordkeeping requirement.26
Because this is a minimal increase to the
annual payroll of small businesses
within the regulated industries, FinCEN
does not expect the impact of the rule
to be significant. FinCEN was unable to
quantify an exact number of this effect
due to a lack of available information
specific to the regulated industries.
In the proposed rule, FinCEN
requested comment on whether 4
minutes to search and identify each
subject that is part of a 314(a) request
was an accurate estimate. A few
commenters stated that this estimate
may be low, however only one
association offered an alternative
estimate. The association suggested that
the estimate of time to search and
identify each subject be increased to
more than 30 minutes per subject. In
describing this estimate, the association
explained that it included the time
required to verify a positive match and
to determine whether a Covered
Institution should file a SAR. FinCEN
disagrees with the reasoning behind the
association’s increased estimate.
Including the time necessary to conduct
additional due diligence to confirm a
positive match in the estimate of
researching each subject overstates the
time required to search and identify a
positive match. Based upon the
experience of FinCEN’s 314(a) program
office, the average Covered Institution
will experience a positive hit on a
subject only a handful of times per year.
In addition, incorporating the time
necessary to conduct due diligence on a
positive match to a subject to determine
whether filing a SAR is necessary also
overstates the time required to search
and identify a positive match.
Conducting research to determine
whether to file a SAR on a customer
who is a positive match to a 314(a)
a Covered Institution researching the subject of a
314(a) request, has the same type of information
available to them, as a depository institution teller
processing a customer transaction. In addition, they
both, most likely, will be accessing similar systems
to confirm whether the individual maintains an
account with the depository institution. These types
of depository institution transactions can be
processed in a matter of a few minutes regardless
of institution size.
26 See Bureau of Labor Statistics, ‘‘Occupational
Employment and Wages, May 2006,’’ https://
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request is not required by this rule. A
financial institution’s determination as
to whether to research a customer and
file a SAR is based upon its own
policies and procedures to identify
suspicious activity. Additionally, this
time is already reflected in FinCEN’s
burden estimates for filing a SAR. The
association’s estimate relies on time
spent outside the scope of the
regulation, and the association did not
provide a breakdown of the time
required to search and identify a match
to a 314(a) request in their suggested
estimate of over 30 minutes. For these
reasons, along with the fact that FinCEN
received no other comments providing
an alternative estimate to 4 minutes per
subject, FinCEN will continue to rely on
this estimate.
As acknowledged above, the final rule
will impact a substantial number of
small entities. However, as also
discussed above, FinCEN estimates that
the impact from these requirements will
not be significant. Accordingly, FinCEN
certifies that the final rule will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
D. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information
contained in this rule has been
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3507(d)) under control number
1506–0049. The collection of
information in this final rule is in 31
CFR 103.100. The information will be
used by Federal 27 and State and local
law enforcement agencies, as well as
certain foreign law enforcement
agencies, and FinCEN and other
appropriate components of Treasury, in
the conduct of investigating money
laundering and terrorist financing
activity. The collection of information is
International Requests: FinCEN
estimates that there will be no more
than 60 requests for research submitted
to the 314(a) program by foreign law
enforcement agencies annually.28
27 The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply
to the requirement in section 103.100(b)(2)
concerning reports by financial institutions in
response to a request from FinCEN on behalf of a
Federal law enforcement agency. See 5 CFR
28 These calculations were based on previous
requests for information. A review of incoming
requests from European Union countries revealed
an average of about 350 cases per year from 2006–
2008. Of these, approximately 75% (an average of
269) were money laundering and/or terrorism
related, however, the majority were not identified
as complex cases. Conversations with FinCEN
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State and Local Requests: While there
are more than 18,000 State and local law
enforcement agencies, FinCEN estimates
that the number of cases that will meet
the stringent 314(a) submission criteria
will be relatively few. The majority of
significant money laundering and
terrorist financing related cases are
worked jointly with Federal
investigators and are thus already
eligible for 314(a) request submission.
FinCEN estimates that there will be no
more than 50 State and local cases per
annum of 314(a) requests that meet
submission criteria.
FinCEN and appropriate components
of Treasury Requests: FinCEN estimates
that the 314(a) program will be used by
FinCEN and other appropriate Treasury
components in fewer than 10 cases per
annum. Taking into consideration the
estimated number of potential use cases
that will fit recommended internal
314(a) criteria, FinCEN does not believe
that this expansion will be a significant
strain on existing program resources.
Description of Recordkeepers:
Covered financial institutions as defined
in 31 CFR 103.100.
Estimated Number of Recordkeepers:
On an annual basis, there are
approximately 20,134 covered financial
institutions, consisting of 15,106
commercial banks, savings associations,
and credit unions, 4,793 securities
broker-dealers, 139 future commission
merchants, 79 trust companies, and 17
life insurance companies.
Estimated Average Annual Burden
Hours per Recordkeeper: FinCEN
estimates 120 search requests 29 per year
associated with the recordkeeping
requirement in this rule and 9 subjects
(including aliases) per request, resulting
in an estimated 1,080 subjects per year.
The estimated average burden
associated with searching each subject
is 4 minutes per subject. FinCEN
therefore estimates that each
recordkeeper will, on average, spend
approximately 4,320 minutes, or
roughly 72 hours per year to comply
with the recordkeeping requirement in
this rule.
Estimated Total Annual
Recordkeeping Burden: 1,449,648
annual burden hours (20,134
personnel responsible for European Union
countries indicated not more than 10% of the
money laundering and/or terrorism related cases
will be significant enough to meet 314(a) use
criteria, however, it is anticipated that there may be
additional requests that will be submitted outside
of the normal Financial Intelligence Unit channels.
29 Estimated requests per annum subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act include 10 from FinCEN,
50 from State/local law enforcement, and 60 from
foreign law enforcement agencies, for a total of 120
cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
recordkeepers × 72 average annual
burden hours per recordkeeper).
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid OMB control number.
Records required to be retained under
the BSA must be retained for five years.
In the Notice, FinCEN specifically
invited comments on: (a) Whether the
recordkeeping requirement is necessary
for the proper performance of the
mission of the Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network, and whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of our estimate of the
burden of the recordkeeping
requirement; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information required to be maintained;
(d) ways to minimize the burden of the
recordkeeping requirement, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to maintain the information. With
regard to item (a), two commenters
noted that this recordkeeping
requirement does further the mission
and goals of FinCEN. With regard to
item (c), two commenters suggested that
it would be helpful if financial
institutions had a standardized form to
complete when sharing information
with law enforcement. The same
process by which a financial institution
confirms a positive match to a 314(a)
request, made by a Federal law
enforcement agency, via the 314(a)
Secure Information Sharing System, will
apply to requests made by all other
requesting agencies. In addition, the
same commenters suggested that law
enforcement utilize a standardized form
to request information from financial
institutions when a match to a 314(a)
request is identified. The underlying
account and transaction information
related to a positive 314(a) match is not
deemed to be part of the 314(a)
response, and can only be obtained by
the requesting agency through
appropriate legal processes, such as a
subpoena. FinCEN is not part of that
legal process to obtain the underlying
information; its involvement ends at
informing requesting agencies that a
match exists. Therefore, each requesting
agency is responsible for determining
the method by which they will request
additional transaction information
related to a 314(a) match. With regard to
items (d) and (e), two commenters noted
that the recordkeeping requirement
should not place any additional burden
or start-up costs on financial
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institutions, because the 314(a) program
is already in place and financial
institutions should have procedures in
place to process these requests.
With regard to our request for
comment on the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the
recordkeeping requirement, we received
a variety of different comments. A few
commenters suggested that expanding
access to the 314(a) program would
increase the volume of inquiries to an
unmanageable level for financial
institutions, which would be
disproportionate to the benefits
obtained by law enforcement. Other
commenters suggested that increasing
the volume of 314(a) requests would
substantially increase financial
institutions’ employee-hours required to
complete searches, increase the cost to
financial institutions, and may lead to
the inability of financial institutions
conducting manual searches to provide
timely responses. Other commenters
noted that the proposal would
exponentially increase the burden on
financial institutions, FinCEN, and the
314(a) program. However, these
commenters did not provide any
alternative estimates of the increase in
the volume of inquiries to support their
concerns. On the other hand, as noted
above, two other commenters noted that
the recordkeeping requirement should
not place any additional burden or startup costs on financial institutions,
because the 314(a) program is already in
place, and financial institutions should
have procedures in place to process
these requests. Two commenters
suggested that FinCEN engage in
additional industry outreach beyond the
comment period to better gauge the
impact on the industry.
Some commenters felt that the
estimates that only 60 foreign law
enforcement requests, 50 State and local
law enforcement requests, and 10
FinCEN requests would occur annually
were low estimates. FinCEN’s estimates
are extrapolated from an analysis of the
volume and type of information requests
it has received in past years from foreign
as well as State and local law
enforcement agencies. Additionally,
FinCEN’s internal review process is
stringent and also will serve as a buffer
to an unreasonable increase in the
volume of 314(a) requests. Other
commenters suggested that FinCEN
should track the increase in requests in
order to verify the estimates in the
proposal. FinCEN already monitors the
volume of requests and will continue to
do so after this final rule goes effective.
Another commenter asked how FinCEN
would control the number of requests
from foreign, State, and local law
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enforcement if they exceed the estimates
in the proposal. As discussed above,
FinCEN has internal procedures that
will help ensure that the 314(a) program
will be utilized only in compelling
situations, thereby minimizing the
burden on financial institutions.
A few commenters noted that they felt
FinCEN’s estimate of 4 minutes to
research each subject was low, but only
one commenter offered an alternative
figure for us to consider, as noted above.
The commenters explained that some
small financial institutions conduct
searches manually. In addition,
although most larger financial
institutions are likely to conduct
automated searches, there is still a
manual element to their research.
Further, financial institutions have to
access a variety of internal systems to
research subjects, such as commercial
and consumer loan systems. Also,
financial institutions of all sizes
manually review matches to ensure
accuracy. As described above, one of
these commenters suggested that to
reflect the time needed to research a
subject more accurately, the estimate be
increased to more than 30 minutes per
subject. The commenter did not offer
sufficient evidence to support the
suggestion. The same commenter noted
that the estimate misses the most
burdensome element, which is
responding to law enforcement requests
when there has been a data match to a
314(a) request. The commenter noted
that while an accurate estimate of this
aspect of the research is difficult to
identify, it should be factored into the
estimate of burden. As noted above,
section 314(a) information will continue
to consist of only a confirmation that a
matching account or transaction exists.
The underlying account and transaction
information relating to a 314(a) match is
not deemed to be part of the 314(a)
response, and can only be obtained by
the requesting agency through
appropriate legal process, such as a
subpoena. FinCEN is not part of that
legal process to obtain the underlying
information; its involvement ends at
informing requesting agencies that a
match exists. Any interaction between a
requesting law enforcement agency and
a financial institution subsequent to a
314(a) match occurs outside the context
of this rule and this analysis and should
not be factored into our burden
One commenter suggested that
requests from foreign, State, and local
law enforcement be submitted to
financial institutions on the same
schedule as requests from Federal law
enforcement currently are, in order to
keep the number of searches to a
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
minimum. FinCEN intends to submit
requests from all agencies on the same
schedule. Another commenter suggested
that 314(a) requests made by foreign,
State, and local law enforcement be
limited to terrorist financing
investigations, initially, in order to
minimize the number of requests. While
FinCEN will monitor the effectiveness
of the program’s expansion, limiting
access to terrorist financing
investigations would deny these law
enforcement agencies the ability to
confront serious money laundering
investigations which they are pursuing.
E. Effective Date
Publication of a substantive rule not
less than 30 days before its effective
date is required by the Administrative
Procedure Act except as otherwise
provided by the agency for good
cause.30 In order to satisfy the United
States’ treaty obligation with certain
foreign governments to provide access
to the 314(a) program within the
deadline to comply with the U.S.–EU
MLAT, FinCEN finds that there is good
cause for making this amendment
effective on February 10, 2010. In
finding good cause, FinCEN considered
the possible effect of providing less than
30 days notice to affected persons.
FinCEN determined that immediate
implementation would not unfairly
burden these persons because, as
explained above, persons affected by the
rule have already implemented the
procedures necessary to comply with
the 314(a) rule since its original
implementation on September 26, 2002.
List of Subjects in 31 CFR Part 103
Administrative practice and
procedure, Authority delegations
(Government agencies), Banks and
banking, Currency, Foreign banking,
Foreign currencies, Gambling,
Investigations, Law enforcement,
Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Securities, Taxes.
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set forth above,
FinCEN is amending 31 CFR Part 103 as
cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
1. The authority citation for part 103
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1829b and 1951–
1959; 31 U.S.C. 5311–5314 and 5316–5332;
title III, sec. 314, Pub. L. 107–56, 115 Stat.
30 5
U.S.C. 553(d).
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2. Section 103.90(a) is revised to read
as follows:
§ 103.90
(a) Money laundering means an
activity criminalized by 18 U.S.C. 1956
or 1957, or an activity that would be
criminalized by 18 U.S.C. 1956 or 1957
if it occurred in the United States.
■ 3. Section 103.100 is amended by—
■ a. Adding new paragraph (a)(4);
■ b. Revising paragraph (b)(1);
■ c. Redesignating paragraphs (b)(2)
through (4) as paragraphs (b)(3) through
■ d. Adding new paragraph (b)(2);
■ e. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (b)(3)(i) introductory text;
■ f. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (b)(3)(iv)(B)(1);
■ g. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (b)(3)(iv)(B)(2);
■ h. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (b)(3)(iv)(C);
■ i. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (b)(4); and
■ j. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (b)(5).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 103.100 Information sharing between
government agencies and financial
(a) * * *
(4) Law enforcement agency means a
Federal, State, local, or foreign law
enforcement agency with criminal
investigative authority, provided that in
the case of a foreign law enforcement
agency, such agency is from a
jurisdiction that is a party to a treaty
that provides, or in the determination of
FinCEN is from a jurisdiction that
otherwise allows, law enforcement
agencies in the United States reciprocal
access to information comparable to that
obtainable under this section.
(b) Information requests based on
credible evidence concerning terrorist
activity or money laundering—(1) In
general. A law enforcement agency
investigating terrorist activity or money
laundering may request that FinCEN
solicit, on the investigating agency’s
behalf, certain information from a
financial institution or a group of
financial institutions. When submitting
such a request to FinCEN, the law
enforcement agency shall provide
FinCEN with a written certification, in
such form and manner as FinCEN may
prescribe. At a minimum, such
certification must: state that each
individual, entity, or organization about
which the law enforcement agency is
seeking information is engaged in, or is
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reasonably suspected based on credible
evidence of engaging in, terrorist
activity or money laundering; include
enough specific identifiers, such as date
of birth, address, and social security
number, that would permit a financial
institution to differentiate between
common or similar names; and identify
one person at the agency who can be
contacted with any questions relating to
its request. Upon receiving the requisite
certification from the requesting law
enforcement agency, FinCEN may
require any financial institution to
search its records to determine whether
the financial institution maintains or
has maintained accounts for, or has
engaged in transactions with, any
specified individual, entity, or
(2) Requests from FinCEN. FinCEN
may solicit, on its own behalf and on
behalf of appropriate components of the
Department of the Treasury, whether a
financial institution or a group of
financial institutions maintains or has
maintained accounts for, or has engaged
in transactions with, any specified
individual, entity, or organization.
Before an information request under this
section is made to a financial
institution, FinCEN or the appropriate
Treasury component shall certify in
writing in the same manner as a
requesting law enforcement agency that
each individual, entity or organization
about which FinCEN or the appropriate
Treasury component is seeking
information is engaged in, or is
reasonably suspected based on credible
evidence of engaging in, terrorist
activity or money laundering. The
certification also must include enough
specific identifiers, such as date of birth,
address, and social security number,
that would permit a financial institution
to differentiate between common or
similar names, and identify one person
at FinCEN or the appropriate Treasury
component who can be contacted with
any questions relating to its request.
(3) Obligations of a financial
institution receiving an information
request—(i) Record search. Upon
receiving an information request from
FinCEN under this section, a financial
institution shall expeditiously search its
records to determine whether it
maintains or has maintained any
account for, or has engaged in any
transaction with, each individual,
entity, or organization named in
FinCEN’s request. A financial
institution may contact the law
enforcement agency, FinCEN or
requesting Treasury component
representative, or U.S. law enforcement
attache in the case of a request by a
foreign law enforcement agency, which
cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
has been named in the information
request provided to the institution by
FinCEN with any questions relating to
the scope or terms of the request. Except
as otherwise provided in the
information request, a financial
institution shall only be required to
search its records for:
(iv) * * *
(B)(1) A financial institution shall not
disclose to any person, other than
FinCEN or the requesting Treasury
component, the law enforcement agency
on whose behalf FinCEN is requesting
information, or U.S. law enforcement
attache in the case of a request by a
foreign law enforcement agency, which
has been named in the information
request, the fact that FinCEN has
requested or has obtained information
under this section, except to the extent
necessary to comply with such an
information request.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph
(b)(3)(iv)(B)(1) of this section, a financial
institution authorized to share
information under § 103.110 may share
information concerning an individual,
entity, or organization named in a
request from FinCEN in accordance
with the requirements of such section.
However, such sharing shall not
disclose the fact that FinCEN has
requested information concerning such
individual, entity, or organization.
(C) Each financial institution shall
maintain adequate procedures to protect
the security and confidentiality of
requests from FinCEN for information
under this section. The requirements of
this paragraph (b)(3)(iv)(C) shall be
deemed satisfied to the extent that a
financial institution applies to such
information procedures that the
institution has established to satisfy the
requirements of section 501 of the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C.
6801), and applicable regulations issued
thereunder, with regard to the
protection of its customers’ nonpublic
personal information.
(4) Relation to the Right to Financial
Privacy Act and the Gramm-LeachBliley Act. The information that a
financial institution is required to report
pursuant to paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this
section is information required to be
reported in accordance with a federal
statute or rule promulgated thereunder,
for purposes of subsection 3413(d) of
the Right to Financial Privacy Act (12
U.S.C. 3413(d)) and subsection 502(e)(8)
of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15
U.S.C. 6802(e)(8)).
(5) No effect on law enforcement or
regulatory investigations. Nothing in
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this subpart affects the authority of a
Federal, State or local law enforcement
agency or officer, or FinCEN or another
component of the Department of the
Treasury, to obtain information directly
from a financial institution.
accordance with law will continue to be
designated as presiding officers in such
matters. The appellate procedure is
Dated: February 4, 2010.
James H. Freis, Jr.,
Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement
These revised rules will govern
proceedings under Part 965 docketed on
or after March 1, 2010.
[FR Doc. 2010–2928 Filed 2–9–10; 8:45 am]
39 CFR Part 965
Rules of Practice in Proceedings
Relative to Mail Disputes
This document revises the
rules of practice of the Postal Service’s
Office of the Judicial Officer to allow
qualified persons licensed to practice
law to be designated by the Judicial
Officer as presiding officers in
proceedings relating to mail disputes.
DATES: Effective Date: March 1, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Judicial Officer Department,
United States Postal Service, 2101
Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600, Arlington,
VA 22201–3078.
Administrative Judge Gary E. Shapiro,
(703) 812–1910.
A. Executive Summary
39 CFR Part 965 contains the rules
governing proceedings involving Mail
Disputes. Only one change is made.
Paragraph (a) of section 965.4 of the
rules has defined the ‘‘presiding officer’’
as an Administrative Law Judge or an
Administrative Judge qualified in
accordance with law. The revised rule
expands the definition of presiding
officer to include any other qualified
person licensed to practice law
designated by the Judicial Officer to
preside over a proceeding conducted
pursuant to this part.
B. Summary of Change
Expanding the definition of presiding
officer in Part 965 is intended to permit
qualified staff counsel employed in the
Office of the Judicial Officer to be
designated as the initial presiding
official authorized to conduct
proceedings and issue Initial Decisions
in the resolution of mail disputes.
Administrative Law Judges and
Administrative Judges qualified in
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Administrative practice and
procedure, Mail disputes, Postal
■ For the reasons stated in the preamble,
the Postal Service amends 39 CFR Part
965 as set forth below:
■ 1. The authority citation for part 965
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 39 U.S.C. 204, 401.
2. In § 965.4, paragraph (a) is revised
to read as follows:
PO 00000
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 965
Postal Service.
Final rule.
C. Effective Dates and Applicability
§ 965.4
Presiding officers.
(a) The presiding officer shall be an
Administrative Law Judge, an
Administrative Judge qualified in
accordance with law, or any other
qualified person licensed to practice law
designated by the Judicial Officer to
preside over a proceeding conducted
pursuant to this part. The Judicial
Officer assigns cases under this part.
Judicial Officer includes Associate
Judicial Officer upon delegation thereto.
The Judicial Officer may, on his or her
own initiative or for good cause found,
preside at the reception of evidence.
Stanley F. Mires,
Chief Counsel, Legislative.
[FR Doc. 2010–2844 Filed 2–9–10; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R06–OAR–2009–0014; FRL–9113–5]
Approval and Promulgation of Air
Quality Implementation Plans;
Louisiana; Baton Rouge 1-Hour Ozone
Nonattainment Area; Determination of
Attainment of the 1-Hour Ozone
AGENCY: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The EPA has determined that
the Baton Rouge (BR) 1-hour ozone
nonattainment area has attained the 1hour ozone National Ambient Air
Quality Standard (NAAQS). This
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 27 (Wednesday, February 10, 2010)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 6560-6570]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-2928]
31 CFR Part 103
RIN 1506-AB04
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network; Expansion of Special
Information Sharing Procedures To Deter Money Laundering and Terrorist
AGENCY: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (``FinCEN''), Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: FinCEN is issuing this final rule to amend the relevant Bank
Secrecy Act (``BSA'') information sharing rules to allow certain
foreign law enforcement agencies, and State and local law enforcement
agencies, to submit requests for information to financial institutions.
The rule also clarifies that FinCEN itself, on its own behalf and on
behalf of other appropriate components of the Department of the
Treasury (``Treasury''), may submit such requests. Modification of the
information sharing rules is a part of Treasury's continuing effort to
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its anti-money laundering
and counter-terrorist financing policies.
DATES: Effective Date: February 10, 2010.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The FinCEN regulatory helpline at
(800) 949-2732 and select Option 2.
I. Background
A. Statutory Provisions
On October 26, 2001, the President signed into law the Uniting and
Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (``USA PATRIOT ACT''),
Public Law 107-56 (``the Act''). Title III of the Act amends the anti-
money laundering provisions of the BSA, codified at 12 U.S.C. 1829b and
1951-1959 and 31 U.S.C. 5311-5314 and 5316-5332, to promote the
prevention, detection, and prosecution of international money
laundering and the financing of terrorism. Regulations implementing the
BSA appear at 31 CFR Part 103. The authority of the Secretary of the
Treasury (``the Secretary'') to administer the BSA has been delegated
to the Director of FinCEN.
Of the Act's many goals, the facilitation of information sharing
among governmental entities and financial institutions for the purpose
of combating terrorism and money laundering is of paramount importance.
Section 314 of the Act furthers this goal by providing for the sharing
of information between the government and financial institutions, and
among financial institutions themselves. As with many other provisions
of the Act, Congress has charged Treasury with promulgating regulations
to implement these information-sharing provisions.
Subsection 314(a) of the Act states in part that:
[t]he Secretary shall * * * adopt regulations to encourage further
cooperation among financial institutions, their regulatory
authorities, and law enforcement authorities, with the specific
purpose of encouraging regulatory authorities and law enforcement
authorities to share with financial institutions information
regarding individuals, entities, and organizations engaged in or
reasonably suspected based on credible evidence of engaging in
terrorist acts or money laundering activities.
B. Overview of the Current Regulatory Provisions Regarding the 314(a)
On September 26, 2002, FinCEN published a final rule implementing
the authority contained in section 314(a) of the Act.\1\ That rule
(``the 314(a) rule'') allows FinCEN to require financial institutions
to search their records to determine whether they have maintained an
account or conducted a transaction with a person that a Federal law
enforcement agency has certified is suspected based on credible
evidence of engaging in terrorist activity or money laundering.\2\
Before processing a request from a Federal law enforcement agency,
FinCEN also requires the requesting agency to certify that, in the case
of money laundering, the matter is significant, and that the requesting
agency has been unable to locate the information sought through
traditional methods of investigation and analysis before attempting to
use this authority (``the 314(a) program'').
\1\ Special Information Sharing Procedures to Deter Money
Laundering and Terrorist Activity, 67 FR 60,579 (Sept. 26, 2002).
\2\ 31 CFR 103.100.
Since its inception, the 314(a) program has yielded significant
investigative benefits to Federal law enforcement users in terrorist
financing and major money laundering cases. Feedback from the
requesters and illustrations from sample case studies consistently
demonstrate how useful the program is in enhancing the scope and
expanding the universe of investigations. In view of the proven success
of the 314(a) program, FinCEN is broadening access to the program as
outlined in the following paragraphs.
C. Objectives of Changes
1. Allowing Certain Foreign Law Enforcement Agencies To Initiate 314(a)
In order to satisfy the United States' treaty obligation with
certain foreign governments, FinCEN is extending the use of the 314(a)
program to include foreign law enforcement agencies. On June 25, 2003,
the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance between the United States and
the European Union (``EU'') (hereinafter, the ``U.S.-EU MLAT'') was
signed. In 2006, the U.S.-EU MLAT, along with twenty-five bilateral
instruments, were submitted to the U.S. Senate for its advice and
consent for
[[Page 6561]]
ratification. The U.S.-EU MLAT and all twenty-seven bilateral
instruments were ratified by the President on September 23, 2008, upon
the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate.\3\
\3\ An additional two bilateral instruments, with Romania and
Bulgaria, were concluded and submitted to the Senate in 2007,
following those countries' accession to the EU.
Article 4 of the U.S.-EU MLAT (entitled ``Identification of Bank
Information'') obligates a requested Signatory State to search on a
centralized basis for bank accounts within its territory that may be
important to a criminal investigation in the requesting Signatory
State. Article 4 also contemplates that Signatory States may search for
information in the possession of a non-bank financial institution.
Under Article 4, a Signatory State receiving a request may limit the
scope of its obligation to provide assistance to terrorist activity and
money laundering offenses, and many did so in their respective
bilateral instruments with the United States.\4\ In negotiating the
terms of Article 4, the United States expressly envisioned that EU
member States would be able to access the 314(a) program. Expanding
that process to include certain foreign law enforcement requesters will
greatly benefit the United States by granting law enforcement agencies
in the United States reciprocal rights to obtain information about
matching accounts in EU member States.
\4\ In addition, Article 4 makes clear that the United States
and the EU are under an obligation to ensure that the application of
Article 4 does not impose extraordinary burdens on States that
receive search requests.
Foreign law enforcement agencies will be able to use the 314(a)
program in a way analogous to how Federal law enforcement agencies
currently access the program. Thus, a foreign law enforcement agency,
prior to initiating a 314(a) query, will have to certify that, in the
case of a money laundering investigation, the matter is significant,
and that it has been unable to locate the information sought through
traditional methods of investigation and analysis before attempting to
use the 314(a) program. A Federal law enforcement official serving as
an attach[eacute] to the requesting jurisdiction will be notified of
and will review the foreign request prior to its submission to FinCEN.
The application of these internal procedures will help ensure that the
314(a) program is utilized only in significant situations, thereby
minimizing the cost to reporting financial institutions. Comments
addressed to the expansion of the 314(a) program to include foreign law
enforcement agencies will be discussed below.
2. Allowing State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies To Initiate 314(a)
Money laundering and terrorist-related financial crimes are not
limited by jurisdiction or geography. Detection and deterrence of these
crimes require information sharing across all levels of investigative
authorities, to include State and local law enforcement, to ensure the
broadest U.S. Government defense.
Access to the 314(a) program by State and local law enforcement
agencies will provide them a platform from which they can more
effectively and efficiently fill information gaps, including those
connected with multi-jurisdictional financial transactions, in the same
manner as Federal law enforcement agencies. This expansion of the
314(a) program, in certain limited circumstances, to include State and
local law enforcement authorities, will benefit overall efforts to
ensure that all law enforcement resources are made available to combat
money laundering and terrorist financing.
As is the case currently with requesting Federal law enforcement
agencies, State and local law enforcement, prior to initiating a 314(a)
query, will have to certify that, in the case of a money laundering
investigation, the matter is significant, and that it has been unable
to locate the information sought through traditional methods of
investigation and analysis before attempting to use the 314(a) program.
The application of these internal procedures will help ensure that the
314(a) program will be utilized only in the most compelling situations,
thereby minimizing the cost incurred by reporting financial
institutions. Comments addressed to the expansion of the 314(a) program
to allow State and local law enforcement participation will be
discussed below.
3. Clarifying That FinCEN, on Its Own Behalf and on Behalf of
Appropriate Components of the Department of the Treasury, May Initiate
314(a) Queries
FinCEN's statutory mandate includes working to identify possible
criminal activity to appropriate Federal, State, local, and foreign law
enforcement agencies, and to support ongoing criminal financial
investigations and prosecutions.\5\ FinCEN also routinely assists the
law enforcement community through proactive analyses to discover
trends, patterns, and common activity in the financial information
contained in BSA reports. FinCEN's use of the 314(a) program will
enhance the scope and utility of its case support efforts, including
insights provided from BSA data, thereby delivering critical
information about significant criminal activity on a timelier basis.
\5\ See 31 U.S.C. 310.
FinCEN assists law enforcement by providing advanced or specialized
analysis of BSA data on significant investigations involving offenses
of money laundering or terrorist financing. These investigations often
involve multiple locations or are otherwise linked to other
investigations. A single 314(a) request issued by FinCEN can more
efficiently coordinate and simultaneously support several
investigations, thereby eliminating the need for separate requests from
each investigating agency or jurisdiction.
There also are instances in which FinCEN's analytical products will
benefit from access to the 314(a) program by providing a more complete
picture of financial transactions and mechanisms, as well as
interrelationships among investigative subjects and financial
transactions or entities. In addition, other appropriate components of
Treasury that provide analytical support in areas such as Treasury's
counter-terrorist financing and anti-money laundering efforts will be
better equipped to fulfill their missions with access to the 314(a)
program. It is anticipated that the findings from the use of the 314(a)
program will reveal additional insights and overall patterns of
suspicious financial activities. Comments addressed to the expansion of
the 314(a) program to allow FinCEN to self-initiate requests will be
discussed below.
II. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
The final rule contained in this document is based on the Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking published in the Federal Register on November 16,
2009 (``Notice'').\6\ With the intent of broadening access to the
314(a) program, the Notice proposed to allow certain foreign law
enforcement agencies, and State and local law enforcement agencies, to
initiate 314(a) queries. In addition, the Notice proposed to clarify
that FinCEN, on its own behalf and on behalf of appropriate components
of Treasury, may initiate 314(a) queries.
\6\ See 74 FR 58926 (Nov. 16, 2009).
III. Comments on the Notice--Overview and General Issues
The comment period for the Notice ended on December 16, 2009. We
[[Page 6562]]
received a total of 13 comment letters from 14 entities and
individuals.\7\ Of these, 7 were submitted by trade groups or
associations, 4 were submitted by individuals, 2 were submitted by
Federal law enforcement agencies, and 1 was submitted by an individual
financial institution.\8\
\7\ All comments to the Notice are available for public viewing
\8\ One comment letter was submitted on behalf of two entities.
Comments on the Notice focused on the following matters: (1)
Requirements for foreign, State, and local law enforcement 314(a)
requests; (2) Confidentiality and privacy concerns regarding
information provided to foreign, State, and local law enforcement; (3)
Requirements for FinCEN self-initiated 314(a) requests; (4) FinCEN's
authority to expand the 314(a) rule; (5) The 314(a) statutory goal of
sharing information with financial institutions; and (6) Estimate of
A. Requirements for Foreign, State, and Local Law Enforcement 314(a)
Some commenters requested that FinCEN clarify what the requirements
are for foreign, State, and local law enforcement to submit 314(a)
requests. In addition, those commenters asked FinCEN to clarify how the
requests will be monitored to ensure that regulatory and procedural
requirements are met. For example, some commenters requested
clarification as to how FinCEN will determine whether a money
laundering investigation is ``significant'' and that more traditional
means of investigation have been exhausted. FinCEN will require these
law enforcement agencies to certify that each individual, entity, or
organization about which the law enforcement agency is seeking
information is engaged in, or is reasonably suspected based on credible
evidence of engaging in, terrorist financing, or money laundering. As
discussed above, FinCEN will require these law enforcement agencies to
certify that, in the case of money laundering, the matter is
significant, and the requesting agency has been unable to locate the
information sought through traditional methods of investigation before
attempting to make a 314(a) request. In addition, foreign, State, and
local law enforcement agencies making 314(a) requests are required to
include the following information in their certification request: A
citation of the relevant statutory provisions; a description of the
suspected criminal conduct; for money laundering cases, a description
as to why the case is significant, and a list of the traditional
methods of investigation and analysis which have been conducted prior
to making the request. Factors that contribute towards evaluating the
significance of a money laundering case include, for example: The
seriousness and magnitude of suspected criminal conduct; the dollar
amount involved; whether the analysis is being conducted as part of a
multi-agency task force; the importance of analysis to agency program
goals; criminal organization involvement; and multi-regional and/or
cross border implications.
All requests made by foreign, State, and local law enforcement
agencies will be submitted to FinCEN for review and approval. With
regard to a request made by a foreign law enforcement agency, the
request will be submitted to a Federal law enforcement attach[eacute].
The attach[eacute] will review the request to ensure that the request
is from a legitimate entity. The attach[eacute] will then forward the
request to FinCEN for review. Following FinCEN's approval, the request
will be made available to financial institutions via the 314(a) Secure
Information Sharing System. The financial institutions may contact
FinCEN's 314 Program Office with any questions regarding a foreign law
enforcement request. With regard to a State or local law enforcement
request, the financial institution may contact FinCEN, or the State or
local law enforcement agency with any questions regarding its request.
FinCEN's determination to subject foreign, State, and local law
enforcement requests to the same procedural review and vetting process
imposed upon Federal law enforcement requests goes directly to the
recommendations offered by many commenters.
One commenter asked whether foreign, State, or local law
enforcement will be identified as the requester on 314(a) requests sent
by FinCEN to financial institutions. Currently, in a request made by a
Federal law enforcement agency, the request made available by FinCEN to
financial institutions only includes the name and contact number of the
agency representative making the request. The Federal law enforcement
agency making the request is not identified on 314(a) requests sent by
FinCEN to financial institutions. For a request made by a State or
local law enforcement agency, the request made available by FinCEN to
financial institutions also will include the name and contact number of
the agency representative making the request. For a request made by a
foreign law enforcement agency, the request made available by FinCEN to
financial institutions will include the contact number for FinCEN's 314
Program Office. This decision was made to alleviate the need for
financial institutions to call overseas.
One commenter asked for clarification as to whether foreign, State,
and local law enforcement requests could be made independent of a
Federal investigation. There is no obligation that requests from these
agencies be linked to a Federal investigation. However, with regard to
State and local law enforcement requests, the law enforcement agency
must include in the certification the identity of any Federal law
enforcement agency with whom they have consulted. In addition, for
terrorism cases FinCEN will review the request with the FBI liaison to
FinCEN prior to further processing the request.
A few commenters suggested that FinCEN should limit access to those
countries that cooperate with the United States via a treaty or other
bilateral agreement. As we discuss above, only foreign law enforcement
agencies with criminal investigative authority that are from a
jurisdiction that is a party to a treaty that provides for, or in the
determination of FinCEN is from a jurisdiction that otherwise allows,
law enforcement agencies in the United States reciprocal access to
information comparable to that obtainable under section 103.100 will be
allowed to access the 314(a) program. Some commenters suggested that
FinCEN should clarify which State and local law enforcement agencies
will be allowed to access the 314(a) program. All State and local law
enforcement agencies with criminal investigative authority will be
allowed to access the 314(a) program.
One association suggested that before any expansion in the proposal
is considered, the current internal controls over the 314(a) program
should be incorporated into the rule. FinCEN is not inclined to
incorporate its internal operating procedures into the regulation, as
this would not allow us sufficient latitude to revise our internal
operating procedures as needed.
A few commenters asked for clarification as to what steps foreign,
State, and local law enforcement will be required to take to obtain
information from a financial institution if a match to their request is
identified. The steps required to be taken by one of these law
enforcement agencies to obtain information from a financial institution
once a match has been confirmed is not addressed within the 314(a)
rule. These law enforcement agencies will have to follow the standard
procedures that they currently follow in order to obtain financial
information from financial
[[Page 6563]]
institutions, for example through issuance of a subpoena, a letter
rogatory, or national security letter.
Two commenters noted that Federal law enforcement is required to
track their use of the 314(a) data to provide feedback, demonstrate
program value, and maintain accountability. FinCEN routinely provides
feedback and data to the regulated public as to the effectiveness of
the 314(a) program (e.g., SAR Activity Review articles \9\) and will
continue to do so in the future. The commenters suggested that the data
reporting requirements be made explicit in the implementing regulations
and the same data reporting requirements should apply to foreign,
State, and local law enforcement. As noted above, FinCEN is not
inclined to incorporate its internal operating procedures into the
regulation. However, the same data reporting requirements will apply to
foreign, State, and local law enforcement.
\9\ See, e.g., ``BSA Records, 314(a) Request Assists
Investigation of International Money Laundering Using Stored Value
Cards,'' SAR Activity Review--Trends, Tips & Issues, Issue 12,
October 2007,
One commenter asked how FinCEN would address overlapping interests
of different law enforcement agencies pursuing the same subject. With
regard to foreign requests, while processing the request, any existing
cases the 314(a) subject(s) hits against will be brought to the
immediate attention of FinCEN's 314 Team Leader to determine what
further action will take place. FinCEN will automatically network
(i.e., notify) all international terrorism-related requests with the
FBI only, and will automatically network all international money
laundering requests with both Federal and non-Federal law enforcement
agencies, as applicable. With regard to State and local law enforcement
requests, the law enforcement agency must include in the certification
the identity of any Federal law enforcement agency with whom they have
consulted. For State and local law enforcement requests related to
terrorism cases, FinCEN will review the request with the FBI liaison to
FinCEN prior to further processing the request. In addition, it is
FinCEN's policy to network different requesters that have submitted
requests for information to FinCEN on the same subject. Networking
gives requesters the opportunity to coordinate their efforts with U.S.
law enforcement and other international entities on matters of mutual
interest. Networking will apply to requests made by foreign, State, and
local law enforcement.
A few commenters suggested that FinCEN provide training to foreign,
State, and local law enforcement regarding the proper procedures for
utilizing the 314(a) program. While a formal process has not been
instituted at this point, FinCEN's intention is to provide outreach to
the new law enforcement users.
Another commenter suggested that instead of allowing all State and
local law enforcement agencies to access the 314(a) program, a 2-year
pilot program allowing access to two or three large State and local law
enforcement agencies be implemented instead. The commenter noted that
FinCEN could monitor the results of the pilot program and report the
results to Congress and the public. While FinCEN will monitor the
effectiveness of the program's expansion, arbitrarily limiting access
to certain large local jurisdictions would deny potential access to
smaller communities confronting serious criminal threats.
One commenter suggested that local law enforcement agencies be
required to enter into a memorandum of understanding with FinCEN in
order to access the 314(a) program. FinCEN has an active cooperative
relationship with law enforcement at every level in the country, and
expanding the 314(a) program to allow local law enforcement access is
part of the ongoing support FinCEN provides to law enforcement. This
support includes, for example, providing access to BSA data, fostering
information exchange with international counterparts, and offering
financial subject matter knowledge in key realms.
B. Confidentiality and Privacy Concerns Regarding Information Provided
to Foreign, State, and Local Law Enforcement
A few commenters expressed concern about the confidentiality of
information that financial institutions would provide to FinCEN as a
result of the rule, particularly when such information is shared by
FinCEN with requesting foreign, State and local law enforcement
agencies. At least one commenter drew an analogy between section 314(a)
``hit'' information and information in suspicious activity reports
(``SARs'') to argue that section 314(a) information should be accorded
the same protections and assurances of confidentiality when such
information is shared with foreign law enforcement agencies.
FinCEN believes these concerns are unfounded. Section 314(a)
information is extremely limited. Unlike SAR information, section
314(a) information will continue to consist of only a confirmation that
a matching account or transaction exists. Also unlike the documentation
supporting the filing of a SAR, the underlying account and transaction
information relating to a 314(a) hit that contains sensitive customer
financial information is not deemed to be part of the 314(a) response,
and can only be obtained by the requesting agency through appropriate
legal process, such as a subpoena. FinCEN is not part of that legal
process to obtain the underlying information; its involvement ends at
informing requesting agencies that a match exists. In addition, unlike
with SARs, the personally-identifiable information (e.g., subject
names, aliases, dates of birth, and social security numbers) that a
financial institution uses to conduct a section 314(a) search is
provided not by the institution, but by the requesting agency.
Another commenter questioned whether sharing section 314(a)
information with foreign law enforcement agencies may run afoul of the
Right to Financial Privacy Act (``RFPA''), 12 U.S.C. 3401 et seq., or
any other Federal or state privacy law. Because any hit information
provided to FinCEN would be reported pursuant to a Federal rule, the
reporting of such information to FinCEN would fall within an exception
to the RFPA.\10\ FinCEN is not aware of any other Federal or state law
that would prohibit a financial institution from reporting section
314(a) information to FinCEN in response to a foreign law enforcement
agency's request or that would prevent FinCEN from sharing such
information with the foreign requester.
\10\ 12 U.S.C. 3413(d).
C. Requirements for FinCEN Self-Initiated 314(a) Requests
Some commenters requested that FinCEN clarify the reason FinCEN
needs access to expand the 314(a) program to allow it to make self-
initiated requests, how FinCEN will use the information, the procedures
that will apply to initiating the requests, the parties who will screen
such requests, and any limitations that will apply to FinCEN's self-
initiated requests. FinCEN self-initiated requests will be for the
purpose of conducting analysis to deter and detect terrorist financing
activity or money laundering. These requests will be made in order to
increase the value of analytical support to law enforcement. FinCEN or
the appropriate Treasury component making the request shall certify in
writing in the same manner as a requesting law enforcement agency that
each individual, entity or
[[Page 6564]]
organization about which FinCEN or the appropriate Treasury component
is seeking information is engaged in, or is reasonably suspected based
on credible evidence of engaging in, terrorist activity or money
laundering. FinCEN or the other appropriate Treasury component making
the request shall also certify that, in the case of money laundering,
the matter is significant, and the requesting agency has been unable to
locate the information sought through traditional methods of analysis
before attempting to make a 314(a) request. In addition, FinCEN or the
appropriate Treasury component making the 314(a) request is required to
include information such as the following in their certification
request: For money laundering cases, a description as to why the case
is significant, and a list of the traditional methods of analysis which
have been conducted prior to making the request. If FinCEN uses the
314(a) process in support of proactive target development, FinCEN will
first brief law enforcement to ensure that the analysis is of interest
to law enforcement and to ensure de-confliction with any ongoing
investigation. In addition, FinCEN self-initiated 314(a) requests will
be independently reviewed and approved by multiple offices within
In addition, some commenters requested that FinCEN clarify the
components of Treasury that will have access to the 314(a) program and
under what circumstances. The components of Treasury that will have
access to the 314(a) program will be those components that provide
analytical support, such as those providing support to Treasury's
counter-terrorist financing and anti-money laundering efforts. The
components of Treasury which submit 314(a) requests will be required to
comply with the same procedures and certification requirements as
FinCEN self-initiated requests.
Two commenters noted that permitting FinCEN and other components of
Treasury to self-initiate 314(a) requests may be detrimental to law
enforcement and may cause many unnecessary searches by banks. The same
commenters noted that it appears that FinCEN is lowering the threshold
as to when FinCEN can initiate 314(a) requests. The commenters
explained that law enforcement must exhaust all traditional methods of
investigation before they can initiate a 314(a) request. Because FinCEN
is not a law enforcement agency, FinCEN cannot exhaust all traditional
methods of investigation, and therefore FinCEN will be held to a much
lower threshold than law enforcement. In addition, the commenters are
concerned that law enforcement may be precluded from making a 314(a)
request on a subject, at a crucial point of an investigation, if FinCEN
has previously conducted a self-initiated request on the same subject,
because this would create a duplicative search, something that has been
discouraged by FinCEN. The commenters also are concerned that a FinCEN
or Treasury 314(a) request may be submitted on a subject who is already
under investigation by law enforcement, because the broad audience that
receives these requests could cause operational concerns for the
investigation. In addition, the commenters noted that it is not clear
what FinCEN will do with the information once it learns of a previously
unknown bank account through the 314(a) process if FinCEN does not have
subpoena or summons authority to pursue the lead any further. Finally
these commenters noted that FinCEN's requests will be competing with
law enforcement for access to the limited number of 314(a) requests
that can be made, due to the need not to overburden financial
FinCEN will be implementing review procedures to ensure that any
request it intends to make will not conflict with ongoing law
enforcement efforts. As noted above, in the certification FinCEN or
other components of Treasury will submit for a 314(a) request, they
must certify that to ensure de-confliction with any possible on-going
investigation within the Federal law enforcement community, they have
consulted with FinCEN's Federal law enforcement liaisons. In addition,
FinCEN must also certify that they have been unable to locate the
information sought through traditional methods of analysis, and they
must list the type of analysis they have conducted. It is anticipated
that any direct use by FinCEN of the 314(a) program will not cause any
significant increase in the amount of case requests going to the
industry. The primary scenarios in which we would envision FinCEN
making a 314(a) request are as follows: (1) A request could be made for
FinCEN to serve as a conduit in issuing a consolidated 314(a) request
on behalf of a multi-agency task force investigation. In this instance,
it might actually reduce/preclude an otherwise larger number of
separate requests emanating from individual agencies. FinCEN would
request that these agencies conduct the subpoena/investigative followup
on any positive hits received from the industry. (2) FinCEN may
occasionally develop significant, multi-state proactive targets/leads
which might be appropriate for a 314(a) request. These are typically
long-term selective efforts and therefore not likely to constitute any
significant increase in the number of 314(a) requests. In addition,
FinCEN would first brief the law enforcement community on the target
package before deciding to issue a 314(a) request to ensure it is of
substantial interest to law enforcement agencies and also to ensure an
opportunity for de-confliction. If positive hits occur, FinCEN would
collaborate with law enforcement on any subpoena/investigative follow-
up. Furthermore, for any FinCEN self-initiated 314(a) requests, the
same parameters will exist for justifying the significance of the `case
request' which, in turn, will also likely limit the number of such
D. FinCEN's Authority To Expand the 314(a) Rule
A few commenters questioned FinCEN's authority to expand the
section 314(a) program to include requesters other than Federal law
enforcement agencies. Section 314(a) authorizes Treasury to adopt
regulations to encourage further cooperation among ``financial
institutions, their regulatory authorities, and law enforcement
authorities.'' Nowhere in section 314(a) is the term ``law
enforcement'' limited to just Federal law enforcement agencies. That
FinCEN initially included only Federal law enforcement agencies when it
first established the section 314(a) program in 2002 was never meant to
suggest a limitation on FinCEN's authority. On the contrary, the
section 314(a) program began with Federal law enforcement because of
uncertainty about how the program would work in practice and
uncertainty about the resulting burden to financial institutions.
FinCEN has had almost eight years of experience in administering the
section 314(a) program, and for the reasons outlined elsewhere in this
rulemaking, believes that its expansion to include other requesters
will reap benefits that far outweigh the additional obligations on
financial institutions. This is particularly true in the case of
foreign requesters because law enforcement agencies in the United
States, as a result of FinCEN accommodating foreign requesters, now
will have the opportunity to obtain information about matching accounts
and transactions in those EU jurisdictions that have signed the U.S.-EU
MLAT. FinCEN therefore believes that its expansion of the section
314(a) program is entirely consistent with the stated goals of section
314(a) of
[[Page 6565]]
encouraging cooperation between financial institutions and law
enforcement agencies.
FinCEN received another comment questioning its ``expansion'' of
the term ``money laundering,'' as that term is used in the rule.
Currently, that term is defined to mean activity criminalized by 18
U.S.C. 1956 or 1957. The one change to the definition of the term
``money laundering'' would be to clarify that the term includes
activity that would be criminalized by 18 U.S.C. 1956 or 1957 if such
activity occurred in the United States. The change is necessary because
of the addition of foreign law enforcement agencies as an authorized
requester. Aside from making the provisions of the rule relevant to
foreign requesters, the change is not intended and should not be viewed
as expanding the scope of activity for which the section 314(a) program
may be used.
One commenter also expressed concern about the pace at which FinCEN
is seeking to amend the section 314(a) process, given its belief that
section 314(a) information may be obtained through existing processes.
As was explained in the Notice and elsewhere in this rulemaking, FinCEN
is seeking to finalize a rule as quickly as possible so that the U.S.
Government can comply with its obligations under the U.S.-E.U. MLAT and
related bilateral instruments. Those treaties enter into force on
February 1, 2010. Contrary to that commenter's belief, there is no
current mechanism available to State, local and foreign law enforcement
agencies that would allow those agencies to ascertain quickly whether
financial institutions throughout the United States have established an
account or conducted a transaction for a particular person or entity.
E. 314(a) statutory goal of sharing information with financial
A few commenters noted that the proposed rule sets forth additional
reporting requirements for the industry, but does not address how this
furthers the statutory goal of sharing information with financial
institutions. One of these commenters noted that FinCEN should develop
mechanisms, in addition to its bi-annual SAR Activity Review
publication, that will help share information with financial
institutions. The overarching policy directive of the Act generally,
and section 314 in particular, is that more information sharing will
better enable the Federal Government and financial institutions to
guard against money laundering and terrorist financing. This rule
supports the policy directive of the Act. FinCEN recognizes the
importance of providing financial institutions information to assist
them in identifying and reporting suspected terrorist activity and
money laundering. For this reason, FinCEN regularly provides sample
case feedback studies to the industry which illustrate how the use of
314(a) has often made a `breakthrough' difference in terrorist
financing and significant money laundering cases. The studies also
convey insight on related trends and patterns. FinCEN also has posted
several Federal law enforcement informational alerts on the 314(a)
Secure Information Sharing System, which has provided for enhanced
sharing of information between the financial industry and law
enforcement in a secure environment. In addition, the final rule does
not preclude law enforcement, when submitting a list of suspects to
FinCEN, from providing additional information relating to suspicious
trends and patterns, and FinCEN specifically will encourage law
enforcement to share such information with the financial community.
F. Estimate of burden
Refer to section V-Administrative Matters, item D--Paperwork
Reduction Act for details regarding comments on the estimate of burden.
IV. Section-by-Section Analysis
A. Section 103.90(a)
FinCEN proposed to amend 31 CFR 103.90(a) by changing the
definition of the term ``money laundering'' to include activity that
would be criminalized by 18 U.S.C. 1956 or 1957 if such activity
occurred in the United States.\11\ The change will allow the term to be
applied to information requests by foreign law enforcement agencies.
State and local law enforcement requesters will be subject to the same
definition of money laundering that currently applies to Federal law
enforcement agencies--i.e., activity that is criminalized by 18 U.S.C.
1956 or 1957. Thus, in the case of a significant money laundering
matter, a State or local law enforcement agency seeking information
under the section 314(a) program will have to certify that it is
investigating activity that would be criminalized under 18 U.S.C. 1956
or 1957. Such activity could include, for example, conducting a
financial transaction with proceeds of murder, kidnapping, or dealing
in a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled
Substances Act), which is punishable as a felony under State law.\12\
FinCEN is adopting this amendment as proposed.
\11\ Two commenters noted that they are opposed to redefining
what constitutes money laundering for 314(a) information sharing
purposes by incorporating guidance that was issued in 2009 under the
companion statutory provision, section 314(b), that allows U.S.
financial institutions to share information. The commenters noted
that broadening the scope improperly sends a signal that serious
money-laundering and terrorist financing crimes have no greater
priority than standard financial fraud or other criminal cases.
FinCEN has not expanded the definition of the term ``money
laundering'' beyond the change noted above.
\12\ See 18 U.S.C. 1956(c)(7) (defining the term ``specified
unlawful activity'' to include, inter alia, an offense listed in 18
U.S.C. 1961(1)).
B. Section 103.100(a)(4)
FinCEN proposed to add 31 CFR 103.100(a)(4), which will define a
``law enforcement agency'' to include a Federal, State, local, or
foreign law enforcement agency with criminal investigative authority,
provided that the foreign law enforcement agency is from a jurisdiction
that is a party to a treaty that provides, or in the determination of
FinCEN is from a jurisdiction that otherwise allows, law enforcement
agencies in the United States with reciprocal access to information
comparable to that obtainable under section 103.100. The addition of
foreign law enforcement agencies will enable the United States to be
compliant with its obligations under the U.S.-EU MLAT, thereby
providing law enforcement agencies in the United States with the
benefit of reciprocal access to information in EU member States.\13\
\13\ The U.S.-EU MLAT, and 27 bilateral instruments with EU
Member States implementing its terms, require each EU member State
to be able to search for the kind of information covered by 31 CFR
103.100 and to report to the requesting State the results of such a
search promptly.
The addition of State and local law enforcement agencies, as
discussed above, will provide a platform for such agencies to deal more
effectively with multi-jurisdictional financial transactions in the
same manner as Federal law enforcement agencies. Access to the 314(a)
program will provide State and local law enforcement agencies with
another resource to aid in discovering the whereabouts of stolen
proceeds. FinCEN is adopting these amendments as proposed.
C. Section 103.100(b)(1)
FinCEN proposed, for the reasons discussed above, to amend section
103.100(b)(1) to make conforming changes to reflect the addition of
State and local law enforcement agencies, and foreign law enforcement
agencies, as potential requesters of information.\14\
[[Page 6566]]
FinCEN adopts this amendment as proposed.
\14\ Two Federal law enforcement agencies noted that the NPRM's
appeal to add the EU countries as well as state and local law
enforcement to the 314(a) program is understandable, because these
elements are all law enforcement entities.
D. Section 103.100(b)(2)
FinCEN proposed to add a new 31 CFR 103.100(b)(2) which will
clarify that FinCEN may request directly, on its own behalf and on
behalf of appropriate components of Treasury, whether a financial
institution or a group of financial institutions maintains or has
maintained accounts for, or has engaged in transactions with, specified
individuals, entities, or organizations. Comments directed to this
amendment were discussed above and FinCEN has reviewed and weighed the
concerns expressed by some commenters. FinCEN, however, continues to
hold that expanding the 314(a) program to allow itself, and acting on
behalf of other appropriate Treasury components, to initiate search
requests for the purpose of conducting analyses to deter and detect
terrorist financing activity or money laundering will enhance
Treasury's ability to fulfill its collective mission. FinCEN,
therefore, adopts the amendments as proposed.
V. Administrative Matters
A. Executive Order 12866
It has been determined that this rule is a significant regulatory
action for purposes of Executive Order 12866 because it raises a novel
policy issue. However, a regulatory impact analysis was not required.
B. Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995 Statement
Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (``Unfunded
Mandates Act''), Public Law 104-4 (March 22, 1995), requires that an
agency prepare a budgetary impact statement before promulgating a rule
that may result in expenditure by that State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100
million or more in any one year. If a budgetary impact statement is
required, section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Act also requires an
agency to identify and consider a reasonable number of regulatory
alternatives before promulgating a rule. FinCEN has determined that it
is not required to prepare a written statement under section 202.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
When an agency issues a final rule, the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(``RFA'') (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), requires the agency to prepare either
a final regulatory flexibility analysis, which will ``describe the
impact of the rule on small entities,'' or to certify that the final
rule is not expected to have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. For the reasons stated below,
FinCEN certifies that the final rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Estimate of the number of small entities to which the rule will
The proposed rule applies to all financial institutions of which
FinCEN estimates there are 55,000. However, FinCEN has limited its
inquiries to banks,\15\ broker-dealers in securities, future commission
merchants, trust companies, and life insurance companies (``Covered
Institutions''). Because entities of all sizes are vulnerable to abuse
by money launderers and financers of terrorism, the final rule will
apply to all Covered Institutions regardless of size. As discussed
below, FinCEN acknowledges that the final rule will affect a
substantial number of small entities.
\15\ 31 CFR 103.11(c).
For purposes of the RFA, both banks and credit unions are
considered small entities if they have less than $175 million in
assets.\16\ Of the estimated 8,000 banks, 80% have less than $175
million in assets and are considered small entities.\17\ Of the
estimated 7,000 credit unions, 90% have less than $175 million in
assets.\18\ A broker-dealer is considered a small entity if its total
capital is less than $500,000, and it is not affiliated with a broker-
dealer that has $500,000 or more in total capital.\19\ Of the estimated
5,000 broker-dealers, 15% are small entities.\20\ FinCEN estimates that
the majority of the remaining 250 affected Covered Institutions are
small entities. Therefore, FinCEN acknowledges that the rule will
affect a substantial number of small entities.
\16\ U.S. Small Business Administration, ``Table of Small
Business Size Standards Matched to North American Industry
Classification System Codes'' at 28 (Aug. 22, 2008).
\17\ See FDIC, Bank Find (Number of Banks), (last visited Mar. 24, 2009).
\18\ See also NCUA, Credit Union Data (Number of Credit Unions), (last visited Mar. 24, 2009).
\19\ 17 CFR 240.0-10.
\20\ See 73 FR 13692, 13704 (Mar. 13, 2008) (The Securities and
Exchange Commission (``SEC'') reports from commission records that
there are 6016 broker-dealers, 894 of which are small businesses.
FinCEN only sends 314(a) requests to an estimated 5,000 broker-
dealers; however we rely on the SEC numbers to estimate that 15% are
small businesses).
Description of the projected reporting and recordkeeping
requirements of the rule:
Currently, Covered Institutions are already subject to the
reporting requirements of section 314 of the USA PATRIOT Act and
FinCEN's implementing regulation.\21\ However, FinCEN estimates that
the final amendment may potentially increase the cost of reporting.
Under the 314(a) program, Covered Institutions are provided a list of
individuals and entities that are subjects of significant money
laundering or terrorist financing investigations. The list is primarily
provided bi-weekly. Covered Institutions are required to review their
records to determine whether the institutions currently maintain, or
have maintained, an account for a named subject during the preceding 12
months, or have conducted any transactions involving any named subjects
during the previous six months.\22\ Covered Institutions are required
to report any positive matches to FinCEN.\23\ Currently, only Federal
law enforcement agencies participate in the 314(a) program. The final
rule will allow State and local law enforcement, as well as certain
foreign law enforcement agencies, and FinCEN, as well as other Treasury
components, to add subjects to this list. This expansion will most
likely result in additional requests for information from Covered
\21\ 31 CFR 103.100.
\22\ 31 CFR 103.100(b)(2).
\23\ 31 CFR 103.100(b)(2)(ii).
As discussed in the Paperwork Reduction Act analysis below, FinCEN
estimates 120 search requests \24\ per year associated with the
recordkeeping requirement in this rule and 9 subjects (including
aliases) per request, resulting in an estimated 1,080 subjects per
year. The estimated burden associated with searching and identifying
each subject is 4 minutes per subject.\25\ FinCEN
[[Page 6567]]
therefore estimates that each recordkeeper will, on average, spend
approximately 4,320 minutes, or roughly 72 hours per year to comply
with the recordkeeping requirement in this rule. According to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, a compliance officer's mean hourly wage is
$24.47. This would equate to a cost of $1,761.84 per year for a
financial institution to comply with this recordkeeping
requirement.\26\ Because this is a minimal increase to the annual
payroll of small businesses within the regulated industries, FinCEN
does not expect the impact of the rule to be significant. FinCEN was
unable to quantify an exact number of this effect due to a lack of
available information specific to the regulated industries.
\24\ Estimated requests per annum subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act include 10 from FinCEN, 50 from State/local law
enforcement, and 60 from foreign law enforcement agencies, for a
total of 120 requests.
\25\ FinCEN based its estimate on experience and contact with
the regulated industries. However, due to one of the comments
received on the proposed rule, FinCEN re-assessed this original
estimate. For example, FinCEN considered the time necessary for a
depository institution to process basic customer transactions. These
types of transactions are similar to searching and identifying the
subject of a 314(a) request because, in order to process a
transaction for a customer, a depository institution teller must
confirm that a customer maintains an account with the depository
institution. In many cases, this requires the customer to provide
some sort of identifying information to the depository institution
teller, such as a driver's license, which contains specific
identifying information, including name, address, and date of birth.
When a 314(a) request is submitted to a Covered Institution, the
request includes the following identification information for a
subject: name, address, date of birth, and social security number.
Therefore, an employee of a Covered Institution researching the
subject of a 314(a) request, has the same type of information
available to them, as a depository institution teller processing a
customer transaction. In addition, they both, most likely, will be
accessing similar systems to confirm whether the individual
maintains an account with the depository institution. These types of
depository institution transactions can be processed in a matter of
a few minutes regardless of institution size.
\26\ See Bureau of Labor Statistics, ``Occupational Employment
and Wages, May 2006,''
In the proposed rule, FinCEN requested comment on whether 4 minutes
to search and identify each subject that is part of a 314(a) request
was an accurate estimate. A few commenters stated that this estimate
may be low, however only one association offered an alternative
estimate. The association suggested that the estimate of time to search
and identify each subject be increased to more than 30 minutes per
subject. In describing this estimate, the association explained that it
included the time required to verify a positive match and to determine
whether a Covered Institution should file a SAR. FinCEN disagrees with
the reasoning behind the association's increased estimate. Including
the time necessary to conduct additional due diligence to confirm a
positive match in the estimate of researching each subject overstates
the time required to search and identify a positive match. Based upon
the experience of FinCEN's 314(a) program office, the average Covered
Institution will experience a positive hit on a subject only a handful
of times per year. In addition, incorporating the time necessary to
conduct due diligence on a positive match to a subject to determine
whether filing a SAR is necessary also overstates the time required to
search and identify a positive match. Conducting research to determine
whether to file a SAR on a customer who is a positive match to a 314(a)
request is not required by this rule. A financial institution's
determination as to whether to research a customer and file a SAR is
based upon its own policies and procedures to identify suspicious
activity. Additionally, this time is already reflected in FinCEN's
burden estimates for filing a SAR. The association's estimate relies on
time spent outside the scope of the regulation, and the association did
not provide a breakdown of the time required to search and identify a
match to a 314(a) request in their suggested estimate of over 30
minutes. For these reasons, along with the fact that FinCEN received no
other comments providing an alternative estimate to 4 minutes per
subject, FinCEN will continue to rely on this estimate.
As acknowledged above, the final rule will impact a substantial
number of small entities. However, as also discussed above, FinCEN
estimates that the impact from these requirements will not be
significant. Accordingly, FinCEN certifies that the final rule will not
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
D. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information contained in this rule has been
approved by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) under control
number 1506-0049. The collection of information in this final rule is
in 31 CFR 103.100. The information will be used by Federal \27\ and
State and local law enforcement agencies, as well as certain foreign
law enforcement agencies, and FinCEN and other appropriate components
of Treasury, in the conduct of investigating money laundering and
terrorist financing activity. The collection of information is
\27\ The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply to the
requirement in section 103.100(b)(2) concerning reports by financial
institutions in response to a request from FinCEN on behalf of a
Federal law enforcement agency. See 5 CFR 1320.4(a)(2).
International Requests: FinCEN estimates that there will be no more
than 60 requests for research submitted to the 314(a) program by
foreign law enforcement agencies annually.\28\
\28\ These calculations were based on previous requests for
information. A review of incoming requests from European Union
countries revealed an average of about 350 cases per year from 2006-
2008. Of these, approximately 75% (an average of 269) were money
laundering and/or terrorism related, however, the majority were not
identified as complex cases. Conversations with FinCEN personnel
responsible for European Union countries indicated not more than 10%
of the money laundering and/or terrorism related cases will be
significant enough to meet 314(a) use criteria, however, it is
anticipated that there may be additional requests that will be
submitted outside of the normal Financial Intelligence Unit
State and Local Requests: While there are more than 18,000 State
and local law enforcement agencies, FinCEN estimates that the number of
cases that will meet the stringent 314(a) submission criteria will be
relatively few. The majority of significant money laundering and
terrorist financing related cases are worked jointly with Federal
investigators and are thus already eligible for 314(a) request
submission. FinCEN estimates that there will be no more than 50 State
and local cases per annum of 314(a) requests that meet submission
FinCEN and appropriate components of Treasury Requests: FinCEN
estimates that the 314(a) program will be used by FinCEN and other
appropriate Treasury components in fewer than 10 cases per annum.
Taking into consideration the estimated number of potential use cases
that will fit recommended internal 314(a) criteria, FinCEN does not
believe that this expansion will be a significant strain on existing
program resources.
Description of Recordkeepers: Covered financial institutions as
defined in 31 CFR 103.100.
Estimated Number of Recordkeepers: On an annual basis, there are
approximately 20,134 covered financial institutions, consisting of
15,106 commercial banks, savings associations, and credit unions, 4,793
securities broker-dealers, 139 future commission merchants, 79 trust
companies, and 17 life insurance companies.
Estimated Average Annual Burden Hours per Recordkeeper: FinCEN
estimates 120 search requests \29\ per year associated with the
recordkeeping requirement in this rule and 9 subjects (including
aliases) per request, resulting in an estimated 1,080 subjects per
year. The estimated average burden associated with searching each
subject is 4 minutes per subject. FinCEN therefore estimates that each
recordkeeper will, on average, spend approximately 4,320 minutes, or
roughly 72 hours per year to comply with the recordkeeping requirement
in this rule.
\29\ Estimated requests per annum subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act include 10 from FinCEN, 50 from State/local law
enforcement, and 60 from foreign law enforcement agencies, for a
total of 120 requests.
Estimated Total Annual Recordkeeping Burden: 1,449,648 annual
burden hours (20,134
[[Page 6568]]
recordkeepers x 72 average annual burden hours per recordkeeper).
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of
information displays a valid OMB control number. Records required to be
retained under the BSA must be retained for five years.
In the Notice, FinCEN specifically invited comments on: (a) Whether
the recordkeeping requirement is necessary for the proper performance
of the mission of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and whether
the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the recordkeeping requirement; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information required
to be maintained; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the recordkeeping
requirement, including through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) estimates
of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and
purchase of services to maintain the information. With regard to item
(a), two commenters noted that this recordkeeping requirement does
further the mission and goals of FinCEN. With regard to item (c), two
commenters suggested that it would be helpful if financial institutions
had a standardized form to complete when sharing information with law
enforcement. The same process by which a financial institution confirms
a positive match to a 314(a) request, made by a Federal law enforcement
agency, via the 314(a) Secure Information Sharing System, will apply to
requests made by all other requesting agencies. In addition, the same
commenters suggested that law enforcement utilize a standardized form
to request information from financial institutions when a match to a
314(a) request is identified. The underlying account and transaction
information related to a positive 314(a) match is not deemed to be part
of the 314(a) response, and can only be obtained by the requesting
agency through appropriate legal processes, such as a subpoena. FinCEN
is not part of that legal process to obtain the underlying information;
its involvement ends at informing requesting agencies that a match
exists. Therefore, each requesting agency is responsible for
determining the method by which the