Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light-Sport Aircraft; Modifications to Rules for Sport Pilots and Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating, 5204-5223 [2010-2056]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Parts 43, 61, 91, and 141
[Docket No. FAA–2007–29015; Amdt. Nos.
43–44, 61–125, 91–311, and 141–13]
RIN 2120–AJ10
Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for
the Operation of Light-Sport Aircraft;
Modifications to Rules for Sport Pilots
and Flight Instructors With a Sport
Pilot Rating
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AGENCY: Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The FAA is amending its
rules for sport pilots and flight
instructors with a sport pilot rating to
address airman certification and
operational issues that have arisen since
regulations for the certification of
aircraft and airmen for the operation of
light-sport aircraft were implemented in
2004. These changes will update those
regulations to reflect operational
experience that has been gained since
the original regulations became
DATES: These amendments become
effective April 2, 2010. Affected parties,
however, do not have to comply with
the information collection requirement
in § 91.419 until the FAA publishes in
the Federal Register the control number
assigned by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for this information
collection requirement. Publication of
the control number notifies the public
that OMB has approved this information
collection requirement under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
technical questions concerning this
proposed rule, contact Larry L.
Buchanan, Light-Sport Aviation Branch,
AFS–610, Regulatory Support Division,
Flight Standards Service, Federal
Aviation Administration, 6500 South
MacArthur Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK
73169; telephone (405) 954–6400;
Mailing address: Light-Sport Aviation
Branch, AFS–610; P.O. Box 25082;
Oklahoma City, OK 73125.
For legal questions concerning this
proposed rule, contact Paul Greer,
Regulations Division, AGC–200, Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Ave., SW., Washington,
DC 20591; telephone (202) 267–3073.
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA’s authority to issue rules on
aviation safety is found in Title 49 of the
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United States Code. Subtitle I, Section
106 describes the authority of the FAA
Administrator, including the authority
to issue, rescind, and revise regulations.
Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the
agency’s authority.
This rulemaking is promulgated
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Chapter 447—Safety
Regulation. Under section 44701, the
FAA is charged with promoting safe
flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by
prescribing regulations necessary for
safety. Under section 44703, the FAA
issues an airman certificate to an
individual when we find, after
investigation, that the individual is
qualified for, and physically able to
perform the duties related to, the
position authorized by the certificate. In
this final rule, the FAA is amending the
training, qualification, certification, and
operating requirements for sport pilots
and flight instructors with a sport pilot
These changes will ensure that these
airmen have the training and
qualifications necessary to enable them
to operate light-sport aircraft safely. For
this reason, the changes are within the
scope of the FAA’s authority and are a
reasonable and necessary exercise of our
statutory obligations.
Guide to Terms and Acronyms
Frequently Used in This Document
AGL—Above ground level
AOPA—Aircraft Owners and Pilots
ASC—AeroSports Connection
CAS—Calibrated airspeed
CFI—Certificated Flight Instructor
DPE—Designated pilot examiner
EAA—Experimental Aircraft Association
MSL—Mean sea level
NAFI—National Association of Flight
NPRM—Notice of proposed rulemaking
SLSA—Special light-sport aircraft
USUA— U.S. Ultralight Association
VFR—Visual flight rules
VH—Maximum airspeed in level flight with
maximum continuous power
I. Summary of the NPRM
On April 15, 2008, the FAA published
a Notice of proposed rulemaking
(NPRM) entitled, ‘‘Certification of
Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of
Light-Sport Aircraft; Modifications to
Rules for Sport Pilots and Flight
Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating’’
(73 FR 20181). The NPRM proposed to
address airman certification issues that
have arisen since regulations for the
operation of light-sport aircraft were
first implemented in 2004. The FAA
sought comment on changes intended to
align the certification requirements for
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sport pilots and flight instructors with a
sport pilot rating with those
requirements currently applicable to
other airmen certificates.
Specifically, the FAA proposed to—
1. Replace sport pilot privileges with
aircraft category and class ratings on all
pilot certificates.
2. Replace sport pilot flight instructor
privileges with aircraft category ratings
on all flight instructor certificates.
3. Remove current provisions for the
conduct of proficiency checks by flight
instructors and include provisions for
the issuance of category and class
ratings by designated pilot examiners.
4. Place all requirements for flight
instructors under a single subpart
(subpart H) of part 61.
5. Require 1 hour of flight training on
the control and maneuvering of an
airplane solely by reference to
instruments for student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate to operate an
airplane with a VH greater than 87 knots
CAS and sport pilots operating airplanes
with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS.
6. Remove the requirement for
persons exercising sport pilot privileges
and flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating to carry their logbooks while in
7. Remove the requirement that
persons exercising sport pilot privileges
have an aircraft make-and-model
endorsement to operate a specific set of
aircraft while adding specific regulatory
provisions for endorsements for the
operation of powered parachutes with
elliptical wings and aircraft with a VH
less than or equal to 87 knots CAS.
8. Remove the requirement for all
flight instructors to log at least 5 hours
of flight time in a make and model of
light-sport aircraft before providing
training in any aircraft from the same set
of aircraft in which that training is
9. Permit persons exercising sport
pilot privileges and the privileges of a
student pilot seeking a sport pilot
certificate to fly up to an altitude of not
more than 10,000 feet mean sea level
(MSL) or 2,000 feet above ground level
(AGL), whichever is higher.
10. Permit private pilots to receive
compensation for production flight
testing powered parachutes and weightshift-control aircraft intended for
certification in the light-sport category
under § 21.190.
11. Revise student sport pilot solo
cross-country navigation and
communication flight training
12. Clarify cross-country distance
requirements for private pilots seeking
to operate weight-shift-control aircraft.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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13. Revise aeronautical experience
requirements at towered airports for
persons seeking to operate a powered
parachute or weight-shift-control
aircraft as a private pilot.
14. Remove the requirement for pilots
with only a powered parachute or a
weight-shift-control aircraft rating to
take a knowledge test for an additional
rating at the same certificate level.
15. Revise the amount of hours of
flight training an applicant for a sport
pilot certificate must log within 60 days
prior to taking the practical test.
16. Remove expired ultralight
transition provisions and limit the use
of aeronautical experience obtained in
ultralight vehicles.
17. Add a requirement for student
pilots to obtain endorsements identical
to those proposed for sport pilots in
§§ 61.324 and 61.327.
18. Clarify that an authorized
instructor must be in a powered
parachute when providing flight
instruction to a student pilot.
19. Remove the requirement for
aircraft certificated as experimental
aircraft under § 21.191(i)(3) to comply
with the applicable maintenance and
preventive maintenance requirements of
part 43 when those aircraft have been
previously issued a special
airworthiness certificate in the lightsport category under § 21.190.
20. Require aircraft owners or
operators to retain a record of the
current status of applicable safety
directives for special light-sport aircraft.
21. Provide for the use of aircraft with
a special airworthiness certificate in the
light-sport category in training courses
approved under part 141.
22. Revise the minimum safe-altitude
requirements for powered parachutes
and weight-shift-control aircraft.
The comment period closed on
August 13, 2008. See ‘‘III. Discussion of
Public Comments’’ elsewhere in this
II. Summary of the Final Rule
As discussed in further detail under
‘‘III. Discussion of Public Comments and
Decisions on Final Rule,’’ the FAA is
withdrawing or modifying certain
changes proposed in the 2008 NPRM. In
the final rule, the following proposals
are withdrawn or modified. (Note:
Proposal numbers refer to the list
• Withdrawn: Replace sport pilot
privileges with aircraft category and
class ratings on all pilot certificates
(proposal 1)
• Withdrawn: Replace sport pilot
flight instructor privileges with aircraft
category ratings on all flight instructor
certificates (proposal 2)
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• Withdrawn: Remove current
provisions for the conduct of
proficiency checks by flight instructors
and include provisions for the issuance
of category and class ratings by
designated pilot examiners (proposal 3)
• Withdrawn: Place all requirements
for flight instructors under a single
subpart (subpart H) of part 61 (proposal
• Withdrawn: Require 1 hour of flight
training on the control and maneuvering
of an airplane solely by reference to
instruments for student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate to operate an
airplane with a VH greater than 87 knots
CAS and sport pilots operating airplanes
with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS
(proposal 5)
• Withdrawn: Remove the
requirement for persons exercising sport
pilot privileges and flight instructors
with a sport pilot rating to carry their
logbooks while in flight (proposal 6)
• Withdrawn: Remove specific
regulatory provisions (under proposed
§ 61.324) for endorsements for the
operation of powered parachutes with
elliptical wings (portion of proposal 7)
• Withdrawn: Add a requirement for
student pilots to obtain endorsements
identical to those proposed for sport
pilots in § 61.324 (portion of proposal
• Modified: Revise the amount of
hours of flight training an applicant for
a sport pilot certificate must log within
the preceding 2 calendar months from
the month of the practical test (proposal
III. Discussion of Public Comments and
Decisions on Final Rule
The FAA received approximately 150
comments on the NPRM. Most were
from individual pilots and flight
instructors. In addition, the
Experimental Aircraft Association
(EAA), the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association (AOPA), the National
Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI),
the U.S. Ultralight Association (USUA),
and AeroSports Connection (ASC)
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A. Proposals 1–4: Replace sport pilot
and sport pilot flight instructor
privileges with aircraft category and
class ratings; require issuance of
category and class ratings by designated
pilot examiners; and place all
requirements for flight instructors under
part 61 subpart H
(§§ 61.1, 61.3, 61.5, 61.7, 61.23, 61.31,
61.51, 61.52, 61.63, 61.87, 61.181,
61.183, 61.185, 61.187, 61.191, 61.195,
61.303, 61.309, 61.311, 61.313, 61.317,
61.321, 61.413, and subparts H and K)
Currently, for a holder of a pilot
certificate to obtain additional aircraft
category and class privileges at the sport
pilot level, that person must complete a
proficiency check administered by an
authorized instructor. Upon successful
completion of that proficiency check,
the person receives a logbook
endorsement from the instructor. That
endorsement permits the person to
exercise sport pilot privileges in the
category and class of aircraft in which
the proficiency check was administered.
Similarly, for a flight instructor to
obtain privileges to provide instruction
leading to the issuance of a sport pilot
certificate in an additional category or
class of light-sport aircraft, or to the
issuance of a private pilot certificate in
a powered parachute or a weight-shiftcontrol aircraft, the flight instructor
must complete a proficiency check
administered by an authorized
instructor. Upon successful completion
of the proficiency check, the flight
instructor receives a logbook
endorsement from the instructor who
administered the proficiency check.
That endorsement permits the person
completing the proficiency check to
provide instruction as a flight instructor
with a sport pilot rating in the category
and class of aircraft in which the
proficiency check was administered.
The FAA initiated the proposals as a
result of concerns that the agency may
not be receiving documentation from
authorized instructors after proficiency
checks have been successfully
completed. This led to concerns that—
(1) In the event of an accident or
incident, it may not be possible to
determine if an individual was
authorized and qualified to operate the
aircraft; (2) if a person lost his or her
logbook, it could hinder that person’s
ability to demonstrate that he or she had
privileges to operate a specific category
and class of aircraft; and (3) if the FAA
does not know which airmen are
authorized to exercise additional
category and class privileges through
logbook endorsements, the agency
cannot provide safety information to
affected airmen.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
With these concerns in mind, the
FAA proposed that—
Holders of sport pilot (or higher level)
certificates with category and class
privileges obtained through instructor
endorsements be issued pilot certificates
with the category and class ratings
corresponding to the privileges
previously granted through instructor
endorsements; and
Flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating receive flight instructor
certificates with appropriate category
and class ratings indicating those
aircraft in which flight instruction could
be provided.
Under the NPRM, there would not
have been any additional burden on
current certificate holders if the FAA
had a record of their endorsements.
However, those persons whose records
were not on file with the FAA would
have had to complete an Airman
Certificate and/or Rating Application—
Sport Pilot (FAA Form 8710–11) and
present it, along with evidence of their
endorsements, to an FAA designated
pilot examiner (DPE) or FAA inspector
before the FAA would issue that person
a pilot or flight instructor certificate
with corresponding category and class
Further, the FAA proposed that the
practice of obtaining privileges to
operate a light-sport aircraft after
completion of a proficiency check by an
authorized instructor would be
discontinued. Instead, ratings (indicated
on a person’s pilot certificate rather than
by endorsement in a logbook) would be
issued after the completion of a
practical test, typically administered by
a DPE. The FAA’s rationale for
proposing to require applicants take a
practical test was that DPEs typically
conducting these tests receive initial
and recurrent training in administering
practical tests, and they are directly
supervised by an aviation safety
inspector (ASI). Also, a DPE’s
designation can be terminated if the
FAA determines that person cannot
administer a practical test in accordance
with the Practical Test Standards (PTS).
In contrast, authorized instructors are
generally not trained to administer tests
leading to the issuance of certificate
privileges, and the FAA does not have
procedures in place to oversee that
In a related proposal the FAA sought
comments on whether to move the
requirements for flight instructors with
a sport pilot rating currently found in
part 61 subpart K to part 61 subpart H
so that all flight instructor requirements
would be standardized and located in
one subpart. As stated in the NPRM, if
the proposed changes for issuing sport
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pilot flight instructor certificates were
adopted, the privileges and limitations
of those flight instructors and the
methods by which they are certificated
would be so similar to those of flight
instructors currently certificated under
subpart H that separate subparts for the
certification of all flight instructors
would no longer be necessary.
A few commenters supported the
proposals, or certain aspects of them.
Those commenters said the changes
would reduce confusion, and make the
regulations clearer and more uniform
among different pilot ratings and aircraft
categories. One said adopting the
changes would help matters in the
future as more sport pilots are licensed.
Many commenters, however, opposed
the changes. The Experimental Aircraft
Association and NAFI stated that the
FAA did not show any safety reasons for
the proposed changes. They and others
also said there is a shortage of sport
pilot examiners and DPEs qualified in
categories and classes of light-sport
aircraft such as powered parachutes,
weight-shift-control aircraft, and
gyroplanes. Furthermore, many
commenters said, these examiners are
not evenly dispersed throughout the
Commenters also expressed concern
that the proposed changes would create
burdens for existing sport pilots and
flight instructors who would have to
spend time and money traveling to a
DPE to take a practical test. Further, the
commenters were concerned that
affected persons would not have a
means of examining their FAA records
prior to the issuance of the new
certificates and that they may have to
visit their Flight Standards District
Offices (FSDOs) to correct lapses in the
FAA’s airmen registry database. The
commenters believed the problem was
an internal FAA problem that should be
fixed using mechanisms already in
place, such as better training for
instructors in how to comply with the
existing rule, and access to electronic
filing methods such as the Integrated
Airman Certification and Rating
Application (IACRA). Another
suggestion was to provide instructors
with an expedited process to become
sport pilot DPEs, thereby increasing
their availability and providing a less
costly alternative to the proposal.
Upon further consideration, the FAA
agrees with the commenters that the
potential burden does not justify
adoption of the proposal. The FAA is
therefore withdrawing those portions of
the NPRM related to replacing sport
pilot and sport pilot flight instructor
privileges with aircraft category and
class ratings. In addition, the FAA is
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withdrawing the proposed requirement
that proficiency checks be conducted by
DPEs instead of authorized instructors,
as well as the proposal to move all
requirements for flight instructors with
a sport pilot rating from subpart K to
subpart H.
The FAA, however, is retaining that
portion of the proposal that would
require holders of a commercial pilot
certificate with an airship or balloon
rating to obtain privileges to provide
instruction in an additional category
and class of aircraft only after
completion of a practical test and not
after completion of a proficiency check.
Although the FAA, in the 2004 final
rule, intended to permit these airmen to
be treated in a manner similar to other
authorized instructors when seeking
privileges to provide instruction in an
additional category and class of aircraft,
the FAA no longer considers such
action appropriate. The agency has
determined that when seeking to obtain
privileges to provide instruction in an
additional category and class of aircraft,
these airmen should be tested to the
same standards as other pilots who do
not hold flight instructor certificates and
are seeking similar instructional
privileges. These airmen currently are
not required to pass a test on the
fundamentals of instructing or possess
equivalent instructional experience. All
other flight instructors currently
certificated under subpart K of part 61
are required to pass this test or possess
equivalent instructional experience. The
FAA notes that for a commercial pilot
with an airship or balloon rating to
obtain additional privileges to provide
flight instruction under subpart H of
part 61, that person must pass a
practical test for the issuance of a flight
instructor certificate, even though that
person is already considered an
authorized instructor. The FAA is
therefore revising current § 61.429(c) to
remove provisions that would permit
the holder of a commercial pilot
certificate with an airship or balloon
rating to obtain a flight instructor
certificate with a sport pilot rating
without taking a practical test for the
issuance of that certificate.
Additionally, when the FAA
proposed to include all requirements for
flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating in subpart H, the FAA clarified
the limitations set forth in current
§ 61.415 by proposing to revise § 61.195
to indicate that a flight instructor with
a sport pilot rating may only provide
flight instruction in a light-sport aircraft.
Although the FAA is not adopting the
proposal to place all requirements for
flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating in part 61 subpart H, the FAA is
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
revising the introductory text of § 61.415
to specify that a flight instructor with a
sport pilot rating may only provide
flight training in a light-sport aircraft.
This change clarifies the original intent
of the 2004 final rule.
While the FAA is not adopting its
proposal to remove provisions for the
conduct of proficiency checks by flight
instructors and include provisions for
the issuance of category and class
ratings by DPEs, the agency remains
concerned that it may not have a
complete record of those individuals
who have received sport pilot privileges
as a result of satisfactory completion of
a proficiency check conducted by an
authorized instructor. Accordingly, the
FAA is implementing non-regulatory
procedures, which will improve its
ability to obtain a record of all
proficiency checks conducted by flight
The FAA has included information on
its Light Sport Aviation Branch’s (AFS–
610’s) Web site (https://www.faa.gov/
regarding proper procedures for filling
out and submitting FAA Form 8710–11.
The agency has taken action to ensure
that all attendees at Flight Instructor
Refresher Clinics receive instruction on
how to properly fill out and submit this
form. In addition, the FAA is taking
action to ensure that sport pilot
privileges are now specifically listed on
an airman’s certificate. The FAA is also
conducting outreach at major aviation
events to better inform flight instructors
on how to file required documentation.
In order to improve the FAA’s ability
to receive the required documentation
indicating that an airman has been
endorsed for a specific sport pilot
privilege, the agency has posted on the
Light Sport Aviation Branch’s website
(referenced in the previous paragraph) a
link to the Airman Registry Web site.
This action will permit sport pilots and
flight instructors to determine whether
the FAA has a record of those airmen
having obtained additional category and
class privileges through proficiency
checks. If an individual has successfully
completed a proficiency check and
received an endorsement authorizing
him or her to operate, or provide
training in, an additional category and
class of light-sport aircraft but that
individual’s name is not listed on the
website, the individual can contact the
FAA to ensure that the agency has the
appropriate records. However, if a
person’s name is not listed with
appropriate category and class
privileges, it does not automatically
disqualify that person from exercising
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those privileges if a proper endorsement
has been received.
B. Proposal 5: Require 1 hour of flight
training on the control and maneuvering
of an airplane solely by reference to
instruments for student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate to operate an
airplane with a VH greater than 87 knots
CAS and sport pilots operating
airplanes with a VH greater than 87
knots CAS
(§§ 61.89, 61.93, and 61.327)
Current regulations require student
pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate to
receive and log flight training in the
control and maneuvering of an airplane
solely by reference to flight instruments.
This training must be received before
conducting a solo cross-country flight or
any flight greater than 25 nautical miles
from the airport from where the flight
originated. It also must be received prior
to making a solo flight and landing at
any location other than the airport of
origination. These requirements are
detailed in § 61.93 and are applicable to
persons seeking a student pilot
certificate to operate any category and
class of airplane. That section, however,
does not specify any minimum flight
training time to meet these
requirements. In addition, current
regulations for the issuance of a sport
pilot certificate do not require an
applicant to receive flight training on
the control and maneuvering of any
airplane solely by reference to
The FAA proposed to require student
pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate
and sport pilots operating an airplane
with a maximum airspeed in level flight
with maximum continuous power (VH)
greater than 87 knots calibrated airspeed
(CAS) to receive and log 1 hour of flight
training on the control and maneuvering
of an aircraft solely by reference to
instruments. The rationale for the
proposal was the agency’s concern that
persons exercising student or sport pilot
privileges in airplanes with a VH greater
than 87 knots CAS may not be
adequately trained to maintain control
of the airplanes they are operating if
they inadvertently encounter conditions
less than those specified for visual flight
rules (VFR) operations. The FAA was
particularly concerned that conditions
less than those specified for VFR
operations could be more readily
encountered by persons operating
airplanes with a VH greater than 87
knots CAS due to the greater speed and
potentially greater range of the aircraft.
A few commenters supported this
proposed change, but did not provide
substantive reasons for their support.
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Many commenters, however, objected to
the proposed change. They asserted
that—(1) the proposal would go beyond
the intent of the 2004 rule because sport
pilots may only fly in day VFR
conditions; (2) the FAA did not offer
any data to suggest that there is a safety
problem that would necessitate such
training; and (3) flight instructors with
a sport pilot rating typically receive
only 1 hour of instrument training and
therefore do not have necessary
instrument training to adequately train
other airmen.
Although the FAA contends that
inadvertent flight into instrument
conditions by pilots not appropriately
rated to conduct such flight constitutes
a significant safety hazard, the FAA
agrees with the commenters’ concern
that flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating would not have necessary
instrument training to adequately train
other pilots for flight by reference to
instruments. Additionally, the proposal
could have required a student pilot
seeking a sport certificate or a sport
pilot to obtain instruction in an aircraft
equipped for instrument flight when the
aircraft in which he or she normally
conducts flight operations is not
equipped for instrument flight. Based
upon these concerns and the potential
burden the proposed requirement would
have placed on the sport pilot
community, the FAA is withdrawing the
proposed change.
C. Proposal 6: Remove the requirement
for persons exercising sport pilot
privileges and flight instructors with a
sport pilot rating to carry their logbooks
while in flight
(§ 61.51)
This proposal was related to the
proposals to replace privileges with
aircraft category and class ratings on
sport pilot and flight instructor
certificates with a sport pilot rating
(proposals 1 and 2 listed above). If those
proposals had been adopted, sport pilots
and flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating would have received certificates
specifically listing category and class
privileges. As a result, there would no
longer have been a need for these
airmen to carry logbooks to demonstrate
that they were authorized to exercise
category and class privileges.
Many commenters supported the
proposed change, regardless of whether
proposed items 1 and 2 were adopted.
However, a few commenters indicated
that the proposed change was
unnecessary because § 61.51(i)(3)
permits a sport pilot to carry other
evidence of existing endorsements.
Similar provisions exist for flight
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
instructors with a sport pilot rating
under § 61.51(i)(5). These commenters
said it should be sufficient for airmen to
carry photocopies of their logbook
Several commenters opposed the
change because they opposed the
proposals to replace privileges with
aircraft category and class ratings on
sport pilot and flight instructor
certificates with a sport pilot rating.
As a result of the FAA’s decision to
withdraw the proposals to replace sport
pilot and flight instructor privileges
with aircraft category and class ratings
on certificates, the agency is
withdrawing this proposed change.
Persons exercising sport pilot privileges
and flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating therefore will need to continue to
carry their logbooks or other evidence of
required endorsements while in flight.
The commenters are correct that § 61.51
currently allows for ‘‘other evidence’’ of
instructor endorsements; therefore the
FAA will continue to allow sport pilots
and flight instructors with a sport pilot
rating to carry photocopies of required
authorized instructor endorsements in
lieu of carrying their logbooks.
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D. Proposal 7: Remove the requirement
that persons exercising sport pilot
privileges have an aircraft make-andmodel endorsement to operate an
aircraft within a specific set of aircraft
while adding specific regulatory
provisions for endorsements for the
operation of powered parachutes with
elliptical wings and aircraft with a VH
less than or equal to 87 knots CAS
(§§ 61.315, 61.319, 61.324, 61.327,
61.413, 61.415, and 61.423)
To operate any aircraft within a set of
aircraft, a sport pilot must have a
logbook endorsement from an
authorized flight instructor for a specific
category, class, and make and model of
aircraft within that set of light-sport
aircraft. At the time the current rules
were adopted, the FAA believed that
grouping makes and models of lightsport aircraft that have similar
performance and operating
characteristics as a set of aircraft was an
effective means to permit persons
exercising sport pilot privileges to
operate any aircraft within that set once
an endorsement had been received.
In implementing the 2004 final rule,
the FAA developed standards for
defining and establishing sets of aircraft
within each category of aircraft
(airplanes, weight-shift-control aircraft,
powered parachutes, gyroplanes, and
lighter-than-air aircraft). The FAA
believed that incorporating a
requirement for a specific endorsement
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based on a set of aircraft would ensure
that any person exercising sport pilot
privileges would receive additional
flight training appropriate to the aircraft
in which operations would be
As stated in the proposal, the FAA
believes that the duplicative nature of
currently required endorsements and
proficiency checks makes a specific
requirement for a make-and-model
endorsement to operate any aircraft
within a set of aircraft redundant.
Several commenters, including ASC,
EAA, and NAFI, supported the proposal
to eliminate the requirement for a makeand-model endorsement to operate a
specific set of aircraft. The FAA is
adopting this change as proposed for
sport pilots. As the FAA’s proposal to
remove subpart K and incorporate the
requirements for flight instructors with
a sport pilot rating in subpart H is being
withdrawn, the FAA is revising
§§ 61.413, 61.415, and 61.423 to
eliminate provisions in those sections
that refer to the issuance of make-andmodel endorsements to operate a
specific set of aircraft by flight
instructors with a sport pilot rating.
These amendments are necessary to
implement the changes as originally
The agency believes that safety
concerns can be adequately addressed
using existing endorsements and the
additional endorsement proposed in the
NPRM for holders of a sport pilot
certificate seeking to operate a lightsport aircraft that has a VH less than or
equal to 87 knots CAS. The FAA notes
that although it has removed the
requirement for persons exercising sport
pilot privileges to have aircraft makeand-model endorsements, the additional
training requirements of § 61.31 are
applicable to all pilots, to include both
sport pilots and student pilots.
Furthermore, while § 61.31(l)(2) excepts
both holders of student pilot certificates
and holders of sport pilot certificates
when operating a light-sport aircraft
from the rating limitations of that
section, it does not except those pilots
from the additional training
requirements specified in that section,
such as the additional training
requirements for the operation of
tailwheel airplanes and gliders. Sport
pilots and student pilots seeking a sport
pilot certificate therefore must continue
to ensure that they have received the
applicable training and endorsements
required for the operation of those
aircraft prior to acting as pilot in
Based on comments received, the
FAA does not believe that an additional
endorsement for the operation of a
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powered parachute with an elliptical
wing is justified. A few commenters,
including EAA and NAFI, objected to
the proposal to add specific regulatory
provisions for endorsements for the
operation of powered parachutes with
elliptical wings. The Experimental
Aircraft Association and NAFI said
elliptical wings on the market today fly
essentially the same as square wings,
and therefore said no additional
endorsement is required, nor would it
add any safety value. An individual
commenter agreed that the
fundamentals of inflating, taxiing,
maneuvering, and landing the wings are
identical, and added pilots wishing to
transition from square to elliptical
wings can do so with instruction
without a costly endorsement from a
certified flight instructor (CFI). Another
commenter said without a solid
definition of what constitutes an
elliptical wing, it makes no sense to
require a specific endorsement to fly
them. One commenter, however, said
that the elliptical wing for powered
parachutes is a significant performance
issue that should be addressed as
Although the FAA believes that an
elliptical wing has different
performance characteristics than a
square wing, the agency agrees with the
commenters that the differences are not
so different that they warrant additional
training and an endorsement. The FAA
is therefore withdrawing this proposed
Regarding the proposal to require an
endorsement for aircraft with a VH less
than or equal to 87 knots CAS, EAA,
NAFI, and an individual commenter
raised objections. The Experimental
Aircraft Association and NAFI said they
essentially agreed with the concept, but
said that initial certification in a singleengine land airplane should be
sufficient to fly other single-engine
airplanes within the definition of lightsport aircraft. The individual
commenter did not believe accident
data support the 87-knot-CAS division
any longer and suggested the distinction
be withdrawn from this proposal and
removed throughout other light-sport
The FAA does not believe that
receiving training in an airplane with a
VH greater than 87 knots CAS will
adequately prepare a sport pilot to
operate a low-speed, high-drag airplane
with a VH less than or equal to 87 knots
CAS without additional training. The
agency maintains the proposed
endorsement to operate an aircraft with
a VH less than or equal to 87 knots CAS
is justified and is adopting this change.
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E. Proposal 8: Remove the requirement
for all flight instructors to log at least 5
hours of flight time in a make and
model of light-sport aircraft before
providing training in any aircraft from
the same set in which that training is
(§ 61.415)
The FAA proposed to eliminate the
requirement for flight instructors with a
sport pilot rating to have logged 5 hours
of flight time in order to provide flight
instruction in a make and model aircraft
within a specific set of aircraft. The
FAA believes that the aeronautical
experience requirements for the
issuance of a flight instructor certificate
with a sport pilot rating and the
endorsements necessary to exercise
those privileges are sufficient for an
instructor to safely provide flight
instruction in any aircraft for which that
instructor has privileges. An additional
requirement to obtain 5 hours of
aeronautical experience therefore
imposes an unnecessary burden on the
flight instructor and should not be
required to safely provide instruction in
that aircraft. In addition, the
requirement would also not be
consistent with the adoption of the
proposal (included in item 7 above) to
eliminate the requirement in § 61.319
for a person exercising sport pilot
privileges to have a make and model
endorsement to operate any aircraft
within a specific set of aircraft.
Many commenters, including EAA,
NAFI, and AOPA, supported this
proposed change. Some individuals,
however, objected to it.
One commenter said the change
seemed ‘‘out of place,’’ considering that
the FAA also requires examiners to have
the same 5 hours before administering
practical exams (in accordance with
FAA Order 8710.7 Sport Pilot
Examiner’s Handbook (Oct. 14, 2004)).
The commenter said if this proposal is
adopted, the same restriction should be
removed from examiners.
The FAA notes that after the NPRM
was published, FAA Order 8710.7 was
superseded by FAA Order 8900.2
General Aviation Airman Designee
Handbook (Sept. 30, 2008). FAA Order
8900.2 removed the requirement for a
DPE to have 5 hours in a make and
model of aircraft within a set of aircraft
prior to exercising DPE privileges. The
commenter’s concern has therefore been
addressed by the issuance of FAA Order
A gyroplane CFI said it would be
impossible for an endorsing instructor
to ensure that a sport pilot applicant
would be safe to fly any gyroplane. The
commenter said there needs to be some
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way that an endorsing instructor and/or
the DPE could provide additional
limitations on what new gyroplanes a
new pilot could fly.
The FAA recognizes that flight
instructors and DPEs cannot place
additional limitations on newly
certificated pilots, which would restrict
those persons from exercising the
privileges of those certificates. A flight
instructor, however, may issue an
endorsement that provides restrictions
on a student pilot, and the student pilot
may not act in any manner contrary to
any limitations placed in his or her
logbook by an authorized instructor, as
set forth in § 61.89(a)(8). The FAA did
not propose to establish additional
authority for flight instructors and DPEs
that would permit them to issue
endorsements for a sport pilot that
would contain limitations more
restrictive than the privileges granted by
that person’s certificate. Such action
would be outside the scope of this
An individual commenter said an
instructor should have at least 5 hours
of time in the aircraft in which he or she
will be instructing. The commenter said
a person should not be teaching in an
aircraft with which he or she is not
familiar. The FAA agrees that a person
providing instruction in an aircraft
should be familiar with that aircraft’s
operating characteristics. However, due
to the variety of operating
characteristics of individual aircraft, the
agency does not believe that mandating
a minimum aeronautical experience
requirement is appropriate for
instructors to provide flight training in
light-sport aircraft. The agency believes
that the aeronautical experience
requirements for the issuance of a flight
instructor certificate with a sport pilot
rating and the endorsements necessary
to exercise those privileges are sufficient
for an instructor to safely provide flight
instruction in any aircraft for which that
instructor has privileges.
The FAA notes that flight instructors
certificated under part 61 subpart H,
like those certificated under subpart K,
may provide flight instruction in lightsport aircraft that are airplanes, powered
parachutes, weight-shift-control aircraft,
gyroplanes, gliders, and lighter-than-air
aircraft. However, flight instructors
certificated under the provisions of part
61 subpart H are not required to have 5
hours of flight time in a specific make
and model of aircraft (except for a multiengine airplane, helicopter, or powered
lift) prior to providing flight instruction
in these aircraft. The FAA has
determined that the individual flight
characteristics of all makes and models
of light-sport aircraft within a specific
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category of aircraft are not sufficiently
different to warrant imposition of a
requirement on flight instructors with a
sport pilot rating to obtain 5 hours of
aeronautical experience in each make
and model of aircraft prior to providing
flight instruction. Such a requirement
imposes an unnecessary burden on
these flight instructors that is not
correspondingly imposed in § 61.195 on
flight instructors with other than a sport
pilot rating. The agency has determined
that 5 hours of aeronautical experience
in a particular make and model of lightsport aircraft therefore should not be
required to safely provide flight
instruction in these relatively simple,
non-complex aircraft. The FAA is
adopting this change as proposed.
F. Proposal 9: Permit persons exercising
sport pilot privileges and the privileges
of a student pilot seeking a sport pilot
certificate to fly up to an altitude of not
more than 10,000 feet mean sea level
(MSL) or 2,000 feet above ground level
(AGL), whichever is higher
(§§ 61.89 and 61.315)
Current § 61.89 (c)(3) states that
student pilots seeking a sport pilot
certificate may not act as pilot in
command of an aircraft at an altitude of
more than 10,000 feet mean sea level
(MSL). Section 61.315 (c)(11) places the
same limitation on sport pilots. The
FAA proposed to add the words ‘‘or
2,000 feet AGL [above ground level],
whichever is higher’’ to allow sport
pilots and student pilots seeking a sport
pilot certificate to operate in
mountainous areas higher than 10,000
feet MSL when such operations are less
than 2,000 feet AGL.
Many commenters, including AOPA
and ASC, supported this change.
Several commenters, including EAA
and NAFI, generally supported the
proposal but recommended extending
the limits even higher.
The Experimental Aircraft
Association, NAFI, and others
recommended the FAA align the rule
with § 91.211 (a)(1), which allows
persons to operate civil aircraft that are
not equipped with supplemental oxygen
up to 12,500 feet MSL and 14,000 feet
MSL for 30 minutes or less. Some
commenters suggested raising the
maximum altitudes to 10,500 feet MSL
and 2,500 feet AGL, whichever is
higher, to conform to VFR altitude
requirements. Other commenters
suggested raising the maximum
altitudes to as much as 18,000 feet MSL,
noting that glider pilots are permitted to
fly at that altitude. One commenter
suggested that training in the effects of
high-altitude flight should be required if
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
flights are permitted to higher altitudes.
In addition, some commenters pointed
out that private pilots with instrument
ratings are permitted to fly up to 25,000
feet MSL without a high-altitude
endorsement. Others proposed raising
both the minimum altitudes
requirements applicable to both sport
pilots and recreational pilots, while
other commenters proposed eliminating
the altitude restrictions entirely.
In addition, commenters pointed out
that the higher altitudes would provide
greater safety because they would allow
greater flexibility in dealing with inflight issues such as wind, glide
distance, density altitude, and alternate
airports and safe landing areas.
Commenters also said higher altitudes
would allow sport pilots to safely
operate over mountains and large bodies
of water, such as the Great Lakes. The
commenters said that additional altitude
would allow sport pilots to fly over
noise-sensitive mountainous areas such
as wildlife refuges, national parks, etc.
where pilots are asked to maintain a
minimum altitude of 2,000 feet AGL.
Further, EAA and NAFI said they are
not aware of any engine or airframe or
ASTM F37 standard that would prevent
a sport pilot from operating a light-sport
aircraft at the altitudes permitted by
§ 91.211(a)(1).
The FAA agrees that the current
regulations unnecessarily burden sport
pilots and student pilots seeking sport
pilot certificates who operate light-sport
aircraft in mountainous areas. The FAA
notes that sport pilots and student pilots
seeking a sport pilot certificate are
trained in proper preflight preparation
procedures, which include training in
aeromedical factors, such as the effects
of hypoxia. In addition, these pilots
receive training in reduced aircraft
performance at high-density altitudes
and in the effect of operations at higher
altitudes. These pilots are required to
demonstrate knowledge of these factors
during the practical test.
Additionally, many of the new lightsport aircraft are capable of operating
above 10,000 feet MSL. By providing
sport pilots with the ability to better
utilize the capabilities of these aircraft
and operate at higher altitudes in
mountainous terrain, the revision
should assist in reducing the risks
associated with mountain flying. By
restricting operations above 10,000 feet
MSL to no more than 2,000 feet AGL,
sport pilots operating light-sport aircraft
should not impose a hazard to highperformance aircraft that routinely
operate at higher altitudes.
The primary purpose of the proposal
was to increase the safety of operations
conducted in mountainous areas and
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eliminate unnecessary burdens imposed
by the current rule. By permitting
persons exercising sport pilot privileges
to operate at 10,000 feet MSL or 2,000
feet AGL, whichever is higher, the FAA
is eliminating significant restrictions on
the operation of light-sport aircraft in all
mountainous areas regardless of the
height of the terrain. Additionally, the
new altitude restrictions would
correspond to those restrictions for
recreational pilots set forth in § 61.101
Many of the commenters’ suggestions
to permit a uniform maximum MSL
altitude would not provide relief for
operations over all mountainous terrain.
Additionally, some of the higher
maximum MSL altitudes suggested by
commenters would place light-sport
aircraft at altitudes typically occupied
by significantly higher-performance
aircraft even though operations at such
altitudes are not necessary to ensure
safe and adequate terrain clearance in
most portions of the United States.
Operations at these higher altitudes
would also unnecessarily expose sport
pilots to harsher physiological
conditions for which their aircraft may
not be properly equipped. The FAA
therefore is adopting this change as
G. Proposal 10: Permit private pilots to
receive compensation for production
flight testing of powered parachutes and
weight-shift-control aircraft intended for
certification in the light-sport category
in § 21.190
(§ 61.113)
The FAA proposed to allow a private
pilot to act as pilot in command for
compensation or hire when conducting
a production flight test in a powered
parachute or a weight-shift-control
aircraft intended for certification in the
light-sport category under § 21.190.
The 2004 final rule created two new
categories of aircraft—powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control
aircraft—and permitted their
manufacture for certification in the
light-sport category under § 21.190.
During the manufacturing process, these
aircraft must undergo a production
flight test. The 2004 final rule, however,
did not create ratings at the commercial
pilot level for the operation of these two
new categories of aircraft. Since private
pilots under the current rule cannot
receive compensation when conducting
production flight tests, there is not a
means for a pilot conducting production
flight tests of powered parachutes or
weight-shift-control aircraft to be
compensated for that activity unless an
exemption is obtained.
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Virtually all of the commenters who
addressed this proposal supported it.
Some commenters, however, were
concerned about the level of experience
that private pilots possess, and therefore
recommended the FAA create an aircraft
category rating at the commercial pilot
certificate level for powered parachutes
and weight-shift-control aircraft. Some
commenters pointed out that these
aircraft have numerous commercial uses
for which a pilot could receive
compensation if appropriate aircraft
category ratings were created at the
commercial pilot level (i.e., search and
rescue, use as camera platforms, wildlife
management, etc.). Such action
however, is outside the scope of this
Three commenters suggested that CFIs
be allowed to perform production flight
testing, whether they have a private
pilot certificate or not. Some of the
commenters pointed out that CFIs must
have three times the experience of a
private pilot to become an instructor.
The FAA notes, though, that flight
instructor privileges consist of
providing training and endorsements
that are required for, and relate to,
certificates, ratings, privileges, tests,
recency-of-experience requirements,
flight reviews, and proficiency checks.
Privileges to conduct flight operations
for compensation or hire are granted
through the issuance of pilot
certificates. The FAA considers revising
flight instructor certificate privileges to
permit the conduct of commercial
operations outside the scope of this
In its comments to this proposal, EAA
recommended that the FAA permit
gyroplanes to be certificated as special
light-sport aircraft under § 21.190 and
that private pilots be permitted to act as
pilots in command of these aircraft for
the purpose of conducting a production
flight test. The FAA considers EAA’s
recommendation to certificate
gyroplanes as special light-sport aircraft
under § 21.190 to be outside the scope
of the NPRM. Accordingly, the agency
also considers any recommendation for
private pilots to act as pilots in
command of these aircraft for the
purpose of conducting a production
flight test to be outside the scope of the
The FAA is adopting this change with
modification. In response to
commenters’ concerns the FAA is
including a requirement that persons
conducting production flight testing be
familiar with the processes and
procedures applicable to those
operations to include those conducted
under a special flight permit and any
associated operating limitations.
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H. Proposal 11: Revise student sport
pilot solo cross-country navigation and
communication flight training
(§ 61.93)
This proposal addressed those
maneuvers and procedures that a
student pilot seeking a sport pilot
certificate should receive training in
prior to conducting solo cross-country
flight in single-engine airplanes,
gyroplanes, and airships. Since student
pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate
frequently conduct solo cross-country
flights in aircraft that are not equipped
with radios for VFR navigation and twoway communications, the FAA does not
believe that all student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate should be required
to receive training in those procedures
prior to conducting solo cross-country
flight. However, if this equipment is
installed in the aircraft used for the solo
cross-country flight, the student pilot
must receive and log flight training on
the use of those radios. Additionally,
since sport pilots are not required to be
trained in the control and maneuvering
solely by reference to flight instruments,
the FAA does not believe that student
pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate
should be required to receive training in
those maneuvers and procedures prior
to conducting solo cross-country flight,
unless the student is receiving training
for cross-country flight in an airplane
with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS.
Current § 61.93 requires such training to
be received prior to the operation of
single-engine airplanes and airships in
cross-country flight.
Many commenters, including EAA,
NAFI, AOPA, and ASC, supported this
proposal. An individual commenter
agreed with the FAA’s proposal, but did
not want the FAA to retain the
requirement for student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate to receive and log
flight training on control and
maneuvering solely by reference to
flight instruments when receiving
training for cross-country flight in an
airplane that has a VH greater than 87
knots CAS. Another commenter noted
that the regulations for a recreational
pilot do not require flight training in the
control and maneuvering of an aircraft
solely by reference to instruments. In
addition, a commenter did not want the
FAA to require testing on radio
navigation or radio communications for
the issuance of a sport pilot certificate.
The FAA is adopting this change as
proposed. It is removing the training
requirement for student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate to receive training
in the control and maneuvering of an
airplane solely by reference to flight
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instruments prior to conducting solo
cross-country flight in aircraft other
than airplanes with a VH greater than 87
knots CAS. The agency is retaining the
requirement for this training to be
received if the student pilot will be
conducting cross-country flight in an
airplane that has a VH greater than 87
knots CAS because such airplanes
generally have greater range than
airplanes with a VH less than or equal
to 87 knots CAS. These faster aircraft
with greater range capability are
generally more frequently used for
cross-country flights of extended
duration where potential instrument
meteorological conditions (IMC) may be
encountered. The FAA maintains that
the change is consistent with the intent
of the 2004 sport pilot rule, as it
removes certain requirements that are
not appropriate for the operation of
airplanes with a VH equal to or less than
87 knots CAS and airships.
The FAA recognizes that the
regulations for the issuance of a
recreational pilot certificate contained
in part 61 subpart D do not require flight
training in the control and maneuvering
of an aircraft solely by reference to
instruments. However, any change in
the regulations for recreational pilots
would be outside the scope of this
Further, in response to the comment
requesting that the FAA eliminate
testing on radio navigation or radio
communications for the issuance of a
sport pilot certificate, the FAA notes
that such testing is required to ensure
that a sport pilot applicant meets
applicable flight-proficiency
requirements for airport, seaplane base,
and gliderport operations, as applicable.
I. Proposal 12: Clarify cross-country
distance requirements for private pilots
seeking to operate weight-shift-control
(§ 61.109)
Current § 61.109(j)(2)(i) specifies that
a person applying for a private pilot
certificate with a weight-shift-control
rating must log ‘‘one cross-country flight
over 75 nautical miles total distance’’ at
night with an authorized instructor.
Although § 61.109 uses the term ‘‘crosscountry flight,’’ persons applying for this
rating frequently have overlooked the
provisions of § 61.1(b)(3)(ii)(B), which
states that for purposes of meeting the
aeronautical experience requirements
for a private pilot certificate with a
weight-shift-control rating, crosscountry time includes a point of landing
at least a straight-line distance of more
than 50 nautical miles from the original
point of departure. To ensure that
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persons applying for a private pilot
certificate with a weight-shift-control
rating complete a cross-country flight
that meets the requirements of both
§§ 61.1 and 61.109, the FAA proposed
to make § 61.109 consistent with § 61.1
by indicating that the cross-country
flight must include a point of landing
that is a straight-line distance of more
than 50 nautical miles from the original
point of departure.
Several commenters, including EAA,
NAFI, and ASC, supported this
proposal. One commenter, however,
said the FAA’s revision would not
clarify § 61.109. The commenter
suggested adopting the requirement for
an airplane single-engine rating (one
solo cross-country flight of at least 150
nautical miles total distance, with fullstop landings at a minimum of three
points, and one segment of the flight
consisting of a straight-line distance of
at least 50 nautical miles between the
take off and landing locations). If the
total distance is too great to allow a
person seeking a private pilot certificate
with a weight-shift-control aircraft
rating to accomplish the flight without
refueling, the commenter believed that
reducing the flight to 100 miles total
distance with full stop landings at a
minimum of three points would be
The FAA notes that the proposal
merely clarified the existing regulation
and did not add any new requirement.
The agency believes the current
requirement provides adequate training
and experience for private pilots seeking
to operate weight-shift-control aircraft.
The agency did not intend in the NPRM
to create identical requirements for
private pilots seeking to operate weightshift-control aircraft and private pilots
seeking to operate single-engine
airplanes. The FAA therefore is
adopting the change as proposed.
J. Proposal 13: Revise the aeronautical
experience requirements at towered
airports for persons seeking to operate a
powered parachute or weight-shiftcontrol aircraft as a private pilot
(§ 61.109)
The aeronautical experience
requirements for a private pilot
certificate with a powered parachute
rating and weight-shift-control aircraft
rating are found in § 61.109 (i) and (j)
respectively. These paragraphs state that
the training required for these aircraft
ratings must include at least three
takeoffs and landings (with each landing
involving a flight in traffic pattern) at an
airport with an operating control tower.
These paragraphs also require the
takeoffs and landings to be performed in
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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solo flight in the specific category of
aircraft for which a rating is sought.
Currently, many persons seeking to
obtain ratings in powered parachutes or
weight-shift-control aircraft experience
difficulty conducting operations at
tower-controlled airports. These aircraft
frequently experience difficulty
operating in the traffic pattern with
other categories and classes of aircraft
due to their slower speeds, flight
characteristics, and operating
limitations. The FAA proposed to allow
persons seeking these ratings to conduct
operations at tower-controlled airports
without the burden of having to conduct
them in a powered parachute or weightshift-control aircraft while in solo flight.
The proposal was intended to provide
applicants with additional flexibility in
obtaining the aeronautical experience
necessary to conduct operations at
tower-controlled airports. An applicant
would not only be permitted to obtain
the necessary aeronautical experience in
the category of aircraft for which a
rating is sought while in solo flight, but
also in dual flight in any category of
Several commenters, including EAA,
NAFI, and ASC, supported this
proposal. One of those commenters said
the proposal makes sense because it
focuses on the primary value of the
training—communication with the
tower. Another commenter supported
the change, noting that a person who is
already a private pilot already has the
type of experience to safely operate at a
towered airport, so the requirements
should be decreased.
As stated in the preamble to the
NPRM, the intent of the proposal was to
allow persons seeking to operate a
powered parachute or weight-shiftcontrol aircraft as a private pilot to
conduct operations at tower-controlled
airports without the burden of having to
conduct these operations in a powered
parachute or weight-shift-control
aircraft while in solo flight. The change
will provide applicants with additional
flexibility in obtaining the aeronautical
experience necessary to conduct
operations at tower-controlled airports.
The FAA is adopting the change as
K. Proposal 14: Remove the requirement
for pilots with only powered parachute
and weight-shift-control aircraft ratings
to take a knowledge test for an
additional rating at the same certificate
(§ 61.63)
Knowledge tests for applicants for
category or class ratings for powered
aircraft at the same certificate level
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address identical aeronautical
knowledge areas. Persons who hold a
category rating for a powered aircraft
(other than powered parachutes and
weight-shift-control aircraft) are not
currently required to take a knowledge
test when applying for an additional
category or class rating for a powered
aircraft at their certificate level. The
2004 final rule created two additional
categories and classes of powered
aircraft. In that rule, applicants who
hold category ratings for powered
parachutes or weight-shift-control
aircraft seeking additional category and
class ratings were not provided the same
relief as that provided to persons who
hold category and class ratings for other
powered aircraft. The FAA therefore
proposed to provide applicants who
hold category ratings for powered
parachutes or weight-shift-control
aircraft with this relief.
All persons who commented on this
issue, including EAA, NAFI, and ASC,
supported the proposal, some
‘‘strongly.’’ The FAA is adopting the
change as proposed, except that in the
final rule, the proposed revisions to
paragraphs (b)(5) and (c)(5) of § 61.63
are adopted as paragraphs (b)(4) and
(c)(4) respectively. This modification is
being made because after the proposed
rule was published, § 61.63 was revised
in the ‘‘Pilot, Flight Instructor, and Pilot
School’’ final rule, (74 FR 42500, Aug.
21, 2009). The modification, therefore,
aligns the changes with the current
structure of § 61.63.
L. Proposal 15: Revise the amount of
hours of flight training an applicant for
a sport pilot certificate must log within
the preceding 2 calendar months from
the month of the practical test
(§ 61.313)
Currently § 61.313 requires an
applicant for a sport pilot certificate to
log at least ‘‘3 hours of flight training
with an authorized instructor on those
areas of operation specified in § 61.311
in preparation for the practical test,
within the preceding 2 calendar months
from the month of the test.’’ In
developing the 2004 rule, the FAA
based this requirement on the
corresponding aeronautical experience
requirements for the issuance of higherlevel pilot certificates. Those
certificates, however, require applicants
to log more flight time than is required
for the issuance of a sport pilot
certificate and to prepare for testing on
a higher number of tasks. Due to the
lower number of hours required for a
person to apply for a sport pilot
certificate and the lower number of
tasks for which preparation is necessary,
PO 00000
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the number of hours currently required
to be logged within 2 calendar months
prior to the date of the practical test is
proportionately higher than that
required for other certificates.
Accordingly, the FAA proposed to
reduce the number of hours that must be
logged in preparation for the practical
test from 3 hours to 2 hours, for aircraft
other than gliders. For gliders, the FAA
proposed to reduce the aeronautical
experience that must be logged in
preparation for the practical test from 3
hours to 3 training flights.
Many commenters, including EAA,
NAFI, AOPA, and ASC, supported this
proposal. Two commenters were
concerned, though, that the reduction in
flight training could allow people who
are not current or have not had adequate
practice within the allotted time to test
and become sport pilots when they may
not have the recent experience
necessary to operate the aircraft. The
FAA notes, however, that an applicant
cannot take a practical test unless that
person has received an endorsement
from an instructor certifying that he or
she is prepared for the practical test.
One commenter did not believe the
proposal went far enough for powered
parachutes. He said the flight portion of
a sport pilot practical test for powered
parachutes takes less than one half hour
in flight. Therefore, the commenter said,
a flight instructor should be able to fly
with a student and determine that
person’s readiness for a check ride in
one hour or less. The commenter
believed that requiring more than one
hour of flight training in preparation for
the practical test is a burden since often
flight windows for operating a powered
parachute are little more than one hour
in the morning or evening. The
commenter recognized that if the
student needs more training, it will
remain the flight instructor’s decision as
to whether the instructor will endorse
that pilot for a practical test.
The FAA agrees with the commenter.
In addition, the agency notes that the
proposed uniform reductions in the
numbers of hours of flight training in
preparation for the practical test for all
aircraft categories did not take into
account the varying amounts of flight
time required to be logged for the
issuance of a sport pilot certificate with
differing aircraft category and class
privileges. An applicant for—(1)
powered-parachute category land- or
sea-class privileges; or (2) lighter-thanair category and balloon-class privileges
need only log 12 and 7 hours of flight
time, respectively, to meet the
applicable aeronautical experience
requirements for the issuance of a sport
pilot certificate. An applicant for—(1)
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
airplane category and single-engine
land- or sea-class privileges; (2)
rotorcraft category and gyroplane-class
privileges; (3) lighter-than-air category
and airship class privileges; and (4)
weight-shift-control category land- or
sea-class privileges must log at least 20
hours of flight time to meet applicable
aeronautical experience requirements
for the issuance of a sport pilot
certificate. Due to the fewer hours of
flight time required to be logged for the
issuance of a sport pilot certificate
with—(1) powered-parachute category
land- or sea-class privileges; and (2)
lighter-than-air category and balloonclass privileges, the FAA is revising its
proposal to require that applicants for a
sport pilot certificate with these
privileges must only log 1 hour of flight
training on those areas of operation
specified in § 61.311 in preparation for
the practical test.
M. Proposal 16: Remove expired
ultralight transition provisions and limit
the use of aeronautical experience
obtained in ultralight vehicles
pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with RULES3
(§§ 61.52, 61.301, 61.309, 61.311,
61.313, 61.329, and 61.431)
Current §§ 61.329 and 61.431 describe
special provisions for obtaining sport
pilot certificates and flight instructor
certificates with a sport pilot rating for
persons who are registered with FAArecognized ultralight organizations.
These rules were intended to provide a
means for pilots and flight instructors
who received training from an FAArecognized ultralight organization to
transition to sport pilot certificates and
flight instructor certificates with a sport
pilot rating. As provided in the rules,
the transition period for obtaining a
sport pilot certificate expired on January
31, 2007, and the transition period for
obtaining a flight instructor certificate
with a sport pilot rating expired on
January 31, 2008. Because January 31,
2007, and January 31, 2008, have
passed, the FAA proposed to remove
§§ 61.329 (except for the ultralight pilot
record provisions of paragraph (a)(2)(iv),
which will be transferred to § 61.52) and
61.431. The FAA also proposed to
amend §§ 61.309, 61.311, and 61.313 to
remove references to § 61.329. In
addition, the agency proposed to
remove the reference to the expired
transition provisions in § 61.301 (a)(7).
Several commenters, including USUA
and EAA, supported this proposal to
remove expired ultralight transition
provisions from the regulations. The
FAA is adopting the changes affecting
§§ 61.301, 61.309, 61.311, 61.313,
61.329, and 61.431 as proposed.
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Additionally, the FAA proposed to
change § 61.52 (a) and (b) to limit the
use of aeronautical experience obtained
in ultralight vehicles. The proposal was
intended to permit persons to use
aeronautical experience obtained in
ultralight vehicles to meet the
requirements for certain airman
certificates and ratings and also to meet
the provisions of § 61.69 (for glider and
unpowered ultralight towing) until
January 31, 2012. The FAA originally
adopted the provisions of current
§ 61.52 to facilitate the process for
operators of ultralight vehicles to obtain
airman certificates established by the
2004 rule and to meet the requirements
of § 61.69. The FAA did not intend for
these transition provisions to be
indefinite in duration. Since operators
of ultralight vehicles should have
transitioned to the new airman
certificates prior to the date of the
proposal, or have used their
aeronautical experience to meet the
provisions of § 61.69, the agency
determined that retaining the provisions
for the use of aeronautical experience in
§ 61.52 is no longer warranted. The
agency recognizes, however, that
operators of ultralight vehicles may
have acquired aeronautical experience
in ultralight vehicles with the intent of
obtaining airman certificates established
by the 2004 rule, or to meet the
experience requirements of § 61.69. To
provide these persons with a sufficient
amount of time to use this aeronautical
experience to obtain the new
certificates, or meet the requirements of
§ 61.69, the FAA proposed a date of
January 31, 2012, after which the
provisions of § 61.52 may no longer be
Some commenters did not believe the
proposal would have a safety or
efficiency benefit. Although the FAA
recognizes the benefits of aeronautical
experience obtained in ultralight
vehicles, the agency believes the rule
will increase safety by promoting
training in aircraft that have
characteristics closer to those of the
specific aircraft that sport pilots will be
authorized to operate. The rule will also
encourage training in certificated
aircraft that meet airworthiness
A few commenters were concerned
with the higher costs associated with
training in 2-place light-sport aircraft as
opposed to ultralight vehicles. Many
commenters said the proposal would
discourage new flight instructor
applicants and pilots. The commenter
noted that, even though FAA-recognized
ultralight organizations still exist, there
are no longer any formal flight training
programs for ultralight vehicles that
PO 00000
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meet the definition of a ‘‘light-sport
aircraft.’’ The FAA agrees that the rule
may increase the cost that applicants for
flight instructor and sport pilot
certificates may incur as a result of
requiring that aeronautical experience
be obtained in light-sport aircraft as
opposed to ultralight vehicles.
Many commenters, including EAA,
NAFI, ASC, and USUA, opposed
limiting the use of aeronautical
experience obtained in ultralight
vehicles. The Experimental Aircraft
Association and NAFI pointed out that
the FAA said in the preamble to the
2002 proposed sport pilot rule that it
intended to allow § 61.329 (a)(2)
provisions to continue without setting
an end date.
The FAA acknowledges that at the
time of the 2002 NPRM, the agency did
not consider limiting the time period in
which a person could credit
aeronautical experience obtained in an
ultralight vehicle toward the
requirements in §§ 61.309, 61.311 and
61.313. However, the agency proposed
to limit the time period in this
rulemaking action because the agency
believed that operators of ultralight
vehicles have been provided sufficient
time to obtain airman certificates using
aeronautical experience gained in
ultralight vehicles. The agency
recognizes that certain operators of
ultralight vehicles may not have already
obtained sport pilot certificates and will
therefore allow the provisions of § 61.52
to remain in effect until January 31,
One commenter said many ultralight
vehicle operators are still planning to
use their ultralight experience to obtain
sport pilot certificates, but have not
done so because of the shortage of flight
instructors and DPEs.
The FAA recognizes that in certain
circumstances, persons seeking to
obtain sport pilot certificates may
experience difficulties in obtaining the
services of appropriately rated flight
instructors or authorized DPEs,
especially when seeking certification in
powered parachutes and weight-shiftcontrol aircraft. The FAA notes,
however, that the withdrawal of the
proposal to replace sport pilot and flight
instructor privileges with aircraft
category and class ratings and the
retention of current provisions
permitting additional aircraft category
and class privileges to be obtained after
completion of a proficiency check by an
authorized instructor (discussed in III.A.
above) should assuage the commenters’
concerns regarding the shortage of DPEs.
Some individual commenters, urging
the FAA not to modify § 61.52, said that
many individuals who provide training
pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
to persons who are seeking a sport pilot
certificate are unable to obtain adequate
insurance for students to fly a lightsport aircraft solo. However, the
commenters said, a student could fly an
ultralight vehicle solo under the same
insurance historically available for
ultralight flying. The commenters
believed withdrawing this proposed
rule change would relieve flight
instructors of being forced to allow
students to fly solo without insurance.
Another commenter, referring to other
comments in the docket regarding the
inability of flight instructors to obtain
insurance for their students while
conducting solo flights, noted that he
had no problem obtaining insurance for
his registered light-sport airplanes;
rather, he found that obtaining
insurance for an ultralight vehicle is
more difficult. The commenter went on
to say that if the proposal were adopted,
persons providing instruction would
have until January 31, 2012, to alter
their training structure, which should be
enough time. The commenter noted that
after the 2012 deadline, the net effect of
the change could be to establish a more
definitive dividing line between
ultralight training and sport pilot
The FAA notes that persons providing
flight instruction in light-sport aircraft
are able to obtain insurance for their
students to conduct solo operations in
certain categories and classes of lightsport aircraft, such as airplanes. The
FAA recognizes that obtaining
insurance for students to conduct solo
operations in other categories of aircraft,
such as powered parachutes and weightshift-control aircraft, is often difficult to
obtain or is unavailable in certain areas.
In addition, the agency recognizes that
insurance to conduct solo operations in
ultralight vehicles is also not readily
available. Although these difficulties in
obtaining insurance limits the ability of
certain persons to provide flight
instruction, the FAA does not believe
that continuing to permit the use of
aeronautical experience in ultralight
vehicles to meet the requirements for
certain certificates and ratings would
improve the ability of the persons
conducting those operations (or
operations in powered parachutes and
weight-shift-control aircraft) to obtain
adequate insurance. The FAA believes
that the benefits of conducting solo
flight in a light-sport aircraft that meets
specified airworthiness standards
support adoption of the proposal.
The FAA is adopting this change to
§ 61.52(a) and (b) to limit the use of
aeronautical experience obtained in
ultralight vehicles as proposed.
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N. Proposal 17: Add a requirement for
student pilots to obtain endorsements
identical to those proposed for sport
pilots in §§ 61.324 and 61.327
(§ 61.89)
The FAA proposed to require student
pilots seeking sport pilot certificates to
obtain endorsements identical to those
specified for sport pilots in proposed
§§ 61.327 (to operate a light-sport
aircraft based on VH) and 61.324 (to
operate a powered parachute with an
elliptical wing), respectively. By
proposing to require student pilots
seeking a sport pilot certificate to
receive these identical endorsements
prior to the issuance of a sport pilot
certificate, the FAA sought to ensure
that newly certificated sport pilots
would be able to continue to operate
those aircraft in which they exercised
pilot-in-command privileges as student
pilots. Currently, sport pilots are
required to obtain specific make-andmodel endorsements for the operation of
a particular set of light-sport aircraft.
These endorsements, including the
endorsements to operate a light-sport
airplane based on VH, have not been
required for student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate because student
pilots are required to have a make-andmodel endorsement for each particular
aircraft they operate. If a student pilot
does not obtain an endorsement to
operate a light-sport airplane based on
VH, that person is precluded from
operating any airplane within the range
of airspeeds that would have been
covered by that endorsement upon
issuance of the sport pilot certificate.
The FAA proposed similar requirements
for student pilots seeking to operate
powered parachutes with elliptical
Several commenters, including ASC,
supported the proposal. The
Experimental Aircraft Association and
NAFI opposed the change to add a
specific endorsement for operating
powered parachutes with elliptical
wings for student pilots. In addition,
two commenters did not want the FAA
to require all students to get an extra
endorsement to operate an aircraft with
a VH of 87 knots or greater. One of the
commenters said student pilots are
endorsed for a specific make and model
already; therefore an endorsement for
VH is redundant.
As stated in the preamble to the
NPRM, the rule will ensure that newly
certificated sport pilots will be able to
continue to operate aircraft in which
they have exercised pilot-in-command
privileges as student pilots. The FAA
therefore has decided to adopt the
change as proposed with regard to those
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endorsements addressing VH. Since the
FAA has decided to withdraw the
proposed elliptical-wing endorsement
for sport pilots, the agency is
withdrawing the proposal to require a
corresponding endorsement for student
pilots. See discussion in III.D.
O. Proposal 18: Clarify that an
authorized instructor must be in a
powered parachute when providing
flight instruction to a student pilot
(§ 61.313)
In § 61.313(g)(1), which describes the
requirements for logging aeronautical
experience to obtain powered parachute
category land or sea class ratings, the
FAA proposed to add the words ‘‘from
an authorized instructor in a powered
parachute aircraft’’ to clarify that an
authorized instructor must be in the
aircraft for a student pilot to log flight
training time. The FAA was concerned
that there is confusion in the sport pilot
community whether the 2004 rule
allows for ‘‘radio flight training’’ (i.e.,
flight training when an authorized
instructor is not in the aircraft). ‘‘Radio
flight training’’ is not permitted. The
intent of the proposed change was to
make the rule consistent with other
provisions for logging the aeronautical
experience necessary to apply for a
sport pilot certificate and clarify that all
flight training must be received from an
authorized instructor in flight in an
aircraft, as specified in § 61.1(b)(6).
In addition, the FAA proposed to
change the words ‘‘at least 2 hours of
solo flight training’’ to ‘‘at least 2 hours
of solo flight time.’’ Although the FAA
stated that the word ‘‘training’’ implies
that an instructor should be in the
aircraft, the agency notes that it has
consistently used the term ‘‘solo flight
training’’ to refer to solo flight
conducted by an applicant for an airman
certificate that is conducted under the
supervision of an authorized instructor.
In accordance with this convention, the
agency is not adopting this change as
Several commenters, including ASC,
supported the proposed change to
clarify that an authorized instructor
must be in a powered parachute when
providing flight instruction to a student
pilot. The Experimental Aircraft
Association and NAFI opposed the
change, however. They said a structured
professional training program for
powered parachutes benefits from
including supervised solo flight with an
authorized instructor using established
radio communications as he or she
observes from the ground. For
instruction in powered parachutes, the
commenters said, this training ideally
pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
takes place during the first few lessons
prior to the instructor being on board
the aircraft. Once the student has
reached an acceptable level of
competency with the added cushion of
single-pilot aircraft performance, then
the instructor continues the training
syllabus with several lessons of actual
(in the aircraft) dual instruction.
One commenter said that powered
parachute instruction has been
successfully done for years using
established radio communications
where the instructor on the ground
supervises a soloing student pilot.
Although the FAA recognizes the
benefits of solo flight training, the
agency has never recognized radio flight
training as ‘‘dual flight instruction.’’ The
FAA notes that neither the current
regulation nor the proposed change
permits radio flight training to be logged
as training time to meet the flight
training requirements necessary for the
issuance of an airman certificate. The
FAA is therefore adopting the change to
§ 61.313(g)(1), with a minor nonsubstantive revision, to clarify that an
authorized instructor must be in a
powered parachute when providing
instruction to a student pilot.
The Experimental Aircraft
Association and NAFI also said the FAA
needs to clarify what constitutes
loggable time when powered parachute
dual flight instruction is being
conducted. The Experimental Aircraft
Association stated that loggable time
begins when the instructor and student
start to prepare to taxi the aircraft with
the intent to fly, and ends with the
completion of the last pilot-in-command
duties. This, EAA said, would include
any taxi to the final take-off area, setting
up and inspecting the wing (chute), the
takeoff, the flight, the landing, and the
post flight inspection/stowage of the
An individual commenter said that
the problem with the proposed change
is that a large part of the take-off
procedure is done on the ground with
the instructor coaching the student in
how to properly lay out a canopy before
flight. That coaching, the commenter
said, is done on the runway, often after
the aircraft is taxied into position for
takeoff. The commenter pointed out that
powered parachuting is the only form of
powered flight that requires the pilot to
get out of the aircraft and position a
wing on the runway surface before
flight, but currently that time is logged
as part of the dual training by most
instructors since it is one-on-one
instruction. The proposal, the
commenter believed, would preclude
that time from being logged and
effectively lengthen the experience
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requirements for those obtaining a
powered parachute rating. The
commenter concluded that it would not
be a bad idea to limit the amount of time
that could be logged as dual training,
but it should not be eliminated unless
the FAA reduced the total amount of
dual flight time received for a rating.
These comments are outside the scope
of this rulemaking. The agency notes
that the time spent inspecting the
general condition of the canopy of a
powered parachute is part of the
preflight inspection of the aircraft. The
agency does not consider the time spent
by a pilot performing this inspection to
constitute flight time. Section 1.1
defines ‘‘flight time’’ as ‘‘pilot time that
commences when an aircraft moves
under its own power for the purpose of
flight and ends when the aircraft comes
to rest after landing.’’
P. Proposal 19: Remove the requirement
for aircraft certificated as experimental
aircraft under § 21.191(i)(3) to comply
with the applicable maintenance and
preventive maintenance requirements of
part 43 when those aircraft have been
previously issued a special
airworthiness certificate in the lightsport category under § 21.190
(§ 43.1)
Currently, aircraft that have been
issued a special airworthiness certificate
in the light-sport category under
§ 21.190 must continue to meet the
applicable maintenance and preventive
maintenance requirements of part 43
when those aircraft are subsequently
certificated as experimental light-sport
aircraft under § 21.191(i)(3) or as
experimental aircraft certificated for any
other purpose.
A manufacturer may produce a
special light-sport aircraft for
certification under the provisions of
§ 21.190, and the maintenance
provisions of part 43 will apply to that
aircraft. The manufacturer may continue
to produce that same aircraft model as
an aircraft kit under the provisions of
§ 21.191(i)(2), and part 43 will not apply
to the maintenance of that aircraft.
However, that same aircraft model,
when originally certificated under
§ 21.190 and subsequently recertificated as an experimental lightsport aircraft under the provisions of
§ 21.191(i)(3) (or any other paragraph of
§ 21.191) must continue to comply with
the provisions of part 43.
Additionally, currently part 43
precludes non-certificated persons from
approving an aircraft for return to
service after the performance of
maintenance when that aircraft was
originally certificated under § 21.190
PO 00000
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and subsequently re-certificated under
§ 21.191, even though these
experimental aircraft are restricted to
personal use. This procedure, however,
unnecessarily burdens operators of
aircraft certificated under § 21.191(i)(3)
because it requires aircraft certificated
under that paragraph, but previously
certificated under § 21.190, to be
maintained in accordance with part 43.
The FAA proposed to amend § 43.1 to
remove the requirement for
experimental aircraft to comply with the
requirements of part 43 when those
aircraft have previously been issued a
special airworthiness certificate in the
light-sport category under § 21.190. The
agency’s intent was to conform the
maintenance requirements for aircraft
certificated under § 21.191(i) to the
original intent of the 2004 final rule.
The proposed change to § 43.1 was
intended to permit any aircraft
originally certificated in the light-sport
category under § 21.190, and
subsequently issued an experimental
certificate under § 21.191(i)(3), to be
maintained in a manner identical to any
experimental aircraft that previously has
not been issued a different kind of
airworthiness certificate.
Two commenters wanted the FAA to
consider allowing sport pilots to
perform preventive maintenance on
aircraft not certificated in the light-sport
category, such as the Ercoupe 415.
These comments are outside the scope
of this rulemaking.
Most other commenters who
addressed this proposal, including ASC,
EAA, and NAFI, supported it.
The FAA is adopting the change with
modifications. The proposal would have
permitted an aircraft issued an
experimental certificate for any purpose
specified in § 21.191 to be excepted
from the requirements of part 43 if it
had previously been issued an
airworthiness certificate in the special
light-sport category under § 21.190. The
FAA did not intend to provide this
relief to all aircraft issued experimental
certificates regardless of the purpose for
which the certificates were issued. As
discussed in the preamble to the NPRM,
the FAA only intended to provide this
relief to an aircraft issued an
experimental certificate under the
provisions of § 21.191(i)(3) when that
aircraft has previously been issued an
airworthiness certificate in the lightsport category under § 21.190. Proposed
§ 43.1(b) is therefore modified in the
final rule to include the current
provisions of that paragraph as new
paragraph (b)(1) and the additional
provisions as paragraph (b)(2).
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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Q. Proposal 20: Require aircraft owners
or operators to retain a record of the
current status of applicable safety
directives for special light-sport aircraft
(§ 91.417)
Currently § 91.327 specifies that no
person may operate an aircraft that has
a special airworthiness certificate in the
light-sport category unless the owner or
operator complies with each safety
directive applicable to the aircraft that
corrects an existing unsafe condition.
Although owners and operators must
comply with these safety directives,
there currently is no requirement to
retain a record of the current status of
applicable safety directives or transfer
that information at the time of aircraft
Without a requirement to retain and
transfer this information, owners,
operators, and FAA safety inspectors are
not able to easily determine whether
maintenance actions critical to flight
safety have been accomplished on
special light-sport aircraft. The FAA
therefore proposed to require owners or
operators to retain these records. These
records must be transferred in
accordance with the provisions of
§ 91.419.
All but one of the commenters who
addressed this proposal, including ASC,
AOPA, and EAA, supported it. The
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
said the change would help ensure that
light-sport aircraft remain airworthy and
allow aircraft owners and operators to
better track the current status of
applicable safety directives. The Aircraft
Owners and Pilots Association went on
to say the change also would help
ensure that people buying a light-sport
aircraft would have a complete record of
all the safety directives complied with
on the aircraft.
One commenter said even through the
manufacturer says some item must be
completed, the owner should have the
final say on whether the upgrade is
needed; otherwise the light-sport
aircraft owner would be at the mercy of
the manufacturer. The FAA did not
propose to revise current § 91.327 to
permit an owner or operator to
independently decide whether to
comply with a safety directive that
corrects an existing unsafe condition.
However, the FAA notes that an owner
or operator may use the procedures
specified in current § 91.327(b)(4) to
obtain an FAA waiver from the
provisions of a manufacturer’s safety
The commenter went on to say that
the FAA should avoid creating another
Airworthiness Directive (AD)
compliance system for light-sport
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aircraft. The FAA did not propose to
create another AD compliance system or
propose any revisions to the process by
which safety directives are issued or
The Experimental Aircraft
Association requested that the FAA also
include regulatory language addressing
the applicability of safety directives and
airworthiness directives. The EAA also
requested the FAA revise § 39.1 to
address the applicability of part 39 to
experimental light-sport and amateurbuilt aircraft. The FAA considers these
recommendations to be outside the
scope of this rulemaking.
The FAA is adopting the change as
R. Proposal 21: Provide for use of
aircraft with a special airworthiness
certificate in the light-sport category in
training courses approved under part
(§ 141.39)
When the 2004 final rule was issued,
the FAA did not amend part 141 to
provide for the use of light-sport aircraft
in courses approved under that part.
Since that time, the FAA has received
requests that special light-sport aircraft
be used in courses approved under part
141. Although special light-sport aircraft
are not type-certificated aircraft, they
are designed, manufactured, and
certificated in accordance with
consensus standards that have been
accepted by the FAA. When part 141
was originally adopted, the FAA did not
contemplate the use of aircraft
manufactured in accordance with
consensus standards. Since these
aircraft are manufactured in accordance
with FAA-accepted consensus
standards, the FAA believes that these
aircraft provide an acceptable level of
safety for use in part 141 training
courses. To be used in a course
approved under part 141, the aircraft
also would have to be properly
equipped for performing the tasks
specified in the training course in which
the aircraft would be used. We therefore
proposed to revise § 141.39(b) to permit
the use of special light-sport aircraft in
training courses that are approved under
part 141.
All of the commenters who responded
on this proposal, including ASC, EAA,
and AOPA, supported it. The FAA is
adopting the change as proposed for
training facilities located within the
United States. The FAA is revising
paragraph (a)(2) because after the
proposed rule was published, § 141.39
was revised in the ‘‘Pilot, Flight
Instructor, and Pilot School’’ final rule,
(74 FR 42500, Aug. 21, 2009) to
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separately address training facilities
located within the United States and
outside the United States. The agency is
not revising § 141.39(b)(2) to specifically
permit SLSAs to be used in training
facilities located outside the United
States due to the limitations that certain
foreign countries may have on the
operation of these aircraft within their
S. Proposal 22: Revise minimum safealtitude requirements for powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control
(§ 91.119)
Currently pilots of powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control
aircraft must remain at least 1,000 feet
above the highest obstacle within a
horizontal radius of 2,000 feet when
operating over any congested area of a
city, town, or settlement, or over any
open-air assembly of persons. When
operating over other-than-congested
areas, powered parachutes and weightshift-control aircraft must be operated at
an altitude of 500 feet above the surface,
except when operating over open water
or sparsely populated areas. When
operating over these areas, these aircraft
may not be operated closer than 500 feet
to any person, vessel, vehicle, or
structure. The restrictions specified for
operations over congested areas and
other than congested areas are not
applicable when necessary for the
takeoff or landing of the aircraft.
While the FAA believes that current
operating restrictions for powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control
aircraft over congested areas are
appropriate, the agency also believes
that current restrictions on the operation
of powered parachutes and weight-shiftcontrol aircraft over other-thancongested areas are overly restrictive.
The FAA recognizes that the
operational characteristics (lower
maximum gross weights, slower speeds,
and lower climb rates) of powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control
aircraft enable them to safely operate
over other-than-congested areas at
altitudes lower than those at which
other aircraft are routinely operated. In
the event of a forced landing, the slower
speeds, lower weights, and greater
maneuverability of these aircraft allow
for shorter landing distances and lower
impact forces. Requiring these aircraft to
operate at altitudes more appropriate to
other categories and classes of aircraft
significantly decreases their utility to
owners and operators. The FAA
proposed, therefore, to amend § 91.119
to allow powered parachutes and
weight-shift-control aircraft to be
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
operated over other-than-congested
areas at less than 500 feet above the
surface, provided the operation is
conducted without hazard to persons or
property on the surface.
All commenters agreed with the
proposed change; however some
suggested further changes. The
Experimental Aircraft Association and
NAFI agreed with the proposed change
for powered parachutes and weightshift-control aircraft, but recommended
that the FAA grant powered parachutes
the same minimum safe altitude
authorization as helicopters in both
congested and other-than-congested
areas. A number of individuals made
similar comments, with one commenter
recommending that no minimum
altitude restrictions apply to the
operation of powered parachutes. In
addition, EAA, NAFI, and other
commenters, argued that all light-sport
aircraft that have a VH equal to or less
than 87 knots CAS have the same flight
safety parameters and therefore should
be provided similar relief. One said
there are several fixed-wing aircraft that
also exhibit the same flight
characteristics discussed in the NPRM,
and many weight-shift-control aircraft
can outperform many of the slower
(‘‘ultralight-like’’) fixed-wing aircraft, yet
the FAA did not propose to grant those
fixed-wing aircraft the same privilege.
The commenter suggested using ‘‘max
speeds’’ or another generic description,
so the proposed revision would apply to
all types of aircraft, not just powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control
aircraft. Another commenter asked why
other aircraft of similar weights and
speeds are not also encompassed by the
proposed change.
The FAA is adopting the change as
proposed. Although a number of
commenters suggested that the FAA
further revise § 91.119 to permit
powered parachutes and weight-shiftcontrol aircraft to operate over
congested areas with the same
limitations applicable to helicopters, the
agency considers a further expansion of
the proposal to be outside the scope of
the original NPRM. Similarly the FAA
considers commenters’ suggestions to
permit all light-sport aircraft that have
a VH equal to or less than 87 knots CAS
and aircraft with weights and speeds
similar to those of powered parachutes
and weight-shift-control aircraft to
operate over congested areas with the
same limitations applicable to
helicopters to be outside the scope of
the NPRM.
Lastly, EAA noted that the FAA titled
the discussion of these changes ‘‘22.
Revise minimum safe-altitude
requirements for powered parachutes
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and weight-shift-control aircraft, and
balloons (§ 91.119)’’; however, EAA
pointed out, the FAA did not discuss
balloons or add balloons to its proposed
change to § 91.119. The FAA
acknowledges that the heading was
incorrect. No reference to balloons
should have been included in the
T. Miscellaneous
Section 61.303: The FAA proposed to
revise paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) and (a)(2)(ii)
to include the words ‘‘at that certificate
level or higher.’’ The FAA has
determined that inclusion of the
proposed language would be redundant
and therefore is withdrawing those
proposed amendments.
Section 61.413: In the proposal, the
provisions of current § 61.413 were
incorporated into current § 61.193.
Although the FAA is withdrawing its
proposal to merge the provisions of
subpart K with subpart H, the agency is
revising the introductory text of § 61.413
to mirror the introductory text of current
§ 61.193. This action will correct a
typographical error and revise the
introductory text to indicate that a flight
instructor with a sport pilot rating may
provide endorsements related to various
certificates, ratings, and privileges that
may be found in places other than a
pilot’s logbook.
Section 61.109: The FAA is also
correcting an inadvertent oversight in
§ 61.109(j) introductory text by adding
the words ‘‘of operation’’ after the words
‘‘solo flight training in the areas.’’
IV. Paperwork Reduction Act
As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3507(d)), the FAA submitted a copy of
the new information collection
requirements in this final rule to the
Office of Management and Budget for its
review. Affected parties do not have to
comply with the information collection
requirements until the FAA publishes in
the Federal Register the control number
assigned by OMB for these information
requirements. Publication of the control
number notifies the public that OMB
has approved these information
collection requirements under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
The FAA has determined that there
are no new information collection
requirements associated with posting
pilots’ names on the Light-Sport
Standardization Branch’s Web site, as
that action is being taken to verify
compliance with the 2004 final rule.
That information collection requirement
previously was approved under OMB
Control Number 2120–0690. Further,
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airmens’ names are already publicly
available on the FAA’s Web site.
Information collection requirements
associated with the amendment to
paragraph (a) of § 91.417 Maintenance
records to require owners and operators
of special light-sport aircraft (SLSAs) to
retain a record of the current status of
applicable safety directives and transfer
that information at the time of the sale
of that aircraft is a new information
collection requirement. Virtually all of
the comments received on this change
were favorable. However, one
commenter opposed the proposed
change. The commenter did not object
to keeping a record of the status of
applicable safety directives, but
opposed the FAA’s enforcing
compliance. The FAA notes that
paragraph (b)(4) of § 91.327 Aircraft
having a special airworthiness
certificate in the light-sport category:
Operating limitations requires operators
of SLSAs to comply with all applicable
safety directives. The FAA is taking
action to ensure that owners and
operators of SLSAs can readily
determine the current status of safety
directives applicable to their aircraft.
The FAA is therefore adopting the
change as proposed.
A summary of the new information
collection requirement under § 91.417 is
as follows.
Use: The information will be used by
owners and operators of SLSAs to
determine the current status of safety
directives applicable to their aircraft. In
addition, the information will be used to
enable safety inspectors, in situations
such as accident investigations, to
determine whether required
maintenance actions were accomplished
on SLSAs.
Respondents: There are currently 953
registered SLSAs (expected to increase
by 2.86 percent per year). However, the
FAA does not know the exact numbers
of owners and operators. The FAA
expects the number of owners and
operators would be fewer than 953.
Frequency: Owners and operators of
SLSAs would retain and transfer records
on the status of safety directives only
when safety directives have been issued
on their SLSAs. The FAA estimates that
it would take an owner operator 2 hours
per year to comply with the
Annual Burden Estimate
There would be no annualized cost to
the Federal government. For owners and
operators, the total hour burden would
be 21,688 hours over a 10-year period.
The average number of hours each year
would be 2,169, computed as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Number of
SLSA aircraft
Hours per
Total hour
Total ......................................................................................................................................
Average ................................................................................................................................
The total cost burden, assuming the
value of an owner or operator’s time is
$31.50 per hour, would be $683,200
($472,400 discounted) over a 10-year
An agency may not collect or sponsor
the collection of information, nor may it
impose an information collection
requirement unless it displays a
currently valid Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) control number.
V. International Compatibility
In keeping with U.S. obligations
under the Convention on International
Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to
comply with International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards
and Recommended Practices to the
maximum extent practicable. The FAA
has determined that there are no ICAO
Standards and Recommended Practices
that correspond to these regulations.
VI. Regulatory Evaluation, Regulatory
Flexibility Determination, International
Trade Impact Assessment, and
Unfunded Mandates Assessment
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A. Regulatory Evaluation Summary
Changes to Federal regulations must
undergo several economic analyses.
First, Executive Order 12866 directs that
each Federal agency shall propose or
adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned
determination that the benefits of the
intended regulation justify its costs.
Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act
of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–354) requires
agencies to analyze the economic
impact of regulatory changes on small
entities. Third, the Trade Agreements
Act (Pub. L. 96–39) prohibits agencies
from setting standards that create
unnecessary obstacles to the foreign
commerce of the United States. In
developing U.S. standards, this Trade
Act requires agencies to consider
international standards and, where
appropriate, that they be the basis of
U.S. standards. Fourth, the Unfunded
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Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L.
104–4) requires agencies to prepare a
written assessment of the costs, benefits,
and other effects of proposed or final
rules that include a Federal mandate
likely to result in the expenditure by
State, local, or tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector, of
$100 million or more annually (adjusted
for inflation with base year of 1995).
This portion of the preamble
summarizes the FAA’s analysis of the
economic impacts of this proposed rule.
We suggest readers seeking greater
detail read the full regulatory
evaluation, a copy of which we have
placed in the docket for this rulemaking.
In conducting these analyses, FAA
has determined that this rule: (1) Has
benefits that justify its costs, (2) is not
an economically ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ as defined in section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866, (3) is not
‘‘significant’’ as defined in DOT’s
Regulatory Policies and Procedures; (4)
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities; (5) will not create unnecessary
obstacles to the foreign commerce of the
United States; and (6) will not impose
an unfunded mandate on State, local, or
tribal governments, or on the private
sector by exceeding the threshold
identified above. These analyses are
summarized below.
Costs and Benefits
The total cost of this rule will be
approximately $683,000 ($472,000
discounted). This cost is due to the
provision of the rule that will require
owners and operators to retain a record
of the current status of applicable safety
directives and to transfer that
information at the time of sale of the
aircraft. This rule will benefit sport
pilots by establishing more appropriate
training requirements and eliminating
unnecessary endorsements. It will also
benefit pilots of powered parachutes
and weight-shift-control aircraft by
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allowing them to fly at lower altitudes,
enabling them to more fully utilize the
operational characteristics of their
aircraft. Additionally, this rule will
increase the maximum altitude at which
sport pilots (or student pilots seeking
sport pilot privileges) may fly, up to a
maximum of 10,000 ft MSL or 2,000 ft
AGL, whichever is higher.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Determination
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
(Pub. L. 96–354) (RFA) establishes ‘‘as a
principle of regulatory issuance that
agencies shall endeavor, consistent with
the objectives of the rule and of
applicable statutes, to fit regulatory and
informational requirements to the scale
of the businesses, organizations, and
governmental jurisdictions subject to
regulation. To achieve this principle,
agencies are required to solicit and
consider flexible regulatory proposals
and to explain the rationale for their
actions to assure that such proposals are
given serious consideration.’’ The RFA
covers a wide-range of small entities,
including small businesses, not-forprofit organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions.
Agencies must perform a review to
determine whether a rule will have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. If
the agency determines that it will, the
agency must prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis as described in the
RFA. However, if an agency determines
that a rule is not expected to have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities,
section 605(b) of the RFA provides that
the head of the agency may so certify
and a regulatory flexibility analysis is
not required. The certification must
include a statement providing the
factual basis for this determination, and
the reasoning should be clear.
This final rule will impose negligible
costs on individuals who are or are in
the process of becoming sport pilots.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
While owners of special light-sport
aircraft may experience a small cost
with regard to the final rule’s
requirement to hold and transfer
applicable safety directives at the time
of an aircraft’s sale, these costs are
minimal. Moreover, most of these
individuals fly for sport or recreation,
and therefore the Regulatory Flexibility
Act does not apply to them. However,
the rule will also affect flight instructors
with a sport pilot rating who provide
instruction as a business endeavor, and
in this case the Regulatory Flexibility
Act does apply. Still, this final rule will
impose only negligible costs on flight
instructors with a sport pilot rating.
Therefore as the FAA Administrator, I
certify that this rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
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C. International Trade Impact
The Trade Agreements Act of 1979
(Pub. L. 96–39), as amended by the
Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub.
L. 103–465), prohibits Federal agencies
from establishing standards or engaging
in related activities that create
unnecessary obstacles to the foreign
commerce of the United States.
Pursuant to these Acts, the
establishment of standards is not
considered an unnecessary obstacle to
the foreign commerce of the United
States, so long as the standard has a
legitimate domestic objective, such the
protection of safety, and does not
operate in a manner that excludes
imports that meet this objective. The
statute also requires consideration of
international standards and, where
appropriate, that they be the basis for
U.S. standards. The FAA has assessed
the potential effect of this final rule and
determined that it will have only a
domestic impact and therefore will not
create unnecessary obstacles to the
foreign commerce of the United States.
D. Unfunded Mandates Assessment
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4)
requires each Federal agency to prepare
a written statement assessing the effects
of any Federal mandate in a proposed or
final agency rule that may result in an
expenditure of $100 million or more (in
1995 dollars) in any one year by State,
local, and tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector; such
a mandate is deemed to be a ‘‘significant
regulatory action.’’ The FAA currently
uses an inflation-adjusted value of
$136.1 million in lieu of $100 million.
This final rule does not contain such a
mandate; therefore, the requirements of
Title II of the Act do not apply.
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VII. Executive Order 13132, Federalism
The FAA has analyzed this final rule
under the principles and criteria of
Executive Order 13132, Federalism. We
determined that this action will not
have a substantial direct effect on the
States, or the relationship between the
Federal Government and the States, or
on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, and, therefore,
does not have federalism implications.
VIII. Environmental Analysis
FAA Order 1050.1E identifies FAA
actions that are categorically excluded
from preparation of an environmental
assessment or environmental impact
statement under the National
Environmental Policy Act in the
absence of extraordinary circumstances.
The FAA has determined this
rulemaking action qualifies for the
categorical exclusion identified in
paragraph 307(k) and involves no
extraordinary circumstances.
IX. Regulations That Significantly
Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or
The FAA analyzed this final rule
under Executive Order 13211, Actions
Concerning Regulations that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (May 18, 2001). We
have determined that it is not a
‘‘significant energy action’’ under the
Executive Order, and it is not likely to
have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
X. Availability of Rulemaking
You can get an electronic copy of
rulemaking documents using the
Internet by—
1. Searching the Federal eRulemaking
Portal (https://www.regulations.gov);
2. Visiting the FAA’s Regulations and
Policies Web page at https://
www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/; or
3. Accessing the Government Printing
Office’s Web page at https://
You can also get a copy by sending a
request to the Federal Aviation
Administration, Office of Rulemaking,
ARM–1, 800 Independence Avenue
SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by
calling (202) 267–9680. Be sure to
identify the amendment number or
docket number of this rulemaking.
Anyone is able to search the
electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
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review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (Volume
65, Number 70; Pages 19477–19478) or
you may visit https://
XI. Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act
The Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) of
1996 requires FAA to comply with
small entity requests for information or
advice about compliance with statutes
and regulations within its jurisdiction. If
you are a small entity and you have a
question regarding this document, you
may contact your local FAA official, or
the person listed under the FOR FURTHER
beginning of the preamble. You can find
out more about SBREFA on the Internet
at https://www.faa.gov/
List of Subjects
14 CFR Part 43
Aircraft, Aviation safety.
14 CFR Part 61
Aircraft, Airmen, Teachers.
14 CFR Part 91
Aircraft, Airmen, Aviation safety,
Reporting and recordkeeping
14 CFR Part 141
Airmen, Educational facilities,
The Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
amends chapter I of title 14, Code of
Federal Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 43
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,
44703, 44705, 44707, 44711, 44713, 44717,
2. Amend § 43.1 by revising paragraph
(b) to read as follows:
§ 43.1
(b) This part does not apply to—
(1) Any aircraft for which the FAA
has issued an experimental certificate,
unless the FAA has previously issued a
different kind of airworthiness
certificate for that aircraft; or
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
(2) Any aircraft for which the FAA
has issued an experimental certificate
under the provisions of § 21.191 (i)(3) of
this chapter, and the aircraft was
previously issued a special
airworthiness certificate in the lightsport category under the provisions of
§ 21.190 of this chapter.
3. The authority citation for part 61
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701–
44703, 44707, 44709–44711, 45102–45103,
4. Amend § 61.52 by revising
paragraphs (a) introductory text, (b),
(c)(2) and (c)(3), and adding paragraph
(c)(4) to read as follows:
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§ 61.52 Use of aeronautical experience
obtained in ultralight vehicles.
§ 61.89
(a) Before January 31, 2012, a person
may use aeronautical experience
obtained in an ultralight vehicle to meet
the requirements for the following
certificates and ratings issued under this
(b) Before January 31, 2012, a person
may use aeronautical experience
obtained in an ultralight vehicle to meet
the provisions of § 61.69.
(c) * * *
(2) Document and log that
aeronautical experience in accordance
with the provisions for logging
aeronautical experience specified by an
FAA-recognized ultralight organization
and in accordance with the provisions
for logging pilot time in aircraft as
specified in § 61.51;
(3) Obtain the aeronautical experience
in a category and class of vehicle
corresponding to the rating or privilege
sought; and
(4) Provide the FAA with a certified
copy of his or her ultralight pilot
records from an FAA-recognized
ultralight organization, that —
(i) Document that he or she is a
registered ultralight pilot with that
FAA-recognized ultralight organization;
(ii) Indicate that he or she is
recognized to operate the category and
class of aircraft for which sport pilot
privileges are sought.
■ 5. Amend § 61.63 by revising
paragraphs (b)(4) and (c)(4) to read as
§ 61.63 Additional aircraft ratings (other
than on an airline transport pilot certificate).
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(b) * * *
(4) Need not take an additional
knowledge test, provided the applicant
holds an airplane, rotorcraft, poweredlift, weight-shift-control aircraft,
powered parachute, or airship rating at
that pilot certificate level.
(c) * * *
(4) Need not take an additional
knowledge test, provided the applicant
holds an airplane, rotorcraft, poweredlift, weight-shift-control aircraft,
powered parachute, or airship rating at
that pilot certificate level.
■ 6. Amend § 61.89 by:
■ a. Revising paragraph (c)(3);
■ b. Removing the period from the end
of paragraph (c)(4) and adding a semicolon in its place; and
■ c. Adding paragraph (c)(5).
The revision and addition read as
General limitations.
(c) * * *
(3) At an altitude of more than 10,000
feet MSL or 2,000 feet AGL, whichever
is higher;
(5) Of a light-sport aircraft without
having received the applicable ground
training, flight training, and instructor
endorsements specified in § 61.327 (a)
and (b).
■ 7. Amend § 61.93 by revising
paragraphs (e)(9), (e)(12), (h)(9), (k)(9),
and (k)(11) to read as follows:
§ 61.93 Solo cross-country flight
(e) * * *
(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation
and two-way communication, except
that a student pilot seeking a sport pilot
certificate must only receive and log
flight training on the use of radios
installed in the aircraft to be flown;
(12) Control and maneuvering solely
by reference to flight instruments,
including straight and level flight, turns,
descents, climbs, use of radio aids, and
ATC directives. For student pilots
seeking a sport pilot certificate, the
provisions of this paragraph only apply
when receiving training for crosscountry flight in an airplane that has a
VH greater than 87 knots CAS.
(h) * * *
(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation
and two-way communication, except
that a student pilot seeking a sport pilot
certificate must only receive and log
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flight training on the use of radios
installed in the aircraft to be flown; and
(k) * * *
(9) Use of radios for VFR navigation
and two-way communication, except
that a student pilot seeking a sport pilot
certificate must only receive and log
flight training on the use of radios
installed in the aircraft to be flown;
(11) Control of the airship solely by
reference to flight instruments, except
for a student pilot seeking a sport pilot
certificate; and
■ 8. Amend § 61.109 by:
■ a. Amending paragraph (j)
introductory text by adding the words
‘‘of operation’’ after the words ‘‘solo
flight training in the areas;’’
■ b. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ at the end
of paragraphs (i)(3) and (j)(3);
■ c. Revising paragraphs (i)(4)(ii) and
■ d. Adding the word ‘‘and’’ to the end
of paragraph (j)(4)(i);
■ e. Removing paragraph (j)(4)(iii); and
■ f. Adding paragraphs (i)(5) and (j)(5).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 61.109
Aeronautical experience.
(i) * * *
(4) * * *
(ii) Twenty solo takeoffs and landings
to a full stop (with each landing
involving a flight in a traffic pattern) at
an airport; and
(5) Three takeoffs and landings (with
each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern) in an aircraft at an airport
with an operating control tower.
(j) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) One cross-country flight of over 75
nautical miles total distance that
includes a point of landing that is a
straight-line distance of more than 50
nautical miles from the original point of
departure; and
(5) Three takeoffs and landings (with
each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern) in an aircraft at an airport
with an operating control tower.
■ 9. Amend § 61.113 by:
■ a. Amending paragraph (a) by
removing the words ‘‘paragraphs (b)
through (g)’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘paragraphs (b) through (h)’’;
■ b. Adding paragraph (h) to read as
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
§ 61.113 Private pilot privileges and
limitations: Pilot in command.
(h) A private pilot may act as pilot in
command for the purpose of conducting
a production flight test in a light-sport
aircraft intended for certification in the
light-sport category under § 21.190 of
this chapter, provided that—
(1) The aircraft is a powered
parachute or a weight-shift-control
(2) The person has at least 100 hours
of pilot-in-command time in the
category and class of aircraft flown; and
(3) The person is familiar with the
processes and procedures applicable to
the conduct of production flight testing,
to include operations conducted under
a special flight permit and any
associated operating limitations.
§ 61.301
10. Amend § 61.301 by removing
paragraph (a)(7).
■ 11. Amend § 61.303 by:
■ a. Removing the words ‘‘light sport’’
adding the words ‘‘light-sport’’ in their
place in the introductory text of
paragraphs (a)(1)(ii)(A), (a)(1)(iii)(A),
(a)(2)(i)(A), (a)(2)(ii)(A), and
(a)(2)(iii)(A); and
■ b. Revising the introductory text of
paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A), (a)(2)(i)(A),
(a)(3)(i)(A), (a)(3)(ii)(A), and
(a)(3)(iii)(A), and paragraph
(a)(3)(ii)(A)(1) to read as follows:
§ 61.303 If I want to operate a light-sport
aircraft, what operating limits and
endorsement requirements in this subpart
must I comply with?
(a) * * *
If you hold
And you hold
Then you may operate
(1) * * * .................
(i) * * * ................
(2) * * * .................
(i) * * * ................
(3) * * * .................
(i) * * * ................
(A) Any light-sport aircraft for which you hold the endorsements required for its category and class.
(A) Any light-sport aircraft for which you hold the endorsements required for its category and class.
(A) Any light-sport glider or balloon for which you hold
the endorsements required for its category and class.
(A) Any light-sport glider or balloon in that category and
(ii) * * * ................
(iii) * * * ...............
§ 61.309
(A) Any light-sport glider or balloon, only if you hold the
endorsements required in § 61.321 for its category and
12. Amend § 61.309 introductory text
by removing the words ‘‘Except as
specified in § 61.329, to’’ and adding the
word ‘‘To’’ to the beginning of the
§ 61.311
13. Amend § 61.311 introductory text
by removing the words ‘‘Except as
specified in § 61.329, to’’ and adding in
their place the word ‘‘To’’ to the
beginning of the sentence.
■ 14. Amend § 61.313 by:
■ a. Removing the words ‘‘Except as
specified in § 61.329, use’’ from the
introductory text and adding the word
‘‘Use’’ to the beginning of the sentence;
■ b. Removing the numeral ‘‘3’’ and
adding in its place the numeral ‘‘2’’ in
paragraphs (a)(1)(iv), (d)(1)(iv), (e)(1)(iv),
and (h)(1)(iv);
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
(1) You do not have to hold any of the
endorsements required by this subpart,
nor do you have to comply with the limitations in § 61.315.
* * * * *
■ c. Removing the numeral ‘‘3’’ and
adding in its place the numeral ‘‘1’’ in
paragraphs (f)(1)(ii), (g)(1)(v);
■ d. Revising paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and
(c)(1)(ii); and
■ e. Revising paragraph (g)(1)
introductory text.
The revisions read as follows:
§ 61.313 What aeronautical experience
must I have to apply for a sport pilot
Then you must log at least . . .
Which must include at least . . .
(b) * * * .........................................
(1) * * * ......................................................................
(c) * * * ..........................................
pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with RULES3
If you are applying for a sport pilot
certificate with . . .
(1) * * * ......................................................................
* * * * *
(ii) at least 3 training flights with an authorized instructor on those areas of operation specified in
§ 61.311 in preparation for the practical test within
the preceding 2 calendar months from the month
of the test.
* * * * *
(ii) at least 3 training flights with an authorized instructor on those areas of operation specified in
§ 61.311 in preparation for the practical test within
the preceding 2 calendar months from the month
of the test.
(g) * * * .........................................
(1) 12 hours of flight time in a powered parachute,
including 10 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor in a powered parachute, and at
least 2 hours of solo flight training in the areas of
operation listed in § 61.311.
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* * * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
15. Amend § 61.315 by revising
paragraphs (c)(11), (c)(14), and (c)(16) to
read as follows:
§ 61.315 What are the privileges and limits
of my sport pilot certificate?
(c) * * *
(11) At an altitude of more than
10,000 feet MSL or 2,000 feet AGL,
whichever is higher.
(14) If the aircraft has:
(i) A VH greater than 87 knots CAS,
unless you have met the requirements of
§ 61.327 (a).
(ii) A VH less than or equal to 87 knots
CAS, unless you have met the
requirements of § 61.327 (b) or have
logged pilot-in-command time in an
aircraft with a VH less than or equal to
87 knots CAS before March 3, 2010.
(16) Contrary to any limit on your
pilot certificate or airman medical
certificate, or any other limit or
endorsement from an authorized
§ 61.319
16. Remove and reserve § 61.319.
§ 61.323
[Removed and reserved]
[Removed and reserved]
17. Remove and reserve § 61.323.
18. Revise § 61.327 to read as follows:
pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with RULES3
§ 61.327 Are there specific endorsement
requirements to operate a light-sport
aircraft based on VH?
(a) Except as specified in paragraph
(c) of this section, if you hold a sport
pilot certificate and you seek to operate
a light-sport aircraft that has a VH less
than or equal to 87 knots CAS you
(1) Receive and log ground and flight
training from an authorized instructor in
an aircraft that has a VH less than or
equal to 87 knots CAS; and
(2) Receive a logbook endorsement
from the authorized instructor who
provided the training specified in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section certifying
that you are proficient in the operation
of light-sport aircraft with a VH less than
or equal to 87 knots CAS.
(b) If you hold a sport pilot certificate
and you seek to operate a light-sport
aircraft that has a VH greater than 87
knots CAS you must—
(1) Receive and log ground and flight
training from an authorized instructor in
VerDate Nov<24>2008
19:59 Jan 29, 2010
Jkt 220001
an aircraft that has a VH greater than 87
knots CAS; and
(2) Receive a logbook endorsement
from the authorized instructor who
provided the training specified in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section
certifying that you are proficient in the
operation of light-sport aircraft with a
VH greater than 87 knots CAS.
(c) The training and endorsements
required by paragraph (a) of this section
are not required if you have logged
flight time as pilot in command of an
aircraft with a VH less than or equal to
87 knots CAS prior to March 3, 2010.
§ 61.329
19. Remove § 61.329.
§ 61.401
20. Amend § 61.401 by removing
paragraph (a)(6).
■ 21. Amend § 61.413 by revising the
introductory text and paragraph (i) to
read as follows:
§ 61.413 What are the privileges of my
flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot
If you hold a flight instructor
certificate with a sport pilot rating, you
are authorized, within the limits of your
certificate and rating, to provide training
and endorsements that are required for,
and relate to—
(i) A proficiency check for an
additional category or class privilege for
a sport pilot certificate or a flight
instructor certificate with a sport pilot
■ 22. Amend § 61.415 by revising the
introductory text and paragraphs (a)(1)
and (g), removing paragraph (e),
redesignating paragraph (f) as paragraph
(e), and adding new paragraph (f) to
read as follows:
§ 61.415 What are the limits of a flight
instructor certificate with a sport pilot
If you hold a flight instructor
certificate with a sport pilot rating, you
may only provide flight training in a
light-sport aircraft and are subject to the
following limits:
(a) * * *
(1) A sport pilot certificate with
applicable category and class privileges
or a pilot certificate with the applicable
category and class rating; and
(f) You may not provide training in a
light-sport aircraft with a VH less than
PO 00000
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or equal to 87 knots CAS unless you
have the endorsement specified in
§ 61.327 (a), or are otherwise authorized
to operate that light-sport aircraft.
(g) You may not provide training in a
light-sport aircraft with a VH greater
than 87 knots CAS unless you have the
endorsement specified in § 61.327 (b), or
are otherwise authorized to operate that
light-sport aircraft.
23. Amend § 61.423 by removing
paragraph (a)(2)(iii)(B), redesignating
paragraph (a)(2)(iii)(C) as (a)(2)(iii)(B)
and removing the word ‘‘and’’ from the
end of the paragraph, adding new
paragraph (a)(2)(iii)(C), and revising
paragraph (a)(2)(iv) to read as follows:
§ 61.423 What are the recordkeeping
requirements for a flight instructor with a
sport pilot rating?
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) * * *
(C) A light-sport aircraft with a VH
less than or equal to 87 knots CAS; and
(iv) Each person whose logbook you
have endorsed as proficient to provide
flight training in an additional category
or class of light-sport aircraft.
24. Amend § 61.429 by revising
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
§ 61.429 May I exercise the privileges of a
flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot
rating if I hold a flight instructor certificate
with another rating?
(c) If you want to exercise the
privileges of your flight instructor
certificate in a category or class of lightsport aircraft for which you are not
currently rated, you must meet all
applicable requirements to provide
training in an additional category or
class of light-sport aircraft specified in
§ 61.419.
§ 61.431
25. Remove § 61.431.
26. The authority citation for part 91
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 1155, 40103,
40113, 40120, 44101, 44111, 44701, 44704,
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
44709, 44711, 44712, 44715, 44716, 44717,
44722, 46306, 46315, 46316, 46504, 46506–
46507, 47122, 47508, 47528–47531, articles
12 and 29 of the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (61 Stat. 1180).
27. Amend § 91.119 by revising
paragraph (d) to read as follows:
§ 91.119
pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with RULES3
(d) Helicopters, powered parachutes,
and weight-shift-control aircraft. If the
operation is conducted without hazard
to persons or property on the surface—
(1) A helicopter may be operated at
less than the minimums prescribed in
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section,
provided each person operating the
helicopter complies with any routes or
altitudes specifically prescribed for
helicopters by the FAA; and
(2) A powered parachute or weightshift-control aircraft may be operated at
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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less than the minimums prescribed in
paragraph (c) of this section.
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701–
44703, 44707, 44709, 44711, 45102–45103,
28. Amend § 91.417 by revising
paragraph (a)(2)(v) to read as follows:
§ 91.417
Minimum safe altitudes: General.
Maintenance records.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(v) The current status of applicable
airworthiness directives (AD) and safety
directives including, for each, the
method of compliance, the AD or safety
directive number and revision date. If
the AD or safety directive involves
recurring action, the time and date
when the next action is required.
29. The authority citation for part 141
continues to read as follows:
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30. Amend § 141.39 by revising
paragraph (a)(2) to read as follows:
§ 141.39
(a) * * *
(2) Is certificated with a standard
airworthiness certificate, a primary
airworthiness certificate, or a special
airworthiness certificate in the lightsport category unless the FAA
determines otherwise because of the
nature of the approved course;
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 22,
J. Randolph Babbitt,
[FR Doc. 2010–2056 Filed 1–29–10; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 20 (Monday, February 1, 2010)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 5204-5223]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-2056]
[[Page 5203]]
Part III
Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Parts 43, 61, 91, and 141
Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light-Sport
Aircraft; Modifications to Rules for Sport Pilots and Flight
Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 75 , No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 5204]]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Parts 43, 61, 91, and 141
[Docket No. FAA-2007-29015; Amdt. Nos. 43-44, 61-125, 91-311, and 141-
RIN 2120-AJ10
Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light-
Sport Aircraft; Modifications to Rules for Sport Pilots and Flight
Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The FAA is amending its rules for sport pilots and flight
instructors with a sport pilot rating to address airman certification
and operational issues that have arisen since regulations for the
certification of aircraft and airmen for the operation of light-sport
aircraft were implemented in 2004. These changes will update those
regulations to reflect operational experience that has been gained
since the original regulations became effective.
DATES: These amendments become effective April 2, 2010. Affected
parties, however, do not have to comply with the information collection
requirement in Sec. 91.419 until the FAA publishes in the Federal
Register the control number assigned by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for this information collection requirement. Publication
of the control number notifies the public that OMB has approved this
information collection requirement under the Paperwork Reduction Act of
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical questions concerning
this proposed rule, contact Larry L. Buchanan, Light-Sport Aviation
Branch, AFS-610, Regulatory Support Division, Flight Standards Service,
Federal Aviation Administration, 6500 South MacArthur Blvd, Oklahoma
City, OK 73169; telephone (405) 954-6400; Mailing address: Light-Sport
Aviation Branch, AFS-610; P.O. Box 25082; Oklahoma City, OK 73125.
For legal questions concerning this proposed rule, contact Paul
Greer, Regulations Division, AGC-200, Federal Aviation Administration,
800 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267-
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA's authority to issue rules on aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes
the authority of the FAA Administrator, including the authority to
issue, rescind, and revise regulations. Subtitle VII, Aviation
Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's authority.
This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Chapter 447--Safety Regulation. Under section
44701, the FAA is charged with promoting safe flight of civil aircraft
in air commerce by prescribing regulations necessary for safety. Under
section 44703, the FAA issues an airman certificate to an individual
when we find, after investigation, that the individual is qualified
for, and physically able to perform the duties related to, the position
authorized by the certificate. In this final rule, the FAA is amending
the training, qualification, certification, and operating requirements
for sport pilots and flight instructors with a sport pilot rating.
These changes will ensure that these airmen have the training and
qualifications necessary to enable them to operate light-sport aircraft
safely. For this reason, the changes are within the scope of the FAA's
authority and are a reasonable and necessary exercise of our statutory
Guide to Terms and Acronyms Frequently Used in This Document
AGL--Above ground level
AOPA--Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
ASC--AeroSports Connection
CAS--Calibrated airspeed
CFI--Certificated Flight Instructor
DPE--Designated pilot examiner
EAA--Experimental Aircraft Association
MSL--Mean sea level
NAFI--National Association of Flight Instructors
NPRM--Notice of proposed rulemaking
SLSA--Special light-sport aircraft
USUA-- U.S. Ultralight Association
VFR--Visual flight rules
VH--Maximum airspeed in level flight with maximum
continuous power
I. Summary of the NPRM
On April 15, 2008, the FAA published a Notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) entitled, ``Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for
the Operation of Light-Sport Aircraft; Modifications to Rules for Sport
Pilots and Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating'' (73 FR
20181). The NPRM proposed to address airman certification issues that
have arisen since regulations for the operation of light-sport aircraft
were first implemented in 2004. The FAA sought comment on changes
intended to align the certification requirements for sport pilots and
flight instructors with a sport pilot rating with those requirements
currently applicable to other airmen certificates.
Specifically, the FAA proposed to--
1. Replace sport pilot privileges with aircraft category and class
ratings on all pilot certificates.
2. Replace sport pilot flight instructor privileges with aircraft
category ratings on all flight instructor certificates.
3. Remove current provisions for the conduct of proficiency checks
by flight instructors and include provisions for the issuance of
category and class ratings by designated pilot examiners.
4. Place all requirements for flight instructors under a single
subpart (subpart H) of part 61.
5. Require 1 hour of flight training on the control and maneuvering
of an airplane solely by reference to instruments for student pilots
seeking a sport pilot certificate to operate an airplane with a
VH greater than 87 knots CAS and sport pilots operating
airplanes with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS.
6. Remove the requirement for persons exercising sport pilot
privileges and flight instructors with a sport pilot rating to carry
their logbooks while in flight.
7. Remove the requirement that persons exercising sport pilot
privileges have an aircraft make-and-model endorsement to operate a
specific set of aircraft while adding specific regulatory provisions
for endorsements for the operation of powered parachutes with
elliptical wings and aircraft with a VH less than or equal
to 87 knots CAS.
8. Remove the requirement for all flight instructors to log at
least 5 hours of flight time in a make and model of light-sport
aircraft before providing training in any aircraft from the same set of
aircraft in which that training is given.
9. Permit persons exercising sport pilot privileges and the
privileges of a student pilot seeking a sport pilot certificate to fly
up to an altitude of not more than 10,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) or
2,000 feet above ground level (AGL), whichever is higher.
10. Permit private pilots to receive compensation for production
flight testing powered parachutes and weight-shift-control aircraft
intended for certification in the light-sport category under Sec.
11. Revise student sport pilot solo cross-country navigation and
communication flight training requirements.
12. Clarify cross-country distance requirements for private pilots
seeking to operate weight-shift-control aircraft.
[[Page 5205]]
13. Revise aeronautical experience requirements at towered airports
for persons seeking to operate a powered parachute or weight-shift-
control aircraft as a private pilot.
14. Remove the requirement for pilots with only a powered parachute
or a weight-shift-control aircraft rating to take a knowledge test for
an additional rating at the same certificate level.
15. Revise the amount of hours of flight training an applicant for
a sport pilot certificate must log within 60 days prior to taking the
practical test.
16. Remove expired ultralight transition provisions and limit the
use of aeronautical experience obtained in ultralight vehicles.
17. Add a requirement for student pilots to obtain endorsements
identical to those proposed for sport pilots in Sec. Sec. 61.324 and
18. Clarify that an authorized instructor must be in a powered
parachute when providing flight instruction to a student pilot.
19. Remove the requirement for aircraft certificated as
experimental aircraft under Sec. 21.191(i)(3) to comply with the
applicable maintenance and preventive maintenance requirements of part
43 when those aircraft have been previously issued a special
airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category under Sec.
20. Require aircraft owners or operators to retain a record of the
current status of applicable safety directives for special light-sport
21. Provide for the use of aircraft with a special airworthiness
certificate in the light-sport category in training courses approved
under part 141.
22. Revise the minimum safe-altitude requirements for powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control aircraft.
The comment period closed on August 13, 2008. See ``III. Discussion
of Public Comments'' elsewhere in this preamble.
II. Summary of the Final Rule
As discussed in further detail under ``III. Discussion of Public
Comments and Decisions on Final Rule,'' the FAA is withdrawing or
modifying certain changes proposed in the 2008 NPRM. In the final rule,
the following proposals are withdrawn or modified. (Note: Proposal
numbers refer to the list above.)
Withdrawn: Replace sport pilot privileges with aircraft
category and class ratings on all pilot certificates (proposal 1)
Withdrawn: Replace sport pilot flight instructor
privileges with aircraft category ratings on all flight instructor
certificates (proposal 2)
Withdrawn: Remove current provisions for the conduct of
proficiency checks by flight instructors and include provisions for the
issuance of category and class ratings by designated pilot examiners
(proposal 3)
Withdrawn: Place all requirements for flight instructors
under a single subpart (subpart H) of part 61 (proposal 4)
Withdrawn: Require 1 hour of flight training on the
control and maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to
instruments for student pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate to
operate an airplane with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS and
sport pilots operating airplanes with a VH greater than 87
knots CAS (proposal 5)
Withdrawn: Remove the requirement for persons exercising
sport pilot privileges and flight instructors with a sport pilot rating
to carry their logbooks while in flight (proposal 6)
Withdrawn: Remove specific regulatory provisions (under
proposed Sec. 61.324) for endorsements for the operation of powered
parachutes with elliptical wings (portion of proposal 7)
Withdrawn: Add a requirement for student pilots to obtain
endorsements identical to those proposed for sport pilots in Sec.
61.324 (portion of proposal 17)
Modified: Revise the amount of hours of flight training an
applicant for a sport pilot certificate must log within the preceding 2
calendar months from the month of the practical test (proposal 15)
III. Discussion of Public Comments and Decisions on Final Rule
The FAA received approximately 150 comments on the NPRM. Most were
from individual pilots and flight instructors. In addition, the
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association (AOPA), the National Association of Flight Instructors
(NAFI), the U.S. Ultralight Association (USUA), and AeroSports
Connection (ASC) commented.
A. Proposals 1-4: Replace sport pilot and sport pilot flight instructor
privileges with aircraft category and class ratings; require issuance
of category and class ratings by designated pilot examiners; and place
all requirements for flight instructors under part 61 subpart H
(Sec. Sec. 61.1, 61.3, 61.5, 61.7, 61.23, 61.31, 61.51, 61.52, 61.63,
61.87, 61.181, 61.183, 61.185, 61.187, 61.191, 61.195, 61.303, 61.309,
61.311, 61.313, 61.317, 61.321, 61.413, and subparts H and K)
Currently, for a holder of a pilot certificate to obtain additional
aircraft category and class privileges at the sport pilot level, that
person must complete a proficiency check administered by an authorized
instructor. Upon successful completion of that proficiency check, the
person receives a logbook endorsement from the instructor. That
endorsement permits the person to exercise sport pilot privileges in
the category and class of aircraft in which the proficiency check was
Similarly, for a flight instructor to obtain privileges to provide
instruction leading to the issuance of a sport pilot certificate in an
additional category or class of light-sport aircraft, or to the
issuance of a private pilot certificate in a powered parachute or a
weight-shift-control aircraft, the flight instructor must complete a
proficiency check administered by an authorized instructor. Upon
successful completion of the proficiency check, the flight instructor
receives a logbook endorsement from the instructor who administered the
proficiency check. That endorsement permits the person completing the
proficiency check to provide instruction as a flight instructor with a
sport pilot rating in the category and class of aircraft in which the
proficiency check was administered.
The FAA initiated the proposals as a result of concerns that the
agency may not be receiving documentation from authorized instructors
after proficiency checks have been successfully completed. This led to
concerns that--(1) In the event of an accident or incident, it may not
be possible to determine if an individual was authorized and qualified
to operate the aircraft; (2) if a person lost his or her logbook, it
could hinder that person's ability to demonstrate that he or she had
privileges to operate a specific category and class of aircraft; and
(3) if the FAA does not know which airmen are authorized to exercise
additional category and class privileges through logbook endorsements,
the agency cannot provide safety information to affected airmen.
[[Page 5206]]
With these concerns in mind, the FAA proposed that--
Holders of sport pilot (or higher level) certificates with category
and class privileges obtained through instructor endorsements be issued
pilot certificates with the category and class ratings corresponding to
the privileges previously granted through instructor endorsements; and
Flight instructors with a sport pilot rating receive flight
instructor certificates with appropriate category and class ratings
indicating those aircraft in which flight instruction could be
Under the NPRM, there would not have been any additional burden on
current certificate holders if the FAA had a record of their
endorsements. However, those persons whose records were not on file
with the FAA would have had to complete an Airman Certificate and/or
Rating Application--Sport Pilot (FAA Form 8710-11) and present it,
along with evidence of their endorsements, to an FAA designated pilot
examiner (DPE) or FAA inspector before the FAA would issue that person
a pilot or flight instructor certificate with corresponding category
and class ratings.
Further, the FAA proposed that the practice of obtaining privileges
to operate a light-sport aircraft after completion of a proficiency
check by an authorized instructor would be discontinued. Instead,
ratings (indicated on a person's pilot certificate rather than by
endorsement in a logbook) would be issued after the completion of a
practical test, typically administered by a DPE. The FAA's rationale
for proposing to require applicants take a practical test was that DPEs
typically conducting these tests receive initial and recurrent training
in administering practical tests, and they are directly supervised by
an aviation safety inspector (ASI). Also, a DPE's designation can be
terminated if the FAA determines that person cannot administer a
practical test in accordance with the Practical Test Standards (PTS).
In contrast, authorized instructors are generally not trained to
administer tests leading to the issuance of certificate privileges, and
the FAA does not have procedures in place to oversee that activity.
In a related proposal the FAA sought comments on whether to move
the requirements for flight instructors with a sport pilot rating
currently found in part 61 subpart K to part 61 subpart H so that all
flight instructor requirements would be standardized and located in one
subpart. As stated in the NPRM, if the proposed changes for issuing
sport pilot flight instructor certificates were adopted, the privileges
and limitations of those flight instructors and the methods by which
they are certificated would be so similar to those of flight
instructors currently certificated under subpart H that separate
subparts for the certification of all flight instructors would no
longer be necessary.
A few commenters supported the proposals, or certain aspects of
them. Those commenters said the changes would reduce confusion, and
make the regulations clearer and more uniform among different pilot
ratings and aircraft categories. One said adopting the changes would
help matters in the future as more sport pilots are licensed.
Many commenters, however, opposed the changes. The Experimental
Aircraft Association and NAFI stated that the FAA did not show any
safety reasons for the proposed changes. They and others also said
there is a shortage of sport pilot examiners and DPEs qualified in
categories and classes of light-sport aircraft such as powered
parachutes, weight-shift-control aircraft, and gyroplanes. Furthermore,
many commenters said, these examiners are not evenly dispersed
throughout the country.
Commenters also expressed concern that the proposed changes would
create burdens for existing sport pilots and flight instructors who
would have to spend time and money traveling to a DPE to take a
practical test. Further, the commenters were concerned that affected
persons would not have a means of examining their FAA records prior to
the issuance of the new certificates and that they may have to visit
their Flight Standards District Offices (FSDOs) to correct lapses in
the FAA's airmen registry database. The commenters believed the problem
was an internal FAA problem that should be fixed using mechanisms
already in place, such as better training for instructors in how to
comply with the existing rule, and access to electronic filing methods
such as the Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application
(IACRA). Another suggestion was to provide instructors with an
expedited process to become sport pilot DPEs, thereby increasing their
availability and providing a less costly alternative to the proposal.
Upon further consideration, the FAA agrees with the commenters that
the potential burden does not justify adoption of the proposal. The FAA
is therefore withdrawing those portions of the NPRM related to
replacing sport pilot and sport pilot flight instructor privileges with
aircraft category and class ratings. In addition, the FAA is
withdrawing the proposed requirement that proficiency checks be
conducted by DPEs instead of authorized instructors, as well as the
proposal to move all requirements for flight instructors with a sport
pilot rating from subpart K to subpart H.
The FAA, however, is retaining that portion of the proposal that
would require holders of a commercial pilot certificate with an airship
or balloon rating to obtain privileges to provide instruction in an
additional category and class of aircraft only after completion of a
practical test and not after completion of a proficiency check.
Although the FAA, in the 2004 final rule, intended to permit these
airmen to be treated in a manner similar to other authorized
instructors when seeking privileges to provide instruction in an
additional category and class of aircraft, the FAA no longer considers
such action appropriate. The agency has determined that when seeking to
obtain privileges to provide instruction in an additional category and
class of aircraft, these airmen should be tested to the same standards
as other pilots who do not hold flight instructor certificates and are
seeking similar instructional privileges. These airmen currently are
not required to pass a test on the fundamentals of instructing or
possess equivalent instructional experience. All other flight
instructors currently certificated under subpart K of part 61 are
required to pass this test or possess equivalent instructional
experience. The FAA notes that for a commercial pilot with an airship
or balloon rating to obtain additional privileges to provide flight
instruction under subpart H of part 61, that person must pass a
practical test for the issuance of a flight instructor certificate,
even though that person is already considered an authorized instructor.
The FAA is therefore revising current Sec. 61.429(c) to remove
provisions that would permit the holder of a commercial pilot
certificate with an airship or balloon rating to obtain a flight
instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating without taking a
practical test for the issuance of that certificate.
Additionally, when the FAA proposed to include all requirements for
flight instructors with a sport pilot rating in subpart H, the FAA
clarified the limitations set forth in current Sec. 61.415 by
proposing to revise Sec. 61.195 to indicate that a flight instructor
with a sport pilot rating may only provide flight instruction in a
light-sport aircraft. Although the FAA is not adopting the proposal to
place all requirements for flight instructors with a sport pilot rating
in part 61 subpart H, the FAA is
[[Page 5207]]
revising the introductory text of Sec. 61.415 to specify that a flight
instructor with a sport pilot rating may only provide flight training
in a light-sport aircraft. This change clarifies the original intent of
the 2004 final rule.
While the FAA is not adopting its proposal to remove provisions for
the conduct of proficiency checks by flight instructors and include
provisions for the issuance of category and class ratings by DPEs, the
agency remains concerned that it may not have a complete record of
those individuals who have received sport pilot privileges as a result
of satisfactory completion of a proficiency check conducted by an
authorized instructor. Accordingly, the FAA is implementing non-
regulatory procedures, which will improve its ability to obtain a
record of all proficiency checks conducted by flight instructors.
The FAA has included information on its Light Sport Aviation
Branch's (AFS-610's) Web site (https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/afs/afs600/afs610/) regarding proper
procedures for filling out and submitting FAA Form 8710-11. The agency
has taken action to ensure that all attendees at Flight Instructor
Refresher Clinics receive instruction on how to properly fill out and
submit this form. In addition, the FAA is taking action to ensure that
sport pilot privileges are now specifically listed on an airman's
certificate. The FAA is also conducting outreach at major aviation
events to better inform flight instructors on how to file required
In order to improve the FAA's ability to receive the required
documentation indicating that an airman has been endorsed for a
specific sport pilot privilege, the agency has posted on the Light
Sport Aviation Branch's website (referenced in the previous paragraph)
a link to the Airman Registry Web site. This action will permit sport
pilots and flight instructors to determine whether the FAA has a record
of those airmen having obtained additional category and class
privileges through proficiency checks. If an individual has
successfully completed a proficiency check and received an endorsement
authorizing him or her to operate, or provide training in, an
additional category and class of light-sport aircraft but that
individual's name is not listed on the website, the individual can
contact the FAA to ensure that the agency has the appropriate records.
However, if a person's name is not listed with appropriate category and
class privileges, it does not automatically disqualify that person from
exercising those privileges if a proper endorsement has been received.
B. Proposal 5: Require 1 hour of flight training on the control and
maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to instruments for
student pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate to operate an airplane
with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS and sport pilots operating
airplanes with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS
(Sec. Sec. 61.89, 61.93, and 61.327)
Current regulations require student pilots seeking a sport pilot
certificate to receive and log flight training in the control and
maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to flight instruments.
This training must be received before conducting a solo cross-country
flight or any flight greater than 25 nautical miles from the airport
from where the flight originated. It also must be received prior to
making a solo flight and landing at any location other than the airport
of origination. These requirements are detailed in Sec. 61.93 and are
applicable to persons seeking a student pilot certificate to operate
any category and class of airplane. That section, however, does not
specify any minimum flight training time to meet these requirements. In
addition, current regulations for the issuance of a sport pilot
certificate do not require an applicant to receive flight training on
the control and maneuvering of any airplane solely by reference to
The FAA proposed to require student pilots seeking a sport pilot
certificate and sport pilots operating an airplane with a maximum
airspeed in level flight with maximum continuous power (VH)
greater than 87 knots calibrated airspeed (CAS) to receive and log 1
hour of flight training on the control and maneuvering of an aircraft
solely by reference to instruments. The rationale for the proposal was
the agency's concern that persons exercising student or sport pilot
privileges in airplanes with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS
may not be adequately trained to maintain control of the airplanes they
are operating if they inadvertently encounter conditions less than
those specified for visual flight rules (VFR) operations. The FAA was
particularly concerned that conditions less than those specified for
VFR operations could be more readily encountered by persons operating
airplanes with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS due to the
greater speed and potentially greater range of the aircraft.
A few commenters supported this proposed change, but did not
provide substantive reasons for their support. Many commenters,
however, objected to the proposed change. They asserted that--(1) the
proposal would go beyond the intent of the 2004 rule because sport
pilots may only fly in day VFR conditions; (2) the FAA did not offer
any data to suggest that there is a safety problem that would
necessitate such training; and (3) flight instructors with a sport
pilot rating typically receive only 1 hour of instrument training and
therefore do not have necessary instrument training to adequately train
other airmen.
Although the FAA contends that inadvertent flight into instrument
conditions by pilots not appropriately rated to conduct such flight
constitutes a significant safety hazard, the FAA agrees with the
commenters' concern that flight instructors with a sport pilot rating
would not have necessary instrument training to adequately train other
pilots for flight by reference to instruments. Additionally, the
proposal could have required a student pilot seeking a sport
certificate or a sport pilot to obtain instruction in an aircraft
equipped for instrument flight when the aircraft in which he or she
normally conducts flight operations is not equipped for instrument
flight. Based upon these concerns and the potential burden the proposed
requirement would have placed on the sport pilot community, the FAA is
withdrawing the proposed change.
C. Proposal 6: Remove the requirement for persons exercising sport
pilot privileges and flight instructors with a sport pilot rating to
carry their logbooks while in flight
(Sec. 61.51)
This proposal was related to the proposals to replace privileges
with aircraft category and class ratings on sport pilot and flight
instructor certificates with a sport pilot rating (proposals 1 and 2
listed above). If those proposals had been adopted, sport pilots and
flight instructors with a sport pilot rating would have received
certificates specifically listing category and class privileges. As a
result, there would no longer have been a need for these airmen to
carry logbooks to demonstrate that they were authorized to exercise
category and class privileges.
Many commenters supported the proposed change, regardless of
whether proposed items 1 and 2 were adopted. However, a few commenters
indicated that the proposed change was unnecessary because Sec.
61.51(i)(3) permits a sport pilot to carry other evidence of existing
endorsements. Similar provisions exist for flight
[[Page 5208]]
instructors with a sport pilot rating under Sec. 61.51(i)(5). These
commenters said it should be sufficient for airmen to carry photocopies
of their logbook endorsements.
Several commenters opposed the change because they opposed the
proposals to replace privileges with aircraft category and class
ratings on sport pilot and flight instructor certificates with a sport
pilot rating.
As a result of the FAA's decision to withdraw the proposals to
replace sport pilot and flight instructor privileges with aircraft
category and class ratings on certificates, the agency is withdrawing
this proposed change. Persons exercising sport pilot privileges and
flight instructors with a sport pilot rating therefore will need to
continue to carry their logbooks or other evidence of required
endorsements while in flight. The commenters are correct that Sec.
61.51 currently allows for ``other evidence'' of instructor
endorsements; therefore the FAA will continue to allow sport pilots and
flight instructors with a sport pilot rating to carry photocopies of
required authorized instructor endorsements in lieu of carrying their
D. Proposal 7: Remove the requirement that persons exercising sport
pilot privileges have an aircraft make-and-model endorsement to operate
an aircraft within a specific set of aircraft while adding specific
regulatory provisions for endorsements for the operation of powered
parachutes with elliptical wings and aircraft with a VH less than or
equal to 87 knots CAS
(Sec. Sec. 61.315, 61.319, 61.324, 61.327, 61.413, 61.415, and 61.423)
To operate any aircraft within a set of aircraft, a sport pilot
must have a logbook endorsement from an authorized flight instructor
for a specific category, class, and make and model of aircraft within
that set of light-sport aircraft. At the time the current rules were
adopted, the FAA believed that grouping makes and models of light-sport
aircraft that have similar performance and operating characteristics as
a set of aircraft was an effective means to permit persons exercising
sport pilot privileges to operate any aircraft within that set once an
endorsement had been received.
In implementing the 2004 final rule, the FAA developed standards
for defining and establishing sets of aircraft within each category of
aircraft (airplanes, weight-shift-control aircraft, powered parachutes,
gyroplanes, and lighter-than-air aircraft). The FAA believed that
incorporating a requirement for a specific endorsement based on a set
of aircraft would ensure that any person exercising sport pilot
privileges would receive additional flight training appropriate to the
aircraft in which operations would be conducted.
As stated in the proposal, the FAA believes that the duplicative
nature of currently required endorsements and proficiency checks makes
a specific requirement for a make-and-model endorsement to operate any
aircraft within a set of aircraft redundant.
Several commenters, including ASC, EAA, and NAFI, supported the
proposal to eliminate the requirement for a make-and-model endorsement
to operate a specific set of aircraft. The FAA is adopting this change
as proposed for sport pilots. As the FAA's proposal to remove subpart K
and incorporate the requirements for flight instructors with a sport
pilot rating in subpart H is being withdrawn, the FAA is revising
Sec. Sec. 61.413, 61.415, and 61.423 to eliminate provisions in those
sections that refer to the issuance of make-and-model endorsements to
operate a specific set of aircraft by flight instructors with a sport
pilot rating. These amendments are necessary to implement the changes
as originally proposed.
The agency believes that safety concerns can be adequately
addressed using existing endorsements and the additional endorsement
proposed in the NPRM for holders of a sport pilot certificate seeking
to operate a light-sport aircraft that has a VH less than or
equal to 87 knots CAS. The FAA notes that although it has removed the
requirement for persons exercising sport pilot privileges to have
aircraft make-and-model endorsements, the additional training
requirements of Sec. 61.31 are applicable to all pilots, to include
both sport pilots and student pilots. Furthermore, while Sec.
61.31(l)(2) excepts both holders of student pilot certificates and
holders of sport pilot certificates when operating a light-sport
aircraft from the rating limitations of that section, it does not
except those pilots from the additional training requirements specified
in that section, such as the additional training requirements for the
operation of tailwheel airplanes and gliders. Sport pilots and student
pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate therefore must continue to
ensure that they have received the applicable training and endorsements
required for the operation of those aircraft prior to acting as pilot
in command.
Based on comments received, the FAA does not believe that an
additional endorsement for the operation of a powered parachute with an
elliptical wing is justified. A few commenters, including EAA and NAFI,
objected to the proposal to add specific regulatory provisions for
endorsements for the operation of powered parachutes with elliptical
wings. The Experimental Aircraft Association and NAFI said elliptical
wings on the market today fly essentially the same as square wings, and
therefore said no additional endorsement is required, nor would it add
any safety value. An individual commenter agreed that the fundamentals
of inflating, taxiing, maneuvering, and landing the wings are
identical, and added pilots wishing to transition from square to
elliptical wings can do so with instruction without a costly
endorsement from a certified flight instructor (CFI). Another commenter
said without a solid definition of what constitutes an elliptical wing,
it makes no sense to require a specific endorsement to fly them. One
commenter, however, said that the elliptical wing for powered
parachutes is a significant performance issue that should be addressed
as proposed.
Although the FAA believes that an elliptical wing has different
performance characteristics than a square wing, the agency agrees with
the commenters that the differences are not so different that they
warrant additional training and an endorsement. The FAA is therefore
withdrawing this proposed change.
Regarding the proposal to require an endorsement for aircraft with
a VH less than or equal to 87 knots CAS, EAA, NAFI, and an
individual commenter raised objections. The Experimental Aircraft
Association and NAFI said they essentially agreed with the concept, but
said that initial certification in a single-engine land airplane should
be sufficient to fly other single-engine airplanes within the
definition of light-sport aircraft. The individual commenter did not
believe accident data support the 87-knot-CAS division any longer and
suggested the distinction be withdrawn from this proposal and removed
throughout other light-sport regulations.
The FAA does not believe that receiving training in an airplane
with a VH greater than 87 knots CAS will adequately prepare
a sport pilot to operate a low-speed, high-drag airplane with a
VH less than or equal to 87 knots CAS without additional
training. The agency maintains the proposed endorsement to operate an
aircraft with a VH less than or equal to 87 knots CAS is
justified and is adopting this change.
[[Page 5209]]
E. Proposal 8: Remove the requirement for all flight instructors to log
at least 5 hours of flight time in a make and model of light-sport
aircraft before providing training in any aircraft from the same set in
which that training is given
(Sec. 61.415)
The FAA proposed to eliminate the requirement for flight
instructors with a sport pilot rating to have logged 5 hours of flight
time in order to provide flight instruction in a make and model
aircraft within a specific set of aircraft. The FAA believes that the
aeronautical experience requirements for the issuance of a flight
instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating and the endorsements
necessary to exercise those privileges are sufficient for an instructor
to safely provide flight instruction in any aircraft for which that
instructor has privileges. An additional requirement to obtain 5 hours
of aeronautical experience therefore imposes an unnecessary burden on
the flight instructor and should not be required to safely provide
instruction in that aircraft. In addition, the requirement would also
not be consistent with the adoption of the proposal (included in item 7
above) to eliminate the requirement in Sec. 61.319 for a person
exercising sport pilot privileges to have a make and model endorsement
to operate any aircraft within a specific set of aircraft.
Many commenters, including EAA, NAFI, and AOPA, supported this
proposed change. Some individuals, however, objected to it.
One commenter said the change seemed ``out of place,'' considering
that the FAA also requires examiners to have the same 5 hours before
administering practical exams (in accordance with FAA Order 8710.7
Sport Pilot Examiner's Handbook (Oct. 14, 2004)). The commenter said if
this proposal is adopted, the same restriction should be removed from
The FAA notes that after the NPRM was published, FAA Order 8710.7
was superseded by FAA Order 8900.2 General Aviation Airman Designee
Handbook (Sept. 30, 2008). FAA Order 8900.2 removed the requirement for
a DPE to have 5 hours in a make and model of aircraft within a set of
aircraft prior to exercising DPE privileges. The commenter's concern
has therefore been addressed by the issuance of FAA Order 8900.2.
A gyroplane CFI said it would be impossible for an endorsing
instructor to ensure that a sport pilot applicant would be safe to fly
any gyroplane. The commenter said there needs to be some way that an
endorsing instructor and/or the DPE could provide additional
limitations on what new gyroplanes a new pilot could fly.
The FAA recognizes that flight instructors and DPEs cannot place
additional limitations on newly certificated pilots, which would
restrict those persons from exercising the privileges of those
certificates. A flight instructor, however, may issue an endorsement
that provides restrictions on a student pilot, and the student pilot
may not act in any manner contrary to any limitations placed in his or
her logbook by an authorized instructor, as set forth in Sec.
61.89(a)(8). The FAA did not propose to establish additional authority
for flight instructors and DPEs that would permit them to issue
endorsements for a sport pilot that would contain limitations more
restrictive than the privileges granted by that person's certificate.
Such action would be outside the scope of this rulemaking.
An individual commenter said an instructor should have at least 5
hours of time in the aircraft in which he or she will be instructing.
The commenter said a person should not be teaching in an aircraft with
which he or she is not familiar. The FAA agrees that a person providing
instruction in an aircraft should be familiar with that aircraft's
operating characteristics. However, due to the variety of operating
characteristics of individual aircraft, the agency does not believe
that mandating a minimum aeronautical experience requirement is
appropriate for instructors to provide flight training in light-sport
aircraft. The agency believes that the aeronautical experience
requirements for the issuance of a flight instructor certificate with a
sport pilot rating and the endorsements necessary to exercise those
privileges are sufficient for an instructor to safely provide flight
instruction in any aircraft for which that instructor has privileges.
The FAA notes that flight instructors certificated under part 61
subpart H, like those certificated under subpart K, may provide flight
instruction in light-sport aircraft that are airplanes, powered
parachutes, weight-shift-control aircraft, gyroplanes, gliders, and
lighter-than-air aircraft. However, flight instructors certificated
under the provisions of part 61 subpart H are not required to have 5
hours of flight time in a specific make and model of aircraft (except
for a multi-engine airplane, helicopter, or powered lift) prior to
providing flight instruction in these aircraft. The FAA has determined
that the individual flight characteristics of all makes and models of
light-sport aircraft within a specific category of aircraft are not
sufficiently different to warrant imposition of a requirement on flight
instructors with a sport pilot rating to obtain 5 hours of aeronautical
experience in each make and model of aircraft prior to providing flight
instruction. Such a requirement imposes an unnecessary burden on these
flight instructors that is not correspondingly imposed in Sec. 61.195
on flight instructors with other than a sport pilot rating. The agency
has determined that 5 hours of aeronautical experience in a particular
make and model of light-sport aircraft therefore should not be required
to safely provide flight instruction in these relatively simple, non-
complex aircraft. The FAA is adopting this change as proposed.
F. Proposal 9: Permit persons exercising sport pilot privileges and the
privileges of a student pilot seeking a sport pilot certificate to fly
up to an altitude of not more than 10,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) or
2,000 feet above ground level (AGL), whichever is higher
(Sec. Sec. 61.89 and 61.315)
Current Sec. 61.89 (c)(3) states that student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate may not act as pilot in command of an aircraft
at an altitude of more than 10,000 feet mean sea level (MSL). Section
61.315 (c)(11) places the same limitation on sport pilots. The FAA
proposed to add the words ``or 2,000 feet AGL [above ground level],
whichever is higher'' to allow sport pilots and student pilots seeking
a sport pilot certificate to operate in mountainous areas higher than
10,000 feet MSL when such operations are less than 2,000 feet AGL.
Many commenters, including AOPA and ASC, supported this change.
Several commenters, including EAA and NAFI, generally supported the
proposal but recommended extending the limits even higher.
The Experimental Aircraft Association, NAFI, and others recommended
the FAA align the rule with Sec. 91.211 (a)(1), which allows persons
to operate civil aircraft that are not equipped with supplemental
oxygen up to 12,500 feet MSL and 14,000 feet MSL for 30 minutes or
less. Some commenters suggested raising the maximum altitudes to 10,500
feet MSL and 2,500 feet AGL, whichever is higher, to conform to VFR
altitude requirements. Other commenters suggested raising the maximum
altitudes to as much as 18,000 feet MSL, noting that glider pilots are
permitted to fly at that altitude. One commenter suggested that
training in the effects of high-altitude flight should be required if
[[Page 5210]]
flights are permitted to higher altitudes. In addition, some commenters
pointed out that private pilots with instrument ratings are permitted
to fly up to 25,000 feet MSL without a high-altitude endorsement.
Others proposed raising both the minimum altitudes requirements
applicable to both sport pilots and recreational pilots, while other
commenters proposed eliminating the altitude restrictions entirely.
In addition, commenters pointed out that the higher altitudes would
provide greater safety because they would allow greater flexibility in
dealing with in-flight issues such as wind, glide distance, density
altitude, and alternate airports and safe landing areas. Commenters
also said higher altitudes would allow sport pilots to safely operate
over mountains and large bodies of water, such as the Great Lakes. The
commenters said that additional altitude would allow sport pilots to
fly over noise-sensitive mountainous areas such as wildlife refuges,
national parks, etc. where pilots are asked to maintain a minimum
altitude of 2,000 feet AGL.
Further, EAA and NAFI said they are not aware of any engine or
airframe or ASTM F37 standard that would prevent a sport pilot from
operating a light-sport aircraft at the altitudes permitted by Sec.
The FAA agrees that the current regulations unnecessarily burden
sport pilots and student pilots seeking sport pilot certificates who
operate light-sport aircraft in mountainous areas. The FAA notes that
sport pilots and student pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate are
trained in proper preflight preparation procedures, which include
training in aeromedical factors, such as the effects of hypoxia. In
addition, these pilots receive training in reduced aircraft performance
at high-density altitudes and in the effect of operations at higher
altitudes. These pilots are required to demonstrate knowledge of these
factors during the practical test.
Additionally, many of the new light-sport aircraft are capable of
operating above 10,000 feet MSL. By providing sport pilots with the
ability to better utilize the capabilities of these aircraft and
operate at higher altitudes in mountainous terrain, the revision should
assist in reducing the risks associated with mountain flying. By
restricting operations above 10,000 feet MSL to no more than 2,000 feet
AGL, sport pilots operating light-sport aircraft should not impose a
hazard to high-performance aircraft that routinely operate at higher
The primary purpose of the proposal was to increase the safety of
operations conducted in mountainous areas and eliminate unnecessary
burdens imposed by the current rule. By permitting persons exercising
sport pilot privileges to operate at 10,000 feet MSL or 2,000 feet AGL,
whichever is higher, the FAA is eliminating significant restrictions on
the operation of light-sport aircraft in all mountainous areas
regardless of the height of the terrain. Additionally, the new altitude
restrictions would correspond to those restrictions for recreational
pilots set forth in Sec. 61.101 (e)(8).
Many of the commenters' suggestions to permit a uniform maximum MSL
altitude would not provide relief for operations over all mountainous
terrain. Additionally, some of the higher maximum MSL altitudes
suggested by commenters would place light-sport aircraft at altitudes
typically occupied by significantly higher-performance aircraft even
though operations at such altitudes are not necessary to ensure safe
and adequate terrain clearance in most portions of the United States.
Operations at these higher altitudes would also unnecessarily expose
sport pilots to harsher physiological conditions for which their
aircraft may not be properly equipped. The FAA therefore is adopting
this change as proposed.
G. Proposal 10: Permit private pilots to receive compensation for
production flight testing of powered parachutes and weight-shift-
control aircraft intended for certification in the light-sport category
in Sec. 21.190
(Sec. 61.113)
The FAA proposed to allow a private pilot to act as pilot in
command for compensation or hire when conducting a production flight
test in a powered parachute or a weight-shift-control aircraft intended
for certification in the light-sport category under Sec. 21.190.
The 2004 final rule created two new categories of aircraft--powered
parachutes and weight-shift-control aircraft--and permitted their
manufacture for certification in the light-sport category under Sec.
21.190. During the manufacturing process, these aircraft must undergo a
production flight test. The 2004 final rule, however, did not create
ratings at the commercial pilot level for the operation of these two
new categories of aircraft. Since private pilots under the current rule
cannot receive compensation when conducting production flight tests,
there is not a means for a pilot conducting production flight tests of
powered parachutes or weight-shift-control aircraft to be compensated
for that activity unless an exemption is obtained.
Virtually all of the commenters who addressed this proposal
supported it. Some commenters, however, were concerned about the level
of experience that private pilots possess, and therefore recommended
the FAA create an aircraft category rating at the commercial pilot
certificate level for powered parachutes and weight-shift-control
aircraft. Some commenters pointed out that these aircraft have numerous
commercial uses for which a pilot could receive compensation if
appropriate aircraft category ratings were created at the commercial
pilot level (i.e., search and rescue, use as camera platforms, wildlife
management, etc.). Such action however, is outside the scope of this
Three commenters suggested that CFIs be allowed to perform
production flight testing, whether they have a private pilot
certificate or not. Some of the commenters pointed out that CFIs must
have three times the experience of a private pilot to become an
instructor. The FAA notes, though, that flight instructor privileges
consist of providing training and endorsements that are required for,
and relate to, certificates, ratings, privileges, tests, recency-of-
experience requirements, flight reviews, and proficiency checks.
Privileges to conduct flight operations for compensation or hire are
granted through the issuance of pilot certificates. The FAA considers
revising flight instructor certificate privileges to permit the conduct
of commercial operations outside the scope of this rulemaking.
In its comments to this proposal, EAA recommended that the FAA
permit gyroplanes to be certificated as special light-sport aircraft
under Sec. 21.190 and that private pilots be permitted to act as
pilots in command of these aircraft for the purpose of conducting a
production flight test. The FAA considers EAA's recommendation to
certificate gyroplanes as special light-sport aircraft under Sec.
21.190 to be outside the scope of the NPRM. Accordingly, the agency
also considers any recommendation for private pilots to act as pilots
in command of these aircraft for the purpose of conducting a production
flight test to be outside the scope of the NPRM.
The FAA is adopting this change with modification. In response to
commenters' concerns the FAA is including a requirement that persons
conducting production flight testing be familiar with the processes and
procedures applicable to those operations to include those conducted
under a special flight permit and any associated operating limitations.
[[Page 5211]]
H. Proposal 11: Revise student sport pilot solo cross-country
navigation and communication flight training requirements
(Sec. 61.93)
This proposal addressed those maneuvers and procedures that a
student pilot seeking a sport pilot certificate should receive training
in prior to conducting solo cross-country flight in single-engine
airplanes, gyroplanes, and airships. Since student pilots seeking a
sport pilot certificate frequently conduct solo cross-country flights
in aircraft that are not equipped with radios for VFR navigation and
two-way communications, the FAA does not believe that all student
pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate should be required to receive
training in those procedures prior to conducting solo cross-country
flight. However, if this equipment is installed in the aircraft used
for the solo cross-country flight, the student pilot must receive and
log flight training on the use of those radios. Additionally, since
sport pilots are not required to be trained in the control and
maneuvering solely by reference to flight instruments, the FAA does not
believe that student pilots seeking a sport pilot certificate should be
required to receive training in those maneuvers and procedures prior to
conducting solo cross-country flight, unless the student is receiving
training for cross-country flight in an airplane with a VH
greater than 87 knots CAS. Current Sec. 61.93 requires such training
to be received prior to the operation of single-engine airplanes and
airships in cross-country flight.
Many commenters, including EAA, NAFI, AOPA, and ASC, supported this
proposal. An individual commenter agreed with the FAA's proposal, but
did not want the FAA to retain the requirement for student pilots
seeking a sport pilot certificate to receive and log flight training on
control and maneuvering solely by reference to flight instruments when
receiving training for cross-country flight in an airplane that has a
VH greater than 87 knots CAS. Another commenter noted that
the regulations for a recreational pilot do not require flight training
in the control and maneuvering of an aircraft solely by reference to
instruments. In addition, a commenter did not want the FAA to require
testing on radio navigation or radio communications for the issuance of
a sport pilot certificate.
The FAA is adopting this change as proposed. It is removing the
training requirement for student pilots seeking a sport pilot
certificate to receive training in the control and maneuvering of an
airplane solely by reference to flight instruments prior to conducting
solo cross-country flight in aircraft other than airplanes with a
VH greater than 87 knots CAS. The agency is retaining the
requirement for this training to be received if the student pilot will
be conducting cross-country flight in an airplane that has a
VH greater than 87 knots CAS because such airplanes
generally have greater range than airplanes with a VH less
than or equal to 87 knots CAS. These faster aircraft with greater range
capability are generally more frequently used for cross-country flights
of extended duration where potential instrument meteorological
conditions (IMC) may be encountered. The FAA maintains that the change
is consistent with the intent of the 2004 sport pilot rule, as it
removes certain requirements that are not appropriate for the operation
of airplanes with a VH equal to or less than 87 knots CAS
and airships.
The FAA recognizes that the regulations for the issuance of a
recreational pilot certificate contained in part 61 subpart D do not
require flight training in the control and maneuvering of an aircraft
solely by reference to instruments. However, any change in the
regulations for recreational pilots would be outside the scope of this
Further, in response to the comment requesting that the FAA
eliminate testing on radio navigation or radio communications for the
issuance of a sport pilot certificate, the FAA notes that such testing
is required to ensure that a sport pilot applicant meets applicable
flight-proficiency requirements for airport, seaplane base, and
gliderport operations, as applicable.
I. Proposal 12: Clarify cross-country distance requirements for private
pilots seeking to operate weight-shift-control aircraft
(Sec. 61.109)
Current Sec. 61.109(j)(2)(i) specifies that a person applying for
a private pilot certificate with a weight-shift-control rating must log
``one cross-country flight over 75 nautical miles total distance'' at
night with an authorized instructor. Although Sec. 61.109 uses the
term ``cross-country flight,'' persons applying for this rating
frequently have overlooked the provisions of Sec. 61.1(b)(3)(ii)(B),
which states that for purposes of meeting the aeronautical experience
requirements for a private pilot certificate with a weight-shift-
control rating, cross-country time includes a point of landing at least
a straight-line distance of more than 50 nautical miles from the
original point of departure. To ensure that persons applying for a
private pilot certificate with a weight-shift-control rating complete a
cross-country flight that meets the requirements of both Sec. Sec.
61.1 and 61.109, the FAA proposed to make Sec. 61.109 consistent with
Sec. 61.1 by indicating that the cross-country flight must include a
point of landing that is a straight-line distance of more than 50
nautical miles from the original point of departure.
Several commenters, including EAA, NAFI, and ASC, supported this
proposal. One commenter, however, said the FAA's revision would not
clarify Sec. 61.109. The commenter suggested adopting the requirement
for an airplane single-engine rating (one solo cross-country flight of
at least 150 nautical miles total distance, with full-stop landings at
a minimum of three points, and one segment of the flight consisting of
a straight-line distance of at least 50 nautical miles between the take
off and landing locations). If the total distance is too great to allow
a person seeking a private pilot certificate with a weight-shift-
control aircraft rating to accomplish the flight without refueling, the
commenter believed that reducing the flight to 100 miles total distance
with full stop landings at a minimum of three points would be
The FAA notes that the proposal merely clarified the existing
regulation and did not add any new requirement. The agency believes the
current requirement provides adequate training and experience for
private pilots seeking to operate weight-shift-control aircraft. The
agency did not intend in the NPRM to create identical requirements for
private pilots seeking to operate weight-shift-control aircraft and
private pilots seeking to operate single-engine airplanes. The FAA
therefore is adopting the change as proposed.
J. Proposal 13: Revise the aeronautical experience requirements at
towered airports for persons seeking to operate a powered parachute or
weight-shift-control aircraft as a private pilot
(Sec. 61.109)
The aeronautical experience requirements for a private pilot
certificate with a powered parachute rating and weight-shift-control
aircraft rating are found in Sec. 61.109 (i) and (j) respectively.
These paragraphs state that the training required for these aircraft
ratings must include at least three takeoffs and landings (with each
landing involving a flight in traffic pattern) at an airport with an
operating control tower. These paragraphs also require the takeoffs and
landings to be performed in
[[Page 5212]]
solo flight in the specific category of aircraft for which a rating is
Currently, many persons seeking to obtain ratings in powered
parachutes or weight-shift-control aircraft experience difficulty
conducting operations at tower-controlled airports. These aircraft
frequently experience difficulty operating in the traffic pattern with
other categories and classes of aircraft due to their slower speeds,
flight characteristics, and operating limitations. The FAA proposed to
allow persons seeking these ratings to conduct operations at tower-
controlled airports without the burden of having to conduct them in a
powered parachute or weight-shift-control aircraft while in solo
flight. The proposal was intended to provide applicants with additional
flexibility in obtaining the aeronautical experience necessary to
conduct operations at tower-controlled airports. An applicant would not
only be permitted to obtain the necessary aeronautical experience in
the category of aircraft for which a rating is sought while in solo
flight, but also in dual flight in any category of aircraft.
Several commenters, including EAA, NAFI, and ASC, supported this
proposal. One of those commenters said the proposal makes sense because
it focuses on the primary value of the training--communication with the
tower. Another commenter supported the change, noting that a person who
is already a private pilot already has the type of experience to safely
operate at a towered airport, so the requirements should be decreased.
As stated in the preamble to the NPRM, the intent of the proposal
was to allow persons seeking to operate a powered parachute or weight-
shift-control aircraft as a private pilot to conduct operations at
tower-controlled airports without the burden of having to conduct these
operations in a powered parachute or weight-shift-control aircraft
while in solo flight. The change will provide applicants with
additional flexibility in obtaining the aeronautical experience
necessary to conduct operations at tower-controlled airports.
The FAA is adopting the change as proposed.
K. Proposal 14: Remove the requirement for pilots with only powered
parachute and weight-shift-control aircraft ratings to take a knowledge
test for an additional rating at the same certificate level
(Sec. 61.63)
Knowledge tests for applicants for category or class ratings for
powered aircraft at the same certificate level address identical
aeronautical knowledge areas. Persons who hold a category rating for a
powered aircraft (other than powered parachutes and weight-shift-
control aircraft) are not currently required to take a knowledge test
when applying for an additional category or class rating for a powered
aircraft at their certificate level. The 2004 final rule created two
additional categories and classes of powered aircraft. In that rule,
applicants who hold category ratings for powered parachutes or weight-
shift-control aircraft seeking additional category and class ratings
were not provided the same relief as that provided to persons who hold
category and class ratings for other powered aircraft. The FAA
therefore proposed to provide applicants who hold category ratings for
powered parachutes or weight-shift-control aircraft with this relief.
All persons who commented on this issue, including EAA, NAFI, and
ASC, supported the proposal, some ``strongly.'' The FAA is adopting the
change as proposed, except that in the final rule, the proposed
revisions to paragraphs (b)(5) and (c)(5) of Sec. 61.63 are adopted as
paragraphs (b)(4) and (c)(4) respectively. This modification is being
made because after the proposed rule was published, Sec. 61.63 was
revised in the ``Pilot, Flight Instructor, and Pilot School'' final
rule, (74 FR 42500, Aug. 21, 2009). The modification, therefore, aligns
the changes with the current structure of Sec. 61.63.
L. Proposal 15: Revise the amount of hours of flight training an
applicant for a sport pilot certifi