Public Notice for Waiver of Aeronautical Land-Use Assurance; Indianapolis International Airport, Indianapolis, IN, 5173-5176 [2010-2006]
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Notices
concern regarding the industry’s
commitment to the safety of its
passengers and employees. For example,
the 2006 derailment of a CTA Blue Line
train in Chicago involved aging
infrastructure that did not meet agency
safety standards and yet remained in
In response to this series of accidents,
the Secretary of Transportation
established TRACS for the purpose of
providing a forum for the development,
consideration, and communication of
information from knowledgeable and
independent perspectives regarding
transit rail safety. The committee is
chartered under the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2) and
became effective on December 8, 2009.
In addition, the Secretary of
Transportation transmitted to Congress
in December proposed legislation
outlining comprehensive transit safety
reforms. While Congress debates this
important piece of legislation, the
Department has decided to move
forward with the selection process for
the TRACS. The Department
acknowledges that FTA cannot
promulgate final regulations without
new safety legislation, but given the
urgent need for reform in this area,
convening affected parties now will
only help strengthen FTA’s decisionmaking process later.
TRACS will be composed of no more
than 25 voting members representing
key constituencies affected by rail
transit safety requirements. These key
constituencies will include, but are not
limited to: rail safety experts, labor
unions, transit agencies, rider advocacy
groups, State safety oversight agencies,
and industry associations. Members are
recommended for appointment by the
FTA Administrator and appointed by
and serve at the pleasure of the
Secretary of Transportation. Terms of
office will normally be two years, and
members’ terms of office will be
staggered to assure adequate continuity
of TRACS membership. Therefore, at
least initially, some members may be
appointed under this announcement to
a one-year term of office.
Qualified individuals interested in
serving on this committee are invited to
apply to FTA for appointment.
Nominations are sought from highly
qualified individuals and should
possess demonstrable expertise in the
field of safety and/or rail transit
operations/maintenance or represent
stakeholder interests that would be
affected by rail transit safety
requirements. Nominees will also be
evaluated based on the following
factors: policy experience, leadership
and organizational skills, region of
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country represented, and diversity
characteristics. Each nomination should
include: proposed committee member’s
name and organizational affiliation, a
cover letter describing the nominee’s
qualifications or interest in serving on
the committee, a curriculum vitae or
resume of the nominee’s qualifications,
and whether the nominee would like to
be considered for a one year or two year
term. Self-nominations are acceptable
and each submission should include the
following contact information:
nominee’s name, address, phone
number, fax number, and e-mail
address. FTA prefers electronic
submission for all applications to Applications will also
be accepted via U.S. mail at the address
identified in the FOR FURTHER
notice. All applications must be
submitted by February 26, 2010. Finally,
in furtherance of the President’s efforts
to reduce the influence of special
interests in Washington, we are
interested in keeping TRACS free of
individuals who currently are registered
Federal lobbyists.
The TRACS will meet approximately
twice a year, usually in Washington, DC,
but may meet more often if the need
arises. Members serve at their own
expense and receive no salary, or other
compensation from the Federal
Government. FTA retains authority to
review the participation of any TRACS
member and to recommend changes at
any time. TRACS meetings will be open
to the public and one need not be a
member to attend. Interested
individuals may view the charter for
TRACS at The
Secretary of Transportation expects to
make final decisions regarding
committee membership by April 30,
Issued this 27th day of January 2010 in
Washington, DC.
Peter Rogoff,
[FR Doc. 2010–2011 Filed 1–29–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Public Notice for Waiver of
Aeronautical Land-Use Assurance;
Indianapolis International Airport,
Indianapolis, IN
AGENCY: Federal Aviation
Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of intent of waiver with
respect to land.
PO 00000
Frm 00141
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) is considering a
proposal to change a portion of the
airport from aeronautical use to nonaeronautical use and to authorize the
release of 13.992 acres of vacant airport
property for highway development. The
land consists of portions of eight
original airport acquired parcels. These
parcels were acquired under grants:
FAAP 9–12–008–10, FAAP 9–12–008–
12, ADAP 6–18–0038–01, ADAP 6–18–
0038–02, AIP 3–18–0038–54 or without
Federal participation. There are no
impacts to the airport by allowing the
Indianapolis Airport Authority to
dispose of the property. The land is not
needed for aeronautical use. Approval
does not constitute a commitment by
the FAA to financially assist in the sale
or lease of the subject airport property
nor a determination of eligibility for
grant-in-aid funding from the FAA.
In accordance with section 47107(h)
of title 49, United States Code, this
notice is required to be published in the
Federal Register 30 days before
modifying the land-use assurance that
requires the property to be used for an
aeronautical purpose.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 3, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the
Sponsor’s request must be delivered or
mailed to: Melanie Myers, Program
Manager, Chicago Airports District
Office, 2300 East Devon Avenue, Des
Plaines, IL 60018.
Melanie Myers, Program Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration, Great
Lakes Region, Chicago Airports District
Office, CHI–ADO 609, 2300 East Devon
Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60018
Telephone Number (847–294–7525)/
FAX Number (847–294–7046).
Documents reflecting this FAA action
may be reviewed at this same location
or at Indianapolis International Airport,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Parcel 99: A part of the West Half of
Southwest Quarter of Section 25,
Township 15 North, Range 3 East in
Marion County, Indiana and being that
part of the granter’s land lying within
the right-of-way lines depicted on the
attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat
marked Exhibit ‘‘B’’, described as
follows: Commencing at the southwest
corner of said half quarter section;
thence North 88 degrees 37 minutes 37
seconds East 1,328.93 feet along the
south line of said quarter section to the
prolonged west boundary of I–465;
thence North 0 degrees 19 minutes 10
seconds West 59.82 feet along the
prolonged west boundary of said I–465
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Notices
to the point of beginning of this
description, which point is where the
west boundary of said I–465 meets the
north boundary of Hanna Avenue;
thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00
seconds West 12.86 feet along the north
boundary of Hanna Avenue to point
‘‘98008’’ designated on said plat; thence
North 6 degrees 30 minutes 58 seconds
West 197.03 feet to point ‘‘98002’’
designated on said plat; thence North 3
degrees 28 minutes 32 seconds West
484.17 feet to point ‘‘98001’’ designated
on said plat; thence North 12 degrees 12
minutes 50 seconds West 47.06 feet to
the north line of the grantor’s land;
thence North 88 degrees 37 minutes 37
seconds East 58.00 feet along said north
line to the west boundary of said I–465;
thence South 2 degrees 09 minutes 28
seconds East 390.53 feet along the
boundary of said I–465 thence South 0
degrees 18 minutes 49 seconds East
336.28 feet along said boundary to the
point of beginning and containing 0.647
acres, more or less.
Parcel 99A: A part of the West Half of
the Southwest Quarter of Section 25,
Township 15 North, Range 3 East, in
Marion County, and being that part of
the grantor’s land lying within the rightof-way lines depicted on the attached
Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked Exhibit
‘‘B’’ described as follows: Commencing
at the southwest corner of said half
quarter section, thence North 0 degrees
04 minutes 10 seconds West 20.31 feet
along the west line of said section to the
prolonged north boundary of Hanna
Avenue; thence North XX degrees 39
minutes 19 seconds East 415.42 feet
along the prolonged boundary of said
Hanna Avenue and along the north
boundary of said Hanna Avenue to the
point of beginning of this description,
designated as point ‘‘98006’’ on said
plat: thence North 61 degrees 16
minutes 55 seconds East 56.32 feet to
point ‘‘98005’’ designated on said plat;
thence North 84 degrees 42 minutes 35
seconds East 288.96 feet to the north
boundary of Hanna Avenue designated
as point ‘‘98004’’ on said plat; thence
South 9 degrees 45 minutes 49 seconds
West 26.23 feet along the boundary of
said Hanna Avenue; thence South 79
degrees XX minutes 37 seconds West
131.31 feet along said boundary; thence
South 89 degrees XX minutes 19
seconds West 203.46 feet along said
boundary to the point of beginning and
containing 0.218 acres, more or less.
Parcel 13E: A part of the Southwest
Quarter of Section 13 and a part of the
Northwest Quarter of Section 24, all in
Township 15 North, Range 2 East,
Marion County, Indiana, and being that
part of the grantor’s land lying within
the right-of-way lines depicted on the
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attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat
marked EXHIBIT ‘‘B’’, described as
follows: Beginning at a point on the
south line of said Section 13 North 88
degrees 50 minutes 02 seconds East
1,378.87 feet from the southwest corner
of said Section 13, which point of
beginning is on the west boundary of I–
465; thence South 21 degrees 28
minutes 28 seconds West 10.33 feet
along the boundary of said I–465; thence
South 0 degrees 05 minutes 18 seconds
East 367.01 feet along said boundary;
thence South 3 degrees 25 minutes 31
seconds West 394.20 feet along said
boundary; thence along said boundary
Southwesterly 435.19 feet along an arc
to the right having a radius of 661.18
feet and subtended by a long chord
having a bearing of South 19 degrees 58
minutes 17 seconds West and a length
of 427.37 feet to point ‘‘1030113’’
designated on said plat; thence North 19
degrees 00 minutes 41 seconds East
423.57 feet to point ‘‘1030114’’
designated on said plat; thence North 0
degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds East
3,391.47 feet to point ‘‘51419’’
designated on said plat on the southern
boundary of Minnesota Street; thence
along the boundary of said Minnesota
Street Northeasterly 26.69 feet along an
arc to the right having a radius of 355.00
feet and subtended by a long chord
having a bearing of North 82 degrees 19
minutes 01 seconds East and a length of
26.69 feet to the west boundary of said
I–465; thence South 1 degree 29 minutes
51 seconds East 318.45 feet along the
boundary of said I–465; thence South 2
degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds East
120.15 feet along said boundary; thence
South 0 degrees 29 minutes 32 seconds
East 240.02 feet along said boundary;
thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds West 1,295.65 feet along said
boundary; thence South 0 degrees 13
minutes 26 seconds West 126.35 feet
along said boundary; thence South 3
degrees 05 minutes 11 seconds West
200.25 feet along said boundary; thence
South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds
West 315.00 feet along said boundary;
thence South 21 degrees 28 minutes 28
seconds West 8.99 feet along said
boundary to the point of beginning and
containing 2.486 acres, more or less in
said Section 13, and containing 0.691
acres, more or less, in said section 24;
and containing in all 3.177 acres more
or less.
Parcel 13F: A part of the Northwest
Quarter of Section 13, Township 15
North, Range 2 East, Marion County,
Indiana, and being that part of the
grantor’s land lying within the right-ofway lines depicted on the attached
Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked
PO 00000
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EXHIBIT ‘‘B’’, described as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of
said quarter section; thence North 88
degrees 44 minutes 08 seconds East
1,365.63 feet along the south line of said
quarter section to the west boundary of
I–465; thence North 5 degrees 30
minutes 56 seconds East 20.80 feet
along the boundary of said I–465; thence
North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds
East 24.71 feet along said boundary to
the northern boundary of Minnesota
Street and the point of beginning of this
description: thence along the boundary
of said Minnesota Street Southwesterly
22.12 feet along an arc to the left having
a radius of 445.00 feet and subtended by
a long chord having a bearing of South
84 degrees 17 minutes 11 seconds West
and a length of 22.12 feet to point
‘‘35154’’ designated on said plat; thence
North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds
East 119.31 feet to point ‘‘35155’’
designated on said plat on the southern
line of CSX Railroad; thence North 71
degrees 57 minutes 42 seconds East
23.17 feet along said southern line to the
west boundary of said I–465; thence
South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds
West 124.29 feet along the boundary of
said I–465 to the point of beginning and
containing 0.061 acres, more or less.
Parcel 13G: A part of Lots 253 to 259,
both inclusive in Arthur V. Brown’s
Second Section Western Heights, an
Addition to the City of Indianapolis,
Indiana, the plat of which is recorded in
Plat Book 15, pager 152, in the Office of
the Recorder of Marion County, Indiana,
and being that part of the grantor’s land
lying within the right-of-way lines
depicted on the attached Right-of-Way
Parcel Plat marked EXHIBIT ‘‘B’’,
described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the south line of said Lots 253
South 89 degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds
West 11.49 feet from the southeast
corner of said Lot 253, which point of
beginning is on the west boundary of
Lawndale Avenue; thence South 89
degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds West
72.51 feet along said south line to point
‘‘51430’’ designated on said parcel plat;
thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds East 420.01 feet to the point
‘‘51437’’ designated on said parcel plat
on the north line of said Lot 259; thence
North 89 degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds
East 72.51 feet along said north line to
the west boundary of said Lawndale
Avenue; thence South 0 degrees 13
minutes 26 seconds West 420.01 feet
along the boundary of said Lawndale
Avenue to the point of beginning and
containing 30,451 square feet, more or
Parcel 13H: A part of Lots 260 to 264,
both inclusive, in Arthur V. Brown’s
Section Western Heights, an Addition to
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Notices
the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, the
plat of which is recorded in Plat Book
15, page 152 in the Office of the
Recorder of Marion County, Indiana,
and being that part of the grantor’s land
lying within the right-of-way lines
depicted on the attached Right-of-Way
Parcel Plat marked EXHIBIT ‘‘B’’,
described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the south line of said Lot 260
South 89 degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds
West 10.44 feet from the southeast
corner of said Lot 260, which point of
beginning is on the west boundary of
Lawndale Avenue; thence South 89
degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds West
72.51 feet along said south line to point
‘‘51438’’ designated on said parcel plat;
thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds East 300.01 feet to point
‘‘51433’’ designated on said parcel plat
on the north line of said Lot 264; thence
North 89 degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds
East 42.50 feet along said north line to
the western boundary of said Lawndale
Avenue; thence South 26 degrees 31
minutes 35 seconds East 66.65 feet
along the boundary of said Lawndale
Avenue to the south line of said Lot 264;
thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds West 240.01 feet along said
boundary to the point of beginning and
containing 23,851 square feet, more or
Parcel 105: A part of the Northwest
Quarter and part of the Southwest
Quarter of Section 24, and a part of the
Northwest Quarter and a part of the
Southwest Quarter of Section 25; all in
Township 15 North, Range 2 East,
Marion County, Indiana, and being that
part of the grantor’s land lying within
the right-of-way lines depicted on the
attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat
marked EXHIBIT ‘‘B’’, described as
follows: Beginning at a point on the
west line of said Section 25 South 0
degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds East
250.84 feet from the southwest corner of
the Northwest Quarter of said Section
25 designated ‘‘101025’’ on said plat;
thence North 89 degrees 16 minutes 45
seconds East 146.80 feet to point
‘‘101026’’ designated on said plat; thence
Northeasterly 730.77 feet along an arc to
the left having a radius of 721.00 feet
and subtended by a long chord having
a bearing of North 60 degrees 14
minutes 35 seconds East and a length of
699.89 feet to point ‘‘101027’’ designated
on said plat; thence North 31 degrees 12
minutes 25 seconds East 514.66 feet to
point ‘‘40558’’ designated on said plat;
thence Northeasterly 911.91 feet along
an arc to the left having a radius of
1,821.00 feet and subtended by a long
chord having a bearing of North 16
degrees 51 minutes 39 seconds East and
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a length of 902.41 feet to point ‘‘40066’’
designated on said plat; thence North 2
degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds East
752.51 feet to point ‘‘40507’’ designated
on said plat; thence North 1 degree 16
minutes 19 seconds East 328.05 feet to
point ‘‘40508’’ designated on said plat;
thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds East 2,178 feet to point ‘‘40086’’
designated on said plat; thence North 1
degree 45 minutes 04 seconds West
58.03 feet to point ‘‘40087’’ designated
on said plat; thence North 5 degrees 42
minutes 27 seconds West 77.41 feet to
point ‘‘40088’’ designated on said plat;
thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds East 255.00 feet to point
‘‘40089’’ designated on said plat; thence
North 10 degrees 09 minutes 01 second
East 40.61 feet to point ‘‘40090’’
designated on said plat; thence North 12
degrees 05 minutes 03 seconds West
56.29 feet to point ‘‘40091’’ designated
on said plat; thence North 3 degrees 14
minutes 39 seconds West 165.30 feet to
point ‘‘40092’’ designated on said plat;
thence North 22 degrees 36 minutes 35
seconds West 103.08 feet to point
‘‘40093’’ designated on said plat; thence
North 35 degrees 36 minutes 49 seconds
West 111.02 feet to point ‘‘40094’’
designated on said plat; thence North 47
degrees 29 minutes 45 seconds West
170.94 feet to the southwestern
boundary of the Sam Jones
Expressway—I–465 interchange
designated as point ‘‘40516’’ on said
plat; thence along the boundary of said
Sam Jones Expressway—I–465
interchange Southeasterly 524.85 feet
along an arc to the right having a radius
of 505.96 feet and subtended by a long
chord having a bearing of South 30
degrees 31 minutes 16 seconds East and
a length of 501.64 feet to the western
boundary of I–465 thence South 11
degrees 47 minutes 29 seconds East
96.15 feet along the boundary of said I–
465; thence South 1 degree 39 minutes
27 seconds East 274.15 feet along said
boundary; thence South 0 degrees 13
minutes 26 seconds West 226.00 feet
along said boundary; thence South 0
degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds West
271.00 feet along said boundary; thence
South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds
West 29.00 feet along said boundary;
thence South 0 degrees 27 minutes 49
seconds West 239.00 feet along said
boundary; thence South 0 degrees 13
minutes 26 seconds West 461.00 feet
along said boundary; thence South 0
degrees 30 minutes 03 seconds West
207.00 feet along said boundary; thence
South 0 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds
West 669.00 feet along said boundary;
thence South 0 degrees 14 minutes 01
seconds West 21.47 feet along said
PO 00000
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boundary; thence South 0 degrees 59
minutes 38 seconds West 1,322.37 feet
along said boundary; thence South 1
degree 20 minutes 13 seconds East
278.46 feet along said boundary to the
northwestern boundary of the I–70—I–
465 interchange; thence along the
boundary of said I–70 I–465 interchange
Southwesterly 355.49 feet along an arc
to the right having a radius of 666.20
feet and subtended by a long chord
having a bearing of South 17 degrees 01
minutes 33 seconds West and a length
of 351.29 feet; thence South 24 degrees
47 minutes 18 seconds West 76.28 feet
along said boundary; thence South 32
degrees 19 minutes 17 seconds West
76.28 feet along said boundary; thence
South 32 degrees 19 minutes 17 seconds
West 600.00 feet along said boundary;
thence South 36 degrees 36 minutes 38
seconds West 200.56 feet along said
boundary; thence South 28 degrees 39
minutes 43 seconds West 156.67 feet
along said boundary; thence along said
boundary Southwesterly 610.17 feet
along an arc to the right having a radius
of 671.20 feet and subtended by a long
chord having a bearing of South 58
degrees 24 minutes 9 seconds West and
a length of 589.37 feet to the north
boundary of I–70; thence South 87
degrees 53 minutes 49 seconds West
185.37 feet along the boundary of said
I–70 to the west line of the Southwest
Quarter of said Section 25; thence North
0 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds West
188.80 feet along said west line to the
point of beginning and containing 6.716
acres, more or less, in said Section 25,
and containing 1.789 acres, more or less,
in said Section 24; and containing in all
8.505 acres, more or less.
Parcel 105B: A part of the East Half
of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14,
Township 15 North, Range 2 East,
Marion County, Indiana, and being that
part of the grantor’s land lying within
the right-of-way lines depicted on the
attached Right-of Way Parcel Plat
marked EXHIBIT ‘‘B’’, described as
follows: Commencing at the southeast
corner of said quarter section; thence
North 0 degrees 05 minutes 34 seconds
East 730.26 feet along the east line of
said quarter section; thence North 89
degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds West
28.00 feet to point ‘‘51463’’ designated
on said plat on the west boundary of
High School Road and the point of
beginning of this description: thence
North 89 degrees 2 minutes 24 seconds
West 9.381 feet to point ‘‘51460’’
designated on said plat; thence North 3
degrees 39 minutes 45 seconds West
200.56 feet to point ‘‘51461’’ designated
on said plat; thence North 3 degrees 11
minutes 15 seconds West 103.91 feet to
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 20 / Monday, February 1, 2010 / Notices
the north line of the grantor’s land;
thence North 88 degrees 15 minutes 36
seconds East 28.91 feet along said north
line to the west boundary of said High
School Road; thence South 0 degrees 05
minutes 34 seconds West 304.88 feet
along the boundary of said High School
Road to the point of beginning and
containing 0.137 acres, more or less.
Issued in Des Plaines, Illinois on January
19, 2010.
James G. Keefer,
Manager, Chicago Airports District Office,
FAA, Great Lakes Region.
[FR Doc. 2010–2006 Filed 1–29–10; 8:45 am]
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
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PO 00000
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[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 20 (Monday, February 1, 2010)]
[Pages 5173-5176]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-2006]
Federal Aviation Administration
Public Notice for Waiver of Aeronautical Land-Use Assurance;
Indianapolis International Airport, Indianapolis, IN
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of intent of waiver with respect to land.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is considering a
proposal to change a portion of the airport from aeronautical use to
non-aeronautical use and to authorize the release of 13.992 acres of
vacant airport property for highway development. The land consists of
portions of eight original airport acquired parcels. These parcels were
acquired under grants: FAAP 9-12-008-10, FAAP 9-12-008-12, ADAP 6-18-
0038-01, ADAP 6-18-0038-02, AIP 3-18-0038-54 or without Federal
participation. There are no impacts to the airport by allowing the
Indianapolis Airport Authority to dispose of the property. The land is
not needed for aeronautical use. Approval does not constitute a
commitment by the FAA to financially assist in the sale or lease of the
subject airport property nor a determination of eligibility for grant-
in-aid funding from the FAA.
In accordance with section 47107(h) of title 49, United States
Code, this notice is required to be published in the Federal Register
30 days before modifying the land-use assurance that requires the
property to be used for an aeronautical purpose.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 3, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the Sponsor's request must be delivered
or mailed to: Melanie Myers, Program Manager, Chicago Airports District
Office, 2300 East Devon Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60018.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Melanie Myers, Program Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration, Great Lakes Region, Chicago Airports
District Office, CHI-ADO 609, 2300 East Devon Avenue, Des Plaines, IL
60018 Telephone Number (847-294-7525)/FAX Number (847-294-7046).
Documents reflecting this FAA action may be reviewed at this same
location or at Indianapolis International Airport, Indianapolis,
Parcel 99: A part of the West Half of Southwest Quarter of Section
25, Township 15 North, Range 3 East in Marion County, Indiana and being
that part of the granter's land lying within the right-of-way lines
depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked Exhibit ``B'',
described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said half
quarter section; thence North 88 degrees 37 minutes 37 seconds East
1,328.93 feet along the south line of said quarter section to the
prolonged west boundary of I-465; thence North 0 degrees 19 minutes 10
seconds West 59.82 feet along the prolonged west boundary of said I-465
[[Page 5174]]
to the point of beginning of this description, which point is where the
west boundary of said I-465 meets the north boundary of Hanna Avenue;
thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 12.86 feet along the
north boundary of Hanna Avenue to point ``98008'' designated on said
plat; thence North 6 degrees 30 minutes 58 seconds West 197.03 feet to
point ``98002'' designated on said plat; thence North 3 degrees 28
minutes 32 seconds West 484.17 feet to point ``98001'' designated on
said plat; thence North 12 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds West 47.06
feet to the north line of the grantor's land; thence North 88 degrees
37 minutes 37 seconds East 58.00 feet along said north line to the west
boundary of said I-465; thence South 2 degrees 09 minutes 28 seconds
East 390.53 feet along the boundary of said I-465 thence South 0
degrees 18 minutes 49 seconds East 336.28 feet along said boundary to
the point of beginning and containing 0.647 acres, more or less.
Parcel 99A: A part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of
Section 25, Township 15 North, Range 3 East, in Marion County, and
being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way
lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked Exhibit
``B'' described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said
half quarter section, thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds West
20.31 feet along the west line of said section to the prolonged north
boundary of Hanna Avenue; thence North XX degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds
East 415.42 feet along the prolonged boundary of said Hanna Avenue and
along the north boundary of said Hanna Avenue to the point of beginning
of this description, designated as point ``98006'' on said plat: thence
North 61 degrees 16 minutes 55 seconds East 56.32 feet to point
``98005'' designated on said plat; thence North 84 degrees 42 minutes
35 seconds East 288.96 feet to the north boundary of Hanna Avenue
designated as point ``98004'' on said plat; thence South 9 degrees 45
minutes 49 seconds West 26.23 feet along the boundary of said Hanna
Avenue; thence South 79 degrees XX minutes 37 seconds West 131.31 feet
along said boundary; thence South 89 degrees XX minutes 19 seconds West
203.46 feet along said boundary to the point of beginning and
containing 0.218 acres, more or less.
Parcel 13E: A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13 and a
part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, all in Township 15 North,
Range 2 East, Marion County, Indiana, and being that part of the
grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the
attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked EXHIBIT ``B'', described as
follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said Section 13
North 88 degrees 50 minutes 02 seconds East 1,378.87 feet from the
southwest corner of said Section 13, which point of beginning is on the
west boundary of I-465; thence South 21 degrees 28 minutes 28 seconds
West 10.33 feet along the boundary of said I-465; thence South 0
degrees 05 minutes 18 seconds East 367.01 feet along said boundary;
thence South 3 degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds West 394.20 feet along
said boundary; thence along said boundary Southwesterly 435.19 feet
along an arc to the right having a radius of 661.18 feet and subtended
by a long chord having a bearing of South 19 degrees 58 minutes 17
seconds West and a length of 427.37 feet to point ``1030113''
designated on said plat; thence North 19 degrees 00 minutes 41 seconds
East 423.57 feet to point ``1030114'' designated on said plat; thence
North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds East 3,391.47 feet to point
``51419'' designated on said plat on the southern boundary of Minnesota
Street; thence along the boundary of said Minnesota Street
Northeasterly 26.69 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of
355.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 82
degrees 19 minutes 01 seconds East and a length of 26.69 feet to the
west boundary of said I-465; thence South 1 degree 29 minutes 51
seconds East 318.45 feet along the boundary of said I-465; thence South
2 degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds East 120.15 feet along said boundary;
thence South 0 degrees 29 minutes 32 seconds East 240.02 feet along
said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds West
1,295.65 feet along said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds West 126.35 feet along said boundary; thence South 3 degrees 05
minutes 11 seconds West 200.25 feet along said boundary; thence South 0
degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds West 315.00 feet along said boundary;
thence South 21 degrees 28 minutes 28 seconds West 8.99 feet along said
boundary to the point of beginning and containing 2.486 acres, more or
less in said Section 13, and containing 0.691 acres, more or less, in
said section 24; and containing in all 3.177 acres more or less.
Parcel 13F: A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township
15 North, Range 2 East, Marion County, Indiana, and being that part of
the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the
attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked EXHIBIT ``B'', described as
follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said quarter section;
thence North 88 degrees 44 minutes 08 seconds East 1,365.63 feet along
the south line of said quarter section to the west boundary of I-465;
thence North 5 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds East 20.80 feet along the
boundary of said I-465; thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds
East 24.71 feet along said boundary to the northern boundary of
Minnesota Street and the point of beginning of this description: thence
along the boundary of said Minnesota Street Southwesterly 22.12 feet
along an arc to the left having a radius of 445.00 feet and subtended
by a long chord having a bearing of South 84 degrees 17 minutes 11
seconds West and a length of 22.12 feet to point ``35154'' designated
on said plat; thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds East 119.31
feet to point ``35155'' designated on said plat on the southern line of
CSX Railroad; thence North 71 degrees 57 minutes 42 seconds East 23.17
feet along said southern line to the west boundary of said I-465;
thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds West 124.29 feet along the
boundary of said I-465 to the point of beginning and containing 0.061
acres, more or less.
Parcel 13G: A part of Lots 253 to 259, both inclusive in Arthur V.
Brown's Second Section Western Heights, an Addition to the City of
Indianapolis, Indiana, the plat of which is recorded in Plat Book 15,
pager 152, in the Office of the Recorder of Marion County, Indiana, and
being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way
lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked EXHIBIT
``B'', described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of
said Lots 253 South 89 degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds West 11.49 feet
from the southeast corner of said Lot 253, which point of beginning is
on the west boundary of Lawndale Avenue; thence South 89 degrees 17
minutes 57 seconds West 72.51 feet along said south line to point
``51430'' designated on said parcel plat; thence North 0 degrees 13
minutes 26 seconds East 420.01 feet to the point ``51437'' designated
on said parcel plat on the north line of said Lot 259; thence North 89
degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds East 72.51 feet along said north line to
the west boundary of said Lawndale Avenue; thence South 0 degrees 13
minutes 26 seconds West 420.01 feet along the boundary of said Lawndale
Avenue to the point of beginning and containing 30,451 square feet,
more or less.
Parcel 13H: A part of Lots 260 to 264, both inclusive, in Arthur V.
Brown's Section Western Heights, an Addition to
[[Page 5175]]
the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, the plat of which is recorded in
Plat Book 15, page 152 in the Office of the Recorder of Marion County,
Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the
right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat
marked EXHIBIT ``B'', described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
south line of said Lot 260 South 89 degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds West
10.44 feet from the southeast corner of said Lot 260, which point of
beginning is on the west boundary of Lawndale Avenue; thence South 89
degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds West 72.51 feet along said south line to
point ``51438'' designated on said parcel plat; thence North 0 degrees
13 minutes 26 seconds East 300.01 feet to point ``51433'' designated on
said parcel plat on the north line of said Lot 264; thence North 89
degrees 17 minutes 57 seconds East 42.50 feet along said north line to
the western boundary of said Lawndale Avenue; thence South 26 degrees
31 minutes 35 seconds East 66.65 feet along the boundary of said
Lawndale Avenue to the south line of said Lot 264; thence South 0
degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds West 240.01 feet along said boundary to
the point of beginning and containing 23,851 square feet, more or less.
Parcel 105: A part of the Northwest Quarter and part of the
Southwest Quarter of Section 24, and a part of the Northwest Quarter
and a part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25; all in Township 15
North, Range 2 East, Marion County, Indiana, and being that part of the
grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the
attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked EXHIBIT ``B'', described as
follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Section 25 South
0 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds East 250.84 feet from the southwest
corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25 designated
``101025'' on said plat; thence North 89 degrees 16 minutes 45 seconds
East 146.80 feet to point ``101026'' designated on said plat; thence
Northeasterly 730.77 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of
721.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 60
degrees 14 minutes 35 seconds East and a length of 699.89 feet to point
``101027'' designated on said plat; thence North 31 degrees 12 minutes
25 seconds East 514.66 feet to point ``40558'' designated on said plat;
thence Northeasterly 911.91 feet along an arc to the left having a
radius of 1,821.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing
of North 16 degrees 51 minutes 39 seconds East and a length of 902.41
feet to point ``40066'' designated on said plat; thence North 2 degrees
32 minutes 51 seconds East 752.51 feet to point ``40507'' designated on
said plat; thence North 1 degree 16 minutes 19 seconds East 328.05 feet
to point ``40508'' designated on said plat; thence North 0 degrees 13
minutes 26 seconds East 2,178 feet to point ``40086'' designated on
said plat; thence North 1 degree 45 minutes 04 seconds West 58.03 feet
to point ``40087'' designated on said plat; thence North 5 degrees 42
minutes 27 seconds West 77.41 feet to point ``40088'' designated on
said plat; thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds East 255.00
feet to point ``40089'' designated on said plat; thence North 10
degrees 09 minutes 01 second East 40.61 feet to point ``40090''
designated on said plat; thence North 12 degrees 05 minutes 03 seconds
West 56.29 feet to point ``40091'' designated on said plat; thence
North 3 degrees 14 minutes 39 seconds West 165.30 feet to point
``40092'' designated on said plat; thence North 22 degrees 36 minutes
35 seconds West 103.08 feet to point ``40093'' designated on said plat;
thence North 35 degrees 36 minutes 49 seconds West 111.02 feet to point
``40094'' designated on said plat; thence North 47 degrees 29 minutes
45 seconds West 170.94 feet to the southwestern boundary of the Sam
Jones Expressway--I-465 interchange designated as point ``40516'' on
said plat; thence along the boundary of said Sam Jones Expressway--I-
465 interchange Southeasterly 524.85 feet along an arc to the right
having a radius of 505.96 feet and subtended by a long chord having a
bearing of South 30 degrees 31 minutes 16 seconds East and a length of
501.64 feet to the western boundary of I-465 thence South 11 degrees 47
minutes 29 seconds East 96.15 feet along the boundary of said I-465;
thence South 1 degree 39 minutes 27 seconds East 274.15 feet along said
boundary; thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds West 226.00 feet
along said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds West
271.00 feet along said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 26
seconds West 29.00 feet along said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 27
minutes 49 seconds West 239.00 feet along said boundary; thence South 0
degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds West 461.00 feet along said boundary;
thence South 0 degrees 30 minutes 03 seconds West 207.00 feet along
said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds West 669.00
feet along said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 14 minutes 01 seconds
West 21.47 feet along said boundary; thence South 0 degrees 59 minutes
38 seconds West 1,322.37 feet along said boundary; thence South 1
degree 20 minutes 13 seconds East 278.46 feet along said boundary to
the northwestern boundary of the I-70--I-465 interchange; thence along
the boundary of said I-70 I-465 interchange Southwesterly 355.49 feet
along an arc to the right having a radius of 666.20 feet and subtended
by a long chord having a bearing of South 17 degrees 01 minutes 33
seconds West and a length of 351.29 feet; thence South 24 degrees 47
minutes 18 seconds West 76.28 feet along said boundary; thence South 32
degrees 19 minutes 17 seconds West 76.28 feet along said boundary;
thence South 32 degrees 19 minutes 17 seconds West 600.00 feet along
said boundary; thence South 36 degrees 36 minutes 38 seconds West
200.56 feet along said boundary; thence South 28 degrees 39 minutes 43
seconds West 156.67 feet along said boundary; thence along said
boundary Southwesterly 610.17 feet along an arc to the right having a
radius of 671.20 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of
South 58 degrees 24 minutes 9 seconds West and a length of 589.37 feet
to the north boundary of I-70; thence South 87 degrees 53 minutes 49
seconds West 185.37 feet along the boundary of said I-70 to the west
line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 25; thence North 0
degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds West 188.80 feet along said west line to
the point of beginning and containing 6.716 acres, more or less, in
said Section 25, and containing 1.789 acres, more or less, in said
Section 24; and containing in all 8.505 acres, more or less.
Parcel 105B: A part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 14, Township 15 North, Range 2 East, Marion County, Indiana,
and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way
lines depicted on the attached Right-of Way Parcel Plat marked EXHIBIT
``B'', described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said
quarter section; thence North 0 degrees 05 minutes 34 seconds East
730.26 feet along the east line of said quarter section; thence North
89 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds West 28.00 feet to point ``51463''
designated on said plat on the west boundary of High School Road and
the point of beginning of this description: thence North 89 degrees 2
minutes 24 seconds West 9.381 feet to point ``51460'' designated on
said plat; thence North 3 degrees 39 minutes 45 seconds West 200.56
feet to point ``51461'' designated on said plat; thence North 3 degrees
11 minutes 15 seconds West 103.91 feet to
[[Page 5176]]
the north line of the grantor's land; thence North 88 degrees 15
minutes 36 seconds East 28.91 feet along said north line to the west
boundary of said High School Road; thence South 0 degrees 05 minutes 34
seconds West 304.88 feet along the boundary of said High School Road to
the point of beginning and containing 0.137 acres, more or less.
Issued in Des Plaines, Illinois on January 19, 2010.
James G. Keefer,
Manager, Chicago Airports District Office, FAA, Great Lakes Region.
[FR Doc. 2010-2006 Filed 1-29-10; 8:45 am]