Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and Flowing Waters, 4174-4226 [2010-1220]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Part 131
[EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596; FRL–9105–1]
RIN 2040–AF11
Water Quality Standards for the State
of Florida’s Lakes and Flowing Waters
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AGENCY: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing numeric
nutrient water quality criteria to protect
aquatic life in lakes and flowing waters,
including canals, within the State of
Florida and proposing regulations to
establish a framework for Florida to
develop ‘‘restoration standards’’ for
impaired waters. On January 14, 2009,
EPA made a determination under
section 303(c)(4)(B) of the Clean Water
Act (‘‘CWA’’ or ‘‘the Act’’) that numeric
nutrient water quality criteria for lakes
and flowing waters and for estuaries and
coastal waters are necessary for the State
of Florida to meet the requirements of
CWA section 303(c). Section 303(c)(4) of
the CWA requires the Administrator to
promptly prepare and publish proposed
regulations setting forth new or revised
water quality standards (‘‘WQS’’ or
‘‘standards’’) when the Administrator, or
an authorized delegate of the
Administrator, determines that such
new or revised WQS are necessary to
meet requirements of the Act. This
proposed rule fulfills EPA’s obligation
under section 303(c)(4) of the CWA to
promptly propose criteria for Florida’s
lakes and flowing waters.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 29, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
OW–2009–0596, by one of the following
1. www.regulations.gov: Follow the
online instructions for submitting
2. E-mail: ow-docket@epa.gov.
3. Mail to: Water Docket, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Mail
Code: 2822T, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460,
Attention: Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–
4. Hand Delivery: EPA Docket Center,
EPA West Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20004, Attention: Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596. Such
deliveries are only accepted during the
Docket’s normal hours of operation, and
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special arrangements should be made
for deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2009–
0596. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through www.regulations.gov
or e-mail. The www.regulations.gov Web
site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system,
which means EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide it in the body of your
comment. If you send an e-mail
comment directly to EPA without going
through www.regulations.gov your email address will be automatically
captured and included as part of the
comment that is placed in the public
docket and made available on the
Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, EPA recommends that you
include your name and other contact
information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD–ROM
you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification,
EPA may not be able to consider your
comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form
of encryption, and be free of any defects
or viruses. For additional information
about EPA’s public docket visit the EPA
Docket Center homepage at https://
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the www.regulations.gov
index. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
either electronically in
www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at
a docket facility. The Office of Water
(OW) Docket Center is open from 8:30
until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays. The OW
Docket Center telephone number is
(202) 566–2426, and the Docket address
is OW Docket, EPA West, Room 3334,
1301 Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20004. The Public
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays. The telephone
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number for the Public Reading Room is
(202) 566–1744.
Public hearings will be held in the
following cities in Florida: Tallahassee,
Orlando, and West Palm Beach. The
public hearing in Tallahassee is
scheduled for Tuesday, February 16,
2010 and will be held from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the
Holiday Inn Capitol East, 1355
Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, FL
32301. The public hearing in Orlando is
scheduled for Wednesday, February 17,
2010 and will be held from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the
Crowne Plaza Orlando Universal, 7800
Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL
32819. The public hearing in West Palm
Beach is scheduled for Thursday,
February 18, 2010 and will be held from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
at the Holiday Inn Palm Beach Airport,
1301 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach,
FL 33405. If you need a sign language
interpreter at any of these hearings, you
should contact Sharon Frey at 202–566–
1480 or frey.sharon@epa.gov at least ten
business days prior to the meetings so
that appropriate arrangements can be
made. For further information,
including registration information,
please refer to the following Web site:
Danielle Salvaterra, U.S. EPA
Headquarters, Office of Water,
Mailcode: 4305T, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460;
telephone number: 202–564–1649; fax
number: 202–566–9981; e-mail address:
supplementary information section is
organized as follows:
Table of Contents
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
B. What Entities May Be Affected by This
C. What Should I Consider as I Prepare My
Comments for EPA?
D. How Can I Get Copies of This Document
and Other Related Information?
II. Background
A. Nutrient Pollution
B. Statutory and Regulatory Background
C. Water Quality Criteria
D. Agency Determination Regarding
III. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for
the State of Florida’s Lakes and Flowing
A. General Information
B. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for
the State of Florida’s Lakes
C. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for
the State of Florida’s Rivers and Streams
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
D. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for
the State of Florida’s Springs and Clear
E. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for
South Florida Canals
F. Comparison Between EPA’s and Florida
DEP’s Proposed Numeric Nutrient
Criteria for Florida’s Lakes and Flowing
G. Applicability of Criteria When Final
IV. Under What Conditions Will Federal
Standards Be Either Not Finalized or
V. Alternative Regulatory Approaches and
Implementation Mechanisms
A. Designating Uses
B. Variances
C. Site-Specific Criteria
D. Compliance Schedules
VI. Proposed Restoration Water Quality
Standards (WQS) Provision
VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
F. Executive Order 13175 (Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
G. Executive Order 13045 (Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
and Safety Risks)
H. Executive Order 13211 (Actions That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use)
I. National Technology Transfer
Advancement Act of 1995
J. Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions
To Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
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I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
Excess loadings of nitrogen and
phosphorus, commonly referred to as
nutrient pollution, are one of the most
prevalent causes of water quality
impairment in the United States.
Anthropogenic nitrogen and
phosphorus over-enrichment in many of
the Nation’s waters is a widespread,
persistent, and growing problem.
Nutrient pollution can significantly
impact aquatic life and long-term
ecosystem health, diversity, and
balance. More specifically, high
nitrogen and phosphorus loadings, or
nutrient pollution, result in harmful
algal blooms (HABs), reduced spawning
grounds and nursery habitats, fish kills,
and oxygen-starved hypoxic or ‘‘dead’’
zones. Public health concerns related to
nutrient pollution include impaired
drinking water sources, increased
exposure to toxic microbes such as
cyanobacteria, and possible formation of
disinfection byproducts in drinking
water, some of which have been
associated with serious human illnesses
such as bladder cancer. Nutrient
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problems can exhibit themselves locally
or much further downstream leading to
degraded lakes, reservoirs, and
estuaries, and to hypoxic zones where
fish and aquatic life can no longer
In the State of Florida, nutrient
pollution has contributed to severe
water quality degradation. Based upon
waters assessed and reported in the
2008 Integrated Water Quality
Assessment for Florida, approximately
1,000 miles of rivers and streams,
350,000 acres of lakes, and 900 square
miles of estuaries are known to be
impaired for nutrients by the State.1 The
actual number of stream miles, lake
acres, and estuarine square miles of
waters impaired for nutrients in Florida
may be higher, as many waters currently
are classified as ‘‘unassessed.’’
The challenge of nutrient pollution
has been a top priority for Florida’s
Department of Environmental Protection
(FDEP). Over the past decade or more,
FDEP has spent over 20 million dollars
collecting and analyzing data on the
relationship between phosphorus,
nitrogen, and nitrite-nitrate
concentrations and the biological health
of aquatic systems. Moreover, Florida is
one of the few states that has in place
a comprehensive framework of
accountability that applies to both point
and nonpoint sources and provides the
enforceable authority to address
nutrient reductions in impaired waters
based upon the establishment of sitespecific total maximum daily loads
Despite FDEP’s intensive efforts to
diagnose and control nutrient pollution,
substantial water quality degradation
from nutrient over-enrichment remains
a significant problem. On January 14,
2009, EPA determined under CWA
section 303(c)(4)(B) that new or revised
WQS in the form of numeric nutrient
water quality criteria are necessary to
meet the requirements of the CWA in
the State of Florida. The Agency
considered (1) the State’s documented
unique and threatened ecosystems, (2)
the high number of impaired waters due
to existing nutrient pollution, and (3)
the challenge associated with growing
nutrient pollution resulting from
expanding urbanization, continued
agricultural development, and a
significantly increasing population that
is expected to grow 75% between 2000
to 2030.2 EPA also reviewed the State’s
regulatory nutrient accountability
1 Florida Department of Environmental
Protection. 2008. Integrated Water Quality
Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report and
303(d) List Update, p. 67.
2 https://www.census.gov/population/projections/
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system, which represents an impressive
synthesis of technology-based
standards, point source control
authority, and authority to establish
enforceable controls for nonpoint source
activities. However, the significant
challenge faced by the water quality
components of this system is its
dependence upon an approach
involving resource-intensive and timeconsuming site-specific data collection
and analysis to interpret non-numeric
narrative nutrient criteria. EPA
determined that Florida’s reliance on a
case-by-case interpretation of its
narrative nutrient criterion in
implementing an otherwise
comprehensive water quality framework
of enforceable accountability was
insufficient to ensure protection of
applicable designated uses. As part of
the Agency’s determination, EPA
indicated that it expected to propose
numeric nutrient criteria for lakes and
flowing waters within 12 months, and
for estuarine and coastal waters within
24 months, of the January 14, 2009
On August 19, 2009, EPA entered into
a phased Consent Decree with Florida
Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club,
Conservancy of Southwest Florida,
Environmental Confederation of
Southwest Florida, and St. Johns
Riverkeeper, committing to sign a
proposed rule setting forth numeric
nutrient criteria for lakes and flowing
waters in Florida by January 14, 2010,
and for Florida’s estuarine and coastal
waters by January 14, 2011, unless
Florida submits and EPA approves State
numeric nutrient criteria before EPA’s
proposal. The phased Consent Decree
also provides that EPA issue a final rule
by October 15, 2010 for lakes and
flowing water, and by October 15, 2011
for estuarine and coastal waters, unless
Florida submits and EPA approves State
numeric nutrient criteria before a final
EPA action.
Accordingly, this proposal is part of a
phased rulemaking process in which
EPA will propose and take final action
in 2010 on numeric nutrient criteria for
lakes and flowing waters and for
estuarine and coastal waters in 2011.
The two phases of this rulemaking are
linked because nutrient pollution in
Florida’s rivers and streams affects not
only instream aquatic conditions but
also downstream estuarine and coastal
waters ecosystem conditions. The
Agency could have waited to propose
estuarine and coastal downstream
protection criteria values for rivers and
streams as part of the second phase of
this rulemaking process. However, the
substantial data, peer-reviewed
methodologies, and extensive scientific
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
analyses available to and conducted by
the Agency to date indicate that
numeric nutrient water quality criteria
for estuarine and coastal waters, when
proposed and finalized in 2011, may
result in the need for more stringent
rivers and streams criteria to ensure
protection of downstream water quality,
particularly for the nitrogen component
of nutrient pollution. Therefore,
considering the numerous requests for
the Agency to share its analysis and
scientific and technical conclusions at
the earliest possible opportunity to
allow for full review and comment, EPA
is including downstream protection
values for total nitrogen (TN) as
proposed criteria for rivers and streams
to protect the State’s estuaries and
coastal waters in this notice.
As described in more detail below
and in the technical support document
accompanying this notice, these
proposed nitrogen downstream
protection values are based on
substantial data, thorough scientific
analysis, and extensive technical
evaluation. However, EPA recognizes
that additional data and analysis may be
available, including data for particular
estuaries, to help inform what numeric
nutrient criteria are necessary to protect
Florida’s waters, including downstream
lakes and estuaries. EPA also recognizes
that substantial site-specific work has
been completed for a number of these
estuaries. This notice and the proposed
downstream protection values are not
intended to address or be interpreted as
calling into question the utility and
protectiveness of these site-specific
analyses. Rather, the proposed values
represent the output of a systematic and
scientific approach that was developed
to be generally applicable to all flowing
waters in Florida that terminate in
estuaries for the purpose of ensuring the
protection of downstream estuaries.
EPA is interested in obtaining feedback
at this time on this systematic and
scientific approach. EPA is also
interested in feedback regarding sitespecific analyses for particular estuaries
that should be used instead of this
general approach for establishing final
values. The Agency further recognizes
that the proposed values in this notice
will need to be considered in the
context of the Agency’s numeric
nutrient criteria for estuarine and
coastal waters scheduled for proposal in
January of 2011.
Regarding the criteria for flowing
waters for protection of downstream
lakes and estuaries, at this time, EPA
intends to take final action on the
criteria for protection of downstream
lakes as part of the first phase of this
rulemaking (by October 15, 2010) and to
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finalize downstream protection values
in flowing waters as part of the second
phase of this rulemaking process (by
October 15, 2011) in coordination with
the proposal and finalization of numeric
nutrient criteria for estuarine and
coastal waters in 2011. However, if
comments, data and analyses submitted
as a result of this proposal support
finalizing these values sooner, by
October 2010, EPA may choose to
proceed in this manner. To facilitate
this process, EPA requests comments
and welcomes thorough evaluation on
the technical and scientific basis of
these proposed downstream protection
values, as well as information on
estuaries where site-specific analyses
should be used, as part of the broader
comment and evaluation process that
this proposal initiates.
In accordance with the terms of EPA’s
January 14, 2009 determination and the
Consent Decree, EPA is proposing
numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s
lakes and flowing waters which include
the following four water body types:
Lakes, streams, springs and clear
streams, and canals in south Florida. In
developing this proposal, EPA worked
closely with FDEP staff to review and
analyze the State’s extensive dataset of
nutrient-related measurements as well
as its analysis of stressor-response
relationships and benchmark or
modified-reference conditions. EPA also
conducted further analyses and
modeling, in addition to requesting an
independent external peer review of the
core methodologies and approaches that
support this proposal.
For lakes, EPA is proposing a
classification scheme using color and
alkalinity based upon substantial data
that show that lake color and alkalinity
play an important role in the degree to
which TN and total phosphorus (TP)
concentrations result in a biological
response such as elevated chlorophyll a
levels. EPA found that correlations
between nutrients and biological
response parameters in the different
types of lakes in Florida were
sufficiently robust, combined with
additional lines of evidence, to support
stressor-response criteria development
for Florida’s lakes. The Agency is also
proposing an accompanying
supplementary analytical approach that
the State can use to adjust TN and TP
criteria for a particular lake within a
certain range where sufficient data on
long-term ambient TN and TP levels are
available to demonstrate that protective
chlorophyll a criteria for a specific lake
will still be maintained and attainment
of the designated use will be assured.
This information is presented in more
detail in Section III.B below.
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Regarding numeric nutrient criteria
for streams and rivers, EPA considered
the extensive work of FDEP to analyze
the relationship between TN and TP
levels and biological response in
streams and rivers. EPA found that
relationships between nutrients and
biological response parameters in rivers
and streams were affected by many
factors that made derivation of a
quantitative relationship between
chlorophyll a levels and nutrients in
streams and rivers difficult to establish
in the same manner as EPA did for lakes
(i.e., stressor-response relationship).
EPA considered an alternative
methodology that evaluated a
combination of biological information
and data on the distribution of nutrients
in a substantial number of healthy
stream systems. Based upon a technical
evaluation of the significant available
data on Florida streams and related
scientific analysis, the Agency
concluded that reliance on a statistical
distribution methodology was a stronger
and a more sound approach for deriving
TN and TP criteria in streams and
rivers. This information is presented in
more detail in Section III.C below.
In developing these proposed numeric
nutrient criteria for rivers and streams,
EPA also evaluated their effectiveness
for assuring the protection of
downstream lake and estuary designated
uses pursuant to the provisions of 40
CFR 130.10(b), which requires that WQS
must provide for the attainment and
maintenance of the WQS of downstream
waters. For rivers and streams in
Florida, EPA must ensure, to the extent
that available science allows, that its
nutrient criteria take into account the
impact of near-field nutrient loads on
aquatic life in downstream lakes and
estuaries. EPA currently has evaluated
the protectiveness of its rivers and
streams TP criteria for lake protection
and also the protectiveness of its rivers
and streams TN criteria for 16 out of 26
of Florida’s downstream estuaries using
scientifically sound approaches for both
estimating protective loads and deriving
concentration-based upstream values.
Of the ten downstream estuaries not
completely evaluated to date, seven are
in south Florida and receive TN loads
from highly managed canals and
waterways and three are in low lying
areas of central Florida.
As noted above, EPA used best
available science and data related to
downstream waters and found that there
are cases where the nutrient criteria
EPA is proposing to protect instream
aquatic life may not be stringent enough
to ensure protection of aquatic life in
certain downstream lakes and estuaries.
Accordingly, EPA is also proposing an
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
equation that would be used to adjust
stream and river TP criteria to protect
downstream lakes and a different
methodology to adjust TN criteria for
streams and rivers to ensure protection
of downstream estuaries. These
approaches as reflected in these
proposed regulations and the revised
criteria that would result from adjusting
TN criteria for streams and rivers to
ensure protection of downstream
estuaries, based on certain assumptions,
are detailed in Section III.C(6)(b) below.
The Agency specifically requests
comment on the available information,
analysis, and modeling used to support
the approaches EPA is proposing for
addressing downstream impacts of TN
and TP. EPA also invites additional
stakeholder comment, data, and analysis
on alternative technically-based
approaches that would support the
development of numeric nutrient WQS,
or some other scientifically defensible
approach, for protection of downstream
waters. To the degree that substantial
data and analyses are submitted that
support a significant revision to
downstream protection values for TN
outlined in Section III.C(6)(b) below,
EPA would intend to issue a
supplemental Federal Register Notice of
Data Availability (NODA) to present the
additional data and supplemental
analyses and solicit further comment
and input. EPA anticipates obtaining the
necessary data and information to
compute downstream protection values
for TP loads for many estuarine water
bodies in Florida in 2010 and will also
make this additional information
available by issuing a supplemental
Federal Register NODA.
Regarding numeric nutrient criteria
for springs and clear streams, EPA is
proposing a nitrate-nitrite criterion for
springs and clear streams based on
experimental laboratory data and field
evaluations that document the response
of nuisance algae and periphyton to
nitrate-nitrite concentrations. This
criterion is explained in more detail in
Section III.D below.
For canals in south Florida, EPA is
proposing a statistical distribution
approach similar to its approach for
rivers and streams, and based on sites
meeting designated uses with respect to
nutrients identified in four canal regions
to best represent the necessary criteria
to protect these highly managed water
bodies. This approach is presented in
more detail in Section III.E below. The
Agency has also considered several
alternative approaches to developing
numeric nutrient criteria for canals and
these are described, as well, for public
comment and response.
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Stakeholders have expressed concerns
that numeric nutrient criteria must be
scientifically sound. Under the Clean
Water Act and EPA’s implementing
regulations, numeric nutrient standards
must protect the designated use of a
water (as well as ensure protection of
downstream uses) and must be based on
sound scientific rationale. In the case of
Florida, EPA and FDEP scientists
completed a substantial body of
scientific work; EPA believes that these
proposed criteria clearly meet the
regulatory standards of protection and
that they are clearly based on a sound
scientific rationale.
Separate from and in addition to
proposing numeric nutrient criteria,
EPA is also proposing a new WQS
regulatory tool for Florida, referred to as
‘‘restoration WQS’’ for impaired waters.
This tool will enable Florida to set
incremental water quality targets (uses
and criteria) for specific pollutant
parameters while at the same time
retaining protective criteria for all other
parameters to meet the full aquatic life
use. The goal is to provide a challenging
but realistic incremental framework in
which to establish appropriate control
measures. This provision will allow
Florida to retain full aquatic life
protection (uses and criteria) for its
water bodies while establishing a
transparent phased WQS process that
would result in planned
implementation of enforceable measures
and requirements to improve water
quality over a specified time period to
ultimately meet the long-term
designated aquatic life use. The phased
numeric standards would be included
in Florida’s water quality regulations
during the restoration period. This
proposed regulatory tool is discussed in
more detail in Section VI below.
Finally, EPA is including in this
notice a proposed approach for deriving
Federal site-specific alternative criteria
(SSAC) based upon State submissions of
scientifically defensible recalculations
that meet the requirements of CWA
section 303(c). TMDL targets submitted
to EPA by the State for consideration as
new or revised WQS could be reviewed
under this SSAC process. This proposed
approach is discussed in more detail in
Section V.C below.
Overall, EPA is soliciting comments
and data regarding EPA’s proposed
criteria for lakes and flowing waters, the
derivation of these criteria, the
protectiveness of the streams and rivers
criteria for downstream waters, and all
associated alternative options and
methodologies discussed in this
proposed rulemaking.
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B. What Entities May Be Affected by
This Rule?
Citizens concerned with water quality
in Florida may be interested in this
rulemaking. Entities discharging
nitrogen or phosphorus to lakes and
flowing waters of Florida could be
indirectly affected by this rulemaking
because WQS are used in determining
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (‘‘NPDES’’) permit
limits. Stakeholders in Florida facing
obstacles in immediately achieving full
aquatic life protection in impaired
waters may be interested in the
restoration standards concept outlined
in this rulemaking. Categories and
entities that may ultimately be affected
Examples of potentially
affected entities
Industry ..........
Industries discharging pollutants to lakes and flowing
waters in the State of
Publicly-owned treatment
works discharging pollutants to lakes and flowing
waters in the State of
Entities responsible for managing stormwater runoff in
This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for entities that may be directly or
indirectly affected by this action. This
table lists the types of entities of which
EPA is now aware that potentially could
be affected by this action. Other types of
entities not listed in the table could also
be affected, such as nonpoint source
contributors to nutrient pollution in
Florida’s waters. Any parties or entities
conducting activities within watersheds
of the Florida waters covered by this
rule, or who rely on, depend upon,
influence, or contribute to the water
quality of the lakes and flowing waters
of Florida, might be affected by this
rule. To determine whether your facility
or activities may be affected by this
action, you should examine this
proposed rule. If you have questions
regarding the applicability of this action
to a particular entity, consult the person
listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER
C. What Should I Consider as I Prepare
My Comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
information to EPA through https://
www.regulations.gov or e-mail. Clearly
mark the part or all of the information
that you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information in a disk or CD–ROM that
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for Preparing Your Comments.
When submitting comments, remember
1. Identify the rulemaking by docket
number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal
Register date, and page number).
2. Follow directions—The agency may
ask you to respond to specific questions
or organize comments by referencing a
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part
or section number.
3. Explain why you agree or disagree;
suggest alternatives and substitute
language for your requested changes.
4. Describe any assumptions and
provide any technical information and/
or data that you used.
5. If you estimate potential costs or
burdens, explain how you arrived at
your estimate in sufficient detail to
allow for it to be reproduced.
6. Provide specific examples to
illustrate your concerns, and suggest
7. Make sure to submit your
comments by the comment period
deadline identified.
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Document and Other Related
1. Docket. EPA has established an
official public docket for this action
under Docket Id. No. EPA–HQ–OW–
2009–0596. The official public docket
consists of the document specifically
referenced in this action, any public
comments received, and other
information related to this action.
Although a part of the official docket,
the public docket does not include CBI
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restricted by statute. The official public
docket is the collection of materials that
is available for public viewing at the
OW Docket, EPA West, Room 3334,
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Facility is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The Docket telephone
number is 202–566–1744. A reasonable
fee will be charged for copies.
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2. Electronic Access. You may access
this Federal Register document
electronically through the EPA Internet
under the ‘‘Federal Register’’ listings at
An electronic version of the public
docket is available through EPA’s
electronic public docket and comment
system, EPA Dockets. You may use EPA
Dockets at https://www.regulations.gov to
view public comments, access the index
listing of the contents of the official
public docket, and to access those
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visit the EPA Docket Center homepage
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electronically, you may still access any
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identified in Section I.D(1).
II. Background
A. Nutrient Pollution
1. What Is Nutrient Pollution?
Excess anthropogenic concentrations
of nitrogen (typically in oxidized,
inorganic forms, such as nitrate) 3 and
phosphorus (typically as phosphate),
commonly referred to as nutrient
pollution, in surface waters can result in
excessive algal and aquatic plant
growth, referred to as eutrophication.4
One impact associated with
eutrophication is low dissolved oxygen,
due to decomposition of the aquatic
plants and algae when these plants and
algae die. As noted above, high nitrogen
and phosphorus loadings also result in
HABs, reduced spawning grounds and
nursery habitats for aquatic life, and fish
kills. Public health concerns related to
eutrophication include impaired
drinking water sources, increased
exposure to toxic microbes such as
cyanobacteria, and possible formation of
disinfection byproducts in drinking
water, some of which have been
associated with serious human illnesses
such as bladder cancer.5 6 Nutrient
3 To be used by living organisms, nitrogen gas
must be fixed into its reactive forms; for plants,
either nitrate or ammonia.
4 Eutrophication is defined as an increase in
organic carbon to an aquatic ecosystem caused by
primary productivity stimulated by excess
nutrients—typically compounds containing
nitrogen or phosphorus. Eutrophication can
adversely affect aquatic life, recreation, and human
health uses of waters.
5 Villanueva, C.M. et al., 2006. Bladder Cancer
and Exposure to Water Disinfection By-Products
through Ingestion, Bathing, Showering, and
Swimming in Pools. American Journal of
Epidemiology, 165(2):148–156.
6 U.S. EPA. 2009. What Is in Our Drinking Water.
United States Environmental Protection Agency,
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problems can manifest locally or much
further downstream in lakes, reservoirs,
and estuaries.
Excess nutrients in water bodies come
from many sources, which can be
grouped into five major categories: (1)
Sources associated with urban land use
and development, (2) municipal and
industrial waste water discharge, (3)
row crop agriculture, (4) animal
husbandry, and (5) atmospheric
deposition that may be increased by
production of nitrogen oxides in electric
power generation and internal
combustion engines. These sources
contribute significant loadings of
nitrogen and phosphorus to surface
waters causing major impacts to aquatic
ecosystems and significant imbalances
in the natural populations of flora and
2. Adverse Impacts of Nutrient Pollution
on Aquatic Life, Human Health, and the
To protect aquatic life, EPA regulates
pollutants that have adverse effects on
aquatic life. For most pollutants, these
effects are typically negative impacts on
growth, reproduction, and survival. As
previously noted, excess nutrients can
lead to increases in algal and other
aquatic plant growth, including toxic
algae that can result in HABs. Increases
in algal and aquatic plant growth
provide excess organic matter in a water
body and can contribute to subsequent
degradation of aquatic communities,
human health impacts, and ultimately
economic impacts.
Fish, shellfish, and wildlife require
clean water for survival. Changes in the
environment resulting from elevated
nutrient levels (such as algal blooms,
toxins from HABs, and hypoxia/anoxia)
can cause a variety of effects. When
excessive nutrient loads change a water
body’s algae and plant species, the
change in habitat and available food
resources can induce changes affecting
an entire food chain. Algal blooms block
Office of Research and Development. https://
drinkingwater.html. Accessed December 2009.
7 National Research Council, 2000. Clean Coastal
Waters: Understanding and Reducing the Effects of
Nutrient Pollution. Report prepared by the Ocean
Study Board and Water Science and Technology
Board, Commission on Geosciences, Environment
and Resources, National Resource Council. National
Academy Press, Washington, DC; Howarth, R.W., A.
Sharpley, and D. Walker. 2002. Sources of nutrient
pollution to coastal waters in the United States:
Implications for achieving coastal water quality
goals. Estuaries. 25(4b):656–676; Smith, V.H. 2003.
Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine
ecosystems. Environ. Sci. and Poll. Res. 10(2):126–
139; Dodds, W.K., W.W. Bouska, J.L. Eitzmann, T.J.
Pilger, K.L. Pitts, A.J. Riley, J.T. Schloesser, and D.J.
Thornbrugh. 2009. Eutrophication of U.S.
freshwaters: Analysis of potential economic
damages. Environ. Sci. Tech.. 43(1):12–19.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
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sunlight that submerged grasses need to
grow, leading to a decline of seagrass
beds and decreased habitat for juvenile
organisms. Algal blooms can also
increase turbidity and impair the ability
of fish and other aquatic life to find
food.8 Algae can also damage or clog the
gills of fish and invertebrates.9
HABs can form toxins that cause
illness or death for some animals. Some
of the more commonly affected animals
include sea lions, turtles, seabirds,
dolphins, and manatees.10 More than
50% of unusual marine mortality events
may be associated with HABs.11 Lower
level consumers, such as small fish or
shellfish, may not be harmed by algal
toxins, but they bioaccumulate toxins,
causing higher exposures for higher
level consumers (such as larger predator
fish), resulting in health impairments
and possibly death.12 13
There are many examples of HAB
toxins significantly affecting marine
animals. For example, between March
and April 2003, 107 bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) died, along with
hundreds of fish and marine
invertebrates, along the Florida
Panhandle.14 High levels of brevetoxin
(a neurotoxin), produced by a harmful
species of dinoflagellate (a type of
algae), were measured in all of the
stranded dolphins examined, as well as
in their fish prey.15
In freshwater, cyanobacteria can
produce toxins that have been
implicated as the cause of a large
number of fish and bird mortalities.
These toxins have also been tied to the
8 Hauxwell, J. C. Jacoby, T. Frazer, and J. Stevely.
2001. Nutrients and Florida’s Coastal Waters.
Florida Sea Grant.
9 NOAA. 2009. Harmful Algal Blooms: Current
Programs Overview. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. https://
welcome.html. Accessed December 2009.
10 NOAA. 2009. Harmful Algal Blooms: Current
Programs Overview. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. https://
welcome.html. Accessed December 2009.
11 WHOI. 2008. HAB Impacts on Wildlife. Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://
Accessed December 2009.
12 WHOI. 2008. Marine Mammals. Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/
redtide/page.do?pid=14215. Accessed December
13 WHOI. 2008. HAB Impacts on Wildlife. Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://
Accessed December 2009.
14 WHOI. 2008. Marine Mammals. Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/
redtide/page.do?pid=14215. Accessed December
15 WHOI. 2008. Marine Mammals. Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/
redtide/page.do?pid=14215. Accessed December
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death of pets and livestock that may be
exposed through drinking contaminated
water or grooming themselves after
bodily exposure.16 A recent study
showed that at least one type of
cyanobacteria has been linked to cancer
and tumor growth in animals.17
Excessive algal growth contributes to
increased oxygen consumption
associated with decomposition,
potentially reducing oxygen to levels
below that needed for aquatic life to
survive and flourish.18 19 Low oxygen, or
hypoxia, often occurs in episodic
‘‘events,’’ which sometimes develop
overnight. Mobile species, such as adult
fish, can sometimes survive by moving
to areas with more oxygen. However,
migration to avoid hypoxia depends on
species mobility, availability of suitable
habitat, and adequate environmental
cues for migration. Less mobile or
immobile species, such as oysters and
mussels, cannot move to avoid low
oxygen and are often killed during
hypoxic events.20 While certain mature
aquatic animals can tolerate a range of
dissolved oxygen levels that occur in
the water, younger life stages of species
like fish and shellfish often require
higher levels of oxygen to survive.21
Sustained low levels of dissolved
oxygen cause a severe decrease in the
amount of aquatic life in hypoxic zones
and affect the ability of aquatic
organisms to find necessary food and
habitat. In extreme cases, anoxic
conditions occur when there is a
complete lack of oxygen. Very few
organisms can live without oxygen (for
example some microbes), hence these
areas are sometimes referred to as dead
Primary impacts to humans result
directly from elevated nutrient pollution
16 WHOI. 2008. HAB Impacts on Wildlife. Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://
Accessed December 2009.
17 Falconer, I.R., A.R. Humpage. 2005. Health
Risk Assessment of Cyanobacterial (Blue-green
Algal) Toxins in Drinking Water. Int. J. Environ.
Res. Public Health. 2(1): 43–50.
18 NOAA. 2009. Harmful Algal Blooms: Current
Programs Overview. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. https://
welcome.html. Accessed December 2009.
19 USGS. 2009. Hypoxia. U.S. Geological Survey.
Accessed December 2009.
20 ESA. 2009. Hypoxia. Ecological Society of
America. https://www.esa.org/education_diversity/
pdfDocs/hypoxia.pdf. Accessed December 2009.
21 USEPA. 2000. Ambient Aquatic Life Water
Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen (Saltwater):
Cape Cod to Cape Hattaras. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington DC
22 Ecological Society of America. 2009. Hypoxia.
Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC.
hypoxia.pdf. Accessed December 2009.
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levels and indirectly from the
subsequent water body changes that
occur from increased nutrients (such as
algal blooms and toxins). Direct impacts
include effects on human health
through drinking water or consuming
toxic shellfish. Indirect impacts include
restrictions on recreation (such as
boating, swimming, and kayaking).
Algal blooms can prevent opportunities
to swim and engage in other types of
recreation. In areas where recreation is
determined to be unsafe because of algal
blooms, warning signs are often posted
to discourage human use of the waters.
Highly elevated nitrogen levels, in the
form of nitrate, in drinking water
supplies and private wells can cause
methemoglobinemia (blue baby
syndrome, which refers to high levels of
nitrate in a baby’s blood that reduce the
blood’s ability to deliver oxygen to the
skin and organs resulting in a bluish
tinge to the skin; in severe cases
methemoglobinemia can lead to coma
and death).23 Monitoring of Florida
Public Water Supplies from 2004–2007
indicates that violations of nitrate
maximum contaminant levels (MCL)
ranged from 34–40 violations
annually.24 In addition, in the
predominantly agricultural regions of
Florida, of 3,949 drinking water wells
analyzed for nitrate by the Florida
Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Services, (FDACS) and the
FDEP, 2,483 (63%) contained detectable
nitrate and 584 wells (15%) contained
nitrate above the U.S. EPA MCL. Of the
584 wells statewide that exceeded the
MCL, 519 were located in the Central
Florida Ridge citrus growing region,
encompassed primarily by Lake, Polk
and Highland Counties.25 Human health
can also be impacted by disinfection
byproducts formed when disinfectants
(such as chlorine) used to treat drinking
water react with organic carbon (from
the algae in source waters). Some
disinfection byproducts have been
linked to rectal, bladder, and colon
cancers; reproductive health risks; and
liver, kidney, and central nervous
23 USEPA. 2007. Nitrates and Nitrites. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. https://
Nitrates_summary.pdf. Accessed December 2009.
24 FDEP 2009. Chemical Data for 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007 and 2008. Florida Department of
Environmental Protection. https://
chemdata.htm. Accessed January 2010.
25 Southern Regional Water Program. 2010.
Drinking Water and Human Health in Florida.
Southern Regional Water Program, https://
florida-target-themes/drinking-water-and-humanhealth.aspx. Accessed January 2010.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
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system problems.26 27 Humans can also
be impacted by accidentally ingesting
toxins, resulting from toxic algal blooms
in water, while recreating or by
consuming drinking water that still
contains toxins despite treatment. For
example, cyanobacteria toxins can
sometimes pass through the normal
water treatment process.28 After
consuming seafood tainted by toxic
HABs, humans can develop
gastrointestinal distress, memory loss,
disorientation, confusion, and even
coma and death in extreme cases. Some
toxins only require a small dose to cause
illness or death.29 EPA expects that by
addressing protection of aquatic life
uses through the application of the
proposed numeric nutrient criteria in
this rulemaking, risks to human health
will also be alleviated, as nutrient levels
that represent a balance of natural
populations of flora and fauna will not
produce HABs nor result in highly
elevated nitrate levels.
Nutrient pollution and eutrophication
can also impact the economy through
additional reactive costs, such as
medical treatment for humans who
ingest HAB toxins, treating drinking
water supplies to remove algae and
organic matter, and monitoring water for
shellfish and other affected resources.
Economic losses from algal blooms
and HABs can include reduced property
values for lakefront areas, commercial
fishery losses, and lost revenue from
recreational fishing and boating trips, as
well as other tourism-related businesses.
Commercial fishery losses occur
because of a decline in the amount of
fish available for harvest due to habitat
and oxygen declines. Some HAB toxins
can make seafood unsafe for human
consumption, and can reduce the
amount of fish bought because people
might question if eating fish is safe after
learning of the presence of the algal
bloom.30 To put the issue into
26 USEPA. 2009. Drinking Water Contaminants.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed
December 2009.
27 CFR. 2006. 40 CFR parts 9, 141, and 142:
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Stage
2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule.
Code of Federal Regulations, Washington, DC.
January/Day-04/w03.htm. Accessed December
28 Carmichael, W.W. 2000. Assessment of BlueGreen Algal Toxins in Raw and Finished Drinking
Water. AWWA Research Foundation, Denver, CO.
29 NOAA. 2009. Marine Biotoxins. National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://
marine_biotoxins/. Accessed December
30 WHOI. 2008. Hearing on ’Harmful Algal
Blooms: The Challenges on the Nation’s Coastlines.’
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://
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perspective, consider the following
estimates: For freshwater lakes, losses in
fishing and boating trip-related revenues
nationwide due to eutrophication are
estimated to range from $370 million to
almost $1.2 billion dollars and loss of
lake property values from excessive
algal growth are estimated to range from
$300 million to $2.8 billion annually on
a national level.31
3. Nutrient Pollution in Florida
Water quality degradation resulting
from excess nitrogen and phosphorus
loadings is a documented and
significant environmental issue in
Florida. According to Florida’s 2008
Integrated Report,32 approximately
1,000 miles of rivers and streams,
350,000 acres of lakes, and 900 square
miles of estuaries are impaired for
nutrients in the State. To put this in
context, these values represent
approximately 5% of the assessed river
and stream miles, 23% of the assessed
lake acres, and 24% of the assessed
square miles of estuaries that Florida
has listed as impaired in the 2008
Integrated Report.33 Nutrients are
ranked as the fourth major source of
impairment for rivers and streams in the
State (after dissolved oxygen, mercury
in fish, and fecal coliforms). For lakes
and estuaries, nutrients are ranked first
and second, respectively. As discussed
above, impairments due to nutrient
pollution result in significant impacts to
aquatic life and ecosystem health.
Nutrient pollution also represents, as
mentioned above, an increased human
health risk in terms of contaminated
drinking water supplies and private
Florida is particularly vulnerable to
nutrient pollution. Historically, the
State has experienced a rapidly
expanding population, which is a strong
predictor of nutrient loading and
associated effects, and which combined
with climate and other natural factors,
make Florida waters sensitive to
nutrient effects. Florida is currently the
fourth most populous state in the
nation, with an estimated 18 million
&cid=46007. Accessed December 2009.
31 Dodds, W.K., W.W. Bouska, J.L. Eitzmann, T.J.
Pilger, K.L. Pitts, A.J. Riley, J.T. Schloesser, and D.J.
Thornbrugh. 2009. Eutrophication of U.S.
freshwaters: analysis of potential economic
damages. Environ.l Sci. Tech.y. 43(1):12–19.
32 Florida Department of Environmental
Protection. 2008. Integrated Water Quality
Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report and
303(d) List Update.
33 Florida Department of Environmental
Protection. 2008. Integrated Water Quality
Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report and
303(d) List Update.
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people.34 Population is expected to
continue to grow, resulting in an
expected increase in urban
development, home landscapes, and
wastewater. Florida’s flat topography
causes water to move slowly over the
landscape, allowing ample opportunity
for eutrophication responses to develop.
Similarly, small tides in many of
Florida’s estuaries (especially on the
Gulf coast) also allow for welldeveloped eutrophication responses in
tidal waters. Florida’s warm and wet,
yet sunny, climate further contributes to
increased run-off and subsequent
eutrophication responses.35 Exchanges
of surface water and ground water
contribute to complex relationships
between nutrient sources and the
location and timing of eventual
In addition, extensive agricultural
development and associated hydrologic
modifications (e.g., canals and ditches)
amplify the State’s susceptibility to
nutrient pollution. Many of Florida’s
inland areas have extensive tracts of
agricultural lands. Much of the
intensive agriculture and associated
fertilizer usage takes place in locations
dominated by poorly drained sandy
soils and with high annual rainfall
amounts, two conditions favoring
nutrient-rich runoff. These factors, along
with population increase, have
contributed to a significant upward
trend in nutrient inputs to Florida’s
waters.37 High historical water quality
and the human and aquatic life uses of
many waterways in Florida often means
that very low nutrients, low
productivity, and high water clarity are
needed and expected to maintain uses.
B. Statutory and Regulatory Background
Section 303(c) (33 U.S.C. 1313(c)) of
the CWA directs states to adopt WQS for
their navigable waters. Section
303(c)(2)(A) and EPA’s implementing
regulations at 40 CFR part 131 require,
among other provisions, that state WQS
include the designated use or uses to be
made of the waters and criteria that
protect those uses. EPA regulations at 40
CFR 131.11(a)(1) provide that states
shall ‘‘adopt those water quality criteria
34 U.S. Census Bureau. 2009. 2008 Population
Estimates Ranked by State. https://
35 Perry, W.B. 2008. Everglades restoration and
water quality challenges in south Florida.
Ecotoxicology 17:569–578.
36 USGS. 2009. Florida Waters: A Water
Resources Manual. https://sofia.usgs.gov/
publications/reports/floridawaters/. Accessed June
9, 2009.
37 Florida Department of Environmental
Protection. 2008. Integrated Water Quality
Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report and
303(d) List Update.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
that protect the designated use’’ and that
such criteria ‘‘must be based on sound
scientific rationale and must contain
sufficient parameters or constituents to
protect the designated use.’’ As noted
above, 40 CFR 130.10(b) provides that
‘‘In designating uses of a water body and
the appropriate criteria for those uses,
the state shall take into consideration
the water quality standards of
downstream waters and ensure that its
water quality standards provide for the
attainment and maintenance of the
water quality standards of downstream
States are also required to review their
WQS at least once every three years and,
if appropriate, revise or adopt new
standards (CWA section 303(c)(1)).
States are required to submit these new
or revised WQS for EPA review and
approval or disapproval (CWA section
303(c)(2)(A)). Finally, CWA section
303(c)(4)(B) authorizes the
Administrator to determine, even in the
absence of a state submission, that a
new or revised standard is needed to
meet CWA requirements. The criteria
proposed in this rulemaking apply to
lakes and flowing waters of the State of
Florida. EPA’s proposal defines ‘‘lakes
and flowing waters’’ to mean inland
surface waters that have been classified
by Florida as Class I (Potable Water
Supplies Use) or Class III (Recreation,
Propagation and Maintenance of a
Healthy, Well-Balanced Population of
Fish and Wildlife Use) water bodies
pursuant to Florida Administrative
Code (F.A.C.) Rule 62–302.400,
excluding wetlands, and which are
predominantly fresh waters.
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C. Water Quality Criteria
EPA has issued guidance for use by
states when developing criteria. Under
CWA section 304(a), EPA periodically
publishes criteria recommendations
(guidance) for use by states in setting
water quality criteria for particular
parameters to protect recreational and
aquatic life uses of waters. When EPA
has published recommended criteria,
states have the option of adopting water
quality criteria based on EPA’s CWA
section 304(a) criteria guidance, section
304(a) criteria guidance modified to
reflect site-specific conditions, or other
scientifically defensible methods. 40
CFR 131.11(b)(1).
For nutrients, EPA has published
under CWA section 304(a) a series of
peer-reviewed, national technical
approaches and methods regarding the
development of numeric nutrient
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criteria for lakes and reservoirs,38 rivers
and streams,39 and estuaries and coastal
marine waters.40 Basic analytical
approaches for nutrient criteria
derivation include, but are not limited
to: (1) Stressor-response analysis, (2) the
reference condition approach, and (3)
mechanistic modeling. The stressorresponse, or effects-based, approach
relates a water body’s response to
nutrients and identifies adverse effect
levels. This is done by selecting a
protective value based on the
relationships of nitrogen and
phosphorus field measures with
indicators of biological response. This
approach is empirical, and directly
relates to the designated uses. The
reference condition approach derives
candidate criteria from distributions of
nutrient concentrations and biological
responses in a group of waters.
Measurements are made of causal and
response variables and a protective
value is selected from the distribution.
The mechanistic modeling approach
predicts a cause-effect relationship
using site-specific input to equations
that represent ecological processes.
Mechanistic models require calibration
and validation. Each approach has peer
review support by the broader scientific
community, and would provide
adequate means for any state to develop
scientifically defensible numeric
nutrient criteria.
In cases where scientifically
defensible numeric criteria cannot be
derived, EPA regulations provide that
narrative criteria should be adopted. 40
CFR 131.11(b)(2). Narrative criteria are
descriptions of conditions necessary for
the water body to attain its designated
use. Often expressed as requirements
that waters remain ‘‘free from’’ certain
characteristics, narrative criteria can be
the basis for controlling nuisance
conditions such as floating debris or
objectionable deposits. States often
establish narrative criteria, such as ‘‘no
toxics in toxic amounts,’’ in order to
limit toxic pollutants in waters where
the state has yet to adopt an EPArecommended numeric criterion and or
where EPA has yet to derive a
recommended numeric criterion. For
nutrients, in the absence of numeric
nutrient criteria, states have often
established narrative criteria such as ‘‘no
38 U.S. EPA. 2000a. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Guidance Manual: Lakes and Reservoirs. Office of
Water, Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–00–001.
39 U.S. EPA. 2000b. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Guidance Manual: Rivers and Streams. Office of
Water, Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–00–002.
40 U.S. EPA. 2001. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Manual: Estuarine and Coastal Marine Waters.
Office of Water, Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–01–
003, and wetlands (U.S. EPA, 2007).
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nuisance algae.’’ Reliance on a narrative
criterion to derive NPDES permit limits,
assess water bodies for listing purposes,
and establish TMDL targets can often be
a difficult, resource-intensive, and timeconsuming process that entails
conducting case-by-case analyses to
determine the appropriate numeric
target value based on a site-specific
translation of the narrative criterion.
Narrative criteria are most effective
when they are supported by procedures
to translate them into quantitative
expressions of the conditions necessary
to protect the designated use.
D. Agency Determination Regarding
On January 14, 2009, EPA determined
under CWA section 303(c)(4)(B) that
new or revised WQS in the form of
numeric nutrient water quality criteria
are necessary to meet the requirements
of the CWA in the State of Florida.
Florida’s currently applicable narrative
nutrient criterion provides, in part, that
‘‘in no case shall nutrient concentrations
of a body of water be altered so as to
cause an imbalance in natural
populations of aquatic flora or fauna.’’
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
62–302–530(47)(b). EPA determined
that Florida’s narrative nutrient
criterion alone was insufficient to
ensure protection of applicable
designated uses. The determination
recognized that Florida has a proactive
and innovative program to address
nutrient pollution through a strategy of
comprehensive National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit regulations, Basin Management
Action Plans (BMAPs) for
implementation of TMDLs which
include controls on nonpoint sources,
municipal wastewater treatment
technology-based requirements under
the 1990 Grizzle-Figg Act, and rules to
limit nutrient pollution in
geographically specific areas like the
Indian River Lagoon System, the
Everglades Protection Area, and Wekiva
Springs. However, the determination
noted that despite Florida’s intensive
efforts to diagnose and control nutrient
pollution, substantial water quality
degradation from nutrient overenrichment remains a significant
challenge in the State and one that is
likely to worsen with continued
population growth and land-use
Florida’s implementation of its
narrative water quality criterion for
nutrients is based on site-specific
detailed biological assessments and
analyses, together with site-by-site
outreach and stakeholder engagement in
the context of specific CWA-related
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
actions, specifically NPDES permits,
TMDLs required for both permitting and
BMAP activities, and assessment and
listing decisions. When deriving NPDES
water quality-based permit limits,
Florida initially conducts a site-specific
analysis to determine whether a
proposed discharge has the reasonable
potential to cause or contribute to an
exceedance of its narrative nutrient
water quality criterion. The State then
determines what levels of nutrients
would ‘‘cause an imbalance in natural
populations of aquatic flora or fauna’’
and translates those levels into numeric
‘‘targets’’ for the receiving water and any
other affected waters. Determining on a
water-by-water basis for thousands of
State waters the levels of nutrients that
would ‘‘cause an imbalance in natural
populations of aquatic flora or fauna’’ is
a difficult, lengthy, and data-intensive
undertaking. This work involves
performing detailed site-specific
analyses of the receiving water and any
other affected waters. If the State has not
already completed this analysis for a
particular water, it can be very difficult
to accurately determine in the context
and timeframe of the NPDES permitting
process. For example, in some cases,
adequate data may take several years to
collect and therefore, may not be
available for a particular water at the
time of permitting issuance or reissuance.
When developing TMDLs, as it does
when determining reasonable potential
and deriving limits in the permitting
context, Florida translates the narrative
nutrient criterion into a numeric target
that the State determines is necessary to
meet its narrative criterion and protect
applicable designated uses. This process
also involves a site-specific analysis to
determine the nutrient levels that would
‘‘cause an imbalance in natural
populations of aquatic flora or fauna’’ in
a particular water. Each time a sitespecific analysis is conducted to
determine what the narrative criterion
means for a particular water body in
developing a TMDL, the State takes sitespecific considerations into account and
devises a method that works with the
available data and information.
In adopting the Impaired Waters Rule
(IWR), Florida took important steps
toward improving implementation of its
narrative nutrient criterion by
establishing and publishing an
assessment methodology to identify
waters impaired for nutrients. This
methodology includes numeric nutrient
impairment ‘‘thresholds’’ above which
waters are automatically deemed
impaired. Even when a listing is made,
however, development of a TMDL is
then generally required to support
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issuance of a permit or development of
Based on the considerations outlined
above, EPA concluded that numeric
criteria for nutrients will enable the
State to take necessary actions to protect
the designated uses, in a timelier
manner. The resource intensive efforts
to interpret the State’s narrative
criterion contribute to delays in
implementing the criterion and
therefore, affect the State’s ability to
provide the needed protections for
applicable designated uses. EPA,
therefore, determined that numeric
nutrient criteria are necessary for the
State of Florida to meet the CWA
requirement to have criteria that protect
applicable designated uses.
The combined impacts of urban and
agricultural activities, along with
Florida’s physical features and
important and unique aquatic
ecosystems, made it clear that the
current use of the narrative nutrient
criterion alone and the resulting delays
that it entails do not ensure protection
of applicable designated uses for the
many State waters that are either
unimpaired and need protection or have
been listed as impaired and require
loadings reductions. EPA determined
that numeric nutrient water quality
criteria would strengthen the foundation
for identifying impaired waters,
establishing TMDLs, and deriving water
quality-based effluent limits in NPDES
permits, thus providing the necessary
protection for the State’s designated
uses in its waters. In addition, numeric
nutrient criteria will support the State’s
ability to effectively partner with point
and nonpoint sources to control
nutrients, thus further providing the
necessary protection for the designated
uses of the State’s water bodies. EPA’s
determination is available at the
following Web site: https://www.epa.gov/
The January 14, 2009 determination
stated EPA’s intent to propose numeric
nutrient criteria for lakes and flowing
waters in Florida within twelve months
of the January 14, 2009 determination,
and for estuarine and coastal waters
within 24 months of the determination.
EPA has also entered into a Consent
Decree with Florida Wildlife Federation,
Sierra Club, Conservancy of Southwest
Florida, Environmental Confederation of
Southwest Florida, and St. Johns
Riverkeeper, committing to the schedule
stated in EPA’s January 14, 2009
determination to propose numeric
nutrient criteria for lakes and flowing
waters in Florida by January 14, 2010,
and for Florida’s estuarine and coastal
waters by January 14, 2011. The Consent
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Decree also requires that final rules be
issued by October 15, 2010 for lakes and
flowing waters, and by October 15, 2011
for estuarine and coastal waters.
In accordance with the determination
and EPA’s Consent Decree, EPA is
proposing numeric nutrient criteria for
Florida’s lakes and flowing waters with
this proposed rule. As envisioned in
EPA’s determination, this time frame
has allowed EPA to utilize the large data
set collected by Florida as part of a
detailed analysis of nutrient-impaired
waters. In a separate rulemaking, EPA
intends to develop and propose numeric
nutrient criteria for Florida’s estuarine
and coastal waters by January 14, 2011.
EPA’s determination did not apply to
Florida’s wetlands, and as a result,
Florida’s wetlands will not be addressed
in this rulemaking or in EPA’s
forthcoming rulemaking involving
estuarine and coastal waters.
III. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for the State of Florida’s Lakes and
Flowing Waters
A. General Information
(1) Which Water Bodies Are Affected by
This Proposed Rule?
The criteria proposed in this
rulemaking apply to lakes and flowing
waters of the State of Florida. EPA’s
proposal defines ‘‘lakes and flowing
waters’’ to mean inland surface waters
that have been classified as Class I
(Potable Water Supplies) or Class III
(Recreation, Propagation and
Maintenance of a Healthy, WellBalanced Population of Fish and
Wildlife) water bodies pursuant to Rule
62–302.400, F.A.C., excluding wetlands,
and which are predominantly fresh
waters. Pursuant to Rule 62–302.200,
F.A.C., EPA’s proposal defines
‘‘predominantly fresh waters’’ to mean
surface waters in which the chloride
concentration at the surface is less than
1,500 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and
‘‘surface water’’ means water upon the
surface of the Earth, whether contained
in bounds created naturally, artificially,
or diffused. Waters from natural springs
shall be classified as surface water when
it exits from the spring onto the Earth’s
In this rulemaking, EPA is proposing
numeric nutrient criteria for the
following four water body types: Lakes,
streams, springs and clear streams, and
canals in south Florida. EPA’s proposal
also includes definitions for each of
these waters. ‘‘Lake’’ means a freshwater
water body that is not a stream or other
watercourse with some open contiguous
water free from emergent vegetation.
‘‘Stream’’ means a free-flowing,
predominantly fresh surface water in a
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
defined channel, and includes rivers,
creeks, branches, canals (outside south
Florida), freshwater sloughs, and other
similar water bodies. ‘‘Spring’’ means
the point where underground water
emerges onto the Earth’s surface,
including its spring run. ‘‘Spring run’’
means a free-flowing water that
originates from a spring or spring group
whose primary (>50%) source of water
is from a spring or spring group.
Downstream waters from a spring that
receive 50% or more of their flow from
surface water tributaries are not
considered spring runs. ‘‘Clear stream’’
means a free-flowing water whose color
is less than 40 platinum cobalt units
(PCU, which is assessed as true color
free from turbidity). Classification of a
stream as clear or colored is based on
the instantaneous color of the sample.
Consistent with Rule 62–312.020,
F.A.C., ‘‘canal’’ means a trench, the
bottom of which is normally covered by
water with the upper edges of its two
sides normally above water. Consistent
with Rule 62–302.200, F.A.C., all
secondary and tertiary canals wholly
within Florida’s agricultural areas are
classified as Class IV waters, not Class
III, and therefore, are not subject to this
proposed rulemaking. The classes of
waters, as specified in this paragraph
and as subject to this proposed
rulemaking, are hereinafter referred to
as ‘‘lakes and flowing waters’’ in this
proposed rule.
The CWA requires adoption of WQS
for ‘‘navigable waters.’’ CWA section
303(c)(2)(A). The CWA defines
‘‘navigable waters’’ to mean ‘‘the waters
of the United States, including the
territorial seas.’’ CWA section 502(7).
Whether a particular water body is a
water of the United States is a water
body-specific determination. Every
water body that is a water of the United
States requires protection under the
CWA. EPA is not aware of any waters
of the United States in Florida that are
currently exempted from the State’s
WQS. For any privately owned water in
Florida that is a water of the United
States, the applicable numeric nutrient
criteria for those types of waters would
apply. This rule does not apply to
waters for which the Miccosukee Tribe
of Indians or Seminole Tribe of Indians
has obtained Treatment as a State for
Section 303 of the CWA, pursuant to
Section 518 of the CWA.
(2) Background on EPA’s Derivation of
Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for
the State of Florida’s Lakes and Flowing
In proposing numeric nutrient criteria
for Florida’s lakes and flowing waters,
EPA developed numeric nutrient
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criteria to support a balanced natural
population of flora and fauna in Florida
lakes and flowing waters, and to ensure,
to the extent that the best available
science allows, the attainment and
maintenance of the WQS of downstream
waters. Where numeric nutrient criteria
do not yet exist, in proposed or final
form, for a water body type that is
downstream from a lake or flowing
water (e.g., estuaries) in Florida, EPA
has interpreted the currently applicable
State narrative criterion, ‘‘in no case
shall nutrient concentrations of a body
of water be altered so as to cause an
imbalance in natural populations of
aquatic flora or fauna,’’ to ensure that
the numeric criteria EPA is proposing
would not result in nutrient
concentrations that would ‘‘cause an
imbalance in natural populations of
aquatic flora or fauna’’ in such
downstream water bodies. EPA’s actions
are consistent with and support existing
Florida WQS regulations. EPA used the
best available science to estimate
protective loads to downstream
estuaries, and then used these estimates
(and assumptions about the distribution
of the load throughout the watershed),
along with mathematical models, to
calculate concentrations in upstream
flowing waters that would have to be
met to ensure the attainment and
maintenance of the State’s narrative
criterion applicable to downstream
EPA relied on an extensive amount of
Florida-specific data, collected and
analyzed, in large part, by FDEP and
then reviewed by EPA. EPA worked
extensively with FDEP on data
interpretation and technical analyses for
developing scientifically sound numeric
nutrient criteria for this proposed
rulemaking. Because EPA is committed
to ensuring the use of the best available
science, the Agency submitted its
criteria derivation methodologies,
developed by EPA in close collaboration
with FDEP experts and scientists, to an
independent, external, scientific peer
review in July 2009.
To support derivation of EPA’s
proposed lakes criteria, EPA searched
extensively for relevant and useable lake
data. In this case the effort resulted in
33,622 samples from 4,417 sites
distributed among 1,599 lakes
Regarding the derivation of EPA’s
proposed streams criteria, EPA
evaluated water chemistry data from
11,761 samples from 6,342 sites
statewide in the ‘‘all streams’’ dataset.
EPA also used data collected for linking
nutrients to specific biological
responses that consisted of 2,023 sample
records from more than 1,100 streams.
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For EPA’s proposed springs and clear
streams criteria, EPA evaluated data
gathered and synthesized by FDEP using
approximately 50 studies including
historical accounts, laboratory nutrient
amendment bioassays, field surveys,
and TMDL reports that document
increasing patterns of nitrate-nitrite
levels and corresponding ecosystem
level responses observed within the last
50 years. At least a dozen of these
studies were used to develop and
support the proposed nitrate-nitrite
criterion for spring ecosystems.
For EPA’s proposed criteria for canals
for south Florida, EPA started with more
than 1,900,000 observations from more
than 3,400 canal sites. These were
filtered for data relevant to nutrient
criteria development and resulted in
observations at more than 500 sites for
variables (nutrient parameter data and
chlorophyll a data). Reliance on these
extensive sets of data has enabled EPA
to use the best available information and
science to derive robust, scientifically
sound criteria applicable to Florida’s
lakes and flowing waters.
Section III describes EPA’s proposed
numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s
lakes, streams, springs and clear
streams, and canals and the associated
methodologies EPA employed to derive
them. These criteria are based on sound
scientific rationale and will protect
applicable designated uses in Florida’s
lakes and flowing waters. EPA solicits
public comment on these criteria and
their derivation. This preamble also
includes discussions of alternative
approaches that EPA considered but did
not select as the preferred option to
derive the proposed criteria. EPA invites
public comment on the alternative
approaches as well. In addition, EPA
requests public comment on whether
the proposed numeric nutrient criteria
are consistent with Florida’s narrative
criterion with respect to nutrients at
Rule 62–302.530(47)(a), F.A.C.,
specifying that the discharge of
nutrients shall be limited as needed to
prevent violations of other standards.
EPA seeks scientific data and
information on whether, for example,
nutrient criteria should be more
stringent to prevent exceedances of
dissolved oxygen criteria.
EPA has created a technical support
document that provides detailed
information regarding all methodologies
discussed herein and the derivation of
the proposed criteria. This document is
entitled ‘‘Technical Support Document
for EPA’s Proposed Rule For Numeric
Nutrient Criteria for Florida’s Inland
Surface Fresh Waters’’ (hereafter, EPA
TSD for Florida’s Inland Waters) and is
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
located at www.regulations.gov, Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596.
B. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for the State of Florida’s Lakes
Florida’s 2008 Integrated Water
Quality Assessment Report 41 indicates
that Florida lakes provide important
habitats for plant and animal species
and are a valuable resource for human
activities and enjoyment. The State has
more than 7,700 lakes, which occupy
close to 6% of its surface area. The
largest lake, Lake Okeechobee (covering
435,840 acres), is the ninth largest lake
in surface area in the United States and
the second largest freshwater lake
wholly within the coterminous United
States.42 Most of the State’s lakes are
shallow, averaging seven to 20 feet
deep, although many sinkhole lakes and
parts of other lakes are much deeper.
Florida’s lakes are physically,
chemically, and biologically diverse.
Many lakes are spring-fed, others are
seepage lakes fed by ground water, and
still others (about 20%) are depression
lakes fed by surface water sources. For
purposes of developing numeric
nutrient criteria, EPA identified two
classifications of lakes, colored lakes
and clear lakes, which respond
differently to inputs of TN and TP, as
discussed in detail below. EPA further
classified the clear lakes into clear
alkaline lakes (relatively high alkalinity)
and clear acidic lakes (relatively low
alkalinity), which have different
baseline expectations for the level of
nutrients present.
(1) Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for Lakes
EPA is proposing the following
numeric nutrient criteria and
geochemical classifications for Florida’s
lakes classified as Class I or III waters
under Florida law (Rule 62–302.400,
Baseline criteria b
Chlorophyll a
(μg/L) a
Long-term average lake color and alkalinity
TP (mg/L) a
TN (mg/L) a
TP (mg/L) a
TN (mg/L) a
Colored Lakes > 40 PCU ....................................................
Clear Lakes, Alkaline ≤ 40 PCU d and > 50 mg/L CaCO3 e
Clear Lakes, Acidic ≤ 40 PCU d and ≤ 50 mg/L CaCO3 e ...
Modified criteria
(within these bounds) c
a Concentration values are based on annual geometric mean not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period. In addition, the longterm average of annual geometric mean values shall not surpass the listed concentration values. (Duration = annual; Frequency = not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period or as a long-term average).
b Baseline criteria apply unless data are readily available to calculate and apply lake-specific, modified criteria as described below in footnote c
and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection issues a determination that a lake-specific modified criterion is the applicable criterion for
an individual lake. Any such determination must be made consistent with the provisions in footnote c below. Such determination must also be
documented in an easily accessible and publicly available location, such as an official State Web site.
c If chlorophyll a is below the criterion in column B and there are representative data to calculate ambient-based, lake-specific, modified TP and
TN criteria, then FDEP may calculate such criteria within these bounds from ambient measurements to determine lake-specific, modified criteria
pursuant to CWA section 303(c). Modified TN and TP criteria must be based on at least three years of ambient monitoring data with (a) at least
four measurements per year and (b) at least one measurement between May and September and one measurement between October and April
each year. These same data requirements apply to chlorophyll a when determining whether the chlorophyll a criterion is met for purposes of developing modified TN and TP criteria. If the calculated TN and/or TP value is below the lower value, then the lower value is the lake-specific,
modified criterion. If the calculated TN and TP value is above the upper value, then the upper value is the lake-specific, modified criterion. Modified TP and TN criteria may not exceed criteria applicable to streams to which a lake discharges. If chlorophyll a is below the criterion in column
B and representative data to calculate modified TN and TP criteria are not available, then the baseline TN and TP criteria apply. Once established, modified criteria are in place as the applicable WQS for all CWA purposes.
d Platinum Cobalt Units (PCU) assessed as true color free from turbidity. Long-term average color based on a rolling average of up to seven
years using all available lake color data.
e If alkalinity data are unavailable, a specific conductance of 250 micromhos/cm may be substituted.
f Chlorophyll a is defined as corrected chlorophyll, or the concentration of chlorophyll a remaining after the chlorophyll degradation product,
phaeophytin a, has been subtracted from the uncorrected chlorophyll a measurement.
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The following section describes the
methodologies EPA used to develop its
proposed numeric nutrient criteria for
lakes. EPA is soliciting comments and
scientific data regarding the proposed
criteria for lakes and their derivation.
Section III.B(4) describes one alternative
approach and two supplementary
modifications considered by the Agency
in developing this lakes proposal. EPA
solicits comments and data on that
approach and those modifications.
(2) Methodologies for Deriving EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Lakes
The process used to develop proposed
numeric nutrient criteria for a range of
diverse waters begins with grouping
those waters into categories that
generally have a common response to
elevated levels of the stressor pollutants,
in this case TN and TP. The following
sections provide a discussion of (1) the
lake classification approach for this
proposal, (2) identification of an
appropriate response variable and the
levels of that variable that indicate or
represent healthy aquatic conditions
associated with each water body
classification, and (3) the concentrations
of TN and TP that correspond to
protective levels of the response
variable, in this case, chlorophyll a.
EPA has recommended that nutrient
criteria include both causal (e.g., TN
and TP) and response variables (e.g.,
chlorophyll a and some measure of
clarity) when establishing numeric
nutrient criteria for water bodies.43 EPA
41 FDEP. 2008. Integrated Water Quality
Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report and
303(d) List Update. Florida Department of
Environmental Protection.
42 Fernald, E.A. and E.D. Purdum. 1998. Water
Resources Atlas of Florida. Tallahassee: Institute of
Science and Public Affairs, Florida State University.
43 U.S. EPA. 1998. National Strategy for the
Development of Regional Nutrient Criteria. Office of
Water, Washington, DC. EPA 822–R–98–002;
Grubbs, G. 2001. U.S. EPA. (Memorandum to
Directors of State Water Programs, Directors of
Great Water Body Programs, Directors of
Authorized Tribal Water Quality Standards
Programs and State and Interstate Water Pollution
Control Administrators on Development and
Adoption of Nutrient Criteria into Water Quality
Standards. November 14, 2001); Grumbles, B.H.
2007. U.S. EPA. (Memorandum to Directors of State
Water Programs, Directors of Great Water Body
Programs, Directors of Authorized Tribal Water
Quality Standards Programs and State and Interstate
Water Pollution Control Administrators on Nutrient
Pollution and Numeric Water Quality Standards.
May 25, 2007).
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(a) Methodology for Proposed Lake
Based on analyses of geochemical
influences in Florida’s lakes, EPA
proposes the following classification
scheme for Florida lakes: (1) Colored
Lakes > 40 Platinum Cobalt Units (PCU),
(2) Clear Lakes ≤ 40 PCU with alkalinity
> 50 mg/L calcium carbonate (CaCO3),
and (3) Clear Lakes ≤ 40 PCU with
alkalinity ≤ 50 mg/L CaCO3.
Following original work conducted by
FDEP, EPA considered several key
characteristics to categorize Florida’s
lakes and tailor numeric nutrient
criteria, recognizing that different types
of lakes in Florida may respond
differently to nutrients. Many of
Florida’s lakes contain dissolved
organic matter leached from surface
vegetation that colors the water. More
color in a lake limits light penetration
within the water column, which in turn
limits algal growth. Thus, in lakes with
colored water, higher levels of nutrients
may occur without exceeding desired
algal levels. EPA evaluated the
relationships between nutrients and
algal responses for these waters (as
measured by chlorophyll a
concentration), which indicated that
water color influences algal responses to
nutrients. Based on this analysis, EPA
found color to be a significant factor for
categorizing lakes. More specifically,
EPA found the correlations between
nutrients and chlorophyll a
concentrations to be stronger and less
variable when lakes were categorized
into two distinct groups based on a
threshold of 40 PCU. This threshold is
consistent with the distinction between
clear and colored lakes long observed in
Florida.45 Different relationships
between nutrients and chlorophyll a
emerged when lakes were characterized
by color, with clear lakes demonstrating
greater sensitivity to nutrients as would
be predicted by the increased light
penetration, which promotes algal
Within the clear lakes category, where
color is not generally the controlling
factor in algal growth, EPA evaluated
alkalinity as an additional
distinguishing characteristic. Calcium
carbonate (CaCO3), dissolved from
limestone formations and calcareous
soils, affects the alkalinity and pH of
groundwater that feeds into lakes.
Alkalinity and pH increase when water
is in contact with limestone or
limestone-derived soil. Limestone is
also a source of TP, and lakes that are
higher in alkalinity in Florida are often
associated with naturally elevated TP
levels. These types of lakes are often in
areas of the State where the underlying
geology includes limestone. The
alkalinity (measured as CaCO3) of
Florida clear lakes ranges from zero to
well over 200 mg/L. FDEP’s Nutrient
Criteria Technical Advisory Committee
(TAC) evaluated available data from
Florida lakes and concluded that 50 mg/
L alkalinity as CaCO3 is an appropriate
threshold above which associated
nutrient levels would be expected to be
significantly elevated among clear lakes.
EPA concluded that FDEP’s proposed
approach of using 50 mg/L alkalinity as
CaCO3 is an appropriate distinguishing
characteristic in clear lakes in Florida
because lakes with alkalinity ≤50 CaCO3
represent a comprehensive group of
lakes that may be naturally oligotrophic.
Thus, EPA proposes to classify Florida
clear lakes as either acidic (≤50 mg/L
alkalinity as CaCO3) or alkaline (>50
mg/L alkalinity as CaCO3).
EPA recognizes that in certain cases
FDEP may not have historic alkalinity
data on record to classify a particular
44 U.S. EPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Guidance Manual: Rivers and Streams. Office of
Water, Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–00–002.
45 Shannon, E.E. and P.L. Brezonik. 1972.
Limnological characteristics of north and central
Florida lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 17(1): 97–110.
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recommends causal variables, in part, to
have the means to develop source
control targets and, in part, to have the
means to assess water body conditions
with knowledge that responses can be
variable, suppressed, delayed, or
expressed at different locations. EPA
recommends response variables, in part,
to have a means to assess water body
conditions that synthesize the effect of
causal variables over time, recognizing
the daily, seasonal, and annual
variability in measured nutrient
levels.44 The ability to establish
protective criteria for both causal and
response variables depends on available
data and scientific approaches to
evaluate these data. For its lake criteria,
EPA is proposing causal variables for
TN and TP and a response variable for
chlorophyll a. For water clarity, Florida
has criteria for transparency and
turbidity, applicable to all Class I and III
waters, expressed in terms of a
measurable deviation from natural
background (Rules 32–302.530(67) and
(69), F.A.C.). For further information on
this topic, refer to EPA’s TSD for
Florida’s Inland Waters.
Interested readers should consult EPA
TSD for Florida’s Inland Waters,
Chapter 1: Methodology for Deriving
U.S. EPA’s Proposed Criteria for Lakes,
for more detailed information, data, and
graphs supporting the development of
the proposed lake criteria.
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clear lake as either alkaline or acidic.
When alkalinity data are unavailable,
EPA proposes a specific conductivity
threshold of 250 microSiemens per
centimeter (μS/cm) as a substitute for
the threshold of 50 mg/L alkalinity as
CaCO3. Specific conductivity is a
measure of the ionic activity in water
and a data analysis performed by FDEP
and re-examined by EPA found that a
specific conductivity threshold value of
250 μS/cm is sufficiently correlated
with alkalinity to serve as a surrogate
measure. Of these two measures,
alkalinity is the preferred parameter to
measure because it is less variable and
therefore, a more reliable indicator, and
also because it is a more direct measure
of the presence of underlying geology
associated with elevated nutrient levels.
EPA solicits comment on the
proposed categorization scheme and
associated thresholds used to classify
Florida’s lakes. Please see Section
III.B(4)(b) below in which EPA invites
comment on alternative lake
categorization approaches that EPA
considered, in particular, those
approaches with respect to alkalinity
classification and lakes occurring in
sandhills of northwestern and central
(b) Methodology for Proposed
Chlorophyll a Criteria
Because excess algal growth is
associated with degradation in aquatic
life and because chlorophyll a levels are
a measure of algal growth, EPA is using
chlorophyll a levels as indicators of
healthy biological conditions,
supportive of aquatic life in each of the
categories of Florida’s lakes described
above. EPA found multiple lines of
evidence supporting chlorophyll a
criteria as an effective indicator of
ambient conditions that would be
protective of Florida’s aquatic life use in
lakes. These lines of evidence included
trophic state of lakes, historical
reference conditions in Florida lakes,
and model results.
As a primary line of evidence, EPA
reviewed and evaluated the Trophic
State Index (TSI) information in
deriving chlorophyll a criteria that are
protective of designated aquatic life uses
in Florida’s lakes. The TSI quantifies the
degree of eutrophication (oligotrophic,
mesotrophic, eutrophic) 46 in a water
body based on observed measurements
of nutrients and chlorophyll a. These
types of boundaries are commonly used
in scientific literature and represent an
46 Trophic state describes the nutrient and algal
state of an aquatic system: Oligotrophic (low
nutrients and algal productivity), mesotrophic
(moderate nutrients and algal productivity), and
eutrophic (high nutrients and algal productivity).
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
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established, scientific classification
system to describe current status and
natural expectations for lake conditions
with respect to nutrients and algal
productivity.47 EPA’s review of TSI
studies 48 49 indicated that in warmwater lakes such as those in Florida, TSI
values of 50, 60, and 70 are associated
with chlorophyll a concentrations of 10,
20, and 40 micrograms per liter (μg/L),
respectively. Studies indicated that
mesotrophic lakes in Florida have TSI
values ranging from 50 to 60 and
eutrophic lakes have TSI values ranging
from 60 to 70. Thus a TSI value of 60
(chlorophyll a concentration of 20 μg/L)
represents the boundary between
mesotrophy and eutrophy. EPA
concluded that mesotrophic status is the
appropriate expectation for colored and
clear alkaline lakes because they receive
significant natural nutrient input and
support a healthy diversity of aquatic
life in warm, productive climates such
as Florida, and mesotrophy represents a
lake maintaining a healthy balance
between benthic macrophytes (i.e.,
plants growing on the lake bottom) and
algae in such climates under such
conditions. However, clear acidic lakes
in Florida do not receive comparable
natural nutrient input to be classified as
mesotrophic, and for those lakes, EPA
has developed criteria that correspond
to an oligotrophic status. Oligotrophic
lakes support less algal growth and have
lower chlorophyll a levels. Studies
indicate that a TSI value of 45 reflects
an approximate boundary between
oligotrophy and mesotrophy
(corresponding to chlorophyll a at about
7 μg/L). EPA requests comment on these
conclusions regarding oligotrophic and
mesotrophic status expectations for
these categories of Florida lakes.
Another line of evidence that
supports EPA’s proposed chlorophyll a
criteria is historical reference
conditions. Diatoms are a very common
type of free-floating algae (i.e.,
phytoplankton) that have shells or
‘‘frustules’’ made of silica that are
preserved in the fossil record. Diatoms
preserved in lake sediments can be used
to infer chlorophyll a levels in lakes
prior to any human disturbance.
47 Carlson, R.E. 1977. A trophic state index for
lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:361–369.
48 Carlson, R.E. 1977. A trophic state index for
lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:361–369.
49 Salas and Martino. 1991. A simplified
phosphorus trophic state index for warm water
tropical lakes. Wat. Res. 25:341–350.
50 Whitmore and Brenner. 2002. Paleologic
characterization of pre-disturbance water quality
conditions in EPA defined Florida lake regions.
Univ. Florida Dept. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
30 pp.
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Paleolimnological studies 50 that
examined preserved diatom frustules in
Florida lake sediments indicate that
historical levels of chlorophyll a are
consistent with mesotrophic
expectations derived from the TSI
studies described above, with
chlorophyll a levels falling just below
the selected criterion for mesotrophic
lakes. (These studies did not evaluate
lakes expected to be naturally
oligotrophic so there is no comparable
information for those lakes).
In addition to this evidence, EPA used
information from the application of a
Morphoedaphic Index (MEI) model 51
that predicts nutrient and chlorophyll a
concentrations for any lake given its
depth, alkalinity, and color to support
the proposed chlorophyll a criteria.
Scientists from the St. John’s Water
Management District presented
modeling results for various Florida
lakes in each colored and clear category
at the August 5, 2009 meeting of the
Nutrient Criteria TAC in Tallahassee. In
addition to predicting natural or
reference conditions, these scientists
used the model to predict chlorophyll a
and TP concentrations associated with a
10% reduction in water transparency for
a set of lakes with varying color levels
and alkalinities. Because submerged
aquatic vegetation is dependent on light,
maintaining a lake’s historic balance
between algae and submerged aquatic
plants requires maintaining overall
water transparency. The risk of
disrupting the balance between algae
and submerged aquatic plants increases
when reductions in transparency exceed
10%. The MEI predictions corroborated
the results from lake TSI studies and
investigations of paleolimnological
reference conditions because natural or
reference predictions (i.e., a ‘‘no effect’’
level) were generally below selected
criteria levels and 10% transparency
loss predictions (i.e., a ‘‘threshold effect’’
level) were at or slightly above selected
criteria levels. EPA considered these
lines of evidence to develop the
proposed chlorophyll a criteria,
discussed below by lake class:
(i) Colored Lakes: EPA proposes a
chlorophyll a criterion of 20 μg/L in
colored lakes to protect Florida’s
designated aquatic life uses. As
indicated by the warm-water TSI studies
discussed above, chlorophyll a
50 Whitmore and Brenner. 2002. Paleologic
characterization of pre-disturbance water quality
conditions in EPA defined Florida lake regions.
Univ. Florida Dept. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
30 pp.
51 Vighi and Chiaudani. 1985. A simple method
to estimate lake phosphorus concentrations
resulting from natural background loadings. Wat.
PO 00000
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concentrations of 20 μg/L represent the
boundary between mesotrophy and
eutrophy. Because mesotrophy
maintains a healthy balance of plant and
algae populations in these types of
lakes, limiting chlorophyll a
concentrations to 20 μg/L would,
therefore, protect colored lakes in
Florida from the adverse impacts of
eutrophication. Paleolimnological
studies of six colored lakes in Florida
demonstrated natural (i.e., before
human disturbance) chlorophyll a levels
in the range of 14–20 μg/L and the MEI
model predicted reference chlorophyll a
concentrations of 1–25 μg/L for a set of
colored lakes in Florida. The model also
predicted that concentrations of
chlorophyll a ranging from 15–36 μg/L
in individual lakes would result in a
10% loss of transparency (all but two
lakes were above 20 μg/L). Because of
natural variability, it is typical for
ranges of natural or reference conditions
to overlap with ranges of where adverse
effects may begin occurring (such as the
10% transparency loss endpoint) for any
sample population of lakes. In addition,
these modeling results, as with any line
of evidence, have uncertainty associated
with any individual lake prediction.
Given these considerations, EPA found
that because the clear majority (eight of
eleven) of lakes had predicted natural or
referenced conditions below 20 μg/L
chlorophyll a and the clear majority
(nine of eleven) of lakes had predicted
10% transparency loss above 20 μg/L
chlorophyll a, these results supported
the TSI-based proposed chlorophyll a
(ii) Clear, Alkaline Lakes: EPA
proposes a chlorophyll a concentration
of 20 μg/L in clear, alkaline lakes to
protect Florida’s designated aquatic life
uses. As noted in Section III.B(2)(a),
alkalinity and TP are often co-occurring
inputs to Florida lakes because of the
presence of TP in limestone, which is
often a feature of the geology in Florida.
Clear, alkaline lakes, therefore, are
likely to be naturally mesotrophic.
EPA’s analysis determined that aquatic
life in clear, alkaline lakes is protected
at similar chlorophyll a levels as
colored lakes (at the TSI boundary
between mesotrophy and eutrophy). The
MEI model predicted reference
chlorophyll a concentrations of 12–24
μg/L for a set of clear, alkaline lakes in
Florida, and predicted a 10% loss of
transparency when chlorophyll a
concentrations ranged from 19–33 μg/L.
Similar to the results for colored lakes,
half of the clear, alkaline lakes had
predicted natural or referenced
conditions at or below 20 μg/L
chlorophyll a and all but one clear,
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
alkaline lake had predicted 10%
transparency loss above 20 μg/L
chlorophyll a. Thus, EPA found this
evidence to be supportive of the
proposed chlorophyll a criterion. EPA
solicits comment on this chlorophyll a
criterion and the evidence EPA used to
support the criterion.
(iii) Clear, Acidic Lakes: EPA
proposes a chlorophyll a concentration
of 6 μg/L in clear, acidic lakes to ensure
balanced natural populations of flora
and fauna (i.e., aquatic life) in these
lakes. In contrast to colored lakes and
clear, alkaline lakes, this category of
lakes does not receive significant
natural nutrient inputs from
groundwater or other surface water
sources. EPA has thus based the
proposed criteria on an expectation that
these lakes should be oligotrophic in
order to support balanced natural
populations of flora and fauna. Some of
Florida’s clear, acidic lakes, in the
sandhills in northwestern and central
Florida, have been identified as
extremely oligotrophic 52 with
chlorophyll a levels of less than 2 μg/
L. As discussed above, warm water TSI
studies suggest a chlorophyll a level of
approximately 7 μg/L at the
oligotrophic-mesotrophic boundary.
In July 2009, FDEP proposed a
chlorophyll a criterion for clear, acidic
lakes of 9 μg/L.53 In comments sent to
EPA via e-mail in October 2009,54 FDEP
reported that the Nutrient TAC
suggested in June 2009 that maintaining
chlorophyll a below 10 μg/L in clear,
acidic lakes would be protective of the
designated use, because a value of < 10
μg/L would still be categorized as
oligotrophic. However, EPA’s review of
the TSI categorization based on the
work of Salas and Martino (1991) on
warm water lakes indicates that a
chlorophyll a of 10 μg/L (TSI of 50)
would better represent the central
tendency of the mesotrophic category
rather than the oligotrophicmesotrophic boundary. In the October
52 Canfield, D.E., Jr., M.J. Maceina, L.M. Hodgson,
and K.A. Langeland. 1983. Limnological features of
some northwestern Florida lakes. J. Freshw. Ecol.
2:67–79; Griffith, G.E., D.E. Canfield, Jr., C.A.
Horsburgh, J.M. Omernik, and S.H. Azevedo. 1997.
Lake regions of Florida. Map prepared by U.S. EPA,
Corvallis, OR; available at https://www.epa.gov/wed/
pages/ecoregions/fl_eco.htm (accessed 10/09/2009).
53 More information on this issue is available on
FDEP’s Web site at https://www.dep.state.fl.us/
dep_responses_100909.pdf and included in the
‘‘External Peer Review of EPA’s ‘Proposed Methods
and Approaches for Developing Numeric Nutrient
Criteria for Florida’s Inland Waters’ ’’ and EPA’s
TSD for Florida’s Inland Waters located in the
docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596.
54 FDEP document titled, ‘‘DEP’s Responses to
EPA’s 9/16 Comment Letter.’’ October 9, 2009.
Located in the docket ID EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596.
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2009 comments, FDEP also presented an
analysis of lake data that showed lack of
correlation between an index of benthic
macroinvertebrate health and
chlorophyll a levels in the range of
5–10 μg/L as supporting evidence for a
chlorophyll a criterion of 9 μg/L in clear
acidic lakes. However, within this small
range of chlorophyll a, it is not
surprising that a correlation with an
indicator responsive to numerous
aspects of natural conditions and
stressors such as benthic
macroinvertebrate health would not
exhibit a clear statistical relationship.
Importantly, there was some evidence of
meaningful distinctions within the
range of 5–10 μg/L chlorophyll a based
on endpoints more directly responsive
to nutrients. In this case, the MEI model
predicted reference chlorophyll a
concentrations within the range of 1.4–
7.0 μg/L (with seven of the eight values
below 5 μg/L) for a set of clear, acidic
lakes in Florida, and predicted a 10%
loss of transparency when chlorophyll a
concentrations ranged from 5.6–11.8 μg/
L (with five of the eight values below
7 μg/L). All but one of the clear, acid
lakes had predicted natural or reference
conditions below 6 μg/L chlorophyll a
and the majority (six of eight) of clear,
alkaline lakes had predicted 10%
transparency loss above 6 μg/L
chlorophyll a. Given available
information on reference condition and
predicted effect levels, EPA adjusted the
approximate oligotrophic-mesotrophic
boundary value of 7 μg/L slightly
downward to 6 μg/L as the proposed
chlorophyll a criterion. For determining
the proposed chlorophyll a criterion in
the three lake categories, only in this
case for clear, acid lakes did EPA use
reference condition information and
predicted effect levels for more than just
support of the value coming from the
TSI-based line of evidence, and in this
case EPA deviated from that value by
only 1 μg/L.
EPA specifically solicits comment on
the chlorophyll a criterion of 6 ug/L and
the evidence EPA used to support the
criterion. EPA also solicits comment on
whether a higher criterion of 9 ug/L, as
proposed by Florida in its July 2009
proposed nutrient WQS, would be fully
protective of clear acidic lakes, and the
scientific basis for such a conclusion.
(c) Methodology for Proposed Total
Phosphorus (TP) and Total Nitrogen
(TN) Criteria in Lakes
EPA proposes TP and TN criteria for
each of the classes of lakes described in
Section III.B(2)(a). The proposed TP and
TN criteria are based principally on
independent statistical correlations
between TN and chlorophyll a, and TP
PO 00000
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and chlorophyll a for clear and colored
lakes in Florida. Each data point used in
the statistical correlations represents a
geometric mean of samples taken over
the course of a year in a particular
Florida lake. After establishing the
protective levels of chlorophyll a as 20
μg/L for colored lakes and clear alkaline
lakes and 6 μg/L for clear acidic lakes,
EPA evaluated the data on TN and TP
concentrations associated with these
chlorophyll a levels and the statistical
analyses performed by FDEP in support
of the State’s efforts to develop numeric
nutrient criteria.
These analyses showed that the
response dynamics of TN and TP with
chlorophyll a were different for colored
versus clear lakes, as would be expected
because color blocks light penetration in
the water column and limits algal
growth. These analyses also showed that
the correlation relationships for TN and
TP compared with chlorophyll a in
acidic and alkaline clear lakes were
comparable, as would be expected
because alkalinity does not affect light
penetration. These analyses are
available in EPA’s TSD for Florida’s
Inland Waters, Chapter 1: Methodology
for Deriving U.S. EPA’s Proposed
Criteria for Lakes.
The difference between clear, acidic
and clear, alkaline lakes is that clear,
alkaline lakes naturally receive more
nutrients and, therefore, have an
expected trophic status of mesotrophic
to maintain a healthy overall production
and balance of plants and algae. On the
other hand, clear, acidic lakes naturally
receive much lower nutrients and,
therefore, have an expected trophic
status of oligotrophic to maintain a
healthy, but lower than mesotrophic,
level of plant and algae aquatic life.
Because of the different expectations for
trophic condition, different chlorophyll
a criteria are appropriate (as mentioned
earlier, chlorophyll a is a measure of
algal production). Although clear,
alkaline lakes and colored lakes have
the same proposed chlorophyll a
criterion, they will have different TP
and TN criteria because of the effect of
color on light penetration and algal
The TN and TP values EPA is
proposing are based on the lower and
upper TN and TP values derived from
the 50th percentile prediction interval
of the regression (i.e., best-fit line)
through the chlorophyll a and
corresponding TN or TP values plotted
on a logarithmic scale. In other words,
the prediction interval displays the
range of TN and TP values typically
associated with a given chlorophyll a
concentration. At any given chlorophyll
a concentration, there will be a lower
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
TN or TP value and an upper TN or TP
value corresponding to this prediction
interval. EPA agrees with the FDEP
approach that uses the 50th percentile
prediction interval because it effectively
separates the data into three distinct
groups. This analysis of the substantial
lake data collected by Florida indicates
that the vast majority of monitored lakes
with nutrient levels below the lower TN
or TP value have associated chlorophyll
a values below the protective
chlorophyll a threshold level. Similarly,
the vast majority of monitored lakes
with measured nutrient levels above the
upper TN or TP value have associated
measured chlorophyll a values above
the protective chlorophyll a threshold
level. Between these TN and TP bounds,
however, this analysis indicates that
monitored lakes are equally likely to be
above or below the protective
chlorophyll a threshold level. Setting
TN and TP criteria based on the bounds
of the 50th percentile prediction
interval, in conjunction with lakespecific knowledge of whether the lake
chlorophyll a threshold is met, accounts
for the naturally variable behavior of TN
and TP while ensuring protection of
aquatic life.
EPA’s proposed criteria framework
sets a protective chlorophyll a threshold
and TN and TP criteria at the lower
values of the range defined by the 50th
percentile prediction interval for the
three different categories of lakes as
‘‘baseline’’ criteria. The criteria
framework also provides flexibility for
FDEP to derive lake-specific, modified
TN and TP criteria within the bounds of
the upper and lower values based on at
least three years of ambient
measurements where a chlorophyll a
threshold is not exceeded. More
specifically, if the chlorophyll a
criterion for an individual lake is met
for a period of record of at least three
years, then the corresponding TN and
TP criteria may be derived from ambient
measurements of TN and TP from that
lake within the bounds of the lower and
upper values of the prediction interval
discussed above. Both the ambient
chlorophyll a levels as well as the
corresponding ambient TN and TP
concentrations in the lake must be
established with at least three years
worth of data. EPA’s proposed rule
provides that these modified criteria
need to be documented by FDEP. EPA’s
rule, however, does not require that
FDEP go through a formal SSAC process
subject to EPA review and approval.
In this proposed rule, EPA specifies
that in no case, however, may the
modified TN and TP criteria be higher
than the upper value specified in the
criteria bounds, nor lower than the
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lower value specified in the criteria
bounds. In addition to nutrients,
chlorophyll a in a lake may be limited
by high water color, zooplankton
grazing, mineral turbidity, or other
unknown factors. In the absence of
detailed, site-specific knowledge, the
upper values represent increasing risk
that chlorophyll a will exceed its
criterion value. To maintain the risk at
a manageable level, the upper values are
not to be exceeded. EPA requests
comments on this approach. EPA also
requests comment on whether the rule
should specify that the modified TN and
TP criteria be set at levels lower than
the lower value of the criteria bounds if
that is what is reflected in the outcome
of the ambient-based calculation.
EPA’s proposed approach for TN and
TP criteria in lakes reflects the natural
variability in the relationship between
chlorophyll a concentrations and
corresponding TP and TN
concentrations that may exist in lakes.
This variability remains even after some
explanatory factors such as color and
alkalinity are addressed by placing lakes
in different categories based on color
and alkalinity because other natural
factors play important roles. Natural
variability in the physical, chemical,
and biological dynamics for any
individual lake may result from
differences in geomorphology,
concentrations of other constituents in
lake waters, hydrological conditions and
mixing, and other factors.
This approach allows for
consideration of readily available sitespecific data to be taken into account in
the expression of TN and TP criteria,
while still ensuring protection of
aquatic life by maintaining the
associated chlorophyll a level at or
below the proposed chlorophyll a
criterion level. Because the chlorophyll
a level in a lake is the direct measure
of algal production, it can be used to
evaluate levels that pose a risk to
aquatic life. The scientific premise for
the lake-specific ambient calculation
provision for modified TN and TP
criteria is that if ambient lake data show
that a lake’s chlorophyll a levels are
below the established criteria and its TN
and/or TP levels are within the lower
and upper bounds, then those ambient
levels of TN and TP represent protective
conditions. Basing the ambient
calculation upon at least three years
worth of data is a condition set to
address and account for year-to-year
hydrologic variability in the derivation
of modified criteria. EPA requests
comment on the requirement of three
years worth of data for both chlorophyll
a and TN and TP in order to use this
option. Specifically, are there situations
PO 00000
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in which less than three years of data
might be adequate for an adjusted TN or
TP criterion?
EPA selected the proposed TP and TN
criteria based on the relationships with
chlorophyll a described above.
However, the MEI modeling results
described in Section III.B(2)(b) also
provide additional support for the TP
criteria selection. The MEI predicted a
10% transparency loss when TP
concentrations ranged from 0.053–0.098
mg/L in colored lakes (with one
predicted value at 0.037 mg/L), from
0.038–0.068 mg/L in clear, alkaline
lakes, and from 0.012–0.024 mg/L in
clear, acidic lakes. All but one of these
predicted values are within the lower
and upper bounds of the proposed TP
criteria. The MEI modeling results did
not address TN.
(d) Proposed Criteria: Duration and
Numeric criteria include magnitude
(i.e., how much), duration (i.e., how
long), and frequency (i.e., how often)
components. Beginning with EPA’s
2004 Integrated Report Guidance,55 EPA
has used the term ‘‘exceeding criteria’’ to
refer to situations where all criteria
components are not met. The term
‘‘digression’’ refers to an ambient level
that goes beyond a level specified by the
criterion-magnitude (e.g., in a given grab
sample). The term ‘‘excursion’’ refers to
conditions that do not meet the
criterion-magnitude and criterionduration, in combination. A criterionfrequency specifies the maximum rate at
which ‘‘excursions’’ may occur.
For the chlorophyll a, TN, and TP
criteria for lakes, the criterionmagnitude values (expressed as a
concentration) are provided in the table
and the criterion-duration (or averaging
period) is specified as annual. The
criterion-frequency is no-more-thanonce-in-a-three-year period. In addition,
the long-term arithmetic average of
annual geometric mean values shall not
exceed the criterion-magnitude values
(concentration values).
Appropriate duration and frequency
components of criteria should be based
on how the data used to derive the
criteria were analyzed, and what the
implications are for protection of
designated uses given the effects of
exposure at the specified criterion
concentration for different periods of
time and recurrence patterns. For lakes,
the stressor-response relationship was
based on annual geometric means for
55 USEPA. Guidance for 2004 Assessment, Listing
and Reporting Requirements Pursuant to Sections
303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act. https://
December 2009.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
individual years at individual lakes. The
appropriate duration period is therefore
annual. The key question is whether
this annual geometric mean needs to be
met every year, or if some allowance for
a particular year to exceed the
applicable criterion could still be
considered protective.
Data that contribute to the analysis of
TSI, as well as data generated from
supporting paleolimnological studies
and MEI modeling, typically represent
periods of time greater than a single
year. Moreover, many of the models and
analyses that form the basis of TSI
results are designed to represent the
‘‘steady-state,’’ or long-term stable water
quality conditions. However,
researchers have suggested caution in
applying steady-state assumptions to
lakes with long residence times.56 In
other words, the effects of spikes in
annual loading could linger and disrupt
the steady-state in some lakes. As a
result, EPA is proposing two
expressions of allowable frequency,
both of which are to be met. First, EPA
proposes a no-more-than-one-in-threeyears excursion frequency for the
annual geometric mean criteria for
lakes. Second, EPA proposes that the
long-term arithmetic average of annual
geometric means not exceed the
criterion-magnitude concentration. EPA
anticipates that Florida will use its
standard assessment periods as
specified in Rule 62–303, F.A.C.
(Impaired Waters Rule) to implement
this second provision. These selected
frequency and duration components
recognize that hydrological variability
will produce variability in nutrient
regimes, and individual measurements
may exceed the criteria magnitude
concentrations. Furthermore, they
balance the representation of underlying
data and analyses based on the central
tendency of many years of data (i.e., the
long-term average component) with the
need to exercise some caution to ensure
that lakes have sufficient time to process
individual years of elevated nutrient
levels and avoid the possibility of
cumulative and chronic effects (i.e., the
component). More information on this
specific topic is provided in EPA’s TSD
for Florida’s Inland Waters, Chapter 1:
Methodology for Deriving U.S. EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Lakes.
EPA requests comment on these
proposed criteria duration and
frequency expressions, and the basis for
their derivation. EPA notes that some
scientists and resource managers have
suggested that nutrient criteria duration
56 Kenney (1998) as reported in Salas and Martino
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and frequency expressions should be
more restrictive to avoid seasonal or
annual ‘‘spikes’’ from which the aquatic
system cannot easily recover, whereas
others have suggested that criteria
expressed as simply a long-term average
of annual geometric means, consistent
with data used in criteria derivation,
would still be protective. EPA also
requests comment on any alternative
duration and frequency expressions that
might be considered protective,
including (1) a criterion-duration
expressed as a monthly average or
geometric mean, (2) a criterionfrequency expressed as meeting
allowable magnitude and duration every
year, (3) a criterion-frequency expressed
as meeting allowable magnitude and
duration in more than half the years of
a given assessment period, and (4) a
criterion-frequency expressed as
meeting allowable magnitude and
duration as a long-term average only.
EPA further requests comment on
whether an expression of the criteria in
terms of an arithmetic average of annual
geometric mean values based on rolling
three-year periods of time would also be
protective of the designated use.
(e) Application of Lake-Specific,
Ambient Condition-Based Modified TP
and TN Criteria
As described in Section III.B(2)(c),
EPA is proposing a framework that uses
both the upper and lower bounds of the
50th percentile prediction interval to
allow the derivation of modified TP and
TN lake-specific criteria to account for
the natural variability in the
relationship between chlorophyll a and
TP and TN that may exist in certain
lakes. The proposed rule would allow
FDEP to calculate ambient modified
criteria for TN and TP based on at least
three years of ambient monitoring data
with (a) at least four measurements per
year and (b) at least one measurement
between May and September and one
measurement between October and
April each year. If a calculated modified
TN and TP criterion is below the lower
value, then the lower value is the
criteria. If a calculated modified TN and
TP criterion is above the upper value,
then the upper bound is the criteria.
Calculated modified TP and TN values
may not exceed criteria applicable to
streams to which a lake discharges.
EPA’s proposed rule provides that
FDEP must document these modified
criteria and establish them in a manner
that clearly recognizes their status as the
applicable criterion for a particular lake
so that the public and all regulatory
authorities are aware of its existence.
However, EPA’s proposed rule does not
require that FDEP go through a formal
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SSAC process subject to EPA review
and approval. (For more information on
the SSAC process, please refer to
Section V of this proposal). EPA
believes such modified criteria do not
need to go through the SSAC process
because the conditions under which
they are applicable are clearly stated in
the proposed rule and the methods of
calculation are clearly laid out so that
the outcome is predictable and
transparent. By providing a specific
process for deriving modified criteria
within the WQS rule itself, each
individual outcome of this process is an
effective WQS for CWA purposes and
does not need separate approval by
One technical concern is the extent to
which the variability in the data relating
chlorophyll a levels to TN and TP levels
truly reflects differences between lakes,
as opposed to temporal differences in
the conditions in the same lake. To
address this issue, EPA verified that the
observed variability in the supporting
analysis was indeed predominantly
‘‘across lake’’ variability, not ‘‘within
lake’’ variability.
Another technical concern is that
there may be a time lag between the
presence of high nutrients and the
biological response. In a study of
numerous lakes, researchers found that
there was often a lag period of a few
years in chlorophyll a response to
changes in nutrient loading, but that
there was correlation between
chlorophyll a and nutrient
concentrations on an annual basis.57
The difference between nutrient loading
and nutrient concentration as a function
of time is related to the hydraulic
retention time of a lake. EPA proposed
TN and TP criteria as concentration
values with an annual averaging period,
so any time lag in response would not
be expected to confound the derivation
of modified criteria. Furthermore, EPA
is proposing to require three years worth
of data, which would reflect any short
time lag in response.
A third technical concern is the
presence of temporary or long-term sitespecific factors that may suppress
biological response, such as the
presence of grazing zooplankton, excess
sedimentation that blocks light
penetration, extensive canopy cover, or
seasonal herbicide use that impedes
proliferation of algae. If any of these
suppressing factors are removed, then
nutrient levels may result in a spike in
algal production above protective levels.
57 Jeppeson et al. 2005. Lake responses to reduced
nutrient loading—an analysis of contemporary longterm data from 35 case studies. Freshwater Biology
50: 1747–1771.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
EPA is proposing to require that the
ambient calculation for modified TP and
TN criteria be based on at least a threeyear record of observation, and be based
on representative sampling (i.e., four
samples per year with at least one
between May and September and one
between October and April) during each
year. These requirements will minimize
the influence of long-term site-specific
factors and ensure longer-term stable
conditions. EPA selected three years as
a reasonable minimum length of time to
appropriately account for anomalous
conditions in any given year that could
lead to erroneous conclusions regarding
the true relationship between nutrient
levels in a lake and chlorophyll a levels.
EPA anticipates that the State would use
all recent consecutive years of data on
record (i.e., it would not be appropriate
to select three random years within a
complete record over the past seven
years). EPA is requiring four
measurements within a year to provide
seasonal representation (i.e., May–
September and October–April).
Providing seasonal representation is
important because nutrient levels can
vary by season. In addition, this
minimum sample size is conducive to
the derivation of central tendency
measurements, such as a geometric
mean, with an acceptable degree of
confidence. EPA is proposing that the
chlorophyll a criterion must be met in
each of the three or more years of
ambient monitoring that define the
record of observation for the lake to be
eligible for the ambient calculation
modified provision for TN and TP. EPA
requests comment on whether three
years of data is sufficient to establish for
a particular lake that there is a
fundamentally different relationship
between chlorophyll a levels and TN
and TP levels. EPA also requests
comment on whether less data or a
different specification would be
sufficient to establish this different
relationship in a particular lake, e.g.
whether revised TN and TP ambient
criteria should be allowed when the
chlorophyll a criterion concentration
has been exceeded once in three years.
Application of the ambient
calculation provision has implications
for assessment and permitting because
the outcome of applying this provision
is to establish alternate numeric TN and
TP values as the applicable numeric
nutrient criteria for TN and TP. For
accountability and tracking purposes,
the State would need to document in a
publicly available and accessible
manner, such as on an official State Web
site, the result of the ambient
calculation for any given lake. The State
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may wish to issue a public notification,
with an opportunity to submit
additional data and check calculations,
to ensure an appropriate value is
determined. The State may wish to
publicly certify the outcome via a
Secretarial order or some other official
statement of intent and applicability.
EPA’s preference is that once modified
criteria are developed, they remain the
applicable criteria for the long-term. The
State has the flexibility to revise the
criteria, but the expectation is that they
will not be a continuously moving target
for implementation purposes. As an
example of how the lakes criteria might
work in practice, consider a colored lake
which meets the chlorophyll a criterion.
If FDEP established a modified TP
criterion of 0.110 mg/L and subsequent
monitoring showed levels at 0.136 mg/
L, that lake would not be considered
attaining the applicable criteria for CWA
purposes (unless the State goes through
the process of establishing a revised
modified criterion).
The permitting authority would use
publicly certified modified TN or TP
criteria to develop water quality-based
effluent limits (WQBELs) that derive
from and comply with applicable WQS.
In this application, the permit writer
would use the modified ambient
criterion, computed as described above,
as the basis for any reasonable potential
analysis or permit limit derivation. In
this case, as in any other case, EPA
expects the details to be fully
documented in the permit fact sheet.
This type of ambient calculation
provision based on meeting response
criteria applicable to the assessed water
may not be appropriate when the
established TN and TP criteria are
serving to maintain and protect waters
downstream. To address this concern,
EPA proposes that calculated TP and
TN values in a lake that discharges to
a stream may not exceed criteria
applicable to the stream to which a lake
discharges. EPA requests comment on
this provision.
(3) Request for Comment and Data on
Proposed Approach
EPA is soliciting comment on the
approaches described in this proposal,
the data underlying those approaches,
and the proposed criteria. EPA will
evaluate all data and information
submitted by the close of the public
comment period for this rulemaking
with regard to nutrient criteria for
Florida’s lakes. For the application of
the modified ambient calculation
provision, EPA is seeking comment on
allowing the calculation to occur one
time only, based on an adequate period
of record, and then holding that value
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as the protective TP or TN criteria for
future assessment and implementation
purposes. EPA is also seeking comment
on whether to require an ambient
chlorophyll a level demonstrated to be
below the chlorophyll a threshold
criterion for at least three years become
the protective chlorophyll a criterion for
a lake subject to the modified ambient
calculation provision (i.e., whether to
require a more stringent chlorophyll a
criterion if three years of data show that
the more stringent level reflects current
conditions in the lake). EPA also
requests comment on whether an
additional condition for being able to
apply a modified criterion include
continued ambient monitoring and
verification that chlorophyll a levels
remain below the protective criterion.
EPA could specify that modified criteria
remain in effect as long as FDEP
subsequently conducts monthly (or
some other periodic) monitoring of the
lake to ensure that chlorophyll a levels
continue to meet the protective
criterion. If this monitoring is not
conducted and documented, EPA could
specify that the baseline criterion would
become the applicable criterion. Among
others, this provision may address
concerns about whether the modified
criterion adequately represents longterm hydrologic variability. Finally,
EPA requests comment on the
appropriate procedure for documenting
and tracking the results of modified
criteria that allows transparency, public
access, and accountability.
(4) Alternatives Considered by EPA
During EPA’s review of the available
data and information for development of
numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s
lakes, EPA considered and is soliciting
comment on an alternative approach to
deriving lakes criteria from the
statistical correlation plots and
regression analysis. The alternative
approach would use either the central
tendency values or the lower values
associated with the 50th percentile
prediction interval for TN and TP
criteria and would not include the
framework to calculate modified TP and
TN criteria when the chlorophyll a
criterion is met. EPA is also seeking
comments on the following two
supplementary modifications that EPA
considered but did not include in this
proposal: (1) the use of a modified
categorization of lakes in Florida; and
(2) the addition of upper percentile
criteria with a different exceedance
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
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(a) Single Value Approach To Derive
Lakes Criteria—Derive TN and TP
Criteria Using Correlations Associated
With the Regression Line or Lower
Value of the 50th Percentile Prediction
One alternative means of selecting TN
and TP criteria is to use the regression
line (central tendency) to calculate TP
and TN concentrations that correlate to
the proposed chlorophyll a criteria for
each lake class. A second alternative is
to use the lower value of the 50th
percentile prediction interval to
calculate TP and TN concentrations.
Establishing TP and TN criteria using
the central tendency of the regression
line represents the best estimate of TN
and TP associated with a protective
chlorophyll a criterion across all lakes,
but carries some risk of being
overprotective for some individual lakes
and under-protective for others because
of the demonstrated variability of the
data. On the other hand, establishing TP
and TN criteria using the lower value of
the 50th percentile prediction interval
will likely be protective in most cases,
but could be overprotective for a greater
number of lakes because the data
demonstrate that many lakes achieve the
protective chlorophyll a criterion with
higher levels of TN and TP. Neither
approach accounts for lake-specific
natural variability, apart from that
accounted for by color and alkalinity
classification. However, the correlated
TP and TN concentrations within each
lake class at these alternative statistical
boundaries would result in single
criteria values for TN and TP, which is
an approach that water quality program
managers will have more familiarity.
EPA’s rationale for proposing a
framework that uses both the upper and
lower values of the 50th percentile
prediction interval to allow the
derivation of modified TN and TP lakespecific criteria rather than either of
these single values was to account for
the natural variability in the
relationship between chlorophyll a and
TN and TP that may exist in lakes. EPA
solicits comment, however, on this
alternative approach of using single
values for TN and TP criteria in
Florida’s lakes.
(b) Modification to Proposed Lakes
As discussed in Section III.B(2)(a),
EPA used available data to determine a
classification scheme for Florida’s lakes,
based on a color threshold of 40 PCU
and a threshold of 50 mg/L alkalinity as
CaCO3. In its July 2009 numeric nutrient
criteria proposal, Florida considered a
similar classification approach based on
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color and alkalinity but proposed a
chlorophyll a criterion of 9 μg/L to
protect aquatic life in clear, acidic lakes.
As discussed above, EPA believes that
the scientific evidence more strongly
supports a chlorophyll a criterion of 6
μg/L to protect Florida’s clear, acidic
lakes that include the very oligotrophic
lakes found in Florida’s sandhills,
principally in three areas: the Newhope
Ridge/Greenhead slope north of Panama
City (locally called the Sandhill Lakes
region); the Norfleet/Springhill Ridge
just west of Tallahassee, and Trail Ridge
northeast of Gainesville.58 However,
some stakeholders have suggested that
many lakes in the clear, acidic class (as
currently defined) might be sufficiently
protected with a chlorophyll a criterion
of 9 μg/L. EPA believes the scientific
basis for a 9 μg/L chlorophyll a value
may be more applicable to clear acidic
lakes other than those in Florida’s
sandhills (i.e., other than those in the
Sandhill Lakes region, the Norfleet/
Springhill Ridge just west of Tallahassee
and Trail Ridge northeast of
Gainesville). To address this, EPA could
separate clear, acidic lakes into two
categories: one category for clear, acidic
lakes in sandhill regions of Florida, and
a second category for clear, acidic lakes
in other areas of the State. EPA could
assign the first category (clear, acidic
sandhill lakes) a chlorophyll a criterion
of 6 μg/L and the second category (clear,
acidic non-sandhill lakes) a chlorophyll
a criterion of 9 μg/L.
Alternatively, EPA could lower the
defining alkalinity threshold to 20 mg/
L CaCO3 so that the clear, acidic lakes
category would only include lakes with
very acidic values and correspondingly
low chlorophyll a, TN, and TP values.
EPA’s analysis of a distribution of
alkalinity data from Florida’s clear lakes
found that lakes with alkalinity values
≥ 20 mg/L CaCO3 had higher levels of
nutrients and nutrient response
parameters than lakes with alkalinity
values < 20 mg/L CaCO3. By adjusting
the alkalinity threshold to 20 mg/L
CaCO3, EPA would be creating a smaller
group of clear, acidic lakes that may be
more representative of naturally more
acidic, oligotrophic conditions than the
proposed alkalinity threshold of 50 mg/
L CaCO3. EPA opted to propose a
threshold of 50 mg/L CaCO3 because it
represents a more comprehensive group
of lakes that may be naturally
oligotrophic (i.e., ensures protection
where there may be some uncertainty).
EPA solicits comment on these
58 Griffith, G.E., D.E. Canfield, Jr., C.A. Horsburgh,
J.M. Omernik, and S.H. Azevedo. 1997. Florida lake
regions. U.S. EPA, Corvallis, OR. https://
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alternative approaches to classifying
Florida’s lakes. EPA also notes, as
discussed previously, that FDEP
recommended a criterion of 9 μg/L as
being protective of all clear acidic lakes,
including sandhill lakes and that the
Nutrient Criteria TAC supported ‘‘less
than 10 μg/L’’ as protective. EPA also
requests comment on 9 μg/L chlorophyll
a as being protective of all clear acidic
lakes, including sandhill lakes.
(c) Modification To Include Upper
Percentile Criteria
EPA is considering promulgating
upper percentile criteria for chlorophyll
a, TN, and TP in colored, clear alkaline,
and clear acidic lakes to provide
additional aquatic life protection.
Accordingly, EPA could add that the
instantaneous concentration in the lake
not surpass these criterion-magnitude
concentrations more than 10% of the
time (criterion-duration: instant;
criterion-frequency: 10% of the time).
EPA derived example upper percentile
criteria using the observed standard
deviation from the mean of lake samples
meeting the respective criteria (lower
values of the TN and TP ranges) within
each lake class. Using this example, the
calculated criteria-magnitude
concentrations for chlorophyll a, TN,
and TP respectively by lake class are: 63
μg/L, 1.5 mg/L and 0.09 mg/L for
colored lakes; 48 μg/L, 1.8 mg/L and
0.05 mg/L for clear, alkaline lakes; and
15 μg/L, 0.6 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L for
clear, acidic lakes.
These criteria would provide the
means to protect lakes from episodic
events that increase loadings for
significant periods of time during the
year, but are balanced out by lower
levels in other parts of the year such
that the annual geometric mean value is
met. EPA chose not to propose such
criteria because of the significant
variability of chlorophyll a, TN, and TP,
the variety of other factors that may
influence levels of these parameters in
the short-term, and that significant
environmental damage from
eutrophication is more likely when
levels are elevated for longer periods of
time. However, EPA solicits comment
on this additional approach of
promulgating upper percentile criteria
for chlorophyll a, TN, and TP.
(5) Request for Comment and Data on
Alternative Approaches
EPA is soliciting comment on the
Agency’s proposed approach, as well as
the alternative approach to deriving
numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s
lakes and the supplemental
modifications as described in Section
III.B(4). EPA will evaluate all data and
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
information submitted by the close of
the public comment period for this
rulemaking with regard to nutrient
criteria for Florida’s lakes.
C. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for the State of Florida’s Rivers and
(1) Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for Rivers and Streams
geographically distinct watershed
regions of Florida’s rivers and streams
(hereafter, streams) classified as Class I
or III waters under Florida law (Rule
62–302.400, F.A.C.).
EPA is proposing numeric nutrient
criteria for TN and TP in four
Instream protection value
Nutrient watershed region
TN (mg/L) a
Panhandle b ..............................................................................................................................................................
Bone Valley c ............................................................................................................................................................
Peninsula d ...............................................................................................................................................................
North Central e .........................................................................................................................................................
TP (mg/L) a
a Concentration values are based on annual geometric mean not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period. In addition, the longterm average of annual geometric mean values shall not surpass the listed concentration values. (Duration = annual; Frequency = not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period or as a long-term average).
b Panhandle region includes the following watersheds: Perdido Bay Watershed, Pensacola Bay Watershed, Choctawhatchee Bay Watershed,
St. Andrew Bay Watershed, Apalachicola Bay Watershed, Apalachee Bay Watershed, and Econfina/Steinhatchee Coastal Drainage Area.
c Bone Valley region includes the following watersheds: Tampa Bay Watershed, Sarasota Bay Watershed, and Charlotte Harbor Watershed.
d Peninsula region includes the following watersheds: Waccasassa Coastal Drainage Area, Withlacoochee Coastal Drainage Area, Crystal/
Pithlachascotee Coastal Drainage Area, Indian River Watershed, Caloosahatchee River Watershed, St. Lucie Watershed, Kissimmee River Watershed, St. John’s River Watershed, Daytona/St. Augustine Coastal Drainage Area, Nassau Coastal Drainage Area, and St. Mary’s River Watershed.
e North Central region includes the Suwannee River Watershed.
The following section describes the
methodology used to derive the
proposed numeric nutrient criteria for
streams. EPA is soliciting comments and
scientific data and information
regarding these proposed criteria and
their derivation.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
(2) Methodology for Deriving EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Streams
Like other aquatic ecosystems, excess
nutrients in streams increases vegetative
growth (plants and algae), and changes
the assemblage of plant and algal
species present in the system. These
changes can affect the organisms that
are consumers of algae and plants in
many ways. For example, these changes
can alter the available food resources by
providing more dead plant material
versus live plant material, or providing
algae with a different cell size for filter
feeders. These changes can also alter the
habitat structure by covering the stream
or river bed with periphyton (attached
algae) rather than submerged aquatic
plants, or clogging the water column
with phytoplankton (floating algae). In
addition, these changes can lead to the
production of algal toxins that can be
toxic to fish, invertebrates, and humans.
Chemical characteristics of the water,
such as pH and concentrations of
dissolved oxygen, can also be affected
by excess nutrients. Each of these
changes can, in turn, lead to other
changes in the stream community and,
ultimately, to the stream ecology that
supports the overall function of the
linked aquatic ecosystem.
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Although the general types of adverse
effects can be described, not all of these
effects will occur in every stream at all
times. For example, some streams are
well shaded, which would tend to
reduce the near-field effect of excess
nutrients on primary production
because light, which is essential for
plant or algae growth, does not reach the
water surface. Some streams are fast
moving and pulses of nutrients are
swiftly carried away before any effect
can be observed. However, if the same
stream widens and slows downstream
or the canopy that provided shading
opens up, then the nutrients present
may accelerate plant and algal biomass
production. As another example, the
material on the bottom of some streams,
referred to as substrate, is frequently
scoured from intense rain storms. These
streams may lack a natural grazing
community to consume excess plant
growth and may be susceptible to
phytoplankton algae blooms during
periods when water velocity is slower
and water residence time is longer. The
effects of excess nutrients may be subtle
or dramatic, easily captured by
measures of plant and algal response
(such as chlorophyll a) or not, and may
occur in some locations along a stream
but not others.
Notwithstanding natural
environmental variability, there are well
understood and documented analyses
and principles about the underlying
biological effects of TN and TP on an
aquatic ecosystem. There is a substantial
and compelling scientific basis for the
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conclusion that excess TN and TP will
have adverse effects; however, it is often
unclear where precisely the impacts
will occur. The value of regional
numeric nutrient criteria for streams is
that the substantial expenditure of time
and scarce public resources to
document and interpret inevitable and
expected stream variability on a site-bysite, segment-by-segment basis (i.e., as
in the course of interpreting a narrative
estimations) is no longer necessary.
Rather, regional numeric nutrient
criteria for streams allows an expedited
and expanded level of aquatic
protection across watersheds and greatly
strengthens local and regional capacity
to support and maintain State
designated uses throughout aquatic
ecosystems. In terms of environmental
outcomes, the result is a framework of
expectations and standards that is able
to extend the protection needed to
restore and maintain valuable aquatic
resources to entire watersheds and
associated aquatic ecosystems. At the
same time, the ability to promulgate
SSAC, as well as other flexibilities
discussed in this proposal, allows the
State to continue to address water
bodies where substantial data and
analyses show that the regional criteria
may be either more stringent than
necessary or not stringent enough to
protect designated uses.
As mentioned earlier, to effectively
apply this well understood and
documented science, EPA has
recommended that nutrient criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
include both causal (e.g., TN and TP)
and response variables (e.g., chlorophyll
a and some measure of clarity) for water
bodies.59 EPA recommends causal
variables, in part, to have the means to
develop source control targets and, in
part, to have the means to assess stream
condition with knowledge that
responses can be variable, suppressed,
delayed, or expressed at different
locations. EPA recommends response
variables, in part, to have a means to
assess stream condition that synthesizes
the effect of causal variables over time,
recognizing the daily, seasonal, and
annual variability in measured nutrient
The ability to establish protective
criteria for both causal and response
variables depends on available data and
scientific approaches to evaluate these
data. Whereas, there are data available
for water column chlorophyll a
(phytoplankton) and algal thickness on
various substrates (periphyton) for
certain types of streams in Florida, there
are currently no available approaches to
interpret these data to infer
scientifically supported thresholds for
these nutrient-specific response
variables in Florida streams.
Additionally, in previously published
guidance,61 EPA has recommended
water clarity as a response variable for
numeric nutrient criteria because algal
density in a water column results in
turbidity, and thus a related decrease in
water clarity can serve as an indicator
of excess algal growth. For water clarity,
Florida has criteria for transparency and
turbidity, applicable to all Class I and III
waters, expressed in terms of a
measurable deviation from natural
59 U.S. EPA. 1998. National Strategy for the
Development of Regional Nutrient Criteria. Office of
Water, Washington, DC. EPA 822–R–98–002;
Grubbs, G. 2001. U.S. EPA. (Memorandum to
Directors of State Water Programs, Directors of
Great Water Body Programs, Directors of
Authorized Tribal Water Quality Standards
Programs and State and Interstate Water Pollution
Control Administrators on Development and
Adoption of Nutrient Criteria into Water Quality
Standards. November 14, 2001); Grumbles, B.H.
2007. U.S. EPA. (Memorandum to Directors of State
Water Programs, Directors of Great Water Body
Programs, Directors of Authorized Tribal Water
Quality Standards Programs and State and Interstate
Water Pollution Control Administrators on Nutrient
Pollution and Numeric Water Quality Standards.
May 25, 2007).
60 U.S. EPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Guidance Manual: Rivers and Streams. Office of
Water, Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–00–002.
61 U.S. EPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Guidance Manual: Lakes and Reservoirs. Office of
Water, Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–00–001; U.S.
EPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance
Manual: Rivers and Streams. Office of Water,
Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–00–002; U.S. EPA.
2001. Nutrient Criteria Technical Manual: Estuarine
and Coastal Marine Waters. Office of Water,
Washington, DC. EPA–822–B–01–003.
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background (32–302.530(67) and (69),
F.A.C.). Therefore, EPA is not proposing
criteria for any response variable in
Florida’s streams at this time, however,
EPA will consider additional data that
becomes available during the comment
period. One approach for deriving
criteria for water quality variables such
as a measure for water clarity or
chlorophyll a, could be to apply a
statistical distribution approach to a
population of streams for each of the
proposed NWRs. This approach is
further described in previous EPA
For Florida streams, EPA has
determined that there are sufficient
available data on TN and TP
concentrations with corresponding
information on biological condition for
a wide variety of stream types that can
be used to derive numeric nutrient
criteria for those causal variables. EPA
used multiple measures of stream
condition (or metrics) that describe the
biological condition of the benthic
invertebrate community. EPA then
coupled the stream condition metrics
with associated measurements of TN
and TP concentrations to provide the
basis for deriving causal variable
numeric nutrient criteria.
EPA’s proposed instream numeric
nutrient criteria for Florida’s streams are
based upon EPA’s evaluation of data on
TN and TP levels in rivers and streams
that have been carefully evaluated by
FDEP, and subsequently by EPA, on a
site-specific basis and identified as
biologically healthy. EPA’s approach
results in numeric criteria that are
protective of the streams themselves.
EPA has determined, however, that
these instream values may not always be
protective of the designated uses in
downstream lakes and estuaries.
Therefore, EPA has also developed an
approach for deriving TN and TP values
for rivers and streams to ensure the
protection of downstream lakes and
estuaries. This approach is discussed in
Section III.C(6).
(a) Methodology for Stream
Classification: EPA’s Nutrient
Watershed Regions (NWRs)
EPA classified Florida’s streams north
of Lake Okeechobee by separating
watersheds with a substantially
different ratio of TN and TP export into
Nutrient Watershed Regions (NWR). The
resulting regions reflect the inherent
differences in the natural factors that
contribute to nutrient concentrations in
streams (e.g., geology, soil composition,
62 U.S. EPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Guidance Manual: Rivers and Streams. Office of
Water. 4304. EPA–822–B–00–002.
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and/or hydrology). Reliance on a
watershed-based classification approach
reflects the understanding that upstream
water quality affects downstream water
quality. This watershed classification
also facilitates the ability to address the
effects of TN and TP from streams to
downstream lakes or estuaries in the
same watershed.
EPA’s classification approach results
in four watershed regions: the
Panhandle, the Bone Valley, the
Peninsula, and the North Central (for a
map of these regions, refer to the EPA
TSD for Florida’s Inland Waters or the
list of watersheds in the table above).
These four regions do not include the
south Florida region (corresponding to
FDEP’s Everglades Bioregion) that is
addressed separately in Section III.E
which sets out EPA’s proposed numeric
nutrient criteria for canals in south
Florida. All flowing waters in this
region are either a canal or a wetland.
When classifying Florida’s streams,
EPA identified geographic areas of the
State as having phosphorus-rich soils
and geology, such as the Bone Valley
and the northern Suwannee River
watershed. As indicated above, the Bone
Valley region and the Suwannee River
watersheds are classified in this
proposal as separate NWRs because it is
well established that the naturally
phosphorus-rich soils in these areas
significantly influence stream
phosphorus concentrations in these
watersheds. EPA would expect from a
general ecological standpoint that the
associated aquatic life uses, under these
naturally-occurring, nutrient-rich
conditions, would be supported. The
Agency requests comment on this
particular classification decision
(regions based on phosphorus-rich
soils), as well as an alternate
classification approach that would not
separate out the phosphorus-rich
watersheds described in this notice. The
latter approach is similar to the
approach proposed by EPA, but would
not result in separate NWRs for the
Bone Valley and/or North Central.
Rather these NWRs would be integrated
within the other NWRs.
(b) The Use of the Stream Condition
Index as an Indicator of Biologically
Healthy Conditions
For EPA’s proposed approach, the
Agency utilized a multi-metric index of
benthic macroinvertebrate community
composition and taxonomic data known
as the Stream Condition Index (SCI)
developed by FDEP to assess the
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
biological health of Florida’s streams.63
Of the metrics that comprise the SCI,
some decrease in response to human
disturbance-based stressors, such as
excess nutrients; for example, (1) total
taxa richness, (2) richness of
Ephemeroptera (mayflies), (3) richness
of Plecoptera (stoneflies), (4) percentage
of sensitive taxa, and (5) percentage of
filterers and suspension feeders. Other
metrics increase in response to human
disturbance-based stressors; for
example, percent of very tolerant taxa
(e.g., Genera Prostoma, Lumbriculus)
and percent of the dominant taxa (i.e.,
numerical abundance of the most
dominant taxon divided by the total
abundance of all taxa).
The SCI was developed by FDEP in
2004, with subsequent revisions in 2007
to reduce the variability of results. In
order to ensure that data are produced
with the highest quality, field biologists
and lab technicians must follow
detailed Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) and additional guidance for
sampling and data use provided through
a FDEP document entitled ‘‘Sampling
and Use of the Stream Condition Index
(SCI) for Assessing Flowing Waters: A
Primer (DEP–SAS–001/09).’’ Field
biologists must pass a rigorous audit
with FDEP, and laboratory taxonomists
are regularly tested and must maintain
greater than 95% identification
EPA considered two lines of evidence
in determining the SCI range of scores
that would indicate biologically healthy
systems. The first line of evidence was
an evaluation of SCI scores in streams
considered by FDEP to be leastdisturbed streams in Florida. A
statistical analysis balanced the
probability of a stream being included
in this reference set with the probability
of a stream not being included in this
reference set, and indicated that an SCI
score of 40 was an appropriate
threshold. SCI scores range from 1 to
100 with higher scores indicating
healthier biology.
A second line of evidence was the
result of an expert workshop convened
by FDEP in October 2006. The
workshop included scientists with
specific knowledge and expertise in
stream macroinvertebrates. These
experts were asked to individually and
collectively evaluate a range of SCI data
(i.e., macroinvertebrate composition and
taxonomic data) and then assign those
data into one of the six Biological
Condition Gradient (BCG) 64 categories,
ranging from highly disturbed (Category
6) to pristine (Category 1). EPA analyzed
the results of these categorical
assignments using a proportional odds
regression model 65 that predicts the
probability of an SCI score occurring
within one of the BCG categories by
overlapping the ranges of SCI scores
associated with each category from the
individual expert assignment. The
results of the analysis provided support
for identifying a range of SCI scores that
minimized the probability of incorrectly
assigning a low quality site to a high
quality category, and incorrectly
assigning a high quality site to a low
quality category, using the collective
judgment of expert opinion. The results
indicated a range of SCI scores of 40–
44 to represent an appropriate threshold
of healthy biological condition. Please
refer to the EPA TSD for Florida’s
Inland Waters for more information on
such topics as EPA’s estimates of the
Type I and Type II error associated with
various threshold values. Thus, two
very different approaches yielded
comparable results. A subsequent EPA
statistical analysis indicated that
nutrient conditions in Florida streams
within different regions remain
essentially constant within an SCI score
range of 40–50 providing further
support for a selection of 40 as a
threshold that is sufficiently protective
for this application. The resulting TN
and TP concentrations associated with a
SCI score of 40 versus 50 did not
represent a statistical difference and 40
was more in line with other lines of
evidence for a SCI score threshold.
63 The SCI method was developed and calibrated
by FDEP. See ‘‘Fore et al. 2007. Development and
testing biomonitoring tools for macroinvertebrates
in Florida streams (Stream Condition Index and
BioRecon). Final report to Florida Department of
Environmental Protection’’ and the EPA TSD for
Florida’s Inland Waters for more information on the
64 Appendix H in ‘‘Fore et al. 2007. Development
and testing biomonitoring tools for
macroinvertebrates in Florida streams (Stream
Condition Index and BioRecon). Final report to
Florida Department of Environmental Protection’’.
65 See the EPA TSD for Florida’s Inland Waters
for more information on the proportional odds
regression model.
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(c) Methodology for Calculating
Instream Protection Values: The
Nutrient Watershed Region Distribution
EPA evaluated several methodologies,
including reference conditions and
stressor-response relationships, to
develop values that protect designated
uses of Florida streams instream. EPA
analyzed stressor-response relationships
in Florida streams based on available
data, but, as mentioned above, did not
find sufficient scientific support for
their use in the derivation of numeric
nutrient criteria for Florida streams.
More specifically, EPA was not able to
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demonstrate a sufficiently strong
correlation between the biological
response indicators (e.g., chlorophyll a,
periphyton biomass, or SCI) and TN or
TP concentrations. Thus, the Agency
could not confidently predict a specific
biological response (such as an SCI
score) for an individual stream solely
from the associated stream
measurements of TN or TP
There may be several reasons why
empirical relationships between fieldderived data of nutrient stressor and
biological response variables show a
relatively weak correlation. First, the
relationship between nutrient
concentrations and a biological
response, such as algal growth, can be
confounded by the presence of other
stressors. For example, other stressors,
such as excessive scour could cause low
benthic invertebrate diversity, as
measured by the SCI, even where
nutrients are low. Excessive scour could
also suppress a biological response
(such as chlorophyll a or periphyton
biomass) when nutrients are high.
Another reason for stressor-response
relationships with low correlations is
that algal biomass accumulation is
difficult to characterize because
dynamic conditions in an individual
stream can allow algae to accumulate
and be removed rapidly, which is
difficult to capture with periodic
monitoring programs.
As an alternative to the stressorresponse approach, EPA analyzed the
TN and TP concentrations associated
with a healthy biological condition in
streams, and examined the statistical
distributions of these data in order to
identify an appropriate threshold for
providing protection of aquatic life
designated uses. To derive the instream
protection values under this approach,
EPA first assembled the available
nutrient concentrations and biological
response data for streams in Florida.
EPA used FDEP’s data from the IWR and
STORET 66 databases and identified
sites where SCI scores were 40 and
higher. EPA further screened these sites
by cross-referencing them with Florida’s
CWA section 303(d) list for Florida and
excluded sites with identified nutrient
impairments or dissolved oxygen
impairments associated with elevated
nutrients. EPA grouped the remaining
sites (hereafter, biologically healthy
sites) according to its nutrient
watershed regions (Panhandle, Bone
Valley, Peninsula, and North Central).
For each nutrient watershed region, EPA
compiled nutrient data (TN and TP
66 FL IWR and STORET can be found at: https://
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
concentrations) associated with the
biologically healthy sites, and
calculated distributional statistics for
annual average TN and TP
The second step in deriving instream
protection values was to further
characterize the distribution of TN and
TP among biologically healthy sites.
Specifically, EPA calculated the number
of biologically healthy sites within
integer log-scale ranges of TN and TP
concentrations, as well as the
cumulative distribution. These nutrient
distributions from biologically healthy
sites in each nutrient watershed region
are represented on a log-scale because
concentration data are typically lognormally distributed. A log-normal
distribution is skewed, with a mode
near the geometric mean rather than the
arithmetic mean.
The third step in deriving instream
protection values was to determine
appropriate thresholds from these
distributions for providing protection of
aquatic life designated uses. Selection of
a central tendency of the distribution
(i.e., the median or geometric mean of a
log-normal distribution) would imply
that half of the biologically healthy sites
are not attaining their uses. In contrast,
an extreme upper end of the distribution
(e.g., the 90th or 95th percentile) may be
the most likely to be heavily influenced
by extreme event factors that are not
representative of typically biologically
healthy sites. This might be the case
because the upper tail of the
distribution might reflect a high loading
year (landscape and/or atmospheric),
and/or lack of nutrient uptake by algae
(in turn due to a myriad of physical and
biological factors like scour, grazing,
light limitation, other pollutants). Thus,
this tail of the distribution may just
represent the most nutrient ‘‘tolerant’’
among the sites. Another possibility is
that these streams may experience
adverse effects from nutrient
enrichment that are not yet reflected in
the SCI score. A reasonable choice for a
threshold is one which lies just above
the vast majority of the population of
healthy streams. This choice is
reasonable because it reflects a point
where most biologically healthy sites
will still be identified as attaining uses,
but avoids extrapolations into areas of
the distribution characterized by only a
few data points (as would be the case for
the 90th or 95th percentile). When a
threshold is established as a water
quality criterion, sites well below that
threshold might be allowed to
experience an increase in nutrient levels
up to the threshold level. There is little
assurance that biologically healthy sites
with nutrient concentrations well below
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the 90th or 95th percentile would
remain biologically healthy if nutrient
concentrations increased to those levels
because relatively few sites with
nutrient concentrations as high as those
at the 90th or 95th percentile are
demonstrated to be biologically healthy.
The range between the 25th and 75th
percentiles, or inter-quartile range, is a
common descriptive statistic used to
characterize a distribution of values. For
example, statistical software packages
typically include the capability to
display distributions as ‘‘box and
whisker’’ plots, which very prominently
identify the inter-quartile range. The
inter-quartile range of a log normal
distribution spans a smaller range of
values than the inter-quartile range of a
distribution of the data evenly spread
across the entire range of values. This
means that the further a value goes past
the 75th percentile of a log normal
distribution, the less representative it is
of the majority of data (in this case, less
representative of biologically healthy
sites). Within the inter-quartile range of
a log normal distribution, the slope of
the cumulative frequency distribution
will be the greatest. The 75th percentile
represents a reasonable upper bound of
where there is the greatest confidence
that biologically healthy sites will be
represented. Beyond the inter-quartile
range (i.e., below the 25th percentile
and above the 75th percentile), there is
a greater chance that measurements may
represent anomalies that would not
correspond to long-term healthy
conditions in the majority of streams.
Based on this analysis, EPA concluded
that the 75th percentile represents an
appropriate and well-founded protective
threshold derived from a distribution of
nutrient concentrations from
biologically healthy sites. EPA solicits
comment on its analysis of what
constitutes a protective threshold.
(d) Proposed Criteria: Duration and
Aquatic life water quality criteria
contain three components: Magnitude,
duration, and frequency. For the TN and
TP numeric criteria for streams, the
derivation of the criterion-magnitude
values is described above and these
values are provided in the table in
Section III.C(1). The criterion-duration
of this magnitude is specified in
footnote a of the streams criteria table as
an annual geometric mean. EPA is
proposing two expressions of allowable
frequency, both of which are to be met.
First, EPA proposes a no-more-than-onein-three-years excursion frequency for
the annual geometric mean criteria for
lakes. Second, EPA proposes that the
long-term arithmetic average of annual
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geometric means not to exceed the
criterion-magnitude concentration. EPA
anticipates that Florida will use their
standard assessment periods as
specified in Rule 62–303, F.A.C.
(Impaired Waters Rule) to implement
this second provision. These proposed
duration and frequency components of
the criteria are consistent with the data
set used to derive these criteria, which
applied distributional statistics to
measures of annual geometric mean
values from multiple years of record.
EPA has determined that this frequency
of excursions will not result in
unacceptable effects on aquatic life as it
will allow the stream ecosystem enough
time to recover from an occasionally
elevated year of nutrient loadings. The
Agency requests comment on these
proposed duration and frequency
components of the stream numeric
nutrient criteria.
EPA notes that some scientists and
resource managers have suggested that
nutrient criteria duration and frequency
expressions should be more restrictive
to avoid seasonal or annual ‘‘spikes’’
from which the aquatic system cannot
easily recover, whereas others have
suggested that criteria expressed as
simply a long-term average of annual
geometric means, consistent with data
used in criteria derivation, and would
still be protective. EPA requests
comment on alternative duration and
frequency expressions that might be
considered protective, including (1) a
criterion-duration expressed as a
monthly average or geometric mean, (2)
a criterion-frequency expressed as
meeting allowable magnitude and
duration every year, (3) a criterionfrequency expressed as meeting
allowable magnitude and duration in
more than half the years of a given
assessment period, and (4) a criterionfrequency expressed as meeting
allowable magnitude and duration as a
long-term average only. EPA further
requests comment on whether an
expression of the criteria in terms of an
arithmetic average of annual geometric
mean values based on rolling three-year
periods of time would also be protective
of the designated use.
(3) Request for Comment and Data on
Proposed Approach
EPA is soliciting comments on the
approaches taken by the Agency to
derive these proposed criteria, the data
underlying those approaches, and the
proposed criteria specifically. EPA is
requesting that the public submit any
other scientific data and information
that may be available related to nutrient
concentrations and associated biological
responses in Florida’s streams. EPA is
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
soliciting comment specifically on the
selection of criteria parameters for TN
and TP; the proposed classification of
streams into four regions based on
aggregated watersheds; and the
conclusion that the proposed criteria for
streams are protective of designated
uses and adequately account for the
spatial and temporal variability of
nutrients. In addition, EPA requests
comment on folding the Suwannee
River watershed in north central Florida
into the larger Peninsula NWR (i.e., not
having a separate North Central region)
or, alternatively, making a smaller North
Central region within Hamilton County
alone where the highest phosphorusrich soils are located, with the
remainder of the North Central
becoming part of the Peninsula Region.
(4) Alternative Approaches Considered
by EPA
During EPA’s review of the available
data and information for derivation of
numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s
streams, EPA also considered an
alternative approach for criteria
derivation. EPA is specifically
requesting comment on a modified
reference condition approach called the
benchmark distribution approach, as
described below.
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(a) Benchmark Distribution Approach
EPA’s previously published guidance
has recommended a variety of methods
to derive numeric nutrient criteria.67
One method, the reference condition
approach, relies on the identification of
reference waters that exhibit minimal
impacts from anthropogenic disturbance
and are known to support designated
uses. The thresholds of nutrient
concentrations where designated uses
are in attainment are calculated from a
distribution of the available associated
measurements of ambient nutrient
concentrations at these reference
condition sites.
EPA is seeking comment on a
modified reference condition approach,
which was developed by FDEP and is
referred to as the benchmark
distribution approach. The benchmark
approach relies on least-disturbed sites
rather than true reference, or minimallyimpacted, sites. The benchmark
distribution is a step-wise procedure
used to calculate distributional statistics
of TN and TP from identified leastdisturbed streams.
67 U.S.
EPA. 2000. Nutrient Criteria Technical
Guidance Manual: Rivers and Streams. Office of
Water. 4304. EPA–822–B–00–002.
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(i) Identification of Least-Disturbed
FDEP identified benchmark stream
sites in the following step-wise manner
(1) compiled a list of sites with low
landscape development intensity using
FDEP’s Landscape Development
Intensity Index,68 (2) eliminated any
sites on Florida’s CWA section 303(d)
list of impaired waters due to nutrients,
as well as certain sites impaired for
dissolved oxygen, where the State
determined the dissolved oxygen
impairment was caused by nutrients, (3)
eliminated any sites with nitrate
concentrations greater than FDEP’s 0.35
mg/L proposed nitrate-nitrite criterion
in order to reduce the possibility of
including sites with far-field human
disturbance from groundwater impacts,
(4) eliminated sites known by FDEP
district scientists to be disturbed, (5)
eliminated potentially erroneous data
through outlier analysis, (6) verified
sites using high resolution aerial
photographs, and (7) verified a random
sample of the sites in the field.
(ii) Calculation of Benchmark
Distribution Approach and Selection of
Percentiles From the Benchmark
FDEP selected either the 75th or 90th
percentile of the benchmark distribution
approach from FDEP’s proposed
nutrient regions (75th percentile—Bone
Valley; 90th percentile—Panhandle,
North Central, Northeast, and
Peninsula). FDEP’s rationale for
selecting either the 75th or 90th
percentiles was based on the degree of
certainty regarding the benchmark sites
reflecting least-disturbed conditions and
a probability (10% for the 90th
percentile) of falsely identifying a leastdisturbed site as being impaired for
With this approach, the distribution
of available annual geometric means of
nutrient concentrations for the
benchmark sites within the regional
classes of streams is calculated. To
compute the numeric criteria for the
causal variables, TN, and TP, EPA is
seeking comment on whether the 75th
or 90th percentile of the benchmark
distribution for each nutrient stream
region should be selected. As mentioned
above, the rationale for selecting either
the 75th or 90th percentiles is based on
the degree of certainty regarding the
benchmark sites reflecting leastdisturbed conditions and a probability
68 A quantitative, integrated measure of the degree
of human landscape disturbance within 100 meters
on either side of a specified stream reach and
extending to 10 kilometers upstream of the same
stream reach.
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of falsely identifying a least-disturbed
site as being impaired for nutrients or
vice-versa. In cases where data are more
limited for a given nutrient region (i.e.,
in the Bone Valley there were only four
sites), the 75th percentile may be more
appropriate because the 90th percentile
may not be sufficiently robust (i.e., may
be highly sensitive to a few data points).
In other cases, the 90th percentile may
be more appropriate when there is a
more extensive data set. For further
information, please refer to EPA’s TSD
for Florida’s Inland Waters, Chapter 2:
Methodology for Deriving U.S. EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Streams.
In evaluating whether to propose this
approach, EPA determined that a
considerable amount of uncertainty
remained whether this approach would
result in a list of benchmark sites that
represented truly least-disturbed
conditions. Specifically, EPA is
concerned that nutrient concentrations
at these sites may reflect anthropogenic
sources (e.g., sources more than 100
meters away from and/or 10 kms
upstream of the segment), even if the
sites appear least-disturbed on a local
basis. EPA is particularly concerned that
several benchmark sites in the FDEP
dataset appear to have a high potential
to be affected by fertilizations associated
with forestry activities. FDEP provided
an analysis in which FDEP concluded
that this is not likely.69 EPA solicits
comment on this issue and more
generally on whether the benchmark
sites identified by FDEP in its July 2009
proposal are an appropriate set of leastdisturbed sites on which to base the
criteria calculations.
(5) Request for Comment and Data on
Alternative Approach
EPA is soliciting comment on the
alternative to deriving numeric nutrient
criteria for Florida’s streams as
described in Section III.C(4).
(6) Protection of Downstream Lakes and
Two key objectives of WQS are: First,
to protect the immediate water body to
which a criterion initially applies and,
second, to ensure that criteria provide
for protection of downstream WQS
affected by flow of pollutants from the
upstream water body. See 40 CFR
131.11 and 131.10(b). EPA WQS
regulations reflect the importance of
protecting downstream waters by
requiring that upstream WQS ‘‘provide
for the attainment and maintenance of
the water quality standards of
69 FDEP document titled, ‘‘Responses to
Earthjustice’s Comments on the Department’s
Reference Sites.’’ Draft October 2, 2009. Located in
the docket ID EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
downstream waters.’’ 40 CFR 131.10(b).
Thus, in developing numeric nutrient
criteria for Florida, EPA considered both
instream aquatic conditions and
downstream aquatic ecosystem needs.
In addressing the issue of how, if at all,
instream criteria values need to be
adjusted to assure attainment of
downstream standards, EPA necessarily
examined the WQS for downstream
lakes and estuaries. For lakes, this
analysis starts with the numeric nutrient
criteria proposed in this notice. For
estuaries, this notice proposes an
analytical approach to determine the
loadings that a particular estuary can
receive and still assure attainment and
maintenance of the State’s WQS for the
estuary (i.e., a protective load). An
approach is then proposed for
translating those downstream loading
values into criteria levels in the
contributing watershed stream reaches
in a manner that ensures that the
protective downstream loadings are not
In connection with both lakes and
estuaries, EPA fully recognizes that
there are a range of important technical
questions and related significant issues
raised by this proposed approach for
developing instream water quality
criteria that are protective of
downstream designated uses. With
regard, in particular, to the protection of
estuaries, the Agency is working closely
with FDEP to derive estuarine numeric
nutrient criteria for proposal and
publication in 2011. Even though
estuarine numeric nutrient criteria will
be developed in 2011, there is already
a substantial body of information,
science, and analysis that presently
exists that should be considered in
determining flowing water criteria that
are protective of downstream water
The substantial data, peer-reviewed
methodologies, and extensive scientific
analyses available to and conducted by
the Agency to date indicate that
numeric nutrient criteria for estuaries,
when proposed and finalized in 2011,
may result in the need for more
stringent rivers and streams criteria to
ensure protection of downstream water
quality, particularly for the nitrogen
component of nutrient pollution.
Therefore, considering the numerous
requests for the Agency to share its
analysis and scientific and technical
conclusions at the earliest possible
opportunity to allow for full review and
comment, EPA is including downstream
protection values for TN as proposed
criteria for rivers and streams to protect
the State’s estuaries in this notice.
As described in more detail below
and in EPA’s TSD for Florida’s Inland
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Waters accompanying this notice, these
proposed nitrogen downstream
protection values are based on
substantial data, thorough scientific
analysis, and extensive technical
evaluation. However, EPA recognizes
that additional data and analysis may be
available for particular estuaries to help
inform what water quality criteria are
necessary to protect these waters. EPA
also recognizes that substantial sitespecific work (including some very
sophisticated analyses in the context of
certain TMDLs) has been completed for
a number of these estuaries. This notice
and the proposed downstream
protection values are not intended to
address or be interpreted as calling into
question the utility and protectiveness
of these site-specific analyses. Rather,
the proposed values represent the
output of a systematic and scientific
approach that may be generally
applicable to all flowing waters in
Florida that terminate in estuaries for
the purpose of ensuring the protection
of downstream estuaries. EPA is
interested in obtaining feedback at this
time on this systematic and scientific
approach. The Agency further
recognizes that the proposed values in
this notice will need to be considered in
the context of the Agency’s numeric
nutrient criteria for estuaries scheduled
for proposal in January of 2011. At this
time, EPA plans to finalize any
necessary downstream protection values
for nitrogen in flowing waters as part of
the second phase of this rulemaking
process in coordination with the
proposal and finalization of numeric
criteria for estuarine and coastal waters
in 2011. However, if comments, data
and analyses submitted as a result of
this proposal support finalizing such
values sooner, by October 2010, EPA
may choose to proceed in this manner.
To facilitate this process, EPA requests
comments and welcomes thorough
evaluation on the need for and the
technical and scientific basis of these
proposed downstream protection values
as part of the broader comment and
evaluation process that this proposal
EPA believes that a detailed
consideration and related proposed
approach to address protection of
downstream water quality in this
proposal is necessary for several
reasons, including (1) water quality
standards are required to protect
downstream uses under Federal
regulations at 40 CFR 131.10(b),
meaning also for prevention of
impairment; (2) it may be a relevant
consideration in the development of any
TMDLs, NPDES permits, and Florida
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BMAPs that the State completes in the
interim period between the final rule for
Florida lakes and flowing waters in
October 2010 and a final rule for Florida
estuarine and coastal waters in October
of 2011; and (3) perhaps most
importantly, it is essential for informing
and supporting a transparent and
engaged public consideration,
evaluation, and discussion on the
question of what existing information,
tools, and analyses suggest regarding the
need to ensure protection of
downstream waters. The Agency
continues to emphasize its interest in
and request for additional information,
further analysis, and any alternative
technically-based approaches that may
be available to address protection of
downstream water quality. EPA also
reiterates its commitment to a full
evaluation of all comments received and
notes the ability to issue a NODA to
allow a full public review should
significant new additional information
and analysis become available as part of
the comment period.
In deriving criteria to protect
designated uses, as noted above, Federal
WQS regulations established to
implement the CWA provide WQS must
provide for the protection of designated
uses in downstream waters. In the case
of deriving numeric nutrient criteria for
streams in Florida, EPA’s analyses
reflected in this notice indicate that the
proposed criteria values for instream
protection of streams may not fully
protect downstream lakes and
downstream estuaries. EPA’s proposed
criteria for lakes are, in some cases,
more stringent than the proposed
criteria for streams that flow into the
lakes. For estuaries, EPA’s analyses of
protective loads delivered to a specific
estuary, and the corresponding expected
concentration values for streams that
flow into that estuary, indicate the
proposed criteria for instream protection
may not always be sufficient to provide
for the attainment and maintenance of
the estuarine WQS. For more detailed
information, please consult EPA’s TSD
for Florida’s Inland Waters, Chapter 2:
Methodology for Deriving U.S. EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Streams.
To address each of these issues, EPA
is proposing first, for lakes, an equation
that allows for input of lake
characteristics to determine the
concentration in flowing streams that is
needed to attain and maintain the
receiving lake’s designated use and
protective criteria. Second, for estuaries,
EPA is proposing an approach for
identifying the total nutrient loads a
particular estuary can receive and still
attain and maintain the State’s
designated use for the water body.
(a) Downstream Protection of Lakes
EPA is proposing an equation to relate
a lake TP concentration criterion to the
concentration needed to be met in
incoming streams to support the lake
criterion. EPA proposes to apply the
resulting stream concentration as the
applicable criterion for all stream
segments upstream of the lake. EPA
used a mathematical modeling approach
to derive this equation, with allowable
input of lake-specific characteristics, to
calculate protective criteria necessary to
assure attainment and maintenance of
the numeric lake nutrient criteria in this
proposal. More specifically, EPA started
with a phosphorus loading model
equation first developed by
Vollenweider.70 EPA assumed that
rainfall exceeds evaporation in Florida
lakes and that all external phosphorus
loading comes from streams. EPA
considers the first assumption
reasonable given the rainfall frequency
and volume in Florida. The second
assumption is reasonable to the extent
that surface runoff contributions are far
greater than groundwater or
atmospheric sources of TP in Florida
lakes. EPA requests comment on both
these assumptions. After expressing
these assumptions in terms of the
mathematical relationships among
loading rates, stream flow, and lake and
stream concentrations, EPA derived the
following equation to relate a protective
lake criterion to a corresponding
protective stream concentration:
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
[TP]S =
[TP] L 1 + τ w
[TP]S is the total phosphorus (TP)
downstream lake protection value, mg/L
[TP]L is applicable TP lake criterion, mg/L
cf is the fraction of inflow due to all stream
flow, 0 ≤ cf ≤ 1
tw is lake’s hydraulic retention time (water
volume divided by annual flow rate)
The term
70 Vollenweider, R.A. 1975. Input-output models
with special reference to the phosphorus loading
concept in limnology. Schweizerische Zeitschrift
fur Hydrologie. 37: 53–84; Vollenweider, R.A. 1976.
Advances in differing critical loading levels for
phosphorus in lake eutrophication. Mem. Ist. Ital.
Idrobid. 33:53:83.
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expresses the net phosphorus loss from the
water column (e.g. via settling of sedimentsorbed phosphorus) as a function of the
lake’s retention time
This model equation requires input of
two lake-specific characteristics: The
fraction of inflow due to stream flow
and the hydraulic retention time. Water
in a lake can come from a combination
of groundwater sources, rainfall, and
streams that flow into it. Using the
model equation above, the calculated
stream TP criterion to protect a
downstream lake will be more stringent
for lakes where the portion of its volume
coming from streams flowing into it is
the greatest. In addition, the calculated
stream TP criterion to protect a
downstream lake will be more stringent
for lakes with short hydraulic retention
times (how long water stays in a lake)
because the longer the water stays in the
lake, the more phosphorus will settle
out in the underlying lake sediment.
Because lake-specific input values
may not always be readily available,
EPA is providing preset values for
percent contribution from stream flow
and hydraulic retention time. In Florida
lakes, rainfall and groundwater sources
tend to contribute a large portion of the
total volume of lake water. In fact, only
about 20% of the more than 7,000
Florida lakes have a stream flowing into
them,71 with the rest entirely comprised
of groundwater and rainwater sources.
EPA evaluated representative values for
percent contribution from stream flow 72
and hydraulic retention time,73 and
selected 50% stream flow contribution
and 0.2 years (about two and a half
months) retention time as realistic and
representative preset values to provide a
protective outcome for Florida lakes, in
the absence of site-specific data. Using
these preset values, streams that flow
into colored lakes would have a TP
criterion of 0.12 mg/L, and streams that
flow into clear, alkaline lakes would
have a TP criterion of 0.073 mg/L, with
respect to downstream lake protection.
In the Peninsula NWR, this compares to
a 0.107 mg/L TP stream criterion
protective of instream designated uses.
EPA’s proposed rule does offer the
71 Fernald, E.A. and E.D. Purdum. 1998. Water
Resources Atlas of Florida. Tallahassee: Institute of
Science and Public Affairs, Florida State University.
72 Gao, X. 2006. Nutrient and Unionized
Ammonia TMDLs for Lake Jesup, WBIDs 2981 and
2981A. Prepared by Florida Department of
Environmental Protection, Division of Water
Resource Management, Bureau of Watershed
Management, Tallahassee, FL.
73 Steward, J.S. and E.F. Lowe. In Press. General
empirical models for estimating nutrient load limits
for Florida’s estuaries and inland waters. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 55: (in press).
PO 00000
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flexibility to use site-specific inputs to
the Vollenweider equation for fraction
of inflow from streamflow and
hydraulic retention time, as long as data
supporting such inputs are sufficiently
robust and well-documented.
EPA carefully evaluated use of a
settling/loss term for phosphorus in the
model equation. Florida lakes tend to be
shallow, and internal loadings to the
lake water (e.g. from re-suspension of
settled phosphorus after storms that stir
up lake sediment) may be substantial. A
more detailed model might be able to
simulate this phenomenon
mechanistically, but would likely
require substantial site-specific data for
calibration. For this reason, EPA chose
to use the model formulation above.
EPA considered a simpler alternative to
exclude the settling/loss term from the
above equation, or even to reverse the
sign on the settling/loss term so that it
becomes a net source term, perhaps
with the inclusion of a default
multiplier. However, EPA did not have
sufficient information to conclude that
such a conservative approach was
necessary as a general application to all
Florida lakes. EPA remains open and
receptive to comment on these
alternatives or other technically sound
and protective approaches. EPA’s
supporting analyses and detailed
information on this downstream lake
protection methodology are provided in
the accompanying TSD for Florida’s
Inland Waters, Chapter 2: Methodology
for Deriving U.S. EPA’s Proposed
Criteria for Streams.
The same processes that occur in
lakes and affect lake water phosphorus
concentration may also occur in streams
that feed lakes and affect stream water
phosphorus concentrations. These
processes include sorption to stream
bed sediments, uptake into biota, and
release into the water column from
decaying vegetation. EPA took into
consideration these processes when
deciding whether it would be
appropriate to add a term to the model
equation to account for phosphorus loss
or uptake within the streams in deriving
stream criteria for downstream lake
protection. However, the net result of
these processes is nutrient spiraling,
whereby nutrients released upstream
gradually propagate downstream at a
rate slower than that of the moving
water, and cycle into and out of the food
chain in the process. Over the short
term, the result may be water
concentrations that decrease in the
downstream direction. However, unlike
for nitrogen, there are no long-term
phosphorus net removal processes at
work in streams. Phosphorus adsorbed
to sediment particles is eventually
Third, also for estuaries, the Agency is
proposing a methodology to derive
protective concentration values for the
instream criteria where necessary to
assure that downstream estuarine loads
are not exceeded. The following
sections provide a more detailed
explanation of the proposed
downstream protective approach for
lakes and then for estuaries.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
carried downstream with the sediment,
and phosphorus taken up by plants is
eventually returned to the flowing
water. Over the long term, upstream
phosphorus inputs are in equilibrium
with downstream phosphorus outputs.
Recognizing this feature of stream
systems and the conservative nature of
phosphorus in aquatic environments,
EPA concluded that it was not
appropriate to include a phosphorus
loss term that would apply to streams as
they progress toward a downstream
lake. For further information, please
refer to EPA’s TSD for Florida’s Inland
Waters, Chapter 2: Methodology for
Deriving U.S. EPA’s Proposed Criteria
for Streams.
EPA requests comment on the need
for additional instream criteria to
protect uses in downstream lakes. EPA
further requests comment on the model
equation approach presented here to
protect downstream lakes, and also
requests comment on use of an
alternative model such as one with a
negative or zero settling term (i.e., set
(1+ √tw) in the equation above either
equal to zero or with the plus sign
switched to a minus sign). EPA also
requests comment on whether and how
to address direct surface runoff into the
lake. Where this input is substantial and
land use around the lake indicates that
phosphorus input is likely, EPA
believes it may be appropriate to
include this water volume contribution
as part of the fraction of inflow
considered to be streamflow to be
protective and consistent with the
assumption of no loading from sources
other than streamflow. EPA specifically
requests comment on use of the Land
Development Index (LDI) as an indicator
of how to treat this inflow, examination
of regional groundwater phosphorus
levels to see if a zero TP input from this
source is appropriate, and potential
development of regionally-specific
preset values as inputs to the equation.
In addition, EPA requests comment on
the potential to develop a corollary
approach for nitrogen.
EPA is open to alternative technicallysupported approaches based on best
available data that offer the ability to
address lake-specific circumstances.
The Agency recognizes that more
specific information may be readily
available for individual lakes which
could allow the use of alternative
approaches such as the BATHTUB
model.74 The Agency welcomes
comment and technical analysis on the
availability and application of these
models. In this regard, EPA requests
comment on whether there should be a
specific allowance for use of alternative
lake-specific models where
demonstrated to be protective and
scientifically defensible based upon
readily and currently available data, and
whether use of such alternatives should
best be facilitated through use of the
SSAC procedure described in Section
EPA is proposing a methodology for
calculation of applicable criteria for
streams that flow into estuaries and
provide for their protection. The
proposed methodology would allow the
State to utilize either (1) EPA’s
downstream protection values (DPVs),
or (2) the EPA DPV methodology
utilizing EPA’s estimates of protective
loading to estuaries but with the load redistributed among the tributaries to each
estuary, or (3) an alternative quantitative
methodology, based on scientifically
defensible approaches, to derive and
quantify the protective load to each
estuary and the associated protective
stream concentrations. The DPV
methodology with a re-distributed load
may be used if the State provides public
notice and opportunity for comment. To
use an alternative technical approach,
based on scientifically defensible
methods to derive and quantify the
protective load to each estuary and the
associated protective stream
concentrations, the State must go
through the process for a Federal SSAC
as described in Section V.C. In some
cases, the substantial and sophisticated
analyses and scientific effort already
completed in the context of the TMDL
process may provide sufficient support
for a SSAC. In such circumstances, EPA
encourages FDEP to submit these
through the SSAC process and EPA
looks forward to working with FDEP in
this process.
EPA’s approach to developing
nutrient criteria for streams to protect
downstream estuaries in Florida
involves two separate steps. The first
step is determining the average annual
nutrient load that can be delivered to an
estuary without impairing designated
uses. This is the protective load. The
second step is determining nutrient
concentrations throughout the network
of streams and rivers that discharge into
an estuary that, if achieved, are
expected to result in nutrient loading to
estuaries that do not exceed the
protective load. These concentrations,
called ‘‘downstream protection values’’
or DPVs, depend on the protective load
for the receiving estuary and account for
nutrient losses within streams from
natural biological processes. In this way,
higher DPVs may be appropriate in
stream reaches where a significant
fraction of either TN or TP is
permanently removed within the reach
before delivery to downstream receiving
waters. EPA’s approach utilizes results
obtained from a watershed modeling
approach called SPAtially Referenced
Regressions on Watershed attributes, or
SPARROW.75 The specific model that
was used is the South Atlantic, Gulf and
Tennessee (SAGT) regional SPARROW
model.76 EPA selected this model
because it provided the information that
was needed at the appropriate temporal
and spatial scales and it applies to all
waters that flow to Florida’s estuaries.77
SPARROW was developed by the
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
and has been reviewed, published,
updated and widely applied over the
last two decades. It has been used to
address a variety of scientific
applications, including management
and regulatory applications.78 In order
to fully understand EPA’s methodology
for developing DPVs, it is useful to
understand how the approach utilizes
results from SPARROW, as well some
aspects of how SPARROW works.
74 Kennedy, R.H., 1995. Application of the
BATHTUB Model to Selected Southeastern
Reservoirs. Technical Report EL–95–14, U.S. Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
MS. Walker, W.W., 1985. Empirical Methods for
Predicting Eutrophication in Impoundments; Report
3, Phase II: Model Refinements. Technical Report
E–81–9, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Walker, W.W., 1987. Empirical Methods for
Predicting Eutrophication in Impoundments; Report
4, Phase III: Applications Manual. Technical Report
E–81–9, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
75 https://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/sparrow.
76 Hoos, A.B., and G. McMahon. 2009. Spatial
analysis of instream nitrogen loads and factors
controlling nitrogen delivery to stream in the
southeastern United Sates using spatially
referenced regression on watershed attributes
(SPARROW) and regional classification
frameworks. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/
77 Hoos, A.B., S. Terziotti,, G. McMahon, K.
Savvas, K.C. Tighe, and R. Alkons-Wolinsky. 2008.
Data to support statistical modeling of instream
nutrient load based on watershed attributes,
southeastern United States, 2002: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 2008–1163, 50 p.
78 USGS SPARROW publications Web site: https://
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(b) Downstream Protection of Estuaries
(i) Overview
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
The remaining discussion focuses on
TN, for which EPA has already
computed DPVs. The approach for
computing DPVs for TP from estimates
of the protective TP load is expected to
be essentially the same as for TN.
However, there is some question as to
whether the same approach used to
determine the protective TN load will
also apply to TP. EPA requests comment
on this issue.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
(ii) EPA Approach to Estimating
Protective Nitrogen Loads for Estuaries
The first step in EPA’s approach is to
narrow the range of possible values. The
protective TN load is expected to vary
widely among Florida estuaries because
they differ significantly in their size and
physical and biological attributes. For
example, well flushed estuaries are able
to receive higher TN loading without
adverse effect compared to poorly
flushed estuaries. EPA recognized that it
may be possible to narrow this initially
very broad range of possible protective
loads using one consistent approach,
and then consider whether additional
information might enable a further
reduction in uncertainty. EPA is
soliciting credible scientific evidence
that may improve these estimates and
further reduce uncertainty surrounding
the proposed protective loads. The most
useful evidence would provide a
scientific rationale, an alternative
estimate of the protective load, and an
associated confidence interval for the
estimate. For further information, please
refer to EPA’s TSD for Florida’s Inland
Waters, Chapter 2: Methodology for
Deriving U.S. EPA’s Proposed Criteria
for Streams.
EPA first narrowed the range of
possible protective loads by establishing
an estimate of current loading as an
upper bound. Most of Florida’s estuaries
are listed as impaired to some extent by
nutrients or nutrient-related causes.
Florida’s 1998 CWA section 303(d)
verified list of impaired waters under
the Impaired Waters Rule (FAC 62–303)
identify many estuaries or estuary
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segments that are impaired by nutrients,
chlorophyll a, or low dissolved oxygen.
Many or most estuaries have reduced
water clarity and substantial loss of
seagrass habitats. The National
Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment 79
reports that current conditions are poor
for many estuaries in Florida. This
information implies that current levels
of TN loading are at least an upper limit
for the protective load and likely exceed
the protective load in many estuaries.
regional watershed model to estimate
current loading to each estuary in
Florida. While nitrogen loads have been
estimated from monitored gauge stations
in many stream and rivers, a large
fraction of Florida streams and
watersheds are not gauged and thus load
estimates were not previously available.
An approach was needed to spatially
extrapolate the available measurements
of loading to obtain estimates of loading
for all streams including those in
unmonitored watersheds or portions of
watersheds. The SAGT SPARROW
model provided these estimates for all
Florida estuarine watersheds. The
SPARROW modeling approach utilizes
a multiple regression equation to
describe the relationship between
watershed attributes (i.e., the predictors)
and measured instream nutrient loads
(i.e., the responses). The statistical
methods incorporated into SPARROW
help explain instream nutrient water
quality data (i.e., the mass flux of
nitrogen) as a function of upstream
sources and watershed attributes. The
SAGT–SPARROW model utilized
period of record monitored streamflow
and nutrient water quality data from
Florida and across the SAGT region for
load estimation. SAGT–SPARROW also
used extensive geospatial data sets
describing topography, land-use,
79 Bricker, S., B. Longstaff, W. Dennison, A. Jones,
K. Boicourt, C. Wicks and J. Woerner, 2007. Effects
of nutrient enrichment in the Nation’s estuaries: A
decade of change. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program
Decision Analysis Series No. 26. National Centers
for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD 322.
PO 00000
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climate, and soil characteristics,
nitrogen loading for point sources in
Florida obtained from EPA’s permit
compliance system, and estimates of
nitrogen in fertilizer and manure from
county-level fertilizer sales, census of
agriculture, and population estimates.
TN load estimates explain 96% of the
variation in observed loads from
monitoring sites across the region with
no spatial bias at Florida sites.80 A more
thorough description of the SAGT–
SPARROW model, the data sources, and
analyses are found in the EPA TSD for
Florida’s Inland Waters and in USGS
EPA further narrowed the range of
possible protective loads by establishing
the background load as a lower bound.
EPA recognizes that a measure of
natural background TN loading is the
true lower limit, yet EPA recognizes also
that some level of anthropogenic
nutrient loading is acceptable, difficult
to avoid, and unlikely to cause adverse
biological responses. The current TN
load minus the fraction of TN loading
estimated to result from anthropogenic
sources is used as an estimate of the
background TN load. EPA used the
SAGT–SPARROW regional watershed
model to estimate background loading.
SAGT–SPARROW empirically
associates 100% of the measured
nutrient loading into one of five classes
(fertilizer, manure, urban, point sources,
and atmospheric). EPA recognizes that
some watershed models define more
types of sources, according to their
modeling objectives; however, it is
important to recognize that these are
80 Hoos, A.B., and G. McMahon. 2009. Spatial
analysis of instream nitrogen loads and factors
controlling nitrogen delivery to stream in the
southeastern United Sates using spatially
referenced regression on watershed attributes
(SPARROW) and regional classification
frameworks. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/
81 Hoos, A.B., S. Terziotti,, G. McMahon, K.
Savvas, K.C. Tighe, and R. Alkons-Wolinsky. 2008.
Data to support statistical modeling of instream
nutrient load based on watershed attributes,
southeastern United States, 2002: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 2008–1163, 50 p.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
source classes, not sources, and that
100% of the measured loading is
accounted for explicitly or implicitly by
SPARROW in terms of these source
The class termed ‘‘atmospheric’’
reflects all loading that cannot be
empirically attributed to causal
variables associated with the other
classes. EPA used the estimate for this
class of loading as the background TN
load. EPA recognizes that the
SPARROW-estimated ‘‘atmospheric’’
load includes anthropogenic
contributions associated with regionalscale nitrogen emissions and does not
represent pre-industrial or true ‘‘natural’’
background loading. The ‘‘atmospheric’’
source term from SPARROW is also not
equal to atmospheric nitrogen
deposition as measured by the National
Atmospheric Deposition Program
(NADP). To properly interpret the TN
load attributed to the ‘‘atmospheric’’
source term in SPARROW, it is useful
to recognize that SPARROW is a
nonlinear regression model that seeks to
explain measured TN loads in streams
and rivers in terms of a series of
explanatory variables. The atmospheric
term is in all cases less, and often much
less, than the measured deposition
because not all the nitrogen deposited to
the landscape is transported to streams,
and not all of the nitrogen transported
in streams reaches estuaries. The
atmospheric source term from
SPARROW excludes all the loading
associated with both local
anthropogenic nitrogen sources and
factors contributing to increased
transport of nitrogen from all sources
(e.g., impervious surfaces). Therefore,
EPA expects that reasonable values for
the protective TN load are not likely to
be less than these values.
The protective TN load should be less
than the current load and greater than
the background load. Although this
recognition may appear to be trivial, it
is important. EPA estimates that TN
loads to estuaries across Florida vary
approximately 25-fold (∼2 to 50 grams of
nitrogen per square meter of estuary
area). However, the ratio of the current
load to the background load varies only
between 1.7 and 5; for most estuaries,
the range is between 2 and 4.
Alternatively stated, current TN loads,
which include local anthropogenic
nitrogen sources, are two to four-fold
higher than the background loads which
do not include those sources. Thus, for
any specific estuary, there is a relatively
narrow range between the upper and
lower bounds of potential protective
EPA acknowledges that not all the TN
entering estuaries comes directly from
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the streams within its watershed. In
some estuaries, direct atmospheric
nitrogen deposition to the estuary
surface may be an important source of
TN loading to the estuary. Similarly,
point sources such as industrial or
wastewater treatment plant discharges
directly to the estuary can be significant.
In general, these sources are most
significant when the ratio of watershed
area to estuary area is relatively small
compared to other estuaries (e.g., St.
Andrew Bay, Sarasota Bay). In a few
cases in Florida, point source loads
directly to the estuary account for a
large fraction of the aggregate load from
all sources.
As a second step, EPA sought to
further reduce the range of possible
protective loading values by considering
additional evidence. One line of
evidence EPA considered is previous
estimates of protective loads. These
have been developed as part of TMDLs
for Florida estuaries or as part of
Florida’s Pollutant Load Reduction Goal
or PLRG program. The scientific
approaches utilized for TMDLs and
PLRGs vary from simple to
sophisticated and have recommended
TN loading reductions between 3% and
63%, with a median of 38%. Higher
reductions are typically associated with
portions of estuaries currently receiving
higher anthropogenic loading.
Unfortunately, these analyses have not
been completed for all of Florida’s
estuaries. Steward and Lowe (2009) 82
showed that the TN loading limits
suggested by TMDLs and PLRGs for a
variety of aquatic ecosystems in Florida,
including estuaries, could be
statistically related to water residence
time for the receiving water. EPA
evaluated these relationships as an
additional line of evidence for
estimating protective TN loads for
estuaries. EPA found these relationships
to confirm in most cases, but not all,
that the loading limits were likely
between the bounds EPA previously
established using SPARROW. However,
the limits of uncertainty associated with
the relationship were nearly as large as
those already established. Nonetheless,
the models provide additional support
for EPA’s estimates of protective estuary
loads, but no further refinement of the
Another approach to considering
existing TMDLs and PLRGs is to
consider directly the loading rate
reductions recommended from those
efforts, the median of which is 38% in
82 Steward, J.S. and E.F. Lowe. 2010. General
empirical models for estimating nutrient load limits
for Florida’s estuaries and inland waters. Limnology
and Oceanography 55(1):433–445.
PO 00000
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Florida. This percent TN reduction is
similar to the scientific consensus for
several well-studied coastal systems
elsewhere (e.g., Chesapeake Bay,
northern Gulf of Mexico) which have
been subjected to increased TN loads
from known anthropogenic sources.
EPA recognizes that the magnitude of
anthropogenic TN loads varies across
Florida estuaries and that applying a
uniform percent reduction across all
estuaries does not account for the
variable extent of anthropogenic loads
and could lead to estimates below
background load. An alternative
approach is to assume that the
appropriate loading reduction is
proportional to the magnitude of
anthropogenic enrichment. Thus, EPA
suggests that protective TN loading may
be estimated by assuming that the
anthropogenic component of TN loading
should be reduced by a constant
As a result, EPA computed the
protective TN load by reducing the
current TN load by one half of the
anthropogenic contribution to that load.
EPA’s protective load estimates are on
average 25% less than current TN
loading (range = 5 to 40%), consistent
with most TMDLs and PLRGs for
Florida estuaries.
EPA developed protective TN loads
for 16 estuarine water bodies in Florida
for the purpose of computing DPVs for
streams that are protective of uses in the
estuarine receiving waters. EPA did not
develop loading targets for the seven
estuarine water bodies in south Florida
(Caloosahatchee, St. Lucie, Biscayne
Bay, Florida Bay, North and South Ten
Thousand Islands, and Rookery Bay),
because requisite information related to
TN loading from the highly managed
canals and waterways cannot be derived
from SAGT–SPARROW and were not
available otherwise, and three in central
Florida (coastal drainage areas of the
Withlacoochee River, CrystalPithlachascotee River and Daytona-St.
Augustine) because EPA is still
evaluating appropriate protective loads
and the flows necessary to derive DPVs.
EPA notes that some stakeholders,
including FDEP staff,83 have raised
83 For further information on concerns raised by
FDEP regarding the use of SPARROW, refer to
‘‘Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Review of SPARROW: How useful is it for the
purposes of supporting water quality standards
development?,’’ ‘‘Assessment of FDEP Panhandle
Stream proposed benchmark numeric nutrient
criteria for downstream protection of Apalachicola
Bay,’’ and ‘‘Analysis of Proposed Freshwater Stream
Criteria’s Relationship to Protective Levels in the
Lower St. Johns River Based on the Lower St. Johns
River Nutrient TMDL.’’ located in EPA’s docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
concerns about the suitability of the
SAGT SPARROW to address
downstream protection of estuaries and
have suggested alternative models and
approaches that have been applied for
several of Florida’s larger estuaries and
their watersheds. These concerns
include known limitations of the
SPARROW model, particularly related
to inadequate resolution of complex
hydrology in several parts of the State.
EPA also recognizes this limitation and
as a result, has not used SAGT
SPARROW to propose protective loads
and associated downstream protection
values for ten estuaries and their
watersheds in Florida. EPA
acknowledges that other approaches and
models may also provide defensible
estimates of protective loads.
Among the technical concerns that
stakeholders including FDEP staff have
raised are that: (1) SPARROW is useful
for general pattern, but the large scale
calibration lead to large errors for
specific areas, (2) SPARROW only
utilizes four source inputs, and (3)
SPARROW was calibrated to only one
year’s worth of data. As presented in the
above sections, but to briefly reiterate
here: (1) SPARROW is calibrated across
a larger area, but it utilizes a large
amount of Florida site-specific data and
it explains 96% of the variation in
observed loads from monitoring sites,
(2) SPARROW accounts for all sources,
but groups them into four general
categories, and (3) SPARROW uses
available data from the 1975–2004
period at monitored sites. This last
concern may be confused with the
technical procedure of presenting
loading estimates as ‘‘detrended to
2002’’. This procedure accounts for longterm, inter-annual variability to ensure
that long-term conditions and trends are
represented. The year 2002 was selected
as a baseline because it has the best
available land use/land cover
information available, but the loading
estimates, in fact, represent a long-term
condition representative of many years
of record. EPA encourages technical
reviewers to consult with the technical
references cited in this section for the
complete explanations of technical
EPA requests comment on its use of
the SPARROW model to derive
protective loads for downstream
estuaries, as well as data and analyses
that would support alternate methods of
deriving downstream loads, or alternate
methods of ensuring protection of
designated uses in estuaries. For
estuaries where sophisticated scientific
analyses have been completed, relying
on ample site-specific data to derive
protective loads in the context of
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TMDLs, EPA encourages FDEP to
submit resulting alternative DPVs under
the SSAC process.
(iii) Computing Downstream Protection
Values (DPVs)
Once an estimate of protective TN
loads is derived, EPA developed a
methodology for computing DPVs, for
streams that, if achieved, are expected to
result in an average TN loading rate that
does not exceed the protective load.
EPA’s methodology, which is used as
the narrative translator, allows for the
fraction of the protective TN loading
contributed from each tributary within
the watershed of an estuary to be
determined by the fraction of the total
freshwater flow contributed by that
tributary. The DPV is specified as an
average TN concentration, which is
computed by dividing the protective TN
load by the aggregate average freshwater
inflow from the watershed. This
approach results in the same DPV for
each stream or river reach that
terminates into a given estuary.
EPA’s methodology accounts for
instream losses of TN. EPA recognizes
that not all the TN transported within a
stream network will ultimately reach
estuaries. Rather, some TN is
permanently lost from streams. This is
not the same as reversible
transformations of TN, such as algal
uptake. Losses of TN are primarily
associated with bacterially-mediated
processes in stream sediments that
convert biologically available nitrogen
into inert N2 gas, which enters the
atmosphere (a process called
denitrification). This occurs more
rapidly in shallow streams and at almost
negligible rates in deeper streams and
rivers. EPA refers to the fraction of
nitrogen transported in streams that
ultimately reaches estuaries as the
‘‘fraction delivered.’’ Estimates of the
fraction delivered in Florida are less
than 50% in streams very distant from
the coast, but is between 80 and 100%
in approximately half the stream
reaches in Florida’s estuarine
EPA’s approach relies on estimating
the fraction of TN delivered to
downstream estuaries. Measuring
instream loss rates at the appropriate
time and space scale is exceedingly
difficult, and it is not possible to do
State-wide. EPA is not aware of other
models or data suitable to estimating
nitrogen losses in streams across the
State of Florida. EPA obtained estimates
from the SAGT–SPARROW model,84
84 Hoos, A.B., and G. McMahon. 2009. Spatial
analysis of instream nitrogen loads and factors
controlling nitrogen delivery to streams in the
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which is possibly the best generally
applicable approach to obtaining these
estimates. One reason is that SPARROW
estimates watershed-scale instream
losses at the annual time scales across
the entire region. Estimates of instream
losses are modeled in SPARROW using
a first-order decay rate as a function of
time-of-travel in the reach. The inverse
exponential relationship is consistent
with scientific understanding that
nitrogen losses decrease with increasing
stream size and with results from
experimental reach-scale studies using a
variety of methods.85 EPA recognizes
that stream attributes other than reach
time-of-travel or size may influence
instream loss rates and though the
SPARROW model did not include these,
the lack of spatial bias in model
residuals suggests that inclusion of
other potential subregional-scale or
State-wide stream attributes may not
improve modeled instream loss
EPA developed and applied this
methodology to compute DPVs for every
stream reach in each of 16 estuarine
watersheds starting with estuarinespecific estimates of the protective load.
These estuarine watersheds align with
the Nutrient Watershed Regions (NWR)
used to derive instream protection
values (IPVs). It is important to note that
the scale at which protective loads and
DPVs were derived is smaller than for
IPVs (i.e., 16 estuarine watersheds vs. 4
nutrient watershed regions). EPA’s
recognition that some fraction of
nitrogen transported in streams is
retained or assimilated before reaching
estuarine waters help ensure that the
DPVs are not overprotective of
downstream use in any particular
In determining TN DPVs, EPA
considered the contribution of TN
inputs from wastewater discharged in
shoreline catchments directly to the
estuary. EPA found these point source
inputs to be significant (> 5% of total
loading) in three (St. Andrew’s Bay, St.
Marys, St. John’s) of the 16 estuaries.
However, for the purpose of computing
stream reach DPVs for a given estuarine
watershed, EPA considered only those
TN loads delivered from the estuarine
watershed stream network and did not
southeastern United States using spatially
referenced regression on watershed attributes
(SPARROW) and regional classification
frameworks. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/
85 Bohlke, J.K., R.C. Antweiler, J.W. Harvey, A.E.
Laursen, L.K. Smith, R.L. Smith, and M.A. Voytek.
2009. Multi-scale measurements and modeling of
Denitrification in streams with varying flow and
nitrate concentration in the upper Mississippi River
basin, USA. Biogeochemistry 93: 117–141. DOI
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
include TN inputs from wastewater
discharged in shoreline catchments
directly to an estuary because these
loads do not originate from upstream
sources. However, point sources loads
directly to the estuary would need to be
considered in developing TMDLs based
on estuary-specific criteria.
EPA’s computation of DPVs using
estimates of protective loading for each
estuary and the fraction-delivered to
estuaries is shown by equation (1):
Ci = kLest
Q W Fi
where the terms are defined as follows for a
specific or (ith) stream reach:
Ci maximum flow-averaged nutrient
concentration for a specific (the ith)
stream reach consistent with
downstream use protection (i.e., the
k fraction of all loading to the estuary that
comes from the stream network resolved
Lest protective loading rate for the estuary,
from all sources
QW combined average freshwater
discharged into the estuary from the
portion of the watershed resolved by the
SPARROW stream network
Fi fraction of the flux at the downstream
node of the specific (ith) reach that is
transported through the stream network
and ultimately delivered to estuarine
receiving waters (i.e., Fraction
Note that the quantity kLest is equal
to the loading to the estuary from
sources resolved by SPARROW. For the
purposes of practical implementation,
EPA classified each stream water body
(i.e., Water Body Identification or
‘‘WBID’’ using the FDEP term) according
to the estuarine receiving water and one
of six categories based on the fraction of
TN delivered (0 to 50%, 51–60%, 61–
70%, 71–80%, 81–90%, and 91–100%).
For each category, the upper end of the
range was utilized to compute the
applicable DPV for streams in the
category, resulting in a value that will
be protective. This approach reduces the
number of unique DPVs from thousands
to less than 100. Because the stream
network utilized by the SAGT–
SPARROW watershed model (ERF1)
does not recognize all of the smaller
streams in Florida (i.e., it is on a larger
scale), EPA mapped WBIDs to the
applicable watershed-scale unit, or
‘‘incremental watersheds,’’ of the ERF1
reaches, assigning to each WBID the
fraction of TN delivered estimated for
the ERF1 reach whose incremental
watershed includes the WBID. Where
the WBID includes portions of the
incremental watersheds of more than
one ERF1 reach, EPA computed a
weighted-average based on the
proportion of WBID area in the
watershed of each ERF1 reach.
Given an even distribution of reaches
within each 10% interval, EPA’s
‘‘binning’’ approach to the fractiondelivered estimates results in a 5% to
10% margin of safety for the average
reach in each range (closer to 10% for
the lower fraction-delivered ranges).
Potentially larger margins are possible
within the 0 to 50% range, where the
fraction delivered might be 20%, but the
DPV would be computed assuming a
fraction delivered of 50%. However,
only one watershed in Florida for which
EPA is proposing DPVs, the St. Johns
River, has a substantial number of
reaches estimated to have less than 50%
TN delivered to estuarine waters. The
SAGT–SPARROW watershed model
estimates that 17% of the stream reaches
in the St. Johns watershed are in this
category, with about half the reaches
delivering nearly 50% of TN and a
substantial number delivering only 20%
of TN. Given EPA’s DPV for terminal
reaches in the St. Johns watershed,
however, the DPV for reaches with a
fraction delivered less than 50% will be
higher than the IPV, and therefore, will
not apply. EPA requests comment on
the binning approach for calculating
DPVs, which allows for a relatively
simple table of DPVs to be presented as
compared to using the actual estimate of
fraction TN delivered to calculate a DPV
unique to each WBID using formula (1),
At this time, EPA has not calculated
protective TP loads for Florida’s
estuaries or DPVs for TP. However,
advances in the application of regional
watershed models, such as SPARROW,
that address the sources and terrestrial
and aquatic processes that influence the
supply and transport of TP in the
watershed and delivery to estuaries are
currently in advanced stages of
development.86 EPA anticipates
obtaining the necessary data and
information to compute TP loads for the
estuarine water bodies in Florida in
2010 and could make this additional
information available by issuing a
supplemental Federal Register Notice of
Data Availability (NODA), which would
also be posted in the public docket for
this proposed rule. EPA intends to
derive proposed protective loads and
DPVs for TP using an analogous
approach as used for TN DPVs. EPA
expects the approach will recognize that
TP, like TN, is essential for estuarine
processes but in excess will adversely
impact aquatic life uses.
(iv) EPA Downstream Protection Values
The following criteria tables and
corresponding DPVs for a given stream
reach category have been geo-referenced
to specific WBIDs which are managed
by FDEP as the principal assessment
unit for Florida’s surface waters. To see
where the criteria are geographically
applicable, refer to EPA’s TSD for
Florida’s Inland Waters, Appendix
B–18: In-Stream and Downstream
Protection Value (IPV/DPV) Tables with
DPV Geo-Reference Table to Florida
(mg L¥1)
TP (mg L¥1)
River/stream reach category—percent delivered to estuary 4
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
86 Hoos, A.B., S. Terziotti, G. McMahon, K.
Savvas, K.C. Tighe, and R. Alkons-Wolinsky. 2008.
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Data to support statistical modeling of instream
nutrient load based on watershed attributes,
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southeastern United States, 2002: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 2008—1163, 50 p.
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Perdido Bay Watershed PH (EDA Code: 1 G140x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2: 847,520 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(mg L¥1)
TP (mg L¥1)
River/stream reach category—percent delivered to estuary 4
Pensacola Bay Watershed PH (EDA Code: 1 G130x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 4,388,478 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Choctawhatchee Bay Watershed PH (EDA Code: 1 G120x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 2,875,861 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
St. Andrew Bay Watershed PH (EDA Code: 1 G110x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 310,322 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBDK
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Apalachicola Bay Watershed PH (EDA Code: 1 G100x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 10,971,582 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Apalachee Bay Watershed PH (EDA Code: 1 G090x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 2,539,883 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Econfina/Steinhatchee Coastal Drainage Area PH (CDA Code: 1 G086x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 185,301 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Suwannee River WatershedNC (EDA Code: 1G080x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 5,421,050 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(mg L¥1)
TP (mg L¥1)
River/stream reach category—percent delivered to estuary 4
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Waccasassa Coastal Drainage Area PN (CDA Code: 1 078x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 433,756 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Withlacoochee Coastal Drainage Area PN (CDA Code: 1 G076x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 TBD
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Crystal/Pithlachascotee Coastal Drainage Area PN (CDA Code: 1 G074x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 TBD
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Tampa Bay Watershed BV (EDA Code: 1 G070x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 1,289,671 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Sarasota Bay Watershed BV (EDA Code: 1 G060x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 155,576 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Charlotte Harbor Watershed BV (EDA Code: 1 G050w)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 2,710,107 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(mg L¥1)
TP (mg L¥1)
River/stream reach category—percent delivered to estuary 4
Indian River Watershed PN (EDA Code: 1 S190x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 463,724 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Caloosahatchee River Watershed PN,# (EDA Code: 1 G050a)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 TBD
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
St. Lucie River Watershed PN,# (EDA Code: 1 S190x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 TBD
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Kissimmee River Watershed PN,∧
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 TBD
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
St. John’s River Watershed; PN (EDA Code: 1 S180x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 4,954,662 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Daytona/St. Augustine Coastal Drainage Area PN (CDA Code: 1 S183x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 TBD
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Nassau Coastal Drainage Area PN (CDA Code: 1 S175x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 131,389 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(mg L¥1)
TP (mg L¥1)
River/stream reach category—percent delivered to estuary 4
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
St. Mary’s River Watershed PN (EDA Code: 1 S170x)
Protective TN Load for the Estuary: 2 562,644 kg y¥1
Protective TP Load for the Estuary: 3 TBD
Less than 50% .................................................................................................
50.1–60.0% ......................................................................................................
60.1–70.0% ......................................................................................................
70.1–80.0% ......................................................................................................
80.1–90.0% ......................................................................................................
90.1–100% .......................................................................................................
Footnotes associated with this table:
1 Watershed delineated by NOAA’s Coastal Assessment Framework and associated Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s estuarine and coastal water body identifier (WBID).
2 Estimated TN load delivered to the estuary protective of aquatic life use. These estimates may be revised pursuant to the EPA final rule for
numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s estuaries and coastal waters (October 2011).
3 Estimated TP load delivered to the estuary protective of aquatic life use. These estimates are currently under development. Preliminary estimates may be revised pursuant to the EPA final rule for numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s estuaries and coastal waters (October 2011).
4 River/Stream reach categories within each estuarine watershed are linked spatially to a specific FDEP water body identifier (WBID). See Appendix B–18 of the ‘‘Technical Support Document for EPA’s Proposed Rule for Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida’s Inland Surface Fresh Waters.’’
5 Instream Protection Value (IPV) is the TN concentration protective of instream aquatic life use.
6 Downstream protection values (DPVs) are estimated TN concentrations in the river/stream reach that meet the estimated TN load, protective
of aquatic life use, delivered to the estuarine waters. These estimates may be revised pursuant to the EPA final rule for numeric nutrient criteria
for Florida’s estuaries and coastal waters (October 2011).
7 Instream Protection Value (IPV) is the TP concentration protective of instream aquatic life use.
8 Downstream protection values (DPVs) are estimated TP concentrations in the river/stream reach that meet the estimated TP load, protective
of aquatic life use, delivered to the estuarine waters. These estimates are currently under development. Preliminary estimates may be revised
pursuant to the EPA final rule for numeric nutrient criteria for Florida’s estuaries and coastal waters (October 2011).
9 EPA’s proposed TN and TP criteria for colored lakes (>40 PCU) are 1.2 and 0.050 mg L¥1, respectively.
# Estimated TN and TP loads protective of aquatic life in the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie River estuaries, and in turn estimated TN and TP
concentrations that would meet those protective loads, could not be calculated using EPA’s downstream protection approach. An alternative
downstream protection approach will be proposed in EPA’s proposed rule for FL estuaries (January 2011).
∧ Kissimmee River watershed does not have an EDA or CDA code because it does not drain directly to an estuary or coastal area, but rather
indirectly through Lake Okeechobee and the south Florida canal system.
A protective TN and TP load for Lake Okeechobee has not been calculated, however, a TMDL is in effect for TP. EPA’s proposed colored lake
criteria (> 40 PCU) could be used to develop DPVs for TN and TP for the Kissimmee watershed (see footnote 9).
LO DPVs to be based on protective TN and TP loads for Lake Okeechobee. EPA’s proposed colored lake criteria (>40 PCU) could be used to
develop DPVs for TN and TP for the Kissimmee watershed (see footnote 9).
NR There are no stream reaches present in this watershed that have a percent-delivered within this range and thus criteria are not applicable.
PH Panhandle Nutrient Watershed Region.
BV Bone Valley Nutrient Watershed Region.
PN Peninsula Nutrient Watershed Region.
NC North Central Nutrient Watershed Region.
TBD To be determined.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
(v) Application of DPVs for Downstream
Estuary Protection
The following discussion further
explains the conceptual relationship
between IPVs and DPVs for stream
criteria. EPA developed IPVs to protect
the uses that occur within the stream
itself at the point of application, such as
protection of the benthic invertebrate
community and maintenance of a
healthy balance of phytoplankton
species. In contrast, EPA developed
DPVs for streams to protect WQS of
downstream waters. EPA derived DPVs
in Florida streams by distributing the
protective load from the aggregate
stream network identified for each
downstream estuary (that is protective
of estuarine conditions) across the
watershed in proportion to the amount
of flow contributed by each stream
reach. EPA’s approach also accounts for
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attenuation of nutrients (or loss from the
system) as water travels from locations
upstream in the watershed to locations
near the mouth of the estuary.
When comparing an IPV and DPV that
are each deemed to apply to a particular
stream segment, the more stringent of
the two values is the numeric nutrient
criterion that would need to be met
when implementing CWA programs.
Water bodies can differ significantly in
their sensitivity to nutrients in general
and to TN specifically. Although not
universally true, freshwaters are
generally phosphorus-limited and thus
more sensitive to phosphorus
enrichment because nitrogen is present
in excess. Enriching freshwaters with
phosphorus does not usually drive these
systems into nitrogen limitation but can
simply encourage growth of nitrogenfixing algal species which can convert
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atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
Conversely, estuaries are more often
nitrogen limited and thus more sensitive
to adverse impacts from nitrogen
enrichment. As a result, it is not at all
surprising that DPVs for TN in Florida
are often less than the corresponding
Adjustments to DPVs are possible
with a redistribution approach, which
revises the original uniform assignment
of protective downstream estuarine
loadings across the estuarine drainage
area using the DPV methodology, or by
revising either the protective load
delivered to the downstream estuary
and/or the equivalent DPVs using a
technical approach of comparable
scientific rigor and the Federal SSAC
procedure described in section V.C of
this notice.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Re-distributing the allocation of
protective loading within an estuarine
drainage area, or subset of an estuarine
drainage area, is appropriate and
protective because the total load
delivered to the mouth of the estuary
would still meet the protective load.
DPVs may be a series of values for each
reach in the upstream drainage area
such that the sum of reach-specific
incremental loading delivered to the
estuary equals the protective loading
rate taking into account that
downstream reaches must reflect loads
established for upstream reaches.
Adjustments to DPVs may also factor in
additional nutrient attenuation provided
by already existing landscape
modifications or treatment systems,
such as constructed wetlands or
stormwater treatment areas, where the
attenuation is sufficiently documented
and not a temporary condition. Unlike
re-allocation of an even distribution of
loading, these types of adjustments, as
well as other site-specific information
on alternative fractions delivered,
would require use of the SSAC
procedure under this proposal. EPA
requests comment on whether these
adjustments should be allowed to occur
in the implementation of the reallocation process rather than as a
A technical approach of comparable
scientific rigor will include a systematic
data driven evaluation and
accompanying analysis of relevant
factors to identify a protective load
delivered to the estuary. An acceptable
alternate numeric approach also
includes a method to distribute and
apply the load to streams and other
waters within the estuarine drainage
area in a manner that recognizes
conservation of mass and makes use of
a peer-reviewed model (empirical or
mechanistic) of comparable or greater
rigor and scientific defensibility than
the USGS SPARROW model. To use an
alternative technical approach, the State
must go through the process for a
Federal SSAC procedure as described in
Section V.C.
EPA requests comment on the DPV
approach, the technical merit of the
estimated protective loadings, and the
technical merit of the method for
calculating stream reach values. EPA
also requests comment on other
scientifically defensible approaches for
ensuring protection of designated uses
in estuaries. At this time, EPA plans to
take final action with respect to
downstream protection values for
nitrogen as part of the second phase of
this rulemaking process in coordination
with the proposal and finalization of
numeric standards for estuarine and
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coastal waters in 2011. However, if
comments, data and analyses submitted
as a result of this proposal support
finalizing these values sooner, by
October 2010, EPA may choose to
proceed in this manner. To facilitate
this process, EPA requests comments
and welcomes thorough evaluation on
the technical and scientific basis of
these proposed downstream protection
values as part of the broader comment
and evaluation process that this
proposal initiates.
D. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for the State of Florida’s Springs and
Clear Streams
(1) Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for Springs and Clear Streams
Springs and their associated spring
runs in Florida are a unique class of
aquatic ecosystem, highly treasured for
their biological, economic, aesthetic,
and recreational value. Globally, the
largest number of springs (per unit of
area), occur in Florida; Florida has over
700 springs and associated spring runs.
Many of the larger spring ecosystems in
Florida have likely been in existence
since the end of the last major ice age
(approximately 15,000 to 30,000 years
ago). The productivity of the diverse
assemblage of aquatic flora and fauna in
Florida springs is primarily determined
by the naturally high amount of light
availability of these waters (naturally
high clarity).87 As recently as 50 years
ago, these waters were considered by
naturalists and scientists to be some of
the most unique and exceptional waters
in the State of Florida and the Nation as
a whole.
In Florida, springs are also highly
valued as a water resource for human
use: people use springs for a variety of
recreational purposes and are interested
in the intrinsic aesthetics of clear, cool
water emanating vigorously from
beneath the ground. A good example of
the value of springs in Florida is the use
of the spring boil areas that have
sometimes been modified to encourage
human recreation (bathing or
87 Brown M.T., K. Chinners Reiss, M.J. Cohen,
J.M. Evans, P.W. Inglett, K. Sharma Inglett, K.
Ramesh Reddy, T.K. Fraze, C.A. Jacoby, E.J. Phlips,
R.L. Knight, S.K. Notestein, R.G. Hamann, and K.A.
McKee. 2008. Summary and Synthesis of the
Available Literature on the Effects of Nutrients on
Spring Organisms and Systems. https://
UF_SpringsNutrients_Report.pdf, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
88 Scott, T.M., G.H. Means, R.P. Meegan, R.C.
Means, S.B. Upchurch, R.E. Copeland, J. Jones, T.
Roberts, and A. Willet. 2004. Springs of Florida.
Bulletin No, 66. Florida Geological Survey.
Tallahassee, FL. 677 pp.
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Over the past two decades, scientists
have identified two significant
anthropogenic factors linked to adverse
changes in spring ecosystems that have
the potential to permanently alter
Florida’s spring ecosystems. These are:
(1) Pollution of groundwater,89
principally with nitrate-nitrite, resulting
from human land use changes, cultural
practices, and explosive population
growth; and (2) simultaneous reductions
in groundwater supply from human
withdrawals.90 Pollution associated
with human activities is one of the most
critical issues affecting the health of
Florida’s springs.91
Excess nutrients, in particular excess
nitrogen, seep into the soils and move
to groundwater.92 When in excess,
nutrients lead to eutrophication of
groundwater-fed springs, allowing algae
and invasive plant species to displace
native plants, which in turn results in
an ecological imbalance.93 Excessive
growth of nuisance algae and noxious
plant species in turn result in reduced
habitat and food sources for native
wildlife,94 excess organic carbon
production, accelerated decomposition,
and lowered quality of the floor or
‘‘bottom’’ of springs and spring runs, all
of which adversely impact the overall
health and aesthetics of Florida’s
Adverse impacts on the overall health
of Florida’s springs have been evident
over the past several decades. Within
the last 20–30 years, observations at
89 Katz, B.G., H.D. Hornsby, J.F. Bohlke and M.F.
Mokray. 1999. Sources and chronology of nitrate
contamination in spring water, Suwannee River
Basin, Florida. U.S. Geological Survey WaterResources Investigations Report 99–4252. Reston,
90 Brown M.T., K. Chinners Reiss, M.J. Cohen,
J.M. Evans, P.W. Inglett, K. Sharma Inglett, K.
Ramesh Reddy, T.K. Fraze, C.A. Jacoby, E.J. Phlips,
R.L. Knight, S.K. Notestein, R.G. Hamann, and K.A.
McKee. 2008. Summary and Synthesis of the
Available Literature on the Effects of Nutrients on
Spring Organisms and Systems. https://
UF_SpringsNutrients_Report.pdf, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
91 Ibid.
92 Katz, B.G., H.D. Hornsby, J.F. Bohlke and M.F.
Mokray. 1999. Sources and chronology of nitrate
contamination in spring water, Suwannee River
Basin, Florida. U.S. Geological Survey WaterResources Investigations Report 99–4252. Reston,
93 Doyle, R.D. and R.M. Smart. 1998. Competitive
reduction of noxious Lyngbya wollei mats by rooted
aquatic plants. Aquatic Botany 61:17–32.
94 Stevenson, R.J., A. Pinowska, A. Albertin, and
J.O. Sickman. 2007. Ecological condition of algae
and nutrients in Florida springs: The Synthesis
Report. Prepared for the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, FL. 58 pp.
Bonn, M.A. and F.W. Bell. 2003. Economic
Impact of Selected Florida Springs on Surrounding
Local Areas. Report prepared for the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection.
Tallahassee, FL.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
several of Florida’s springs suggest that
nuisance algae species have
proliferated, and are now out-competing
and replacing native submerged
vegetation. Numerous biological studies
have documented excessive algal
growth at many major springs. In some
of the more extreme examples, such as
Silver Springs and Weeki Wachee
Springs, algal mat accumulations have
become over three feet thick.95,96
As a result of human-induced land
use changes, cultural practices, and
explosive population growth, there has
been an increase in the level of
pollutants, especially nitrate, in
groundwater over the past decades.97
Because there is no geologic source of
nitrogen in springs, all of the nitrogen
emerging in spring vents originates from
that which is deposited on the land.
Historically, nitrate concentrations in
Florida’s spring discharges were thought
to have been around 0.05 mg/L or less,
which is sufficiently low to restrict
growth of algae and vegetation under
‘‘natural’’ conditions.98
Regions where springs emanate in
Florida have experienced
unprecedented population growth and
changes in land use over the past
several decades.99 With these changes in
population and growth came a transfer
of nutrients, particularly nitrate, to
groundwater. Of 125 spring vents
sampled by the Florida Geological
Survey in 2001–2002, 42% had nitrate
95 Pinowska, A., R.J. Stevenson, J.O. Sickman, A.
Albertin, and M. Anderson. 2007. Integrated
interpretation of survey for determining nutrient
thresholds for macroalgae in Florida Springs:
Macroalgal relationships to water, sediment and
macroalgae nutrients, diatom indicators and land
use. Florida Department of Environmental
Protection, Tallahassee, FL.
96 Stevenson, R.J., A. Pinowska, and Y.K. Wang.
2004. Ecological condition of algae and nutrients in
Florida springs. Florida Department of
Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, FL.
97 Scott, T.M., G.H. Means, R.P. Meegan, R.C.
Means, S.B. Upchurch, R.E. Copeland, J. Jones, T.
Roberts, and A. Willet. 2004. Springs of Florida.
Bulletin No, 66. Florida Geological Survey.
Tallahassee, FL. 677 pp.
98 Maddox, G.L., J.M. Lloyd, T.M. Scott, S.B.
Upchurch and R. Copeland. 1992. Florida’s
Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program—
Background Hydrochemistry. Florida Geological
Survey Special Publication 34. Tallahassee, FL.
99 Katz, B.G., H.D. Hornsby, J.F. Bohlke and M.F.
Mokray. 1999. Sources and chronology of nitrate
contamination in spring water, Suwannee River
Basin, Florida. U. S. Geological Survey WaterResources Investigations Report 99–4252. Reston,
Brown M.T., K. Chinners Reiss, M.J. Cohen, J.M.
Evans, P.W. Inglett, K. Sharma Inglett, K. Ramesh
Reddy, T.K. Fraze, C.A. Jacoby, E.J. Phlips, R.L.
Knight, S.K. Notestein, R.G. Hamann, and K.A.
McKee. 2008. Summary and Synthesis of the
Available Literature on the Effects of Nutrients on
Spring Organisms and Systems. https://
UF_SpringsNutrients_Report.pdf, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
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concentrations exceeding 0.50 mg/L and
24% had concentrations greater than 1.0
mg/L.100 Similarly, a recent evaluation
of water quality in 13 springs shows that
mean nitrate-nitrite levels have
increased from 0.05 mg/L to 0.9 mg/L
between 1970 and 2002. Overall, data
suggest that nitrate-nitrite
concentrations in many spring
discharges have increased from 10 to
350 fold over the past 50 years, with the
level of increase closely correlated with
anthropogenic activity and land use
changes within the karst regions of
Florida where springs predominate.
As nitrate-nitrite concentrations have
increased during the past 20 to 50 years,
many Florida springs have undergone
adverse environmental and biological
changes. According to FDEP, there is a
general consensus in the scientific
community that nitrate is an important
factor leading to the observed changes
in spring ecosystems, and their
associated biological communities.
Nitrogen, particularly nitrate-nitrite,
appears to be the most problematic
nutrient problem in Florida’s karst
Because nitrate-nitrite has been linked
to many of the observed detrimental
impacts in spring ecosystems, there is
an immediate need to reduce nitratenitrite concentrations in spring vents
and groundwater. A critical step in
achieving reductions in nitrate-nitrite is
to develop a numeric nitrate-nitrite
criterion for spring systems that will be
protective of these unique and treasured
To protect springs and clear streams
and to provide assessment levels and
restoration goals for those that have
already been impaired by nutrients, EPA
is proposing numeric nutrient criteria
for the following parameter for Florida’s
springs and clear streams (< 40 PCU)
100 Scott, T.M., G.H. Means, R.P. Meegan, R.C.
Means, S.B. Upchurch, R.E. Copeland, J. Jones, T.
Roberts, and A. Willet. 2004. Springs of Florida.
Bulletin No, 66. Florida Geological Survey.
Tallahassee, FL. 677 pp.
101 Brown M.T., K. Chinners Reiss, M.J. Cohen,
J.M. Evans, P.W. Inglett, K. Sharma Inglett, K.
Ramesh Reddy, T.K. Fraze, C.A. Jacoby, E.J. Phlips,
R.L. Knight, S.K. Notestein, R.G. Hamann, and K.A.
McKee. 2008. Summary and Synthesis of the
Available Literature on the Effects of Nutrients on
Spring Organisms and Systems. https://
UF_SpringsNutrients_Report.pdf, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
102 Brown M.T., K. Chinners Reiss, M.J. Cohen,
J.M. Evans, P.W. Inglett, K. Sharma Inglett, K.
Ramesh Reddy, T.K. Fraze, C.A. Jacoby, E.J. Phlips,
R.L. Knight, S.K. Notestein, R.G. Hamann, and K.A.
McKee. 2008. Summary and Synthesis of the
Available Literature on the Effects of Nutrients on
Spring Organisms and Systems. https://
UF_SpringsNutrients_Report.pdf, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
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classified as Class I or III waters under
Florida law (Rule 62–302.400, F.A.C.):
Nitrate (NO3 )+Nitrite (NO2 ) shall
not surpass a concentration of 0.35 mg/L as
an annual geometric mean more than once in
a three-year period, nor surpassed as a longterm average of annual geometric mean
In addition to the nitrate-nitrite
criterion, TN and TP criteria developed
for streams on a watershed basis are also
applicable to clear streams. See Section
III.C(1) ‘‘Proposed Numeric Nutrient
Criteria for the State of Florida’s Rivers
and Streams’’ for the table of proposed
TN and TP criteria that would apply to
clear streams located within specific
(2) Methodology for Deriving EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Springs and Clear
EPA’s proposed nitrate-nitrite
criterion for springs and clear streams
are derived from a combination of FDEP
laboratory data, field surveys, and
analyses which include analyses
conducted to determine the stressor
response-based thresholds that link
nitrate-nitrite levels to biological risk in
springs and clear streams. These data
document the response of nuisance
algae, Lyngbya wollei and Vaucheria sp.,
and periphyton to nitrate-nitrite
concentrations. Please refer to EPA’s
TSD for Florida’s Inland Waters,
Chapter 3: Methodology for Deriving
U.S. EPA’s Proposed Criteria for Springs
and Clear Streams.
As described in Section III.C(2), the
ability to establish protective criteria for
both causal and response variables
depends on available data and scientific
approaches to evaluate these data. EPA
has not undertaken the development of
TP criteria for springs because
phosphorus has historically been
present in Florida’s springs, given the
State’s naturally phosphorus-rich
geology, and the lack of an increasing
trend of phosphorus concentrations in
most spring discharges. EPA is not
proposing chlorophyll a and clarity
criteria due to the lack of available data
for these response variables in spring
systems. Furthermore, scientific
evidence examining the strong
relationship between rapid periphyton
survey data (measurements of the
thickness of algal biomass attached to
substrate rather than free-floating) and
nutrients in clear streams (those with
color <40 PCU and canopy cover ≤ 40%
which are comparable to most waters
found in springs and spring runs) show
that benthic algal thickness is highly
dependent on nitrogen parameters (TN
and total inorganic nitrogen), as
opposed to phosphorus. In addition,
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
EPA is proposing to apply the nitratenitrite criteria derived for springs to
clear streams as a measure to gauge
anthropogenic contributions to TN. EPA
is not currently proposing criteria for
clarity and chlorophyll a for clear
streams due to the lack of scientific
evidence supporting the relationship
between these response variables and
nutrients. Clear streams show weak
relationships between nutrients and
chlorophyll a, as opposed to color
streams where phytoplankton responses
occur more readily than periphyton
growth. Please refer to EPA’s TSD for
Florida’s Inland Waters, Chapter 3:
Methodology for Deriving U.S. EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Springs and Clear
(a) Derivation of Proposed NitrateNitrite Criteria
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
EPA’s goal in deriving nitrate-nitrite
criteria for Florida springs and clear
streams is to ensure that the criteria will
preserve the ecosystem structure and
function of Florida’s springs and clear
streams. EPA reviewed Florida data,
FDEP’s approach and analyses, and
FDEP’s proposed nitrate-nitrite criterion
for springs and clear streams and has
concluded that the FDEP approach and
the values FDEP derived represent a
scientifically sound basis for the
derivation of these criteria. FDEP
evaluated results from laboratory scale
dosing studies, data from in-situ algal
monitoring, real-world surveys of
biological communities and nutrient
levels in Florida springs, and data on
nitrate-nitrite concentrations found in
minimally-impacted reference locations.
FDEP analyzed laboratory data103 that
evaluated the growth response of
nuisance algae to nitrate addition.
FDEP’s analysis showed that Lyngbya
wollei and Vaucheria sp. reached 90%
of their maximum growth at 0.230
mg/L and 0.261 mg/L nitrate-nitrite,
respectively. FDEP also reviewed longterm field surveys that examined the
response of nuisance algae, periphyton,
and eutrophic indicator diatoms to
nitrate-nitrite concentration.104 The
results showed a sharp increase in
abundance and/or biomass of the
103 Stevenson, R.J., A. Pinowska, A. Albertin, and
J.O. Sickman. 2007. Ecological condition of algae
and nutrients in Florida springs: The Synthesis
Report. Prepared for the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, FL. 58 pp.
Cowell, B.C. and C.J. Dawes. 2004. Growth and
nitrate-nitrogen uptake by the cyanobacterium
Lyngbya wollei. J. Aquatic Plant Management 42:
104 Gao, X. 2008. Nutrient TMDLs for the Wekiva
River (WBIDs 2956, 2956A, and 2956C) and Rock
Springs Run (WBID 2967). Florida Department of
Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida.
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nuisance algae, periphyton, and diatoms
at 0.44 mg/L nitrate-nitrite.
FDED also reviewed the field surveys
used to develop TMDLs for Wekiva
River and Rock Spring Run to evaluate
the relationship between the observed
excessive algal growth and imbalance in
aquatic flora with measurements of
nutrients in these particular systems.
FDEP found that taxa indicative of
eutrophic conditions increased
significantly with increasing nitratenitrite concentrations above
approximately 0.35 mg/L.
Based on its review of a combination
of this laboratory and field data, FDEP
concluded that significant alterations in
community composition (eutrophic
indicator diatoms), in combination with
an increase in periphyton cell density
and biomass, clearly demonstrate that a
nitrate-nitrite level in the range between
0.23 mg/L (the laboratory threshold) and
0.44 mg/L (the field study derived value
associated with the upper bound nitratenitrite concentration where substantial
observed biological changes were
apparent) is the amount of nitrate-nitrite
associated with an imbalance of aquatic
flora in spring systems.105
FDEP conducted further statistical
analyses of the available data from the
multiple lines of evidence, applied an
appropriate safety factor to ensure that
waters would not reach the nitratenitrite levels associated with
‘‘substantial observed biological
changes,’’ and averaged the results to
arrive at a final protective threshold
value for nitrate-nitrite in springs and
clear streams of 0.35 mg/L. Based on the
discussion above and corresponding
analysis in the TSD for Florida’s Inland
Waters, EPA has concluded that this
value was derived in a scientifically
sound manner, appropriately
considering the available data, and
appropriately interpreting the multiple
lines of evidence. Accordingly, EPA is
proposing 0.35 mg/L nitrate-nitrite as a
protective criterion for aquatic life in
Florida’s springs and clear streams.
(b) Proposed Criteria: Duration and
EPA is proposing a duration and
frequency expression of an annual
geometric mean not to be surpassed
more than once in a three-year period to
be consistent with the expressions of
duration and frequency for other water
body types (e.g., lakes, streams, canals)
for TN and TP and for the same reasons
EPA selected a three-year period for
105 Mattson, R.A., E.F. Lowe, C.L. Lippincott, D.
Jian, and L. Battoe. 2006. Wekiva River and Rock
Springs Run Pollutant Load Reduction Goals. St.
Johns River Water Management District, Palatka,
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those waters. Second, EPA proposes that
the long-term arithmetic average of
annual geometric means not exceed the
criterion-magnitude concentration. EPA
anticipates that Florida will use its
standard assessment periods as
specified in Rule 62–303, F.A.C.
(Impaired Waters Rule) to implement
this second provision. EPA has
determined that this frequency of
excursions should not result in
unacceptable effects on aquatic life as it
will allow the springs and clear streams
aquatic systems enough time to recover
from an occasionally elevated year of
nutrient loadings. The Agency requests
comment on these proposed duration
and frequency expressions of the
springs and clear streams numeric
nutrient criteria.
EPA also considered as an alternative,
expressing the criterion as a monthly
median not to be surpassed more than
10% of the time. Stated another way,
the median value over any given
calendar month shall not be higher than
the criterion-magnitude value in more
than one out of every ten months. It is
appropriate to express a monthly
criterion as a median because the
median is less susceptible to outliers
than the geometric mean. This is
particularly important when dealing
with small sample sizes. This
alternative is consistent with the
expression that FDEP proposed in July
2009 for its State rule and the
expression in the TSD for Florida’s
Inland Waters that EPA sent out for
external scientific peer review in July
2009. The rationale for this alternative
is that field data indicate that the
response in springs is correlated to
monthly exposure at the criterionmagnitude concentration value and a
10% frequency of excursions is a
reasonable and fully protective
allowance given small sample sizes in
any given month (i.e., the anticipated
amount of data that will be available for
assessment purposes in the future). The
clear streams nitrate-nitrite criterion
was derived by FDEP based on multiple
lines of evidence, with the primary lines
of evidence being mesocosm dosing
experiments and field studies. These
two main studies were conducted by
FDEP over very different time frames.
One set of mesocosm studies was
conducted by FDEP for periods just
under one month (i.e., 21 to 28 days),
while another, the algal biomass field
survey, was conducted over an 18-year
period and was analyzed using four to
five year averaging periods.106 While lab
106 Gao, X. 2008. Nutrient TMDLs for the Wekiva
River (WBIDs 2956, 2956A, 2956C) and Rock
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
studies indicate that algal communities
can respond to excess nitrate-nitrite
over a short period of time, the
mesocosm and other dosing studies
indicate that this response occurs on the
order of a month, which might support
a monthly expression of the criterion.107
However, there is no evidence to suggest
that the responses observed within a
month under controlled lab settings
equate to impairment of the designated
use in conditions experienced in State
waters. Please refer to EPA’s TSD for
Florida’s Inland Waters, Chapter 3:
Methodology for Deriving U.S. EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Springs and Clear
The 10% excursion frequency would
recognize that in most cases the
monthly ‘‘median’’ would actually be
based on a single sample, given that
most springs are only sampled monthly
at the most. A 10% excursion frequency
may be considered a reasonable and
fully protective allowance given small
sample sizes in any given month,
essentially requiring that the monthly
median nitrate-nitrate concentrations
thought to be fully supportive of
relevant designated uses be met 90% of
the time.
EPA requests comment on these
proposed criteria duration and
frequency expressions, and the basis for
their derivation. EPA notes that some
scientists and resource managers have
suggested that nutrient criteria duration
and frequency expressions should be
more restrictive to avoid seasonal or
annual ‘‘spikes’’ from which the aquatic
system cannot easily recover, whereas
others have suggested that criteria
expresssed as simply a long-term
average of annual geometric means,
consistent with data used in criteria
derivation, would still be protective.
EPA requests comment on alternative
duration and frequency expressions that
might be considered protective,
including (1) a criterion-duration
expressed as a monthly average or
geometric mean, (2) a criterionfrequency expressed as meeting
allowable magnitude and duration every
year, (3) a criterion-frequency expressed
as meeting allowable magnitude and
duration in more than half the years of
a given assessment period, and (4) a
criterion-frequency expressed as
meeting the allowable magnitude and
duration as a long-term average only.
EPA further requests comment on
Springs Run (WBID 2967). Florida Department of
Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida.
107 Stevenson, R.J., A. Pinowska, A. Albertin, and
J.O. Sickman. 2007. Ecological condition of algae
and nutrients in Florida springs: The Synthesis
Report. Prepared for the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, FL. 58 pp.
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whether an expression of the criteria in
terms of an arithmetic average of annual
geometric mean values based on rolling
three-year periods of time would also be
protective of the designated use.
(3) Request for Comment and Data on
Proposed Approach
EPA believes the proposed nutrient
criterion for springs and clear streams in
this rule are protective of the designated
aquatic life use of these waters in
Florida. EPA is soliciting comment on
the approach FDEP used and EPA
adopted to derive nitrate-nitrite
criterion for springs and clear streams,
including the data and analyses
underlying the proposed criterion. EPA
is seeking additional, readily-available,
pertinent data and information related
to nutrient concentrations or nutrient
responses in springs and clear streams
in Florida. EPA is also soliciting views
on other potential, scientifically sound
approaches to deriving protective
nitrate-nitrite criterion for springs and
clear streams in Florida.
(4) Alternative Approaches: NitrateNitrite Criterion for All Waters as an
Independent Criterion
EPA is soliciting comment on the
environmental benefits associated with
deriving a nitrate-nitrite criterion for all
waters covered by this proposal (i.e., all
streams, lakes, and canals), in addition
to the other proposed nutrient criteria
for those water bodies. Adoption of a
nitrate-nitrite criterion for waters other
than springs and clear streams could be
useful from an assessment and
management perspective. Florida could
use nitrate-nitrite data to identify
increasing trends that may indicate the
need for more specific controls of
certain nitrogen enrichment sources. In
cases where waters are impaired for
either TN, nitrate-nitrite, or both TN and
nitrate-nitrite, FDEP could use the
nitrate-nitrite data to potentially target
discharges of anthropogenic origin given
their relative source contribution to
nitrogen enrichment.
This alternative approach, which
would involve EPA deriving nitratenitrite criteria for all waters or
alternatively applying 0.35 mg/L nitratenitrite to all waters, could provide
additional protection for aquatic life
designated uses. The alternative
approach would also eliminate the need
for FDEP to characterize streams as clear
or not. Deriving and applying a nitratenitrite criterion to all waters would
reduce the likelihood of excess loading
of the specific anthropogenic
components of TN to colored waters.
However, these colored streams may be
less likely to show an observed response
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to nitrate-nitrite due to the presence of
tannins that block light penetration.
Thus, the presence of color in streams
may confound the relationship that
produced the 0.35 mg/L nitrate-nitrite
E. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for South Florida Canals
(1) Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria
for South Florida Canals
There are thousands of miles of canals
in Florida, particularly in the
southeastern part of the State. Canals are
artificial waterways that are either the
result of modifications to existing rivers
or streams, or waters that have been
created for various purposes, including
drainage and flood control (stormwater
management), irrigation, navigation, and
recreation. These canals also allow for
the creation of many waterfront home
sites in Florida. Ecosystems that existed
in rivers and streams prior to their
modification into canals are altered.
These changes can affect fish and
wildlife and plant growth, as further
explained in the following paragraphs.
Newly created canals may have a
tendency to fill with aquatic plants.
Canals in south Florida vary greatly in
size and depth. They can be anywhere
from a few feet wide and a few feet deep
to hundreds of feet wide and as deep as
30–35 feet.
South Florida canals vary in their
hydrology and behavior due to their
size, function, and seasonality. Shallow
canals with slow water flow have poor
turnover of water and little flushing.
Large canals also may have low flow
and turnover during the dry season. In
contrast, during the wet season these
same large canals are flowing systems
that quickly move large volumes of
water, as they were designed to
accomplish. Excess nutrients in canals
in combination with poor water
circulation and decreased levels of
dissolved oxygen, can lead to
accelerated eutrophication and adverse
impacts on other forms of aquatic life
such as fish and other aquatic animals.
In these canals, the accumulation of
decaying organic matter on the canal
bottom can also adversely impact
healthy aquatic ecosystems.
South Florida canals are highly
managed waterways. Some canals are
prone to an over-abundance of aquatic
plants. Without regular and frequent
management, dense vegetation can clog
the waterways making navigation
difficult and slowing the movement of
water through the canal system. This
can interfere with flood control, boating,
and fishing. Aquatic plants (like plants
in the terrestrial environment) respond
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
and grow when fertilized with nutrients
such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and
thus nutrient runoff into canals is likely
a significant contributor to both
nuisance algal blooms and clogging of
canal systems by aquatic plants.
EPA is proposing numeric nutrient
criteria for the following parameters and
geographic classifications in south
Florida, for canals classified as Class III
waters under Florida law (Rule 62–
302.400, F.A.C.). The proposed and
alternative approaches described herein
would not apply for TP in canals within
the Everglades Protection Area (EvPA)
since there is an existing TP criterion of
0.010 mg/L that currently applies to the
marshes and adjacent canals within the
EvPA (Rule 62–302.540, F.A.C.).
Chlorophyll a
(μg/L) a
Canals ..........................................................................................................................................
Total phosphorus (TP)
(mg/L) a b
Total nitrogen
(mg/L) a
Concentration values are based on annual geometric mean not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period. In addition, the longterm average of annual geometric mean values shall not surpass the listed concentration values. (Duration = annual; Frequency = not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period or as a long-term average).
b Applies to all canals within the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s South Florida bioregion, with the exception of canals within
the Everglades Protection Area (EvPA) where the TP criterion of 0.010 mg/L currently applies.
The following sections detail the
methodology EPA used to develop the
proposed numeric nutrient criteria for
canals in south Florida, and request
comment on the proposed criteria and
their derivation. In addition, EPA is
providing details of two alternative
options for deriving canal criteria values
that EPA considered and is soliciting
comments on these alternatives.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
(2) Methodology for Deriving EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for South Florida
Based on the available information for
canals, EPA determined that the most
scientifically sound way to derive
protective numeric nutrient criteria for
south Florida’s canals is to use a similar
approach to what EPA used to derive
numeric nutrient criteria for streams.
That is, EPA chose a nutrient
concentration distribution-based
approach using data from only those
canals that have been determined to
support the applicable designated use.
EPA used existing water quality
assessments and identified canals that
have been determined to be impaired for
nutrients. Data for those canals were
excluded from the larger data set in
order to create a set of data representing
canals attaining the designated use of
aquatic life, according to FDEP’s
assessment decisions. For further
information, please refer to EPA’s TSD
for Florida’s Inland Waters, Chapter 4:
Methodology for Deriving U.S. EPA’s
Proposed Criteria for Canals.
(a) Derivation of Proposed Numeric
Nutrient Criteria for South Florida
EPA derived numeric nutrient criteria
for south Florida canals for two causal
variables, TN and TP, and one response
variable, chlorophyll a. In contrast to
EPA’s proposed criteria for Florida’s
streams, EPA concluded that there was
a sufficient scientific basis for a
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chlorophyll a criterion for south Florida
canals. EPA considered chlorophyll a to
be an appropriate indicator of nutrient
impairment in canals on the basis of the
observed seasonal flow regimes,
particularly during the relatively drier
winter months when flows are relatively
lower and canal water residence time is
relatively higher (as compared to wetter,
summer months). Furthermore, EPA
found evidence that canals are
susceptible to impairment due to
excessive chlorophyll a based on the
number of canals on Florida’s CWA
section 303(d) list with chlorophyll a
cited as the parameter of concern. EPA
analyzed the range of chlorophyll a
concentrations in canals and found that
12% of chlorophyll a concentration
observations occurred at 10 μg/L or
higher and 5% of chlorophyll a
concentration observations occurred at
20 μg/L or higher. As a point of
reference, Florida has chlorophyll a
thresholds of 20 as the numeric
interpretations of its narrative nutrient
criteria for streams and 11 μg/L for
estuaries/open coastal waters,
respectively, in its Impaired Waters
Rule (IWR) (Rules 62–303.351 and 62–
303.353, F.A.C.). Thus, EPA included
chlorophyll a as a nutrient criterion to
protect canal aquatic life designated
uses from an unacceptable biological
response to excess nutrients.
EPA employed a statistical
distribution approach for deriving
numeric nutrient criteria for south
Florida canals. Specifically, EPA
computed statistical distributions and
descriptive statistics (e.g., quartiles,
mean, standard deviation) of TN, TP,
and chlorophyll a concentrations from
data derived at canal sites across south
Florida that are not on the impaired
waters list for Florida. EPA has
determined that the criteria derived
from a distribution of canal data from
canals with no evidence of nutrient
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impairment are appropriate and
protective of designated uses.
As described in detail in Section
III.C(2)(c), EPA concluded that the 75th
percentiles of the respective TN, TP,
and chlorophyll a distributions would
yield values that would ensure that
aquatic life designated uses would be
protected in south Florida canals. A
reasonable choice is one that lies just
above the vast majority of the
population. The 75th percentile
represents such a point on the
distribution of TN, TP, and chlorophyll
a values.
(b) Other Data and Analyses Conducted
and Considered by EPA in the
Derivation of Proposed Numeric
Nutrient Criteria for South Florida
EPA undertook extensive analyses
and considered a variety of data and
methods for deriving numeric nutrient
criteria for Florida’s canals. Although
EPA derived the proposed values based
on the approach outlined in the section
above, EPA also factored into its
decision-making process the results of
these other analyses as additional lines
of evidence.
One line of additional evidence is
based on an evaluation of the stressorresponse relationship between
chlorophyll a levels in canals and TN
and TP levels using a variety of
statistical tools. A second line of
evidence is based on a consideration of
the distribution of chlorophyll a
measurements, TN measurements, and
TP measurements from all canals,
impaired and not impaired. Nutrient
concentrations at the lower end of these
distributions were compared to the
concentration that the stressor-response
analysis determined to be associated
with canals with no evidence of nutrient
impairment. The third line of evidence
is based on a consideration of the
distribution of chlorophyll a, TN, and
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
TP values from only those canals
considered to be minimally impacted by
nutrient-related pollution. EPA
considered each of these lines of
evidence in deriving the numeric
nutrient criteria for canals.
Because soil or substrate type at the
bottom of a canal can influence the
nutrient cycling and relationships
between the observed biological
response and the TP and TN levels in
canals, EPA used data on soil types in
south Florida along with knowledge of
the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA)
and the Everglades Protection Area
(EvPA) to subdivide the canal areas for
criteria derivation. Thus the first step in
these other analyses was to group canals
and canal data by soil type. The four
groupings consist of histosol and entisol
soils of the EAA; histosol and entisol
soils of the EvPA; spodosol and alfisol
soils and areas west of the EvPA and
EAA (hereafter, West Coast); and
spodosol, entisol and alfisol soils and
areas east of the EvPA and EAA
(hereafter East Coast).
EPA then sorted canal data (provided
by FDEP, Miami-Dade County, and the
South Florida Water Management
District) into the four canal groupings.
EPA screened the data to ensure the
exclusion of the following: (1) Sites
without relevant data (e.g., nitrogen,
phosphorus, chlorophyll a), (2) sites
influenced by marine waters, (3) sites
within Class IV canals or Lake
Okeechobee, (4) data not originating
within a canal, (5) data with
questionable units, and (6) outlier data.
Data were organized by canal regions
and year. Each site occurring near the
border of a region and/or WBID was
visually inspected using geographic
information system (GIS) tools to ensure
the correct placement of those sites.
Local experts were also consulted by
EPA. EPA analyzed the resulting
regionalized data using statistical
distribution and regression analyses.
EPA undertook its additional analyses
using these canal (and data) groupings.
EPA’s analysis of the distribution of
chlorophyll a values in each of the four
groupings of canals (using data from
impaired and unimpaired sites)
indicated that the lower percentile (i.e.,
25th percentile) ranged from 1.9 to 2.2
μg/L for chlorophyll a in the EvPA,
West Coast, and East Coast, and was 6.3
μg/L for the EAA. EPA’s analysis of the
distribution of TN values in each of the
four groupings of canals indicated that
the lower percentile (i.e., 25th
percentile) ranged from 0.8 to 1.4 mg/L
for the EvPA, West Coast, and East Coast
and was 2.1 mg/L for the EAA. EPA’s
analysis of the distribution of TP values
in each of the four groupings of canals
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indicated that the lower percentile (i.e.,
25th percentile) ranged from 0.013 to
0.023 mg/L for the EvPA, West Coast,
and East Coast and was 0.048 mg/L for
the EAA canals.
In an effort to consider chlorophyll a,
TN, and TP values in canals minimally
impacted by nutrient pollution, EPA
identified canal sites surrounded by the
EvPA in the east and the Big Cypress
National Preserve in the west and
considered the distribution of
chlorophyll a, TN and TP values for
these sites. Although EPA acknowledges
that these sites have not been
thoroughly vetted for biological
condition, EPA believes that because
they are remote and surrounded by
wetlands, that these canal sites
represent sites with the lowest impact
from human activities. The upper
percentile values (i.e., the 75th
percentile) from the distributions of
chlorophyll a, TN and TP values for
these lower impact sites are 3.4 μg/L for
chlorophyll a, 1.3 mg/L for TN and
0.018 mg/L for TP.
When considering the results of these
additional analyses and comparing
these results to the outcome of EPA’s
analysis of TN, TP, and chlorophyll a
concentrations from data derived at
canal sites across south Florida that are
not on the impaired waters list for
Florida, it is clear that EPA’s proposed
criteria for canals are similar to those
derived from alternative approaches and
therefore, represent a reasonable
integration of these multiple lines of
evidence. For further information,
please refer to EPA’s TSD for Florida’s
Inland Waters, Chapter 4: Methodology
for Deriving U.S. EPA’s Proposed
Criteria for Canals.
(c) Proposed Criteria: Duration and
Aquatic life water quality criteria
contain three components: magnitude,
duration, and frequency. For the TN and
TP numeric criteria for canals, the
derivation of the criterion-magnitude
values is described above and these
values are provided in the table in
Section III.E(1). The criterion-duration
for this magnitude (or averaging period)
is specified in footnote a of the canals
criteria table as an annual geometric
mean. EPA is proposing two expressions
of allowable frequency, both of which
are to be met. First, EPA proposes a nomore-than-one-in-three-years excursion
frequency for the annual geometric
mean criteria for canals. Second, EPA
proposes that the long-term arithmetic
average of annual geometric means not
exceed the criterion-magnitude
concentration. EPA anticipates that
Florida will use their standard
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assessment periods as specified in Rule
62–303, F.A.C. (Impaired Waters Rule)
to implement this second provision.
These proposed duration and frequency
components of the criteria are consistent
with the data set used to derive the
criteria that contained data from
multiple years of record, all seasons,
and a variety of hydrologic conditions.
EPA has determined that this frequency
of excursions should not result in
unacceptable effects on aquatic life as it
will allow the canal aquatic system
enough time to recover from an
occasionally elevated year of nutrient
loadings. The Agency requests comment
on these proposed duration and
frequency expressions of the canal
numeric nutrient criteria.
EPA notes that some scientists and
resource managers have suggested that
nutrient criteria duration and frequency
expressions should be more restrictive
to avoid seasonal or annual ‘‘spikes’’
from which the aquatic system cannot
easily recover, whereas others have
suggested that criteria expressed as
simply a long-term average of annual
geometric means, consistent with data
used in criteria derivation, would still
be protective. EPA requests comment on
alternative duration and frequency
expressions that might be considered
protective, including (1) a criterionduration expressed as a monthly average
or geometric mean, (2) a criterionfrequency expressed as meeting
allowable magnitude and duration every
year, (3) a criterion-frequency expressed
as meeting allowable magnitude and
duration in more than half of the years
of a given assessment period, and (4) a
criterion-frequency expressed as
meeting the allowable magnitude and
duration as a long-term average only.
EPA further requests comment on
whether an expression of the criteria in
terms of an arithmetic average of annual
geometric mean values based on rolling
three-year periods of time would also be
protective of the designated use.
(3) Request for Comment and Data on
Proposed Approach
EPA believes the proposed numeric
nutrient criteria for south Florida canals
in this rule are protective of the
designated uses, consistent with CWA
section 303(c)(2)(A) and 40 CFR
131.11(a)(1). EPA solicits comment on
the approaches taken by the Agency in
this proposal, the data underlying those
approaches, and the proposed criteria.
EPA is seeking other pertinent scientific
data and information that are readily
available related to nutrient
concentrations or nutrient responses in
Class III canals in south Florida.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
EPA is soliciting comment
specifically on the selection of criteria
parameters for TN, TP, and chlorophyll
a; development of criteria for Class III
canals across south Florida; and the
conclusion that the proposed criteria for
Class III canals are protective of
designated uses and adequately account
for the spatial and temporal variability
of nutrients.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
(4) Alternative Approaches for
EPA is requesting comments and
views on the advantages and
disadvantages of alternative approaches
to deriving protective criteria for south
Florida canals. These approaches
include: (1) A stressor-response
approach (based on data from all canals
or canals grouped by soil type), and (2)
methodologies that have been employed
to develop nutrient targets in an EPAproposed TMDL for dissolved oxygen
and nutrients.108
As previously described in Section
III.E(2)(b), EPA considered the
underlying soil type of south Florida
canals as a possible basis for geographic
classification. Analysis of the
underlying soil types, indicated by
STATSGO,109 led EPA to identify the
following four canal regions: Everglades
Agricultural Area (EAA) comprised of
histosol and entisol soils, EvPA
comprised of histosol and entisol soils,
areas west of the EvPA and EAA, or
West Coast, comprised of spodosol and
alfisol soils, and areas east of the EvPA
and EAA, or East Coast, comprised of
spodosol, entisol, and alfisol soils.
Subsequent to classification, the
proposed statistical distribution-based
approach or the alternatives to the
proposed approach described in the
following sections could be used to
derive numeric nutrient criteria by canal
region for any or all of the proposed
criteria (i.e., TN, TP, and chlorophyll a)
provided that sufficient data are
(a) Stressor-Response Approach
EPA considered two statistical
analyses for assessing the stressorresponse relationship between nutrients
and biological response. In contrast to
the proposed option, which included
only data from sites with no evidence of
nutrient impairment, the stressorresponse analyses included all data
regardless of whether sites were
108 Proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
for Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient in the
Everglades. Prepared by U.S. EPA Region 4.
September 2007.
109 State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) database
provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
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associated with WBIDs that have been
determined to be impaired. EPA
conducted linear and quantile
regression analyses between chlorophyll
a, TP, and TN on a regional and
aggregated regional basis. EPA used the
linear regression model as a statistical
tool to predict the chlorophyll a
response based on matched chlorophyll
a and TN and TP data. Similarly,
quantile regression was used to analyze
the matched nutrient and chlorophyll a
data. In this application, quantile
regression was used to predict the 90th
percentile of the distribution of
chlorophyll a concentration at a given
concentration of TN or TP.
To apply either statistical approach
for developing numeric nutrient criteria
for TP or TN, EPA would need to
identify the concentration of
chlorophyll a that would be protective
of the designated use for these canal
systems. One approach would be to use
EPA’s proposed chlorophyll a criterion
of 4.0 μg/L for canals to derive the TN
and TP criteria from stressor-response
(b) Calculation of TP Criteria for the
Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA)
Using a Downstream Protection
Approach #2 would result in a TP
concentration of 0.087 mg/L.
(5) Request for Comment and Data on
Alternative Approaches
The alternatives for Class III south
Florida canal criteria in this proposed
rule represent alternative approaches
given the availability of data in the State
of Florida to date and are consistent
with the requirements of both the CWA
and EPA’s implementing regulations.
EPA is soliciting comment on the
alternative approaches considered by
the Agency in this proposal, the data
underlying those approaches, and the
proposed alternatives themselves,
including criteria expressed as an upper
percentile maxima not to be exceeded
more than 10% of the time in one year,
similar to those discussed for lakes. For
further information on the upper
percentile criteria for canals, refer to
EPA’s TSD on Florida’s Inland Waters,
Chapter 4: Methodology for Deriving
U.S. EPA’s Proposed Criteria for Canals.
EPA is seeking other pertinent data and
information related to nutrient
concentrations or nutrient responses in
Class III canals in south Florida.
F. Comparison Between EPA’s and
Florida DEP’s Proposed Numeric
Nutrient Criteria for Florida’s Lakes and
Flowing Waters
EPA considered using the
To date, Florida has invested
methodologies described in the EPAsignificant resources in its statewide
proposed TMDL 110 for dissolved
nutrient criteria effort, and has made
oxygen and nutrients to develop
substantial progress toward developing
numeric nutrient criteria, specifically
numeric nutrient criteria. For several
TP, for portions of the EAA. These
years, FDEP has been actively working
methodologies are described in the
with EPA on the development of
TMDL in Section of the TMDL
document, ‘‘Approach #1: Estimate STA numeric nutrient criteria and EPA has
worked extensively with FDEP on data
inflow loads resulting in WQS in
downstream waters’’, and Section interpretation and technical analyses for
developing EPA’s recommended
of the TMDL document, ‘‘Approach #2:
numeric nutrient criteria proposed in
Simple modeling approach.’’ The first
this rulemaking.
approach takes into account the
On January 14, 2009, EPA formally
downstream criterion of the EvPA and
determined that numeric nutrient
the performance of the stormwater
criteria were necessary to protect
treatment areas (STAs). Based on these
Florida’s lakes and flowing waters and
considerations, inflowing TP
should be developed by January 14,
concentrations within the EAA to the
2010. FDEP, independently from EPA,
STAs were derived to meet the
initiated its own State rulemaking
downstream EvPA TP criterion of 0.010
process to adopt numeric nutrient water
mg/L. The second approach used a
quality criteria protective of Florida’s
model that extrapolated natural
lakes and flowing waters. According to
background TP concentrations, based on
FDEP, the State initiated its rulemaking
land use changes, for specific WBIDs
process to facilitate the assessment of
within the EAA. These approaches
designated use attainment for Florida’s
could support the derivation of numeric
waters and to provide a better means to
nutrient criteria for TP within the EAA
protect its waters from the adverse
region. Approach #1 would result in a
effects of nutrient over-enrichment.
TP concentration of 0.10 mg/L, while
Florida established a technical advisory
committee, which met over a number of
110 Proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
years, to help develop its proposed
for Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient in the
numeric nutrient criteria. The State also
Everglades. Prepared by U.S. EPA Region 4.
September 2007.
held several public workshops to solicit
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
comment on the draft WQS. While
FDEP was progressing with its State
rulemaking, EPA moved forward to
develop Federal numeric nutrient
criteria for Florida’s lakes and flowing
waters, consistent with EPA’s January
14, 2009 determination and based on
the best available science.
Most recently, in July 2009, FDEP
solicited public comment on its
proposed numeric nutrient criteria for
lakes and flowing waters. In October
2009, FDEP decided not to bring the
draft criteria before the Florida
Environmental Regulation Commission
(ERC), as had been previously
scheduled. FDEP did not make any final
decisions as to whether it might be
appropriate to ask the ERC to adopt the
criteria or some portions of the criteria
at a later date.
As described in Section III., EPA is
proposing numeric nutrient criteria for
the following four water body types:
Lakes, streams, springs and clear
streams, and canals in south Florida.
Given that FDEP has made its proposed
numeric nutrient criteria available to the
public via its Web site (https://
nutrients/index.htm), it is worth
providing a comparative overview
between the criteria and approaches that
EPA is proposing in this rulemaking and
the criteria and approaches FDEP had
initially proposed. Both EPA and FDEP
developed numeric criteria recognizing
the hydrologic and spatial variability of
nutrients in Florida’s lakes and flowing
waters. As FDEP indicated on its Web
site, FDEP’s preferred approach is to
develop cause and effect relationships
between nutrients and valued ecological
attributes, and to establish nutrient
criteria based on those cause and effect
relationships that ensure that the
designated uses of Florida’s waters are
protected and maintained. As described
in EPA’s guidance, EPA also
recommends this approach when
scientifically defensible data are
available. Where cause and effect
relationships could not be
demonstrated, however, both FDEP and
EPA relied on a distribution-based
approach to derive numeric nutrient
criteria protective of applicable
designated uses.
To set numeric nutrient criteria for
lakes, EPA, like FDEP, is proposing a
classification scheme using color and
alkalinity based upon substantial data
that show that lake color and alkalinity
play an important role in the degree to
which TN and TP concentrations result
in a biological response such as elevated
chlorophyll a levels. EPA and FDEP
both found that correlations between
nutrients and response parameters were
sufficiently robust to use for criteria
development in Florida’s lakes. EPA is
proposing the same chlorophyll a
criteria for colored lakes and clear
alkaline lakes as FDEP proposed,
however, EPA is proposing a lower
chlorophyll a criterion for clear acidic
lakes. EPA, like FDEP, is also proposing
an accompanying supplementary
analytical approach that Florida can use
to adjust general TN and TP lake criteria
within a certain range where sufficient
data on long-term ambient TN and TP
levels are available to demonstrate that
protective chlorophyll a criteria for a
specific lake will still be maintained
and attainment of the designated use
will be assured.
EPA proposed criteria
Lake class
Chl a, μg/L
Colored Lakes > 40 PCU ........................
Clear Lakes, Alkaline ≤ 40 PCU and >
50 mg/L CaCO3 ....................................
Clear Lakes, Acidic ≤ 40 PCU and ≤ 50
mg/L CaCO3 .........................................
TN, mg/L
Florida proposed criteria
TP, mg/L
Chl a, μg/L
TN, mg/L
To set numeric nutrient criteria for
streams, FDEP recommended a
statistical distribution approach based
on ‘‘benchmark sites’’ identified in five
nutrient regions (five regions for TP and
two regions for TN), given that FDEP
determined cause and effect
relationships to be insufficiently robust
for establishing numeric thresholds.
FDEP relied on the use of a narrative
criterion to protect downstream waters.
EPA also concluded that a scientifically
defensible cause and effect relationship
could not be demonstrated with the
available data and that a distributionbased approach was most appropriate.
However, EPA considered an alternative
approach that evaluated a combination
of biological information and data on
the distribution of nutrients in a
substantial number of healthy stream
systems to derive scientifically sound
TN and TP criteria for streams.
The respective criteria for instream
protection of Florida’s streams derived
using EPA’s recommended approach
and FDEP’s recommended approach are
EPA proposed
instream criteria
FL proposed
instream criteria
EPA nutrient watershed regions
Florida nutrient watershed regions
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
Panhandle .................................................................
Bone Valley ...............................................................
Peninsula ..................................................................
North Central ............................................................
In terms of protecting downstream
waters, EPA used best available science
and data related to downstream waters
and found that there are cases where the
numeric nutrient criteria EPA is
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TP, mg/L
Panhandle .................................................................
Bone Valley ..............................................................
Peninsula ..................................................................
North Central ............................................................
Northeast ..................................................................
proposing to protect instream aquatic
life may not be stringent enough to
ensure protection of WQS for aquatic
life in certain downstream lakes and
estuaries. Accordingly, EPA is
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proposing an equation to be used to
adjust stream TP criteria to protect
downstream lakes, and a different
methodology to adjust TN criteria for
streams to ensure protection of WQS for
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
downstream estuaries. In cases where a
stream first flows into a lake and then
flows out from the lake into another lake
or estuary, the portion of the stream that
exits the lakes needs to comply with the
downstream protection values for
estuaries, assuming that is the terminal
EPA is proposing the same nitratenitrite causal variable criterion for
springs and clear streams as proposed
by FDEP. For canals in south Florida,
EPA is proposing a statistical
distribution approach based on sites
meeting designated uses with respect to
nutrients (i.e., not identified as impaired
by FDEP) identified in four canal
regions. FDEP did not propose numeric
nutrient criteria for canals in its
Please refer to Section IV. Under What
Conditions Will Florida Be Removed
From a Final Rule for information on
how State-adopted and EPA-approved
WQS could become effective under the
CWA 303(c).
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G. Applicability of Criteria When Final
EPA’s proposed numeric nutrient
criteria for Florida’s lakes and flowing
waters will be effective for CWA
purposes 60 days after publication of
final criteria and will apply in addition
to any other existing CWA-effective
criteria for Class I or Class III waters
already adopted by the State and
submitted to EPA (and for those adopted
after May 30, 2000, approved by EPA).
EPA requests comment on this proposed
effective date. FDEP establishes its
designated uses through a system of
classes and Florida waters are
designated into one of several different
classes. Class III waters provide for
healthy aquatic life and safe recreational
use. Class I waters include all the
protection of designated uses provided
for Class III waters, and also include
protection for designated uses related to
drinking water supply. Class I and III
waters, together with Class II waters that
are designated for shellfish propagation
or harvesting, comprise the set of
Florida waters that meet the goals
articulated in section 101(a)(2) of the
CWA and the waters for which EPA is
proposing criteria. Pursuant to the
schedule set out in EPA’s January 2009
determination, Class II waters will be
addressed in rulemaking in January
2011. For water bodies designated as
Class I and Class III predominately fresh
waters, any final EPA numeric nutrient
criteria will be applicable CWA water
quality criteria for purposes of
implementing CWA programs including
permitting under the NPDES program,
as well as monitoring and assessment
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based on applicable CWA WQS and
establishment of TMDLs.
The proposed criteria in this rule, if
and when finalized, would be subject to
Florida’s general rules of applicability
in the same way and to the same extent
as are other State-adopted and/or
federally-promulgated criteria for
Florida waters. See proposed 40 CFR
131.43(d)(2). For example, Florida
regulations at Rule 62–4.244, F.A.C.
authorize mixing zones when deriving
effluent limitations for discharges of
pollutants to Florida waters. These
regulations would apply to permit
limitations implementing the criteria in
this rule. This proposal includes some
additional language on mixing zone
requirements to help guide Florida in
developing and applying mixing zone
policies for nutrient criteria.
Specifically, EPA provides that the
criteria apply at the appropriate
locations within or at the boundary of
the mixing zones; otherwise the criteria
apply throughout the water body
including at the point of discharge into
the water body. See proposed 40 CFR
131.43(d)(2)(i). Likewise, EPA includes
proposed regulatory language specifying
that Florida use an appropriate design
flow condition, one that matches the
proposed criteria duration and
frequency, for use in deriving permit
limits and establishing wasteload and
load allocations for a TMDL. See
proposed 40 CFR 131.43(d)(2)(ii).
In addition, EPA recognizes that
Florida regulations include provisions
for assessing whether waters should be
included on the list of impaired waters
pursuant to section 303(d) of the CWA.
See Rule 62–303, F.A.C. The Impaired
Waters Rule, or IWR, sets out a
methodology to identify waters that do
not meet the State’s WQS and, therefore,
are required to be included on CWA
section 303(d) lists. The current IWR
does not address how to assess waters
based on EPA’s proposed numeric
nutrient criteria. The numeric nutrient
criteria in any final rule, nevertheless,
will be applicable WQS that must be
addressed when the State assesses
waters pursuant to CWA section 303(d).
EPA proposes language in this
rulemaking that acknowledges the IWR
procedures and their function,
specifying that those procedures apply
where they are consistent with the level
of protection provided by the proposed
criteria. See proposed 40 CFR
131.43(d)(2)(iii). Some IWR provisions,
which describe the sufficiency or
reliability of information necessary for
the State to make an attainment
decision, do not change the level of
protection afforded Florida waters.
These are beyond the scope of WQS
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under CWA section 303(c). Other
provisions of the IWR may provide
some additional detail relevant to
assessment, such as the number of years
worth of data assessed for a particular
listing cycle submittal, which should be
consistent with the level of protection
provided with the proposed criteria.
Should any IWR provisions apply a
different level of protection than the
Federal criteria when making
attainment decisions based on proposed
criteria, EPA would expect to take
appropriate action to ensure that the
States’ CWA section 303(d) list of
impaired waters includes all waters not
attaining the Federal criteria.
IV. Under What Conditions Will
Federal Standards Be Either Not
Finalized or Withdrawn?
Under the CWA, Congress gave states
primary responsibility for developing
and adopting WQS for their navigable
waters. See CWA section 303(a)–(c).
Although EPA is proposing numeric
nutrient criteria for Florida’s lakes and
flowing waters, Florida continues to
have the option to adopt and submit to
EPA numeric nutrient criteria for the
State’s lakes and flowing waters
consistent with CWA section 303(c) and
implementing regulations at 40 CFR part
131. Consistent with CWA section
303(c)(4), if Florida adopts and submits
numeric nutrient criteria and EPA
approves such criteria as fully satisfying
the CWA before publication of the final
rulemaking, EPA will not proceed with
the final rulemaking for those waters for
which EPA approves Florida’s criteria.
Pursuant to 40 CFR 131.21(c), if EPA
does finalize this proposed rule, the
EPA promulgated WQS would be
applicable WQS for purposes of the
CWA until EPA withdraws the
federally-promulgated standard.
Withdrawing the Federal standards for
the State of Florida would require
rulemaking by EPA pursuant to the
requirements of the Administrative
Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.).
EPA would undertake such a
rulemaking to withdraw the Federal
criteria only if and when Florida adopts
and EPA approves numeric nutrient
criteria that fully meet the requirements
of section 303(c) of the CWA and EPA’s
implementing regulations at 40 CFR part
If EPA finalizes the proposed
restoration standard provision
(discussed in Section VI below), that
provision would be adopted into
regulation and would allow Florida to
establish interim designated uses with
associated water quality criteria, while
maintaining the full CWA section
101(a)(2) aquatic life and/or recreational
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
designated use of the water as the
ultimate goal. EPA may proceed to
promulgate numeric nutrient criteria for
Florida together with or separate from
EPA’s proposed restoration standards
provision, depending on the comments
received on that proposal.
V. Alternative Regulatory Approaches
and Implementation Mechanisms
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A. Designating Uses
Under CWA section 303(c), states
shall adopt designated uses after taking
‘‘into consideration the use and value of
water for public water supplies,
protection and propagation of fish,
shellfish, and wildlife, recreation in and
on the water, agricultural, industrial and
other purposes including navigation.’’
Designated uses ‘‘shall be such as to
protect the public health or welfare,
enhance the quality of water and serve
the purposes of [the CWA].’’ CWA
section 303(c)(1). EPA’s regulation at 40
CFR 131.3(f) defines ‘‘designated uses’’
as ‘‘those uses specified in water quality
standards for each water body or
segment whether or not they are being
attained.’’ Under 40 CFR 131.10, EPA’s
regulation addressing ‘‘Designation of
uses’’, a ‘‘use’’ is a particular function of,
or activity in, waters of the United
States that requires a specific level of
water quality to support it. In other
words, designated uses are a state’s
concise statements of its management
objectives and expectations for each of
the individual surface waters under its
In the context of designating uses,
states often work with stakeholders to
identify a collective goal for their waters
that the state intends to strive for as it
manages water quality. States may
evaluate the attainability of these goals
and expectations to ensure they have
designated appropriate uses (see 40 CFR
131.10(g)). Consistent with CWA
sections 101(a)(2) and 303(c)(2)(A), 40
CFR 131.2 provides that states ‘‘should,
wherever attainable, provide water
quality for the protection and
propagation of fish, shellfish, and
wildlife and for recreation in and on the
water.’’ Where states do not designate
those uses, or remove those uses, they
must demonstrate that such uses are not
attainable consistent with 40 CFR
131.10(g). States may determine, based
on a UAA, that attaining a designated
use is not feasible and propose to EPA
to change the use and/or the associated
pollutant criteria to something that is
attainable. This action to change a
designated use must be completed in
accordance with EPA regulations (see 40
CFR 131.10(g) and (h)).
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Within the framework described
above, states have discretion in
designating uses. EPA’s proposed
numeric nutrient criteria for lakes and
flowing waters would apply to those
waters designated by FDEP as Class I
(Potable Water Supplies) or Class III
(Recreation, Propagation and
Maintenance of a Healthy, WellBalanced Population of Fish and
Wildlife). If Florida removes the Class I
or Class III designated use for any
particular water body ultimately
affected by this rule, and EPA finds that
removal to be consistent with CWA
section 303(c) and the regulations at 40
CFR part 131, then the federallypromulgated numeric nutrient criteria
would not apply to that water body.
Instead, the nutrient criteria associated
with the newly designated use would
apply to that water body. FDEP has
recently restarted an effort to refine the
State’s current designated use
classifications. As this process
continues, EPA expects that the State
may find some instances where this
particular discussion may be relevant
and useful as the refinement of uses is
investigated further.
Where states can identify multiple
waters with similar characteristics and
constraints on attainability, EPA
interprets the Federal WQS regulation to
allow states to conduct a ‘‘categorical’’
use attainability analysis (UAA) under
40 CFR 131.10(g) for such waters. This
approach may reduce data collection
needs, allowing a single analysis to
represent many sites. To use such an
approach, however, the State would
need to have enough information about
each particular site to reliably place
each site into a broader category and
Florida would need to specifically
identify each site covered by the
analysis. Florida may wish to consider
such an approach for certain waters,
such as a network of canals with similar
hydrologic and morphological
characteristics, which can be
characterized as a group and where the
necessary level of protection may differ
substantially from other lakes or flowing
waters within the State.
B. Variances
A variance is a temporary
modification to the designated use and
associated water quality criteria that
would otherwise apply to the receiving
water. A variance is based on a UAA
and identifies the highest attainable use
and associated criteria during the
variance period. Typically, variances are
time-limited (e.g., three years), but
renewable. Modifying the designated
use for a particular water through a
variance process allows a state to limit
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the applicability of a specific criterion
to that water and to identify an
alternative designated use and
associated criteria to be met during the
term of the variance. A variance should
be used instead of removal of a use
where the state believes the standard
can be attained in a short period of time.
By maintaining the standard rather than
changing it, the state ensures that
further progress will be made in
improving water quality and attaining
the standard. A variance may be written
to address a specified geographical
coverage, a specified pollutant or
pollutants, and/or a specified pollutant
source. All other applicable WQS not
specifically modified by the variance
would remain applicable (e.g., any other
criteria adopted to protect the
designated use). State variance
procedures, as part of state WQS, must
be consistent with the substantive
requirements of 40 CFR part 131. A
variance allows, among other things,
NPDES permits to be written such that
reasonable progress is made toward
attaining the underlying standards for
affected waters without violating section
402(a)(l) of the Act, which requires that
NPDES permits must meet the
applicable WQS. See also CWA section
For purposes of this proposal, EPA is
proposing criteria that apply to use
designations that Florida has already
established. EPA believes that the State
has sufficient authority to use its
adopted and EPA-approved variance
procedures with respect to modification
of their Class I or Class III uses as it
pertains to any federally-promulgated
nutrient criteria. For this reason, EPA is
not proposing a Federal variance
C. Site-Specific Criteria
A site-specific criterion is an
alternative value to a statewide, or
otherwise applicable, water quality
criterion that meets the regulatory test of
protecting the designated use and
having a basis in sound science, but is
tailored to account for site-specific
conditions. Site-specific alternative
criteria (SSAC) may be more or less
stringent than the otherwise applicable
criteria. In either case, because the
SSAC must protect the same designated
use and must be based on sound science
(i.e., meet the requirement of 40 CFR
131.11(a)), there is no need to modify
the designated use or conduct a UAA.
SSAC may be appropriate when
additional scientific consideration can
bring added precision or accuracy to
express the necessary level or
concentration of a water quality
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
parameter that is protective of the
designated use.
Florida has adopted procedures for
developing and adopting SSAC in its
WQS regulations at Florida
Administrative Code (Rule 62–302.800,
F.A.C.). Florida’s Type I SSAC
procedure is intended to address sitespecific situations where a particular
water body cannot meet the applicable
water quality criterion because of
natural conditions. See Rule 62–
302.800(1). Florida’s Type II SSAC
procedure is intended to address sitespecific situations other than natural
conditions where it can be established
that an alternative criterion from the
broadly applicable criteria established
by the State is protective of a water’s
designated uses. See Rule 62–
302.800(1), F.A.C. Florida’s Type II
procedure is primarily intended to
address toxics but there is no limitation
in its use for other parameters, except
for certain parameters identified by
FDEP, including nutrients. See Rule 62–
302.800(2). Florida’s regulations
currently do not allow use of Type II
procedures for nutrient criteria
development because the State currently
does not have broadly applicable
numeric nutrient criteria for State
waters. Rather, the current narrative
criterion for nutrients is implemented
by translating it into numeric loads or
concentrations on a case-by-case basis.
EPA’s proposed rule would not affect
Florida’s Type I or Type II SSAC
EPA believes that there would be
benefit in establishing a specific
procedure in the Federal rule for EPA
adoption of SSAC. In this rulemaking,
EPA is proposing a procedure whereby
the State could develop a SSAC and
submit the SSAC to EPA with
supporting documentation for EPA’s
consideration. The State SSAC could be
developed under either the State SSAC
procedures or EPA technical processes
as set out more fully below. EPA elected
to propose this approach because this
procedure maintains the State in a
primary decision-making role regarding
development of SSAC for State waters.
The procedure that EPA is proposing
would also allow the State to submit a
proposed SSAC to EPA without having
to first go through the State’s
rulemaking process.
The proposed procedure would
provide that EPA could determine that
the SSAC should apply in lieu of the
generally applicable criteria
promulgated pursuant to this rule. The
proposed procedures provide that EPA
would solicit public comment on its
determination. Because EPA’s rule
would establish this procedure,
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implementation of this procedure would
not require withdrawal of federallypromulgated criteria for affected water
bodies in order for the SSAC to be
effective for purposes of the CWA. EPA
has promulgated similar procedures for
EPA granting of variances and SSACs in
other federally-promulgated WQS.
EPA also considered technical
processes necessary to develop
protective numeric nutrient criteria on a
site-specific basis. To complete a
thorough and successful analysis to
develop numeric nutrient SSAC, EPA
expects the State to conduct, or direct
applicants to the State to conduct, a
variety of supporting analyses. For the
instream protection value (IPV) for
streams, this analysis would, for
example, consist of examining both
indicators of longer-term response to
multiple stressors such as benthic
macroinvertebrate health, as determined
by Florida’s Stream Condition Index
(SCI) and indicators of shorter-term
response specific to nutrients, such as
periphyton algal thickness or
chlorophyll a levels. The former
analysis will help address concerns that
a potential nutrient effect is masked by
other stressors (such as turbidity which
can limit light penetration and primary
production response to nutrient
response), whereas the latter analysis
will help address concerns that a
potential nutrient effect is lagging in
time and has not yet manifested itself.
Indicators of shorter-term response
generally would not be expected to
exhibit a lag time.
It will also be important to examine
a stream system on a watershed basis to
ensure that a SSAC established for one
segment does not result in adverse
effects in nearby segments. For example,
a shaded, relatively swift flowing
segment may open up to a shallow, slow
moving, open canopy segment that is
more vulnerable to adverse nutrient
impacts. Empirical data analysis of
multiple factors affecting the expression
of response to nutrients and mechanistic
models of ecosystem processes can
assist in this type of analysis. It will also
be necessary to ensure that a larger load
allowed from an upstream segment as a
result of a SSAC does not compromise
protection on a downstream segment
that has not been evaluated.
The intent of this discussion is to
illustrate a process that is rigorous and
based on sound scientific rationale,
without being inappropriately onerous
to complete. Corollary analyses for a
lake, spring or clear stream, or canal
situation would need to be pursued for
a SSAC on those systems.
In addition to the procedure that EPA
is proposing, Florida always has the
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option of submitting State-adopted
SSAC as new or revised WQS to EPA for
review and approval under the CWA
section 303(c). There is no bar to a state
adopting new or revised WQS for waters
covered by a federally-promulgated
WQS. For any State-adopted SSAC that
EPA approves under section 303(c) of
the Act, EPA would also have to
complete federal rulemaking to
withdraw the Federal WQS for the
affected water body before the State
SSAC would be the applicable WQS for
the affected water body for purposes of
the Act. As discussed above, Florida
WQS regulations currently do not
authorize the State to adopt nutrient
SSAC except where natural conditions
are outside the limits of broadly
applicable criteria established by the
State (Rule 62–302.800, F.A.C.).
This proposed SSAC process would
also not limit EPA’s authority to
promulgate SSAC in addition to those
developed by the State under the
process described in this rule. The
proposed rule recognizes that EPA
always has the authority to promulgate
through rulemaking SSAC for waters
that are subject to federally-promulgated
water quality criteria.
D. Compliance Schedules
A compliance schedule, or schedule
of compliance, refers to ‘‘a schedule of
remedial measures included in a
‘permit,’ including an enforceable
sequence of interim requirements * * *
leading to compliance with the CWA
and regulations.’’ 40 CFR 122.2. In an
NPDES permit, WQBELs are effluent
limits based on applicable WQS for a
given pollutant in a specific receiving
water (See NPDES Permit Writers
Manual, EPA–833–B–96–003,
December, 1996). In addition, EPA
regulations provide that schedules of
compliance are to require compliance
‘‘as soon as possible.’’
Florida has adopted a regulation
authorizing compliance schedules, and
that regulation is not affected by this
proposed rule (Rule 62–620.620(6),
F.A.C.). The regulation provides, in part,
for schedules providing for compliance
‘‘as soon as sound engineering practices
allow, but not later than any applicable
statutes or rule deadline.’’ The complete
text of the Florida rules concerning
compliance schedules is available at
RuleNo.asp?ID=62-620.620. Florida is,
therefore, authorized to grant
compliance schedules under its rule for
WQBELs based on federallypromulgated criteria.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
VI. Proposed Restoration Water Quality
Standards (WQS) Provision
As described above, many of Florida’s
waters do not meet the water quality
goals established by the State and
envisioned by the CWA because of
excess amounts of nutrients. In some
cases, restoring these waters could take
many years to achieve, especially where
there is a large difference between
current water quality conditions and the
nutrient criteria levels necessary to
protect aquatic life. In such cases,
Florida may conclude that restoration
programs will not result in waters
attaining their designated aquatic life
use (and associated numeric nutrient
criteria) for a long period of time.
EPA’s current regulations provide that
a state may remove a designated use if
it meets certain requirements outlined at
40 CFR 131.10. Under this provision, if
the State demonstrates that a designated
use is not attainable it may conduct a
use attainability analysis (UAA) to
revise the designated use to reflect the
highest attainable aquatic life use, even
though that use may not meet the CWA
section 101(a)(2) goal.111 Another option
that states use to address situations for
an individual discharger is a dischargerspecific variance.112 Neither of these
approaches may be optimal or
appropriate solutions if a state
determines that certain waters cannot
attain aquatic life uses due to excess
nutrient in the near term.
Based on numerous workshops,
meetings, conversations and day-to-day
interactions with state environmental
managers, EPA understands that states
interested in restoring impaired water
may desire the ability to express, in
their WQS, successive time periods with
incrementally more stringent designated
uses and criteria that ultimately result
in a designated use and criteria that
reflect a CWA section 101(a)(2)
designated use. Such an approach
would allow the state and stakeholders
necessary time to take incremental steps
to achieve interim WQS as they move
forward to ultimately attain a CWA
section 101(a)(2) designated use. Some
states have used variances to provide
such time in their WQS. However,
variances are typically time limited
(e.g., three years) and dischargerspecific and do not address the
challenges of pursuing reductions from
a variety of sources across a watershed.
In addition, Federal regulations are not
explicit in requiring that states pursue
feasible (i.e. attainable) progress toward
achieving the highest attainable use
when implementing a variance.
Variances also often lack specific
milestones and a transparent set of
expectations for the public, dischargers,
and stakeholders.
EPA seeks comment on this approach
to providing Florida with an explicit
regulatory mechanism for directing state
efforts to achieve incremental progress
in a step-wise fashion, applicable to all
sources, as a part of its WQS. The
proposed regulatory mechanism
described in this section applies only to
WQS for nutrients in Florida waters
subject to this proposed rule.
Chl a
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Year 0–5 ..........................................................................
Year 6–10 ........................................................................
Year 11 ............................................................................
A ‘‘restoration water quality standard’’
under EPA’s proposed rule would be a
WQS that Florida could adopt for an
impaired water. Under EPA’s proposal,
the State would retain the current
designated use as the ultimate
designated use (e.g. providing for
eventual attainment of a full CWA
section 101(a)(2) designated use and the
associated criteria). However, under the
restoration standard approach proposed
in this rule, the State would also adopt
interim less stringent designated uses
and criteria that would be the basis for
enforceable permit requirements and
other control strategies during the
prescribed timeframes. These interim
uses could be no less stringent than an
existing use as defined in 40 CFR 131.3,
and would have to meet the
requirements of 40 CFR 131.10(h)(2).
The State would need to demonstrate
that the interim uses and criteria, as
well as the timeframe, are based on a
UAA evaluation of what is attainable
and by when. These interim designated
uses and criteria and the applicable
timeframes would all be incorporated
into the State WQS on a site-specific
basis, as would be any other designated
use change or adoption of site-specific
For example, a restoration WQS for
nutrients for an impaired Class I or
Class III colored lake in Florida may
take the form of the following for a lake
whose current condition represents
severely impaired aquatic life with
chlorophyll a = 40 mg/L, TN = 2.7 mg/
L, and TP = 0.15 mg/L:
Designated Use Description
Moderately Impaired Aquatic Life.
Slightly Impaired Aquatic Life.
Full Aquatic Life Use.
Including such revised interim
designated uses and criteria within the
regulations could support efforts by
Florida to formally establish enforceable
long-term plans for different watersheds
or stream reaches to attain the ultimate
designated use and the associated
criteria. At the same time, the State
would be able to ensure that its WQS
explicitly reflect the attainable
designated uses and water quality
criteria to be met at any given time,
consistent with the CWA and
implementing regulations.
Restoration WQS would provide in
the Federal regulations the framework
for authorizing the State of Florida to
adopt restoration WQS for nutrients,
along with maintaining the availability
of other tools (e.g., variances and
compliance schedule provisions), which
provide flexibility regarding permitting
individual dischargers. Restoration
WQS would require a full public
participation process to assure
transparency as well as the opportunity
for different parties to work together,
exchange information and determine
what is actually attainable within a
particular time frame. Going through
this process would provide Florida with
a transparent set of expectations to push
its waters towards restoration in a
realistic yet verifiable manner.
In this notice, EPA proposes
restoration WQS as a clear regulatory
pathway for the State of Florida to
adjust the Class I and Class III
designated uses (and associated nutrient
criteria) of waters impaired by nutrients
that is intended to promote active
restoration, maintain progressive
improvement, and ensure
accountability. This approach would
provide the State of Florida with the
flexibility to adopt revised designated
uses and criteria under a set of specific
regulatory requirements.
111 Clean Water Act section 101(a)(2) states that
it is a national goal for water quality, wherever
attainable, to provide for the protection and
propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and
provide for recreation in and on the water
112 A variance is a temporary modification to the
designated use and associated water quality criteria
that would otherwise apply. It is based on a use
attainability demonstration and targets achievement
of the highest attainable use and associated criteria
during the variance period.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Under this proposal, the interim
designated uses and criteria would be
the basis for NPDES permits during the
applicable period reflecting the fact that
the restoration WQS introduces the
critical element of time as part of the
complete WQS. This is intended to
allow imposition of the maximum
feasible point source controls and
nonpoint source nutrient reduction
strategies to be phased in within the
overall context of restoration activities
within the watershed. By reflecting how
it expects the existing poor quality of its
waters to incrementally improve to
achieve longer-term WQS goals, Florida
could create the flexibility to explore
more innovative ways to reach the
requirements of the next phase, thus
possibly reducing costs or allowing new
approaches to resolve complex
technological issues, and maximizing
transparency with the public during
each phase. These waters, however,
would still be considered impaired for
CWA assessment and listing purposes
because the ultimate designated use and
criteria would be part of the restoration
WQS and would not yet be met.
The restoration standards would be
Florida WQS revisions that would go
through the process of first being
adopted under State law and then
approved by EPA. This proposal would
include eight requirements for the
development of a restoration WQS for
1. It must be demonstrated that it is
infeasible to attain the full CWA section
101(a)(2) aquatic life designated use
during the time periods established for
the restoration phases with a UAA
based on one of the factors at 40 CFR
2. The highest attainable designated
use and numeric criteria that apply at
the termination of the restoration WQS
(i.e., the ultimate long-term designated
use and numeric criteria to be achieved)
must be specified and this use is to
include, at a minimum, uses that are
consistent with the CWA section
101(a)(2) uses.
3. Interim restoration designated uses
and numeric water quality criteria, with
each based on achieving the maximum
feasible progress during the applicable
phase as determined in the UAA, must
be established.
4. Specific time periods for each
restoration phase must be established.
The length of each phase must be based
on the UAA demonstration of when
interim uses can be attained on a casespecific basis. Interim restoration
designated uses and numeric water
quality criteria must reflect the highest
attainable use during the time period of
the restoration phase. The sum of these
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times periods may not exceed twenty
5. The spatial extent to which the
restoration WQS will apply (e.g., how
far downstream the restoration WQS
would apply) must be specified. EPA
notes the importance of continuing to
meet the requirements for protection of
downstream WQS as expressed in
section 40 CFR 131.10(b). Adopting
restoration WQS upstream of another
impaired water may mean the State
should also consider restoration WQS
for the downstream water.
6. The regulatory requirements for
public participation and EPA review
and approval whenever revising its
WQS must continue to be met.
Specifically, a restoration WQS may not
include interim uses less stringent than
a use that is an ‘‘existing use’’ as defined
in 40 CFR 131.3 or that do not meet the
requirements of 40 CFR 131.10(h)(2).
7. The State must include in its
restoration WQS that if the water body
does not attain the interim designated
use and numeric water quality criteria at
the end of any phase, the restoration
WQS will no longer be in effect and the
designated use and criteria that was to
become effective at the end of the final
restoration phase will become
immediately effective unless Florida
adopts and EPA approves a different
revised designated use and criteria.
8. The State must provide that waters
for which a restoration WQS is adopted
will be recognized as impaired for the
purposes of listing impaired waters
under section 303(d) of the CWA until
the final use is attained.
Under this proposal, EPA would
require Florida to adopt the ultimate
highest attainable designated use and
criteria along with multiple phases
reflecting the stepwise improvements in
water quality between the initial
effective date and when they expect to
meet the ultimate highest attainable use
as a single restoration WQS package. As
with any revision to an aquatic life use,
Florida would be required to
demonstrate that the ultimate highest
attainable designated use cannot be
attained during the restoration period,
based on one of the factors at 40 CFR
131.10(g)(1)–(6) (i.e., through a UAA).
EPA would review the WQS and all
supporting documents before approving
the restoration WQS.
At the beginning of the first
restoration phase, the State would
identify current conditions and
establish the principle that there can be
no further degradation. WQS for the first
restoration phase should reflect the
outcomes of all controls that can be
implemented within the first restoration
phase. Additionally, EPA expects that
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the interim restoration designated use
and numeric criteria that are attainable
at the end of the restoration phase apply
at the beginning of each phase as well
as throughout the phase. For each
phase, the State would adopt interim
designated uses and numeric water
quality criteria that reflect achieving the
maximum feasible progress. At the end
of the first phase, EPA would expect the
water body to be meeting the first
interim designated use and water
quality criteria.
At the beginning of the second phase,
the next (more stringent) interim
designated use and water quality criteria
would go into effect as the applicable
WQS that the State would use to direct
the next set of control actions. At the
conclusion of the second phase, the next
(more stringent) interim designated use
and water quality criteria would become
the applicable WQS. This process
would repeat with each subsequent
phase. Permit limits written during the
restoration phases would include
effluent limits as stringent as necessary
to meet the applicable interim
designated uses and numeric water
quality criteria. In constructing each
restoration phase (i.e. duration and
interim designated use and numeric
water quality criteria), EPA will require
the maximum feasible progress. This
means that necessary control actions
that would improve water quality and
can be implemented within the first
phase must be reflected in the interim
targets for the first restoration phase.
This would include all technologybased requirements for point sources,
and cost-effective and reasonable BMPs
for nonpoint sources. For treatment
upgrades to point sources, EPA expects
careful scrutiny of technology that has
been successfully implemented in
comparable situations and presumes
that this is feasible. EPA further expects
careful scrutiny of all existing and new
technology that will help achieve the
ultimate highest attainable use.
EPA recognizes that circumstances
may change as controls are
implemented and that new information
may indicate that the timeframes
established in the restoration WQS are
too lengthy or possibly unrealistically
short. If this is the case, the state has the
discretion under 40 CFR 131.10 to
conduct a new UAA and revise the
interim targets in its restoration WQS
after a full public process and EPA
approval. However, there is a significant
burden on the state to demonstrate what
changed to alter the initial analysis and
associated expectations for what was
attainable for that phase. EPA would
expect such a revision only if there was
significant new information that
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
demonstrated that a different schedule
and/or set of interim standards
represents the maximum feasible
progress towards the final designated
use and criteria.
If at the end of a phase, the water
body is not meeting interim targets, then
the restoration WQS would no longer be
applicable. In such a case, the
applicable WQS would be the ultimate
highest attainable use and associated
criteria unless the state adopted and
submitted for EPA approval a revised
WQS. This would help ensure that there
would be no delay in implementing
control measures. Alternatively, EPA
considered an option of allowing the
subsequent restoration phases to
become applicable on the schedule
adopted in the restoration WQS and as
supported by the original UAA
demonstration, even if the interim use
and criteria are not fully achieved on
schedule. This might have the
advantage of encouraging the adoption
of ambitious interim goals in the initial
restoration standards, and would allow
continued orderly progress towards
achievement of the final use and
criterion even where an interim step
was not fully attained. EPA solicits
comment on this alternative approach.
To develop restoration WQS for
numeric nutrient criteria, EPA would
expect that the state identify waters in
need of restoration, produce an
inventory of point and nonpoint sources
within the watershed, and evaluate
current ambient conditions and the
necessary reductions to achieve the
numeric criteria. The next part of the
process would involve determining the
combinations of control strategies and
management practices available, how
likely they are to produce results, and
the resources needed to implement
them. At this point, the State would be
in a good position to determine how
much pollution reduction is likely to be
attainable under what timeframes. The
State could use this information to
establish the time periods for each
restoration phase consistent with the
maximum feasible and attainable
progress toward meeting the numeric
criteria, establish interim restoration
designated uses and water quality
criteria, and make the necessary
demonstration that it is infeasible to
attain the long-term designated use
during the time periods established and
that the interim phases reflect the
highest attainable uses and associated
For excess nutrient pollution, the
contributors to nutrient pollution could
include publicly-owned treatment
works (POTWs), industrial dischargers,
urban and agricultural runoff,
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atmospheric deposition, and septic
systems. Restoration WQS might reflect
in an early phase, for example, all
feasible short-term POTW treatment
upgrades and a schedule to select, fund,
and implement longer term nutrient
reduction technologies, while
aggressively pursuing reductions in
nonpoint source runoff. This might
include specific plans and a schedule to
develop and implement innovative
alternative approaches, such as trading
programs, where appropriate.
In Florida, many of the steps
described above occur in the context of
Basin Management Action Plans
(BMAPs). FDEP describes BMAPs as:
* * *the ‘‘blueprint’’ for restoring impaired
waters by reducing pollutant loadings to
meet the allowable loadings established in a
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). It
represents a comprehensive set of
strategies—permit limits on wastewater
facilities, urban and agricultural best
management practices, conservation
programs, financial assistance and revenue
generating activities, etc.—designed to
implement the pollutant reductions
established by the TMDL. These broad-based
plans are developed with local
stakeholders—they rely on local input and
local commitment—and they are adopted by
Secretarial Order to be enforceable.
watersheds/bmap.htm) Florida has
adopted BMAPs for the Hillsborough
River Basin, Lower St. John’s River, Log
Branch, Orange Creek, and Upper
Ocklawaha, and has plans for others to
follow. To the extent necessary, FDEP
could potentially use aspects of the
BMAP process and plans such as these
to help form the basis for restoration
In summary, the WQS program is
intended to protect and improve water
quality and WQS are meant to guide
actions to address the effects of
pollution on the Nation’s waters. The
reality is that as more assessments are
being done and TMDLs are being
contemplated, and as new criteria are
developed and considered, EPA and
states face questions about what
pollution control measures will meet
the WQS, how long it might take, and
whether it is feasible to attain the WQS
established to meet the goals of the Act.
These questions are often difficult to
answer because of lack of data, lack of
knowledge, and lack of experience in
attempting restoration of waters.
Stakeholders and co-regulators alike
have expressed a desire for ways to
pursue progressive water quality
improvement and evaluate those
improvements to gain the data,
knowledge, and experience necessary to
ultimately determine the highest
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attainable use. In response, EPA has
been investigating the best ways to use
UAAs and related tools to make
progress in identifying and achieving
the most appropriate designated use.
EPA requests comments on the
usefulness of the ‘‘restoration WQS’’
proposal for Florida. EPA requests
comment on how restoration WQS will
operate in conjunction with listing
impaired waters, and establishing
NPDES permit limitations, and
nonpoint source control strategies, as
well as how these requirements should
be reflected in regulatory language. EPA
also requests comment on the proposed
20-year limit on the schedule to attain
the final use and criteria. EPA also
requests comments on how a restoration
WQS process would be coordinated
with the TMDL program and whether
the transparency and review procedures
for the two approaches, including the
conditions under which a State or EPA
would be required to develop a TMDL,
are comparable. EPA also requests
comment on any unintended adverse
consequences of this approach for any
of its water quality programs. Finally,
EPA requests comment on potential
definitions of ‘‘maximum feasible
VII. Statutory and Executive Order
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review
Under Executive Order (EO) 12866
(58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this
action is a ‘‘significant regulatory
action.’’ Accordingly, EPA submitted
this action to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review under EO
12866 and any changes made in
response to OMB recommendations
have been documented in the docket for
this action.
This proposed rule does not establish
any requirements directly applicable to
regulated entities or other sources of
nutrient pollution. Moreover, existing
narrative water quality criteria in State
law already require that nutrients not be
present in waters in concentrations that
cause an imbalance in natural
populations of flora and fauna in lakes
and flowing waters in Florida.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
This action does not impose an
information collection burden under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. Burden is
defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b). It does not
include any information collection,
reporting, or record-keeping
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any
rule subject to notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities
include small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental
For purposes of assessing the impacts
of this action on small entities, small
entity is defined as: (1) A small business
as defined by the Small Business
Administration’s (SBA) regulations at 13
CFR 121.201; (2) a small governmental
jurisdiction that is a government of a
city, county, town, school district or
special district with a population of less
than 50,000; and (3) a small
organization that is any not-for-profit
enterprise that is independently owned
and operated and is not dominant in its
Under the CWA WQS program, states
must adopt WQS for their waters and
must submit those WQS to EPA for
approval; if the Agency disapproves a
state standard and the state does not
adopt appropriate revisions to address
EPA’s disapproval, EPA must
promulgate standards consistent with
the statutory requirements. EPA also has
the authority to promulgate WQS in any
case where the Administrator
determines that a new or revised
standard is necessary to meet the
requirements of the Act. These state
standards (or EPA-promulgated
standards) are implemented through
various water quality control programs
including the NPDES program, which
limits discharges to navigable waters
except in compliance with an NPDES
permit. The CWA requires that all
NPDES permits include any limits on
discharges that are necessary to meet
applicable WQS.
Thus, under the CWA, EPA’s
promulgation of WQS establishes
standards that the State implements
through the NPDES permit process. The
State has discretion in developing
discharge limits, as needed to meet the
standards. This proposed rule, as
explained earlier, does not itself
establish any requirements that are
applicable to small entities. As a result
of this action, the State of Florida will
need to ensure that permits it issues
include any limitations on discharges
necessary to comply with the standards
established in the final rule. In doing so,
the State will have a number of choices
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associated with permit writing. While
Florida’s implementation of the rule
may ultimately result in new or revised
permit conditions for some dischargers,
including small entities, EPA’s action,
by itself, does not impose any of these
requirements on small entities; that is,
these requirements are not selfimplementing. Thus, I certify that this
rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
EPA has prepared an analysis of
potential costs associated with meeting
these standards.113 EPA’s analysis uses
the criteria proposed by FDEP in July
2009 as a baseline against which to
estimate the incremental costs of
meeting the standards in this proposal.
The baseline costs of meeting Florida’s
proposed standards are estimated to be
$102 to $130 million per year. The
incremental costs, over and above these
baseline costs, of meeting the standards
in this NPRM are estimated to be $4.7
to $10.1 million per year. This analysis
assumes that most of these costs would
fall on non-point sources and the
categories of point sources that would
be primarily affected are municipal
wastewater treatment plants and
industrial and general dischargers.114
EPA estimates the incremental costs for
these two categories of dischargers,
including small entities, at about $1
million per year.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public
Law 104–4, establishes requirements for
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their regulatory actions on state, local,
and tribal governments and the private
sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA,
EPA generally must prepare a written
statement, including a cost-benefit
analysis, for proposed and final rules
with ‘‘Federal mandates’’ that may result
in expenditures to state, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or to the
private sector, of $100 million or more
in any one year. Before promulgating an
EPA rule for which a written statement
is needed, section 205 of the UMRA
generally requires EPA to identify and
consider a reasonable number of
regulatory alternatives and adopt the
least costly, most cost-effective or least
burdensome alternative that achieves
the objectives of the rule. The
provisions of section 205 do not apply
when they are inconsistent with
applicable law. Moreover, section 205
113 Refer
to Docket ID EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0596.
was not able to estimate costs for
municipal stormwater systems because the need for
incremental controls is uncertain.
114 EPA
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allows EPA to adopt an alternative other
than the least costly, most cost-effective
or least burdensome alternative if the
Administrator publishes with the final
rule an explanation of why that
alternative was not adopted. Before EPA
establishes any regulatory requirements
that may significantly or uniquely affect
small governments, including tribal
governments, it must have developed
under section 203 of the UMRA a small
government agency plan. The plan must
provide for notifying potentially
affected small governments, enabling
officials of affected small governments
to have meaningful and timely input in
the development of EPA regulatory
proposals with significant Federal
intergovernmental mandates, and
informing, educating, and advising
small governments on compliance with
the regulatory requirements.
This proposed rule contains no
Federal mandates (under the regulatory
provisions of Title II of the UMRA) for
state, local, or tribal governments or the
private sector. The State may use these
resulting water quality criteria in
implementing its water quality control
programs. This proposed rule does not
regulate or affect any entity and,
therefore, is not subject to the
requirements of sections 202 and 205 of
EPA determined that this proposed
rule contains no regulatory
requirements that might significantly or
uniquely affect small governments.
Moreover, WQS, including those
proposed here, apply broadly to
dischargers and are not uniquely
applicable to small governments. Thus,
this proposed rule is not subject to the
requirements of section 203 of UMRA.
E. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
This action does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the states, on the
relationship between the national
government and the states, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132. EPA’s authority
and responsibility to promulgate
Federal WQS when state standards do
not meet the requirements of the CWA
is well established and has been used on
various occasions in the past. The
proposed rule would not substantially
affect the relationship between EPA and
the states and territories, or the
distribution of power or responsibilities
between EPA and the various levels of
government. The proposed rule would
not alter Florida’s considerable
discretion in implementing these WQS.
Further, this proposed rule would not
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
preclude Florida from adopting WQS
that meet the requirements of the CWA,
either before or after promulgation of
the final rule, thus eliminating the need
for Federal standards. Thus, Executive
Order 13132 does not apply to this
proposed rule.
Although section 6 of Executive Order
13132 does not apply to this action, EPA
had extensive communication with the
State of Florida to discuss EPA’s
concerns with the State’s nutrient water
quality criteria and the Federal
rulemaking process. In the spirit of
Executive Order 13132, and consistent
with EPA policy to promote
communications between EPA and state
and local governments, EPA specifically
solicits comment on this proposed rule
from State and local officials.
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F. Executive Order 13175 (Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
Subject to the Executive Order 13175
(65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000) EPA
may not issue a regulation that has tribal
implications, that imposes substantial
direct compliance costs, and that is not
required by statute, unless the Federal
government provides the funds
necessary to pay the direct compliance
costs incurred by tribal governments, or
EPA consults with tribal officials early
in the process of developing the
proposed regulation and develops a
tribal summary impact statement. EPA
has concluded that this action may have
tribal implications. However, the rule
will neither impose substantial direct
compliance costs on tribal governments,
nor preempt Tribal law.
In the State of Florida, there are two
Indian tribes, the Seminole Tribe of
Florida and the Miccosukee Tribe of
Indians of Florida, with lakes and
flowing waters. Both tribes have been
approved for treatment in the same
manner as a state (TAS) status for CWA
sections 303 and 401 and have
federally-approved WQS in their
respective jurisdictions. These tribes are
not subject to this proposed rule.
However, this rule may impact the
tribes because the numeric nutrient
criteria for Florida will apply to waters
adjacent to the tribal waters.
EPA has contacted the tribes to inform
them of the potential future impact this
proposal could have on tribal waters. A
meeting with tribal officials has been
requested to discuss the draft proposed
rule and potential impacts on the tribes.
EPA specifically solicits additional
comment on this proposed rule from
tribal officials.
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G. Executive Order 13045 (Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
and Safety Risks)
This action is not subject to EO 13045
(62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997) because
it is not economically significant as
defined in EO 12866, and because the
Agency does not believe the
environmental health or safety risks
addressed by this action present a
disproportionate risk to children.
EPA has determined that this
proposed rule does not have
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on minority or low-income populations
because it would afford a greater level
of protection to both human health and
the environment if these numeric
nutrient criteria are promulgated for
Class I and Class III waters in the State
of Florida.
H. Executive Order 13211 (Actions That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use)
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 131
This rule is not a ‘‘significant energy
action’’ as defined in Executive Order
13211, ‘‘Actions Concerning Regulations
That Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355 (May
22, 2001)), because it is not likely to
have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
Dated: January 14, 2010.
Lisa P. Jackson,
I. National Technology Transfer
Advancement Act of 1995
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (‘‘NTTAA’’), Public Law
104–113, section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272
note) directs EPA to use voluntary
consensus standards in its regulatory
activities unless to do so would be
inconsistent with applicable law or
otherwise impractical. Voluntary
consensus standards are technical
standards (e.g., materials specifications,
test methods, sampling procedures, and
business practices) that are developed or
adopted by voluntary consensus
standards bodies. The NTTAA directs
EPA to provide Congress, through OMB,
explanations when the Agency decides
not to use available and applicable
voluntary consensus standards.
This proposed rulemaking does not
involve technical standards. Therefore,
EPA is not considering the use of any
voluntary consensus standards.
J. Executive Order 12898 (Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations)
Executive Order (EO) 12898 (59 FR
7629 (Feb. 16, 1994)) establishes Federal
executive policy on environmental
justice. Its main provision directs
Federal agencies, to the greatest extent
practicable and permitted by law, to
make environmental justice part of their
mission by identifying and addressing,
as appropriate, disproportionately high
and adverse human health or
environmental effects of their programs,
policies, and activities on minority
populations and low-income
populations in the United States.
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Environmental protection, water
quality standards, nutrients, Florida.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, EPA proposes to amend 40
CFR part 131 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 131
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
Subpart D—[Amended]
2. Section 131.43 is added as follows:
§ 131.43
(a) Scope. This section promulgates
numeric nutrient criteria for lakes,
streams, springs, canals, estuaries, and
coastal waters in the State of Florida.
This section also contains provisions for
site-specific criteria.
(b) Definitions—
(1) Canal means a trench, the bottom
of which is normally covered by water
with the upper edges of its two sides
normally above water, excluding all
secondary and tertiary canals, classified
as Class IV waters, wholly within
Florida’s agricultural areas.
(2) Clear stream means a free-flowing
water whose color is less than 40
platinum cobalt units (PCU).
(3) Lake means a freshwater water
body that is not a stream or other
watercourse with some open contiguous
water free from emergent vegetation.
(4) Lakes and flowing waters means
inland surface waters that have been
classified as Class I (Potable Water
Supplies) or Class III (Recreation,
Propagation and Maintenance of a
Healthy, Well-Balanced Population of
Fish and Wildlife) water bodies
pursuant to Rule 62–302.400, F.A.C.,
excluding wetlands, and are
predominantly fresh waters.
(5) Nutrient watershed region means
an area of the State, corresponding to
coastal/estuarine drainage basin and
differing geographical conditions
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
affecting nutrient levels, as delineated
in the Technical Support Document for
EPA’s Proposed Rule for Numeric
Nutrient Criteria for Florida’s Inland
Surface Fresh Waters.
(6) Predominantly fresh waters means
surface waters in which the chloride
concentration at the surface is less than
1,500 milligrams per liter.
(7) Spring means the point where
underground water emerges onto the
Earth’s surface, including its spring run.
(8) Spring run means a free-flowing
water that originates from a spring or
spring group whose primary (>50%)
source of water is from a spring or
spring group.
(9) State shall mean the State of
Florida, whose transactions with the
U.S. EPA in matters related to this
regulation are administered by the
Secretary, or officials delegated such
responsibility, of the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection
(FDEP), or successor agencies.
(10) Stream means a free-flowing,
predominantly fresh surface water in a
defined channel, and includes rivers,
creeks, branches, canals (outside south
Florida), freshwater sloughs, and other
similar water bodies.
(11) Surface water means water upon
the surface of the earth, whether
contained in bounds created naturally
or artificially or diffused. Water from
natural springs shall be classified as
surface water when it exits from the
spring onto the Earth’s surface.
(c) Criteria for Florida waters—
(1) Criteria for lakes. The applicable
criterion for chlorophyll a, total
nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus
(TP) for lakes within each respective
lake class is shown on the following
Baseline criteria b
Chlorophyll a
(μg/L) a
Long-term average lake color and alkalinity
TP (mg/L) a
TN (mg/L) a
TP (mg/L) a
TN (mg/L) a
Colored Lakes > 40 PCU ....................................................
Clear Lakes, Alkaline ≤ 40 PCU d and > 50 mg/L CaCO3 e
Clear Lakes, Acidic ≤ 40 PCU d and ≤ 50 mg/L CaCO3 e ...
Modified criteria
(within these bounds) c
a Concentration values are based on annual geometric mean not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period. In addition, the longterm average of annual geometric mean values shall not surpass the listed concentration values. (Duration = annual; Frequency = not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period or as a long-term average).
b Baseline criteria apply unless data are readily available to calculate and apply lake-specific, modified criteria as described below in footnote c
and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection issues a determination that a lake-specific modified criterion is the applicable criterion for
an individual lake. Any such determination must be made consistent with the provisions in footnote c below. Such determination must also be
documented in an easily accessible and publicly available location, such as an official State Web site.
c If chlorophyll a is below the criterion in column B and there are representative data to calculate ambient-based, lake-specific, modified TP and
TN criteria, then FDEP may calculate such criteria within these bounds from ambient measurements to determine lake-specific, modified criteria
pursuant to CWA section 303(c). Modified TN and TP criteria must be based on at least three years of ambient monitoring data with (a) at least
four measurements per year and (b) at least one measurement between May and September and one measurement between October and April
each year. These same data requirements apply to chlorophyll a when determining whether the chlorophyll a criterion is met for purposes of developing modified TN and TP criteria. If the calculated TN and/or TP value is below the lower value, then the lower value is the lake-specific,
modified criterion. If the calculated TN and TP value is above the upper value, then the upper value is the lake-specific, modified criterion. Modified TP and TN criteria may not exceed criteria applicable to streams to which a lake discharges. If chlorophyll a is below the criterion in column
B and representative data to calculate modified TN and TP criteria are not available, then the baseline TN and TP criteria apply. Once established, modified criteria are in place as the applicable WQS for all CWA purposes.
d Platinum Cobalt Units (PCU) assessed as true color free from turbidity. Long-term average color based on a rolling average of up to seven
years using all available lake color data.
e If alkalinity data are unavailable, a specific conductance of 250 micromhos/cm may be substituted.
f Chlorophyll a is defined as corrected chlorophyll, or the concentration of chlorophyll a remaining after the chlorophyll degradation product,
phaeophytin a, has been subtracted from the uncorrected chlorophyll a measurement.
(2) Criteria for streams.
(i) The applicable instream protection
value (IPV) criterion for total nitrogen
(TN) and total phosphorus (TP) for
streams within each respective nutrient
watershed region is shown in the
following table:
Instream protection value
Nutrient watershed region
TN (mg/L) a
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Panhandle b ..............................................................................................................................................................
Bone Valley c ............................................................................................................................................................
Peninsula d ...............................................................................................................................................................
North Central e .........................................................................................................................................................
TP (mg/L) a
a Concentration values are based on annual geometric mean not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period. In addition, the longterm average of annual geometric mean values shall not surpass the listed concentration values. (Duration = annual; Frequency = not to be exceeded more than once in a three-year period or as a long-term average).
b Panhandle region includes the following watersheds: Perdido Bay Watershed, Pensacola Bay Watershed, Choctawhatchee Bay Watershed,
St. Andrew Bay Watershed, Apalachicola Bay Watershed, Apalachee Bay Watershed, and Econfina/Steinhatchee Coastal Drainage Area.
c Bone Valley region includes the following watersheds: Tampa Bay Watershed, Sarasota Bay Watershed, and Charlotte Harbor Watershed.
d Peninsula region includes the following watersheds: Waccasassa Coastal Drainage Area, Withlacoochee Coastal Drainage Area, Crystal/
Pithlachascotee Coastal Drainage Area, Indian River Watershed, Caloosahatchee River Watershed, St. Lucie Watershed, Kissimmee River Watershed, St. John’s River Watershed, Daytona/St. Augustine Coastal Drainage Area, Nassau Coastal Drainage Area, and St. Mary’s River Watershed.
e North Central region includes the Suwannee River Watershed.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(ii) Criteria for protection of
downstream lakes.
(A) The applicable total phosphorus
criterion-magnitude for a stream that
flows into downstream lakes is the more
stringent of the value from the
preceding table in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of
this section or a downstream lake
protection value derived from the
following equation to protect the
downstream lake:
[TP]S =
[TP] L 1 + τ w
paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section or
downstream protection values derived
from the following equation to protect
the downstream estuary. EPA’s preset
DPVs are listed in the Technical
Support Document (TSD) for Florida’s
Inland Waters located at
www.regulations.gov, Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0569, and
calculated for each stream reach as the
average reach-specific concentration (Ci)
equal to the average reach-specific
annual loading rate (Li) divided by the
average reach-specific flow (Qi) where:
[TP]S is the total phosphorus (TP)
downstream lake protection value, mg/L
[TP]L is applicable TP lake criterion, mg/L
cf is the fraction of inflow due to all
streamflow, 0 ≤ cf ≤ 1
tw is lake’s hydraulic retention time (water
volume divided by annual flow rate)
The term
expresses the net phosphorus loss from the
water column (e.g., via settling of sedimentsorbed phosphorus) as a function of the
lake’s retention time.
(B) The preset values for cf and tw,
respectively, are 0.5 and 0.2. The State
may substitute site-specific values for
these preset values where the State
determines that they are appropriate
and documents the site-specific values
in an easily accessible and publicly
available location, such as an official
State Web site.
(iii) Criteria for protection of
downstream estuarine waters.
(A) The applicable criteria for a
stream that flows into downstream
estuary is the more stringent of the
values from the preceding table in
Ci = kLest
Q W Fi
and where the terms are defined as
follows for a specific or (ith) stream
Ci maximum flow-averaged nutrient
concentration for a specific (the ith) stream
reach consistent with downstream use
protection (i.e., the DPV)
k fraction of all loading to the estuary that
comes from the stream network resolved by
Lest protective loading rate for the estuary,
from all sources
Qw combined average freshwater discharged
into the estuary from the portion of the
watershed resolved by the SPARROW
stream network
Fi fraction of the flux at the downstream
node of the specific (ith) reach that is
transported through the stream network
and ultimately delivered to estuarine
eceiving waters (i.e. Fraction Delivered).
DPVs may not exceed other criteria
established for designated use protection in
this section, nor result in an exceedance of
other criteria for other water quality
parameters established pursuant to Rule
62–302, F.A.C.
(B) The State may calculate
alternative DPVs as above for Ci except
that Li is determined as a series of values
for each reach in the upstream drainage
area such that the sum of reach-specific
incremental loading rates equals the
target loading rate to the downstream
water protective of downstream uses,
taking into account that downstream
reaches must reflect loads established
for upstream reaches. Alternative DPVs
may factor in additional nutrient
attenuation provided by already existing
landscape modifications or treatment
systems, such as constructed wetlands
or stormwater treatment areas. For
alternative DPVs to become effective for
Clean Water Act purposes, the State
must provide public notice and
opportunity for comment.
(C) To use an alternative technical
approach of comparable scientific rigor
to quantitatively determine the
protective load to the estuary and
associated protective stream
concentrations, the State must go
through the process for a Federal sitespecific alternative criterion pursuant to
paragraph (e) of this section.
(3) Criteria for springs, spring runs,
and clear streams. The applicable
nitrate-nitrite criterion is 0.35 mg/L as
an annual geometric mean not to be
surpassed more than once in a three
year period, nor surpassed as a longterm average of annual geometric mean
values. In addition to this nitrate-nitrite
criterion, criteria identified in paragraph
(c)(2) of this section are applicable to
clear streams.
(4) Criteria for south Florida canals.
The applicable criterion for chlorophyll
a, total nitrogen (TN), and total
phosphorus (TP) for canals within each
respective canal geographic
classification area is shown on the
following table:
Chlorophyll a
(μg/L) a
Canals ..........................................................................................................................................
Total phosphorus (TP)
(mg/L) a b
Total nitrogen
(mg/L) a
a Concentration
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procedures in paragraph (e) of this
(iii) The State adopts and EPA
approves a water quality standards
variance to the Class I or Class III
designated use pursuant to § 131.13 that
meets the applicable provisions of State
law and the applicable Federal
regulations at § 131.10; or
Fish and Wildlife) water bodies
pursuant to Rule 62–302.400, F.A.C.,
excluding wetlands, and apply
concurrently with other applicable
water quality criteria, except when:
(i) State regulations contain criteria
which are more stringent for a particular
parameter and use;
(ii) The Regional Administrator
determines that site-specific alternative
criteria apply pursuant to the
(5) Criteria for estuaries. [Reserved]
(6) Criteria for coastal waters.
(d) Applicability.
(1) The criteria in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (4) of this section apply to
surface waters of the State of Florida
designated as Class I (Potable Water
Supplies) or Class III (Recreation,
Propagation and Maintenance of a
Healthy, Well-Balanced Population of
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
values are based on annual geometric mean not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period. In addition, the longterm average of annual geometric mean values shall not surpass the listed concentration values. (Duration = annual; Frequency = not to be surpassed more than once in a three-year period or as a long-term average).
b Applies to all canals within the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s South Florida bioregion, with the exception of canals within
the Everglades Protection Area (EvPA) where the TP criterion of 0.010 mg/L currently applies.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS3
(iv) The State adopts and EPA
approves restoration standards pursuant
to paragraph (g) of this section.
(2) The criteria established in this
section are subject to the State’s general
rules of applicability in the same way
and to the same extent as are the other
federally-adopted and State-adopted
numeric criteria when applied to the
same use classifications.
(i) For all waters with mixing zone
regulations or implementation
procedures, the criteria apply at the
appropriate locations within or at the
boundary of the mixing zones;
otherwise the criteria apply throughout
the water body including at the point of
discharge into the water body.
(ii) The State shall use an appropriate
design flow condition, where necessary,
for purposes of permit limit derivation
or load and wasteload allocations that is
consistent with the criteria duration and
frequency established in this section
(e.g., average annual flow for a criterion
magnitude expressed as an average
annual geometric mean value).
(iii) The criteria established in this
section apply for purposes of
determining the list of impaired waters
pursuant to section 303(d) of the Clean
Water Act, subject to the procedures
adopted pursuant to Rule 62–303,
F.A.C., where such procedures are
consistent with the level of protection
provided by the criteria established in
this section.
(e) Site-specific alternative criteria.
(1) Upon request from the State, the
Regional Administrator may determine
that site-specific alternative criteria
shall apply to specific surface waters in
lieu of the criteria established in
paragraph (c) of this section. Any such
determination shall be made consistent
with § 131.11.
(2) To receive consideration from the
Regional Administrator for a
determination of site-specific alternative
criteria, the State must submit a request
that includes proposed alternative
numeric criteria and supporting
rationale suitable to meet the needs for
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a technical support document pursuant
to paragraph (e)(3) of this section.
(3) For any determination made under
paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the
Regional Administrator shall, prior to
making such a determination, provide
for public notice and comment on a
proposed determination. For any such
proposed determination, the Regional
Administrator shall prepare and make
available to the public a technical
support document addressing the
specific surface waters affected and the
justification for each proposed
determination. This document shall be
made available to the public no later
than the date of public notice issuance.
(4) The Regional Administrator shall
maintain and make available to the
public an updated list of determinations
made pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of
this section as well as the technical
support documents for each
(5) Nothing in this paragraph (e) shall
limit the Administrator’s authority to
modify the criteria in paragraph (c) of
this section through rulemaking.
(f) Effective date. All criteria will be
in effect [date 60 days after publication
of final rule].
(g) Restoration Water Quality
Standards (WQS). The State may, at its
discretion, adopt restoration WQS to
allow attainment of a designated use
over phased time periods where the
designated use is not currently
attainable as a result of nutrient
pollution but is attainable in the future.
In establishing restoration WQS, the
State must:
(1) Demonstrate that the designated
use is not attainable during the time
periods established for the restoration
phases based on one of the factors
identified in § 131.10(g)(1) through (6);
(2) Specify the designated use to be
attained at the termination of the
restoration period, as well as the criteria
necessary to protect such use, provided
that the final designated use and
corresponding criteria shall include, at
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a minimum, uses and criteria that are
consistent with CWA section 101(a)(2) ;
(3) Establish interim restoration
designated uses and water quality
criteria, that apply during each phase
that will result in maximum feasible
progress toward the highest attainable
designated use and the use identified in
paragraph (g)(2) of this section. Such
interim uses and criteria may not
provide for further degradation of a
water body and may be revised prior to
the end of each phase in accordance
with §§ 131.10 and 131.20 and
submitted to EPA for approval;
(4) Establish the time periods for each
restoration phase that will result in
maximum feasible progress toward the
highest attainable use and the
designated use identified in paragraph
(g)(2) of this section, except that the sum
of such time periods shall not exceed
twenty years from the initial date of
establishment of the restoration WQS
under this section;
(5) Specify the spatial extent of
applicability for all affected waters;
(6) Meet the requirements of §§ 131.10
and 131.20; and
(7) Include, in its State water quality
standards, a specific provision that if
the interim restoration designated uses
and criteria established under paragraph
(g)(3) of this section are not met during
any phased time period established
under paragraph (g)(4) of this section,
the restoration WQS will no longer be
applicable and the designated use and
criteria identified in paragraph (g)(2) of
this section will become applicable
(8) Provide that waters for which a
restoration water quality standard is
adopted will be recognized as impaired
for the purposes of listing impaired
waters under section 303(d) of the CWA
until the use designated identified in
paragraph (g)(2) of this section is
[FR Doc. 2010–1220 Filed 1–25–10; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 16 (Tuesday, January 26, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 4174-4226]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-1220]
[[Page 4173]]
Part III
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 131
Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and Flowing
Waters; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 75 , No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 2010 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 4174]]
40 CFR Part 131
[EPA-HQ-OW-2009-0596; FRL-9105-1]
RIN 2040-AF11
Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and
Flowing Waters
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing numeric
nutrient water quality criteria to protect aquatic life in lakes and
flowing waters, including canals, within the State of Florida and
proposing regulations to establish a framework for Florida to develop
``restoration standards'' for impaired waters. On January 14, 2009, EPA
made a determination under section 303(c)(4)(B) of the Clean Water Act
(``CWA'' or ``the Act'') that numeric nutrient water quality criteria
for lakes and flowing waters and for estuaries and coastal waters are
necessary for the State of Florida to meet the requirements of CWA
section 303(c). Section 303(c)(4) of the CWA requires the Administrator
to promptly prepare and publish proposed regulations setting forth new
or revised water quality standards (``WQS'' or ``standards'') when the
Administrator, or an authorized delegate of the Administrator,
determines that such new or revised WQS are necessary to meet
requirements of the Act. This proposed rule fulfills EPA's obligation
under section 303(c)(4) of the CWA to promptly propose criteria for
Florida's lakes and flowing waters.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 29, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-
2009-0596, by one of the following methods:
1. www.regulations.gov: Follow the online instructions for
submitting comments.
2. E-mail: ow-docket@epa.gov.
3. Mail to: Water Docket, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Mail Code: 2822T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460,
Attention: Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2009-0596.
4. Hand Delivery: EPA Docket Center, EPA West Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004, Attention: Docket ID
No. EPA-HQ-OW-2009-0596. Such deliveries are only accepted during the
Docket's normal hours of operation, and special arrangements should be
made for deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2009-
0596. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included in
the public docket without change and may be made available online at
www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided,
unless the comment includes information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you consider to
be CBI or otherwise protected through www.regulations.gov or e-mail.
The www.regulations.gov Web site is an ``anonymous access'' system,
which means EPA will not know your identity or contact information
unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an e-
mail comment directly to EPA without going through www.regulations.gov
your e-mail address will be automatically captured and included as part
of the comment that is placed in the public docket and made available
on the Internet. If you submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends
that you include your name and other contact information in the body of
your comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read
your comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for
clarification, EPA may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic
files should avoid the use of special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or viruses. For additional
information about EPA's public docket visit the EPA Docket Center
homepage at https://www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm.
Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the
www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically
in www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at a docket facility. The Office
of Water (OW) Docket Center is open from 8:30 until 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The OW Docket Center
telephone number is (202) 566-2426, and the Docket address is OW
Docket, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20004. The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number
for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744.
Public hearings will be held in the following cities in Florida:
Tallahassee, Orlando, and West Palm Beach. The public hearing in
Tallahassee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 2010 and will be
held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Holiday Inn
Capitol East, 1355 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, FL 32301. The public
hearing in Orlando is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2010 and
will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Crowne
Plaza Orlando Universal, 7800 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32819.
The public hearing in West Palm Beach is scheduled for Thursday,
February 18, 2010 and will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to
10 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Palm Beach Airport, 1301 Belvedere Road,
West Palm Beach, FL 33405. If you need a sign language interpreter at
any of these hearings, you should contact Sharon Frey at 202-566-1480
or frey.sharon@epa.gov at least ten business days prior to the meetings
so that appropriate arrangements can be made. For further information,
including registration information, please refer to the following Web
site: https://www.epa.gov/waterscience/standards/rules/florida/.
Headquarters, Office of Water, Mailcode: 4305T, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: 202-564-1649; fax
number: 202-566-9981; e-mail address: salvaterra.danielle@epa.gov.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This supplementary information section is
organized as follows:
Table of Contents
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
B. What Entities May Be Affected by This Rule?
C. What Should I Consider as I Prepare My Comments for EPA?
D. How Can I Get Copies of This Document and Other Related
II. Background
A. Nutrient Pollution
B. Statutory and Regulatory Background
C. Water Quality Criteria
D. Agency Determination Regarding Florida
III. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for the State of Florida's
Lakes and Flowing Waters
A. General Information
B. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for the State of Florida's
C. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for the State of Florida's
Rivers and Streams
[[Page 4175]]
D. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for the State of Florida's
Springs and Clear Streams
E. Proposed Numeric Nutrient Criteria for South Florida Canals
F. Comparison Between EPA's and Florida DEP's Proposed Numeric
Nutrient Criteria for Florida's Lakes and Flowing Waters
G. Applicability of Criteria When Final
IV. Under What Conditions Will Federal Standards Be Either Not
Finalized or Withdrawn?
V. Alternative Regulatory Approaches and Implementation Mechanisms
A. Designating Uses
B. Variances
C. Site-Specific Criteria
D. Compliance Schedules
VI. Proposed Restoration Water Quality Standards (WQS) Provision
VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
F. Executive Order 13175 (Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments)
G. Executive Order 13045 (Protection of Children From
Environmental Health and Safety Risks)
H. Executive Order 13211 (Actions That Significantly Affect
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use)
I. National Technology Transfer Advancement Act of 1995
J. Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions To Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
Excess loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus, commonly referred to as
nutrient pollution, are one of the most prevalent causes of water
quality impairment in the United States. Anthropogenic nitrogen and
phosphorus over-enrichment in many of the Nation's waters is a
widespread, persistent, and growing problem. Nutrient pollution can
significantly impact aquatic life and long-term ecosystem health,
diversity, and balance. More specifically, high nitrogen and phosphorus
loadings, or nutrient pollution, result in harmful algal blooms (HABs),
reduced spawning grounds and nursery habitats, fish kills, and oxygen-
starved hypoxic or ``dead'' zones. Public health concerns related to
nutrient pollution include impaired drinking water sources, increased
exposure to toxic microbes such as cyanobacteria, and possible
formation of disinfection byproducts in drinking water, some of which
have been associated with serious human illnesses such as bladder
cancer. Nutrient problems can exhibit themselves locally or much
further downstream leading to degraded lakes, reservoirs, and
estuaries, and to hypoxic zones where fish and aquatic life can no
longer survive.
In the State of Florida, nutrient pollution has contributed to
severe water quality degradation. Based upon waters assessed and
reported in the 2008 Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida,
approximately 1,000 miles of rivers and streams, 350,000 acres of
lakes, and 900 square miles of estuaries are known to be impaired for
nutrients by the State.\1\ The actual number of stream miles, lake
acres, and estuarine square miles of waters impaired for nutrients in
Florida may be higher, as many waters currently are classified as
\1\ Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2008.
Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report
and 303(d) List Update, p. 67.
The challenge of nutrient pollution has been a top priority for
Florida's Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Over the past
decade or more, FDEP has spent over 20 million dollars collecting and
analyzing data on the relationship between phosphorus, nitrogen, and
nitrite-nitrate concentrations and the biological health of aquatic
systems. Moreover, Florida is one of the few states that has in place a
comprehensive framework of accountability that applies to both point
and nonpoint sources and provides the enforceable authority to address
nutrient reductions in impaired waters based upon the establishment of
site-specific total maximum daily loads (TMDLs).
Despite FDEP's intensive efforts to diagnose and control nutrient
pollution, substantial water quality degradation from nutrient over-
enrichment remains a significant problem. On January 14, 2009, EPA
determined under CWA section 303(c)(4)(B) that new or revised WQS in
the form of numeric nutrient water quality criteria are necessary to
meet the requirements of the CWA in the State of Florida. The Agency
considered (1) the State's documented unique and threatened ecosystems,
(2) the high number of impaired waters due to existing nutrient
pollution, and (3) the challenge associated with growing nutrient
pollution resulting from expanding urbanization, continued agricultural
development, and a significantly increasing population that is expected
to grow 75% between 2000 to 2030.\2\ EPA also reviewed the State's
regulatory nutrient accountability system, which represents an
impressive synthesis of technology-based standards, point source
control authority, and authority to establish enforceable controls for
nonpoint source activities. However, the significant challenge faced by
the water quality components of this system is its dependence upon an
approach involving resource-intensive and time-consuming site-specific
data collection and analysis to interpret non-numeric narrative
nutrient criteria. EPA determined that Florida's reliance on a case-by-
case interpretation of its narrative nutrient criterion in implementing
an otherwise comprehensive water quality framework of enforceable
accountability was insufficient to ensure protection of applicable
designated uses. As part of the Agency's determination, EPA indicated
that it expected to propose numeric nutrient criteria for lakes and
flowing waters within 12 months, and for estuarine and coastal waters
within 24 months, of the January 14, 2009 determination.
\2\ https://www.census.gov/population/projections/SummaryTabA1.pdf.
On August 19, 2009, EPA entered into a phased Consent Decree with
Florida Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, Conservancy of Southwest
Florida, Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida, and St.
Johns Riverkeeper, committing to sign a proposed rule setting forth
numeric nutrient criteria for lakes and flowing waters in Florida by
January 14, 2010, and for Florida's estuarine and coastal waters by
January 14, 2011, unless Florida submits and EPA approves State numeric
nutrient criteria before EPA's proposal. The phased Consent Decree also
provides that EPA issue a final rule by October 15, 2010 for lakes and
flowing water, and by October 15, 2011 for estuarine and coastal
waters, unless Florida submits and EPA approves State numeric nutrient
criteria before a final EPA action.
Accordingly, this proposal is part of a phased rulemaking process
in which EPA will propose and take final action in 2010 on numeric
nutrient criteria for lakes and flowing waters and for estuarine and
coastal waters in 2011. The two phases of this rulemaking are linked
because nutrient pollution in Florida's rivers and streams affects not
only instream aquatic conditions but also downstream estuarine and
coastal waters ecosystem conditions. The Agency could have waited to
propose estuarine and coastal downstream protection criteria values for
rivers and streams as part of the second phase of this rulemaking
process. However, the substantial data, peer-reviewed methodologies,
and extensive scientific
[[Page 4176]]
analyses available to and conducted by the Agency to date indicate that
numeric nutrient water quality criteria for estuarine and coastal
waters, when proposed and finalized in 2011, may result in the need for
more stringent rivers and streams criteria to ensure protection of
downstream water quality, particularly for the nitrogen component of
nutrient pollution. Therefore, considering the numerous requests for
the Agency to share its analysis and scientific and technical
conclusions at the earliest possible opportunity to allow for full
review and comment, EPA is including downstream protection values for
total nitrogen (TN) as proposed criteria for rivers and streams to
protect the State's estuaries and coastal waters in this notice.
As described in more detail below and in the technical support
document accompanying this notice, these proposed nitrogen downstream
protection values are based on substantial data, thorough scientific
analysis, and extensive technical evaluation. However, EPA recognizes
that additional data and analysis may be available, including data for
particular estuaries, to help inform what numeric nutrient criteria are
necessary to protect Florida's waters, including downstream lakes and
estuaries. EPA also recognizes that substantial site-specific work has
been completed for a number of these estuaries. This notice and the
proposed downstream protection values are not intended to address or be
interpreted as calling into question the utility and protectiveness of
these site-specific analyses. Rather, the proposed values represent the
output of a systematic and scientific approach that was developed to be
generally applicable to all flowing waters in Florida that terminate in
estuaries for the purpose of ensuring the protection of downstream
estuaries. EPA is interested in obtaining feedback at this time on this
systematic and scientific approach. EPA is also interested in feedback
regarding site-specific analyses for particular estuaries that should
be used instead of this general approach for establishing final values.
The Agency further recognizes that the proposed values in this notice
will need to be considered in the context of the Agency's numeric
nutrient criteria for estuarine and coastal waters scheduled for
proposal in January of 2011.
Regarding the criteria for flowing waters for protection of
downstream lakes and estuaries, at this time, EPA intends to take final
action on the criteria for protection of downstream lakes as part of
the first phase of this rulemaking (by October 15, 2010) and to
finalize downstream protection values in flowing waters as part of the
second phase of this rulemaking process (by October 15, 2011) in
coordination with the proposal and finalization of numeric nutrient
criteria for estuarine and coastal waters in 2011. However, if
comments, data and analyses submitted as a result of this proposal
support finalizing these values sooner, by October 2010, EPA may choose
to proceed in this manner. To facilitate this process, EPA requests
comments and welcomes thorough evaluation on the technical and
scientific basis of these proposed downstream protection values, as
well as information on estuaries where site-specific analyses should be
used, as part of the broader comment and evaluation process that this
proposal initiates.
In accordance with the terms of EPA's January 14, 2009
determination and the Consent Decree, EPA is proposing numeric nutrient
criteria for Florida's lakes and flowing waters which include the
following four water body types: Lakes, streams, springs and clear
streams, and canals in south Florida. In developing this proposal, EPA
worked closely with FDEP staff to review and analyze the State's
extensive dataset of nutrient-related measurements as well as its
analysis of stressor-response relationships and benchmark or modified-
reference conditions. EPA also conducted further analyses and modeling,
in addition to requesting an independent external peer review of the
core methodologies and approaches that support this proposal.
For lakes, EPA is proposing a classification scheme using color and
alkalinity based upon substantial data that show that lake color and
alkalinity play an important role in the degree to which TN and total
phosphorus (TP) concentrations result in a biological response such as
elevated chlorophyll a levels. EPA found that correlations between
nutrients and biological response parameters in the different types of
lakes in Florida were sufficiently robust, combined with additional
lines of evidence, to support stressor-response criteria development
for Florida's lakes. The Agency is also proposing an accompanying
supplementary analytical approach that the State can use to adjust TN
and TP criteria for a particular lake within a certain range where
sufficient data on long-term ambient TN and TP levels are available to
demonstrate that protective chlorophyll a criteria for a specific lake
will still be maintained and attainment of the designated use will be
assured. This information is presented in more detail in Section III.B
Regarding numeric nutrient criteria for streams and rivers, EPA
considered the extensive work of FDEP to analyze the relationship
between TN and TP levels and biological response in streams and rivers.
EPA found that relationships between nutrients and biological response
parameters in rivers and streams were affected by many factors that
made derivation of a quantitative relationship between chlorophyll a
levels and nutrients in streams and rivers difficult to establish in
the same manner as EPA did for lakes (i.e., stressor-response
relationship). EPA considered an alternative methodology that evaluated
a combination of biological information and data on the distribution of
nutrients in a substantial number of healthy stream systems. Based upon
a technical evaluation of the significant available data on Florida
streams and related scientific analysis, the Agency concluded that
reliance on a statistical distribution methodology was a stronger and a
more sound approach for deriving TN and TP criteria in streams and
rivers. This information is presented in more detail in Section III.C
In developing these proposed numeric nutrient criteria for rivers
and streams, EPA also evaluated their effectiveness for assuring the
protection of downstream lake and estuary designated uses pursuant to
the provisions of 40 CFR 130.10(b), which requires that WQS must
provide for the attainment and maintenance of the WQS of downstream
waters. For rivers and streams in Florida, EPA must ensure, to the
extent that available science allows, that its nutrient criteria take
into account the impact of near-field nutrient loads on aquatic life in
downstream lakes and estuaries. EPA currently has evaluated the
protectiveness of its rivers and streams TP criteria for lake
protection and also the protectiveness of its rivers and streams TN
criteria for 16 out of 26 of Florida's downstream estuaries using
scientifically sound approaches for both estimating protective loads
and deriving concentration-based upstream values. Of the ten downstream
estuaries not completely evaluated to date, seven are in south Florida
and receive TN loads from highly managed canals and waterways and three
are in low lying areas of central Florida.
As noted above, EPA used best available science and data related to
downstream waters and found that there are cases where the nutrient
criteria EPA is proposing to protect instream aquatic life may not be
stringent enough to ensure protection of aquatic life in certain
downstream lakes and estuaries. Accordingly, EPA is also proposing an
[[Page 4177]]
equation that would be used to adjust stream and river TP criteria to
protect downstream lakes and a different methodology to adjust TN
criteria for streams and rivers to ensure protection of downstream
estuaries. These approaches as reflected in these proposed regulations
and the revised criteria that would result from adjusting TN criteria
for streams and rivers to ensure protection of downstream estuaries,
based on certain assumptions, are detailed in Section III.C(6)(b)
below. The Agency specifically requests comment on the available
information, analysis, and modeling used to support the approaches EPA
is proposing for addressing downstream impacts of TN and TP. EPA also
invites additional stakeholder comment, data, and analysis on
alternative technically-based approaches that would support the
development of numeric nutrient WQS, or some other scientifically
defensible approach, for protection of downstream waters. To the degree
that substantial data and analyses are submitted that support a
significant revision to downstream protection values for TN outlined in
Section III.C(6)(b) below, EPA would intend to issue a supplemental
Federal Register Notice of Data Availability (NODA) to present the
additional data and supplemental analyses and solicit further comment
and input. EPA anticipates obtaining the necessary data and information
to compute downstream protection values for TP loads for many estuarine
water bodies in Florida in 2010 and will also make this additional
information available by issuing a supplemental Federal Register NODA.
Regarding numeric nutrient criteria for springs and clear streams,
EPA is proposing a nitrate-nitrite criterion for springs and clear
streams based on experimental laboratory data and field evaluations
that document the response of nuisance algae and periphyton to nitrate-
nitrite concentrations. This criterion is explained in more detail in
Section III.D below.
For canals in south Florida, EPA is proposing a statistical
distribution approach similar to its approach for rivers and streams,
and based on sites meeting designated uses with respect to nutrients
identified in four canal regions to best represent the necessary
criteria to protect these highly managed water bodies. This approach is
presented in more detail in Section III.E below. The Agency has also
considered several alternative approaches to developing numeric
nutrient criteria for canals and these are described, as well, for
public comment and response.
Stakeholders have expressed concerns that numeric nutrient criteria
must be scientifically sound. Under the Clean Water Act and EPA's
implementing regulations, numeric nutrient standards must protect the
designated use of a water (as well as ensure protection of downstream
uses) and must be based on sound scientific rationale. In the case of
Florida, EPA and FDEP scientists completed a substantial body of
scientific work; EPA believes that these proposed criteria clearly meet
the regulatory standards of protection and that they are clearly based
on a sound scientific rationale.
Separate from and in addition to proposing numeric nutrient
criteria, EPA is also proposing a new WQS regulatory tool for Florida,
referred to as ``restoration WQS'' for impaired waters. This tool will
enable Florida to set incremental water quality targets (uses and
criteria) for specific pollutant parameters while at the same time
retaining protective criteria for all other parameters to meet the full
aquatic life use. The goal is to provide a challenging but realistic
incremental framework in which to establish appropriate control
measures. This provision will allow Florida to retain full aquatic life
protection (uses and criteria) for its water bodies while establishing
a transparent phased WQS process that would result in planned
implementation of enforceable measures and requirements to improve
water quality over a specified time period to ultimately meet the long-
term designated aquatic life use. The phased numeric standards would be
included in Florida's water quality regulations during the restoration
period. This proposed regulatory tool is discussed in more detail in
Section VI below.
Finally, EPA is including in this notice a proposed approach for
deriving Federal site-specific alternative criteria (SSAC) based upon
State submissions of scientifically defensible recalculations that meet
the requirements of CWA section 303(c). TMDL targets submitted to EPA
by the State for consideration as new or revised WQS could be reviewed
under this SSAC process. This proposed approach is discussed in more
detail in Section V.C below.
Overall, EPA is soliciting comments and data regarding EPA's
proposed criteria for lakes and flowing waters, the derivation of these
criteria, the protectiveness of the streams and rivers criteria for
downstream waters, and all associated alternative options and
methodologies discussed in this proposed rulemaking.
B. What Entities May Be Affected by This Rule?
Citizens concerned with water quality in Florida may be interested
in this rulemaking. Entities discharging nitrogen or phosphorus to
lakes and flowing waters of Florida could be indirectly affected by
this rulemaking because WQS are used in determining National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (``NPDES'') permit limits. Stakeholders in
Florida facing obstacles in immediately achieving full aquatic life
protection in impaired waters may be interested in the restoration
standards concept outlined in this rulemaking. Categories and entities
that may ultimately be affected include:
Examples of potentially
Category affected entities
Industry............................... Industries discharging
pollutants to lakes and
flowing waters in the State of
Municipalities......................... Publicly-owned treatment works
discharging pollutants to
lakes and flowing waters in
the State of Florida.
Stormwater Management Districts........ Entities responsible for
managing stormwater runoff in
This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a
guide for entities that may be directly or indirectly affected by this
action. This table lists the types of entities of which EPA is now
aware that potentially could be affected by this action. Other types of
entities not listed in the table could also be affected, such as
nonpoint source contributors to nutrient pollution in Florida's waters.
Any parties or entities conducting activities within watersheds of the
Florida waters covered by this rule, or who rely on, depend upon,
influence, or contribute to the water quality of the lakes and flowing
waters of Florida, might be affected by this rule. To determine whether
your facility or activities may be affected by this action, you should
examine this proposed rule. If you have questions regarding the
applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the person
listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section.
C. What Should I Consider as I Prepare My Comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through
https://www.regulations.gov or e-mail. Clearly mark the part or all of
the information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk
or CD-ROM that
[[Page 4178]]
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the specific
information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one complete version
of the comment that includes information claimed as CBI, a copy of the
comment that does not contain the information claimed as CBI must be
submitted for inclusion in the public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for Preparing Your Comments. When submitting comments,
remember to:
1. Identify the rulemaking by docket number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal Register date, and page number).
2. Follow directions--The agency may ask you to respond to specific
questions or organize comments by referencing a Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part or section number.
3. Explain why you agree or disagree; suggest alternatives and
substitute language for your requested changes.
4. Describe any assumptions and provide any technical information
and/or data that you used.
5. If you estimate potential costs or burdens, explain how you
arrived at your estimate in sufficient detail to allow for it to be
6. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns, and
suggest alternatives.
7. Make sure to submit your comments by the comment period deadline
D. How Can I Get Copies of This Document and Other Related Information?
1. Docket. EPA has established an official public docket for this
action under Docket Id. No. EPA-HQ-OW-2009-0596. The official public
docket consists of the document specifically referenced in this action,
any public comments received, and other information related to this
action. Although a part of the official docket, the public docket does
not include CBI or other information whose disclosure is restricted by
statute. The official public docket is the collection of materials that
is available for public viewing at the OW Docket, EPA West, Room 3334,
1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20004. This Docket Facility
is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The Docket telephone number is 202-566-1744. A
reasonable fee will be charged for copies.
2. Electronic Access. You may access this Federal Register document
electronically through the EPA Internet under the ``Federal Register''
listings at https://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/.
An electronic version of the public docket is available through
EPA's electronic public docket and comment system, EPA Dockets. You may
use EPA Dockets at https://www.regulations.gov to view public comments,
access the index listing of the contents of the official public docket,
and to access those documents in the public docket that are available
electronically. For additional information about EPA's public docket,
visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at https://www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm. Although not all docket materials may be available
electronically, you may still access any of the publicly available
docket materials through the Docket Facility identified in Section
II. Background
A. Nutrient Pollution
1. What Is Nutrient Pollution?
Excess anthropogenic concentrations of nitrogen (typically in
oxidized, inorganic forms, such as nitrate) \3\ and phosphorus
(typically as phosphate), commonly referred to as nutrient pollution,
in surface waters can result in excessive algal and aquatic plant
growth, referred to as eutrophication.\4\ One impact associated with
eutrophication is low dissolved oxygen, due to decomposition of the
aquatic plants and algae when these plants and algae die. As noted
above, high nitrogen and phosphorus loadings also result in HABs,
reduced spawning grounds and nursery habitats for aquatic life, and
fish kills. Public health concerns related to eutrophication include
impaired drinking water sources, increased exposure to toxic microbes
such as cyanobacteria, and possible formation of disinfection
byproducts in drinking water, some of which have been associated with
serious human illnesses such as bladder cancer.5 6 Nutrient
problems can manifest locally or much further downstream in lakes,
reservoirs, and estuaries.
\3\ To be used by living organisms, nitrogen gas must be fixed
into its reactive forms; for plants, either nitrate or ammonia.
\4\ Eutrophication is defined as an increase in organic carbon
to an aquatic ecosystem caused by primary productivity stimulated by
excess nutrients--typically compounds containing nitrogen or
phosphorus. Eutrophication can adversely affect aquatic life,
recreation, and human health uses of waters.
\5\ Villanueva, C.M. et al., 2006. Bladder Cancer and Exposure
to Water Disinfection By-Products through Ingestion, Bathing,
Showering, and Swimming in Pools. American Journal of Epidemiology,
\6\ U.S. EPA. 2009. What Is in Our Drinking Water. United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development.
Accessed December 2009.
Excess nutrients in water bodies come from many sources, which can
be grouped into five major categories: (1) Sources associated with
urban land use and development, (2) municipal and industrial waste
water discharge, (3) row crop agriculture, (4) animal husbandry, and
(5) atmospheric deposition that may be increased by production of
nitrogen oxides in electric power generation and internal combustion
engines. These sources contribute significant loadings of nitrogen and
phosphorus to surface waters causing major impacts to aquatic
ecosystems and significant imbalances in the natural populations of
flora and fauna.\7\
\7\ National Research Council, 2000. Clean Coastal Waters:
Understanding and Reducing the Effects of Nutrient Pollution. Report
prepared by the Ocean Study Board and Water Science and Technology
Board, Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources,
National Resource Council. National Academy Press, Washington, DC;
Howarth, R.W., A. Sharpley, and D. Walker. 2002. Sources of nutrient
pollution to coastal waters in the United States: Implications for
achieving coastal water quality goals. Estuaries. 25(4b):656-676;
Smith, V.H. 2003. Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine
ecosystems. Environ. Sci. and Poll. Res. 10(2):126-139; Dodds, W.K.,
W.W. Bouska, J.L. Eitzmann, T.J. Pilger, K.L. Pitts, A.J. Riley,
J.T. Schloesser, and D.J. Thornbrugh. 2009. Eutrophication of U.S.
freshwaters: Analysis of potential economic damages. Environ. Sci.
Tech.. 43(1):12-19.
2. Adverse Impacts of Nutrient Pollution on Aquatic Life, Human Health,
and the Economy
To protect aquatic life, EPA regulates pollutants that have adverse
effects on aquatic life. For most pollutants, these effects are
typically negative impacts on growth, reproduction, and survival. As
previously noted, excess nutrients can lead to increases in algal and
other aquatic plant growth, including toxic algae that can result in
HABs. Increases in algal and aquatic plant growth provide excess
organic matter in a water body and can contribute to subsequent
degradation of aquatic communities, human health impacts, and
ultimately economic impacts.
Fish, shellfish, and wildlife require clean water for survival.
Changes in the environment resulting from elevated nutrient levels
(such as algal blooms, toxins from HABs, and hypoxia/anoxia) can cause
a variety of effects. When excessive nutrient loads change a water
body's algae and plant species, the change in habitat and available
food resources can induce changes affecting an entire food chain. Algal
blooms block
[[Page 4179]]
sunlight that submerged grasses need to grow, leading to a decline of
seagrass beds and decreased habitat for juvenile organisms. Algal
blooms can also increase turbidity and impair the ability of fish and
other aquatic life to find food.\8\ Algae can also damage or clog the
gills of fish and invertebrates.\9\
\8\ Hauxwell, J. C. Jacoby, T. Frazer, and J. Stevely. 2001.
Nutrients and Florida's Coastal Waters. Florida Sea Grant.
\9\ NOAA. 2009. Harmful Algal Blooms: Current Programs Overview.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.cop.noaa.gov/stressors/extremeevents/hab/welcome.html. Accessed
December 2009.
HABs can form toxins that cause illness or death for some animals.
Some of the more commonly affected animals include sea lions, turtles,
seabirds, dolphins, and manatees.\10\ More than 50% of unusual marine
mortality events may be associated with HABs.\11\ Lower level
consumers, such as small fish or shellfish, may not be harmed by algal
toxins, but they bioaccumulate toxins, causing higher exposures for
higher level consumers (such as larger predator fish), resulting in
health impairments and possibly death.12 13
\10\ NOAA. 2009. Harmful Algal Blooms: Current Programs
Overview. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.cop.noaa.gov/stressors/extremeevents/hab/welcome.html. Accessed
December 2009.
\11\ WHOI. 2008. HAB Impacts on Wildlife. Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/redtide/page.do?pid=9682. Accessed December 2009.
\12\ WHOI. 2008. Marine Mammals. Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/redtide/page.do?pid=14215. Accessed
December 2009.
\13\ WHOI. 2008. HAB Impacts on Wildlife. Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/redtide/page.do?pid=9682. Accessed December 2009.
There are many examples of HAB toxins significantly affecting
marine animals. For example, between March and April 2003, 107
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) died, along with hundreds of
fish and marine invertebrates, along the Florida Panhandle.\14\ High
levels of brevetoxin (a neurotoxin), produced by a harmful species of
dinoflagellate (a type of algae), were measured in all of the stranded
dolphins examined, as well as in their fish prey.\15\
\14\ WHOI. 2008. Marine Mammals. Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/redtide/page.do?pid=14215. Accessed
December 2009.
\15\ WHOI. 2008. Marine Mammals. Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/redtide/page.do?pid=14215. Accessed
December 2009.
In freshwater, cyanobacteria can produce toxins that have been
implicated as the cause of a large number of fish and bird mortalities.
These toxins have also been tied to the death of pets and livestock
that may be exposed through drinking contaminated water or grooming
themselves after bodily exposure.\16\ A recent study showed that at
least one type of cyanobacteria has been linked to cancer and tumor
growth in animals.\17\
\16\ WHOI. 2008. HAB Impacts on Wildlife. Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/redtide/page.do?pid=9682. Accessed December 2009.
\17\ Falconer, I.R., A.R. Humpage. 2005. Health Risk Assessment
of Cyanobacterial (Blue-green Algal) Toxins in Drinking Water. Int.
J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2(1): 43-50.
Excessive algal growth contributes to increased oxygen consumption
associated with decomposition, potentially reducing oxygen to levels
below that needed for aquatic life to survive and
flourish.18 19 Low oxygen, or hypoxia, often occurs in
episodic ``events,'' which sometimes develop overnight. Mobile species,
such as adult fish, can sometimes survive by moving to areas with more
oxygen. However, migration to avoid hypoxia depends on species
mobility, availability of suitable habitat, and adequate environmental
cues for migration. Less mobile or immobile species, such as oysters
and mussels, cannot move to avoid low oxygen and are often killed
during hypoxic events.\20\ While certain mature aquatic animals can
tolerate a range of dissolved oxygen levels that occur in the water,
younger life stages of species like fish and shellfish often require
higher levels of oxygen to survive.\21\ Sustained low levels of
dissolved oxygen cause a severe decrease in the amount of aquatic life
in hypoxic zones and affect the ability of aquatic organisms to find
necessary food and habitat. In extreme cases, anoxic conditions occur
when there is a complete lack of oxygen. Very few organisms can live
without oxygen (for example some microbes), hence these areas are
sometimes referred to as dead zones.\22\
\18\ NOAA. 2009. Harmful Algal Blooms: Current Programs
Overview. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.cop.noaa.gov/stressors/extremeevents/hab/welcome.html. Accessed
December 2009.
\19\ USGS. 2009. Hypoxia. U.S. Geological Survey. https://toxics.usgs.gov/definitions/hypoxia.html. Accessed December 2009.
\20\ ESA. 2009. Hypoxia. Ecological Society of America. https://www.esa.org/education_diversity/pdfDocs/hypoxia.pdf. Accessed
December 2009.
\21\ USEPA. 2000. Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria
for Dissolved Oxygen (Saltwater): Cape Cod to Cape Hattaras.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington DC PA-
\22\ Ecological Society of America. 2009. Hypoxia. Ecological
Society of America, Washington, DC. https://www.esa.org/education/edupdfs/hypoxia.pdf. Accessed December 2009.
Primary impacts to humans result directly from elevated nutrient
pollution levels and indirectly from the subsequent water body changes
that occur from increased nutrients (such as algal blooms and toxins).
Direct impacts include effects on human health through drinking water
or consuming toxic shellfish. Indirect impacts include restrictions on
recreation (such as boating, swimming, and kayaking). Algal blooms can
prevent opportunities to swim and engage in other types of recreation.
In areas where recreation is determined to be unsafe because of algal
blooms, warning signs are often posted to discourage human use of the
Highly elevated nitrogen levels, in the form of nitrate, in
drinking water supplies and private wells can cause methemoglobinemia
(blue baby syndrome, which refers to high levels of nitrate in a baby's
blood that reduce the blood's ability to deliver oxygen to the skin and
organs resulting in a bluish tinge to the skin; in severe cases
methemoglobinemia can lead to coma and death).\23\ Monitoring of
Florida Public Water Supplies from 2004-2007 indicates that violations
of nitrate maximum contaminant levels (MCL) ranged from 34-40
violations annually.\24\ In addition, in the predominantly agricultural
regions of Florida, of 3,949 drinking water wells analyzed for nitrate
by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, (FDACS)
and the FDEP, 2,483 (63%) contained detectable nitrate and 584 wells
(15%) contained nitrate above the U.S. EPA MCL. Of the 584 wells
statewide that exceeded the MCL, 519 were located in the Central
Florida Ridge citrus growing region, encompassed primarily by Lake,
Polk and Highland Counties.\25\ Human health can also be impacted by
disinfection byproducts formed when disinfectants (such as chlorine)
used to treat drinking water react with organic carbon (from the algae
in source waters). Some disinfection byproducts have been linked to
rectal, bladder, and colon cancers; reproductive health risks; and
liver, kidney, and central nervous
[[Page 4180]]
system problems.26 27 Humans can also be impacted by
accidentally ingesting toxins, resulting from toxic algal blooms in
water, while recreating or by consuming drinking water that still
contains toxins despite treatment. For example, cyanobacteria toxins
can sometimes pass through the normal water treatment process.\28\
After consuming seafood tainted by toxic HABs, humans can develop
gastrointestinal distress, memory loss, disorientation, confusion, and
even coma and death in extreme cases. Some toxins only require a small
dose to cause illness or death.\29\ EPA expects that by addressing
protection of aquatic life uses through the application of the proposed
numeric nutrient criteria in this rulemaking, risks to human health
will also be alleviated, as nutrient levels that represent a balance of
natural populations of flora and fauna will not produce HABs nor result
in highly elevated nitrate levels.
\23\ USEPA. 2007. Nitrates and Nitrites. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. https://www.epa.gov/teach/chem_summ/Nitrates_summary.pdf. Accessed December 2009.
\24\ FDEP 2009. Chemical Data for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and
2008. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. https://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/drinkingwater/chemdata.htm. Accessed
January 2010.
\25\ Southern Regional Water Program. 2010. Drinking Water and
Human Health in Florida. Southern Regional Water Program, https://srwqis.tamu.edu/florida/program-information/florida-target-themes/drinking-water-and-human-health.aspx. Accessed January 2010.
\26\ USEPA. 2009. Drinking Water Contaminants. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed https://www.epa.gov/safewater/hfacts.html. December 2009.
\27\ CFR. 2006. 40 CFR parts 9, 141, and 142: National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations: Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection
Byproducts Rule. Code of Federal Regulations, Washington, DC. https://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-WATER/2006/January/Day-04/w03.htm.
Accessed December 2009.
\28\ Carmichael, W.W. 2000. Assessment of Blue-Green Algal
Toxins in Raw and Finished Drinking Water. AWWA Research Foundation,
Denver, CO.
\29\ NOAA. 2009. Marine Biotoxins. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. https://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/hab/habs_toxins/marine_biotoxins/. Accessed December 2009.
Nutrient pollution and eutrophication can also impact the economy
through additional reactive costs, such as medical treatment for humans
who ingest HAB toxins, treating drinking water supplies to remove algae
and organic matter, and monitoring water for shellfish and other
affected resources.
Economic losses from algal blooms and HABs can include reduced
property values for lakefront areas, commercial fishery losses, and
lost revenue from recreational fishing and boating trips, as well as
other tourism-related businesses. Commercial fishery losses occur
because of a decline in the amount of fish available for harvest due to
habitat and oxygen declines. Some HAB toxins can make seafood unsafe
for human consumption, and can reduce the amount of fish bought because
people might question if eating fish is safe after learning of the
presence of the algal bloom.\30\ To put the issue into perspective,
consider the following estimates: For freshwater lakes, losses in
fishing and boating trip-related revenues nationwide due to
eutrophication are estimated to range from $370 million to almost $1.2
billion dollars and loss of lake property values from excessive algal
growth are estimated to range from $300 million to $2.8 billion
annually on a national level.\31\
\30\ WHOI. 2008. Hearing on 'Harmful Algal Blooms: The
Challenges on the Nation's Coastlines.' Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=8916&tid=282&cid=46007. Accessed December 2009.
\31\ Dodds, W.K., W.W. Bouska, J.L. Eitzmann, T.J. Pilger, K.L.
Pitts, A.J. Riley, J.T. Schloesser, and D.J. Thornbrugh. 2009.
Eutrophication of U.S. freshwaters: analysis of potential economic
damages. Environ.l Sci. Tech.y. 43(1):12-19.
3. Nutrient Pollution in Florida
Water quality degradation resulting from excess nitrogen and
phosphorus loadings is a documented and significant environmental issue
in Florida. According to Florida's 2008 Integrated Report,\32\
approximately 1,000 miles of rivers and streams, 350,000 acres of
lakes, and 900 square miles of estuaries are impaired for nutrients in
the State. To put this in context, these values represent approximately
5% of the assessed river and stream miles, 23% of the assessed lake
acres, and 24% of the assessed square miles of estuaries that Florida
has listed as impaired in the 2008 Integrated Report.\33\ Nutrients are
ranked as the fourth major source of impairment for rivers and streams
in the State (after dissolved oxygen, mercury in fish, and fecal
coliforms). For lakes and estuaries, nutrients are ranked first and
second, respectively. As discussed above, impairments due to nutrient
pollution result in significant impacts to aquatic life and ecosystem
health. Nutrient pollution also represents, as mentioned above, an
increased human health risk in terms of contaminated drinking water
supplies and private wells.
\32\ Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2008.
Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report
and 303(d) List Update.
\33\ Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2008.
Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report
and 303(d) List Update.
Florida is particularly vulnerable to nutrient pollution.
Historically, the State has experienced a rapidly expanding population,
which is a strong predictor of nutrient loading and associated effects,
and which combined with climate and other natural factors, make Florida
waters sensitive to nutrient effects. Florida is currently the fourth
most populous state in the nation, with an estimated 18 million
people.\34\ Population is expected to continue to grow, resulting in an
expected increase in urban development, home landscapes, and
wastewater. Florida's flat topography causes water to move slowly over
the landscape, allowing ample opportunity for eutrophication responses
to develop. Similarly, small tides in many of Florida's estuaries
(especially on the Gulf coast) also allow for well-developed
eutrophication responses in tidal waters. Florida's warm and wet, yet
sunny, climate further contributes to increased run-off and subsequent
eutrophication responses.\35\ Exchanges of surface water and ground
water contribute to complex relationships between nutrient sources and
the location and timing of eventual impacts.\36\
\34\ U.S. Census Bureau. 2009. 2008 Population Estimates Ranked
by State. https://factfinder.census.gov.
\35\ Perry, W.B. 2008. Everglades restoration and water quality
challenges in south Florida. Ecotoxicology 17:569-578.
\36\ USGS. 2009. Florida Waters: A Water Resources Manual.
https://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/reports/floridawaters/. Accessed
June 9, 2009.
In addition, extensive agricultural development and associated
hydrologic modifications (e.g., canals and ditches) amplify the State's
susceptibility to nutrient pollution. Many of Florida's inland areas
have extensive tracts of agricultural lands. Much of the intensive
agriculture and associated fertilizer usage takes place in locations
dominated by poorly drained sandy soils and with high annual rainfall
amounts, two conditions favoring nutrient-rich runoff. These factors,
along with population increase, have contributed to a significant
upward trend in nutrient inputs to Florida's waters.\37\ High
historical water quality and the human and aquatic life uses of many
waterways in Florida often means that very low nutrients, low
productivity, and high water clarity are needed and expected to
maintain uses.
\37\ Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2008.
Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida: 2008 305(b) Report
and 303(d) List Update.
B. Statutory and Regulatory Background
Section 303(c) (33 U.S.C. 1313(c)) of the CWA directs states to
adopt WQS for their navigable waters. Section 303(c)(2)(A) and EPA's
implementing regulations at 40 CFR part 131 require, among other
provisions, that state WQS include the designated use or uses to be
made of the waters and criteria that protect those uses. EPA
regulations at 40 CFR 131.11(a)(1) provide that states shall ``adopt
those water quality criteria
[[Page 4181]]
that protect the designated use'' and that such criteria ``must be
based on sound scientific rationale and must contain sufficient
parameters or constituents to protect the designated use.'' As noted
above, 40 CFR 130.10(b) provides that ``In designating uses of a water
body and the appropriate criteria for those uses, the state shall take
into consideration the water quality standards of downstream waters and
ensure that its water quality standards provide for the attainment and
maintenance of the water quality standards of downstream waters.''
States are also required to review their WQS at least once every
three years and, if appropriate, revise or adopt new standards (CWA
section 303(c)(1)). States are required to submit these new or revised
WQS for EPA review and approval or disapproval (CWA section
303(c)(2)(A)). Finally, CWA section 303(c)(4)(B) authorizes the
Administrator to determine, even in the absence of a state submission,
that a new or revised standard is needed to meet CWA requirements. The
criteria proposed in this rulemaking apply to lakes and flowing waters
of the State of Florida. EPA's proposal defines ``lakes and flowing
waters'' to mean inland surface waters that have been classified by
Florida as Class I (Potable Water Supplies Use) or Class III
(Recreation, Propagation and Maintenance of a Healthy, Well-Balanced
Population of Fish and Wildlife Use) water bodies pursuant to Florida
Administrative Code (F.A.C.) Rule 62-302.400, excluding wetlands, and
which are predominantly fresh waters.
C. Water Quality Criteria
EPA has issued guidance for use by states when developing criteria.
Under CWA section 304(a), EPA periodically publishes criteria
recommendations (guidance) for use by states in setting water quality
criteria for particular parameters to protect recreational and aquatic
life uses of waters. When EPA has published recommended criteria,
states have the option of adopting water quality criteria based on
EPA's CWA section 304(a) criteria guidance, section 304(a) criteria
guidance modified to reflect site-specific conditions, or other
scientifically defensible methods. 40 CFR 131.11(b)(1).
For nutrients, EPA has published under CWA section 304(a) a series
of peer-reviewed, national technical approaches and methods regarding
the development of numeric nutrient criteria for lakes and
reservoirs,\38\ rivers and streams,\39\ and estuaries and coastal
marine waters.\40\ Basic analytical approaches for nutrient criteria
derivation include, but are not limited to: (1) Stressor-response
analysis, (2) the reference condition approach, and (3) mechanistic
modeling. The stressor-response, or effects-based, approach relates a
water body's response to nutrients and identifies adverse effect
levels. This is done by selecting a protective value based on the
relationships of nitrogen and phosphorus field measures with indicators
of biological response. This approach is empirical, and directly
relates to the designated uses. The reference condition approach
derives candidate criteria from distributions of nutrient
concentrations and biological responses in a group of waters.
Measurements are made of causal and response variables and a protective
value is selected from the distribution. The mechanistic modeling
approach predicts a cause-effect relationship using site-specific input
to equations that represent ecological processes. Mechanistic models
require calibration and validation. Each approach has peer review
support by the broader scientific community, and would provide adequate
means for any state to develop scientifically defensible numeric
nutrient criteria.
\38\ U.S. EPA. 2000a. Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance
Manual: Lakes and Reservoirs. Office of Water, Washington, DC. EPA-
\39\ U.S. EPA. 2000b. Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance
Manual: Rivers and Streams. Office of Water, Washington, DC. EPA-
\40\ U.S. EPA. 2001. Nutrient Criteria Technical Manual:
Estuarine and Coastal Marine Waters. Office of Water, Washington,
DC. EPA-822-B-01-003, and wetlands (U.S. EPA, 2007).
In cases where scientifically defensible numeric criteria cannot be
derived, EPA regulations provide that narrative criteria should be
adopted. 40 CFR 131.11(b)(2). Narrative criteria are descriptions of
conditions necessary for the water body to attain its designated use.
Often expressed as requirements that waters remain ``free from''
certain characteristics, narrative criteria can be the basis for
controlling nuisance conditions such as floating debris or
objectionable deposits. States often establish narrative criteria, such
as ``no toxics in toxic amounts,'' in order to limit toxic pollutants
in waters where the state has yet to adopt an EPA-recommended numeric
criterion and or where EPA has yet to derive a recommended numeric
criterion. For nutrients, in the absence of numeric nutrient criteria,
states have often established narrative criteria such as ``no nuisance
algae.'' Reliance on a narrative criterion to derive NPDES permit
limits, assess water bodies for listing purposes, and establish TMDL
targets can often be a difficult, resource-inten