Special Conditions: Boeing Model 787-8 Airplane; Overhead Flightcrew Rest Compartment Occupiable During Taxi, Take-Off, and Landing, 81-89 [E9-31116]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
flammability requirements of § 25.853(c)
as amended by Amendment 25–116.
18. The addition of a lavatory within
the OCR compartment would require
the lavatory to meet the same
requirements as those for a lavatory
installed on the main deck except with
regard to Proposed Special Condition
No. 10 for smoke detection.
19. Each stowage compartment in the
OCR compartment must be completely
enclosed. All enclosed stowage
compartments within the OCR
compartment that are not limited to
stowage of emergency equipment or
airplane-supplied equipment (i.e.,
bedding) must meet the design criteria
given in the table below. Enclosed
stowage compartments greater than 200
ft3 in interior volume are not addressed
by this proposed special condition. The
in-flight accessibility of very large
enclosed stowage compartments and the
subsequent impact on the
crewmembers’ ability to effectively
reach any part of the compartment with
the contents of a hand fire extinguisher
will require additional fire protection
considerations similar to those required
for inaccessible compartments such as
Class C cargo compartments.
Applicability of fire protection requirements by interior volume
Fire protection features
Less than 25 cubic feet
Compliant Materials of Construction1
Smoke or Fire Detectors 2 .............
Liner 3 .............................................
Fire Location Detector 4 .................
25 Cubic feet to less than 57
cubic feet
57 Cubic feet to
200 cubic feet
Yes ................................................
Yes ................................................
No .................................................
No .................................................
No .................................................
Yes ................................................
Conditional ....................................
Yes ................................................
1 Compliant
Materials of Construction
The material used to construct each enclosed stowage compartment must at least be fire resistant and must meet the flammability standards
established for interior components (i.e., 14 CFR part 25 Appendix F, parts I, IV, and V) per the requirements of § 25.853. For compartments less
than 25 ft.3 in interior volume, the design must ensure the ability to contain a fire likely to occur within the compartment under normal use.
2 Smoke or Fire Detectors
Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or exceeding 25 ft.3 in interior volume must be provided with a smoke or fire detection system to ensure that a fire can be detected within a one-minute detection time. Flight tests must be conducted to show compliance with this requirement.
Each system (or systems) must provide:
(a) A visual indication in the flight deck within one minute after the start of a fire.
(b) An aural warning in the overhead crew rest compartment.
(c) A warning in the main passenger cabin. This warning must be readily detectable by a flight attendant, taking into consideration the positioning of flight attendants throughout the main passenger compartment during various phases of flight.
3 Liner
If it can be shown that the material used to construct the stowage compartment meets the flammability requirements of a liner for a Class B
cargo compartment (i.e., § 25.855 at Amendment 25–116, and Appendix F, part I, paragraph (a)(2)(ii)), then no liner would be required for enclosed stowage compartments equal to or greater than 25 ft.3 but less than 57 ft.3 in interior volume. For all enclosed stowage compartments
equal to or greater than 57 ft.3 in interior volume but less than or equal to 200 ft.3, a liner must be provided that meets the requirements of
§ 25.855 for a Class B cargo compartment.
4 Fire Location Detector
If an OCR compartment has enclosed stowage compartments exceeding 25 ft.3 interior volume that are located separately from the other stowage compartments (located, for example, away from one central location, such as the entry to the OCR compartment or a common area within
the OCR compartment, where the other stowage compartments are), that OCR compartment would require additional fire protection features
and/or devices to assist the firefighter in determining the location of a fire.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on
December 28, 2009.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E9–31117 Filed 12–31–09; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. NM411 Special Conditions No.
Special Conditions: Boeing Model 787–
8 Airplane; Overhead Flightcrew Rest
Compartment Occupiable During Taxi,
Take-Off, and Landing
AGENCY: Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
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ACTION: Notice of proposed special
SUMMARY: This action proposes special
conditions for the Boeing Model 787–8
airplane. This airplane will have novel
or unusual design features associated
with an overhead flightcrew rest (OFCR)
compartment, which is proposed to be
occupiable during taxi, take-off, and
landing (TT&L). The applicable
airworthiness regulations do not contain
adequate or appropriate safety standards
for this design feature. These proposed
special conditions contain the
additional safety standards that the
Administrator considers necessary to
establish a level of safety equivalent to
that established by the existing
airworthiness standards. Additional
special conditions will be issued for
other novel or unusual design features
of the Boeing Model 787–8 airplanes.
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DATES: We must receive your comments
by February 18, 2010.
ADDRESSES: You must mail two copies
of your comments to: Federal Aviation
Administration, Transport Airplane
Directorate, Attn: Rules Docket (ANM–
113), Docket No. NM411, 1601 Lind
Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
98057–3356. You may deliver two
copies to the Transport Airplane
Directorate at the above address. You
must mark your comments: Docket No.
NM411. You can inspect comments in
the Rules Docket weekdays, except
Federal holidays, between 7:30 a.m. and
4 p.m.
Gardlin, FAA, Airframe/Cabin Safety
Branch, ANM–115, Transport Standards
Staff, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service, 1601 Lind
Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
98055–4056; telephone (425) 227–2136;
facsimile (425) 227–1320.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Comments Invited
We invite interested people to take
part in this rulemaking by sending
written comments, data, or views. The
most helpful comments reference a
specific portion of the special
conditions, explain the reason for any
recommended change, and include
supporting data. We ask that you send
us two copies of written comments.
We will file in the docket all
comments we receive, as well as a
report summarizing each substantive
public contact with FAA personnel
concerning these special conditions.
You can inspect the docket before and
after the comment closing date. If you
wish to review the docket in person, go
to the address in the ADDRESSES section
of this preamble between 7:30 a.m. and
4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
We will consider all comments we
receive on or before the closing date for
comments. We will consider comments
filed late if it is possible to do so
without incurring expense or delay. We
may change these special conditions
based on the comments we receive.
If you want us to acknowledge receipt
of your comments on this proposal,
include with your comments a selfaddressed, stamped postcard on which
you have written the docket number.
We will stamp the date on the postcard
and mail it back to you.
On March 28, 2003, The Boeing
Commercial Airplane Group (hereafter
referred to as ‘‘Boeing’’) applied for an
FAA type certificate for its new Boeing
Model 787–8 passenger airplane. The
company applied for an extension of
time for the type certificate on March 9,
2009, and was granted that extension on
March 13, 2009. The Boeing Model 787–
8 airplane will be an all-new, twoengine jet transport airplane with a twoaisle cabin. The maximum takeoff
weight will be 476,000 pounds, with a
maximum passenger count of 381
Type Certification Basis
Under provisions of Title 14 Code of
Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 21.17,
Boeing must show that the Boeing
Model 787–8 airplane (hereafter referred
to as ‘‘the 787’’) meets the applicable
provisions of 14 CFR part 25, as
amended by Amendments 25–1 through
25–117, 25–120, 25–124, 25–125 and
25–128, except that § 25.1309 remains at
Amendment 25–117 for cargo fire
protection systems. If the Administrator
finds that the applicable airworthiness
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regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not
contain adequate or appropriate safety
standards for the 787 because of a novel
or unusual design feature, special
conditions are prescribed under the
provisions of § 21.16.
In addition to complying with the
applicable airworthiness regulations
and special conditions, the 787 must
comply with the fuel vent and exhaust
emission requirements of 14 CFR part
34 and the noise certification
requirements of 14 CFR part 36. The
FAA must also issue a finding of
regulatory adequacy pursuant to section
611 of Public Law 92–574, the ‘‘Noise
Control Act of 1972.’’
The FAA issues special conditions, as
defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in accordance
with § 11.38, and they become part of
the type certification basis under
§ 21.17(a)(2).
Special conditions are initially
applicable to the model for which they
are issued. Should the type certificate
for that model be amended later to
include any other model that
incorporates the same novel or unusual
design features, the special conditions
would also apply to the other model
under provisions of § 21.101.
Novel or Unusual Design Features
Crew rest compartments have been
installed and certificated on several
Boeing airplane models in locations as
varied as the main passenger seating
area, the overhead space above the main
passenger cabin seating area, and below
the passenger cabin seating area within
the cargo compartment. In each case, the
Administrator has determined that the
applicable regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part
25) did not provide all of the necessary
requirements because each installation
had unique features by virtue of its
design, location, and use on the
airplane. When the Administrator finds
that the applicable airworthiness
regulations do not contain adequate or
appropriate safety standards because of
a novel or unusual design feature,
special conditions are prescribed under
the provisions of § 21.16. The proposed
special conditions contain safety
standards that the Administrator
considers necessary to establish a level
of safety equivalent to that established
by the existing airworthiness standards.
Most recently, for the Boeing Model
777 series airplanes, the FAA has issued
Special Conditions No. 25–230–SC,
dated April 9, 2003, for overhead crew
rest compartments allowed to be
occupied during flight, and Special
Conditions No. 25–260–SC, dated April
14, 2004, for overhead flightcrew rest
(OFCR) compartments allowed to be
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occupied during TT&L, as well as
during flight.
For the 787, an OFCR compartment is
located in the overhead space above the
main passenger cabin seating area
immediately aft of the first pair of main
deck emergency exits (Door 1). This
compartment includes two private
berths and up to two seats. Occupancy
of the compartment will be limited to a
maximum of four trained crewmembers
during flight and two trained flight
crewmembers, one in each seat, during
TT&L. The compartment will be
accessed from the main deck by stairs
through a vestibule. In addition, a
secondary evacuation route, which
opens directly into the main passenger
seating area, will be available as an
alternate for evacuating occupants of the
compartment. A smoke detection system
and an oxygen system will be provided
in the compartment. Other optional
features, such as a sink with cold drink
stowage or a lavatory, may be provided
as well.
This OFCR compartment is unique to
part 25 because of its design, location,
and use on the airplane. It is also unique
because it is in the overhead area of the
passenger compartment and is proposed
to be occupied by trained flightcrew
during TT&L.
Because of the novel or unusual
features associated with installation of
this OFCR compartment, special
conditions are considered necessary to
provide a level of safety equal to that
established by the airworthiness
regulations. These proposed special
conditions do not negate the need to
address other applicable part 25
Consideration of a Requirement for an
External Exit
For Boeing Model 777 Special
Conditions No. 25–260–SC, the FAA
considered whether or not a special
condition should require that the OFCR
compartment have an external exit
leading directly outside the airplane.
The Air Line Pilots Association,
International (ALPA), and International
Federation of Air Line Pilots (IFALPA)
reviewed the design of the 777 OFCR
compartment and informed the FAA
that in their opinion an external exit
was not needed because two
independent, internal evacuation routes
were provided. That input, and the fact
that flight crewmembers would be the
only occupants of the compartment
during TT&L, supported the FAA in
determining that a special condition
requiring an external exit was not
required. The FAA considers that the
following, in addition to Special
Conditions No. 25–260–SC, provide a
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
level of safety equivalent to that
established by part 25 for main deck
1. The distances along the evacuation
routes from the seats in the OFCR
compartment to the Door 1 exits on the
main deck are significantly shorter than
the maximum distance a seated
passenger on the main deck would need
to travel to reach an exit.
2. Occupancy during TT&L will be
limited to two flight crewmembers
trained in the evacuation, fire fighting,
and depressurization procedures of the
OFCR compartment. An airplane flight
manual limitation must be established
to restrict occupancy to only persons the
pilot in command has determined are
able to use both evacuation routes
rapidly. The ability of such persons to
fit through the escape hatch must be
considered in this determination.
For the reasons noted above, the FAA
does not believe that this proposed
special condition should require that
the 787 OFCR compartment have an
external exit.
Operational Evaluations and Approval
These proposed special conditions
outline requirements for OFCR
compartment design approvals
administered by the FAA’s Aircraft
Certification Service. Prior to
operational use of an OFCR
compartment, the FAA’s Flight
Standards Service must evaluate and
approve the ‘‘basic suitability’’ of the
compartment for crew occupation.
Additionally, if an operator wishes to
use an OFCR compartment as ‘‘sleeping
quarters,’’ the compartment must
undergo an additional evaluation and
approval (reference 14 CFR 121.485(a),
121.523(b), and 135.269(b)(5)).
Compliance with these proposed special
conditions does not ensure that the
applicant has demonstrated compliance
with the requirements of parts 121 or
To obtain an operational evaluation,
the type certificate holder must contact
the appropriate aircraft evaluation group
(AEG) in the Flight Standards Service
and request a ‘‘basic suitability’’
evaluation or a ‘‘sleeping quarters’’
evaluation of its OFCR compartment.
The results of these evaluations should
be documented in a 787 flight
standardization board (FSB) report
appendix. Individual operators may
reference these standardized evaluations
in discussions with their FAA principal
operating inspector (POI) as the basis for
an operational approval, in lieu of an
on-site operational evaluation.
Any changes to the approved OFCR
compartment configuration that affect
crewmember emergency egress or any
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other procedures affecting safety of the
occupying crewmembers or related
emergency training will require reevaluation and approval. The applicant
for an OFCR compartment design
change that affects egress, safety
procedures, or training is responsible for
notifying the FAA’s AEG that a new
compartment evaluation is required.
The results of a re-evaluation should
also be documented in a 787 FSB report
Procedures must be developed to
ensure that a crewmember entering the
OFCR compartment through the
vestibule to fight a fire will examine the
vestibule and the adjacent galley or
lavatory areas (if installed) for the
source of the fire before entering the
remaining areas of the compartment.
This is intended to ensure that the
source of the fire is not between the
crewmember and the entrance to the
OFCR compartment. If a fire source is
not immediately evident to the
firefighter, the firefighter should check
for potential fire sources at areas closest
to the OFCR compartment entrance first,
then proceed to check areas in such a
manner that the fire source, when
found, will not be between the
firefighter and his or her way to get out
of the compartment. Procedures
describing methods for searching the
OFCR compartment for fire source(s)
must be transmitted to operators for
incorporation into their training
programs and appropriate operational
Discussion of Rescue Crew Training
Installation of an overhead crew rest
compartment that can be occupied
during TT&L by flight crew is unusual.
Appropriate information must be
provided to airport fire rescue personnel
so that they understand that this remote
compartment may be occupied during
an emergency landing. The applicant
must provide rescue crew training
materials to the FAA Airports Division,
Safety and Standards Branch (ANM–
620) to address this issue. The FAA
Airports Division, Safety and Standards
Branch, will ensure that these materials
are distributed to appropriate airports,
domestic and foreign. A special
condition is not considered appropriate
to address this issue.
Discussion of Proposed Special
These proposed special conditions
would apply to OFCR compartments
that are occupiable during TT&L and are
installed immediately aft of the Door 1
exits on the 787. These proposed special
conditions would supplement 14 CFR
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part 25. Except as noted below, these
proposed special conditions for the 787
will be identical to Boeing Model 777
Special Conditions No. 25–260–SC.
Proposed Special Conditions No. 6
and 16 contain requirements for the exit
signs that must be provided in the OFCR
compartment. As stated in the proposed
special conditions, symbol signs in
OFCR compartments that satisfy the
equivalent level of safety finding
established for the 787 may be used in
lieu of the text signs required by
§ 25.812(b)(1)(i).
Proposed Special Condition No. 15
contains requirements for supplemental
oxygen systems. Special Conditions No.
25–260–SC required that each berth be
provided with two oxygen masks. This
was intended to address the case where
a person not in a berth was moving
around within the crew rest
compartment and needed quick access
to the oxygen. For the designs used in
the model 777, this requirement was
sufficient. However, for the 787, the
requirement to have two masks per
berth may not always meet the objective
of having masks available to persons
who are in transition within the
compartment. Therefore, the wording of
this proposed special condition has
been modified to better state the
objective rather than specify that two
masks be provided per berth. In
addition, the requirement to have
adequate illumination to retrieve the
mask, while implied previously, is
made explicit in this proposal.
Proposed Special Condition No. 18
contains the requirements for materials
used in the construction of the OFCR
compartment. Special Conditions No.
25–260–SC stated that § 25.853 as
amended by Amendment 25–83 is the
appropriate regulation. Section 25.853
has since been further amended, and
these proposed special conditions
reference the latest amendment level for
§ 25.853 (Amendment 25–116).
Compliance with these proposed
special conditions does not relieve the
applicant from the existing airplane
certification basis requirements. One
particular area of concern is that
installation of OFCR compartments
leaves a smaller compartment volume
within the overhead area of the airplane.
The applicant must comply with the
pressurized compartment loads
requirements of § 25.365(e), (f), and (g)
for the OFCR compartment, as well as
for any other airplane compartments
whose decompression characteristics
are affected by the installation of an
OFCR compartment. Compliance with
§ 25.813 emergency exit access
requirements must be demonstrated for
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
all phases of flight during which
occupants will be present.
The proposed configuration includes
a seat installed adjacent to the OFCR
compartment exit which will be
occupiable during TT&L. It should be
noted that the emergency landing
conditions requirements of §§ 25.561(d)
and 25.562(c)(8) are applicable to this
configuration. Hence, deformations
resulting from required static and
dynamic structural tests must not
impede rapid evacuation of the OFCR
compartment occupants. Seat
deformations must not prevent opening
of the secondary escape hatch or rapid
evacuation through the secondary
escape route.
Section 25.785(h)(2) mandates that
the flight attendant seats required by the
operating rules be located in a position
that provides a direct view of the cabin
area for which the flight attendant is
responsible. Since the OFCR
compartment will be occupied only by
trained crewmembers, the FAA does not
consider this requirement applicable to
the seating area in the compartment.
Section 25.787(a) requires each
stowage compartment in the passenger
cabin, except for underseat and
overhead compartments for passenger
convenience, to be completely enclosed.
This requirement does not apply to the
flight deck, because flight crewmembers
must be able to quickly access items to
better perform their duties. Flight
crewmembers occupying the OFCR
compartment will not be performing
flight deck duties however. Therefore,
the FAA considers that stowage
compartments in the OFCR
compartment, except for underseat
compartments for occupant
convenience, should be completely
enclosed. This will provide occupants
of the OFCR compartment a similar
level of safety to that provided to
passengers on the main deck. Proposed
Special Condition No. 20 contains this
Section 25.811(c) requires that means
be provided to assist occupants in
locating the exits in conditions of dense
smoke. Section 25.812(e) requires floor
proximity emergency escape path
marking to provide guidance for
passengers when all sources of
illumination above 4 feet from the cabin
aisle floor are totally obscured. The FAA
considers that the current OFCR
compartment design is sufficient in
regard to these regulations. The two
OFCR compartment seats are only a
couple of steps away from the stairway
and once a trained flight crewmember is
at the top of the stairway, the stairway
itself will guide him/her to the main
deck. Once the crewmember is on the
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main deck, floor proximity lighting and
exit marker signs, which are less than 4
feet above the floor, are provided.
Section 25.813(e) prohibits
installation of interior doors between
passenger compartments, but the FAA
has historically found crew rest doors to
be acceptable, because crew rests are not
passenger compartments. Proposed
Special Conditions No. 2 and 16 provide
requirements for crew rest doors which
are considered to provide an
appropriate level of safety to OFCR
compartment occupants.
Sections 25.1443, 25.1445, and
25.1447 contain oxygen requirements
for flight crew, passengers, and cabin
attendants. Flight crewmembers
occupying the OFCR compartment are
not on duty, and therefore are
considered passengers in determining
compliance with these oxygen
As discussed above, these proposed
special conditions are applicable to the
787. Should Boeing apply at a later date
for a change to the type certificate to
include another model incorporating the
same novel or unusual design features,
these proposed special conditions
would apply to that model as well.
This action affects only certain novel
or unusual design features of the 787. It
is not a rule of general applicability.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
The authority citation for these
special conditions is as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,
44702, 44704.
The Proposed Special Conditions
Accordingly, the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) proposes the
following special conditions as part of
the type certification basis for the
Boeing Model 787–8 airplanes with an
overhead flightcrew rest (OFCR)
compartment installed adjacent to or
immediately aft of the first pair of exits
(Door 1).
1. During flight, occupancy of the
OFCR compartment is limited to the
total number of bunks and seats
installed in the compartment that are
approved to the maximum flight loading
conditions. During taxi, takeoff, and
landing (TT&L), occupancy of the OFCR
compartment is limited to the total
number of installed seats approved for
the flight and ground load conditions
and emergency landing conditions. The
OFCR compartment is limited to a
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maximum of four crewmembers during
flight and two flight crewmembers
during TT&L.
(a) There must be appropriate
placards, inside and outside each
entrance to the OFCR compartment, to
(1) The maximum number of
crewmembers allowed during flight and
the maximum number of flight
crewmembers allowed during TT&L.
(2) That occupancy is restricted to
crewmembers who the pilot in
command has determined are trained in
the emergency procedures for the OFCR
compartment and able to rapidly use the
evacuation routes.
(3) That smoking is prohibited in the
OFCR compartment.
(4) That stowage in the OFCR
compartment area is limited to crew
personal luggage. The stowage of cargo
or passenger baggage is not allowed.
(b) There must be at least one ashtray
on the inside and one ashtray on the
outside of any entrance to the OFCR
(c) A limitation in the airplane flight
manual must be established to restrict
occupancy to crewmembers who the
pilot in command has determined are
trained in the emergency procedures for
the OFCR compartment and are able to
rapidly use the evacuation routes of the
OFCR compartment.
2. The following requirements are
applicable to OFCR compartment
(a) There must be a means for any
door installed between the OFCR
compartment and the passenger cabin to
be quickly opened from inside the
OFCR compartment, even when
crowding from an emergency evacuation
occurs at each side of the door.
(b) Doors installed across emergency
egress routes must have a means to latch
them in the open position. The latching
means must be able to withstand the
loads imposed upon it when the door is
subjected to the ultimate inertia forces,
relative to the surrounding structure,
listed in § 25.561(b).
(c) A placard must be displayed in a
conspicuous place on the outside of the
entrance door of the OFCR
compartment, and on any other door(s)
installed across emergency egress routes
of the OFCR compartment, requiring
those doors to be latched open during
TT&L when the OFCR compartment is
occupied. This requirement does not
apply to emergency escape hatches
installed in the floor of the OFCR
compartment. A placard must be
displayed in a conspicuous place on the
outside of the entrance door to the
OFCR compartment that requires it to be
closed and locked when it is not
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
occupied. Procedures for meeting these
requirements must be transmitted to the
operator for incorporation into its
training programs and appropriate
operational manuals.
(d) For all doors installed in the OFCR
compartment, there must be a means to
preclude anyone from being trapped
inside the OFCR compartment. If a
locking mechanism is installed, it must
be capable of being unlocked from the
outside without the aid of special tools.
The lock must not prevent opening from
the inside of the OFCR compartment at
any time.
3. In addition to the requirements of
§ 25.562 for seats, which are occupiable
during takeoff and landing, and restraint
systems, the OFCR compartment
structure must be compatible with the
loads imposed by the seats as a result of
the conditions specified in § 25.562(b).
4. There must be at least two
emergency evacuation routes that could
be used by each occupant of the OFCR
compartment to rapidly evacuate to the
main cabin. These evacuation routes
must be able to be closed from the main
passenger cabin after evacuation. In
(a) The routes must be located with
sufficient separation within the OFCR
compartment to minimize the
possibility of an event either inside or
outside of the OFCR compartment
rendering both routes inoperative.
Compliance with requirements of
proposed Special Condition No. 4(a)
may be shown by inspection or by
analysis. Regardless of which method is
used, the maximum acceptable distance
between crew rest compartment outlets
is 60 feet.
Compliance by Inspection
Inspection may be used to show
compliance with proposed Special
Condition No. 4(a). An inspection
finding that an OFCR compartment has
evacuation routes located so that each
occupant of the seats and berths has an
unobstructed route to at least one of the
OFCR compartment outlets, regardless
of the location of a fire, would be reason
for a finding of compliance. A fire
within a berth that only blocks the
occupant of that berth from exiting the
berth need not be considered. Therefore,
crew rest compartment outlets that are
located at absolute opposite ends (i.e.,
adjacent to opposite end walls) of the
OFCR compartment would require no
further review or analysis with regard to
their separation.
Compliance by Analysis
Analysis must show that the OFCR
compartment configuration and interior
features allow all occupants of the
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OFCR compartment to escape the
compartment in the event of a hazard
inside or outside of the compartment.
Elements to consider in this evaluation
are as follows:
(1) Fire inside or outside the OFCR
compartment, considered separately,
and the design elements used to reduce
the available fuel for the fire.
(2) Design elements used to reduce
fire ignition sources in the OFCR
(3) Distribution and quantity of
emergency equipment within the OFCR
(4) Structural failure or deformation of
components that could block access to
the available evacuation routes (for
example seats, folding berths, contents
of stowage compartments, etc.).
(5) An incapacitated person blocking
the evacuation routes.
(6) Any other foreseeable hazard not
identified above that could cause the
evacuation routes to be compromised.
Analysis must consider design
features affecting access to the
evacuation routes. Possibilities for
design components affecting evacuation
that should be considered include, but
are not limited to, seat deformations
(reference §§ 25.561(d) and
25.562(c)(8)), seat back break-over, rigid
structure that reduces access from one
part of the compartment to another, and
items known to be the cause of potential
hazards. Factors that also should be
considered are availability of emergency
equipment to address fire hazards,
availability of communications
equipment, supplemental restraint
devices to retain items of mass that, if
broken loose, could hinder evacuation,
and load path isolation between
components containing evacuation
Analysis of fire threats should be used
in determining placement of required
fire extinguishers and protective
breathing equipment (PBE). This
analysis should consider the possibility
of fire in any location in the OFCR
compartment. The location and quantity
of PBE equipment and fire extinguishers
should allow occupants located in any
approved seats or berths access to the
equipment necessary to fight a fire in
the OFCR compartment.
The intent of this proposed special
condition is to provide sufficient exit
route separation. Therefore the
separation analysis described above
should not be used to approve OFCR
compartment outlets that have less
physical separation (measured between
the centroid of each outlet opening)
than the minimums prescribed below,
unless compensating features are
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identified and submitted to the FAA for
evaluation and approval.
For an OFCR compartment with one
outlet located near the forward or aft
end of the compartment (as measured by
having the centroid of the outlet
opening within 20 percent of the total
length of the compartment from the
forward or aft end of the compartment)
the outlet separation from one outlet to
the other should not be less than 50
percent of the total OFCR compartment
For OFCR compartments with neither
required crew rest compartment outlet
located near the forward or aft end of
the compartment (as measured by not
having the centroid of either outlet
opening within 20 percent of the
forward or aft end of the total OFCR
compartment length), the outlet
separation from one outlet to the other
should not be less than 30 percent of the
total OFCR compartment length.
(b) The routes must be designed to
minimize the possibility of blockage,
which might result from fire,
mechanical or structural failure, or
persons standing below or against the
crew rest compartment outlets. One of
the two OFCR compartment outlets
should not be located where normal
movement or evacuation by passengers
occurs (main aisle, cross aisle, or galley
complex, for example) that would
impede egress from the OFCR
compartment. If an evacuation route is
in an area where normal movement or
evacuation of passengers occurs, it must
be demonstrated that passengers would
not impede egress to the main deck. If
there is low headroom at or near the
evacuation route, provisions must be
made to prevent or to protect occupants
of the OFCR compartment from head
injury. Use of evacuation routes must
not be dependent on any powered
device. If an OFCR compartment outlet
is over an area where there are
passenger seats, a maximum of five
passengers may be displaced from their
seats temporarily during the process of
evacuating an incapacitated person(s). If
such an evacuation procedure involves
the evacuee stepping on seats, the seats
must not be damaged to the extent that
they would not be acceptable for
occupancy during an emergency
(c) Emergency evacuation procedures,
including procedures for emergency
evacuation of an incapacitated occupant
from the OFCR compartment, must be
established. The applicant must
transmit all of these procedures to the
operator for incorporation into its
training programs and appropriate
operational manuals.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(d) There must be a limitation in the
airplane flight manual or other suitable
means to require that crewmembers be
trained in the use of the OFCR
compartment evacuation routes. This
training must instruct them to ensure
that the OFCR compartment (including
seats, doors, etc.) is in its proper TT&L
configuration during TT&L.
(e) For times when there is no flight
attendant present in the area around the
door to the OFCR compartment, and
also during an emergency, including an
emergency evacuation, there must be a
means to prevent passengers on the
main deck from entering the OFCR
(f) Doors or hatches separating the
OFCR compartment from the main deck
must not adversely affect evacuation of
occupants on the main deck (slowing
evacuation by encroaching into aisles,
for example) or cause injury to those
occupants during opening or while
(g) The means of opening doors and
hatches to the OFCR compartment must
be simple and obvious. In addition, the
OFCR compartment doors and hatches
must be able to be closed from the main
passenger cabin.
5. There must be a means of
evacuating an incapacitated person
(representative of a ninety-fifth
percentile male) from the OFCR
compartment to the passenger cabin
Such an evacuation must be
demonstrated for all evacuation routes.
A crewmember (a total of one assistant
within the OFCR compartment) may
provide assistance in the evacuation.
Additional assistance may be provided
by up to three persons in the main
passenger compartment. These
additional assistants must be standing
on the floor while providing assistance.
For evacuation routes with stairways,
the additional assistants may ascend up
to one half the elevation change from
the main deck to the OFCR
compartment, or to the first landing,
whichever is lower.
6. The following signs and placards
must be provided in the OFCR
compartment and they must meet the
following criteria:
(a) At least one exit sign, located near
each OFCR compartment outlet, meeting
the emergency lighting requirements of
§ 25.812(b)(1)(i). One allowable
exception would be a sign with reduced
background area of no less than 5.3
square inches (excluding the letters),
provided that it is installed so that the
material surrounding the exit sign is
light in color (white, cream, light beige,
for example). If the material
surrounding the exit sign is not light in
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color, a sign with a minimum of a oneinch-wide background border around
the letters would be acceptable. Another
allowable exception is a sign with a
symbol that the FAA has determined to
be equivalent for use as an exit sign in
an OFCR compartment.
(b) An appropriate placard located
conspicuously on or near each OFCR
compartment door or hatch that defines
the location and the operating
instructions for access to and operation
of the outlet door or hatch.
(c) Placards must be readable from a
distance of 30 inches under emergency
lighting conditions.
(d) The door or hatch handles and
operating instruction placards required
by Special Condition No. 6(b) of these
special conditions must be illuminated
to at least 160 microlamberts under
emergency lighting conditions.
7. There must be a means in the event
of failure of the aircraft’s main power
system, or of the normal OFCR
compartment lighting system, for
emergency illumination to be
automatically provided for the OFCR
(a) This emergency illumination must
be independent of the main lighting
(b) The sources of general cabin
illumination may be common to both
the emergency and the main lighting
systems if the power supply to the
emergency lighting system is
independent of the power supply to the
main lighting system.
(c) The illumination level must be
sufficient to allow occupants of the
OFCR compartment to locate and move
to the main passenger cabin floor by
means of each evacuation route.
(d) The illumination level must be
sufficient, with the privacy curtains in
the closed position, for each occupant of
the OFCR compartment to locate a
deployed oxygen mask.
8. There must be means for two-way
voice communications between
crewmembers on the flight deck and
occupants of the OFCR compartment.
There must also be two-way
communications between occupants of
the OFCR compartment and each flight
attendant station in the passenger cabin
that is required per § 25.1423(g) to have
a public address system microphone. In
addition, the public address system
must include provisions to provide only
the relevant information to the
crewmembers in the OFCR
compartment (for example fire in flight,
aircraft depressurization, preparation of
the compartment for landing, etc.). That
is, provisions must be made so that
occupants of the OFCR compartment
will not be disturbed with normal, non-
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emergency announcements made to the
passenger cabin.
9. There must be a means for manual
activation of an aural emergency alarm
system, audible during normal and
emergency conditions, to enable
crewmembers on the flight deck and at
each pair of required floor level
emergency exits to alert occupants of
the OFCR compartment of an emergency
situation. Use of a public address or
crew interphone system will be
acceptable, provided an adequate means
of differentiating between normal and
emergency communications is
incorporated. The system must be
powered in flight, after the shutdown or
failure of all engines and auxiliary
power units, for a period of at least ten
10. There must be a means, readily
detectable by seated or standing
occupants of the OFCR compartment, to
indicate when seat belts should be
fastened. Seat belt type restraints must
be provided for berths and must be
compatible with the sleeping position
during cruise conditions. There must be
a placard on each berth requiring that
these restraints be fastened when
occupied. If compliance with any of the
other requirements of these proposed
special conditions is predicated on
specific head location, there must be a
placard identifying that head position.
11. PBE devices must be provided in
accordance with § 25.1439, except that
in lieu of a device for each crewmember,
the following PBE devices, approved to
Technical Standard Order (TSO)–C116
or equivalent, must be provided: Two
PBE devices suitable for firefighting, or
one PBE for each hand-held fire
extinguisher, whichever is greater. The
following equipment must also be
provided in the OFCR compartment:
(a) At least one approved hand-held
fire extinguisher appropriate for the
kinds of fires likely to occur.
(b) One flashlight.
Note: Additional PBE devices and fire
extinguishers in specific locations, beyond
the minimum numbers prescribed in
proposed Special Condition No. 11, may be
required as a result of the egress analysis
accomplished to satisfy proposed Special
Condition No. 4(a).
12. A smoke or fire detection system
(or systems) must be provided that
monitors each occupiable area within
the OFCR compartment, including those
areas partitioned by curtains or doors.
Flight tests must be conducted to show
compliance with this requirement. If a
fire occurs, each system (or systems)
must provide:
(a) A visual indication to the flight
deck within one minute after the start of
a fire.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(b) An aural warning in the OFCR
(c) A warning in the main passenger
cabin. This warning must be readily
detectable by a flight attendant, taking
into consideration the positioning of
flight attendants throughout the main
passenger compartment during various
phases of flight.
13. Means to fight a fire must be
provided. The means can either be a
built-in extinguishing system or manual
hand-held bottle extinguishing system.
(a) For a built-in extinguishing
(1) The system must have adequate
capacity to suppress a fire considering
the fire threat, volume of the
compartment, and the ventilation rate.
The system must have sufficient
extinguishing agent to provide an initial
knockdown and suppression
environment per the minimum
performance standards that have been
established for the agent being used. In
addition, certification flight testing will
verify the acceptable duration that the
suppression environment can be
(2) If the capacity of the extinguishing
system does not provide effective fire
suppression that will last for the
duration of flight from the farthest point
in route to the nearest suitable landing
site expected in service, an additional
manual firefighting procedure must be
established. For the built-in
extinguishing system, the time duration
for effective fire suppression must be
established and documented in the
firefighting procedures in the airplane
flight manual. If the duration of time for
demonstrated effective fire suppression
provided by the built-in extinguishing
agent will be exceeded, the firefighting
procedures must instruct the crew to:
(i) Enter the OFCR compartment at the
time that demonstrated fire suppression
effectiveness will be exceeded.
(ii) Check for and extinguish any
residual fire.
(iii) Confirm that the fire is out.
(b) For a manual hand-held bottle
extinguishing system (designed as the
sole means to fight a fire or to
supplement a built-in extinguishing
system of limited suppression duration)
for the OFCR:
(1) There must be a limitation in the
airplane flight manual or other suitable
means requiring that crewmembers be
trained in the firefighting procedures.
(2) The compartment design must
allow crewmembers equipped for
firefighting to have unrestricted access
to all parts of the compartment.
(3) The time for a crewmember on the
main deck to react to the fire alarm, don
the firefighting equipment, and gain
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access to the OFCR compartment must
not exceed the time it would take for the
compartment to become filled with
smoke, thus making it difficult to locate
the fire source.
(4) Approved procedures describing
methods for searching the OFCR
compartment for fire source(s) must be
established. These procedures must be
transmitted to the operator for
incorporation into its training programs
and appropriate operational manuals.
14. There must be a means provided
to exclude hazardous quantities of
smoke or extinguishing agent
originating in the OFCR compartment
from entering any other occupiable
(a) Small quantities of smoke may
penetrate from the OFCR compartment
into other occupied areas during the
one-minute smoke detection time.
(b) There must be a provision in the
firefighting procedures to ensure that all
doors and hatches at the OFCR
compartment outlets are closed after
evacuation of the compartment and
during firefighting to minimize smoke
and extinguishing agent entering other
occupiable compartments.
(c) Smoke entering any occupiable
compartment when access to the OFCR
compartment is open for evacuation
must dissipate within five minutes after
the access to the OFCR compartment is
(d) Hazardous quantities of smoke
may not enter any occupied
compartment during access to manually
fight a fire in the OFCR compartment.
The amount of smoke entrained by a
firefighter exiting the OFCR
compartment is not considered
(e) Flight tests must be conducted to
show compliance with this requirement.
15. There must be a supplemental
oxygen system within the OFCR
compartment as follows:
(a) There must be at least one mask for
each seat and berth in the OFCR
(b) If a destination area (such as a
changing area) is provided in the OFCR
compartment, there must be an oxygen
mask readily available for each
occupant who can reasonably be
expected to be in the destination area
(with the maximum number of required
masks within the destination area being
limited to the placarded maximum
occupancy of the OFCR compartment).
(c) There must also be an oxygen
mask readily accessible to each
occupant who can reasonably be
expected to be moving from the main
cabin into the OFCR compartment,
moving around within the OFCR
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compartment, or moving from the OFCR
compartment to the main cabin.
(d) The system must provide an aural
and visual alert to warn occupants of
the OFCR compartment to don oxygen
masks in the event of decompression.
The aural and visual alerts must activate
concurrently with deployment of the
oxygen masks in the passenger cabin. To
compensate for sleeping occupants, the
aural alert must be heard in each section
of the OFCR compartment and must
sound continuously for a minimum of
five minutes or until a reset switch
within the OFCR compartment is
activated. A visual alert that informs
occupants that they must don an oxygen
mask must be visible in each section.
(e) There must also be a means by
which oxygen masks can be manually
deployed from the flight deck.
(f) Approved procedures must be
established for OFCR occupants in the
event of decompression. These
procedures must be transmitted to the
operator for incorporation into its
training programs and appropriate
operational manuals.
(g) The supplemental oxygen system
for the OFCR compartment must meet
the same 14 CFR part 25 regulations as
the supplemental oxygen system for the
passenger cabin occupants except for
the 10 percent additional masks
requirement of 14 CFR 25.1447(c)(1).
(h) The illumination level of the
normal OFCR compartment lighting
system must automatically be sufficient
for each occupant of the compartment to
locate a deployed oxygen mask.
16. The following additional
requirements apply to OFCR
compartments that are divided into
several sections by the installation of
curtains or partitions:
(a) A placard is required adjacent to
each curtain that visually divides or
separates, for privacy purposes, the
OFCR compartment into small sections.
The placard must require that the
curtain(s) remains open when the
private section it creates is unoccupied.
The vestibule section adjacent to the
stairway is not considered a private area
and, therefore, does not require a
(b) For each section of the OFCR
compartment created by the installation
of a curtain, the following requirements
of these proposed special conditions
must be met with the curtain open or
(1) No smoking placard requirement
(Proposed Special Condition No. 1).
(2) Emergency illumination
requirement (Proposed Special
Condition No. 7).
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(3) Emergency alarm system
requirement (Proposed Special
Condition No. 9).
(4) Seat belt fasten signal or return to
seat signal as applicable requirement
(Proposed Special Condition No. 10).
(5) Smoke or fire detection system
requirement (Proposed Special
Condition No. 12).
(6) Oxygen system requirement
(Proposed Special Condition No. 15).
(c) OFCR compartments that are
visually divided to the extent that
evacuation could be affected must have
exit signs directing occupants to the
primary stairway outlet. The exit signs
must be provided in each separate
section of the OFCR compartment,
except for curtained bunks, and must
meet requirements of § 25.812(b)(1)(i).
An exit sign with reduced background
area or a symbolic exit sign as described
in Proposed Special Condition No. 6(a)
may be used to meet this requirement.
(d) For sections within an OFCR
compartment created by the installation
of a rigid partition with a door
separating the sections, the following
requirements of these proposed special
conditions must be met with the door
open or closed:
(1) There must be a secondary
evacuation route from each section to
the main deck, or alternatively, the
applicant must show that any door
between the sections has been designed
to preclude anyone from being trapped
inside a section of the compartment.
Removal of an incapacitated occupant
from within this area must be
considered. A secondary evacuation
route from a small room designed for
only one occupant for a short time
duration, such as a changing area or
lavatory, is not required, but removal of
an incapacitated occupant from within
such a small room must be considered.
(2) Any door between the sections
must be shown to be openable when
crowded against, even when crowding
occurs at each side of the door.
(3) There may be no more than one
door between any seat or berth and the
primary stairway door.
(4) In each section, there must be exit
signs meeting requirements of
§ 25.812(b)(1)(i), or shown to have an
equivalent level of safety, that direct
occupants to the primary stairway
outlet. An exit sign with reduced
background area or a symbolic exit sign
as described in Proposed Special
Condition No. 6(a) may be used to meet
this requirement.
(5) Proposed Special Conditions No. 1
(no smoking placards), No. 7
(emergency illumination), No. 9
(emergency alarm system), No. 10
(fasten seat belt signal or return to seat
signal as applicable), No. 12 (smoke or
fire detection system), and No. 15
(oxygen system) must be met with the
door open or closed.
(6) Proposed Special Conditions No. 8
(two-way voice communication) and
No. 11 (emergency firefighting and
protective equipment) must be met
independently for each separate section
except for lavatories or other small areas
that are not intended to be occupied for
extended periods of time.
17. If a waste disposal receptacle is
fitted in the OFCR compartment, it must
be equipped with an automatic fire
extinguisher that meets the performance
requirements of § 25.854(b).
18. Materials (including finishes or
decorative surfaces applied to the
materials) must comply with the
requirements of § 25.853 as amended by
Amendment 25–116. Seat cushions and
mattresses must comply with the
flammability requirements of § 25.853(c)
as amended by Amendment 25–116 and
the test requirements of part 25,
appendix F, part II, or other equivalent
19. The addition of a lavatory within
the OFCR compartment would require
the lavatory to meet the same
requirements as those for a lavatory
installed on the main deck except with
regard to Proposed Special Condition
No. 12 for smoke detection.
20. Each stowage compartment in the
OFCR compartment, except for
underseat compartments for occupant
convenience, must be completely
enclosed. All enclosed stowage
compartments within the OFCR
compartment that are not limited to
stowage of emergency equipment or
airplane-supplied equipment must meet
the design criteria given in the table
below. Enclosed stowage compartments
greater than 200 ft.3 in interior volume
are not addressed by this proposed
special condition. The in-flight
accessibility of very large enclosed
stowage compartments and the
subsequent impact on the
crewmembers’ ability to effectively
reach any part of the compartment with
the contents of a hand fire extinguisher
will require additional fire protection
considerations similar to those required
for inaccessible compartments such as
Class C cargo compartments.
Applicability of fire protection requirements by interior volume
Fire protection features
Less than 25 cubic feet
Compliant Materials of Construction1
Smoke or Fire Detectors 2 .............
Liner 3 .............................................
Fire Location Detector 4 .................
25 Cubic feet to less than
57 cubic feet
Yes ................................................
Yes ................................................
No .................................................
No .................................................
No .................................................
Yes ................................................
Conditional ....................................
Yes ................................................
57 Cubic feet to 200 cubic feet
1 Compliant
Materials of Construction
The material used to construct each enclosed stowage compartment must at least be fire resistant and must meet the flammability standards
established for interior components (i.e., 14 CFR part 25 Appendix F, Parts I, IV, and V) per the requirements of § 25.853. For compartments
less than 25 ft.3 in interior volume, the design must ensure the ability to contain a fire likely to occur within the compartment under normal use.
2 Smoke or Fire Detectors
Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or exceeding 25 ft.3 in interior volume must be provided with a smoke or fire detection system to ensure that a fire can be detected within a one-minute detection time. Flight tests must be conducted to show compliance with this requirement.
Each system (or systems) must provide:
(a) A visual indication in the flight deck within one minute after the start of a fire.
(b) An aural warning in the OFCR compartment.
(c) A warning in the main passenger cabin. This warning must be readily detectable by a flight attendant, taking into consideration the positioning of flight attendants throughout the main passenger compartment during various phases of flight.
3 Liner
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 1 / Monday, January 4, 2010 / Proposed Rules
If it can be shown that the material used to construct the stowage compartment meets the flammability requirements of a liner for a Class B
cargo compartment (i.e., § 25.855 at Amendment 25–116, and Appendix F, part I, paragraph (a)(2)(ii)), then no liner would be required for enclosed stowage compartments equal to or greater than 25 ft.3 but less than 57 ft.3 in interior volume. For all enclosed stowage compartments
equal to or greater than 57 ft.3 in interior volume but less than or equal to 200 ft.3, a liner must be provided that meets the requirements of
§ 25.855 for a Class B cargo compartment.
4 Fire Location Detector
If an OFCR compartment has enclosed stowage compartments exceeding 25 ft.3 interior volume that are located separately from the other
stowage compartments (located, for example, away from one central location, such as the entry to the OFCR compartment or a common area
within the OFCR compartment, where the other stowage compartments are), that OFCR compartment would require additional fire protection features and/or devices to assist the firefighter in determining the location of a fire.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on
December 28, 2009.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. E9–31116 Filed 12–31–09; 8:45 am]
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
Federal Aviation Administration
Examining the AD Docket
14 CFR Part 39
You may examine the AD docket on
the Internet at https://
www.regulations.gov; or in person at the
Docket Management Facility between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD
docket contains this proposed AD, the
regulatory evaluation, any comments
received, and other information. The
street address for the Docket Office
(telephone (800) 647–5527) is in the
ADDRESSES section. Comments will be
available in the AD docket shortly after
[Docket No. FAA–2009–1256; Directorate
Identifier 2009–CE–064–AD]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; SOCATA
Model TBM 700 Airplanes
AGENCY: Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
We propose to adopt a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for the
products listed above. This proposed
AD results from mandatory continuing
airworthiness information (MCAI)
originated by an aviation authority of
another country to identify and correct
an unsafe condition on an aviation
product. The MCAI describes the unsafe
condition as:
It has been discovered that the foam inside
the towing bar box is not conformed to the
certification specification, and especially the
flame resistance properties.
In case of fire, in the front baggage
compartment, the non conformed foam could
rapidly propagate the flames and/or emit
toxic fumes in the cabin.
The proposed AD would require actions
that are intended to address the unsafe
condition described in the MCAI.
DATES: We must receive comments on
this proposed AD by February 18, 2010.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by
any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
• Mail: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
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17:10 Dec 31, 2009
Jkt 220001
Albert Mercado, Aerospace Engineer,
FAA, Small Airplane Directorate, 901
Locust, Room 301, Kansas City,
Missouri 64106; telephone: (816) 329–
4119; fax: (816) 329–4090.
Comments Invited
We invite you to send any written
relevant data, views, or arguments about
this proposed AD. Send your comments
to an address listed under the
ADDRESSES section. Include ‘‘Docket No.
FAA–2009–1256; Directorate Identifier
2009–CE–064–AD’’ at the beginning of
your comments. We specifically invite
comments on the overall regulatory,
economic, environmental, and energy
aspects of this proposed AD. We will
consider all comments received by the
closing date and may amend this
proposed AD because of those
We will post all comments we
receive, without change, to https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information you provide. We
will also post a report summarizing each
substantive verbal contact we receive
about this proposed AD.
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The European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA), which is the Technical Agent
for the Member States of the European
Community, has issued EASA AD No.:
2009–0238–E, dated October 30, 2009
(referred to after this as ‘‘the MCAI’’), to
correct an unsafe condition for the
specified products. The MCAI states:
It has been discovered that the foam inside
the towing bar box is not conformed to the
certification specification, and especially the
flame resistance properties.
In case of fire, in the front baggage
compartment, the non conformed foam could
rapidly propagate the flames and/or emit
toxic fumes in the cabin.
For the reason stated above the
Airworthiness Directive (AD), as a temporary
measure, mandates the removal of the foam,
pending a foam change.
You may obtain further information by
examining the MCAI in the AD docket.
Relevant Service Information
SOCATA has issued Mandatory
Service Bulletin SB 70–179, dated
October 2009. The actions described in
this service information are intended to
correct the unsafe condition identified
in the MCAI.
FAA’s Determination and Requirements
of the Proposed AD
This product has been approved by
the aviation authority of another
country, and is approved for operation
in the United States. Pursuant to our
bilateral agreement with this State of
Design Authority, they have notified us
of the unsafe condition described in the
MCAI and service information
referenced above. We are proposing this
AD because we evaluated all
information and determined the unsafe
condition exists and is likely to exist or
develop on other products of the same
type design.
Differences Between This Proposed AD
and the MCAI or Service Information
We have reviewed the MCAI and
related service information and, in
general, agree with their substance. But
we might have found it necessary to use
different words from those in the MCAI
to ensure the AD is clear for U.S.
operators and is enforceable. In making
these changes, we do not intend to differ
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 1 (Monday, January 4, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 81-89]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-31116]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. NM411 Special Conditions No. 25-09-07-SC]
Special Conditions: Boeing Model 787-8 Airplane; Overhead
Flightcrew Rest Compartment Occupiable During Taxi, Take-Off, and
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed special conditions.
SUMMARY: This action proposes special conditions for the Boeing Model
787-8 airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design
features associated with an overhead flightcrew rest (OFCR)
compartment, which is proposed to be occupiable during taxi, take-off,
and landing (TT&L). The applicable airworthiness regulations do not
contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design
feature. These proposed special conditions contain the additional
safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to
establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the
existing airworthiness standards. Additional special conditions will be
issued for other novel or unusual design features of the Boeing Model
787-8 airplanes.
DATES: We must receive your comments by February 18, 2010.
ADDRESSES: You must mail two copies of your comments to: Federal
Aviation Administration, Transport Airplane Directorate, Attn: Rules
Docket (ANM-113), Docket No. NM411, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton,
Washington 98057-3356. You may deliver two copies to the Transport
Airplane Directorate at the above address. You must mark your comments:
Docket No. NM411. You can inspect comments in the Rules Docket
weekdays, except Federal holidays, between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Safety Branch, ANM-115, Transport Standards Staff, Transport Airplane
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW.,
Renton, Washington 98055-4056; telephone (425) 227-2136; facsimile
(425) 227-1320.
[[Page 82]]
Comments Invited
We invite interested people to take part in this rulemaking by
sending written comments, data, or views. The most helpful comments
reference a specific portion of the special conditions, explain the
reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data. We ask
that you send us two copies of written comments.
We will file in the docket all comments we receive, as well as a
report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA personnel
concerning these special conditions. You can inspect the docket before
and after the comment closing date. If you wish to review the docket in
person, go to the address in the ADDRESSES section of this preamble
between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal
We will consider all comments we receive on or before the closing
date for comments. We will consider comments filed late if it is
possible to do so without incurring expense or delay. We may change
these special conditions based on the comments we receive.
If you want us to acknowledge receipt of your comments on this
proposal, include with your comments a self-addressed, stamped postcard
on which you have written the docket number. We will stamp the date on
the postcard and mail it back to you.
On March 28, 2003, The Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (hereafter
referred to as ``Boeing'') applied for an FAA type certificate for its
new Boeing Model 787-8 passenger airplane. The company applied for an
extension of time for the type certificate on March 9, 2009, and was
granted that extension on March 13, 2009. The Boeing Model 787-8
airplane will be an all-new, two-engine jet transport airplane with a
two-aisle cabin. The maximum takeoff weight will be 476,000 pounds,
with a maximum passenger count of 381 passengers.
Type Certification Basis
Under provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
21.17, Boeing must show that the Boeing Model 787-8 airplane (hereafter
referred to as ``the 787'') meets the applicable provisions of 14 CFR
part 25, as amended by Amendments 25-1 through 25-117, 25-120, 25-124,
25-125 and 25-128, except that Sec. 25.1309 remains at Amendment 25-
117 for cargo fire protection systems. If the Administrator finds that
the applicable airworthiness regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not
contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for the 787 because of
a novel or unusual design feature, special conditions are prescribed
under the provisions of Sec. 21.16.
In addition to complying with the applicable airworthiness
regulations and special conditions, the 787 must comply with the fuel
vent and exhaust emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34 and the noise
certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36. The FAA must also issue a
finding of regulatory adequacy pursuant to section 611 of Public Law
92-574, the ``Noise Control Act of 1972.''
The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in
accordance with Sec. 11.38, and they become part of the type
certification basis under Sec. 21.17(a)(2).
Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which
they are issued. Should the type certificate for that model be amended
later to include any other model that incorporates the same novel or
unusual design features, the special conditions would also apply to the
other model under provisions of Sec. 21.101.
Novel or Unusual Design Features
Crew rest compartments have been installed and certificated on
several Boeing airplane models in locations as varied as the main
passenger seating area, the overhead space above the main passenger
cabin seating area, and below the passenger cabin seating area within
the cargo compartment. In each case, the Administrator has determined
that the applicable regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) did not provide
all of the necessary requirements because each installation had unique
features by virtue of its design, location, and use on the airplane.
When the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness
regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards
because of a novel or unusual design feature, special conditions are
prescribed under the provisions of Sec. 21.16. The proposed special
conditions contain safety standards that the Administrator considers
necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established
by the existing airworthiness standards.
Most recently, for the Boeing Model 777 series airplanes, the FAA
has issued Special Conditions No. 25-230-SC, dated April 9, 2003, for
overhead crew rest compartments allowed to be occupied during flight,
and Special Conditions No. 25-260-SC, dated April 14, 2004, for
overhead flightcrew rest (OFCR) compartments allowed to be occupied
during TT&L, as well as during flight.
For the 787, an OFCR compartment is located in the overhead space
above the main passenger cabin seating area immediately aft of the
first pair of main deck emergency exits (Door 1). This compartment
includes two private berths and up to two seats. Occupancy of the
compartment will be limited to a maximum of four trained crewmembers
during flight and two trained flight crewmembers, one in each seat,
during TT&L. The compartment will be accessed from the main deck by
stairs through a vestibule. In addition, a secondary evacuation route,
which opens directly into the main passenger seating area, will be
available as an alternate for evacuating occupants of the compartment.
A smoke detection system and an oxygen system will be provided in the
compartment. Other optional features, such as a sink with cold drink
stowage or a lavatory, may be provided as well.
This OFCR compartment is unique to part 25 because of its design,
location, and use on the airplane. It is also unique because it is in
the overhead area of the passenger compartment and is proposed to be
occupied by trained flightcrew during TT&L.
Because of the novel or unusual features associated with
installation of this OFCR compartment, special conditions are
considered necessary to provide a level of safety equal to that
established by the airworthiness regulations. These proposed special
conditions do not negate the need to address other applicable part 25
Consideration of a Requirement for an External Exit
For Boeing Model 777 Special Conditions No. 25-260-SC, the FAA
considered whether or not a special condition should require that the
OFCR compartment have an external exit leading directly outside the
airplane. The Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), and
International Federation of Air Line Pilots (IFALPA) reviewed the
design of the 777 OFCR compartment and informed the FAA that in their
opinion an external exit was not needed because two independent,
internal evacuation routes were provided. That input, and the fact that
flight crewmembers would be the only occupants of the compartment
during TT&L, supported the FAA in determining that a special condition
requiring an external exit was not required. The FAA considers that the
following, in addition to Special Conditions No. 25-260-SC, provide a
[[Page 83]]
level of safety equivalent to that established by part 25 for main deck
1. The distances along the evacuation routes from the seats in the
OFCR compartment to the Door 1 exits on the main deck are significantly
shorter than the maximum distance a seated passenger on the main deck
would need to travel to reach an exit.
2. Occupancy during TT&L will be limited to two flight crewmembers
trained in the evacuation, fire fighting, and depressurization
procedures of the OFCR compartment. An airplane flight manual
limitation must be established to restrict occupancy to only persons
the pilot in command has determined are able to use both evacuation
routes rapidly. The ability of such persons to fit through the escape
hatch must be considered in this determination.
For the reasons noted above, the FAA does not believe that this
proposed special condition should require that the 787 OFCR compartment
have an external exit.
Operational Evaluations and Approval
These proposed special conditions outline requirements for OFCR
compartment design approvals administered by the FAA's Aircraft
Certification Service. Prior to operational use of an OFCR compartment,
the FAA's Flight Standards Service must evaluate and approve the
``basic suitability'' of the compartment for crew occupation.
Additionally, if an operator wishes to use an OFCR compartment as
``sleeping quarters,'' the compartment must undergo an additional
evaluation and approval (reference 14 CFR 121.485(a), 121.523(b), and
135.269(b)(5)). Compliance with these proposed special conditions does
not ensure that the applicant has demonstrated compliance with the
requirements of parts 121 or 135.
To obtain an operational evaluation, the type certificate holder
must contact the appropriate aircraft evaluation group (AEG) in the
Flight Standards Service and request a ``basic suitability'' evaluation
or a ``sleeping quarters'' evaluation of its OFCR compartment. The
results of these evaluations should be documented in a 787 flight
standardization board (FSB) report appendix. Individual operators may
reference these standardized evaluations in discussions with their FAA
principal operating inspector (POI) as the basis for an operational
approval, in lieu of an on-site operational evaluation.
Any changes to the approved OFCR compartment configuration that
affect crewmember emergency egress or any other procedures affecting
safety of the occupying crewmembers or related emergency training will
require re-evaluation and approval. The applicant for an OFCR
compartment design change that affects egress, safety procedures, or
training is responsible for notifying the FAA's AEG that a new
compartment evaluation is required. The results of a re-evaluation
should also be documented in a 787 FSB report appendix.
Procedures must be developed to ensure that a crewmember entering
the OFCR compartment through the vestibule to fight a fire will examine
the vestibule and the adjacent galley or lavatory areas (if installed)
for the source of the fire before entering the remaining areas of the
compartment. This is intended to ensure that the source of the fire is
not between the crewmember and the entrance to the OFCR compartment. If
a fire source is not immediately evident to the firefighter, the
firefighter should check for potential fire sources at areas closest to
the OFCR compartment entrance first, then proceed to check areas in
such a manner that the fire source, when found, will not be between the
firefighter and his or her way to get out of the compartment.
Procedures describing methods for searching the OFCR compartment for
fire source(s) must be transmitted to operators for incorporation into
their training programs and appropriate operational manuals.
Discussion of Rescue Crew Training Materials
Installation of an overhead crew rest compartment that can be
occupied during TT&L by flight crew is unusual. Appropriate information
must be provided to airport fire rescue personnel so that they
understand that this remote compartment may be occupied during an
emergency landing. The applicant must provide rescue crew training
materials to the FAA Airports Division, Safety and Standards Branch
(ANM-620) to address this issue. The FAA Airports Division, Safety and
Standards Branch, will ensure that these materials are distributed to
appropriate airports, domestic and foreign. A special condition is not
considered appropriate to address this issue.
Discussion of Proposed Special Conditions
These proposed special conditions would apply to OFCR compartments
that are occupiable during TT&L and are installed immediately aft of
the Door 1 exits on the 787. These proposed special conditions would
supplement 14 CFR part 25. Except as noted below, these proposed
special conditions for the 787 will be identical to Boeing Model 777
Special Conditions No. 25-260-SC.
Proposed Special Conditions No. 6 and 16 contain requirements for
the exit signs that must be provided in the OFCR compartment. As stated
in the proposed special conditions, symbol signs in OFCR compartments
that satisfy the equivalent level of safety finding established for the
787 may be used in lieu of the text signs required by Sec.
Proposed Special Condition No. 15 contains requirements for
supplemental oxygen systems. Special Conditions No. 25-260-SC required
that each berth be provided with two oxygen masks. This was intended to
address the case where a person not in a berth was moving around within
the crew rest compartment and needed quick access to the oxygen. For
the designs used in the model 777, this requirement was sufficient.
However, for the 787, the requirement to have two masks per berth may
not always meet the objective of having masks available to persons who
are in transition within the compartment. Therefore, the wording of
this proposed special condition has been modified to better state the
objective rather than specify that two masks be provided per berth. In
addition, the requirement to have adequate illumination to retrieve the
mask, while implied previously, is made explicit in this proposal.
Proposed Special Condition No. 18 contains the requirements for
materials used in the construction of the OFCR compartment. Special
Conditions No. 25-260-SC stated that Sec. 25.853 as amended by
Amendment 25-83 is the appropriate regulation. Section 25.853 has since
been further amended, and these proposed special conditions reference
the latest amendment level for Sec. 25.853 (Amendment 25-116).
Compliance with these proposed special conditions does not relieve
the applicant from the existing airplane certification basis
requirements. One particular area of concern is that installation of
OFCR compartments leaves a smaller compartment volume within the
overhead area of the airplane. The applicant must comply with the
pressurized compartment loads requirements of Sec. 25.365(e), (f), and
(g) for the OFCR compartment, as well as for any other airplane
compartments whose decompression characteristics are affected by the
installation of an OFCR compartment. Compliance with Sec. 25.813
emergency exit access requirements must be demonstrated for
[[Page 84]]
all phases of flight during which occupants will be present.
The proposed configuration includes a seat installed adjacent to
the OFCR compartment exit which will be occupiable during TT&L. It
should be noted that the emergency landing conditions requirements of
Sec. Sec. 25.561(d) and 25.562(c)(8) are applicable to this
configuration. Hence, deformations resulting from required static and
dynamic structural tests must not impede rapid evacuation of the OFCR
compartment occupants. Seat deformations must not prevent opening of
the secondary escape hatch or rapid evacuation through the secondary
escape route.
Section 25.785(h)(2) mandates that the flight attendant seats
required by the operating rules be located in a position that provides
a direct view of the cabin area for which the flight attendant is
responsible. Since the OFCR compartment will be occupied only by
trained crewmembers, the FAA does not consider this requirement
applicable to the seating area in the compartment.
Section 25.787(a) requires each stowage compartment in the
passenger cabin, except for underseat and overhead compartments for
passenger convenience, to be completely enclosed. This requirement does
not apply to the flight deck, because flight crewmembers must be able
to quickly access items to better perform their duties. Flight
crewmembers occupying the OFCR compartment will not be performing
flight deck duties however. Therefore, the FAA considers that stowage
compartments in the OFCR compartment, except for underseat compartments
for occupant convenience, should be completely enclosed. This will
provide occupants of the OFCR compartment a similar level of safety to
that provided to passengers on the main deck. Proposed Special
Condition No. 20 contains this requirement.
Section 25.811(c) requires that means be provided to assist
occupants in locating the exits in conditions of dense smoke. Section
25.812(e) requires floor proximity emergency escape path marking to
provide guidance for passengers when all sources of illumination above
4 feet from the cabin aisle floor are totally obscured. The FAA
considers that the current OFCR compartment design is sufficient in
regard to these regulations. The two OFCR compartment seats are only a
couple of steps away from the stairway and once a trained flight
crewmember is at the top of the stairway, the stairway itself will
guide him/her to the main deck. Once the crewmember is on the main
deck, floor proximity lighting and exit marker signs, which are less
than 4 feet above the floor, are provided.
Section 25.813(e) prohibits installation of interior doors between
passenger compartments, but the FAA has historically found crew rest
doors to be acceptable, because crew rests are not passenger
compartments. Proposed Special Conditions No. 2 and 16 provide
requirements for crew rest doors which are considered to provide an
appropriate level of safety to OFCR compartment occupants.
Sections 25.1443, 25.1445, and 25.1447 contain oxygen requirements
for flight crew, passengers, and cabin attendants. Flight crewmembers
occupying the OFCR compartment are not on duty, and therefore are
considered passengers in determining compliance with these oxygen
As discussed above, these proposed special conditions are
applicable to the 787. Should Boeing apply at a later date for a change
to the type certificate to include another model incorporating the same
novel or unusual design features, these proposed special conditions
would apply to that model as well.
This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features
of the 787. It is not a rule of general applicability.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping
The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.
The Proposed Special Conditions
Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes the
following special conditions as part of the type certification basis
for the Boeing Model 787-8 airplanes with an overhead flightcrew rest
(OFCR) compartment installed adjacent to or immediately aft of the
first pair of exits (Door 1).
1. During flight, occupancy of the OFCR compartment is limited to
the total number of bunks and seats installed in the compartment that
are approved to the maximum flight loading conditions. During taxi,
takeoff, and landing (TT&L), occupancy of the OFCR compartment is
limited to the total number of installed seats approved for the flight
and ground load conditions and emergency landing conditions. The OFCR
compartment is limited to a maximum of four crewmembers during flight
and two flight crewmembers during TT&L.
(a) There must be appropriate placards, inside and outside each
entrance to the OFCR compartment, to indicate:
(1) The maximum number of crewmembers allowed during flight and the
maximum number of flight crewmembers allowed during TT&L.
(2) That occupancy is restricted to crewmembers who the pilot in
command has determined are trained in the emergency procedures for the
OFCR compartment and able to rapidly use the evacuation routes.
(3) That smoking is prohibited in the OFCR compartment.
(4) That stowage in the OFCR compartment area is limited to crew
personal luggage. The stowage of cargo or passenger baggage is not
(b) There must be at least one ashtray on the inside and one
ashtray on the outside of any entrance to the OFCR compartment.
(c) A limitation in the airplane flight manual must be established
to restrict occupancy to crewmembers who the pilot in command has
determined are trained in the emergency procedures for the OFCR
compartment and are able to rapidly use the evacuation routes of the
OFCR compartment.
2. The following requirements are applicable to OFCR compartment
(a) There must be a means for any door installed between the OFCR
compartment and the passenger cabin to be quickly opened from inside
the OFCR compartment, even when crowding from an emergency evacuation
occurs at each side of the door.
(b) Doors installed across emergency egress routes must have a
means to latch them in the open position. The latching means must be
able to withstand the loads imposed upon it when the door is subjected
to the ultimate inertia forces, relative to the surrounding structure,
listed in Sec. 25.561(b).
(c) A placard must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the
outside of the entrance door of the OFCR compartment, and on any other
door(s) installed across emergency egress routes of the OFCR
compartment, requiring those doors to be latched open during TT&L when
the OFCR compartment is occupied. This requirement does not apply to
emergency escape hatches installed in the floor of the OFCR
compartment. A placard must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the
outside of the entrance door to the OFCR compartment that requires it
to be closed and locked when it is not
[[Page 85]]
occupied. Procedures for meeting these requirements must be transmitted
to the operator for incorporation into its training programs and
appropriate operational manuals.
(d) For all doors installed in the OFCR compartment, there must be
a means to preclude anyone from being trapped inside the OFCR
compartment. If a locking mechanism is installed, it must be capable of
being unlocked from the outside without the aid of special tools. The
lock must not prevent opening from the inside of the OFCR compartment
at any time.
3. In addition to the requirements of Sec. 25.562 for seats, which
are occupiable during takeoff and landing, and restraint systems, the
OFCR compartment structure must be compatible with the loads imposed by
the seats as a result of the conditions specified in Sec. 25.562(b).
4. There must be at least two emergency evacuation routes that
could be used by each occupant of the OFCR compartment to rapidly
evacuate to the main cabin. These evacuation routes must be able to be
closed from the main passenger cabin after evacuation. In addition--
(a) The routes must be located with sufficient separation within
the OFCR compartment to minimize the possibility of an event either
inside or outside of the OFCR compartment rendering both routes
Compliance with requirements of proposed Special Condition No. 4(a)
may be shown by inspection or by analysis. Regardless of which method
is used, the maximum acceptable distance between crew rest compartment
outlets is 60 feet.
Compliance by Inspection
Inspection may be used to show compliance with proposed Special
Condition No. 4(a). An inspection finding that an OFCR compartment has
evacuation routes located so that each occupant of the seats and berths
has an unobstructed route to at least one of the OFCR compartment
outlets, regardless of the location of a fire, would be reason for a
finding of compliance. A fire within a berth that only blocks the
occupant of that berth from exiting the berth need not be considered.
Therefore, crew rest compartment outlets that are located at absolute
opposite ends (i.e., adjacent to opposite end walls) of the OFCR
compartment would require no further review or analysis with regard to
their separation.
Compliance by Analysis
Analysis must show that the OFCR compartment configuration and
interior features allow all occupants of the OFCR compartment to escape
the compartment in the event of a hazard inside or outside of the
compartment. Elements to consider in this evaluation are as follows:
(1) Fire inside or outside the OFCR compartment, considered
separately, and the design elements used to reduce the available fuel
for the fire.
(2) Design elements used to reduce fire ignition sources in the
OFCR compartment.
(3) Distribution and quantity of emergency equipment within the
OFCR compartment.
(4) Structural failure or deformation of components that could
block access to the available evacuation routes (for example seats,
folding berths, contents of stowage compartments, etc.).
(5) An incapacitated person blocking the evacuation routes.
(6) Any other foreseeable hazard not identified above that could
cause the evacuation routes to be compromised.
Analysis must consider design features affecting access to the
evacuation routes. Possibilities for design components affecting
evacuation that should be considered include, but are not limited to,
seat deformations (reference Sec. Sec. 25.561(d) and 25.562(c)(8)),
seat back break-over, rigid structure that reduces access from one part
of the compartment to another, and items known to be the cause of
potential hazards. Factors that also should be considered are
availability of emergency equipment to address fire hazards,
availability of communications equipment, supplemental restraint
devices to retain items of mass that, if broken loose, could hinder
evacuation, and load path isolation between components containing
evacuation routes.
Analysis of fire threats should be used in determining placement of
required fire extinguishers and protective breathing equipment (PBE).
This analysis should consider the possibility of fire in any location
in the OFCR compartment. The location and quantity of PBE equipment and
fire extinguishers should allow occupants located in any approved seats
or berths access to the equipment necessary to fight a fire in the OFCR
The intent of this proposed special condition is to provide
sufficient exit route separation. Therefore the separation analysis
described above should not be used to approve OFCR compartment outlets
that have less physical separation (measured between the centroid of
each outlet opening) than the minimums prescribed below, unless
compensating features are identified and submitted to the FAA for
evaluation and approval.
For an OFCR compartment with one outlet located near the forward or
aft end of the compartment (as measured by having the centroid of the
outlet opening within 20 percent of the total length of the compartment
from the forward or aft end of the compartment) the outlet separation
from one outlet to the other should not be less than 50 percent of the
total OFCR compartment length.
For OFCR compartments with neither required crew rest compartment
outlet located near the forward or aft end of the compartment (as
measured by not having the centroid of either outlet opening within 20
percent of the forward or aft end of the total OFCR compartment
length), the outlet separation from one outlet to the other should not
be less than 30 percent of the total OFCR compartment length.
(b) The routes must be designed to minimize the possibility of
blockage, which might result from fire, mechanical or structural
failure, or persons standing below or against the crew rest compartment
outlets. One of the two OFCR compartment outlets should not be located
where normal movement or evacuation by passengers occurs (main aisle,
cross aisle, or galley complex, for example) that would impede egress
from the OFCR compartment. If an evacuation route is in an area where
normal movement or evacuation of passengers occurs, it must be
demonstrated that passengers would not impede egress to the main deck.
If there is low headroom at or near the evacuation route, provisions
must be made to prevent or to protect occupants of the OFCR compartment
from head injury. Use of evacuation routes must not be dependent on any
powered device. If an OFCR compartment outlet is over an area where
there are passenger seats, a maximum of five passengers may be
displaced from their seats temporarily during the process of evacuating
an incapacitated person(s). If such an evacuation procedure involves
the evacuee stepping on seats, the seats must not be damaged to the
extent that they would not be acceptable for occupancy during an
emergency landing.
(c) Emergency evacuation procedures, including procedures for
emergency evacuation of an incapacitated occupant from the OFCR
compartment, must be established. The applicant must transmit all of
these procedures to the operator for incorporation into its training
programs and appropriate operational manuals.
[[Page 86]]
(d) There must be a limitation in the airplane flight manual or
other suitable means to require that crewmembers be trained in the use
of the OFCR compartment evacuation routes. This training must instruct
them to ensure that the OFCR compartment (including seats, doors, etc.)
is in its proper TT&L configuration during TT&L.
(e) For times when there is no flight attendant present in the area
around the door to the OFCR compartment, and also during an emergency,
including an emergency evacuation, there must be a means to prevent
passengers on the main deck from entering the OFCR compartment.
(f) Doors or hatches separating the OFCR compartment from the main
deck must not adversely affect evacuation of occupants on the main deck
(slowing evacuation by encroaching into aisles, for example) or cause
injury to those occupants during opening or while opened.
(g) The means of opening doors and hatches to the OFCR compartment
must be simple and obvious. In addition, the OFCR compartment doors and
hatches must be able to be closed from the main passenger cabin.
5. There must be a means of evacuating an incapacitated person
(representative of a ninety-fifth percentile male) from the OFCR
compartment to the passenger cabin floor.
Such an evacuation must be demonstrated for all evacuation routes.
A crewmember (a total of one assistant within the OFCR compartment) may
provide assistance in the evacuation. Additional assistance may be
provided by up to three persons in the main passenger compartment.
These additional assistants must be standing on the floor while
providing assistance. For evacuation routes with stairways, the
additional assistants may ascend up to one half the elevation change
from the main deck to the OFCR compartment, or to the first landing,
whichever is lower.
6. The following signs and placards must be provided in the OFCR
compartment and they must meet the following criteria:
(a) At least one exit sign, located near each OFCR compartment
outlet, meeting the emergency lighting requirements of Sec.
25.812(b)(1)(i). One allowable exception would be a sign with reduced
background area of no less than 5.3 square inches (excluding the
letters), provided that it is installed so that the material
surrounding the exit sign is light in color (white, cream, light beige,
for example). If the material surrounding the exit sign is not light in
color, a sign with a minimum of a one-inch-wide background border
around the letters would be acceptable. Another allowable exception is
a sign with a symbol that the FAA has determined to be equivalent for
use as an exit sign in an OFCR compartment.
(b) An appropriate placard located conspicuously on or near each
OFCR compartment door or hatch that defines the location and the
operating instructions for access to and operation of the outlet door
or hatch.
(c) Placards must be readable from a distance of 30 inches under
emergency lighting conditions.
(d) The door or hatch handles and operating instruction placards
required by Special Condition No. 6(b) of these special conditions must
be illuminated to at least 160 microlamberts under emergency lighting
7. There must be a means in the event of failure of the aircraft's
main power system, or of the normal OFCR compartment lighting system,
for emergency illumination to be automatically provided for the OFCR
(a) This emergency illumination must be independent of the main
lighting system.
(b) The sources of general cabin illumination may be common to both
the emergency and the main lighting systems if the power supply to the
emergency lighting system is independent of the power supply to the
main lighting system.
(c) The illumination level must be sufficient to allow occupants of
the OFCR compartment to locate and move to the main passenger cabin
floor by means of each evacuation route.
(d) The illumination level must be sufficient, with the privacy
curtains in the closed position, for each occupant of the OFCR
compartment to locate a deployed oxygen mask.
8. There must be means for two-way voice communications between
crewmembers on the flight deck and occupants of the OFCR compartment.
There must also be two-way communications between occupants of the OFCR
compartment and each flight attendant station in the passenger cabin
that is required per Sec. 25.1423(g) to have a public address system
microphone. In addition, the public address system must include
provisions to provide only the relevant information to the crewmembers
in the OFCR compartment (for example fire in flight, aircraft
depressurization, preparation of the compartment for landing, etc.).
That is, provisions must be made so that occupants of the OFCR
compartment will not be disturbed with normal, non-emergency
announcements made to the passenger cabin.
9. There must be a means for manual activation of an aural
emergency alarm system, audible during normal and emergency conditions,
to enable crewmembers on the flight deck and at each pair of required
floor level emergency exits to alert occupants of the OFCR compartment
of an emergency situation. Use of a public address or crew interphone
system will be acceptable, provided an adequate means of
differentiating between normal and emergency communications is
incorporated. The system must be powered in flight, after the shutdown
or failure of all engines and auxiliary power units, for a period of at
least ten minutes.
10. There must be a means, readily detectable by seated or standing
occupants of the OFCR compartment, to indicate when seat belts should
be fastened. Seat belt type restraints must be provided for berths and
must be compatible with the sleeping position during cruise conditions.
There must be a placard on each berth requiring that these restraints
be fastened when occupied. If compliance with any of the other
requirements of these proposed special conditions is predicated on
specific head location, there must be a placard identifying that head
11. PBE devices must be provided in accordance with Sec. 25.1439,
except that in lieu of a device for each crewmember, the following PBE
devices, approved to Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C116 or equivalent,
must be provided: Two PBE devices suitable for firefighting, or one PBE
for each hand-held fire extinguisher, whichever is greater. The
following equipment must also be provided in the OFCR compartment:
(a) At least one approved hand-held fire extinguisher appropriate
for the kinds of fires likely to occur.
(b) One flashlight.
Note: Additional PBE devices and fire extinguishers in specific
locations, beyond the minimum numbers prescribed in proposed Special
Condition No. 11, may be required as a result of the egress analysis
accomplished to satisfy proposed Special Condition No. 4(a).
12. A smoke or fire detection system (or systems) must be provided
that monitors each occupiable area within the OFCR compartment,
including those areas partitioned by curtains or doors. Flight tests
must be conducted to show compliance with this requirement. If a fire
occurs, each system (or systems) must provide:
(a) A visual indication to the flight deck within one minute after
the start of a fire.
[[Page 87]]
(b) An aural warning in the OFCR compartment.
(c) A warning in the main passenger cabin. This warning must be
readily detectable by a flight attendant, taking into consideration the
positioning of flight attendants throughout the main passenger
compartment during various phases of flight.
13. Means to fight a fire must be provided. The means can either be
a built-in extinguishing system or manual hand-held bottle
extinguishing system.
(a) For a built-in extinguishing system:
(1) The system must have adequate capacity to suppress a fire
considering the fire threat, volume of the compartment, and the
ventilation rate. The system must have sufficient extinguishing agent
to provide an initial knockdown and suppression environment per the
minimum performance standards that have been established for the agent
being used. In addition, certification flight testing will verify the
acceptable duration that the suppression environment can be maintained.
(2) If the capacity of the extinguishing system does not provide
effective fire suppression that will last for the duration of flight
from the farthest point in route to the nearest suitable landing site
expected in service, an additional manual firefighting procedure must
be established. For the built-in extinguishing system, the time
duration for effective fire suppression must be established and
documented in the firefighting procedures in the airplane flight
manual. If the duration of time for demonstrated effective fire
suppression provided by the built-in extinguishing agent will be
exceeded, the firefighting procedures must instruct the crew to:
(i) Enter the OFCR compartment at the time that demonstrated fire
suppression effectiveness will be exceeded.
(ii) Check for and extinguish any residual fire.
(iii) Confirm that the fire is out.
(b) For a manual hand-held bottle extinguishing system (designed as
the sole means to fight a fire or to supplement a built-in
extinguishing system of limited suppression duration) for the OFCR:
(1) There must be a limitation in the airplane flight manual or
other suitable means requiring that crewmembers be trained in the
firefighting procedures.
(2) The compartment design must allow crewmembers equipped for
firefighting to have unrestricted access to all parts of the
(3) The time for a crewmember on the main deck to react to the fire
alarm, don the firefighting equipment, and gain access to the OFCR
compartment must not exceed the time it would take for the compartment
to become filled with smoke, thus making it difficult to locate the
fire source.
(4) Approved procedures describing methods for searching the OFCR
compartment for fire source(s) must be established. These procedures
must be transmitted to the operator for incorporation into its training
programs and appropriate operational manuals.
14. There must be a means provided to exclude hazardous quantities
of smoke or extinguishing agent originating in the OFCR compartment
from entering any other occupiable compartment.
(a) Small quantities of smoke may penetrate from the OFCR
compartment into other occupied areas during the one-minute smoke
detection time.
(b) There must be a provision in the firefighting procedures to
ensure that all doors and hatches at the OFCR compartment outlets are
closed after evacuation of the compartment and during firefighting to
minimize smoke and extinguishing agent entering other occupiable
(c) Smoke entering any occupiable compartment when access to the
OFCR compartment is open for evacuation must dissipate within five
minutes after the access to the OFCR compartment is closed.
(d) Hazardous quantities of smoke may not enter any occupied
compartment during access to manually fight a fire in the OFCR
compartment. The amount of smoke entrained by a firefighter exiting the
OFCR compartment is not considered hazardous.
(e) Flight tests must be conducted to show compliance with this
15. There must be a supplemental oxygen system within the OFCR
compartment as follows:
(a) There must be at least one mask for each seat and berth in the
OFCR compartment.
(b) If a destination area (such as a changing area) is provided in
the OFCR compartment, there must be an oxygen mask readily available
for each occupant who can reasonably be expected to be in the
destination area (with the maximum number of required masks within the
destination area being limited to the placarded maximum occupancy of
the OFCR compartment).
(c) There must also be an oxygen mask readily accessible to each
occupant who can reasonably be expected to be moving from the main
cabin into the OFCR compartment, moving around within the OFCR
compartment, or moving from the OFCR compartment to the main cabin.
(d) The system must provide an aural and visual alert to warn
occupants of the OFCR compartment to don oxygen masks in the event of
decompression. The aural and visual alerts must activate concurrently
with deployment of the oxygen masks in the passenger cabin. To
compensate for sleeping occupants, the aural alert must be heard in
each section of the OFCR compartment and must sound continuously for a
minimum of five minutes or until a reset switch within the OFCR
compartment is activated. A visual alert that informs occupants that
they must don an oxygen mask must be visible in each section.
(e) There must also be a means by which oxygen masks can be
manually deployed from the flight deck.
(f) Approved procedures must be established for OFCR occupants in
the event of decompression. These procedures must be transmitted to the
operator for incorporation into its training programs and appropriate
operational manuals.
(g) The supplemental oxygen system for the OFCR compartment must
meet the same 14 CFR part 25 regulations as the supplemental oxygen
system for the passenger cabin occupants except for the 10 percent
additional masks requirement of 14 CFR 25.1447(c)(1).
(h) The illumination level of the normal OFCR compartment lighting
system must automatically be sufficient for each occupant of the
compartment to locate a deployed oxygen mask.
16. The following additional requirements apply to OFCR
compartments that are divided into several sections by the installation
of curtains or partitions:
(a) A placard is required adjacent to each curtain that visually
divides or separates, for privacy purposes, the OFCR compartment into
small sections. The placard must require that the curtain(s) remains
open when the private section it creates is unoccupied. The vestibule
section adjacent to the stairway is not considered a private area and,
therefore, does not require a placard.
(b) For each section of the OFCR compartment created by the
installation of a curtain, the following requirements of these proposed
special conditions must be met with the curtain open or closed:
(1) No smoking placard requirement (Proposed Special Condition No.
(2) Emergency illumination requirement (Proposed Special Condition
No. 7).
[[Page 88]]
(3) Emergency alarm system requirement (Proposed Special Condition
No. 9).
(4) Seat belt fasten signal or return to seat signal as applicable
requirement (Proposed Special Condition No. 10).
(5) Smoke or fire detection system requirement (Proposed Special
Condition No. 12).
(6) Oxygen system requirement (Proposed Special Condition No. 15).
(c) OFCR compartments that are visually divided to the extent that
evacuation could be affected must have exit signs directing occupants
to the primary stairway outlet. The exit signs must be provided in each
separate section of the OFCR compartment, except for curtained bunks,
and must meet requirements of Sec. 25.812(b)(1)(i). An exit sign with
reduced background area or a symbolic exit sign as described in
Proposed Special Condition No. 6(a) may be used to meet this
(d) For sections within an OFCR compartment created by the
installation of a rigid partition with a door separating the sections,
the following requirements of these proposed special conditions must be
met with the door open or closed:
(1) There must be a secondary evacuation route from each section to
the main deck, or alternatively, the applicant must show that any door
between the sections has been designed to preclude anyone from being
trapped inside a section of the compartment. Removal of an
incapacitated occupant from within this area must be considered. A
secondary evacuation route from a small room designed for only one
occupant for a short time duration, such as a changing area or
lavatory, is not required, but removal of an incapacitated occupant
from within such a small room must be considered.
(2) Any door between the sections must be shown to be openable when
crowded against, even when crowding occurs at each side of the door.
(3) There may be no more than one door between any seat or berth
and the primary stairway door.
(4) In each section, there must be exit signs meeting requirements
of Sec. 25.812(b)(1)(i), or shown to have an equivalent level of
safety, that direct occupants to the primary stairway outlet. An exit
sign with reduced background area or a symbolic exit sign as described
in Proposed Special Condition No. 6(a) may be used to meet this
(5) Proposed Special Conditions No. 1 (no smoking placards), No. 7
(emergency illumination), No. 9 (emergency alarm system), No. 10
(fasten seat belt signal or return to seat signal as applicable), No.
12 (smoke or fire detection system), and No. 15 (oxygen system) must be
met with the door open or closed.
(6) Proposed Special Conditions No. 8 (two-way voice communication)
and No. 11 (emergency firefighting and protective equipment) must be
met independently for each separate section except for lavatories or
other small areas that are not intended to be occupied for extended
periods of time.
17. If a waste disposal receptacle is fitted in the OFCR
compartment, it must be equipped with an automatic fire extinguisher
that meets the performance requirements of Sec. 25.854(b).
18. Materials (including finishes or decorative surfaces applied to
the materials) must comply with the requirements of Sec. 25.853 as
amended by Amendment 25-116. Seat cushions and mattresses must comply
with the flammability requirements of Sec. 25.853(c) as amended by
Amendment 25-116 and the test requirements of part 25, appendix F, part
II, or other equivalent methods.
19. The addition of a lavatory within the OFCR compartment would
require the lavatory to meet the same requirements as those for a
lavatory installed on the main deck except with regard to Proposed
Special Condition No. 12 for smoke detection.
20. Each stowage compartment in the OFCR compartment, except for
underseat compartments for occupant convenience, must be completely
enclosed. All enclosed stowage compartments within the OFCR compartment
that are not limited to stowage of emergency equipment or airplane-
supplied equipment must meet the design criteria given in the table
below. Enclosed stowage compartments greater than 200 ft.\3\ in
interior volume are not addressed by this proposed special condition.
The in-flight accessibility of very large enclosed stowage compartments
and the subsequent impact on the crewmembers' ability to effectively
reach any part of the compartment with the contents of a hand fire
extinguisher will require additional fire protection considerations
similar to those required for inaccessible compartments such as Class C
cargo compartments.
Design Criteria for Enclosed Stowage Compartments Not Limited to Stowage of Emergency or Airplane-Supplied
Applicability of fire protection requirements by interior volume
Fire protection features 25 Cubic feet to less 57 Cubic feet to 200
Less than 25 cubic feet than 57 cubic feet cubic feet
Compliant Materials of Yes.................... Yes.................... Yes.
Smoke or Fire Detectors \2\.......... No..................... Yes.................... Yes.
Liner \3\............................ No..................... Conditional............ Yes.
Fire Location Detector \4\........... No..................... Yes.................... Yes.
\1\ Compliant Materials of Construction
The material used to construct each enclosed stowage compartment must at least be fire resistant and must meet
the flammability standards established for interior components (i.e., 14 CFR part 25 Appendix F, Parts I, IV,
and V) per the requirements of Sec. 25.853. For compartments less than 25 ft.\3\ in interior volume, the
design must ensure the ability to contain a fire likely to occur within the compartment under normal use.
\2\ Smoke or Fire Detectors
Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or exceeding 25 ft.\3\ in interior volume must be provided with a smoke
or fire detection system to ensure that a fire can be detected within a one-minute detection time. Flight
tests must be conducted to show compliance with this requirement. Each system (or systems) must provide:
(a) A visual indication in the flight deck within one minute after the start of a fire.
(b) An aural warning in the OFCR compartment.
(c) A warning in the main passenger cabin. This warning must be readily detectable by a flight attendant, taking
into consideration the positioning of flight attendants throughout the main passenger compartment during
various phases of flight.
\3\ Liner
[[Page 89]]
If it can be shown that the material used to construct the stowage compartment meets the flammability
requirements of a liner for a Class B cargo compartment (i.e., Sec. 25.855 at Amendment 25-116, and Appendix
F, part I, paragraph (a)(2)(ii)), then no liner would be required for enclosed stowage compartments equal to
or greater than 25 ft.\3\ but less than 57 ft.\3\ in interior volume. For all enclosed stowage compartments
equal to or greater than 57 ft.\3\ in interior volume but less than or equal to 200 ft.\3\, a liner must be
provided that meets the requirements of Sec. 25.855 for a Class B cargo compartment.
\4\ Fire Location Detector
If an OFCR compartment has enclosed stowage compartments exceeding 25 ft.\3\ interior volume that are located
separately from the other stowage compartments (located, for example, away from one central location, such as
the entry to the OFCR compartment or a common area within the OFCR compartment, where the other stowage
compartments are), that OFCR compartment would require additional fire protection features and/or devices to
assist the firefighter in determining the location of a fire.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on December 28, 2009.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. E9-31116 Filed 12-31-09; 8:45 am]