National Forest System Land Management Planning, 67165-67169 [E9-30174]
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sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 242 / Friday, December 18, 2009 / Notices
to better understand ecological
dynamics within these forest
ecosystems, and to develop management
tools, practices and guidelines for
central Appalachian hardwood forests.
The 4,700-acre Fernow Experimental
Forest is situated within the boundary
of the Monongahela National Forest in
Tucker County, West Virginia and is
managed by the Northern Research
Station of the USDA Forest Service.
These proposed research activities are
in compliance with the Monongahela
2006 Revised Forest Plan, which
provides overall guidance for
management of the area, including
direction for management of the Fernow
Experimental Forest, and with planning
documents of the Northern Research
Station and Fernow Experimental
Public Involvement: The public is
invited to comment on the Proposed
Action during the analysis process. In
order to best use your comments, please
submit them in writing within 30 days
of this announcement. Additional
information is available on the Web at
fernow/EIS. Comments may also be
submitted electronically at the above
Web address.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received no later
than January 19, 2010. The draft EIS is
expected to be filed with the
Environmental Protection Agency and
available for public review in March
2010. The comment period on the draft
EIS will be 45 days from the date the
Environmental Protection Agency
publishes the notice of availability of
the draft EIS in the Federal Register.
The final EIS is expected in June 2010.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
USDA Forest Service, Timber and
Watershed Laboratory, Attn: Fernow
EIS, P.O. Box 404, Parsons, WV 26287.
Comments may also be submitted online at
wv/fernow/EIS or via facsimile to 304–
It is important that reviewers provide
their comments at such times and in
such a way that they are useful to the
Agency’s preparation of the EIS.
Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the
comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer’s concerns and
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action. Comments submitted
anonymously will be accepted and
considered, however.
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Mary Beth Adams, Project Leader,
USDA Forest Service, Northern
Research Station, P.O. Box 404, Parsons,
WV 26287; (304) 478–2000;
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday.
Purpose and Need for Action
Sound management of Appalachian
hardwood forests is important for
maintaining the productivity and
diversity of these woodlands, and to
sustain their value for the many owners
and users of forest land throughout the
Appalachians. To achieve these goals,
management guidelines based on sound
scientific research are needed. Often it
is necessary that this research be longterm in scope and duration to
adequately describe long-lived forests.
Accordingly, to meet these information
needs, the purpose of the proposed
actions is to (1) conduct research on the
effects of various silvicultural practices
on forest productivity, species
composition and diversity, wildlife
populations and ecosystems processes,
and (2) manage the Fernow
Experimental Forest for long-term
ecosystem research.
Proposed Action
The proposed action involves using
the following silvicultural treatments in
on-going research studies: Diameterlimiting cutting treatment on 94 acres,
single-tree selection on 121 acres,
financial maturity harvesting on 214
acres, 93 acres of small clearcuts, group
selection on 31 acres, and prescribed
fire on 562 acres. Other treatments
include fertilization of about 101 acres
using ammonium sulfate fertilizer,
herbicide treatment of selected trees and
invasive exotic plants, and maintenance
of roads and other infrastructure.
Responsible Official
The responsible official is the Project
Leader of NRS–01, USDA Forest
Service, Northern Research Station, P.O.
Box 404, Parsons, WV 26287.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The decision to be made is whether or
not to conduct research and
management activities, including
harvest, prescribed fire, fertilization,
and herbicide treatments, on
approximately 1,227 acres of the
Fernow Experimental Forest during a 5year period, to meet the purpose and
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need for action through some other
combination of activities, or to take no
action at this time.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates the
scoping process, which guides the
development of the environmental
impact statement. The Forest Service is
soliciting comments from Federal, State
and local agencies and other individuals
or organizations that may be interested
in or affected by the proposed research
activities, by contacting persons and
organizations on the Fernow’s mailing
list and publishing a notice in the local
newspaper. No scoping meetings are
planned at this time. The present
solicitation is for comments on this
Notice of Intent and scoping materials.
Comments from the public and other
agencies will be used in preparation of
the draft EIS. The scoping process will
be used to identify questions and issues
regarding the proposed action. An issue
is defined as a point of dispute, debate,
or disagreement related to a specific
proposed action based on its anticipated
effects. Significant issues brought to our
attention are used during an
environmental analysis to develop
alternatives to the proposed action.
It is important that reviewers provide
their comments at such times and in
such manner that they are useful to the
agency’s preparation of the
environmental impact statement.
Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the
comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer’s concerns and
Dated: December 11, 2009.
Mary Beth Adams,
Project Leader, NRS–01.
[FR Doc. E9–30057 Filed 12–17–09; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
National Forest System Land
Management Planning
Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The Forest Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, is giving
notice of its intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement to
analyze and disclose potential
environmental consequences associated
with a National Forest System land
management planning rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 242 / Friday, December 18, 2009 / Notices
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received by
February 16, 2010. The Forest Service
(Agency) expects to publish the draft
environmental impact statement in
December 2010 and the final
environmental impact statement in
October 2011. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture (Department) expects to
publish the record of decision in
November 2011.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent via
e-mail to Written
comments concerning this notice should
be addressed to Forest Service Planning
NOI, C/O Bear West Company, 172 E
500 S, Bountiful, UT 84010; or via
facsimile to 801–397–1605. All
comments, including names and
addresses, when provided, are placed in
the record and are available for public
inspection and copying. The public may
inspect comments at https://
Larry Hayden, 202–205–0895,
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
A new Agency planning rule is
needed to guide land managers in
developing, amending, and revising
land management plans for the 155
national forests and 20 grasslands in the
National Forest System (NFS). A new
planning rule provides the opportunity
to help protect, reconnect, and restore
national forests and national grasslands
for the benefit of human communities
and natural resources. Developing a new
rule will allow the Agency to integrate
forest restoration, watershed protection,
climate resilience, wildlife
conservation, the need to support
vibrant local economies, and
collaboration into how the Agency
manages national forests and grasslands,
with the goals of protecting our water,
climate, and wildlife while enhancing
ecosystem services and creating
economic opportunity. Land
management planning is also one way
the Agency complies with requirements
under the National Forest Management
Act of 1976 (NFMA), the Multiple-Use
Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 (MUSYA),
the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the
Wilderness Act of 1964, and other legal
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An environmental impact statement
(EIS) is being prepared to document the
environmental analysis for a new
planning rule at Title 36, Code of
Federal Regulations, part 219 (36 CFR
part 219). In the interim, the Agency
will use the 2000 rule provisions to
develop, amend, or revise plans until a
new planning rule is released. The 2000
rule had been replaced by the 2008
planning rule which was subsequently
held invalid by a Federal District Court.
The 2000 planning rule removed and
replaced the 1982 planning rule in the
Code of Federal Regulations, preventing
the Agency from being able to simply
reinstate the 1982 rule, but the 2000 rule
contains transition provisions which
permit the use of the 1982 rule
provisions. No national forest or
grassland has ever used the 2000 rule to
amend or revise a plan because of its
complexity. The Department is
announcing the reinstatement in the
Code of Federal Regulations of the
National Forest System Land and
Resource Management Planning Rule of
November 9, 2000, as amended (2000
rule), elsewhere in the Federal Register.
The Agency’s expectation, based upon
its experience with the 2000 rule, is that
national forests and grasslands will use
the 1982 rule provisions, as permitted
by the transition provisions of the 2000
rule, to revise and amend plans until a
new planning rule is issued.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent 60-day comment
period starts the scoping process in
compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
its implementing regulations at 40 CFR
part 1500. As part of the scoping
process, the Agency solicits public
comment on the scope of the proposed
rule; the alternatives to be considered;
and the physical, biological, social, and
economic effects that should be
analyzed in the draft environmental
impact statement. Following the review
of comments received during this 60day period, the Agency will continue to
collaboratively engage the public in a
variety of ways as it develops a new
proposed planning rule. Discussions
will focus on key issues raised during
the notice of intent public comment
period. The Agency is in the process of
creating a Web forum for additional
dialogue and public interaction. Further
information on planned collaborative
discussions and other opportunities for
public comment are available at https://
Comments Requested
The proposed action lists several
principles that could be included in a
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new planning rule and a number of
follow-up questions to help frame the
options for a proposed rule. Please
comment on what features you believe
should be in a planning rule, whether
the principles we have identified are the
right principles, and whether we have
included all of the issues that will need
to be considered as a new planning rule
is developed. Please also respond to the
specific questions posed under the
principles outlined below.
The Agency will use the comments
and input we receive to identify issues,
develop alternatives, and build planning
rule content leading to a proposed rule
and draft environmental impact
statement in the fall of 2010. The
Agency will continue to solicit public
input through a collaborative process as
the proposed rule is developed. Further,
we need to hear your thoughts on the
best ways the Agency could engage the
public during this process.
Purpose and Need for Action
The NFMA requires regulations
‘‘under the principles of the MultipleUse, Sustained-Yield Act of 1960, that
set out the process for the development
and revision of the land management
plans, and the guidelines and
standards’’ the Act prescribes (16 U.S.C.
1604(g)). In 1979, the Department first
issued regulations to comply with this
statutory requirement. The 1979
regulations were superseded by the
1982 planning rule, which has formed
the basis for all existing land
management plans.
In 1989, the Agency initiated a
comprehensive Critique of Land
Management Planning, which identified
a number of adjustments that were
needed to the 1982 planning rule. The
Critique found that the 1982 planning
rule process was very complex; had
significant costs, was lengthy, and was
cumbersome for public input. The
recommendations in the Critique and
the Agency’s experiences with planning
led to the Agency issuing an advance
notice of proposed rulemaking for new
regulations in 1991, and two proposed
rules, in 1995 and 1999.
After working with a committee of
scientists, the Department issued the
2000 rule to revise the 1982 regulations.
The 2000 revision of the planning rule
described a new framework for NFS
planning; made sustainability the
foundation for NFS planning and
management; required the consideration
of the best available science during the
planning process, and set forth
requirements for implementation,
monitoring, evaluation, amendment,
and revision of land and resource
management plans. However, a review
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 242 / Friday, December 18, 2009 / Notices
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
in the spring of 2001 found that the
2000 rule was costly, complex, and
procedurally burdensome. The results of
the review led the Department to issue
a new planning rule in 2005, and a
revised version again in 2008, but each
of those rules was held invalid by a
Federal District Court (Citizens for
Better Forestry v. USDA, 481 F. Supp.2d
1059 (N.D. Cal. 2007) (2005 rule);
Citizens for Better Forestry v. USDA,
632 F. Supp.2d 968 (N.D. Cal. 2009)
(2008 rule)).
The NFMA requires the Agency to
revise land management plans ‘‘at least
every 15 years.’’ The NFS has 127 land
management plans. Currently, 68 plans
are past due for plan revision. Most
plans were developed between 1983 and
1993 and should have been revised
between 1998 and 2008. The Agency
now has an urgent need to establish a
planning rule that protects, reconnects,
and restores national forests and
grasslands for the benefit of human
communities and natural resources.
A new planning rule must be
responsive to the challenges of climate
change; the need for forest restoration
and conservation, watershed protection,
and wildlife conservation; and the
sustainable use of public lands to
support vibrant communities. It must be
clear, efficient, and effective, and must
meet requirements under the NFMA, as
well as allow the Agency to meet its
obligations under the MUSYA, the ESA,
and the Wilderness Act, as well as other
legal requirements. It also must provide
for a transparent, collaborative process
that allows for effective public
participation. A new rule should also be
within the Agency’s capability to
implement on all NFS units. With
stability in planning regulations,
national land management planning can
regain momentum, and units will be
able to complete timely revisions that
guide sustainable management.
For further information on the history
of land management planning and why
the Agency is preparing a new EIS see
the Web site at
Proposed Action
The NFMA at 16 U.S.C. 1604 requires
the Agency to have a planning rule. The
Forest Service is proposing the
development of a new planning rule to
be issued at 36 CFR part 219. The new
rule will consist of procedures for
developing, amending, and revising
land management plans.
We list below a number of principles
based on substance and process that
could be used to guide the development
of a new planning rule. Through this
notice of intent, we are seeking public
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input on these principles and associated
questions. We also ask reviewers to
identify and give input on any
principles or issues not mentioned.
Additionally, we are seeking input on
whether we have included a full list of
the issues that must be addressed in a
new rule and how best to address
existing and future issues and
Substantive Principles for a New Rule
1. Land management plans could
address the need for restoration and
conservation to enhance the resilience
of ecosystems to a variety of threats.
Climate change; alterations of natural
fire regimes; changing water conditions;
aggressive insects, disease, and invasive
species; increasingly intense floods and
drought; increasing air and water
pollution; increasing development
pressures; and other factors threaten the
health of forests and grasslands. When
the health and integrity of our lands
deteriorate, so do the environmental,
economic, and social benefits they
provide, with enormous potential
impacts on drinking water, greenhouse
gas emissions, climate, wildlife,
recreation, community health, and
prosperity. Plans could promote
restoration and management of national
forests and grasslands to make them
more resilient to these threats, and to
ensure the continued delivery of
important ecosystem services and
benefits. They could also promote the
active conservation of healthy lands to
prevent them from degrading and to
strengthen overall resiliency.
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• What do you see as the biggest
threats to forest and grassland health
and ecosystem resiliency?
• How do you define restoration?
What is your concept of restoration?
How can the planning rule foster
restoration of NFS lands?
• What kinds of conservation efforts
can enhance ecosystem resiliency and
prevent degradation?
2. Plans could proactively address
climate change through monitoring,
mitigation and adaptation, and could
allow flexibility to adapt to changing
conditions and incorporate new
information. Climate change is one of
the great challenges facing the United
States and the world, and is
dramatically reshaping how the Agency
will deliver on its mission of sustaining
the health and diversity of the nation’s
forests. Management will need to restore
ecosystem resiliency, and also factor
adaptation and mitigation strategies into
planning and project development.
Plans will need to be innovative,
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integrate climate change and watershed
management, and use climate change as
a theme under which to integrate and
streamline existing national and
regional strategies for ecological
restoration, fire and fuels, forest health,
biomass utilization, and others. Plans
could also include clear monitoring
programs and incorporate evolving
research in order to develop sciencebased understanding around climate
change impacts and adaptation and
mitigation efforts.
Plans will need to anticipate climate
change-related uncertainty and be
adaptive to new science and knowledge
about changing conditions on the
ground. Responsible officials will also
need flexibility to be able to adjust plan
objectives and requirements where there
are circumstances outside of agency
control: For example, where increasing
water temperatures resulting from
climate change make it impossible to
maintain a sensitive fish species in its
native habitat. Incorporating this
concept of adaptive management into
the planning rule will be especially
important as we increase our
understanding of climate change and
how it will impact the landscape, but
will also be important to respond to and
apply new information regarding water
conservation, insect and disease, species
conservation, threats from catastrophic
wildfire, and impacts from the loss of
open space.
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• How can the planning rule be
proactive and innovative in addressing
the need for climate change adaptation
and mitigation?
• What kinds of data, research, and
monitoring could assist land
management planners to incorporate
climate change adaptation
considerations into plans?
• How should the planning rule
address uncertainty? How do other
public and private entities recognize
and incorporate uncertainty in their
planning efforts?
• How can a new planning rule
appropriately build in the flexibility
land managers will need to adapt to
changing science, information or
conditions? What mechanisms should
be used to incorporate new data? Do you
know of any successful adaptive
management regimes that can inform
our process?
• How should plans anticipate and
address changing conditions or impacts
outside of agency control? How can
external factors be incorporated or
recognized in plan guidance and
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 242 / Friday, December 18, 2009 / Notices
3. Land management plans could
emphasize maintenance and restoration
of watershed health, and could protect
and enhance America’s water resources.
Responding to the challenges of climate
change in providing water and waterrelated ecosystem services is one of the
most urgent tasks facing the Agency.
The NFS alone is the source of fresh
water for more than 60 million people
from coast to coast. In coming decades,
climate change; impacts from
catastrophic fire and tree mortality; the
increasing intensity of weather patterns;
events including droughts and storms;
increasing pollution; and increasing
development pressures will combine to
impact the quantity, availability, and
quality of America’s water resources
and the health of its watersheds. Plans
could promote the restoration and
maintenance of watersheds to ensure
abundant clean water, the protection of
soils, and the health of aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems.
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• Should a new planning rule include
standards to address watershed health?
If so, what might those look like?
Should the Agency be held accountable
only for actions and problems on its
NFS lands or take into account water
availability and quality factors that are
outside of the Agency’s control?
• What planning or management
guidance could the Agency incorporate
in the rule to protect and enhance water
• One way to approach planning for
an NFS unit is to think about the future
of the planning area through the context
of its watersheds. Do you see benefits
and/or drawbacks to a rule requiring
land management planning on a
watershed basis?
• Do you see benefits or drawbacks to
a rule requiring adherence to regionally
specific Best Management Practices?
4. Plans could provide for the
diversity of species and wildlife habitat.
The NFS is a refuge for numerous
species, including 425 threatened and
endangered species. The NFMA directs
the Agency to provide ‘‘for diversity of
plant and animal communities based on
the suitability and capability of the
specific land area in order to meet
overall multiple-use objectives * * *’’
(16 U.S.C. 1604(g)(3)(B)). Over time, the
Agency’s planning rules have sought to
meet this statutory requirement to
provide for diversity in a number of
The 1982 planning rule required
management prescriptions to provide
for diversity as well as additional
prescriptions to provide for the viability
of native vertebrates and desired non-
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native vertebrate species. The 2000
planning rule required (with
qualifications) ecological conditions
that provide a ‘‘high likelihood’’ that
conditions are capable of supporting
viability of native and desired nonnative species over time. In addition,
the 2000 planning rule included
detailed and complex analytical
requirements regarding ecological
sustainability in terms of ecosystem and
species diversity (ecological
sustainability), including identification
of ‘‘focal species’’ and ‘‘species at risk.’’
The 2005 and 2008 planning rules
required plans to provide a framework
for contributing to ecological
sustainability, in terms of ecosystem
diversity and (where necessary) species
diversity, in terms of ‘‘species of
interest,’’ and ‘‘species of concern.’’
These two rules had much less detail
than the 2000 rule with additional detail
set forth in the Forest Service Directive
The Agency faced a number of
challenges in implementing the species
viability requirements of the 1982 rule.
These challenges will be exacerbated as
climate change affects the range and
viability of species, both flora and
fauna. In anticipation of coming
changes, the Agency must look at new
ways to meet diversity requirements.
The new rule needs to provide
planning procedures that meet the
intent of NFMA to provide for diversity
in a way that achieves protection for
species, habitats, and ecosystems while
taking into account environmental and
management factors and impacts that
are outside of the Agency’s control.
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• How should the new rule provide
for diversity?
• How should the planning rule guide
protection of at-risk species of animals
and plants and their habitat?
• How can the new planning rule
account for variables outside of Agency
control, including those impacts that are
the result of climate change?
• Should species diversity provisions
in planning look beyond the individual
unit to a watershed or landscape scale,
and if so, what is a practical and
workable way to incorporate a broader
• How could wildlife habitat
monitoring be addressed in a planning
5. Plans could foster sustainable NFS
lands and their contribution to vibrant
rural economies. Forests and grasslands
offer enormous environmental benefits,
including clean air, clean and abundant
water, wildlife habitat, carbon
sequestration, erosion control, and other
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ecosystem services. They generate
economic value by attracting tourism
and recreation visitors; sustaining green
jobs; and producing timber, other forest
products, minerals, food, and energy,
both renewable and non-renewable.
They are also of immense social
importance; they enhance rural quality
of life, sustain scenic and culturally
important landscapes, oftentimes define
the essence of a community, and
provide opportunities to engage in
outdoor recreation and reconnection
with the land. The Agency recognizes
the interdependence of these ecological,
economic, and social values and the
need for land management planning to
take all three into account.
In pursuit of sustainable management
in the new planning rule, the Agency
proposes to include provisions for the
protection and enhancement of
ecosystem services, such as clean water,
clean air, and wildlife habitat. It also
proposes that plans could provide a
sustainable set of opportunities for
goods and services that will support
vibrant rural and national economies in
a way that is compatible with natural
resource conservation and restoration
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• How can the planning rule reflect
the interdependency of social,
economic, and ecological systems in a
way that supports sustainable
management of national forests and
• How can the Agency recognize and
incorporate provisions in the planning
rule for managing lands for the
sustainable delivery of ecosystem
• How can plans guide units of the
NFS in achieving natural resource
conservation and restoration goals in a
way that is compatible with providing a
set of opportunities for goods and
services to support vibrant rural and
national economies?
Process Principles for a New Rule
1. Land management planning could
involve effective and pro-active
collaboration with the public. NFS lands
are the public’s lands that the Agency
manages in trust for current and future
generations. The Agency welcomes and
encourages public collaboration
throughout the planning process, and
will seek to structure a new planning
rule to ensure that processes for
developing, revising and amending
plans are efficient, transparent, and
effectively engage the public. After
plans are approved, responsible officials
will continue to work with the public to
resolve issues, to evaluate management
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 242 / Friday, December 18, 2009 / Notices
under the plan, and to consider whether
there is a need to adjust the plan. One
challenge the Agency has faced with
regard to public participation is that
plans can at times take 8–10 years to
revise, a timeframe that is too long to
sustain a true collaborative effort and
use the most up-to-date science and
management thinking.
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• How could the Agency foster
collaborative efforts? What kinds of
participation, forums for collaboration,
and methods of providing input have
you found most engaging?
• What should the rule require to
ensure a planning process that is both
efficient and transparent while allowing
for full public collaboration and
participation within a reasonable
• What kinds of information,
methods, and analyses should the
Agency provide to the public during the
planning process to aid understanding
of the possible consequences of a
proposed rule and alternatives?
• What kind of administrative review
process should be offered to the public
in the planning rule? Should there be a
pre-decisional objection or a postdecisional appeal process?
2. Plans could incorporate an ‘‘alllands’’ approach by considering the
relationship between NFS lands and
neighboring lands. The threats and
opportunities facing our lands and
natural resources do not stop at
ownership boundaries. Healthy forests
and grasslands are elements of
integrated landscapes that need to be
restored, conserved and managed across
geographical and organizational
boundaries in ways that respect private
rights and multiple ownerships. The
land management planning process
provides direction for NFS lands only.
However, the planning process provides
an opportunity for the Agency to engage
other Federal land management
agencies; Tribes, State, and local land
managers; private landowners; and nongovernmental partners to collaborate on
strategies to restore and sustain healthy
forests and grasslands across
landscapes. Incorporating an all-lands
approach in the planning process is also
important as land management plans
anticipate the effects of broad challenges
such as climate change which can cause
impacts on a regional scale.
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• How should the planning rule
account for the relationship of NFS
lands to surrounding landscapes?
• What other planning and
assessment efforts or processes at the
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national, state or local level should the
Agency look at that could inform an
‘‘all-lands’’ approach?
3. Plans could be based on the latest
planning science and principles to
achieve the best decisions possible. The
new planning rule could encourage the
creation of a shared vision of the
planning area. Developing this through
a strong collaborative public process
could create a common understanding
of the goals and direction for each plan,
and will frame management actions and
projects on the ground as a plan is
implemented. Creating a plan that
reflects a clear description of the shared
vision and the desired conditions of a
planning area, a strategy for moving
toward the vision; and design criteria,
including standards and guidelines that
would apply to project and activity
decisions, might be one way to move
toward achieving the vision.
Specific questions we would like the
public to address include:
• How can the planning rule support
the creation of a shared vision for each
planning area through the planning
• Local and regional differences will
have an impact on desired conditions
and on the successful creation and
implementation of a shared vision for
any given planning area. Given that
different areas will have different needs,
should the planning rule allow a choice
of planning processes? How could the
planning rule create different process
choices, and how could they be
presented in the rule? What kinds of
provisions would need to be included to
guide and evaluate a process choice?
• Much discussion has been centered
on how land management plans should
be viewed; are they strategic documents
that lay the foundation for specific
future actions to help meet unit goals?
Or, should land management plans also
make project or activity decisions?
• Based on your response to the
question above, what is the range of
options for fully complying with NEPA
during land management plan
development, amendment, or revision?
• Should the new planning rule
require standards and guidelines that
are required for all plans?
• How can the agency analyze and
describe the environmental effects of a
planning rule in the environmental
impact statement?
Possible Alternatives
The Agency will identify a proposed
action and a no-action alternative as it
develops an EIS. Additional alternatives
have not been identified, but will be
developed based on the comments that
are received. The Agency will frame
PO 00000
Frm 00007
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
issues and alternatives during the
scoping and public comment periods in
the NEPA process.
Responsible Official
The responsible official is the Under
Secretary for Natural Resources and
Environment, USDA, 1400
Independence Ave., SW., Washington,
DC 20250.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The responsible official will issue a
land management planning rule.
Dated: December 14, 2009.
Harris D. Sherman,
Under Secretary, NRE.
[FR Doc. E9–30174 Filed 12–17–09; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
National Urban and Community
Forestry Advisory Council
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of call for nominations
SUMMARY: The National Urban and
Community Forestry Advisory Council,
(NUCFAC) will be filling four positions
that will be expiring at the end of
December 2009, and one interim term
position. Interested applicants may
download a copy of the application and
position descriptions from the U.S.
Forest Service’s Urban and Community
Forestry Web site:
DATES: Nomination(s) must be
‘‘received’’ (not postmarked) by January
29, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Nomination applications
sent by courier should be addressed to:
Nancy Stremple, Executive Staff to
National Urban and Community
Forestry Advisory Council, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW., Yates
Building (1 Central) MS–1151,
Washington, DC 20250–1151. Please
submit electronic nomination(s) to: The
subject line should read: 2010 NUCFAC
Nancy Stremple, Executive Staff or
Mary Dempsey, Staff Assistant to
National Urban and Community
Forestry Advisory Council, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW., Yates
Building (1 Central) MS–1151,
Washington, DC 20250–1151, phone
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 242 (Friday, December 18, 2009)]
[Pages 67165-67169]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-30174]
Forest Service
National Forest System Land Management Planning
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is giving
notice of its intent to prepare an environmental impact statement to
analyze and disclose potential environmental consequences associated
with a National Forest System land management planning rule.
[[Page 67166]]
DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received
by February 16, 2010. The Forest Service (Agency) expects to publish
the draft environmental impact statement in December 2010 and the final
environmental impact statement in October 2011. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture (Department) expects to publish the record of decision in
November 2011.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent via e-mail to Written comments concerning this notice
should be addressed to Forest Service Planning NOI, C/O Bear West
Company, 172 E 500 S, Bountiful, UT 84010; or via facsimile to 801-397-
1605. All comments, including names and addresses, when provided, are
placed in the record and are available for public inspection and
copying. The public may inspect comments at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Larry Hayden, 202-205-0895,
Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD)
may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through
A new Agency planning rule is needed to guide land managers in
developing, amending, and revising land management plans for the 155
national forests and 20 grasslands in the National Forest System (NFS).
A new planning rule provides the opportunity to help protect,
reconnect, and restore national forests and national grasslands for the
benefit of human communities and natural resources. Developing a new
rule will allow the Agency to integrate forest restoration, watershed
protection, climate resilience, wildlife conservation, the need to
support vibrant local economies, and collaboration into how the Agency
manages national forests and grasslands, with the goals of protecting
our water, climate, and wildlife while enhancing ecosystem services and
creating economic opportunity. Land management planning is also one way
the Agency complies with requirements under the National Forest
Management Act of 1976 (NFMA), the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of
1960 (MUSYA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Wilderness Act of
1964, and other legal requirements.
An environmental impact statement (EIS) is being prepared to
document the environmental analysis for a new planning rule at Title
36, Code of Federal Regulations, part 219 (36 CFR part 219). In the
interim, the Agency will use the 2000 rule provisions to develop,
amend, or revise plans until a new planning rule is released. The 2000
rule had been replaced by the 2008 planning rule which was subsequently
held invalid by a Federal District Court. The 2000 planning rule
removed and replaced the 1982 planning rule in the Code of Federal
Regulations, preventing the Agency from being able to simply reinstate
the 1982 rule, but the 2000 rule contains transition provisions which
permit the use of the 1982 rule provisions. No national forest or
grassland has ever used the 2000 rule to amend or revise a plan because
of its complexity. The Department is announcing the reinstatement in
the Code of Federal Regulations of the National Forest System Land and
Resource Management Planning Rule of November 9, 2000, as amended (2000
rule), elsewhere in the Federal Register. The Agency's expectation,
based upon its experience with the 2000 rule, is that national forests
and grasslands will use the 1982 rule provisions, as permitted by the
transition provisions of the 2000 rule, to revise and amend plans until
a new planning rule is issued.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent 60-day comment period starts the scoping
process in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
and its implementing regulations at 40 CFR part 1500. As part of the
scoping process, the Agency solicits public comment on the scope of the
proposed rule; the alternatives to be considered; and the physical,
biological, social, and economic effects that should be analyzed in the
draft environmental impact statement. Following the review of comments
received during this 60-day period, the Agency will continue to
collaboratively engage the public in a variety of ways as it develops a
new proposed planning rule. Discussions will focus on key issues raised
during the notice of intent public comment period. The Agency is in the
process of creating a Web forum for additional dialogue and public
interaction. Further information on planned collaborative discussions
and other opportunities for public comment are available at
Comments Requested
The proposed action lists several principles that could be included
in a new planning rule and a number of follow-up questions to help
frame the options for a proposed rule. Please comment on what features
you believe should be in a planning rule, whether the principles we
have identified are the right principles, and whether we have included
all of the issues that will need to be considered as a new planning
rule is developed. Please also respond to the specific questions posed
under the principles outlined below.
The Agency will use the comments and input we receive to identify
issues, develop alternatives, and build planning rule content leading
to a proposed rule and draft environmental impact statement in the fall
of 2010. The Agency will continue to solicit public input through a
collaborative process as the proposed rule is developed. Further, we
need to hear your thoughts on the best ways the Agency could engage the
public during this process.
Purpose and Need for Action
The NFMA requires regulations ``under the principles of the
Multiple-Use, Sustained-Yield Act of 1960, that set out the process for
the development and revision of the land management plans, and the
guidelines and standards'' the Act prescribes (16 U.S.C. 1604(g)). In
1979, the Department first issued regulations to comply with this
statutory requirement. The 1979 regulations were superseded by the 1982
planning rule, which has formed the basis for all existing land
management plans.
In 1989, the Agency initiated a comprehensive Critique of Land
Management Planning, which identified a number of adjustments that were
needed to the 1982 planning rule. The Critique found that the 1982
planning rule process was very complex; had significant costs, was
lengthy, and was cumbersome for public input. The recommendations in
the Critique and the Agency's experiences with planning led to the
Agency issuing an advance notice of proposed rulemaking for new
regulations in 1991, and two proposed rules, in 1995 and 1999.
After working with a committee of scientists, the Department issued
the 2000 rule to revise the 1982 regulations. The 2000 revision of the
planning rule described a new framework for NFS planning; made
sustainability the foundation for NFS planning and management; required
the consideration of the best available science during the planning
process, and set forth requirements for implementation, monitoring,
evaluation, amendment, and revision of land and resource management
plans. However, a review
[[Page 67167]]
in the spring of 2001 found that the 2000 rule was costly, complex, and
procedurally burdensome. The results of the review led the Department
to issue a new planning rule in 2005, and a revised version again in
2008, but each of those rules was held invalid by a Federal District
Court (Citizens for Better Forestry v. USDA, 481 F. Supp.2d 1059 (N.D.
Cal. 2007) (2005 rule); Citizens for Better Forestry v. USDA, 632 F.
Supp.2d 968 (N.D. Cal. 2009) (2008 rule)).
The NFMA requires the Agency to revise land management plans ``at
least every 15 years.'' The NFS has 127 land management plans.
Currently, 68 plans are past due for plan revision. Most plans were
developed between 1983 and 1993 and should have been revised between
1998 and 2008. The Agency now has an urgent need to establish a
planning rule that protects, reconnects, and restores national forests
and grasslands for the benefit of human communities and natural
A new planning rule must be responsive to the challenges of climate
change; the need for forest restoration and conservation, watershed
protection, and wildlife conservation; and the sustainable use of
public lands to support vibrant communities. It must be clear,
efficient, and effective, and must meet requirements under the NFMA, as
well as allow the Agency to meet its obligations under the MUSYA, the
ESA, and the Wilderness Act, as well as other legal requirements. It
also must provide for a transparent, collaborative process that allows
for effective public participation. A new rule should also be within
the Agency's capability to implement on all NFS units. With stability
in planning regulations, national land management planning can regain
momentum, and units will be able to complete timely revisions that
guide sustainable management.
For further information on the history of land management planning
and why the Agency is preparing a new EIS see the Web site at
Proposed Action
The NFMA at 16 U.S.C. 1604 requires the Agency to have a planning
rule. The Forest Service is proposing the development of a new planning
rule to be issued at 36 CFR part 219. The new rule will consist of
procedures for developing, amending, and revising land management
We list below a number of principles based on substance and process
that could be used to guide the development of a new planning rule.
Through this notice of intent, we are seeking public input on these
principles and associated questions. We also ask reviewers to identify
and give input on any principles or issues not mentioned. Additionally,
we are seeking input on whether we have included a full list of the
issues that must be addressed in a new rule and how best to address
existing and future issues and challenges.
Substantive Principles for a New Rule
1. Land management plans could address the need for restoration and
conservation to enhance the resilience of ecosystems to a variety of
threats. Climate change; alterations of natural fire regimes; changing
water conditions; aggressive insects, disease, and invasive species;
increasingly intense floods and drought; increasing air and water
pollution; increasing development pressures; and other factors threaten
the health of forests and grasslands. When the health and integrity of
our lands deteriorate, so do the environmental, economic, and social
benefits they provide, with enormous potential impacts on drinking
water, greenhouse gas emissions, climate, wildlife, recreation,
community health, and prosperity. Plans could promote restoration and
management of national forests and grasslands to make them more
resilient to these threats, and to ensure the continued delivery of
important ecosystem services and benefits. They could also promote the
active conservation of healthy lands to prevent them from degrading and
to strengthen overall resiliency.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
What do you see as the biggest threats to forest and
grassland health and ecosystem resiliency?
How do you define restoration? What is your concept of
restoration? How can the planning rule foster restoration of NFS lands?
What kinds of conservation efforts can enhance ecosystem
resiliency and prevent degradation?
2. Plans could proactively address climate change through
monitoring, mitigation and adaptation, and could allow flexibility to
adapt to changing conditions and incorporate new information. Climate
change is one of the great challenges facing the United States and the
world, and is dramatically reshaping how the Agency will deliver on its
mission of sustaining the health and diversity of the nation's forests.
Management will need to restore ecosystem resiliency, and also factor
adaptation and mitigation strategies into planning and project
development. Plans will need to be innovative, integrate climate change
and watershed management, and use climate change as a theme under which
to integrate and streamline existing national and regional strategies
for ecological restoration, fire and fuels, forest health, biomass
utilization, and others. Plans could also include clear monitoring
programs and incorporate evolving research in order to develop science-
based understanding around climate change impacts and adaptation and
mitigation efforts.
Plans will need to anticipate climate change-related uncertainty
and be adaptive to new science and knowledge about changing conditions
on the ground. Responsible officials will also need flexibility to be
able to adjust plan objectives and requirements where there are
circumstances outside of agency control: For example, where increasing
water temperatures resulting from climate change make it impossible to
maintain a sensitive fish species in its native habitat. Incorporating
this concept of adaptive management into the planning rule will be
especially important as we increase our understanding of climate change
and how it will impact the landscape, but will also be important to
respond to and apply new information regarding water conservation,
insect and disease, species conservation, threats from catastrophic
wildfire, and impacts from the loss of open space.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
How can the planning rule be proactive and innovative in
addressing the need for climate change adaptation and mitigation?
What kinds of data, research, and monitoring could assist
land management planners to incorporate climate change adaptation
considerations into plans?
How should the planning rule address uncertainty? How do
other public and private entities recognize and incorporate uncertainty
in their planning efforts?
How can a new planning rule appropriately build in the
flexibility land managers will need to adapt to changing science,
information or conditions? What mechanisms should be used to
incorporate new data? Do you know of any successful adaptive management
regimes that can inform our process?
How should plans anticipate and address changing
conditions or impacts outside of agency control? How can external
factors be incorporated or recognized in plan guidance and
[[Page 67168]]
3. Land management plans could emphasize maintenance and
restoration of watershed health, and could protect and enhance
America's water resources. Responding to the challenges of climate
change in providing water and water-related ecosystem services is one
of the most urgent tasks facing the Agency. The NFS alone is the source
of fresh water for more than 60 million people from coast to coast. In
coming decades, climate change; impacts from catastrophic fire and tree
mortality; the increasing intensity of weather patterns; events
including droughts and storms; increasing pollution; and increasing
development pressures will combine to impact the quantity,
availability, and quality of America's water resources and the health
of its watersheds. Plans could promote the restoration and maintenance
of watersheds to ensure abundant clean water, the protection of soils,
and the health of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
Should a new planning rule include standards to address
watershed health? If so, what might those look like? Should the Agency
be held accountable only for actions and problems on its NFS lands or
take into account water availability and quality factors that are
outside of the Agency's control?
What planning or management guidance could the Agency
incorporate in the rule to protect and enhance water resources?
One way to approach planning for an NFS unit is to think
about the future of the planning area through the context of its
watersheds. Do you see benefits and/or drawbacks to a rule requiring
land management planning on a watershed basis?
Do you see benefits or drawbacks to a rule requiring
adherence to regionally specific Best Management Practices?
4. Plans could provide for the diversity of species and wildlife
habitat. The NFS is a refuge for numerous species, including 425
threatened and endangered species. The NFMA directs the Agency to
provide ``for diversity of plant and animal communities based on the
suitability and capability of the specific land area in order to meet
overall multiple-use objectives * * *'' (16 U.S.C. 1604(g)(3)(B)). Over
time, the Agency's planning rules have sought to meet this statutory
requirement to provide for diversity in a number of ways.
The 1982 planning rule required management prescriptions to provide
for diversity as well as additional prescriptions to provide for the
viability of native vertebrates and desired non-native vertebrate
species. The 2000 planning rule required (with qualifications)
ecological conditions that provide a ``high likelihood'' that
conditions are capable of supporting viability of native and desired
non-native species over time. In addition, the 2000 planning rule
included detailed and complex analytical requirements regarding
ecological sustainability in terms of ecosystem and species diversity
(ecological sustainability), including identification of ``focal
species'' and ``species at risk.'' The 2005 and 2008 planning rules
required plans to provide a framework for contributing to ecological
sustainability, in terms of ecosystem diversity and (where necessary)
species diversity, in terms of ``species of interest,'' and ``species
of concern.'' These two rules had much less detail than the 2000 rule
with additional detail set forth in the Forest Service Directive
The Agency faced a number of challenges in implementing the species
viability requirements of the 1982 rule. These challenges will be
exacerbated as climate change affects the range and viability of
species, both flora and fauna. In anticipation of coming changes, the
Agency must look at new ways to meet diversity requirements.
The new rule needs to provide planning procedures that meet the
intent of NFMA to provide for diversity in a way that achieves
protection for species, habitats, and ecosystems while taking into
account environmental and management factors and impacts that are
outside of the Agency's control.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
How should the new rule provide for diversity?
How should the planning rule guide protection of at-risk
species of animals and plants and their habitat?
How can the new planning rule account for variables
outside of Agency control, including those impacts that are the result
of climate change?
Should species diversity provisions in planning look
beyond the individual unit to a watershed or landscape scale, and if
so, what is a practical and workable way to incorporate a broader
How could wildlife habitat monitoring be addressed in a
planning rule?
5. Plans could foster sustainable NFS lands and their contribution
to vibrant rural economies. Forests and grasslands offer enormous
environmental benefits, including clean air, clean and abundant water,
wildlife habitat, carbon sequestration, erosion control, and other
ecosystem services. They generate economic value by attracting tourism
and recreation visitors; sustaining green jobs; and producing timber,
other forest products, minerals, food, and energy, both renewable and
non-renewable. They are also of immense social importance; they enhance
rural quality of life, sustain scenic and culturally important
landscapes, oftentimes define the essence of a community, and provide
opportunities to engage in outdoor recreation and reconnection with the
land. The Agency recognizes the interdependence of these ecological,
economic, and social values and the need for land management planning
to take all three into account.
In pursuit of sustainable management in the new planning rule, the
Agency proposes to include provisions for the protection and
enhancement of ecosystem services, such as clean water, clean air, and
wildlife habitat. It also proposes that plans could provide a
sustainable set of opportunities for goods and services that will
support vibrant rural and national economies in a way that is
compatible with natural resource conservation and restoration goals.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
How can the planning rule reflect the interdependency of
social, economic, and ecological systems in a way that supports
sustainable management of national forests and grasslands?
How can the Agency recognize and incorporate provisions in
the planning rule for managing lands for the sustainable delivery of
ecosystem services?
How can plans guide units of the NFS in achieving natural
resource conservation and restoration goals in a way that is compatible
with providing a set of opportunities for goods and services to support
vibrant rural and national economies?
Process Principles for a New Rule
1. Land management planning could involve effective and pro-active
collaboration with the public. NFS lands are the public's lands that
the Agency manages in trust for current and future generations. The
Agency welcomes and encourages public collaboration throughout the
planning process, and will seek to structure a new planning rule to
ensure that processes for developing, revising and amending plans are
efficient, transparent, and effectively engage the public. After plans
are approved, responsible officials will continue to work with the
public to resolve issues, to evaluate management
[[Page 67169]]
under the plan, and to consider whether there is a need to adjust the
plan. One challenge the Agency has faced with regard to public
participation is that plans can at times take 8-10 years to revise, a
timeframe that is too long to sustain a true collaborative effort and
use the most up-to-date science and management thinking.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
How could the Agency foster collaborative efforts? What
kinds of participation, forums for collaboration, and methods of
providing input have you found most engaging?
What should the rule require to ensure a planning process
that is both efficient and transparent while allowing for full public
collaboration and participation within a reasonable timeframe?
What kinds of information, methods, and analyses should
the Agency provide to the public during the planning process to aid
understanding of the possible consequences of a proposed rule and
What kind of administrative review process should be
offered to the public in the planning rule? Should there be a pre-
decisional objection or a post-decisional appeal process?
2. Plans could incorporate an ``all-lands'' approach by considering
the relationship between NFS lands and neighboring lands. The threats
and opportunities facing our lands and natural resources do not stop at
ownership boundaries. Healthy forests and grasslands are elements of
integrated landscapes that need to be restored, conserved and managed
across geographical and organizational boundaries in ways that respect
private rights and multiple ownerships. The land management planning
process provides direction for NFS lands only. However, the planning
process provides an opportunity for the Agency to engage other Federal
land management agencies; Tribes, State, and local land managers;
private landowners; and non-governmental partners to collaborate on
strategies to restore and sustain healthy forests and grasslands across
landscapes. Incorporating an all-lands approach in the planning process
is also important as land management plans anticipate the effects of
broad challenges such as climate change which can cause impacts on a
regional scale.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
How should the planning rule account for the relationship
of NFS lands to surrounding landscapes?
What other planning and assessment efforts or processes at
the national, state or local level should the Agency look at that could
inform an ``all-lands'' approach?
3. Plans could be based on the latest planning science and
principles to achieve the best decisions possible. The new planning
rule could encourage the creation of a shared vision of the planning
area. Developing this through a strong collaborative public process
could create a common understanding of the goals and direction for each
plan, and will frame management actions and projects on the ground as a
plan is implemented. Creating a plan that reflects a clear description
of the shared vision and the desired conditions of a planning area, a
strategy for moving toward the vision; and design criteria, including
standards and guidelines that would apply to project and activity
decisions, might be one way to move toward achieving the vision.
Specific questions we would like the public to address include:
How can the planning rule support the creation of a shared
vision for each planning area through the planning process?
Local and regional differences will have an impact on
desired conditions and on the successful creation and implementation of
a shared vision for any given planning area. Given that different areas
will have different needs, should the planning rule allow a choice of
planning processes? How could the planning rule create different
process choices, and how could they be presented in the rule? What
kinds of provisions would need to be included to guide and evaluate a
process choice?
Much discussion has been centered on how land management
plans should be viewed; are they strategic documents that lay the
foundation for specific future actions to help meet unit goals? Or,
should land management plans also make project or activity decisions?
Based on your response to the question above, what is the
range of options for fully complying with NEPA during land management
plan development, amendment, or revision?
Should the new planning rule require standards and
guidelines that are required for all plans?
How can the agency analyze and describe the environmental
effects of a planning rule in the environmental impact statement?
Possible Alternatives
The Agency will identify a proposed action and a no-action
alternative as it develops an EIS. Additional alternatives have not
been identified, but will be developed based on the comments that are
received. The Agency will frame issues and alternatives during the
scoping and public comment periods in the NEPA process.
Responsible Official
The responsible official is the Under Secretary for Natural
Resources and Environment, USDA, 1400 Independence Ave., SW.,
Washington, DC 20250.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The responsible official will issue a land management planning
Dated: December 14, 2009.
Harris D. Sherman,
Under Secretary, NRE.
[FR Doc. E9-30174 Filed 12-17-09; 8:45 am]