Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; 2010 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures for Petrale Sole, 65480-65491 [E9-29479]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 236 / Thursday, December 10, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
(C) The long-handled dehookers
described in paragraphs (a)(7)(i) and (ii)
of this section meet this requirement.
■ 7. In § 665.33, remove and reserve
paragraphs (a), (c), and (e), and revise
paragraphs (b) and (f) to read as follows:
§ 665.33 Western Pacific longline fishing
RIN 0648–AY07
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(b) Limits on sea turtle interactions.
(1) Maximum annual limits are
established on the number of physical
interactions that occur each calendar
year between leatherback and
loggerhead sea turtles and vessels
registered for use under Hawaii longline
limited access permits while shallowsetting.
(i) The annual limit for leatherback
sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) is 16,
and the annual limit for loggerhead sea
turtles (Caretta caretta) is 46.
(ii) If any annual sea turtle interaction
limit in paragraph (b)(i) of this section
is exceeded in a calendar year, the
annual limit for that sea turtle species
will be adjusted downward the
following year by the number of
interactions by which the limit was
(iii) No later than January 31 of each
year the Regional Administrator will
publish a notice in the Federal Register
of the applicable annual sea turtle
interaction limits established pursuant
to paragraphs (b)(i) and (b)(ii) of this
(f) Any owner or operator of a vessel
registered for use under any longline
permit issued under § 665.21 must use
only circle hooks sized 18/0 or larger,
with an offset not to exceed 10 degrees,
when shallow-setting north of the
Equator (0° lat.). As used in this
paragraph, an offset circle hook sized
18/0 or larger is one with an outer
diameter at its widest point no smaller
than 1.97 inches (50 mm) when
measured with the eye of the hook on
the vertical axis (y-axis) and
perpendicular to the horizontal axis (xaxis). As used in this paragraph, the
allowable offset is measured from the
barbed end of the hook, and is relative
to the parallel plane of the eyed-end, or
shank, of the hook when laid on its side.
[FR Doc. E9–29444 Filed 12–9–09; 8:45 am]
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 660
[Docket No. 0907301200–91412–03]
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions;
Fisheries off West Coast States;
Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; 2010
Harvest Specifications and
Management Measures for Petrale Sole
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule revises the
2010 Optimum Yield and the JanuaryDecember 2010 management measures
for petrale sole taken in the U.S.
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the
coasts of Washington, Oregon, and
Effective January 1, 2010.
Gretchen Arentzen (Northwest Region,
NMFS), phone: 206–526–6147, fax: 206–
526–6736 and e-mail
Electronic Access
This final rule is accessible via the
Internet at the Office of the Federal
Register’s Website at https://
Background information and documents
are available at the Pacific Fishery
Management Council’s (the Council or
PFMC) website at https:// An Environmental
Assessment (EA) was prepared for the
proposals to revise the 2009–2010
harvest specifications and management
measures for petrale sole and canary
rockfish. A copy of the EA is available
online at
The 2009 and 2010 Acceptable
Biological Catches (ABCs), Optimum
Yields (OYs) and Harvest Guidelines
(HGs) for Pacific coast groundfish
species were established in the final
rule for the 2009–2010 groundfish
harvest specifications and management
measures (74 FR 9874, March 6, 2009).
On September 11, 2009, NMFS
proposed taking interim measures for
two species of groundfish petrale sole
and canary rockfish - during 2009 and
2010 (74 FR 46714). Those changes were
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proposed because the PFMC received
new stock assessments of those species
in June 2009 that indicated the stocks
are in worse shape than had been
thought at the beginning of 2009. On
November 4, 2009, NMFS published the
first of two final rules to implement a
portion of the action described in the
proposed rule; specifically, more
restrictive management measures to
reduce petrale sole catches in 2009 (74
FR 57117). This final rule implements
another portion of the September 2009
proposed action for the year 2010
regarding petrale sole. These changes
were considered and recommended by
the Council at its November 2009
meeting in Costa Mesa, California. This
final rule does not implement any
changes to 2010 harvest specifications
or management measures for canary
rockfish (see Changes From the
Proposed Rule).
This final action is taken to respond
to the most recently available stock
status information regarding petrale
sole. The interim measures being
implemented in this rule, in
combination with the existing
regulations, are designed to speed the
rebuilding of petrale sole while NMFS
and the Council complete the stock
assessments, revised rebuilding plans,
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS),
and full rulemaking for the 2011 and
2012 specifications and management
measures for the entire groundfish
The Council’s policies on setting
ABCs, OYs, other harvest specifications,
and management measures are
discussed in the preamble to the
December 31, 2008, proposed rule (73
FR 80516) for 2009–2010 harvest
specifications and management
measures. The routine management
measures, as described in the 2009–
2010 proposed rule, will continue to be
adjusted as necessary to modify fishing
behavior during the fishing year to
allow a harvest specification to be
achieved, or to prevent a harvest
specification from being exceeded.
Additional information regarding
considerations for interim changes to
2010 harvest specifications and
management measures for petrale sole
can be found in the preamble to the
September 2009 proposed rule (74 FR
Comments and Responses
NMFS received two letters of
comment during the comment period
for the proposed rule. The first was from
the Department of the Interior, stating
that it had no comment. The second was
from Oceana, an environmental
advocacy group, concerning the most
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 236 / Thursday, December 10, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
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recent petrale sole stock assessment and
biological reference points, and
supporting interim measures to reduce
petrale sole catch. Specifically, Oceana
recommended greatly reducing trip
limits for Periods 5 and 6, closing the
petrale sole cutouts (areas that are left
open to fishing for petrale sole under
the ‘‘no action’’ alternative) in the
Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA), and
reducing coastwide petrale sole catch
levels for 2009 and 2010. This
rulemaking only addresses the interim
changes to petrale sole management in
2010 (a prior rule addressed the changes
for 2009). Consistent with Oceana’s
recommendation, NOAA is reducing
trip limits for the entire year and
reducing coastwide petrale sole catch
levels for 2010. NOAA is not closing the
petrale sole cutouts in the RCA, because
as explained below, the year-round
reduction in trip limits keeps the fishery
under the 2010 OY without the need for
the closure of these petrale sole fishing
areas. Oceana’s comments primarily
focused on biological reference points
for petrale sole that the Council
considered at its November 2009
meeting. NMFS forwarded Oceana’s
letter of comment to the Council, and
those comments were considered prior
to the Council’s November 2009
recommendation. The Council made
recommendations on the biological
reference points for petrale sole and the
petrale sole rebuilding analysis for the
2011–2012 specifications and
management measures. The measures
and the rebuilding plan will be
developed, reviewed and implemented
through the 2011–1012 implementation
process as described above. Final action
is not being taken on those measures in
this rule, and Oceana’s comments will
be considered during the relevant
Changes from the Proposed Rule
The proposed rule included changes
to management measures that would
reduce the catch of petrale sole in
November-December 2009. That portion
of the proposed action was
implemented in a separate final rule
that became effective on November 1,
2009, and which was published in the
Federal Register on November 4, 2009
(74 FR 57117). The proposed rule
included reductions to 2010 OYs for
canary rockfish and petrale sole. It also
included a description of management
measures for canary rockfish and petrale
sole that could be implemented to allow
the fisheries to approach, but not
exceed, new, lower, 2010 OYs. At its
September meeting, the Council chose
to postpone its final decisions for
interim 2010 harvest specifications and
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management measures for petrale sole
and canary rockfish in order to allow
the new rebuilding analyses to be
completed and considered prior to
making its final recommendation. At its
November meeting, the Council
considered the rebuilding analyses and
public comments prior to making its
final recommendations. Therefore, this
final rule addresses only the 2010
portion of the changes that were
included in the proposed rule.
At its November 2009 meeting, the
Council adopted the rebuilding analyses
for petrale sole and canary rockfish for
use in developing the 2011–2012
harvest specifications. These analyses
were also considered in developing the
interim specifications.
This final rule implements measures
in 2010 to reduce catches of petrale sole
that are very similar to the actions
contained in the proposed rule. The
petrale sole rebuilding analysis
indicated a faster time to rebuild the
stock with a 1,200 mt alternative OY,
compared with the status quo (or ‘‘no
action’’) alternative of a 2,393 mt 2010
OY. The proposed rule would set a 2010
petrale sole OY of 1,193 mt, which was
calculated based on the Council request
to reduce the 2010 OY by 1,200 mt. The
rebuilding analysis the Council received
in November analyzed five alternative
OYs for 2010: the status quo of 2,393 mt;
an OY of 1,800 mt; an OY of 1,200 mt
(7 mt higher than the proposed 2010
OY); and two lower OYs of 900 and 300
mt, respectively. Therefore, the
rebuilding analyses that the Council
considered prior to making its final
recommendation included a petrale sole
OY alternative for 2010 of 1,200 mt,
rather than 1,193 mt. After considering
this analysis, the Council recommended
a 2010 petrale sole OY of 1,200 mt,
which is only slightly higher than the
proposed OY. The rebuilding analysis
the Council considered in the November
2009 meeting showed that this OY level
in 2010 would rebuild the petrale sole
stock approximately one year faster than
the status quo alternative, and that it
could allow less drastic OY reductions
during the rebuilding period.
Accordingly, this rule implements a
reduced petrale OY for 2010 of 1,200
The final rule will also implement
management measures for 2010 to limit
the petrale sole harvest to the new
petrale sole OY. The management
measures implemented in this final rule
were developed jointly with fishery
managers and trawl industry
representatives at the Council’s
November 2009 meeting. These final
management measures are somewhat
different from those in the proposed
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rule. The proposed rule contained
severely reduced trip limits in JanuaryFebruary (Period 1) and NovemberDecember (Period 6), as well as
additional area closures during those
times. These measures were proposed to
restrict the winter petrale sole effort by
eliminating directed harvest of petrale
during these periods, when fewer
vessels are participating, and to
maintain summer fishing opportunity,
when the price per pound is higher and
when more vessels are targeting petrale
sole. At the November 2009 Council
meeting, however, the Groundfish
Management Team (GMT) considered
other measures for keeping the harvest
within the new OY. Based on a request
from industry, the GMT developed an
alternative that would keep the trip
limit for petrale sole at 9,500 lbs per
two-month period all year. Because this
approach would allow a small target
fishery all year, it would not include the
changes to the closed areas that were in
the proposed rule. Trawl industry
representatives advised the GMT and
the Council that the severe restriction of
winter petrale opportunities, as
proposed, could place communities at
risk of losing vital fishing infrastructure
during that time of year, and could
place industry at risk of losing market
share for petrale sole, thus reducing the
market availability for the rest of the
year. Therefore, the Council
recommended a trip limit configuration
that would restrict trip limits all year,
holding the cumulative limit constant at
9,500 lb per two month period from
January-December, and maintaining the
RCA with the petrale cutouts (or fishing
areas) in Periods 1 and 6. These
management measures are anticipated to
limit the 2010 petrale sole harvest to the
1,200 OY level. These measures, in
combination with the existing
regulations, are designed to speed the
rebuilding of the petrale sole stock.
This final rule will not implement
2010 changes for canary rockfish as
outlined in the proposed rule. In
November, the Council considered
interim changes for 2010 after
consideration of the new rebuilding
analysis. For canary rockfish, the
rebuilding analysis compared 15
rebuilding alternatives in considering
revisions to the canary rockfish
rebuilding plan and developing the
2011–2012 harvest specifications. Only
one of the rebuilding alternatives
indicated a one-year difference in the
time to rebuild canary rockfish stocks
between the low 2010 OY alternatives
(44 mt) and the status quo (no action)
alternative (105 mt). For all of the other
14 rebuilding alternatives, there was no
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change in time to rebuild between either
of the low 2010 OY alternatives (44 and
85 mt) and the status quo alternative.
None of the proposed canary rockfish
catch reductions made an appreciable
difference in canary rockfish rebuilding
parameters, including time to rebuild,
nor did it make an appreciable
difference in 2011 and 2012 rebuilding
OYs. Therefore, the proposed action did
not meet the purpose and need that was
described in the preamble of the
proposed rule and in the Environmental
Assessment. In addition, canary rockfish
is a very important incidentally caught
species that is widely encountered in
both commercial and recreational
fisheries, so that immediate reductions
would have a far reaching effect.
Accordingly, the Council did not
recommend any changes to the 2010
canary rockfish OY of 105 mt or
management measures to achieve a
lower OY.
The Administrator, Northwest Region,
NMFS, has determined that the
revisions to 2010 harvest specifications
and management measures for petrale
sole, which this final rule implements,
are consistent with the MagnusonStevens Act, 16 U.S.C. §§ 1801 et seq.,
and other applicable laws.
An EA was prepared for the revisions
to the 2009–2010 harvest specifications
and management measures for petrale
sole and canary rockfish. A copy of the
EA is available online at https:// NMFS issued a
Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) for this action. A copy of the
FONSI is available from NMFS (see
NMFS utilizes the most recently
available fishery information, scientific
information, and stock assessments, to
implement specifications and
management measures biennially.
Generally these management measures
are implemented on January 1 of odd
numbered years. The 2009–2010
biennial specifications and management
measures were developed using the
most recently available scientific
information, stock assessments, and
fishery information available at the time
of drafting, and were implemented on
March 1, 2009. A new, more
pessimistic, stock assessment for petrale
sole became available to the Council in
June 2009.
In response to this assessment, the
Council and NMFS took immediate
action to reduce catches of petrale sole
in order to facilitate rebuilding of the
stock. The Council recommended, and
NMFS published, a proposed rule on
September 11, 2009, to, among other
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things, reduce harvest of petrale sole in
2010. The comment period for this
proposed rule closed on October 13,
2009. At its October 31 through
November 5 meeting, the Council made
its final recommendations for changes to
2010 harvest specifications and
management measures for petrale sole.
In order that this final rule reducing
the 2010 petrale sole OY and adjusting
management measures may become
effective January 1, 2010, and thus
protect the petrale sole in 2010, NMFS
finds good cause to waive a portion of
the 30 day delay in effectiveness
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). Leaving
the unrevised 2010 OY and management
measures that directly affect catch of
petrale sole in place could cause harm
to petrale sole, because those
management measures are not based on
the most current scientific information.
The commercial fishery is managed
with two-month cumulative limits, so
even a short delay in effectiveness could
allow the fleets to harvest the entire
Period 1 (January-February) two-month
limit before the new, more restrictive,
measures are effective. Delaying the
effectiveness of this rule would also be
confusing to the public, because with
delayed effectiveness this rule would
change trip limits in the midst of the
two-month January-February
cumulative trip limit period. Finally,
delaying the effectiveness of these
measures could require more drastic
action in 2010 and beyond to reduce
petrale sole catch, including possible
fishery closures, to make up for harvest
that would be allowed under the current
2010 management measures. Thus, a
delay in effectiveness could ultimately
cause economic harm to the fishing
industry and associated fishing
communities. These reasons constitute
good cause under authority contained in
5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3) to establish an
effective date less than 30 days after
date of publication.
Pursuant to the procedures
established to implement section 6 of
Executive Order 12866, the Office of
Management and Budget has
determined that this final rule is not
NMFS prepared a final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) as part of
the regulatory impact review. Among
other things, the FRFA incorporates the
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
(IRFA) and a summary of the analyses
completed to support the action. A copy
of the FRFA is available from NMFS
(see ADDRESSES). To summarize the
FRFA, per the requirements of 5 U.S.C.
604(a), most of the estimated 2,600
entities that harvest groundfish are
considered small businesses under the
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RFA. Entities involved in the fishery
that are not small businesses include the
catcher vessels that also fish off Alaska,
some shoreside processors, and all
catcher-processors and motherships
(fewer than 30) that are affiliated with
larger processing companies or large
international seafood companies. Under
the status quo (no action) petrale sole
alternative (P1), groundfish revenues in
2010 by the non-whiting trawl fleet (139
vessels) would be about $28 million.
Under the interim measures in this final
rule, the vessels in this fishery would
collectively earn about $26 million in
2010. Between 30 and 35 of these
vessels would see their revenues fall by
more than 5 percent (see Tables 4–1 and
4–2 of the EA).
Although this final rule will reduce
the overall take and per vessel take of
petrale sole, the total reduction in the
catch levels for all Pacific coast
groundfish species for 2010 is relatively
low. The measures being implemented
in this rule, in combination with the
existing regulations, are designed to
speed the rebuilding of petrale sole and
moderate the severity of future
reductions in the petrale sole OY under
a rebuilding plan. In order to mitigate
the adverse effect of lower petrale sole
catches in 2010, the Council
recommended additional opportunities
for trawlers to harvest Dover sole,
chilipepper rockfish, shortspine and
longspine thornyheads, slope rockfish,
and sablefish in 2010, and these
recommendations are under
consideration by NOAA for
implementation in a separate
rulemaking. These are species where
additional harvest amounts can be
accommodated without exceeding an
There are no reporting, recordkeeping
or other compliance requirements in
this final rule.
No Federal rules have been identified
that duplicate, overlap, or conflict with
this action.
NMFS issued Biological Opinions
under the Endangered Species Act
(ESA) on August 10, 1990, November
26, 1991, August 28, 1992, September
27, 1993, May 14, 1996, and December
15, 1999, pertaining to the effects of the
Pacific Coast groundfish fishery
management plan (FMP) fisheries on
Chinook salmon (Puget Sound, Snake
River spring/summer, Snake River fall,
upper Columbia River spring, lower
Columbia River, upper Willamette
River, Sacramento River winter, Central
Valley spring, California coastal), coho
salmon (Central California coastal,
southern Oregon/northern California
coastal), chum salmon (Hood Canal
summer, Columbia River), sockeye
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 236 / Thursday, December 10, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
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salmon (Snake River, Ozette Lake), and
steelhead (upper, middle and lower
Columbia River, Snake River Basin,
upper Willamette River, central
California coast, California Central
Valley, south/central California,
northern California, southern
California). These biological opinions
concluded that implementation of the
FMP for the Pacific Coast groundfish
fishery was not expected to jeopardize
the continued existence of any
endangered or threatened species under
the jurisdiction of NMFS, or result in
the destruction or adverse modification
of critical habitat.
NMFS reinitiated a formal Section 7
consultation under the ESA in 2005 for
both the Pacific whiting midwater trawl
fishery and the groundfish bottom trawl
fishery. Also in 2005, new data from the
West Coast Groundfish Observer
Program became available, allowing
NMFS to complete an analysis of
salmon take in the bottom trawl fishery.
On March 11, 2006, using this data,
NMFS issued a Supplemental Biological
Opinion that addressed salmon take in
both the Pacific whiting midwater trawl
and groundfish bottom trawl fisheries,
including the effects of these fisheries
on Lower Columbia River coho, which
were listed in 2005 (70 FR 37160, June
28, 2005). In its 2006 Supplemental
Biological Opinion, NMFS concluded
that incidental take of salmon in the
groundfish fisheries is within the
overall limits articulated in the
Incidental Take Statement of the 1999
Biological Opinion. The groundfish
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bottom trawl limit from that opinion
was 9,000 fish annually. NMFS will
continue to monitor and collect data to
analyze take levels. NMFS also
reaffirmed its prior determination that
implementation of the Groundfish FMP
is not likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of any of the affected ESUs.
Oregon Coastal coho were recently relisted as threatened under the ESA (73
FR 7816, February 11, 2008). The 1999
Biological Opinion and 2006
Supplemental Biological Opinion both
concluded that the bycatch of salmonids
in the Pacific coast groundfish bottom
trawl fishery were almost entirely
Chinook salmon, with little or no
bycatch of coho, chum, sockeye, and
The Southern Distinct Population
Segment (DPS) of green sturgeon were
also recently listed as threatened under
the ESA (71 FR 17757, April 7, 2006).
As a consequence, NMFS has reinitiated
its Section 7 consultation on the PFMC’s
Groundfish FMP.
After reviewing the available
information, NMFS concluded that, in
keeping with sections 7(a)(2) and 7(d) of
the ESA, the proposed action would not
result in any irreversible or irretrievable
commitment of resources that would
have the effect of foreclosing the
formulation or implementation of any
reasonable and prudent alternative
With regard to marine mammals, sea
turtles, and seabirds, NMFS is reviewing
the available data on fishery
interactions. In addition, NMFS has
begun discussions with Council staff on
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the process to address the concerns, if
any, that arise from our review of the
Pursuant to Executive Order 13175,
the interim changes to the 2010 petrale
sole OY and the groundfish
management measures for petrale sole
were developed after meaningful
consultation and collaboration with
tribal officials from the area covered by
the FMP. Under the Magnuson-Stevens
Act at 16 U.S.C. 1852(b)(5), one of the
voting members of the Pacific Council
must be a representative of an Indian
tribe with federally recognized fishing
rights from the area of the Council’s
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 660
Fisheries, Fishing, Indian Fisheries.
Dated: December 7, 2009.
John Oliver,
Deputy Assistant Administrator For
Operations, National Marine Fisheries
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 660 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 660
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
2. Table 2a, and footnote ‘‘/k’’
following Tables 2a through 2c, are
revised to read as follows:
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/k A petrale sole stock assessment was
prepared for 2005. In 2005 the petrale
sole stock was estimated to be at 32
percent of its unfished biomass
coastwide (34 percent in the northern
assessment area and 29 percent in the
southern assessment area). The 2010
ABC of 2,751 mt is based on the 2005
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assessment with a F40% FMSY proxy.
To derive the 2010 OY, the 40 10
harvest policy was applied to the ABC
for both the northern and southern
assessment areas. As a precautionary
measure, an additional 25 percent
reduction was made in the OY
contribution for the southern area due to
assessment uncertainty. As another
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precautionary measure, an additional
1,193 mt reduction was made in the
coastwide OY due to preliminary results
of the more pessimistic 2009 stock
assessment. The coastwide OY is 1,200
mt in 2010.
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3. Tables 3 (North) and 3 (South) to
part 660, subpart G are revised to read
as follows:
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[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 236 (Thursday, December 10, 2009)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 65480-65491]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-29479]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 660
[Docket No. 0907301200-91412-03]
RIN 0648-AY07
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries off West Coast States;
Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; 2010 Harvest Specifications and
Management Measures for Petrale Sole
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule revises the 2010 Optimum Yield and the
January-December 2010 management measures for petrale sole taken in the
U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the coasts of Washington,
Oregon, and California.
DATES: Effective January 1, 2010.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gretchen Arentzen (Northwest Region,
NMFS), phone: 206-526-6147, fax: 206-526-6736 and e-mail
Electronic Access
This final rule is accessible via the Internet at the Office of the
Federal Register's Website at
Background information and documents are available at the Pacific
Fishery Management Council's (the Council or PFMC) website at An Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared for
the proposals to revise the 2009-2010 harvest specifications and
management measures for petrale sole and canary rockfish. A copy of the
EA is available online at
The 2009 and 2010 Acceptable Biological Catches (ABCs), Optimum
Yields (OYs) and Harvest Guidelines (HGs) for Pacific coast groundfish
species were established in the final rule for the 2009-2010 groundfish
harvest specifications and management measures (74 FR 9874, March 6,
2009). On September 11, 2009, NMFS proposed taking interim measures for
two species of groundfish petrale sole and canary rockfish - during
2009 and 2010 (74 FR 46714). Those changes were proposed because the
PFMC received new stock assessments of those species in June 2009 that
indicated the stocks are in worse shape than had been thought at the
beginning of 2009. On November 4, 2009, NMFS published the first of two
final rules to implement a portion of the action described in the
proposed rule; specifically, more restrictive management measures to
reduce petrale sole catches in 2009 (74 FR 57117). This final rule
implements another portion of the September 2009 proposed action for
the year 2010 regarding petrale sole. These changes were considered and
recommended by the Council at its November 2009 meeting in Costa Mesa,
California. This final rule does not implement any changes to 2010
harvest specifications or management measures for canary rockfish (see
Changes From the Proposed Rule).
This final action is taken to respond to the most recently
available stock status information regarding petrale sole. The interim
measures being implemented in this rule, in combination with the
existing regulations, are designed to speed the rebuilding of petrale
sole while NMFS and the Council complete the stock assessments, revised
rebuilding plans, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and full
rulemaking for the 2011 and 2012 specifications and management measures
for the entire groundfish fishery.
The Council's policies on setting ABCs, OYs, other harvest
specifications, and management measures are discussed in the preamble
to the December 31, 2008, proposed rule (73 FR 80516) for 2009-2010
harvest specifications and management measures. The routine management
measures, as described in the 2009-2010 proposed rule, will continue to
be adjusted as necessary to modify fishing behavior during the fishing
year to allow a harvest specification to be achieved, or to prevent a
harvest specification from being exceeded.
Additional information regarding considerations for interim changes
to 2010 harvest specifications and management measures for petrale sole
can be found in the preamble to the September 2009 proposed rule (74 FR
Comments and Responses
NMFS received two letters of comment during the comment period for
the proposed rule. The first was from the Department of the Interior,
stating that it had no comment. The second was from Oceana, an
environmental advocacy group, concerning the most
[[Page 65481]]
recent petrale sole stock assessment and biological reference points,
and supporting interim measures to reduce petrale sole catch.
Specifically, Oceana recommended greatly reducing trip limits for
Periods 5 and 6, closing the petrale sole cutouts (areas that are left
open to fishing for petrale sole under the ``no action'' alternative)
in the Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA), and reducing coastwide petrale
sole catch levels for 2009 and 2010. This rulemaking only addresses the
interim changes to petrale sole management in 2010 (a prior rule
addressed the changes for 2009). Consistent with Oceana's
recommendation, NOAA is reducing trip limits for the entire year and
reducing coastwide petrale sole catch levels for 2010. NOAA is not
closing the petrale sole cutouts in the RCA, because as explained
below, the year-round reduction in trip limits keeps the fishery under
the 2010 OY without the need for the closure of these petrale sole
fishing areas. Oceana's comments primarily focused on biological
reference points for petrale sole that the Council considered at its
November 2009 meeting. NMFS forwarded Oceana's letter of comment to the
Council, and those comments were considered prior to the Council's
November 2009 recommendation. The Council made recommendations on the
biological reference points for petrale sole and the petrale sole
rebuilding analysis for the 2011-2012 specifications and management
measures. The measures and the rebuilding plan will be developed,
reviewed and implemented through the 2011-1012 implementation process
as described above. Final action is not being taken on those measures
in this rule, and Oceana's comments will be considered during the
relevant rulemaking.
Changes from the Proposed Rule
The proposed rule included changes to management measures that
would reduce the catch of petrale sole in November-December 2009. That
portion of the proposed action was implemented in a separate final rule
that became effective on November 1, 2009, and which was published in
the Federal Register on November 4, 2009 (74 FR 57117). The proposed
rule included reductions to 2010 OYs for canary rockfish and petrale
sole. It also included a description of management measures for canary
rockfish and petrale sole that could be implemented to allow the
fisheries to approach, but not exceed, new, lower, 2010 OYs. At its
September meeting, the Council chose to postpone its final decisions
for interim 2010 harvest specifications and management measures for
petrale sole and canary rockfish in order to allow the new rebuilding
analyses to be completed and considered prior to making its final
recommendation. At its November meeting, the Council considered the
rebuilding analyses and public comments prior to making its final
recommendations. Therefore, this final rule addresses only the 2010
portion of the changes that were included in the proposed rule.
At its November 2009 meeting, the Council adopted the rebuilding
analyses for petrale sole and canary rockfish for use in developing the
2011-2012 harvest specifications. These analyses were also considered
in developing the interim specifications.
This final rule implements measures in 2010 to reduce catches of
petrale sole that are very similar to the actions contained in the
proposed rule. The petrale sole rebuilding analysis indicated a faster
time to rebuild the stock with a 1,200 mt alternative OY, compared with
the status quo (or ``no action'') alternative of a 2,393 mt 2010 OY.
The proposed rule would set a 2010 petrale sole OY of 1,193 mt, which
was calculated based on the Council request to reduce the 2010 OY by
1,200 mt. The rebuilding analysis the Council received in November
analyzed five alternative OYs for 2010: the status quo of 2,393 mt; an
OY of 1,800 mt; an OY of 1,200 mt (7 mt higher than the proposed 2010
OY); and two lower OYs of 900 and 300 mt, respectively. Therefore, the
rebuilding analyses that the Council considered prior to making its
final recommendation included a petrale sole OY alternative for 2010 of
1,200 mt, rather than 1,193 mt. After considering this analysis, the
Council recommended a 2010 petrale sole OY of 1,200 mt, which is only
slightly higher than the proposed OY. The rebuilding analysis the
Council considered in the November 2009 meeting showed that this OY
level in 2010 would rebuild the petrale sole stock approximately one
year faster than the status quo alternative, and that it could allow
less drastic OY reductions during the rebuilding period. Accordingly,
this rule implements a reduced petrale OY for 2010 of 1,200 mt.
The final rule will also implement management measures for 2010 to
limit the petrale sole harvest to the new petrale sole OY. The
management measures implemented in this final rule were developed
jointly with fishery managers and trawl industry representatives at the
Council's November 2009 meeting. These final management measures are
somewhat different from those in the proposed rule. The proposed rule
contained severely reduced trip limits in January-February (Period 1)
and November-December (Period 6), as well as additional area closures
during those times. These measures were proposed to restrict the winter
petrale sole effort by eliminating directed harvest of petrale during
these periods, when fewer vessels are participating, and to maintain
summer fishing opportunity, when the price per pound is higher and when
more vessels are targeting petrale sole. At the November 2009 Council
meeting, however, the Groundfish Management Team (GMT) considered other
measures for keeping the harvest within the new OY. Based on a request
from industry, the GMT developed an alternative that would keep the
trip limit for petrale sole at 9,500 lbs per two-month period all year.
Because this approach would allow a small target fishery all year, it
would not include the changes to the closed areas that were in the
proposed rule. Trawl industry representatives advised the GMT and the
Council that the severe restriction of winter petrale opportunities, as
proposed, could place communities at risk of losing vital fishing
infrastructure during that time of year, and could place industry at
risk of losing market share for petrale sole, thus reducing the market
availability for the rest of the year. Therefore, the Council
recommended a trip limit configuration that would restrict trip limits
all year, holding the cumulative limit constant at 9,500 lb per two
month period from January-December, and maintaining the RCA with the
petrale cutouts (or fishing areas) in Periods 1 and 6. These management
measures are anticipated to limit the 2010 petrale sole harvest to the
1,200 OY level. These measures, in combination with the existing
regulations, are designed to speed the rebuilding of the petrale sole
This final rule will not implement 2010 changes for canary rockfish
as outlined in the proposed rule. In November, the Council considered
interim changes for 2010 after consideration of the new rebuilding
analysis. For canary rockfish, the rebuilding analysis compared 15
rebuilding alternatives in considering revisions to the canary rockfish
rebuilding plan and developing the 2011-2012 harvest specifications.
Only one of the rebuilding alternatives indicated a one-year difference
in the time to rebuild canary rockfish stocks between the low 2010 OY
alternatives (44 mt) and the status quo (no action) alternative (105
mt). For all of the other 14 rebuilding alternatives, there was no
[[Page 65482]]
change in time to rebuild between either of the low 2010 OY
alternatives (44 and 85 mt) and the status quo alternative. None of the
proposed canary rockfish catch reductions made an appreciable
difference in canary rockfish rebuilding parameters, including time to
rebuild, nor did it make an appreciable difference in 2011 and 2012
rebuilding OYs. Therefore, the proposed action did not meet the purpose
and need that was described in the preamble of the proposed rule and in
the Environmental Assessment. In addition, canary rockfish is a very
important incidentally caught species that is widely encountered in
both commercial and recreational fisheries, so that immediate
reductions would have a far reaching effect. Accordingly, the Council
did not recommend any changes to the 2010 canary rockfish OY of 105 mt
or management measures to achieve a lower OY.
The Administrator, Northwest Region, NMFS, has determined that the
revisions to 2010 harvest specifications and management measures for
petrale sole, which this final rule implements, are consistent with the
Magnuson-Stevens Act, 16 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 1801 et seq., and other
applicable laws.
An EA was prepared for the revisions to the 2009-2010 harvest
specifications and management measures for petrale sole and canary
rockfish. A copy of the EA is available online at NMFS issued a Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) for this action. A copy of the FONSI is available from NMFS
NMFS utilizes the most recently available fishery information,
scientific information, and stock assessments, to implement
specifications and management measures biennially. Generally these
management measures are implemented on January 1 of odd numbered years.
The 2009-2010 biennial specifications and management measures were
developed using the most recently available scientific information,
stock assessments, and fishery information available at the time of
drafting, and were implemented on March 1, 2009. A new, more
pessimistic, stock assessment for petrale sole became available to the
Council in June 2009.
In response to this assessment, the Council and NMFS took immediate
action to reduce catches of petrale sole in order to facilitate
rebuilding of the stock. The Council recommended, and NMFS published, a
proposed rule on September 11, 2009, to, among other things, reduce
harvest of petrale sole in 2010. The comment period for this proposed
rule closed on October 13, 2009. At its October 31 through November 5
meeting, the Council made its final recommendations for changes to 2010
harvest specifications and management measures for petrale sole.
In order that this final rule reducing the 2010 petrale sole OY and
adjusting management measures may become effective January 1, 2010, and
thus protect the petrale sole in 2010, NMFS finds good cause to waive a
portion of the 30 day delay in effectiveness pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
553(d)(3). Leaving the unrevised 2010 OY and management measures that
directly affect catch of petrale sole in place could cause harm to
petrale sole, because those management measures are not based on the
most current scientific information. The commercial fishery is managed
with two-month cumulative limits, so even a short delay in
effectiveness could allow the fleets to harvest the entire Period 1
(January-February) two-month limit before the new, more restrictive,
measures are effective. Delaying the effectiveness of this rule would
also be confusing to the public, because with delayed effectiveness
this rule would change trip limits in the midst of the two-month
January-February cumulative trip limit period. Finally, delaying the
effectiveness of these measures could require more drastic action in
2010 and beyond to reduce petrale sole catch, including possible
fishery closures, to make up for harvest that would be allowed under
the current 2010 management measures. Thus, a delay in effectiveness
could ultimately cause economic harm to the fishing industry and
associated fishing communities. These reasons constitute good cause
under authority contained in 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3) to establish an
effective date less than 30 days after date of publication.
Pursuant to the procedures established to implement section 6 of
Executive Order 12866, the Office of Management and Budget has
determined that this final rule is not significant.
NMFS prepared a final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) as
part of the regulatory impact review. Among other things, the FRFA
incorporates the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) and a
summary of the analyses completed to support the action. A copy of the
FRFA is available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES). To summarize the FRFA, per
the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 604(a), most of the estimated 2,600
entities that harvest groundfish are considered small businesses under
the RFA. Entities involved in the fishery that are not small businesses
include the catcher vessels that also fish off Alaska, some shoreside
processors, and all catcher-processors and motherships (fewer than 30)
that are affiliated with larger processing companies or large
international seafood companies. Under the status quo (no action)
petrale sole alternative (P1), groundfish revenues in 2010 by the non-
whiting trawl fleet (139 vessels) would be about $28 million. Under the
interim measures in this final rule, the vessels in this fishery would
collectively earn about $26 million in 2010. Between 30 and 35 of these
vessels would see their revenues fall by more than 5 percent (see
Tables 4-1 and 4-2 of the EA).
Although this final rule will reduce the overall take and per
vessel take of petrale sole, the total reduction in the catch levels
for all Pacific coast groundfish species for 2010 is relatively low.
The measures being implemented in this rule, in combination with the
existing regulations, are designed to speed the rebuilding of petrale
sole and moderate the severity of future reductions in the petrale sole
OY under a rebuilding plan. In order to mitigate the adverse effect of
lower petrale sole catches in 2010, the Council recommended additional
opportunities for trawlers to harvest Dover sole, chilipepper rockfish,
shortspine and longspine thornyheads, slope rockfish, and sablefish in
2010, and these recommendations are under consideration by NOAA for
implementation in a separate rulemaking. These are species where
additional harvest amounts can be accommodated without exceeding an OY.
There are no reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance
requirements in this final rule.
No Federal rules have been identified that duplicate, overlap, or
conflict with this action.
NMFS issued Biological Opinions under the Endangered Species Act
(ESA) on August 10, 1990, November 26, 1991, August 28, 1992, September
27, 1993, May 14, 1996, and December 15, 1999, pertaining to the
effects of the Pacific Coast groundfish fishery management plan (FMP)
fisheries on Chinook salmon (Puget Sound, Snake River spring/summer,
Snake River fall, upper Columbia River spring, lower Columbia River,
upper Willamette River, Sacramento River winter, Central Valley spring,
California coastal), coho salmon (Central California coastal, southern
Oregon/northern California coastal), chum salmon (Hood Canal summer,
Columbia River), sockeye
[[Page 65483]]
salmon (Snake River, Ozette Lake), and steelhead (upper, middle and
lower Columbia River, Snake River Basin, upper Willamette River,
central California coast, California Central Valley, south/central
California, northern California, southern California). These biological
opinions concluded that implementation of the FMP for the Pacific Coast
groundfish fishery was not expected to jeopardize the continued
existence of any endangered or threatened species under the
jurisdiction of NMFS, or result in the destruction or adverse
modification of critical habitat.
NMFS reinitiated a formal Section 7 consultation under the ESA in
2005 for both the Pacific whiting midwater trawl fishery and the
groundfish bottom trawl fishery. Also in 2005, new data from the West
Coast Groundfish Observer Program became available, allowing NMFS to
complete an analysis of salmon take in the bottom trawl fishery.
On March 11, 2006, using this data, NMFS issued a Supplemental
Biological Opinion that addressed salmon take in both the Pacific
whiting midwater trawl and groundfish bottom trawl fisheries, including
the effects of these fisheries on Lower Columbia River coho, which were
listed in 2005 (70 FR 37160, June 28, 2005). In its 2006 Supplemental
Biological Opinion, NMFS concluded that incidental take of salmon in
the groundfish fisheries is within the overall limits articulated in
the Incidental Take Statement of the 1999 Biological Opinion. The
groundfish bottom trawl limit from that opinion was 9,000 fish
annually. NMFS will continue to monitor and collect data to analyze
take levels. NMFS also reaffirmed its prior determination that
implementation of the Groundfish FMP is not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of any of the affected ESUs.
Oregon Coastal coho were recently re-listed as threatened under the
ESA (73 FR 7816, February 11, 2008). The 1999 Biological Opinion and
2006 Supplemental Biological Opinion both concluded that the bycatch of
salmonids in the Pacific coast groundfish bottom trawl fishery were
almost entirely Chinook salmon, with little or no bycatch of coho,
chum, sockeye, and steelhead.
The Southern Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of green sturgeon
were also recently listed as threatened under the ESA (71 FR 17757,
April 7, 2006). As a consequence, NMFS has reinitiated its Section 7
consultation on the PFMC's Groundfish FMP.
After reviewing the available information, NMFS concluded that, in
keeping with sections 7(a)(2) and 7(d) of the ESA, the proposed action
would not result in any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of
resources that would have the effect of foreclosing the formulation or
implementation of any reasonable and prudent alternative measures.
With regard to marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds, NMFS is
reviewing the available data on fishery interactions. In addition, NMFS
has begun discussions with Council staff on the process to address the
concerns, if any, that arise from our review of the data.
Pursuant to Executive Order 13175, the interim changes to the 2010
petrale sole OY and the groundfish management measures for petrale sole
were developed after meaningful consultation and collaboration with
tribal officials from the area covered by the FMP. Under the Magnuson-
Stevens Act at 16 U.S.C. 1852(b)(5), one of the voting members of the
Pacific Council must be a representative of an Indian tribe with
federally recognized fishing rights from the area of the Council's
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 660
Fisheries, Fishing, Indian Fisheries.
Dated: December 7, 2009.
John Oliver,
Deputy Assistant Administrator For Operations, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 660 is amended as
1. The authority citation for part 660 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
2. Table 2a, and footnote ``/k'' following Tables 2a through 2c, are
revised to read as follows:
* * * * *
[[Page 65484]]
[[Page 65485]]
[[Page 65486]]
* * * * *
/k A petrale sole stock assessment was prepared for 2005. In 2005
the petrale sole stock was estimated to be at 32 percent of its
unfished biomass coastwide (34 percent in the northern assessment area
and 29 percent in the southern assessment area). The 2010 ABC of 2,751
mt is based on the 2005 assessment with a F40% FMSY proxy. To derive
the 2010 OY, the 40 10 harvest policy was applied to the ABC for both
the northern and southern assessment areas. As a precautionary measure,
an additional 25 percent reduction was made in the OY contribution for
the southern area due to assessment uncertainty. As another
precautionary measure, an additional 1,193 mt reduction was made in the
coastwide OY due to preliminary results of the more pessimistic 2009
stock assessment. The coastwide OY is 1,200 mt in 2010.
* * * * *
[[Page 65487]]
3. Tables 3 (North) and 3 (South) to part 660, subpart G are revised to
read as follows:
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[FR Doc. E9-29479 Filed 12-9-09; 8:45 am]