Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Proposed Plan for Fiscal Year 2010, 62821-62827 [E9-28743]
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Federal Register / Vol. 229, No. 74 / Tuesday, December 1, 2009 / Notices
Dated: November 23, 2009.
John K. Rabiej,
Chief, Rules Committee Support Office.
[FR Doc. E9–28522 Filed 11–30–09; 8:45 am]
Hearings of the Judicial Conference
Committees on Bankruptcy, and
Criminal Rules, and the Rules of
Notice of Proposed Amendments and
Open Hearings
AGENCY: Judicial Conference of the
United States, Advisory Committees on
Bankruptcy, and Criminal Procedure,
and the Rules of Evidence.
ACTION: Notice of Proposed
Amendments and Open Hearings.
SUMMARY: The Advisory Committees on
Bankruptcy, and Criminal Rules, and
the Rules of Evidence have proposed
amendments to the following rules:
Bankruptcy Rules: 2003, 2019, 3001,
4004, and 6003, and new Rules 1004.2
and 3002.1, and Official Forms 22A,
22B, and 22C.
Criminal Rules 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 32.1, 40,
41, 43, and 49, and new Rule 4.1.
Evidence Rule Restyled Evidence
Rules 101–1103.
The text of the proposed rules
amendments and new rules and the
accompanying Committee Notes can be
found at the United States Federal
Courts’ Home Page at https://
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Notice of Proposed Amendments and
Open Hearings
The Judicial Conference Committee
on Rules of Practice and Procedure
submits these proposed rules
amendments and new rules for public
comment. All comments and
suggestions with respect to them must
be place in the hands of the Secretary
as soon as convenient and, in any event,
not later than February 16, 2010. All
written comments on the proposed rule
amendments can be sent by one of the
following three ways: By overnight mail
to Peter G. McCabe, Secretary,
Committee on Rules of Practice and
Procedure of the Judicial Conference of
the United States, Thurgood Marshall
Federal Judiciary Building, Washington,
DC 20544; by electronic mail at https://; or by facsimile
to Peter G. McCabe at (202) 502–1766.
In accordance with established
procedures all comments submitted on
the proposed amendments are available
to public inspection.
Public hearings are scheduled to be
held on the amendments to:
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• Bankruptcy Rules in Phoenix, AZ,
on January 6, 2010, and in New York,
NY, on February 5, 2010;
• Criminal Rules in Phoenix, AZ, on
January 8, 2010, and in Atlanta, GA, on
January 11, 2010;
• Evidence Rules in San Francisco,
CA, on January 29, 2010, and in New
York, NY, on February 4, 2010.
Those wishing to testify should
contact the Committee Secretary at the
above address in writing at least 30 days
before the hearing.
James N. Ishida, Senior Attorney
Advisor, Rules Committee Support
Office, Administrative Office of the
United State Courts, Washington, DC
20544, Telephone (202) 502–1820.
Dated: November 23, 2009.
James N. Ishida,
Senior Attorney Advisor Rules Committee
Support Office.
[FR Doc. E9–28378 Filed 11–30–09; 8:45 am]
Meeting of the Judicial Conference
Advisory Committee on Rules of
Bankruptcy Procedure
AGENCY: Judicial Conference of the
United States Advisory Committee on
Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.
Notice of open meeting.
SUMMARY: The Advisory Committee on
Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure will
hold a two-day meeting. The meeting
will be open to public observation but
not participation.
April 29–30, 2010.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Windsor Court Hotel,
300 Gravier Street, New Orleans, LA
K. Rabiej, Chief, Rules Committee
Support Office, Administrative Office of
the United States Courts, Washington,
DC 20544, telephone (202) 502–1820.
Dated: November 23, 2009.
John K. Rabiej,
Chief, Rules Committee Support Office.
[FR Doc. E9–28530 Filed 11–30–09; 8:45 am]
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Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention
[OJP (OJJDP) Docket No. 1507]
Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention Proposed Plan
for Fiscal Year 2010
AGENCY: Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, Office of
Justice Programs, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Notice of Proposed Plan for
Fiscal Year 2010.
SUMMARY: The Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention is
publishing this notice of its Proposed
Plan for fiscal year (FY) 2010.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before January 15, 2010.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
electronically or view an electronic
version of this proposed plan at https:// You may also mail
comments to Jeff Slowikowski, Acting
Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, 810
Seventh Street, NW., Washington, DC
20531. To ensure proper handling, in
the lower left hand corner of the
envelope and in your correspondence
clearly reference ‘‘Proposed OJJDP
Program Plan Comments’’ or ‘‘OJP
Docket No. 1507.’’
Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention at 202–307–
5911. [This is not a toll-free number.]
I. Posting of Public Comments
Please note that all comments
received are considered part of the
public record and made available for
public inspection online at https:// Such information
includes personal identifying
information (such as name and address)
voluntarily submitted by the
If you wish to submit personal
identifying information (such as your
name, address, etc.) as part of your
comment, but do not wish for it to be
posted online, you must include the
INFORMATION’’ in the first paragraph
of your comment. You also must locate
all the personal identifying information
you do not wish to be posted online in
the first paragraph of your comment and
identify what information you would
like redacted.
If you wish to submit confidential
business information as part of your
comment but do not wish for it to be
Federal Register / Vol. 229, No. 74 / Tuesday, December 1, 2009 / Notices
posted online, you must include the
INFORMATION’’ in the first paragraph
of your comment. You also must
prominently identify confidential
business information to be redacted
within the comment. If a comment has
so much confidential business
information that it cannot be effectively
redacted, all or part of that comment
may not be posted on https://
Personal identifying information and
confidential business information
identified and located as set forth above
will be placed in the agency’s public
docket file, but not posted online. If you
wish to inspect the agency’s public
docket file in person by appointment,
CONTACT paragraph.
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II. Preamble
OVERVIEW: The Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention
(OJJDP) is a component of the Office of
Justice Programs in the U.S. Department
of Justice. Provisions within Section 204
(b)(5)(A) of the Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5601 et seq.
(JJDP Act) direct the OJJDP
Administrator to publish for public
comment a Proposed Plan describing
the program activities that OJJDP
proposes to carry out during FY 2010
under Parts D and E of Title II of the
JJDP Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. Sec.
5651–5665a, 5667, 5667a. Because the
Office’s discretionary activities extend
beyond Parts D and E, OJJDP is seeking
comments on a more comprehensive
listing of the Office’s proposed
programs. Taking into consideration
comments received on this Proposed
Plan, the Administrator will develop
and publish in the Federal Register
OJJDP’s Final Plan describing the
particular program activities that OJJDP
intends to fund during FY 2010.
OJJDP acknowledges that at this time
its FY 2010 appropriation is not yet
final. Depending on the final
appropriation, OJJDP may alter how its
programs are structured and modify this
Proposed Plan when it is published in
final form following the public
comment period.
OJJDP will post on its Web site
solicitations of grant or cooperative
agreement applications for competitive
programs to be funded under the Final
Plan. OJJDP will notify the public that
these solicitations have been posted
through issuance of JUVJUSTs (listserv)
announcements and other methods of
electronic notification. No proposals,
concept papers, or other forms of
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application should be submitted at this
Department Priorities: OJJDP has
structured this plan to reflect the high
priority that the Administration and the
Department have placed on addressing
youth violence and victimization and
improving protections for youth
involved with the juvenile justice
system. The proposals presented here
represent OJJDP’s current thinking on
how to advance the Department’s
priorities during this fiscal year. These
proposals also incorporate feedback
from OJJDP’s ongoing outreach to the
field seeking ideas on program areas and
the most promising approaches for those
types of areas. The first section of
programs in this proposed plan contains
programs that address priority areas as
identified by the Attorney General.
OJJDP’s Purpose: Congress established
OJJDP through the JJDP Act of 1974 to
help states and communities prevent
and control delinquency and strengthen
their juvenile justice systems and to
coordinate and administer national
policy in this area.
Although states, American Indian/
Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities,1
and other localities retain primary
responsibility for administering juvenile
justice and preventing juvenile
delinquency, OJJDP supports and
supplements the efforts of public and
private organizations at all levels
through program funding via formula,
block, and discretionary grants;
administration of Congressional earmark
programs; research; training and
technical assistance; funding of
demonstration projects; and
dissemination of information. OJJDP
also helps administer federal policy
related to juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention through its
leadership role in the Coordinating
Council on Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention.
OJJDP’s Vision: OJJDP strives to be the
recognized authority and national leader
dedicated to the future, safety, and wellbeing of children and youth in, or at risk
of entering, the juvenile justice system.
OJJDP’s Mission: OJJDP provides
national leadership, coordination, and
resources to prevent and respond to
juvenile delinquency and victimization
by supporting states, tribal jurisdictions,
and communities in their efforts to
develop and implement effective
coordinated prevention and
intervention programs and improve the
juvenile justice system so that it protects
public safety, holds offenders
1 In this plan, the terms ‘‘tribes’’ and ‘‘tribal
jurisdictions’’ refer to both American Indian and
Alaska Native communities.
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accountable, and provides treatment
and rehabilitation services tailored to
the needs of juveniles and their families.
Guiding Principles For OJJDP’s
National Leadership: OJJDP provides
targeted funding, sponsors research and
demonstration programs, offers training
and technical assistance, disseminates
information, and uses technology to
enhance programs and collaboration in
exercising its national leadership. In all
of these efforts, the following four
principles guide OJJDP:
(1) Empower communities and engage
youth and families.
(2) Promote evidence-based practices.
(3) Require accountability.
(4) Enhance collaboration.
1. Empower communities and engage
youth and families. Families and
communities play an essential role in
any effort to prevent delinquency and
protect children from victimization.
Communities must reach beyond the
formal systems of justice, social
services, and law enforcement to tap
into the wisdom and energies of many
others—including business leaders, the
media, neighborhood associations, block
leaders, elected officials, tribal leaders,
clergy, faith-based organizations, and
especially families and young people
themselves—who have a stake in
helping local youth become productive,
law-abiding citizens. In particular,
OJJDP must engage families and youth
in developing solutions to delinquency
and victimization. Their strengths,
experiences, and aspirations provide an
important perspective in developing
those solutions.
To be effective, collaboration among
community stakeholders must be
grounded in up-to-date information.
With federal assistance that OJJDP
provides, community members can
partner to gather data, assess local
conditions, and make decisions to
ensure resources are targeted for
maximum impact.
2. Promote evidence-based practices.
To make the best use of public
resources, OJJDP must identify ‘‘what
works’’ in delinquency prevention and
juvenile justice. OJJDP is the only
federal agency with a specific mission to
develop and disseminate knowledge
about what works in this field. Drawing
on this knowledge, OJJDP helps
communities replicate proven programs
and improve their existing programs.
OJJDP helps communities match
program models to their specific needs
and supports interventions that respond
to the developmental, cultural, and
gender needs of the youth and families
they will serve.
3. Require accountability. OJJDP
requires the national, state, tribal, and
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local entities whose programs are
supported by OJJDP to explain how they
use program resources, determine and
report on how effective the programs are
in alleviating the problems they are
intended to address, and propose plans
for remediation of performance that
does not meet standards. OJJDP has
established mandatory performance
measures for all its programs and
reports on those measures to the Office
of Management and Budget. OJJDP
requires its grantees and applicants to
report on these performance measures,
set up systems to gather the data
necessary to monitor those performance
measures, and use this information to
continuously assess progress and finetune the programs.
4. Enhance collaboration. Juvenile
justice agencies and programs are just
one part of a larger set of systems that
encompasses the many agencies and
programs that work with at-risk youth
and their families. For delinquency
prevention and child protection efforts
to be effective, they must be coordinated
at the local, tribal, state, and federal
levels with law enforcement, social
services, child welfare, public health,
mental health, school, and other
systems that address family
strengthening and youth development.
One way to achieve this coordination is
to establish broad-based coalitions to
create consensus on service priorities
and to build support for a coordinated
approach. With this consensus as a
foundation, participating agencies and
departments can then build mechanisms
to link service providers at the program
level—including procedures for sharing
information across systems.
OJJDP took its guidance in the
development of this proposed plan from
the priorities that the Attorney General
has set forth for the Department. At the
same time, OJJDP drew upon its
Strategic Plan for 2009–2011. The four
primary goals at the heart of OJJDP’s
Strategic Plan echo the Attorney
General’s priorities. Those goals are:
prevent and respond to delinquency,
strengthen the juvenile justice system,
prevent and reduce the victimization of
children, and create safer
neighborhoods by preventing and
reducing youth violence.
III. OJJDP Proposed Program Plan for
Fiscal Year 2010
Each year OJJDP receives formula and
block grant funding as well as
discretionary funds for certain program
areas. Based on the 2009 appropriation
and the 2010 presidential budget, OJJDP
offers the following 2010 Proposed Plan
for consideration and comment.
Programs are organized according to the
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Department priorities and traditional
OJJDP focus areas.
Department and OJJDP Priorities
Programs To Address and Treat
Children Exposed to Violence
OJJDP intends to issue competitive
solicitations and provide continuation
funding for Safe Start projects to
enhance the accessibility, delivery, and
quality of services provided young
children who have been exposed to
violence or who are at high risk. These
programs will focus on practice
innovation, research and evaluation,
training and technical assistance, and
resource development and public
Additionally, OJJDP intends to
support a competitive solicitation in
Indian Country to implement a tribal
component to the Safe Start initiative.
The tribal component will engage tribal
leaders, law enforcement, courts, and
service providers to increase capacity to
protect and respond to the needs of
children exposed to violence and their
Connected with this children’s
exposure to violence initiative, OJJDP
plans to fund a 12-month, full-time
fellow position located at OJJDP to focus
on children’s exposure to violence
programming. OJJDP will develop a
solicitation to invite individuals
interested in working with the Office for
a year to apply for consideration. The
position is funded via a grant to the
fellow’s home institution in the amount
of their salary and benefit costs for the
duration of the fellowship.
model national technical assistance and
training program for juvenile defense
attorneys. Forty years ago, the U.S.
Supreme Court, in the landmark In Re
Gault decision, found that children in
the juvenile justice system have the
right to an attorney. Today, many young
people in the court system, particularly
low-income and minority children, lack
representation by well-trained and wellresourced lawyers and many juvenile
defendants receive no counsel at all.
The goal of this proposed initiative is to
develop competent juvenile defense
attorneys who can work in the best
interests of youth facing charges in
juvenile court and to improve the
judicial system’s response.
Community-Based Violence Prevention
OJJDP proposes funding for programs
to reduce the risk that youth will be
affected by community violence. This
program will be closely coordinated
with a broader administration initiative.
The Reducing Community Violence
program will be modeled after the
successful Operation CEASEFIRE
intervention that is widely credited with
significantly reducing homicides in
targeted Chicago communities.
Operation CEASEFIRE focused on both
deterrence strategies, as well as an
increase on focused law enforcement
activities. This demonstration program
will include separate solicitations
focusing on research, technical
assistance, and evaluation. These
programs would be coordinated with
the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Second Chance Reentry Program
Disproportionate Minority Contact
OJJDP proposes to fund additional
demonstration projects under the
Second Chance Act Youth Offender
Reentry Initiative, which supports a
comprehensive response to the
increasing number of people who are
released from prison, jail, and juvenile
facilities each year and are returning to
their communities. The goal of this
initiative is to increase public safety and
reduce the rate of recidivism for
offenders released from a juvenile
residential facility. Demonstration
projects would provide necessary
services to youth while in confinement
and following their release into the
community. The initiative would
provide a particular focus to address the
unique needs of girls reentering their
Section 223(a)(22) of the JJDP Act of
2002 requires states to address juvenile
delinquency prevention efforts and
system improvement efforts to reduce,
without establishing or requiring
numerical standards or quotas, the
disproportionate number of juvenile
members of minority groups, who come
into contact with the juvenile justice
system. States primarily fund
delinquency prevention and systems
improvements activities through their
Title II Formula and Title V
Delinquency Prevention Grant funds.
OJJDP provides training and technical
assistance to the states to support their
development of direct services
(diversion, alternatives to secure
confinement, advocacy, cultural
competency training, etc.); legislative
reforms; administrative, policy, and
procedural changes; structured
decisionmaking (detention screening,
risk assessment, needs assessment
instruments, etc.), and other activities.
Improving Indigent Juvenile Defense
OJJDP proposes funding the
development and implementation of a
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Federal Register / Vol. 229, No. 74 / Tuesday, December 1, 2009 / Notices
Youth Violence and Gang Prevention
Gang Community and Family Support
OJJDP expects to fund programs to
support multistrategy, multidisciplinary
approaches to reducing gang activity.
These programs would enhance
coordination of local resources in
support of community partnerships that
address risk factors to gang
involvement, including a lack of social
and economic opportunities; family
disorganization, including broken
homes and parental drug/alcohol abuse;
and strong commitment to delinquent
peers, but low commitment to positive
peers. These programs would be
coordinated with the Bureau of Justice
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and
Prevention Program
OJJDP proposes funding a program to
implement evidence-based strategies,
public education and awareness
campaigns, and research on teen dating
violence. OJJDP may fund a number of
competitively selected sites to
implement evidence-based teen dating
violence programs and coordinate those
demonstration programs with the
development of public service
announcements and other media tools
to inform youth and parents about the
signs and consequences of such
violence. This effort would be
coordinated with the Office on Violence
Against Women and private funders.
Tribal Youth
Youth Violence Prevention Programs
Comprehensive Tribal Youth Reentry
OJJDP proposes funding a program to
address the lack of programming within
many tribal juvenile detention facilities
and to support the development of
services to facilitate the successful
reentry of youth into their tribal
communities. Components of the
Comprehensive Tribal Youth Reentry
Initiative would include:
• Training of tribal and Bureau of
Indian Affairs detention facility
personnel in best practices for juvenile
• An array of support services for
youth (both while in custody and during
the reentry period), including substance
abuse and mental health treatment,
educational/vocational training, family
strengthening, and reunification
• Transitional step-down housing to
help tribal youth transition from
incarceration back into the community
by providing culturally appropriate
wrap-around services.
OJJDP proposes funding a program to
foster innovations and advancements in
youth violence prevention practices at
the community level. The goal of this
program is to demonstrate the
implications for policy and practice and
to enhance juvenile justice, child
protection, and delinquency prevention.
OJJDP is interested in reducing risk
factors and enhancing protective factors
to prevent youth from becoming victims
of violence. This program would focus
on supporting communities in their
efforts to develop and implement
effective and coordinated violence
prevention and intervention initiatives
by building protective factors to combat
juvenile delinquency, reducing child
victimization, and improving the
juvenile justice system.
Tribal Youth Reconnection Program
OJJDP proposes an initiative that
would fund federally recognized tribes
and/or colleges and universities to
engage at-risk tribal youth in activities
centered on cultural preservation, land
reclamation, or green/sustainable tribal
traditions. This experiential learning
program would focus on tribal youth
who are chronically truant or who are
at risk of dropping out of school. Youth
would learn from tribal elders,
anthropologists, historians, forestry
experts, and others with the appropriate
expertise. The focus of the activity
would differ depending on the tribal
community and youth population.
Examples of activities may include
identifying and documenting tribal
artifacts, recording tribal histories and
School-Related Prevention Programs
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In FY 2010, OJJDP will seek
opportunities to coordinate and
collaborate with the U.S. Department of
Education on school safety issues and
school- and community-wide programs
to reduce truancy and keep students in
school. In the past, OJJDP has supported
comprehensive community-wide
initiatives to reduce and prevent school
and community violence and foster safe
schools. Proposed areas of collaboration
may include programs to reduce
truancy; prevent bullying, including
cyberbullying, which is prevalent
among girls; and promote conflict
resolution. OJJDP also proposes to
collaborate with the Departments of
Education and Health and Human
Services on the Safe Schools/Healthy
Students (SS/HS) Initiative through
competitive funding to SS/HS sites to
support mentoring programs and
strategies aimed at reducing truancy.
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stories, taking part in reforestation
efforts, and building and installing wind
Tribal Enforcing Underage Drinking
Laws Program
OJJDP proposes funding a Tribal
EUDL Program to support participating
federally recognized tribes’
development of a long-term strategic
plan to address underage drinking
among tribal youth. Research indicates
that many Native American youth begin
drinking at a very early age. The
program would support planning and
training that balances an appropriate
cultural approach, health education,
and enforcement that holds adults and
youth accountable for their behavior.
Tribal Field-Initiated Research and
Evaluation Program
OJJDP proposes funding field-initiated
studies to further understanding
regarding the experiences, strengths,
and needs of tribal youth, their families,
and communities and what works to
reduce their risks for delinquency and
victimization. This initiative is
especially interested in evaluations that
identify effective and promising
delinquency prevention, intervention,
and treatment programs for tribal youth,
including those that assist tribal youth
in enhancing their own cultural
knowledge and awareness.
Tribal Youth Program
OJJDP expects to fund the Tribal
Youth Program, which supports and
enhances tribal efforts to prevent and
control delinquency and improve their
juvenile justice systems. Grantees will
develop and implement efficient and
effective delinquency prevention
programs, interventions for courtinvolved youth, improvements to the
juvenile justice system, alcohol and
substance abuse prevention programs,
and emotional/behavioral program
Preventing Violence Against Native
American Girls
OJJDP proposes using Tribal Youth
Program funds to support communities
in developing effective strategies to
reduce the abuse and exploitation of
Native American girls. This program
would engage girls, tribal leaders, law
enforcement, courts, and service
providers to better protect and respond
to the needs of Native American girls at
risk of victimization by family members,
adults who exploit children, and dating
partners. This program would be
coordinated with the work of the Office
on Violence Against Women and agency
Federal Register / Vol. 229, No. 74 / Tuesday, December 1, 2009 / Notices
experts in tribal issues and child
Strengthening Initiative for Native Girls
OJJDP proposes funding an initiative
to strengthen the skills and resilience of
American Indian girls to resist
substance abuse, prevent teen
pregnancy, foster positive relationships
with peers and adults, learn selfadvocacy, and build pro-social skills,
with the goal of preventing
victimization and delinquency.
Examples of components would
• Culturally appropriate
implementation of existing evidencebased girls programs, such as Girls
Circle, Girls, Inc., etc.
• A Girls Leadership Institute, a yearlong immersion program for girls that
exposes them to different careers and
ways to take an active role in their
• A mentoring program for college
age tribal girls.
• Mental health and substance abuse
• Implementation of the NurseFamily Partnership in tribal
This initiative would include an
evaluation component to test whether
programs that have been proven to work
in other communities can be replicated
successfully in Indian Country.
Girls’ Delinquency
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Evaluations of Girls’ Delinquency
OJJDP proposes funding programs to
document and measure the effectiveness
of delinquency prevention, intervention,
and/or treatment programs to prevent
and reduce girls’ risk behavior and
offending. Over the past 2 decades, the
number of girls entering the juvenile
justice system has dramatically
increased. This trend raised a number of
questions for OJJDP, including whether
this reflected an increase in girls’
delinquency or changes in society’s
responses to girls’ behavior. OJJDP’s
Girls Study Group recently completed a
review of evaluations of girls’
delinquency programs and found that
most programs have not been evaluated,
thereby limiting knowledge regarding
the most appropriate and effective
programs for girls.
National Girls Institute
OJJDP proposes funding a National
Girls Institute to evaluate promising and
innovative prevention, intervention,
treatment, education, detention, and
aftercare services for delinquent and at-
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risk girls. The Institute would promote
integrated and innovative programs that
use a comprehensive service delivery
system to meet the unique
developmental and cultural needs of
girls and their families. The Institute
would provide training, technical
assistance, research, information
dissemination, collaboration, policy
development, and other leadership
Research, Evaluation, and Data
The National Children’s Study
OJJDP proposes contributing funds to
a new longitudinal study that will
examine the effects of environmental
influences on the health and
development of 100,000 children across
the United States, following them from
before birth until age 21. The National
Institute of Child Health and
Development is the lead agency for this
study, and other federal agencies that
have joined in planning and conducting
this study include the National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences,
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. OJJDP expects to
expand what is known regarding
delinquency prevention, intervention,
and treatment.
Field-Initiated Research and Evaluation
OJJDP proposes providing flexible
funding for creative yet rigorous
research and evaluation that advances
OJJDP’s mission to prevent and respond
to juvenile delinquency and
victimization. OJJDP will seek
applications addressing a broad range of
research and evaluation topics and
methodologies in the fields of
delinquency prevention, intervention,
and treatment. This includes studies
that address issues around child
Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center
OJJDP proposes funding a program
that would provide training and
technical assistance to state, tribal,
local, and non-profit entities that work
in the juvenile justice and victimization
field on how to prepare for and carry
out an evaluation of their activities. The
Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center
would develop easily accessible tools
and resources for the field and would
assist these agencies in developing
evidence-based strategies and programs.
National Juvenile Justice Data Collection
OJJDP intends to continue support for
several key national juvenile data
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collection programs, some of which
have existed for several years, and
others which are new. These include:
• Census of Juveniles in Residential
Placement, which collects information
about all youth residing in facilities who
are awaiting or have been adjudicated
for a status or delinquent offense.
• Juvenile Residential Facility
Census, which collects information
about the security and services of
facilities that hold youth for delinquent
offenses, pre- and post- adjudication.
• Census of Juveniles on Probation,
which collects a 1-day count of all
youth on formal probation, including
demographic characteristics and the
offense for which they are being
• Census of Juvenile Probation
Supervision Offices, which collects
information about the offices that
oversee the youth who are on probation
in the United States.
Substance Abuse and Treatment
Family and Juvenile Drug Court
OJJDP anticipates providing funding
to support the implementation of family
drug courts that serve substance-abusing
adults who are involved in the family
dependency court system, as a result of
child abuse or neglect. The Center for
Children and Family Futures will
provide training and technical
assistance to family drug courts.
OJJDP expects to continue funding
jointly with the Department of Health
and Human Services’ Center for
Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) to
enhance the capacity of existing
juvenile drug courts to serve substanceabusing juvenile offenders through the
integration and implementation of the
juvenile drug court and the Reclaiming
Futures program models. The National
Council of Juvenile and Family Court
Judges provides training and technical
assistance for OJJDP’s juvenile drug
court initiatives.
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
OJJDP expects to continue funding the
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
Program through its four components:
block grants to the 50 states, the 5
territories, and the District of Columbia;
discretionary grants; technical
assistance; and research and evaluation.
Under the block grant component, each
state, the District of Columbia, and the
territories receive approximately
$360,000 annually to support law
enforcement activities, media
campaigns, and coalition building. The
EUDL discretionary grant component
Federal Register / Vol. 229, No. 74 / Tuesday, December 1, 2009 / Notices
OJJDP proposes the establishment of a
discretionary component of the
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
(EUDL) program that enables states to
implement an assessment, strategic
planning, and implementation process.
Applicants will explain how they will
assess local conditions and design a
long-term strategic plan; implement
selected and approved actions of that
plan; collect, analyze, and report data;
and have an expert panel assess how the
state responded to the
recommendations, crafted its strategic
plan, and implemented portions of the
plan with the remaining funds.
National and Local Youth Mentoring
Programs and Training and Technical
OJJDP anticipates providing funding
to support national organizations that
have mentoring programs ready for
implementation that will strengthen and
expand existing mentoring activities.
OJJDP provides training and technical
assistance to advance the capacity of
state and local jurisdictions and Indian
tribal governments to develop,
implement, expand, evaluate, and
sustain youth mentoring efforts that
incorporate research-based findings of
best practices and principles.
OJJDP also anticipates funding local
faith- and community-based
organizations and schools to develop,
implement, and expand neighborhood
mentoring programs and to increase
communities’ capacity to develop and
implement mentoring programs and
provide mentoring services, particularly
to populations of at-risk youth who are
underserved due to location, shortage of
mentors, special physical or mental
challenges, or other situations identified
by the community in need of mentoring
Child Victimization
Mentoring and Community Engagement
Children’s Advocacy Centers
OJJDP intends to provide continuation
funding to programs that improve the
coordinated investigation and
prosecution of child abuse cases. These
programs include funding for a national
subgrant program for local children’s
advocacy centers, a membership and
accreditation program, regional
children’s advocacy centers, and
specialized technical assistance and
training programs for child abuse
professionals and prosecutors. Local
Children’s Advocacy Centers utilize
multidisciplinary teams of professionals
to coordinate the investigation,
treatment, and prosecution of child
abuse cases.
supports several initiatives to help
communities develop a comprehensive
approach to address underage drinking.
EUDL training and technical assistance
supports communities and states in
their efforts to enforce underage
drinking laws. EUDL funds also support
evaluations of several EUDL community
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
Assessment, Strategic Planning, and
Implementation Initiative
OJJDP seeks to support mentoring
programs that utilize a strengths-based,
community engagement approach.
Research suggests that programs in
which the mentor and mentee work
together to address a social issue,
participate in community service, or
become involved in other local civic
activities have resulted in reduced
delinquency among the mentees and
future involvement with their
communities. The theoretical
framework for this initiative is Positive
Youth Development, which focuses on
building the strengths of youth to
promote the likelihood of positive
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Mentoring and Juvenile Drug Courts
OJJDP proposes funding to support a
mentoring component to the Juvenile
Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures
Program. A structured mentoring
component would provide youth
participating in a drug court with a
caring and supportive adult mentor who
would share information and insight,
listen to the youth, and provide
encouragement. Incorporating a
mentoring component would build
upon the existing partnership with
Reclaiming Futures/Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation and CSAT.
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Court Appointed Special Advocate
OJJDP expects to provide continuation
funding to support Court Appointed
Special Advocates (CASA) programs
across the country. CASA programs
provide children in the foster care
system or at risk of entering the
dependency system with high-quality,
timely, effective, and sensitive
representation before the court. CASA
programs train and support volunteers
who advocate for the best interests of
the child in dependency proceedings.
OJJDP funds a national CASA training
and technical assistance provider and a
national membership and accreditation
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organization to support state and local
CASA organizations’ efforts to recruit
volunteer advocates, including minority
volunteers, and to provide training and
technical assistance to these
organizations and to stakeholders in the
child welfare system.
Missing Children
Missing Children Programs and Services
OJJDP intends to provide continuation
funding to a national membership
organization for nonprofit organizations
serving the families of missing children
and to assist in identifying and
promulgating best practices in serving
these children and families.
In FY 2010, OJJDP also expects to
award funding to programs that:
• Provide training and technical
assistance to local, state, and tribal law
enforcement agencies and other
organizations charged with responding
to missing children cases.
• Design and implement the 2010
AMBER Alert National Conference.
• Improve responses to child
abductions across borders.
• Conduct research on children
characterized as lost, injured, or missing
to improve community responses to
these cases.
• Conduct a national study of the
incidence of missing children.
Missing and Exploited Children
Training and Technical Assistance
OJJDP expects to fund a program to
design and implement training in areas
such as child abuse investigations, child
fatality investigations, and child sexual
exploitation investigations. Authorized
by the Missing Children’s Assistance
Act, this program will help state and
local law enforcement, child protection,
prosecutors, medical providers, and
child advocacy center professionals
develop an effective response to child
victimization cases.
Child Exploitation
Internet Crimes Against Children
OJJDP intends to make continuation
awards to support the operations of the
61 Internet Crimes Against Children
(ICAC) task forces. The ICAC Task Force
Program helps state and local law
enforcement agencies develop an
effective response to sexual predators
who prey upon juveniles via the
Internet and other electronic devices,
and child pornography cases. This
program encompasses forensic and
investigative components, training and
technical assistance, victim services,
and community education.
Federal Register / Vol. 229, No. 74 / Tuesday, December 1, 2009 / Notices
parental permission are at risk of
developing and have a disproportionate
share of serious health, behavioral, and
emotional problems.
In addition, OJJDP intends to issue
competitive solicitations for related
ICAC activities and programs,
• Designing and implementing the
2011 ICAC National Training
• Research on Internet and other
technology-facilitated crimes against
• Training for ICAC officers,
prosecutors, judges, and other
• Technical assistance to support
implementation of the ICAC program.
Project Safe Childhood CommunityBased Programs
OJJDP proposes to issue one or more
competitive solicitations to support the
goals of Project Safe Childhood. This
program will solicit proposals to
implement community-based strategies
and public awareness efforts to protect
children from online sexual
exploitation. OJJDP will focus 2010
projects on emergent topics, such as
sexting, cyber bullying, and selfproduction of child pornography. OJJDP
may solicit competitive proposals from
communities working in conjunction
with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to create or
disseminate public education and
awareness strategies within their
respective jurisdictions.
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Project Safe Childhood National
Training Conference
OJJDP proposes funding to support
the design and implementation of the
2010 National Project Safe Childhood
Conference. The conference will
provide law enforcement, prosecutors,
youth-serving organizations, and state
and local agencies training on Project
Safe Childhood. Conference content will
include training on investigative
techniques, reviews of research on the
scope and prevalence of child
exploitation, successful community
awareness/education strategies, and
examples of multidisciplinary
coordination to reduce youth risk and
hold offenders accountable.
High-Risk Runaway Program
OJJDP proposes to fund strategies to
address the problem of chronic runaway
juveniles who are exploited sexually for
commercial gain or who are at risk of
such exploitation. OJJDP intends to
identify best practices for dealing with
high-risk victims that support a victim
centered approach. This program
provides an opportunity for
communities to replicate successful
strategies to protect these youth.
Children and youth who leave and
remain away from home without
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Young Sexual Offenders Program
OJJDP proposes to fund a program to
assist localities in responding to
instances of child sexual victimization
by perpetrators who are younger than 18
years old, with a specific emphasis
placed on interfamilial child victims
and offenders. The program will
develop communities’ capacity to
utilize a multidisciplinary approach
when working with children who have
been sexually abused by other children
and adolescents. The program will also
build communities’ capacity to provide
treatment and supervision resources to
youthful perpetrators of sexual abuse
against children. This program would be
coordinated with OJP’s Sex Offender
Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending,
Registering, and Tracking (SMART)
Juvenile Justice System Improvement
National Juvenile Delinquency Court
Improvement Program
OJJDP proposes funding grants to
judicial administrative authorities to
implement the ‘‘Sixteen Key Principles
of a Juvenile Delinquency Court of
Excellence.’’ The National Council of
Juvenile and Family Court Judges
developed these principles in close
consultation with OJJDP and
approximately 100 experts. The
initiative would be modeled on the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services’ State Court Improvement
Program, which has been instrumental
in the nationwide implementation of
comprehensive systemic improvements
to courts’ handling of child abuse and
neglect or dependency cases.
National Training and Technical
Assistance Center for Youth in Custody
OJJDP proposes funding an
organization or partnership of
organizations to provide an array of
technical assistance and training
services for state, tribal, local, nonprofit, and other youth serving
organizations that handle youth in
custody and youth being released from
custody. This initiative would also
cover organizations that provide reentry
services (pre-release planning,
transitional placement, community
Programs To Address the Mental and
Physical Needs of Youth in the Juvenile
Justice System
OJJDP proposes to work with states to
explore innovative approaches to
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address the mental and physical needs
of youth in the juvenile justice system.
These programs would focus on
providing mental health and physical
health services for incarcerated
juveniles who may need mental and
physical assessments, development of
individualized treatment and discharge
plans, and the identification and
provision of aftercare services.
Programs To Improve Dependency
Courts’ Handling of Child Abuse and
Neglect Cases
OJJDP expects to provide continuation
funding to programs that provide
training and technical assistance to
judicial and court personnel who work
within the dependency system. The
purpose of this initiative is to improve
the juvenile and family courts’ handling
of child abuse and neglect cases and
ensure timely decisionmaking in
permanency planning for abused and
neglected children. The initiative also
aims to reduce and eventually eliminate
racial disproportionality and disparate
treatment in the dependency system.
Field-Initiated Demonstration Programs
OJJDP proposes awarding grants to
programs that foster innovations and
advancements in juvenile justice-related
practice at the local, state, and tribal
government levels. This program would
be part of the Office’s comprehensive
effort to support programs that
demonstrate the practical implications
for policy, practice innovative
approaches, and enhance juvenile
justice and delinquency prevention.
This program would address a broad
range of juvenile justice-related issues
that support the mission of OJJDP.
Support for Conferences on Juvenile
Justice Issues
OJJDP intends to support conferences
that address juvenile justice and the
prevention of delinquency. This support
would provide community prevention
leaders, treatment professionals,
juvenile justice officials, researchers,
and practitioners with information on
best practices and research-based
models to support state, local
government, and community efforts to
prevent juvenile delinquency.
Dated: November 24, 2009.
Melodee Hanes,
Acting Deputy Administrator for Policy,
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
[FR Doc. E9–28743 Filed 11–30–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 229 (Tuesday, December 1, 2009)]
[Pages 62821-62827]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-28743]
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
[OJP (OJJDP) Docket No. 1507]
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Proposed
Plan for Fiscal Year 2010
AGENCY: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office
of Justice Programs, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Notice of Proposed Plan for Fiscal Year 2010.
SUMMARY: The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is
publishing this notice of its Proposed Plan for fiscal year (FY) 2010.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before January 15, 2010.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments electronically or view an electronic
version of this proposed plan at http:[sol][sol]
You may also mail comments to Jeff Slowikowski, Acting Administrator,
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 810 Seventh
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20531. To ensure proper handling, in the
lower left hand corner of the envelope and in your correspondence
clearly reference ``Proposed OJJDP Program Plan Comments'' or ``OJP
Docket No. 1507.''
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention at 202-307-5911. [This is not a toll-free
I. Posting of Public Comments
Please note that all comments received are considered part of the
public record and made available for public inspection online at Such information includes personal identifying
information (such as name and address) voluntarily submitted by the
If you wish to submit personal identifying information (such as
your name, address, etc.) as part of your comment, but do not wish for
it to be posted online, you must include the phrase ``PERSONAL
IDENTIFYING INFORMATION'' in the first paragraph of your comment. You
also must locate all the personal identifying information you do not
wish to be posted online in the first paragraph of your comment and
identify what information you would like redacted.
If you wish to submit confidential business information as part of
your comment but do not wish for it to be
[[Page 62822]]
posted online, you must include the phrase ``CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS
INFORMATION'' in the first paragraph of your comment. You also must
prominently identify confidential business information to be redacted
within the comment. If a comment has so much confidential business
information that it cannot be effectively redacted, all or part of that
comment may not be posted on
Personal identifying information and confidential business
information identified and located as set forth above will be placed in
the agency's public docket file, but not posted online. If you wish to
inspect the agency's public docket file in person by appointment,
please see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT paragraph.
II. Preamble
OVERVIEW: The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
(OJJDP) is a component of the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S.
Department of Justice. Provisions within Section 204 (b)(5)(A) of the
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended, 42
U.S.C. Sec. 5601 et seq. (JJDP Act) direct the OJJDP Administrator to
publish for public comment a Proposed Plan describing the program
activities that OJJDP proposes to carry out during FY 2010 under Parts
D and E of Title II of the JJDP Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5651-
5665a, 5667, 5667a. Because the Office's discretionary activities
extend beyond Parts D and E, OJJDP is seeking comments on a more
comprehensive listing of the Office's proposed programs. Taking into
consideration comments received on this Proposed Plan, the
Administrator will develop and publish in the Federal Register OJJDP's
Final Plan describing the particular program activities that OJJDP
intends to fund during FY 2010.
OJJDP acknowledges that at this time its FY 2010 appropriation is
not yet final. Depending on the final appropriation, OJJDP may alter
how its programs are structured and modify this Proposed Plan when it
is published in final form following the public comment period.
OJJDP will post on its Web site solicitations of grant or
cooperative agreement applications for competitive programs to be
funded under the Final Plan. OJJDP will notify the public that these
solicitations have been posted through issuance of JUVJUSTs (listserv)
announcements and other methods of electronic notification. No
proposals, concept papers, or other forms of application should be
submitted at this time.
Department Priorities: OJJDP has structured this plan to reflect
the high priority that the Administration and the Department have
placed on addressing youth violence and victimization and improving
protections for youth involved with the juvenile justice system. The
proposals presented here represent OJJDP's current thinking on how to
advance the Department's priorities during this fiscal year. These
proposals also incorporate feedback from OJJDP's ongoing outreach to
the field seeking ideas on program areas and the most promising
approaches for those types of areas. The first section of programs in
this proposed plan contains programs that address priority areas as
identified by the Attorney General.
OJJDP's Purpose: Congress established OJJDP through the JJDP Act of
1974 to help states and communities prevent and control delinquency and
strengthen their juvenile justice systems and to coordinate and
administer national policy in this area.
Although states, American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN)
communities,\1\ and other localities retain primary responsibility for
administering juvenile justice and preventing juvenile delinquency,
OJJDP supports and supplements the efforts of public and private
organizations at all levels through program funding via formula, block,
and discretionary grants; administration of Congressional earmark
programs; research; training and technical assistance; funding of
demonstration projects; and dissemination of information. OJJDP also
helps administer federal policy related to juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention through its leadership role in the Coordinating
Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
\1\ In this plan, the terms ``tribes'' and ``tribal
jurisdictions'' refer to both American Indian and Alaska Native
OJJDP's Vision: OJJDP strives to be the recognized authority and
national leader dedicated to the future, safety, and well-being of
children and youth in, or at risk of entering, the juvenile justice
OJJDP's Mission: OJJDP provides national leadership, coordination,
and resources to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and
victimization by supporting states, tribal jurisdictions, and
communities in their efforts to develop and implement effective
coordinated prevention and intervention programs and improve the
juvenile justice system so that it protects public safety, holds
offenders accountable, and provides treatment and rehabilitation
services tailored to the needs of juveniles and their families.
Guiding Principles For OJJDP's National Leadership: OJJDP provides
targeted funding, sponsors research and demonstration programs, offers
training and technical assistance, disseminates information, and uses
technology to enhance programs and collaboration in exercising its
national leadership. In all of these efforts, the following four
principles guide OJJDP:
(1) Empower communities and engage youth and families.
(2) Promote evidence-based practices.
(3) Require accountability.
(4) Enhance collaboration.
1. Empower communities and engage youth and families. Families and
communities play an essential role in any effort to prevent delinquency
and protect children from victimization. Communities must reach beyond
the formal systems of justice, social services, and law enforcement to
tap into the wisdom and energies of many others--including business
leaders, the media, neighborhood associations, block leaders, elected
officials, tribal leaders, clergy, faith-based organizations, and
especially families and young people themselves--who have a stake in
helping local youth become productive, law-abiding citizens. In
particular, OJJDP must engage families and youth in developing
solutions to delinquency and victimization. Their strengths,
experiences, and aspirations provide an important perspective in
developing those solutions.
To be effective, collaboration among community stakeholders must be
grounded in up-to-date information. With federal assistance that OJJDP
provides, community members can partner to gather data, assess local
conditions, and make decisions to ensure resources are targeted for
maximum impact.
2. Promote evidence-based practices. To make the best use of public
resources, OJJDP must identify ``what works'' in delinquency prevention
and juvenile justice. OJJDP is the only federal agency with a specific
mission to develop and disseminate knowledge about what works in this
field. Drawing on this knowledge, OJJDP helps communities replicate
proven programs and improve their existing programs. OJJDP helps
communities match program models to their specific needs and supports
interventions that respond to the developmental, cultural, and gender
needs of the youth and families they will serve.
3. Require accountability. OJJDP requires the national, state,
tribal, and
[[Page 62823]]
local entities whose programs are supported by OJJDP to explain how
they use program resources, determine and report on how effective the
programs are in alleviating the problems they are intended to address,
and propose plans for remediation of performance that does not meet
standards. OJJDP has established mandatory performance measures for all
its programs and reports on those measures to the Office of Management
and Budget. OJJDP requires its grantees and applicants to report on
these performance measures, set up systems to gather the data necessary
to monitor those performance measures, and use this information to
continuously assess progress and fine-tune the programs.
4. Enhance collaboration. Juvenile justice agencies and programs
are just one part of a larger set of systems that encompasses the many
agencies and programs that work with at-risk youth and their families.
For delinquency prevention and child protection efforts to be
effective, they must be coordinated at the local, tribal, state, and
federal levels with law enforcement, social services, child welfare,
public health, mental health, school, and other systems that address
family strengthening and youth development. One way to achieve this
coordination is to establish broad-based coalitions to create consensus
on service priorities and to build support for a coordinated approach.
With this consensus as a foundation, participating agencies and
departments can then build mechanisms to link service providers at the
program level--including procedures for sharing information across
OJJDP took its guidance in the development of this proposed plan
from the priorities that the Attorney General has set forth for the
Department. At the same time, OJJDP drew upon its Strategic Plan for
2009-2011. The four primary goals at the heart of OJJDP's Strategic
Plan echo the Attorney General's priorities. Those goals are: prevent
and respond to delinquency, strengthen the juvenile justice system,
prevent and reduce the victimization of children, and create safer
neighborhoods by preventing and reducing youth violence.
III. OJJDP Proposed Program Plan for Fiscal Year 2010
Each year OJJDP receives formula and block grant funding as well as
discretionary funds for certain program areas. Based on the 2009
appropriation and the 2010 presidential budget, OJJDP offers the
following 2010 Proposed Plan for consideration and comment. Programs
are organized according to the Department priorities and traditional
OJJDP focus areas.
Department and OJJDP Priorities
Programs To Address and Treat Children Exposed to Violence
OJJDP intends to issue competitive solicitations and provide
continuation funding for Safe Start projects to enhance the
accessibility, delivery, and quality of services provided young
children who have been exposed to violence or who are at high risk.
These programs will focus on practice innovation, research and
evaluation, training and technical assistance, and resource development
and public awareness.
Additionally, OJJDP intends to support a competitive solicitation
in Indian Country to implement a tribal component to the Safe Start
initiative. The tribal component will engage tribal leaders, law
enforcement, courts, and service providers to increase capacity to
protect and respond to the needs of children exposed to violence and
their families.
Connected with this children's exposure to violence initiative,
OJJDP plans to fund a 12-month, full-time fellow position located at
OJJDP to focus on children's exposure to violence programming. OJJDP
will develop a solicitation to invite individuals interested in working
with the Office for a year to apply for consideration. The position is
funded via a grant to the fellow's home institution in the amount of
their salary and benefit costs for the duration of the fellowship.
Second Chance Reentry Program
OJJDP proposes to fund additional demonstration projects under the
Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Initiative, which supports a
comprehensive response to the increasing number of people who are
released from prison, jail, and juvenile facilities each year and are
returning to their communities. The goal of this initiative is to
increase public safety and reduce the rate of recidivism for offenders
released from a juvenile residential facility. Demonstration projects
would provide necessary services to youth while in confinement and
following their release into the community. The initiative would
provide a particular focus to address the unique needs of girls
reentering their communities.
Improving Indigent Juvenile Defense Program
OJJDP proposes funding the development and implementation of a
model national technical assistance and training program for juvenile
defense attorneys. Forty years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the
landmark In Re Gault decision, found that children in the juvenile
justice system have the right to an attorney. Today, many young people
in the court system, particularly low-income and minority children,
lack representation by well-trained and well-resourced lawyers and many
juvenile defendants receive no counsel at all. The goal of this
proposed initiative is to develop competent juvenile defense attorneys
who can work in the best interests of youth facing charges in juvenile
court and to improve the judicial system's response.
Community-Based Violence Prevention Programs
OJJDP proposes funding for programs to reduce the risk that youth
will be affected by community violence. This program will be closely
coordinated with a broader administration initiative. The Reducing
Community Violence program will be modeled after the successful
Operation CEASEFIRE intervention that is widely credited with
significantly reducing homicides in targeted Chicago communities.
Operation CEASEFIRE focused on both deterrence strategies, as well as
an increase on focused law enforcement activities. This demonstration
program will include separate solicitations focusing on research,
technical assistance, and evaluation. These programs would be
coordinated with the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Disproportionate Minority Contact
Section 223(a)(22) of the JJDP Act of 2002 requires states to
address juvenile delinquency prevention efforts and system improvement
efforts to reduce, without establishing or requiring numerical
standards or quotas, the disproportionate number of juvenile members of
minority groups, who come into contact with the juvenile justice
system. States primarily fund delinquency prevention and systems
improvements activities through their Title II Formula and Title V
Delinquency Prevention Grant funds. OJJDP provides training and
technical assistance to the states to support their development of
direct services (diversion, alternatives to secure confinement,
advocacy, cultural competency training, etc.); legislative reforms;
administrative, policy, and procedural changes; structured
decisionmaking (detention screening, risk assessment, needs assessment
instruments, etc.), and other activities.
[[Page 62824]]
Youth Violence and Gang Prevention
Gang Community and Family Support Program
OJJDP expects to fund programs to support multistrategy,
multidisciplinary approaches to reducing gang activity. These programs
would enhance coordination of local resources in support of community
partnerships that address risk factors to gang involvement, including a
lack of social and economic opportunities; family disorganization,
including broken homes and parental drug/alcohol abuse; and strong
commitment to delinquent peers, but low commitment to positive peers.
These programs would be coordinated with the Bureau of Justice
School-Related Prevention Programs
In FY 2010, OJJDP will seek opportunities to coordinate and
collaborate with the U.S. Department of Education on school safety
issues and school- and community-wide programs to reduce truancy and
keep students in school. In the past, OJJDP has supported comprehensive
community-wide initiatives to reduce and prevent school and community
violence and foster safe schools. Proposed areas of collaboration may
include programs to reduce truancy; prevent bullying, including
cyberbullying, which is prevalent among girls; and promote conflict
resolution. OJJDP also proposes to collaborate with the Departments of
Education and Health and Human Services on the Safe Schools/Healthy
Students (SS/HS) Initiative through competitive funding to SS/HS sites
to support mentoring programs and strategies aimed at reducing truancy.
Youth Violence Prevention Programs
OJJDP proposes funding a program to foster innovations and
advancements in youth violence prevention practices at the community
level. The goal of this program is to demonstrate the implications for
policy and practice and to enhance juvenile justice, child protection,
and delinquency prevention. OJJDP is interested in reducing risk
factors and enhancing protective factors to prevent youth from becoming
victims of violence. This program would focus on supporting communities
in their efforts to develop and implement effective and coordinated
violence prevention and intervention initiatives by building protective
factors to combat juvenile delinquency, reducing child victimization,
and improving the juvenile justice system.
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Program
OJJDP proposes funding a program to implement evidence-based
strategies, public education and awareness campaigns, and research on
teen dating violence. OJJDP may fund a number of competitively selected
sites to implement evidence-based teen dating violence programs and
coordinate those demonstration programs with the development of public
service announcements and other media tools to inform youth and parents
about the signs and consequences of such violence. This effort would be
coordinated with the Office on Violence Against Women and private
Tribal Youth
Comprehensive Tribal Youth Reentry Initiative
OJJDP proposes funding a program to address the lack of programming
within many tribal juvenile detention facilities and to support the
development of services to facilitate the successful reentry of youth
into their tribal communities. Components of the Comprehensive Tribal
Youth Reentry Initiative would include:
Training of tribal and Bureau of Indian Affairs detention
facility personnel in best practices for juvenile detention.
An array of support services for youth (both while in
custody and during the reentry period), including substance abuse and
mental health treatment, educational/vocational training, family
strengthening, and reunification programming.
Transitional step-down housing to help tribal youth
transition from incarceration back into the community by providing
culturally appropriate wrap-around services.
Tribal Youth Reconnection Program
OJJDP proposes an initiative that would fund federally recognized
tribes and/or colleges and universities to engage at-risk tribal youth
in activities centered on cultural preservation, land reclamation, or
green/sustainable tribal traditions. This experiential learning program
would focus on tribal youth who are chronically truant or who are at
risk of dropping out of school. Youth would learn from tribal elders,
anthropologists, historians, forestry experts, and others with the
appropriate expertise. The focus of the activity would differ depending
on the tribal community and youth population. Examples of activities
may include identifying and documenting tribal artifacts, recording
tribal histories and stories, taking part in reforestation efforts, and
building and installing wind turbines.
Tribal Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Program
OJJDP proposes funding a Tribal EUDL Program to support
participating federally recognized tribes' development of a long-term
strategic plan to address underage drinking among tribal youth.
Research indicates that many Native American youth begin drinking at a
very early age. The program would support planning and training that
balances an appropriate cultural approach, health education, and
enforcement that holds adults and youth accountable for their behavior.
Tribal Field-Initiated Research and Evaluation Program
OJJDP proposes funding field-initiated studies to further
understanding regarding the experiences, strengths, and needs of tribal
youth, their families, and communities and what works to reduce their
risks for delinquency and victimization. This initiative is especially
interested in evaluations that identify effective and promising
delinquency prevention, intervention, and treatment programs for tribal
youth, including those that assist tribal youth in enhancing their own
cultural knowledge and awareness.
Tribal Youth Program
OJJDP expects to fund the Tribal Youth Program, which supports and
enhances tribal efforts to prevent and control delinquency and improve
their juvenile justice systems. Grantees will develop and implement
efficient and effective delinquency prevention programs, interventions
for court-involved youth, improvements to the juvenile justice system,
alcohol and substance abuse prevention programs, and emotional/
behavioral program services.
Preventing Violence Against Native American Girls
OJJDP proposes using Tribal Youth Program funds to support
communities in developing effective strategies to reduce the abuse and
exploitation of Native American girls. This program would engage girls,
tribal leaders, law enforcement, courts, and service providers to
better protect and respond to the needs of Native American girls at
risk of victimization by family members, adults who exploit children,
and dating partners. This program would be coordinated with the work of
the Office on Violence Against Women and agency
[[Page 62825]]
experts in tribal issues and child victimization.
Strengthening Initiative for Native Girls (SING)
OJJDP proposes funding an initiative to strengthen the skills and
resilience of American Indian girls to resist substance abuse, prevent
teen pregnancy, foster positive relationships with peers and adults,
learn self-advocacy, and build pro-social skills, with the goal of
preventing victimization and delinquency. Examples of components would
Culturally appropriate implementation of existing
evidence-based girls programs, such as Girls Circle, Girls, Inc., etc.
A Girls Leadership Institute, a year-long immersion
program for girls that exposes them to different careers and ways to
take an active role in their community.
A mentoring program for college age tribal girls.
Mental health and substance abuse services.
Implementation of the Nurse-Family Partnership in tribal
This initiative would include an evaluation component to test
whether programs that have been proven to work in other communities can
be replicated successfully in Indian Country.
Girls' Delinquency
Evaluations of Girls' Delinquency Programs
OJJDP proposes funding programs to document and measure the
effectiveness of delinquency prevention, intervention, and/or treatment
programs to prevent and reduce girls' risk behavior and offending. Over
the past 2 decades, the number of girls entering the juvenile justice
system has dramatically increased. This trend raised a number of
questions for OJJDP, including whether this reflected an increase in
girls' delinquency or changes in society's responses to girls'
behavior. OJJDP's Girls Study Group recently completed a review of
evaluations of girls' delinquency programs and found that most programs
have not been evaluated, thereby limiting knowledge regarding the most
appropriate and effective programs for girls.
National Girls Institute
OJJDP proposes funding a National Girls Institute to evaluate
promising and innovative prevention, intervention, treatment,
education, detention, and aftercare services for delinquent and at-risk
girls. The Institute would promote integrated and innovative programs
that use a comprehensive service delivery system to meet the unique
developmental and cultural needs of girls and their families. The
Institute would provide training, technical assistance, research,
information dissemination, collaboration, policy development, and other
leadership functions.
Research, Evaluation, and Data Collection
The National Children's Study
OJJDP proposes contributing funds to a new longitudinal study that
will examine the effects of environmental influences on the health and
development of 100,000 children across the United States, following
them from before birth until age 21. The National Institute of Child
Health and Development is the lead agency for this study, and other
federal agencies that have joined in planning and conducting this study
include the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. OJJDP expects to expand what is known regarding
delinquency prevention, intervention, and treatment.
Field-Initiated Research and Evaluation Program
OJJDP proposes providing flexible funding for creative yet rigorous
research and evaluation that advances OJJDP's mission to prevent and
respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization. OJJDP will seek
applications addressing a broad range of research and evaluation topics
and methodologies in the fields of delinquency prevention,
intervention, and treatment. This includes studies that address issues
around child victimization.
Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center
OJJDP proposes funding a program that would provide training and
technical assistance to state, tribal, local, and non-profit entities
that work in the juvenile justice and victimization field on how to
prepare for and carry out an evaluation of their activities. The
Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center would develop easily accessible
tools and resources for the field and would assist these agencies in
developing evidence-based strategies and programs.
National Juvenile Justice Data Collection Program
OJJDP intends to continue support for several key national juvenile
data collection programs, some of which have existed for several years,
and others which are new. These include:
Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement, which
collects information about all youth residing in facilities who are
awaiting or have been adjudicated for a status or delinquent offense.
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, which collects
information about the security and services of facilities that hold
youth for delinquent offenses, pre- and post- adjudication.
Census of Juveniles on Probation, which collects a 1-day
count of all youth on formal probation, including demographic
characteristics and the offense for which they are being supervised.
Census of Juvenile Probation Supervision Offices, which
collects information about the offices that oversee the youth who are
on probation in the United States.
Substance Abuse and Treatment
Family and Juvenile Drug Court Programs
OJJDP anticipates providing funding to support the implementation
of family drug courts that serve substance-abusing adults who are
involved in the family dependency court system, as a result of child
abuse or neglect. The Center for Children and Family Futures will
provide training and technical assistance to family drug courts.
OJJDP expects to continue funding jointly with the Department of
Health and Human Services' Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
to enhance the capacity of existing juvenile drug courts to serve
substance-abusing juvenile offenders through the integration and
implementation of the juvenile drug court and the Reclaiming Futures
program models. The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court
Judges provides training and technical assistance for OJJDP's juvenile
drug court initiatives.
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Program
OJJDP expects to continue funding the Enforcing Underage Drinking
Laws Program through its four components: block grants to the 50
states, the 5 territories, and the District of Columbia; discretionary
grants; technical assistance; and research and evaluation. Under the
block grant component, each state, the District of Columbia, and the
territories receive approximately $360,000 annually to support law
enforcement activities, media campaigns, and coalition building. The
EUDL discretionary grant component
[[Page 62826]]
supports several initiatives to help communities develop a
comprehensive approach to address underage drinking. EUDL training and
technical assistance supports communities and states in their efforts
to enforce underage drinking laws. EUDL funds also support evaluations
of several EUDL community initiatives.
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Assessment, Strategic Planning, and
Implementation Initiative
OJJDP proposes the establishment of a discretionary component of
the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) program that enables states
to implement an assessment, strategic planning, and implementation
process. Applicants will explain how they will assess local conditions
and design a long-term strategic plan; implement selected and approved
actions of that plan; collect, analyze, and report data; and have an
expert panel assess how the state responded to the recommendations,
crafted its strategic plan, and implemented portions of the plan with
the remaining funds.
Mentoring and Community Engagement
OJJDP seeks to support mentoring programs that utilize a strengths-
based, community engagement approach. Research suggests that programs
in which the mentor and mentee work together to address a social issue,
participate in community service, or become involved in other local
civic activities have resulted in reduced delinquency among the mentees
and future involvement with their communities. The theoretical
framework for this initiative is Positive Youth Development, which
focuses on building the strengths of youth to promote the likelihood of
positive outcomes.
Mentoring and Juvenile Drug Courts
OJJDP proposes funding to support a mentoring component to the
Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures Program. A structured mentoring
component would provide youth participating in a drug court with a
caring and supportive adult mentor who would share information and
insight, listen to the youth, and provide encouragement. Incorporating
a mentoring component would build upon the existing partnership with
Reclaiming Futures/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and CSAT.
National and Local Youth Mentoring Programs and Training and Technical
OJJDP anticipates providing funding to support national
organizations that have mentoring programs ready for implementation
that will strengthen and expand existing mentoring activities. OJJDP
provides training and technical assistance to advance the capacity of
state and local jurisdictions and Indian tribal governments to develop,
implement, expand, evaluate, and sustain youth mentoring efforts that
incorporate research-based findings of best practices and principles.
OJJDP also anticipates funding local faith- and community-based
organizations and schools to develop, implement, and expand
neighborhood mentoring programs and to increase communities' capacity
to develop and implement mentoring programs and provide mentoring
services, particularly to populations of at-risk youth who are
underserved due to location, shortage of mentors, special physical or
mental challenges, or other situations identified by the community in
need of mentoring services.
Child Victimization
Children's Advocacy Centers
OJJDP intends to provide continuation funding to programs that
improve the coordinated investigation and prosecution of child abuse
cases. These programs include funding for a national subgrant program
for local children's advocacy centers, a membership and accreditation
program, regional children's advocacy centers, and specialized
technical assistance and training programs for child abuse
professionals and prosecutors. Local Children's Advocacy Centers
utilize multidisciplinary teams of professionals to coordinate the
investigation, treatment, and prosecution of child abuse cases.
Court Appointed Special Advocate Programs
OJJDP expects to provide continuation funding to support Court
Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) programs across the country. CASA
programs provide children in the foster care system or at risk of
entering the dependency system with high-quality, timely, effective,
and sensitive representation before the court. CASA programs train and
support volunteers who advocate for the best interests of the child in
dependency proceedings. OJJDP funds a national CASA training and
technical assistance provider and a national membership and
accreditation organization to support state and local CASA
organizations' efforts to recruit volunteer advocates, including
minority volunteers, and to provide training and technical assistance
to these organizations and to stakeholders in the child welfare system.
Missing Children
Missing Children Programs and Services
OJJDP intends to provide continuation funding to a national
membership organization for nonprofit organizations serving the
families of missing children and to assist in identifying and
promulgating best practices in serving these children and families.
In FY 2010, OJJDP also expects to award funding to programs that:
Provide training and technical assistance to local, state,
and tribal law enforcement agencies and other organizations charged
with responding to missing children cases.
Design and implement the 2010 AMBER Alert National
Improve responses to child abductions across borders.
Conduct research on children characterized as lost,
injured, or missing to improve community responses to these cases.
Conduct a national study of the incidence of missing
Missing and Exploited Children Training and Technical Assistance
OJJDP expects to fund a program to design and implement training in
areas such as child abuse investigations, child fatality
investigations, and child sexual exploitation investigations.
Authorized by the Missing Children's Assistance Act, this program will
help state and local law enforcement, child protection, prosecutors,
medical providers, and child advocacy center professionals develop an
effective response to child victimization cases.
Child Exploitation
Internet Crimes Against Children Program
OJJDP intends to make continuation awards to support the operations
of the 61 Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces. The ICAC
Task Force Program helps state and local law enforcement agencies
develop an effective response to sexual predators who prey upon
juveniles via the Internet and other electronic devices, and child
pornography cases. This program encompasses forensic and investigative
components, training and technical assistance, victim services, and
community education.
[[Page 62827]]
In addition, OJJDP intends to issue competitive solicitations for
related ICAC activities and programs, including:
Designing and implementing the 2011 ICAC National Training
Research on Internet and other technology-facilitated
crimes against children.
Training for ICAC officers, prosecutors, judges, and other
Technical assistance to support implementation of the ICAC
Project Safe Childhood Community-Based Programs
OJJDP proposes to issue one or more competitive solicitations to
support the goals of Project Safe Childhood. This program will solicit
proposals to implement community-based strategies and public awareness
efforts to protect children from online sexual exploitation. OJJDP will
focus 2010 projects on emergent topics, such as sexting, cyber
bullying, and self-production of child pornography. OJJDP may solicit
competitive proposals from communities working in conjunction with U.S.
Attorneys' Offices to create or disseminate public education and
awareness strategies within their respective jurisdictions.
Project Safe Childhood National Training Conference
OJJDP proposes funding to support the design and implementation of
the 2010 National Project Safe Childhood Conference. The conference
will provide law enforcement, prosecutors, youth-serving organizations,
and state and local agencies training on Project Safe Childhood.
Conference content will include training on investigative techniques,
reviews of research on the scope and prevalence of child exploitation,
successful community awareness/education strategies, and examples of
multidisciplinary coordination to reduce youth risk and hold offenders
High-Risk Runaway Program
OJJDP proposes to fund strategies to address the problem of chronic
runaway juveniles who are exploited sexually for commercial gain or who
are at risk of such exploitation. OJJDP intends to identify best
practices for dealing with high-risk victims that support a victim
centered approach. This program provides an opportunity for communities
to replicate successful strategies to protect these youth. Children and
youth who leave and remain away from home without parental permission
are at risk of developing and have a disproportionate share of serious
health, behavioral, and emotional problems.
Young Sexual Offenders Program
OJJDP proposes to fund a program to assist localities in responding
to instances of child sexual victimization by perpetrators who are
younger than 18 years old, with a specific emphasis placed on
interfamilial child victims and offenders. The program will develop
communities' capacity to utilize a multidisciplinary approach when
working with children who have been sexually abused by other children
and adolescents. The program will also build communities' capacity to
provide treatment and supervision resources to youthful perpetrators of
sexual abuse against children. This program would be coordinated with
OJP's Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering,
and Tracking (SMART) Office.
Juvenile Justice System Improvement
National Juvenile Delinquency Court Improvement Program
OJJDP proposes funding grants to judicial administrative
authorities to implement the ``Sixteen Key Principles of a Juvenile
Delinquency Court of Excellence.'' The National Council of Juvenile and
Family Court Judges developed these principles in close consultation
with OJJDP and approximately 100 experts. The initiative would be
modeled on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' State
Court Improvement Program, which has been instrumental in the
nationwide implementation of comprehensive systemic improvements to
courts' handling of child abuse and neglect or dependency cases.
National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Youth in Custody
OJJDP proposes funding an organization or partnership of
organizations to provide an array of technical assistance and training
services for state, tribal, local, non-profit, and other youth serving
organizations that handle youth in custody and youth being released
from custody. This initiative would also cover organizations that
provide reentry services (pre-release planning, transitional placement,
community services).
Programs To Address the Mental and Physical Needs of Youth in the
Juvenile Justice System
OJJDP proposes to work with states to explore innovative approaches
to address the mental and physical needs of youth in the juvenile
justice system. These programs would focus on providing mental health
and physical health services for incarcerated juveniles who may need
mental and physical assessments, development of individualized
treatment and discharge plans, and the identification and provision of
aftercare services.
Programs To Improve Dependency Courts' Handling of Child Abuse and
Neglect Cases
OJJDP expects to provide continuation funding to programs that
provide training and technical assistance to judicial and court
personnel who work within the dependency system. The purpose of this
initiative is to improve the juvenile and family courts' handling of
child abuse and neglect cases and ensure timely decisionmaking in
permanency planning for abused and neglected children. The initiative
also aims to reduce and eventually eliminate racial disproportionality
and disparate treatment in the dependency system.
Field-Initiated Demonstration Programs
OJJDP proposes awarding grants to programs that foster innovations
and advancements in juvenile justice-related practice at the local,
state, and tribal government levels. This program would be part of the
Office's comprehensive effort to support programs that demonstrate the
practical implications for policy, practice innovative approaches, and
enhance juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. This program would
address a broad range of juvenile justice-related issues that support
the mission of OJJDP.
Support for Conferences on Juvenile Justice Issues
OJJDP intends to support conferences that address juvenile justice
and the prevention of delinquency. This support would provide community
prevention leaders, treatment professionals, juvenile justice
officials, researchers, and practitioners with information on best
practices and research-based models to support state, local government,
and community efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency.
Dated: November 24, 2009.
Melodee Hanes,
Acting Deputy Administrator for Policy, Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention.
[FR Doc. E9-28743 Filed 11-30-09; 8:45 am]