Notice of Public Hearing and Commission Meeting, 62626-62628 [E9-28516]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 228 / Monday, November 30, 2009 / Notices
furthers the objectives of Section 6(b)(5)
of the Act 7 in particular, because it is
designed to prevent fraudulent and
manipulative acts and practices, and to
promote just and equitable principles of
trade, to remove impediments to and
perfect the mechanism of a free and
open market and a national market
system, and, in general to protect
investors and the public interest, by
allowing the Exchange to have uniform
position limit procedures.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that
the proposed rule change will impose
any burden on competition that is not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were solicited
or received with respect to the proposed
rule change.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The Exchange has filed the proposed
rule change pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(iii) of the Act 8 and Rule
19b–4(f)(6) thereunder.9 Because the
proposed rule change does not: (i)
Significantly affect the protection of
investors or the public interest; (ii)
impose any significant burden on
competition; and (iii) become operative
prior to 30 days from the date on which
it was filed, or such shorter time as the
Commission may designate, if
consistent with the protection of
investors and the public interest, the
proposed rule change has become
effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A)
of the Act 10 and Rule 19b–4(f)(6)(iii)
A proposed rule change filed under
Rule 19b–4(f)(6)12 normally does not
become operative prior to 30 days after
the date of the filing. However, pursuant
to Rule 19b4(f)(6)(iii),13 the Commission
7 15
U.S.C. 78f (b)(5).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(iii).
9 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6).
10 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).
11 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6). In addition, Rule 19b–
4(f)(6)(iii) requires the Exchange to give the
Commission written notice of the Exchange’s intent
to file the proposed rule change along with a brief
description and text of the proposed rule change,
at least five business days prior to the date of filing
of the proposed rule change, or such shorter time
as designated by the Commission. The Exchange
has satisfied the pre-filing requirement.
12 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6).
13 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6)(iii).
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
8 15
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may designate a shorter time if such
action is consistent with the protection
of investors and the public interest. The
Exchange has requested that the
Commission waive the 30-day operative
delay so that the proposal may become
operative upon filing. The Commission
believes that waiving the 30-day
operative delay is consistent with the
protection of investors and the public
interest because such waiver will bring
uniformity and predictability to the
position limit process. Accordingly, the
Commission hereby grants the
Exchange’s request and designates the
proposal operative upon filing.14
At any time within 60 days of the
filing of the proposed rule change, the
Commission may summarily abrogate
such rule change if it appears to the
Commission that such action is
necessary or appropriate in the public
interest, for the protection of investors,
or otherwise in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an e-mail to Please include
File Number SR–NYSEAmex–2009–80
on the subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSEAmex–2009–80. This
file number should be included on the
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission,15 all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
14 For the purposes only of waiving the 30-day
operative delay, the Commission has considered the
proposed rule’s impact on efficiency, competition
and capital formation. See 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
15 The text of the proposed rule change is
available on the Commission’s Web site at
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with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Section, 100 F Street, NE., Washington,
DC 20549–1090 on official business
days between the hours of 10 a.m. and
3 p.m. Copies of the filing will also be
available for inspection and copying at
the NYSE Amex’s principal office and
on its Internet Web site at All comments
received will be posted without change;
the Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number
SR–NYSEAmex–2009–80 and should be
submitted on or before December 21,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Elizabeth M. Murphy,
[FR Doc. E9–28519 Filed 11–27–09; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Hearing and
Commission Meeting
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin
ACTION: Notice of public hearing and
commission meeting.
SUMMARY: The Susquehanna River Basin
Commission will hold a public hearing
as part of its regular business meeting
beginning at 1 p.m. on December 17,
2009, in Lancaster, Pa. At the public
hearing, the Commission will consider:
action on certain water resources
projects; a compliance matter involving
one project; the rescission of a previous
docket approval; a request for an
extension of an approval; a request for
an administrative hearing; the 2010
Regulatory Program Fee Schedule; and
amendments to the SRBC
Comprehensive Plan. Details concerning
the matters to be addressed at the public
hearing and business meeting are
16 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 228 / Monday, November 30, 2009 / Notices
contained in the Supplementary
Information section of this notice.
DATES: December 17, 2009, at 1 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Lancaster Marriot at Penn
Square, 25 South Queen Street,
Lancaster, PA 17603.
Richard A. Cairo, General Counsel,
telephone: (717) 238–0423, ext. 306; fax:
(717) 238–2436; e-mail:
or Stephanie L. Richardson, Secretary to
the Commission, telephone: (717) 238–
0423, ext. 304; fax: (717) 238–2436;
addition to the public hearing and its
related action items identified below,
the business meeting also includes
actions or presentations on the
following items: (1) A special
presentation by Secretary of the
Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection John Hanger;
(2) presentation of the Frederick L.
Zimmermann Award; (3) hydrologic
conditions of the basin; 4) FY–2011
funding of the Susquehanna Flood
Forecast and Warning System; (5) the
2010 Annual Water Resources Program;
(6) a Low Flow Monitoring Plan for the
basin; (7) ratification/approval of grants/
contracts; and (8) the FY–2009 Audit
Report. The Commission will also hear
a Legal Counsel’s report.
Public Hearing—Compliance Matter
1. Project Sponsor: TYCO Electronics
Corporation. Project Facility: Lickdale,
Union Township, Lebanon County, Pa.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Public Hearing—Projects Scheduled for
1. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River—Hicks), Great
Bend Township, Susquehanna County,
Pa. Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 0.750 mgd.
2. Project Sponsor and Facility: East
Resources, Inc. (Susquehanna River—
Welles), Sheshequin Township,
Bradford County, Pa. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.850
3. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Eastern American Energy Corporation
(West Branch Susquehanna River—
Moore), Goshen Township, Clearfield
County, Pa. Application for surface
water withdrawal of up to 2.000 mgd.
4. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Fortuna Energy Inc. (Fall Brook—Tioga
State Forest C.O.P.), Ward Township,
Tioga County, Pa. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 2.000
5. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Fortuna Energy Inc. (Fellows Creek—
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Tioga State Forest C.O.P.), Ward
Township, Tioga County, Pa.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 2.000 mgd.
6. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Fortuna Energy Inc. (Susquehanna
River—Thrush), Sheshequin Township,
Bradford County, Pa. Modification to
increase surface water withdrawal from
0.250 mgd up to 2.000 mgd (Docket No.
7. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Montgomery Water and Sewer
Authority, Clinton Township, Lycoming
County, Pa. Application for
groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.252
mgd from Well 2R.
8. Project Sponsor and Facility: Nissin
Foods (USA) Co., Inc., East Hempfield
Township, Lancaster County, Pa.
Modification to increase consumptive
water use from 0.090 mgd up to 0.150
mgd (Docket No. 20021021).
9. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek—Reichenbach), Lewis
Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
10. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek—Wascher), Lewis
Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
11. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek—Parent), McIntyre
Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
12. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek—Schaefer), McIntyre
Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
13. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Sunbury Generation LP, Monroe
Township and Shamokin Dam Borough,
Snyder County, Pa. Modification for use
of up to 0.100 mgd of the approved
surface water withdrawal by natural gas
companies (Docket No. 20081222).
Public Hearing—Request for Extension
1. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Sunnyside Ethanol, a wholly ownedsubsidiary of Consus Ethanol, LLC,
Curwensville Borough, Clearfield
County, Pa. Request for a waiver of the
120-day period for applying for
extension and a retroactive 2-year
extension for the project scheduled to
expire on December 5, 2009 (Docket No.
PO 00000
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Public Hearing—Project Scheduled for
Rescission Action
1. Project Sponsor: Eastern American
Energy Corporation. Pad ID: Whitetail
Gun and Rod Club #1, ABR–20090418,
Goshen Township, Clearfield County,
Public Hearing—Request for
Administrative Hearing
1. Petitioner Delta Borough, York
County, Pennsylvania; RE: Delta
Borough Public Water Supply Well No.
DR–2; Docket No. 20090315, approved
March 12, 2009.
Public Hearing—2010 Regulatory
Program Fee Schedule
The revisions implement annual
adjustments previously established by
the Commission in March 2005. Other
changes include annual compliance and
monitoring fees for projects approved or
modified after December 31, 2009; an
increase in certain water withdrawal
application fees for new and modified
projects in the smaller withdrawal
categories; and comprehensive format
changes to the fee schedule document to
aid applicants, including separate charts
for different types of fees and a new
application fee worksheet.
Public Hearing—Comprehensive Plan
The Commission will also consider
amendments to its Comprehensive Plan
for the Water Resources of the
Susquehanna River Basin. The proposed
amendments include the addition of the
2010 Annual Water Resources Program
and a ‘‘Low Flow Monitoring Plan’’
(both to be considered separately at this
meeting), as well as all water resources
projects approved by the Commission
during 2009.
Opportunity to Appear and Comment
Interested parties may appear at the
above hearing to offer written or oral
comments to the Commission on any
matter on the hearing agenda, or at the
business meeting to offer written or oral
comments on other matters scheduled
for consideration at the business
meeting. The chair of the Commission
reserves the right to limit oral
statements in the interest of time and to
otherwise control the course of the
hearing and business meeting. Written
comments may also be mailed to the
Susquehanna River Basin Commission,
1721 North Front Street, Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania 17102–2391, or submitted
electronically to Richard A. Cairo,
General Counsel, e-mail:
or Stephanie L. Richardson, Secretary to
the Commission, e-mail: Comments mailed
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 228 / Monday, November 30, 2009 / Notices
or electronically submitted must be
received prior to December 11, 2009, to
be considered.
Authority: Public Law 91–575, 84 Stat.
1509 et seq., 18 CFR Parts 806, 807, and 808.
Dated: November 17, 2009.
Stephanie L. Richardson,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. E9–28516 Filed 11–27–09; 8:45 am]
Notice of Projects Approved for
Consumptive Uses of Water
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin
ACTION: Notice of approved projects.
SUMMARY: This notice lists the projects
approved by rule by the Susquehanna
River Basin Commission during the
period set forth in DATES.
DATES: October 1, 2009 through October
31, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin
Commission, 1721 North Front Street,
Harrisburg, PA 17102–2391.
Richard A. Cairo, General Counsel,
telephone: (717) 238–0423, ext. 306; fax:
(717) 238–2436;
e-mail: or Stephanie L.
Richardson, Secretary to the
Commission, telephone: (717) 238–
0423, ext. 304; fax: (717) 238–2436;
e-mail: Regular
mail inquiries may be sent to the above
notice lists the projects, described
below, receiving approval for the
consumptive use of water pursuant to
the Commission’s approval by rule
process set forth in 18 CFR 806.22(f) for
the time period specified above:
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Approvals By Rule Issued
1. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad
ID: Gowan, ABR–20091001, Terry
Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 7.500 mgd;
Approval Date: October 5, 2009.
2. Chief Oil & Gas, LLC, Pad ID: Poor
Shot East Unit Drilling Pad #1, ABR–
20091002, Anthony Township,
Lycoming County, Pa. Consumptive Use
of up to 5.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 5, 2009.
3. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Pazzaglia 507, ABR–20091003, Rutland
Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 6, 2009.
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4. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Soderburg 501, ABR–20091004,
Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 6, 2009.
5. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID: Fitch1H, ABR–20091005, Union Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 6, 2009.
6. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID: Palmer
112, ABR–20091006, Canton Township,
Bradford County, Pa.; Consumptive Use
of up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 6, 2009.
7. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID: Allen
264, ABR–20091007, Jackson Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 7, 2009.
8. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID: Howe
257, ABR–20091008, Jackson Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 7, 2009.
9. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Ostrander 412, ABR–20091009, Jackson
Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 7, 2009.
10. Chief Oil & Gas, LLC, Pad ID:
Ritchey Unit Drilling Pad, ABR–
20091010, Juniata Township, Blair
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
1.990 mgd; Approval Date: October 7,
11. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID: Bryan
406, ABR–20091011, Jackson Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 8, 2009.
12. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Benson 130D, ABR–20091012,
Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 13, 2009.
13. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Cooper 400, ABR–20091013, Tioga
Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 13, 2009.
14. Citrus Energy, Pad ID: Procter and
Gamble Mehoopany Plant IV, ABR–
20091014, Washington Township,
Wyoming County, Pa.; Consumptive Use
of up to 5.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 13, 2009.
15. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Burleigh 508, ABR–20091015, Rutland
Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 14, 2009.
16. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID: Busia
457, ABR–20091016, Jackson Township,
Tioga County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of
up to 4.000 mgd; Approval Date:
October 19, 2009.
17. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad
ID: Harry, ABR–20091017, West
PO 00000
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Burlington Township, Bradford County,
Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to 7.500
mgd; Approval Date: October 20, 2009.
18. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Phillips 504, ABR–20091018, Rutland
Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 19, 2009.
19. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Hungerford 458, ABR–20091019,
Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 19, 2009.
20. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad
ID: James Smith, ABR–20091020, Terry
Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 7.500 mgd;
Approval Date: October 20, 2009.
21. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, Pad
ID: Jayne, ABR–20091021, Auburn
Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 7.500 mgd;
Approval Date: October 20, 2009.
22. Victory Energy Corporation, Pad
ID: Brown #1, ABR–20091022, West
Branch Township, Potter County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 0.999 mgd;
Approval Date: October 20, 2009.
23. Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation,
Pad ID: ShieldsG P2, ABR–20091023,
Dimock Township, Susquehanna
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
3.575 mgd; Approval Date: October 22,
24. Fortuna Energy, Inc., Pad ID:
DCNR 587 Pad #9, ABR–20091024,
Ward Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 3.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 24, 2009.
25. Fortuna Energy, Inc., Pad ID:
Knights 24, ABR–20091025, Troy
Township, Bradford County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 3.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 24, 2009.
26. Penn Virginia Oil & Gas
Corporation, Pad ID: Cady #1; ABR–
20091026, Brookfield Township, Tioga
County, Pa.; Consumptive Use of up to
2.000 mgd; Approval Date: October 27,
27. East Resources, Inc., Pad ID:
Schildt 259, ABR–20091027, Jackson
Township, Tioga County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 4.000 mgd;
Approval Date: October 27, 2009.
28. EOG Resources, Inc., Pad ID: PHC
6H, ABR–20090721.1, Lawrence
Township, Clearfield County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 1.999 mgd;
Modification Date: October 28, 2009.
29. EOG Resources, Inc., Pad ID: PHC
7H, ABR–20090722.1, Lawrence
Township, Clearfield County, Pa.;
Consumptive Use of up to 1.999 mgd;
Modification Date: October 28, 2009.
30. EOG Resources, Inc., Pad ID: PHC
8H, ABR–20090723.1, Lawrence
Township, Clearfield County, Pa.;
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 228 (Monday, November 30, 2009)]
[Pages 62626-62628]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-28516]
Notice of Public Hearing and Commission Meeting
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.
ACTION: Notice of public hearing and commission meeting.
SUMMARY: The Susquehanna River Basin Commission will hold a public
hearing as part of its regular business meeting beginning at 1 p.m. on
December 17, 2009, in Lancaster, Pa. At the public hearing, the
Commission will consider: action on certain water resources projects; a
compliance matter involving one project; the rescission of a previous
docket approval; a request for an extension of an approval; a request
for an administrative hearing; the 2010 Regulatory Program Fee
Schedule; and amendments to the SRBC Comprehensive Plan. Details
concerning the matters to be addressed at the public hearing and
business meeting are
[[Page 62627]]
contained in the Supplementary Information section of this notice.
DATES: December 17, 2009, at 1 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Lancaster Marriot at Penn Square, 25 South Queen Street,
Lancaster, PA 17603.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard A. Cairo, General Counsel,
telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 306; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: or Stephanie L. Richardson, Secretary to the
Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 304; fax: (717) 238-2436;
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In addition to the public hearing and its
related action items identified below, the business meeting also
includes actions or presentations on the following items: (1) A special
presentation by Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection John Hanger; (2) presentation of the Frederick
L. Zimmermann Award; (3) hydrologic conditions of the basin; 4) FY-2011
funding of the Susquehanna Flood Forecast and Warning System; (5) the
2010 Annual Water Resources Program; (6) a Low Flow Monitoring Plan for
the basin; (7) ratification/approval of grants/contracts; and (8) the
FY-2009 Audit Report. The Commission will also hear a Legal Counsel's
Public Hearing--Compliance Matter
1. Project Sponsor: TYCO Electronics Corporation. Project Facility:
Lickdale, Union Township, Lebanon County, Pa.
Public Hearing--Projects Scheduled for Action
1. Project Sponsor and Facility: Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River--Hicks), Great Bend Township, Susquehanna County,
Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.750 mgd.
2. Project Sponsor and Facility: East Resources, Inc. (Susquehanna
River--Welles), Sheshequin Township, Bradford County, Pa. Application
for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.850 mgd.
3. Project Sponsor and Facility: Eastern American Energy
Corporation (West Branch Susquehanna River--Moore), Goshen Township,
Clearfield County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up
to 2.000 mgd.
4. Project Sponsor and Facility: Fortuna Energy Inc. (Fall Brook--
Tioga State Forest C.O.P.), Ward Township, Tioga County, Pa.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 2.000 mgd.
5. Project Sponsor and Facility: Fortuna Energy Inc. (Fellows
Creek--Tioga State Forest C.O.P.), Ward Township, Tioga County, Pa.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 2.000 mgd.
6. Project Sponsor and Facility: Fortuna Energy Inc. (Susquehanna
River--Thrush), Sheshequin Township, Bradford County, Pa. Modification
to increase surface water withdrawal from 0.250 mgd up to 2.000 mgd
(Docket No. 20080909).
7. Project Sponsor and Facility: Montgomery Water and Sewer
Authority, Clinton Township, Lycoming County, Pa. Application for
groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.252 mgd from Well 2R.
8. Project Sponsor and Facility: Nissin Foods (USA) Co., Inc., East
Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Modification to increase
consumptive water use from 0.090 mgd up to 0.150 mgd (Docket No.
9. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek--Reichenbach), Lewis Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
10. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek--Wascher), Lewis Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
11. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek--Parent), McIntyre Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
12. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Lycoming Creek--Schaefer), McIntyre Township, Lycoming County, Pa.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
13. Project Sponsor and Facility: Sunbury Generation LP, Monroe
Township and Shamokin Dam Borough, Snyder County, Pa. Modification for
use of up to 0.100 mgd of the approved surface water withdrawal by
natural gas companies (Docket No. 20081222).
Public Hearing--Request for Extension
1. Project Sponsor and Facility: Sunnyside Ethanol, a wholly owned-
subsidiary of Consus Ethanol, LLC, Curwensville Borough, Clearfield
County, Pa. Request for a waiver of the 120-day period for applying for
extension and a retroactive 2-year extension for the project scheduled
to expire on December 5, 2009 (Docket No. 20061203).
Public Hearing--Project Scheduled for Rescission Action
1. Project Sponsor: Eastern American Energy Corporation. Pad ID:
Whitetail Gun and Rod Club 1, ABR-20090418, Goshen Township,
Clearfield County, Pa.
Public Hearing--Request for Administrative Hearing
1. Petitioner Delta Borough, York County, Pennsylvania; RE: Delta
Borough Public Water Supply Well No. DR-2; Docket No. 20090315,
approved March 12, 2009.
Public Hearing--2010 Regulatory Program Fee Schedule
The revisions implement annual adjustments previously established
by the Commission in March 2005. Other changes include annual
compliance and monitoring fees for projects approved or modified after
December 31, 2009; an increase in certain water withdrawal application
fees for new and modified projects in the smaller withdrawal
categories; and comprehensive format changes to the fee schedule
document to aid applicants, including separate charts for different
types of fees and a new application fee worksheet.
Public Hearing--Comprehensive Plan Amendments
The Commission will also consider amendments to its Comprehensive
Plan for the Water Resources of the Susquehanna River Basin. The
proposed amendments include the addition of the 2010 Annual Water
Resources Program and a ``Low Flow Monitoring Plan'' (both to be
considered separately at this meeting), as well as all water resources
projects approved by the Commission during 2009.
Opportunity to Appear and Comment
Interested parties may appear at the above hearing to offer written
or oral comments to the Commission on any matter on the hearing agenda,
or at the business meeting to offer written or oral comments on other
matters scheduled for consideration at the business meeting. The chair
of the Commission reserves the right to limit oral statements in the
interest of time and to otherwise control the course of the hearing and
business meeting. Written comments may also be mailed to the
Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 1721 North Front Street,
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102-2391, or submitted electronically to
Richard A. Cairo, General Counsel, e-mail: or Stephanie
L. Richardson, Secretary to the Commission, e-mail: Comments mailed
[[Page 62628]]
or electronically submitted must be received prior to December 11,
2009, to be considered.
Authority: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR
Parts 806, 807, and 808.
Dated: November 17, 2009.
Stephanie L. Richardson,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. E9-28516 Filed 11-27-09; 8:45 am]