Michael R. Bennett and Workplace Compliance; Final Public Interest Exclusion Order, 59340-59341 [E9-27525]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 17, 2009 / Notices
resources; and the imposition of
unnecessary or discriminatory technical
regulations or standards in the
telecommunications product or services
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Public Comment and Reply Comment:
Requirements for Submission
Comments in response to this notice
must be written in English, must
identify (on the first page of the
comments) the telecommunications
trade agreement(s) discussed therein,
and must be submitted electronically by
5 p.m. on December 11, 2009. Reply
comments must also be in English and
must be submitted by 5 p.m. on January
15, 2010. Comments and reply
comments, with the exception of
business confidential comments, must
be submitted using https://
www.regulations.gov, docket number
USTR–2009–0038. Instructions for
submitted business confidential
versions are provided below. In the
unusual case where submitters are
unable to make submissions through
Regulations.gov, the submitter must
contact Gloria Blue at (202) 395–3475 to
make alternate arrangements.
To submit comments using https://
www.regulations.gov, enter docket
number USTR–2009–0038 on the home
page and click ‘‘Search’’. The site will
provide a search-results page listing all
documents associated with this docket.
Locate the reference to this notice by
selecting ‘‘Notices’’ under ‘‘Document
Type’’ on the search-results page, and
click on the link entitled ‘‘Send a
Comment.’’ Follow the instructions
given on the screen to submit a
comment. The https://
www.regulations.gov website offers the
option of providing comments by filling
in a ‘‘Type Comment’’ field or by
attaching a document. While both
options are acceptable, USTR prefers
submissions in the form of an
Business Confidential Submissions
Persons wishing to submit business
confidential information must submit
that information by fax to (202) 395–
3891. Business confidential submissions
will not be accepted at https://
regulations.gov. The submitter must
include in the comments a written
explanation of why the information
should be protected in accordance with
15 CFR 2007.7(b). In addition, a nonconfidential version of the comments
must be submitted to https://
www.regulations.gov, docket number
USTR–2009–0038. The submission must
indicate, with asterisks, where
confidential information was redacted
or deleted. The top and bottom of each
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page of the non-confidential version
must be marked either ‘‘PUBLIC
Business confidential comments that
are submitted without the required
markings or that do not have a properly
marked non-confidential version
submitted to regulations.gov as set forth
above may not be accepted or may be
treated as public documents.
Submitters should provide updated
information on all issues they cite in
their filings; USTR will not review
submissions that are copies of earlier
Carmen Suro-Bredie,
Chair, Trade Policy Staff Committee.
[FR Doc. E9–27561 Filed 11–16–09; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket DOT–OST–2009–0292]
Michael R. Bennett and Workplace
Compliance; Final Public Interest
Exclusion Order
Office of the Secretary, DOT.
SUMMARY: The Department of
Transportation (DOT) issued a decision
and order under the Procedures for
Transportation Workplace Drug and
Alcohol Testing Programs excluding a
service agent, Michael R. Bennett,
Workplace Compliance, Inc. in North
Carolina, Texas, and all other places it
is incorporated, franchised, or otherwise
doing business, and all other
individuals who are officers, employees,
directors, shareholders, partners, or
other individuals associated with
Workplace Compliance, Inc., from
providing drug and alcohol testing
services in any capacity to any DOTregulated employer for a period of 5
years. Mr. Bennett and his company
provided Medical Review Officer
services to DOT-regulated employers
directly and through other service
agents when Mr. Bennett was not
qualified to act as a Medical Review
DATES: The effective date of the Public
Interest Exclusion was July 31, 2009 and
it will remain in effect until July 31,
Patrice M. Kelly, Deputy Director, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Office of
Drug and Alcohol Policy and
Compliance, 1200 New Jersey Avenue,
SE., Washington, DC 20590; (202) 366–
PO 00000
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3784 (voice), (202) 366–3897 (fax), or
In accordance with the provisions of
the Department’s regulation at 49 CFR
part 40 (Part 40), subpart R, Public
Interest Exclusions (PIE), the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a
Notice of Corrective Action to Mr.
Bennett on March 6, 2009, and then
issued a Notice of Proposed Exclusion
on May 5, 2009. Through an
investigation, the FAA found that Mr.
Bennett violated Part 40 because he had
performed all roles and responsibilities
of a Medical Review Officer (MRO)
under Part 40, even though he was not
a licensed physician (a Doctor of
Medicine or Osteopathy), and therefore
not qualified to act as an MRO. Mr.
Bennett and his company used a
medical doctor’s name on thousands of
negative test results and hundreds of
non-negative test results in order to
verify these DOT-regulated drug test
results. He communicated those results
to employers and/or other service agents
for communication to other DOTregulated employers.
The FAA referred the matter to the
Department for a PIE proceeding under
the provisions of Subpart R of Part 40.
Mr. Bennett did not contest the FAA’s
Public Interest Exclusion Decision and
On July 31, 2009, the Department
issued a PIE against Michael R. Bennett,
Workplace Compliance, Inc. in North
Carolina, Texas, and all other places it
is incorporated, franchised, or otherwise
doing business, and all other
individuals who are officers, employees,
directors, shareholders, partners, or
other individuals associated with
Workplace Compliance, Inc., (‘‘Michael
R. Bennett, et al.’’) from providing drug
and alcohol testing services in any
capacity to any DOT-regulated employer
for a period of 5 years. A full copy of
the Department’s Decision and Order
can be found at https://www.dot.gov/ost/
In accordance with the terms of the
Department’s Decision and Order and
per 49 CFR 40.403(a), Michael R.
Bennett, et al., were required to directly
notify each of the affected DOTregulated employer clients in writing
about the issuance, scope, duration, and
effect of the PIE. The Department has
notified employers and the public about
this PIE by publishing a ‘‘List of
Excluded Drug and Alcohol Service
Agents’’ on its Web site at https://
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 17, 2009 / Notices
www.dot.gov/ost/dapc/ and will make
the list available upon request. As
required by 49 CFR 40.401(d), the
Department is publishing this Federal
Register notice to inform the public that
Michael R. Bennett, et al., are subject to
a PIE for 5 years. After July 31, 2014,
Michael R. Bennett, et al., will be
removed from the list and the public
will be notified of that removal, also in
accordance with 49 CFR 40.401(d).
Any DOT-regulated employer who
uses the services of Michael R. Bennett,
et al., between July 31, 2009 and July 31,
2014 may be subject to a civil penalty
for violation of Part 40.
Dated this 10th day of November, 2009, at
Washington, DC.
Patrice M. Kelly,
Deputy Director, Office of Drug and Alcohol
Policy Compliance.
[FR Doc. E9–27525 Filed 11–16–09; 8:45 am]
Federal Highway Administration
[Project No. STP–036–1 (11) Paia Bypass]
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Environmental Impact Statement: Maui
County, HI; Notice of Intent
AGENCY: Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), Hawaii
Department of Transportation (HDOT).
SUMMARY: The Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) is issuing this
notice of intent in order to advise the
public that an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) will be prepared to
evaluate alternatives that would reduce
congestion and improve safety and
reliability of Hana Highway between the
intersection of Hana Highway with
Haleakala Highway and Maliko Gulch
on the north side of the Island of Maui
in the Paia-Haiku region. This section is
the primary travel way for the
movement of people and goods between
east Maui and the Wailuku/Kahului area
where connections are made to other
parts of the island.
V. Phung, Lead Civil Engineer, Federal
Highway Administration, Hawaii
Division, Box 50206, 300 Ala Moana
Boulevard, Room 3–306, Honolulu,
Hawaii 96850, Telephone: (808) 541–
FHWA, in cooperation with the Hawaii
Department of Transportation (HDOT),
will prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) to evaluate alternatives
that would reduce congestion and
improve safety and reliability of Hana
Highway between the intersection of
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Hana Highway with Haleakala Highway
and Maliko Gulch on the north side of
the Island of Maui in the Paia-Haiku
Purposes and needs for the project
have been established through a
collaborative effort that has included
community input. The Purpose and
Need for the project will be finalized
after the completion of the scoping
process. The project’s purposes have
been defined to date as follows:
1. Reduce Vehicle Travel Times.
2. Alleviate Congestion in Paia.
3. Improve Safety for All Modes of
4. Provide Improved, More
Convenient Access to the Towns of Paia
and Haiku.
5. Support Paia’s Quality of Life
through Transportation Improvements.
The NEPA scoping process being
initiated by the publication of this NOI
is intended to generate a full range of
project alternatives for subsequent
evaluation. The No-Build alternative
would leave Hana Highway in its
current condition except for possible
short-term and minor improvements
such as safety upgrades and
maintenance. A Transportation System
Management (TSM) alternative would
include elements such as restriping the
roadway, enhancing transit service,
establishing contra-flow lanes, and/or
widening the roadway in place. The
TSM alternative could also include
establishing and improving
intersections along the existing roadway
through techniques such as
channelization, parking removal,
roundabouts, or left turn lanes. Build
alternatives are anticipated to widen the
existing Hana Highway, use different
alignments to bypass Paia, or
incorporate a combination of these
The purpose of the EIS process is to
explore in a public setting potentially
significant effects of implementing the
proposed action on the physical,
human, and natural environment. Areas
of investigation for this project will
include but are not limited to cultural
resources, archaeological resources,
biological resources, social impact,
engineering feasibility, schedule, land
use pattern, shoreline access, residential
displacements, impacts on existing
businesses, air quality, and noise.
Measures to avoid, minimize, or
mitigate any significant adverse impacts
will be identified. The documents that
will be produced include the Draft and
Final Environmental Impact Statement
(DEIS and FEIS) and the Record of
Decision (ROD).
The EIS will be prepared in
accordance with regulations
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implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as
well as provisions of the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for
Users (SAFETEA–LU). The purpose of
this Notice of Intent is to alert interested
parties regarding the plan to prepare the
EIS, to provide information on the
nature of the proposed project, to invite
participation in the EIS process,
including comments on the scope of the
EIS proposed in this notice. An
announcement of formal public scoping
meeting will published at a later date.
Regulations implementing NEPA, as
well as provisions of SAFETEA–LU, call
for public involvement in the EIS
process. Section 6002 of SAFETEA–LU
requires that FHWA and HDOT do the
following: (1) Extend an invitation to
other government agencies and Native
Hawaiian organizations that may have
an interest in the proposed project to
become ‘‘participating agencies,’’ (2)
provide an opportunity for involvement
by participating agencies and the public
in helping to define the purpose and
need for this proposed project, as well
as the range of alternatives for
consideration in the impact statement,
and (3) establish a plan for coordinating
public and agency participation in and
comment on the environmental review
To comply with these regulations, an
invitation to become a participating
agency will be extended to other
government agencies and Native
Hawaiian organizations that may have
an interest in the proposed project.
The Paia Relief Route Advisory Group
(PRAG) has also been formed to help
advise HDOT on key aspects of the
project such as project purpose and
need, project goals, and development
and ranking of alternatives. Similar to
all community meetings, the Advisory
Group meetings will be open to the
public, accessible to people with
disabilities, and held on Maui at times
and locations convenient to those that
live and work in the study area.
Issued on: October 29, 2009.
Abraham Wong,
Division Administrator, Hawaii Division.
[FR Doc. E9–27200 Filed 11–16–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 220 (Tuesday, November 17, 2009)]
[Pages 59340-59341]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-27525]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket DOT-OST-2009-0292]
Michael R. Bennett and Workplace Compliance; Final Public
Interest Exclusion Order
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a decision and
order under the Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and
Alcohol Testing Programs excluding a service agent, Michael R. Bennett,
Workplace Compliance, Inc. in North Carolina, Texas, and all other
places it is incorporated, franchised, or otherwise doing business, and
all other individuals who are officers, employees, directors,
shareholders, partners, or other individuals associated with Workplace
Compliance, Inc., from providing drug and alcohol testing services in
any capacity to any DOT-regulated employer for a period of 5 years. Mr.
Bennett and his company provided Medical Review Officer services to
DOT-regulated employers directly and through other service agents when
Mr. Bennett was not qualified to act as a Medical Review Officer.
DATES: The effective date of the Public Interest Exclusion was July 31,
2009 and it will remain in effect until July 31, 2014.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrice M. Kelly, Deputy Director,
U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy
and Compliance, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590;
(202) 366-3784 (voice), (202) 366-3897 (fax), or patrice.kelly@dot.gov.
In accordance with the provisions of the Department's regulation at
49 CFR part 40 (Part 40), subpart R, Public Interest Exclusions (PIE),
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a Notice of Corrective
Action to Mr. Bennett on March 6, 2009, and then issued a Notice of
Proposed Exclusion on May 5, 2009. Through an investigation, the FAA
found that Mr. Bennett violated Part 40 because he had performed all
roles and responsibilities of a Medical Review Officer (MRO) under Part
40, even though he was not a licensed physician (a Doctor of Medicine
or Osteopathy), and therefore not qualified to act as an MRO. Mr.
Bennett and his company used a medical doctor's name on thousands of
negative test results and hundreds of non-negative test results in
order to verify these DOT-regulated drug test results. He communicated
those results to employers and/or other service agents for
communication to other DOT-regulated employers.
The FAA referred the matter to the Department for a PIE proceeding
under the provisions of Subpart R of Part 40. Mr. Bennett did not
contest the FAA's allegations.
Public Interest Exclusion Decision and Order
On July 31, 2009, the Department issued a PIE against Michael R.
Bennett, Workplace Compliance, Inc. in North Carolina, Texas, and all
other places it is incorporated, franchised, or otherwise doing
business, and all other individuals who are officers, employees,
directors, shareholders, partners, or other individuals associated with
Workplace Compliance, Inc., (``Michael R. Bennett, et al.'') from
providing drug and alcohol testing services in any capacity to any DOT-
regulated employer for a period of 5 years. A full copy of the
Department's Decision and Order can be found at https://www.dot.gov/ost/dapc/.
In accordance with the terms of the Department's Decision and Order
and per 49 CFR 40.403(a), Michael R. Bennett, et al., were required to
directly notify each of the affected DOT-regulated employer clients in
writing about the issuance, scope, duration, and effect of the PIE. The
Department has notified employers and the public about this PIE by
publishing a ``List of Excluded Drug and Alcohol Service Agents'' on
its Web site at https://
[[Page 59341]]
www.dot.gov/ost/dapc/ and will make the list available upon request. As
required by 49 CFR 40.401(d), the Department is publishing this Federal
Register notice to inform the public that Michael R. Bennett, et al.,
are subject to a PIE for 5 years. After July 31, 2014, Michael R.
Bennett, et al., will be removed from the list and the public will be
notified of that removal, also in accordance with 49 CFR 40.401(d).
Any DOT-regulated employer who uses the services of Michael R.
Bennett, et al., between July 31, 2009 and July 31, 2014 may be subject
to a civil penalty for violation of Part 40.
Dated this 10th day of November, 2009, at Washington, DC.
Patrice M. Kelly,
Deputy Director, Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy Compliance.
[FR Doc. E9-27525 Filed 11-16-09; 8:45 am]