General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation; GSAR Case 2006-G515; Rewrite of GSAR Part 532, Contract Financing, 54915-54919 [E9-25606]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 205 / Monday, October 26, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
0.361, and 1.3 of the Commission’s
rules, 47 CFR 0.141, 0.361, and 1.3,
document DA 08–2808 is adopted.
13. For VRS, the waivers of the oneline VCO, VCO-to-TTY, and VCO-toVCO; one-line HCO, HCO-to-TTY, and
HCO-to-HCO; call release; pay-per-call
(900) calls, types of calls, and equal
access to interexchange carrier
requirements are hereby extended for
one year, until January 1, 2010,
conditioned on the filing of a report,
due April 16, 2009, addressing whether
it is necessary for the waivers to remain
in effect.
14. For IP Relay, the waivers of the
one-line VCO, VCO-to-TTY, and VCOto-VCO; one-line HCO, HCO-to-TTY,
and HCO-to-HCO; call release; pay-percall (900) calls; and STS requirements
are hereby extended for one year until
January 1, 2010, conditioned on the
filing of a report, due April 16, 2009,
addressing whether it is necessary for
the waivers to remain in effect. The
waiver of the speed dialing requirement
for IP Relay is extended until May 1,
15. AT&T’s Request for Extension of
Waiver is granted.
Federal Communications Commission.
Mark Stone,
Deputy Chief, Consumer and Governmental
Affairs Bureau.
[FR Doc. E9–25690 Filed 10–23–09; 8:45 am]
48 CFR Parts 532 and 552
[GSAR Amendment 2009–13; GSAR Case
2006–G515 (Change 41) Docket 2008–0007;
Sequence 8]
RIN 3090–AI75
General Services Administration
Acquisition Regulation; GSAR Case
2006–G515; Rewrite of GSAR Part 532,
Contract Financing
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with RULES
AGENCIES: General Services
Administration (GSA), Office of
Acquisition Policy.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The General Services
Administration (GSA) is amending the
General Services Administration
Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) to
update Part 532, Contract Financing, of
the regulation. This project is part of the
GSAM rewrite Project, in which all
parts of the regulation are being
reviewed and updated to include new
statutes, legislation, and policies.
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Effective Date: November 25,
clarification of content, contact Edward
Chambers, Procurement Analyst, at
(202) 501–3221. For information
pertaining to status or publication
schedules, contact the Regulatory
Secretariat (VPR), Room 4041, 1800 F
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20405,
(202) 501–4755. Please cite Amendment
2009–13, GSAR case 2006–G515
(Change 41).
A. Background
The GSA is amending the GSA
Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) to
update the text addressing contract
financing. This rule is a result of the
GSA Acquisition Manual (GSAM)
rewrite initiative undertaken by GSA to
revise the GSAM to maintain
consistency with the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and
implement streamlined and innovative
acquisition procedures that contractors,
offerors, and GSA contracting personnel
can utilize when entering into and
administering contractual relationships.
The GSAM incorporates the GSAR as
well as internal agency acquisition
The GSA will rewrite each part of the
GSAR and GSAM, and as each GSAR
part is rewritten, will publish it in the
Federal Register.
This rule covers the rewrite of GSAR
Part 532, Contract Financing. A
proposed rule was published in the
Federal Register at 73 FR 58515 on
October 7, 2008. Three comment letters,
with 23 comments, were received in
response to the proposed rule.
Many of the comments apply solely to
construction and architect-engineer
contracts. Two of these comments were
referred to the GSAM Part 536 team for
consideration in the rewrite of that part.
These dealt with the Public Building
Service’s unique requirement for
progress payment meetings and the
need to have contractor involvement in
such meetings. These comments will be
addressed in the final rule for GSAM
Part 536, Construction and ArchitectEngineer Contracts. The responses to the
balance of the construction-related
comments were coordinated with the
GSAM Part 536 team.
Comment: The commenter believes
that GSA Form 1142, Release of Claims,
is an unauthorized form. Commenter
notes that there is no Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) control
number and no indication that a
Regulatory Flexibility Act analysis was
ever performed. Commenter also notes
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that the form fails to advise contractors
that, by signing the form, they forfeit
certain rights.
Response: Currently, use of this form
is prescribed at GSAR 532.904(a). The
commenter is correct that there is no
OMB control number on the GSA Form
1142, and GSAM Part 532 drafters
cannot find any record of a Regulatory
Flexibility Act analysis ever having
been performed for this pre-GSAM
Rewrite requirement. Further, the form
has not been revised since December
1974. The material on the ‘‘form’’ is
minimal, and neither the FAR nor the
GSAM require specific wording for the
contractor’s release of claims. Therefore,
the GSA Form 1142 will be cancelled,
and GSAR 532.904(a) of the proposed
rule is deleted.
Comment: Given that the requirement
for a release of claims stems from FAR
52.232–26 and 52.232–27, commenter
believes it would be more appropriate
for the FAR Council to develop a
standard form to be used by all agencies
in accordance with FAR 1.304(c),
because it is not just pertinent to GSA.
Response: This comment pertains to
whether the GSA Form 1142 should be
retained or a Standard Form should be
designed as a FAR Part 32 change.
Given that neither FAR clause
designates specific wording for the
contractor’s release of claims, it does not
appear to be an appropriate candidate
for a standard form.
Comment: Commenter believes that
the FAR Council should consider
allowing contractors to submit the
release jointly along with the electronic
submission of a final invoice request.
Response: This is outside the scope of
the GSAM Rewrite.
Comment: Commenter believes that,
under GSAR 532.904, contracting
officers’ repeated attempts to obtain
release of claims from contractors could
be considered coercion penalizing
contractors by withholding funds.
Commenter thinks that GSAM should
justify the reasonableness of
withholding final payments.
Response: Because the GSA Form
1142 has been cancelled, the balance of
GSAR 532.904(a) should also be deleted.
Further, obtaining a release of claims is
a FAR requirement, not a GSA
Comment: Commenter believes that
the GSAM should provide guidance for
contracting officers to initiate an action
for architect-engineer (A–E) design
services in advance of approved
appropriations. Many find nothing in
the FAR that precludes contracting
officers from selecting an A–E using
Brooks Act procedures through the
solicitation and negotiation phase up to
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 205 / Monday, October 26, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
award when the appropriations request
is included in the President’s Budget.
Response: There is currently
appropriate guidance on contracting in
advance of funds in FAR Subpart 32.7
and GSAM Subpart 532.7. There is no
reason to treat A–E design services
Comment: Commenter states that
contractors experience numerous
problems attempting to submit invoices
electronically to GSA for payment.
Frequently, commenter claims, GSA has
failed to enter obligations into Pegasys
which, in turn, prohibits contractors
from being able to submit a pay request
and establish a receipt date for purposes
of computing interest, which appears to
be in direct violation of FAR 32.907(f).
Response: This comment is outside
the scope of the GSAM Rewrite. The
commenter appears to have issues with
Pegasys, which is a financial system, not
a contracting system.
Comment: Commenter recommends
that GSA include in its invoicing system
a citation to FAR 32.909(b) that suggests
that contractors contact GSA small
business specialist or representative
from the Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization to
obtain additional assistance related to
payment issues, late payment interest
penalties, and information on the
Prompt Payment Act.
Response: FAR 1.304(b) states that
‘‘(a)gency acquisition regulations shall
not * * * (u)nnecessarily repeat,
paraphrase, or otherwise restate material
contained in the FAR or higher-level
agency acquisition regulations.’’
Therefore, the commenter’s
recommendation is not accepted.
Comment: Commenter suggests that,
to eliminate confusion and ensure
consistency, all GSA contractors should
be permitted to submit invoices
electronically, including those for
construction contracts awarded on an
SF 1442. Invoices for construction
contracts awarded on a GSA Form 300
as a task order against an indefinite
delivery/indefinite quantity contract are
permitted to be submitted
electronically. All construction
payments are 14-day pay.
Response: The GSA Form 300 was
cancelled in connection with the rewrite
of GSAR Part 513. Therefore, using the
cancelled form as a reason to revise the
invoicing rules for contracts awarded
using another form is moot. Further,
authority to submit invoices
electronically is provided by Office of
the Chief Financial Officer, not the
Comment: Commenter states that, per
FAR 32.103, retainage should not be
used as a substitute for good contract
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management, and the contracting officer
should not withhold funds without
Response: We agree with the
commenter but do not propose to revise
the GSAM as a result.
Comment: Commenter addresses GSA
Form 2419 using the same rationale as
commenter used for the GSA Form
1142. Just like the Release of Claims
form, commenter says, it would seem
more appropriate for the FAR Council to
develop a standard form to be used by
all agencies in accordance with FAR
1.304(c) in lieu of GSA’s Certification of
Progress Payment, Form 2419, since the
requirement is set forth for all
construction contracts under FAR
Response: While we agree with the
commenter that it would make sense for
the FAR to prescribe a standard form in
lieu of the GSA Form 2419, Certification
of Progress Payments Under Fixed-Price
Construction Contracts, the FAR does
not currently do so. The GSA form will
be retained unless or until a standard
form is prescribed in the FAR.
The commenter likens the GSA Form
2419 to the GSA Form 1142, but the two
forms are different in two very
important ways. First, the clause at FAR
52.232–5, Payments Under Fixed-Price
Construction Contracts, provides exact
language that must be used in the
certification. Second, the GSA Form
2419 does have an OMB clearance and
has been through the Paperwork
Reduction Act and Regulatory
Flexibility Act review process.
Comment: The proposed rule, at
GSAR 532.905(a), required contractors
to submit invoices or vouchers
concurrently to the Office of the Chief
Financial Officer and the contracting
officer for approval. The GSA’s Office of
General Counsel questioned the
requirement for contractors to submit
more than one copy to the Government,
given that the contracting officer is
considered to be the ‘‘one-face’’ to the
public. The Office of General Counsel
recommended that any internal
distribution of contractors’ invoices or
vouchers should be an internal
procedural matter.
Response: Agree. The GSAR at
532.905(a) has been revised.
Comment: Commenter recommends
that any rejection of invoices should
‘‘cite the specific section of FAR
32.905(b)(1) that is in non-compliance’’
and also advise contractors of their
rights under the disputes clause.
Response: FAR 32.905(b)(3) currently
requires the designated billing office, if
the invoice does not comply with the
requirements of FAR 32.905(b)(1), to
return it ‘‘with the reasons why it is not
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a proper invoice.’’ Given that FAR
1.304(b) prohibits agency acquisition
regulations from unnecessarily
repeating the FAR, there will not be a
change made to the GSAM as a result of
this comment.
Comment: Commenter states that GSA
has collected electronic funds transfer
information from contractors using a
form that has not been approved by
OMB for this information collection.
Further, there is no indication that GSA
is ensuring the financial information
collected is protected as privileged and
confidential in accordance with FAR
Response: The form described is not
prescribed by GSAM. This comment is
outside the scope of the GSAM Rewrite.
Commenter should direct her concerns
to the GSA Office of the Chief Financial
Comment: Commenter recommends
that the reference to FAR 52.232–
25(a)(6)(i), at GSAR 532.905(a)(1),
should be corrected to 52.232–
Response: Agree.
Comment: Commenter refers to GSAR
532.905(a)(3), stating that FAR 52.232–
26(a)(4)(i)(B) does not give the option of
entering an alternative to the 7-day
constructive approval for prompt
payment. Further, the instructions for
the FAR clause state ‘‘insert the clause’’,
not ‘‘insert a clause substantially the
same as.’’
Response: Agree. The authority at
532.905(a)(3) to select longer periods of
time is deleted.
Comment: Commenter refers to
532.905(b)(1), stating that FAR 52.232–
27(a)(1)(i)(A) does not give the option of
entering an alternative to the 14-day
period for payment. Further, the
instructions for the FAR clause state
‘‘insert the clause,’’ not ‘‘insert a clause
substantially the same as.’’
Response: Agree. The authority at
532.905(b)(1) to select longer periods is
Comment: GSAR 532.905(b)(2) and
FAR 52.232–27(a)(4)(i) does not give the
option of entering an alternative to the
7-day period for constructive approval
for prompt payment. Further, the
instructions state ‘‘insert the clause’’,
not ‘‘insert a clause substantially the
same as.’’
Response: Agree. The authority at
GSAR 532.905(b)(2) to select longer
periods is deleted.
Comment: With regard to the clause at
GSAR 552.232–1, commenter notes that,
while this deviation is included in
GSAR Part 552, there is no
corresponding mention of it in the
clause section of Part GSAR 532. The
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 205 / Monday, October 26, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
clause prescription should be added to
Part 532.
Response: Agree. A new GSAR
532.905(a) will be added as follows:
‘‘GSA has a FAR deviation that allows
this agency to use the clause at 552.232–
1, Payments, in lieu of the clause at FAR
52.232–1, Payments.’’
Comment: For the preface to the
clause at GSAR 552.232–73, the clause
prescription should be revised from
GSAR 532.705–1 to 532.705–1(b).
Response: Not applicable. The clause
at GSAR 552.232–73 has been deleted
on the recommendation of GSA’s Office
of General Counsel.
Comment: With regard to the new
clause GSAR 552.232–7007, Limitation
of Government’s Obligation, commenter
strongly believes that authorizing
incremental funding of fixed-price,
time-and-materials, and labor-hour
contracts is ill advised. Commenter
believes that limiting the Government’s
obligation to pay (i.e., conditioning the
payment requirement on the availability
of funds) is antithetical to the notion of
fixed-price contracts. It would also
transfer from the Government to the
contractor the burden of tracking the
costs of contract performance.
Response: Agree. We could not find
any agency FAR supplement that
authorizes use of incremental funding
on time-and-materials or labor-hour
contracts. We note that DoD carefully
circumscribes the use of incremental
funding on fixed-price contracts.
Effectively, the same limits already had
been provided for GSA under
Acquisition Letter V–07–04, dated June
12, 2007. The proposed clause at GSAR
552.232–7007, Limitation of
Government’s Obligation, and its
prescription at 532.705–1(c), have been
deleted from the final rule.
Comment: If GSAR 552.232–7007 is
retained, commercial-item contracts
should be exempted from its use.
Response: We agree that commercialitem contractors do not have the
accounting systems needed to track the
Government’s funds expenditures and
should not be required to take on this
risk. Although DoD authorizes the use of
incremental funding on fixed-price
contracts, as the commenter points out,
DoD does not award many contracts
under FAR Part 12 and therefore does
not have any need to address this
circumstance. The proposed clause at
GSAR 552.232–7007 has been deleted
from the final rule.
This is not a significant regulatory
action and, therefore, was not subject to
review under Section 6(b) of Executive
Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and
Review, dated September 30, 1993. This
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rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The General Services Administration
certifies that this final rule will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
within the meaning of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.,
because this rule does not add any new
contract clauses and, in fact, simplifies
agency contract financing rules by
eliminating 12 contract clauses from the
current GSAR Part 532. For these
reasons, it is expected that the number
of entities impacted by this rule will be
minimal. Therefore, a Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis was not performed.
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act does
not apply because the changes to the
GSAR do not impose recordkeeping or
information collection requirements, or
otherwise collect information from
offerors, contractors, or members of the
public that require approval of the
Office of Management and Budget under
44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, et seq.
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 532 and
Government procurement.
Dated: October 20, 2009.
David A. Drabkin,
Senior Procurement Executive, Office of
Acquisition Policy, General Services
Therefore, GSA amends 48 CFR parts
532 and 552 as set forth below:
■ 1. The authority citation for 48 CFR
parts 532 and 552 continues to read as
Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c).
2. Revise section 532.111 to read as
532.111 Contract clauses for noncommercial purchases.
For contracts that include the clause
at FAR 52.232–5, Payments Under
Fixed-Price Construction Contracts, the
contracting officer shall provide the
contractor with GSA Form 2419,
Certification of Progress Payments
Under Fixed-Price Construction
Contracts, to be used to make the
certification required by FAR 52.232–
Subpart 532.2
3. Remove Subpart 532.2.
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Subpart 532.7
4. Remove Subpart 532.7.
5. Remove section 532.902.
6. Add section 532.904 to read as
Determining payment due dates.
Payment due dates for construction
contracts are addressed at FAR
32.904(d). The following procedures
apply to construction and building
service contracts:
(a) The amount of final payment must
include, as appropriate, deductions to
cover any of the following:
(1) Liquidated damages for late
(2) Liquidated damages for labor
(3) Amounts withheld for improper
payment of labor wages.
(4) The amount of unilateral change
orders covering defects and omissions.
(5) The agreed-upon dollar amount in
a Deficiency Report, which is included
in all applicable Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) service contracts.
(b) When the contract is for the
performance of building services, the
contracting officer shall include the
clause at 552.232–72, Final Payment
Under Building Services Contracts.
7. Revise section 532.905 to read as
532.905 Payment documentation and
For contracts of the type shown in
532.7201(a)(1) through (4):
(a) Contractors are to submit invoices
or vouchers to the contracting officer for
approval. Invoices must be annotated
with the date of receipt, as required by
FAR 32.905. That date will be used to
determine interest penalties for late
payments. The contracting officer or
designee must review the processing of
invoices or vouchers before payment to
determine if the items and amounts
claimed are consistent with the contract
terms and represent prudent business
transactions. The contracting officer
must ensure that these payments are
commensurate with physical and
technical progress under the contract. If
the contractor has not deducted
questionable amounts from the invoice
or amounts required to be withheld, the
contracting officer must make the
required deduction, except as provided
in 532.7203. Subject to 532.7201, the
contracting officer must note approval
of any payment on (or attached to) the
invoice or voucher submitted by the
contractor and forward the invoice or
voucher to the appropriate contract
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 205 / Monday, October 26, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Schedules, insert the clause at 552.232–
77, Payment By Government Charge
Card, if the contract will provide for
payment by Government charge card as
an alternative method of payment for
orders. For Schedule contracts that
provide for payment using the
Government charge card, use the
clause(s) prescribed at Part 538.
finance office for retention after
certification and scheduling for
payment by a disbursing office.
(b) See GSAM 532.7203 for the
handling of audit findings.
8. Remove section 532.905–70.
9. Remove section 532.905–71.
Subpart 532.71
Contract clauses.
(a) GSA has a FAR deviation that
allows this agency to use the clause at
552.232–1, Payments, in lieu of the
clause at FAR 52.232–1, Payments.
(b) General. Before exercising the
authority to modify the date for
constructive acceptance or constructive
approval of progress payments in
paragraph (a)(5)(i) of the clause at FAR
52.232–25, Prompt Payment, the
contracting officer must prepare a
written justification explaining why a
longer period is necessary. An official
one level above the contracting officer
must approve the justification. The time
needed should be determined on a caseby-case basis, but the specified
constructive acceptance period shall not
exceed 30 days.
(c) Stock, Special Order, and
Schedules Programs. (1) GSA has
obtained a FAR Deviation to authorize
payment within 10 days of receipt of a
proper invoice. The authority applies
only to:
(i) Orders placed by GSA under the
referenced programs;
(ii) That include FAR 52.232–33,
Mandatory Information for Electronic
Funds Transfer Payment; and
(iii) For which the order is placed,
and the contractor submits invoices,
using EDI in accordance with the
Trading Partner Agreement.
(2) If the contract is for commercial
items and will include FAR 52.212–4,
use the clause with its Alternate II. If the
contract is not for commercial items, use
the clause at 552.232–25, Prompt
Payment, instead of FAR 52.232–25.
■ 11. Revise the heading in Subpart
532.70 to read as follows:
Subpart 532.70—Authorizing Payment
by Government Charge Card
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12. Remove section 532.7001.
13. Revise section 532.7003 to read as
Contract clause.
For indefinite-delivery, indefinitequantity (IDIQ) contracts other than
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552.212–4 Contract Terms and
Conditions—Commercial Items.
Alternate II (FAR Deviation) NOV 2009.
When a commercial item contract is
contemplated and the contract will include
the clause at FAR 52.212–4, insert this
Alternate II instead of subparagraph (g)(2) of
the FAR clause.
(g)(2) The due date for making invoice
payments by the designated payment office is
the later of the following two events:
(i) The 10th day after the designated billing
office receives a proper invoice from the
Contractor. If the designated billing office
fails to annotate the invoice with the date of
receipt at the time of receipt, the invoice
payment due date shall be the 10th day after
the date of the Contractor’s invoice; provided
the Contractor submitted a proper invoice
and no disagreement exists over quantity,
quality, or Contractor compliance with
contract requirements.
(ii) The 10th day after Government
acceptance of supplies delivered or services
performed by the Contractor.
16. Amend section 552.232–1 by
revising the date of the clause and
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
Jkt 220001
(c) When processing payment, GSA’s
Finance Office will automatically generate
the 12 digit invoice number using the PDN
assigned to the contract, followed by an
abbreviated month and year of service (e.g.,
84261554JUN7, for June 2007). The PDN
appears on the contract award document.
17. Remove section 552.232–8.
18. Amend section 552.232–25 by—
a. Removing from the introductory
paragraph ‘‘532.908(a)(2)’’ and adding
‘‘532.908(c)(2)’’ in its place;
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20. Remove section 552.232–71.
21. Amend section 552.232–72 by
revising the section heading, the
introductory paragraph, and the clause
heading to read as follows:
552.232–72 Final Payment Under Building
Services Contracts.
As prescribed in 532.904(c), insert the
following clause:
Final Payment Under Building Services
Contracts (NOV 2009)
24. Remove section 552.232–75.
23. Remove section 552.232–74.
22. Remove section 552.232–73.
25. Remove section 552.232–76.
26. Amend section 552.232–77 by
revising the section heading, adding an
introductory paragraph, and revising the
clause heading, and paragraphs (a) and
(c); and removing Alternate I.
The revised text reads as follows:
552.232–77 Payment By Government
Charge Card.
Payments (NOV 2009) (Deviation FAR 52.232–
15. Add section 552.212–4 to read as
19. Remove section 552.232–70.
14. Remove subpart 532.71.
10. Revise section 532.908 to read as
b. Removing from the clause heading
‘‘(Jul 1998)’’ and adding (NOV 2009) in
its place; and
■ c. Removing from paragraph (a)(1)(i)
‘‘Federal Supply Service (FSS)’’ and
adding ‘‘Federal Acquisition Service
(FAS)’’ in its place.
Payment By Government Charge Card
(NOV 2009)
As prescribed in 532.7003, insert the
following clause:
(a) Definitions. ‘‘Governmentwide
commercial purchase card’’ means a
uniquely numbered charge card issued by a
contractor under the GSA SmartPay®
program contract for Fleet, Travel, and
Purchase Card Services to named individual
Government employees or entities to pay for
official Government purchases.
(c) The Contractor shall not process a
transaction for payment using the charge card
until the purchased supplies have been
shipped or services performed. Unless the
cardholder requests correction or
replacement of a defective or faulty item
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 205 / Monday, October 26, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
under other contract requirements, the
Contractor must immediately credit a
cardholder’s account for items returned as
defective or faulty.
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28. Remove section 552.232–79.
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29. Remove section 552.232–81.
30. Remove section 552.232–82.
27. Remove section 552.232–78.
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31. Remove section 552.232–83.
[FR Doc. E9–25606 Filed 10–23–09; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 205 (Monday, October 26, 2009)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 54915-54919]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-25606]
48 CFR Parts 532 and 552
[GSAR Amendment 2009-13; GSAR Case 2006-G515 (Change 41) Docket 2008-
0007; Sequence 8]
RIN 3090-AI75
General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation; GSAR Case
2006-G515; Rewrite of GSAR Part 532, Contract Financing
AGENCIES: General Services Administration (GSA), Office of Acquisition
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The General Services Administration (GSA) is amending the
General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) to update
Part 532, Contract Financing, of the regulation. This project is part
of the GSAM rewrite Project, in which all parts of the regulation are
being reviewed and updated to include new statutes, legislation, and
DATES: Effective Date: November 25, 2009.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For clarification of content, contact
Edward Chambers, Procurement Analyst, at (202) 501-3221. For
information pertaining to status or publication schedules, contact the
Regulatory Secretariat (VPR), Room 4041, 1800 F Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20405, (202) 501-4755. Please cite Amendment 2009-13,
GSAR case 2006-G515 (Change 41).
A. Background
The GSA is amending the GSA Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) to update
the text addressing contract financing. This rule is a result of the
GSA Acquisition Manual (GSAM) rewrite initiative undertaken by GSA to
revise the GSAM to maintain consistency with the Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) and implement streamlined and innovative acquisition
procedures that contractors, offerors, and GSA contracting personnel
can utilize when entering into and administering contractual
relationships. The GSAM incorporates the GSAR as well as internal
agency acquisition policy.
The GSA will rewrite each part of the GSAR and GSAM, and as each
GSAR part is rewritten, will publish it in the Federal Register.
This rule covers the rewrite of GSAR Part 532, Contract Financing.
A proposed rule was published in the Federal Register at 73 FR 58515 on
October 7, 2008. Three comment letters, with 23 comments, were received
in response to the proposed rule.
Many of the comments apply solely to construction and architect-
engineer contracts. Two of these comments were referred to the GSAM
Part 536 team for consideration in the rewrite of that part. These
dealt with the Public Building Service's unique requirement for
progress payment meetings and the need to have contractor involvement
in such meetings. These comments will be addressed in the final rule
for GSAM Part 536, Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts. The
responses to the balance of the construction-related comments were
coordinated with the GSAM Part 536 team.
Comment: The commenter believes that GSA Form 1142, Release of
Claims, is an unauthorized form. Commenter notes that there is no
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number and no indication
that a Regulatory Flexibility Act analysis was ever performed.
Commenter also notes that the form fails to advise contractors that, by
signing the form, they forfeit certain rights.
Response: Currently, use of this form is prescribed at GSAR
532.904(a). The commenter is correct that there is no OMB control
number on the GSA Form 1142, and GSAM Part 532 drafters cannot find any
record of a Regulatory Flexibility Act analysis ever having been
performed for this pre-GSAM Rewrite requirement. Further, the form has
not been revised since December 1974. The material on the ``form'' is
minimal, and neither the FAR nor the GSAM require specific wording for
the contractor's release of claims. Therefore, the GSA Form 1142 will
be cancelled, and GSAR 532.904(a) of the proposed rule is deleted.
Comment: Given that the requirement for a release of claims stems
from FAR 52.232-26 and 52.232-27, commenter believes it would be more
appropriate for the FAR Council to develop a standard form to be used
by all agencies in accordance with FAR 1.304(c), because it is not just
pertinent to GSA.
Response: This comment pertains to whether the GSA Form 1142 should
be retained or a Standard Form should be designed as a FAR Part 32
change. Given that neither FAR clause designates specific wording for
the contractor's release of claims, it does not appear to be an
appropriate candidate for a standard form.
Comment: Commenter believes that the FAR Council should consider
allowing contractors to submit the release jointly along with the
electronic submission of a final invoice request.
Response: This is outside the scope of the GSAM Rewrite.
Comment: Commenter believes that, under GSAR 532.904, contracting
officers' repeated attempts to obtain release of claims from
contractors could be considered coercion penalizing contractors by
withholding funds. Commenter thinks that GSAM should justify the
reasonableness of withholding final payments.
Response: Because the GSA Form 1142 has been cancelled, the balance
of GSAR 532.904(a) should also be deleted. Further, obtaining a release
of claims is a FAR requirement, not a GSA requirement.
Comment: Commenter believes that the GSAM should provide guidance
for contracting officers to initiate an action for architect-engineer
(A-E) design services in advance of approved appropriations. Many find
nothing in the FAR that precludes contracting officers from selecting
an A-E using Brooks Act procedures through the solicitation and
negotiation phase up to
[[Page 54916]]
award when the appropriations request is included in the President's
Response: There is currently appropriate guidance on contracting in
advance of funds in FAR Subpart 32.7 and GSAM Subpart 532.7. There is
no reason to treat A-E design services differently.
Comment: Commenter states that contractors experience numerous
problems attempting to submit invoices electronically to GSA for
payment. Frequently, commenter claims, GSA has failed to enter
obligations into Pegasys which, in turn, prohibits contractors from
being able to submit a pay request and establish a receipt date for
purposes of computing interest, which appears to be in direct violation
of FAR 32.907(f).
Response: This comment is outside the scope of the GSAM Rewrite.
The commenter appears to have issues with Pegasys, which is a financial
system, not a contracting system.
Comment: Commenter recommends that GSA include in its invoicing
system a citation to FAR 32.909(b) that suggests that contractors
contact GSA small business specialist or representative from the Office
of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization to obtain additional
assistance related to payment issues, late payment interest penalties,
and information on the Prompt Payment Act.
Response: FAR 1.304(b) states that ``(a)gency acquisition
regulations shall not * * * (u)nnecessarily repeat, paraphrase, or
otherwise restate material contained in the FAR or higher-level agency
acquisition regulations.'' Therefore, the commenter's recommendation is
not accepted.
Comment: Commenter suggests that, to eliminate confusion and ensure
consistency, all GSA contractors should be permitted to submit invoices
electronically, including those for construction contracts awarded on
an SF 1442. Invoices for construction contracts awarded on a GSA Form
300 as a task order against an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity
contract are permitted to be submitted electronically. All construction
payments are 14-day pay.
Response: The GSA Form 300 was cancelled in connection with the
rewrite of GSAR Part 513. Therefore, using the cancelled form as a
reason to revise the invoicing rules for contracts awarded using
another form is moot. Further, authority to submit invoices
electronically is provided by Office of the Chief Financial Officer,
not the GSAM.
Comment: Commenter states that, per FAR 32.103, retainage should
not be used as a substitute for good contract management, and the
contracting officer should not withhold funds without cause.
Response: We agree with the commenter but do not propose to revise
the GSAM as a result.
Comment: Commenter addresses GSA Form 2419 using the same rationale
as commenter used for the GSA Form 1142. Just like the Release of
Claims form, commenter says, it would seem more appropriate for the FAR
Council to develop a standard form to be used by all agencies in
accordance with FAR 1.304(c) in lieu of GSA's Certification of Progress
Payment, Form 2419, since the requirement is set forth for all
construction contracts under FAR 32.904.
Response: While we agree with the commenter that it would make
sense for the FAR to prescribe a standard form in lieu of the GSA Form
2419, Certification of Progress Payments Under Fixed-Price Construction
Contracts, the FAR does not currently do so. The GSA form will be
retained unless or until a standard form is prescribed in the FAR.
The commenter likens the GSA Form 2419 to the GSA Form 1142, but
the two forms are different in two very important ways. First, the
clause at FAR 52.232-5, Payments Under Fixed-Price Construction
Contracts, provides exact language that must be used in the
certification. Second, the GSA Form 2419 does have an OMB clearance and
has been through the Paperwork Reduction Act and Regulatory Flexibility
Act review process.
Comment: The proposed rule, at GSAR 532.905(a), required
contractors to submit invoices or vouchers concurrently to the Office
of the Chief Financial Officer and the contracting officer for
approval. The GSA's Office of General Counsel questioned the
requirement for contractors to submit more than one copy to the
Government, given that the contracting officer is considered to be the
``one-face'' to the public. The Office of General Counsel recommended
that any internal distribution of contractors' invoices or vouchers
should be an internal procedural matter.
Response: Agree. The GSAR at 532.905(a) has been revised.
Comment: Commenter recommends that any rejection of invoices should
``cite the specific section of FAR 32.905(b)(1) that is in non-
compliance'' and also advise contractors of their rights under the
disputes clause.
Response: FAR 32.905(b)(3) currently requires the designated
billing office, if the invoice does not comply with the requirements of
FAR 32.905(b)(1), to return it ``with the reasons why it is not a
proper invoice.'' Given that FAR 1.304(b) prohibits agency acquisition
regulations from unnecessarily repeating the FAR, there will not be a
change made to the GSAM as a result of this comment.
Comment: Commenter states that GSA has collected electronic funds
transfer information from contractors using a form that has not been
approved by OMB for this information collection. Further, there is no
indication that GSA is ensuring the financial information collected is
protected as privileged and confidential in accordance with FAR
Response: The form described is not prescribed by GSAM. This
comment is outside the scope of the GSAM Rewrite. Commenter should
direct her concerns to the GSA Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
Comment: Commenter recommends that the reference to FAR 52.232-
25(a)(6)(i), at GSAR 532.905(a)(1), should be corrected to 52.232-
Response: Agree.
Comment: Commenter refers to GSAR 532.905(a)(3), stating that FAR
52.232-26(a)(4)(i)(B) does not give the option of entering an
alternative to the 7-day constructive approval for prompt payment.
Further, the instructions for the FAR clause state ``insert the
clause'', not ``insert a clause substantially the same as.''
Response: Agree. The authority at 532.905(a)(3) to select longer
periods of time is deleted.
Comment: Commenter refers to 532.905(b)(1), stating that FAR
52.232-27(a)(1)(i)(A) does not give the option of entering an
alternative to the 14-day period for payment. Further, the instructions
for the FAR clause state ``insert the clause,'' not ``insert a clause
substantially the same as.''
Response: Agree. The authority at 532.905(b)(1) to select longer
periods is deleted.
Comment: GSAR 532.905(b)(2) and FAR 52.232-27(a)(4)(i) does not
give the option of entering an alternative to the 7-day period for
constructive approval for prompt payment. Further, the instructions
state ``insert the clause'', not ``insert a clause substantially the
same as.''
Response: Agree. The authority at GSAR 532.905(b)(2) to select
longer periods is deleted.
Comment: With regard to the clause at GSAR 552.232-1, commenter
notes that, while this deviation is included in GSAR Part 552, there is
no corresponding mention of it in the clause section of Part GSAR 532.
[[Page 54917]]
clause prescription should be added to Part 532.
Response: Agree. A new GSAR 532.905(a) will be added as follows:
``GSA has a FAR deviation that allows this agency to use the clause at
552.232-1, Payments, in lieu of the clause at FAR 52.232-1, Payments.''
Comment: For the preface to the clause at GSAR 552.232-73, the
clause prescription should be revised from GSAR 532.705-1 to 532.705-
Response: Not applicable. The clause at GSAR 552.232-73 has been
deleted on the recommendation of GSA's Office of General Counsel.
Comment: With regard to the new clause GSAR 552.232-7007,
Limitation of Government's Obligation, commenter strongly believes that
authorizing incremental funding of fixed-price, time-and-materials, and
labor-hour contracts is ill advised. Commenter believes that limiting
the Government's obligation to pay (i.e., conditioning the payment
requirement on the availability of funds) is antithetical to the notion
of fixed-price contracts. It would also transfer from the Government to
the contractor the burden of tracking the costs of contract
Response: Agree. We could not find any agency FAR supplement that
authorizes use of incremental funding on time-and-materials or labor-
hour contracts. We note that DoD carefully circumscribes the use of
incremental funding on fixed-price contracts. Effectively, the same
limits already had been provided for GSA under Acquisition Letter V-07-
04, dated June 12, 2007. The proposed clause at GSAR 552.232-7007,
Limitation of Government's Obligation, and its prescription at 532.705-
1(c), have been deleted from the final rule.
Comment: If GSAR 552.232-7007 is retained, commercial-item
contracts should be exempted from its use.
Response: We agree that commercial-item contractors do not have the
accounting systems needed to track the Government's funds expenditures
and should not be required to take on this risk. Although DoD
authorizes the use of incremental funding on fixed-price contracts, as
the commenter points out, DoD does not award many contracts under FAR
Part 12 and therefore does not have any need to address this
circumstance. The proposed clause at GSAR 552.232-7007 has been deleted
from the final rule.
This is not a significant regulatory action and, therefore, was not
subject to review under Section 6(b) of Executive Order 12866,
Regulatory Planning and Review, dated September 30, 1993. This rule is
not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The General Services Administration certifies that this final rule
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of
small entities within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5
U.S.C. 601, et seq., because this rule does not add any new contract
clauses and, in fact, simplifies agency contract financing rules by
eliminating 12 contract clauses from the current GSAR Part 532. For
these reasons, it is expected that the number of entities impacted by
this rule will be minimal. Therefore, a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
was not performed.
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the changes to
the GSAR do not impose recordkeeping or information collection
requirements, or otherwise collect information from offerors,
contractors, or members of the public that require approval of the
Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, et seq.
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 532 and 552
Government procurement.
Dated: October 20, 2009.
David A. Drabkin,
Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Acquisition Policy, General
Services Administration.
Therefore, GSA amends 48 CFR parts 532 and 552 as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for 48 CFR parts 532 and 552 continues to
read as follows:
Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c).
2. Revise section 532.111 to read as follows:
532.111 Contract clauses for non-commercial purchases.
For contracts that include the clause at FAR 52.232-5, Payments
Under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts, the contracting officer shall
provide the contractor with GSA Form 2419, Certification of Progress
Payments Under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts, to be used to make
the certification required by FAR 52.232-5(c).
Subpart 532.2 [Removed]
3. Remove Subpart 532.2.
Subpart 532.7 [Removed]
4. Remove Subpart 532.7.
532.902 [Removed]
5. Remove section 532.902.
6. Add section 532.904 to read as follows:
532.904 Determining payment due dates.
Payment due dates for construction contracts are addressed at FAR
32.904(d). The following procedures apply to construction and building
service contracts:
(a) The amount of final payment must include, as appropriate,
deductions to cover any of the following:
(1) Liquidated damages for late completion.
(2) Liquidated damages for labor violations.
(3) Amounts withheld for improper payment of labor wages.
(4) The amount of unilateral change orders covering defects and
(5) The agreed-upon dollar amount in a Deficiency Report, which is
included in all applicable Operation and Maintenance (O&M) service
(b) When the contract is for the performance of building services,
the contracting officer shall include the clause at 552.232-72, Final
Payment Under Building Services Contracts.
7. Revise section 532.905 to read as follows:
532.905 Payment documentation and process.
For contracts of the type shown in 532.7201(a)(1) through (4):
(a) Contractors are to submit invoices or vouchers to the
contracting officer for approval. Invoices must be annotated with the
date of receipt, as required by FAR 32.905. That date will be used to
determine interest penalties for late payments. The contracting officer
or designee must review the processing of invoices or vouchers before
payment to determine if the items and amounts claimed are consistent
with the contract terms and represent prudent business transactions.
The contracting officer must ensure that these payments are
commensurate with physical and technical progress under the contract.
If the contractor has not deducted questionable amounts from the
invoice or amounts required to be withheld, the contracting officer
must make the required deduction, except as provided in 532.7203.
Subject to 532.7201, the contracting officer must note approval of any
payment on (or attached to) the invoice or voucher submitted by the
contractor and forward the invoice or voucher to the appropriate
[[Page 54918]]
finance office for retention after certification and scheduling for
payment by a disbursing office.
(b) See GSAM 532.7203 for the handling of audit findings.
532.905-70 [Removed]
8. Remove section 532.905-70.
532.905-71 [Removed]
9. Remove section 532.905-71.
10. Revise section 532.908 to read as follows:
532.908 Contract clauses.
(a) GSA has a FAR deviation that allows this agency to use the
clause at 552.232-1, Payments, in lieu of the clause at FAR 52.232-1,
(b) General. Before exercising the authority to modify the date for
constructive acceptance or constructive approval of progress payments
in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of the clause at FAR 52.232-25, Prompt Payment,
the contracting officer must prepare a written justification explaining
why a longer period is necessary. An official one level above the
contracting officer must approve the justification. The time needed
should be determined on a case-by-case basis, but the specified
constructive acceptance period shall not exceed 30 days.
(c) Stock, Special Order, and Schedules Programs. (1) GSA has
obtained a FAR Deviation to authorize payment within 10 days of receipt
of a proper invoice. The authority applies only to:
(i) Orders placed by GSA under the referenced programs;
(ii) That include FAR 52.232-33, Mandatory Information for
Electronic Funds Transfer Payment; and
(iii) For which the order is placed, and the contractor submits
invoices, using EDI in accordance with the Trading Partner Agreement.
(2) If the contract is for commercial items and will include FAR
52.212-4, use the clause with its Alternate II. If the contract is not
for commercial items, use the clause at 552.232-25, Prompt Payment,
instead of FAR 52.232-25.
11. Revise the heading in Subpart 532.70 to read as follows:
Subpart 532.70--Authorizing Payment by Government Charge Card
532.7001 [Removed]
12. Remove section 532.7001.
13. Revise section 532.7003 to read as follows:
532.7003 Contract clause.
For indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contracts other
than Schedules, insert the clause at 552.232-77, Payment By Government
Charge Card, if the contract will provide for payment by Government
charge card as an alternative method of payment for orders. For
Schedule contracts that provide for payment using the Government charge
card, use the clause(s) prescribed at Part 538.
Subpart 532.71 [Removed]
14. Remove subpart 532.71.
15. Add section 552.212-4 to read as follows:
552.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items.
Alternate II (FAR Deviation) NOV 2009. When a commercial item
contract is contemplated and the contract will include the clause at
FAR 52.212-4, insert this Alternate II instead of subparagraph
(g)(2) of the FAR clause.
(g)(2) The due date for making invoice payments by the
designated payment office is the later of the following two events:
(i) The 10th day after the designated billing office receives a
proper invoice from the Contractor. If the designated billing office
fails to annotate the invoice with the date of receipt at the time
of receipt, the invoice payment due date shall be the 10th day after
the date of the Contractor's invoice; provided the Contractor
submitted a proper invoice and no disagreement exists over quantity,
quality, or Contractor compliance with contract requirements.
(ii) The 10th day after Government acceptance of supplies
delivered or services performed by the Contractor.
16. Amend section 552.232-1 by revising the date of the clause and
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
552.232-1 Payments.
* * * * *
Payments (NOV 2009) (Deviation FAR 52.232-1)
* * * * *
(c) When processing payment, GSA's Finance Office will
automatically generate the 12 digit invoice number using the PDN
assigned to the contract, followed by an abbreviated month and year
of service (e.g., 84261554JUN7, for June 2007). The PDN appears on
the contract award document.
552.232-8 [Removed]
17. Remove section 552.232-8.
552.232-25 [Amended]
18. Amend section 552.232-25 by--
a. Removing from the introductory paragraph ``532.908(a)(2)'' and
adding ``532.908(c)(2)'' in its place;
b. Removing from the clause heading ``(Jul 1998)'' and adding (NOV
2009) in its place; and
c. Removing from paragraph (a)(1)(i) ``Federal Supply Service (FSS)''
and adding ``Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)'' in its place.
552.232-70 [Removed]
19. Remove section 552.232-70.
552.232-71 [Removed]
20. Remove section 552.232-71.
21. Amend section 552.232-72 by revising the section heading, the
introductory paragraph, and the clause heading to read as follows:
552.232-72 Final Payment Under Building Services Contracts.
As prescribed in 532.904(c), insert the following clause:
Final Payment Under Building Services Contracts (NOV 2009)
* * * * *
552.232-73 [Removed]
22. Remove section 552.232-73.
552.232-74 [Removed]
23. Remove section 552.232-74.
552.232-75 [Removed]
24. Remove section 552.232-75.
552.232-76 [Removed]
25. Remove section 552.232-76.
26. Amend section 552.232-77 by revising the section heading, adding an
introductory paragraph, and revising the clause heading, and paragraphs
(a) and (c); and removing Alternate I.
The revised text reads as follows:
552.232-77 Payment By Government Charge Card.
Payment By Government Charge Card (NOV 2009)
As prescribed in 532.7003, insert the following clause:
(a) Definitions. ``Governmentwide commercial purchase card''
means a uniquely numbered charge card issued by a contractor under
the GSA SmartPay[reg] program contract for Fleet, Travel, and
Purchase Card Services to named individual Government employees or
entities to pay for official Government purchases.
* * * * *
(c) The Contractor shall not process a transaction for payment
using the charge card until the purchased supplies have been shipped
or services performed. Unless the cardholder requests correction or
replacement of a defective or faulty item
[[Page 54919]]
under other contract requirements, the Contractor must immediately
credit a cardholder's account for items returned as defective or
* * * * *
552.232-78 [Removed]
27. Remove section 552.232-78.
552.232-79 [Removed]
28. Remove section 552.232-79.
552.232-81 [Removed]
29. Remove section 552.232-81.
552.232-82 [Removed]
30. Remove section 552.232-82.
552.232-83 [Removed]
31. Remove section 552.232-83.
[FR Doc. E9-25606 Filed 10-23-09; 8:45 am]