Public Workshops and Roundtables: From Town Crier to Bloggers: How Will Journalism Survive the Internet Age?, 51605-51608 [E9-24197]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 193 / Wednesday, October 7, 2009 / Notices
The notices are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank indicated. The notices
also will be available for inspection at
the office of the Board of Governors.
Interested persons may express their
views in writing to the Reserve Bank
indicated for that notice or to the offices
of the Board of Governors. Comments
must be received not later than October
21, 2009.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis (Jacqueline G. King,
Community Affairs Officer) 90
Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55480-0291:
1. Craig E. Scherber, Mound,
Minnesota; to acquire 10 percent or
more of the shares of American Eagle
Financial Corporation, Otsego,
Minnesota, and thereby indirectly gain
control of Riverview Community Bank,
Otsego, Minnesota.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, October 2, 2009.
Robert deV. Frierson,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. E9–24140 Filed 10–6–09; 8:45 am]
Inc., 910 SE. 17th Street, Suite 400, Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33316.
Synopsis: This corrects an earlier
notice that appeared on September 23,
2009, to reflect Pearl Seas Cruises as an
additional party to the agreement.
Agreement No.: 010982–047.
Title: Florida-Bahamas Shipowners
and Operators Association.
Parties: Bernuth Lines, Ltd.; Crowley
Caribbean Services LLC/Crowley Liner
Services, Inc.; Seaboard Marine, Ltd.;
and Seafreight Line, Ltd.
Filing Party: Wayne R. Rohde, Esq.,
Sher & Blackwell LLP, 1850 M Street,
NW., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036.
Synopsis: The amendment removes
Atlantic Caribbean Line, Inc. as a party
to the agreement.
Dated: October 2, 2009.
By Order of the Federal Maritime
Karen V. Gregory,
[FR Doc. E9–24238 Filed 10–6–09; 8:45 am]
Public Workshops and Roundtables:
From Town Crier to Bloggers: How Will
Journalism Survive the Internet Age?
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Notice of Agreements Filed
The Commission hereby gives notice
of the filing of the following agreements
under the Shipping Act of 1984.
Interested parties may submit comments
on the agreements to the Secretary,
Federal Maritime Commission,
Washington, DC 20573, within ten days
of the date this notice appears in the
Federal Register. Copies of the
agreements are available through the
Commission’s Web site (https:// or by contacting the
Office of Agreements at (202)–523–5793
Agreement No.: 010071–036.
Title: Cruise Lines International
Association Agreement.
Parties: AMA Waterways; American
Cruise Lines, Inc.; Azamara Cruises;
Carnival Cruise Lines; Celebrity Cruises,
Inc.; Costa Cruise Lines; Crystal Cruises;
Cunard Line; Disney Cruise Line;
Holland America Line; Hurtigruten,
Inc.; Majestic America Line; MSC
Cruises; NCL Corporation; Oceania
Cruises; Orient Lines; Princess Cruises;
Regent Seven Seas Cruises; Royal
Caribbean International; Seabourn
Cruise Line; SeaDream Yacht Club;
Silversea Cruises, Ltd.; Uniworld River
Cruises, Inc.; and Windstar Cruises.
Filing Party: Terry Dale, President;
Cruise Lines International Association,
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:25 Oct 06, 2009
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Federal Trade Commission.
Notice Announcing Public
Workshops and Opportunity for
SUMMARY: The Federal Trade
Commission (‘‘FTC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
announces that it will hold two days of
public workshops on December 1 and 2,
2009, to examine the Internet’s impact
on journalism in newspapers,
magazines, broadcast television and
radio, and cable television. The Internet
has changed how many consumers
receive news and altered the advertising
landscape. Low entry barriers on the
Internet have allowed new voices of
journalism to emerge; the Internetenabled links from one web site to
another have given consumers easy
access to all types of news; efficiencies
available through the Internet have
substantially reduced advertising costs.
These and other changes related to the
Internet have benefitted consumers
At the same time, however, lower
online advertising costs have reduced
advertising revenues to news
organizations that rely on those
revenues for the majority of their
funding. The explosion in the number
and types of web sites has increased the
supply of advertising locations. As that
PO 00000
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supply has increased, advertisers now
pay less for online advertising, and
some advertising has moved from print,
television, or radio to online sites. In
addition, most online news is offered
free, so online readers of news
frequently do not contribute
subscription revenues to news media.
These developments are challenging
the ability of news organizations to fund
journalism. The workshops will
consider a wide range of issues,
including: (1) the economics of
journalism on the Internet and in more
traditional media; (2) how the business
models of different types of news
organizations may evolve in response to
the challenges associated with the
Internet; (3) innovative forms of
journalism that have emerged on the
Internet; (4) how competition may
evolve in markets for journalism and
advertising; and (5) changes in
governmental policies that have been
proposed as ways to support journalism.
The Commission seeks the views of
the news media and the legal, academic,
consumer, and business communities
on the issues to be explored at the
hearings. This notice poses a series of
questions on which the Commission
seeks comment.
DATES: The dates for the workshops are
December 1 and 2, 2009. Comments
must be received by November 6, 2009,
to be considered in preparing for the
ADDRESSES: The workshops will be held
at the FTC’s Conference Center located
at 601 New Jersey Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20001. Those who
plan to attend are encouraged to preregister by sending an email to
( This
information will be used for planning
purposes only. Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments
electronically or in paper form, by
following the instructions in the
Instructions For Filing Comments part
section below. Comments filed in
electronic form should be submitted by
using the following weblink: (https://
newsmediaworkshop) and following the
instructions on the web-based form.
Comments in paper form should be
mailed or delivered to the following
address: Federal Trade Commission,
Office of the Secretary, Room H-135
(Annex F), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW, Washington, DC 20580, in the
manner detailed in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below.
Jessica Hoke, Office of Policy Planning,
FTC, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 193 / Wednesday, October 7, 2009 / Notices
Washington, D.C. 20580; telephone
(202) 326-3291; e-mail:
( Detailed
agendas for the workshops will be made
available at the workshop webpage,
which will be accessible from the FTC
Home Page (
Internet has given consumers access to
an unprecedented number of
information sources. The Internet’s low
entry barriers, in comparison to
traditional media, have created new
publication opportunities resulting in
multiple innovative forms of journalism.
Websites run by citizen journalists and
bloggers, for instance, provide
information, analysis, and opinion on a
wide variety of topics. In addition,
websites have been created that
aggregate stories from many different
publications, so a particular news story
may be seen at multiple locations on the
Internet. These changes have benefitted
consumers in a wide variety of ways.
At the same time, changes associated
with Internet technology pose
fundamental financial challenges to
many news organizations. To a large
extent, these challenges reflect changes
in the business of advertising. News
organizations traditionally have
provided valuable venues through
which advertisers can reach consumers,
and advertising revenues – not
consumer purchases – have funded
most of the costs of producing and
distributing the news. Now this
business model is under stress. Online
websites provide an almost limitless
supply of advertising venues – a fact
that has reduced advertising revenues to
many traditional forms of news media.
Particularly in the case of classified
advertising, much lower costs combined
with a much larger network of potential
purchasers and sellers have encouraged
advertisers to move online to a
significant extent, eliminating a
substantial portion of the advertising
revenues that newspapers rely on.
Other developments raise additional
issues. Consumers are using ‘‘news
aggregator’’ websites, which collect and
link to stories produced by news
organizations. Aggregators generally do
not pay for that content, claiming that
they help news organizations by
enabling readers to link back to the
original news story, thereby driving
traffic to the news organization’s
website and the advertising located
there. News organizations respond that
some aggregators not only link to the
original news story, but also post a
substantial portion of the original news
story at the aggregators’ sites. This
diminishes the value of advertising at
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the original news story’s website, they
claim, by decreasing the likelihood that
a reader will visit the complete story at
the news organization’s website. There
are currently various proposals to
address this issue, including possible
amendments to copyright laws.
These financial challenges have
prompted cost-cutting measures at many
news organizations. Additionally, a
recession, bursting real estate bubble,
and automobile industry crisis also have
reduced advertising sales and revenues.
In this economic context, the debt
burdens from heavily leveraged
purchases of news organizations,
combined with other factors, have
forced several large daily newspapers to
declare bankruptcy and others to
impose significant cuts in staff and
other expenditures to lower costs.
The reduction in news staffs raises
questions over whether certain types of
news are receiving less coverage as a
result. Many have expressed concern
that investigative journalism will
suffer.1 Some economists believe that
public affairs reporting may indeed be
particularly subject to market failure.2
Non-profit organizations, some
associated with universities or
supported by foundations, have
developed to provide investigative
journalism,3 and proposals exist to
amend tax rules to make it easier for
foundations to support such news
There are also concerns about the
extent to which local journalism will
continue to thrive. New websites run by
citizen journalists, which generate local
and hyperlocal news (covering
neighborhoods of just a few blocks),
provide alternative sources of local
news. For the most part, however, these
new journalism models have not yet
1 E.g., Will Skowronski, Investigative Teem: New
nonprofit centers aim to fill the gap in state and
local investigations, Am. Journalism Rev. (Feb./Mar.
2009) (describing new nonprofit centers dedicated
to investigative journalism as a result of concern
that news organizations have declining revenues for
investigative reporting), available at (https://
2Matthew Gentzkow & Jesse Shapiro, Competition
and Truth in the Market for News, 22 J. Econ.
Perspectives 133, 146 (2008) (‘‘As Downs (1957),
Coase (1974), Posner (1986), and others have
pointed out, when it comes to the kind of
information that the First Amendment is most
concerned with, there may be large social gains that
consumers do not internalize. Consumers will
prefer to free-ride and let others invest in casting
informed votes.’’ (citations omitted)). See also
James t. Hamilton, all the News That’s Fit to Sell:
How the Market Transforms Information into News
(Princeton Univ. Press 2004) at 13 (‘‘The point here
is that since individuals do not calculate the full
benefit to society of their learning about politics,
they will express less than optimal levels of interest
in public affairs coverage and generate less than
desirable demands for news about government.’’).
3 See n. 1 supra.
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proven profitable. Various tax proposals
seek to make it easier for foundations
and other low-profit ventures to support
local journalism.
The FTC’s workshops will bring
competition, consumer welfare, and
First Amendment perspectives to
analyze (1) the financial challenges
facing news organizations in the
Internet age, and (2) the potential for
new opportunities for sustainable
journalism. Workshop participants will
discuss, among other things:
∑ Internet-related changes in
advertising that affect news
organizations, and ideas for potential
responses to those changes;
∑ Internet-related changes in ways
that consumers obtain news, and ideas
for potential responses to those changes;
∑ Ideas for reducing the costs of
providing the news and restructuring
news organizations to become more
efficient (without sacrificing quality);
∑ Potential profit and non-profit
models for journalism, including
innovative forms of journalism; and
∑ Potential evolution in competition
among news organizations.
The FTC workshops will also explore
whether recent changes in the news
industry require consideration of
additional or alternative governmental
policies to ensure that journalism
provides news of value to consumers.4
Workshop participants will discuss,
among other things:
∑ Proposals for new tax treatment for
news organizations;
∑ Proposals for changes in copyright
law and doctrine, including the ‘‘fair
use’’ of news stories;
∑ Proposals for an antitrust exemption
applied to certain conduct of news
organizations; and
∑ Proposals for greater public funding
of public affairs news.
Other relevant topics for the
workshops may be proposed as well. An
agenda for the December 1 and 2, 2009,
workshops will be circulated at a later
time. Participants will include
journalists, editors, owners, and other
representatives of news organizations,
online advertisers, new media
representatives (such as bloggers and
local news web sites), consumer
advocates, academics, economists, and
government representatives.
4Governmental policies supporting news
organizations are not new. In the nineteenth
century, newspapers were often distributed through
the mail with no charge for postage. Radio and
television benefitted from the government’s
licensing of spectrum without competitive bidding.
The Newspaper Preservation Act of 1970 provided
ways for newspapers to collaborate on operations
costs, exempt from the antitrust laws, while
continuing to compete on content. Copyright laws
protect original news content, with exceptions for
‘‘fair use.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 193 / Wednesday, October 7, 2009 / Notices
The Commission seeks public
comment on the questions posed below
or any issue raised by this notice.
Comments may address the issues
raised in these questions or other issues
relevant to the topics to be addressed at
the workshops. Any interested person
may submit written comments. In
preparing for the workshop, the
Commission will consider comments
received by November 6, 2009. Later
comments will be accepted as well.
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Changes Driven by Technology
∑ How is the Internet changing the
way consumers access news? What
further changes are forecast? What are
the consequences of those changes for
consumers and for news organizations?
∑ How is the Internet changing
advertising expenditures? What further
changes are forecast? For which types of
advertising will news organizations
likely remain preferred venues? What is
the likely role of targeted advertising in
the future, both by news organizations
and other entities?
∑ How is the Internet changing the
way news organizations and others
research, write, edit, produce, and
distribute news? How could the Internet
be useful in reducing those costs? What
would be the likely consequences of any
∑ What innovative forms of
journalism have emerged due to the
Internet? What types of journalism are
∑ What are the business models,
including the revenue sources, for new
models of journalism on the Internet?
Are they profitable? What are the
prospects for future profitability?
∑ What new forms of journalism and
new business models may become more
prevalent in the future? How might new
or improved technologies drive the
evolution of the news media in the
Economic Challenges of News
∑ What economic challenges do news
organizations face today? What is the
source of these challenges?
∑ What alternative cost-cutting
measures have news organizations
considered? Which have they adopted?
What further measures are under
∑ How have cost-cutting measures
affected the provision of news to
consumers? What types of news are no
longer being covered? What types of
news receive less coverage than before?
What are the long-term consequences of
such reduced news coverage for
consumers? What are the long-term
consequences of such reduced news
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coverage for ensuring an educated
∑ How might the business models of
news organizations evolve in response
to these challenges? What would be the
effect of new business models on the
type, quality, and quantity of journalism
available both off and online?
∑ How are news organizations likely
to compete for readers and advertising
in the future? What is the value that
particular news organizations can offer
to persuade advertisers to choose them
over different venues for advertising?
What is the value that particular news
organizations can offer that might
persuade consumers to pay for their
content? How will those values differ
depending on characteristics of the
news organizations (e.g., local, regional,
or national news; specialized or broad
coverage; weekly or monthly news)?
Government Policies
∑ Are new or changed government
policies needed to support optimal
amounts and types of journalism,
including public affairs coverage? Why
or why not? Could new or changed
government policies encourage more
competition among news organizations?
∑ Should the tax code be modified to
provide special status or tax breaks to
all or certain types of news
organizations? Why or why not? If yes,
in what ways? What would be the likely
effects for consumers? For news
organizations? What strategic behavior
or unintended consequences might
special tax treatment engender?
∑ Do the protections for original news
content under current copyright law
provide sufficient incentives to create
that content? If not, should copyright
law be altered? What is the role of the
‘‘fair use’’ doctrine in allowing use of
original news content by news
aggregators and others? Should the ‘‘fair
use’’ doctrine be modified? What would
be the effects of any changes in
copyright law or doctrine on consumers
and news organizations? What strategic
behavior or unintended consequences
might changes in copyright law or
doctrine engender?
∑ What joint actions, if any, are news
organizations considering to address the
financial challenges they face as a result
of changes brought about by the
Internet? Are there any joint actions for
which an antitrust immunity arguably
would be required? If so, have joint
actions been tried first that do not
require antitrust immunity? Under what
circumstances, if any, could an antitrust
immunity for certain joint conduct be
justified? In what ways, if any, would
antitrust immunity be preferable to
innovation to address new challenges?
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∑ Should the federal government
provide additional funding for news
organizations? Why or why not? If yes,
should only current recipients of federal
funding receive increased funding?
What methods have other countries
used to provide government funding for
the news, while retaining journalistic
integrity? What would be the costs and
potential consequences of increased
federal funding for the news? What
strategic behavior or unintended
consequences might increased federal
funding engender?
Interested parties are invited to
submit written comments electronically
or in paper form. Comments should
refer to ‘‘News Media Workshop
Comment, Project No. P091200’’ to
facilitate the organization of comments.
Please note that your comment –
including your name and your state –
will be placed on the public record of
this proceeding, including on the
publicly accessible FTC website, at
Because comments will be made
public, they should not include any
sensitive personal information, such as
any individual’s Social Security
Number; date of birth; driver’s license
number or other state identification
number, or foreign country equivalent;
passport number; financial account
number; or credit or debit card number.
Comments also should not include any
sensitive health information, such as
medical records or other individually
identifiable health information. In
addition, comments should not include
any ‘‘[t]rade secret or any commercial or
financial information which is obtained
from any person and which is privileged
or confidential. . . ,’’ as provided in
Section 6(f) of the Federal Trade
Commission Act (‘‘FTC Act’’), 15 U.S.C.
46(f), and FTC Rule 4.10(a)(2), 16 CFR
4.10(a)(2). Comments containing
material for which confidential
treatment is requested must be filed in
paper form, must be clearly labeled
‘‘Confidential,’’ and must comply with
FTC Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).5
Because paper mail addressed to the
FTC is subject to delay due to
heightened security screening, please
consider submitting your comments in
electronic form. Comments filed in
electronic form should be submitted by
5The comment must be accompanied by an
explicit request for confidential treatment,
including the factual and legal basis for the request,
and must identify the specific portions of the
comment to be withheld from the public record.
The request will be granted or denied by the
Commission’s General Counsel, consistent with
applicable law and the public interest. See FTC
Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 193 / Wednesday, October 7, 2009 / Notices
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
using the following weblink: (https://
newsmediaworkshop) (and following
the instructions on the web-based form).
To ensure that the Commission
considers an electronic comment, you
must file it on the web-based form at the
weblink (https://
newsmediaworkshop). If this document
appears at (
search/Regs/home.html#home), you
may also file an electronic comment
through that website. The Commission
will consider all comments that forwards to it. You may
also visit the FTC Website at (https:// to read the document and
the news release describing it.
A comment filed in paper form
should include the ‘‘News Media
Workshop Comment, Project No.
P091200’’ reference both in the text and
on the envelope, and should be mailed
or delivered to the following address:
Federal Trade Commission, Office of the
Secretary, Room H-135 (Annex F), 600
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington,
DC 20580. The FTC is requesting that
any comment filed in paper form be sent
by courier or overnight service, if
possible, because U.S. postal mail in the
Washington area and at the Commission
is subject to delay due to heightened
security precautions.
The FTC Act and other laws the
Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to
consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. The Commission will
consider all timely and responsive
public comments that it receives,
whether filed in paper or electronic
form. Comments received will be
available to the public on the FTC
website, to the extent practicable, at
publiccomments.shtm). As a matter of
discretion, the Commission makes every
effort to remove home contact
information for individuals from the
public comments it receives before
placing those comments on the FTC
Website. More information, including
routine uses permitted by the Privacy
Act may be found in the FTC’s privacy
policy, at (
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
[FR Doc. E9–24197 Filed 10–6–09; 12:23 pm]
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Jkt 220001
Centers for Disease Control and
Proposed Data Collections Submitted
for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement
of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for
opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed projects. To
request more information on the
proposed projects or to obtain a copy of
the data collection plans and
instruments, call 404–639–5960 and
send comments to Maryam I. Daneshvar,
CDC Acting Reports Clearance Officer,
1600 Clifton Road, MS–D74, Atlanta,
GA 30333 or send an e-mail to
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology. Written comments should
be received within 60 days of this
Proposed Project
Survey of Coal Mine Safety
Interventions—NEW—National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
Since its establishment in 1970 by the
Occupational Safety and Health Act, the
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH) has been at
the forefront of research and innovation
on methods to help eliminate workplace
injuries, illnesses and exposures. At
Mine Safety and Health Research
laboratories in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
and Spokane, Washington, NIOSH
employs engineers and scientists with
experience and expertise in mine safety
and health issues. These laboratories
and their researchers have gained an
PO 00000
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international reputation for innovative
solutions to many mining safety and
health problems.
Although the NIOSH Mining Program
widely disseminates and publicizes
research results, recommendations,
techniques and products that emerge
from the work of these laboratories, the
agency has limited knowledge about the
extent to which their innovations in
mine safety and health have been
implemented by individual mine
operators. This is particularly true of
methods and practices that are not
mandated by formal regulations. The
overarching goal of the proposed survey
of NIOSH Recommended Safety and
Health Practices for Coal Mines is to
gather data from working coal mines on
the adoption and implementation of
NIOSH practices to mitigate safety and
occupational hazards (e.g., explosions,
falls of ground). The information from
this survey will be used by NIOSH to
evaluate the implementation of safety
and health interventions (including best
practices and barriers to
implementation) in areas such as
respirable coal dust control, explosion
prevention, roof support, and
emergency response planning and
training. Survey results will provide
NIOSH with knowledge about which
recommended practices, tools and
methods have been most widely
embraced by the industry, which have
not been adopted, and why. The survey
results will provide needed insight from
the perspective of mine operators on the
practical barriers that may prevent
wider adoption of NIOSH
recommendations and practices
designed to safeguard mine workers.
In the spring of 2007, NIOSH
conducted a pretest of the survey
questionnaire with nine underground
coal mine operators. The pretest
instrument contained 81 questions,
including five questions which
measured the respondents’ impressions
of the clarity, burden level and
relevance of the survey. The pretest
served several important functions,
including gaining feedback on the flow
of items and their relevance to the
respondents’ experience, assessing the
effectiveness of the questionnaire
instructions, and obtaining
recommendations for improving the
questions. Data captured in the pretest
were used to identify areas for
questionnaire improvement and
recommendations for maximizing the
performance of the full survey.
The proposed survey will be based
upon a probability sample of 300 of the
approximately 665 underground coal
mines in the United States. A stratified
random sample of mines will be drawn
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 193 (Wednesday, October 7, 2009)]
[Pages 51605-51608]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-24197]
Public Workshops and Roundtables: From Town Crier to Bloggers:
How Will Journalism Survive the Internet Age?
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice Announcing Public Workshops and Opportunity for Comment.
SUMMARY: The Federal Trade Commission (``FTC'' or ``Commission'')
announces that it will hold two days of public workshops on December 1
and 2, 2009, to examine the Internet's impact on journalism in
newspapers, magazines, broadcast television and radio, and cable
television. The Internet has changed how many consumers receive news
and altered the advertising landscape. Low entry barriers on the
Internet have allowed new voices of journalism to emerge; the Internet-
enabled links from one web site to another have given consumers easy
access to all types of news; efficiencies available through the
Internet have substantially reduced advertising costs. These and other
changes related to the Internet have benefitted consumers greatly.
At the same time, however, lower online advertising costs have
reduced advertising revenues to news organizations that rely on those
revenues for the majority of their funding. The explosion in the number
and types of web sites has increased the supply of advertising
locations. As that supply has increased, advertisers now pay less for
online advertising, and some advertising has moved from print,
television, or radio to online sites. In addition, most online news is
offered free, so online readers of news frequently do not contribute
subscription revenues to news media.
These developments are challenging the ability of news
organizations to fund journalism. The workshops will consider a wide
range of issues, including: (1) the economics of journalism on the
Internet and in more traditional media; (2) how the business models of
different types of news organizations may evolve in response to the
challenges associated with the Internet; (3) innovative forms of
journalism that have emerged on the Internet; (4) how competition may
evolve in markets for journalism and advertising; and (5) changes in
governmental policies that have been proposed as ways to support
The Commission seeks the views of the news media and the legal,
academic, consumer, and business communities on the issues to be
explored at the hearings. This notice poses a series of questions on
which the Commission seeks comment.
DATES: The dates for the workshops are December 1 and 2, 2009. Comments
must be received by November 6, 2009, to be considered in preparing for
the workshops.
ADDRESSES: The workshops will be held at the FTC's Conference Center
located at 601 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Those who
plan to attend are encouraged to pre-register by sending an email to
( This information will be used for planning
purposes only. Interested parties are invited to submit written
comments electronically or in paper form, by following the instructions
in the Instructions For Filing Comments part of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below. Comments filed in electronic form should be
submitted by using the following weblink: ( and following the
instructions on the web-based form. Comments in paper form should be
mailed or delivered to the following address: Federal Trade Commission,
Office of the Secretary, Room H-135 (Annex F), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW, Washington, DC 20580, in the manner detailed in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below.
Planning, FTC, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
[[Page 51606]]
Washington, D.C. 20580; telephone (202) 326-3291; e-mail:
( Detailed agendas for the workshops will be
made available at the workshop webpage, which will be accessible from
the FTC Home Page (
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Internet has given consumers access to
an unprecedented number of information sources. The Internet's low
entry barriers, in comparison to traditional media, have created new
publication opportunities resulting in multiple innovative forms of
journalism. Websites run by citizen journalists and bloggers, for
instance, provide information, analysis, and opinion on a wide variety
of topics. In addition, websites have been created that aggregate
stories from many different publications, so a particular news story
may be seen at multiple locations on the Internet. These changes have
benefitted consumers in a wide variety of ways.
At the same time, changes associated with Internet technology pose
fundamental financial challenges to many news organizations. To a large
extent, these challenges reflect changes in the business of
advertising. News organizations traditionally have provided valuable
venues through which advertisers can reach consumers, and advertising
revenues - not consumer purchases - have funded most of the costs of
producing and distributing the news. Now this business model is under
stress. Online websites provide an almost limitless supply of
advertising venues - a fact that has reduced advertising revenues to
many traditional forms of news media. Particularly in the case of
classified advertising, much lower costs combined with a much larger
network of potential purchasers and sellers have encouraged advertisers
to move online to a significant extent, eliminating a substantial
portion of the advertising revenues that newspapers rely on.
Other developments raise additional issues. Consumers are using
``news aggregator'' websites, which collect and link to stories
produced by news organizations. Aggregators generally do not pay for
that content, claiming that they help news organizations by enabling
readers to link back to the original news story, thereby driving
traffic to the news organization's website and the advertising located
there. News organizations respond that some aggregators not only link
to the original news story, but also post a substantial portion of the
original news story at the aggregators' sites. This diminishes the
value of advertising at the original news story's website, they claim,
by decreasing the likelihood that a reader will visit the complete
story at the news organization's website. There are currently various
proposals to address this issue, including possible amendments to
copyright laws.
These financial challenges have prompted cost-cutting measures at
many news organizations. Additionally, a recession, bursting real
estate bubble, and automobile industry crisis also have reduced
advertising sales and revenues. In this economic context, the debt
burdens from heavily leveraged purchases of news organizations,
combined with other factors, have forced several large daily newspapers
to declare bankruptcy and others to impose significant cuts in staff
and other expenditures to lower costs.
The reduction in news staffs raises questions over whether certain
types of news are receiving less coverage as a result. Many have
expressed concern that investigative journalism will suffer.\1\ Some
economists believe that public affairs reporting may indeed be
particularly subject to market failure.\2\ Non-profit organizations,
some associated with universities or supported by foundations, have
developed to provide investigative journalism,\3\ and proposals exist
to amend tax rules to make it easier for foundations to support such
news organizations.
\1\ E.g., Will Skowronski, Investigative Teem: New nonprofit
centers aim to fill the gap in state and local investigations, Am.
Journalism Rev. (Feb./Mar. 2009) (describing new nonprofit centers
dedicated to investigative journalism as a result of concern that
news organizations have declining revenues for investigative
reporting), available at (
\2\Matthew Gentzkow & Jesse Shapiro, Competition and Truth in
the Market for News, 22 J. Econ. Perspectives 133, 146 (2008) (``As
Downs (1957), Coase (1974), Posner (1986), and others have pointed
out, when it comes to the kind of information that the First
Amendment is most concerned with, there may be large social gains
that consumers do not internalize. Consumers will prefer to free-
ride and let others invest in casting informed votes.'' (citations
omitted)). See also James t. Hamilton, all the News That's Fit to
Sell: How the Market Transforms Information into News (Princeton
Univ. Press 2004) at 13 (``The point here is that since individuals
do not calculate the full benefit to society of their learning about
politics, they will express less than optimal levels of interest in
public affairs coverage and generate less than desirable demands for
news about government.'').
\3\ See n. 1 supra.
There are also concerns about the extent to which local journalism
will continue to thrive. New websites run by citizen journalists, which
generate local and hyperlocal news (covering neighborhoods of just a
few blocks), provide alternative sources of local news. For the most
part, however, these new journalism models have not yet proven
profitable. Various tax proposals seek to make it easier for
foundations and other low-profit ventures to support local journalism.
The FTC's workshops will bring competition, consumer welfare, and
First Amendment perspectives to analyze (1) the financial challenges
facing news organizations in the Internet age, and (2) the potential
for new opportunities for sustainable journalism. Workshop participants
will discuss, among other things:
Internet-related changes in advertising that affect news
organizations, and ideas for potential responses to those changes;
Internet-related changes in ways that consumers obtain
news, and ideas for potential responses to those changes;
Ideas for reducing the costs of providing the news and
restructuring news organizations to become more efficient (without
sacrificing quality);
Potential profit and non-profit models for journalism,
including innovative forms of journalism; and
Potential evolution in competition among news
The FTC workshops will also explore whether recent changes in the
news industry require consideration of additional or alternative
governmental policies to ensure that journalism provides news of value
to consumers.\4\ Workshop participants will discuss, among other
\4\Governmental policies supporting news organizations are not
new. In the nineteenth century, newspapers were often distributed
through the mail with no charge for postage. Radio and television
benefitted from the government's licensing of spectrum without
competitive bidding. The Newspaper Preservation Act of 1970 provided
ways for newspapers to collaborate on operations costs, exempt from
the antitrust laws, while continuing to compete on content.
Copyright laws protect original news content, with exceptions for
``fair use.''
Proposals for new tax treatment for news organizations;
Proposals for changes in copyright law and doctrine,
including the ``fair use'' of news stories;
Proposals for an antitrust exemption applied to certain
conduct of news organizations; and
Proposals for greater public funding of public affairs
Other relevant topics for the workshops may be proposed as well. An
agenda for the December 1 and 2, 2009, workshops will be circulated at
a later time. Participants will include journalists, editors, owners,
and other representatives of news organizations, online advertisers,
new media representatives (such as bloggers and local news web sites),
consumer advocates, academics, economists, and government
[[Page 51607]]
The Commission seeks public comment on the questions posed below or
any issue raised by this notice. Comments may address the issues raised
in these questions or other issues relevant to the topics to be
addressed at the workshops. Any interested person may submit written
comments. In preparing for the workshop, the Commission will consider
comments received by November 6, 2009. Later comments will be accepted
as well.
Changes Driven by Technology
How is the Internet changing the way consumers access
news? What further changes are forecast? What are the consequences of
those changes for consumers and for news organizations?
How is the Internet changing advertising expenditures?
What further changes are forecast? For which types of advertising will
news organizations likely remain preferred venues? What is the likely
role of targeted advertising in the future, both by news organizations
and other entities?
How is the Internet changing the way news organizations
and others research, write, edit, produce, and distribute news? How
could the Internet be useful in reducing those costs? What would be the
likely consequences of any changes?
What innovative forms of journalism have emerged due to
the Internet? What types of journalism are produced?
What are the business models, including the revenue
sources, for new models of journalism on the Internet? Are they
profitable? What are the prospects for future profitability?
What new forms of journalism and new business models may
become more prevalent in the future? How might new or improved
technologies drive the evolution of the news media in the future?
Economic Challenges of News Organizations
What economic challenges do news organizations face today?
What is the source of these challenges?
What alternative cost-cutting measures have news
organizations considered? Which have they adopted? What further
measures are under consideration?
How have cost-cutting measures affected the provision of
news to consumers? What types of news are no longer being covered? What
types of news receive less coverage than before? What are the long-term
consequences of such reduced news coverage for consumers? What are the
long-term consequences of such reduced news coverage for ensuring an
educated citizenry?
How might the business models of news organizations evolve
in response to these challenges? What would be the effect of new
business models on the type, quality, and quantity of journalism
available both off and online?
How are news organizations likely to compete for readers
and advertising in the future? What is the value that particular news
organizations can offer to persuade advertisers to choose them over
different venues for advertising? What is the value that particular
news organizations can offer that might persuade consumers to pay for
their content? How will those values differ depending on
characteristics of the news organizations (e.g., local, regional, or
national news; specialized or broad coverage; weekly or monthly news)?
Government Policies
Are new or changed government policies needed to support
optimal amounts and types of journalism, including public affairs
coverage? Why or why not? Could new or changed government policies
encourage more competition among news organizations?
Should the tax code be modified to provide special status
or tax breaks to all or certain types of news organizations? Why or why
not? If yes, in what ways? What would be the likely effects for
consumers? For news organizations? What strategic behavior or
unintended consequences might special tax treatment engender?
Do the protections for original news content under current
copyright law provide sufficient incentives to create that content? If
not, should copyright law be altered? What is the role of the ``fair
use'' doctrine in allowing use of original news content by news
aggregators and others? Should the ``fair use'' doctrine be modified?
What would be the effects of any changes in copyright law or doctrine
on consumers and news organizations? What strategic behavior or
unintended consequences might changes in copyright law or doctrine
What joint actions, if any, are news organizations
considering to address the financial challenges they face as a result
of changes brought about by the Internet? Are there any joint actions
for which an antitrust immunity arguably would be required? If so, have
joint actions been tried first that do not require antitrust immunity?
Under what circumstances, if any, could an antitrust immunity for
certain joint conduct be justified? In what ways, if any, would
antitrust immunity be preferable to innovation to address new
Should the federal government provide additional funding
for news organizations? Why or why not? If yes, should only current
recipients of federal funding receive increased funding? What methods
have other countries used to provide government funding for the news,
while retaining journalistic integrity? What would be the costs and
potential consequences of increased federal funding for the news? What
strategic behavior or unintended consequences might increased federal
funding engender?
Interested parties are invited to submit written comments
electronically or in paper form. Comments should refer to ``News Media
Workshop Comment, Project No. P091200'' to facilitate the organization
of comments. Please note that your comment - including your name and
your state - will be placed on the public record of this proceeding,
including on the publicly accessible FTC website, at (
Because comments will be made public, they should not include any
sensitive personal information, such as any individual's Social
Security Number; date of birth; driver's license number or other state
identification number, or foreign country equivalent; passport number;
financial account number; or credit or debit card number. Comments also
should not include any sensitive health information, such as medical
records or other individually identifiable health information. In
addition, comments should not include any ``[t]rade secret or any
commercial or financial information which is obtained from any person
and which is privileged or confidential. . . ,'' as provided in Section
6(f) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (``FTC Act''), 15 U.S.C.
46(f), and FTC Rule 4.10(a)(2), 16 CFR 4.10(a)(2). Comments containing
material for which confidential treatment is requested must be filed in
paper form, must be clearly labeled ``Confidential,'' and must comply
with FTC Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).\5\
\5\The comment must be accompanied by an explicit request for
confidential treatment, including the factual and legal basis for
the request, and must identify the specific portions of the comment
to be withheld from the public record. The request will be granted
or denied by the Commission's General Counsel, consistent with
applicable law and the public interest. See FTC Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR
Because paper mail addressed to the FTC is subject to delay due to
heightened security screening, please consider submitting your comments
in electronic form. Comments filed in electronic form should be
submitted by
[[Page 51608]]
using the following weblink: ( (and following the instructions on the web-based
form). To ensure that the Commission considers an electronic comment,
you must file it on the web-based form at the weblink ( If this document
appears at (, you
may also file an electronic comment through that website. The
Commission will consider all comments that forwards to
it. You may also visit the FTC Website at ( to read
the document and the news release describing it.
A comment filed in paper form should include the ``News Media
Workshop Comment, Project No. P091200'' reference both in the text and
on the envelope, and should be mailed or delivered to the following
address: Federal Trade Commission, Office of the Secretary, Room H-135
(Annex F), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580. The FTC
is requesting that any comment filed in paper form be sent by courier
or overnight service, if possible, because U.S. postal mail in the
Washington area and at the Commission is subject to delay due to
heightened security precautions.
The FTC Act and other laws the Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. The Commission will consider all timely and responsive
public comments that it receives, whether filed in paper or electronic
form. Comments received will be available to the public on the FTC
website, to the extent practicable, at ( As a matter of discretion, the Commission makes
every effort to remove home contact information for individuals from
the public comments it receives before placing those comments on the
FTC Website. More information, including routine uses permitted by the
Privacy Act may be found in the FTC's privacy policy, at (
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
[FR Doc. E9-24197 Filed 10-6-09; 12:23 pm]