Notice of Intent (NOI) To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) in the City of Anaheim, Orange County, CA, 47987-47989 [E9-22478]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 180 / Friday, September 18, 2009 / Notices
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended;
and 49 CFR 1.48.
Issued on: September 14, 2009.
Judith Kane,
Acting Chief, Management Programs and
Analysis Division.
[FR Doc. E9–22480 Filed 9–17–09; 8:45 am]
Federal Highway Administration
[Docket No. FHWA–2009–0095]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Notice of Request for
Extension of Currently Approved
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
AGENCY: Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Request for Extension
of Currently Approved Information.
SUMMARY: The FHWA invites public
comments about our intention to request
the Office of Management and Budget’s
(OMB) approval to renew an
information collection, which is
summarized below under
required to publish this notice in the
Federal Register by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Please submit comments by
November 17, 2009.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by DOT Docket Management
System (DMS) Docket Number FHWA–
2006–0095 by any of the following
Web Site: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received go to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal: Go to https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation,
West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
Hand Delivery or Courier: U.S.
Department of Transportation, West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
Janine Ashe, 202–366–9057, Office of
Civil Rights, Federal Highway
Administration, Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave.,
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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SE., E81–125, Washington, DC, between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
Title: Federal-Aid Highway
Construction Equal Employment
Background: Title 23, part 140(a),
requires the FHWA to ensure equal
opportunity regarding contractors’
employment practices on Federal-aid
highway projects. To carry out this
requirement, the contractors must
submit to the State Transportation
Agencies (STAs) on all work being
performed on Federal-aid contracts
during the month of July, a report on its
employment workforce data. This report
provides the employment workforce
data on these contracts and includes the
number of minorities, women, and nonminorities in specific highway
construction job categories. This
information is reported on Form PR–
1391, Federal-Aid Highway
Construction Contractors Summary of
Employment Data. The statute also
requires the STAs to submit a report to
the FHWA summarizing the data
entered on the PR–1391 forms. This
summary data is provided on Form PR–
1392, Federal-Aid Highway
Construction Contractors Summary of
Employment Data. The STAs and
FHWA use this data to identify patterns
and trends of employment in the
highway construction industry, and to
determine the adequacy and impact of
the STA’s and FHWA’s contract
compliance and on-the-job (OJT)
training programs. The STAs use this
information to monitor the contractorsemployment and training of minorities
and women in the traditional highway
construction crafts. Additionally, the
data is used by FHWA to provide
summarization, trend analyses to
Congress, DOT, and FHWA officials as
well as others who request information
relating to the Federal-aid highway
construction EEO program. The
information is also used in making
decisions regarding resource allocation;
program emphasis; marketing and
promotion activities; training; and
compliance efforts.
Respondents: 11,077 annual
respondents for Form PR–1391, and 52
STAs annual respondents for Form PR–
1392, total of 11,129.
Frequency: Annually.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: FHWA estimates it takes 30
minutes for Federal-aid contractors to
complete and submit Form PR–1391
and 8 hours for STAs to complete and
submit Form PR–1392.
Estimated Total Amount Burden
Hours: Form PR–1391—5,539 hours per
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year; Form PR–1392—416 hours per
year, total of 5,955 hours annually.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including: (1)
Whether the proposed collection is
necessary for the FHWA’s performance;
(2) the accuracy of the estimated
burdens; (3) ways for the FHWA to
enhance the quality, usefulness, and
clarity of the collected information; and
(4) ways that the burden could be
minimized, including the use of
electronic technology, without reducing
the quality of the collected information.
The agency will summarize and/or
include your comments in the request
for OMB’s clearance of this information
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended;
and 49 CFR 1.48.
Issued on September 14, 2009.
Judith Kane,
Acting Chief, Management Programs and
Analysis Division.
[FR Doc. E9–22479 Filed 9–17–09; 8:45 am]
Federal Transit Administration
Notice of Intent (NOI) To Prepare a
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
for the Anaheim Regional
Transportation Intermodal Center
(ARTIC) in the City of Anaheim, Orange
County, CA
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration
(FTA), Department of Transportation
ACTION: Notice of Intent to Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement.
SUMMARY: The Federal Transit
Administration (FTA), in cooperation
with the Orange County Transportation
Authority (OCTA) and the City of
Anaheim, is issuing this notice of intent
to advise other agencies and the public
that they will be preparing a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement/
Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/
EIR) for the Anaheim Regional
Transportation Intermodal center
(ARTIC), which is proposed to provide
a new multimodal transportation facility
in the vicinity of the existing Metrolink/
Amtrak Anaheim Station in Anaheim,
California. The EIS will be prepared in
accordance with regulations
implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as
well as provisions of the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 180 / Friday, September 18, 2009 / Notices
Users (SAFETEA–LU, 2005). The EIR
will be prepared in accordance with
guidelines implementing the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The
purpose of this Notice of Intent is to
alert interested parties regarding the
plan to prepare the DEIS/EIR, to provide
information on the proposed transit
project and possible alternatives, to
invite participation in the DEIS/EIR
process, including comments on the
scope of the DEIS/EIR, and to announce
that a public scoping meeting will be
DATES: Written comments on the scope
of the DEIS/EIR including the project’s
purpose and need, the alternatives to be
considered, the impacts to be evaluated,
and the methodologies to be used in the
evaluations should be sent to Ms.
Jennifer Bergener, Rail Program
Manager, at the ADDRESSES below by
November 25, 2009. A scoping meeting
will be held on Wednesday, October 14,
2009 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the location
indicated under ADDRESSES below.
Representatives of Native American
tribal governments and all Federal,
State, regional and local agencies that
may have an interest in any aspect of
the project will be invited to be
participating or cooperating agencies, as
ADDRESSES: Written comments on this
Notice of Intent should be sent to Ms.
Jennifer Bergener, Rail Program
Manager, at OCTA, 600 S. Main Street,
Orange, CA 92868. Comments also may
be submitted in writing at the public
scoping meeting. The address for the
public scoping meeting is as follows:
• OCTA, 600 S. Main Street, Orange,
CA 92868, Room 103/104. The Scoping
Meeting will be held on Wednesday,
October 14, 2009 from 5 to 7 p.m. The
project’s purpose and need and the
description of alternatives currently
under consideration for the proposed
project will be presented at this
meeting. The meeting facilities will be
accessible to persons with disabilities. If
special translation or signing services or
other special accommodations are
needed, please contact Laura Scheper at
(714) 560–5697 or at
least 48 hours before the scoping
meeting. Paper copies of scoping
materials may be obtained from Laura
Scheper at (714) 560–5697 or Also, scoping
materials will be available at the
meetings and on the OCTA Web site
Hymie Luden, City and Regional
Planner, of the Federal Transit
Administration’s San Francisco
Regional Office at (415) 744–2732 or
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write to FTA Region IX Office, 201
Mission Street Suite 1650, San
Francisco, CA 94105–1926.
The FTA, OCTA, and the City of
Anaheim invite all interested
individuals, and organizations, public
agencies and Native American Tribes to
provide comments on the scope of the
DEIS/EIR, including the project’s
purpose and need, the alternatives
currently under consideration, the
impacts to be evaluated and the
evaluation methods to be used.
Comments should focus on: alternatives
that may be less costly or have fewer
environmental or community impacts
while achieving similar transportation
objectives, and the identification of any
significant social, economic or
environmental issues related to
NEPA ‘‘scoping’’ (40 CFR 1501.7) has
specific and fairly limited objectives,
one of which is to identify the
significant issues associated with
alternatives that will be examined in
detail in the document, while
simultaneously limiting consideration
and development of issues that are not
truly significant. It is in the NEPA
scoping process that potentially
significant environmental impacts—
those that give rise to the need to
prepare an environmental impact
statement—should be identified;
impacts that are deemed not to be
significant need not be developed
extensively in the context of the impact
statement, thereby keeping the
statement focused on impacts of
consequence. Transit projects may also
generate environmental benefits; these
should be highlighted as well—the
impact statement process should draw
attention to positive impacts, not just
negative impacts.
Once the scope of the environmental
study, including significant
environmental issues to be addressed, is
settled, an annotated outline of the
document will be prepared and shared
with interested agencies and the public.
The outline serves at least three worthy
purposes, including (1) Documenting
the results of the scoping process; (2)
contributing to the transparency of the
process; and (3) providing a clear
roadmap for concise development of the
environmental document
In the interest of producing a readable
and user-friendly public document, and
pursuant to 40 CFR 1502.10, the EIS
shall be limited to 150 pages exclusive
of any 4(f) and/or 6(f) evaluation. The
EIS should emphasize graphics and
virtual visual simulations over technical
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jargon, and technical appendices shall
be included in a separate volume.
The Proposed Project
The ARTIC Project proposes to
provide a new multimodal transit center
in the Platinum Triangle area of the City
of Anaheim. ARTIC would provide
convenient and efficient transfers
between Metrolink, Amtrak, local fixedroute bus, the planned Anaheim FixedGuideway, the planned high-speed
trains service, future bus rapid transit,
private automobiles and other forms of
Purpose and Need for the Proposed
The primary purpose of the ARTIC
Project is to provide a multimodal
transportation center in the vicinity of
the existing Metrolink/Amtrak Anaheim
Station, with capacity to accommodate
the expected population growth and the
planned new modes of transportation.
The project is needed because Orange
County’s travel demand will continue to
increase overtime, with the highest
concentration in central and northern
Orange County for the foreseeable
future. With a population of more than
3 million, Orange County is the secondlargest county in California and the
fifth-largest county in the nation.
Population is expected to continue to
grow in the coming decades with a
population of 3.7 million expected by
2040. The city of Anaheim is
California’s tenth-largest city with
nearly 350,000 residents and is in the
heart of the county. ARTIC would serve
this growing community, now and into
the future. With the implementation and
integration of additional transit options,
it is important to maximize the return
on the transit services already deployed
in that area and create new
opportunities for transit use. The
existing Anaheim Station is not able to
accommodate some of these additional
transit options, particularly the high
speed train mode. A facility is needed
that can provide easy connections with
other bus, taxi, car, other local transit,
and other train modes.
Project alternatives currently under
consideration include a no build
alternative, the proposed ARTIC
alternative, at least one alternative that
would provide a transit facility similar
to ARTIC at the location of the existing
Metrolink/Amtrak Anaheim Station,
and at least one reduced project
alternative. These alternatives are
further described as follows:
• No Build Alternative—the No Build
Alternative assumes that the proposed
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 180 / Friday, September 18, 2009 / Notices
ARTIC is not constructed, and that the
expansion and addition of
transportation services planned to occur
with the completion of ARTIC Phase 1
would be accommodated at the existing
Metrolink/Amtrak Anaheim Station.
• ARTIC Alternative—The ARTIC
Alternative would include three phases.
Phase 1 would include realignment of
the existing Los Angeles to San Diego
(LOSSAN) rail corridor mainline tracks;
relocation of track platforms;
reconstruction of the existing rail bridge
over Douglass Road; provisions for new
pedestrian access; station terminal and
other station area improvements with
the terminal and supporting facilities
relocated to the ARTIC site southeast of
the intersection of Katella Avenue and
Douglass Road; associated parking
facilities; and roadway improvements to
facilitate access and egress from the site
and accommodate predicted traffic
levels. Phases 2 and 3 would build upon
the infrastructure provided in Phase 1
and introduce new or expanded
transportation facility connections at the
ARTIC site. The later phases would also
include opportunities for potential joint
development and other private-sector
cost-sharing and/or revenue-sharing
arrangements. The site for this
alternative included the existing
railroad right-of-way from
approximately Katella Avenue to the
Santa Ana River, where track
improvements would be made; the
existing Anaheim Station for Amtrak
and Metrolink, which would be
removed; and two parcels of land where
the new multimodal station and
associated development would occur.
The first parcel, which is owned by
OCTA, is located east of Douglass Road
between Katella Avenue and the
entrance to Angels Stadium of Anaheim,
south of the existing development on
the south side of Katella Avenue; west
of the Santa Ana River, and north of the
railroad right-of-way. The second parcel
is owned by the City of Anaheim, is a
smaller, triangular-shaped parcel south
of the railroad right-of-way, with the
Santa Ana River to the east and State
Route 57 to the west. The current uses
of the site are former maintenance
facilities and storage yards. Adjacent
land uses include retail and office/light
industrial uses, sports/entertainment
facilities (Angel Stadium and the Honda
Center), a hotel, the Santa Ana River,
and State Route 57.
• ARTIC On Existing Site
Alternative—This alternative would
provide the facilities proposed under
the ARTIC alternative at the existing
Anaheim Station site adjacent to Angels
Stadium. A new terminal and
supporting facilities would be
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constructed to replace the existing
terminal. Existing track will be modified
to accommodate extension of the
existing platforms by approximately 200
feet. This alternative would also include
improved and expanded pedestrian
access, station area improvements
similar to the ARTIC alternative,
improved station area roadway access,
and expanded parking facilities.
Multiple options may be considered for
this alternative.
• Reduced Development
Alternative—This alternative would
include only the transportation-related
aspects of the ARTIC project, without
some or all of the opportunities for
potential joint development and other
private-sector cost-sharing and/or
revenue-sharing arrangements. Multiple
options may be considered for this
The EIS Process and the Role of
Participating Agencies and the Public
The purpose of the EIS process is to
explore in a public setting the
potentially significant effects of
implementing the proposed action and
alternatives on the physical, human,
and natural environment. Areas of
investigation will be developed during
the scoping process and may include,
but not be limited to, aesthetics, air
quality, biological resources, cultural
resources, geology/soils, hazards and
hazardous materials, hydrology and
water quality, land use and planning,
noise and vibration, population and
housing, public services, recreation,
transportation and traffic, and utilities
and service systems. Regulations
implementing NEPA, as well as
provisions of the Safe, Accountable,
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity
Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU),
call for public involvement in the EIS
process. Section 6002 of SAFETEA–LU
requires that FTA, OCTA, and the City
of Anaheim do the following: (1) Extend
an invitation to other Federal and nonFederal agencies and Indian tribes that
may have an interest in the proposed
project to become ’’participating
agencies,’’ (2) provide an opportunity
for involvement by participating
agencies and the public in helping to
define the purpose and need for a
proposed project, as well as the range of
alternatives for consideration in the
impact statement, and (3) establish a
plan for coordinating public and agency
participation in and comment on the
environmental review process. An
invitation to become a participating
agency, with the scoping information
packet appended, will be extended to
other Federal and non-Federal agencies
and Indian tribes that may have an
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interest in the proposed project. It is
possible that we may not be able to
identify all Federal and non-Federal
agencies and Indian tribes that may
have such an interest. Any Federal or
non-Federal agency or Indian tribe
interested in the proposed project that
does not receive an invitation to become
a participating agency should notify the
OCTA Rail Program Manager identified
above under ADDRESSES, at the earliest
opportunity, but no later than 30 days
following this notice.
A comprehensive public involvement
program has been developed. A
technical advisory committee called the
Project Development Team, consisting
of representatives of state, regional and
local agencies, is in place. The program
also includes a public scoping process
including a public review/comment
period, a public hearing on the DEIS/
EIR, and posting of information on the
project Web site. We invite the public
and participating agencies to consider
the preliminary statement of purpose
and need for the proposed project, the
alternatives currently proposed for
consideration, and potential significant
environmental impacts that may be
associated with the proposed project.
All comments and suggestions will be
given serious consideration. In
accordance with 23 CFR 771.105(a) and
771.133, FTA will comply with all
Federal environmental laws, regulations
and executive orders applicable to the
proposed project during the
environmental review process to the
maximum extent practicable. These
requirements include, but are not
limited to, the regulations of the Council
on Environmental Quality
implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts
1500–1508 and 23 CFR part 771), the
project-level air quality conformity
regulation of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) (40 CFR part
93), section 404(b)(1) guidelines of EPA
(40 CFR part 230), Executive Orders
11988, 11990 and 12898 regarding
floodplains, wetlands, and
environmental justice, respectively,
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (36 CFR Part 800),
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act
(50 CFR part 402), and section 4(f) of the
Department of Transportation Act (23
CFR 771.135).
Issued on: September 14, 2009.
Raymond Sukys,
Acting Regional Administrator, FTA, Region
[FR Doc. E9–22478 Filed 9–17–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 180 (Friday, September 18, 2009)]
[Pages 47987-47989]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-22478]
Federal Transit Administration
Notice of Intent (NOI) To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact
Statement for the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center
(ARTIC) in the City of Anaheim, Orange County, CA
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.
SUMMARY: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), in cooperation with
the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and the City of
Anaheim, is issuing this notice of intent to advise other agencies and
the public that they will be preparing a Draft Environmental Impact
Statement/Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/EIR) for the Anaheim
Regional Transportation Intermodal center (ARTIC), which is proposed to
provide a new multimodal transportation facility in the vicinity of the
existing Metrolink/Amtrak Anaheim Station in Anaheim, California. The
EIS will be prepared in accordance with regulations implementing the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as well as provisions of the
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A
Legacy for
[[Page 47988]]
Users (SAFETEA-LU, 2005). The EIR will be prepared in accordance with
guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). The purpose of this Notice of Intent is to alert interested
parties regarding the plan to prepare the DEIS/EIR, to provide
information on the proposed transit project and possible alternatives,
to invite participation in the DEIS/EIR process, including comments on
the scope of the DEIS/EIR, and to announce that a public scoping
meeting will be conducted.
DATES: Written comments on the scope of the DEIS/EIR including the
project's purpose and need, the alternatives to be considered, the
impacts to be evaluated, and the methodologies to be used in the
evaluations should be sent to Ms. Jennifer Bergener, Rail Program
Manager, at the ADDRESSES below by November 25, 2009. A scoping meeting
will be held on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the
location indicated under ADDRESSES below. Representatives of Native
American tribal governments and all Federal, State, regional and local
agencies that may have an interest in any aspect of the project will be
invited to be participating or cooperating agencies, as appropriate.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on this Notice of Intent should be sent to
Ms. Jennifer Bergener, Rail Program Manager, at OCTA, 600 S. Main
Street, Orange, CA 92868. Comments also may be submitted in writing at
the public scoping meeting. The address for the public scoping meeting
is as follows:
OCTA, 600 S. Main Street, Orange, CA 92868, Room 103/104.
The Scoping Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 from 5
to 7 p.m. The project's purpose and need and the description of
alternatives currently under consideration for the proposed project
will be presented at this meeting. The meeting facilities will be
accessible to persons with disabilities. If special translation or
signing services or other special accommodations are needed, please
contact Laura Scheper at (714) 560-5697 or at least
48 hours before the scoping meeting. Paper copies of scoping materials
may be obtained from Laura Scheper at (714) 560-5697 or Also, scoping materials will be available at the
meetings and on the OCTA Web site (
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Hymie Luden, City and Regional
Planner, of the Federal Transit Administration's San Francisco Regional
Office at (415) 744-2732 or write to FTA Region IX Office, 201 Mission
Street Suite 1650, San Francisco, CA 94105-1926.
The FTA, OCTA, and the City of Anaheim invite all interested
individuals, and organizations, public agencies and Native American
Tribes to provide comments on the scope of the DEIS/EIR, including the
project's purpose and need, the alternatives currently under
consideration, the impacts to be evaluated and the evaluation methods
to be used. Comments should focus on: alternatives that may be less
costly or have fewer environmental or community impacts while achieving
similar transportation objectives, and the identification of any
significant social, economic or environmental issues related to
NEPA ``scoping'' (40 CFR 1501.7) has specific and fairly limited
objectives, one of which is to identify the significant issues
associated with alternatives that will be examined in detail in the
document, while simultaneously limiting consideration and development
of issues that are not truly significant. It is in the NEPA scoping
process that potentially significant environmental impacts--those that
give rise to the need to prepare an environmental impact statement--
should be identified; impacts that are deemed not to be significant
need not be developed extensively in the context of the impact
statement, thereby keeping the statement focused on impacts of
consequence. Transit projects may also generate environmental benefits;
these should be highlighted as well--the impact statement process
should draw attention to positive impacts, not just negative impacts.
Once the scope of the environmental study, including significant
environmental issues to be addressed, is settled, an annotated outline
of the document will be prepared and shared with interested agencies
and the public. The outline serves at least three worthy purposes,
including (1) Documenting the results of the scoping process; (2)
contributing to the transparency of the process; and (3) providing a
clear roadmap for concise development of the environmental document
In the interest of producing a readable and user-friendly public
document, and pursuant to 40 CFR 1502.10, the EIS shall be limited to
150 pages exclusive of any 4(f) and/or 6(f) evaluation. The EIS should
emphasize graphics and virtual visual simulations over technical
jargon, and technical appendices shall be included in a separate
The Proposed Project
The ARTIC Project proposes to provide a new multimodal transit
center in the Platinum Triangle area of the City of Anaheim. ARTIC
would provide convenient and efficient transfers between Metrolink,
Amtrak, local fixed-route bus, the planned Anaheim Fixed-Guideway, the
planned high-speed trains service, future bus rapid transit, private
automobiles and other forms of transportation.
Purpose and Need for the Proposed Project
The primary purpose of the ARTIC Project is to provide a multimodal
transportation center in the vicinity of the existing Metrolink/Amtrak
Anaheim Station, with capacity to accommodate the expected population
growth and the planned new modes of transportation. The project is
needed because Orange County's travel demand will continue to increase
overtime, with the highest concentration in central and northern Orange
County for the foreseeable future. With a population of more than 3
million, Orange County is the second-largest county in California and
the fifth-largest county in the nation. Population is expected to
continue to grow in the coming decades with a population of 3.7 million
expected by 2040. The city of Anaheim is California's tenth-largest
city with nearly 350,000 residents and is in the heart of the county.
ARTIC would serve this growing community, now and into the future. With
the implementation and integration of additional transit options, it is
important to maximize the return on the transit services already
deployed in that area and create new opportunities for transit use. The
existing Anaheim Station is not able to accommodate some of these
additional transit options, particularly the high speed train mode. A
facility is needed that can provide easy connections with other bus,
taxi, car, other local transit, and other train modes.
Project alternatives currently under consideration include a no
build alternative, the proposed ARTIC alternative, at least one
alternative that would provide a transit facility similar to ARTIC at
the location of the existing Metrolink/Amtrak Anaheim Station, and at
least one reduced project alternative. These alternatives are further
described as follows:
No Build Alternative--the No Build Alternative assumes
that the proposed
[[Page 47989]]
ARTIC is not constructed, and that the expansion and addition of
transportation services planned to occur with the completion of ARTIC
Phase 1 would be accommodated at the existing Metrolink/Amtrak Anaheim
ARTIC Alternative--The ARTIC Alternative would include
three phases. Phase 1 would include realignment of the existing Los
Angeles to San Diego (LOSSAN) rail corridor mainline tracks; relocation
of track platforms; reconstruction of the existing rail bridge over
Douglass Road; provisions for new pedestrian access; station terminal
and other station area improvements with the terminal and supporting
facilities relocated to the ARTIC site southeast of the intersection of
Katella Avenue and Douglass Road; associated parking facilities; and
roadway improvements to facilitate access and egress from the site and
accommodate predicted traffic levels. Phases 2 and 3 would build upon
the infrastructure provided in Phase 1 and introduce new or expanded
transportation facility connections at the ARTIC site. The later phases
would also include opportunities for potential joint development and
other private-sector cost-sharing and/or revenue-sharing arrangements.
The site for this alternative included the existing railroad right-of-
way from approximately Katella Avenue to the Santa Ana River, where
track improvements would be made; the existing Anaheim Station for
Amtrak and Metrolink, which would be removed; and two parcels of land
where the new multimodal station and associated development would
occur. The first parcel, which is owned by OCTA, is located east of
Douglass Road between Katella Avenue and the entrance to Angels Stadium
of Anaheim, south of the existing development on the south side of
Katella Avenue; west of the Santa Ana River, and north of the railroad
right-of-way. The second parcel is owned by the City of Anaheim, is a
smaller, triangular-shaped parcel south of the railroad right-of-way,
with the Santa Ana River to the east and State Route 57 to the west.
The current uses of the site are former maintenance facilities and
storage yards. Adjacent land uses include retail and office/light
industrial uses, sports/entertainment facilities (Angel Stadium and the
Honda Center), a hotel, the Santa Ana River, and State Route 57.
ARTIC On Existing Site Alternative--This alternative would
provide the facilities proposed under the ARTIC alternative at the
existing Anaheim Station site adjacent to Angels Stadium. A new
terminal and supporting facilities would be constructed to replace the
existing terminal. Existing track will be modified to accommodate
extension of the existing platforms by approximately 200 feet. This
alternative would also include improved and expanded pedestrian access,
station area improvements similar to the ARTIC alternative, improved
station area roadway access, and expanded parking facilities. Multiple
options may be considered for this alternative.
Reduced Development Alternative--This alternative would
include only the transportation-related aspects of the ARTIC project,
without some or all of the opportunities for potential joint
development and other private-sector cost-sharing and/or revenue-
sharing arrangements. Multiple options may be considered for this
The EIS Process and the Role of Participating Agencies and the Public
The purpose of the EIS process is to explore in a public setting
the potentially significant effects of implementing the proposed action
and alternatives on the physical, human, and natural environment. Areas
of investigation will be developed during the scoping process and may
include, but not be limited to, aesthetics, air quality, biological
resources, cultural resources, geology/soils, hazards and hazardous
materials, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, noise
and vibration, population and housing, public services, recreation,
transportation and traffic, and utilities and service systems.
Regulations implementing NEPA, as well as provisions of the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy
for Users (SAFETEA-LU), call for public involvement in the EIS process.
Section 6002 of SAFETEA-LU requires that FTA, OCTA, and the City of
Anaheim do the following: (1) Extend an invitation to other Federal and
non-Federal agencies and Indian tribes that may have an interest in the
proposed project to become ''participating agencies,'' (2) provide an
opportunity for involvement by participating agencies and the public in
helping to define the purpose and need for a proposed project, as well
as the range of alternatives for consideration in the impact statement,
and (3) establish a plan for coordinating public and agency
participation in and comment on the environmental review process. An
invitation to become a participating agency, with the scoping
information packet appended, will be extended to other Federal and non-
Federal agencies and Indian tribes that may have an interest in the
proposed project. It is possible that we may not be able to identify
all Federal and non-Federal agencies and Indian tribes that may have
such an interest. Any Federal or non-Federal agency or Indian tribe
interested in the proposed project that does not receive an invitation
to become a participating agency should notify the OCTA Rail Program
Manager identified above under ADDRESSES, at the earliest opportunity,
but no later than 30 days following this notice.
A comprehensive public involvement program has been developed. A
technical advisory committee called the Project Development Team,
consisting of representatives of state, regional and local agencies, is
in place. The program also includes a public scoping process including
a public review/comment period, a public hearing on the DEIS/EIR, and
posting of information on the project Web site. We invite the public
and participating agencies to consider the preliminary statement of
purpose and need for the proposed project, the alternatives currently
proposed for consideration, and potential significant environmental
impacts that may be associated with the proposed project. All comments
and suggestions will be given serious consideration. In accordance with
23 CFR 771.105(a) and 771.133, FTA will comply with all Federal
environmental laws, regulations and executive orders applicable to the
proposed project during the environmental review process to the maximum
extent practicable. These requirements include, but are not limited to,
the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality implementing
NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508 and 23 CFR part 771), the project-level
air quality conformity regulation of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) (40 CFR part 93), section 404(b)(1) guidelines of EPA (40
CFR part 230), Executive Orders 11988, 11990 and 12898 regarding
floodplains, wetlands, and environmental justice, respectively, Section
106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR Part 800),
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (50 CFR part 402), and section
4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act (23 CFR 771.135).
Issued on: September 14, 2009.
Raymond Sukys,
Acting Regional Administrator, FTA, Region 9.
[FR Doc. E9-22478 Filed 9-17-09; 8:45 am]