Reasonable Charges for Inpatient MS-DRGs and SNF Medical Services for 2010; Fiscal Year Update, 47856-47858 [E9-22382]

Download as PDF cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES 47856 Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 179 / Thursday, September 17, 2009 / Notices (Agreement) entered into on April 21, 2008, with Central of Georgia Railroad Company (CGA), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NSR), approximately 12.5 miles of CGA’s rail line between milepost E–53–3 at Machen, Jasper County, GA, and milepost E–65.8 at Newborn, Newton County, GA. SQS states that the line connects with CGA and CSX Transportation, Inc. SQS believes its Agreement does not include an interchange commitment that violates 49 CFR 1150.43(h) (requiring submission of complete version of agreement that may limit future interchange with a third-party connecting carrier). Nevertheless, SQS has concurrently filed with its notice a complete version of the Agreement, marked ‘‘highly confidential’’ and submitted under seal pursuant to 49 CFR 1104.14(a). SQS also states that under the Agreement, it will receive per car handling charges from NSR for each car originating or terminating on SQS and interchanged with CGA. According to SQS, the Agreement also provides for an annual amount of minimal rental which SQS may pay in full or against which it can receive an offset from cars interchanged to CGA. However, the Agreement provides that there is no restriction on SQS’s ability to interchange traffic with any other connecting carrier and that SQS is permitted local and switch rates without interchange restrictions. SQS certifies that its projected annual revenues as a result of the transaction will not result in SQS becoming a Class II or Class I rail carrier and further certifies that its projected annual revenues will not exceed $5 million. SQS states that it expects to consummate the transaction on or after September 30, 2009. The earliest this transaction may be consummated is October 1, 2009, the effective date of the exemption (30 days after the exemption was filed). Pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Public Law No. 110–161, § 193, 121 Stat. 1844 (2007), nothing in this decision authorizes the following activities at any solid waste rail transfer facility: collecting, storing or transferring solid waste outside of its original shipping container; or separating or processing solid waste (including baling, crushing, compacting and shredding). The term ‘‘solid waste’’ is defined in section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. 6903. If the verified notice contains false or misleading information, the exemption is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:35 Sep 16, 2009 Jkt 217001 may be filed at any time. The filing of a petition to revoke will not automatically stay the effectiveness of the exemption. Petitions for stay must be filed no later than September 24, 2009 (at least 7 days before the exemption becomes effective). An original and 10 copies of all pleadings, referring to STB Finance Docket No. 35294, must be filed with the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 20423– 0001. In addition, a copy of each pleading must be served on Andrew P. Goldstein, McCarthy, Sweeney & Harkaway, P.C., 2175 K Street, NW., Suite 600, Washington, DC 20037. Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at https:// Decided: September 14, 2009. By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell, Director, Office of Proceedings. Kulunie L. Cannon, Clearance Clerk. [FR Doc. E9–22387 Filed 9–16–09; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915–01–P DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Fiscal Service Financial Management Service; Proposed Collection of Information: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Market Research Study AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Treasury. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. SUMMARY: The Financial Management Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on a continuing information collection. By this notice, the Financial Management Service solicits comments concerning the ‘‘Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Market Research Study.’’ DATES: Written comments should be received on or before November 16, 2009. ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments to Financial Management Service, Records and Information Management Branch, Room 135, 3700 East-West Highway, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Request for additional information should be directed to Edita Rickard, EFT Strategy Division, 401 14th Street, SW., Room 304C, Washington, DC 20227, 202–874–7165. PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), the Financial Management Service solicits comments on the collection of information described below: Title: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Market Research Study. OMB Number: 15 10–0074. Form Number: None. Abstract: Study of Federal benefit recipients to identify barriers to significant increases in use of EFT for benefit and vendor payments. Current Action: Extension of currently approved collection. Type of Review: Regular. Affected Public: Individuals or households, Federal Government. Estimated Number of Respondents: 19,500. Estimated Time per Respondent: 3 hours 30 minutes. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 7,500. Comments: Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for Office of Management and Budget approval. All comments will become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) estimates of capital or start-up cost and cost of operation, maintenance and purchase of services to provide information. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Dated: September 10, 2009. Rita Bratcher, Assistant Commissioner and Chief Disbursing Officer, Payment Management. [FR Doc. E9–22407 Filed 9–16–09; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4810–35–M DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Reasonable Charges for Inpatient MS– DRGs and SNF Medical Services for 2010; Fiscal Year Update Department of Veterans Affairs. Notice. AGENCY: ACTION: E:\FR\FM\17SEN1.SGM 17SEN1 cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 179 / Thursday, September 17, 2009 / Notices SUMMARY: Section 17.101 of Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations sets forth the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical regulations concerning ‘‘Reasonable Charges’’ for medical care or services provided or furnished by VA to a veteran: —For a nonservice-connected disability for which the veteran is entitled to care (or the payment of expenses of care) under a health plan contract; —For a nonservice-connected disability incurred incident to the veteran’s employment and covered under a worker’s compensation law or plan that provides reimbursement or indemnification for such care and services; or —For a nonservice-connected disability incurred as a result of a motor vehicle accident in a State that requires automobile accident reparations insurance. The regulations include methodologies for establishing billed amounts for the following types of charges: acute inpatient facility charges; skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charges; partial hospitalization facility charges; outpatient facility charges; physician and other professional charges, including professional charges for anesthesia services and dental services; pathology and laboratory charges; observation care facility charges; ambulance and other emergency transportation charges; and charges for durable medical equipment, drugs, injectables, and other medical services, items, and supplies identified by Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Level II codes. The regulations also provide that data for calculating actual charge amounts at individual VA facilities based on these methodologies will either be published in a notice in the Federal Register or will be posted on the Internet site for the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at index.asp, under ‘‘Charge Data.’’ Certain charges are hereby updated as described in the Supplementary Information section of this notice. These changes are effective October 1, 2009. When charges for medical care or services provided or furnished at VA expense by either VA or non-VA providers have not been established under other provisions of the regulations, the method for determining VA’s charges is set forth at 38 CFR 17.101(a)(8). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Romona Greene, Chief Business Office (168), Veterans Health Administration, VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:35 Sep 16, 2009 Jkt 217001 Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 461–1595. (This is not a toll free number.) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Of the charge types listed in the Summary section of this notice, only the acute inpatient facility charges and skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charges are being changed. Charges for the following charge types: partial hospitalization facility charges; outpatient facility charges; physician and other professional charges, including professional charges for anesthesia services and dental services; pathology and laboratory charges; observation care facility charges; ambulance and other emergency transportation charges; and charges for durable medical equipment, drugs, injectables, and other medical services, items, and supplies identified by HCPCS Level II codes are not being changed. These outpatient facility charges and Professional charges remain the same as set forth in a notice published in the Federal Register on December 11, 2008 (73 FR 239). Based on the methodologies set forth in 38 CFR 17.101(b), this document provides an update to acute inpatient charges that were based on 2009 Medicare severity diagnosis related groups (MS–DRGs). Acute inpatient facility charges by MS–DRGs are set forth in Table A and are posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at apps/rates/index.asp, under ‘‘Charge Data.’’ This Table A corresponds to the Table A referenced in the October 1, 2008, Federal Register Notice. Table A referenced in this notice provides updated charges based on 2010 MS– DRGs and will replace Table A posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, which corresponds to the Table A referenced in the October 1, 2008, Federal Register notice. Also, this document provides for an updated all-inclusive per diem charge for skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charge using the methodologies set forth in 38 CFR 17.101(c) and it is adjusted by a geographic area factor based on the location where the care is provided. The skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility per diem charge is set forth in Table B and is posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at apps/rates/index.asp, under ‘‘Charge Data.’’ This Table B corresponds to the PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 47857 Table B referenced in the October 1, 2008, Federal Register Notice. Table B referenced in this notice provides updated all-inclusive nationwide skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility per diem charge and will replace Table B posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, which corresponds to the Table B referenced in the October 1, 2008, Federal Register notice. The charges in this update for acute inpatient facility and skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility services are effective October 1, 2009. In this update, we are retaining the table designations used for acute inpatient facility charges by MS–DRGs which is posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at index.asp, under ‘‘Charge Data.’’ We also are retaining the table designation used for skilled nursing facility/subacute inpatient facility charges which is posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at https:// index.asp, under ‘‘Charge Data.’’ Accordingly, the tables identified as being updated by this notice correspond to the applicable tables referenced in the October 1, 2008, notice beginning with Table A through Table B. We have updated the list of data sources presented in Supplementary Table 1 posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at https:// to reflect the updated data sources used to establish the updated charges described in this notice. We have also updated the list of VA medical facility locations. As a reminder, in Supplementary Table 3 posted on the internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at https:// index.asp, we set forth the list of VA medical facility locations, which includes their three-digit zip codes and provider-based/non-provider-based designations. Consistent with VA’s regulations, the updated data tables and supplementary tables containing the changes described in this notice will be posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at apps/rates/index.asp, under ‘‘Charge Data.’’ E:\FR\FM\17SEN1.SGM 17SEN1 47858 Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 179 / Thursday, September 17, 2009 / Notices Approved: September 3, 2009. John R. Gingrich, Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs. [FR Doc. E9–22382 Filed 9–16–09; 8:45 am] cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES BILLING CODE 8320–01–P VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:35 Sep 16, 2009 Jkt 217001 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\17SEN1.SGM 17SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 179 (Thursday, September 17, 2009)]
[Pages 47856-47858]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-22382]



Reasonable Charges for Inpatient MS-DRGs and SNF Medical Services 
for 2010; Fiscal Year Update

AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs.

ACTION: Notice.


[[Page 47857]]

SUMMARY: Section 17.101 of Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations 
sets forth the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical regulations 
concerning ``Reasonable Charges'' for medical care or services provided 
or furnished by VA to a veteran:

--For a nonservice-connected disability for which the veteran is 
entitled to care (or the payment of expenses of care) under a health 
plan contract;
--For a nonservice-connected disability incurred incident to the 
veteran's employment and covered under a worker's compensation law or 
plan that provides reimbursement or indemnification for such care and 
services; or
--For a nonservice-connected disability incurred as a result of a motor 
vehicle accident in a State that requires automobile accident 
reparations insurance.

    The regulations include methodologies for establishing billed 
amounts for the following types of charges: acute inpatient facility 
charges; skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charges; 
partial hospitalization facility charges; outpatient facility charges; 
physician and other professional charges, including professional 
charges for anesthesia services and dental services; pathology and 
laboratory charges; observation care facility charges; ambulance and 
other emergency transportation charges; and charges for durable medical 
equipment, drugs, injectables, and other medical services, items, and 
supplies identified by Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System 
(HCPCS) Level II codes. The regulations also provide that data for 
calculating actual charge amounts at individual VA facilities based on 
these methodologies will either be published in a notice in the Federal 
Register or will be posted on the Internet site for the Veterans Health 
Administration Chief Business Office, currently at, under ``Charge Data.'' Certain charges are 
hereby updated as described in the Supplementary Information section of 
this notice. These changes are effective October 1, 2009.
    When charges for medical care or services provided or furnished at 
VA expense by either VA or non-VA providers have not been established 
under other provisions of the regulations, the method for determining 
VA's charges is set forth at 38 CFR 17.101(a)(8).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Romona Greene, Chief Business Office 
(168), Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, 
810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 461-1595. (This is 
not a toll free number.)

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Of the charge types listed in the Summary 
section of this notice, only the acute inpatient facility charges and 
skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charges are being 
changed. Charges for the following charge types: partial 
hospitalization facility charges; outpatient facility charges; 
physician and other professional charges, including professional 
charges for anesthesia services and dental services; pathology and 
laboratory charges; observation care facility charges; ambulance and 
other emergency transportation charges; and charges for durable medical 
equipment, drugs, injectables, and other medical services, items, and 
supplies identified by HCPCS Level II codes are not being changed. 
These outpatient facility charges and Professional charges remain the 
same as set forth in a notice published in the Federal Register on 
December 11, 2008 (73 FR 239).
    Based on the methodologies set forth in 38 CFR 17.101(b), this 
document provides an update to acute inpatient charges that were based 
on 2009 Medicare severity diagnosis related groups (MS-DRGs). Acute 
inpatient facility charges by MS-DRGs are set forth in Table A and are 
posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief 
Business Office, currently at, under ``Charge Data.'' This Table A corresponds to the Table 
A referenced in the October 1, 2008, Federal Register Notice. Table A 
referenced in this notice provides updated charges based on 2010 MS-
DRGs and will replace Table A posted on the Internet site of the 
Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, which corresponds 
to the Table A referenced in the October 1, 2008, Federal Register 
    Also, this document provides for an updated all-inclusive per diem 
charge for skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charge 
using the methodologies set forth in 38 CFR 17.101(c) and it is 
adjusted by a geographic area factor based on the location where the 
care is provided. The skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient 
facility per diem charge is set forth in Table B and is posted on the 
Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business 
Office, currently at, under 
``Charge Data.'' This Table B corresponds to the Table B referenced in 
the October 1, 2008, Federal Register Notice. Table B referenced in 
this notice provides updated all-inclusive nationwide skilled nursing 
facility/sub-acute inpatient facility per diem charge and will replace 
Table B posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health 
Administration Chief Business Office, which corresponds to the Table B 
referenced in the October 1, 2008, Federal Register notice.
    The charges in this update for acute inpatient facility and skilled 
nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility services are effective 
October 1, 2009.
    In this update, we are retaining the table designations used for 
acute inpatient facility charges by MS-DRGs which is posted on the 
Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business 
Office, currently at, under 
``Charge Data.'' We also are retaining the table designation used for 
skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charges which is 
posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief 
Business Office, currently at, under ``Charge Data.'' Accordingly, the tables identified as 
being updated by this notice correspond to the applicable tables 
referenced in the October 1, 2008, notice beginning with Table A 
through Table B.
    We have updated the list of data sources presented in Supplementary 
Table 1 posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health 
Administration Chief Business Office, currently at to reflect the updated data sources used to 
establish the updated charges described in this notice.
    We have also updated the list of VA medical facility locations. As 
a reminder, in Supplementary Table 3 posted on the internet site of the 
Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at, we set forth the list of 
VA medical facility locations, which includes their three-digit zip 
codes and provider-based/non-provider-based designations.
    Consistent with VA's regulations, the updated data tables and 
supplementary tables containing the changes described in this notice 
will be posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health 
Administration Chief Business Office, currently at, under ``Charge Data.''

[[Page 47858]]

    Approved: September 3, 2009.
John R. Gingrich,
Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. E9-22382 Filed 9-16-09; 8:45 am]
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