Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara (MHA) Nation's Proposed Clean Fuels Refinery, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Ward County, ND, 44380-44381 [E9-20816]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Notices
(SR 37) in southern Sonoma County,
California. The site is also traversed
from east to west by an inactive rail line
owned by the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail
Transit (SMART) District.
The project site is a total of 2,327 ac
owned by the Sonoma Land Trust (SLT)
and is comprised of two large
properties, the North Point Joint
Venture (NPJV) parcel and the Dickson
Ranch parcel, which are situated on the
edge of San Pablo Bay between the
mouth of the Petaluma River and Tolay
Creek. The 1,679-ac NPJV parcel
extends both north and south of SR 37.
It is bounded on the north by the
Infineon Raceway property, on the east
by Cougar Mountain (north of SR 37)
and Paradise Vineyards (south of SR
37), on the south by the SMART rail
line, and on the west by LakevilleReclamation Road. The 648-ac Dickson
Ranch parcel is located entirely south of
Highway 37, and is bounded on the
north by the SMART rail line, on the
west by Tolay Creek, on the south by
San Pablo Bay, and on the west by the
outboard levee as it veers bayward from
the SMART rail line. The entire Dickson
Ranch parcel and 858 ac of the NPJV
parcel are located within the approved
acquisition boundary of the San Pablo
Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The SLT
proposes to transfer a 350-acre parcel of
this land bounded by Highway 37 and
the SMART rail line, to the Service, and
the remainder of the land to CDFG.
We identified and analyzed a total of
eight alternatives. The alternatives were
analyzed based on a set of criteria,
including (1) ability to meet the project
purpose and need, (2) technical,
logistical, and financial feasibility, and
(3) ability to avoid or substantially
reduce one or more significant impacts.
We removed five of these alternatives
from further consideration because they
did not meet the purpose and need,
were not feasible, or did not provide
substantial variation in environmental
impacts. The lead agencies carried
forward three possible alternatives for
environmental analysis: the No-Action
Alternative, the Partial-Tidal (Preferred)
Restoration Alternative, and the FullTidal Restoration Alternative.
hsrobinson on DSK69SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
No-Action Alternative
Under the No-Action Alternative,
there would be no wetland restoration
or enhancement, no new trails, and no
new habitat creation. The Sonoma Land
Trust (SLT) would still move forward
with the transfer of title of the Sears
Point properties to the Federal and State
agencies. SLT will honor existing
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agricultural and commercial leases on
the property through June 2010.
Partial-Tidal (Preferred) Restoration
The Partial-Tidal Restoration
Alternative would restore 970 acres of
tidal marsh; improve tidal exchange in
Tolay Creek along the eastern edge of
the project boundary; preserve and
enhance a 106-acre area of non-tidal
seasonal wetland while maintaining
existing agriculture between the SMART
line and Highway 37; provide public
recreation access south and possibly
north of Highway 37; enhance 40 acres
of non-tidal seasonal wetland north of
Highway 37; and create 15.5 acres of
additional breeding habitat for the
California red-legged frog, including 0.5
acres of excavation in the floodplain
near the northern project boundary.
Full-Tidal Restoration Alternative
The Full-Tidal Restoration Alternative
would restore 1,335 acres of tidal marsh;
improve tidal exchange in Tolay Creek
along the eastern edge of the project
boundary; provide public recreation
access south and possibly north of
Highway 37; enhance 40 acres of nontidal seasonal wetland north of Highway
37; and create 15.5 acres of additional
breeding habitat, including 0.5 acres of
excavation in the floodplain, for the
California red-legged frog near the
northern project boundary.
NEPA Compliance
The entire Dickson Ranch parcel and
858 acres of the NPJV parcel are located
within the approved acquisition
boundary of the San Pablo Bay NWR.
Federally owned lands within the
Refuge boundary are adjacent to these
properties. In order to implement the
action alternatives described above,
some activity (channel dredging and
levee breaching) within the San Pablo
Bay NWR is necessary. We will use the
EIR/EIS to determine whether to
authorize activities within the San Pablo
Bay NWR in order to accomplish project
The EIR/EIS discusses the direct,
indirect, and cumulative impacts of the
alternatives on biological resources,
cultural resources, land use, air quality,
water quality, water resources, and
other environmental resources. It also
identifies appropriate mitigation
measures for adverse environmental
We are conducting public review of
the EIR/EIS in accordance with the
requirements of NEPA, as amended (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq. ), its implementing
regulations (40 CFR parts 1500–1508),
other applicable regulations, and our
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procedures for compliance with those
regulations. The EIR/EIS meets the
requirements of both NEPA and the
California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). The California Department of
Fish and Game is the CEQA lead
agency. We provide this notice under
regulations implementing NEPA (40
CFR 1506.6).
Public Meeting
We will hold one public meeting to
solicit comments on the DEIR/EIS. We
will mail a separate notice to the public
and local publications that identifies the
time, date, and location of the meeting.
Public Comments
We invite the public to comment on
the DEIR/EIS during the comment
period. Before including your address,
phone number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so. We will use the comments to
prepare a final EIR/EIS. A decision will
be made no sooner than 30 days after
the publication of the final EIR/EIS. We
anticipate that a Record of Decision will
be issued by the Service in 2010.
Dated: August 20, 2009.
Margaret T. Kolar,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific Southwest
[FR Doc. E9–20582 Filed 8–27–09; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Final Environmental Impact Statement
for the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara (MHA)
Nation’s Proposed Clean Fuels
Refinery, Fort Berthold Indian
Reservation, Ward County, ND
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Availability.
SUMMARY: This notice advises the public
that the Department of Interior, Bureau
of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
as co-lead agencies; and the Mandan,
Hidatsa and Arikara (MHA) Nation and
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as
cooperating agencies, intend to file a
Final Environmental Impact Statement
(FEIS) with the EPA for the proposed
hsrobinson on DSK69SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 166 / Friday, August 28, 2009 / Notices
Clean Fuels Refinery, and that the FEIS
is now available for public review. The
proposed Federal actions are: (1) The
taking into trust of 469 acres of fee land
by the BIA in support of the MHA
Nation’s proposal to construct and
operate a clean fuels refinery and
produce buffalo forage; and (2) the
issuance by the EPA of a Clean Water
Act, National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Discharge (NPDES)
permit for the discharge of treated
wastewater from the proposed refinery.
DATES: The Record of Decision on the
proposed action will be issued no
sooner than 30 days after the release of
the FEIS. Thus, any comments on the
FEIS must arrive by September 28, 2009.
A public meeting will be held on
September 9 at Four Bears Casino, 202
Frontage Road, New Town, ND, at
7 p.m.
ADDRESSES: You may mail or hand carry
written comments to Mike Black,
Regional Director, Bureau of Indian
Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office,
115 4th Avenue, SE., Aberdeen, SD.
Mike Black, BIA, 605–226–7343, or
Steve Wharton, EPA, 303–312–6935 or
Affiliated Tribes (MHA Nation) has
requested that BIA accept into trust
status 469 acres for the MHA Nation to
construct, own, operate, and maintain a
petroleum refinery on 190 acres of the
469-acre parcel. The remaining acres
would be used to grow forage for
buffalo. The land in the northeast corner
of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
is located along Highway 23, four miles
west of the town of Makoti in Ward
County, North Dakota.
The MHA Nation has also applied to
EPA for an NPDES permit under the
Clean Water Act for discharges from the
proposed refinery.
Feedstock for the proposed refinery
would include 10,000 barrels per stream
day (BPSD) of synthetic crude oil via
existing pipeline from Alberta, Canada;
3,000 BPSD of field butane from local
suppliers; 6 million standard cubic feet
per day of natural gas via existing
pipeline; and 300 barrels of bio-diesel or
8,500 bushels per day of soybeans. From
the feedstock, the refinery would
produce about 5,750 BPSD of diesel
fuel, 6,770 BPSD of gasoline, and 300
BPSD of propane.
The FEIS analyzes potential
environmental effects of two Federal
agency decisions: (1) Whether BIA
should accept lands into trust in
support of the MHA Nation’s proposal
to construct and operate a clean fuels
refinery and produce buffalo forage; and
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(2) whether EPA should issue a Clean
Water Act NPDES permit for the process
water discharges associated with the
operation of the proposed refinery. The
FEIS has identified the Agencies’
preferred alternatives. BIA and EPA will
be making their decisions in separate
Records of Decision (RODs), which will
be issued after the 30-day wait period
on the FEIS. The MHA Nation will be
deciding whether to build and operate
the refinery.
BIA has identified its preferred
alternative as Alternative 3. In this
alternative, BIA would not place the
land into trust status and the refinery
could be constructed by the Tribes. If
the proposed refinery is constructed,
EPA has identified Alternative A,
issuance of an NPDES permit for
effluent discharges associated with the
refinery as its preferred water discharge
alternative. EPA and BIA recommend
that the design of the refinery, if
constructed, be modified consistent
with Alternative 4.
Public Availability of the FEIS
The FEIS is available on the Web at:
Hard copies of the document are
available for public review at the
following locations:
—Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains
Regional Office, 115 4th Avenue, SE.,
Aberdeen, SD.
—Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fort
Berthold Agency, 202 Main Street,
New Town, ND.
—EPA Region 8 Library, 1595 Wynkoop
Street, Denver, CO.
—Three Affiliated Tribes Governmental
Offices, 404 Frontage Road, New
Town, ND.
—Each of the MHA Nation’s Segment
Offices: Four Bears (Tribal Gov.
Center), Mandaree, Shell Creek (New
Town), Lucky Mound (Parshall), Twin
Buttes, and White Shield, and
—Rensch garage in Makoti, ND.
This notice is published in
accordance with section 1506.10 of the
Council on Environmental Quality
Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 through
1508) implementing the procedural
requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), and
related Department of the Interior
requirements in the Department of the
Interior Manual (516 DM 1–6), and is in
exercise of authority delegated to the
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs by 209 DM 8.
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Dated: August 21, 2009.
George T. Skibine,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. E9–20816 Filed 8–27–09; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Proclaiming Certain Lands as a
Reservation for the Match-e-be-nashshe-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians
of Michigan, aka, Gun Lake Tribe
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Reservation
Proclamation; Correction.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Indian Affairs
(BIA) published a document in the
Federal Register of August 18, 2009,
concerning the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs proclaiming
approximately 147 acres as the Matche-be-nash-she-wish Band of
Pottawatomi Indian Reservation. The
document contained an error in the
legal description.
Effective Date: August 28, 2009.
Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Division of Real Estate Services, MS–
4639 MIB, 1849 C Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202)
In the Federal Register of August 18,
2009, in FR Doc. E9–19751, on page
41741, in the first column, line one,
insert the following text after the word
‘‘section,’’ and before the word ‘‘said:’’
which is North 86 degrees 57 minutes
24 seconds East 481.98 feet from the
West line of said Section
Also on page 41741, in the first
column, line 33, change ‘‘East 431.00
feet;’’ to the following and delete lines
34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in their entirety:
East 325.00 feet.
Dated: August 21, 2009.
George T. Skibine,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. E9–20791 Filed 8–27–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 166 (Friday, August 28, 2009)]
[Pages 44380-44381]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-20816]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Mandan, Hidatsa,
Arikara (MHA) Nation's Proposed Clean Fuels Refinery, Fort Berthold
Indian Reservation, Ward County, ND
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability.
SUMMARY: This notice advises the public that the Department of
Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) as co-lead agencies; and the Mandan, Hidatsa
and Arikara (MHA) Nation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as
cooperating agencies, intend to file a Final Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) with the EPA for the proposed
[[Page 44381]]
Clean Fuels Refinery, and that the FEIS is now available for public
review. The proposed Federal actions are: (1) The taking into trust of
469 acres of fee land by the BIA in support of the MHA Nation's
proposal to construct and operate a clean fuels refinery and produce
buffalo forage; and (2) the issuance by the EPA of a Clean Water Act,
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Discharge (NPDES)
permit for the discharge of treated wastewater from the proposed
DATES: The Record of Decision on the proposed action will be issued no
sooner than 30 days after the release of the FEIS. Thus, any comments
on the FEIS must arrive by September 28, 2009. A public meeting will be
held on September 9 at Four Bears Casino, 202 Frontage Road, New Town,
ND, at 7 p.m.
ADDRESSES: You may mail or hand carry written comments to Mike Black,
Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional
Office, 115 4th Avenue, SE., Aberdeen, SD.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mike Black, BIA, 605-226-7343, or
Steve Wharton, EPA, 303-312-6935 or 800-227-8917.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Three Affiliated Tribes (MHA Nation) has
requested that BIA accept into trust status 469 acres for the MHA
Nation to construct, own, operate, and maintain a petroleum refinery on
190 acres of the 469-acre parcel. The remaining acres would be used to
grow forage for buffalo. The land in the northeast corner of the Fort
Berthold Indian Reservation is located along Highway 23, four miles
west of the town of Makoti in Ward County, North Dakota.
The MHA Nation has also applied to EPA for an NPDES permit under
the Clean Water Act for discharges from the proposed refinery.
Feedstock for the proposed refinery would include 10,000 barrels
per stream day (BPSD) of synthetic crude oil via existing pipeline from
Alberta, Canada; 3,000 BPSD of field butane from local suppliers; 6
million standard cubic feet per day of natural gas via existing
pipeline; and 300 barrels of bio-diesel or 8,500 bushels per day of
soybeans. From the feedstock, the refinery would produce about 5,750
BPSD of diesel fuel, 6,770 BPSD of gasoline, and 300 BPSD of propane.
The FEIS analyzes potential environmental effects of two Federal
agency decisions: (1) Whether BIA should accept lands into trust in
support of the MHA Nation's proposal to construct and operate a clean
fuels refinery and produce buffalo forage; and (2) whether EPA should
issue a Clean Water Act NPDES permit for the process water discharges
associated with the operation of the proposed refinery. The FEIS has
identified the Agencies' preferred alternatives. BIA and EPA will be
making their decisions in separate Records of Decision (RODs), which
will be issued after the 30-day wait period on the FEIS. The MHA Nation
will be deciding whether to build and operate the refinery.
BIA has identified its preferred alternative as Alternative 3. In
this alternative, BIA would not place the land into trust status and
the refinery could be constructed by the Tribes. If the proposed
refinery is constructed, EPA has identified Alternative A, issuance of
an NPDES permit for effluent discharges associated with the refinery as
its preferred water discharge alternative. EPA and BIA recommend that
the design of the refinery, if constructed, be modified consistent with
Alternative 4.
Public Availability of the FEIS
The FEIS is available on the Web at:
Hard copies of the document are available for public review at the
following locations:
--Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office, 115 4th
Avenue, SE., Aberdeen, SD.
--Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fort Berthold Agency, 202 Main Street, New
Town, ND.
--EPA Region 8 Library, 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, CO.
--Three Affiliated Tribes Governmental Offices, 404 Frontage Road, New
Town, ND.
--Each of the MHA Nation's Segment Offices: Four Bears (Tribal Gov.
Center), Mandaree, Shell Creek (New Town), Lucky Mound (Parshall), Twin
Buttes, and White Shield, and
--Rensch garage in Makoti, ND.
This notice is published in accordance with section 1506.10 of the
Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 through
1508) implementing the procedural requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.),
and related Department of the Interior requirements in the Department
of the Interior Manual (516 DM 1-6), and is in exercise of authority
delegated to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs
by 209 DM 8.
Dated: August 21, 2009.
George T. Skibine,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. E9-20816 Filed 8-27-09; 8:45 am]