Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation, 42776-42777 [E9-20364]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 163 / Tuesday, August 25, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
delegated to me by Attorney General
Order No. 2940–2008, this rule amends
28 CFR part 16 as follows:
28 CFR Part 16
[CPCLO Order No. 003–2009]
Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation
AGENCY: Criminal Division, Department
of Justice.
ACTION: Final rule.
The Criminal Division (CRM),
Department of Justice, issued a
proposed rule to amend its Privacy Act
regulations (Title 28 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 16), to revise
the exemptions for the following newly
modified Privacy Act system of records
entitled ‘‘Organized Crime Drug
Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center
and International Organized Crime
Intelligence and Operations Center
System,’’ JUSTICE/CRM–028, 74 FR
26598 (June 3, 2009). The ‘‘Organized
Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
Fusion Center and International
Organized Crime Intelligence and
Operations Center System,’’ JUSTICE/
CRM–028, is exempt from the
subsections of the Privacy Act listed
below for the reasons set forth in the
following text. Information in this
system of records relates to matters of
law enforcement, and the exemptions
are necessary to avoid interference with
law enforcement responsibilities and to
protect the privacy of third parties.
DATES: Effective Date: August 25, 2009.
Rena Y. Kim, Chief FOIA/PA Unit
Criminal Division, Department of
Justice, Suite 1127, Keeney Building,
Washington, DC 20530–0001 on (202)
of the proposed rule with invitation to
comment was published on June 3,
2009, at 74 FR 26598. No comments
were received. The Department of
Justice is exempting JUSTICE/CRM–028
from 5 U.S.C. 552a (c)(3), and (4); (d)(1),
(2), (3), and (4); (e)(1), (2), (3), (4)(G),
(H), and (I), (e)(5) and (e)(8); (f) and (g).
This order relates to individuals
rather than small business entities.
Nevertheless, pursuant to the
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601–612, this
order will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with RULES
List of Subjects in 28 CFR Part 16
Administrative practices and
procedures, Courts, Freedom of
Information, Sunshine Act and Privacy.
Pursuant to the authority vested in the
Attorney General by 5 U.S.C. 552a and
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1. The authority citation for Part 16
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 552, 552a, 552b
(g), and 553; 18 U.S.C. 4203(a)(1); 28 U.S.C.
509, 510, 534; 31 U.S.C. 3717 and 9701.
2. Section 16.91 is amended by
revising paragraphs (u) and (v) to read
as follows:
§ 16.91 Exemption of Criminal Division
Systems—limited access, as indicated.
(u) The following system of records is
exempted pursuant to the provisions of
5 U.S.C. 552a(j) and/or (k) from
subsections (c)(3) and (4); (d)(1), (d)(2),
(d)(3) and (d)(4); (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3),
(e)(4)(G), (H) and (I), (e)(5) and (e)(8); (f),
and (g) of 5 U.S.C. 552a: Organized
Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
Fusion Center and International
Organized Crime Intelligence and
Operations Center System (JUSTICE/
CRM–028). These exemptions apply
only to the extent that information in
this system is subject to exemption
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (j) and/or (k).
(v) Exemptions from the particular
subsections are justified for the
following reasons:
(1) From subsection (c)(3) because to
provide the subject with an accounting
of disclosures of records in this system
could inform that individual of the
existence, nature, or scope of an actual
or potential law enforcement or
counterintelligence investigation by the
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement
Task Force Fusion Center, the
International Organized Crime
Intelligence and Operations Center, or
the recipient agency, and could permit
that individual to take measures to
avoid detection or apprehension, to
learn the identity of witnesses and
informants, or to destroy evidence, and
would therefore present a serious
impediment to law enforcement or
counterintelligence efforts. In addition,
disclosure of the accounting would
amount to notice to the individual of the
existence of a record. Moreover, release
of an accounting may reveal information
that is properly classified pursuant to
Executive Order and could compromise
the national defense or foreign policy.
(2) From subsection (c)(4) because this
subsection is inapplicable to the extent
that an exemption is being claimed from
subsections (d)(1), (2), (3), and (4).
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(3) From subsection (d)(1) because
disclosure of records in the system
could alert the subject of an actual or
potential criminal, civil, or regulatory
investigation of the existence of that
investigation, of the nature and scope of
the information and evidence obtained
as to his activities, of the identity of
confidential witnesses and informants,
of the investigative interest of the
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement
Task Force Fusion Center, International
Organized Crime Intelligence and
Operations Center, and other
intelligence or law enforcement
agencies (including those responsible
for civil proceedings related to laws
against drug trafficking or related
financial crimes or international
organized crime); lead to the destruction
of evidence, improper influencing of
witnesses, fabrication of testimony, and/
or flight of the subject; reveal the details
of a sensitive investigative or
intelligence technique, or the identity of
a confidential source; or otherwise
impede, compromise, or interfere with
investigative efforts and other related
law enforcement and/or intelligence
activities. In addition, disclosure could
invade the privacy of third parties and/
or endanger the life, health, and
physical safety of law enforcement
personnel, confidential informants,
witnesses, and potential crime victims.
Access to records could also result in
the release of information properly
classified pursuant to Executive Order,
thereby compromising the national
defense or foreign policy.
(4) From subsection (d)(2) because
amendment of the records thought to be
incorrect, irrelevant, or untimely would
also interfere with ongoing
investigations, criminal or civil law
enforcement proceedings, and other law
enforcement activities and impose an
impossible administrative burden by
requiring investigations, analyses, and
reports to be continuously
reinvestigated and revised, as well as
impact information properly classified
pursuant to Executive Order.
(5) From subsections (d)(3) and (4)
because these subsections are
inapplicable to the extent exemption is
claimed from (d)(1) and (2).
(6) From subsection (e)(1) because, in
the course of its acquisition, collation,
and analysis of information under the
statutory authority granted to them, both
the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement
Task Force Fusion Center and
International Organized Crime
Intelligence and Operations Center will
occasionally obtain information,
including information properly
classified pursuant to Executive Order,
that concern actual or potential
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 163 / Tuesday, August 25, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
violations of law that are not strictly
within its statutory or other authority or
may compile information in the course
of an investigation which may not be
relevant to a specific prosecution. It is
impossible to determine in advance
what information collected during an
investigation will be important or
crucial to the apprehension of fugitives.
In the interests of effective law
enforcement, it is necessary to retain
such information in this system of
records because it can aid in
establishing patterns of criminal activity
and can provide valuable leads for
federal and other law enforcement
agencies. This consideration applies
equally to information acquired from, or
collated or analyzed for, both law
enforcement agencies and agencies of
the U.S. foreign intelligence community
and military community.
(7) From subsection (e)(2) because in
a criminal, civil, or regulatory
investigation, prosecution, or
proceeding, the requirement that
information be collected to the greatest
extent practicable from the subject
individual would present a serious
impediment to law enforcement because
the subject of the investigation,
prosecution, or proceeding would be
placed on notice as to the existence and
nature of the investigation, prosecution,
and proceeding and would therefore be
able to avoid detection or apprehension,
to influence witnesses improperly, to
destroy evidence, or to fabricate
testimony. Moreover, thorough and
effective investigation and prosecution
may require seeking information from a
number of different sources.
(8) From subsection (e)(3) (to the
extent applicable) because the
requirement that individuals supplying
information be provided a form stating
the requirements of subsection (e)(3)
would constitute a serious impediment
to law enforcement in that it could
compromise the existence of a
confidential investigation or reveal the
identity of witnesses or confidential
informants and endanger their lives,
health, and physical safety. The
individual could seriously interfere
with undercover investigative
techniques and could take appropriate
steps to evade the investigation or flee
a specific area.
(9) From subsections (e)(4)(G), (H) and
(I) because this system is exempt from
the access provisions of subsection (d)
pursuant to subsections (j) and (k) of the
Privacy Act.
(10) From subsection (e)(5) because
the acquisition, collation, and analysis
of information for law enforcement
purposes from various agencies does not
permit a determination in advance or a
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prediction of what information will be
matched with other information and
thus whether it is accurate, relevant,
timely and complete. With the passage
of time, seemingly irrelevant or
untimely information may acquire new
significance as further investigation
brings new details to light and the
accuracy of such information can often
only be determined in a court of law.
The restrictions imposed by subsection
(e)(5) would restrict the ability of
trained investigators, intelligence
analysts, and government attorneys to
exercise their judgment in collating and
analyzing information and would
impede the development of criminal or
other intelligence necessary for effective
law enforcement.
(11) From subsection (e)(8) because
the individual notice requirements of
subsection (e)(8) could present a serious
impediment to law enforcement by
revealing investigative techniques,
procedures, evidence, or interest and
interfering with the ability to issue
warrants or subpoenas, and could give
persons sufficient warning to evade
investigative efforts.
(12) From subsections (f) and (g)
because these subsections are
inapplicable to the extent that the
system is exempt from other specific
subsections of the Privacy Act.
Dated: August 18, 2009.
Nancy C. Libin,
Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer.
[FR Doc. E9–20364 Filed 8–24–09; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
42 CFR Part 3
RIN 0991–AB53
Patient Safety and Quality
Improvement: Civil Money Penalty
Inflation Adjustment
AGENCY: Office for Civil Rights, Office of
the Secretary, HHS.
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: The Department of Health and
Human Services amends the Patient
Safety and Quality Improvement Rule
by adjusting for inflation the maximum
civil money penalty amount for
violations of the confidentiality
provisions of the Rule. We are amending
the penalty amount to comply with the
Federal Civil Penalties Inflation
Adjustment Act of 1990. We are using
direct final rulemaking for this action
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because we expect that there will be no
significant adverse comment on the
DATES: This rule is effective November
23, 2009 without further action, unless
significant adverse comment is received
by September 24, 2009. If significant
adverse comment is received, OCR will
publish a timely withdrawal of the
document in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to one of
the following addresses. Please do not
submit duplicate comments. We will
treat a comment directed to either the
direct final rule or proposed rule
(discussed in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section) as being directed
towards both, therefore there is no need
to submit comments on both
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: You
may submit electronic comments at Follow the
instructions for submitting electronic
comments. Attachments should be in
Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or Excel;
however, we prefer Microsoft Word.
• Regular, Express, or Overnight Mail:
You may mail written comments (one
original and two copies) to the following
address only: U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Office for Civil
Rights, Attention: PSQIA CMP
Adjustment (RIN 0991–AB53), Hubert
H. Humphrey Building, Room 509F, 200
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20201. Mailed
comments may be subject to delivery
delays due to security procedures.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed
comments to be timely received in the
event of delivery delays.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: If you
prefer, you may deliver (by hand or
courier) your written comments (one
original and two copies) to the following
address only: Office for Civil Rights,
Attention: PSQIA CMP Adjustment (RIN
0991–AB53), Hubert H. Humphrey
Building, Room 509F, 200
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20201. (Because access
to the interior of the Hubert H.
Humphrey Building is not readily
available to persons without federal
government identification, commenters
are encouraged to leave their comments
in the mail drop slots located in the
main lobby of the building.)
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the close of
the comment period will be available for
public inspection, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment. We will post all comments
received before the close of the
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 163 (Tuesday, August 25, 2009)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 42776-42777]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-20364]
[[Page 42776]]
28 CFR Part 16
[CPCLO Order No. 003-2009]
Privacy Act of 1974; Implementation
AGENCY: Criminal Division, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Criminal Division (CRM), Department of Justice, issued a
proposed rule to amend its Privacy Act regulations (Title 28 of the
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 16), to revise the exemptions for the
following newly modified Privacy Act system of records entitled
``Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center and
International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center
System,'' JUSTICE/CRM-028, 74 FR 26598 (June 3, 2009). The ``Organized
Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center and International
Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center System,'' JUSTICE/
CRM-028, is exempt from the subsections of the Privacy Act listed below
for the reasons set forth in the following text. Information in this
system of records relates to matters of law enforcement, and the
exemptions are necessary to avoid interference with law enforcement
responsibilities and to protect the privacy of third parties.
DATES: Effective Date: August 25, 2009.
Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Suite 1127, Keeney Building,
Washington, DC 20530-0001 on (202) 616-0370.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The notice of the proposed rule with
invitation to comment was published on June 3, 2009, at 74 FR 26598. No
comments were received. The Department of Justice is exempting JUSTICE/
CRM-028 from 5 U.S.C. 552a (c)(3), and (4); (d)(1), (2), (3), and (4);
(e)(1), (2), (3), (4)(G), (H), and (I), (e)(5) and (e)(8); (f) and (g).
This order relates to individuals rather than small business
entities. Nevertheless, pursuant to the requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612, this order will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
List of Subjects in 28 CFR Part 16
Administrative practices and procedures, Courts, Freedom of
Information, Sunshine Act and Privacy.
Pursuant to the authority vested in the Attorney General by 5 U.S.C.
552a and delegated to me by Attorney General Order No. 2940-2008, this
rule amends 28 CFR part 16 as follows:
1. The authority citation for Part 16 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 552, 552a, 552b (g), and 553; 18 U.S.C.
4203(a)(1); 28 U.S.C. 509, 510, 534; 31 U.S.C. 3717 and 9701.
2. Section 16.91 is amended by revising paragraphs (u) and (v) to read
as follows:
Sec. 16.91 Exemption of Criminal Division Systems--limited access, as
* * * * *
(u) The following system of records is exempted pursuant to the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(j) and/or (k) from subsections (c)(3) and
(4); (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3) and (d)(4); (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3),
(e)(4)(G), (H) and (I), (e)(5) and (e)(8); (f), and (g) of 5 U.S.C.
552a: Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center and
International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center System
(JUSTICE/CRM-028). These exemptions apply only to the extent that
information in this system is subject to exemption pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552a (j) and/or (k).
(v) Exemptions from the particular subsections are justified for
the following reasons:
(1) From subsection (c)(3) because to provide the subject with an
accounting of disclosures of records in this system could inform that
individual of the existence, nature, or scope of an actual or potential
law enforcement or counterintelligence investigation by the Organized
Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center, the International
Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center, or the recipient
agency, and could permit that individual to take measures to avoid
detection or apprehension, to learn the identity of witnesses and
informants, or to destroy evidence, and would therefore present a
serious impediment to law enforcement or counterintelligence efforts.
In addition, disclosure of the accounting would amount to notice to the
individual of the existence of a record. Moreover, release of an
accounting may reveal information that is properly classified pursuant
to Executive Order and could compromise the national defense or foreign
(2) From subsection (c)(4) because this subsection is inapplicable
to the extent that an exemption is being claimed from subsections
(d)(1), (2), (3), and (4).
(3) From subsection (d)(1) because disclosure of records in the
system could alert the subject of an actual or potential criminal,
civil, or regulatory investigation of the existence of that
investigation, of the nature and scope of the information and evidence
obtained as to his activities, of the identity of confidential
witnesses and informants, of the investigative interest of the
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center,
International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center, and
other intelligence or law enforcement agencies (including those
responsible for civil proceedings related to laws against drug
trafficking or related financial crimes or international organized
crime); lead to the destruction of evidence, improper influencing of
witnesses, fabrication of testimony, and/or flight of the subject;
reveal the details of a sensitive investigative or intelligence
technique, or the identity of a confidential source; or otherwise
impede, compromise, or interfere with investigative efforts and other
related law enforcement and/or intelligence activities. In addition,
disclosure could invade the privacy of third parties and/or endanger
the life, health, and physical safety of law enforcement personnel,
confidential informants, witnesses, and potential crime victims. Access
to records could also result in the release of information properly
classified pursuant to Executive Order, thereby compromising the
national defense or foreign policy.
(4) From subsection (d)(2) because amendment of the records thought
to be incorrect, irrelevant, or untimely would also interfere with
ongoing investigations, criminal or civil law enforcement proceedings,
and other law enforcement activities and impose an impossible
administrative burden by requiring investigations, analyses, and
reports to be continuously reinvestigated and revised, as well as
impact information properly classified pursuant to Executive Order.
(5) From subsections (d)(3) and (4) because these subsections are
inapplicable to the extent exemption is claimed from (d)(1) and (2).
(6) From subsection (e)(1) because, in the course of its
acquisition, collation, and analysis of information under the statutory
authority granted to them, both the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement
Task Force Fusion Center and International Organized Crime Intelligence
and Operations Center will occasionally obtain information, including
information properly classified pursuant to Executive Order, that
concern actual or potential
[[Page 42777]]
violations of law that are not strictly within its statutory or other
authority or may compile information in the course of an investigation
which may not be relevant to a specific prosecution. It is impossible
to determine in advance what information collected during an
investigation will be important or crucial to the apprehension of
fugitives. In the interests of effective law enforcement, it is
necessary to retain such information in this system of records because
it can aid in establishing patterns of criminal activity and can
provide valuable leads for federal and other law enforcement agencies.
This consideration applies equally to information acquired from, or
collated or analyzed for, both law enforcement agencies and agencies of
the U.S. foreign intelligence community and military community.
(7) From subsection (e)(2) because in a criminal, civil, or
regulatory investigation, prosecution, or proceeding, the requirement
that information be collected to the greatest extent practicable from
the subject individual would present a serious impediment to law
enforcement because the subject of the investigation, prosecution, or
proceeding would be placed on notice as to the existence and nature of
the investigation, prosecution, and proceeding and would therefore be
able to avoid detection or apprehension, to influence witnesses
improperly, to destroy evidence, or to fabricate testimony. Moreover,
thorough and effective investigation and prosecution may require
seeking information from a number of different sources.
(8) From subsection (e)(3) (to the extent applicable) because the
requirement that individuals supplying information be provided a form
stating the requirements of subsection (e)(3) would constitute a
serious impediment to law enforcement in that it could compromise the
existence of a confidential investigation or reveal the identity of
witnesses or confidential informants and endanger their lives, health,
and physical safety. The individual could seriously interfere with
undercover investigative techniques and could take appropriate steps to
evade the investigation or flee a specific area.
(9) From subsections (e)(4)(G), (H) and (I) because this system is
exempt from the access provisions of subsection (d) pursuant to
subsections (j) and (k) of the Privacy Act.
(10) From subsection (e)(5) because the acquisition, collation, and
analysis of information for law enforcement purposes from various
agencies does not permit a determination in advance or a prediction of
what information will be matched with other information and thus
whether it is accurate, relevant, timely and complete. With the passage
of time, seemingly irrelevant or untimely information may acquire new
significance as further investigation brings new details to light and
the accuracy of such information can often only be determined in a
court of law. The restrictions imposed by subsection (e)(5) would
restrict the ability of trained investigators, intelligence analysts,
and government attorneys to exercise their judgment in collating and
analyzing information and would impede the development of criminal or
other intelligence necessary for effective law enforcement.
(11) From subsection (e)(8) because the individual notice
requirements of subsection (e)(8) could present a serious impediment to
law enforcement by revealing investigative techniques, procedures,
evidence, or interest and interfering with the ability to issue
warrants or subpoenas, and could give persons sufficient warning to
evade investigative efforts.
(12) From subsections (f) and (g) because these subsections are
inapplicable to the extent that the system is exempt from other
specific subsections of the Privacy Act.
Dated: August 18, 2009.
Nancy C. Libin,
Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer.
[FR Doc. E9-20364 Filed 8-24-09; 8:45 am]