Proposed Finding Against Acknowledgment of the Brothertown Indian Nation, 42683-42685 [E9-20285]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 162 / Monday, August 24, 2009 / Notices
St. Louis Independent City
Grand—Bates Suburb Historic District,
Roughly bounded by Bates St., Grand
Blvd., I–55, Alaska Ave., Fillmore & Iron
Sts., St. Louis (Independent City),
Jefferson County
Clark County
Ohio Falls Car and Locomotive Company
Historic District, 300 Missouri Ave.,
Jeffersonville, 09000494, DETERMINED
ELIGIBLE, 6/25/09
South Charles Town Historic District, S.
George, S. Mildred, S. Samuel, & S. Church
Sts., Charles Town, 09000733
[FR Doc. E9–20298 Filed 8–21–09; 8:45 am]
Wilder Homestead, Stacy Rd., Malone,
Vanderburgh County
USS LST 325 (tank landing ship), 840 LST
Dr., Evansville, 09000434, LISTED, 6/24/09
Montgomery County
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places;
Weekly Listing of Historic Properties
Jackson County
Hebrew Cemetery, 420 N.W. Ave., Jackson,
09000474, LISTED, 6/24/09
Franklin County
Kilts Farmstead, Address Restricted, Stone
Arabia, 09000721
New York County
Trinity Lutheran Church of Manhattan, 164
W. 100th St., New York, 09000722
Saratoga County
Bullard Block, 90–98 Broad St.,
Schuylerville, 09000723
Seneca County
Lay, Hiram, Cobblestone Farmhouse, (Coal
Company Stores in McDowell County
MPS) 1145 Mays Point Rd., Tyre, 09000724
Robeson County
Surles, W.R. Memorial Library, 105 W. Main
St., Proctorville, 09000725
Danville Independent City
Hylton Hall, 700 Lanier Ave., Danville
(Independent City), 09000726
Goochland County
Oak Grove, 664 Manakin Rd., Manikan-Sabot,
Highland County
Crab Run Lane Truss Bridge, VA 645 over
Crab Run, McDowell, 09000728
Pursuant to (36 CFR 60.13(b,c)) and
(36 CFR 63.5), this notice, through
publication of the information included
herein, is to apprise the public as well
as governmental agencies, associations
and all other organizations and
individuals interested in historic
preservation, of the properties added to,
or determined eligible for listing in, the
National Register of Historic Places from
June 22, to June 26, 2009.
For further information, please
contact Edson Beall via: United States
Postal Service mail, at the National
Register of Historic Places, 2280,
National Park Service, 1849 C St. NW.,
Washington, DC 20240; in person (by
appointment), 1201 Eye St., NW., 8th
floor, Washington, DC 20005; by fax,
202–371–2229; by phone, 202–354–
2255; or by e-mail,
Dated: August 19, 2009.
J. Paul Loether,
Chief, National Register of Historic Places/
National Historic Landmarks Program.
Ninth Street Office Building, 202 N. 9th St.,
Richmond (Independent City), 09000730
Berks County
Douglass, George, House, 19 Old
Philadelphia Pike, Amity Township,
09000462, LISTED, 6/25/09
Lackawanna County
Madison, James, School, 528 Quincy Ave.,
Scranton, 09000463, LISTED, 6/24/09
(Educational Resources of Pennsylvania
[FR Doc. E9–20297 Filed 8–21–09; 8:45 am]
Proposed Finding Against
Acknowledgment of the Brothertown
Indian Nation
Silvermine Center Historic District, Roughly
centered on Silvermine & Perry Aves.,
Norwalk, 07001441, LISTED, 6/23/09
West Franklin Street Historic District
(Boundary Increase),
Fulton County
Collier Heights Historic District, Bounded
approximately by Hamilton E. Holmes Dr.
on the E., Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy. on
the N., US 285 on the W, US 20, Atlanta,
09000457, LISTED, 6/23/09
King County
Snoqualmie Falls Snoqualmie R., between
mi. 40 & 41 Snoqualmie, 92000784
Polk County
900 blk. West Grace St., 4000 blk. N. Harrison
St., 300 blk. Shafer St., Richmond
(Independent City), 09000731
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Newaygo County
Croton Dam Mound Group, Address
Restricted, Croton vicinity, 08000846,
LISTED, 6/23/09
Fairfield County
Richmond Independent City
Thurston County
Millersylvania State Park, 12245 Tilley Rd.,
Olympia, 09000732
Jkt 217001
Hopewell High School Complex, 1201 City
Point Rd., Hopewell (Independent City),
15:04 Aug 21, 2009
Kent County
Alten, Mathias., House and Studio, 1593 E.
Fulton St., Grand Rapids, 08001102,
LISTED, 6/23/09
KEY: State, County, Property Name, Address/
Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference
Number, Action, Date, Multiple Name
Hopewell Independent City
VerDate Nov<24>2008
Rockmart Downtown Historic District,
Roughly bounded by Water, Beauregard,
Narble, and Elm Sts., Rockmart, 09000458,
LISTED, 6/24/09
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Bureau of Indian Affairs
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of proposed finding.
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Interior (Department) gives notice that
the Acting Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary—Indian Affairs (PDAS–IA)
proposes to determine that the
petitioner known as the Brothertown
Indian Nation is not an Indian tribe
within the meaning of Federal law. This
notice is based on a determination that
the petitioner does not satisfy all seven
of the criteria set forth in the applicable
regulations, and, therefore, does not
meet the requirements for a government-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 162 / Monday, August 24, 2009 / Notices
to-government relationship with the
United States.
DATES: Comments on this proposed
finding (PF) are due on or before
February 22, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Comments and requests for
a copy of the summary evaluation of the
evidence should be addressed to the
Office of the Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs, Attention: Office of
Federal Acknowledgment, 1951
Constitution Avenue, NW., Mail Stop
34B–SIB, Washington, DC 20240.
Interested or informed parties must send
a copy of their comments to the
petitioner at Brothertown Indian Nation
c/o Richard Schadewald, 82 South Macy
Street, P.O. Box 2206, Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin 54936–2206.
Lee Fleming, Director, Office of Federal
Acknowledgment, (202) 513–7650.
to 25 CFR 83.10(h), the Department
gives notice that the PDAS–IA proposes
to determine that the Brothertown
Indian Nation (BIN, Petitioner #67), c/o
Richard Schadewald, 82 South Macy
Street, P.O. Box 2206, Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin 54936–2206, is not an Indian
tribe within the meaning of Federal law.
This notice is based on a determination
that the petitioner does not satisfy all
seven of the criteria set forth in part 83
of title 25 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (25 CFR part 83),
specifically criteria at 83.7(a), 83.7(b),
83.7(c), 83.7(e), and 83.7(g), and
therefore does not meet the
requirements for a government-togovernment relationship with the
United States.
The Department publishes this notice
in the exercise of authority that the
Secretary of the Interior delegated to the
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs
(AS–IA) by 209 DM 8. The AS–IA
delegated authority to sign some Federal
acknowledgment findings, including
this PF, to the PDAS–IA effective June
4, 2009.
A group known as the Brothertown
Indian Nation (BIN), under the name of
Brotherton Indians of Wisconsin (BIW),
submitted a letter of intent to petition
for Federal acknowledgment as an
Indian tribe to the AS–IA. The
Department received the letter of intent
on April 15, 1980. The Department
designated the BIW as Petitioner #67.
The BIW submitted its first
documentation that included a narrative
as well as some documents outlined in
the BIW petitioner’s narrative. The
Department received this material on
February 7, 1996. The group claimed to
descend from the historical Brothertown
Indian tribe of Wisconsin, which
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:04 Aug 21, 2009
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evolved from the Brothertown Indian
tribe of New York State when a large
portion of the original tribe moved from
New York to Wisconsin. At an earlier
time, portions of several historical
Indian tribes of Rhode Island,
Connecticut, and Long Island had
combined to form the Brothertown
Indian tribe of New York. The historical
Brothertown Indian tribe of Wisconsin
occupied a reservation created for it in
Wisconsin by the United States Senate
in 1832. It was last acknowledged by the
United States Government in 1839 when
the tribe, as provided in an Act of 1839
and at its own request, divided its
reservation lands among its members
and became citizens. As a result, the
tribe’s Federal relationship was
The Department conducted an initial
review of the petition and determined
the petitioner was ready for
consideration and placed the BIW
petitioner on the ‘‘ready, waiting for
active consideration list’’ on February
28, 1996. In 1995 and 1998, the BIW
petitioner submitted additional petition
documents on three different occasions.
The BIW notified the Department on
January 4, 2005, that the group changed
its name officially to Brothertown
Indian Nation (BIN) on November 20,
The Department placed the BIN
petitioner on active consideration for
the PF on June 23, 2008, and received
two submissions of additional petitioner
documents from the group during the 60
days following, as allowed by the
‘‘directive’’ of March 31, 2005, and a
letter to the petitioner of June 20, 2008
(70 FR 16513). The Department will
consider any additional material that it
received after the submission deadline
of August 22, 2008, for the final
determination (FD), pursuant to that
directive the Department published on
March 31, 2005 (70 FR 16515).
The acknowledgment process is based
on the regulations at 25 CFR part 83.
Under these regulations, the petitioner
has the burden to present evidence that
it meets the seven mandatory criteria in
section 83.7. The BIN petitioner does
not satisfy criteria 83.7(a), 83.7(b),
83.7(c), 83.7(e), and 83.7(g). The BIN
petitioner meets the requirements of
criteria 83.7(d) and 83.7(f).
If ‘‘substantial evidence’’
demonstrates the petitioner had
‘‘unambiguous’’ previous Federal
acknowledgment as an Indian tribe,
then the requirements of the
acknowledgment criteria in section 83.7
are modified by the provisions of
section 83.8(d). The available record
indicates that the Senate proviso to the
Treaty of 1831, the Treaty of 1832, and
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the Act of 1839 constitute unambiguous
previous Federal acknowledgment of a
Brothertown Indian tribe in Wisconsin.
Evidence that a predominant portion of
the petitioner’s members descend from
the previously acknowledged Indian
tribe and some evidence in the record of
group activities by Brothertown
descendants since 1839 allow the
petitioner to advance a claim to have
evolved from the previously
acknowledged Indian tribe. Therefore,
the Brothertown petitioner is evaluated
on the basis of whether or not it meets
the seven mandatory criteria in section
83.7 as modified by section 83.8(d),
from last Federal acknowledgment in
1839 until the present.
Criterion 83.7(a) requires that external
observers have identified the petitioner
as an American Indian entity on a
substantially continuous basis since
1900. As modified by section 83.8(d)(1),
the petitioner must be identified since
last Federal acknowledgment, which for
the Brothertown petitioner is 1839. The
evidence in the record demonstrates
that external observers identified a
historical Brothertown group from 1839
until 1855. Between 1855 and 1981,
outside observers periodically identified
a Brothertown Indian entity, but
because these periodic identifications
are separated by long periods of time in
which the petitioner or its members’
ancestors were not identified as an
Indian entity, the petitioner does not
satisfy the standard of ‘‘substantially
continuous’’ identification as required
by the regulations. The petitioning
group has been identified as an
American Indian entity since 1981.
However, the petitioner has not been
identified on a substantially continuous
basis since 1839. Therefore, the BIN
petitioner does not meet the
requirements of criterion 83.7(a).
Criterion 83.7(b) requires that a
predominant portion of the petitioning
group has comprised a distinct
community since historical times. As
modified by section 83.8(d)(2), the
petitioner must demonstrate only that a
predominant portion of the petitioning
group comprises a distinct community
‘‘at present,’’ which for this case is
considered to be the period since the
petitioner formally organized in 1980.
The character of the current group
appears to be that of a highly dispersed
descent group with some active
members. There is no available evidence
in the record that an informal
community existed in 1980 composed of
the same people currently enrolled with
the petitioner. Most members who have
strong social ties to other members
formed these relationships through the
activities of the group’s formal
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 162 / Monday, August 24, 2009 / Notices
organization. Outside of these active
participants, few members of the group
have strong social ties to each other. For
the period from 1980 to 2009, there is
insufficient evidence that a
predominant portion of the petitioning
group’s members regularly associate
with each other or that the petitioner’s
members comprise a distinct
community. Therefore, the BIN
petitioner does not meet the
requirements of criterion 83.7(b) as
modified by section 83.8(d)(2).
Criterion 83.7(c) requires that the
petitioning group has maintained
political influence over its members as
an autonomous entity since historical
times. The evidence in the record does
not demonstrate that authoritative,
knowledgeable external observers
identified leaders or a governing body of
the petitioning group on a substantially
continuous basis since the date of last
Federal acknowledgment in 1839.
Therefore, the petitioner does not meet
the requirements of criterion 83.7(c) as
modified by section 83.8(d)(3) for the
historical period prior to ‘‘at present.’’
Alternatively under the provisions of
section 83.8(d)(5), the evidence in the
record is insufficient to demonstrate
that the BIN petitioner or any group
antecedent to it maintained political
influence or authority over its members
from 1839 until the group’s
establishment as a formal organization
in 1980. After 1980, when the current
petitioner organized, its governing body
has provided some services for its
members, but this activity is of recent
origin and appears to be the result of the
group’s establishment as a formal
organization. The petitioner has not
demonstrated it maintained political
influence or authority over most of its
members at any time since 1839.
Therefore, the BIN petitioner does not
meet the requirements of criterion
Criterion 83.7(d) requires that the
petitioner provide a copy of its
governing document including its
membership criteria. The petitioner
submitted a copy of its governing
document which includes its
membership criteria. Therefore, the BIN
petitioner meets the requirements of
criterion 83.7(d).
Criterion 83.7(e) requires that the
petitioner’s members descend from a
historical Indian tribe or from historical
Indian tribes which combined and
functioned as a single autonomous
political entity. The June 24, 2008, BIN
membership list includes 3,137 living
members, both adults and minors. The
evidence in the record shows that
almost all of the petitioner’s members
claim descent from individuals who
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were members of the historical
Brothertown Indian tribe of Wisconsin
in 1839. However, this PF finds that
only 51 percent (1,593 of 3,137) of BIN
members have demonstrated descent
from an individual known to be a
member of the historical Brothertown
Indian tribe of Wisconsin. The
petitioner has not demonstrated for this
PF that its members descend from an
historical Indian tribe. Therefore, the
BIN petitioner does not meet the
requirements of criterion 83.7(e).
Criterion 83.7(f) requires that the
petitioner’s membership be composed
principally of persons who are not
members of another federally
recognized Indian tribe. A review of the
membership rolls of those Indian tribes
in Wisconsin and Minnesota that would
most likely include the BIN petitioner’s
members revealed that the petitioner’s
membership is composed principally of
persons who are not members of any
federally acknowledged North American
Indian tribe. Therefore, the BIN
petitioner meets the requirements of
criterion 83.7(f).
Criterion 83.7(g) requires that the
petitioner not be subject to
congressional legislation that has
terminated or forbidden the Federal
relationship. Congress stated in the Act
of 1839 that the Brothertown Indian
tribe’s ‘‘rights as a tribe’’ recognized by
the Federal Government, and
specifically its power to act as a
political and governmental entity,
would ‘‘cease and determine,’’ that is,
end and be limited permanently.
Congress in this Act brought Federal
recognition of the relationship with the
Brothertown Indian tribe of Wisconsin
to an end. By expressly denying the
Brothertown of Wisconsin any Federal
recognition of a right to act as a tribal
political entity, Congress has forbidden
the Federal Government from
acknowledging the Brothertown as a
government and from having a
government-to-government relationship
with the Brothertown as an Indian tribe.
Congress has both expressly ended and
forbidden the Federal relationship for
this petitioner. Therefore, the BIN
petitioner does not meet the
requirements of criterion 83.7(g).
Based on this preliminary factual
determination, the Department proposes
not to extend Federal acknowledgment
as an Indian tribe to the petitioner
known as the Brothertown Indian
A report summarizing the evidence,
reasoning, and analyses that are the
basis for the PF will be provided to the
petitioner and interested parties, and is
available to other parties upon written
request as provided by 25 CFR 83.10(h).
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Requests for a copy of the summary
evaluation of the evidence should be
addressed to the Federal Government as
instructed in the ADDRESSES section of
this notice.
Publication of this notice of the PF in
the Federal Register initiates a 180-day
comment period during which the
petitioner and interested and informed
parties may submit arguments and
evidence to support or rebut the
evidence relied upon in the PF.
Comments on the PF should be
addressed to both the petitioner and the
Federal Government as required by 25
CFR 83.10(i) and as instructed in the
ADDRESSES section of this notice by the
date listed in the DATES section of this
The regulations, 25 CFR 83.10(k),
provide the petitioner a minimum of 60
days to respond to any submissions on
the PF received from interested and
informed parties during the comment
period. After the expiration of the
comment and response periods
described above, the Department will
consult with the petitioner concerning
establishment of a schedule for
preparation of the FD. The Acting
PDAS–IA will publish the FD of the
petitioner’s status in the Federal
Register as provided in 25 CFR 83.10(l),
at a time that is consistent with that
The Acting PDAS–IA George T.
Skibine approved the Proposed Finding
Against Acknowledgment of the
Brothertown Indian Nation (Petitioner
#67) and approved the publication of
this Federal Register notice.
Dated: August 17, 2009.
George T. Skibine,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. E9–20285 Filed 8–21–09; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[WY–923–1310–FI; WYW144810]
Wyoming: Notice of Proposed
Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and
Gas Lease
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of proposed
reinstatement of terminated oil and gas
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of 30
U.S.C. 188(d) and (e), and 43 CFR
3108.2–3(a) and (b)(2), the Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) received a
petition for reinstatement from
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 162 (Monday, August 24, 2009)]
[Pages 42683-42685]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-20285]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Proposed Finding Against Acknowledgment of the Brothertown Indian
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of proposed finding.
SUMMARY: The Department of the Interior (Department) gives notice that
the Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs (PDAS-
IA) proposes to determine that the petitioner known as the Brothertown
Indian Nation is not an Indian tribe within the meaning of Federal law.
This notice is based on a determination that the petitioner does not
satisfy all seven of the criteria set forth in the applicable
regulations, and, therefore, does not meet the requirements for a
[[Page 42684]]
to-government relationship with the United States.
DATES: Comments on this proposed finding (PF) are due on or before
February 22, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Comments and requests for a copy of the summary evaluation
of the evidence should be addressed to the Office of the Assistant
Secretary--Indian Affairs, Attention: Office of Federal Acknowledgment,
1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., Mail Stop 34B-SIB, Washington, DC 20240.
Interested or informed parties must send a copy of their comments to
the petitioner at Brothertown Indian Nation c/o Richard Schadewald, 82
South Macy Street, P.O. Box 2206, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936-2206.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: R. Lee Fleming, Director, Office of
Federal Acknowledgment, (202) 513-7650.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to 25 CFR 83.10(h), the Department
gives notice that the PDAS-IA proposes to determine that the
Brothertown Indian Nation (BIN, Petitioner 67), c/o Richard
Schadewald, 82 South Macy Street, P.O. Box 2206, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
54936-2206, is not an Indian tribe within the meaning of Federal law.
This notice is based on a determination that the petitioner does not
satisfy all seven of the criteria set forth in part 83 of title 25 of
the Code of Federal Regulations (25 CFR part 83), specifically criteria
at 83.7(a), 83.7(b), 83.7(c), 83.7(e), and 83.7(g), and therefore does
not meet the requirements for a government-to-government relationship
with the United States.
The Department publishes this notice in the exercise of authority
that the Secretary of the Interior delegated to the Assistant
Secretary--Indian Affairs (AS-IA) by 209 DM 8. The AS-IA delegated
authority to sign some Federal acknowledgment findings, including this
PF, to the PDAS-IA effective June 4, 2009.
A group known as the Brothertown Indian Nation (BIN), under the
name of Brotherton Indians of Wisconsin (BIW), submitted a letter of
intent to petition for Federal acknowledgment as an Indian tribe to the
AS-IA. The Department received the letter of intent on April 15, 1980.
The Department designated the BIW as Petitioner 67. The BIW
submitted its first documentation that included a narrative as well as
some documents outlined in the BIW petitioner's narrative. The
Department received this material on February 7, 1996. The group
claimed to descend from the historical Brothertown Indian tribe of
Wisconsin, which evolved from the Brothertown Indian tribe of New York
State when a large portion of the original tribe moved from New York to
Wisconsin. At an earlier time, portions of several historical Indian
tribes of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Long Island had combined to
form the Brothertown Indian tribe of New York. The historical
Brothertown Indian tribe of Wisconsin occupied a reservation created
for it in Wisconsin by the United States Senate in 1832. It was last
acknowledged by the United States Government in 1839 when the tribe, as
provided in an Act of 1839 and at its own request, divided its
reservation lands among its members and became citizens. As a result,
the tribe's Federal relationship was terminated.
The Department conducted an initial review of the petition and
determined the petitioner was ready for consideration and placed the
BIW petitioner on the ``ready, waiting for active consideration list''
on February 28, 1996. In 1995 and 1998, the BIW petitioner submitted
additional petition documents on three different occasions. The BIW
notified the Department on January 4, 2005, that the group changed its
name officially to Brothertown Indian Nation (BIN) on November 20,
The Department placed the BIN petitioner on active consideration
for the PF on June 23, 2008, and received two submissions of additional
petitioner documents from the group during the 60 days following, as
allowed by the ``directive'' of March 31, 2005, and a letter to the
petitioner of June 20, 2008 (70 FR 16513). The Department will consider
any additional material that it received after the submission deadline
of August 22, 2008, for the final determination (FD), pursuant to that
directive the Department published on March 31, 2005 (70 FR 16515).
The acknowledgment process is based on the regulations at 25 CFR
part 83. Under these regulations, the petitioner has the burden to
present evidence that it meets the seven mandatory criteria in section
83.7. The BIN petitioner does not satisfy criteria 83.7(a), 83.7(b),
83.7(c), 83.7(e), and 83.7(g). The BIN petitioner meets the
requirements of criteria 83.7(d) and 83.7(f).
If ``substantial evidence'' demonstrates the petitioner had
``unambiguous'' previous Federal acknowledgment as an Indian tribe,
then the requirements of the acknowledgment criteria in section 83.7
are modified by the provisions of section 83.8(d). The available record
indicates that the Senate proviso to the Treaty of 1831, the Treaty of
1832, and the Act of 1839 constitute unambiguous previous Federal
acknowledgment of a Brothertown Indian tribe in Wisconsin. Evidence
that a predominant portion of the petitioner's members descend from the
previously acknowledged Indian tribe and some evidence in the record of
group activities by Brothertown descendants since 1839 allow the
petitioner to advance a claim to have evolved from the previously
acknowledged Indian tribe. Therefore, the Brothertown petitioner is
evaluated on the basis of whether or not it meets the seven mandatory
criteria in section 83.7 as modified by section 83.8(d), from last
Federal acknowledgment in 1839 until the present.
Criterion 83.7(a) requires that external observers have identified
the petitioner as an American Indian entity on a substantially
continuous basis since 1900. As modified by section 83.8(d)(1), the
petitioner must be identified since last Federal acknowledgment, which
for the Brothertown petitioner is 1839. The evidence in the record
demonstrates that external observers identified a historical
Brothertown group from 1839 until 1855. Between 1855 and 1981, outside
observers periodically identified a Brothertown Indian entity, but
because these periodic identifications are separated by long periods of
time in which the petitioner or its members' ancestors were not
identified as an Indian entity, the petitioner does not satisfy the
standard of ``substantially continuous'' identification as required by
the regulations. The petitioning group has been identified as an
American Indian entity since 1981. However, the petitioner has not been
identified on a substantially continuous basis since 1839. Therefore,
the BIN petitioner does not meet the requirements of criterion 83.7(a).
Criterion 83.7(b) requires that a predominant portion of the
petitioning group has comprised a distinct community since historical
times. As modified by section 83.8(d)(2), the petitioner must
demonstrate only that a predominant portion of the petitioning group
comprises a distinct community ``at present,'' which for this case is
considered to be the period since the petitioner formally organized in
1980. The character of the current group appears to be that of a highly
dispersed descent group with some active members. There is no available
evidence in the record that an informal community existed in 1980
composed of the same people currently enrolled with the petitioner.
Most members who have strong social ties to other members formed these
relationships through the activities of the group's formal
[[Page 42685]]
organization. Outside of these active participants, few members of the
group have strong social ties to each other. For the period from 1980
to 2009, there is insufficient evidence that a predominant portion of
the petitioning group's members regularly associate with each other or
that the petitioner's members comprise a distinct community. Therefore,
the BIN petitioner does not meet the requirements of criterion 83.7(b)
as modified by section 83.8(d)(2).
Criterion 83.7(c) requires that the petitioning group has
maintained political influence over its members as an autonomous entity
since historical times. The evidence in the record does not demonstrate
that authoritative, knowledgeable external observers identified leaders
or a governing body of the petitioning group on a substantially
continuous basis since the date of last Federal acknowledgment in 1839.
Therefore, the petitioner does not meet the requirements of criterion
83.7(c) as modified by section 83.8(d)(3) for the historical period
prior to ``at present.'' Alternatively under the provisions of section
83.8(d)(5), the evidence in the record is insufficient to demonstrate
that the BIN petitioner or any group antecedent to it maintained
political influence or authority over its members from 1839 until the
group's establishment as a formal organization in 1980. After 1980,
when the current petitioner organized, its governing body has provided
some services for its members, but this activity is of recent origin
and appears to be the result of the group's establishment as a formal
organization. The petitioner has not demonstrated it maintained
political influence or authority over most of its members at any time
since 1839. Therefore, the BIN petitioner does not meet the
requirements of criterion 83.7(c).
Criterion 83.7(d) requires that the petitioner provide a copy of
its governing document including its membership criteria. The
petitioner submitted a copy of its governing document which includes
its membership criteria. Therefore, the BIN petitioner meets the
requirements of criterion 83.7(d).
Criterion 83.7(e) requires that the petitioner's members descend
from a historical Indian tribe or from historical Indian tribes which
combined and functioned as a single autonomous political entity. The
June 24, 2008, BIN membership list includes 3,137 living members, both
adults and minors. The evidence in the record shows that almost all of
the petitioner's members claim descent from individuals who were
members of the historical Brothertown Indian tribe of Wisconsin in
1839. However, this PF finds that only 51 percent (1,593 of 3,137) of
BIN members have demonstrated descent from an individual known to be a
member of the historical Brothertown Indian tribe of Wisconsin. The
petitioner has not demonstrated for this PF that its members descend
from an historical Indian tribe. Therefore, the BIN petitioner does not
meet the requirements of criterion 83.7(e).
Criterion 83.7(f) requires that the petitioner's membership be
composed principally of persons who are not members of another
federally recognized Indian tribe. A review of the membership rolls of
those Indian tribes in Wisconsin and Minnesota that would most likely
include the BIN petitioner's members revealed that the petitioner's
membership is composed principally of persons who are not members of
any federally acknowledged North American Indian tribe. Therefore, the
BIN petitioner meets the requirements of criterion 83.7(f).
Criterion 83.7(g) requires that the petitioner not be subject to
congressional legislation that has terminated or forbidden the Federal
relationship. Congress stated in the Act of 1839 that the Brothertown
Indian tribe's ``rights as a tribe'' recognized by the Federal
Government, and specifically its power to act as a political and
governmental entity, would ``cease and determine,'' that is, end and be
limited permanently. Congress in this Act brought Federal recognition
of the relationship with the Brothertown Indian tribe of Wisconsin to
an end. By expressly denying the Brothertown of Wisconsin any Federal
recognition of a right to act as a tribal political entity, Congress
has forbidden the Federal Government from acknowledging the Brothertown
as a government and from having a government-to-government relationship
with the Brothertown as an Indian tribe. Congress has both expressly
ended and forbidden the Federal relationship for this petitioner.
Therefore, the BIN petitioner does not meet the requirements of
criterion 83.7(g).
Based on this preliminary factual determination, the Department
proposes not to extend Federal acknowledgment as an Indian tribe to the
petitioner known as the Brothertown Indian Nation.
A report summarizing the evidence, reasoning, and analyses that are
the basis for the PF will be provided to the petitioner and interested
parties, and is available to other parties upon written request as
provided by 25 CFR 83.10(h). Requests for a copy of the summary
evaluation of the evidence should be addressed to the Federal
Government as instructed in the ADDRESSES section of this notice.
Publication of this notice of the PF in the Federal Register
initiates a 180-day comment period during which the petitioner and
interested and informed parties may submit arguments and evidence to
support or rebut the evidence relied upon in the PF. Comments on the PF
should be addressed to both the petitioner and the Federal Government
as required by 25 CFR 83.10(i) and as instructed in the ADDRESSES
section of this notice by the date listed in the DATES section of this
The regulations, 25 CFR 83.10(k), provide the petitioner a minimum
of 60 days to respond to any submissions on the PF received from
interested and informed parties during the comment period. After the
expiration of the comment and response periods described above, the
Department will consult with the petitioner concerning establishment of
a schedule for preparation of the FD. The Acting PDAS-IA will publish
the FD of the petitioner's status in the Federal Register as provided
in 25 CFR 83.10(l), at a time that is consistent with that schedule.
The Acting PDAS-IA George T. Skibine approved the Proposed Finding
Against Acknowledgment of the Brothertown Indian Nation (Petitioner
67) and approved the publication of this Federal Register
Dated: August 17, 2009.
George T. Skibine,
Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. E9-20285 Filed 8-21-09; 8:45 am]