Notice of Public Hearing and Commission Meeting, 42141-42142 [E9-20071]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 160 / Thursday, August 20, 2009 / Notices
[Public Notice 6733]
Culturally Significant Objects Imported
for Exhibition Determinations: ‘‘Horace
Walpole’s Strawberry Hill’’
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the
following determinations: Pursuant to
the authority vested in me by the Act of
October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C.
2459), Executive Order 12047 of March
27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and
Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat.
2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et
seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of
October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority
No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as
amended, and Delegation of Authority
No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875],
I hereby determine that the objects to be
included in the exhibition ‘‘Horace
Walpole’s Strawberry Hill,’’ imported
from abroad for temporary exhibition
within the United States, are of cultural
significance. The objects are imported
pursuant to loan agreements with the
foreign owners or custodians. I also
determine that the exhibition or display
of the exhibit objects at the Yale Center
for British Art, New Haven, CT, from on
or about October 15, 2009, until on or
about January 3, 2010, and at possible
additional exhibitions or venues yet to
be determined, is in the national
interest. Public Notice of these
Determinations is ordered to be
published in the Federal Register.
further information, including a list of
the exhibit objects, contact Carol B.
Epstein, Attorney-Adviser, Office of the
Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State
(telephone: 202/632–6473). The address
is U.S. Department of State, SA–5, L/PD,
Fifth Floor, Washington, DC 20522–
Dated: August 14, 2009.
Maura M. Pally,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional
and Cultural Exchanges, Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department
of State.
[FR Doc. E9–20038 Filed 8–19–09; 8:45 am]
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Notice of Public Hearing and
Commission Meeting
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin
ACTION: Notice of public hearing and
Commission meeting.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:07 Aug 19, 2009
Jkt 217001
SUMMARY: The Susquehanna River Basin
Commission will hold a public hearing
as part of its regular business meeting
beginning at 8:30 a.m. on September 10,
2009, in North East, Md. At the public
hearing, the Commission will consider:
(1) Action on certain water resources
projects; (2) the rescission of five
previous docket approvals; (3)
enforcement actions against two
projects; and (4) one request for an
administrative hearing on a project
previously approved by the
Commission. Details concerning the
matters to be addressed at the public
hearing and business meeting are
contained in the Supplementary
Information section of this notice.
DATES: September 10, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Chesapeake Lodge Hotel &
Conference Center at Sandy Cove
Ministries, 60 Sandy Cove Road, North
East, MD.
Richard A. Cairo, General Counsel,
telephone: (717) 238–0423, ext. 306; fax:
(717) 238–2436; e-mail:
or Stephanie L. Richardson, Secretary to
the Commission, telephone: (717) 238–
0423, ext. 304; fax: (717) 238–2436; email:
addition to the public hearing and its
related action items identified below,
the business meeting also includes
actions or presentations on the
following items: (1) Hydrologic
conditions of the basin; (2) the
Maryland Lt. Governor’s Water Summit
Update; (3) panel discussion on the
Chesapeake Bay and Ecosystems as
SRBC ‘‘Priority Management Areas’’; (4)
the William Jeanes award; (5) final
rulemaking regarding federal licensing/
re-licensing of projects and other
revisions; (6) an Access to Records
Policy; and (7) ratification/approval of
grants/contracts. The Commission will
also hear a Legal Counsel’s report.
Public Hearing—Compliance Actions
1. Project Sponsor: Allegheny Energy
Supply Company, LLC and UGI
Development Company. Project Facility:
Hunlock Power Station, Unit 4, Hunlock
Township, Luzerne County, PA.
2. Project Sponsor: Chief Oil & Gas
LLC. Project Facility: Phelps 1H Well,
Lathrop Township, Susquehanna
County, PA.
Public Hearing—Projects Scheduled for
1. Project Sponsor and Facility: ALTA
Operating Company, LLC (Berkowitz
Pond), Forest Lake Township,
Susquehanna County, PA. Application
PO 00000
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for surface water withdrawal of up to
0.249 mgd.
2. Project Sponsor: Antrim Treatment
Trust. Project Facility: Antrim No. 1,
Duncan Township, Tioga County, PA.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 0.720 mgd.
3. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Charles Header-Laurel Springs
Development, Barry Township,
Schuylkill County, PA. Application for
groundwater withdrawal of 0.099 mgd
from Laurel Springs 1 and 2.
4. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Charles Header-Laurel Springs
Development, Barry Township,
Schuylkill County, PA. Application for
consumptive water use of up to 0.099
5. Project Sponsor: Community Refuse
Service, Inc. Project Facility:
Cumberland County Landfill, Hopewell
and North Newton Townships,
Cumberland County, PA. Modification
to increase consumptive water use from
a peak day of 0.090 mgd up to 0.140
mgd (Docket No. 20050907).
6. Project Sponsor: Community Refuse
Service, Inc. Project Facility:
Cumberland County Landfill, Hopewell
and North Newton Townships,
Cumberland County, PA. Application
for groundwater withdrawal of 0.053
mgd from eight wells for consumptive
water use.
7. Project Sponsor and Facility:
EXCO–North Coast Energy, Inc.
(Tunkhannock Creek—Dixon),
Tunkhannock Township, Wyoming
County, PA. Application for surface
water withdrawal of up to 0.999 mgd.
8. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Fortuna Energy Inc. (Towanda Creek—
Franklin Township Volunteer Fire
Department), Franklin Township,
Bradford County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 2.000
9. Project Sponsor and Facility: J–W
Operating Company (Abandoned Mine
Pool—Unnamed Tributary to Finley
Run), Shippen Township, Cameron
County, PA. Application for surface
water withdrawal of up to 0.090 mgd.
10. Project Sponsor and Facility: LHP
Management, LLC (Fishing Creek—
Clinton Country Club), Bald Eagle
Township, Clinton County, PA.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 5.000 mgd.
11. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Mansfield Borough Municipal
Authority, Richmond Township, Tioga
County, PA. Application for
groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.079
mgd from Well 3.
12. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Seneca Resources Corporation (Arnot
No. 5), Bloss Township, Tioga County,
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 160 / Thursday, August 20, 2009 / Notices
PA. Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 0.499 mgd.
13. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company (Cold
Creek—Giroux), Herrick Township,
Bradford County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249
14. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company (Mill
Creek—Kennedy), Stevens Township,
Bradford County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249
15. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company (Ross
Creek—Billings), Stevens Township,
Bradford County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249
16. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company (Sutton
Big Pond), Herrick Township, Bradford
County, PA. Application for surface
water withdrawal of up to 5.000 mgd.
17. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company
(Tunkhannock Creek—Price), Gibson
Township, Susquehanna County, PA.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 0.380 mgd.
18. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company
(Wyalusing Creek—Ferguson),
Wyalusing Township, Bradford County,
PA. Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
19. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Southwestern Energy Company
(Wyalusing Creek—Campbell), Stevens
Township, Bradford County, PA.
Application for surface water
withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
20. Project Sponsor: UGI Development
Company. Project Facility: Hunlock
Power Station, Hunlock Township,
Luzerne County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal from the
Susquehanna River of up to 55.050 mgd.
21. Project Sponsor: UGI Development
Company. Project Facility: Hunlock
Power Station, Hunlock Township,
Luzerne County, PA. Application for
consumptive water use of up to 0.870
22. Project Sponsor and Facility: Ultra
Resources, Inc. (Elk Run), Gaines
Township, Tioga County, PA. Corrective
modification to passby flow condition
(Docket No. 20090631).
23. Project Sponsor: United Water
Resources. Project Facility: United
Water PA–Harrisburg Operation,
Newberry Township, York County, PA.
Application for groundwater
withdrawal of up to 0.172 mgd from
Paddletown Well.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:07 Aug 19, 2009
Jkt 217001
Public Hearing—Projects Scheduled for
Rescission Action
1. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River) (Docket No.
20080903), Town of Tioga, Tioga
County, N.Y.
2. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River) (Docket No.
20080906), Athens Township, Bradford
County, PA.
3. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River) (Docket No.
20080907), Oakland Township,
Susquehanna County, PA.
4. Project Sponsor and Facility: East
Resources, Inc. (Tioga River) (Docket
No. 20080609), Mansfield, Richmond
Township, Tioga County, PA.
5. Project Sponsor and Facility:
Montrose Country Club (Docket No.
20020603), Bridgewater Township,
Susquehanna County, PA.
Public Hearing—Request for
Administrative Hearing
1. Petitioner Delta Borough, York
County, Pennsylvania; RE: Delta
Borough Public Water Supply Well No.
DR–2; Docket No. 20090315, approved
March 12, 2009.
Opportunity to Appear and Comment
Interested parties may appear at the
above hearing to offer written or oral
comments to the Commission on any
matter on the hearing agenda, or at the
business meeting to offer written or oral
comments on other matters scheduled
for consideration at the business
meeting. The chair of the Commission
reserves the right to limit oral
statements in the interest of time and to
otherwise control the course of the
hearing and business meeting. Written
comments may also be mailed to the
Susquehanna River Basin Commission,
1721 North Front Street, Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania 17102–2391, or submitted
electronically to Richard A. Cairo,
General Counsel, e-mail:
or Stephanie L. Richardson, Secretary to
the Commission, e-mail: Comments mailed
or electronically submitted must be
received prior to September 4, 2009, to
be considered.
Authority: Public Law 91–575, 84 Stat.
1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806, 807, and 808
Dated: August 11, 2009.
Thomas W. Beauduy,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E9–20071 Filed 8–19–09; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA–2009–0008]
Beall Corporation; Grant of Application
for a Temporary Exemption From
FMVSS No. 224
AGENCY: National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Grant of petition for temporary
SUMMARY: In accordance with 49 CFR
part 555, this notice grants the Beall
Corporation’s application for a
temporary exemption from the
requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard (‘‘FMVSS’’) No. 224,
‘‘Rear Impact Protection.’’ The
exemption applies to the company’s
dump body trailers. The basis for the
grant is that compliance would cause
substantial economic hardship to a
manufacturer that has tried in good faith
to comply with the standard. The
exemption is effective for three years.
DATES: The exemption from the
applicable FMVSS is effective from
August 20, 2009 through August 20,
Scott, Office of the Chief Counsel, NCC–
112, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., West Building 4th Floor,
Room W41–326, Washington, DC 20590.
Telephone: (202) 366–2992; Fax: (202)
366–3820; E-mail
a. Rear Impact Protection
FMVSS No. 224, Rear Impact
Protection, requires all trailers with a
gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of
4,536 kilograms (kg) (10,000 pounds) or
more be fitted with a rear impact guard
that conforms to FMVSS No. 223, ‘‘Rear
impact guards.’’ This requirement,
however, has presented problems for
certain specialized vehicles, such as
road construction vehicles, where
interaction between the rear impact
guard and the specialized paving or
dumping equipment can cause
engineering hurdles. In accordance with
49 U.S.C. 30113 and the procedures in
49 CFR part 555, Beall Corporation, d/
b/a Power Truckweld (‘‘Beall’’), a dump
body trailer manufacturer, petitioned
the agency for a temporary exemption
from the rear impact protection
requirements in FMVSS No. 224 (49
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 160 (Thursday, August 20, 2009)]
[Pages 42141-42142]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-20071]
Notice of Public Hearing and Commission Meeting
AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.
ACTION: Notice of public hearing and Commission meeting.
SUMMARY: The Susquehanna River Basin Commission will hold a public
hearing as part of its regular business meeting beginning at 8:30 a.m.
on September 10, 2009, in North East, Md. At the public hearing, the
Commission will consider: (1) Action on certain water resources
projects; (2) the rescission of five previous docket approvals; (3)
enforcement actions against two projects; and (4) one request for an
administrative hearing on a project previously approved by the
Commission. Details concerning the matters to be addressed at the
public hearing and business meeting are contained in the Supplementary
Information section of this notice.
DATES: September 10, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Chesapeake Lodge Hotel & Conference Center at Sandy Cove
Ministries, 60 Sandy Cove Road, North East, MD.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard A. Cairo, General Counsel,
telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 306; fax: (717) 238-2436; e-mail: or Stephanie L. Richardson, Secretary to the
Commission, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 304; fax: (717) 238-2436;
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In addition to the public hearing and its
related action items identified below, the business meeting also
includes actions or presentations on the following items: (1)
Hydrologic conditions of the basin; (2) the Maryland Lt. Governor's
Water Summit Update; (3) panel discussion on the Chesapeake Bay and
Ecosystems as SRBC ``Priority Management Areas''; (4) the William
Jeanes award; (5) final rulemaking regarding federal licensing/re-
licensing of projects and other revisions; (6) an Access to Records
Policy; and (7) ratification/approval of grants/contracts. The
Commission will also hear a Legal Counsel's report.
Public Hearing--Compliance Actions
1. Project Sponsor: Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC and UGI
Development Company. Project Facility: Hunlock Power Station, Unit 4,
Hunlock Township, Luzerne County, PA.
2. Project Sponsor: Chief Oil & Gas LLC. Project Facility: Phelps
1H Well, Lathrop Township, Susquehanna County, PA.
Public Hearing--Projects Scheduled for Action
1. Project Sponsor and Facility: ALTA Operating Company, LLC
(Berkowitz Pond), Forest Lake Township, Susquehanna County, PA.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249 mgd.
2. Project Sponsor: Antrim Treatment Trust. Project Facility:
Antrim No. 1, Duncan Township, Tioga County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.720 mgd.
3. Project Sponsor and Facility: Charles Header-Laurel Springs
Development, Barry Township, Schuylkill County, PA. Application for
groundwater withdrawal of 0.099 mgd from Laurel Springs 1 and 2.
4. Project Sponsor and Facility: Charles Header-Laurel Springs
Development, Barry Township, Schuylkill County, PA. Application for
consumptive water use of up to 0.099 mgd.
5. Project Sponsor: Community Refuse Service, Inc. Project
Facility: Cumberland County Landfill, Hopewell and North Newton
Townships, Cumberland County, PA. Modification to increase consumptive
water use from a peak day of 0.090 mgd up to 0.140 mgd (Docket No.
6. Project Sponsor: Community Refuse Service, Inc. Project
Facility: Cumberland County Landfill, Hopewell and North Newton
Townships, Cumberland County, PA. Application for groundwater
withdrawal of 0.053 mgd from eight wells for consumptive water use.
7. Project Sponsor and Facility: EXCO-North Coast Energy, Inc.
(Tunkhannock Creek--Dixon), Tunkhannock Township, Wyoming County, PA.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.999 mgd.
8. Project Sponsor and Facility: Fortuna Energy Inc. (Towanda
Creek--Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Department), Franklin Township,
Bradford County, PA. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to
2.000 mgd.
9. Project Sponsor and Facility: J-W Operating Company (Abandoned
Mine Pool--Unnamed Tributary to Finley Run), Shippen Township, Cameron
County, PA. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.090
10. Project Sponsor and Facility: LHP Management, LLC (Fishing
Creek--Clinton Country Club), Bald Eagle Township, Clinton County, PA.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 5.000 mgd.
11. Project Sponsor and Facility: Mansfield Borough Municipal
Authority, Richmond Township, Tioga County, PA. Application for
groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.079 mgd from Well 3.
12. Project Sponsor and Facility: Seneca Resources Corporation
(Arnot No. 5), Bloss Township, Tioga County,
[[Page 42142]]
PA. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.499 mgd.
13. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company (Cold
Creek--Giroux), Herrick Township, Bradford County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249 mgd.
14. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company (Mill
Creek--Kennedy), Stevens Township, Bradford County, PA. Application for
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249 mgd.
15. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company (Ross
Creek--Billings), Stevens Township, Bradford County, PA. Application
for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249 mgd.
16. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Sutton Big Pond), Herrick Township, Bradford County, PA. Application
for surface water withdrawal of up to 5.000 mgd.
17. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Tunkhannock Creek--Price), Gibson Township, Susquehanna County, PA.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.380 mgd.
18. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Wyalusing Creek--Ferguson), Wyalusing Township, Bradford County, PA.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
19. Project Sponsor and Facility: Southwestern Energy Company
(Wyalusing Creek--Campbell), Stevens Township, Bradford County, PA.
Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 1.500 mgd.
20. Project Sponsor: UGI Development Company. Project Facility:
Hunlock Power Station, Hunlock Township, Luzerne County, PA.
Application for surface water withdrawal from the Susquehanna River of
up to 55.050 mgd.
21. Project Sponsor: UGI Development Company. Project Facility:
Hunlock Power Station, Hunlock Township, Luzerne County, PA.
Application for consumptive water use of up to 0.870 mgd.
22. Project Sponsor and Facility: Ultra Resources, Inc. (Elk Run),
Gaines Township, Tioga County, PA. Corrective modification to passby
flow condition (Docket No. 20090631).
23. Project Sponsor: United Water Resources. Project Facility:
United Water PA-Harrisburg Operation, Newberry Township, York County,
PA. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.172 mgd from
Paddletown Well.
Public Hearing--Projects Scheduled for Rescission Action
1. Project Sponsor and Facility: Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River) (Docket No. 20080903), Town of Tioga, Tioga County,
2. Project Sponsor and Facility: Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River) (Docket No. 20080906), Athens Township, Bradford
County, PA.
3. Project Sponsor and Facility: Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC
(Susquehanna River) (Docket No. 20080907), Oakland Township,
Susquehanna County, PA.
4. Project Sponsor and Facility: East Resources, Inc. (Tioga River)
(Docket No. 20080609), Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, PA.
5. Project Sponsor and Facility: Montrose Country Club (Docket No.
20020603), Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County, PA.
Public Hearing--Request for Administrative Hearing
1. Petitioner Delta Borough, York County, Pennsylvania; RE: Delta
Borough Public Water Supply Well No. DR-2; Docket No. 20090315,
approved March 12, 2009.
Opportunity to Appear and Comment
Interested parties may appear at the above hearing to offer written
or oral comments to the Commission on any matter on the hearing agenda,
or at the business meeting to offer written or oral comments on other
matters scheduled for consideration at the business meeting. The chair
of the Commission reserves the right to limit oral statements in the
interest of time and to otherwise control the course of the hearing and
business meeting. Written comments may also be mailed to the
Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 1721 North Front Street,
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102-2391, or submitted electronically to
Richard A. Cairo, General Counsel, e-mail: or Stephanie
L. Richardson, Secretary to the Commission, e-mail: Comments mailed or electronically submitted must
be received prior to September 4, 2009, to be considered.
Authority: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR
parts 806, 807, and 808
Dated: August 11, 2009.
Thomas W. Beauduy,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E9-20071 Filed 8-19-09; 8:45 am]