Request for OMB Clearance of a New Emergency Information Collection; New Information Collection: ARRA Bonding Assistance Program Reimbursable Fee Program, 41967-41968 [E9-19917]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
disclosure of, personally identifiable
information. See 5 U.S.C. 552a(i)(1).
Furthermore, employees and contractors
with access to databases maintaining
personally identifiable information must
sign a sanction document annually,
acknowledging their accountability for
making unauthorized access to, or
disclosure of, such information.
For purposes of records management
disposition authority, we will follow the
NARA and Department of Defense
(DOD) 5015.2 regulations (DOD Design
Criteria Standard for Electronic Records
Management Software Applications).
We will permanently maintain RE data
covered by the RECS system of records.
We will retain the research and
statistical micro-data extract (stored on
the mainframe) for a maximum of 100
Director, Division of Enumeration and
Death Alerts, Office of Earnings,
Enumeration, and Administrative
Systems, Social Security
Administration, 6401 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Persons can determine if this system
contains a record about them by writing
to the system manager at the above
address and providing their name, SSN,
or other information that may be in this
system of records that will identify
them. Persons requesting notification of
records in person should provide the
same information, as well as provide an
identity document, preferably with a
photograph, such as a driver’s license or
some other means of identification, such
as voter registration card, etc. Persons
lacking identification documents
sufficient to establish their identity
must certify in writing that they are the
person they claim to be and that they
understand that the knowing and willful
request for, or acquisition of, a record
pertaining to another person under false
pretenses is a criminal offense.
Persons requesting notification by
telephone must verify their identity by
providing identifying information that
parallels the information in the record
to which notification is being requested.
If we determine that the identifying
information the person provides by
telephone is insufficient, the person will
be required to submit a request in
writing or in person. If a person requests
information by telephone on behalf of
another individual, the subject person
must be on the telephone with the
requesting person and with us in the
same phone call. We will establish the
VerDate Nov<24>2008
19:20 Aug 18, 2009
Jkt 217001
subject person’s identity (his or her
name, SSN, address, date of birth, and
place of birth, along with one other
piece of information such as mother’s
maiden name), and ask for his or her
consent to provide information to the
requesting person. Persons requesting
notification submitted by mail must
include a notarized statement to us to
verify their identity or must certify in
the request that they are the person they
claim to be and that they understand
that the knowing and willful request for,
or acquisition of, a record pertaining to
another person under false pretenses is
a criminal offense. These procedures are
in accordance with SSA Regulations (20
CFR 401.40).
determine that it is important to the
national interest of the United States to
waive the requirements of section
7088(c)(1) of the Act with respect to the
Government of Turkmenistan, and I
hereby waive such restriction.
This determination shall be reported
to the Congress, and published in the
Federal Register.
Dated: Jul 14 2009.
Jacob L. Lew,
Deputy Secretary of State for Management
and Resources, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E9–19912 Filed 8–18–09; 8:45 am]
Same as notification procedures.
Requesters should also reasonably
specify the record contents being
sought. These procedures are in
accordance with SSA Regulations (20
CFR 401.40(c)).
Same as notification procedures.
Requesters should also reasonably
identify the record, specify the
information they are contesting, and
state the corrective action sought and
the reasons for the correction with
supporting justification showing how
the record is incomplete, untimely,
inaccurate, or irrelevant. These
procedures are in accordance with SSA
Regulations (20 CFR 401.65(a)).
We obtain information covered by this
system of records from successfully
enumerated applicants for original or
replacement SSN cards (or from third
parties acting on their behalf) who are
not enumerated through the EAB or EAE
[Public Notice 6732]
Waiver of Restriction on Assistance to
the Central Government of Maldives
Pursuant to section 7088(c)(2) of the
Department of State, Foreign
Operations, and Related Programs
Appropriations Act, 2009 (Division H,
Pub. L. 111–8) (‘‘the Act’’), and
Department of State Delegation of
Authority Number 245–1, I hereby
determine that it is important to the
national interest of the United States to
waive the requirements of section
7088(c)(1) of the Act with respect to the
Government of the Republic of
Maldives, and I hereby waive such
This determination shall be reported
to the Congress, and published in the
Federal Register.
Dated: July 29, 2009.
Jacob J. Lew,
Deputy Secretary of State for Management
and Resources, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E9–19915 Filed 8–18–09; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. E9–19935 Filed 8–14–09; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket Number: DOT–OST–2009–0185]
Waiver of Restriction on Assistance to
the Central Government of
Request for OMB Clearance of a New
Emergency Information Collection;
New Information Collection: ARRA
Bonding Assistance Program
Reimbursable Fee Program
Pursuant to section 7088(c)(2) of the
Department of State, Foreign
Operations, and Related Programs
Appropriations Act, 2009 (Division H,
Pub. L. 111–8) (‘‘the Act’’), and
Department of State Delegation of
Authority Number 245–1, I hereby
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary (OST),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice; Letter of public
notification of the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009,
(Pub. L. 111–5) DBE Bonding Assistance
Program. This request is being
[Public Notice 6731]
PO 00000
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
submitted to OMB via an Emergency
Information Collection Request.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq.) this notice announces the
Information Collection Request on DOT
Form F4504—Application for
Reimbursement of Bond Fees for this
new ARRA DOT program. The notice is
being forwarded to the Office of
Management and Budget for Emergency
Action and approval.
In an effort to assist the
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
(DBEs) obtain transportation and
infrastructure contracts at the local,
state and federal levels, the Department
of Transportation’s (DOT) Office of the
Secretary, Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization
(OSDBU) has established under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act (ARRA) of 2009, the DBE ARRA
Bonding Assistance Program (BAP)
Reimbursement Fee Program This
program will assist DBEs become more
competitive and perform on more
transportation infrastructure projects
receiving ARRA funding assistance from
any DOT mode of transportation, such
as Federal Highway Administration,
(FHWA), Federal Transit
Administration (FTA), Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA), and the Maritime
Administration (MARAD). The DBE
ARRA BAP is financial assistance in the
form of a bonding fee cost
reimbursement. DOT will directly
reimburse DBEs the premiums paid to
the surety company, usually between 2–
3% of the total bond amount, for
performance, payment or bid/proposal
bonds. In the event the DBE also obtains
a bond guarantee from Small Business
Administration’s (SBA) Surety Bond
Guarantee Program (SBGP), the DOT
will also reimburse the DBE for the
small business concern (principal) fee of
.729% of the contract price.
Nancy Strine, Manager, 202–366–1930,
Financial Assistance Division, Office of
Small and Disadvantaged Business
Utilization, Office of the Secretary, U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Room W56–
493, Washington, DC 20590. Office
hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except holidays.
OMB Control Number: OMB Control
Number 2105–XXXX.
Title: ARRA Bonding Assistance
Program Reimbursement Fee Program.
Form Number: DOT F 4504.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:53 Aug 18, 2009
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Affected Public: Disadvantaged
Business Enterprises—certified by Title
49 CFR, Part 26.
Frequency: One-time.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 2 hours.
Estimated Annual Burden Hours:
3,540 hours.
Abstract: ARRA Bonding Assistance
Program Reimbursable Fee Program.
The information collected will be
from the DBE working on transportation
or infrastructure ARRA funded project.
The information collected will be used
by DOT OSDBU to verify eligibility,
process the application, and disburse
the reimbursement. The information
being collected relates the name of the
company; full street address; the Dun
and Bradstreet Number (DUNS); Central
Contractor Registration along with Bank
information to process their payment;
DOT transportation related contract
information; supporting documentation
that shows the federal project number,
bond information along with a copy of
their bond; and proof of payment of the
fee. The applicant’s eligibility is
determined by submitting a copy of a
DBE certification and/or annual
affidavit, if applicable, for bonding fee
reimbursement for specific bonds. This
will be verified by OSDBU staff as part
of the application process. Instructions
are attached along with a copy of
sample letter to show how to obtain the
federal project number. This
information is necessary to be able to
reimburse the DBE the financial
assistance for the bond fees.
Issued in Washington, DC, on August 10,
Tracey M. Jackson,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E9–19917 Filed 8–18–09; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket Number DOT–OST–2008–0196]
Notice of Request for Reinstatement of
an Information Collection
Office of the Secretary.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq.), this notice announces that the
Information Collection Request,
abstracted below, is being forwarded to
the Office of Management and Budget
for renewal and comment. The ICR
describes the nature of the information
collection and its expected cost burden.
PO 00000
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The Federal Register Notice with a sixty
day comment period soliciting
comments on the following collection of
information was published on August
26, 2008 [FR Vol. 73, page 50396]. No
comments were received.
DATES: Written comments on this notice
should be received on or before
September 18, 2009.
Robert Ashby, Acting Assistant General
Counsel for Regulation and
Enforcement, Office of the Secretary,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Suite W94–
302, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366–
Comments: Comments should be
submitted to OMB: Attention DOT/OST
Desk Officer, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Docket
Library, Room 10102, 725 17th Street,
NW., Washington, DC 20503, with the
associated OMB Approval Number
2100–0019 and Docket DOT–OST–
2008–0196 or (e-mail).
Title: Transportation for Individuals
with Disabilities ; Accessibility of Overthe-Road Buses (OTRBs).
OMB Control Number: 2100–0019.
Type of Review: Reinstatement of an
Information Collection.
Respondents: Charter/tour service
operators, fixed route companies, small
mixed service operators.
Number of Respondents: 316,226.
Number of Responses: Variable.
Total Annual Burden: 182,873 hours.
Abstract: The Department of
Transportation (DOT), in conjunction
with the U.S. Architectural and
Transportation Barriers Compliance
Board, issued final access regulations
for privately operated over-the-road
buses (OTRBs) as required by the
Americans with Disability Act (ADA) of
1990. The Final Rule on Accessibility of
Over-the-Road Buses has the following
recordkeeping/reporting requirements:
The first has to do with 48 hour advance
notice and compensation. The second
has to do with equivalent service and
compensation. The third has to do with
reporting information on ridership on
accessible fixed route buses. The fourth
has to do with recordkeeping for 5
years. The fifth has to do with report
submission to DOT annually. The sixth
has to do with reporting information on
the purchase and lease of accessible and
inaccessible new and used buses. When
initiating the information collection as
part of the rulemaking that established
the requirements in question, the
Department provided the estimate of
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 159 (Wednesday, August 19, 2009)]
[Pages 41967-41968]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-19917]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket Number: DOT-OST-2009-0185]
Request for OMB Clearance of a New Emergency Information
Collection; New Information Collection: ARRA Bonding Assistance Program
Reimbursable Fee Program
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary (OST), Department of Transportation
ACTION: Notice; Letter of public notification of the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, (Pub. L. 111-5) DBE Bonding
Assistance Program. This request is being
[[Page 41968]]
submitted to OMB via an Emergency Information Collection Request.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public
Law 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) this notice announces the
Information Collection Request on DOT Form F4504--Application for
Reimbursement of Bond Fees for this new ARRA DOT program. The notice is
being forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget for Emergency
Action and approval.
In an effort to assist the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
(DBEs) obtain transportation and infrastructure contracts at the local,
state and federal levels, the Department of Transportation's (DOT)
Office of the Secretary, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business
Utilization (OSDBU) has established under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, the DBE ARRA Bonding Assistance
Program (BAP) Reimbursement Fee Program This program will assist DBEs
become more competitive and perform on more transportation
infrastructure projects receiving ARRA funding assistance from any DOT
mode of transportation, such as Federal Highway Administration, (FHWA),
Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and the Maritime
Administration (MARAD). The DBE ARRA BAP is financial assistance in the
form of a bonding fee cost reimbursement. DOT will directly reimburse
DBEs the premiums paid to the surety company, usually between 2-3% of
the total bond amount, for performance, payment or bid/proposal bonds.
In the event the DBE also obtains a bond guarantee from Small Business
Administration's (SBA) Surety Bond Guarantee Program (SBGP), the DOT
will also reimburse the DBE for the small business concern (principal)
fee of .729% of the contract price.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nancy Strine, Manager, 202-366-1930,
Financial Assistance Division, Office of Small and Disadvantaged
Business Utilization, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Room W56-493, Washington,
DC 20590. Office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except holidays.
OMB Control Number: OMB Control Number 2105-XXXX.
Title: ARRA Bonding Assistance Program Reimbursement Fee Program.
Form Number: DOT F 4504.
Affected Public: Disadvantaged Business Enterprises--certified by
Title 49 CFR, Part 26.
Frequency: One-time.
Estimated Average Burden per Response: 2 hours.
Estimated Annual Burden Hours: 3,540 hours.
Abstract: ARRA Bonding Assistance Program Reimbursable Fee Program.
The information collected will be from the DBE working on
transportation or infrastructure ARRA funded project. The information
collected will be used by DOT OSDBU to verify eligibility, process the
application, and disburse the reimbursement. The information being
collected relates the name of the company; full street address; the Dun
and Bradstreet Number (DUNS); Central Contractor Registration along
with Bank information to process their payment; DOT transportation
related contract information; supporting documentation that shows the
federal project number, bond information along with a copy of their
bond; and proof of payment of the fee. The applicant's eligibility is
determined by submitting a copy of a DBE certification and/or annual
affidavit, if applicable, for bonding fee reimbursement for specific
bonds. This will be verified by OSDBU staff as part of the application
process. Instructions are attached along with a copy of sample letter
to show how to obtain the federal project number. This information is
necessary to be able to reimburse the DBE the financial assistance for
the bond fees.
Issued in Washington, DC, on August 10, 2009.
Tracey M. Jackson,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E9-19917 Filed 8-18-09; 8:45 am]