Drinking Water: Perchlorate Supplemental Request for Comments, 41883-41893 [E9-19507]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
Dated: August 5, 2009.
Matthew Leopard,
Acting Director, Information Management
Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and
[FR Doc. E9–19461 Filed 8–18–09; 8:45 a.m.]
[EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0297; FRL–8943–9]
RIN 2040–AF08
Drinking Water: Perchlorate
Supplemental Request for Comments
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
AGENCY: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Agency is seeking
comments on additional approaches to
analyzing data related to EPA’s
perchlorate regulatory determination.
These additional comments are sought
in an effort to ensure consideration of
all the potential options for evaluating
whether there is a meaningful
opportunity for human health risk
reduction of perchlorate through a
national primary drinking water rule.
EPA will make a final regulatory
determination for perchlorate after
considering comments and information
provided in the 30-day comment period
following this notice.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before September 18, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
OW–2009–0297, by one of the following
• https://www.regulations.gov: Follow
the online instructions for submitting
• Mail: Water Docket, Environmental
Protection Agency, Mailcode: 2822T,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460.
• Hand Delivery: Water Docket, EPA
Docket Center (EPA/DC) EPA West,
Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC. Such deliveries
are only accepted during the Docket’s
normal hours of operation, and special
arrangements should be made for
deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2009–
0297. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
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Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through https://
www.regulations.gov or e-mail. The
https://www.regulations.gov Web site is
an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means EPA will not know your identity
or contact information unless you
provide it in the body of your comment.
If you send an e-mail comment directly
to EPA without going through https://
www.regulations.gov your e-mail
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, EPA may not be
able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should avoid the use of
special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional instructions on
submitting comments, go to Unit I.A of
of this document.
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the https://
www.regulations.gov index. Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
will be publicly available only in hard
copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available either
electronically in https://
www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at
the Water Docket, EPA/DC, EPA West,
Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC. The Public
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays. The telephone
number for the Public Reading Room is
(202) 566–1744, and the telephone
number for the EPA Docket Center is
(202) 566–2426.
Burneson, Office of Ground Water and
Drinking Water, Standards and Risk
Management Division, at (202) 564–
5250 or e-mail burneson.eric@epa.gov.
For general information, contact the
EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at
(800) 426–4791 or e-mail: hotlinesdwa@epa.gov.
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
>—greater than
<—less than
BW—body weight
CBI—confidential business information
CDC—Centers for Disease Control and
DWI—drinking water intake
EPA—U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FDA—U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FR—Federal Register
HA—Health Advisory
HRL—health reference level
IRIS—Integrated Risk Information System
mg/kg—milligram per kilogram of body
mg/L—milligrams per liter (equivalent to
parts per million [ppm])
MRL—Method Reporting Limit
NAS—National Academy of Science
NHANES—National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey
NOAEL—no observed adverse effect level
NOEL—no observed effect level
NRC—National Research Council
OW—Office of Water
POD —point of departure
RAIU—Radioactive Iodide Uptake
RfD—reference dose
RSC—relative source contribution
SDWA—Safe Drinking Water Act
UCMR—Unregulated Contaminant
Monitoring Regulation
μg—microgram (one-millionth of a gram)
US—United States
USDA—U.S. Department of Agriculture
I. General Information
A. What Should I Consider as I Prepare
My Comments for EPA?
You may find the following
suggestions helpful for preparing your
1. Explain your views as clearly as
2. Describe any assumptions that you
3. Provide any technical information
and/or data you used that support your
4. If you estimate potential burden or
costs, explain how you arrived at your
5. Provide specific examples to
illustrate your concerns.
6. Offer alternatives.
7. Make sure to submit your
comments by the comment period
8. To ensure proper receipt by EPA,
identify the appropriate docket
identification number in the subject line
on the first page of your response. It
would also be helpful if you provided
the name, date, and Federal Register
(FR) citation related to your comments.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
II. Background
The statutory and regulatory
background for this action is described
in detail in the October 10, 2008, FR
notice discussing EPA’s initial
regulatory determination for perchlorate
(USEPA, 2008a). Briefly, the Safe
Drinking Water Act (SDWA) section
1412, as amended in 1996, requires EPA
to make a determination whether to
regulate at least 5 contaminants from its
contaminant candidate list (CCL) every
5 years. Once EPA determines to
regulate a contaminant in drinking
water, EPA must issue a proposed
national primary drinking water
regulation (NPDWR) and final NPDWR
within certain set time frames. To
regulate a contaminant in drinking
water, EPA must determine that it meets
three criteria: (1) The contaminant may
have an adverse effect on human health,
(2) the contaminant is known to occur
or there is a substantial likelihood that
the contaminant will occur in public
water systems with a frequency and at
levels of public health concern, and (3)
regulation of such contaminant presents
a meaningful opportunity for health risk
reduction for persons served by public
water systems. To date, EPA has made
final regulatory determinations for 20
contaminants from CCL1 and CCL2 and
has not found that any of these
contaminants meet all three criteria.
On October 10, 2008, EPA published
a preliminary regulatory determination
for perchlorate, requesting public
comment on its determination that
perchlorate did not meet the second and
third criteria for regulation. The October
2008 notice describes in detail the bases
for EPA’s determination (USEPA,
2008a). EPA received extensive public
comment on that notice.
Today, the Agency is seeking
comments on additional approaches to
analyzing data related to EPA’s
perchlorate regulatory determination.
The EPA is requesting the additional
comments in an effort to ensure that the
Agency considers the potential options
for evaluating whether there is a
meaningful opportunity for human
health risk reduction from perchlorate
through a national primary drinking
water rule. EPA’s final decision may be
a determination to regulate. As
discussed below, the additional
alternatives under consideration could
result in health reference levels which
are much lower than the level identified
in the October 2008 notice. The public
comments EPA received pursuant to the
October 10, 2008, notice of preliminary
regulatory determination 1 and from the
peer review of the supporting
documents underscore the complexity
of the scientific issues regarding the
regulatory determination for perchlorate
in drinking water.
EPA received 32,795 comment letters
of which 31,632 (96%) letters were from
seven different apparent mass mailing
letter writing campaigns that did not
support the preliminary determination.
Of the remaining 1,163 comment letters
that would be considered ‘‘unique,’’ 30
commenters provided EPA with
detailed comments. Of those 30
comment letters, six supported EPA’s
preliminary determination. These
comments and other docket materials
are available electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov (Docket ID No.
In its October 2008 FRN, EPA referred
to a draft report entitled ‘‘Inhibition of
the Sodium-Iodide Symporter by
Perchlorate: An Evaluation of Lifestage
Sensitivity Using Physiologically-Based
Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling’’
(USEPA, 2008b). This draft report,
which is described in Section III.A.1,
was peer reviewed during the comment
period on the regulatory determination.
The report (USEPA, 2008c) and a
summary of significant comments made
by the external peer reviewers and
EPA’s responses (USEPA, 2008e) can be
found at https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/
recordisplay.cfm?deid=212508. The
peer review comments were
complimentary and supportive of EPA’s
modeling analysis and support
On January 8, 2009, EPA issued an
interim health advisory (HA) to provide
guidance to state and local officials in
their efforts to address perchlorate
contamination while EPA was
reviewing scientific issues. A draft of
the HA was peer reviewed by four
external peer reviewers. The HA peer
reviewers comments are discussed in
Section III.A.2 of this notice. The
Interim Health Advisory (USEPA.
2008d) can be found at https://
unregulated/perchlorate.html and the
summary of significant comments made
by the external peer reviewers (USEPA.
2008e) can be found at https://
In January of this year, EPA
announced that we planned to seek
additional input from the National
Research Council (NRC) on perchlorate.
The NRC previously studied perchlorate
health implications from March, 2003
1 On November 12, 2008, EPA extended the
comment period for 15 days regarding EPA’s
preliminary regulatory determination for
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until they issued their report in January,
2005 (NRC, 2005). EPA has compiled
and evaluated additional scientific
studies relevant to perchlorate health
effects and exposure available since
publication of the 2005 NRC report. As
previously stated, EPA also has obtained
peer review and public comment on the
Agency’s analysis of a number of these
studies. The Agency believes that
further review by the NRC would
unnecessarily delay regulatory decision
making for perchlorate. Therefore, EPA
is not, at present, planning to request
additional NRC review of issues related
to perchlorate. Instead, EPA is issuing
this notice and seeking comment on a
broad range of alternative approaches to
the interpretation of the scientific data
relevant to a regulatory determination
for perchlorate in drinking water.
However, EPA requests comment upon
whether further review by the NRC is
warranted. EPA also notes that if the
Agency were to make a final
determination to regulate perchlorate,
the Agency, in accordance with the
SDWA, would seek review by the
Science Advisory Board prior to
proposal of any maximum contaminant
level goal and national primary drinking
water rule.2
In issuing this supplemental notice,
EPA is not making a final regulatory
determination for perchlorate nor are we
changing the Interim Health Advisory
Level of 15 μg/L. EPA will consider
comments on the information received
on this notice, as well as those received
on the October 10, 2008, FR notice, and
those received on the peer review of
supporting documents before
completing its regulatory determination
for perchlorate. EPA may also revise the
Interim Health Advisory as part of this
III. Alternative Approaches To
Analyzing Scientific Data Related to
Perchlorate in Drinking Water
EPA is requesting comment on key
issues related to the regulatory
determination for perchlorate in
drinking water. EPA is now considering
a broader range of alternatives for
interpreting the available data on: the
level of health concern, the frequency of
occurrence of perchlorate in drinking
water, and the opportunity for health
risk reduction through a national
2 The requirement for national drinking water
regulations are in SDWA Section 1412. EPA’s Web
page describes the regulatory development process
(see https://www.epa.gov/safewater/standard/
setting.html). SDWA section 1412.e requires that
EPA request comment from the Science Advisory
Board prior to proposal of a maximum contaminant
level goal and national primary drinking water
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
primary drinking water standard. These
alternative interpretations may impact
the Agency’s final regulatory
determination for perchlorate.
Therefore, EPA seeks comment on these
issues and the alternative approaches
the Agency is considering.
A. Interpretation of the PhysiologicallyBased Pharmacokinetic (PBPK)
1. EPA’s PBPK Modeling Analysis in the
October 2008 FR Notice
The NRC (NRC, 2005) found that the
inhibition of iodide uptake by the
thyroid should be used as the basis for
a perchlorate risk assessment. In the
October, 2008, FR notice, EPA describes
a Physiologically-Based
Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling
analysis prepared by the Agency
utilizing a series of papers (e.g., Clewell
et al., 2007) discussing PBPK models
that estimated the effect of perchlorate
on iodide uptake for the pregnant
woman and fetus, the lactating woman
and neonate, and the young child. EPA
used the PBPK modeling analysis to
estimate the iodide uptake inhibition for
these sensitive life stages consuming
food containing perchlorate at mean
levels, and drinking water containing
perchlorate at an HRL of 15 μg/L at the
90th percentile consumption rate.
EPA found that the predicted
radioactive iodide uptake (RAIU)
inhibition for all subgroups was
comparable to, or less than, the RAIU at
the no observed effect level (NOEL)
selected by the NRC. Based on this
outcome, EPA concluded that by
protecting the fetus of the hypothyroid
or iodide-deficient woman from the
effects of perchlorate on the thyroid, all
other life stages and subgroups would
be protected.
EPA requested comment on the model
in the October 2008 FR notice in
addition to conducting a peer review on
the application of the model to nonadult life stages.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
2. What Were the Key Scientific Issues
Raised by Commenters
Many of the public comments EPA
received on the PBPK model in response
to the October 2008 FR notice objected
to the Agency’s use of a model that had
not been peer reviewed. Concurrently
with the public comment period, the
PBPK model analysis underwent a
rigorous peer review by eight experts.
Response by the PB model analysis peer
reviewers indicated that the
modifications made to the model and
the changes to physiological parameters
were an improvement over the Clewell
model, and all reviews were generally
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supportive of the analysis. Based on the
external peer review comments, the
models and the report entitled,
‘‘Inhibition of the Sodium-Iodide
Symporter by Perchlorate: An
Evaluation of Lifestage Sensitivity Using
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic
(PBPK) Modeling’’ were revised.
As previously discussed, comments
were also received from four peer
reviewers for the Interim Drinking
Water Health Advisory (HA) on the
application of the model in identifying
sensitive life stages. One HA peer
reviewer noted that the use of the PBPK
model did ‘‘provide an estimate of
perchlorate exposure to average weight
babies of healthy breastfeeding women.’’
However, this HA peer reviewer
continued on to recommend that the
exposure estimate be expanded to
include consideration of small birth
weight and preterm infants.
Another peer reviewer recommended
that the uncertainty inherent in the
modeling exercise should be made more
transparent to the public. This
uncertainty was linked to the modeling
code, the availability of data for the
many variable parameters in the model,
the combination and handling of the
data selected for use in simulations,
and, in particular, the lack of human
data for specific life stages including
pregnant women and their fetuses,
lactating women and their babies, and
bottle-fed infants for which rat data
were adapted. The inability of the
model to reflect iodide nutritional status
also was cited by three peer reviewers
as an important limitation.
Individual peer reviewers raised two
additional concerns: (1) That the use of
animal data to predict human responses
appears to run counter to the NRC
finding that animal data cannot be used
to quantitatively predict the response of
humans due to species differences, and
(2) that EPA appeared to use the PBPK
model to modify the reference dose
(RfD) for infants, justifying the
allowance of exposures that clearly
exceeded the RfD established by the
Peer reviewers further noted that the
PBPK model and the EPA assessment
did not account for the activity of other
compounds with similar actions on the
thyroid. This issue was also raised by
EPA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG)
in reference to EPA’s perchlorate risk
assessment (see section III.C.2 for more
information). One reviewer stated that
the application of the PBPK model by
the Agency as cited in the Interim
Health Advisory implied an
inappropriate certainty in the results
that was not warranted. This reviewer
recommended confining the use of the
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PBPK model to exploring the impact of
varying physiological parameters and
exposure data among life stages.
3. Alternative Approaches EPA Is Also
Now Considering
Based on the comments received on
the application of the PBPK model as
described in the October 2008 notice
and the Interim HA, EPA is reevaluating how best to incorporate the
PBPK modeling analysis into its
evaluation of perchlorate, if at all.
One approach might be to use the
PBPK modeling analysis to explore the
relative sensitivity of the various life
stages of concern to a fixed dose such
as the point of departure (POD) or the
reference dose (RfD). For example, EPA
has examined the effect of a dose equal
to the POD on RAIU for a number of
different life stages. The POD for the
perchlorate risk assessment (7 μg/kg/
day) was recommended by the NRC.
The POD is the lowest dose
administered in the Greer et al. (2002)
clinical study, and resulted in a ‘‘very
small decrease (1.8%) in radioiodide
uptake * * * well within the variation
of repeated measurements of normal
subjects (NRC, 2005).’’ The POD used
was determined by NRC to be a No
Observed Effect Level (NOEL). The NRC
stated that use of a NOEL differs from
the traditional approach to deriving an
RfD, which bases the critical effect on
an adverse outcome, and that using a
nonadverse effect that is upstream of the
adverse effect is a more conservative
and health-protective approach to
perchlorate hazard assessment. The
NRC also recommended that EPA derive
an RfD by applying a 10-fold
uncertainty factor to the POD to account
for differences between healthy adults
and the most sensitive population,
fetuses of pregnant women who might
have hypothyroidism or iodide
deficiency. When compared to the
average adult, the 7-day old breast-fed
infant and the fetus of the pregnant
woman at gestation week 40 were
identified by EPA’s analysis as the most
sensitive subgroup with respect to
percent RAIU inhibition at a dose to the
lactating or pregnant women equal to
the POD. (See Table 1 for the modelpredicted RAIU inhibition and relative
sensitivity at the POD of different
subgroups compared to the average
adult, based on EPA’s modified PBPK
The predicted percent RAIU
inhibition is approximately 7.8-fold
higher for the 7-day old breast-fed infant
and 6.7-fold higher for the fetus (at
gestational week 40) than for the average
adult. (Simulations at earlier gestation
weeks indicate that the fetus is more
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
sensitive than the adult throughout
pregnancy, but data available for
validation of these parameters are
minimal and are considered too
quantitatively uncertain to assign exact
relative sensitivities.) The same analysis
shows that the predicted percent RAIU
inhibition is approximately one and a
half-fold higher for the bottle-fed infant
(7–60 days) compared to the average
adult, and is approximately equal for
the 1–2 year old child and the average
adult. However, the drinking water
exposure data discussed in section
III.B.3 show that infants less than six
months in age generally consume five to
eight times more water than pregnant
women or women of child bearing age
on a per body weight basis, and so will
receive a higher dose for any given
drinking water concentration.
Population or life stage
Body weight (kg)
Dose i
Average Adult a ............................................................
Woman (child-bearing age) .........................................
Pregnant woman and Fetus (Gestation Week 40) .....
70 .....................................
68 .....................................
Mom: 79 ...........................
Fetus: 3.5 .........................
Mom: 74 ...........................
Infant: 3.6 .........................
7 .......................................
7 .......................................
7 .......................................
7 .......................................
Mom = 7 ..........................
Infant = 7 .........................
(Mom = 2.7) .....................
7 .......................................
Mom = 7 ..........................
Infant = 7 .........................
(Mom = 3.0 ) ....................
7 .......................................
Mom = 7 ..........................
Infant = 7 .........................
(Mom = 3.6 ) ....................
7 .......................................
7 .......................................
7 .......................................
Lactating woman and Breast-fed infant (7 d) .............
Lactating woman and Breast-fed infant (30 d) ...........
Lactating woman and Breast-fed infant (60 d) ...........
Bottle-fed infant (60 d) ................................................
Child (0.97 yr) g ...........................................................
Child (2 yr) ...................................................................
Mom: 73 ...........................
Infant: 4.2 .........................
Mom: 72 ...........................
Infant: 5.0 .........................
Infant: 5.0 .........................
Child: 10 ..........................
Child: 14 ..........................
RAIU inhibition
sensitivity vs.
average adult
b 3.0%
c 6.1%
c 11%
d 2.1%
d,e 12.5%
d,e,f 5.4%
d 2.0%
d,e 9.8%
d,e,f 4.4%
d 2.0%
d,e 7.9%
d,e,f 4.2%
e 2.5%
h 1.7%
h 1.7%
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
a The body weight (70 kg) for the average adult is the default weight used by EPA for past regulatory determinations. All other body weights
are generated by the model.
b Maternal body weight was held at the value defined at the start of pregnancy (BW = 67.77 kg), and the ‘‘average adult’’ urinary clearance values as published by Merrill et al. (2005) were used.
c Results are based on using the maternal urinary clearance as published in Clewell et al. (2007), which equal about half of the average adult
d Results are based on setting the maternal clearance rates of both perchlorate and iodide during lactation equal to that of the average adult.
Clewell et al. (2007) used an iodide clearance rate equal to that of an average adult, but a perchlorate rate only half that of the average adult.
e %RAIU inhibition given for the infant is provided based upon a value of urinary clearance scaled from the adult by BW 2⁄3 to approximate surface-area scaling, and then multiplied by a rising fraction vs. age based on data (DeWoskin and Thompson, 2008) to reflect the reduction in glomerular filtration rates. Clewell et al. (2007) scaled urinary clearance by BW 0.75, rather than adjusting based on GFR.
f These %RAIU inhibition values are based on an internal dose to the breast-fed infant of 7 μg/kg-day, the same as for the other subgroups.
Maternal dose rates lower than the POD are needed to provide 7 μg/kg-day to the infant as shown in the table. These doses differ due to
changes in body weights and other PK factors with age.
g Because EPA typically uses a 10 kg child as a default assumption for its drinking water health advisories, the model was run for a child at
0.97 yr, the age at which the model-simulated body weight for a child is 10 kg.
h Results were obtained by setting urinary clearance constants for the older child equal to the average adult (Merrill et al., 2005) and scaling by
BW 1.
i The dose equal to the POD is 7 μg/kg-day which is 10-fold greater than the RfD. The predicted RAIU inhibition at the RfD would be less than
those shown in Table 1.
The modeling analysis may be used as
a tool to predict the impact of different
perchlorate drinking water
concentrations on RAIU across life
stages. Understanding the potential
impact of reducing perchlorate
concentrations may be especially
important for considering bottle-fed
infants for whom a major portion of the
diet may consist of water used to
rehydrate formula.
Another approach EPA is also
considering would be to not use the
PBPK modeling analysis to inform the
selection of the HRL for its regulatory
determination but instead apply the RfD
directly to the exposures of other
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sensitive life stages to develop separate
HRLs for these life stages as described
in Section III.B.
4. Request for Comment on Alternative
EPA Seeks Comments on the Following
a. EPA requests comment on using the
PBPK model to evaluate the relative
sensitivity of the various life stages to
perchlorate exposure in drinking water.
b. EPA requests comment on the
utility of the PBPK model for predicting
the impact of different perchlorate
drinking water concentrations on
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sensitive life stages to inform HRL
c. EPA requests suggestions for ways
to use the PBPK modeling analysis to
inform the regulatory determination for
perchlorate that are different from those
described in this notice or the October
10, 2008, notice.
B. Alternative HRLs Based Upon Body
Weight and Water Consumption of
Other Life Stages
1. Analysis and Interpretations From the
October 2008 FR Notice
In our October 2008 FR notice, EPA
requested comments on an HRL of 15
μg/L to protect pregnant women and
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
their fetuses based upon the Agency’s
RfD, recommended by the NRC, and the
following exposure estimates:
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
RfD = Reference dose (0.7 μg/kg/day)
BW = Body weight (70 kg, default value)
DWI = Drinking water intake (2 L/day,
default value)
RSC = Relative source contribution (62% for
pregnant women)
In calculating the HRL of 15 μg/L,
EPA used adult default values for both
body weight (the mean body weight for
men and women, 70 kg) and drinking
water intake (84th percentile, 2 L/day).
The RSC is the percentage of the
reference dose remaining for drinking
water after other sources of exposure to
perchlorate have been considered (e.g.,
food). EPA used the pregnant women’s
estimated 90th percentile perchlorate
intake from food to determine the RSC
of 62%. In past regulatory
determinations on most other
noncarcinogenic contaminants, EPA has
used an RSC default value of 20% for
screening purposes to estimate the HRL
when it has lacked adequate data to
develop empirical RSCs for those
contaminants (for sulfate and sodium
EPA did not use an RSC to determine
the HRL). For the October 2008 notice,
the Agency believed that sufficient
exposure data were available for
perchlorate to enable EPA to estimate a
better informed RSC and HRL that is
more appropriate for fetuses of pregnant
women (the most sensitive life stage
identified by the NRC). These exposure
data include the further analysis by EPA
of the Unregulated Contaminant
Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) data and
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) biomonitoring data, as well
as the Food and Drug Administration’s
(FDA’s) Total Diet Study (TDS) (73 FR
60269–72, October 10, 2008). The EPA
analysis provided a distribution of
exposure (not just a mean) specific to
almost 100 pregnant women who are
not likely to have been exposed to
perchlorate from their drinking water,
although it did not separate out iodinedeficient pregnant women because of
data limitations. EPA estimated that for
90% of the pregnant women, exposure
to perchlorate from food is equal to, or
less than, 0.263 μg/kg/day (90th
percentile). This represents nearly 38%
of the RfD, leaving an RSC for water of
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2. What Were the Key Issues Raised by
Public Commenters?
The comments EPA received
underscore the complexity of the
scientific issues and many were critical
of EPA’s derivation of the HRL. Of those
that provided detailed comments, many
were concerned about the adequacy of
the HRL to address all sensitive life
stages (e.g., pre-term and full-term
infants). For example, a number of
commenters argued that the proposed
HRL is too high for infants because an
HRL of 15 μg/L would allow daily
exposures that are two to five times
higher than the RfD.
One commenter cites a March 8, 2006,
letter from the Children’s Health
Protection Advisory Committee to the
EPA Administrator. The commenter
states, ‘‘* * * [T]he committee
emphasized the higher exposure of
infants to perchlorate and greater
susceptibility to serious negative effects
associated with perchlorate exposure.
Neither of these issues, however, was
given adequate consideration in the
Preliminary Determination.’’
Another commenter addresses EPA’s
use of default values in deriving the
HRL stating, ‘‘* * * EPA continues to
use the obsolete default of 70 kg for
body weight and 2 L/day of water
consumption when these values
certainly do not apply to pregnant
women. These defaults are specifically
intended for the population in general,
and should be superseded by more
specific and appropriate values when
risk assessment is being conducted for
a defined subpopulation (U.S. EPA,
2004, 2005).’’
3. Alternative Approaches for
Calculating HRLs
EPA agrees that reassessing exposure
assumptions and other life stages
warrants further consideration. The
NRC (2005) identified ‘‘the fetuses of
pregnant women who might have
hypothyroidism or iodide deficiency’’ as
‘‘the most sensitive population,’’ but
also identified infants and developing
children as additional ‘‘sensitive
populations.’’ Infants and young
children have greater exposure to
contaminants in food and water because
of greater consumption of food and
water on a per unit body weight basis.
Therefore, these life stages may be the
most vulnerable populations when their
relative exposure is considered.
Therefore, EPA is considering
alternative approaches to deriving HRLs
by evaluating exposures at different life
stages. EPA is considering alternative
HRLs that are estimates of the maximum
concentration of perchlorate that can be
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consumed in drinking water without an
individual’s total perchlorate dose from
food and water exceeding the RfD.
EPA’s Guidance on Selecting Age
Groups for Monitoring and Assessing
Childhood Exposures to Environmental
Contaminants (USEPA, 2005)
recommends the following 10 age
groups be considered in exposure
assessments for children.
• Less than 12 Months old: birth to <
1 month, 1 to < 3 months, 3 to < 6
months and 6 to < 12 months.
• Greater than 12 months old: 1 to <
2 years, 2 to < 3 years, 3 to < 6 years,
6 to < 11 years, 11 to < 16 years, and
16 to < 21 years.
EPA’s Guidance for Risk
Characterization (USEPA, 1995)
recommends that when considering
exposure to use both high end (i.e., 90th
and 95th percentile) and central
tendency (average or median estimates)
descriptors to convey the variability in
risk levels experienced by different
individuals in the population.
Table 2 arrays the alternative HRLs at
the average 90th and 95th percentile
drinking water ingestion rates for each
of the 10 childhood life stages (as well
as for pregnant women and women of
child-bearing age, 15 to 44). The table
uses the life stage specific drinking
water intake data that are adjusted to
account for the body weight of the
individual. EPA’s Child-Specific
Exposure Factors Handbook (USEPA,
2008f) recommends values for drinking
water ingestion rates for each of
recommended children’s life stage based
on a study of drinking water ingestion
of the U.S. population by Kahn and
Stralka (2008). The study reports
ingestion estimates for ‘‘all individuals’’
and for ‘‘consumers only.’’ Estimates
reported for ‘‘all individuals’’ include
all survey participants regardless of
whether they consumed water during
the 2-day survey period. Ingestion
estimates for ‘‘consumers only’’ are
generated from only the respondents
who reported ingestion of drinking
water from a community water system
during the survey period. The authors
report that this group is often the
primary focus in analyses of risk due to
ingestion of water that may be
contaminated. Consequently, this is the
only group presented in Table 2.
In addition to identifying infants and
developing children as sensitive life
stages, as noted previously, the NAS
identified the fetuses of iodide deficient
pregnant women as the most sensitive
population (or life stage). To address
concerns that the default weight and
ingestion rates provided in the October
2008 notice do not apply to this group,
EPA has included an alternative HRL for
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
recommended age groups into one
category on Table 2 (birth to < 6
months) based on data from EPA
(USEPA, 2004). To address women of
childbearing age, EPA presents HRLs
calculated based upon drinking water
ingestion data for women ages 15 to 44.
To estimate dietary exposure to
perchlorate and to calculate RSCs, EPA
used data available from two studies
previously described by EPA, the FDA’s
Total Diet Study (Murray et al., 2008)
and the NHANES–UCMR Analysis (73
FR 60269–73, October 10, 2008). In
cases where these studies did not
provide a dietary exposure estimate for
one of the recommended child-specific
life stages/age groups, EPA applied the
RSC calculated for the age group closest
to the age group of interest. This meant
that the RSCs for the age groups
between birth and 6 months, 59%, were
based on the mean dietary exposure
estimate for infants ages 6 through 11
months, 0.29 μg/kg-day, derived from
FDA’s Total Diet Study. We understand
that infant diets vary significantly
this life stage in Table 2. This value is
calculated based on body weight and
drinking water ingestion information
specifically from pregnant women
(USEPA, 2004).
EPA notes that for six life stages in
Table 2 (birth to < 1 month, 1 to < 3
months, 3 to < 6 months, 16 to 18 years
and 18 to 21 years and for pregnant
women), the sample size used to
estimate some of the drinking water
ingestion rates (denoted in Table 2 by
foot note c) do not meet the minimum
data requirements as described in the
‘‘Third Report on Nutrition Monitoring
in the United States’’ (LSRO, 1995).
However, these are the best available
data to characterize drinking water
ingestion for these specific life stages.
EPA also notes that these data clearly
show the trend that drinking water
mean ingestion rate on a per body
weight basis increases as the life stage
age decreases. To address this potential
concern regarding sample size for some
of these drinking water ingestion rates,
EPA also aggregated the three youngest
between birth and age 11 months and
that the TDS mean dietary perchlorate
exposure estimates for ages 6 through 11
months consider consumption of baby
foods that are not consumed by younger
infants (see https://www.fda.gov/Food/
ucm077615.htm). Researchers from the
CDC (Schier et al., 2009) recently
published a study in which they
estimated exposures to perchlorate from
the consumption of infant formula. For
infants age 1 month, the researchers’
central tendency estimate of perchlorate
daily dose from consumption of bovine
milk-based infant formula with lactose
(the type of formula with the highest
concentrations of perchlorate) was also
0.29 μg/kg-day, corresponding to an RSC
of 59%. Thus, EPA’s RSC for young
infants, 59%, is supported through two
different estimates of central tendency
infant dietary perchlorate exposure.
Life stage
Birth to < 1
month ............
1 to < 3 months
3 to < 6 months
Birth to < 6
months ..........
6 to < 12
months ..........
1 to < 2 years ...
2 to < 3 years ...
3 to < 6 years ...
6 to < 11 years
11 to < 16 years
16 to < 18 years
18 to < 21 years
Women e .......
Women Ages
15–44 ............
rate d
(mL/kg-day) b
rate d
(mL/kg-day) b
c 235
rate d
(mL/kg-day) b
c 238
c 173
c 32
c 35
c 62
c 14
c 33
c 43
c 228
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
c 285
calculated for nearest age range based on the mean dietary intake from TDS (see Table 5 at 73 FR 60275, October 10, 2008), RSC for
pregnant women and women ages 15–44 based on the 90th percentile dietary intake from NHANES–UCMR analysis (see Table 6 at 73 FR
60276, October 10, 2008).
b Drinking Water Ingestion Rates for consumers only in Community Water Systems taken from EPA’s ‘‘Child-Specific Exposure Factors Handbook’’ (USEPA, 2008e). Except for values for infants from birth to 6 months, which are taken from Tables 5.2.A2 of EPA’s ‘‘Estimated Per Capita
Water Ingestion and Body Weight in the United States—An Update’’ (USEPA, 2004), and for Pregnant Women and Women Ages 15–44 which
are taken from Table 6.2.A2 of EPA’s ‘‘Estimated Per Capita Water Ingestion and Body Weight in the United States—An Update’’ (USEPA,
c The sample sizes for the estimates of ingestion rates for these life stages do not meet the minimum data requirements as described in the
‘‘Third Report on Nutrition Monitoring in the United States’’ (LSRO, 1995).
d Ingestion rate is adjusted for the self-reported body weights from the CFSII.
e The most sensitive population identified by the NRC are the fetuses of pregnant women who might have hypothyroidism or iodide deficiency.
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
4. Request for Comments
EPA Seeks Comments on the Following
a. EPA requests comment on whether
the alternative HRLs described in this
notice appropriately take into account
specific and appropriate exposure
values for all potentially sensitive life
stages, including infants, children and
the fetuses of pregnant women (rather
than the 70 kg body weight and 2 liter
per day consumption used for past
regulatory determinations).
b. EPA requests comment on the
alternative HRLs in Table 2 and which
of these values would be appropriate
levels of health concern against which
to compare the levels of perchlorate
found in public water systems.
c. EPA requests comment on whether
EPA used the best available and most
appropriate data to estimate alternative
HRLs in Table 2. EPA specifically
requests comment on the drinking water
ingestion rates in Table 2 (denoted by
footnote c) where the sample size does
not meet the minimum data
requirements as described in the ‘‘Third
Report on Nutrition Monitoring in the
United States’’ (LSRO, 1995). Does
aggregating life stages (birth to 6
months, and women ages 15–44)
address sample size limitation and still
provide an accurate representation of
the exposure to the most vulnerable life
d. EPA requests comment on the
merits of the approach described here of
deriving HRLs for sensitive life stages
based on the RfD combined with the life
stage specific exposure data and
whether there are other approaches that
may be useful for deriving HRLs.
C. Occurrence Analysis
1. Occurrence Analysis in the October
2008 Federal Register Notice
In the October 2008 FR notice, EPA
presented information on the drinking
water occurrence of perchlorate. The
data source was EPA’s UCMR 1 and the
samples were collected between 2001
and 2005. A total of 34,331 samples
were collected from 3,865 public water
systems. EPA found that 1.9% of the
samples (637 out of 34,331) had
perchlorate at, or above, the minimum
reporting level (MRL = 4 μg/L) and that
4.1% of the systems (160 out of 3,865
systems) reported perchlorate at, or
above, the MRL in at least one sample.
The average perchlorate concentration
among systems that detected perchlorate
was 9.85 μg/L and the median was 6.40
Table 3 presents EPA’s estimates of
the population served by water systems
for which the highest reported
perchlorate concentration was greater
than various threshold concentrations
ranging from 4 μg/L (MRL) to 25 μg/L.
The fourth column presents a high end
estimate of the population served
drinking water above a threshold. This
column presents the total population
served by those drinking water systems
in which at least one sample was found
to contain perchlorate above the
threshold concentration. EPA considers
this a high-end estimate because it is
based upon the assumption that the
entire system population is served water
from the entry point that had the highest
reported perchlorate concentration. In
fact, many water systems have multiple
entry points into which treated water is
pumped for distribution to their
consumers. For the systems with
multiple entry points, it is unlikely that
the entire service population receives
water from the one entry point with the
highest single concentration. Therefore,
EPA also is providing a less
conservative estimate of the population
served water above a threshold in the
fifth column in Table 3. EPA developed
this estimate by assuming the
population was equally distributed
among all entry points. For example, if
a system with 10 entry points serving
200,000 people had a sample from a
single entry point with a concentration
at or above a given threshold, EPA
assumed that the entry point served
one-tenth of the system population, and
added 20,000 people to the total when
estimating the population in the last
column of Table 3. This approach may
provide either an overestimate or an
underestimate of the population served
by the affected entry point. In contrast,
in the example above, EPA added the
entire system population of 200,000 to
the more conservative population
served estimate in column 4, which is
most likely an overestimate. EPA noted
that the population estimates in Table 3
are for people at all life stages and
estimated that at any one time, 1.4
percent of the population in Table 3 are
pregnant women based upon data from
the U.S. Census Bureau.
Thresholds a
PWSs with at least 1 detection >
threshold of interest
PWS entry or sample points with at
least 1 detection > threshold of
interest b
4 μg/L .....................
4.01% ..................................................
(155 of 3,865) ......................................
3.16% ..................................................
(122 of 3,865) ......................................
2.12% ..................................................
(82 of 3,865) ........................................
1.35% ..................................................
(52 of 3,865) ........................................
1.09% ..................................................
(42 of 3,865) ........................................
0.80% ..................................................
(31 of 3,865) ........................................
0.70% ..................................................
(27 of 3,865) ........................................
0.49% ..................................................
(19 of 3,865) ........................................
0.36% ..................................................
(14 of 3,865) ........................................
2.48% ..................................................
(371 of 14,987) ....................................
1.88% ..................................................
(281 of 14,987) ....................................
1.14% ..................................................
(171 of 14,987) ....................................
0.65% ..................................................
(97 of 14,987) ......................................
0.42% ..................................................
(63 of 14,984) ......................................
0.29% ..................................................
(44 of 14,987) ......................................
0.24% ..................................................
(36 of 14,987) ......................................
0.16% ..................................................
(24 of 14,987) ......................................
0.12% ..................................................
(18 of 14,987) ......................................
5 μg/L .....................
7 μg/L .....................
10 μg/L ...................
12 μg/L ...................
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
15 μg/L ...................
17 μg/L ...................
20 μg/L ...................
25 μg/L ...................
Population served
by PWSs with at
least 1 detection >
threshold of
interest c
16.6 M e ................
5.1 M.
14.6 M ..................
4.0 M.
7.2 M ....................
2.2 M.
5.0 M ....................
1.5 M.
3.6 M ....................
1.2 M.
2.0 M ....................
0.9 M.
1.9 M ....................
0.8 M.
1.5 M ....................
0.7 M.
1.0 M ....................
0.4 M.
a All occurrence measures in this table were conducted on a basis reflecting values greater than the listed thresholds.
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estimate for entry
or sample points
having at least 1
detection >
threshold of
interest d
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
b The entry/sample-point-level population served estimate is based on the system entry/sample points that had at least 1 analytical detection
for perchlorate greater than the threshold of interest. The UCMR 1 small system survey was designed to be representative of the nation’s small
systems, not necessarily to be representative of small system entry points.
c The system-level population served estimate is based on the systems that had at least 1 analytical detection for perchlorate greater than the
threshold of interest.
d Because the population served by each entry/sample point is not known, EPA assumed that the total population served by a particular system is equally distributed across all entry/sample points. To derive the entry/sample point-level population estimate, EPA summed the population
values for the entry/sample points that had at least 1 analytical detection greater than the threshold of interest.
e This value does not include the population associated with 5 systems serving 200,000 people that measured perchlorate at 4 μg/L in at least
one sample because the table only shows population estimates greater than each of the thresholds in the first column.
The Agency also evaluated
supplemental drinking water
monitoring data for perchlorate in
California and Massachusetts. EPA
believes these States’ monitoring results
are generally consistent with the results
collected by EPA under UCMR 1.
Perchlorate occurrence analysis from
California and Massachusetts can be
found online at: https://
and https://www.mass.gov/dep/water/
drinking/percinfo.htm# sites
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
2. What Were the Key Issues Raised by
EPA received comments on the
proposed decision not to regulate
perchlorate based on the population
exposed above the HRL. Some
comments objected to the Agency’s
proposed HRL as being ‘‘inappropriately
high’’ thereby ‘‘greatly reducing the size
of the population predicted to be
exposed at a level of public health
concern * * * and significantly
minimizing the need for regulation of
perchlorate from an occurrence
One commenter believes that,
‘‘Approximately 4% of public water
supplies serving 17 million Americans
would be in exceedance of an HRL
between 2 and 6 μg/L. This is 15 million
more at risk individuals than currently
estimated by the Agency.’’
Another commenter believes that at
an HRL of 2 μg/L, 16.6 million would
be exposed, and another commenter
states that if EPA set the HRL at 5 μg/
L, then 5–7 times more individuals
would be exposed above the HRL than
at 15 μg/L.
However, one commenter points out
that, ‘‘An MCL of 2 μg/L could impact
approximately 4% of public water
systems nationally. At this level,
regional impacts in California and Texas
would be greater due to the higher
geographical concentration of detections
in those states. Yet it should be noted
that water systems in Massachusetts,
New Jersey and California have already
established regulatory limits of 2 μg/L,
5 μg/L and 6 μg/L respectively, thereby
capping the population exposure
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potential from community drinking
water sources in those States.’’
3. Numbers of Systems and Populations
That Would Be Exposed at Levels
Exceeding the Alternative Approaches
the Agency Is Considering
EPA plans to use the UCMR 1
perchlorate data to conduct analyses to
estimate the number of systems and
populations served by systems that
would be exposed to the various
alternative HRL concentrations of
perchlorate. Estimates will be made of
the populations served by systems for
which the highest reported perchlorate
concentration exceeds the various
threshold concentrations ranging from 1
μg/L to 25 μg/L. One limitation to the
UCMR 1 data is that the perchlorate
analytical method MRL is 4 μg/L; only
perchlorate sample detections greater
than or equal to 4 μg/L can be
dependably quantified and reported.
Any perchlorate sample concentration
with a value between 0 and 4 μg/L is
recorded in the UCMR 1 data as a ‘‘nondetection.’’ Therefore, to estimate
perchlorate occurrence relative to
concentrations both above and below
the MRL of 4 μg/L, while fully using all
perchlorate detection and non-detection
data, it is necessary to estimate
occurrence using modeling techniques
EPA is considering using a Bayesian
hierarchical model (a form of
probabilistic model that uses maximum
likelihood estimation techniques) to
estimate perchlorate occurrence and to
estimate the uncertainty and variability
of those occurrence estimates. For this
modeling effort, EPA could use the basic
assumption that the national
distribution of perchlorate sample
concentrations can be modeled as a
lognormal distribution. The lognormal
distribution is a fundamental
probability distribution that is used
commonly and effectively to
characterize environmental contaminant
occurrence. The basic characteristic of a
lognormal distribution is that the
logarithms of the values being evaluated
(in this case, the perchlorate
concentrations of UCMR 1 samples of
drinking water) are normally
distributed. One property of the
lognormal distribution that makes it
particularly well-suited to describing
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phenomena like environmental
contaminant occurrence data is that it is
bounded by zero on the low end and it
reflects a ‘‘right-skewed’’ distribution—
that is, it has a tail in the upper end—
that is consistent with having a small
proportion with relatively high values.
The Bayesian model could estimate
the number of public water systems, and
populations served by systems, with at
least one estimated sample detection
greater than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15,
17, 20, and 25 μg/L. EPA notes that
systems or entry/sample points with at
least one detect above the threshold may
not expose the population to this level
at all times. At any particular time,
perchlorate levels may be lower or
higher than the highest estimated
sample detection. However, EPA
believes this approach more closely
reflects the short term exposure during
life stages of concern (i.e., fetuses, preterm newborns, infants and young
children) than does the estimated mean
concentration of perchlorate at a system.
EPA underscores the fact that the
estimated total population exposed at
thresholds that lie below the perchlorate
MRL of 4 μg/L would be equal to, if not
greater than, the corresponding high end
estimate of 16.8 million people. To
estimate the portion of the total
population that is at a childhood life
stage potentially exposed at these
thresholds, EPA could use U.S. Census
data as it did in the October 2008 FR
notice to estimate the number of
pregnant women potentially exposed
above the HRL and could also estimate
the number of infants and children
potentially exposed above the HRL
Perchlorate monitoring data from the
State of Massachusetts could be used to
help characterize the distribution of
very low perchlorate concentration
occurrence. Massachusetts monitoring
uses a modified version of the EPA
laboratory analytical method for
perchlorate that has a MRL of 1 μg/L.
This is the only known, state-wide
monitoring program that uses an
analytical method with an MRL lower
than 4 μg/L. Bayesian hierarchical
modeling can use the Massachusetts
data to improve the model estimates in
the lower concentration ranges.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
4. Request for Comment on Alternative
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
EPA Seeks Comments on the Following
a. EPA requests comment on the
potential use of a Bayesian model to
estimate the number of public water
systems, and populations served by
such systems, with at least one
estimated sample detection greater than
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and
25 μg/L.
b. EPA requests comment on using
U.S. Census data to estimate the
portions of the population that are in
the sensitive life stage at any one time.
c. EPA requests comment on how the
Agency should account for the variation
of perchlorate levels over time in public
water systems. EPA believes that
estimating the number of systems, entry
points and populations with at least one
detection above the HRL is appropriate
for the perchlorate regulatory
determination because a single quarterly
or semi-annual sample more closely
reflects the short term exposure during
life stages of concern (i.e., fetuses, preterm newborns, infants and young
children). However, EPA requests
comment on whether the Agency should
consider other approaches such as
estimating the number of systems, entry
points and populations with two or
more detections above HRL or some
other approach.
IV. Consideration of Studies Published
Since EPA Adopted the NAS RfD for
EPA’s preliminary regulatory
determination is based on NRC’s (NRC,
2005) recommendation to use data from
the Greer et al. (2002) study as the basis
for the perchlorate RfD/risk assessment.
Since the publication of the NRC
report, researchers have investigated
perchlorate occurrence in humans by
analyzing for perchlorate in urine and
breast milk—such biomonitoring data
has the potential to better inform EPA’s
analysis of exposure to perchlorate
through food and water and to provide
insight into the possible interactions of
other physiologic conditions (e.g.,
iodine deficiency) with perchlorate
ingestion. EPA’s preliminary regulatory
determination described the
consideration of these studies, many of
which were published after the NRC
report (including, but not limited to,
Blount et al. (2006 and 2007),
Steinmaus et al. (2007), and Amitai et
al. (2007)) (73 FR 60267–68, October 10,
CDC researchers published two
biomonitoring papers using CDC’s
2001–2002 NHANES data—the first
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study measured perchlorate in urine
(Blount et al., 2006) and the second
examined the relationship between
urinary perchlorate and thyroid
hormone levels (Blount et al., 2007). In
the urinary biomonitoring study, the
authors found perchlorate in all samples
tested (2,820 survey participants ages
six and older) and estimated a total
daily perchlorate dose for adults (doses
for children were not calculated). The
median dose was about one tenth (0.066
μg/kg/day) of the RfD, while the 95th
percentile dose was about one third of
the RfD (0.234 μg/kg/day). In the second
study, which examined the relationship
between urinary levels of perchlorate
and blood serum levels of thyroid
hormones, Blount et al. (2007) found
that for women with low iodine levels
(urinary iodide levels less than 100 μg/
L) urinary perchlorate is associated with
a decrease in (a negative predictor for)
T4 levels and an increase in (a positive
predictor for) thyroid stimulating
hormone levels. The perchlorate
exposures at which this association was
observed are lower than anticipated
based on other studies. The study
authors indicated that further research
needs to be performed to confirm these
findings. The subsequent Steinmaus
(2007) analysis of the same NHANES
2001–2002 epidemiological data
concluded that thiocyanate in tobacco
smoke and perchlorate interact in
affecting the thyroid function in lowiodine women. The Amitai et al. study
assessed thyroid hormone (thyroxine)
values in newborns in different
perchlorate exposure groups (low, high
and very high) and found no significant
In studies analyzing breast milk for
perchlorate, Pearce et al. (2007) and
Kirk et al. (2005, 2007) all found
perchlorate in study samples. The
objective of the Pearce et al. (2007)
study was ‘‘to determine whether breast
milk iodine concentrations in Bostonarea women are adequate for infant
nutrition, and whether breast milk
iodine concentrations may be associated
with environmental perchlorate or
cigarette smoke exposure.’’ Pearce et al.
(2007) did not find a significant
correlation with either breast milk
perchlorate or urinary perchlorate levels
with breast milk iodine concentrations.
The objective of the Kirk et al. (2005)
study was to determine the amount of
perchlorate to which children are
exposed by measuring perchlorate and
iodide levels in cow and human breast
milk and then comparing these numbers
to corresponding levels of perchlorate in
drinking water in the area. Kirk et al.
(2005) did not find a correlation
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between the levels of perchlorate in
breast milk and perchlorate in drinking
water, but speculated that there was a
correlation between higher levels of
perchlorate and lower levels of iodine in
breast milk. The objective of the Kirk et
al. (2007) study was to determine the
variability of perchlorate, thiocyanate,
and iodide in breast milk in serially
collected samples (6 samples on each of
the 3 study days) involving 10 women.
The authors concluded that ‘‘Iodine
intake may be inadequate in a
significant fraction of this study
population. Perchlorate and thiocyanate
appear to be common in human milk.
The role of these chemicals in reducing
breast milk iodide is in need of further
Blount et al. (2007) suggested breast
milk as an excretion pathway and
Dasgupta et al. (2008) compared a
woman’s daily intake of iodine and
perchlorate with the concentrations of
each in her breast milk. The Dasgupta et
al. study found that a higher proportion
of perchlorate enters the breast milk
compared with a small proportion of
Of those commenters that provided
detailed comments to the October 2008
FR notice, many commenters believe
that EPA’s RfD is not adequately
protective of human health. One
commenter stated that ‘‘[T]he EPA
reference dose for perchlorate is based
on data from Greer et al. (2002) that
observed the inhibition of radioiodide
uptake. Ginsberg and Rice (2005)
identified several problems with the
Greer et al. study that suggest the need
for reevaluation of the value that serves
as the foundation for regulatory
decision-making,’’ and that, ‘‘* * * the
results of the Blount study more closely
reflect our understanding of the
biological and toxicological processes
pertaining to thyroid homeostasis, both
in terms of thyroid hormone variability
and the role of iodine.’’ The commenter
‘‘[S]trongly recommends that the CDC
data analyzed in the study of Blount et
al. (2006) and Blount et al. (2007) be
used as the basis for the derivation of a
new reference dose.’’
Other commenters agree, stating that
the use of the Greer et al. (2002) study
‘‘* * * is based on a limited clinical
study of short duration and small
sample size not representative of the
variability in the human population,’’
and the ‘‘[U]se of these limited data to
calculate a regulatory trigger level has
been widely criticized as inadequate
* * * and no longer reflects the best
available data.’’
Another commenter believes that
‘‘[A]dditional important data on
pregnant women and their offspring
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
have become available since the time of
development of the EPA RfD in 2005
which would necessitate a
reconsideration of the existing value
* * * in addition EPA has discussed
other data relevant to deriving an
updated RfD in this Federal Register
notice including Amitai et al., 2007,
Blount et al., 2006, and studies
discussing PBPK models.’’
One commenter concludes by stating,
‘‘* * * [T]hat EPA has based its
argument for not regulating perchlorate
contamination in public water systems
on a literature that is both limited and
ill focused. We believe that EPA has not
performed a sufficiently ‘thorough
review’ of the literature, that it has
omitted important information, and that
it has failed to perform its due diligence
in the interpretation and analysis of the
information that it did present. To
correct this, EPA must employ the CDC
study (Blount et al., 2006a) as the point
of departure for RfD determination, and
must focus on the neonate and infant as
the most sensitive population.’’
One commenter does not believe that
additional analysis is warranted and
that EPA should issue a final
determination as soon as possible,
stating that ‘‘EPA has an extraordinary
wealth of comprehensive, authoritative
scientific information relating to
perchlorate’s health effects,
supplemented by extensive occurrence
and exposure data. The Agency is
therefore exceptionally well-positioned
to issue a well-considered regulatory
determination.’’ The commenter
continues by stating,
* * * EPA has ample scientific and
technical data to make a final determination
on or before the planned date of December
2008 * * *. [P]erchlorate is one of the most
well-studied chemicals with detailed
information on the mechanism of action,
dose-response, and health effects. This issue
also is not new. EPA released its first draft
risk assessment on perchlorate in 1998,
followed by a second in 2002. The 2005 NAS
report was a comprehensive review of the
science. The animal and human studies that
have been published since the NAS report
reduce the uncertainty and reinforce the NAS
panel’s finding that there will not be any
adverse health effects from perchlorate at
environmentally-relevant concentrations.
New studies published since the NAS
report increase the weight of evidence that
the current RfD protects human health
including the most sensitive members of our
population. In addition, testimony by
Congressional members and witnesses alike
have discussed the lengthy amount of time
that EPA has spent studying the health
effects, urging the agency to issue a
determination as soon as practicable. We join
them in urging EPA to issue the final
determination promptly.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:53 Aug 18, 2009
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An additional key scientific issue was
raised by EPA’s OIG in the report
released for public comment ‘‘OIG
Scientific Analysis of Perchlorate
(External Review Draft)’’ (EPA, 2008g).
The report states,
The OIG Analysis concludes that a single
chemical risk assessment of perchlorate is
not sufficient to assess and characterize the
combined human health risk from all four
NIS stressors, (i.e., thiocyanate, nitrate,
perchlorate and lack of iodide) and that
* * * Only a cumulative risk assessment can
fully characterize the nature and sources of
risk affecting this public health issue.
Furthermore, a cumulative risk assessment
allows an informed environmental decision
to be made on how to mitigate the risk
The report goes on to say,
Potentially lowering the perchlorate
drinking water limit from 24.5 ppb to 6 ppb
does not provide a meaningful opportunity to
lower the public’s risk. By contrast,
addressing moderate and mild iodide
deficiency occurring in about 29% of the U.S.
pregnant and nursing population appears to
be the most effective approach of increasing
TIU [total iodide uptake] to healthy levels
during pregnancy and nursing, thereby
reducing the frequency and severity of
permanent mental deficits in children.
The draft report, and comments
submitted by EPA’s Office of Water and
Office of Research and Development,
can be found in the Docket to this
EPA agrees that additional important
data have become available since the
RfD was derived in 2005. However, EPA
has evaluated the new data and has
decided to make the regulatory
determination based upon the current
RfD. EPA will continue to evaluate any
new perchlorate data to determine its
relevance to the regulatory
determination in accordance with the
V. Next Steps
The Agency will consider the
information and comments submitted in
response to this supplemental notice, as
well as comments received on the
October 10, 2008, FR notice, and all
peer review comments before issuing a
final regulatory determination for
perchlorate and intends to do so as
expeditiously as possible. EPA believes
that the alternative analyses presented
in this notice could lead the Agency to
make a determination to regulate
VI. References
Amitai Y, Winston G, Sack J, Wasser J, Lewis
M, Blount BC, Valentin-Blasini L, Fisher
N, Israeli A, and Leventhal A. (2007).
Gestational exposure to high perchlorate
concentrations in drinking water and
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
neonatal thyroxine levels. Thyroid. 17(9):
Blount, B.C., J.L. Pirkle, J.D. Osterloh, L.
Valentın-Blasini, and K.L. Caldwell.
2006. Urinary perchlorate and thyroid
hormone levels in adolescent and adult
men and women living in the United
States. Environmental Health
Perspectives. Vol. 114, No. 12. pp. 1865–
Blount, B.C., L. Valentın-Blasini, J.D.
Osterloh, J.P. Mauldin, and J.L. Pirkle.
2007. Perchlorate Exposure of the US
Population, 2001–2002. J. Exposure Sci.
Environ. Epidemiol. (2007) 17, 400–407.
Dasgupta, P.K., A.B. Kirk, J.V. Dyke, and
S.I. Ohira. 2008. Intake of Iodine and
Perchlorate Excretion in Human Milk.
Environ. Sci. Technol. Advance online
publication accessed September 18,
DeWoskin R. and C. Thompson. 2008.
Renal clearance parameters for PBPK
model analysis of early lifestage
differences in the disposition of
environmental toxicants. Regul Toxicol
Pharmacol. 2008 Jun;51(1):66–86.
Ginsberg G, Rice D, 2005. The NAS
Perchlorate Review: Questions Remain
about the Perchlorate RfD. Environ
Health Perspectives 113(9):1117–1119.
Greer, M.A., G. Goodman, R.C. Pleuss, and
S.E. Greer. 2002. Health effect
assessment for environmental
perchlorate contamination: the dose
response for inhibition of thyroidal
radioiodide uptake in humans. Environ
Health Perspect Vol. 110. pp. 927–937.
Kahn, H.D., and K. Stralka. 2008. Estimated
daily average per capita water ingestion
by child and adult age categories based
on USDA’s 1994–1996 and 1998
continuing survey of food intakes by
individuals. Journal of Exposure Science
and Environmental Epidemiology (2009)
Kirk, A.B., P.K. Martinelango, K. Tian, A.
Dutta, E.E. Smith, and P.K. Dasgupta.
2005. Perchlorate and iodide in dairy
and breast milk. Environmental Science
and Technology. Vol. 39, No. 7. pp.
Kirk, A.B., J.V. Dyke, C.F. Martin, and P.K.
Dasgupta. 2007. Temporal patterns in
perchlorate, thiocyanate and iodide
excretion in human milk. Environ Health
Perspect Online Vol. 115, No. 2. pp. 182–
Life Sciences Research Office, Federation
of American Societies for Experimental
Biology Prepared for the Interagency
Board for Nutrition Monitoring and
Related Research. 1995. Third Report on
Nutrition Monitoring in the United
States: Volume 1. U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington DC.
Murray, C.W III, S.K. Egan, H. Kim, N.
Beru, P.M. Bolger. 2008. US Food and
Drug Administration’s Total Diet Study:
Dietary Intake of Perchlorate and Iodine.
Journal of Exposure Science and
Environmental Epidemiology, advance
online publication January 2, 2008.
National Research Council (NRC). 2005.
Health Implications of Perchlorate
Ingestion. National Academies Press,
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Notices
Board on Environmental Studies and
Toxicology. January 2005. 276 p.
Pearce, E.N., A.M. Leung, B.C. Blount, H.R.
Bazrafshan, X. He, S. Pino, L. ValentinBlasini, L.E. Braverman. 2007. Breast
milk iodine and perchlorate
concentrations in lactating Boston-area
women. J Clin Endocrin Metab Vol. 92,
No. 5, pp. 1673–1677
Schier, J.G., A.F. Wolkin, L.ValentinBlasini, M.G. Belson, S.M. Kieszak, C.S.
Rubin, B.C. Blount. Journal of Exposure
Science and Environmental
Epidemiology, advance online
publication 18 March 2009; doi: 10.1038/
Steinmaus, C., M.D. Miller, R. Howd. 2007.
Impact of smoking and thiocyanate on
perchlorate and thyroid hormone
associations in the 2001–2002 National
Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey. Environ Health Perspect
USEPA. 1995. Guidance for Risk
Characterization. Science Policy Council,
February, 1995.
USEPA. 2004. Estimated Per Capita Water
Ingestion and Body Weight in the United
States—An Update. Office of Science
and Technology, Washington, DC; EPA/
USEPA. 2005. Guidance on Selecting Age
Groups for Monitoring and Assessing
Childhood Exposures to Environmental
Contaminants. National Center for
Environmental Assessment, Washington,
DC; EPA/630/P–03/003F.
USEPA. 2008a. Drinking Water:
Preliminary Regulatory Determination on
Perchlorate, Federal Register, Vol. 73,
No. 198. p. 60262, October 10, 2008.
USEPA. 2008b. Inhibition of the SodiumIodide Symporter by Perchlorate: An
Evaluation of Lifestage Sensitivity Using
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic
(PBPK) Modeling. Office of Research and
Development, Washington, DC; EPA/
USEPA. 2008c. External letter peer review
of EPA’s draft report, Inhibition of the
Sodium-Iodide Symporter by
Perchlorate: An Evaluation of Lifestage
Sensitivity Using Physiologically-based
Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling.
National Center for Environmental
Assessment, Washington, DC; November
12, 2008.
USEPA. 2008d. Interim Drinking Water
Health Advisory for Perchlorate. Office
of Science and Technology, Washington,
DC; EPA 822–R–08–025.
USEPA. 2008e. Comment Response
Summary Report, Peer Review of
Drinking Water Health Advisory for
Perchlorate. Office of Science and
Technology, Washington, DC; December
USEPA. 2008f. Child-Specific Exposure
Factors Handbook. National Center for
Environmental Assessment, Washington,
DC; EPA/600/R–06/096F.
USEPA. 2008g. Scientific Analysis of
Perchlorate (External Review Draft).
Office of Inspector General, Washington,
DC; Assignment No. 2008–0010.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:53 Aug 18, 2009
Jkt 217001
Dated: August 5, 2009.
Peter S. Silva,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Water.
[FR Doc. E9–19507 Filed 8–18–09; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPPT–2009–0496; FRL–8429–5]
National Advisory Committee for Acute
Exposure Guideline Levels for
Hazardous Substances; Notice of
Public Meeting
AGENCY: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: A meeting of the National
Advisory Committee for Acute Exposure
Guideline Levels for Hazardous
Substances (NAC/AEGL Committee)
will be held on September 9–11, 2009,
in Research Triangle Park, NC. At this
meeting, the NAC/AEGL Committee will
address, as time permits, the various
aspects of the acute toxicity and the
development of Acute Exposure
Guideline Levels (AEGLs) for the
following chemicals: Cadmium;
carbofuran; carbon dioxide; dichlorovos;
dicrotophos; dimethyl phosphate;
fenamiphos; gasoline; hydrogen
selenide; lead; methamidophos; methyl
iodide; mevinphos; monocrotophos;
nerve agent GB; phosgene;
phosphamidon; red phosphorus; ricin;
tetrachloroethylene; 1,1,1trichloroethylene; and
DATES: A meeting of the NAC/AEGL
Committee will be held from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. on September 9, 2009; from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. on September 10, 2009;
and from 8 a.m. to noon on September
11, 2009.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the EPA Main Campus, 109 T.W.
Alexander Dr., Research Triangle Park,
NC 27711.
S. Tobin, Designated Federal Officer
(DFO), Risk Assessment Division
(7403M), Office of Pollution Prevention
and Toxics, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001;
telephone number: (202) 564–8557; email address: tobin.paul@epa.gov.
To request accommodation of a
disability, please contact the DFO,
preferably at least 10 days prior to the
meeting, to give EPA as much time as
possible to process your request.
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I. General Information
A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
This action is directed to the public
in general. This action may be of
particular interest to anyone who may
be affected if the AEGL values are
adopted by government agencies for
emergency planning, prevention, or
response programs, such as EPA’s Risk
Management Program under the Clean
Air Act and Amendments Section 112r.
It is possible that other Federal agencies
besides EPA, as well as State agencies
and private organizations, may adopt
the AEGL values for their programs. As
such, the Agency has not attempted to
describe all the specific entities that
may be affected by this action. If you
have any questions regarding the
applicability of this action to a
particular entity, consult the person
B. How Can I Get Copies of this
Document and Other Related
1. Docket. EPA has established a
docket for this action under docket
identification (ID) number EPA–HQ–
OPPT–2009–0496. All documents in the
docket are listed in the docket index
available at https://www.regulations.gov.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
e.g., Confidential Business Information
(CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov, or, if only
available in hard copy, at the OPPT
Docket. The OPPT Docket is located in
the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC) at Rm.
3334, EPA West Bldg., 1301
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington,
DC. The EPA/DC Public Reading Room
hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The telephone number of
the EPA/DC Public Reading Room is
(202) 566–1744, and the telephone
number for the OPPT Docket is (202)
566–0280. Docket visitors are required
to show photographic identification,
pass through a metal detector, and sign
the EPA visitor log. All visitor bags are
processed through an X-ray machine
and subject to search. Visitors will be
provided an EPA/DC badge that must be
visible at all times in the building and
returned upon departure.
2. Electronic access. You may access
this Federal Register document
electronically through the EPA Internet
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 159 (Wednesday, August 19, 2009)]
[Pages 41883-41893]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-19507]
[EPA-HQ-OW-2009-0297; FRL-8943-9]
RIN 2040-AF08
Drinking Water: Perchlorate Supplemental Request for Comments
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Agency is seeking comments on additional approaches to
analyzing data related to EPA's perchlorate regulatory determination.
These additional comments are sought in an effort to ensure
consideration of all the potential options for evaluating whether there
is a meaningful opportunity for human health risk reduction of
perchlorate through a national primary drinking water rule. EPA will
make a final regulatory determination for perchlorate after considering
comments and information provided in the 30-day comment period
following this notice.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before September 18, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-
2009-0297, by one of the following methods:
https://www.regulations.gov: Follow the online instructions
for submitting comments.
Mail: Water Docket, Environmental Protection Agency,
Mailcode: 2822T, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Hand Delivery: Water Docket, EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC)
EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. Such
deliveries are only accepted during the Docket's normal hours of
operation, and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of
boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2009-
0297. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included in
the public docket without change and may be made available online at
https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through https://www.regulations.gov or e-mail. The https://www.regulations.gov Web site
is an ``anonymous access'' system, which means EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body of
your comment. If you send an e-mail comment directly to EPA without
going through https://www.regulations.gov your e-mail address will be
automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is
placed in the public docket and made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you include your name
and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD-ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA
may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form of encryption, and be free of
any defects or viruses. For additional instructions on submitting
comments, go to Unit I.A of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of
this document.
Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the https://www.regulations.gov index. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically
in https://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the Water Docket, EPA/
DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC.
The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the
Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the
EPA Docket Center is (202) 566-2426.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eric Burneson, Office of Ground Water
and Drinking Water, Standards and Risk Management Division, at (202)
564-5250 or e-mail burneson.eric@epa.gov. For general information,
contact the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791 or e-
mail: hotline-sdwa@epa.gov.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
>--greater than
<--less than
BW--body weight
CBI--confidential business information
CDC--Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
DWI--drinking water intake
EPA--U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FDA--U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FR--Federal Register
HA--Health Advisory
HRL--health reference level
IRIS--Integrated Risk Information System
mg/kg--milligram per kilogram of body weight
mg/L--milligrams per liter (equivalent to parts per million [ppm])
MRL--Method Reporting Limit
NAS--National Academy of Science
NHANES--National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
NOAEL--no observed adverse effect level
NOEL--no observed effect level
NRC--National Research Council
OW--Office of Water
PBPK--Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic
POD --point of departure
RAIU--Radioactive Iodide Uptake
RfD--reference dose
RSC--relative source contribution
SDWA--Safe Drinking Water Act
UCMR--Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation
[mu]g--microgram (one-millionth of a gram)
US--United States
USDA--U.S. Department of Agriculture
I. General Information
A. What Should I Consider as I Prepare My Comments for EPA?
You may find the following suggestions helpful for preparing your
1. Explain your views as clearly as possible.
2. Describe any assumptions that you used.
3. Provide any technical information and/or data you used that
support your views.
4. If you estimate potential burden or costs, explain how you
arrived at your estimate.
5. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns.
6. Offer alternatives.
7. Make sure to submit your comments by the comment period
8. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, identify the appropriate docket
identification number in the subject line on the first page of your
response. It would also be helpful if you provided the name, date, and
Federal Register (FR) citation related to your comments.
[[Page 41884]]
II. Background
The statutory and regulatory background for this action is
described in detail in the October 10, 2008, FR notice discussing EPA's
initial regulatory determination for perchlorate (USEPA, 2008a).
Briefly, the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) section 1412, as amended in
1996, requires EPA to make a determination whether to regulate at least
5 contaminants from its contaminant candidate list (CCL) every 5 years.
Once EPA determines to regulate a contaminant in drinking water, EPA
must issue a proposed national primary drinking water regulation
(NPDWR) and final NPDWR within certain set time frames. To regulate a
contaminant in drinking water, EPA must determine that it meets three
criteria: (1) The contaminant may have an adverse effect on human
health, (2) the contaminant is known to occur or there is a substantial
likelihood that the contaminant will occur in public water systems with
a frequency and at levels of public health concern, and (3) regulation
of such contaminant presents a meaningful opportunity for health risk
reduction for persons served by public water systems. To date, EPA has
made final regulatory determinations for 20 contaminants from CCL1 and
CCL2 and has not found that any of these contaminants meet all three
On October 10, 2008, EPA published a preliminary regulatory
determination for perchlorate, requesting public comment on its
determination that perchlorate did not meet the second and third
criteria for regulation. The October 2008 notice describes in detail
the bases for EPA's determination (USEPA, 2008a). EPA received
extensive public comment on that notice.
Today, the Agency is seeking comments on additional approaches to
analyzing data related to EPA's perchlorate regulatory determination.
The EPA is requesting the additional comments in an effort to ensure
that the Agency considers the potential options for evaluating whether
there is a meaningful opportunity for human health risk reduction from
perchlorate through a national primary drinking water rule. EPA's final
decision may be a determination to regulate. As discussed below, the
additional alternatives under consideration could result in health
reference levels which are much lower than the level identified in the
October 2008 notice. The public comments EPA received pursuant to the
October 10, 2008, notice of preliminary regulatory determination \1\
and from the peer review of the supporting documents underscore the
complexity of the scientific issues regarding the regulatory
determination for perchlorate in drinking water.
\1\ On November 12, 2008, EPA extended the comment period for 15
days regarding EPA's preliminary regulatory determination for
EPA received 32,795 comment letters of which 31,632 (96%) letters
were from seven different apparent mass mailing letter writing
campaigns that did not support the preliminary determination. Of the
remaining 1,163 comment letters that would be considered ``unique,'' 30
commenters provided EPA with detailed comments. Of those 30 comment
letters, six supported EPA's preliminary determination. These comments
and other docket materials are available electronically at https://www.regulations.gov (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2008-0692).
In its October 2008 FRN, EPA referred to a draft report entitled
``Inhibition of the Sodium-Iodide Symporter by Perchlorate: An
Evaluation of Lifestage Sensitivity Using Physiologically-Based
Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling'' (USEPA, 2008b). This draft report,
which is described in Section III.A.1, was peer reviewed during the
comment period on the regulatory determination. The report (USEPA,
2008c) and a summary of significant comments made by the external peer
reviewers and EPA's responses (USEPA, 2008e) can be found at https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=212508. The peer review
comments were complimentary and supportive of EPA's modeling analysis
and support document.
On January 8, 2009, EPA issued an interim health advisory (HA) to
provide guidance to state and local officials in their efforts to
address perchlorate contamination while EPA was reviewing scientific
issues. A draft of the HA was peer reviewed by four external peer
reviewers. The HA peer reviewers comments are discussed in Section
III.A.2 of this notice. The Interim Health Advisory (USEPA. 2008d) can
be found at https://www.epa.gov/safewater/contaminants/unregulated/perchlorate.html and the summary of significant comments made by the
external peer reviewers (USEPA. 2008e) can be found at https://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/contaminants/unregulated/pdfs/perchlorate_ha_comment_response.pdf.
In January of this year, EPA announced that we planned to seek
additional input from the National Research Council (NRC) on
perchlorate. The NRC previously studied perchlorate health implications
from March, 2003 until they issued their report in January, 2005 (NRC,
2005). EPA has compiled and evaluated additional scientific studies
relevant to perchlorate health effects and exposure available since
publication of the 2005 NRC report. As previously stated, EPA also has
obtained peer review and public comment on the Agency's analysis of a
number of these studies. The Agency believes that further review by the
NRC would unnecessarily delay regulatory decision making for
perchlorate. Therefore, EPA is not, at present, planning to request
additional NRC review of issues related to perchlorate. Instead, EPA is
issuing this notice and seeking comment on a broad range of alternative
approaches to the interpretation of the scientific data relevant to a
regulatory determination for perchlorate in drinking water. However,
EPA requests comment upon whether further review by the NRC is
warranted. EPA also notes that if the Agency were to make a final
determination to regulate perchlorate, the Agency, in accordance with
the SDWA, would seek review by the Science Advisory Board prior to
proposal of any maximum contaminant level goal and national primary
drinking water rule.\2\
\2\ The requirement for national drinking water regulations are
in SDWA Section 1412. EPA's Web page describes the regulatory
development process (see https://www.epa.gov/safewater/standard/setting.html). SDWA section 1412.e requires that EPA request comment
from the Science Advisory Board prior to proposal of a maximum
contaminant level goal and national primary drinking water
In issuing this supplemental notice, EPA is not making a final
regulatory determination for perchlorate nor are we changing the
Interim Health Advisory Level of 15 [mu]g/L. EPA will consider comments
on the information received on this notice, as well as those received
on the October 10, 2008, FR notice, and those received on the peer
review of supporting documents before completing its regulatory
determination for perchlorate. EPA may also revise the Interim Health
Advisory as part of this process.
III. Alternative Approaches To Analyzing Scientific Data Related to
Perchlorate in Drinking Water
EPA is requesting comment on key issues related to the regulatory
determination for perchlorate in drinking water. EPA is now considering
a broader range of alternatives for interpreting the available data on:
the level of health concern, the frequency of occurrence of perchlorate
in drinking water, and the opportunity for health risk reduction
through a national
[[Page 41885]]
primary drinking water standard. These alternative interpretations may
impact the Agency's final regulatory determination for perchlorate.
Therefore, EPA seeks comment on these issues and the alternative
approaches the Agency is considering.
A. Interpretation of the Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK)
1. EPA's PBPK Modeling Analysis in the October 2008 FR Notice
The NRC (NRC, 2005) found that the inhibition of iodide uptake by
the thyroid should be used as the basis for a perchlorate risk
assessment. In the October, 2008, FR notice, EPA describes a
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling analysis prepared
by the Agency utilizing a series of papers (e.g., Clewell et al., 2007)
discussing PBPK models that estimated the effect of perchlorate on
iodide uptake for the pregnant woman and fetus, the lactating woman and
neonate, and the young child. EPA used the PBPK modeling analysis to
estimate the iodide uptake inhibition for these sensitive life stages
consuming food containing perchlorate at mean levels, and drinking
water containing perchlorate at an HRL of 15 [micro]g/L at the 90th
percentile consumption rate.
EPA found that the predicted radioactive iodide uptake (RAIU)
inhibition for all subgroups was comparable to, or less than, the RAIU
at the no observed effect level (NOEL) selected by the NRC. Based on
this outcome, EPA concluded that by protecting the fetus of the
hypothyroid or iodide-deficient woman from the effects of perchlorate
on the thyroid, all other life stages and subgroups would be protected.
EPA requested comment on the model in the October 2008 FR notice in
addition to conducting a peer review on the application of the model to
non-adult life stages.
2. What Were the Key Scientific Issues Raised by Commenters
Many of the public comments EPA received on the PBPK model in
response to the October 2008 FR notice objected to the Agency's use of
a model that had not been peer reviewed. Concurrently with the public
comment period, the PBPK model analysis underwent a rigorous peer
review by eight experts. Response by the PB model analysis peer
reviewers indicated that the modifications made to the model and the
changes to physiological parameters were an improvement over the
Clewell model, and all reviews were generally supportive of the
analysis. Based on the external peer review comments, the models and
the report entitled, ``Inhibition of the Sodium-Iodide Symporter by
Perchlorate: An Evaluation of Lifestage Sensitivity Using
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling'' were revised.
As previously discussed, comments were also received from four peer
reviewers for the Interim Drinking Water Health Advisory (HA) on the
application of the model in identifying sensitive life stages. One HA
peer reviewer noted that the use of the PBPK model did ``provide an
estimate of perchlorate exposure to average weight babies of healthy
breastfeeding women.'' However, this HA peer reviewer continued on to
recommend that the exposure estimate be expanded to include
consideration of small birth weight and preterm infants.
Another peer reviewer recommended that the uncertainty inherent in
the modeling exercise should be made more transparent to the public.
This uncertainty was linked to the modeling code, the availability of
data for the many variable parameters in the model, the combination and
handling of the data selected for use in simulations, and, in
particular, the lack of human data for specific life stages including
pregnant women and their fetuses, lactating women and their babies, and
bottle-fed infants for which rat data were adapted. The inability of
the model to reflect iodide nutritional status also was cited by three
peer reviewers as an important limitation.
Individual peer reviewers raised two additional concerns: (1) That
the use of animal data to predict human responses appears to run
counter to the NRC finding that animal data cannot be used to
quantitatively predict the response of humans due to species
differences, and (2) that EPA appeared to use the PBPK model to modify
the reference dose (RfD) for infants, justifying the allowance of
exposures that clearly exceeded the RfD established by the NRC.
Peer reviewers further noted that the PBPK model and the EPA
assessment did not account for the activity of other compounds with
similar actions on the thyroid. This issue was also raised by EPA's
Office of Inspector General (OIG) in reference to EPA's perchlorate
risk assessment (see section III.C.2 for more information). One
reviewer stated that the application of the PBPK model by the Agency as
cited in the Interim Health Advisory implied an inappropriate certainty
in the results that was not warranted. This reviewer recommended
confining the use of the PBPK model to exploring the impact of varying
physiological parameters and exposure data among life stages.
3. Alternative Approaches EPA Is Also Now Considering
Based on the comments received on the application of the PBPK model
as described in the October 2008 notice and the Interim HA, EPA is re-
evaluating how best to incorporate the PBPK modeling analysis into its
evaluation of perchlorate, if at all.
One approach might be to use the PBPK modeling analysis to explore
the relative sensitivity of the various life stages of concern to a
fixed dose such as the point of departure (POD) or the reference dose
(RfD). For example, EPA has examined the effect of a dose equal to the
POD on RAIU for a number of different life stages. The POD for the
perchlorate risk assessment (7 [mu]g/kg/day) was recommended by the
NRC. The POD is the lowest dose administered in the Greer et al. (2002)
clinical study, and resulted in a ``very small decrease (1.8%) in
radioiodide uptake * * * well within the variation of repeated
measurements of normal subjects (NRC, 2005).'' The POD used was
determined by NRC to be a No Observed Effect Level (NOEL). The NRC
stated that use of a NOEL differs from the traditional approach to
deriving an RfD, which bases the critical effect on an adverse outcome,
and that using a nonadverse effect that is upstream of the adverse
effect is a more conservative and health-protective approach to
perchlorate hazard assessment. The NRC also recommended that EPA derive
an RfD by applying a 10-fold uncertainty factor to the POD to account
for differences between healthy adults and the most sensitive
population, fetuses of pregnant women who might have hypothyroidism or
iodide deficiency. When compared to the average adult, the 7-day old
breast-fed infant and the fetus of the pregnant woman at gestation week
40 were identified by EPA's analysis as the most sensitive subgroup
with respect to percent RAIU inhibition at a dose to the lactating or
pregnant women equal to the POD. (See Table 1 for the model-predicted
RAIU inhibition and relative sensitivity at the POD of different
subgroups compared to the average adult, based on EPA's modified PBPK
The predicted percent RAIU inhibition is approximately 7.8-fold
higher for the 7-day old breast-fed infant and 6.7-fold higher for the
fetus (at gestational week 40) than for the average adult. (Simulations
at earlier gestation weeks indicate that the fetus is more
[[Page 41886]]
sensitive than the adult throughout pregnancy, but data available for
validation of these parameters are minimal and are considered too
quantitatively uncertain to assign exact relative sensitivities.) The
same analysis shows that the predicted percent RAIU inhibition is
approximately one and a half-fold higher for the bottle-fed infant (7-
60 days) compared to the average adult, and is approximately equal for
the 1-2 year old child and the average adult. However, the drinking
water exposure data discussed in section III.B.3 show that infants less
than six months in age generally consume five to eight times more water
than pregnant women or women of child bearing age on a per body weight
basis, and so will receive a higher dose for any given drinking water
Table 1--Model-Predicted Radioactive Iodide Uptake (RAIU) Inhibition and Relative Sensitivity of Different
Subgroups Compared to the Average Adult at a Dose Equal to the Point-of-Departure (POD) Based on the EPA's
Modified PBPK Models
Dose \i\ ([mu]g/kg- RAIU sensitivity
Population or life stage Body weight (kg) d) inhibition vs. average
Average Adult \a\................. 70................... 7.................... 1.6% 1
Woman (child-bearing age)......... 68................... 7.................... \b\ 3.0% 1.8
Pregnant woman and Fetus Mom: 79.............. 7.................... \c\ 6.1% 3.7
(Gestation Week 40). Fetus: 3.5........... ..................... \c\ 11% 6.7
Lactating woman and Breast-fed Mom: 74.............. 7.................... \d\ 2.1% 1.3
infant (7 d). Infant: 3.6.......... Mom = 7.............. \d,e\ 12.5% 7.8
Infant = 7........... \d,e,f\ 5.4% 3.3
(Mom = 2.7)..........
Lactating woman and Breast-fed Mom: 73.............. 7.................... \d\ 2.0% 1.2
infant (30 d). Infant: 4.2.......... Mom = 7.............. \d,e\ 9.8% 6.1
Infant = 7........... \d,e,f\ 4.4% 2.7
(Mom = 3.0 ).........
Lactating woman and Breast-fed Mom: 72.............. 7.................... \d\ 2.0% 1.2
infant (60 d). Infant: 5.0.......... Mom = 7.............. \d,e\ 7.9% 4.9
Infant = 7........... \d,e,f\ 4.2% 2.7
(Mom = 3.6 ).........
Bottle-fed infant (60 d).......... Infant: 5.0.......... 7.................... \e\ 2.5% 1.5
Child (0.97 yr) \g\............... Child: 10............ 7.................... \h\ 1.7% 1.1
Child (2 yr)...................... Child: 14............ 7.................... \h\ 1.7% 1.1
\a\ The body weight (70 kg) for the average adult is the default weight used by EPA for past regulatory
determinations. All other body weights are generated by the model.
\b\ Maternal body weight was held at the value defined at the start of pregnancy (BW = 67.77 kg), and the
``average adult'' urinary clearance values as published by Merrill et al. (2005) were used.
\c\ Results are based on using the maternal urinary clearance as published in Clewell et al. (2007), which equal
about half of the average adult clearance.
\d\ Results are based on setting the maternal clearance rates of both perchlorate and iodide during lactation
equal to that of the average adult. Clewell et al. (2007) used an iodide clearance rate equal to that of an
average adult, but a perchlorate rate only half that of the average adult.
\e\ %RAIU inhibition given for the infant is provided based upon a value of urinary clearance scaled from the
adult by BW \2/3\ to approximate surface-area scaling, and then multiplied by a rising fraction vs. age based
on data (DeWoskin and Thompson, 2008) to reflect the reduction in glomerular filtration rates. Clewell et al.
(2007) scaled urinary clearance by BW \0.75\, rather than adjusting based on GFR.
\f\ These %RAIU inhibition values are based on an internal dose to the breast-fed infant of 7 [mu]g/kg-day, the
same as for the other subgroups. Maternal dose rates lower than the POD are needed to provide 7 [mu]g/kg-day
to the infant as shown in the table. These doses differ due to changes in body weights and other PK factors
with age.
\g\ Because EPA typically uses a 10 kg child as a default assumption for its drinking water health advisories,
the model was run for a child at 0.97 yr, the age at which the model-simulated body weight for a child is 10
\h\ Results were obtained by setting urinary clearance constants for the older child equal to the average adult
(Merrill et al., 2005) and scaling by BW \1\.
\i\ The dose equal to the POD is 7 [mu]g/kg-day which is 10-fold greater than the RfD. The predicted RAIU
inhibition at the RfD would be less than those shown in Table 1.
.The modeling analysis may be used as a tool to predict the impact
of different perchlorate drinking water concentrations on RAIU across
life stages. Understanding the potential impact of reducing perchlorate
concentrations may be especially important for considering bottle-fed
infants for whom a major portion of the diet may consist of water used
to rehydrate formula.
Another approach EPA is also considering would be to not use the
PBPK modeling analysis to inform the selection of the HRL for its
regulatory determination but instead apply the RfD directly to the
exposures of other sensitive life stages to develop separate HRLs for
these life stages as described in Section III.B.
4. Request for Comment on Alternative Approaches
EPA Seeks Comments on the Following Issues:
a. EPA requests comment on using the PBPK model to evaluate the
relative sensitivity of the various life stages to perchlorate exposure
in drinking water.
b. EPA requests comment on the utility of the PBPK model for
predicting the impact of different perchlorate drinking water
concentrations on sensitive life stages to inform HRL selection.
c. EPA requests suggestions for ways to use the PBPK modeling
analysis to inform the regulatory determination for perchlorate that
are different from those described in this notice or the October 10,
2008, notice.
B. Alternative HRLs Based Upon Body Weight and Water Consumption of
Other Life Stages
1. Analysis and Interpretations From the October 2008 FR Notice
In our October 2008 FR notice, EPA requested comments on an HRL of
15 [mu]g/L to protect pregnant women and
[[Page 41887]]
their fetuses based upon the Agency's RfD, recommended by the NRC, and
the following exposure estimates:
RfD = Reference dose (0.7 [mu]g/kg/day)
BW = Body weight (70 kg, default value)
DWI = Drinking water intake (2 L/day, default value)
RSC = Relative source contribution (62% for pregnant women)
In calculating the HRL of 15 [mu]g/L, EPA used adult default values
for both body weight (the mean body weight for men and women, 70 kg)
and drinking water intake (84th percentile, 2 L/day). The RSC is the
percentage of the reference dose remaining for drinking water after
other sources of exposure to perchlorate have been considered (e.g.,
food). EPA used the pregnant women's estimated 90th percentile
perchlorate intake from food to determine the RSC of 62%. In past
regulatory determinations on most other noncarcinogenic contaminants,
EPA has used an RSC default value of 20% for screening purposes to
estimate the HRL when it has lacked adequate data to develop empirical
RSCs for those contaminants (for sulfate and sodium EPA did not use an
RSC to determine the HRL). For the October 2008 notice, the Agency
believed that sufficient exposure data were available for perchlorate
to enable EPA to estimate a better informed RSC and HRL that is more
appropriate for fetuses of pregnant women (the most sensitive life
stage identified by the NRC). These exposure data include the further
analysis by EPA of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation
(UCMR) data and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's
(CDC's) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
biomonitoring data, as well as the Food and Drug Administration's
(FDA's) Total Diet Study (TDS) (73 FR 60269-72, October 10, 2008). The
EPA analysis provided a distribution of exposure (not just a mean)
specific to almost 100 pregnant women who are not likely to have been
exposed to perchlorate from their drinking water, although it did not
separate out iodine-deficient pregnant women because of data
limitations. EPA estimated that for 90% of the pregnant women, exposure
to perchlorate from food is equal to, or less than, 0.263 [mu]g/kg/day
(90th percentile). This represents nearly 38% of the RfD, leaving an
RSC for water of 62%.
2. What Were the Key Issues Raised by Public Commenters?
The comments EPA received underscore the complexity of the
scientific issues and many were critical of EPA's derivation of the
HRL. Of those that provided detailed comments, many were concerned
about the adequacy of the HRL to address all sensitive life stages
(e.g., pre-term and full-term infants). For example, a number of
commenters argued that the proposed HRL is too high for infants because
an HRL of 15 [micro]g/L would allow daily exposures that are two to
five times higher than the RfD.
One commenter cites a March 8, 2006, letter from the Children's
Health Protection Advisory Committee to the EPA Administrator. The
commenter states, ``* * * [T]he committee emphasized the higher
exposure of infants to perchlorate and greater susceptibility to
serious negative effects associated with perchlorate exposure. Neither
of these issues, however, was given adequate consideration in the
Preliminary Determination.''
Another commenter addresses EPA's use of default values in deriving
the HRL stating, ``* * * EPA continues to use the obsolete default of
70 kg for body weight and 2 L/day of water consumption when these
values certainly do not apply to pregnant women. These defaults are
specifically intended for the population in general, and should be
superseded by more specific and appropriate values when risk assessment
is being conducted for a defined subpopulation (U.S. EPA, 2004,
3. Alternative Approaches for Calculating HRLs
EPA agrees that reassessing exposure assumptions and other life
stages warrants further consideration. The NRC (2005) identified ``the
fetuses of pregnant women who might have hypothyroidism or iodide
deficiency'' as ``the most sensitive population,'' but also identified
infants and developing children as additional ``sensitive
populations.'' Infants and young children have greater exposure to
contaminants in food and water because of greater consumption of food
and water on a per unit body weight basis. Therefore, these life stages
may be the most vulnerable populations when their relative exposure is
considered. Therefore, EPA is considering alternative approaches to
deriving HRLs by evaluating exposures at different life stages. EPA is
considering alternative HRLs that are estimates of the maximum
concentration of perchlorate that can be consumed in drinking water
without an individual's total perchlorate dose from food and water
exceeding the RfD. EPA's Guidance on Selecting Age Groups for
Monitoring and Assessing Childhood Exposures to Environmental
Contaminants (USEPA, 2005) recommends the following 10 age groups be
considered in exposure assessments for children.
Less than 12 Months old: birth to < 1 month, 1 to < 3
months, 3 to < 6 months and 6 to < 12 months.
Greater than 12 months old: 1 to < 2 years, 2 to < 3
years, 3 to < 6 years, 6 to < 11 years, 11 to < 16 years, and 16 to <
21 years.
EPA's Guidance for Risk Characterization (USEPA, 1995) recommends
that when considering exposure to use both high end (i.e., 90th and
95th percentile) and central tendency (average or median estimates)
descriptors to convey the variability in risk levels experienced by
different individuals in the population.
Table 2 arrays the alternative HRLs at the average 90th and 95th
percentile drinking water ingestion rates for each of the 10 childhood
life stages (as well as for pregnant women and women of child-bearing
age, 15 to 44). The table uses the life stage specific drinking water
intake data that are adjusted to account for the body weight of the
individual. EPA's Child-Specific Exposure Factors Handbook (USEPA,
2008f) recommends values for drinking water ingestion rates for each of
recommended children's life stage based on a study of drinking water
ingestion of the U.S. population by Kahn and Stralka (2008). The study
reports ingestion estimates for ``all individuals'' and for ``consumers
only.'' Estimates reported for ``all individuals'' include all survey
participants regardless of whether they consumed water during the 2-day
survey period. Ingestion estimates for ``consumers only'' are generated
from only the respondents who reported ingestion of drinking water from
a community water system during the survey period. The authors report
that this group is often the primary focus in analyses of risk due to
ingestion of water that may be contaminated. Consequently, this is the
only group presented in Table 2.
In addition to identifying infants and developing children as
sensitive life stages, as noted previously, the NAS identified the
fetuses of iodide deficient pregnant women as the most sensitive
population (or life stage). To address concerns that the default weight
and ingestion rates provided in the October 2008 notice do not apply to
this group, EPA has included an alternative HRL for
[[Page 41888]]
this life stage in Table 2. This value is calculated based on body
weight and drinking water ingestion information specifically from
pregnant women (USEPA, 2004).
EPA notes that for six life stages in Table 2 (birth to < 1 month,
1 to < 3 months, 3 to < 6 months, 16 to 18 years and 18 to 21 years and
for pregnant women), the sample size used to estimate some of the
drinking water ingestion rates (denoted in Table 2 by foot note \c\) do
not meet the minimum data requirements as described in the ``Third
Report on Nutrition Monitoring in the United States'' (LSRO, 1995).
However, these are the best available data to characterize drinking
water ingestion for these specific life stages. EPA also notes that
these data clearly show the trend that drinking water mean ingestion
rate on a per body weight basis increases as the life stage age
decreases. To address this potential concern regarding sample size for
some of these drinking water ingestion rates, EPA also aggregated the
three youngest recommended age groups into one category on Table 2
(birth to < 6 months) based on data from EPA (USEPA, 2004). To address
women of childbearing age, EPA presents HRLs calculated based upon
drinking water ingestion data for women ages 15 to 44.
To estimate dietary exposure to perchlorate and to calculate RSCs,
EPA used data available from two studies previously described by EPA,
the FDA's Total Diet Study (Murray et al., 2008) and the NHANES-UCMR
Analysis (73 FR 60269-73, October 10, 2008). In cases where these
studies did not provide a dietary exposure estimate for one of the
recommended child-specific life stages/age groups, EPA applied the RSC
calculated for the age group closest to the age group of interest. This
meant that the RSCs for the age groups between birth and 6 months, 59%,
were based on the mean dietary exposure estimate for infants ages 6
through 11 months, 0.29 [mu]g/kg-day, derived from FDA's Total Diet
Study. We understand that infant diets vary significantly between birth
and age 11 months and that the TDS mean dietary perchlorate exposure
estimates for ages 6 through 11 months consider consumption of baby
foods that are not consumed by younger infants (see https://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodSafety/FoodContaminantsAdulteration/ChemicalContaminants/Perchlorate/ucm077615.htm). Researchers from the CDC (Schier et al.,
2009) recently published a study in which they estimated exposures to
perchlorate from the consumption of infant formula. For infants age 1
month, the researchers' central tendency estimate of perchlorate daily
dose from consumption of bovine milk-based infant formula with lactose
(the type of formula with the highest concentrations of perchlorate)
was also 0.29 [mu]g/kg-day, corresponding to an RSC of 59%. Thus, EPA's
RSC for young infants, 59%, is supported through two different
estimates of central tendency infant dietary perchlorate exposure.
Table 2--Alternative HRLs at the Average, 90th and 95th Percentile Drinking Water Ingestion Rates for Various Life Stages
90th 95th
Mean Percentile Percentile
Life stage RfD ([mu]g/ RSC \a\ ingestion Alt HRL ingestion Alt HRL ingestion Alt HRL
kg-day) (percent) rate \d\ (mL/ ([mu]g/L) rate \d\ (mL/ ([mu]g/L) rate \d\ (mL/ ([mu]g/L)
kg-day) \b\ kg-day) \b\ kg-day) \b\
Birth to < 1 month...................... 0.7 59 137 3 \c\ 235 2 \c\ 238 2
1 to < 3 months......................... 0.7 59 119 3 \c\ 228 2 \c\ 285 1
3 to < 6 months......................... 0.7 59 80 5 148 3 \c\ 173 2
Birth to < 6 months..................... 0.7 59 95 4 184 2 221 2
6 to < 12 months........................ 0.7 59 53 8 112 4 129 3
1 to < 2 years.......................... 0.7 44 27 11 56 6 75 4
2 to < 3 years.......................... 0.7 44 26 12 52 6 62 5
3 to < 6 years.......................... 0.7 60 24 18 49 9 65 6
6 to < 11 years......................... 0.7 71 17 29 35 14 45 11
11 to < 16 years........................ 0.7 84 13 45 26 23 34 17
16 to < 18 years........................ 0.7 80 12 47 24 23 \c\ 32 18
18 to < 21 years........................ 0.7 80 13 43 29 19 \c\ 35 16
Pregnant Women \e\...................... 0.7 \c\ 62 \c\ 14 31 \c\ 33 13 \c\ 43 10
Women Ages 15-44........................ 0.7 80 15 37 32 18 39 14
\a\ RSC calculated for nearest age range based on the mean dietary intake from TDS (see Table 5 at 73 FR 60275, October 10, 2008), RSC for pregnant
women and women ages 15-44 based on the 90th percentile dietary intake from NHANES-UCMR analysis (see Table 6 at 73 FR 60276, October 10, 2008).
\b\ Drinking Water Ingestion Rates for consumers only in Community Water Systems taken from EPA's ``Child-Specific Exposure Factors Handbook'' (USEPA,
2008e). Except for values for infants from birth to 6 months, which are taken from Tables 5.2.A2 of EPA's ``Estimated Per Capita Water Ingestion and
Body Weight in the United States--An Update'' (USEPA, 2004), and for Pregnant Women and Women Ages 15-44 which are taken from Table 6.2.A2 of EPA's
``Estimated Per Capita Water Ingestion and Body Weight in the United States--An Update'' (USEPA, 2004).
\c\ The sample sizes for the estimates of ingestion rates for these life stages do not meet the minimum data requirements as described in the ``Third
Report on Nutrition Monitoring in the United States'' (LSRO, 1995).
\d\ Ingestion rate is adjusted for the self-reported body weights from the CFSII.
\e\ The most sensitive population identified by the NRC are the fetuses of pregnant women who might have hypothyroidism or iodide deficiency.
[[Page 41889]]
4. Request for Comments
EPA Seeks Comments on the Following Issues:
a. EPA requests comment on whether the alternative HRLs described
in this notice appropriately take into account specific and appropriate
exposure values for all potentially sensitive life stages, including
infants, children and the fetuses of pregnant women (rather than the 70
kg body weight and 2 liter per day consumption used for past regulatory
b. EPA requests comment on the alternative HRLs in Table 2 and
which of these values would be appropriate levels of health concern
against which to compare the levels of perchlorate found in public
water systems.
c. EPA requests comment on whether EPA used the best available and
most appropriate data to estimate alternative HRLs in Table 2. EPA
specifically requests comment on the drinking water ingestion rates in
Table 2 (denoted by footnote \c\) where the sample size does not meet
the minimum data requirements as described in the ``Third Report on
Nutrition Monitoring in the United States'' (LSRO, 1995). Does
aggregating life stages (birth to 6 months, and women ages 15-44)
address sample size limitation and still provide an accurate
representation of the exposure to the most vulnerable life stages?
d. EPA requests comment on the merits of the approach described
here of deriving HRLs for sensitive life stages based on the RfD
combined with the life stage specific exposure data and whether there
are other approaches that may be useful for deriving HRLs.
C. Occurrence Analysis
1. Occurrence Analysis in the October 2008 Federal Register Notice
In the October 2008 FR notice, EPA presented information on the
drinking water occurrence of perchlorate. The data source was EPA's
UCMR 1 and the samples were collected between 2001 and 2005. A total of
34,331 samples were collected from 3,865 public water systems. EPA
found that 1.9% of the samples (637 out of 34,331) had perchlorate at,
or above, the minimum reporting level (MRL = 4 [mu]g/L) and that 4.1%
of the systems (160 out of 3,865 systems) reported perchlorate at, or
above, the MRL in at least one sample. The average perchlorate
concentration among systems that detected perchlorate was 9.85 [mu]g/L
and the median was 6.40 [mu]g/L.
Table 3 presents EPA's estimates of the population served by water
systems for which the highest reported perchlorate concentration was
greater than various threshold concentrations ranging from 4 [mu]g/L
(MRL) to 25 [mu]g/L. The fourth column presents a high end estimate of
the population served drinking water above a threshold. This column
presents the total population served by those drinking water systems in
which at least one sample was found to contain perchlorate above the
threshold concentration. EPA considers this a high-end estimate because
it is based upon the assumption that the entire system population is
served water from the entry point that had the highest reported
perchlorate concentration. In fact, many water systems have multiple
entry points into which treated water is pumped for distribution to
their consumers. For the systems with multiple entry points, it is
unlikely that the entire service population receives water from the one
entry point with the highest single concentration. Therefore, EPA also
is providing a less conservative estimate of the population served
water above a threshold in the fifth column in Table 3. EPA developed
this estimate by assuming the population was equally distributed among
all entry points. For example, if a system with 10 entry points serving
200,000 people had a sample from a single entry point with a
concentration at or above a given threshold, EPA assumed that the entry
point served one-tenth of the system population, and added 20,000
people to the total when estimating the population in the last column
of Table 3. This approach may provide either an overestimate or an
underestimate of the population served by the affected entry point. In
contrast, in the example above, EPA added the entire system population
of 200,000 to the more conservative population served estimate in
column 4, which is most likely an overestimate. EPA noted that the
population estimates in Table 3 are for people at all life stages and
estimated that at any one time, 1.4 percent of the population in Table
3 are pregnant women based upon data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Table 3--UCMR 1 Occurrence and Population Estimates for Perchlorate Above Various Thresholds
PWS entry or Population served estimate for entry
PWSs with at least sample points with by PWSs with at or sample points
Thresholds a 1 detection > at least 1 least 1 detection having at least 1
threshold of detection > > threshold of detection >
interest threshold of interest c threshold of
interest b interest d
4 [mu]g/L....................... 4.01%............. 2.48%............. 16.6 M e.......... 5.1 M.
(155 of 3,865).... (371 of 14,987)...
5 [mu]g/L....................... 3.16%............. 1.88%............. 14.6 M............ 4.0 M.
(122 of 3,865).... (281 of 14,987)...
7 [mu]g/L....................... 2.12%............. 1.14%............. 7.2 M............. 2.2 M.
(82 of 3,865)..... (171 of 14,987)...
10 [mu]g/L...................... 1.35%............. 0.65%............. 5.0 M............. 1.5 M.
(52 of 3,865)..... (97 of 14,987)....
12 [mu]g/L...................... 1.09%............. 0.42%............. 3.6 M............. 1.2 M.
(42 of 3,865)..... (63 of 14,984)....
15 [mu]g/L...................... 0.80%............. 0.29%............. 2.0 M............. 0.9 M.
(31 of 3,865)..... (44 of 14,987)....
17 [mu]g/L...................... 0.70%............. 0.24%............. 1.9 M............. 0.8 M.
(27 of 3,865)..... (36 of 14,987)....
20 [mu]g/L...................... 0.49%............. 0.16%............. 1.5 M............. 0.7 M.
(19 of 3,865)..... (24 of 14,987)....
25 [mu]g/L...................... 0.36%............. 0.12%............. 1.0 M............. 0.4 M.
(14 of 3,865)..... (18 of 14,987)....
\a\ All occurrence measures in this table were conducted on a basis reflecting values greater than the listed
[[Page 41890]]
\b\ The entry/sample-point-level population served estimate is based on the system entry/sample points that had
at least 1 analytical detection for perchlorate greater than the threshold of interest. The UCMR 1 small
system survey was designed to be representative of the nation's small systems, not necessarily to be
representative of small system entry points.
\c\ The system-level population served estimate is based on the systems that had at least 1 analytical detection
for perchlorate greater than the threshold of interest.
\d\ Because the population served by each entry/sample point is not known, EPA assumed that the total population
served by a particular system is equally distributed across all entry/sample points. To derive the entry/
sample point-level population estimate, EPA summed the population values for the entry/sample points that had
at least 1 analytical detection greater than the threshold of interest.
\e\ This value does not include the population associated with 5 systems serving 200,000 people that measured
perchlorate at 4 [mu]g/L in at least one sample because the table only shows population estimates greater than
each of the thresholds in the first column.
The Agency also evaluated supplemental drinking water monitoring
data for perchlorate in California and Massachusetts. EPA believes
these States' monitoring results are generally consistent with the
results collected by EPA under UCMR 1. Perchlorate occurrence analysis
from California and Massachusetts can be found online at: https://www2.cdph.ca.gov/certlic/drinkingwater/Pages/Perchlorate.aspx and
https://www.mass.gov/dep/water/drinking/percinfo.htm# sites
2. What Were the Key Issues Raised by Commenters?
EPA received comments on the proposed decision not to regulate
perchlorate based on the population exposed above the HRL. Some
comments objected to the Agency's proposed HRL as being
``inappropriately high'' thereby ``greatly reducing the size of the
population predicted to be exposed at a level of public health concern
* * * and significantly minimizing the need for regulation of
perchlorate from an occurrence standpoint.''
One commenter believes that, ``Approximately 4% of public water
supplies serving 17 million Americans would be in exceedance of an HRL
between 2 and 6 [mu]g/L. This is 15 million more at risk individuals
than currently estimated by the Agency.''
Another commenter believes that at an HRL of 2 [mu]g/L, 16.6
million would be exposed, and another commenter states that if EPA set
the HRL at 5 [mu]g/L, then 5-7 times more individuals would be exposed
above the HRL than at 15 [mu]g/L.
However, one commenter points out that, ``An MCL of 2 [mu]g/L could
impact approximately 4% of public water systems nationally. At this
level, regional impacts in California and Texas would be greater due to
the higher geographical concentration of detections in those states.
Yet it should be noted that water systems in Massachusetts, New Jersey
and California have already established regulatory limits of 2 [mu]g/L,
5 [mu]g/L and 6 [mu]g/L respectively, thereby capping the population
exposure potential from community drinking water sources in those
3. Numbers of Systems and Populations That Would Be Exposed at Levels
Exceeding the Alternative Approaches the Agency Is Considering
EPA plans to use the UCMR 1 perchlorate data to conduct analyses to
estimate the number of systems and populations served by systems that
would be exposed to the various alternative HRL concentrations of
perchlorate. Estimates will be made of the populations served by
systems for which the highest reported perchlorate concentration
exceeds the various threshold concentrations ranging from 1 [mu]g/L to
25 [mu]g/L. One limitation to the UCMR 1 data is that the perchlorate
analytical method MRL is 4 [mu]g/L; only perchlorate sample detections
greater than or equal to 4 [mu]g/L can be dependably quantified and
reported. Any perchlorate sample concentration with a value between 0
and 4 [mu]g/L is recorded in the UCMR 1 data as a ``non-detection.''
Therefore, to estimate perchlorate occurrence relative to
concentrations both above and below the MRL of 4 [mu]g/L, while fully
using all perchlorate detection and non-detection data, it is necessary
to estimate occurrence using modeling techniques
EPA is considering using a Bayesian hierarchical model (a form of
probabilistic model that uses maximum likelihood estimation techniques)
to estimate perchlorate occurrence and to estimate the uncertainty and
variability of those occurrence estimates. For this modeling effort,
EPA could use the basic assumption that the national distribution of
perchlorate sample concentrations can be modeled as a lognormal
distribution. The lognormal distribution is a fundamental probability
distribution that is used commonly and effectively to characterize
environmental contaminant occurrence. The basic characteristic of a
lognormal distribution is that the logarithms of the values being
evaluated (in this case, the perchlorate concentrations of UCMR 1
samples of drinking water) are normally distributed. One property of
the lognormal distribution that makes it particularly well-suited to
describing phenomena like environmental contaminant occurrence data is
that it is bounded by zero on the low end and it reflects a ``right-
skewed'' distribution--that is, it has a tail in the upper end--that is
consistent with having a small proportion with relatively high values.
The Bayesian model could estimate the number of public water
systems, and populations served by systems, with at least one estimated
sample detection greater than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and
25 [mu]g/L. EPA notes that systems or entry/sample points with at least
one detect above the threshold may not expose the population to this
level at all times. At any particular time, perchlorate levels may be
lower or higher than the highest estimated sample detection. However,
EPA believes this approach more closely reflects the short term
exposure during life stages of concern (i.e., fetuses, pre-term
newborns, infants and young children) than does the estimated mean
concentration of perchlorate at a system. EPA underscores the fact that
the estimated total population exposed at thresholds that lie below the
perchlorate MRL of 4 [mu]g/L would be equal to, if not greater than,
the corresponding high end estimate of 16.8 million people. To estimate
the portion of the total population that is at a childhood life stage
potentially exposed at these thresholds, EPA could use U.S. Census data
as it did in the October 2008 FR notice to estimate the number of
pregnant women potentially exposed above the HRL and could also
estimate the number of infants and children potentially exposed above
the HRL
Perchlorate monitoring data from the State of Massachusetts could
be used to help characterize the distribution of very low perchlorate
concentration occurrence. Massachusetts monitoring uses a modified
version of the EPA laboratory analytical method for perchlorate that
has a MRL of 1 [mu]g/L. This is the only known, state-wide monitoring
program that uses an analytical method with an MRL lower than 4 [mu]g/
L. Bayesian hierarchical modeling can use the Massachusetts data to
improve the model estimates in the lower concentration ranges.
[[Page 41891]]
4. Request for Comment on Alternative Approaches
EPA Seeks Comments on the Following Issues:
a. EPA requests comment on the potential use of a Bayesian model to
estimate the number of public water systems, and populations served by
such systems, with at least one estimated sample detection greater than
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and 25 [mu]g/L.
b. EPA requests comment on using U.S. Census data to estimate the
portions of the population that are in the sensitive life stage at any
one time.
c. EPA requests comment on how the Agency should account for the
variation of perchlorate levels over time in public water systems. EPA
believes that estimating the number of systems, entry points and
populations with at least one detection above the HRL is appropriate
for the perchlorate regulatory determination because a single quarterly
or semi-annual sample more closely reflects the short term exposure
during life stages of concern (i.e., fetuses, pre-term newborns,
infants and young children). However, EPA requests comment on whether
the Agency should consider other approaches such as estimating the
number of systems, entry points and populations with two or more
detections above HRL or some other approach.
IV. Consideration of Studies Published Since EPA Adopted the NAS RfD
for Perchlorate
EPA's preliminary regulatory determination is based on NRC's (NRC,
2005) recommendation to use data from the Greer et al. (2002) study as
the basis for the perchlorate RfD/risk assessment.
Since the publication of the NRC report, researchers have
investigated perchlorate occurrence in humans by analyzing for
perchlorate in urine and breast milk--such biomonitoring data has the
potential to better inform EPA's analysis of exposure to perchlorate
through food and water and to provide insight into the possible
interactions of other physiologic conditions (e.g., iodine deficiency)
with perchlorate ingestion. EPA's preliminary regulatory determination
described the consideration of these studies, many of which were
published after the NRC report (including, but not limited to, Blount
et al. (2006 and 2007), Steinmaus et al. (2007), and Amitai et al.
(2007)) (73 FR 60267-68, October 10, 2008).
CDC researchers published two biomonitoring papers using CDC's
2001-2002 NHANES data--the first study measured perchlorate in urine
(Blount et al., 2006) and the second examined the relationship between
urinary perchlorate and thyroid hormone levels (Blount et al., 2007).
In the urinary biomonitoring study, the authors found perchlorate in
all samples tested (2,820 survey participants ages six and older) and
estimated a total daily perchlorate dose for adults (doses for children
were not calculated). The median dose was about one tenth (0.066 [mu]g/
kg/day) of the RfD, while the 95th percentile dose was about one third
of the RfD (0.234 [mu]g/kg/day). In the second study, which examined
the relationship between urinary levels of perchlorate and blood serum
levels of thyroid hormones, Blount et al. (2007) found that for women
with low iodine levels (urinary iodide levels less than 100 [mu]g/L)
urinary perchlorate is associated with a decrease in (a negative
predictor for) T4 levels and an increase in (a positive predictor for)
thyroid stimulating hormone levels. The perchlorate exposures at which
this association was observed are lower than anticipated based on other
studies. The study authors indicated that further research needs to be
performed to confirm these findings. The subsequent Steinmaus (2007)
analysis of the same NHANES 2001-2002 epidemiological data concluded
that thiocyanate in tobacco smoke and perchlorate interact in affecting
the thyroid function in low-iodine women. The Amitai et al. study
assessed thyroid hormone (thyroxine) values in newborns in different
perchlorate exposure groups (low, high and very high) and found no
significant differences.
In studies analyzing breast milk for perchlorate, Pearce et al.
(2007) and Kirk et al. (2005, 2007) all found perchlorate in study
samples. The objective of the Pearce et al. (2007) study was ``to
determine whether breast milk iodine concentrations in Boston-area
women are adequate for infant nutrition, and whether breast milk iodine
concentrations may be associated with environmental perchlorate or
cigarette smoke exposure.'' Pearce et al. (2007) did not find a
significant correlation with either breast milk perchlorate or urinary
perchlorate levels with breast milk iodine concentrations. The
objective of the Kirk et al. (2005) study was to determine the amount
of perchlorate to which children are exposed by measuring perchlorate
and iodide levels in cow and human breast milk and then comparing these
numbers to corresponding levels of perchl