Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree Under the Clean Air Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 40846 [E9-19421]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 155 / Thursday, August 13, 2009 / Notices The media
should contact Margaret O’Laughlin,
Public Affairs Officer (202–205–1819 or Hearing
impaired individuals are advised that
information on this matter can be
obtained by contacting the TDD
terminal on 202–205–2648.
Background: The Commission has
prepared and published annual reports
on U.S. trade shifts in selected
industries/commodity areas under
investigation No. 332–345 since 1993.
Beginning in 2004, the Commission
converted the report to an exclusively
web-based format (with added focus on
sectoral issues) that can be accessed
electronically. The initial notice of
institution of this investigation was
published in the Federal Register of
September 8, 1993 (58 FR 47287). The
Commission expanded the scope of this
investigation to cover services trade in
a separate report, which it announced in
a notice published in the Federal
Register of December 28, 1994 (59 FR
66974). The merchandise trade report
has been published in the current series
under investigation No. 332–345
annually since September 1993.
This year’s Web-based format
identifies the key trends affecting
principal foreign markets and 10 major
U.S. sectors.
By order of the Commission.
Issued: August 6, 2009.
Marilyn R. Abbott,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. E9–19378 Filed 8–12–09; 8:45 am]
[USITC SE–09–024]
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Government in the Sunshine Act
Meeting Notice
States International Trade Commission.
TIME AND DATE: August 21, 2009 at
2 p.m.
PLACE: Room 101, 500 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, Telephone:
(202) 205–2000.
STATUS: Open to the public.
1. Agenda for future meetings: None.
2. Minutes.
3. Ratification List.
4. Inv. Nos. 701–TA–467 and 731–
TA–1164–1165 (Preliminary) (Narrow
Woven Ribbons with Woven Selvedge
from China and Taiwan)—briefing and
vote. (The Commission is currently
scheduled to transmit its determinations
VerDate Nov<24>2008
18:37 Aug 12, 2009
Jkt 217001
to the Secretary of Commerce on or
before August 24, 2009; Commissioners’
opinions are currently scheduled to be
transmitted to the Secretary of
Commerce on or before August 31,
5. Outstanding action jackets: none.
In accordance with Commission
policy, subject matter listed above, not
disposed of at the scheduled meeting,
may be carried over to the agenda of the
following meeting. Earlier
announcement of this meeting was not
Issued: August 11, 2009.
By order of the Commission.
William R. Bishop,
Hearings and Meetings Coordinator.
[FR Doc. E9–19554 Filed 8–11–09; 4:15 pm]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree
Under the Clean Air Act and Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act
Under 28 CFR 50.7, notice is hereby
given that on August 7, 2009, a
proposed Consent Decree (‘‘Consent
Decree’’) in the matter of United States
v. Bradford Industries, Civil Action No.
1:09–cv–09–11333, was lodged with the
United States District Court for the
District of Massachusetts.
In the complaint in this matter, the
United States sought injunctive relief
and civil penalties against Bradford
Industries, Inc. (‘‘Bradford’’) for claims
arising under the Clean Air Act and the
Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act, in connection with the operation of
the Bradford’s operation of its facility
located at 75 Rogers Street in Lowell,
MA. Under the Consent Decree,
Bradford will hire an independent
auditor to conduct two environmental
compliance audits, and pay a civil
penalty of $75,000.
The Department of Justice will receive
for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of this publication comments
relating to the Consent Decree.
Comments should be addressed to the
Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, and either e-mailed to or
mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611, and should refer to United
States v. Bradford Industries, Inc., D.J.
Ref. No. 90–5–2–1–09314.
The Consent Decree may be examined
at the Office of the United States
Attorney, 1 Courthouse Way, John
Joseph Moakley Courthouse, and at U.S.
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
EPA Region I, Robert F. Kennedy
Federal Building, Boston, Massachusetts
02203–2211. During the public
comment period, the Consent Decree
may also be examined on the following
Department of Justice Web site: https://
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
Consent Decree may also be obtained by
mail from the Consent Decree Library,
P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611, or
by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia
Fleetwood (
fax number (202) 514–0097, phone
confirmation number (202) 514–1547. In
requesting a copy from the Consent
Decree Library, please enclose a check
in the amount of $8.00 (25 cents per
page reproduction cost) payable to the
U.S. Treasury, or, if by e-mail or fax,
forward a check in that amount to the
Consent Decree Library at the stated
Maureen Katz,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. E9–19421 Filed 8–12–09; 8:45 am]
Membership of the Senior Executive
Service Standing Performance Review
Department of Justice.
ACTION: Notice of Department of
Justice’s standing members of the Senior
Executive Service Performance Review
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the requirements
of 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4), the Department of
Justice announces the membership of its
2009 Senior Executive Service (SES)
Standing Performance Review Boards
(PRBs). The purpose of a PRB is to
provide fair and impartial review of SES
performance appraisals, bonus
recommendations and pay adjustments.
The PRBs will make recommendations
regarding the final performance ratings
to be assigned, SES bonuses and/or pay
adjustments to be awarded.
Markham, Director, Human Resources,
Justice Management Division,
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20530; (202) 514–4350.
Lee J. Lofthus,
Assistant Attorney General for
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 155 (Thursday, August 13, 2009)]
[Page 40846]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-19421]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree Under the Clean Air Act and
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Under 28 CFR 50.7, notice is hereby given that on August 7, 2009, a
proposed Consent Decree (``Consent Decree'') in the matter of United
States v. Bradford Industries, Civil Action No. 1:09-cv-09-11333, was
lodged with the United States District Court for the District of
In the complaint in this matter, the United States sought
injunctive relief and civil penalties against Bradford Industries, Inc.
(``Bradford'') for claims arising under the Clean Air Act and the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, in connection with the
operation of the Bradford's operation of its facility located at 75
Rogers Street in Lowell, MA. Under the Consent Decree, Bradford will
hire an independent auditor to conduct two environmental compliance
audits, and pay a civil penalty of $75,000.
The Department of Justice will receive for a period of thirty (30)
days from the date of this publication comments relating to the Consent
Decree. Comments should be addressed to the Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources Division, and either e-mailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20044-7611, and should refer to
United States v. Bradford Industries, Inc., D.J. Ref. No. 90-5-2-1-
The Consent Decree may be examined at the Office of the United
States Attorney, 1 Courthouse Way, John Joseph Moakley Courthouse, and
at U.S. EPA Region I, Robert F. Kennedy Federal Building, Boston,
Massachusetts 02203-2211. During the public comment period, the Consent
Decree may also be examined on the following Department of Justice Web
site: A copy of the
Consent Decree may also be obtained by mail from the Consent Decree
Library, P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044-7611, or by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia Fleetwood
( fax number (202) 514-0097, phone
confirmation number (202) 514-1547. In requesting a copy from the
Consent Decree Library, please enclose a check in the amount of $8.00
(25 cents per page reproduction cost) payable to the U.S. Treasury, or,
if by e-mail or fax, forward a check in that amount to the Consent
Decree Library at the stated address.
Maureen Katz,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Environment
and Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. E9-19421 Filed 8-12-09; 8:45 am]