Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 40003 [E9-19074]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 152 / Monday, August 10, 2009 / Notices
in May 2004. TVA will incorporate
assumptions for reservoir operations
resulting from this FEIS review in the
present evaluation.
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Need for Power
The proposal under consideration by
TVA is to meet the demand for
additional base load capacity on the
TVA system and maximize the use of
existing assets by either completing one
of the unfinished B&W units or by
constructing one new AP1000 unit. The
environmental impacts of other energy
resource options were evaluated as part
of TVA’s IRP/FEIS and in the COLA ER.
This proposal also helps achieve TVA’s
goal to have at least 50 percent of its
generation portfolio comprised of low or
zero carbon-emitting sources by 2020.
Demand for energy in the TVA power
service area is expected to grow at an
average rate of approximately 1.1
percent per year over the next 20 years.
In addition, TVA continues to set new
peaks for power demand on its system,
including a new all-time winter peak.
TVA’s current plan to meet growing
demand includes a diversified
expansion portfolio of market purchases
(including up to 2,000 MW of renewable
energy through a public request for
proposal), intermediate and peaking gasfired capacity, continued modernization
of TVA’s hydro plants to increase their
power producing capacity, and
expansion of TVA’s Generation Partners
Program. Combined with these actions,
TVA anticipates having to add new base
load capacity to its system no later than
the 2017–2020 time frame. As part of
this SEIS, TVA will update the Need for
Power analysis, as well as consider any
new environmental information.
Preliminary Identification of
Environmental Issues
This SEIS will update the analyses of
potential environmental, cultural,
recreational, and socioeconomic
impacts resulting from completion (or
construction), operation, and
maintenance of one nuclear unit and of
reenergizing and upgrading the existing
transmission system. The impact
analyses will include, but not
necessarily be limited to, the potential
impacts on water quality and use;
vegetation; wildlife; aquatic ecology;
endangered and threatened species;
floodplains; wetlands; land use;
recreational and managed areas; visual,
archaeological, and historic resources;
noise; socioeconomics; solid and
hazardous waste; geology and
seismology; meteorology, air quality,
and climate change; uranium fuels cycle
effects and radiological impacts; nuclear
plant safety and security including
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design basis accidents; and severe
accidents and intentional destructive
acts. Information from TVA’s and NRC’s
previous environmental reviews
(described above) relevant to the current
assessment will be incorporated by
reference and summarized in the SEIS.
Public and Agency Participation
This SEIS is being prepared to update
information and to inform decision
makers and the public about the
potential environmental impacts of
completing and operating a single
nuclear unit at the BLN site. The SEIS
process also will provide the public an
opportunity to comment on TVA’s
analyses. Other federal, state, and local
agencies and governmental entities will
be asked to comment, including the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, the Alabama
Department of Environmental
Management, and Alabama Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources.
TVA will invite the review agencies
and the public to submit written, verbal,
e-mail, or online comments on the draft
SEIS. It is anticipated that the draft SEIS
will be released in fall 2009. Notice of
availability of the draft SEIS will be
published in the Federal Register, as
well as announced in local news media.
TVA expects to release a final SEIS in
early spring 2010.
Dated: August 4, 2009.
Anda A. Ray,
Senior Vice President & Environmental
Executive, Office of Environment and
Research, Tennessee Valley Authority.
[FR Doc. E9–19045 Filed 8–7–09; 8:45 am]
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before September 9, 2009
to be assured of consideration.
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
Bureau (TTB)
OMB Number: 1513–XXXX.
Type of Review: New Information
Collection Activity.
Title: Certificate of Taxpaid Alcohol.
Description: TTB F 5100.4
consolidates taxes paid on distilled
spirits used in the manufacture of
nonbeverage products for exportation.
The form is completed by TTB industry
members to receive back $1 for each
proof gallon of nonbeverage products
exported. The form is certified by TTB
as proof that the taxes have been paid
and not previously received back. The
completed form is sent to the Director
of Customs and Border Patrol who
processes it and returns the $1 per proof
Respondents: Businesses or other forprofits.
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 1,000
Clearance Officer: Frank Foote (202)
927–9347, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax
and Trade Bureau, Room 200 East, 1310
G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20005.
OMB Reviewer: Shagufta Ahmed (202)
395–7873, Office of Management and
Budget, Room 10235, New Executive
Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E9–19074 Filed 8–7–09; 8:45 am]
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
August 3, 2009.
The Department of Treasury will
submit the following public information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 on or after the date
of publication of this notice. Copies of
the submission(s) may be obtained by
calling the Treasury Bureau Clearance
Officer listed. Comments regarding this
information collection should be
addressed to the OMB reviewer listed
and to the Treasury Department
Clearance Officer, Department of the
Treasury, Room 11000,1750
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20220.
PO 00000
Frm 00089
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Update to Identifying Information
Associated With Two Entities
Previously Designated Pursuant to
Executive Order 13382
AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Treasury Department’s
Office of Foreign Assets Control
(‘‘OFAC’’) has made changes to the
identifying information associated with
the following two entities, previously
designated pursuant to Executive Order
13382 of June 28, 2005, ‘‘Blocking
Property of Weapons of Mass
Destruction Proliferators and Their
a.k.a. FPEF), Rafi Alley, Vali Asr
Avenue, Nader Alley, P.O. Box
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 152 (Monday, August 10, 2009)]
[Page 40003]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-19074]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
August 3, 2009.
The Department of Treasury will submit the following public
information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13 on or
after the date of publication of this notice. Copies of the
submission(s) may be obtained by calling the Treasury Bureau Clearance
Officer listed. Comments regarding this information collection should
be addressed to the OMB reviewer listed and to the Treasury Department
Clearance Officer, Department of the Treasury, Room 11000,1750
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220.
DATES: Written comments should be received on or before September 9,
2009 to be assured of consideration.
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
OMB Number: 1513-XXXX.
Type of Review: New Information Collection Activity.
Title: Certificate of Taxpaid Alcohol.
Description: TTB F 5100.4 consolidates taxes paid on distilled
spirits used in the manufacture of nonbeverage products for
exportation. The form is completed by TTB industry members to receive
back $1 for each proof gallon of nonbeverage products exported. The
form is certified by TTB as proof that the taxes have been paid and not
previously received back. The completed form is sent to the Director of
Customs and Border Patrol who processes it and returns the $1 per proof
Respondents: Businesses or other for-profits.
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 1,000 hours.
Clearance Officer: Frank Foote (202) 927-9347, Alcohol and Tobacco
Tax and Trade Bureau, Room 200 East, 1310 G Street, NW., Washington, DC
OMB Reviewer: Shagufta Ahmed (202) 395-7873, Office of Management
and Budget, Room 10235, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E9-19074 Filed 8-7-09; 8:45 am]