Sunshine Act Notice, 36479 [E9-17752]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 140 / Thursday, July 23, 2009 / Notices
4. Performance Measures: Under the
Government Performance and Results
Act of 1993 (GPRA), the Department has
established a set of performance
measures, including long-term
measures, that are designed to yield
information on various aspects of the
effectiveness and quality of the
Personnel Development to Improve
Services and Results for Children with
Disabilities program. These measures
include: (1) The percentage of projects
that incorporate scientifically based
practices into the curriculum; (2) the
percentage of scholars who exit training
programs prior to completion due to
poor academic performance; (3) the
percentage of degree or certification
recipients who are working in the
area(s) for which they were trained
upon program completion; (4) the
percentage of degree or certification
recipients who are working in the
area(s) for which they were trained
upon program completion and are fully
qualified under the IDEA; (5) the
percentage of scholars completing the
IDEA-funded training programs who are
knowledgeable and skilled in
scientifically based practices for infants,
toddlers, and children with disabilities;
(6) the percentage of low incidence
positions that are filled by personnel
who are fully qualified under the IDEA;
and (7) the percentage of program
graduates who maintain employment for
three or more years in the area(s) for
which they were trained.
Grantees may be asked to participate
in assessing and providing information
on these aspects of program quality.
VII. Agency Contact
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Glinda Hill, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
room 4063, Potomac Center Plaza (PCP),
Washington, DC 20202–2550.
Telephone: (202) 245–7376.
If you use a TDD, call the FRS, toll
free, at 1–800–877–8339.
VIII. Other Information
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document
and a copy of the application package in
an accessible format (e.g., Braille, large
print, audiotape, or computer diskette)
by contacting the Grants and Contracts
Services Team, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
room 5075, PCP, Washington, DC
20202–2550. Telephone: (202) 245–
7363. If you use a TDD, call the FRS, toll
free, at 1–800–877–8339.
Electronic Access to This Document:
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all other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
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Note: The official version of this document
is the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code
of Federal Regulations is available on GPO
Access at:
Delegation of Authority: The Secretary
of Education has delegated authority to
Andrew J. Pepin, Executive
Administrator for the Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services to
perform the functions of the Assistant
Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services.
Dated: July 17, 2009.
Andrew J. Pepin,
Executive Administrator for Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services.
[FR Doc. E9–17554 Filed 7–22–09; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Notice
AGENCY: U.S. Election Assistance
ACTION: Notice of public meeting for
EAC Standards Board.
DATE AND TIME: Thursday, August 6,
2009, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. MDT and
Friday, August 7, 2009, 8:30 a.m.–12
p.m. MDT.
PLACE: Sheraton Phoenix Downtown,
340 North Third Street, Phoenix, AZ
85004, Phone Number: (602) 262–2500.
AGENDA: The U.S. Election Assistance
Commission (EAC) Standards Board, as
required by the Help America Vote Act
of 2002, will meet to receive updates on
the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines
1.1 (VVSG) which is now available for
public comment. The Standards Board
will discuss proposed updates and
improvements to the VVSG. The
Standards Board will hear committee
reports on the VVSG, formulate
recommendations to the EAC regarding
the VVSG, receive updates on EAC
activities, and consider other
administrative matters.
Members of the public may observe
but not participate in EAC meetings
unless this notice provides otherwise.
PO 00000
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Members of the public may use small
electronic audio recording devices to
record the proceedings. The use of other
recording equipment and cameras
requires advance notice to and
coordination with the Commission’s
Communications Office.*
* View EAC Regulations Implementing
Government in the Sunshine Act.
This meeting will be open to the
Bryan Whitener, Telephone: (202) 566–
Gineen Beach,
Chair, U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
[FR Doc. E9–17752 Filed 7–21–09; 4:15 pm]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC09–546–001]
Commission Information Collection
Activities (FERC–546); Comment
Request; Submitted for OMB Review
July 16, 2009.
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
requirements of section 3507 of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. 3507, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or
FERC) has submitted the information
collection described below to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for
review of the information collection
requirements. Any interested person
may file comments directly with OMB
and should address a copy of those
comments to the Commission as
explained below. The Commission
received no comments in response to
the Federal Register notice (74FR6401,
2/9/2009) and has made this notation in
its submission to OMB.
DATES: Comments on the collection of
information are due by August 27, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Address comments on the
collection of information to the Office of
Management and Budget, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission Desk Officer. Comments to
OMB should be filed electronically, c/o and
include OMB Control Number 1902–
0155 as a point of reference. The Desk
Officer may be reached by telephone at
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 140 (Thursday, July 23, 2009)]
[Page 36479]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-17752]
Sunshine Act Notice
AGENCY: U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting for EAC Standards Board.
Date and Time: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. MDT and
Friday, August 7, 2009, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. MDT.
Place: Sheraton Phoenix Downtown, 340 North Third Street, Phoenix, AZ
85004, Phone Number: (602) 262-2500.
Agenda: The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Standards Board,
as required by the Help America Vote Act of 2002, will meet to receive
updates on the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 1.1 (VVSG) which is
now available for public comment. The Standards Board will discuss
proposed updates and improvements to the VVSG. The Standards Board will
hear committee reports on the VVSG, formulate recommendations to the
EAC regarding the VVSG, receive updates on EAC activities, and consider
other administrative matters.
Members of the public may observe but not participate in EAC
meetings unless this notice provides otherwise. Members of the public
may use small electronic audio recording devices to record the
proceedings. The use of other recording equipment and cameras requires
advance notice to and coordination with the Commission's Communications
* View EAC Regulations Implementing Government in the Sunshine Act.
This meeting will be open to the public.
Person to Contact for Information: Bryan Whitener, Telephone: (202)
Gineen Beach,
Chair, U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
[FR Doc. E9-17752 Filed 7-21-09; 4:15 pm]