Fisheries in the Western Pacific; Certification Requirements for Electronic Logbook Applications, 32109-32112 [E9-15958]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 7, 2009 / Notices
for land use.
3. We adjusted Beekeeper 2’s rent
costs to reflect the market value for
bartered honey.
For additional details, see Memorandum
to Neal M. Halper, Director of Office of
Accounting, ‘‘Cost of Production and
Constructed Value Calculation
Adjustments for the Final Results Patagonik S.A.’s - Beekeeper
Respondents / Collector of Honey,’’
dated June 29, 2009. We note the
changes identified above have an effect
on the final margin, and in fact we find
sales below cost.
We also reclassified Patagonik’s
reported third country warranty expense
as post–sale price adjustments granted
by Patagonik in order to maintain good
customer relations. See the
accompanying Issues and Decision
Memorandum at Comment 4 and the
Analysis Memorandum for the Final
Results of the Antidumping Duty
Review of Honey from Argentina (A–
357–812) for Patagonik S.A. (Patagonik).
merchandise was destined for the
United States. In such instances, we will
instruct CBP to liquidate unreviewed
entries at the all–others rate if there is
no rate for the intermediate
company(ies) involved in the
transaction. For a full discussion of this
clarification, see Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Proceedings:
Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68
FR 23954 (May 6, 2003).
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit
requirements will be effective upon
publication of the final results of this
administrative review for all shipments
of the subject merchandise entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for
consumption on or after the publication
date of these final results, consistent
with section 751(a)(1) of the Act: (1) for
the companies covered by this review,
the cash deposit rate will be the rate
listed above except for Seylinco, which
is revoked from the order; (2) if the
exporter is not a firm covered in this
Final Results of Review
review, but was covered in a previous
We determine that the following
review or the original less than fair
dumping margins exist for the period
value (LTFV) investigation, the cash
December 1, 2006 through November
deposit rate will continue to be the
30, 2007.
company–specific rate published for the
most recent period; (3) if the exporter is
Weighted Average
not a firm covered in this review, a prior
review, or the original LTFV
investigation, but the manufacturer is,
ACA ..............................
0.00 the cash deposit rate will be the rate
CIPSA ...........................
0.772 established for the most recent period
Patagonik S.A. ..............
0.77 for the manufacturer of the
Seylinco ........................
merchandise; and (4) if neither the
2 This rate is based on the average of the
exporter nor the manufacturer is a firm
margins calculated in this review, other than covered in this or any previous review
those which were zero, de minimis, or based conducted by the Department, the cash
on total facts available.
deposit rate will continue to be 30.24
percent, which is the all–others rate
established in the LTFV investigation.
The Department shall determine, and
CBP shall assess, antidumping duties on See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order;
Honey From Argentina, 66 FR 63672
all appropriate entries. In accordance
(December 10, 2001). These deposit
with 19 CFR 351.212(b)(1), we have
requirements, when imposed, shall
calculated duty assessment rates which
remain in effect until publication of the
will be applied to all ACA, CIPSA,3
final results of the next administrative
Patagonik, and Seylinco entries made
during the POR. The Department
intends to issue appropriate assessment Notification to Interested Parties
instructions directly to CBP 15 days
This notice also serves as a final
after publication of these final results of
reminder to importers of their
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)
The Department clarified its
automatic assessment regulation on May to file a certificate regarding the
6, 2003 (68 FR 23954). This clarification reimbursement of antidumping duties
prior to liquidation of the relevant
will apply to entries of subject
entries during this review period.
merchandise during the POR produced
Failure to comply with this requirement
by companies included in these final
results of review for which the reviewed could result in the Secretary’s
presumption that reimbursement of
companies did not know their
antidumping duties occurred and the
subsequent assessment of doubled
3 The assessment rate for CIPSA will be the same
as the cash deposit rate assigned to that company.
antidumping duties.
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This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to administrative
protective orders (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the return or
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305, which continues
to govern business proprietary
information in this segment of the
proceeding. Timely written notification
of the return/destruction of APO
materials or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and terms of an APO is a violation,
which is subject to sanction.
We are issuing and publishing this
determination and notice in accordance
with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of
the Tariff Act.
Dated: June 29, 2009.
John M. Andersen,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Appendix – List of Comments in the
Issues and Decision Memorandum
Comment 1: Revocation of the Order
with Respect to Seylinco, S.A.
Comment 2: Patagonik S.A.’s
(Patagonik’s) Proposed Change to
Reported Honey Color
Comment 3: Use of Facts Available for
Comment 4: Treatment of Patagonik’s
U.K Warranty Expense
Comment 5: Treatment of Asociacion de
Cooperativas Argentinas’ (ACA’s)
Testing Expenses
Comment 6: Appropriate Margin to
Assign to Companıa Inversora Platense
[FR Doc. E9–15965 Filed 7–6–09; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XL07
Fisheries in the Western Pacific;
Certification Requirements for
Electronic Logbook Applications
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; certification
requirements for electronic logbook
SUMMARY: This notice describes the
certification process and requirements
for vendors wishing to supply western
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 7, 2009 / Notices
Pacific fishing vessel owners and
operators with electronic logbook
applications (e-log applications).
ADDRESSES: You may request copies of
the NOAA Fishery Information System
(FIS) Electronic Logbook Certification
Guidelines (Certification Guidelines),
and submit requests for certification of
e-log applications to: Electronic
Reporting System Manager, Pacific
Islands Fisheries Science Center
(PIFSC), NMFS, 2570 Dole Street,
Honolulu, HI 96822–2396, tel 808–983–
5326; fax 808–983–2902.
Kawamoto, PIFSC, tel. 808–983–5326.
notice is also accessible at
NMFS encourages the use of e-log
applications as an alternative to paper
logbooks and data reports. This
recognizes that many fishermen use
electronic navigation and
communications equipment aboard
their vessels, as well as computers for
recording and maintaining catch and
effort information, business records, and
other information in a coordinated
system that facilitates more efficient
fishing operations. Accordingly, many
fishermen wish to file Federal catch and
effort reports in electronic format. This
approach makes data submission easier
for fishermen and reduces data entry
and processing time for NMFS staff.
Further, NMFS notes that if reports
were to be submitted in connection with
other at-sea communication means,
electronic reports could be near realtime, which could facilitate monitoring
and compliance efforts in circumstances
that demand at-sea reporting. NMFS
also must ensure that electronic data
reports are in a standardized format that
is compatible with the data management
system for historical fishery records and
for hard-copy processing. Otherwise, the
benefits of electronic submissions are
Based on recommendations from the
Western Pacific Fishery Management
Council, NMFS published a final rule
that modified the reporting and
recordkeeping requirements for western
Pacific fisheries, offering fishermen the
option of submitting either paper or
electronic logbook records (72 FR
19123, April 17, 2007). The objectives of
allowing electronic reporting include
reducing the amount of time spent by
fishermen to complete and file paper
reports, improving the accuracy of
reports, and reducing the time spent by
NMFS personnel to process the logbook
data. That final rule did not establish
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the technical requirements for electronic
logbook programs.
To implement electronic reporting,
PIFSC will specify an ‘‘open’’ program
whereby fishery participants may select
from a variety of e-log applications that
have been certified as eligible to
participate in the electronic logbook
program. An e-log application includes
the following functions: gathering and
storing logbook data (data entry),
generating (exporting) electronic
logbooks, and viewing logbook data on
the application database and the
electronic logbook. The aim of the
certification process is to encourage the
use of electronic logbooks for the
reporting of catch and effort data by
promoting standard data exchange
procedures, formats, and application
validation tests. The certification
process provides vendors with technical
guidelines for minimally-prescribed
performance elements and criteria to
meet data management requirements.
The goal of certification is to ensure that
PIFSC-certified e-log applications will
ensure, to the extent practicable, that
submitted electronic logbooks are
complete and accurate and that the
electronic submission will be
successfully integrated into the NMFS
data system in a secure manner.
Fishermen must comply with Federal
fishery reporting requirements, and are
held accountable for data accuracy.
Certification is necessary to provide a
benchmark of performance standards
and criteria for vendors to develop e-log
applicatins that meet NMFS
requirements. Certification enables
vendor competition and potentially
more product choices for fishermen.
This is preferable to specifying a single
supplier or e-log application.
Certification does not guarantee that a
product is free of defects; it means only
that a product has passed validation
tests aimed at complete, accurate, and
successful reporting of logbook data.
Certification does not protect the vendor
from any product liability claims made
by customers. The use of a certified elog application does not exempt
fisherman from any western Pacific
recordkeeping requirements.
General Certification Process
Based on a request for a vendor
certification, PIFSC will evaluate the
submitted e-log application and issue a
statement to accept or deny the vendor’s
request. The vendor must demonstrate
that the submitted e-log application
meets the standards set forth in this
notice and in the Certification
Guidelines for timely, accurate, and
complete data submission in the proper
format and structure for the fisheries
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reports required by Federal regulations.
Upon successful demonstration of
compliance with the standards and the
Certification Guidelines, PIFSC will
issue a vendor certification for the e-log
application. PIFSC will initially certify
e-log applications only for Hawaii-based
pelagic longline fisheries; other
certifications may follow.
NMFS certification will not result in
government endorsement or
procurement of any related electronic
hardware or software for use in NMFS
data systems. PIFSC will request a fact
sheet from the vendor to provide
information to the fishing industry
about the e-log application that was
certified, the costs of the application,
and possibly other value-added services
that the vendor or application may
provide. This will allow fishermen to
make purchase decisions that are
compatible with the data reporting and
logbook requirements of Federal
regulations and their personal needs.
PIFSC will initiate the vendor
certification process upon written
request from the vendor (or distributor
or reseller acting within the constraints
of its agreement with the vendor),
subject to the demonstration of
compliance with this notice and the
availability of test hardware and
software. Consideration will be given to
a vendor that has already successfully
completed a comparable certification
process in another U.S. fishery
recordkeeping program. PIFSC will also
consider certifying a vendor that resells,
packages, or integrates e-log
applications from a company that has
been certified in a similar program for
another U.S. fishery.
A vendor requesting certification shall
describe in detail the manner in which
the proposed e-log application would
meet the specifications outlined in this
notice and in the Certification
Guidelines. The vendor must supply
PIFSC, at no cost, with at least one set
of the hardware and software
components for which certification is
desired so that the proposed application
can be tested and evaluated. PIFSC
intends to complete the testing and
certification process within 90 days.
The vendor must provide
documentation, including such fact
sheets, operator manuals, user
handbooks, or other materials that
would be provided to fishermen
purchasing the application. PIFSC will
review the submission against the
standards and Certification Guidelines,
will perform trials using test fishery
data, and may conduct field trials
aboard fishing vessels. These tests may
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 7, 2009 / Notices
involve demonstrating every aspect of
the e-log application, including
troubleshooting procedures. In addition
to the vendor providing everything the
hardware and software needed to test
and certify an e-log application, PIFSC
must also receive any updates to the
product(s) at no cost.
Certification Criteria
The ultimate goal of certification is to
provide complete, accurate, and
successful reporting of electronic
logbook data. All data elements required
for an electronic logbook must be
supported. And, data values must be
correctly transferred from the e-log
application to electronic logbook in the
correct file format and structure.
Complete and accurate reporting means
that all logbook information recorded by
fishermen is reported in the electronic
logbook, and that the information is
stored and reported exactly as entered.
Successful reporting means that each
element of an electronic logbook
submitted to PIFSC can be loaded into
the NMFS data system automatically.
The criteria for certification are as
1. Creation of electronic logbook
document or files. The e-log application
must be capable of creating electronic
logbook documents on demand in the
agreed file format using standard file
naming conventions. The document file
contents may vary by fishery, but
initially must contain the contents of
the NMFS Western Pacific Daily
Longline Fishing Log, as follows:
• Fishery: Hawaii Pelagic Longline
• Electronic Logbook Document
Contents: One trip including all sets,
catch and effort records, protected
species interaction records, and e-log
application information
2. Inspection tool for use by
authorized personnel. The vendor must
provide a companion e-log application
‘‘viewer program’’ and documentation
for use by PIFSC and other authorized
personnel to inspect e-log application
data. The viewer program must run on
Windows XP, and must provide readonly access to all elements of the
electronic logbook database and
electronic logbook files. The viewer
program must not have the capability to
alter the logbook data. The
documentation must include
installation instructions and user
instructions for PIFSC and other
authorized personnel.
3. Electronic Logbook Test Support
Requirements. For test purposes, the elog application must allow data entry of
all electronic logbook data elements.
(See Appendix 3 of the Certification
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Guidelines for specific data elements
that must be enterable.)
4. Common Information
Requirements. The information
requirements common to all e-log
applications for all fisheries are
contained in Appendix 2 of the
Certification Guidelines: Common
Information Requirements. It covers the
following requirements:
• PIR Standard Codes: Reference
codes for common information
requirements. Example--Port code HNL
for Honolulu, HI.
• Date/Time: Date and time
formatting requirements.
• Calendar Date: Calendar date
formatting requirements.
• Geographic Location: Geographic
(latitude/longitude) formatting
• Source Keys: Requirements for
reporting keys or identifiers used in the
e-log application itself. Some source
keys are required or recommended to
allow cross-referencing between NMFS
logbook records and the fisherman’s elog application.
• Unknown values: Requirements for
recording unknown (null) values.
• Electronic Logbook file names and
extensions: File-naming conventions for
electronic logbook files.
5. Fishery Specific Electronic Logbook
Requirements. The e-log application
must support the creation of the
electronic logbook in a file format
agreed upon by PIFSC and the vendor.
The preferred file format for electronic
logbook submission is XML. If PIFSC
approves one or more electronic
signature methods for use with
electronic logbooks, the e-log
application must also support at least
one approved electronic signature
method. Fishery specific information
and file layout specifications are
available in the Appendices to the
Certification Guidelines, including the
• Fishery: Hawaii Pelagic Longline
• Reference: 50 CFR part 665, Subpart
C, Western Pacific Pelagics
• Specifications: PIR-LB–1.1–1,
Appendix 3
Requests for Certification
Requestors must submit a request for
certification to PIFSC. Requestors
should contact PIFSC for current
application requirements which may
include the items listed in sections 1
through 5 below:
1. Identifiers
a. Trade name of the service;
b. Company name;
c. Company headquarters address and
phone number;
d. Principal company employee point
of contact for this submission;
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e. Principal business of the company;
f. Parent and subsidiary companies, if
g. Name(s) and location(s) of principal
facilities; and
h. Name and address of Hawaii point
of contact, if applicable.
2. E-log application components and
supporting documents
a. Hardware requirements;
b. Software requirements;
c. Application description and
d. Handbooks, user manuals, and
other supporting documents;
e. Sample electronic logbook
document(s) produced by the e-log
application, and instructions to guide
testing staff to substantially reproduce
the document(s);
f. Troubleshooting procedures; and
g. e-log application and viewer
(Windows XP).
h. Requested certification(s)
3. Technical specifications of the e-log
a. E-log application version numbers;
b. Data entry format (compatibility
with paper logbook format);
c. Data formatting requirements; and
d. Electronic logbook data storage and
submission media.
4. Customer service
a. Local point of contact information
(name, phone number, email address,
b. Data security procedures and
c. Fishermen’s privacy and
confidentiality procedures and
d. Technical assistance procedures
and contacts; and
e. Updates of PIR Standard Codes into
the e-log application by fishermen.
5. Litigation support and vendor
a. Vendor contact for litigation
b. Vendor technical expert on e-log
application ;
c. Past experience in court
documentation/appearances on e-log
d. Non-disclosure agreement; and
e. Agreement to the certification
guideline terms including an agreement
to provide litigation support.
Litigation Support
Logbook information and other data
reports may be used for law
enforcement purposes, and all technical
aspects of a vendor’s submission are
subject to being admitted as evidence in
court, as needed. The reliability of all
technologies utilized in the e-log
application may be analyzed in court
for, among other things, testing
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 7, 2009 / Notices
procedures, error rates, peer review, and
general industry acceptance. Further,
the vendor may be required to provide
technical and expert support for
litigation to support the application’s
capabilities and to establish cases
against violators. If the vendor’s
application has previously been subject
to such scrutiny in a court of law, the
vendor should describe the evidence
and any court finding on the reliability
of the application.
Additionally, to maintain the integrity
of the e-log application for fisheries
management, the vendor will be
required to sign a non-disclosure
agreement limiting the release of certain
information that might compromise
either the confidentiality of fishermen’s
personally identifying information or
proprietary fishing data. The vendor
shall include a statement confirming its
agreement with these conditions. The
scope of litigation support may include,
but is not limited to, technical
capabilities of the e-log application, elog application support and training
content, alterations to the e-log
application, and data content and
A vendor may voluntarily retire a
certification to terminate its obligation
to provide litigation support for the
product; such action must be in writing
to PIFSC. The vendor’s obligation to
provide litigation support will end 180
calendar days after such notification is
received. If a certification is retired, the
e-log application is no longer available
for use in the fishery.
Change Control
Once an e-log application is certified,
it is the responsibility of the vendor to
notify PIFSC of any change in its
submission, such as a change affecting
hardware or software components,
performance characteristics, or customer
support services or contacts. PIFSC
reserves the right to reconsider and
revoke the certification if, as a result of
the change, the vendor’s application is
deemed to no longer satisfy PIFSC
reporting and recordkeeping
requirements. The vendor must report to
the PIFSC e-log technical panel (as
described in the Certification
Guidelines) any changes to the certified
product, along with updated copies of
the new configuration prior to
deploying the changes to customers. If
the change affects the e-log application
components used to meet the
requirements, PIFSC may require reevaluation and possible recertification.
The technical panel will notify the
vendor within 30 days with a
recertification statement which will say
whether a recertification is required and
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if so, why and when the recertification
would be completed. The vendor may
report planned changes to the certified
e-log application to PIFSC and request
an advisory recertification statement
within 30 days. The vendor is permitted
to provide quick code upgrades for
customers to handle critical defects;
however, the vendor must report the
code change to PIFSC prior to deploying
the change to a customer.
Advertising Prohibition
Once a product is certified, the
vendor may state that the product is
‘‘certified for electronic logbook
submission for the Hawaii pelagic
longline fishery.’’ However, the vendor
must not use in the vendor’s name or
the product name, or claim endorsement
of the e-log application by, any of the
following: NOAA, NMFS, PIFSC, or
Expiration of Certification
The certification expiration date for a
product is determined by changes to
PIFSC reporting requirements and
reporting activity by product users.
Additionally, PIFSC may set an
expiration date for a certification based
on other requirements. PIFSC will notify
the vendor at least 120 days prior to
expiration. PIFSC will set an expiration
date for a certification if the product has
not been used to submit an electronic
logbook for three years.
Revocation of Certification
PISFC may revoke certification of a
product if any of the following occurs:
1. PIFSC repeatedly receives
inaccurate or incorrectly formatted
electronic logbooks and the error is
traced to a defect in the e-log
2. The vendor modifies a certified elog application without reporting the
modification to PIFSC; or
3. The vendor violates advertising
If a certification is revoked, the e-log
application is no longer available for use
in the fishery.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
[Docket 20–2009 and 22–2009]
Foreign-Trade Zones 29 and 203
Applications for Subzone Authority
Dow Corning Corporation and REC
Silicon; Notice of Public Hearing and
Extension of Comment Period
A public hearing will be held on the
applications for subzone authority at the
Dow Corning Corporation (Dow
Corning) facilities in Carrollton,
Elizabethtown and Shepherdsville,
Kentucky (74 FR 21621–21622, 5/8/09)
and at the REC Silicon facility in Moses
Lake, Washington (74 FR 25488–25489,
5/28/09). The Commerce examiner will
hold the public hearing on September 1,
2009 at 1 p.m., at the Department of
Commerce, Room 4830, 1401
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20230. Interested parties should
indicate their intent to participate in the
hearing and provide a summary of their
remarks no later than August 28, 2009.
The comment period for the cases
referenced above is being extended to
September 16, 2009, to allow interested
parties additional time in which to
comment. Rebuttal comments may be
submitted during the subsequent 15-day
period, until October 1, 2009.
Submissions (original and one
electronic copy) shall be addressed to
the Board’s Executive Secretary at:
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, U.S.
Department of Commerce, Room 2111,
1401 Constitution Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20230.
For further information, contact
Elizabeth Whiteman at or
(202) 482–0473.
Dated: June 30, 2009.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. E9–15966 Filed 7–6–09; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Dated: June 30, 2009.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E9–15958 Filed 7–6–09; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 0906261096–91096–01]
AGENCIES: Fisheries Headquarters
Program Office (FHQ), National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS), National
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RIN 0648–ZC08
Comparative Analysis of Marine
Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO)
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 128 (Tuesday, July 7, 2009)]
[Pages 32109-32112]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-15958]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RIN 0648-XL07
Fisheries in the Western Pacific; Certification Requirements for
Electronic Logbook Applications
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; certification requirements for electronic logbook
SUMMARY: This notice describes the certification process and
requirements for vendors wishing to supply western
[[Page 32110]]
Pacific fishing vessel owners and operators with electronic logbook
applications (e-log applications).
ADDRESSES: You may request copies of the NOAA Fishery Information
System (FIS) Electronic Logbook Certification Guidelines (Certification
Guidelines), and submit requests for certification of e-log
applications to: Electronic Reporting System Manager, Pacific Islands
Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), NMFS, 2570 Dole Street, Honolulu, HI
96822-2396, tel 808-983-5326; fax 808-983-2902.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is also accessible at
NMFS encourages the use of e-log applications as an alternative to
paper logbooks and data reports. This recognizes that many fishermen
use electronic navigation and communications equipment aboard their
vessels, as well as computers for recording and maintaining catch and
effort information, business records, and other information in a
coordinated system that facilitates more efficient fishing operations.
Accordingly, many fishermen wish to file Federal catch and effort
reports in electronic format. This approach makes data submission
easier for fishermen and reduces data entry and processing time for
NMFS staff.
Further, NMFS notes that if reports were to be submitted in
connection with other at-sea communication means, electronic reports
could be near real-time, which could facilitate monitoring and
compliance efforts in circumstances that demand at-sea reporting. NMFS
also must ensure that electronic data reports are in a standardized
format that is compatible with the data management system for
historical fishery records and for hard-copy processing. Otherwise, the
benefits of electronic submissions are reduced.
Based on recommendations from the Western Pacific Fishery
Management Council, NMFS published a final rule that modified the
reporting and recordkeeping requirements for western Pacific fisheries,
offering fishermen the option of submitting either paper or electronic
logbook records (72 FR 19123, April 17, 2007). The objectives of
allowing electronic reporting include reducing the amount of time spent
by fishermen to complete and file paper reports, improving the accuracy
of reports, and reducing the time spent by NMFS personnel to process
the logbook data. That final rule did not establish the technical
requirements for electronic logbook programs.
To implement electronic reporting, PIFSC will specify an ``open''
program whereby fishery participants may select from a variety of e-log
applications that have been certified as eligible to participate in the
electronic logbook program. An e-log application includes the following
functions: gathering and storing logbook data (data entry), generating
(exporting) electronic logbooks, and viewing logbook data on the
application database and the electronic logbook. The aim of the
certification process is to encourage the use of electronic logbooks
for the reporting of catch and effort data by promoting standard data
exchange procedures, formats, and application validation tests. The
certification process provides vendors with technical guidelines for
minimally-prescribed performance elements and criteria to meet data
management requirements. The goal of certification is to ensure that
PIFSC-certified e-log applications will ensure, to the extent
practicable, that submitted electronic logbooks are complete and
accurate and that the electronic submission will be successfully
integrated into the NMFS data system in a secure manner.
Fishermen must comply with Federal fishery reporting requirements,
and are held accountable for data accuracy. Certification is necessary
to provide a benchmark of performance standards and criteria for
vendors to develop e-log applicatins that meet NMFS requirements.
Certification enables vendor competition and potentially more product
choices for fishermen. This is preferable to specifying a single
supplier or e-log application. Certification does not guarantee that a
product is free of defects; it means only that a product has passed
validation tests aimed at complete, accurate, and successful reporting
of logbook data. Certification does not protect the vendor from any
product liability claims made by customers. The use of a certified e-
log application does not exempt fisherman from any western Pacific
recordkeeping requirements.
General Certification Process
Based on a request for a vendor certification, PIFSC will evaluate
the submitted e-log application and issue a statement to accept or deny
the vendor's request. The vendor must demonstrate that the submitted e-
log application meets the standards set forth in this notice and in the
Certification Guidelines for timely, accurate, and complete data
submission in the proper format and structure for the fisheries reports
required by Federal regulations. Upon successful demonstration of
compliance with the standards and the Certification Guidelines, PIFSC
will issue a vendor certification for the e-log application. PIFSC will
initially certify e-log applications only for Hawaii-based pelagic
longline fisheries; other certifications may follow.
NMFS certification will not result in government endorsement or
procurement of any related electronic hardware or software for use in
NMFS data systems. PIFSC will request a fact sheet from the vendor to
provide information to the fishing industry about the e-log application
that was certified, the costs of the application, and possibly other
value-added services that the vendor or application may provide. This
will allow fishermen to make purchase decisions that are compatible
with the data reporting and logbook requirements of Federal regulations
and their personal needs.
PIFSC will initiate the vendor certification process upon written
request from the vendor (or distributor or reseller acting within the
constraints of its agreement with the vendor), subject to the
demonstration of compliance with this notice and the availability of
test hardware and software. Consideration will be given to a vendor
that has already successfully completed a comparable certification
process in another U.S. fishery recordkeeping program. PIFSC will also
consider certifying a vendor that resells, packages, or integrates e-
log applications from a company that has been certified in a similar
program for another U.S. fishery.
A vendor requesting certification shall describe in detail the
manner in which the proposed e-log application would meet the
specifications outlined in this notice and in the Certification
Guidelines. The vendor must supply PIFSC, at no cost, with at least one
set of the hardware and software components for which certification is
desired so that the proposed application can be tested and evaluated.
PIFSC intends to complete the testing and certification process within
90 days. The vendor must provide documentation, including such fact
sheets, operator manuals, user handbooks, or other materials that would
be provided to fishermen purchasing the application. PIFSC will review
the submission against the standards and Certification Guidelines, will
perform trials using test fishery data, and may conduct field trials
aboard fishing vessels. These tests may
[[Page 32111]]
involve demonstrating every aspect of the e-log application, including
troubleshooting procedures. In addition to the vendor providing
everything the hardware and software needed to test and certify an e-
log application, PIFSC must also receive any updates to the product(s)
at no cost.
Certification Criteria
The ultimate goal of certification is to provide complete,
accurate, and successful reporting of electronic logbook data. All data
elements required for an electronic logbook must be supported. And,
data values must be correctly transferred from the e-log application to
electronic logbook in the correct file format and structure. Complete
and accurate reporting means that all logbook information recorded by
fishermen is reported in the electronic logbook, and that the
information is stored and reported exactly as entered. Successful
reporting means that each element of an electronic logbook submitted to
PIFSC can be loaded into the NMFS data system automatically.
The criteria for certification are as follows:
1. Creation of electronic logbook document or files. The e-log
application must be capable of creating electronic logbook documents on
demand in the agreed file format using standard file naming
conventions. The document file contents may vary by fishery, but
initially must contain the contents of the NMFS Western Pacific Daily
Longline Fishing Log, as follows:
Fishery: Hawaii Pelagic Longline
Electronic Logbook Document Contents: One trip including
all sets, catch and effort records, protected species interaction
records, and e-log application information
2. Inspection tool for use by authorized personnel. The vendor must
provide a companion e-log application ``viewer program'' and
documentation for use by PIFSC and other authorized personnel to
inspect e-log application data. The viewer program must run on Windows
XP, and must provide read-only access to all elements of the electronic
logbook database and electronic logbook files. The viewer program must
not have the capability to alter the logbook data. The documentation
must include installation instructions and user instructions for PIFSC
and other authorized personnel.
3. Electronic Logbook Test Support Requirements. For test purposes,
the e-log application must allow data entry of all electronic logbook
data elements. (See Appendix 3 of the Certification Guidelines for
specific data elements that must be enterable.)
4. Common Information Requirements. The information requirements
common to all e-log applications for all fisheries are contained in
Appendix 2 of the Certification Guidelines: Common Information
Requirements. It covers the following requirements:
PIR Standard Codes: Reference codes for common information
requirements. Example--Port code HNL for Honolulu, HI.
Date/Time: Date and time formatting requirements.
Calendar Date: Calendar date formatting requirements.
Geographic Location: Geographic (latitude/longitude)
formatting requirements.
Source Keys: Requirements for reporting keys or
identifiers used in the e-log application itself. Some source keys are
required or recommended to allow cross-referencing between NMFS logbook
records and the fisherman's e-log application.
Unknown values: Requirements for recording unknown (null)
Electronic Logbook file names and extensions: File-naming
conventions for electronic logbook files.
5. Fishery Specific Electronic Logbook Requirements. The e-log
application must support the creation of the electronic logbook in a
file format agreed upon by PIFSC and the vendor. The preferred file
format for electronic logbook submission is XML. If PIFSC approves one
or more electronic signature methods for use with electronic logbooks,
the e-log application must also support at least one approved
electronic signature method. Fishery specific information and file
layout specifications are available in the Appendices to the
Certification Guidelines, including the following:
Fishery: Hawaii Pelagic Longline
Reference: 50 CFR part 665, Subpart C, Western Pacific
Specifications: PIR-LB-1.1-1, Appendix 3
Requests for Certification
Requestors must submit a request for certification to PIFSC.
Requestors should contact PIFSC for current application requirements
which may include the items listed in sections 1 through 5 below:
1. Identifiers
a. Trade name of the service;
b. Company name;
c. Company headquarters address and phone number;
d. Principal company employee point of contact for this submission;
e. Principal business of the company;
f. Parent and subsidiary companies, if applicable;
g. Name(s) and location(s) of principal facilities; and
h. Name and address of Hawaii point of contact, if applicable.
2. E-log application components and supporting documents
a. Hardware requirements;
b. Software requirements;
c. Application description and documentation;
d. Handbooks, user manuals, and other supporting documents;
e. Sample electronic logbook document(s) produced by the e-log
application, and instructions to guide testing staff to substantially
reproduce the document(s);
f. Troubleshooting procedures; and
g. e-log application and viewer (Windows XP).
h. Requested certification(s)
3. Technical specifications of the e-log application
a. E-log application version numbers;
b. Data entry format (compatibility with paper logbook format);
c. Data formatting requirements; and
d. Electronic logbook data storage and submission media.
4. Customer service
a. Local point of contact information (name, phone number, email
address, etc.);
b. Data security procedures and assurances;
c. Fishermen's privacy and confidentiality procedures and
d. Technical assistance procedures and contacts; and
e. Updates of PIR Standard Codes into the e-log application by
5. Litigation support and vendor agreements
a. Vendor contact for litigation support;
b. Vendor technical expert on e-log application ;
c. Past experience in court documentation/appearances on e-log
d. Non-disclosure agreement; and
e. Agreement to the certification guideline terms including an
agreement to provide litigation support.
Litigation Support
Logbook information and other data reports may be used for law
enforcement purposes, and all technical aspects of a vendor's
submission are subject to being admitted as evidence in court, as
needed. The reliability of all technologies utilized in the e-log
application may be analyzed in court for, among other things, testing
[[Page 32112]]
procedures, error rates, peer review, and general industry acceptance.
Further, the vendor may be required to provide technical and expert
support for litigation to support the application's capabilities and to
establish cases against violators. If the vendor's application has
previously been subject to such scrutiny in a court of law, the vendor
should describe the evidence and any court finding on the reliability
of the application.
Additionally, to maintain the integrity of the e-log application
for fisheries management, the vendor will be required to sign a non-
disclosure agreement limiting the release of certain information that
might compromise either the confidentiality of fishermen's personally
identifying information or proprietary fishing data. The vendor shall
include a statement confirming its agreement with these conditions. The
scope of litigation support may include, but is not limited to,
technical capabilities of the e-log application, e-log application
support and training content, alterations to the e-log application, and
data content and history.
A vendor may voluntarily retire a certification to terminate its
obligation to provide litigation support for the product; such action
must be in writing to PIFSC. The vendor's obligation to provide
litigation support will end 180 calendar days after such notification
is received. If a certification is retired, the e-log application is no
longer available for use in the fishery.
Change Control
Once an e-log application is certified, it is the responsibility of
the vendor to notify PIFSC of any change in its submission, such as a
change affecting hardware or software components, performance
characteristics, or customer support services or contacts. PIFSC
reserves the right to reconsider and revoke the certification if, as a
result of the change, the vendor's application is deemed to no longer
satisfy PIFSC reporting and recordkeeping requirements. The vendor must
report to the PIFSC e-log technical panel (as described in the
Certification Guidelines) any changes to the certified product, along
with updated copies of the new configuration prior to deploying the
changes to customers. If the change affects the e-log application
components used to meet the requirements, PIFSC may require re-
evaluation and possible recertification. The technical panel will
notify the vendor within 30 days with a recertification statement which
will say whether a recertification is required and if so, why and when
the recertification would be completed. The vendor may report planned
changes to the certified e-log application to PIFSC and request an
advisory recertification statement within 30 days. The vendor is
permitted to provide quick code upgrades for customers to handle
critical defects; however, the vendor must report the code change to
PIFSC prior to deploying the change to a customer.
Advertising Prohibition
Once a product is certified, the vendor may state that the product
is ``certified for electronic logbook submission for the Hawaii pelagic
longline fishery.'' However, the vendor must not use in the vendor's
name or the product name, or claim endorsement of the e-log application
by, any of the following: NOAA, NMFS, PIFSC, or PIRO.
Expiration of Certification
The certification expiration date for a product is determined by
changes to PIFSC reporting requirements and reporting activity by
product users. Additionally, PIFSC may set an expiration date for a
certification based on other requirements. PIFSC will notify the vendor
at least 120 days prior to expiration. PIFSC will set an expiration
date for a certification if the product has not been used to submit an
electronic logbook for three years.
Revocation of Certification
PISFC may revoke certification of a product if any of the following
1. PIFSC repeatedly receives inaccurate or incorrectly formatted
electronic logbooks and the error is traced to a defect in the e-log
2. The vendor modifies a certified e-log application without
reporting the modification to PIFSC; or
3. The vendor violates advertising prohibitions.
If a certification is revoked, the e-log application is no longer
available for use in the fishery.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: June 30, 2009.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. E9-15958 Filed 7-6-09; 8:45 am]