Voluntary Compliance With International Sewage Regulations in Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78, 31288-31289 [E9-15485]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 124 / Tuesday, June 30, 2009 / Notices
Requests for a Statement of Voluntary
Compliance with MARPOL Annex IV
and request for onboard survey may be
sent to the local Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection (OCMI). For a listing
of OCMIs, visit our Internet portal
Homeport at https://homeport.uscg.mil
and then select Port Directory.
additional information about this notice,
please contact one of the following:
Coast Guard
[Docket No. USCG–2008–0986]
Voluntary Compliance With
International Sewage Regulations in
Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of availability.
The U.S. Coast Guard
announces the availability of Navigation
and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC)
No. 1–09, which provides guidance on
voluntary compliance with MARPOL
Annex IV. On January 1, 2010, the
revised effluent standards and
performance test criteria for sewage
treatment plants under MARPOL Annex
IV will enter into force internationally.
The United States is not party to
MARPOL Annex IV; however, vessels
registered in the United States visiting
nations that are party may need to
demonstrate compliance with MARPOL
Annex IV regulations on the prevention
of pollution by sewage from ships. The
U.S. Coast Guard is assisting vessels
registered in the United States as well
as the manufacturers of sewage
treatment plants, and the independent
laboratories that test such equipment, in
demonstrating compliance with
MARPOL Annex IV by providing the
guidance in NVIC No. 1–09. Failure of
a vessel registered in the United States
to have the appropriate certificate
demonstrating voluntary compliance
with MARPOL Annex IV could result in
a port State detention abroad.
DATES: The revised effluent standards
and performance tests for sewage
treatment plants enter into force on
January 1, 2010, for ships with a keel
laid date on or after January 1, 2010, and
for ships having a sewage treatment
plant installed or delivered on or after
January 1, 2010.
Testing Facility
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES6
Requests for a U.S. Coast Guard letter
of acceptance as a qualified facility may
be sent to the Office of Design and
Engineering Standards (CG–521), U.S.
Coast Guard, 2100 Second St., SW.,
Washington, DC 20593–7126.
Equipment Manufacturer
Requests for a U.S. Coast Guard
Certificate of Approval may be sent to
the Marine Safety Center, U.S. Coast
Guard, 2100 Second St., SW.,
Washington, DC 20593–7102.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
19:55 Jun 29, 2009
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Testing Facility
Lieutenant Rob Griffiths, Office of
Design and Engineering Standards (CG–
521), telephone +1 (202) 372–1367, email Robert.P.Griffiths@uscg.mil.
Equipment Manufacture
Chief Warrant Officer Timothy R.
Willis, Marine Safety Center, telephone
+1 (202) 475–3402, e-mail
U.S. Flagged Vessels
Local OCMI. See Port Directory at
https://homeport.uscg.mil. For vessels
enrolled in the Alternate Compliance
Program, contact the Authorized
Classification Society. Alternatively,
contact Lieutenant Commander Scott
Muller, Office of Vessel Activities (CG–
543), telephone (202) 372–1220, e-mail
Non-U.S. Flagged Vessel
Local port State control office. See
Port Directory at https://
homeport.uscg.mil. Alternatively,
contact Mr. John Sedlak, Office of
Vessel Activities (CG–543), telephone
+1 (202) 372–1240, e-mail
Navigation and Vessel Inspection
Circular (NVIC) No. 1–09 establishes the
policies, procedures, and standards for
requesting U.S. Coast Guard statement
of voluntary compliance with MARPOL
Annex IV. These procedures are divided
into four distinct sections covering: (1)
General applicability, (2) testing
facilities, (3) equipment manufacturers,
and (4) the issuance of vessel
certificates. You may download this
NVIC from the Internet at https://
www.uscg.mil/hq/cg5/nvic/ or obtain a
copy by contacting one of the
individuals listed under FOR FURTHER
The Marine Environment Protection
Committee (MEPC) of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) recently
revised MARPOL Annex IV resulting in
several changes to the regulations
governing discharge of sewage from
ships on international voyages. First,
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inspection criteria were enhanced to
include initial surveys of installed
sewage systems prior to being placed
into service and periodic surveys
throughout the life of the ship. Next,
standards for discharging treated sewage
(i.e., effluent) into the water were made
more stringent and equipment testing
procedures were standardized. Finally,
discharge rates for untreated sewage
were established.
These revisions to MARPOL Annex
IV, especially the effluent standards
contained in resolution MEPC.159(55),
which are effective on January 1, 2010,
eliminates the prior equivalency that
had existed between Type I and Type II
marine sanitation device requirements
approved by the United States and
sewage treatment plant requirements of
MARPOL Annex IV. This creates a
potential for adverse port State control
action (e.g., detention) to be taken
against U.S. registered vessels engaged
in international voyages with a keel laid
date on or after January 1, 2010, or
having a sewage treatment plant
installed or delivered on or after that
MARPOL Annex IV requires certain
ships that engage in international
voyages to have a valid International
Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
(ISPPC) issued by its flag
Administration or by a recognized
organization acting on behalf of the flag
Administration. Under the provisions of
Annex IV, an ISPPC cannot be issued to
a ship unless its flag State is party to
that Annex.
The United States is not party to
MARPOL Annex IV. Vessels registered
in the United States that engage in
international voyages with sewage
systems in compliance with Annex IV
may be eligible instead to receive a
Statement of Voluntary Compliance
(SOVC). This certificate takes the place
of the ISPPC and is issued to a U.S.
vessel by the U.S. Coast Guard or by an
Authorized Classification Society (ACS),
as appropriate, to demonstrate
compliance with MARPOL Annex IV.
MARPOL Annex IV, as adopted in
resolution MEPC.115(51), is applicable
to ships on international voyages that
(1) 400GT and greater; or
(2) Less than 400GT when certified to
carry more than 15 persons, which
includes both passengers and crew.
The effluent standards and
performance tests, as adopted in
resolution MEPC.159(55), are applicable
to sewage treatment plants for ships
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 124 / Tuesday, June 30, 2009 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES6
with a keel laid date on or after January
1, 2010, and for ships having a sewage
treatment plant installed or delivered on
or after January 1, 2010. Ships with a
keel laid date prior to January 1, 2010,
or ships having a sewage treatment
plant installed or delivered prior to that
date, may continue to use equipment
certified to either the 1976 international
effluent standards contained in
resolution MEPC.2(VI) or an applicable
national specification. In the United
States, this applicable national
specification is 33 CFR Part 159.
MARPOL Annex IV may be applicable
to other vessels including small tugs,
recreational boats, yachts, etc., that
engage in international voyages because
Regulation 4 in MARPOL Annex IV
requires a flag Administration to
establish appropriate measures for
vessels not subject to international
sewage regulations. In this case, for U.S.
vessels and other vessels subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States,
appropriate measures are provided for
under 33 CFR Part 159. U.S. vessels
intending to engage in international
voyages may apply for a SOVC.
Application Procedures
Facilities that are in the business of
independently evaluating, inspecting,
and testing shipboard sewage systems
and the effluent discharged from such
systems for compliance with published
standards may request a U.S. Coast
Guard letter of acceptance as a qualified
facility from the Office of Design and
Engineering Standards (CG–521) listed
Manufacturers of sewage treatment
plants may apply to any facility
accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard as a
qualified facility to perform
independent evaluation, inspection, and
testing of sewage treatment plants for
compliance with MARPOL Annex IV.
For sewage comminuting and
disinfection systems, or for sewage
holding tanks, the application is sent
instead to any facility accepted by the
U.S. Coast Guard as a recognized
facility. To obtain a U.S. Certificate of
Approval, the manufacturer submits the
results from the qualified facility or
recognized facility, as appropriate, along
with other supporting documentation,
to the Marine Safety Center listed under
The owner or operator of a vessel
registered in the United States with an
installed and operational sewage system
certified by the U.S. Coast Guard may
apply for a SOVC for MARPOL Annex
IV from the local OCMI or ACS, as
appropriate. For assistance in finding
VerDate Nov<24>2008
19:55 Jun 29, 2009
Jkt 217001
the nearest OCMI or ACS, visit our
Internet portal Homeport at https://
homeport.uscg.mil and then select Port
Directory. Alternatively, you may
contact the Office of Vessel Activities
(CG–543) listed under ADDRESSES and
The vessel is subject to an initial
examination before the ship is put into
service or before the SOVC is issued for
the first time. The purpose of this
examination is to verify that the vessel’s
structure, equipment, systems, fittings,
arrangement, and material of the
installed sewage system are fully
compliant with MARPOL Annex IV.
Before 5 years after the initial or last
renewal survey, the vessel is subject to
a renewal examination. The purpose of
this examination is to verify that the
vessel’s structure, equipment, systems,
fittings, arrangement, and material of
the installed sewage system are still
compliant with MARPOL Annex IV.
The vessel is subject to additional
examinations, either general or partial,
according to the circumstances,
whenever any important repairs or
renewals have been made to the
installed sewage system. The purpose of
this examination is to verify that the
necessary repairs or renewals have been
effectively made, that the materials and
workmanship of such repairs or
renewals are satisfactory, and that the
ship is compliant with MARPOL Annex
Statement of Voluntary Compliance
The cognizant OCMI or ACS may
issue or renew, as appropriate, the
SOVC for MARPOL Annex IV to a U.S.
vessel that is equipped with an installed
and operational sewage system certified
by the U.S. Coast Guard after successful
onboard survey. The SOVC for
MARPOL Annex IV, issued on form CG–
6047A, is valid for a period up to five
years unless endorsed with an
extension, provided the periodic
examinations are conducted and there is
no change in the vessel’s flag. Vessels
flagged outside the United States are not
issued a SOVC certificate by the U.S.
Coast Guard.
Any vessel flagged or registered
outside the United States that holds a
valid ISPPC issued by its flag
Administration indicating the installed
sewage system complies with MARPOL
Annex IV, as amended by either
resolution MEPC.159(55) or MEPC.2(VI),
will be accepted by the U.S. Coast
Guard as being in compliance with U.S.
regulations on design, construction,
PO 00000
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testing, and certification contained in 33
CFR part 159, while operating in waters
subject to the jurisdiction of the United
States. Acceptance of a valid ISPPC is
conditional on the installed sewage
system being substantially in an
operable condition as required by
MARPOL Annex IV, and may be subject
to verification by the U.S. Coast Guard
under port State control.
Existing Certificates of Equivalency
The cognizant OCMI or ACS, as
appropriate, may continue to issue and
renew existing Certificates of
Equivalency issued to U.S. vessels
under the provisions of ‘‘MOC Policy
Letter No. 03–03’’ until January 1, 2010,
at which time all such certificates will
expire. A copy of ‘‘MOC Policy Letter
No. 03–03’’ can be found on Homeport
by clicking the ‘‘Library’’ tab and then
the ‘‘Policy’’ tab, and finally the ‘‘Policy
Letter’’ tab. SOVC certificates are
required on or after January 1, 2010.
Dated: June 23, 2009.
Brian M. Salerno,
Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety,
Security and Stewardship.
[FR Doc. E9–15485 Filed 6–29–09; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–5285–N–20]
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: Comment Request;
Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards Program
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Housing, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The proposed information
collection requirement described below
will be submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The Department is
soliciting public comments on the
subject proposal.
DATES: Comments Due Date: August 31,
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposal. Comments should refer to
the proposal by name and/or OMB
Control Number and should be sent to:
Lillian Deitzer, Departmental Reports
Management Officer, QDAM,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410; e-mail
Lillian_L._Deitzer@HUD.gov or
telephone (202) 402–8048.
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 124 (Tuesday, June 30, 2009)]
[Pages 31288-31289]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-15485]
[[Page 31288]]
Coast Guard
[Docket No. USCG-2008-0986]
Voluntary Compliance With International Sewage Regulations in
Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Coast Guard announces the availability of Navigation
and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) No. 1-09, which provides guidance
on voluntary compliance with MARPOL Annex IV. On January 1, 2010, the
revised effluent standards and performance test criteria for sewage
treatment plants under MARPOL Annex IV will enter into force
internationally. The United States is not party to MARPOL Annex IV;
however, vessels registered in the United States visiting nations that
are party may need to demonstrate compliance with MARPOL Annex IV
regulations on the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships. The
U.S. Coast Guard is assisting vessels registered in the United States
as well as the manufacturers of sewage treatment plants, and the
independent laboratories that test such equipment, in demonstrating
compliance with MARPOL Annex IV by providing the guidance in NVIC No.
1-09. Failure of a vessel registered in the United States to have the
appropriate certificate demonstrating voluntary compliance with MARPOL
Annex IV could result in a port State detention abroad.
DATES: The revised effluent standards and performance tests for sewage
treatment plants enter into force on January 1, 2010, for ships with a
keel laid date on or after January 1, 2010, and for ships having a
sewage treatment plant installed or delivered on or after January 1,
Testing Facility
Requests for a U.S. Coast Guard letter of acceptance as a qualified
facility may be sent to the Office of Design and Engineering Standards
(CG-521), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St., SW., Washington, DC 20593-
Equipment Manufacturer
Requests for a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Approval may be sent
to the Marine Safety Center, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St., SW.,
Washington, DC 20593-7102.
Requests for a Statement of Voluntary Compliance with MARPOL Annex
IV and request for onboard survey may be sent to the local Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI). For a listing of OCMIs, visit our
Internet portal Homeport at https://homeport.uscg.mil and then select
Port Directory.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about this
notice, please contact one of the following:
Testing Facility
Lieutenant Rob Griffiths, Office of Design and Engineering
Standards (CG-521), telephone +1 (202) 372-1367, e-mail
Equipment Manufacture
Chief Warrant Officer Timothy R. Willis, Marine Safety Center,
telephone +1 (202) 475-3402, e-mail Timothy.R.Willis@uscg.mil.
U.S. Flagged Vessels
Local OCMI. See Port Directory at https://homeport.uscg.mil. For
vessels enrolled in the Alternate Compliance Program, contact the
Authorized Classification Society. Alternatively, contact Lieutenant
Commander Scott Muller, Office of Vessel Activities (CG-543), telephone
(202) 372-1220, e-mail Scott.W.Muller@uscg.mil.
Non-U.S. Flagged Vessel
Local port State control office. See Port Directory at https://homeport.uscg.mil. Alternatively, contact Mr. John Sedlak, Office of
Vessel Activities (CG-543), telephone +1 (202) 372-1240, e-mail
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular
(NVIC) No. 1-09 establishes the policies, procedures, and standards for
requesting U.S. Coast Guard statement of voluntary compliance with
MARPOL Annex IV. These procedures are divided into four distinct
sections covering: (1) General applicability, (2) testing facilities,
(3) equipment manufacturers, and (4) the issuance of vessel
certificates. You may download this NVIC from the Internet at https://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg5/nvic/ or obtain a copy by contacting one of the
individuals listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently revised MARPOL Annex
IV resulting in several changes to the regulations governing discharge
of sewage from ships on international voyages. First, inspection
criteria were enhanced to include initial surveys of installed sewage
systems prior to being placed into service and periodic surveys
throughout the life of the ship. Next, standards for discharging
treated sewage (i.e., effluent) into the water were made more stringent
and equipment testing procedures were standardized. Finally, discharge
rates for untreated sewage were established.
These revisions to MARPOL Annex IV, especially the effluent
standards contained in resolution MEPC.159(55), which are effective on
January 1, 2010, eliminates the prior equivalency that had existed
between Type I and Type II marine sanitation device requirements
approved by the United States and sewage treatment plant requirements
of MARPOL Annex IV. This creates a potential for adverse port State
control action (e.g., detention) to be taken against U.S. registered
vessels engaged in international voyages with a keel laid date on or
after January 1, 2010, or having a sewage treatment plant installed or
delivered on or after that date.
MARPOL Annex IV requires certain ships that engage in international
voyages to have a valid International Sewage Pollution Prevention
Certificate (ISPPC) issued by its flag Administration or by a
recognized organization acting on behalf of the flag Administration.
Under the provisions of Annex IV, an ISPPC cannot be issued to a ship
unless its flag State is party to that Annex.
The United States is not party to MARPOL Annex IV. Vessels
registered in the United States that engage in international voyages
with sewage systems in compliance with Annex IV may be eligible instead
to receive a Statement of Voluntary Compliance (SOVC). This certificate
takes the place of the ISPPC and is issued to a U.S. vessel by the U.S.
Coast Guard or by an Authorized Classification Society (ACS), as
appropriate, to demonstrate compliance with MARPOL Annex IV.
MARPOL Annex IV, as adopted in resolution MEPC.115(51), is
applicable to ships on international voyages that are:
(1) 400GT and greater; or
(2) Less than 400GT when certified to carry more than 15 persons,
which includes both passengers and crew.
The effluent standards and performance tests, as adopted in
resolution MEPC.159(55), are applicable to sewage treatment plants for
[[Page 31289]]
with a keel laid date on or after January 1, 2010, and for ships having
a sewage treatment plant installed or delivered on or after January 1,
2010. Ships with a keel laid date prior to January 1, 2010, or ships
having a sewage treatment plant installed or delivered prior to that
date, may continue to use equipment certified to either the 1976
international effluent standards contained in resolution MEPC.2(VI) or
an applicable national specification. In the United States, this
applicable national specification is 33 CFR Part 159.
MARPOL Annex IV may be applicable to other vessels including small
tugs, recreational boats, yachts, etc., that engage in international
voyages because Regulation 4 in MARPOL Annex IV requires a flag
Administration to establish appropriate measures for vessels not
subject to international sewage regulations. In this case, for U.S.
vessels and other vessels subject to the jurisdiction of the United
States, appropriate measures are provided for under 33 CFR Part 159.
U.S. vessels intending to engage in international voyages may apply for
Application Procedures
Facilities that are in the business of independently evaluating,
inspecting, and testing shipboard sewage systems and the effluent
discharged from such systems for compliance with published standards
may request a U.S. Coast Guard letter of acceptance as a qualified
facility from the Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-521)
Manufacturers of sewage treatment plants may apply to any facility
accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard as a qualified facility to perform
independent evaluation, inspection, and testing of sewage treatment
plants for compliance with MARPOL Annex IV. For sewage comminuting and
disinfection systems, or for sewage holding tanks, the application is
sent instead to any facility accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard as a
recognized facility. To obtain a U.S. Certificate of Approval, the
manufacturer submits the results from the qualified facility or
recognized facility, as appropriate, along with other supporting
documentation, to the Marine Safety Center listed under ADDRESSES and
The owner or operator of a vessel registered in the United States
with an installed and operational sewage system certified by the U.S.
Coast Guard may apply for a SOVC for MARPOL Annex IV from the local
OCMI or ACS, as appropriate. For assistance in finding the nearest OCMI
or ACS, visit our Internet portal Homeport at https://homeport.uscg.mil
and then select Port Directory. Alternatively, you may contact the
Office of Vessel Activities (CG-543) listed under ADDRESSES and FOR
The vessel is subject to an initial examination before the ship is
put into service or before the SOVC is issued for the first time. The
purpose of this examination is to verify that the vessel's structure,
equipment, systems, fittings, arrangement, and material of the
installed sewage system are fully compliant with MARPOL Annex IV.
Before 5 years after the initial or last renewal survey, the vessel
is subject to a renewal examination. The purpose of this examination is
to verify that the vessel's structure, equipment, systems, fittings,
arrangement, and material of the installed sewage system are still
compliant with MARPOL Annex IV.
The vessel is subject to additional examinations, either general or
partial, according to the circumstances, whenever any important repairs
or renewals have been made to the installed sewage system. The purpose
of this examination is to verify that the necessary repairs or renewals
have been effectively made, that the materials and workmanship of such
repairs or renewals are satisfactory, and that the ship is compliant
with MARPOL Annex IV.
Statement of Voluntary Compliance
The cognizant OCMI or ACS may issue or renew, as appropriate, the
SOVC for MARPOL Annex IV to a U.S. vessel that is equipped with an
installed and operational sewage system certified by the U.S. Coast
Guard after successful onboard survey. The SOVC for MARPOL Annex IV,
issued on form CG-6047A, is valid for a period up to five years unless
endorsed with an extension, provided the periodic examinations are
conducted and there is no change in the vessel's flag. Vessels flagged
outside the United States are not issued a SOVC certificate by the U.S.
Coast Guard.
Any vessel flagged or registered outside the United States that
holds a valid ISPPC issued by its flag Administration indicating the
installed sewage system complies with MARPOL Annex IV, as amended by
either resolution MEPC.159(55) or MEPC.2(VI), will be accepted by the
U.S. Coast Guard as being in compliance with U.S. regulations on
design, construction, testing, and certification contained in 33 CFR
part 159, while operating in waters subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States. Acceptance of a valid ISPPC is conditional on the
installed sewage system being substantially in an operable condition as
required by MARPOL Annex IV, and may be subject to verification by the
U.S. Coast Guard under port State control.
Existing Certificates of Equivalency
The cognizant OCMI or ACS, as appropriate, may continue to issue
and renew existing Certificates of Equivalency issued to U.S. vessels
under the provisions of ``MOC Policy Letter No. 03-03'' until January
1, 2010, at which time all such certificates will expire. A copy of
``MOC Policy Letter No. 03-03'' can be found on Homeport by clicking
the ``Library'' tab and then the ``Policy'' tab, and finally the
``Policy Letter'' tab. SOVC certificates are required on or after
January 1, 2010.
Dated: June 23, 2009.
Brian M. Salerno,
Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security and Stewardship.
[FR Doc. E9-15485 Filed 6-29-09; 8:45 am]