Environmental Impact Statement for Muscle Shoals Reservation Redevelopment, 29017-29019 [E9-14414]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 116 / Thursday, June 18, 2009 / Notices
usually meets immediately before the
Treasury announces each mid-calendar
quarter funding operation, although
special meetings also may be held.
Membership consists of up to 20
representative members, appointed by
Treasury. The members are senior level
officials who are employed by primary
dealers, institutional investors, and
other major participants in the
government securities and financial
The Designated Federal Official for
the Advisory Committee is the Director
of the Office of Debt Management. The
Treasury Department is filing copies of
the Committee’s renewal charter with
appropriate committees in Congress.
Dated: June 1, 2009.
Karthik Ramanathan,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Financial
[FR Doc. E9–14282 Filed 6–17–09; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Form 5735 and Schedule
P (Form 5735)
AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Treasury, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)). Currently, the IRS is
soliciting comments concerning Form
5735, Possessions Corporation Tax
Credit (Under Sections 936 and 30A),
and Schedule P (Form 5735), Allocation
of Income and Expenses Under Section
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before August 17, 2009
to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to R. Joseph Durbala, Internal Revenue
Service, room 6129, 1111 Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20224.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the form and instructions
should be directed to Dawn Bidne, at
(202) 622–3933, or at Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6129, 1111 Constitution
VerDate Nov<24>2008
21:58 Jun 17, 2009
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Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20224,
or through the Internet at
Title: Possessions Corporation Tax
Credit (Under sections 936 and 30A),
and Allocation of Income and Expenses
Under Section 936(h)(5).
OMB Number: 1545–0217.
Form Number: Form 5735 and
Schedule P (Form 5735).
Abstract: Form 5735 is used to
compute the possessions corporation tax
credit under sections 936 and 30A.
Schedule P (Form 5735) is used by
corporations that elect to share their
income or expenses with their affiliates.
The forms provide the IRS with
information to determine if the
corporations have computed the tax
credit and the cost-sharing or profit-split
method of allocating income and
Current Actions: There are no changes
being made to the forms at this time.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit organizations.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Respondent: 12
hours, 42 minutes.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 127.
The following paragraph applies to all
of the collections of information covered
by this notice:
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid OMB control number.
Books or records relating to a collection
of information must be retained as long
as their contents may become material
in the administration of any internal
revenue law. Generally, tax returns and
tax return information are confidential,
as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
Request for Comments: Comments
submitted in response to this notice will
be summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval. All
comments will become a matter of
public record. Comments are invited on:
(a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the collection of
information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
PO 00000
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through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information.
Approved: June 5, 2009.
R. Joseph Durbala,
IRS Reports Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E9–14272 Filed 6–17–09; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impact Statement for
Muscle Shoals Reservation
AGENCY: Tennessee Valley Authority
ACTION: Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: The Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) will prepare an
environmental impact statement (EIS)
addressing the impacts of the disposal
and alternative future uses of
approximately 1,380 contiguous acres of
land on its Muscle Shoals Reservation
(MSR) in Colbert County, Alabama.
Public comment is invited concerning
both the scope of the EIS and
environmental issues that should be
addressed in the EIS.
DATES: Comments on the scope and
environmental issues for the EIS should
be received no later than Wednesday,
August 5, 2009, to ensure consideration.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to Stanford E. Davis, Senior
NEPA Specialist, NEPA Resources,
Environmental Services and Programs,
400 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville,
Tennessee 37902. Comments may also
be submitted via TVA’s Web site at
reports/comments.htm or submitted by
fax at 865/632–3451.
This notice is provided in accordance
with the Council on Environmental
Quality’s regulations (40 CFR parts 1500
to 1508), TVA’s procedures
implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA) and its
implementing regulations (36 CFR part
The MSR is geographically located in
the center of the cities of Florence,
Muscle Shoals, Sheffield, and
Tuscumbia. The Federal property that is
the subject of this EIS includes the area
bounded by Reservation Road on the
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 116 / Thursday, June 18, 2009 / Notices
north, Hatch Boulevard on the west,
Second Street on the south, and Wilson
Dam Road on the east. Also included is
an access corridor to the Tennessee
River in the vicinity of the slag area, the
Western Area Radiological Laboratory
(WARL) property, and the Multipurpose
Building (MPB) Complex, which
includes the Multipurpose Building, the
Office Service Warehouse Annex, and
the Office Service Warehouse, all on the
north side of Reservation Road. A small
amount of land surrounding the
International Fertilizer Development
Center and the site of the Muscle Shoals
TVA Employees Credit Union would
not likely be included in the proposal.
Except for the slag area, WARL, and
MPB Complex, the TVA-managed land
north of Reservation Road is not part of
this land disposal action. It will
continue to be used for public access
and conservation with the possibility of
enhancements to recreation related
activities that are presently open to the
The former United States Nitrate Plant
No. 2 was built for the War Department
during World War I on property that is
now part of the MSR. Following the
war, this plant was idle until the
creation of TVA in 1933, when it
became the nucleus of TVA’s National
Fertilizer Development Center (NFDC).
At its peak around 1980, the NFDC
occupied about 475 acres of MSR land.
Roughly 2,800 TVA employees worked
in Muscle Shoals at that time, while
approximately 600 to 700 people work
there today. Over the years, NFDC
developed many of the fertilizers and
fertilizer production processes used in
the world today. Fertilizer development
and production operations began scaling
back around 1990 and by 1998 had
largely ceased. TVA began demolishing
some unused buildings and other
structures in 1983, and since then, 34
structures (36 percent of the structures
present in 1983) have been removed.
The MSR presently provides office
space, laboratories, and support
facilities for staff primarily involved in
environmental services, research and
technology; central support and repair;
environmental stewardship; and power
system operations and maintenance.
The Muscle Shoals Historic District
(MSHD) includes historic properties
associated with five prehistoric and
historic contexts, which include a
prehistoric mortuary complex, the Civil
War, the Wilson Dam, the New Deal,
and TVA’s development of Muscle
Shoals after the New Deal. Because a
large number of buildings and
structures, as a whole, demonstrate
significant prehistoric and historic
events associated with the area, the
VerDate Nov<24>2008
21:58 Jun 17, 2009
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MSHD was recognized as eligible for
listing on the National Register of
Historic Places (NRHP) by the Alabama
Historical Commission in October 2007.
The boundaries of the MSHD include
the 1,380 acres of the MSR subject to
this EIS.
Part of the MSR was contaminated by
historic chemical production and
disposal practices. This part of the MSR
contains a number of solid waste
management units (SWMUs), which
have been cleaned, i.e., remediated, to
industrial standards. Most of these
SWMUs are part of the 1,380 acres
proposed for disposal and may require
additional remediation to allow uses
other than industrial. Five SWMUs on
the MSR property are subject to
continuing monitoring requirements
and likely will be retained by TVA.
The redevelopment of unused parts of
the MSR is consistent with TVA’s
economic development mission. Due to
its central location, flat terrain, highway
access, and availability of utilities, the
surrounding cities and counties have
expressed interest in the redevelopment
of the MSR for many years. In response
to these requests, TVA has previously
made a few areas on the periphery of the
MSR available for commercial use. The
currently proposed actions would make
a much larger area available for a variety
of redevelopment activities.
Several surrounding cities and
counties have been coordinating in the
creation of a cooperative district under
Alabama law. The district would then
be eligible to be involved in the
development of the MSR property
proposed for disposal, perhaps through
the creation of a comprehensive master
development plan and/or the
acquisition of the property.
Potential Alternatives
The EIS will analyze a range of
alternatives for redeveloping the MSR
site. Under Alternative A, No Action,
TVA would continue to use the MSR for
program purposes and regional
economic development, as guided by
the 1996 Muscle Shoals/Wilson Dam
Reservation Land Use Plan. Under this
plan, TVA identified MSR and Wilson
Dam Reservation property for various
potential governmental and
nongovernmental uses including
economic development opportunity.
The remainder of MSR, largely north of
Reservation Road, was allocated in the
1996 land plan for TVA program
purposes, including public recreation
and conservation.
Under the action alternatives, TVA
proposes to dispose of this MSR land
without restrictions on the future use of
the property, except as described below.
PO 00000
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The EIS will evaluate four action
alternatives associated with different
potential future land uses. Some
elements common to all action
alternatives include:
1. Requirements to protect or mitigate
impacts to historic properties and
endangered and threatened species;
mitigate other potential environmental
impacts; protect TVA’s statutory,
programmatic, and other interests; and
ensure continued ongoing operational
requirements such as monitoring
2. The potential disposal of an access
corridor to the Tennessee River, WARL,
and MPB Complex north of Reservation
Road; the corridor, in the vicinity of the
slag pile, could be used for utilities or
other supporting infrastructure
3. The encouragement of the adaptive
reuse of existing buildings, including
historic buildings.
4. The likely retention by TVA of five
SWMUs that have long-term monitoring
requirements and restrictions on use.
The action alternatives presently
under consideration by TVA include the
following: Alternative B—Industrial
Use; Alternative C—Commercial/Retail
Use; Alternative D—Residential Use;
and Alternative E—Mixed Use, a
combination of industrial, commercial/
retail, and residential uses.
TVA will use the results of the public
scoping process and additional
technical scoping studies to refine the
range of alternatives that will be
evaluated in detail in the EIS.
Proposed Issues To Be Addressed
The EIS will contain descriptions of
the existing environmental and
socioeconomic resources within the area
that would be affected by the range of
proposed actions. TVA’s evaluation of
potential impacts to these resources will
include, but not necessarily be limited
to, historic and archaeological
resources, socioeconomic resources,
solid and hazardous wastes including
existing SWMUs, floodplains
management, land use, transportation,
air quality, terrestrial and aquatic
ecology including threatened and
endangered species, wetlands, surface
water and groundwater quality, and
environmental justice.
Scoping Process
Scoping is an integral component of
the NEPA process for soliciting public
input to ensure that issues are identified
early and properly studied. The range of
alternatives and the issues to be
addressed in the draft EIS will be
determined, in part, from comments
received during this scoping process.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 116 / Thursday, June 18, 2009 / Notices
The preliminary identification of a
reasonable range of alternatives and
environmental issues in this notice is
not meant to be exhaustive or final.
The participation of affected Federal,
State, and local agencies and Indian
tribes, as well as other interested
persons, is invited. Pursuant to the
regulations of the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation implementing
Section 106 of the NHPA, TVA also
solicits comments on the potential of
the proposed action to affect historic
properties. As indicated above, TVA
recognizes the presence of significant
historic resources on the property and
will consult with the Alabama
Historical Commission regarding
appropriate treatment in the event these
resources are transferred to nonfederal
ownership. This notice also provides an
opportunity under Executive Orders
11990 and 11988 for early public review
of the potential for TVA’s action to
affect wetlands and floodplains,
Comments on the scope of this EIS
should be submitted no later than the
date given under the DATES section of
this notice. Any comments received,
including names and addresses, will
become part of the administrative record
and will be available for public
TVA will hold a public scoping
meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2009. The
open-house style meeting will be held
from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Central Daylight
Time at Muscle Shoals High School,
1900 Avalon Avenue, Muscle Shoals,
Alabama 35661.
Upon consideration of the scoping
comments, TVA will develop
alternatives and identify environmental
issues to be addressed in the EIS. These
will be described in a report that will be
available to the public. Following
analysis of the environmental
consequences of each alternative, TVA
will prepare a draft EIS for public
review and comment. Notice of
availability of the draft EIS will be
published by the Environmental
Protection Agency in the Federal
Register. TVA will solicit comments on
the draft EIS in writing and at a public
meeting to be held in the project area.
TVA expects to release the draft EIS in
the spring of 2010 and the final EIS in
late summer of 2010.
Dated: June 11, 2009.
Anda A. Ray,
Senior Vice President and Environmental
Executive, Office of Environment and
[FR Doc. E9–14414 Filed 6–17–09; 8:45 am]
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Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Department of Veterans Affairs
ACTION: Notice of amendment to system
of records.
SUMMARY: The Privacy Act of 1974 (5
U.S.C. 552(e)(4)) requires that all
agencies publish in the Federal Register
a notice of the existence and character
of their systems of records. Notice is
hereby given that the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) is amending the
system of records entitled
‘‘Readjustment Counseling Service
(RCS) Vet Center Program—VA’’
(64VA15) as set forth in the Federal
Register 46 FR 9844 and last amended
May 31, 2001. VA is amending the
system by revising Routine Uses of
Records Maintained in the System,
Including Categories of Users and the
Purposes of Such Uses. VA is
republishing the system notice in its
entirety at this time.
DATES: Comments on the amendment of
this system of records must be received
no later than July 20, 2009. If no public
comment is received, the amended
system will become effective July 20,
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be
submitted through https://
www.Regulations.gov; by mail or handdelivery to Director, Regulations
Management (02REG), Department of
Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue,
NW., Room 1068, Washington, DC
20420; or by fax to (202) 273–9026.
Comments received will be available for
public inspection in the Office of
Regulation Policy and Management,
Room 1063B, between the hours of 8
a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday (except holidays). Please call
(202) 461–4902 (this is not a toll-free
number) for an appointment. In
addition, during the comment period,
comments may be viewed online
through the Federal Docket Management
System (FDMS) at https://
Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Privacy Officer, Department of Veterans
Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20420, telephone (704)
and number of the system is changed
from ‘‘Vietnam Veterans Readjustment
Counseling Program—VA’’ (64VA116)
to ‘‘Readjustment Counseling Service
PO 00000
Frm 00141
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Sfmt 4703
(RCS) Vet Center Program—VA’’
(64VA15). The change in name will
more accurately reflect the broader
group of veterans receiving services and
the environment in which the services
are delivered.
For purposes of this notice changes
have been made to update the following
sections: Addresses and Routine Uses of
Records Maintained in the System,
Including Categories of Users and the
Purposes of Such Uses. According to VA
leadership, routine uses one through
seven are mandatory new routine uses
that are added to comply with new
Federal policy and guidelines. Listed
below are the mandatory routine uses
that must be included in every System
of Records according to VA leadership
in order to comply with Federal
A new Routine Use one (1) is added.
The record of an individual who is
covered by a system of records may be
disclosed to a Member of Congress, or
a staff person acting for the member,
when the member or staff person
requests the record on behalf of and at
the written request of the individual.
VA must be able to provide
information about individuals to
adequately respond to inquiries from
Members of Congress at the request of
constituents who have sought their
A new Routine Use two (2) is added.
Disclosure may be made to the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) and the General Services
Administration (GSA) in records
management inspections conducted
under authority of Title 44, Chapter 29,
of the United States Code (U.S.C.).
NARA and GSA are responsible for
management of old records no longer
actively used, but which may be
appropriate for preservation, and for the
physical maintenance of the Federal
government’s records. VA must be able
to provide the records to NARA and
GSA in order to determine the proper
disposition of such records.
A new Routine Use three (3) is added.
Records from a system of records may
be disclosed to the Department of
Justice (DOJ) (including U.S. Attorneys)
or in a proceeding before a court,
adjudicative body, or other
administrative body when litigation or
the adjudicative or administrative
process is likely to affect VA, its
employees, or any of its components is
a party to the litigation or process, or
has an interest in the litigation or
process, and the use of such records is
deemed by VA to be relevant and
necessary to the litigation or process,
provided that the disclosure is
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 116 (Thursday, June 18, 2009)]
[Pages 29017-29019]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-14414]
Environmental Impact Statement for Muscle Shoals Reservation
AGENCY: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).
ACTION: Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) will prepare an
environmental impact statement (EIS) addressing the impacts of the
disposal and alternative future uses of approximately 1,380 contiguous
acres of land on its Muscle Shoals Reservation (MSR) in Colbert County,
Alabama. Public comment is invited concerning both the scope of the EIS
and environmental issues that should be addressed in the EIS.
DATES: Comments on the scope and environmental issues for the EIS
should be received no later than Wednesday, August 5, 2009, to ensure
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent to Stanford E. Davis, Senior
NEPA Specialist, NEPA Resources, Environmental Services and Programs,
400 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902. Comments may
also be submitted via TVA's Web site at https://www.tva.gov/environment/reports/comments.htm or submitted by fax at 865/632-3451.
This notice is provided in accordance with the Council on
Environmental Quality's regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 to 1508), TVA's
procedures implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),
and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and
its implementing regulations (36 CFR part 800).
The MSR is geographically located in the center of the cities of
Florence, Muscle Shoals, Sheffield, and Tuscumbia. The Federal property
that is the subject of this EIS includes the area bounded by
Reservation Road on the
[[Page 29018]]
north, Hatch Boulevard on the west, Second Street on the south, and
Wilson Dam Road on the east. Also included is an access corridor to the
Tennessee River in the vicinity of the slag area, the Western Area
Radiological Laboratory (WARL) property, and the Multipurpose Building
(MPB) Complex, which includes the Multipurpose Building, the Office
Service Warehouse Annex, and the Office Service Warehouse, all on the
north side of Reservation Road. A small amount of land surrounding the
International Fertilizer Development Center and the site of the Muscle
Shoals TVA Employees Credit Union would not likely be included in the
proposal. Except for the slag area, WARL, and MPB Complex, the TVA-
managed land north of Reservation Road is not part of this land
disposal action. It will continue to be used for public access and
conservation with the possibility of enhancements to recreation related
activities that are presently open to the public.
The former United States Nitrate Plant No. 2 was built for the War
Department during World War I on property that is now part of the MSR.
Following the war, this plant was idle until the creation of TVA in
1933, when it became the nucleus of TVA's National Fertilizer
Development Center (NFDC). At its peak around 1980, the NFDC occupied
about 475 acres of MSR land. Roughly 2,800 TVA employees worked in
Muscle Shoals at that time, while approximately 600 to 700 people work
there today. Over the years, NFDC developed many of the fertilizers and
fertilizer production processes used in the world today. Fertilizer
development and production operations began scaling back around 1990
and by 1998 had largely ceased. TVA began demolishing some unused
buildings and other structures in 1983, and since then, 34 structures
(36 percent of the structures present in 1983) have been removed. The
MSR presently provides office space, laboratories, and support
facilities for staff primarily involved in environmental services,
research and technology; central support and repair; environmental
stewardship; and power system operations and maintenance.
The Muscle Shoals Historic District (MSHD) includes historic
properties associated with five prehistoric and historic contexts,
which include a prehistoric mortuary complex, the Civil War, the Wilson
Dam, the New Deal, and TVA's development of Muscle Shoals after the New
Deal. Because a large number of buildings and structures, as a whole,
demonstrate significant prehistoric and historic events associated with
the area, the MSHD was recognized as eligible for listing on the
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) by the Alabama Historical
Commission in October 2007. The boundaries of the MSHD include the
1,380 acres of the MSR subject to this EIS.
Part of the MSR was contaminated by historic chemical production
and disposal practices. This part of the MSR contains a number of solid
waste management units (SWMUs), which have been cleaned, i.e.,
remediated, to industrial standards. Most of these SWMUs are part of
the 1,380 acres proposed for disposal and may require additional
remediation to allow uses other than industrial. Five SWMUs on the MSR
property are subject to continuing monitoring requirements and likely
will be retained by TVA.
The redevelopment of unused parts of the MSR is consistent with
TVA's economic development mission. Due to its central location, flat
terrain, highway access, and availability of utilities, the surrounding
cities and counties have expressed interest in the redevelopment of the
MSR for many years. In response to these requests, TVA has previously
made a few areas on the periphery of the MSR available for commercial
use. The currently proposed actions would make a much larger area
available for a variety of redevelopment activities.
Several surrounding cities and counties have been coordinating in
the creation of a cooperative district under Alabama law. The district
would then be eligible to be involved in the development of the MSR
property proposed for disposal, perhaps through the creation of a
comprehensive master development plan and/or the acquisition of the
Potential Alternatives
The EIS will analyze a range of alternatives for redeveloping the
MSR site. Under Alternative A, No Action, TVA would continue to use the
MSR for program purposes and regional economic development, as guided
by the 1996 Muscle Shoals/Wilson Dam Reservation Land Use Plan. Under
this plan, TVA identified MSR and Wilson Dam Reservation property for
various potential governmental and nongovernmental uses including
economic development opportunity. The remainder of MSR, largely north
of Reservation Road, was allocated in the 1996 land plan for TVA
program purposes, including public recreation and conservation.
Under the action alternatives, TVA proposes to dispose of this MSR
land without restrictions on the future use of the property, except as
described below. The EIS will evaluate four action alternatives
associated with different potential future land uses. Some elements
common to all action alternatives include:
1. Requirements to protect or mitigate impacts to historic
properties and endangered and threatened species; mitigate other
potential environmental impacts; protect TVA's statutory, programmatic,
and other interests; and ensure continued ongoing operational
requirements such as monitoring SWMUs.
2. The potential disposal of an access corridor to the Tennessee
River, WARL, and MPB Complex north of Reservation Road; the corridor,
in the vicinity of the slag pile, could be used for utilities or other
supporting infrastructure development.
3. The encouragement of the adaptive reuse of existing buildings,
including historic buildings.
4. The likely retention by TVA of five SWMUs that have long-term
monitoring requirements and restrictions on use.
The action alternatives presently under consideration by TVA
include the following: Alternative B--Industrial Use; Alternative C--
Commercial/Retail Use; Alternative D--Residential Use; and Alternative
E--Mixed Use, a combination of industrial, commercial/retail, and
residential uses.
TVA will use the results of the public scoping process and
additional technical scoping studies to refine the range of
alternatives that will be evaluated in detail in the EIS.
Proposed Issues To Be Addressed
The EIS will contain descriptions of the existing environmental and
socioeconomic resources within the area that would be affected by the
range of proposed actions. TVA's evaluation of potential impacts to
these resources will include, but not necessarily be limited to,
historic and archaeological resources, socioeconomic resources, solid
and hazardous wastes including existing SWMUs, floodplains management,
land use, transportation, air quality, terrestrial and aquatic ecology
including threatened and endangered species, wetlands, surface water
and groundwater quality, and environmental justice.
Scoping Process
Scoping is an integral component of the NEPA process for soliciting
public input to ensure that issues are identified early and properly
studied. The range of alternatives and the issues to be addressed in
the draft EIS will be determined, in part, from comments received
during this scoping process.
[[Page 29019]]
The preliminary identification of a reasonable range of alternatives
and environmental issues in this notice is not meant to be exhaustive
or final.
The participation of affected Federal, State, and local agencies
and Indian tribes, as well as other interested persons, is invited.
Pursuant to the regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation implementing Section 106 of the NHPA, TVA also solicits
comments on the potential of the proposed action to affect historic
properties. As indicated above, TVA recognizes the presence of
significant historic resources on the property and will consult with
the Alabama Historical Commission regarding appropriate treatment in
the event these resources are transferred to nonfederal ownership. This
notice also provides an opportunity under Executive Orders 11990 and
11988 for early public review of the potential for TVA's action to
affect wetlands and floodplains, respectively.
Comments on the scope of this EIS should be submitted no later than
the date given under the DATES section of this notice. Any comments
received, including names and addresses, will become part of the
administrative record and will be available for public inspection.
TVA will hold a public scoping meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2009.
The open-house style meeting will be held from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Central
Daylight Time at Muscle Shoals High School, 1900 Avalon Avenue, Muscle
Shoals, Alabama 35661.
Upon consideration of the scoping comments, TVA will develop
alternatives and identify environmental issues to be addressed in the
EIS. These will be described in a report that will be available to the
public. Following analysis of the environmental consequences of each
alternative, TVA will prepare a draft EIS for public review and
comment. Notice of availability of the draft EIS will be published by
the Environmental Protection Agency in the Federal Register. TVA will
solicit comments on the draft EIS in writing and at a public meeting to
be held in the project area. TVA expects to release the draft EIS in
the spring of 2010 and the final EIS in late summer of 2010.
Dated: June 11, 2009.
Anda A. Ray,
Senior Vice President and Environmental Executive, Office of
Environment and Research.
[FR Doc. E9-14414 Filed 6-17-09; 8:45 am]