Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Providers Requesting Compensation from the Interstate TRS Fund Must Comply with Standard Rounding Principles in Measuring the Conversation Time of TRS Calls, 28046-28047 [E9-13718]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 112 / Friday, June 12, 2009 / Notices
07/13/2009, Contact: Emmanuel
Sayoc 301–415–2989
EIS No. 20090184, Final EIS, DOA, ID,
Lakeview-Reeder Fuels Reduction
Project, Proposed Fuels Reduction
and Road Treatment Activities, Idaho
Panhandle National Forests, Priest
Lake Ranger District, Bonner County,
ID, Wait Period Ends: 07/13/2009,
Contact: David Cobb 208–443–6854
EIS No. 20090185, Final EIS, COE, 00,
Programmatic—Oyster Restoration in
Chesapeake Bay Including the Use of
a Native and/or Nonnative Oyster,
Implementation, Chesapeake Bay, MD
and VA, Wait Period Ends: 07/13/
2009, Contact: Craig Seltzer 757–201–
EIS No. 20090186, Final EIS, FRC, CA,
South Feather Power Project, (Project
No. 2099–068), Application to
Relicense its 104-megawatt, South
Fork Feather River, Lost Creek and
Slate Creek, Butte, Yuba, and Plumas
Counties, CA, Wait Period Ends: 07/
13/2009, Contact: John Mudre 202–
EIS No. 20090187, Final EIS, CDG, 00,
Programmatic—Future of the U.S.
Coast Guard Long Range Aids to
Navigation (LORAN–C) Program,
Implementation,, Wait Period Ends:
07/13/2009, Contact: CDR Bob I.
Feigenblatt 202–372–1558
Dated: June 9, 2009.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9–13862 Filed 6–11–09; 8:45 am]
Commission Meeting
Employment Opportunity Commission.
DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, June 17,
2009, 10 a.m. Eastern Time.
PLACE: Commission Meeting Room on
the First Floor of the EEOC Office
Building, 131 M Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20507.
STATUS: The meeting will be open to the
1. Announcement of Notation Votes,
2. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for
the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA)Amendments Act of 2008.
Note: In accordance with the Sunshine Act,
the meeting will be open to public
observation of the Commission’s
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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deliberations and voting. (In addition to
publishing notices on EEOC Commission
meetings in the Federal Register, the
Commission also provides a recorded
announcement a full week in advance on
future Commission sessions.)
Please telephone (202) 663–7100 (voice)
and (202) 663–4074 (TTY) at any time for
information on these meetings. The EEOC
provides sign language interpretation at
Commission meetings for the hearing
impaired. Requests for other reasonable
accommodations may be made by using the
voice and TTY numbers listed above. Contact
Person for More Information: Stephen
Llewellyn, Executive Officer on (202) 663–
Dated: June 8, 2009.
Stephen Llewellyn,
Executive Officer, Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. E9–13822 Filed 6–11–09; 8:45 am]
Public Information Collections
Approved by Office of Management
and Budget
June 9, 2009.
The Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) has received Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
approval for the following public
information collection pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor and a person is not
required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid control number.
Contact Judith B. Herman, Federal
Communications Commission, at (202)
418–0214 or via the Internet at
OMB Control No.: 3060–0999.
Expiration Date: 06/30/2012.
Title: Hearing Aid Compatibility
Status Report and Section 20.19,
Hearing Aid-Compatible Mobile
Handsets (Hearing Aid Compatibility
Form No.: FCC Form 655—electronic
Estimated Annual Burden: 925
responses; 12,063 total annual hours;
2.5 hours per response.
Needs and Uses: In the Report and
Order in WT Docket 01–309, FCC 03–
168, adopted and released in September
2003, the Federal Communications
Commission modified the exemption for
telephones used with public mobile
services from the requirements of the
Hearing Aid Compatibility Act of 1988
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(HAC Act). The Order required digital
wireless phone manufacturers and
service providers to make certain digital
wireless phones capable of effective use
with hearing aids, label certain phones
they sold with information about their
compatibility with hearing aids, and
report to the Commission (at first every
six months, then on an annual basis) on
the numbers and types of hearing aid
compatible phones they were producing
or offering to the public.
In February 2008, the Commission
adopted final rules in a Report and
Order (FCC 08–68) that updated several
performance benchmarks and instituted
new requirements. To assist the
Commission in monitoring the
implementation of the new
requirements and to provide
information to the public, the Report
and Order also required manufacturers
and service providers to continue to file
annual reports on the status of their
compliance with the requirements, and
required manufacturers and service
providers that maintain public websites
to publish up-to-date information on
those websites regarding their hearing
aid-compatible handset models.
Now, as part of its continuing effort to
reduce paperwork burden, the
Commission is eliminating the use of
paper-based annual reports and will
require annual reports filed by
manufacturers and service providers to
be submitted using electronic FCC Form
655 beginning July 15, 2009. Use of the
electronic FCC Form 655 will help filers
ensure that their reports include all of
the required information, will facilitate
the Commission’s compilation of data
from the reports, and will decrease the
paperwork burden overall.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E9–13945 Filed 6–11–09; 8:45 am]
[CG Docket No. 03–123; DA 09–211]
Telecommunications Relay Service
(TRS) Providers Requesting
Compensation from the Interstate TRS
Fund Must Comply with Standard
Rounding Principles in Measuring the
Conversation Time of TRS Calls
AGENCY: Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the
Commission states that current rules
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 112 / Friday, June 12, 2009 / Notices
require that telecommunications relay
service (TRS) providers submitting
minutes for payment from the Interstate
TRS Fund must measure the
conversation time of each call to the
nearest second, and when the time for
such calls is expressed in decimal form,
the TRS provider must round the time
to the nearest tenth of a minute.
DATES: Effective June 12, 2009.
Thomas Chandler, Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Disability
Rights Office at (202) 418–1475 (Voice),
(202) 418–0597 (TTY), or e-mail at
summary of the Commission’s
document DA 09–211, released
February 10, 2009, addressing the
proper accounting practice to be
followed in rounding conversation
minutes when seeking compensation for
TRS service. Specifically, the Notice
states that TRS providers must comply
with standard rounding principles in
measuring the conversation time of TRS
calls. The full text of document DA 09–
211 and copies of any subsequently
filed documents in this matter will be
available for public inspection and
copying during regular business hours
at the FCC Reference Information
Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
Document DA 09–211 and copies of
subsequently filed documents in this
matter may also be purchased from the
Commission’s duplicating contractor at
Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW., Room
CY–B402, Washington, DC 20554.
Customers may contact the
Commission’s duplicating contractor at
its Web site or
by calling 1–800–378–3160. To request
materials in accessible formats for
people with disabilities (Braille, large
print, electronic files, audio format),
send an e-mail to or call
the Consumer and Governmental Affairs
Bureau at (202) 418–0530 (voice), (202)
418–0432 (TTY). Document DA 09–211
can also be downloaded in Word or
Portable Document Format (PDF) at:
It has come to the Commission’s
attention that certain
telecommunications relay service (TRS)
providers may be improperly
‘‘rounding’’ up conversation minutes
that are submitted to the Interstate TRS
Fund (Fund) each month for payment.
Providers submitting minutes for
payment from the Fund must measure
the conversation time of each call to the
nearest second, and when the time for
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such calls is expressed in decimal form,
the relay provider must round the time
to the nearest tenth of a minute, as set
forth below.
Specifically, when recording the
actual conversation time of each
completed call, the decimal
representation of the seconds should
extend to the tenth of a minute;
providers may round up only in those
circumstances where the number in the
hundredth place is 5 or greater. If the
number in the hundredth place is not 5
or greater, then the number in the tenth
place remains the same.
For example, if the actual
conversation time is 34 minutes and 46
seconds, the decimal expression to the
hundredth place is 34.76. Because the
number in the hundredth place (6) is 5
or greater, the number in the tenth place
(7) may be rounded up to 8. Therefore,
the actual conversation time, rounded to
the nearest one-tenth of a minute and
used to calculate total monthly
conversation minutes, is 34.8 minutes.
A contrasting example, where rounding
up is not appropriate, is a situation
where the actual conversation time is 34
minutes and 32 seconds. For such a call,
the decimal expression to the hundredth
place is 34.53. Because the number in
the hundredth place (3) is less than 5,
the number in the tenth place (5)
remains the same and the actual
conversation time used to calculate total
monthly conversation minutes is 34.5
In determining total monthly
conversation minutes reported to NECA,
the total conversation minutes of all
eligible calls (each measured to the
tenth of a minute, as described above)
are added together. That total is then
rounded to the nearest whole number
(full minute) under the same principle
set forth above. For instance, if the total
number of conversation minutes for all
calls in a particular month is 123,456.8,
that figure would be rounded up to
123,457. Similarly, if the figure was
123,456.4, the figure would be rounded
down to 123,456.
For the past several years, NECA has
provided TRS providers with
instructions for reporting minutes.
Interstate Telecommunications Relay
Service (TRS) Fund Instructions for
Reporting Minutes Monthly (August
2004) (Reporting Instructions). In the
instructions, National Exchange Carrier
Association (NECA), the Fund
Administrator, advises that the actual
conversation time of each completed
call, in minutes/seconds or minutes/
tenths, should be recorded during the
month, and at the end of the month, the
provider should total the minutes/
seconds or minutes/tenths for each type
PO 00000
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of call by center and round to the
nearest whole number. The Reporting
Instructions provide examples of how
these rounding principles apply in
determining total monthly minutes,
stating that: (1) A monthly total of
180,095 minutes and 41 seconds, or
180,095.68 minutes, would be rounded
up to 180,096; and (2) a monthly total
of 2,437 minutes and 15 seconds, or
2,437.25 minutes, would be rounded
down to 2,437.
The examples set forth herein are
consistent with these instructions and
standard rounding principles.
Therefore, unless and until directed
otherwise, TRS providers should follow
the guidelines provided in NECA’s
Reporting Instructions and in this
Federal Communications Commission.
Suzanne M. Tetreault,
Acting Deputy Chief, Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau.
[FR Doc. E9–13718 Filed 6–11–09; 8:45 am]
Release of Exposure Draft of Technical
Bulletin 2009–1: Deferral of the
Effective Date of Technical Bulletin
2006–1, Recognition and Measurement
of Asbestos-Related Cleanup Costs
AGENCY: Federal Accounting Standards
Advisory Board.
ACTION: Notice of Release of Exposure
Draft of Technical Bulletin 2009–1,
Deferral of the Effective Date of
Technical Bulletin 2006–1, Recognition
and Measurement of Asbestos-Related
Cleanup Costs.
Board Action: Pursuant to 31 U.S.C.
3511(d), the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463), as
amended, and the FASAB Rules of
Procedure, as amended in April 2004,
notice is hereby given that the Federal
Accounting Standards Advisory Board
(FASAB) has released the Exposure
Draft of Technical Bulletin 2009–1,
Deferral of the Effective Date of
Technical Bulletin 2006–1, Recognition
and Measurement of Asbestos-Related
Cleanup Costs.
The purpose of this proposed
technical bulletin is to defer the
effective date of Technical Bulletin
2006–1, Recognition and Measurement
of Asbestos-Related Cleanup Costs, for
two years.
The Technical Bulletin 2009–1
Exposure Draft is available on the
FASAB home page https:// Copies
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 112 (Friday, June 12, 2009)]
[Pages 28046-28047]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-13718]
[CG Docket No. 03-123; DA 09-211]
Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Providers Requesting
Compensation from the Interstate TRS Fund Must Comply with Standard
Rounding Principles in Measuring the Conversation Time of TRS Calls
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Commission states that current rules
[[Page 28047]]
require that telecommunications relay service (TRS) providers
submitting minutes for payment from the Interstate TRS Fund must
measure the conversation time of each call to the nearest second, and
when the time for such calls is expressed in decimal form, the TRS
provider must round the time to the nearest tenth of a minute.
DATES: Effective June 12, 2009.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas Chandler, Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Disability Rights Office at (202) 418-1475
(Voice), (202) 418-0597 (TTY), or e-mail at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's
document DA 09-211, released February 10, 2009, addressing the proper
accounting practice to be followed in rounding conversation minutes
when seeking compensation for TRS service. Specifically, the Notice
states that TRS providers must comply with standard rounding principles
in measuring the conversation time of TRS calls. The full text of
document DA 09-211 and copies of any subsequently filed documents in
this matter will be available for public inspection and copying during
regular business hours at the FCC Reference Information Center, Portals
II, 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. Document
DA 09-211 and copies of subsequently filed documents in this matter may
also be purchased from the Commission's duplicating contractor at
Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554.
Customers may contact the Commission's duplicating contractor at its
Web site or by calling 1-800-378-3160. To
request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities
(Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an e-mail
to or call the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau
at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 (TTY). Document DA 09-211 can
also be downloaded in Word or Portable Document Format (PDF) at:
It has come to the Commission's attention that certain
telecommunications relay service (TRS) providers may be improperly
``rounding'' up conversation minutes that are submitted to the
Interstate TRS Fund (Fund) each month for payment. Providers submitting
minutes for payment from the Fund must measure the conversation time of
each call to the nearest second, and when the time for such calls is
expressed in decimal form, the relay provider must round the time to
the nearest tenth of a minute, as set forth below.
Specifically, when recording the actual conversation time of each
completed call, the decimal representation of the seconds should extend
to the tenth of a minute; providers may round up only in those
circumstances where the number in the hundredth place is 5 or greater.
If the number in the hundredth place is not 5 or greater, then the
number in the tenth place remains the same.
For example, if the actual conversation time is 34 minutes and 46
seconds, the decimal expression to the hundredth place is 34.76.
Because the number in the hundredth place (6) is 5 or greater, the
number in the tenth place (7) may be rounded up to 8. Therefore, the
actual conversation time, rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a minute
and used to calculate total monthly conversation minutes, is 34.8
minutes. A contrasting example, where rounding up is not appropriate,
is a situation where the actual conversation time is 34 minutes and 32
seconds. For such a call, the decimal expression to the hundredth place
is 34.53. Because the number in the hundredth place (3) is less than 5,
the number in the tenth place (5) remains the same and the actual
conversation time used to calculate total monthly conversation minutes
is 34.5 minutes.
In determining total monthly conversation minutes reported to NECA,
the total conversation minutes of all eligible calls (each measured to
the tenth of a minute, as described above) are added together. That
total is then rounded to the nearest whole number (full minute) under
the same principle set forth above. For instance, if the total number
of conversation minutes for all calls in a particular month is
123,456.8, that figure would be rounded up to 123,457. Similarly, if
the figure was 123,456.4, the figure would be rounded down to 123,456.
For the past several years, NECA has provided TRS providers with
instructions for reporting minutes. Interstate Telecommunications Relay
Service (TRS) Fund Instructions for Reporting Minutes Monthly (August
2004) (Reporting Instructions). In the instructions, National Exchange
Carrier Association (NECA), the Fund Administrator, advises that the
actual conversation time of each completed call, in minutes/seconds or
minutes/tenths, should be recorded during the month, and at the end of
the month, the provider should total the minutes/seconds or minutes/
tenths for each type of call by center and round to the nearest whole
number. The Reporting Instructions provide examples of how these
rounding principles apply in determining total monthly minutes, stating
that: (1) A monthly total of 180,095 minutes and 41 seconds, or
180,095.68 minutes, would be rounded up to 180,096; and (2) a monthly
total of 2,437 minutes and 15 seconds, or 2,437.25 minutes, would be
rounded down to 2,437.
The examples set forth herein are consistent with these
instructions and standard rounding principles.
Therefore, unless and until directed otherwise, TRS providers
should follow the guidelines provided in NECA's Reporting Instructions
and in this document.
Federal Communications Commission.
Suzanne M. Tetreault,
Acting Deputy Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau.
[FR Doc. E9-13718 Filed 6-11-09; 8:45 am]