Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan, 23349-23358 [E9-11664]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 19, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
(k) Cook Inlet (Harvest area: portions
of Unit 16[B] as specified below)
(Eligible communities: Tyonek only).
(1) That portion of Unit 16(B) south of
theSeason: April 2–May 31 Skwentna
River and west of the Yentna RiverThat
portion of Unit 16(B), and August 1–31
south of the Beluga River, Beluga Lake,
and the Triumvirate Glacier.
(2) Closure: June 1–July 31.
(l) Southeast Alaska.
(1) Community of Hoonah (Harvest
area: National Forest lands in Icy Strait
and Cross Sound, including Middle Pass
Rock near the Inian Islands, Table Rock
in Cross Sound, and other traditional
locations on the coast of Yakobi Island.
The land and waters of Glacier Bay
National Park remain closed to all
subsistence harvesting [50 CFR Part
(i) Season: glaucous-winged gull egg
gathering only: May 15–June 30.
(ii) Closure: July 1–August 31.
(2) Communities of Craig and
Hydaburg (Harvest area: small islands
and adjacent shoreline of western Prince
of Wales Island from Point Baker to
Cape Chacon, but also including
Coronation and Warren islands).
(i) Season: glaucous-winged gull egg
gathering only: May 15–June 30.
(ii) Closure: July 1–August 31.
(3) Community of Yakutat (Harvest
area: Icy Bay [Icy Cape to Point Riou],
and coastal lands and islands bordering
the Gulf of Alaska from Point Manby
southeast to Dry Bay).
(i) Season: glaucous-winged gull,
aleutian and arctic tern egg gathering:
May 15–June 30.
(ii) Closure: July 1–August 31.
■ 3. In subpart D, add § 92.32 to read
as follows:
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§ 92.32 Emergency regulations to protect
Steller’s eiders.
Upon finding that continuation of
these subsistence regulations would
pose an imminent threat to the
conservation of threatened Steller’s
eiders, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service Alaska Regional Director, in
consultation with the Co-management
Council, will immediately under § 92.21
take action as is necessary to prevent
further take. Regulation changes
implemented could range from a
temporary closure of duck hunting in a
small geographic area to large-scale
regional or State-wide long-term
closures of all subsistence migratory
bird hunting. Such closures or
temporary suspensions will remain in
effect until the Regional Director, in
consultation with the Co-management
Council, determines that the potential
for additional Steller’s eiders to be taken
no longer exists.
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Dated: May 12, 2009.
Will Shafroth,
Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and
[FR Doc. E9–11663 Filed 5–18–09; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 229
[Docket No. 070717352–8886–02]
RIN 0648–AV65
Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental
to Commercial Fishing Operations;
Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take
Reduction Plan
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces its
determination that the pelagic longline
fishery has a high level of mortality and
serious injury across a number of
marine mammal stocks, and issues the
final Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take
Reduction Plan (PLTRP) and
implementing regulations to reduce
serious injuries and mortalities of pilot
whales and Risso’s dolphins in the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. The
PLTRP is based on consensus
recommendations submitted by the
Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take
Reduction Team (PLTRT). The PLTRP is
intended to meet the statutory mandates
and requirements of the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
through both regulatory and nonregulatory measures, including a special
research area, gear modifications,
outreach material, observer coverage,
and captains’ communications.
DATES: This final rule is effective June
18, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Final
Environmental Assessment (EA), the
Regulatory Impact Review (RIR), and the
Final Regulatory Flexibility Act (FRFA)
analysis are available from Protected
Resources Division, NMFS, Southeast
Region, 263 13th Avenue South, St.
Petersburg, FL 33701–5505. The PLTRP
Compliance guide and Pelagic Longline
Take Reduction Team (PLTRT) meeting
summaries may be obtained by writing
to Erin Fougeres, NMFS, Southeast
Region, 263 13th Avenue South, St.
Petersburg, FL 33701–5505.
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This final rule, its references, and
background documents for the PLTRP
can be downloaded from the Take
Reduction web site at https://
pl-trt.htm and the NMFS Southeast
Regional Office website at https://
Fougeres or Jennifer Lee, NMFS,
Southeast Region, 727–824–5312, or
Kristy Long, NMFS, Office of Protected
Resources, 301–713–2322. Individuals
who use telecommunications devices
for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service at 1–800–
877–8339 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
eastern time, Monday through Friday,
excluding Federal holidays.
This final rule, which serves as the
final PLTRP, implements regulatory and
non-regulatory measures recommended
by the PLTRT to satisfy the
requirements of the MMPA. Details
concerning the justification for and
development of this PLTRP were
provided in the preamble to the
proposed rule (73 FR 35623, June 24,
2008) and are not repeated here. The
proposed rule provided a 90–day public
comment period to provide feedback to
NMFS via electronic submission,
postmarked mail, or facsimile. In
addition, one PLTRT meeting was
conducted during the 90 day public
comment period. Based on comments
received (see ‘‘Comments and
Responses’’ section), NMFS made minor
changes to the proposed rule. Changes
between the proposed and final rule are
noted in the ‘‘Changes from the
Proposed Rule’’ section.
Distribution, Stock Structure, and
Abundance of Pilot Whales
In the mid-Atlantic bight (MAB), (i.e.,
the area bounded by straight lines
connecting the mid-Atlantic states’
internal waters and extending to 71 W.
long. between 35° N. lat. and 43° N. lat),
the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery
interacts with two species of pilot
whales. Long-finned pilot whales are
distributed worldwide in cold temperate
waters in both the Northern (North
Atlantic) and Southern Hemispheres. In
the North Atlantic, the species is
broadly distributed and thought to occur
from 40° to 75° N. lat. in the eastern
North Atlantic and from 35° to 65° N.
lat. in the western North Atlantic
(Abend and Smith, 1999). Short-finned
pilot whales are also distributed
worldwide in warm temperate and
tropical waters. In U.S. Atlantic waters,
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 19, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
this species is found in the Gulf of
Mexico (GOM) and in the western North
Atlantic as far north as the central MAB.
Both species tend to favor the
continental shelf break and slope, as
well as other areas of high relief, but are
also present offshore in the pelagic
environment. In the western North
Atlantic, they may be associated with
the north wall of the Gulf Stream and
with thermal fronts (Waring et al.,
The two species are difficult to
distinguish during visual abundance
surveys, and therefore, in many cases,
reference is made to the combined
species, Globicephala spp. Due to this
difficulty in species identification, the
species’ boundaries for short-finned and
long-finned pilot whales in the western
North Atlantic have not been clearly
defined. However, their distributions
are thought to overlap along the U.S.
mid-Atlantic coast between 35° and 39°
N. lat. (Payne and Heinemann, 1993;
Bernard and Reilly, 1999). The greatest
area of overlap in distribution of the two
species seems confined to an area along
the shelf edge between 38° and 40° N.
lat. in the MAB, where long-finned pilot
whales are present in winter and
summer and short-finned pilot whales
are present in at least the summer
(Waring et al., 2008).
Stock structure is not well known for
long-finned or short-finned pilot whales
in the North Atlantic. Indirect and
direct studies on long-finned pilot
whales indicate that there is some
degree of stock differentiation within
the North Atlantic (Mercer, 1975; Bloch
and Lastein, 1993; Abend and Smith,
1995; Abend and Smith, 1999; Fullard
et al., 2000). For short-finned pilot
whales, there is no available
information on whether the North
Atlantic stock is subdivided into smaller
The total number of pilot whales off
the eastern U.S. and Canadian Atlantic
coast is unknown, although estimates
from particular regions of their habitat
(e.g., continental slope) exist for select
time periods (see Waring et al., 2006 for
a complete summary). Observers at sea
cannot reliably distinguish long- and
short-finned pilot whales visually. As a
result, sightings of pilot whales are not
identified to species and resulting
survey estimates are considered joint
estimates for both species. The best
available estimate for Globicephala spp.
in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) is the sum of the estimates from
the summer 2004 U.S. Atlantic surveys,
31,139 (Coefficient of Variation, or
CV=0.27), where the estimate from the
northern U.S. Atlantic is 15,728
(CV=0.34), and from the southern U.S.
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Atlantic is 15,411 (CV=0.43) (Waring et
al., 2008). This joint estimate is the most
recent available, and these surveys
include the most complete coverage of
the species’ habitats (although the
PLTRT recognized that this estimate
was limited to the U.S. EEZ). For
Globicephala spp., the minimum
population estimate, which accounts for
uncertainty in the best estimate (Wade
and Angliss, 1997), is 24,866.
Distribution, Stock Structure, and
Abundance of Risso’s Dolphins
Risso’s dolphins occur worldwide in
warm temperate and tropical waters
roughly between 60° N. and 60° S. lat.,
and records of the species in the
western North Atlantic range from
Greenland south, including the Gulf of
Mexico (Kruse et al., 1999). In the U.S.
Atlantic EEZ, the species is most
commonly seen in the MAB shelf edge
year round and is rarely seen in the Gulf
of Maine (Waring et al., 2004). Risso’s
dolphins are pelagic, preferring waters
along the continental shelf edge and
deeper, as well as areas of submerged
relief such as seamounts and canyons
(Kruse et al., 1999). There is no
information available on population
structure for this species.
Abundance estimates for Risso’s
dolphins off the U.S. or Canadian
Atlantic coast are unknown, although
eight estimates from particular regions
of their habitat exist for select time
periods (Waring et al., 2006). Sightings
of Risso’s dolphins are almost
exclusively in the continental shelf edge
and continental slope areas. The best
available abundance estimate for Risso’s
dolphins in the U.S. EEZ is the sum of
the estimates from the summer 2004
U.S. Atlantic surveys, 20,479 (CV=0.59),
where the estimate from the northern
U.S. Atlantic is 15,053 (CV=0.78), and
from the southern U.S. Atlantic is 5,426
(CV=0.540) (Waring et al., 2008). This
joint estimate is the most recent
available, and the surveys have the most
complete coverage of the species’
habitat (although the PLTRT recognized
that this estimate was limited to the U.S.
EEZ). The minimum population
estimate for the western North Atlantic
Risso’s dolphin, which accounts for
uncertainty in the best estimate (Wade
and Angliss, 1997), is 12,920.
Potential Biological Removal, Serious
Injury and Mortality Estimates, and
Take Reduction Plan Determination
The Potential Biological Removal
(PBR) level is the maximum number of
animals, not including natural
mortalities, that can be removed
annually from a stock, while allowing
that stock to reach or maintain its
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optimum sustainable population level.
Specifically, it is defined as the product
of minimum population size (in this
case, of the portion of the stock
surveyed within the U.S. EEZ), one-half
the maximum productivity rate, and a
recovery factor (MMPA Sec. 3(20), 16
U.S.C. 1362). The maximum
productivity rate for both pilot whales
and Risso’s dolphin is 0.04, the default
value for cetaceans (Barlow et al., 1995).
The recovery factor, which provides
greater protection for endangered,
depleted, or threatened stocks, or stocks
of unknown status relative to optimum
sustainable population (OSP), is 0.48 for
both species because the CV of the
average mortality estimate is between
0.3 and 0.6 (Wade and Angliss, 1997),
and because both stocks are of unknown
status. The PBR for both species of
western North Atlantic pilot whales
combined (i.e., Globicephala spp.) is
249, and the PBR for the western North
Atlantic stock of Risso’s dolphin is 129
(Waring et al., 2008).
The 2007 Marine Mammal Stock
Assessment Report (SAR) reported an
average combined annual serious injury
and mortality incidental to pelagic
longline fishing of 86 pilot whales
(CV=0.16) and 34 Risso’s dolphins
(CV=0.32), based on the years 2001–
2005 (Waring et al., 2008). However,
more recent estimates (Fairfield-Walsh
and Garrison, 2007; Garrison, 2007)
bring the 5–year average annual
combined serious injury and mortality
for pilot whales to 109 animals
(CV=0.194, years 2002–2006) and for
Risso’s dolphins to 20 animals
(CV=0.381, years 2002–2006). Based on
this information, serious injury and
mortality of pilot whales and Risso’s
dolphins in the Atlantic pelagic longline
fishery is below PBR, but exceeds the
insignificance threshold (i.e., 10% of
PBR )(69 FR 43338, July 20, 2004).
Furthermore, NMFS has determined
that there is a high level of serious
injury and mortality in the Atlantic
pelagic longline fishery across a number
of marine mammal stocks, warranting
the development and implementation of
a take reduction plan for both pilot
whale and Risso’s dolphin stocks.
Components of the Final PLTRP
The final PLTRP takes a stepwise,
adaptive management approach to
achieve the long-term goal of reducing
serious injuries and mortalities of pilot
whales and Risso’s dolphins in the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery to
insignificant levels approaching a zero
mortality and serious injury rate within
five years of implementation. A series of
management measures, implemented by
this final rule, are designed to make an
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initial significant contribution to
reducing serious injury and mortality.
The final PLTRP also includes research
recommendations for better
understanding how pilot whales and
Risso’s dolphins interact with longline
gear, as well as assessing current and
potential new management measures.
The PLTRT agreed to evaluate the
success of the final PLTRP at periodic
intervals over the next five years and to
consider amending the PLTRP based on
the results of ongoing monitoring,
research, and evaluation.
The PLTRT recommended a suite of
management strategies to reduce
mortality and serious injury of pilot
whales and Risso’s dolphins in the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. The
complete list of these recommendations
can be found in Sections VIII and IX of
the Draft PLTRP (PLTRT, 2006). This
final rule addresses both the regulatory
and non-regulatory measures
recommended by the PLTRT. NMFS
incorporated nearly all of the PLTRT’s
consensus recommendations from the
Draft PLTRP into the proposed and final
PLTRP, with only minor modifications.
One consensus recommendation is
not implemented through this final rule,
but is implemented under a different
authority. The PLTRT recommended
NMFS develop and implement a
mandatory certification program to
educate owners and operators of pelagic
longline vessels about ways to reduce
serious injury and mortality of marine
mammal bycatch. NMFS is
implementing the PLTRT’s
recommendation using NMFS’ existing
regulatory authority at 50 CFR 635.8,
Workshops. On October 2, 2006, NMFS
published the Consolidated Highly
Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery
Management Plan (FMP) and the
associated final rule (71 FR 58058),
which requires all HMS longline
fishermen to attend a NMFS workshop
and earn certification in mitigation,
handling, and release techniques for sea
turtles, sea birds, and other protected
species. Since 2007, NMFS has
incorporated education on careful
handling and release techniques for
marine mammals, current regulations
and guidelines related to marine
mammal bycatch that apply to the
fishery, and an explanation of the
purpose and justification of those
regulations and guidelines into these
workshops. NMFS will expand the
content of the workshops as appropriate
to meet the needs of the PLTRP.
Regulatory Measures
NMFS issues the following three
regulatory measures: (1) a Cape Hatteras
Special Research Area (CHSRA), with
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specific observer and research
participation requirements for
fishermen operating in that area; (2) a
20–nm (37.04–km) upper limit on
mainline length for all pelagic longline
sets within the MAB; and (3) an
informational placard that must be
displayed in the wheelhouse and on the
working deck of all active pelagic
longline vessels in the Atlantic fishery.
Cape Hatteras Special Research Area
As recommended by the PLTRT,
NMFS is designating a special research
area offshore of Cape Hatteras (hereafter
referred to as the CHSRA) with specific
observer and research participation
requirements for fishermen operating in
that area at any time during the year.
The CHSRA includes all waters inside
and including the rectangular boundary
described by the following coordinates:
35° N. lat., 75° W. long., 36° 25’ N. lat.,
and 74° 35’ W. long (Figure 1). The
CHSRA encompasses a 5,927 sq km
(2,288 sq mile) region that over the past
five years has exhibited both high
fishing effort and high pilot whale
bycatch rates. NMFS delineated the area
to encompass the vast majority of the
observed marine mammal interactions
and to exclude the area where inshore
longline vessels target yellowfin tuna
and coastal sharks, since the inshore
area had low observed marine mammal
interaction rates.
Vessels in the CHSRA are required to
carry observers when requested. Vessels
deploying or fishing with pelagic
longline gear in the CHSRA must call
the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science
Center (SEFSC) at least 48 hours, but no
more than 96 hours, prior to embarking
on the trip. This is in addition to any
existing selection and notification
requirements for observer coverage by
the Pelagic Observer Program (POP). If,
upon calling in, the vessel is informed
by the NMFS SEFSC that no observer
will be assigned and that no special
research requirements will apply for
that trip, then the vessel need not wait
until their stated date and time of
departure and may depart on their
fishing trip immediately. If a vessel is
assigned an observer, the vessel must
take the observer during that trip; if the
vessel refuses to take the observer, the
vessel is prohibited from deploying or
fishing with pelagic longline gear in the
CHSRA for that fishing trip. No waivers
will be granted to vessels fishing in the
CHSRA that do not meet observer safety
requirements. By not allowing
exemptions for observer coverage within
the CHSRA, NMFS will be able to
improve observer data and bycatch
estimates within the CHSRA.
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In addition to the requirement for
carrying observers, NMFS is also
requiring vessels in the CHSRA to
participate in research. This will enable
focused research on pilot whale
interactions with the pelagic longline
fishery, thus contributing to achieving
the objectives of the PLTRP. Obtaining
better data for characterizing fishery
interactions is a high priority. The
PLTRT was limited in its ability to
develop management strategies to
reduce the frequency of interactions
between pilot whales and longline
fishing gear due to a lack of information
regarding the nature, timing, and causes
of these interactions. The CHSRA, with
its observer and research participation
requirements, will enable NMFS to
assess current and potential new
management measures and will be
fundamental in formulating effective
bycatch reduction strategies in the
To implement the research
participation requirement, observers
will conduct scientific investigations
aboard pelagic longline vessels in the
CHSRA, as authorized by MMPA
section 118(d)(2)(C). These scientific
investigations will be conducted in
addition to observing normal fishing
activities and will be designed to
support the goals of the PLTRP. The
observers will inform vessel operators of
the specific additional investigations
that may be conducted during the trip.
An observer may direct vessel operators
to modify their fishing behavior, gear, or
both. Instead of or in addition to
carrying an observer, vessels may be
required to carry and deploy gear
provided by NMFS or an observer or
modify their fishing practices. By
calling the NMFS SEFSC, per the
observer requirement described above,
vessels are agreeing to take an observer
and acknowledging they are both
willing and able to participate in
research in the CHSRA without any
compensation. If vessels are assigned
any special research requirements, they
must participate in the research for the
duration of the assignment. If they do
not participate in the research, they are
prohibited from deploying or fishing
with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA
for that fishing trip.
A vessel may transit through the
CHSRA with pelagic longline gear
onboard without meeting the observer
and research requirements specified
above and in 50 CFR 229.36(d)(1) and
§ 229.36(d)(2) if that gear is stowed
according to 50 CFR § 229.36(d)(3).
Allowing fishing vessels to transit
through the CHSRA with stowed gear
without meeting the special observer
and research requirements for that area
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 19, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
will permit vessels to increase their
safety in the event of foul weather by
taking the most direct route to port and
may reduce fuel costs for fishing vessels
as they will not have to transit around
the CHSRA to and from port.
Mainline Length
In accordance with the PLTRT’s
recommendation, NMFS is establishing
a 20–nm (37.04–km) upper limit on
mainline length for all pelagic longline
sets within the MAB, including the
CHSRA. Operators of individual fishing
vessels are allowed to fish multiple sets
at one time, if they so desire, but the
mainline length for each set must not
exceed 20 nm (37.04 km).
NMFS may waive this restriction in
the CHSRA with a written letter of
authorization from the Director, NMFS
SEFSC, in specific cases to support
research for reducing bycatch of marine
mammals in the pelagic longline
fishery. Fishermen are strongly
encouraged to carry this letter of
authorization on board their vessel
during research trips, to facilitate at sea
enforcement. In cases where NMFS
intends to waive the mainline length
restriction, NMFS will notify the
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Careful Handling and Release
Guidelines Posting Requirement
As recommended by the PLTRT,
NMFS is requiring that an informational
placard with marine mammal careful
handling and release guidelines be
displayed in the wheelhouse and on the
working deck of all active pelagic
longline vessels in the Atlantic fishery.
NMFS has developed and published
this placard, which is based on the
existing marine mammal careful
handling and release guidelines for
pelagic longline gear. The PLTRT
specified the placard should draw on
information presented in a mandatory
certification program and reference
filling out a Marine Mammal Injury and
Mortality Reporting Form for every
marine mammal interaction as required
by MMPA section 118(e) and 50 CFR
229.6. NMFS believes this action will
facilitate the careful handling and
release of any pilot whale, Risso’s
dolphin, or other small cetacean
incidentally caught during pelagic
longline fishing. The posting
requirement ensures NMFS’ guidelines
are readily available for reference during
a capture or entanglement event.
Non-regulatory Measures
As recommended by the PLTRT,
NMFS is adopting the following nonregulatory measures as components of
the final PLTRP: (1) Within constraints
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of available funding, increase observer
coverage throughout all Atlantic pelagic
longline fisheries that interact with pilot
whales or Risso’s dolphins to 12 to 15
percent; (2) encourage vessel operators
(i.e., captains) throughout the fishery to
maintain daily communications with
other local vessel captains regarding
protected species interactions, with the
goal of identifying and exchanging
information relevant to avoiding
protected species bycatch; (3) update
careful handling/release guidelines,
equipment, and methods; and (4)
provide quarterly reports of marine
mammal interactions in the pelagic
longline fishery to the PLTRT.
Increased Observer Coverage
The PLTRT recommended NMFS
increase observer coverage to 12 to 15
percent throughout all Atlantic pelagic
longline fisheries that interact with pilot
whales and Risso’s dolphins to ensure
representative sampling of fishing effort.
The PLTRT specified sampling should
be designed to achieve statistical
reliability of marine mammal bycatch
estimates and should also take into
account the objectives of marine
mammal bycatch reduction. If resources
are not available to provide such
observer coverage for all fisheries,
regions, and seasons, the PLTRT
recommended NMFS allocate observer
coverage to fisheries, regions, and
seasons with the highest observed or
reported bycatch rates of pilot whales.
The PLTRT recommended additional
coverage be achieved by either
increasing the number of NMFS
observers who have been specially
trained to collect additional information
supporting marine mammal research, or
by allowing designated and speciallytrained ‘‘marine mammal observers’’
(deployed by either NMFS or
cooperating researchers) who would
supplement traditional observer
NMFS is implementing this
recommendation within the constraints
of available funding. A simulation
analysis evaluating the effects of
increased observer coverage on the
precision of bycatch estimates
indicated: (1) 12 to 15 percent observer
coverage would result in the most
significant gains in precision, (2) setting
a higher target in this range would
‘‘guard’’ against unforeseen problems
placing observers on vessels, and (3)
further increases in coverage would
yield relatively little additional
precision despite significantly higher
costs. Pilot whales are primarily
observed to interact with the longline
fishery in the MAB and Northeast
Coastal areas; Risso’s dolphins interact
with the fishery in these areas as well
as the Northeast Distant area. Based on
these observations, NMFS will, within
the constraints of available funding,
increase observer coverage to 12 to 15
percent, in order of priority, in the (1)
CHSRA, (2) MAB, and (3) other areas,
such as Northeast Coastal. While this
measure is geared towards improving
the precision of serious injury and
mortality estimates, additional coverage
would also better characterize fishing
operations and marine mammal
behavior, facilitate collection of data
needed for research, and increase
opportunities to collect biopsy samples
from hooked or entangled marine
Captains’ Communications
The PLTRT recommended NMFS
encourage vessel operators (i.e.,
captains) to maintain daily
communication with other local vessel
operators regarding protected species
interactions throughout the Atlantic
pelagic longline fishery with the goal of
identifying and exchanging information
relevant to avoiding protected species
bycatch. Captains’ communication were
considered as both a strategy for
avoiding marine mammals’ exposure to
vessels and gear and as a strategy for
reducing the probability of an
interaction once marine mammals are in
the vicinity of the gear.
Available information from three case
studies of voluntary captains’
communication programs supports the
inference that voluntary communication
programs have substantially reduced
fisheries bycatch and provided large
economic benefits that outweigh the
relatively nominal operating costs
(Martin et al., 2005). For this
communication strategy to be effective,
the exchange of information must be
timely, the entire fleet in a region must
cooperate, and it must result in an
action being taken to either avoid or
reduce bycatch (e.g., captains need to
describe the nature of their protected
species interactions, discuss the results
of any mitigation or safe handling/
release measures used, and share best
Atlantic pelagic longline fishermen
are motivated to avoid interactions with
marine mammals, as these interactions
can result in significant economic loss
due to loss of both target catch and gear
from depredation and entanglements,
respectively. Marine mammal
interactions also represent a safety risk
to vessel operators and crew, as pilot
whales caught in gear can be very
dangerous due to their size and strength.
Therefore, NMFS will work with
CHSRA researchers and fishermen to
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encourage captains’ communications in
the CHSRA through voluntary
cooperation and as part of ongoing
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Careful Handling and Release
The PLTRT recommended NMFS
update the guidelines for careful
handling and release of entangled or
hooked marine mammals. They
recommended NMFS’ guidelines
include descriptions of appropriate
equipment and methods. They also
encouraged both NMFS and the pelagic
longline industry to develop new
technologies, equipment, and methods
for safer and more effective handling
and release of entangled or hooked
marine mammals. They recommended
developments be evaluated carefully
and incorporated into revised guidelines
for careful handling and release of
marine mammals when appropriate.
In the winter of 2006, in preparation
for the workshops for HMS fishermen,
NMFS worked with the PLTRT and
other NMFS staff to update a preexisting
placard to reflect the best available
information on careful handling and
release of marine mammals. This
version of the placard has been
distributed at HMS training workshops
in 2007 and 2008. NMFS will
periodically update the guidelines per
the PLTRT’s recommendation, based on
any new technologies, equipment, and
methods for safer and more effective
handling and release of entangled or
hooked marine mammals.
Additional Research and Data
NMFS will pursue the research and
data collection goals outlined by the
PLTRT, within the constraints of
available funding. These include short, medium-, and long-duration research
and data collection goals designed to
enhance the success of the PLTRP.
Because there is a significant lack of
information concerning how pilot
whales and Risso’s dolphins interact
with the pelagic longline fishery, many
of the research recommendations are
general in scope and applicable to both
pilot whales and Risso’s dolphins
unless specified otherwise. The
complete list of these recommendations
can be found in Section IX of the Draft
PLTRP (PLTRT, 2006).
As recommended by the PLTRT,
priority will be given to: (1) research on
species with serious injury and
mortality levels closest to or exceeding
PBR levels; (2) research to evaluate the
effects of implemented management
measures, and (3) research on species
specific abundance, mortality, and post-
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hooking survivorship. NMFS will
consider the PLTRT’s recommendations
for additional research and data
collection when establishing NMFS’
funding priorities. NMFS will follow
those recommendations to the extent
that good scientific practice and
resources allow. As feasible and
appropriate, NMFS will consult with
PLTRT members during this process.
Adaptive Management and Monitoring
The final PLTRP takes a stepwise,
adaptive management approach to
achieve the long-term goal of reducing,
within five years of its implementation,
serious injuries and mortalities of pilot
whales and Risso’s dolphins in the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery to
insignificant levels approaching a zero
mortality and serious injury rate. A
series of monitoring and evaluation
steps are built into the five-year
implementation phase of the final
Under the final PLTRP, the PLTRT
will periodically: (1) analyze the status
of scientific information on pilot whales
and Risso’s dolphins, (2) evaluate the
effectiveness of the PLTRP, and (3)
adjust the PLTRP’s management
measures and research program, as
appropriate, to ensure that the goal of
the PLTRP will be met within 5 years
of its implementation. Per the PLTRT’s
request, NMFS will provide any updates
available on the following types of
information to inform these periodic
assessments: (1) Status of PLTRP
implementation, (2) SARs; (3) habitat
analyses; (4) data collection and
research findings; (5) voluntary efforts
carried out by the pelagic longline
industry; (6) status of observer coverage;
and (7) predictive model results for pilot
whales and Risso’s dolphins, based on
updated data.
The timing of these assessments will
be tied to both the availability of data
and the time needed to adequately
evaluate the effectiveness of
management measures or the results of
the research program. As requested by
the PLTRT, NMFS will provide them
with quarterly reports of bycatch of
marine mammals in the pelagic longline
fishery. The quarterly reports will help
determine when it would be timely and
useful for the PLTRT to reconvene. In
conjunction with the receipt of quarterly
bycatch reports, the PLTRT agreed to
assess the merits of convening future
PLTRT meetings, either in-person or by
Comments and Responses
NMFS received ten sets of written
comments on the proposed rule by the
September 22, 2008, deadline.
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Comments were received from the
Marine Mammal Commission, the U.S.
Department of Interior, North Carolina
Division of Marine Fisheries, Ocean
Conservancy, Oceana, Center for
Biological Diversity, the Humane
Society of the U.S., two commercial
fishermen, and one member of the
public. Three of these organizations
generally supported NMFS’ use of
existing authority to implement the
mandatory HMS longline certification
workshops. Other comments, which are
responded to here, were considered
when developing this final rule to
amend the regulatory and nonregulatory measures that implement the
General Comments
Comment 1: The Humane Society of
the U.S. and Ocean Conservancy agreed
with NMFS’ determination that the level
of bycatch in the pelagic longline
fishery signifies a high level of bycatch
across a number of marine mammal
stocks warranting development of a take
reduction plan.
Response: NMFS agrees and has
determined that the high level of take of
some marine mammal species in the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery
warrants a PLTRP. This final rule is
composed of regulatory and nonregulatory measures recommended by
the PLTRT to reduce pilot whale and
Risso’s dolphin bycatch in the Atlantic
pelagic longline fishery.
Comment 2: Ocean Conservancy
recommended including a map of the
CHSRA in the final rule.
Response: NMFS has included a map
of the CHSRA in Figure 1 of this final
Comment 3: The Humane Society of
the U.S., Oceana, and the Center for
Biological Diversity were concerned that
the establishment of a 20–nm (37.02–
km) upper limit on the mainline length
might actually result in more gear being
deployed to compensate for lost effort,
thus increasing overall bycatch in the
pelagic longline fishery. The Center for
Biological Diversity suggested that
NMFS should amend the regulation to
ensure that no more than 20–nm (37.02–
km) of mainline in total is set by a single
vessel at a time. Oceana encouraged
NMFS to require mainline length
reductions outside the MAB, if they
were effective at reducing bycatch.
Response: Using predictive modeling,
NMFS and the PLTRT evaluated several
fishery effort compensation scenarios in
creating the 20–nm (37.04–km) upper
limit on mainline length regulation.
These included a scenario in which any
set with an original mainline length
greater than or equal to 30 miles was
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 19, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
replaced by two, 20 mile sets with the
same hook spacing as the original,
longer set. Even under this scenario of
over-compensation for fishing effort,
there was an estimated reduction in
pilot whale interactions of 29 percent
from the status quo. Thus, the predictive
model suggests that the number of
hooks in the water is irrelevant to
catches of pilot whales, rather it is the
length of the mainline for each set that
predicts bycatch (PLTRT, 2006).
Therefore, NMFS does not believe that
overall marine mammal bycatch will
increase in the pelagic longline fishery
under this final regulation, or that
vessels should be limited to one 20–nm
(37.04 km) set at a time. However,
NMFS will continue to evaluate the
effectiveness of this final rule for
reductions in marine mammal bycatch
in the pelagic longline fishery and will
address the issue if it appears the
regulations are having the opposite
effect intended.
In addition, the PLTRT recommended
implementing mainline length
reductions in the MAB because 81
percent of pilot whale interactions with
pelagic longline fishing gear occur in
this area (PLTRT, 2006). The PLTRT
recognized that it may be desirable to
extend the limitation on mainline length
to sets occurring in other regions of the
Atlantic fishery, based on additional
information on the effectiveness of the
limitation in reducing marine mammal
bycatch rates in the MAB (PLTRT,
2006). If mainline length reductions are
effective at reducing pilot whale and
Risso’s dolphin bycatch, NMFS will
consult the PLTRT regarding potential
expansion of this regulation.
Comment 4: Two commercial
fishermen and the N.C. Division of
Marine Fisheries were opposed to the
48–hour advance call-in requirement for
vessels deploying or fishing with
pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA or
transiting through the CHSRA with
pelagic longline gear onboard. Their
concerns included that: (1) many North
Carolina fishing vessels make trips that
are 1–3 days in duration and often
return to the fishing grounds as soon as
the catch is offloaded and fuel and ice
are taken aboard; and (2) fishing in the
CHSRA is weather, current, and fish
report/activity dependent, and,
therefore, the decision of whether to fish
is often made with less than 12–hours
notice. They were concerned that a 48–
hour call-in requirement may result in
the loss of a fishing opportunity and/or
loss of favorable weather for fishing.
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries
recommended that NMFS use a program
similar to the current observer program
to notify fishermen of the requirement
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to carry scientific observers, rather than
the 48–hour call-in requirement.
Response: NMFS has determined that
48–hours is the minimum amount of
time necessary for the NMFS SEFSC to
have an observer available in the midAtlantic region to observe fishing trips
in the CHSRA. However, to alleviate the
burden on fishermen, NMFS is allowing
vessels to depart prior to their stated
date and time of departures if, upon
calling in, the vessel is informed by the
NMFS SEFSC that no observer will be
assigned and that no special research
requirements will apply for that trip.
Because this is an area of significant
marine mammal bycatch, NMFS
believes this measure provides access to
a productive fishing area while also
ensuring opportunities to collect data
and increase our understanding of the
nature of marine mammal/pelagic
longline interactions.
Comment 5: The N.C. Division of
Marine Fisheries, the Humane Society
of the U.S., and Ocean Conservancy
suggested and/or supported allowing
vessels to transit through the CHSRA
with pelagic longline gear onboard
without calling the NMFS SEFSC 48–
hours in advance, provided all gear
were properly stowed in accordance
with current NMFS regulations. The
N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries
expressed concern that vessels fishing
outside the CHSRA and encountering
unfavorable weather or other vessels
desiring to transit through the CHSRA to
reach safe harbor - would be required to
steam additional distance to bypass the
CHSRA or ride out the weather until
48–hours had elapsed, which could
result in safety hazards, increased fuel
consumption, lost time, and increased
Response: NMFS agrees that the 48–
hour call-in requirement for vessels
transiting through the CHSRA could
pose a safety hazard and/or economic
burden to pelagic longline fishing
vessels. Therefore, NFMS has created an
exception to the regulation to allow
pelagic longline vessels to transit
through the CHSRA without meeting the
observer and research requirements
specified in 50 CFR 229.36(d)(1) and
(d)(2), if that gear is stowed according to
§ 229.36 (d)(3).
Comment 6: The N.C. Division of
Marine Fisheries requested that the
language concerning refusal to take an
assigned observer in the CHSRA be
clarified to specify that the prohibition
from deploying or fishing with pelagic
longline gear in the CHSRA will be for
the duration of that trip only.
Response: NMFS agrees that the
intent was to prohibit fishing in the
CHSRA only for the trip affected by
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refusal to take an observer or research
non-participation and has incorporated
clarifying language into § 229.36(d)(1)
and (d)(2).
Comment 7: Four commenters had
concerns and/or suggestions for NMFS
regarding compliance with the proposed
rule. The Center for Biological Diversity
and the Humane Society of the U.S.
expressed concern that fishermen might
avoid observer coverage in the CHSRA
by only fishing in the area when no
observers were available. Oceana
recommended that NMFS and the U.S.
Coast Guard develop a standardized
procedure for measuring mainline
length to assist in compliance and
enforcement of this regulation. Ocean
Conservancy recommended that NMFS
develop a communication plan, to be
shared with the PLTRT, describing how
non-compliance with the regulations
will be enforced.
Response: With so many factors to
consider in conducting a fishing trip
(such as weather, tide, fishing reports),
NMFS does not believe that it would be
economically viable for fishermen to
base their trips solely on observer
availability. Because fishermen must
call in 48–hours before each fishing trip
to the CHSRA, it would be timeconsuming and difficult for fishermen to
attempt to avoid observer coverage, and
fishermen will not be able to predict
when observers are available.
NMFS will work closely with its
Office of Law Enforcement, the U.S.
Coast Guard, and state enforcement
agents to ensure effective enforcement
of the regulations described in this final
rule, including mainline length
limitations. To protect the integrity and
covert nature of an enforcement plan,
though, specific details concerning
enforcement will not be shared with the
Comment 8: Three commenters noted
the importance of outreach in the
success of the PLTRP. Ocean
Conservancy recommended that NMFS
develop a communication plan, to be
shared with the PLTRT, describing
which fishing vessels should call-in to
deploy or fish with pelagic longline gear
in the CHSRA or transit through the
CHSRA with pelagic longline gear
onboard. The Ocean Conservancy also
encouraged NMFS to conduct outreach
with affected fishermen to ensure that
captains fishing in the CHSRA and
throughout the MAB communicate with
each other regarding interactions with
marine mammals. The Humane Society
of the U.S. and the Center for Biological
Diversity encouraged NMFS to
undertake outreach to ensure that
pelagic longline vessels have the Careful
Handling and Release Guidelines
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Placard, understand its information, and
are using it appropriately.
Response: NMFS agrees that
communication with the pelagic
longline fishermen and outreach will be
critical to the success of the PLTRP. To
ensure that pelagic longline fishermen
are familiar with the measures outlined
in this take reduction plan, NMFS will
develop a compliance guide, which will
help clarify the regulations and
necessary compliance actions.
Fishermen and other interested parties
will be able to download the
compliance guide from a website; the
compliance guide will also be available
by contacting the Protected Resources
Division, NMFS, Southeast Region (see
ADDRESSES). In addition, more than onethird of the PLTRT is composed of
commercial fishermen and industry
representatives, who can assist NMFS
with compliance via outreach to the
fishermen they represent. NMFS also
currently has a fishery liaison based in
North Carolina who can assist with
outreach to pelagic longline fishermen.
Finally, NMFS will present elements of
the PLTRP at the mandatory HMS
longline certification workshops. NMFS
has already incorporated education on
careful handling and release techniques
for marine mammals, current
regulations and guidelines related to
marine mammal bycatch that apply to
the fishery, and an explanation of the
purpose and justification of those
regulations and guidelines into these
Comment 9: Oceana, Ocean
Conservancy, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the Humane Society of the
U.S., and the Marine Mammal
Commission supported and/or
encouraged NMFS to allocate
appropriate funds to increase observer
coverage to 12 to 15 percent in the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. A
commercial fisherman and the Ocean
Conservancy suggested that NMFS
station observers in the mid-Atlantic
region to meet the PLTRP’s goal of
increased observer coverage in the MAB
and/or reduce the waiting time for
fishermen to depart on a fishing trip.
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries
was concerned that NMFS would not
have an adequate number of trained
marine mammal observers to achieve
the recommended level of observer
coverage without unduly impacting
North Carolina pelagic longline
Response: NMFS agrees that it is
important to increase observer coverage
to 12 to 15 percent in the Atlantic
pelagic longline fishery, has included
increased observer coverage as an
element of this final PLTRP, and will
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attempt to achieve this level of coverage
within the constraints of available
funding. NMFS manages its observer
funding in the most cost effective
manner for the greatest benefit to our
living marine resources; therefore, we
would consider stationing observers in
the mid-Atlantic region, if it were cost
effective to do so. If there are
insufficient funds or trained observers
available, then NMFS will be unable to
meet the recommended observer
coverage of 12 to 15 percent. However,
this would not affect the fishing ability
of North Carolina pelagic longline
fishermen. As discussed in the response
to Comment 4, within the CHSRA,
NMFS is allowing fishing vessels to
depart prior to their stated date and time
of departures if informed by the NMFS
SEFSC that no observer will be assigned
and that no special research
requirements will apply for that trip. In
addition, NMFS will make every effort
to inform fishermen about upcoming
and future research projects in the
CHSRA in an attempt to minimize any
burden placed on those fishermen.
Comment 10: NMFS received several
comments on the mandatory HMS
longline certification workshops and the
informational placard to be displayed in
the wheelhouse and on the working
deck of all active pelagic longline
vessels in the Atlantic fishery. Ocean
Conservancy recommended that the
mandatory HMS longline certification
workshops include information and
training on fishermen’s reporting of
marine mammal interactions, which is
required by the MMPA Section 118(e).
They also recommended that marine
mammal information be included in all
HMS longline certification workshops,
including those based in the Gulf of
Mexico and Caribbean, rather than just
those in the Atlantic region. The Ocean
Conservancy, Oceana, and the Marine
Mammal Commission also suggested
that NMFS expand the geographic area
where the informational placard should
be displayed to the entire Atlantic, Gulf
of Mexico, and Caribbean.
Response: NMFS currently includes,
and will continue to include,
information and training on the
reporting of marine mammal
interactions in the mandatory HMS
longline certification workshops. NMFS
agrees that the placard should be
displayed throughout the Atlantic
fishery. This was the original intention
of the PLTRT and this requirement was
included in the EA and the preamble to
the proposed rule. However, the placard
posting requirement was incorrectly
linked in the regulation text of the
proposed rule to only the MAB region.
Therefore, in the final rule NMFS has
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clarified that the placard posting
requirement specified in 50 CFR
229.36(c) applies to all U.S. pelagic
longline vessels operating in the
Atlantic federal EEZ off the U.S. East
Because bycatch rates of pilot whales
and Risso’s dolphins are highest in the
MAB, the PLTRT limited the scope of
the PLTRP to the MAB and did not
include the GOM and Caribbean. As a
result, NMFS is not requiring the
placard to be posted outside of the
Atlantic. However, NMFS will provide
the placard to any fishermen who
request it and will encourage voluntary
compliance with this measure in the
Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean.
Comment 11: Oceana, Ocean
Conservancy, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the Humane Society of the
U.S., and the Marine Mammal
Commission encouraged NMFS to
secure funding to carry out the research
priorities outlined in the Draft PLTRP.
They recommended that the highest
priority research should be directed
towards defining the stock structure of
pilot whales in the MAB.
Response: NMFS will work with its
partners and will seek to use available
funding sources to carry out the
research and data collection priorities
outlined by the PLTRT. NMFS is
currently conducting research to define
the stock structure of pilot whales in the
mid-Atlantic and will continue to do so.
Changes From the Proposed Rule
After considering the public
comments received, NMFS is making
minor changes between the proposed
rule and this final rule. As a result of
clarification from the PLTRT regarding
their intent, NMFS is altering the
notification process for waiving a 20–
nm (37.04–km) upper limit on mainline
length for research in the CHSRA to
include notifying the PLTRT, but NMFS
will not publish that notification in the
Federal Register. NMFS is deleting the
phrase ‘‘as delineated in the list of
fisheries’’ from 50 CFR 229.36 (a),
because it was deemed unnecessary.
NMFS is also clarifying that the placard
posting requirement specified in 50 CFR
229.36(c) applies to all U.S. pelagic
longline vessels operating in the
Atlantic Federal EEZ off the U.S. East
Coast. Although this requirement and its
geographic scope were clearly stated in
the EA and the preamble to the
proposed rule, it was incorrectly linked
in the regulation text of the proposed
rule to only the MAB region.
NMFS is clarifying that under 50 CFR
635.32, exempted fishing permits,
scientific research permits, display
permits, and letters of acknowledgment
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 19, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
are issued; Atlantic HMS tunas,
swordfish, or shark permits are not
issued. Therefore, the reference to
§ 635.32 was deleted from the regulatory
text at 50 CFR 229.36 (a)(1) because it
did not apply.
In addition, NMFS is changing the
regulations for pelagic longline vessels
in the CHSRA to allow a vessel to transit
through the CHSRA with pelagic
longline gear onboard without meeting
the observer and research requirements
specified in 50 CFR 229.36(d)(1) and
(d)(2), if that gear is stowed according to
50 CFR 229.36(d)(3). The stowage
definition in § 229.36(d)(3) was not
presented in the proposed rule, but was
based on a similar stowage definition for
bottom longline gear at 50 CFR
NMFS is clarifying the 48–hour callin notification described in
§ 229.36(d)(1) to state that vessels must
call in at least 48 hours, but no more
than 96 hours, prior to departing on a
fishing trip to the CHSRA. The 96–hour
limit was added to clearly define the
amount of lead time a fisher needed to
provide to NMFS. NMFS is also
allowing a fishing vessel to depart prior
to their stated departure time if, upon
calling in, the vessel is informed by the
NMFS SEFSC that no observer will be
assigned and that no special research
requirements will apply for that trip.
The SEFSC call-in number given in
§ 229.36(d) of the final rule is also
different from that given in the
proposed rule. Finally, NMFS is
clarifying in § 229.36(d)(1) that a fishing
vessel that refuses to take an assigned
observer is prohibited from deploying or
fishing with pelagic longline gear in the
CHSRA for the duration of that fishing
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NMFS determined that this action is
consistent to the maximum extent
practicable with the enforceable policies
of the approved coastal management
programs of North Carolina, Virginia,
Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New
York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and
Massachusetts. This determination was
submitted for review by the responsible
state agencies under section 307 of the
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA).
Letters stating concurrence with NMFS’
CZMA consistency determination were
received from the approved coastal
management programs of North
Carolina, Virginia, Delaware,
Connecticut, and Rhode Island. No
responses were received from Maryland,
New Jersey, New York, or
Massachusetts; CZMA consistency in
these states was inferred.
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This rule does not contain policies
with federalism implications as that
term is defined in Executive Order
This rule has been determined to be
not significant under Executive Order
NMFS prepared a final regulatory
flexibility analysis (FRFA), based on the
initial regulatory flexibility analysis
(IRFA), of the final rule. A statement of
the need for and objectives of the final
rule is stated elsewhere in the preamble
and is not repeated here. A summary of
the FRFA follows. For a copy of this
analysis, see the ADDRESSES section.
NMFS considers all HMS permit
holders to be small entities because they
either had average annual receipts less
than $4.0 million for fish-harvesting,
average annual receipts less than $6.5
million for charter/party boats, 100 or
fewer employees for wholesale dealers,
or 500 or fewer employees for seafood
processors. These are the Small
Business Administration (SBA) size
standards for defining a small versus
large business entity in this industry.
An ‘‘active’’ pelagic longline vessel is
considered to be a vessel that reported
pelagic longline activity in the HMS
logbook. The number of active HMS
pelagic longline vessels has been
precipitously decreasing since 1994. In
the MAB, only 85 unique pelagic
longline vessels reported effort between
2001 and 2006. The number of vessels
fishing in the MAB has declined in
recent years, and between 2003 and
2006, the number of vessels reporting
effort in the MAB ranged between 38
and 41.
Four alternatives were considered and
analyzed for the final rule. Alternative
1 (the no action alternative) would
maintain the status quo management for
the pelagic longline fishery under the
HMS FMP. Alternative 2 would
implement only the non-regulatory
components recommended in the Draft
PLTRP, while allowing time for
collecting additional scientific data
prior to implementing regulatory
measures. Alternative 3, the preferred
alternative, would limit the mainline
length to 20–nm (37.04–km) or less
within the MAB, designate the CHSRA
with associated observer and research
participation requirements, and require
all pelagic longline vessels to post an
informational placard on careful
handling and release of marine
mammals. Alternative 4 would include
a six-month closure (July-December) of
the southern MAB sub-regional area and
a year-round mainline length reduction
throughout the MAB, inclusive of that
sub-regional area.
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Under Alternative 1, the no action
alternative, it is estimated that the
Atlantic pelagic longline fleet generates
an estimated $24.6 million in revenues.
Under this alternative there would be no
direct cost or benefit beyond the status
quo. The non-regulatory actions
associated with Alternative 2 would
also be expected to have very little
economic impact on the fishery.
NMFS estimated the potential change
in fishery revenues from the mainline
length restriction included under
Alternative 3, depending on the level of
compensation in fishing effort, by
applying average species weights
reported to dealers in 2004 and the
average 2006 ex-vessel prices reported
by dealers in the MAB region. The
change in fishery revenues was
estimated to range from an increase of
$777,747 (full compensation in the
number of hooks fished) to a loss of
$819,523 (no compensation in the
number of hooks fished), with an
estimated loss of $239,383 with 50
percent compensation in the number of
hooks fished. This change in revenues
would impact 41 or fewer vessels per
year based on current trends in the
number of active pelagic longline
vessels and the number of vessels that
operated in the MAB in 2006. If one
assumes that 41 vessels are affected by
this restriction, then the estimated
annual impact per vessel ranges from an
increase of $18,969 per vessel to a
decrease of $19,988 per vessel, with an
estimated decrease of $5,838 under the
most likely scenarios (50 percent
compensation in fishing effort).
The economic costs of Alternative 4
were evaluated based upon historical
observed catch rates and reported effort
in the MAB fishing area only for the
period 2002 to 2004. The impact of the
closure of the southern region of the
MAB from July-December was estimated
by assuming no catch in that area,
resulting in a total estimated cost of
$770,000. The combined effect of the 6–
month closure and the mainline length
restriction through the MAB resulted in
an estimated cost of $1.64 million,
reflecting only lost catch and assuming
no compensation or redistribution of
effort. The reduction in revenues would
impact 41 or fewer vessels per year
based on the current trends in the
number of active pelagic longline
vessels and the number of vessels that
operated in the MAB in 2006. If one
assumes that 41 vessels would be
affected by this restriction, then per
vessel impacts are estimated to be
Alternative 1 (the no action
alternative) and Alternative 2 were not
selected because they were not expected
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 19, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
small entities than Alternative 3 (the
preferred alternative).
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 229
OF 1972
erowe on PROD1PC63 with RULES
Administrative practice and
procedure, Fisheries, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
in this final rule can be found on the
PLTRT website at https://
Dated: May 11, 2009.
John Oliver,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 229 is amended
as follows:
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:21 May 18, 2009
Jkt 217001
1. The authority citation for part 229
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.
2. In § 229.3, paragraphs (t) and (u) are
added to read as follows:
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pl-trt.htm and the NMFS Southeast
Regional Office website at https://
sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pr.htm, and is
also available upon request from the
NMFS Southeast Regional Office in St.
Petersburg, FL (see ADDRESSES).
§ 229.3
(t) It is prohibited to deploy or fish
with pelagic longline gear in the MidAtlantic Bight unless the vessel:
(1) Complies with the placard posting
requirement specified in § 229.36(c);
(2) Complies with the gear restrictions
specified in § 229.36(e).
(u) It is prohibited to deploy or fish
with pelagic longline gear in the Cape
to meet the conservation objectives of
the final rule or the goals in MMPA
section 118. Both Alternatives 3 and 4
would meet the conservation objectives
of the final rule. However, Alternative 4
was not selected because it would likely
result in larger economic impacts to
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 19, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Hatteras Special Research Area unless
the vessel is in compliance with the
observer and research requirements
specified in § 229.36(d).
■ 3. In subpart C, § 229.36 is added to
read as follows:
§ 229.36 Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take
Reduction Plan (PLTRP).
erowe on PROD1PC63 with RULES
(a) Purpose and scope. The purpose of
this section is to implement the PLTRP
to reduce incidental mortality and
serious injury of long-finned and shortfinned pilot whales and Risso’s
dolphins in the Atlantic pelagic longline
fishery off the U.S. east coast, a
component of the Atlantic Ocean,
Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico large pelagics
longline fishery.
(1) Persons subject to this section. The
regulations in this section apply to the
owner and operator of any vessel that
has been issued or is required to be
issued an Atlantic HMS tunas,
swordfish, or shark permit under § 635.4
of this title and that has pelagic longline
gear onboard as described under
§ 635.21(c) of this title.
(2) Geographic scope. The geographic
scope of the PLTRP is the Atlantic
Federal EEZ off the U.S. East Coast. The
regulations specified in paragraphs (b)
through (d) of this section apply
throughout the Atlantic Federal EEZ off
the U.S. East Coast. The regulation
specified in paragraph (e) of this section
applies to all U.S. Atlantic pelagic
longline vessels operating in the EEZ
portion of the Mid-Atlantic Bight.
(b) Definitions. In addition to the
definitions contained in the MMPA and
§§ 216.3 and 229.2 of this chapter, the
following definitions apply.
(1) Cape Hatteras Special Research
Area (CHSRA) means all waters inside
and including the rectangular boundary
described by the following lines: 35° N.
lat., 75° W. long., 36° 25’ N. lat., and 74°
35’ W. long.
(2) Mid-Atlantic Bight means the area
bounded by straight lines connecting
the mid-Atlantic states’ internal waters
and extending to 71° W. long. between
35° N. lat. and 43° N. lat.
(3) Observer means an individual
authorized by NMFS, or a designated
contractor, placed aboard a commercial
fishing vessel to record information on
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:21 May 18, 2009
Jkt 217001
marine mammal interactions, fishing
operations, marine mammal life history
information, and other scientific data; to
collect biological specimens; and to
perform other scientific investigations.
(4) Pelagic longline has the same
meaning as in § 635.2 of this title.
(c) Marine Mammal Handling and
Release Placard. The placard, ‘‘Marine
Mammal Handling/Release Guidelines:
A Quick Reference for Atlantic Pelagic
Longline Gear,’’ must be kept posted
inside the wheelhouse and on the
working deck. You may contact the
NMFS Southeast Regional Office at
(727) 824–5312 to request additional
copies of the placard.
(d) CHSRA—(1) Special observer
requirements. If you deploy or fish with
pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA, or
intend to do so, you must call NMFS
Southeast Fisheries Science Center
(SEFSC), 1–888–254–2558, at least 48
hours, but no more than 96 hours, prior
to embarking on your fishing trip. This
requirement is in addition to any
existing selection and notification
requirement for observer coverage by
the Pelagic Observer Program. If, upon
calling in, you are informed by the
NMFS SEFSC that no observer will be
assigned and that no special research
requirements will apply for that trip,
then you need not wait until your stated
date and time of departure and may
depart on your fishing trip immediately.
If you are assigned an observer, you
must take the observer during that
fishing trip. If you do not take the
observer, you are prohibited from
deploying or fishing with pelagic
longline gear in the CHSRA for that
fishing trip. You must comply with all
provisions of § 229.7, Monitoring of
incidental mortalities and serious
injuries. In addition, all provisions of 50
CFR 600.746, Observers, apply. No
waivers will be granted under
§ 229.7(c)(3) or § 600.746(f). A vessel
that would otherwise be required to
carry an observer, but is inadequate or
unsafe for purposes of carrying an
observer and for allowing operation of
normal observer functions, is prohibited
from deploying or fishing with pelagic
longline gear in the CHSRA.
(2) Special research requirements. In
addition to observing normal fishing
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activities, observers may conduct
additional scientific investigations
aboard your vessel designed to support
the goals of the PLTRP. The observer
will inform you of the specific
additional investigations that may be
conducted during your trip. An observer
may direct you to modify your fishing
behavior, gear, or both. Instead of
carrying an observer, you may be
required to carry and deploy gear
provided by NMFS or an observer or
modify your fishing practices. By calling
in per § 229.36(d)(1), you are agreeing to
take an observer. You are also
acknowledging you are both willing and
able to participate in research, as per
this paragraph, in the CHSRA consistent
with the PLTRP without any
compensation. If you are assigned any
special research requirements, you must
participate in the research for the
duration of the assignment. If you do
not participate in the research, you are
prohibited from deploying or fishing
with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA
for that fishing trip.
(3) Exception for transit. If pelagic
longline gear is appropriately stowed, a
vessel may transit through the CHSRA
without meeting the observer and
research requirements specified in
§ 229.36(d)(1) and § 229.36(d)(2). For the
purpose of this paragraph, transit means
non-stop progression through the area.
Pelagic longline gear is appropriately
stowed if all gangions, hooks, and buoys
are disconnected from the mainline;
hooks are not baited; longline left on the
drum is covered with a tarp; and all
other gear components are either stowed
below deck or secured on deck and
covered with a tarp.
(e) Gear restrictions. No person may
deploy a pelagic longline that exceeds
20 nautical miles (nm) (37.04 km) in
length in the Mid-Atlantic Bight,
including in the CHSRA, unless they
have a written letter of authorization
from the Director, NMFS Southeast
Fishery Science Center to use a pelagic
longline exceeding 20 nm (37.04 km) in
the CHSRA in support research for
reducing bycatch of marine mammals in
the pelagic longline fishery.
[FR Doc. E9–11664 Filed 5–18–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 95 (Tuesday, May 19, 2009)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 23349-23358]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-11664]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 229
[Docket No. 070717352-8886-02]
RIN 0648-AV65
Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing
Operations; Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces its
determination that the pelagic longline fishery has a high level of
mortality and serious injury across a number of marine mammal stocks,
and issues the final Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan
(PLTRP) and implementing regulations to reduce serious injuries and
mortalities of pilot whales and Risso's dolphins in the Atlantic
pelagic longline fishery. The PLTRP is based on consensus
recommendations submitted by the Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take
Reduction Team (PLTRT). The PLTRP is intended to meet the statutory
mandates and requirements of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
through both regulatory and non-regulatory measures, including a
special research area, gear modifications, outreach material, observer
coverage, and captains' communications.
DATES: This final rule is effective June 18, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Final Environmental Assessment (EA), the
Regulatory Impact Review (RIR), and the Final Regulatory Flexibility
Act (FRFA) analysis are available from Protected Resources Division,
NMFS, Southeast Region, 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL
33701-5505. The PLTRP Compliance guide and Pelagic Longline Take
Reduction Team (PLTRT) meeting summaries may be obtained by writing to
Erin Fougeres, NMFS, Southeast Region, 263 13\th \Avenue South, St.
Petersburg, FL 33701-5505.
This final rule, its references, and background documents for the
PLTRP can be downloaded from the Take Reduction web site at https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/interactions/trt/pl-trt.htm and the NMFS Southeast
Regional Office website at https://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pr.htm.
Southeast Region, 727-824-5312, or Kristy Long, NMFS, Office of
Protected Resources, 301-713-2322. Individuals who use
telecommunications devices for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays.
This final rule, which serves as the final PLTRP, implements
regulatory and non-regulatory measures recommended by the PLTRT to
satisfy the requirements of the MMPA. Details concerning the
justification for and development of this PLTRP were provided in the
preamble to the proposed rule (73 FR 35623, June 24, 2008) and are not
repeated here. The proposed rule provided a 90-day public comment
period to provide feedback to NMFS via electronic submission,
postmarked mail, or facsimile. In addition, one PLTRT meeting was
conducted during the 90 day public comment period. Based on comments
received (see ``Comments and Responses'' section), NMFS made minor
changes to the proposed rule. Changes between the proposed and final
rule are noted in the ``Changes from the Proposed Rule'' section.
Distribution, Stock Structure, and Abundance of Pilot Whales
In the mid-Atlantic bight (MAB), (i.e., the area bounded by
straight lines connecting the mid-Atlantic states' internal waters and
extending to 71 W. long. between 35[deg] N. lat. and 43[deg] N. lat),
the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery interacts with two species of
pilot whales. Long-finned pilot whales are distributed worldwide in
cold temperate waters in both the Northern (North Atlantic) and
Southern Hemispheres. In the North Atlantic, the species is broadly
distributed and thought to occur from 40[deg] to 75[deg] N. lat. in the
eastern North Atlantic and from 35[deg] to 65[deg] N. lat. in the
western North Atlantic (Abend and Smith, 1999). Short-finned pilot
whales are also distributed worldwide in warm temperate and tropical
waters. In U.S. Atlantic waters,
[[Page 23350]]
this species is found in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and in the western
North Atlantic as far north as the central MAB. Both species tend to
favor the continental shelf break and slope, as well as other areas of
high relief, but are also present offshore in the pelagic environment.
In the western North Atlantic, they may be associated with the north
wall of the Gulf Stream and with thermal fronts (Waring et al., 1992).
The two species are difficult to distinguish during visual
abundance surveys, and therefore, in many cases, reference is made to
the combined species, Globicephala spp. Due to this difficulty in
species identification, the species' boundaries for short-finned and
long-finned pilot whales in the western North Atlantic have not been
clearly defined. However, their distributions are thought to overlap
along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast between 35[deg] and 39[deg] N. lat.
(Payne and Heinemann, 1993; Bernard and Reilly, 1999). The greatest
area of overlap in distribution of the two species seems confined to an
area along the shelf edge between 38[deg] and 40[deg] N. lat. in the
MAB, where long-finned pilot whales are present in winter and summer
and short-finned pilot whales are present in at least the summer
(Waring et al., 2008).
Stock structure is not well known for long-finned or short-finned
pilot whales in the North Atlantic. Indirect and direct studies on
long-finned pilot whales indicate that there is some degree of stock
differentiation within the North Atlantic (Mercer, 1975; Bloch and
Lastein, 1993; Abend and Smith, 1995; Abend and Smith, 1999; Fullard et
al., 2000). For short-finned pilot whales, there is no available
information on whether the North Atlantic stock is subdivided into
smaller stocks.
The total number of pilot whales off the eastern U.S. and Canadian
Atlantic coast is unknown, although estimates from particular regions
of their habitat (e.g., continental slope) exist for select time
periods (see Waring et al., 2006 for a complete summary). Observers at
sea cannot reliably distinguish long- and short-finned pilot whales
visually. As a result, sightings of pilot whales are not identified to
species and resulting survey estimates are considered joint estimates
for both species. The best available estimate for Globicephala spp. in
the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is the sum of the estimates from
the summer 2004 U.S. Atlantic surveys, 31,139 (Coefficient of
Variation, or CV=0.27), where the estimate from the northern U.S.
Atlantic is 15,728 (CV=0.34), and from the southern U.S. Atlantic is
15,411 (CV=0.43) (Waring et al., 2008). This joint estimate is the most
recent available, and these surveys include the most complete coverage
of the species' habitats (although the PLTRT recognized that this
estimate was limited to the U.S. EEZ). For Globicephala spp., the
minimum population estimate, which accounts for uncertainty in the best
estimate (Wade and Angliss, 1997), is 24,866.
Distribution, Stock Structure, and Abundance of Risso's Dolphins
Risso's dolphins occur worldwide in warm temperate and tropical
waters roughly between 60[deg] N. and 60[deg] S. lat., and records of
the species in the western North Atlantic range from Greenland south,
including the Gulf of Mexico (Kruse et al., 1999). In the U.S. Atlantic
EEZ, the species is most commonly seen in the MAB shelf edge year round
and is rarely seen in the Gulf of Maine (Waring et al., 2004). Risso's
dolphins are pelagic, preferring waters along the continental shelf
edge and deeper, as well as areas of submerged relief such as seamounts
and canyons (Kruse et al., 1999). There is no information available on
population structure for this species.
Abundance estimates for Risso's dolphins off the U.S. or Canadian
Atlantic coast are unknown, although eight estimates from particular
regions of their habitat exist for select time periods (Waring et al.,
2006). Sightings of Risso's dolphins are almost exclusively in the
continental shelf edge and continental slope areas. The best available
abundance estimate for Risso's dolphins in the U.S. EEZ is the sum of
the estimates from the summer 2004 U.S. Atlantic surveys, 20,479
(CV=0.59), where the estimate from the northern U.S. Atlantic is 15,053
(CV=0.78), and from the southern U.S. Atlantic is 5,426 (CV=0.540)
(Waring et al., 2008). This joint estimate is the most recent
available, and the surveys have the most complete coverage of the
species' habitat (although the PLTRT recognized that this estimate was
limited to the U.S. EEZ). The minimum population estimate for the
western North Atlantic Risso's dolphin, which accounts for uncertainty
in the best estimate (Wade and Angliss, 1997), is 12,920.
Potential Biological Removal, Serious Injury and Mortality Estimates,
and Take Reduction Plan Determination
The Potential Biological Removal (PBR) level is the maximum number
of animals, not including natural mortalities, that can be removed
annually from a stock, while allowing that stock to reach or maintain
its optimum sustainable population level. Specifically, it is defined
as the product of minimum population size (in this case, of the portion
of the stock surveyed within the U.S. EEZ), one-half the maximum
productivity rate, and a recovery factor (MMPA Sec. 3(20), 16 U.S.C.
1362). The maximum productivity rate for both pilot whales and Risso's
dolphin is 0.04, the default value for cetaceans (Barlow et al., 1995).
The recovery factor, which provides greater protection for endangered,
depleted, or threatened stocks, or stocks of unknown status relative to
optimum sustainable population (OSP), is 0.48 for both species because
the CV of the average mortality estimate is between 0.3 and 0.6 (Wade
and Angliss, 1997), and because both stocks are of unknown status. The
PBR for both species of western North Atlantic pilot whales combined
(i.e., Globicephala spp.) is 249, and the PBR for the western North
Atlantic stock of Risso's dolphin is 129 (Waring et al., 2008).
The 2007 Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Report (SAR) reported an
average combined annual serious injury and mortality incidental to
pelagic longline fishing of 86 pilot whales (CV=0.16) and 34 Risso's
dolphins (CV=0.32), based on the years 2001-2005 (Waring et al., 2008).
However, more recent estimates (Fairfield-Walsh and Garrison, 2007;
Garrison, 2007) bring the 5-year average annual combined serious injury
and mortality for pilot whales to 109 animals (CV=0.194, years 2002-
2006) and for Risso's dolphins to 20 animals (CV=0.381, years 2002-
2006). Based on this information, serious injury and mortality of pilot
whales and Risso's dolphins in the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery is
below PBR, but exceeds the insignificance threshold (i.e., 10% of PBR
)(69 FR 43338, July 20, 2004). Furthermore, NMFS has determined that
there is a high level of serious injury and mortality in the Atlantic
pelagic longline fishery across a number of marine mammal stocks,
warranting the development and implementation of a take reduction plan
for both pilot whale and Risso's dolphin stocks.
Components of the Final PLTRP
The final PLTRP takes a stepwise, adaptive management approach to
achieve the long-term goal of reducing serious injuries and mortalities
of pilot whales and Risso's dolphins in the Atlantic pelagic longline
fishery to insignificant levels approaching a zero mortality and
serious injury rate within five years of implementation. A series of
management measures, implemented by this final rule, are designed to
make an
[[Page 23351]]
initial significant contribution to reducing serious injury and
mortality. The final PLTRP also includes research recommendations for
better understanding how pilot whales and Risso's dolphins interact
with longline gear, as well as assessing current and potential new
management measures. The PLTRT agreed to evaluate the success of the
final PLTRP at periodic intervals over the next five years and to
consider amending the PLTRP based on the results of ongoing monitoring,
research, and evaluation.
The PLTRT recommended a suite of management strategies to reduce
mortality and serious injury of pilot whales and Risso's dolphins in
the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. The complete list of these
recommendations can be found in Sections VIII and IX of the Draft PLTRP
(PLTRT, 2006). This final rule addresses both the regulatory and non-
regulatory measures recommended by the PLTRT. NMFS incorporated nearly
all of the PLTRT's consensus recommendations from the Draft PLTRP into
the proposed and final PLTRP, with only minor modifications.
One consensus recommendation is not implemented through this final
rule, but is implemented under a different authority. The PLTRT
recommended NMFS develop and implement a mandatory certification
program to educate owners and operators of pelagic longline vessels
about ways to reduce serious injury and mortality of marine mammal
bycatch. NMFS is implementing the PLTRT's recommendation using NMFS'
existing regulatory authority at 50 CFR 635.8, Workshops. On October 2,
2006, NMFS published the Consolidated Highly Migratory Species (HMS)
Fishery Management Plan (FMP) and the associated final rule (71 FR
58058), which requires all HMS longline fishermen to attend a NMFS
workshop and earn certification in mitigation, handling, and release
techniques for sea turtles, sea birds, and other protected species.
Since 2007, NMFS has incorporated education on careful handling and
release techniques for marine mammals, current regulations and
guidelines related to marine mammal bycatch that apply to the fishery,
and an explanation of the purpose and justification of those
regulations and guidelines into these workshops. NMFS will expand the
content of the workshops as appropriate to meet the needs of the PLTRP.
Regulatory Measures
NMFS issues the following three regulatory measures: (1) a Cape
Hatteras Special Research Area (CHSRA), with specific observer and
research participation requirements for fishermen operating in that
area; (2) a 20-nm (37.04-km) upper limit on mainline length for all
pelagic longline sets within the MAB; and (3) an informational placard
that must be displayed in the wheelhouse and on the working deck of all
active pelagic longline vessels in the Atlantic fishery.
Cape Hatteras Special Research Area
As recommended by the PLTRT, NMFS is designating a special research
area offshore of Cape Hatteras (hereafter referred to as the CHSRA)
with specific observer and research participation requirements for
fishermen operating in that area at any time during the year. The CHSRA
includes all waters inside and including the rectangular boundary
described by the following coordinates: 35[deg] N. lat., 75[deg] W.
long., 36[deg] 25' N. lat., and 74[deg] 35' W. long (Figure 1). The
CHSRA encompasses a 5,927 sq km (2,288 sq mile) region that over the
past five years has exhibited both high fishing effort and high pilot
whale bycatch rates. NMFS delineated the area to encompass the vast
majority of the observed marine mammal interactions and to exclude the
area where inshore longline vessels target yellowfin tuna and coastal
sharks, since the inshore area had low observed marine mammal
interaction rates.
Vessels in the CHSRA are required to carry observers when
requested. Vessels deploying or fishing with pelagic longline gear in
the CHSRA must call the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC)
at least 48 hours, but no more than 96 hours, prior to embarking on the
trip. This is in addition to any existing selection and notification
requirements for observer coverage by the Pelagic Observer Program
(POP). If, upon calling in, the vessel is informed by the NMFS SEFSC
that no observer will be assigned and that no special research
requirements will apply for that trip, then the vessel need not wait
until their stated date and time of departure and may depart on their
fishing trip immediately. If a vessel is assigned an observer, the
vessel must take the observer during that trip; if the vessel refuses
to take the observer, the vessel is prohibited from deploying or
fishing with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA for that fishing trip.
No waivers will be granted to vessels fishing in the CHSRA that do not
meet observer safety requirements. By not allowing exemptions for
observer coverage within the CHSRA, NMFS will be able to improve
observer data and bycatch estimates within the CHSRA.
In addition to the requirement for carrying observers, NMFS is also
requiring vessels in the CHSRA to participate in research. This will
enable focused research on pilot whale interactions with the pelagic
longline fishery, thus contributing to achieving the objectives of the
PLTRP. Obtaining better data for characterizing fishery interactions is
a high priority. The PLTRT was limited in its ability to develop
management strategies to reduce the frequency of interactions between
pilot whales and longline fishing gear due to a lack of information
regarding the nature, timing, and causes of these interactions. The
CHSRA, with its observer and research participation requirements, will
enable NMFS to assess current and potential new management measures and
will be fundamental in formulating effective bycatch reduction
strategies in the future.
To implement the research participation requirement, observers will
conduct scientific investigations aboard pelagic longline vessels in
the CHSRA, as authorized by MMPA section 118(d)(2)(C). These scientific
investigations will be conducted in addition to observing normal
fishing activities and will be designed to support the goals of the
PLTRP. The observers will inform vessel operators of the specific
additional investigations that may be conducted during the trip. An
observer may direct vessel operators to modify their fishing behavior,
gear, or both. Instead of or in addition to carrying an observer,
vessels may be required to carry and deploy gear provided by NMFS or an
observer or modify their fishing practices. By calling the NMFS SEFSC,
per the observer requirement described above, vessels are agreeing to
take an observer and acknowledging they are both willing and able to
participate in research in the CHSRA without any compensation. If
vessels are assigned any special research requirements, they must
participate in the research for the duration of the assignment. If they
do not participate in the research, they are prohibited from deploying
or fishing with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA for that fishing
A vessel may transit through the CHSRA with pelagic longline gear
onboard without meeting the observer and research requirements
specified above and in 50 CFR 229.36(d)(1) and Sec. 229.36(d)(2) if
that gear is stowed according to 50 CFR Sec. 229.36(d)(3). Allowing
fishing vessels to transit through the CHSRA with stowed gear without
meeting the special observer and research requirements for that area
[[Page 23352]]
will permit vessels to increase their safety in the event of foul
weather by taking the most direct route to port and may reduce fuel
costs for fishing vessels as they will not have to transit around the
CHSRA to and from port.
Mainline Length
In accordance with the PLTRT's recommendation, NMFS is establishing
a 20-nm (37.04-km) upper limit on mainline length for all pelagic
longline sets within the MAB, including the CHSRA. Operators of
individual fishing vessels are allowed to fish multiple sets at one
time, if they so desire, but the mainline length for each set must not
exceed 20 nm (37.04 km).
NMFS may waive this restriction in the CHSRA with a written letter
of authorization from the Director, NMFS SEFSC, in specific cases to
support research for reducing bycatch of marine mammals in the pelagic
longline fishery. Fishermen are strongly encouraged to carry this
letter of authorization on board their vessel during research trips, to
facilitate at sea enforcement. In cases where NMFS intends to waive the
mainline length restriction, NMFS will notify the PLTRT.
Careful Handling and Release Guidelines Posting Requirement
As recommended by the PLTRT, NMFS is requiring that an
informational placard with marine mammal careful handling and release
guidelines be displayed in the wheelhouse and on the working deck of
all active pelagic longline vessels in the Atlantic fishery. NMFS has
developed and published this placard, which is based on the existing
marine mammal careful handling and release guidelines for pelagic
longline gear. The PLTRT specified the placard should draw on
information presented in a mandatory certification program and
reference filling out a Marine Mammal Injury and Mortality Reporting
Form for every marine mammal interaction as required by MMPA section
118(e) and 50 CFR 229.6. NMFS believes this action will facilitate the
careful handling and release of any pilot whale, Risso's dolphin, or
other small cetacean incidentally caught during pelagic longline
fishing. The posting requirement ensures NMFS' guidelines are readily
available for reference during a capture or entanglement event.
Non-regulatory Measures
As recommended by the PLTRT, NMFS is adopting the following non-
regulatory measures as components of the final PLTRP: (1) Within
constraints of available funding, increase observer coverage throughout
all Atlantic pelagic longline fisheries that interact with pilot whales
or Risso's dolphins to 12 to 15 percent; (2) encourage vessel operators
(i.e., captains) throughout the fishery to maintain daily
communications with other local vessel captains regarding protected
species interactions, with the goal of identifying and exchanging
information relevant to avoiding protected species bycatch; (3) update
careful handling/release guidelines, equipment, and methods; and (4)
provide quarterly reports of marine mammal interactions in the pelagic
longline fishery to the PLTRT.
Increased Observer Coverage
The PLTRT recommended NMFS increase observer coverage to 12 to 15
percent throughout all Atlantic pelagic longline fisheries that
interact with pilot whales and Risso's dolphins to ensure
representative sampling of fishing effort. The PLTRT specified sampling
should be designed to achieve statistical reliability of marine mammal
bycatch estimates and should also take into account the objectives of
marine mammal bycatch reduction. If resources are not available to
provide such observer coverage for all fisheries, regions, and seasons,
the PLTRT recommended NMFS allocate observer coverage to fisheries,
regions, and seasons with the highest observed or reported bycatch
rates of pilot whales. The PLTRT recommended additional coverage be
achieved by either increasing the number of NMFS observers who have
been specially trained to collect additional information supporting
marine mammal research, or by allowing designated and specially-trained
``marine mammal observers'' (deployed by either NMFS or cooperating
researchers) who would supplement traditional observer coverage.
NMFS is implementing this recommendation within the constraints of
available funding. A simulation analysis evaluating the effects of
increased observer coverage on the precision of bycatch estimates
indicated: (1) 12 to 15 percent observer coverage would result in the
most significant gains in precision, (2) setting a higher target in
this range would ``guard'' against unforeseen problems placing
observers on vessels, and (3) further increases in coverage would yield
relatively little additional precision despite significantly higher
costs. Pilot whales are primarily observed to interact with the
longline fishery in the MAB and Northeast Coastal areas; Risso's
dolphins interact with the fishery in these areas as well as the
Northeast Distant area. Based on these observations, NMFS will, within
the constraints of available funding, increase observer coverage to 12
to 15 percent, in order of priority, in the (1) CHSRA, (2) MAB, and (3)
other areas, such as Northeast Coastal. While this measure is geared
towards improving the precision of serious injury and mortality
estimates, additional coverage would also better characterize fishing
operations and marine mammal behavior, facilitate collection of data
needed for research, and increase opportunities to collect biopsy
samples from hooked or entangled marine mammals.
Captains' Communications
The PLTRT recommended NMFS encourage vessel operators (i.e.,
captains) to maintain daily communication with other local vessel
operators regarding protected species interactions throughout the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery with the goal of identifying and
exchanging information relevant to avoiding protected species bycatch.
Captains' communication were considered as both a strategy for avoiding
marine mammals' exposure to vessels and gear and as a strategy for
reducing the probability of an interaction once marine mammals are in
the vicinity of the gear.
Available information from three case studies of voluntary
captains' communication programs supports the inference that voluntary
communication programs have substantially reduced fisheries bycatch and
provided large economic benefits that outweigh the relatively nominal
operating costs (Martin et al., 2005). For this communication strategy
to be effective, the exchange of information must be timely, the entire
fleet in a region must cooperate, and it must result in an action being
taken to either avoid or reduce bycatch (e.g., captains need to
describe the nature of their protected species interactions, discuss
the results of any mitigation or safe handling/release measures used,
and share best practices).
Atlantic pelagic longline fishermen are motivated to avoid
interactions with marine mammals, as these interactions can result in
significant economic loss due to loss of both target catch and gear
from depredation and entanglements, respectively. Marine mammal
interactions also represent a safety risk to vessel operators and crew,
as pilot whales caught in gear can be very dangerous due to their size
and strength. Therefore, NMFS will work with CHSRA researchers and
fishermen to
[[Page 23353]]
encourage captains' communications in the CHSRA through voluntary
cooperation and as part of ongoing research.
Careful Handling and Release Guidelines
The PLTRT recommended NMFS update the guidelines for careful
handling and release of entangled or hooked marine mammals. They
recommended NMFS' guidelines include descriptions of appropriate
equipment and methods. They also encouraged both NMFS and the pelagic
longline industry to develop new technologies, equipment, and methods
for safer and more effective handling and release of entangled or
hooked marine mammals. They recommended developments be evaluated
carefully and incorporated into revised guidelines for careful handling
and release of marine mammals when appropriate.
In the winter of 2006, in preparation for the workshops for HMS
fishermen, NMFS worked with the PLTRT and other NMFS staff to update a
preexisting placard to reflect the best available information on
careful handling and release of marine mammals. This version of the
placard has been distributed at HMS training workshops in 2007 and
2008. NMFS will periodically update the guidelines per the PLTRT's
recommendation, based on any new technologies, equipment, and methods
for safer and more effective handling and release of entangled or
hooked marine mammals.
Additional Research and Data Collection
NMFS will pursue the research and data collection goals outlined by
the PLTRT, within the constraints of available funding. These include
short-, medium-, and long-duration research and data collection goals
designed to enhance the success of the PLTRP. Because there is a
significant lack of information concerning how pilot whales and Risso's
dolphins interact with the pelagic longline fishery, many of the
research recommendations are general in scope and applicable to both
pilot whales and Risso's dolphins unless specified otherwise. The
complete list of these recommendations can be found in Section IX of
the Draft PLTRP (PLTRT, 2006).
As recommended by the PLTRT, priority will be given to: (1)
research on species with serious injury and mortality levels closest to
or exceeding PBR levels; (2) research to evaluate the effects of
implemented management measures, and (3) research on species specific
abundance, mortality, and post-hooking survivorship. NMFS will consider
the PLTRT's recommendations for additional research and data collection
when establishing NMFS' funding priorities. NMFS will follow those
recommendations to the extent that good scientific practice and
resources allow. As feasible and appropriate, NMFS will consult with
PLTRT members during this process.
Adaptive Management and Monitoring
The final PLTRP takes a stepwise, adaptive management approach to
achieve the long-term goal of reducing, within five years of its
implementation, serious injuries and mortalities of pilot whales and
Risso's dolphins in the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery to
insignificant levels approaching a zero mortality and serious injury
rate. A series of monitoring and evaluation steps are built into the
five-year implementation phase of the final PLTRP.
Under the final PLTRP, the PLTRT will periodically: (1) analyze the
status of scientific information on pilot whales and Risso's dolphins,
(2) evaluate the effectiveness of the PLTRP, and (3) adjust the PLTRP's
management measures and research program, as appropriate, to ensure
that the goal of the PLTRP will be met within 5 years of its
implementation. Per the PLTRT's request, NMFS will provide any updates
available on the following types of information to inform these
periodic assessments: (1) Status of PLTRP implementation, (2) SARs; (3)
habitat analyses; (4) data collection and research findings; (5)
voluntary efforts carried out by the pelagic longline industry; (6)
status of observer coverage; and (7) predictive model results for pilot
whales and Risso's dolphins, based on updated data.
The timing of these assessments will be tied to both the
availability of data and the time needed to adequately evaluate the
effectiveness of management measures or the results of the research
program. As requested by the PLTRT, NMFS will provide them with
quarterly reports of bycatch of marine mammals in the pelagic longline
fishery. The quarterly reports will help determine when it would be
timely and useful for the PLTRT to reconvene. In conjunction with the
receipt of quarterly bycatch reports, the PLTRT agreed to assess the
merits of convening future PLTRT meetings, either in-person or by
Comments and Responses
NMFS received ten sets of written comments on the proposed rule by
the September 22, 2008, deadline. Comments were received from the
Marine Mammal Commission, the U.S. Department of Interior, North
Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, Ocean Conservancy, Oceana,
Center for Biological Diversity, the Humane Society of the U.S., two
commercial fishermen, and one member of the public. Three of these
organizations generally supported NMFS' use of existing authority to
implement the mandatory HMS longline certification workshops. Other
comments, which are responded to here, were considered when developing
this final rule to amend the regulatory and non-regulatory measures
that implement the PLTRP.
General Comments
Comment 1: The Humane Society of the U.S. and Ocean Conservancy
agreed with NMFS' determination that the level of bycatch in the
pelagic longline fishery signifies a high level of bycatch across a
number of marine mammal stocks warranting development of a take
reduction plan.
Response: NMFS agrees and has determined that the high level of
take of some marine mammal species in the Atlantic pelagic longline
fishery warrants a PLTRP. This final rule is composed of regulatory and
non-regulatory measures recommended by the PLTRT to reduce pilot whale
and Risso's dolphin bycatch in the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery.
Comment 2: Ocean Conservancy recommended including a map of the
CHSRA in the final rule.
Response: NMFS has included a map of the CHSRA in Figure 1 of this
final rule.
Comment 3: The Humane Society of the U.S., Oceana, and the Center
for Biological Diversity were concerned that the establishment of a 20-
nm (37.02-km) upper limit on the mainline length might actually result
in more gear being deployed to compensate for lost effort, thus
increasing overall bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery. The Center
for Biological Diversity suggested that NMFS should amend the
regulation to ensure that no more than 20-nm (37.02-km) of mainline in
total is set by a single vessel at a time. Oceana encouraged NMFS to
require mainline length reductions outside the MAB, if they were
effective at reducing bycatch.
Response: Using predictive modeling, NMFS and the PLTRT evaluated
several fishery effort compensation scenarios in creating the 20-nm
(37.04-km) upper limit on mainline length regulation. These included a
scenario in which any set with an original mainline length greater than
or equal to 30 miles was
[[Page 23354]]
replaced by two, 20 mile sets with the same hook spacing as the
original, longer set. Even under this scenario of over-compensation for
fishing effort, there was an estimated reduction in pilot whale
interactions of 29 percent from the status quo. Thus, the predictive
model suggests that the number of hooks in the water is irrelevant to
catches of pilot whales, rather it is the length of the mainline for
each set that predicts bycatch (PLTRT, 2006). Therefore, NMFS does not
believe that overall marine mammal bycatch will increase in the pelagic
longline fishery under this final regulation, or that vessels should be
limited to one 20-nm (37.04 km) set at a time. However, NMFS will
continue to evaluate the effectiveness of this final rule for
reductions in marine mammal bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery and
will address the issue if it appears the regulations are having the
opposite effect intended.
In addition, the PLTRT recommended implementing mainline length
reductions in the MAB because 81 percent of pilot whale interactions
with pelagic longline fishing gear occur in this area (PLTRT, 2006).
The PLTRT recognized that it may be desirable to extend the limitation
on mainline length to sets occurring in other regions of the Atlantic
fishery, based on additional information on the effectiveness of the
limitation in reducing marine mammal bycatch rates in the MAB (PLTRT,
2006). If mainline length reductions are effective at reducing pilot
whale and Risso's dolphin bycatch, NMFS will consult the PLTRT
regarding potential expansion of this regulation.
Comment 4: Two commercial fishermen and the N.C. Division of Marine
Fisheries were opposed to the 48-hour advance call-in requirement for
vessels deploying or fishing with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA or
transiting through the CHSRA with pelagic longline gear onboard. Their
concerns included that: (1) many North Carolina fishing vessels make
trips that are 1-3 days in duration and often return to the fishing
grounds as soon as the catch is offloaded and fuel and ice are taken
aboard; and (2) fishing in the CHSRA is weather, current, and fish
report/activity dependent, and, therefore, the decision of whether to
fish is often made with less than 12-hours notice. They were concerned
that a 48-hour call-in requirement may result in the loss of a fishing
opportunity and/or loss of favorable weather for fishing. The N.C.
Division of Marine Fisheries recommended that NMFS use a program
similar to the current observer program to notify fishermen of the
requirement to carry scientific observers, rather than the 48-hour
call-in requirement.
Response: NMFS has determined that 48-hours is the minimum amount
of time necessary for the NMFS SEFSC to have an observer available in
the mid-Atlantic region to observe fishing trips in the CHSRA. However,
to alleviate the burden on fishermen, NMFS is allowing vessels to
depart prior to their stated date and time of departures if, upon
calling in, the vessel is informed by the NMFS SEFSC that no observer
will be assigned and that no special research requirements will apply
for that trip. Because this is an area of significant marine mammal
bycatch, NMFS believes this measure provides access to a productive
fishing area while also ensuring opportunities to collect data and
increase our understanding of the nature of marine mammal/pelagic
longline interactions.
Comment 5: The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, the Humane
Society of the U.S., and Ocean Conservancy suggested and/or supported
allowing vessels to transit through the CHSRA with pelagic longline
gear onboard without calling the NMFS SEFSC 48-hours in advance,
provided all gear were properly stowed in accordance with current NMFS
regulations. The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries expressed concern
that vessels fishing outside the CHSRA and encountering unfavorable
weather or other vessels desiring to transit through the CHSRA to reach
safe harbor - would be required to steam additional distance to bypass
the CHSRA or ride out the weather until 48-hours had elapsed, which
could result in safety hazards, increased fuel consumption, lost time,
and increased expenses.
Response: NMFS agrees that the 48-hour call-in requirement for
vessels transiting through the CHSRA could pose a safety hazard and/or
economic burden to pelagic longline fishing vessels. Therefore, NFMS
has created an exception to the regulation to allow pelagic longline
vessels to transit through the CHSRA without meeting the observer and
research requirements specified in 50 CFR 229.36(d)(1) and (d)(2), if
that gear is stowed according to Sec. 229.36 (d)(3).
Comment 6: The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries requested that the
language concerning refusal to take an assigned observer in the CHSRA
be clarified to specify that the prohibition from deploying or fishing
with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA will be for the duration of
that trip only.
Response: NMFS agrees that the intent was to prohibit fishing in
the CHSRA only for the trip affected by refusal to take an observer or
research non-participation and has incorporated clarifying language
into Sec. 229.36(d)(1) and (d)(2).
Comment 7: Four commenters had concerns and/or suggestions for NMFS
regarding compliance with the proposed rule. The Center for Biological
Diversity and the Humane Society of the U.S. expressed concern that
fishermen might avoid observer coverage in the CHSRA by only fishing in
the area when no observers were available. Oceana recommended that NMFS
and the U.S. Coast Guard develop a standardized procedure for measuring
mainline length to assist in compliance and enforcement of this
regulation. Ocean Conservancy recommended that NMFS develop a
communication plan, to be shared with the PLTRT, describing how non-
compliance with the regulations will be enforced.
Response: With so many factors to consider in conducting a fishing
trip (such as weather, tide, fishing reports), NMFS does not believe
that it would be economically viable for fishermen to base their trips
solely on observer availability. Because fishermen must call in 48-
hours before each fishing trip to the CHSRA, it would be time-consuming
and difficult for fishermen to attempt to avoid observer coverage, and
fishermen will not be able to predict when observers are available.
NMFS will work closely with its Office of Law Enforcement, the U.S.
Coast Guard, and state enforcement agents to ensure effective
enforcement of the regulations described in this final rule, including
mainline length limitations. To protect the integrity and covert nature
of an enforcement plan, though, specific details concerning enforcement
will not be shared with the public.
Comment 8: Three commenters noted the importance of outreach in the
success of the PLTRP. Ocean Conservancy recommended that NMFS develop a
communication plan, to be shared with the PLTRT, describing which
fishing vessels should call-in to deploy or fish with pelagic longline
gear in the CHSRA or transit through the CHSRA with pelagic longline
gear onboard. The Ocean Conservancy also encouraged NMFS to conduct
outreach with affected fishermen to ensure that captains fishing in the
CHSRA and throughout the MAB communicate with each other regarding
interactions with marine mammals. The Humane Society of the U.S. and
the Center for Biological Diversity encouraged NMFS to undertake
outreach to ensure that pelagic longline vessels have the Careful
Handling and Release Guidelines
[[Page 23355]]
Placard, understand its information, and are using it appropriately.
Response: NMFS agrees that communication with the pelagic longline
fishermen and outreach will be critical to the success of the PLTRP. To
ensure that pelagic longline fishermen are familiar with the measures
outlined in this take reduction plan, NMFS will develop a compliance
guide, which will help clarify the regulations and necessary compliance
actions. Fishermen and other interested parties will be able to
download the compliance guide from a website; the compliance guide will
also be available by contacting the Protected Resources Division, NMFS,
Southeast Region (see ADDRESSES). In addition, more than one-third of
the PLTRT is composed of commercial fishermen and industry
representatives, who can assist NMFS with compliance via outreach to
the fishermen they represent. NMFS also currently has a fishery liaison
based in North Carolina who can assist with outreach to pelagic
longline fishermen. Finally, NMFS will present elements of the PLTRP at
the mandatory HMS longline certification workshops. NMFS has already
incorporated education on careful handling and release techniques for
marine mammals, current regulations and guidelines related to marine
mammal bycatch that apply to the fishery, and an explanation of the
purpose and justification of those regulations and guidelines into
these workshops.
Comment 9: Oceana, Ocean Conservancy, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the Humane Society of the U.S., and the Marine Mammal
Commission supported and/or encouraged NMFS to allocate appropriate
funds to increase observer coverage to 12 to 15 percent in the Atlantic
pelagic longline fishery. A commercial fisherman and the Ocean
Conservancy suggested that NMFS station observers in the mid-Atlantic
region to meet the PLTRP's goal of increased observer coverage in the
MAB and/or reduce the waiting time for fishermen to depart on a fishing
trip. The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries was concerned that NMFS
would not have an adequate number of trained marine mammal observers to
achieve the recommended level of observer coverage without unduly
impacting North Carolina pelagic longline fishermen.
Response: NMFS agrees that it is important to increase observer
coverage to 12 to 15 percent in the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery,
has included increased observer coverage as an element of this final
PLTRP, and will attempt to achieve this level of coverage within the
constraints of available funding. NMFS manages its observer funding in
the most cost effective manner for the greatest benefit to our living
marine resources; therefore, we would consider stationing observers in
the mid-Atlantic region, if it were cost effective to do so. If there
are insufficient funds or trained observers available, then NMFS will
be unable to meet the recommended observer coverage of 12 to 15
percent. However, this would not affect the fishing ability of North
Carolina pelagic longline fishermen. As discussed in the response to
Comment 4, within the CHSRA, NMFS is allowing fishing vessels to depart
prior to their stated date and time of departures if informed by the
NMFS SEFSC that no observer will be assigned and that no special
research requirements will apply for that trip. In addition, NMFS will
make every effort to inform fishermen about upcoming and future
research projects in the CHSRA in an attempt to minimize any burden
placed on those fishermen.
Comment 10: NMFS received several comments on the mandatory HMS
longline certification workshops and the informational placard to be
displayed in the wheelhouse and on the working deck of all active
pelagic longline vessels in the Atlantic fishery. Ocean Conservancy
recommended that the mandatory HMS longline certification workshops
include information and training on fishermen's reporting of marine
mammal interactions, which is required by the MMPA Section 118(e). They
also recommended that marine mammal information be included in all HMS
longline certification workshops, including those based in the Gulf of
Mexico and Caribbean, rather than just those in the Atlantic region.
The Ocean Conservancy, Oceana, and the Marine Mammal Commission also
suggested that NMFS expand the geographic area where the informational
placard should be displayed to the entire Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and
Response: NMFS currently includes, and will continue to include,
information and training on the reporting of marine mammal interactions
in the mandatory HMS longline certification workshops. NMFS agrees that
the placard should be displayed throughout the Atlantic fishery. This
was the original intention of the PLTRT and this requirement was
included in the EA and the preamble to the proposed rule. However, the
placard posting requirement was incorrectly linked in the regulation
text of the proposed rule to only the MAB region. Therefore, in the
final rule NMFS has clarified that the placard posting requirement
specified in 50 CFR 229.36(c) applies to all U.S. pelagic longline
vessels operating in the Atlantic federal EEZ off the U.S. East Coast.
Because bycatch rates of pilot whales and Risso's dolphins are
highest in the MAB, the PLTRT limited the scope of the PLTRP to the MAB
and did not include the GOM and Caribbean. As a result, NMFS is not
requiring the placard to be posted outside of the Atlantic. However,
NMFS will provide the placard to any fishermen who request it and will
encourage voluntary compliance with this measure in the Gulf of Mexico
and Caribbean.
Comment 11: Oceana, Ocean Conservancy, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the Humane Society of the U.S., and the Marine Mammal
Commission encouraged NMFS to secure funding to carry out the research
priorities outlined in the Draft PLTRP. They recommended that the
highest priority research should be directed towards defining the stock
structure of pilot whales in the MAB.
Response: NMFS will work with its partners and will seek to use
available funding sources to carry out the research and data collection
priorities outlined by the PLTRT. NMFS is currently conducting research
to define the stock structure of pilot whales in the mid-Atlantic and
will continue to do so.
Changes From the Proposed Rule
After considering the public comments received, NMFS is making
minor changes between the proposed rule and this final rule. As a
result of clarification from the PLTRT regarding their intent, NMFS is
altering the notification process for waiving a 20-nm (37.04-km) upper
limit on mainline length for research in the CHSRA to include notifying
the PLTRT, but NMFS will not publish that notification in the Federal
Register. NMFS is deleting the phrase ``as delineated in the list of
fisheries'' from 50 CFR 229.36 (a), because it was deemed unnecessary.
NMFS is also clarifying that the placard posting requirement specified
in 50 CFR 229.36(c) applies to all U.S. pelagic longline vessels
operating in the Atlantic Federal EEZ off the U.S. East Coast. Although
this requirement and its geographic scope were clearly stated in the EA
and the preamble to the proposed rule, it was incorrectly linked in the
regulation text of the proposed rule to only the MAB region.
NMFS is clarifying that under 50 CFR 635.32, exempted fishing
permits, scientific research permits, display permits, and letters of
[[Page 23356]]
are issued; Atlantic HMS tunas, swordfish, or shark permits are not
issued. Therefore, the reference to Sec. 635.32 was deleted from the
regulatory text at 50 CFR 229.36 (a)(1) because it did not apply.
In addition, NMFS is changing the regulations for pelagic longline
vessels in the CHSRA to allow a vessel to transit through the CHSRA
with pelagic longline gear onboard without meeting the observer and
research requirements specified in 50 CFR 229.36(d)(1) and (d)(2), if
that gear is stowed according to 50 CFR 229.36(d)(3). The stowage
definition in Sec. 229.36(d)(3) was not presented in the proposed
rule, but was based on a similar stowage definition for bottom longline
gear at 50 CFR 622.34(k)(4)(i).
NMFS is clarifying the 48-hour call-in notification described in
Sec. 229.36(d)(1) to state that vessels must call in at least 48
hours, but no more than 96 hours, prior to departing on a fishing trip
to the CHSRA. The 96-hour limit was added to clearly define the amount
of lead time a fisher needed to provide to NMFS. NMFS is also allowing
a fishing vessel to depart prior to their stated departure time if,
upon calling in, the vessel is informed by the NMFS SEFSC that no
observer will be assigned and that no special research requirements
will apply for that trip. The SEFSC call-in number given in Sec.
229.36(d) of the final rule is also different from that given in the
proposed rule. Finally, NMFS is clarifying in Sec. 229.36(d)(1) that a
fishing vessel that refuses to take an assigned observer is prohibited
from deploying or fishing with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA for
the duration of that fishing trip.
NMFS determined that this action is consistent to the maximum
extent practicable with the enforceable policies of the approved
coastal management programs of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland,
Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and
Massachusetts. This determination was submitted for review by the
responsible state agencies under section 307 of the Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA). Letters stating concurrence with NMFS' CZMA
consistency determination were received from the approved coastal
management programs of North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut,
and Rhode Island. No responses were received from Maryland, New Jersey,
New York, or Massachusetts; CZMA consistency in these states was
This rule does not contain policies with federalism implications as
that term is defined in Executive Order 13132.
This rule has been determined to be not significant under Executive
Order 12866.
NMFS prepared a final regulatory flexibility analysis (FRFA), based
on the initial regulatory flexibility analysis (IRFA), of the final
rule. A statement of the need for and objectives of the final rule is
stated elsewhere in the preamble and is not repeated here. A summary of
the FRFA follows. For a copy of this analysis, see the ADDRESSES
NMFS considers all HMS permit holders to be small entities because
they either had average annual receipts less than $4.0 million for
fish-harvesting, average annual receipts less than $6.5 million for
charter/party boats, 100 or fewer employees for wholesale dealers, or
500 or fewer employees for seafood processors. These are the Small
Business Administration (SBA) size standards for defining a small
versus large business entity in this industry. An ``active'' pelagic
longline vessel is considered to be a vessel that reported pelagic
longline activity in the HMS logbook. The number of active HMS pelagic
longline vessels has been precipitously decreasing since 1994. In the
MAB, only 85 unique pelagic longline vessels reported effort between
2001 and 2006. The number of vessels fishing in the MAB has declined in
recent years, and between 2003 and 2006, the number of vessels
reporting effort in the MAB ranged between 38 and 41.
Four alternatives were considered and analyzed for the final rule.
Alternative 1 (the no action alternative) would maintain the status quo
management for the pelagic longline fishery under the HMS FMP.
Alternative 2 would implement only the non-regulatory components
recommended in the Draft PLTRP, while allowing time for collecting
additional scientific data prior to implementing regulatory measures.
Alternative 3, the preferred alternative, would limit the mainline
length to 20-nm (37.04-km) or less within the MAB, designate the CHSRA
with associated observer and research participation requirements, and
require all pelagic longline vessels to post an informational placard
on careful handling and release of marine mammals. Alternative 4 would
include a six-month closure (July-December) of the southern MAB sub-
regional area and a year-round mainline length reduction throughout the
MAB, inclusive of that sub-regional area.
Under Alternative 1, the no action alternative, it is estimated
that the Atlantic pelagic longline fleet generates an estimated $24.6
million in revenues. Under this alternative there would be no direct
cost or benefit beyond the status quo. The non-regulatory actions
associated with Alternative 2 would also be expected to have very
little economic impact on the fishery.
NMFS estimated the potential change in fishery revenues from the
mainline length restriction included under Alternative 3, depending on
the level of compensation in fishing effort, by applying average
species weights reported to dealers in 2004 and the average 2006 ex-
vessel prices reported by dealers in the MAB region. The change in
fishery revenues was estimated to range from an increase of $777,747
(full compensation in the number of hooks fished) to a loss of $819,523
(no compensation in the number of hooks fished), with an estimated loss
of $239,383 with 50 percent compensation in the number of hooks fished.
This change in revenues would impact 41 or fewer vessels per year based
on current trends in the number of active pelagic longline vessels and
the number of vessels that operated in the MAB in 2006. If one assumes
that 41 vessels are affected by this restriction, then the estimated
annual impact per vessel ranges from an increase of $18,969 per vessel
to a decrease of $19,988 per vessel, with an estimated decrease of
$5,838 under the most likely scenarios (50 percent compensation in
fishing effort).
The economic costs of Alternative 4 were evaluated based upon
historical observed catch rates and reported effort in the MAB fishing
area only for the period 2002 to 2004. The impact of the closure of the
southern region of the MAB from July-December was estimated by assuming
no catch in that area, resulting in a total estimated cost of $770,000.
The combined effect of the 6-month closure and the mainline length
restriction through the MAB resulted in an estimated cost of $1.64
million, reflecting only lost catch and assuming no compensation or
redistribution of effort. The reduction in revenues would impact 41 or
fewer vessels per year based on the current trends in the number of
active pelagic longline vessels and the number of vessels that operated
in the MAB in 2006. If one assumes that 41 vessels would be affected by
this restriction, then per vessel impacts are estimated to be $40,000.
Alternative 1 (the no action alternative) and Alternative 2 were
not selected because they were not expected
[[Page 23357]]
to meet the conservation objectives of the final rule or the goals in
MMPA section 118. Both Alternatives 3 and 4 would meet the conservation
objectives of the final rule. However, Alternative 4 was not selected
because it would likely result in larger economic impacts to small
entities than Alternative 3 (the preferred alternative).
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited in this final rule can be
found on the PLTRT website at https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/interactions/trt/pl-trt.htm and the NMFS Southeast Regional Office website at https://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pr.htm, and is also available upon request from
the NMFS Southeast Regional Office in St. Petersburg, FL (see
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 229
Administrative practice and procedure, Fisheries, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: May 11, 2009.
John Oliver,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 229 is amended as
1. The authority citation for part 229 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.
2. In Sec. 229.3, paragraphs (t) and (u) are added to read as follows:
Sec. 229.3 Prohibitions.
* * * * *
(t) It is prohibited to deploy or fish with pelagic longline gear
in the Mid-Atlantic Bight unless the vessel:
(1) Complies with the placard posting requirement specified in
Sec. 229.36(c); and
(2) Complies with the gear restrictions specified in Sec.
(u) It is prohibited to deploy or fish with pelagic longline gear
in the Cape
[[Page 23358]]
Hatteras Special Research Area unless the vessel is in compliance with
the observer and research requirements specified in Sec. 229.36(d).
3. In subpart C, Sec. 229.36 is added to read as follows:
Sec. 229.36 Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan (PLTRP).
(a) Purpose and scope. The purpose of this section is to implement
the PLTRP to reduce incidental mortality and serious injury of long-
finned and short-finned pilot whales and Risso's dolphins in the
Atlantic pelagic longline fishery off the U.S. east coast, a component
of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico large pelagics
longline fishery.
(1) Persons subject to this section. The regulations in this
section apply to the owner and operator of any vessel that has been
issued or is required to be issued an Atlantic HMS tunas, swordfish, or
shark permit under Sec. 635.4 of this title and that has pelagic
longline gear onboard as described under Sec. 635.21(c) of this title.
(2) Geographic scope. The geographic scope of the PLTRP is the
Atlantic Federal EEZ off the U.S. East Coast. The regulations specified
in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section apply throughout the
Atlantic Federal EEZ off the U.S. East Coast. The regulation specified
in paragraph (e) of this section applies to all U.S. Atlantic pelagic
longline vessels operating in the EEZ portion of the Mid-Atlantic
(b) Definitions. In addition to the definitions contained in the
MMPA and Sec. Sec. 216.3 and 229.2 of this chapter, the following
definitions apply.
(1) Cape Hatteras Special Research Area (CHSRA) means all waters
inside and including the rectangular boundary described by the
following lines: 35[deg] N. lat., 75[deg] W. long., 36[deg] 25' N.
lat., and 74[deg] 35' W. long.
(2) Mid-Atlantic Bight means the area bounded by straight lines
connecting the mid-Atlantic states' internal waters and extending to
71[deg] W. long. between 35[deg] N. lat. and 43[deg] N. lat.
(3) Observer means an individual authorized by NMFS, or a
designated contractor, placed aboard a commercial fishing vessel to
record information on marine mammal interactions, fishing operations,
marine mammal life history information, and other scientific data; to
collect biological specimens; and to perform other scientific
(4) Pelagic longline has the same meaning as in Sec. 635.2 of this
(c) Marine Mammal Handling and Release Placard. The placard,
``Marine Mammal Handling/Release Guidelines: A Quick Reference for
Atlantic Pelagic Longline Gear,'' must be kept posted inside the
wheelhouse and on the working deck. You may contact the NMFS Southeast
Regional Office at (727) 824-5312 to request additional copies of the
(d) CHSRA--(1) Special observer requirements. If you deploy or fish
with pelagic longline gear in the CHSRA, or intend to do so, you must
call NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC), 1-888-254-2558,
at least 48 hours, but no more than 96 hours, prior to embarking on
your fishing trip. This requirement is in addition to any existing
selection and notification requirement for observer coverage by the
Pelagic Observer Program. If, upon calling in, you are informed by the
NMFS SEFSC that no observer will be assigned and that no special
research requirements will apply for that trip, then you need not wait
until your stated date and time of departure and may depart on your
fishing trip immediately. If you are assigned an observer, you must
take the observer during that fishing trip. If you do not take the
observer, you are prohibited from deploying or fishing with pelagic
longline gear in the CHSRA for that fishing trip. You must comply with
all provisions of Sec. 229.7, Monitoring of incidental mortalities and
serious injuries. In addition, all provisions of 50 CFR 600.746,
Observers, apply. No waivers will be granted under Sec. 229.7(c)(3) or
Sec. 600.746(f). A vessel that would otherwise be required to carry an
observer, but is inadequate or unsafe for purposes of carrying an
observer and for allowing operation of normal observer functions, is
prohibited from deploying or fishing with pelagic longline gear in the
(2) Special research requirements. In addition to observing normal
fishing activities, observers may conduct additional scientific
investigations aboard your vessel designed to support the goals of the
PLTRP. The observer will inform you of the specific additional
investigations that may be conducted during your trip. An observer may
direct you to modify your fishing behavior, gear, or both. Instead of
carrying an observer, you may be required to carry and deploy gear
provided by NMFS or an observer or modify your fishing practices. By
calling in per Sec. 229.36(d)(1), you are agreeing to take an
observer. You are also acknowledging you are both willing and able to
participate in research, as per this paragraph, in the CHSRA consistent
with the PLTRP without any compensation. If you are assigned any
special research requirements, you must participate in the research for
the duration of the assignment. If you do not participate in the
research, you are prohibited from deploying or fishing with pelagic
longline gear in the CHSRA for that fishing trip.
(3) Exception for transit. If pelagic longline gear is
appropriately stowed, a vessel may transit through the CHSRA without
meeting the observer and research requirements specified in Sec.
229.36(d)(1) and Sec. 229.36(d)(2). For the purpose of this paragraph,
transit means non-stop progression through the area. Pelagic longline
gear is appropriately stowed if all gangions, hooks, and buoys are
disconnected from the mainline; hooks are not baited; longline left on
the drum is covered with a tarp; and all other gear components are
either stowed below deck or secured on deck and covered with a tarp.
(e) Gear restrictions. No person may deploy a pelagic longline that
exceeds 20 nautical miles (nm) (37.04 km) in length in the Mid-Atlantic
Bight, including in the CHSRA, unless they have a written letter of
authorization from the Director, NMFS Southeast Fishery Science Center
to use a pelagic longline exceeding 20 nm (37.04 km)