Federal Home Loan Bank Membership for Community Development Financial Institutions, 22848-22867 [E9-11329]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
12 CFR Part 925
12 CFR Part 1263
RIN 2590–AA18
Federal Home Loan Bank Membership
for Community Development Financial
AGENCY: Federal Housing Finance Board
and Federal Housing Finance Agency.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the requirements
of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act
(Bank Act), as amended by section 1206
of the Housing and Economic Recovery
Act of 2008 (HERA), the Federal
Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
proposes to amend its membership
regulations to authorize non-federally
insured, CDFI Fund-certified
community development financial
institutions (CDFIs) to become members
of a Federal Home Loan Bank (Bank).
The newly eligible CDFIs include
community development loan funds,
venture capital funds and statechartered credit unions without federal
insurance. This notice of proposed
rulemaking sets out the eligibility and
procedural requirements for CDFIs that
wish to become members of a Bank.
DATES: FHFA will accept written
comments on this proposed rule on or
before July 14, 2009.
ADDRESSES: You may submit your
comments on the proposed regulation
identified by regulatory information
number (RIN) 2590–AA18, by any one
of the following methods:
• U.S. Mail, United Parcel Post,
Federal Express, or Other Mail Service:
The mailing address for comments is:
Alfred M. Pollard, General Counsel,
Attention: Comments/RIN 2590–AA18,
Federal Housing Finance Agency,
Fourth Floor, 1700 G Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20552.
• Hand Delivered/Courier: The hand
delivery address is: Alfred M. Pollard,
General Counsel, Attention: Comments/
RIN 2590–AA18, Federal Housing
Finance Agency, Fourth Floor, 1700 G
Street, NW., Washington DC 20552. The
package should be logged at the Guard
Desk, First Floor, on business days
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
• E-mail: Comments to Alfred M.
Pollard, General Counsel may be sent by
e-mail to RegComments@fhfa.gov.
Please include ‘‘RIN 2590–AA18’’ in the
subject line of the message.
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• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. If
you submit your comment to the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also
send it by e-mail to FHFA at
RegComments@fhfa.gov to ensure
timely receipt by the agency. Include
the following information in the subject
line of your submission: Federal
Housing Finance Agency, Proposed
Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank
Membership for Community
Development Financial Institutions, RIN
We will post all public comments we
receive without change, including any
personal information you provide, such
as your name and address, on the FHFA
Web site at https://www.fhfa.gov.
Sylvia Martinez, Senior Policy Analyst/
Adviser, 202–408–2825,
sylvia.martinez@fhfa.gov; Amy Bogdon,
Senior Advisor, 202–408–2546,
amy.bogdon@fhfa.gov, Division of
Federal Home Loan Bank Regulation;
Deattra Perkins, Community
Development Specialist, 202–408–2527,
deattra.perkins@fhfa.gov, Division of
Housing Mission and Goals. For legal
questions contact Sharon B. Like,
Associate General Counsel, 202–414–
8950, sharon.like@fhfa.gov. You can
send regular mail to the Federal
Housing Finance Agency, Fourth Floor,
1700 G Street, NW., Washington DC
20552. The telephone number for the
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
is 800–877–8339.
I. Background
A. Statutory and Regulatory Background
Effective July 30, 2008, Division A of
HERA, Public Law No. 110–289, 122
Stat. 2654 (2008), titled the Federal
Housing Finance Regulatory Reform Act
of 2008, created FHFA as an
independent agency of the Federal
Government. HERA transferred
supervisory and oversight
responsibilities over the Federal
National Mortgage Association (Fannie
Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation (Freddie Mac), and the
Federal Home Loan Banks (collectively,
Regulated Entities) from the Office of
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
(OFHEO) and the Federal Housing
Finance Board (FHFB) to FHFA. The
Regulated Entities continue to operate
under regulations promulgated by
OFHEO and FHFB until such time as
the existing regulations are supplanted
by regulations promulgated by FHFA.
Each Bank is a cooperative institution
that is owned by its members, all of
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which must comply with certain
statutory requirements in order to
become members. To be eligible for
Bank membership, an applicant must be
one of the several types of financial
institutions listed in section 4(a)(1) of
the Bank Act, must meet certain other
eligibility criteria, and must purchase
stock of the Bank, as set forth in sections
4 and 6 of the Bank Act. See 12 U.S.C.
1424, 1426. The existing FHFB
regulation implementing the
membership eligibility and minimum
stock purchase provisions of the Bank
Act (Membership Regulation) is codified
at 12 CFR part 925. The proposed rule
would relocate part 925 in its entirety to
part 1263, and would amend certain
provisions of the existing Membership
Regulation to accommodate the addition
of CDFIs to the institutions that may
become Bank members.
As a threshold matter, in order to be
eligible for Bank membership, an
applicant must be authorized under
federal or state law to become a member
of, purchase stock in, do business with,
and maintain deposits in, the Bank to
which the applicant has applied for
membership. Prior to amendment by
HERA, section 4(a)(1) provided that any
building and loan association, savings
and loan association, cooperative bank,
homestead association, insurance
company, savings bank, or federally
insured depository institution
(including credit unions) was eligible to
become a Bank member. Thus, until
HERA was enacted a CDFI could not
become a member of a Bank unless it
also was a federally insured depository
institution, such as a community
development bank, thrift or credit
union. As of September 30, 2008, 125
such depository institution CDFIs had
become members of the Bank System.
Section 1206 of HERA amended section
4(a)(1) to make all CDFIs that are
certified by the CDFI Fund of the US
Department of the Treasury under the
Community Development Banking and
Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (CDFI
Act) eligible to become members of a
Bank. See 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1) (as
amended). Thus, loan funds, venture
capital funds and state-chartered credit
unions without federal deposit
insurance are now eligible for Bank
membership provided they are certified
by the CDFI Fund and have the
authority under state law to do those
things necessary to become a member,
i.e., to buy Bank stock, borrow and
pledge collateral. The proposed rule
would apply only to those newly
eligible institutions. CDFIs that also are
eligible for membership because they
are federally insured depository
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
institutions would continue to follow
the existing rules relating to
membership for depository institutions.
All institutions that are eligible for
membership under section 4(a)(1) also
must comply with certain additional
criteria specified in section 4(a)(1) and
(2) in order to be approved for
membership. Specifically, under section
4(a)(1), as amended by HERA, an
applicant must demonstrate that it: (a) Is
duly organized under state or federal
law; (b) either is subject to inspection
and regulation under banking or similar
laws or is certified as a CDFI under the
CDFI Act; and (c) makes such home
mortgage loans as are long-term loans.
In addition, under section 4(a)(2), an
insured depository institution applicant
must: (a) Have at least 10 percent of its
total assets in residential mortgage loans
(unless it qualifies as a ‘‘community
financial institution’’) 1; (b) be in sound
financial condition such that a Bank
may safely make advances to it; (c) have
a character of management that is
consistent with sound and economical
home financing; and (d) have a homefinancing policy that is consistent with
sound and economical home financing.
12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1), (2).
The existing Membership Regulation
expands on those statutory requirements
and further establishes a review and
approval process for applications for
membership in a Bank. See 12 CFR
925.2, 925.3. Any institution seeking
membership in a Bank is required to
submit an application to the Bank for
approval.2 The Membership Regulation
also includes separate provisions
governing the admission of depository
institutions and insurance companies,
respectively, recognizing that each type
of institution operates under a different
business model and a different
regulatory structure. The proposed rule
would follow a similar approach for
CDFIs, and would establish separate
provisions for CDFI applicants,
recognizing that they too operate in a
different environment and under a
different regulatory structure. The
proposed rule would delineate the
documentation and other information
1 A ‘‘community financial institution’’ is a
depository institution that is insured by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation and has average total
assets of $1 billion or less. 12 U.S.C. 1422(10) (as
amended). This proposed rulemaking does not
affect the terms under which a ‘‘community
financial institution’’ may become a member of a
2 See 12 CFR 925.2(a). Generally speaking, an
institution is eligible to become a member only of
the Bank of the district in which its principal place
of business is located. An institution is deemed to
be located in the state in which it maintains its
home office, established as such in conformity with
the laws under which the institution is organized.
See 12 CFR 925.18.
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that a CDFI applicant must submit to a
Bank as part of a membership
application, as well as the standards
that a CDFI applicant must meet in
order to be deemed to have satisfied the
various statutory and regulatory
requirements for membership.3
Once a Bank has approved a CDFI for
membership, the CDFI must purchase
the required amount of Bank stock in
order to complete the process of
becoming a member of the Bank. See 12
U.S.C. 1426. The specific amount of
stock that any new member, including
a CDFI, must purchase is set out in each
Bank’s capital structure plan, and will
vary from Bank to Bank.4 Typically, an
institution must purchase a certain
amount of stock in order to become a
member, and may be required to
purchase additional stock in order to
borrow from the Bank or to obtain other
services from the Bank. In addition to
purchasing stock, any member,
including a CDFI, that wishes to borrow
from its Bank must pledge certain types
of collateral to secure its repayment
obligation, and must otherwise
demonstrate to the Bank that it is
creditworthy. Under the Bank Act, a
member may pledge only the following
types of collateral for an advance: (a)
Fully disbursed, whole first mortgages
on improved residential property not
more than 90 days delinquent, or
securities representing a whole interest
in such mortgages; (b) securities issued,
insured or guaranteed by the U.S.
Government or any agency thereof; (c)
cash or deposits of a Bank; (d) other real
estate-related collateral acceptable to the
Bank, provided its value is readily
ascertainable and the Bank can perfect
its interest; and (e) for institutions that
qualify as ‘‘community financial
institutions,’’ secured loans for small
business, agriculture or community
development activities, or securities
representing a whole interest in such
secured loans. See 12 U.S.C. 1430(a)(3)
(as amended). Each Bank sets its own
lending and collateral policies, which
may vary from Bank to Bank and which
will apply to all borrowing members of
that Bank.
3 Although the proposed rule includes provisions
relating to the financial condition of a CDFI
applicant, those provisions are threshold
requirements for admission to membership. As is
the case with respect to all other members, a Bank
will typically conduct a more thorough analysis of
a CDFI’s financial condition and the adequacy of its
collateral when determining whether to make
advances to such members.
4 Because the Chicago Bank has not yet
implemented its capital structure plan, any CDFI
that becomes a member of that Bank must purchase
stock in the amount specified by 12 CFR 1263.20
of the proposed rule, which carries over the
provisions from 12 CFR 925.20 of the existing rules.
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Under the Bank Act and FHFA
regulations, all members also must
comply with certain community
investment and first-time homebuyer
lending standards in order to maintain
access to long-term advances. See 12
U.S.C. 1430(g)(2); 12 CFR part 944. As
discussed below, FHFA believes that
any CDFI that becomes a member of a
Bank should be able to satisfy the
current community support
requirements and therefore is not
proposing to establish community
support requirements unique to CDFIs,
but welcomes comment on whether
certain CDFIs may have difficulties in
complying with the current
requirements that would warrant
establishing separate community
support standards for CDFIs.
CDFIs are private nonprofit and forprofit financial institutions providing
financial services dedicated to economic
development and community
revitalization in underserved markets.
The CDFIs comprise diverse
institutional structures and business
lines. The four categories of institutions
eligible for CDFI certification and CDFI
Fund financial support are: (1) Federally
regulated insured depository
institutions and holding companies
(bank CDFIs); (2) credit unions, whether
federally or state chartered; (3)
community development loan funds,
which are unregulated institutions
specializing in financing of housing,
businesses or community facilities that
provide health care, childcare,
educational, cultural or social services;
and (4) community development
venture capital funds, which are
unregulated institutions that provide
equity and debt-with-equity-features to
small and medium-sized businesses in
distressed communities.
The CDFIs serve as intermediary
financial institutions that promote
economic growth and stability in lowand-moderate-income communities. A
large number are not-for-profit
community development organizations
with a long history of providing lending
and services to low-and-moderateincome communities. They provide a
unique range of financial products and
services, such as mortgage financing for
low-income and first-time homebuyers;
homeowner or homebuyer counseling;
financing for not-for-profit affordable
housing developers; flexible
underwriting and risk capital for needed
community facilities; financial literacy
training; technical assistance; and
commercial loans and investments to
assist small start-up businesses in lowincome areas. Some CDFIs provide
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
community facilities such as child care
centers alongside affordable housing.
Frequently, CDFIs serve communities
that are underserved by conventional
financial institutions and may offer
products and services that are not
available from conventional financial
institutions. Their lending and
community support activities are thus
consistent with the Banks’ housing
mission. By stabilizing the communities
in a Bank’s District, CDFIs can provide
added value to that Bank as well as its
There is no single source of
information covering all CDFIs, but
reports from the CDFI Fund and other
organizations provide a picture of the
industry. A 2007 study by Abt
Associates,5 which included both
certified and uncertified CDFIs,
estimated that there were as many as
1,122 CDFIs throughout the country in
2005. The CDFI Fund reported that
there were 804 certified CDFIs as of
March 1, 2008.6 Loan funds, most of
which are nonprofit organizations,
accounted for 68 percent of the certified
CDFIs. Eighteen percent of certified
CDFIs were credit unions, 10 percent
were banks or holding companies, and
3.5 percent were community venture
CDFIs are generally small in asset
size. The CDFI Fund reported that the
average asset size for certified CDFIs
was $32 million for depository
institutions and $22.5 million for nondepository institutions.7 Despite the
typical CDFI’s relatively small asset
size, studies demonstrate meaningful
impact to low-and-moderate income
communities by these intermediaries.
The CDFIs provide diverse financial
services and other benefits to urban,
rural and Native communities. A 2003–
2005 trend analysis by the CDFI Fund 8
reported that its sample of CDFIs
financed over 90,000 units of housing,
5 See Abt Associates, Assessment of Community
Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI)
Training Program, Training Program & CDFI
Certification, August 17, 2007 (p.2). This estimate
is based on a list of CDFIs that either were included
in one of the CDFI Fund’s databases or had received
a CDFI Data Project (CDP) survey in the past three
6 Community Development Financial Institutions
Fund, ‘‘Overview. CDFI Fund Director’s
presentation before the National Interagency
Community Reinvestment Conference.’’ San
Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,
April 1, 2008.
7 Community Development Financial Institutions
Fund, ‘‘Overview.’’ Presented April 1, 2008.
8 Community Development Financial Institutions
Fund, Three Year Trend Analysis of Community
Investment Impact System Institutional Level
Report Data FY 2003–2005. US Department of the
Treasury. December 2007. The report includes data
for 2003 from 223 CDFIs, for 2004 from 236 CDFIs
and for 2005 from 173 CDFIs.
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80,000 of which were affordable
housing units. This group of CDFIs also
provided financing and counseling for
over 12,000 first-time homebuyers over
this period. The Opportunity Finance
Network, a trade association of 160
CDFI members, reports that over the
past 20 years, its members financed over
533,394 housing units.9 Given the credit
conditions across the country, demand
for CDFI products and services is
expected to increase. In a recent survey
conducted by the Opportunity Finance
Network, CDFI respondents reported an
increase in demand for their products as
a result of the declining availability of
bank credit.10 However, one common
problem facing non-depository CDFIs is
that they do not have access to longterm funding, limiting their ability to
provide housing finance to their
The CDFI Fund of the U.S. Treasury
was created to promote economic
revitalization and community
development through investment in and
financial and technical assistance to
CDFIs. See 12 U.S.C. 4701(b). The CDFI
Fund promotes these purposes through
several programs, including the CDFI
Program, the New Markets Tax Credit
Program, the Bank Enterprise Award
Program and Native Initiatives. See 12
U.S.C. 4701 et seq.; 12 CFR part 1805;
An institution must apply to the CDFI
Fund in order to receive awards under
its programs. See 12 U.S.C. 4704; 12
CFR 1805.200. To receive a CDFI award,
an institution must be certified by the
CDFI Fund as a qualifying CDFI under
the CDFI Act. An institution may apply
for CDFI certification at any time. If an
organization is already certified as a
CDFI, the CDFI Fund may require as a
condition for receiving an award, that a
CDFI submit a Certification of Material
Events form attesting that there has been
no occurrence that affects the
organization’s strategic direction,
mission or business operation and,
thereby, its status as a CDFI. An
applicant for CDFI certification must
meet each of the following general
requirements in order to be certified as
(i) Is a legal entity at the time of
certification application;
(ii) Has a primary mission of
promoting community development;
(iii) Is a financing entity;
9 Opportunity Finance Network, Overview: About
Opportunity Finance Network. See https://
Accessed on December 15, 2008.
10 Opportunity Finance Network, Findings from
the Third Quarter 2008 CDFI Market Conditions
Survey, October 2008.
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(iv) Principally serves an
economically distressed area, lowincome population, or other population
that lacks access to financing (known as
an eligible ‘‘target market’’);
(v) Provides technical assistance,
training or other development services
in conjunction with its financing
(vi) Is accountable to its target market
through representation on its board or
other means; and
(vii) Is a non-governmental entity that
is not controlled by one or more
governmental entities (Tribal
governments excluded).
See 12 U.S.C. 4702(5); 12 CFR
The CDFI certification eligibility
requirements are more fully elaborated
in the CDFI program regulations. See 12
CFR 1805.201. The CDFI Fund is not a
regulator of CDFIs, and does not
evaluate their safety and soundness
during either the certification or awards
application processes at the level that
would be conducted by a financial
safety and soundness regulator. The
CDFI Fund regulations further state that
a CDFI certification does not constitute
an opinion by the CDFI Fund as to the
financial viability of the certified CDFI
or that the CDFI will be selected to
receive an award from the CDFI Fund.
See 12 CFR 1805.201(a). Thus, receipt of
a certification or award alone does not
indicate that a CDFI is financially
sound, but only that it meets the
certification or award eligibility criteria.
C. HERA Section 1201
Section 1201 of HERA requires the
FHFA Director to consider the
differences between the Banks and the
Enterprises in rulemakings that affect
the Banks with respect to the Banks’
cooperative ownership structure,
mission of providing liquidity to
members, affordable housing and
community development mission,
capital structure and joint and several
liability. See 12 U.S.C. 4513(f). In
preparing the proposed rule, the
Director considered these factors and
determined that the rule is appropriate,
particularly because the proposed
amendments would implement
statutory provisions of the Bank Act that
apply only to the Banks. See 12 U.S.C.
1424(a). Nonetheless, FHFA requests
comments about whether these factors
should result in a revision of the
proposed amendment as it relates to the
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
II. Analysis of Proposed Rule
A. Relocation of Membership Regulation
to Part 1263
The proposed rule would relocate the
Membership Regulation in its entirety
from part 925 of the FHFB regulations
to part 1263 of the FHFA regulations.
The proposed rule also would amend
certain provisions of the relocated
Membership Regulation to allow CDFIs
to become Bank members. Although
those amendments are not evident from
the regulatory text of the proposed rule
because the provisions are being
relocated in their entirety, any material
revisions to the regulatory text are
discussed in this preamble.
B. Scope of the Proposed Regulation
As noted previously, approximately
125 depository institutions that also are
CDFIs have already become members of
a Bank by virtue of their status as
federally insured depository
institutions. Under the terms of this
proposed rule, any such institutions that
seek to become members of a Bank in
the future would be required to follow
the existing membership regulations
and procedures applicable for insured
depository institutions. The
amendments embodied in this proposed
rule are intended to apply only to those
types of CDFIs that were not eligible for
membership prior to the passage of
HERA, such as loan funds, venture
capital funds and credit unions with
state or private insurance.
C. Definitions
Consistent with the scope of the
proposed regulation, FHFA is proposing
to amend the definitions section of the
Membership Regulation by revising
existing definitions and adding new
definitions to reflect the statutory
changes related to CDFI members. Thus,
section 1263.1 of the proposed rule
defines ‘‘community development
financial institution’’ and ‘‘CDFI’’ to
include any institution that is certified
as a CDFI by the CDFI Fund of the U.S.
Department of the Treasury, other than
a bank or savings association that is
insured under the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.) or
a credit union that is insured under the
Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C.
1751 et seq.). Because federally insured
depository institutions and credit
unions already are eligible for
membership under the pre-HERA law,
the definition of CDFI excludes those
institutions. The proposal also defines
‘‘CDFI credit union’’ as a state chartered
credit union that has been certified by
the CDFI Fund and does not have
federal deposit insurance. The CDFI
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credit unions are the only types of
depository institution that are affected
by the HERA CDFI amendments and, for
reasons stated below, those entities will
be evaluated for financial condition
under the same provisions that
currently apply to state chartered credit
unions that are currently eligible for
membership because they are insured
by the National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA).
The proposed rule also adds or revises
several other definitions in order to
accommodate the admission of CDFIs to
Bank membership. Those defined terms
are ‘‘appropriate regulator,’’ ‘‘CDFI
Fund,’’ ‘‘gross revenues,’’ ‘‘operating
expenses,’’ ‘‘restricted assets,’’ ‘‘total
assets,’’ and ‘‘unrestricted cash and cash
equivalents.’’ The proposal would revise
the existing definition of ‘‘appropriate
regulator’’ to add CDFI credit unions to
the list of financial institutions included
within the current rule. As noted
previously, FHFA is proposing to
subject CDFI credit unions to the same
financial condition provisions that
apply to state chartered credit unions
that are insured by the NCUA, and these
definitions are consistent with that
approach. Most of the other new
definitions relate to terms that are used
elsewhere in the proposal to measure
the financial condition and performance
of those CDFIs that are not subject to
state or federal regulation. Generally
speaking, these financial definitions are
intended to reflect the terms used in the
financial performance standards
employed by the CDFI Fund or by thirdparty auditors experienced in assessing
the financial performance of the CDFIs.
FHFA requests comments on whether
the proposed definitions are appropriate
in the context of assessing the financial
condition of CDFI applicants.
Apart from those new or revised
definitions, the proposed rule carries
over into part 1263 all of the existing
definitions from the Membership
Regulation, some of which include
minor clarifying or technical changes.
D. Application Process
Subpart B of the current Membership
Regulation includes several
provisions—§§ 925.2 to 925.5—relating
to the process for the submission and
consideration of applications for
membership. The proposed rule would
relocate all of those provisions without
substantive change to proposed
§§ 1263.2, 1263.3, 1263.4, and 1263.5,
respectively. The proposed rule would
make minor changes to certain of those
provisions, none of which are intended
to change the substance of those
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E. Eligibility Requirements
Subpart C of the current Membership
Regulation includes 13 provisions
relating principally to the eligibility
requirements for membership and how
they are to be applied to the various
types of institutions that may become
members of a Bank. Some of these
regulatory provisions are readily
applicable to CDFIs in the same manner
as other financial institutions, but others
require some adaptation to reflect the
unique characteristics of CDFIs. The
proposed rule would amend certain of
these provisions to address the statutory
changes that have allowed CDFIs to
become members. In proposing these
amendments, FHFA has sought to
develop regulatory standards that
recognize the unique characteristics of
CDFIs and the valuable contribution
they make to their communities, while
remaining sufficiently rigorous to
comply with the statutory requirements.
General eligibility requirements.
Section 4(a)(1) of the Bank Act requires
that all applicants for Bank membership
meet certain requirements for
membership. These requirements are
currently listed in § 925.6(a) of the
Membership Regulation and are being
retained in the proposed rule at
proposed § 1263.6(a). With respect to
proposed § 1263.6(a), the only change to
the existing regulatory text would be to
add ‘‘community development financial
institution’’ to the list of entities eligible
for membership. As discussed above,
that term has been defined to exclude
federally insured depository institutions
and credit unions, because such
institutions are already authorized to
become Bank members.
Section 4(a)(2) of the Bank Act further
requires any ‘‘insured depository
institution’’ applicant to have at least 10
percent of its assets in residential
mortgage loans, be in sound financial
condition, and have sound management
and home financing policy. 12 U.S.C.
1424(a)(2). The term ‘‘insured
depository institution’’ is defined in the
Bank Act to include any federallyinsured bank, savings association or
credit union, and thus does not include
the newly-eligible CDFIs or insurance
companies. See 12 U.S.C. 1422(9).
Nonetheless, the Bank Act does not
preclude FHFA from applying these
concepts to other types of applicants,
based on its authority to ensure that the
Banks operate in a safe and sound
manner and carry out their public
policy missions. Indeed, FHFA’s
predecessor agency, FHFB, exercised
that authority to require all applicants
without federal deposit insurance, i.e.,
insurance companies, to have mortgage-
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
related assets that reflect a commitment
to housing finance. 12 CFR 925.6(c); See
58 FR 43522 (Aug. 17, 1993). FHFB
reasoned that such an approach treated
all applicants in an equitable and
consistent manner, and was consistent
with the housing finance mission of the
Banks. See id. at 43531–43533. FHFA
believes that rationale can apply as well
to the newly eligible CDFI applicants,
and thus is proposing to require such
CDFI applicants to have mortgage
related assets that reflect a commitment
to housing finance. FHFA expects that
the Banks will assess the commitment to
housing finance requirements in light of
the unique community development
focus of the business of CDFIs. Because
the language of the current regulation
already applies to any applicant that is
not an insured depository institution, no
amendment to proposed § 1263.6(c) is
necessary to affect this change.
In a similar manner, the proposed rule
would require the newly eligible CDFI
applicants to satisfy requirements
relating to financial condition, character
of management and home financing
policy. When FHFB extended those
provisions to insurance companies, it
reasoned that they were sufficiently
important to concepts of safety and
soundness and the housing finance
mission to warrant doing so. See 58 FR
at 43533. FHFA believes that the same
rationale should apply to the newly
eligible category of CDFI applicants.
Thus, the proposed rule would retain
the provisions within Subpart C, which
would be amended as necessary to
implement the CDFI provisions of
HERA. The amendments to particular
provisions within Subpart C are
discussed separately below.
Duly organized requirement. Section
4(a)(1)(A) of the Bank Act requires that
an applicant for membership be duly
organized under the laws of any state or
of the United States. 12 U.S.C.
1424(a)(1)(A). Section 1263.7 of the
proposed rule would amend the current
language of § 925.7, which implements
this provision, to provide that a newly
eligible CDFI applicant shall be deemed
to be duly organized if it is incorporated
under state law. The current regulation
allows an applicant to satisfy this
provision if it is chartered as one of
several types of depository institutions
or as an insurance company. Because
most CDFIs will not have such a charter,
FHFA believes that being incorporated
under state law is sufficient to
demonstrate that a CDFI meets this
requirement of the statute.
Inspection and regulation
requirement. Section 4(a)(1)(B) of the
Bank Act generally requires an
applicant for membership to be subject
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to inspection and regulation under state
or federal banking or similar laws. In the
case of a CDFI, the statute imposes an
alternative requirement, which is that
the applicant be certified by the CDFI
Fund. See 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1)(B).
Accordingly, newly-eligible CDFI
applicants are not required to meet the
inspection and regulation requirement
and, therefore, there is no need to
amend the existing regulatory language,
which would be carried over into
proposed § 1263.8. As discussed earlier,
the requirement that a CDFI applicant
be certified by the CDFI Fund in order
to be eligible for membership is
addressed by the definition of ‘‘CDFI’’ in
proposed § 1263.1. The proposed rule,
however, does make certain clarifying
revisions to the existing regulation text
of proposed § 1263.8, which are not
intended to alter the substance of the
Long-term mortgage loans
requirement. Section 4(a)(1)(C) of the
Bank Act requires that an applicant for
membership make long-term home
mortgage loans. 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1)(C).
‘‘Long-term’’ is defined in § 925.1 to
include loans with a term to maturity of
five years or greater. 12 CFR 925.1.
‘‘Home mortgage loan’’ is defined in
§ 925.1 to include, among other things,
first mortgages on one-to-four family or
multifamily property, and mortgage
pass-through securities backed by such
mortgages. See id. Section 925.9 of the
Membership Regulation, which
implements these provisions, provides
that an applicant is deemed to meet this
requirement if, based on the applicant’s
most recent regulatory financial report
filed with its appropriate regulator, the
applicant originates or purchases longterm home mortgage loans. 12 CFR
925.9. Some newly-eligible CDFI
applicants, such as loan funds and
venture capital funds, do not file
regulatory financial reports.
Accordingly, proposed § 1263.9 would
amend the existing language to provide
that a Bank shall determine whether a
CDFI applicant meets the ‘‘makes longterm home mortgage loans’’ requirement
based on other documentation provided
to the Bank, and contemplates that a
Bank can decide what level of
documentation can best allow it to
determine whether a particular type of
CDFI satisfies this requirement.
Financial condition requirements.
The current Membership Regulation
includes two separate provisions
relating to the financial condition of
applicants for membership. Section
925.11 relates to depository institutions
(which includes federally insured state
chartered credit unions), while § 925.16
relates to insurance companies. The
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proposed rule would relocate those
provisions to proposed §§ 1263.11 and
1263.16, respectively, and would amend
both of them to incorporate language
relating to CDFI applicants.
In proposed § 1263.11, FHFA would
require CDFI credit unions to comply
with the same financial condition
requirements that currently apply to
state chartered credit unions that are
insured by the NCUA.11 All credit
unions chartered by a particular state
operate under the same state laws and
regulations. All are subject to oversight
by the same state regulatory agency and
would have the same financial reporting
and examination requirements at the
state level. Thus, for this category of
CDFI, FHFA believes that it is most
appropriate for the Banks to evaluate
financial condition under the same
regulatory provisions that apply to all
other credit union and depository
institution applicants. Those provisions
are set out in proposed § 1263.11(a) and
(b) and require the Banks to evaluate the
financial condition of the applicants
based on information in the regulatory
financial reports they file with their
applicable regulators, their audited
financial statements, and the
examination reports prepared by their
regulators. The key distinction for CDFI
credit unions is that they are not subject
to oversight by the NCUA and
consequently do not file financial
regulatory reports with the NCUA.
Nonetheless, the CDFI credit unions
should file comparable reports with
their appropriate state regulator, and
FHFA believes that those documents
can be used by the Banks to assess the
financial condition of the CDFI credit
unions, applying the same criteria as in
the existing regulations. To the extent
that any state chartered credit unions
without NCUA insurance may not in
fact file regulatory financial reports with
their state regulator that are comparable
to those filed by NCUA-regulated credit
unions, or are not required to have
audited financial statements or submit
to regulatory examinations, FHFA
requests comments on what other
documentation such entities would
prepare that would provide the Banks
with comparable information about
their financial condition.
To bring the CDFI credit unions
within the scope of the current financial
condition requirements for depository
institutions, the proposed rule would
amend the existing regulatory text in
two locations. The first amendment
11 As of December 31, 2008, 955 credit unions
were members of the Bank System. Of that number,
476 are state chartered and 479 are federal credit
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
would revise proposed § 1263.11(a) to
list the types of depository institutions
that are subject to its provisions and to
include CDFI credit unions within that
list. The second amendment would add
a new provision, proposed
§ 1263.11(b)(3)(iii), which would require
all CDFI credit unions to meet certain
performance trend criteria. Under the
current regulation, the only depository
institutions that must satisfy those
criteria are institutions with a composite
examination rating of ‘‘2’’ or ‘‘3’’.
Because the CDFI credit unions are not
subject to oversight by the NCUA and
because the Banks may be less familiar
with state examination ratings, FHFA
believes that it is prudent to require all
such CDFI credit unions to demonstrate
that their earnings, nonperforming
assets, and allowance for loan and lease
losses are consistent with the existing
performance criteria. Apart from those
amendments, proposed § 1263.11 would
retain all of the language from the
existing § 925.11. FHFA requests
comments on whether the application of
these standards is appropriate for CDFI
credit unions and whether the nature or
extent of oversight and examination by
a state regulator differs in any manner
that would require any of the provisions
in this section to be modified. For
example, the current rule requires the
submission of quarterly regulatory
financial reports and information from a
regulatory examination report. To the
extent that any state chartered CDFI
credit unions might not have quarterly
reports, financial statements audited by
a certified public accountant or
regulatory examination reports, FHFA
seeks information on the types of
financial condition statements and
regulatory reports that such entities do
submit and what types of examination
and rating are provided by the state
For all other CDFIs, such as CDFI loan
funds and venture capital funds, FHFA
is proposing new financial condition
requirements. These requirements
would be incorporated into the existing
provisions relating to insurance
companies, set out in proposed
§ 1263.16(b). Institutions in this
category of CDFIs are not subject to the
same degree of state or federal oversight
as are depository institutions and
insurance companies. Thus, they may
not be able to provide the Banks with
documentation similar to examination
reports or periodic regulatory financial
reports to aid the Banks in assessing
their financial condition. Although
these CDFIs will have been certified by
the CDFI Fund, that process does not
include an assessment of the CDFI’s
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financial condition. Moreover, the type
and extent of available financial
documentation will differ for the
various categories of CDFIs. Although
some CDFI loan funds and venture
capital funds may be able to obtain
private ratings that would be analogous
to those relating to depository
institutions, those are not routinely
generated. Because of those differences,
FHFA is proposing to establish separate
financial documentation requirements
and approval standards for assessing the
financial condition of this category of
CDFIs, which are intended to be
analogous to those applicable to other
applicants, while taking into account
the unique characteristics of CDFIs.
The structure of proposed
§ 1263.16(b) would generally parallel
that used for depository institutions,
i.e., the regulation would identify the
types of financial documents that a
Bank must review in assessing a CDFI’s
financial condition and would establish
standards for determining whether an
applicant’s financial condition is
sufficiently sound to admit it to Bank
membership. Those amendments are
described below.
Section 1263.16(b)(1) of the proposed
rule would specify two categories of
financial documents that a Bank must
obtain and review when assessing a
CDFI’s financial condition, and would
authorize a Bank to request any
additional documents that it deems
necessary to assessing the financial
condition of the CDFI applicant. The
first category of documentation relates
to financial statements, and requires the
submission of an independent audit that
has been conducted within the prior
year by a certified public accounting
firm, in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards (GAAS), as
well as more recent quarterly financial
statements, if those are available. An
applicant also must submit financial
statements for the two years prior to the
most recent audited financial statement.
At a minimum, all such financial
statements must include income and
expense statements, statements of
activities, statements of financial
position, and statements of cash flows.
The financial statements for the most
recent year also must include detailed
disclosures or schedules relating to the
affiliates of the CDFI applicant regarding
the financial position of each affiliate,
their lines of business, and the
relationship between the affiliates and
the applicant CDFI.
FHFA believes that the use of a
GAAS-consistent audited financial
statement is a uniform and reliable
means by which an applicant can
demonstrate to a Bank that it is in sound
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financial condition, particularly in the
absence of the regulatory financial and
examination reports that the Banks
typically consider in evaluating other
depository institutions and insurance
companies for membership.
Nonetheless, FHFA requests comments
on whether there might be alternatives
to GAAS-compliant audited financial
statements that would allow a Bank to
assess accurately the financial condition
of a CDFI applicant. If certain CDFIs do
not typically obtain audited financial
statements, FHFA might consider
allowing the Banks to use alternative
financial statements, but asks that any
persons recommending such
alternatives provide detailed
information about the quality of such
alternatives and the frequency at which
they would be prepared. Examples of
such alternatives might include
financial statements that, while not
prepared by a certified public
accounting firm, would be substantially
similar to audited financial statements,
or financial statements prepared by a
CDFI that have some other means of
assuring that they accurately present its
financial condition. FHFA will consider
allowing the use of such alternative
financial statements in the final rule if
it can be reasonably assured that the
Banks can rely on them to determine
that the CDFI applicant is in sound
financial condition.
Section 1263.16(b)(1)(ii) and (iii) of
the proposed rule further requires a
CDFI applicant to provide the Bank with
a copy of the certification it has received
from the CDFI Fund, as well as any
other financial information concerning
its financial condition that is requested
by the Bank. With respect to the issue
of certification, each CDFI applicant
generally must provide a certification
issued by the CDFI Fund no more than
three years prior to the date of the
CDFI’s application for Bank
membership. If an applicant’s CDFI
certification does not meet that
requirement, the applicant must submit
to the Bank a written statement that
there have been no material events or
occurrences since the date of
certification that would adversely affect
its strategic direction, mission, or
business operations, and thereby its
status as a CDFI.
Section 1263.16(b)(2) of the proposed
rule sets out minimum financial
condition standards that a CDFI must
meet in order to become a member of a
Bank. Those standards relate to net
assets, earnings, loan loss reserves, and
liquidity, and are described below.
Net asset ratio. The proposed rule
would require that a CDFI applicant
have a ratio of net assets to total assets
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
of at least 20 percent, which is intended
to address the capital adequacy of the
CDFI. For purposes of this provision,
‘‘net assets’’ is to be calculated as the
residual value of assets (including
restricted assets) over liabilities and is
to be based on information derived from
the applicant’s most recent financial
FHFA is proposing this approach
because it understands that the
inclusion of restricted assets within net
assets is consistent with the approach
used by the CDFI Fund and others in the
CDFI industry, as well as with the
accounting standards for nonprofit
entities. Restricted assets typically
appear on CDFI balance sheets when
donor or government funds are
specifically designated as capital, and
are thereby ‘‘restricted’’ as to their
possible uses. When used in this
manner, the capital may be classified as
restricted, but it is nonetheless available
to absorb any losses. For example, the
CDFI Fund commonly awards funding
for loan loss reserves, which may serve
to lower a CDFI’s borrowing costs.
FHFA requests comment on the
inclusion of restricted assets in the net
asset ratio, and on the proposed use of
a minimum net asset ratio of 20 percent
for membership eligibility.
Earnings. The proposed rule would
require a CDFI applicant to demonstrate
that it has some earnings capacity. Thus,
an applicant must show that it has
generated a positive net income for any
two of the three most recent years. For
purposes of this provision, net income
would be defined as gross revenues less
total expenses, based on information
derived from the applicant’s most recent
financial statements. In the definitions
section of the regulation, the proposal
defines ‘‘gross revenues’’ to mean total
revenues received from all sources,
including earnings from operations,
grants and other donor contributions.
This requirement is adapted from the
earnings requirement for insured
depository institutions in the current
regulation, which requires that the
applicant’s adjusted net income be
positive in four of the six most recent
calendar quarters. Because CDFIs may
not typically file quarterly regulatory
reports, and generally obtain an audit of
their financial statements only once a
year, FHFA proposes to require that
earnings be positive in two of the three
most recent years, rather than four of the
six most recent calendar quarters. FHFA
requests comment on the
appropriateness of this measure of
earnings and on the proposed minimum
eligibility standard.
Loan loss reserves. The proposed rule
would require that an applicant’s ratio
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of loan loss reserves to loans and leases
90 or more days delinquent, including
loans sold with full recourse, be not less
than 30 percent. The information to
determine compliance with this
provision should be derived from the
applicant’s most recent financial
statements. Loan loss reserves, which
help the CDFIs self-insure against
losses, are defined within this provision
to mean a specified balance sheet
account that reflects the amount
reserved for loans expected to be
uncollectible. The proposed rule is
intended to provide a flexible and
relative standard, to acknowledge the
CDFIs’ mission and loan origination
practices while also requiring a buffer to
protect the organization’s continued
solvency and ongoing operation. The 30
percent threshold is half of the
requirement that would apply to
depository institution applicants. FHFA
is proposing to allow the lower ratio in
recognition of a historically lower
delinquency rate among CDFI-originated
loans, which have performed equal to or
better than prime loans. As noted, the
CDFIs’ fundamental mission is to
stabilize communities. Most CDFIs hold
the loans they make and, consequently,
the risk in portfolio. These two
conditions prompt the use of careful
underwriting, intensive homeowner and
financial counseling, and subsidies to
assure borrower affordability. CDFIs
have the ability to modify a loan in
response to a borrower’s adverse life
event, thus preventing a foreclosure.
Given these unique circumstances,
lower loan loss reserves would permit
more capital to go to borrowers.
However, given current housing market
conditions, FHFA requests comment on
the appropriateness of the proposed
loan loss reserve measure, the rationale
for the different standard for CDFIs, or
whether there are any alternative
standards that might also serve this
Liquidity ratio. The proposed rule
would require that an applicant’s
operating liquidity ratio be no less than
1.0 for the current year, i.e., the year
during which a CDFI applies for
membership, as well as in at least one
of the two years preceding the current
year. The operating liquidity ratio is to
include in the numerator unrestricted
cash and cash equivalents and in the
denominator the average quarterly
operating expense for the four most
recent quarters. FHFA believes that this
operating liquidity ratio provides a
measure of funds available to pay
expenses and creditors by requiring a
CDFI to have sufficient liquidity to
cover average operating expenses for
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one quarter. FHFA requests comment on
the appropriateness of the proposed
requirement for operating liquidity.
Self-Sufficiency or Sustainability
Ratio. The self-sufficiency or
sustainability ratio is a measure used to
evaluate the extent to which a CDFI can
cover its expenses from earned revenue
and, by inference, the CDFI’s
independence from grants and loans.
The ratio is computed as earned revenue
divided by total expenses. Full selfsufficiency is achieved when a CDFI
achieves a ratio of 1.0 (100 percent) or
greater. However, self-sufficiency ratios
are affected by the type of services and
grant programs operated by the CDFI. In
some cases, the self-sufficiency ratio
may not adequately portray the financial
condition of the CDFI, and too stringent
a ratio could countermand the service
delivery requirements for certification
by the CDFI Fund. See 12 U.S.C.
4701(b). The proposed rule does not
include a requirement for the selfsufficiency ratio, but FHFA seeks
comment on whether to include a
standard for the self-sufficiency ratio as
part of the minimum financial condition
standards for CDFI members and, if so,
what the threshold standard should
CDFI Bank Holding Companies. FHFA
understands that there are some bank
holding companies that are certified as
CDFIs, but it is not including that
category of institution in the proposed
rule. Any bank holding company would,
by definition, control a federally insured
commercial bank, which is eligible for
Bank membership in its own right.
Given that authority, FHFA believes that
the appropriate vehicle for Bank
membership for such enterprises is
through the existing process for insured
depository institutions. Nonetheless,
FHFA requests comment on whether it
should include in the final rule
additional provisions relating to bank
holding company membership based on
CDFI status. To the extent that any
commenters address this issue, FHFA
also asks that they provide information
about specific holding companies that
operate as CDFIs, their relationships to
their depository institution subsidiaries,
and how membership via the CDFI
12 By way of reference, between 2003 and 2005,
the sustainability ratio for CDFI loan funds averaged
around 65 percent; the median was 63 percent.
Venture capital funds, which have a different
business line, had a sustainability ratio of 68
percent. Credit unions principally dedicated to
lending would be expected to consistently have
ratios in excess of 100 percent. See Approaches to
CDFI Sustainability: Report prepared by the Aspen
Institute Economic Opportunities Program, for the
Department of the Treasury, Community
Development Financial Institutions Fund, July
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
provisions would provide benefits not
available as a result of the depository
institution becoming a member.
Character of Management. The
current § 925.12 requires that an
applicant’s character of management be
consistent with sound and economical
home financing. To meet the existing
requirement, an applicant must provide
the Bank with a certification that it has
not, since the applicant’s most recent
regulatory examination report, been
subject to any enforcement actions,
criminal, civil or administrative
proceedings, or criminal, civil or
administrative monetary liabilities,
lawsuits or judgments.
The proposed rule would amend the
existing provision by replacing the
reference to ‘‘applicant’’ with a listing of
the types of entities to which proposed
§ 1263.12(a) would apply. The list
would include the institutions currently
covered by this provision, i.e.,
depository institutions and insurance
companies, and also would add CDFI
credit unions to that category. As noted
previously, because state chartered
credit unions that are insured by NCUA
must comply with this provision, FHFA
believes that those provisions should
apply as well to state chartered credit
unions that qualify as CDFI credit union
Because certain of the newly-eligible
CDFIs, such as loan funds and venture
capital funds, are not regulated and,
therefore, do not undergo regulatory
examinations and are not subject to
enforcement actions, the proposed rule
would amend proposed § 1263.12(b) to
require such applicants to provide to the
Bank the same certification, except for
enforcement actions, with respect to the
past three years. In light of the fact that
these CDFIs are not subject to CAMELStype ratings produced by the banking
regulators, which evaluate an
institution’s management, FHFA
requests comment on whether there are
any other means by which a Bank can
assess the character of a CDFI
applicant’s management.
Home Financing Policy. Under the
current Membership Regulation,
applicants with a ‘‘Satisfactory’’ or
better Community Reinvestment Act
(CRA) rating are deemed to meet the
requirement that their home financing
policy is consistent with sound and
economical home financing. Section
1263.13(b) of the proposed rule would
retain the existing requirement that
applicants not subject to the CRA—such
as CDFI applicants—must provide a
written justification, acceptable to the
Bank, explaining how and why their
home financing policy is consistent
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with the Bank System’s housing finance
Rebuttable Presumptions. Section
925.17 of the Membership Regulation
allows presumptions of compliance or
noncompliance with certain
membership eligibility requirements to
be rebutted, upon meeting certain
requirements set forth in that regulation.
The proposed rule would amend the
regulatory language to enable newlyeligible CDFI applicants to rebut
presumptive noncompliance with such
membership eligibility requirements, in
the same manner as other applicants
may do under the current regulations.
Accordingly, the proposed rule would
extend the existing rebuttal provisions
relating to presumptive noncompliance
with the financial condition and
character of management requirements
to CDFI applicants. Such applicants
could rebut those presumptions by
submitting a written justification
providing substantial evidence,
acceptable to the Bank, demonstrating
that their financial condition and
character of management are both
consistent with the standards for
approval as members.
Proposed § 1263.17(e)(2) would
provide that if a CDFI applicant or any
of its directors or senior officers has
been the subject of any criminal, civil or
administrative proceedings reflecting
upon creditworthiness, business
judgment, or moral turpitude in the past
three years, the applicant must provide
a written analysis indicating that the
proceedings will not likely have a
significantly deleterious effect on the
applicant’s operations. The written
analysis must address the severity of the
charges, and any mitigating action taken
by the applicant or its directors or
senior officers.
Proposed § 1263.17(e)(3) would
provide that if there are any known
potential criminal, civil or
administrative monetary liabilities,
material pending lawsuits, or
unsatisfied judgments against the CDFI
applicant or any of its directors or
senior officers in the past three years
that are significant to the applicant’s
operations, the applicant must provide
a written analysis acceptable to the
Bank indicating that the liabilities,
lawsuits or judgments will not likely
cause the applicant to fall below its
applicable net asset ratio set forth in
proposed § 1263.16(b)(2)(i). The written
analysis shall state the likelihood of the
applicant or its directors or senior
officers prevailing, and the financial
consequences if the applicant or its
directors or senior officers do not
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F. Subpart D—Stock Purchase
The proposed rule would make
various technical changes to the stock
purchase requirements currently set
forth in various provisions of Subpart D.
At present, the minimum stock
purchase requirements specified in
§ 925.20(a) are based on statutory
provisions that cease to apply to a Bank
once it has converted its capital
structure to the form required by the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act).
Because all but one of the Banks has
completed its capital conversion,
proposed § 1263.20 is being amended to
add language to indicate that the
minimum stock purchase requirement
for a member shall be the minimums
specified in each Bank’s capital
structure plan. For members of the Bank
that has not converted, the stock
purchase requirement shall continue to
be as specified in the Membership
Regulation. The proposed rule also
makes some conforming changes to
proposed §§ 1263.21 and 1263.22, both
of which relate to distinctions based on
conversion to the GLB Act capital
G. Other Subparts
The proposed rule makes no
substantive changes in any of the
remaining subparts of the Membership
Regulation. In Subpart H, relating to the
reacquisition of membership, the
proposed rule would delete language
from the current § 925.30(b) relating to
institutions that withdrew from
membership prior to December 31,
1997, as the passage of time has
rendered that language moot.
H. Community Support Amendment—
Part 944
Section 10(g)(1) of the Bank Act
requires FHFA to establish standards of
community investment or service for
members of the Banks to maintain
continued access to long-term Bank
advances, taking into account factors
such as a member’s performance under
the CRA and the member’s record of
lending to first-time homebuyers. See 12
U.S.C. 1430(g)(1), (2). The FHFB
regulation setting forth such
‘‘community support’’ standards is at 12
CFR part 944. Under these provisions, a
Bank member that is subject to the CRA
is deemed to meet the CRA standard if
its most recent CRA evaluation is
‘‘outstanding’’ or ‘‘satisfactory.’’ See 12
CFR 944.3(b)(1). A member also is
presumed to meet the first-time
homebuyer lending standard if its CRA
evaluation is ‘‘outstanding’’ and there
are no public comments or other
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
information to the contrary. 12 CFR
944.3(c). Members that are not subject to
the CRA, such as credit unions and
insurance companies, are only required
to meet the first-time homebuyer
lending standard. Id. Because the newly
eligible CDFIs are not subject to the
CRA, they would only be subject to the
first-time homebuyer lending standard.
Section 944.3(c)(1) includes a nonexclusive list of eligible activities that
meet the first-time homebuyer lending
standard, such as: having an established
record of lending to first-time
homebuyers; providing homeownership
counseling programs for first-time
homebuyers; providing or participating
in marketing plans and related outreach
programs targeted to first-time
homebuyers; and providing technical
assistance or financial support to
organizations that assist first-time
homebuyers. See id. at 944.3(c)(1).
FHFA believes that a CDFI should be
able to comply with these requirements,
even if it is not subject to the CRA and
may have limited experience in lending
to first-time homebuyers. Nonetheless,
FHFA requests comments on whether it
is appropriate to apply the current
requirements to CDFIs or whether it
would be appropriate to adopt an
alternative community support standard
for CDFIs that recognizes their unique
mission and business practices while
still complying with this statutory
I. Community Financial Institution
Apart from the amendments
authorizing certified CDFIs to become
Bank members, HERA included certain
other amendments relating to
‘‘community development activities.’’
Section 1211 of HERA amended the
Bank Act to broaden the circumstances
under which ‘‘community financial
institutions’’ (CFI), which are FDICinsured members with average total
assets of $1 billion or less, may obtain
advances. Specifically, HERA allowed
CFIs to obtain long-term advances for
the purpose of funding ‘‘community
development activities’’ and further
allowed CFIs to pledge secured loans for
‘‘community development activities’’ as
collateral for their advances. Because a
CFI must be an institution with FDIC
insurance, it does not appear that any of
the newly eligible CDFIs, all of which
would lack FDIC insurance, would be
eligible to take advantage of these
amendments to the advances and
collateral provisions of the Bank Act.
Nonetheless, the Finance Agency
requests comments on whether there is
any basis in the legislative history to
HERA or otherwise on which it could
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III. Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection contained
in the current Membership Regulation,
entitled ‘‘Members of the Banks,’’ has
been assigned control number 2590–
0003 by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB). The proposed rule, if
adopted as a final rule, would not
substantively or materially modify the
approved information collection.
Consequently, FHFA has not submitted
any information to OMB for review
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995. 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.
IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The proposed rule, if adopted as a
final rule, will apply only to the Banks,
which do not come within the meaning
of ‘‘small entities,’’ as defined in the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA). See 5
U.S.C. 601(6). Therefore, in accordance
with section 605(b) of the RFA, 5 U.S.C.
605(b), the General Counsel of FHFA
hereby certifies that the proposed rule,
if promulgated as a final rule, will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
1263.8 Subject to inspection and regulation
1263.9 Makes long-term home mortgage
loans requirement.
1263.10 Ten percent requirement for certain
insured depository institution
1263.11 Financial condition requirement
for depository institutions and CDFI
credit unions.
1263.12 Character of management
1263.13 Home financing policy
1263.14 De novo insured depository
institution applicants.
1263.15 Recent merger or acquisition
1263.16 Financial condition requirement
for insurance company and certain CDFI
1263.17 Rebuttable presumptions.
1263.18 Determination of appropriate Bank
district for membership.
Subpart D—Stock Requirements
1263.19 Par value and price of stock.
1263.20 Stock purchase.
1263.21 Issuance and form of stock.
1263.22 Adjustments in stock holdings.
1263.23 Excess stock.
reasonably rely to construe the new CFI
provisions as applying to CDFIs as well
as CFIs.
Subpart E—Consolidations Involving
1263.24 Consolidations involving members.
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Parts 925 and
Federal home loan banks, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, FHFA proposes to amend
chapters IX and XII of title 12 of the
Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
Subpart F—Withdrawal and Removal From
1263.26 Voluntary withdrawal from
1263.27 Involuntary termination of
Subpart H—Reacquisition of Membership
1263.30 Readmission to membership.
Subpart I—Bank Access to Information
1263.31 Reports and examinations.
1. Transfer 12 CFR part 925 from
chapter IX, subchapter D, to chapter XII,
subchapter D and redesignate as 12 CFR
part 1263.
2. Newly redesignated part 1263 is
revised to read as follows:
Subpart G—Orderly Liquidation of
Advances and Redemption of Stock
1263.29 Disposition of claims.
Subpart J—Membership Insignia
1263.32 Official membership insignia.
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1422, 1423, 1424,
1426, 1430, 1442, 4511, 4513.
Subpart A—Definitions
Subpart A—Definitions
1263.1 Definitions.
For purposes of this part:
Adjusted net income means net
income, excluding extraordinary items
such as income received from, or
expense incurred in, sales of securities
or fixed assets, reported on a regulatory
financial report.
Aggregate unpaid loan principal
means the aggregate unpaid principal of
a subscriber’s or member’s home
mortgage loans, home-purchase
contracts and similar obligations.
Allowance for loan and lease losses
means a specified balance-sheet account
Subpart B—Membership Application
1263.2 Membership application
1263.3 Decision on application.
1263.4 Automatic membership.
1263.5 Appeals.
Subpart C—Eligibility Requirements
1263.6 General eligibility requirements.
1263.7 Duly organized requirement.
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§ 1263.1
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held to fund potential losses on loans or
leases, that is reported on a regulatory
financial report.
Appropriate regulator means:
(1) In the case of an insured
depository institution or CDFI credit
union, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, National Credit
Union Administration, Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, Office of
Thrift Supervision, or appropriate state
regulator that has regulatory authority
over, or is empowered to institute
enforcement action against, the
institution, as applicable, and
(2) In the case of an insurance
company, an appropriate state regulator
accredited by the National Association
of Insurance Commissioners.
Bank Act means the Federal Home
Loan Bank Act, as amended (12 U.S.C.
1421 through 1449).
CDFI credit union means a state
chartered credit union that has been
certified as a CDFI by the CDFI Fund
and that does not have federal share
CDFI Fund means the Community
Development Financial Institutions
Fund established under section 104(a)
of the Community Development
Banking and Financial Institutions Act
of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.).
CFI asset cap means $1 billion, as
adjusted annually by FHFA, beginning
in 2009, to reflect any percentage
increase in the preceding year’s
Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all urban
consumers, as published by the U.S.
Department of Labor.
Class A stock means capital stock
issued by a Bank, including subclasses,
that has the characteristics specified in
section 6(a)(4)(A)(i) of the Bank Act (12
U.S.C. 1426(a)(4)(A)(i)) and applicable
FHFA regulations.
Class B stock means capital stock
issued by a Bank, including subclasses,
that has the characteristics specified in
section 6(a)(4)(A)(ii) of the Bank Act (12
U.S.C. 1426(a)(4)(A)(ii)) and applicable
FHFA regulations.
Combination business or farm
property means real property for which
the total appraised value is attributable
to residential, and business or farm
Community development financial
institution or CDFI means an institution
that is certified as a community
development financial institution by the
CDFI Fund under the Community
Development Banking and Financial
Institutions Act of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4701
et seq.), other than a bank or savings
association insured under the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1811 et
seq.) or a credit union insured under the
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Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C.
1751 et seq.).
Community financial institution or
CFI means an institution:
(1) The deposits of which are insured
under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act
(12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.); and
(2) The total assets of which, as of the
date of a particular transaction, are less
than the CFI asset cap, with total assets
being calculated as an average of total
assets over three years, with such
average being based on the institution’s
regulatory financial reports filed with its
appropriate regulator for the most recent
calendar quarter and the immediately
preceding 11 calendar quarters.
Composite regulatory examination
rating means a composite rating
assigned to an institution following the
guidelines of the Uniform Financial
Institutions Rating System (issued by
the Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council), including a
CAMELS rating or other similar rating,
contained in a written regulatory
examination report.
Consolidation includes a
consolidation, a merger, or a purchase of
all of the assets and assumption of all
of the liabilities of an entity by another
Director means the Director of FHFA
or his or her designee.
Dwelling unit means a single room or
a unified combination of rooms
designed for residential use.
Enforcement action means any
written notice, directive, order or
agreement initiated by an applicant for
Bank membership or by its appropriate
regulator to address any operational,
financial, managerial or other
deficiencies of the applicant identified
by such regulator, but does not include
a board of directors resolution adopted
by the applicant in response to
examination weaknesses identified by
such regulator.
Funded residential construction loan
means the portion of a loan secured by
real property made to finance the on-site
construction of dwelling units on oneto-four family property or multifamily
property disbursed to the borrower.
Gross revenues means, in the case of
a CDFI applicant, total revenues
received from all sources, including
grants and other donor contributions
and earnings from operations.
Home mortgage loan means:
(1) A loan, whether or not fully
amortizing, or an interest in such a loan,
which is secured by a mortgage, deed of
trust, or other security agreement that
creates a first lien on one of the
following interests in property:
(i) One-to-four family property or
multifamily property, in fee simple;
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(ii) A leasehold on one-to-four family
property or multifamily property under
a lease of not less than 99 years that is
renewable, or under a lease having a
period of not less than 50 years to run
from the date the mortgage was
executed; or
(iii) Combination business or farm
property where at least 50 percent of the
total appraised value of the combined
property is attributable to the residential
portion of the property or, in the case
of any community financial institution,
combination business or farm property,
on which is located a permanent
structure actually used as a residence
(other than for temporary or seasonal
housing), where the residence
constitutes an integral part of the
property; or
(2) A mortgage pass-through security
that represents an undivided ownership
interest in:
(i) Long-term loans, provided that, at
the time of issuance of the security, all
of the loans meet the requirements of
paragraph (1) of this definition; or
(ii) A security that represents an
undivided ownership interest in longterm loans, provided that, at the time of
issuance of the security, all of the loans
meet the requirements of paragraph (1)
of this definition.
Insured depository institution means
an insured depository institution as
defined in section 2(9) of the Bank Act,
as amended (12 U.S.C. 1422(9)).
Long-term means a term to maturity of
five years or greater.
Manufactured housing means a
manufactured home as defined in
section 603(6) of the Manufactured
Home Construction and Safety
Standards Act of 1974, as amended (42
U.S.C. 5402(6)).
Multifamily property means:
(1) Real property that is solely
residential and includes five or more
dwelling units;
(2) Real property that includes five or
more dwelling units combined with
commercial units, provided that the
property is primarily residential; or
(3) Nursing homes, dormitories, or
homes for the elderly.
Nonperforming loans and leases
means the sum of the following,
reported on a regulatory financial
(1) Loans and leases that have been
past due for 90 days (60 days in the case
of credit union applicants) or longer but
are still accruing;
(2) Loans and leases on a nonaccrual
basis; and
(3) Restructured loans and leases (not
already reported as nonperforming).
Nonresidential real property means
real property that is not used for
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
residential purposes, including business
or industrial property, hotels, motels,
churches, hospitals, educational and
charitable institution buildings or
facilities, clubs, lodges, association
buildings, golf courses, recreational
facilities, farm property not containing a
dwelling unit, or similar types of
One-to-four family property means:
(1) Real property that is solely
residential, including one-to-four family
dwelling units or more than four family
dwelling units if each dwelling unit is
separated from the other dwelling units
by dividing walls that extend from
ground to roof, such as row houses,
townhouses or similar types of property;
(2) Manufactured housing if
applicable state law defines the
purchase or holding of manufactured
housing as the purchase or holding of
real property;
(3) Individual condominium dwelling
units or interests in individual
cooperative housing dwelling units that
are part of a condominium or
cooperative building without regard to
the number of total dwelling units
therein; or
(4) Real property which includes oneto-four family dwelling units combined
with commercial units, provided the
property is primarily residential.
Operating expenses means, in the
case of a CDFI applicant, expenses for
business operations, including, but not
limited to, staff salaries and benefits,
professional fees, interest, loan loss
provision, and depreciation, contained
in the applicant’s audited financial
Other real estate owned means all
other real estate owned (i.e., foreclosed
and repossessed real estate), reported on
a regulatory financial report, and does
not include direct and indirect
investments in real estate ventures.
Regulatory examination report means
a written report of examination
prepared by the applicant’s appropriate
regulator, containing, in the case of
insured depository institution
applicants, a composite rating assigned
to the institution following the
guidelines of the Uniform Financial
Institutions Rating System, including a
CAMELS rating or other similar rating.
Regulatory financial report means a
financial report that an applicant is
required to file with its appropriate
regulator on a specific periodic basis,
including the quarterly call report for
commercial banks, thrift financial report
for savings associations, quarterly or
semi-annual call report for credit
unions, the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners’ annual or
quarterly report for insurance
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companies, or other similar report,
including such report maintained by the
appropriate regulator on a computer online database.
Residential mortgage loan means any
one of the following types of loans,
whether or not fully amortizing:
(1) Home mortgage loans;
(2) Funded residential construction
(3) Loans secured by manufactured
housing whether or not defined by state
law as secured by an interest in real
(4) Loans secured by junior liens on
one-to-four family property or
multifamily property;
(5) Mortgage pass-through securities
representing an undivided ownership
interest in:
(i) Loans that meet the requirements
of paragraphs (1) through (4) of this
definition at the time of issuance of the
(ii) Securities representing an
undivided ownership interest in loans,
provided that, at the time of issuance of
the security, all of the loans meet the
requirements of paragraphs (1) through
(4) of this definition; or
(iii) Mortgage debt securities as
defined in paragraph (6) of this
(6) Mortgage debt securities secured
(i) Loans, provided that, at the time of
issuance of the security, substantially all
of the loans meet the requirements of
paragraphs (1) through (4) of this
(ii) Securities that meet the
requirements of paragraph (5) of this
definition; or
(iii) Securities secured by assets,
provided that, at the time of issuance of
the security, all of the assets meet the
requirements of paragraphs (1) through
(5) of this definition;
(7) Home mortgage loans secured by
a leasehold interest, as defined in
paragraph (1)(ii) of the definition of
‘‘home mortgage loan,’’ except that the
period of the lease term may be for any
duration; or
(8) Loans that finance properties or
activities that, if made by a member,
would satisfy the statutory requirements
for the CIP established under section
10(i) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1430(i)),
or the regulatory requirements
established for any CICA program.
Restricted assets means both
permanently restricted assets and
temporarily restricted assets, as those
terms are used in Financial Accounting
Standard No. 117, or any successor
Total assets means the total assets
reported on a regulatory financial report
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or, in the case of a CDFI applicant, the
total assets contained in the applicant’s
audited financial statements.
Unrestricted cash and cash
equivalents means, in the case of a CDFI
applicant, cash and highly liquid assets
that can be easily converted into cash
that are not restricted in a manner that
prevents their use in paying expenses,
as contained in the applicant’s audited
financial statements.
Subpart B—Membership Application
§ 1263.2 Membership application
(a) Application. An applicant for
membership in a Bank shall submit to
that Bank an application that satisfies
the requirements of this part. The
application shall include a written
resolution or certification duly adopted
by the applicant’s board of directors, or
by an individual with authority to act
on behalf of the applicant’s board of
directors, of the following:
(1) Applicant review. Applicant has
reviewed the requirements of this part
and, as required by this part, has
provided to the best of applicant’s
knowledge the most recent, accurate
and complete information available; and
(2) Duty to supplement. Applicant
will promptly supplement the
application with any relevant
information that comes to applicant’s
attention prior to the Bank’s decision on
whether to approve or deny the
application, and if the Bank’s decision
is appealed pursuant to § 1263.5, prior
to resolution of any appeal by FHFA.
(b) Digest. The Bank shall prepare a
written digest for each applicant stating
whether or not the applicant meets each
of the requirements in §§ 1263.6 to
1263.18, the Bank’s findings and the
reasons therefor.
(c) File. The Bank shall maintain a
membership file for each applicant for
at least three years after the Bank
decides whether to approve or deny
membership or, in the case of an appeal
to FHFA, for three years after the
resolution of the appeal. The
membership file shall contain at a
(1) Digest. The digest required by
paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Required documents. All
documents required by §§ 1263.6 to
1263.18, including those documents
required to establish or rebut a
presumption under this part, shall be
described in and attached to the digest.
The Bank may retain in the file only the
relevant portions of the regulatory
financial reports required by this part. If
an applicant’s appropriate regulator
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
requires return or destruction of a
regulatory examination report, the date
that the report is returned or destroyed
shall be noted in the file.
(3) Additional documents. Any
additional document submitted by the
applicant, or otherwise obtained or
generated by the Bank, concerning the
(4) Decision resolution. The decision
resolution described in § 1263.3(b).
§ 1263.3
Decision on application.
(a) Authority. FHFA hereby authorizes
the Banks to approve or deny all
applications for membership, subject to
the requirements of this part. The
authority to approve membership
applications may be exercised only by a
committee of the Bank’s board of
directors, the Bank president, or a senior
officer who reports directly to the Bank
president, other than an officer with
responsibility for business development.
(b) Decision resolution. For each
applicant, the Bank shall prepare a
written resolution duly adopted by the
Bank’s board of directors, by a
committee of the board of directors, or
by an officer with delegated authority to
approve membership applications. The
decision resolution shall state:
(1) That the statements in the digest
are accurate to the best of the Bank’s
knowledge, and are based on a diligent
and comprehensive review of all
available information identified in the
digest; and
(2) The Bank’s decision and the
reasons therefor. Decisions to approve
an application should state specifically
that: the applicant is authorized under
the laws of the United States and the
laws of the appropriate state to become
a member of, purchase stock in, do
business with, and maintain deposits in,
the Bank to which the applicant has
applied; and the applicant meets all of
the membership eligibility criteria of the
Bank Act and this part.
(c) Action on applications. The Bank
shall act on an application within 60
calendar days of the date the Bank
deems the application to be complete.
An application is ‘‘complete’’ when a
Bank has obtained all the information
required by this part, and any other
information the Bank deems necessary,
to process the application. If an
application that was deemed complete
subsequently is deemed incomplete
because the Bank determines during the
review process that additional
information is necessary to process the
application, the Bank may stop the 60day clock until the application again is
deemed complete, and then resume the
clock where it left off. The Bank shall
notify an applicant in writing when its
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application is deemed by the Bank to be
complete, and shall maintain a copy of
such letter in the applicant’s
membership file. The Bank shall notify
an applicant if the 60-day clock is
stopped, and when the clock is
resumed, and shall maintain a written
record of such notifications in the
applicant’s membership file. Within
three business days of a Bank’s decision
on an application, the Bank shall
provide the applicant and FHFA with a
copy of the Bank’s decision resolution.
§ 1263.4
Automatic membership.
(a) Automatic membership for certain
charter conversions. An insured
depository institution member that
converts from one charter type to
another automatically shall become a
member of the Bank of which the
converting institution was a member on
the effective date of such conversion,
provided that the converting institution
continues to be an insured depository
institution and the assets of the
institution immediately before and
immediately after the conversion are not
materially different. In such case, all
relationships existing between the
member and the Bank at the time of
such conversion may continue.
(b) Automatic membership for
transfers. Any member whose
membership is transferred pursuant to
§ 1263.18(d) automatically shall become
a member of the Bank to which it
(c) Automatic membership, in the
Bank’s discretion, for certain
consolidations. (1) If a member
institution (or institutions) and a
nonmember institution are consolidated
and the consolidated institution has its
principal place of business in a state in
the same Bank district as the
disappearing institution (or
institutions), and the consolidated
institution will operate under the
charter of the nonmember institution,
on the effective date of the
consolidation, the consolidated
institution may, in the discretion of the
Bank of which the disappearing
institution (or institutions) was a
member immediately prior to the
effective date of the consolidation,
automatically become a member of such
Bank upon the purchase of the
minimum amount of Bank stock
required for membership in that Bank as
required by § 1263.20, provided that:
(i) 90 percent or more of the total
assets of the consolidated institution are
derived from the total assets of the
disappearing member institution (or
institutions); and
(ii) The consolidated institution
provides written notice to such Bank,
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within 60 calendar days after the
effective date of the consolidation, that
it desires to be a member of the Bank.
(2) The provisions of § 1263.24(b)(4)(i)
shall apply, and upon approval of
automatic membership by the Bank, the
provisions of § 1263.24(c) and (d) shall
§ 1263.5
(a) Appeals by applicants—(1) Filing
procedure. Within 90 calendar days of
the date of a Bank’s decision to deny an
application for membership, the
applicant may file a written appeal of
the decision with FHFA.
(2) Documents. The applicant’s appeal
shall be addressed to the Deputy
Director for Federal Home Loan Bank
Regulation, Federal Housing Finance
Agency, 1625 Eye Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20006, with a copy to
the Bank, and shall include the
following documents:
(i) Bank’s decision resolution. A copy
of the Bank’s decision resolution; and
(ii) Basis for appeal. A statement of
the basis for the appeal by the applicant
with sufficient facts, information,
analysis and explanation to rebut any
applicable presumptions and otherwise
support the applicant’s position.
(b) Record for appeal—(1) Copy of
membership file. Upon receiving a copy
of an appeal, the Bank whose action has
been appealed (appellee Bank) shall
provide FHFA with a copy of the
applicant’s complete membership file.
Until FHFA resolves the appeal, the
appellee Bank shall supplement the
materials provided to FHFA as any new
materials are received.
(2) Additional information. FHFA
may request additional information or
further supporting arguments from the
appellant, the appellee Bank or any
other party that FHFA deems
(c) Deciding appeals. FHFA shall
consider the record for appeal described
in paragraph (b) of this section and shall
resolve the appeal based on the
requirements of the Bank Act and this
part within 90 calendar days of the date
the appeal is filed with FHFA. In
deciding the appeal, FHFA shall apply
the presumptions in this part, unless the
appellant or appellee Bank presents
evidence to rebut a presumption as
provided in § 1263.17.
Subpart C—Eligibility Requirements
§ 1263.6
General eligibility requirements.
(a) Requirements. Any building and
loan association, savings and loan
association, cooperative bank,
homestead association, insurance
company, savings bank, community
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
development financial institution, or
insured depository institution, upon
application satisfying all of the
requirements of the Bank Act and this
part, shall be eligible to become a
member of a Bank if:
(1) It is duly organized under the laws
of any State or of the United States;
(2) It is subject to inspection and
regulation under the banking laws, or
under similar laws, of any State or of the
United States;
(3) It makes long-term home mortgage
(4) Its financial condition is such that
advances may be safely made to it;
(5) The character of its management is
consistent with sound and economical
home financing; and
(6) Its home financing policy is
consistent with sound and economical
home financing.
(b) Additional eligibility requirement
for insured depository institutions other
than community financial institutions.
In order to be eligible to become a
member of a Bank, an insured
depository institution applicant other
than a community financial institution
also must have at least 10 percent of its
total assets in residential mortgage
(c) Additional eligibility requirement
for applicants that are not insured
depository institutions. In order to be
eligible to become a member of a Bank,
an applicant that is not an insured
depository institution also must have
mortgage-related assets that reflect a
commitment to housing finance, as
determined by the Bank in its
(d) Ineligibility. Except as otherwise
provided in this part, if an applicant
does not satisfy the requirements of this
part, the applicant is ineligible for
§ 1263.7
Duly organized requirement.
An applicant shall be deemed to be
duly organized, as required by section
4(a)(1)(A) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C.
1424(a)(1)(A)) and § 1263.6(a)(1) of this
part, if it is chartered by a state or
federal agency as a building and loan
association, savings and loan
association, cooperative bank,
homestead association, insurance
company, savings bank, or insured
depository institution, or in the case of
a CDFI applicant, is incorporated under
state law.
§ 1263.8 Subject to inspection and
regulation requirement.
An applicant shall be deemed to be
subject to inspection and regulation, as
required by section 4(a)(1)(B) of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424 (a)(1)(B)) and
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§ 1263.6(a)(2) of this part, if, in the case
of an insured depository institution or
insurance company applicant, it is
subject to inspection and regulation by
its appropriate regulator.
§ 1263.9 Makes long-term home mortgage
loans requirement.
An applicant shall be deemed to make
long-term home mortgage loans, as
required by section 4(a)(1)(C) of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1)(C)) and
§ 1263.6(a)(3) of this part if, based on
the applicant’s most recent regulatory
financial report filed with its
appropriate regulator, or other
documentation provided to the Bank in
the case of a CDFI applicant that does
not file such reports, the applicant
originates or purchases long-term home
mortgage loans.
§ 1263.10 Ten percent requirement for
certain insured depository institution
An insured depository institution
applicant that is subject to the 10
percent requirement of section
4(a)(2)(A) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C.
1424(a)(2)(A)) and § 1263.6(b) of this
part shall be deemed to be in
compliance with such requirement if,
based on the applicant’s most recent
regulatory financial report filed with its
appropriate regulator, the applicant has
at least 10 percent of its total assets in
residential mortgage loans, except that
any assets used to secure mortgage debt
securities as described in paragraph (6)
of the definition of ‘‘residential
mortgage loan’’ set forth in § 1263.1
shall not be used to meet this
§ 1263.11 Financial condition requirement
for depository institutions and CDFI credit
(a) Review requirement. In
determining whether a building and
loan association, savings and loan
association, cooperative bank,
homestead association, savings bank,
insured depository institution, or CDFI
credit union has complied with the
financial condition requirement of
section 4(a)(2)(B) of the Bank Act (12
U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(B)) and § 1263.6(a)(4)
of this part, the Bank shall obtain as a
part of the membership application and
review each of the following documents:
(1) Regulatory financial reports. The
regulatory financial reports filed by the
applicant with its appropriate regulator
for the last six calendar quarters and
three year-ends preceding the date the
Bank receives the application;
(2) Financial statement. In order of
preference: the most recent independent
audit of the applicant conducted in
accordance with generally accepted
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auditing standards by a certified public
accounting firm which submits a report
on the applicant; the most recent
independent audit of the applicant’s
parent holding company conducted in
accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards by a certified public
accounting firm which submits a report
on the consolidated holding company
but not on the applicant separately; the
most recent directors’ examination of
the applicant conducted in accordance
with generally accepted auditing
standards by a certified public
accounting firm; the most recent
directors’ examination of the applicant
performed by other external auditors;
the most recent review of the applicant’s
financial statements by external
auditors; the most recent compilation of
the applicant’s financial statements by
external auditors; or the most recent
audit of other procedures of the
(3) Regulatory examination report.
The applicant’s most recent available
regulatory examination report prepared
by its appropriate regulator, a summary
prepared by the Bank of the applicant’s
strengths and weaknesses as cited in the
regulatory examination report, and a
summary prepared by the Bank or
applicant of actions taken by the
applicant to respond to examination
(4) Enforcement actions. A
description prepared by the Bank or
applicant of any outstanding
enforcement actions against the
applicant, responses by the applicant,
reports as required by the enforcement
action, and verbal or written
indications, if available, from the
appropriate regulator of how the
applicant is complying with the terms of
the enforcement action; and
(5) Additional information. Any other
relevant document or information
concerning the applicant that comes to
the Bank’s attention in reviewing the
applicant’s financial condition.
(b) Standards. An applicant of the
type described in paragraph (a) of this
section shall be deemed to be in
compliance with the financial condition
requirement of section 4(a)(2)(B) of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(B)) and
§ 1263.6(a)(4) of this part, if:
(1) Recent composite regulatory
examination rating. The applicant has
received a composite regulatory
examination rating from its appropriate
regulator within two years preceding the
date the Bank receives the application;
(2) Capital requirement. The applicant
meets all of its minimum statutory and
regulatory capital requirements as
reported in its most recent quarter-end
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
regulatory financial report filed with its
appropriate regulator; and
(3) Minimum performance standard.
(i) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(3)(iii) of this section, the applicant’s
most recent composite regulatory
examination rating from its appropriate
regulator within the past two years was
‘‘1;’’ or was ‘‘2’’ or ‘‘3’’ and, based on the
applicant’s most recent regulatory
financial report filed with its
appropriate regulator, the applicant
satisfied all of the following
performance trend criteria:
(A) Earnings. The applicant’s adjusted
net income was positive in four of the
six most recent calendar quarters;
(B) Nonperforming assets. The
applicant’s nonperforming loans and
leases plus other real estate owned, did
not exceed 10 percent of its total loans
and leases plus other real estate owned,
in the most recent calendar quarter; and
(C) Allowance for loan and lease
losses. The applicant’s ratio of its
allowance for loan and lease losses plus
the allocated transfer risk reserve to
nonperforming loans and leases was 60
percent or greater during four of the six
most recent calendar quarters.
(ii) For applicants that are not
required to report financial data to their
appropriate regulator on a quarterly
basis, the information required in
paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section may be
reported on a semiannual basis.
(iii) a CDFI credit union applicant
must meet the performance trend
criteria in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this
section irrespective of its composite
regulatory examination rating.
(c) Eligible collateral not considered.
The availability of sufficient eligible
collateral to secure advances to the
applicant is presumed and shall not be
considered in determining whether an
applicant is in the financial condition
required by section 4(a)(2)(B) of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(B)) and
§ 1263.6(a)(4) of this part.
§ 1263.12 Character of management
(a) General. A building and loan
association, savings and loan
association, cooperative bank,
homestead association, savings bank,
insured depository institution,
insurance company, and CDFI credit
union shall be deemed to be in
compliance with the character of
management requirement of
§ 1263.6(a)(5), if the applicant provides
to the Bank an unqualified written
certification duly adopted by the
applicant’s board of directors, or by an
individual with authority to act on
behalf of the applicant’s board of
directors, that:
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(1) Enforcement actions. Neither the
applicant nor any of its directors or
senior officers is subject to, or operating
under, any enforcement action
instituted by its appropriate regulator;
(2) Criminal, civil or administrative
proceedings. Neither the applicant nor
any of its directors or senior officers has
been the subject of any criminal, civil or
administrative proceedings reflecting
upon creditworthiness, business
judgment, or moral turpitude since the
most recent regulatory examination
report; and
(3) Criminal, civil or administrative
monetary liabilities, lawsuits or
judgments. There are no known
potential criminal, civil or
administrative monetary liabilities,
material pending lawsuits, or
unsatisfied judgments against the
applicant or any of its directors or
senior officers since the most recent
regulatory examination report, that are
significant to the applicant’s operations.
(b) CDFIs other than CDFI credit
unions. A CDFI applicant other than a
CDFI credit union shall be deemed to be
in compliance with the character of
management requirement of
§ 1263.6(a)(5), if the applicant provides
an unqualified written certification duly
adopted by the applicant’s board of
directors, or by an individual with
authority to act on behalf of the
applicant’s board of directors, that:
(1) Neither the applicant nor any of its
directors or senior officers has been the
subject of any criminal, civil or
administrative proceedings reflecting
upon creditworthiness, business
judgment, or moral turpitude in the past
three years; and
(2) There are no known potential
criminal, civil or administrative
monetary liabilities, material pending
lawsuits, or unsatisfied judgments
against the applicant or any of its
directors or senior officers arising
within the past three years that are
significant to the applicant’s operations.
§ 1263.13 Home financing policy
(a) Standard. An applicant shall be
deemed to be in compliance with the
home financing policy requirement of
§ 1263.6(a)(6) if the applicant has
received a Community Reinvestment
Act (CRA) rating of ‘‘Satisfactory’’ or
better on its most recent formal, or if
unavailable, informal or preliminary,
CRA performance evaluation.
(b) Written justification required. An
applicant that is not subject to the CRA
shall file as part of its application for
membership a written justification
acceptable to the Bank of how and why
the applicant’s home financing policy is
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consistent with the Bank System’s
housing finance mission.
§ 1263.14 De novo insured depository
institution applicants.
(a) Duly organized, subject to
inspection and regulation, financial
condition and character of management
requirements. An insured depository
institution applicant whose date of
charter approval is within three years
prior to the date the Bank receives the
applicant’s application for membership
in the Bank (de novo applicant) is
deemed to meet the requirements of
§§ 1263.7, 1263.8, 1263.11 and 1263.12.
(b) Makes long-term home mortgage
loans requirement. A de novo applicant
shall be deemed to make long-term
home mortgage loans as required by
§ 1263.9 if it has filed as part of its
application for membership a written
justification acceptable to the Bank of
how its home financing credit policy
and lending practices will include
originating or purchasing long-term
home mortgage loans.
(c) 10 percent requirement—(1) Oneyear requirement. A de novo applicant
that is subject to the 10 percent
requirement of section 4(a)(2)(A) of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(A)) and
§ 1263.6(b) of this part shall have until
one year after commencing its initial
business operations to meet the 10
percent requirement of § 1263.10.
(2) Conditional approval. A de novo
applicant shall be conditionally deemed
to be in compliance with the 10 percent
requirement of section 4(a)(2)(A) of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(A)) and
§ 1263.6(b) of this part. A de novo
applicant that receives such conditional
membership approval is subject to the
stock purchase requirements established
by FHFA regulation or the Bank’s
capital plan, as applicable, as well as
the FHFA regulations governing
advances to members.
(3) Approval. A de novo applicant
shall be deemed to be in compliance
with the 10 percent requirement of
section 4(a)(2)(A) of the Bank Act (12
U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(A)) and § 1263.6(b) of
this part upon receipt by the Bank from
the applicant, within one year after
commencement of the applicant’s initial
business operations, of evidence
acceptable to the Bank that the
applicant satisfies the 10 percent
(4) Conditional approval deemed null
and void. If the requirements of
paragraph (c)(3) of this section are not
satisfied, a de novo applicant shall be
deemed to be in noncompliance with
the 10 percent requirement of section
4(a)(2)(A) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C.
1424(a)(2)(A)) and § 1263.6(b) of this
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
part, and its conditional membership
approval is deemed null and void.
(5) Treatment of outstanding
advances and Bank stock. If a de novo
applicant’s conditional membership
approval is deemed null and void
pursuant to paragraph (c)(4) of this
section, the liquidation of any
outstanding indebtedness owed by the
applicant to the Bank and redemption of
stock of such Bank shall be carried out
in accordance with § 1263.29.
(d) Home financing policy
requirement—(1) Conditional approval.
A de novo applicant that has not
received its first formal, or, if
unavailable, informal or preliminary,
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
performance evaluation, shall be
conditionally deemed to be in
compliance with the home financing
policy requirement of section 4(a)(2)(C)
of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(C))
and § 1263.6(a)(6) of this part, if the
applicant has filed as part of its
application for membership a written
justification acceptable to the Bank of
how and why its home financing credit
policy and lending practices will meet
the credit needs of its community. An
applicant that receives such conditional
membership approval is subject to the
stock purchase requirements established
by FHFA regulation or the Bank’s
capital plan, as applicable, as well as
the FHFA regulations governing
advances to members.
(2) Approval. A de novo applicant
that has been granted conditional
approval under paragraph (d)(1) of this
section shall be deemed to be in
compliance with the home financing
policy requirement of section 4(a)(2)(C)
of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(C))
and § 1263.6(a)(6) of this part upon
receipt by the Bank of evidence from the
applicant that it received a CRA rating
of ‘‘Satisfactory’’ or better on its first
formal, or if unavailable, informal or
preliminary, CRA performance
(3) Conditional approval deemed null
and void. If the de novo applicant’s first
such CRA rating is ‘‘Needs to Improve’’
or ‘‘Substantial Non-Compliance,’’ the
applicant shall be deemed to be in
noncompliance with the home financing
policy requirement of section 4(a)(2)(C)
of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(2)(C))
and § 1263.6(a)(6) of this part, subject to
rebuttal by the applicant under
§ 1263.17(f), and its conditional
membership approval is deemed null
and void.
(4) Treatment of outstanding
advances and Bank stock. If the
applicant’s conditional membership
approval is deemed null and void
pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of this
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section, the liquidation of any
outstanding indebtedness owed by the
applicant to the Bank and redemption of
stock of such Bank shall be carried out
in accordance with § 1263.29.
§ 1263.15 Recent merger or acquisition
An applicant that merged with or
acquired another institution prior to the
date the Bank receives its application
for membership is subject to the
requirements of §§ 1263.7 to 1263.13
except as provided in this section.
(a) Financial condition requirement—
(1) Regulatory financial reports. For
purposes of § 1263.11(a)(1), an applicant
that, as a result of a merger or
acquisition preceding the date the Bank
receives its application for membership,
has not yet filed regulatory financial
reports with its appropriate regulator for
the last six calendar quarters and three
year-ends preceding such date, shall
provide any regulatory financial reports
that the applicant has filed with its
appropriate regulator.
(2) Performance trend criteria. For
purposes of § 1263.11(b)(3)(i)(A) to (C),
an applicant that, as a result of a merger
or acquisition preceding the date the
Bank receives its application for
membership, has not yet filed combined
regulatory financial reports with its
appropriate regulator for the last six
calendar quarters preceding such date,
shall provide pro forma combined
financial statements for those calendar
quarters in which actual combined
regulatory financial reports are
(b) Home financing policy
requirement. For purposes of § 1263.13,
an applicant that, as a result of a merger
or acquisition preceding the date the
Bank receives its application for
membership, has not received its first
formal, or if unavailable, informal or
preliminary, Community Reinvestment
Act performance evaluation, shall file as
part of its application a written
justification acceptable to the Bank of
how and why the applicant’s home
financing credit policy and lending
practices will meet the credit needs of
its community.
(c) Makes long-term home mortgage
loans requirement; 10 percent
requirement. For purposes of
determining compliance with §§ 1263.9
and 1263.10, a Bank may, in its
discretion, permit an applicant that, as
a result of a merger or acquisition
preceding the date the Bank receives its
application for membership, has not yet
filed a consolidated regulatory financial
report as a combined entity with its
appropriate regulator, to provide the
combined pro forma financial statement
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for the combined entity filed with the
regulator that approved the merger or
§ 1263.16 Financial condition requirement
for insurance company and certain CDFI
(a) Insurance companies. An
insurance company applicant shall be
deemed to meet the financial condition
requirement of § 1263.6(a)(4) if, based
on the information contained in the
applicant’s most recent regulatory
financial report filed with its
appropriate regulator, the applicant
meets all of its minimum statutory and
regulatory capital requirements and the
capital standards established by the
National Association of Insurance
(b) CDFIs other than CDFI credit
unions—(1) Review requirement. In
determining whether a CDFI applicant,
other than a CDFI credit union, has
complied with the financial condition
requirement of § 1263.6(a)(4), the Bank
shall obtain as a part of the membership
application and review each of the
following documents:
(i) Financial statements. An
independent audit conducted within the
prior year in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards by a
certified public accounting firm, plus
more recent quarterly statements, if
available, and financial statements for
the two years prior to the most recent
audited financial statement. At a
minimum, all such financial statements
must include income and expense
statements, statements of activities,
statements of financial position, and
statements of cash flows. The financial
statement for the most recent year must
include separate schedules or
disclosures of the financial position of
each of the applicant’s affiliates,
descriptions of their lines of business,
detailed financial disclosures of the
relationship between the applicant and
its affiliates (such as indebtedness or
subordinate debt obligations),
disclosures of interlocking directorships
with each affiliate, and identification of
temporary and permanently restricted
funds and the requirements of these
(ii) CDFI Fund certification. The
certification that the applicant has
received from the CDFI Fund. If the
certification is more than three years
old, the applicant must also submit a
written statement certifying that there
have been no material events or
occurrences since the date of
certification that would adversely affect
its strategic direction, mission, or
business operations.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
(iii) Additional information. Any
other relevant document or information
concerning the financial condition of
the applicant requested by the Bank and
that is not contained in the applicant’s
financial statements.
(2) Standards. A CDFI applicant,
other than a CDFI credit union, shall be
deemed to be in compliance with the
financial condition requirement of
§ 1263.6(a)(4) if it meets all of the
following minimum financial standards:
(i) Net asset ratio. The applicant’s
ratio of net assets to total assets is at
least 20 percent, with net and total
assets including restricted assets, where
net assets is calculated as the residual
value of assets over liabilities and is
based on information derived from the
applicant’s most recent financial
(ii) Earnings. The applicant has
shown a positive net income for two of
the three most recent years, where net
income is calculated as gross revenues
less total expenses and is based on
information derived from the
applicant’s most recent financial
(iii) Loan loss reserves. The
applicant’s ratio of loan loss reserves to
loans and leases 90 days or more
delinquent (including loans sold with
full recourse) is at least 30 percent,
where loan loss reserves are a specified
balance sheet account that reflects the
amount reserved for loans expected to
be uncollectible and are based on
information derived from the
applicant’s most recent financial
(iv) Liquidity. The applicant has an
operating liquidity ratio of at least 1.0
for the current year, and for one or both
of the two preceding years, where the
numerator of the ratio includes
unrestricted cash and cash equivalents
and the denominator of the ratio is the
average quarterly operating expense for
the four most recent quarters.
§ 1263.17
Rebuttable presumptions.
(a) Rebutting presumptive
compliance. The presumption that an
applicant meeting the requirements of
§§ 1263.7 to 1263.16 is in compliance
with section 4(a) of the Bank Act (12
U.S.C. 1424(a)) and § 1263.6(a) and (b)
of this part, may be rebutted, and the
Bank may deny membership to the
applicant, if the Bank obtains
substantial evidence to overcome the
presumption of compliance.
(b) Rebutting presumptive
noncompliance. The presumption that
an applicant not meeting a particular
requirement of §§ 1263.8, 1263.11,
1263.12, 1263.13, or 1263.16 is in
noncompliance with section 4(a) of the
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Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1424(a)) and
§ 1263.6(a)(2), (4), (5), or (6) of this part,
may be rebutted, and the applicant shall
be deemed to meet such requirement, if
the applicable requirements in this
section are satisfied.
(c) Presumptive noncompliance by
insurance company applicant with
‘‘subject to inspection and regulation’’
requirement of § 1263.8. If an insurance
company applicant is not subject to
inspection and regulation by an
appropriate state regulator accredited by
the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC), as required by
§ 1263.8, the applicant or the Bank shall
prepare a written justification that
provides substantial evidence
acceptable to the Bank that the
applicant is subject to inspection and
regulation as required by § 1263.6(a)(2),
notwithstanding the lack of NAIC
(d) Presumptive noncompliance with
financial condition requirements of
§§ 1263.11 and 1263.16—(1) Applicants
subject to § 1263.11. For applicants
subject to § 1263.11, in the case of an
applicant’s lack of a composite
regulatory examination rating within the
two-year period required by
§ 1263.11(b)(1), a variance from the
rating required by § 1263.11(b)(3)(i), or a
variance from a performance trend
criterion required by § 1263.11(b)(3)(i),
the applicant or the Bank shall prepare
a written justification pertaining to such
requirement that provides substantial
evidence acceptable to the Bank that the
applicant is in the financial condition
required by § 1263.6(a)(4),
notwithstanding the lack of rating or
(2) Applicants subject to § 1263.16.
For applicants subject to § 1263.16, in
the case of an insurance company
applicant’s variance from a capital
requirement or standard of § 1263.16(a)
or in the case of a CDFI applicant’s
variance from the standards of
§ 1263.16(b), the applicant or the Bank
shall prepare a written justification
pertaining to such requirement or
standard that provides substantial
evidence acceptable to the Bank that the
applicant is in the financial condition
required by § 1263.6(a)(4),
notwithstanding the variance.
(e) Presumptive noncompliance with
character of management requirement
of § 1263.12—(1) Enforcement actions. If
an applicant or any of its directors or
senior officers is subject to, or operating
under, any enforcement action
instituted by its appropriate regulator,
the applicant shall provide or the Bank
shall obtain:
(i) Regulator confirmation. Written or
verbal confirmation from the applicant’s
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appropriate regulator that the applicant
or its directors or senior officers are in
substantial compliance with all aspects
of the enforcement action; or
(ii) Written analysis. A written
analysis acceptable to the Bank
indicating that the applicant or its
directors or senior officers are in
substantial compliance with all aspects
of the enforcement action. The written
analysis shall state each action the
applicant or its directors or senior
officers are required to take by the
enforcement action, the actions actually
taken by the applicant or its directors or
senior officers, and whether the
applicant regards this as substantial
compliance with all aspects of the
enforcement action.
(2) Criminal, civil or administrative
proceedings. If an applicant or any of its
directors or senior officers has been the
subject of any criminal, civil or
administrative proceedings reflecting
upon creditworthiness, business
judgment, or moral turpitude since the
most recent regulatory examination
report, or in the case of a CDFI
applicant, during the past three years,
the applicant shall provide or the Bank
shall obtain:
(i) Regulator confirmation. Written or
verbal confirmation from the applicant’s
appropriate regulator that the
proceedings will not likely result in
enforcement action; or
(ii) Written analysis. A written
analysis acceptable to the Bank
indicating that the proceedings will not
likely result in enforcement action, or in
the case of a CDFI applicant, that the
proceedings will not likely have a
significantly deleterious effect on the
applicant’s operations. The written
analysis shall state the severity of the
charges, and any mitigating action taken
by the applicant or its directors or
senior officers.
(3) Criminal, civil or administrative
monetary liabilities, lawsuits or
judgments. If there are any known
potential criminal, civil or
administrative monetary liabilities,
material pending lawsuits, or
unsatisfied judgments against the
applicant or any of its directors or
senior officers since the most recent
regulatory examination report, or in the
case of a CDFI applicant, occurring
within the past three years, that are
significant to the applicant’s operations,
the applicant shall provide or the Bank
shall obtain:
(i) Regulator confirmation. Written or
verbal confirmation from the applicant’s
appropriate regulator that the liabilities,
lawsuits or judgments will not likely
cause the applicant to fall below its
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
applicable capital requirements set forth
in §§ 1263.11(b)(2) and 1263.16(a); or
(ii) Written analysis. A written
analysis acceptable to the Bank
indicating that the liabilities, lawsuits or
judgments will not likely cause the
applicant to fall below its applicable
capital requirements set forth in
§ 1263.11(b)(2) or § 1263.16(a), or the
net asset ratio set forth in
§ 1263.16(b)(2)(i). The written analysis
shall state the likelihood of the
applicant or its directors or senior
officers prevailing, and the financial
consequences if the applicant or its
directors or senior officers do not
(f) Presumptive noncompliance with
home financing policy requirements of
§§ 1263.13 and 1263.14(d). If an
applicant received a ‘‘Substantial NonCompliance’’ rating on its most recent
formal, or if unavailable, informal or
preliminary, Community Reinvestment
Act (CRA) performance evaluation, or a
‘‘Needs to Improve’’ CRA rating on its
most recent formal, or if unavailable,
informal or preliminary, CRA
performance evaluation and a CRA
rating of ‘‘Needs to Improve’’ or better
on any immediately preceding CRA
performance evaluation, the applicant
shall provide or the Bank shall obtain:
(1) Regulator confirmation. Written or
verbal confirmation from the applicant’s
appropriate regulator of the applicant’s
recent satisfactory CRA performance,
including any corrective action that
substantially improved upon the
deficiencies cited in the most recent
CRA performance evaluation(s); or
(2) Written analysis. A written
analysis acceptable to the Bank
demonstrating that the CRA rating is
unrelated to home financing, and
providing substantial evidence of how
and why the applicant’s home financing
credit policy and lending practices meet
the credit needs of its community.
§ 1263.18 Determination of appropriate
Bank district for membership.
(a) Eligibility. (1) An institution
eligible to become a member of a Bank
under the Bank Act and this part may
become a member only of the Bank of
the district in which the institution’s
principal place of business is located,
except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section. A member shall promptly
notify its Bank in writing whenever it
relocates its principal place of business
to another state and the Bank shall
inform FHFA in writing of any such
(2) An institution eligible to become
a member of a Bank under the Bank Act
and this part may become a member of
the Bank of a district adjoining the
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district in which the institution’s
principal place of business is located, if
demanded by convenience and then
only with the approval of FHFA.
(b) Principal place of business. Except
as otherwise designated in accordance
with this section, the principal place of
business of an institution is the state in
which the institution maintains its
home office established as such in
conformity with the laws under which
the institution is organized.
(c) Designation of principal place of
business. (1) A member or an applicant
for membership may request in writing
to the Bank in the district where the
institution maintains its home office
that a state other than the state in which
it maintains its home office be
designated as its principal place of
business. Within 90 calendar days of
receipt of such written request, the
board of directors of the Bank in the
district where the institution maintains
its home office shall designate a state
other than the state where the
institution maintains its home office as
the institution’s principal place of
business, provided all of the following
criteria are satisfied:
(i) At least 80 percent of the
institution’s accounting books, records
and ledgers are maintained, located or
held in such designated state;
(ii) A majority of meetings of the
institution’s board of directors and
constituent committees are conducted
in such designated state; and
(iii) A majority of the institution’s five
highest paid officers have their place of
employment located in such designated
(2) Written notice of a designation
made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of
this section shall be sent to the Bank in
the district containing the designated
state, FHFA and the institution.
(3) The notice of designation made
pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this
section shall include the state
designated as the principal place of
business and the resulting Bank to
which membership will be transferred.
(4) If the board of directors of the
Bank in the district where the
institution maintains its home office
fails to make the designation requested
by the member or applicant pursuant to
paragraph (c)(1) of this section, then the
member or applicant may request in
writing that FHFA make the
(d) Transfer of membership. (1) No
transfer of membership from one Bank
to another Bank shall take effect until
the Banks involved reach agreement on
a method of orderly transfer.
(2) In the event that the Banks
involved fail to agree on a method of
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orderly transfer, the FHFA shall
determine the conditions under which
the transfer shall take place.
(e) Effect of transfer. A transfer of
membership pursuant to this section
shall be effective for all purposes, but
shall not affect voting rights in the year
of the transfer and shall not be subject
to the provisions on termination of
membership set forth in section 6 of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1426) or §§ 1263.26
and 1263.27, nor the restriction on
reacquiring Bank membership set forth
in § 1263.30.
Subpart D—Stock Requirements
§ 1263.19
Par value and price of stock.
The capital stock of each Bank shall
be sold at par, unless the Director has
fixed a higher price.
§ 1263.20
Stock purchase.
(a) Minimum stock purchase. Each
member shall purchase stock in the
Bank of which it is a member in an
amount specified by the Bank’s capital
plan, except that each member of a Bank
that has not converted to the capital
structure authorized by the GLB Act
shall purchase stock in the Bank in an
amount equal to the greater of:
(1) $500;
(2) 1 percent of the member’s
aggregate unpaid loan principal; or
(3) 5 percent of the member’s
aggregate amount of outstanding
(b) Timing of minimum stock
purchase. (1) Within 60 calendar days
after an institution is approved for
membership in a Bank, the institution
shall purchase its minimum stock
requirement as set forth in paragraph (a)
of this section.
(2) In the case of a Bank that has not
converted to the capital structure
authorized by the GLB Act, an
institution that has been approved for
membership may elect to purchase its
minimum stock requirement in
installments, provided that not less than
one-fourth of the total amount shall be
purchased within 60 calendar days of
the date of approval of membership, and
that a further sum of not less than onefourth of such total shall be purchased
at the end of each succeeding period of
four months from the date of approval
of membership.
(c) Commencement of membership.
An institution that has been approved
for membership shall become a member
at the time it purchases its minimum
stock requirement or the first
installment thereof pursuant to this
(d) Failure to purchase minimum
stock requirement. If an institution that
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
has submitted an application and been
approved for membership fails to
purchase its minimum stock
requirement or its first installment
within 60 calendar days of the date of
its approval for membership, such
approval shall be null and void and the
institution, if it wants to become a
member, shall be required to submit a
new application for membership.
(e) Reports. The Bank shall make
reports to FHFA setting forth purchases
by institutions approved for
membership of their minimum stock
requirement pursuant to this section in
accordance with the instructions
provided in the Data Reporting Manual
issued by FHFA, as amended from time
to time.
§ 1263.21
Issuance and form of stock.
(a) A Bank shall issue to each new
member, as of the effective date of
membership, stock in the member’s
name for the amount of stock purchased
and paid for in full.
(b) If the member purchases stock in
installments, the stock shall be issued in
installments with the appropriate
number of shares issued after each
payment is made.
(c) A Bank that has not converted to
the capital structure authorized by the
GLB Act may issue stock in certificated
or uncertificated form at the discretion
of the Bank.
(d) A Bank that has not converted to
the capital structure authorized by the
GLB Act may convert all outstanding
certificated stock to uncertificated form
at its discretion.
§ 1263.22
Adjustments in stock holdings.
(a) Adjustment in general. A Bank
may from time to time increase or
decrease the amount of stock any
member is required to hold.
(b)(1) Annual adjustment. A Bank
shall calculate annually, in the manner
set forth in § 1263.20(a), each member’s
required minimum holdings of stock in
the Bank in which it is a member using
calendar year-end financial data
provided by the member to the Bank,
pursuant to § 1263.31(d), and shall
notify each member of the adjustment.
The notice shall clearly state that the
Bank’s calculation of each member’s
minimum stock holdings is to be used
to determine the number of votes that
the member may cast in that year’s
election of directors and shall identify
the state within the district in which the
member will vote. A member that does
not agree with the Bank’s calculation of
the minimum stock requirement or with
the identification of its voting state may
request FHFA to review the Bank’s
determination. FHFA shall promptly
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determine the member’s minimum
required holdings and its proper voting
state, which determination shall be
(2) Redemption of excess shares. If, in
the case of a Bank that has not
converted to the capital structure
authorized by the GLB Act and after the
annual adjustment required by
paragraph (b)(1) of this section is made,
the amount of stock that a member is
required to hold is decreased, the Bank
may, in its discretion and upon proper
application of the member, retire such
excess stock, and the Bank shall pay for
each share upon surrender of the stock
an amount equal to the par value thereof
(except that if at any time FHFA finds
that the paid-in capital of a Bank is or
is likely to be impaired as a result of
losses in or depreciation of the assets
held, the Bank shall on the order of
FHFA withhold from the amount to be
paid in retirement of the stock a pro rata
share of the amount of such impairment
as determined by FHFA) or, at its
election, the Bank may credit any part
of such payment against the member’s
debt to the Bank. The Bank’s authority
to retire such excess stock shall be
further subject to the limitations of
section 6(f) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C.
(c) A member’s stock holdings shall
not be reduced under this section to an
amount less than required by sections
6(b) and 10(c) of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C.
1426(b), 1430(c)).
§ 1263.23
Excess stock.
(a) Sale of excess stock. Subject to the
restriction in paragraph (b) of this
section, a member may purchase excess
stock as long as the purchase is
approved by the member’s Bank and is
permitted by the laws under which the
member operates.
(b) Restriction. Any Bank with excess
stock greater than 1 percent of its total
assets shall not declare or pay any
dividends in the form of additional
shares of Bank stock or otherwise issue
any excess stock. A Bank shall not issue
excess stock, as a dividend or otherwise,
if after the issuance, the outstanding
excess stock at the Bank would be
greater than 1 percent of its total assets.
Subpart E—Consolidations Involving
§ 1263.24 Consolidations involving
(a) Consolidation of members. Upon
the consolidation of two or more
institutions that are members of the
same Bank into one institution
operating under the charter of one of the
consolidating institutions, the
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membership of the surviving institution
shall continue and the membership of
each disappearing institution shall
terminate on the cancellation of its
charter. Upon the consolidation of two
or more institutions, at least two of
which are members of different Banks,
into one institution operating under the
charter of one of the consolidating
institutions, the membership of the
surviving institution shall continue and
the membership of each disappearing
institution shall terminate upon
cancellation of its charter, provided,
however, that if more than 80 percent of
the assets of the consolidated institution
are derived from the assets of a
disappearing institution, then the
consolidated institution shall continue
to be a member of the Bank of which
that disappearing institution was a
member prior to the consolidation, and
the membership of the other institutions
shall terminate upon the effective date
of the consolidation.
(b) Consolidation into nonmember—
(1) In general. Upon the consolidation of
a member into an institution that is not
a member of a Bank, where the
consolidated institution operates under
the charter of the nonmember
institution, the membership of the
disappearing institution shall terminate
upon the cancellation of its charter.
(2) Notification. If a member has
consolidated into a nonmember that has
its principal place of business in a state
in the same Bank district as the former
member, the consolidated institution
shall have 60 calendar days after the
cancellation of the charter of the former
member within which to notify the
Bank of the former member that the
consolidated institution intends to
apply for membership in such Bank. If
the consolidated institution does not so
notify the Bank by the end of the period,
the Bank shall require the liquidation of
any outstanding indebtedness owed by
the former member, shall settle all
outstanding business transactions with
the former member, and shall redeem or
repurchase the Bank stock owned by the
former member in accordance with
§ 1263.29.
(3) Application. If such a consolidated
institution has notified the appropriate
Bank of its intent to apply for
membership, the consolidated
institution shall submit an application
for membership within 60 calendar days
of so notifying the Bank. If the
consolidated institution does not submit
an application for membership by the
end of the period, the Bank shall require
the liquidation of any outstanding
indebtedness owed by the former
member, shall settle all outstanding
business transactions with the former
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
member, and shall redeem or
repurchase the Bank stock owned by the
former member in accordance with
§ 1263.29.
(4) Outstanding indebtedness. If a
member has consolidated into a
nonmember institution, the Bank need
not require the former member or its
successor to liquidate any outstanding
indebtedness owed to the Bank or to
redeem its Bank stock, as otherwise may
be required under § 1263.29, during:
(i) The initial 60 calendar-day
notification period;
(ii) The 60 calendar-day period
following receipt of a notification that
the consolidated institution intends to
apply for membership; and
(iii) The period of time during which
the Bank processes the application for
(5) Approval of membership. If the
application of such a consolidated
institution is approved, the consolidated
institution shall become a member of
that Bank upon the purchase of the
amount of Bank stock required by
section 6 of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C.
1426). If a Bank’s capital plan has not
taken effect, the amount of stock that the
consolidated institution is required to
own shall be as provided in §§ 1263.20
and 1263.22. If the capital plan for the
Bank has taken effect, the amount of
stock that the consolidated institution is
required to own shall be equal to the
minimum investment established by the
capital plan for that Bank.
(6) Disapproval of membership. If the
Bank disapproves the application for
membership of the consolidated
institution, the Bank shall require the
liquidation of any outstanding
indebtedness owed by, and the
settlement of all other outstanding
business transactions with, the former
member, and shall redeem or
repurchase the Bank stock owned by the
former member in accordance with
§ 1263.29.
(c) Dividends on acquired Bank stock.
A consolidated institution shall be
entitled to receive dividends on the
Bank stock that it acquires as a result of
a consolidation with a member in
accordance with applicable FHFA
(d) Stock transfers. With regard to any
transfer of Bank stock from a
disappearing member to the surviving or
consolidated member, as appropriate,
for which the approval of FHFA is
required pursuant to section 6(f) of the
Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1426(f)), as in effect
prior to November 12, 1999, such
transfer shall be deemed to be approved
by FHFA by compliance in all
applicable respects with the
requirements of this section.
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Subpart F—Withdrawal and Removal
From Membership
§ 1263.26 Voluntary withdrawal from
(a) In general. (1) Any institution may
withdraw from membership by
providing to the Bank written notice of
its intent to withdraw from
membership. A member that has so
notified its Bank shall be entitled to
have continued access to the benefits of
membership until the effective date of
its withdrawal, but the Bank need not
commit to providing any further
services, including advances, to a
withdrawing member that would mature
or otherwise terminate subsequent to
the effective date of the withdrawal. A
member may cancel its notice of
withdrawal at any time prior to its
effective date by providing a written
cancellation notice to the Bank. A Bank
may impose a fee on a member that
cancels a notice of withdrawal,
provided that the fee or the manner of
its calculation is specified in the Bank’s
capital plan.
(2) A Bank shall notify FHFA within
10 calendar days of receipt of any notice
of withdrawal or notice of cancellation
of withdrawal from membership.
(b) Effective date of withdrawal. The
membership of an institution that has
submitted a notice of withdrawal shall
terminate as of the date on which the
last of the applicable stock redemption
periods ends for the stock that the
member is required to hold, as of the
date that the notice of withdrawal is
submitted, under the terms of a Bank’s
capital plan as a condition of
membership, unless the institution has
cancelled its notice of withdrawal prior
to the effective date of the termination
of its membership.
(c) Stock redemption periods. The
receipt by a Bank of a notice of
withdrawal shall commence the
applicable 6-month and 5-year stock
redemption periods, respectively, for all
of the Class A and Class B stock held by
that member that is not already subject
to a pending request for redemption. In
the case of an institution the
membership of which has been
terminated as a result of a merger or
other consolidation into a nonmember
or into a member of another Bank, the
applicable stock redemption periods for
any stock that is not subject to a
pending notice of redemption shall be
deemed to commence on the date on
which the charter of the former member
is cancelled.
(d) Certification. No institution may
withdraw from membership unless, on
the date that the membership is to
terminate, there is in effect a
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certification from FHFA that the
withdrawal of a member will not cause
the Bank System to fail to satisfy its
requirements under section 21B(f)(2)(C)
of the Bank Act (12 U.S.C.
1441b(f)(2)(C)) to contribute toward the
interest payments owed on obligations
issued by the Resolution Funding
§ 1263.27 Involuntary termination of
(a) Grounds. The board of directors of
a Bank may terminate the membership
of any institution that:
(1) Fails to comply with any
requirement of the Bank Act, any
regulation adopted by FHFA, or any
requirement of the Bank’s capital plan;
(2) Becomes insolvent or otherwise
subject to the appointment of a
conservator, receiver, or other legal
custodian under federal or state law; or
(3) Would jeopardize the safety or
soundness of the Bank if it were to
remain a member.
(b) Stock redemption periods. The
applicable 6-month and 5-year stock
redemption periods, respectively, for all
of the Class A and Class B stock owned
by a member and not already subject to
a pending request for redemption, shall
commence on the date that the Bank
terminates the institution’s membership.
(c) Membership rights. An institution
whose membership is terminated
involuntarily under this section shall
cease being a member as of the date on
which the board of directors of the Bank
acts to terminate the membership, and
the institution shall have no right to
obtain any of the benefits of
membership after that date, but shall be
entitled to receive any dividends
declared on its stock until the stock is
redeemed or repurchased by the Bank.
Subpart G—Orderly Liquidation of
Advances and Redemption of Stock
§ 1263.29
Disposition of claims.
(a) In general. If an institution
withdraws from membership or its
membership is otherwise terminated,
the Bank shall determine an orderly
manner for liquidating all outstanding
indebtedness owed by that member to
the Bank and for settling all other claims
against the member. After all such
obligations and claims have been
extinguished or settled, the Bank shall
return to the member all collateral
pledged by the member to the Bank to
secure its obligations to the Bank.
(b) Bank stock. If an institution that
has withdrawn from membership or that
otherwise has had its membership
terminated remains indebted to the
Bank or has outstanding any business
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 93 / Friday, May 15, 2009 / Proposed Rules
transactions with the Bank after the
effective date of its termination of
membership, the Bank shall not redeem
or repurchase any Bank stock that is
required to support the indebtedness or
the business transactions until after all
such indebtedness and business
transactions have been extinguished or
Subpart H—Reacquisition of
§ 1263.30
Readmission to membership.
Subpart I—Bank Access to Information
Reports and examinations.
As a condition precedent to Bank
membership, each member:
(a) Consents to such examinations as
the Bank or FHFA may require for
purposes of the Bank Act;
(b) Agrees that reports of
examinations by local, state or federal
agencies or institutions may be
furnished by such authorities to the
Bank or FHFA upon request;
(c) Agrees to give the Bank or the
appropriate Federal banking agency,
upon request, such information as the
Bank or the appropriate Federal banking
agency may need to compile and
publish cost of funds indices and to
publish other reports or statistical
summaries pertaining to the activities of
Bank members;
(d) Agrees to provide the Bank with
calendar year-end financial data each
year, for purposes of making the
calculation described in § 1263.22(b)(1);
(e) Agrees to provide the Bank with
copies of reports of condition and
operations required to be filed with the
member’s appropriate Federal banking
agency, if applicable, within 20 calendar
days of filing, as well as copies of any
annual report of condition and
operations required to be filed.
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§ 1263.32
Official membership insignia.
Members may display the approved
insignia of membership on their
documents, advertising and quarters,
and likewise use the words ‘‘Member
Federal Home Loan Bank System.’’
Dated: May 7, 2009.
James B. Lockhart III,
Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency.
[FR Doc. E9–11329 Filed 5–14–09; 8:45 am]
(a) In general. An institution that has
withdrawn from membership or
otherwise has had its membership
terminated and which has divested all
of its shares of Bank stock, may not be
readmitted to membership in any Bank,
or acquire any capital stock of any Bank,
for a period of 5 years from the date on
which its membership terminated and it
divested all of its shares of Bank stock.
(b) Exceptions. An institution that
transfers membership between two
Banks without interruption shall not be
deemed to have withdrawn from Bank
membership or had its membership
§ 1263.31
Subpart J—Membership Insignia
Forest Service
36 CFR Part 242
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 100
[FWS–R7–SM–2009–0001; 70101–1261–
RIN 1018–AW30
Subsistence Management Regulations
for Public Lands in Alaska—2010–11
and 2011–12 Subsistence Taking of
Wildlife Regulations
AGENCIES: Forest Service, Agriculture;
Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule would
establish regulations for hunting and
trapping seasons, harvest limits,
methods, and means related to taking of
wildlife for subsistence uses during the
2010–11 and 2011–12 regulatory years.
The Federal Subsistence Board
completes the biennial process of
revising subsistence hunting and
trapping regulations in even-numbered
years and subsistence fishing and
shellfish regulations in odd-numbered
years; public proposal and review
processes take place during the
preceding year. The Board also
addresses customary and traditional use
determinations during the applicable
biennial cycle. When final, the resulting
rulemaking will replace the existing
subsistence wildlife taking regulations,
which expire on June 30, 2010. This
rule would also amend the customary
and traditional use determinations of
the Federal Subsistence Board and the
general regulations on subsistence
taking of fish and wildlife.
DATES: Public meetings: The Federal
Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils
PO 00000
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will hold public meetings to receive
comments and make proposals to
change this proposed rule on several
dates between August 25 and October
28, 2009, and then hold another round
of public meetings to discuss and
receive comments on the proposals, and
make recommendations on the
proposals to the Federal Subsistence
Board, on several dates between
February and April, 2010. The Board
will discuss and evaluate proposed
regulatory changes during a public
meeting in Anchorage, AK, on May 4,
for specific information on dates and
locations of the public meetings.
Public comments: Comments and
proposals to change this proposed rule
must be received or postmarked by
November 5, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Public meetings: The
Federal Subsistence Board and the
Regional Advisory Councils’ public
meetings will be held at various
locations in Alaska. See SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION for specific information on
dates and locations of the public
Public comments: You may submit
comments by one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• U.S. mail or hand-delivery to:
USFWS, Office of Subsistence
Management, 1011 East Tudor Road, MS
121, Attn: Theo Matuskowitz,
Anchorage, AK 99503–6199.
• Hand delivery to the Designated
Federal Official attending any of the
Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory
Council public meetings. See
additional information on locations of
the public meetings.
We will post all comments on https://
www.regulations.gov. This generally
means that we will post any personal
information you provide us (see the
Public Review Process section below for
more information).
Chair, Federal Subsistence Board, c/o
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Attention: Peter J. Probasco, Office of
Subsistence Management; (907) 786–
3888 or subsistence@fws.gov. For
questions specific to National Forest
System lands, contact Calvin Casipit,
Regional Subsistence Program Leader,
USDA, Forest Service, Alaska Region;
(907) 586–7918.
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 93 (Friday, May 15, 2009)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 22848-22867]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-11329]
[[Page 22848]]
12 CFR Part 925
12 CFR Part 1263
RIN 2590-AA18
Federal Home Loan Bank Membership for Community Development
Financial Institutions
AGENCY: Federal Housing Finance Board and Federal Housing Finance
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act
(Bank Act), as amended by section 1206 of the Housing and Economic
Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA), the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
proposes to amend its membership regulations to authorize non-federally
insured, CDFI Fund-certified community development financial
institutions (CDFIs) to become members of a Federal Home Loan Bank
(Bank). The newly eligible CDFIs include community development loan
funds, venture capital funds and state-chartered credit unions without
federal insurance. This notice of proposed rulemaking sets out the
eligibility and procedural requirements for CDFIs that wish to become
members of a Bank.
DATES: FHFA will accept written comments on this proposed rule on or
before July 14, 2009.
ADDRESSES: You may submit your comments on the proposed regulation
identified by regulatory information number (RIN) 2590-AA18, by any one
of the following methods:
U.S. Mail, United Parcel Post, Federal Express, or Other
Mail Service: The mailing address for comments is: Alfred M. Pollard,
General Counsel, Attention: Comments/RIN 2590-AA18, Federal Housing
Finance Agency, Fourth Floor, 1700 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552.
Hand Delivered/Courier: The hand delivery address is:
Alfred M. Pollard, General Counsel, Attention: Comments/RIN 2590-AA18,
Federal Housing Finance Agency, Fourth Floor, 1700 G Street, NW.,
Washington DC 20552. The package should be logged at the Guard Desk,
First Floor, on business days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
E-mail: Comments to Alfred M. Pollard, General Counsel may
be sent by e-mail to RegComments@fhfa.gov. Please include ``RIN 2590-
AA18'' in the subject line of the message.
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov.
Follow the instructions for submitting comments. If you submit your
comment to the Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also send it by e-
mail to FHFA at RegComments@fhfa.gov to ensure timely receipt by the
agency. Include the following information in the subject line of your
submission: Federal Housing Finance Agency, Proposed Rule: Federal Home
Loan Bank Membership for Community Development Financial Institutions,
RIN 2590-AA18.
We will post all public comments we receive without change,
including any personal information you provide, such as your name and
address, on the FHFA Web site at https://www.fhfa.gov.
Analyst/Adviser, 202-408-2825, sylvia.martinez@fhfa.gov; Amy Bogdon,
Senior Advisor, 202-408-2546, amy.bogdon@fhfa.gov, Division of Federal
Home Loan Bank Regulation; Deattra Perkins, Community Development
Specialist, 202-408-2527, deattra.perkins@fhfa.gov, Division of Housing
Mission and Goals. For legal questions contact Sharon B. Like,
Associate General Counsel, 202-414-8950, sharon.like@fhfa.gov. You can
send regular mail to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, Fourth Floor,
1700 G Street, NW., Washington DC 20552. The telephone number for the
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf is 800-877-8339.
I. Background
A. Statutory and Regulatory Background
Effective July 30, 2008, Division A of HERA, Public Law No. 110-
289, 122 Stat. 2654 (2008), titled the Federal Housing Finance
Regulatory Reform Act of 2008, created FHFA as an independent agency of
the Federal Government. HERA transferred supervisory and oversight
responsibilities over the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie
Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and the
Federal Home Loan Banks (collectively, Regulated Entities) from the
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) and the Federal
Housing Finance Board (FHFB) to FHFA. The Regulated Entities continue
to operate under regulations promulgated by OFHEO and FHFB until such
time as the existing regulations are supplanted by regulations
promulgated by FHFA.
Each Bank is a cooperative institution that is owned by its
members, all of which must comply with certain statutory requirements
in order to become members. To be eligible for Bank membership, an
applicant must be one of the several types of financial institutions
listed in section 4(a)(1) of the Bank Act, must meet certain other
eligibility criteria, and must purchase stock of the Bank, as set forth
in sections 4 and 6 of the Bank Act. See 12 U.S.C. 1424, 1426. The
existing FHFB regulation implementing the membership eligibility and
minimum stock purchase provisions of the Bank Act (Membership
Regulation) is codified at 12 CFR part 925. The proposed rule would
relocate part 925 in its entirety to part 1263, and would amend certain
provisions of the existing Membership Regulation to accommodate the
addition of CDFIs to the institutions that may become Bank members.
As a threshold matter, in order to be eligible for Bank membership,
an applicant must be authorized under federal or state law to become a
member of, purchase stock in, do business with, and maintain deposits
in, the Bank to which the applicant has applied for membership. Prior
to amendment by HERA, section 4(a)(1) provided that any building and
loan association, savings and loan association, cooperative bank,
homestead association, insurance company, savings bank, or federally
insured depository institution (including credit unions) was eligible
to become a Bank member. Thus, until HERA was enacted a CDFI could not
become a member of a Bank unless it also was a federally insured
depository institution, such as a community development bank, thrift or
credit union. As of September 30, 2008, 125 such depository institution
CDFIs had become members of the Bank System. Section 1206 of HERA
amended section 4(a)(1) to make all CDFIs that are certified by the
CDFI Fund of the US Department of the Treasury under the Community
Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (CDFI Act)
eligible to become members of a Bank. See 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1) (as
amended). Thus, loan funds, venture capital funds and state-chartered
credit unions without federal deposit insurance are now eligible for
Bank membership provided they are certified by the CDFI Fund and have
the authority under state law to do those things necessary to become a
member, i.e., to buy Bank stock, borrow and pledge collateral. The
proposed rule would apply only to those newly eligible institutions.
CDFIs that also are eligible for membership because they are federally
insured depository
[[Page 22849]]
institutions would continue to follow the existing rules relating to
membership for depository institutions.
All institutions that are eligible for membership under section
4(a)(1) also must comply with certain additional criteria specified in
section 4(a)(1) and (2) in order to be approved for membership.
Specifically, under section 4(a)(1), as amended by HERA, an applicant
must demonstrate that it: (a) Is duly organized under state or federal
law; (b) either is subject to inspection and regulation under banking
or similar laws or is certified as a CDFI under the CDFI Act; and (c)
makes such home mortgage loans as are long-term loans. In addition,
under section 4(a)(2), an insured depository institution applicant
must: (a) Have at least 10 percent of its total assets in residential
mortgage loans (unless it qualifies as a ``community financial
institution'') \1\; (b) be in sound financial condition such that a
Bank may safely make advances to it; (c) have a character of management
that is consistent with sound and economical home financing; and (d)
have a home-financing policy that is consistent with sound and
economical home financing. 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1), (2).
\1\ A ``community financial institution'' is a depository
institution that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation and has average total assets of $1 billion or less. 12
U.S.C. 1422(10) (as amended). This proposed rulemaking does not
affect the terms under which a ``community financial institution''
may become a member of a Bank.
The existing Membership Regulation expands on those statutory
requirements and further establishes a review and approval process for
applications for membership in a Bank. See 12 CFR 925.2, 925.3. Any
institution seeking membership in a Bank is required to submit an
application to the Bank for approval.\2\ The Membership Regulation also
includes separate provisions governing the admission of depository
institutions and insurance companies, respectively, recognizing that
each type of institution operates under a different business model and
a different regulatory structure. The proposed rule would follow a
similar approach for CDFIs, and would establish separate provisions for
CDFI applicants, recognizing that they too operate in a different
environment and under a different regulatory structure. The proposed
rule would delineate the documentation and other information that a
CDFI applicant must submit to a Bank as part of a membership
application, as well as the standards that a CDFI applicant must meet
in order to be deemed to have satisfied the various statutory and
regulatory requirements for membership.\3\
\2\ See 12 CFR 925.2(a). Generally speaking, an institution is
eligible to become a member only of the Bank of the district in
which its principal place of business is located. An institution is
deemed to be located in the state in which it maintains its home
office, established as such in conformity with the laws under which
the institution is organized. See 12 CFR 925.18.
\3\ Although the proposed rule includes provisions relating to
the financial condition of a CDFI applicant, those provisions are
threshold requirements for admission to membership. As is the case
with respect to all other members, a Bank will typically conduct a
more thorough analysis of a CDFI's financial condition and the
adequacy of its collateral when determining whether to make advances
to such members.
Once a Bank has approved a CDFI for membership, the CDFI must
purchase the required amount of Bank stock in order to complete the
process of becoming a member of the Bank. See 12 U.S.C. 1426. The
specific amount of stock that any new member, including a CDFI, must
purchase is set out in each Bank's capital structure plan, and will
vary from Bank to Bank.\4\ Typically, an institution must purchase a
certain amount of stock in order to become a member, and may be
required to purchase additional stock in order to borrow from the Bank
or to obtain other services from the Bank. In addition to purchasing
stock, any member, including a CDFI, that wishes to borrow from its
Bank must pledge certain types of collateral to secure its repayment
obligation, and must otherwise demonstrate to the Bank that it is
creditworthy. Under the Bank Act, a member may pledge only the
following types of collateral for an advance: (a) Fully disbursed,
whole first mortgages on improved residential property not more than 90
days delinquent, or securities representing a whole interest in such
mortgages; (b) securities issued, insured or guaranteed by the U.S.
Government or any agency thereof; (c) cash or deposits of a Bank; (d)
other real estate-related collateral acceptable to the Bank, provided
its value is readily ascertainable and the Bank can perfect its
interest; and (e) for institutions that qualify as ``community
financial institutions,'' secured loans for small business, agriculture
or community development activities, or securities representing a whole
interest in such secured loans. See 12 U.S.C. 1430(a)(3) (as amended).
Each Bank sets its own lending and collateral policies, which may vary
from Bank to Bank and which will apply to all borrowing members of that
\4\ Because the Chicago Bank has not yet implemented its capital
structure plan, any CDFI that becomes a member of that Bank must
purchase stock in the amount specified by 12 CFR 1263.20 of the
proposed rule, which carries over the provisions from 12 CFR 925.20
of the existing rules.
Under the Bank Act and FHFA regulations, all members also must
comply with certain community investment and first-time homebuyer
lending standards in order to maintain access to long-term advances.
See 12 U.S.C. 1430(g)(2); 12 CFR part 944. As discussed below, FHFA
believes that any CDFI that becomes a member of a Bank should be able
to satisfy the current community support requirements and therefore is
not proposing to establish community support requirements unique to
CDFIs, but welcomes comment on whether certain CDFIs may have
difficulties in complying with the current requirements that would
warrant establishing separate community support standards for CDFIs.
CDFIs are private nonprofit and for-profit financial institutions
providing financial services dedicated to economic development and
community revitalization in underserved markets. The CDFIs comprise
diverse institutional structures and business lines. The four
categories of institutions eligible for CDFI certification and CDFI
Fund financial support are: (1) Federally regulated insured depository
institutions and holding companies (bank CDFIs); (2) credit unions,
whether federally or state chartered; (3) community development loan
funds, which are unregulated institutions specializing in financing of
housing, businesses or community facilities that provide health care,
childcare, educational, cultural or social services; and (4) community
development venture capital funds, which are unregulated institutions
that provide equity and debt-with-equity-features to small and medium-
sized businesses in distressed communities.
The CDFIs serve as intermediary financial institutions that promote
economic growth and stability in low-and-moderate-income communities. A
large number are not-for-profit community development organizations
with a long history of providing lending and services to low-and-
moderate-income communities. They provide a unique range of financial
products and services, such as mortgage financing for low-income and
first-time homebuyers; homeowner or homebuyer counseling; financing for
not-for-profit affordable housing developers; flexible underwriting and
risk capital for needed community facilities; financial literacy
training; technical assistance; and commercial loans and investments to
assist small start-up businesses in low-income areas. Some CDFIs
[[Page 22850]]
community facilities such as child care centers alongside affordable
Frequently, CDFIs serve communities that are underserved by
conventional financial institutions and may offer products and services
that are not available from conventional financial institutions. Their
lending and community support activities are thus consistent with the
Banks' housing mission. By stabilizing the communities in a Bank's
District, CDFIs can provide added value to that Bank as well as its
There is no single source of information covering all CDFIs, but
reports from the CDFI Fund and other organizations provide a picture of
the industry. A 2007 study by Abt Associates,\5\ which included both
certified and uncertified CDFIs, estimated that there were as many as
1,122 CDFIs throughout the country in 2005. The CDFI Fund reported that
there were 804 certified CDFIs as of March 1, 2008.\6\ Loan funds, most
of which are nonprofit organizations, accounted for 68 percent of the
certified CDFIs. Eighteen percent of certified CDFIs were credit
unions, 10 percent were banks or holding companies, and 3.5 percent
were community venture funds.
\5\ See Abt Associates, Assessment of Community Development
Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI) Training Program, Training
Program & CDFI Certification, August 17, 2007 (p.2). This estimate
is based on a list of CDFIs that either were included in one of the
CDFI Fund's databases or had received a CDFI Data Project (CDP)
survey in the past three years.
\6\ Community Development Financial Institutions Fund,
``Overview. CDFI Fund Director's presentation before the National
Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference.'' San Francisco:
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, April 1, 2008.
CDFIs are generally small in asset size. The CDFI Fund reported
that the average asset size for certified CDFIs was $32 million for
depository institutions and $22.5 million for non-depository
institutions.\7\ Despite the typical CDFI's relatively small asset
size, studies demonstrate meaningful impact to low-and-moderate income
communities by these intermediaries. The CDFIs provide diverse
financial services and other benefits to urban, rural and Native
communities. A 2003-2005 trend analysis by the CDFI Fund \8\ reported
that its sample of CDFIs financed over 90,000 units of housing, 80,000
of which were affordable housing units. This group of CDFIs also
provided financing and counseling for over 12,000 first-time homebuyers
over this period. The Opportunity Finance Network, a trade association
of 160 CDFI members, reports that over the past 20 years, its members
financed over 533,394 housing units.\9\ Given the credit conditions
across the country, demand for CDFI products and services is expected
to increase. In a recent survey conducted by the Opportunity Finance
Network, CDFI respondents reported an increase in demand for their
products as a result of the declining availability of bank credit.\10\
However, one common problem facing non-depository CDFIs is that they do
not have access to long-term funding, limiting their ability to provide
housing finance to their communities.
\7\ Community Development Financial Institutions Fund,
``Overview.'' Presented April 1, 2008.
\8\ Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Three
Year Trend Analysis of Community Investment Impact System
Institutional Level Report Data FY 2003-2005. US Department of the
Treasury. December 2007. The report includes data for 2003 from 223
CDFIs, for 2004 from 236 CDFIs and for 2005 from 173 CDFIs.
\9\ Opportunity Finance Network, Overview: About Opportunity
Finance Network. See https://www.opportunityfinance.net/about/about.aspx. Accessed on December 15, 2008.
\10\ Opportunity Finance Network, Findings from the Third
Quarter 2008 CDFI Market Conditions Survey, October 2008.
The CDFI Fund of the U.S. Treasury was created to promote economic
revitalization and community development through investment in and
financial and technical assistance to CDFIs. See 12 U.S.C. 4701(b). The
CDFI Fund promotes these purposes through several programs, including
the CDFI Program, the New Markets Tax Credit Program, the Bank
Enterprise Award Program and Native Initiatives. See 12 U.S.C. 4701 et
seq.; 12 CFR part 1805; https://www.cdfifund.gov.
An institution must apply to the CDFI Fund in order to receive
awards under its programs. See 12 U.S.C. 4704; 12 CFR 1805.200. To
receive a CDFI award, an institution must be certified by the CDFI Fund
as a qualifying CDFI under the CDFI Act. An institution may apply for
CDFI certification at any time. If an organization is already certified
as a CDFI, the CDFI Fund may require as a condition for receiving an
award, that a CDFI submit a Certification of Material Events form
attesting that there has been no occurrence that affects the
organization's strategic direction, mission or business operation and,
thereby, its status as a CDFI. An applicant for CDFI certification must
meet each of the following general requirements in order to be
certified as a CDFI:
(i) Is a legal entity at the time of certification application;
(ii) Has a primary mission of promoting community development;
(iii) Is a financing entity;
(iv) Principally serves an economically distressed area, low-income
population, or other population that lacks access to financing (known
as an eligible ``target market'');
(v) Provides technical assistance, training or other development
services in conjunction with its financing activities;
(vi) Is accountable to its target market through representation on
its board or other means; and
(vii) Is a non-governmental entity that is not controlled by one or
more governmental entities (Tribal governments excluded).
See 12 U.S.C. 4702(5); 12 CFR 1805.201.
The CDFI certification eligibility requirements are more fully
elaborated in the CDFI program regulations. See 12 CFR 1805.201. The
CDFI Fund is not a regulator of CDFIs, and does not evaluate their
safety and soundness during either the certification or awards
application processes at the level that would be conducted by a
financial safety and soundness regulator. The CDFI Fund regulations
further state that a CDFI certification does not constitute an opinion
by the CDFI Fund as to the financial viability of the certified CDFI or
that the CDFI will be selected to receive an award from the CDFI Fund.
See 12 CFR 1805.201(a). Thus, receipt of a certification or award alone
does not indicate that a CDFI is financially sound, but only that it
meets the certification or award eligibility criteria.
C. HERA Section 1201
Section 1201 of HERA requires the FHFA Director to consider the
differences between the Banks and the Enterprises in rulemakings that
affect the Banks with respect to the Banks' cooperative ownership
structure, mission of providing liquidity to members, affordable
housing and community development mission, capital structure and joint
and several liability. See 12 U.S.C. 4513(f). In preparing the proposed
rule, the Director considered these factors and determined that the
rule is appropriate, particularly because the proposed amendments would
implement statutory provisions of the Bank Act that apply only to the
Banks. See 12 U.S.C. 1424(a). Nonetheless, FHFA requests comments about
whether these factors should result in a revision of the proposed
amendment as it relates to the Banks.
[[Page 22851]]
II. Analysis of Proposed Rule
A. Relocation of Membership Regulation to Part 1263
The proposed rule would relocate the Membership Regulation in its
entirety from part 925 of the FHFB regulations to part 1263 of the FHFA
regulations. The proposed rule also would amend certain provisions of
the relocated Membership Regulation to allow CDFIs to become Bank
members. Although those amendments are not evident from the regulatory
text of the proposed rule because the provisions are being relocated in
their entirety, any material revisions to the regulatory text are
discussed in this preamble.
B. Scope of the Proposed Regulation
As noted previously, approximately 125 depository institutions that
also are CDFIs have already become members of a Bank by virtue of their
status as federally insured depository institutions. Under the terms of
this proposed rule, any such institutions that seek to become members
of a Bank in the future would be required to follow the existing
membership regulations and procedures applicable for insured depository
institutions. The amendments embodied in this proposed rule are
intended to apply only to those types of CDFIs that were not eligible
for membership prior to the passage of HERA, such as loan funds,
venture capital funds and credit unions with state or private
C. Definitions
Consistent with the scope of the proposed regulation, FHFA is
proposing to amend the definitions section of the Membership Regulation
by revising existing definitions and adding new definitions to reflect
the statutory changes related to CDFI members. Thus, section 1263.1 of
the proposed rule defines ``community development financial
institution'' and ``CDFI'' to include any institution that is certified
as a CDFI by the CDFI Fund of the U.S. Department of the Treasury,
other than a bank or savings association that is insured under the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.) or a credit
union that is insured under the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C.
1751 et seq.). Because federally insured depository institutions and
credit unions already are eligible for membership under the pre-HERA
law, the definition of CDFI excludes those institutions. The proposal
also defines ``CDFI credit union'' as a state chartered credit union
that has been certified by the CDFI Fund and does not have federal
deposit insurance. The CDFI credit unions are the only types of
depository institution that are affected by the HERA CDFI amendments
and, for reasons stated below, those entities will be evaluated for
financial condition under the same provisions that currently apply to
state chartered credit unions that are currently eligible for
membership because they are insured by the National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA).
The proposed rule also adds or revises several other definitions in
order to accommodate the admission of CDFIs to Bank membership. Those
defined terms are ``appropriate regulator,'' ``CDFI Fund,'' ``gross
revenues,'' ``operating expenses,'' ``restricted assets,'' ``total
assets,'' and ``unrestricted cash and cash equivalents.'' The proposal
would revise the existing definition of ``appropriate regulator'' to
add CDFI credit unions to the list of financial institutions included
within the current rule. As noted previously, FHFA is proposing to
subject CDFI credit unions to the same financial condition provisions
that apply to state chartered credit unions that are insured by the
NCUA, and these definitions are consistent with that approach. Most of
the other new definitions relate to terms that are used elsewhere in
the proposal to measure the financial condition and performance of
those CDFIs that are not subject to state or federal regulation.
Generally speaking, these financial definitions are intended to reflect
the terms used in the financial performance standards employed by the
CDFI Fund or by third-party auditors experienced in assessing the
financial performance of the CDFIs. FHFA requests comments on whether
the proposed definitions are appropriate in the context of assessing
the financial condition of CDFI applicants.
Apart from those new or revised definitions, the proposed rule
carries over into part 1263 all of the existing definitions from the
Membership Regulation, some of which include minor clarifying or
technical changes.
D. Application Process
Subpart B of the current Membership Regulation includes several
provisions--Sec. Sec. 925.2 to 925.5--relating to the process for the
submission and consideration of applications for membership. The
proposed rule would relocate all of those provisions without
substantive change to proposed Sec. Sec. 1263.2, 1263.3, 1263.4, and
1263.5, respectively. The proposed rule would make minor changes to
certain of those provisions, none of which are intended to change the
substance of those provisions.
E. Eligibility Requirements
Subpart C of the current Membership Regulation includes 13
provisions relating principally to the eligibility requirements for
membership and how they are to be applied to the various types of
institutions that may become members of a Bank. Some of these
regulatory provisions are readily applicable to CDFIs in the same
manner as other financial institutions, but others require some
adaptation to reflect the unique characteristics of CDFIs. The proposed
rule would amend certain of these provisions to address the statutory
changes that have allowed CDFIs to become members. In proposing these
amendments, FHFA has sought to develop regulatory standards that
recognize the unique characteristics of CDFIs and the valuable
contribution they make to their communities, while remaining
sufficiently rigorous to comply with the statutory requirements.
General eligibility requirements. Section 4(a)(1) of the Bank Act
requires that all applicants for Bank membership meet certain
requirements for membership. These requirements are currently listed in
Sec. 925.6(a) of the Membership Regulation and are being retained in
the proposed rule at proposed Sec. 1263.6(a). With respect to proposed
Sec. 1263.6(a), the only change to the existing regulatory text would
be to add ``community development financial institution'' to the list
of entities eligible for membership. As discussed above, that term has
been defined to exclude federally insured depository institutions and
credit unions, because such institutions are already authorized to
become Bank members.
Section 4(a)(2) of the Bank Act further requires any ``insured
depository institution'' applicant to have at least 10 percent of its
assets in residential mortgage loans, be in sound financial condition,
and have sound management and home financing policy. 12 U.S.C.
1424(a)(2). The term ``insured depository institution'' is defined in
the Bank Act to include any federally-insured bank, savings association
or credit union, and thus does not include the newly-eligible CDFIs or
insurance companies. See 12 U.S.C. 1422(9). Nonetheless, the Bank Act
does not preclude FHFA from applying these concepts to other types of
applicants, based on its authority to ensure that the Banks operate in
a safe and sound manner and carry out their public policy missions.
Indeed, FHFA's predecessor agency, FHFB, exercised that authority to
require all applicants without federal deposit insurance, i.e.,
insurance companies, to have mortgage-
[[Page 22852]]
related assets that reflect a commitment to housing finance. 12 CFR
925.6(c); See 58 FR 43522 (Aug. 17, 1993). FHFB reasoned that such an
approach treated all applicants in an equitable and consistent manner,
and was consistent with the housing finance mission of the Banks. See
id. at 43531-43533. FHFA believes that rationale can apply as well to
the newly eligible CDFI applicants, and thus is proposing to require
such CDFI applicants to have mortgage related assets that reflect a
commitment to housing finance. FHFA expects that the Banks will assess
the commitment to housing finance requirements in light of the unique
community development focus of the business of CDFIs. Because the
language of the current regulation already applies to any applicant
that is not an insured depository institution, no amendment to proposed
Sec. 1263.6(c) is necessary to affect this change.
In a similar manner, the proposed rule would require the newly
eligible CDFI applicants to satisfy requirements relating to financial
condition, character of management and home financing policy. When FHFB
extended those provisions to insurance companies, it reasoned that they
were sufficiently important to concepts of safety and soundness and the
housing finance mission to warrant doing so. See 58 FR at 43533. FHFA
believes that the same rationale should apply to the newly eligible
category of CDFI applicants. Thus, the proposed rule would retain the
provisions within Subpart C, which would be amended as necessary to
implement the CDFI provisions of HERA. The amendments to particular
provisions within Subpart C are discussed separately below.
Duly organized requirement. Section 4(a)(1)(A) of the Bank Act
requires that an applicant for membership be duly organized under the
laws of any state or of the United States. 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1)(A).
Section 1263.7 of the proposed rule would amend the current language of
Sec. 925.7, which implements this provision, to provide that a newly
eligible CDFI applicant shall be deemed to be duly organized if it is
incorporated under state law. The current regulation allows an
applicant to satisfy this provision if it is chartered as one of
several types of depository institutions or as an insurance company.
Because most CDFIs will not have such a charter, FHFA believes that
being incorporated under state law is sufficient to demonstrate that a
CDFI meets this requirement of the statute.
Inspection and regulation requirement. Section 4(a)(1)(B) of the
Bank Act generally requires an applicant for membership to be subject
to inspection and regulation under state or federal banking or similar
laws. In the case of a CDFI, the statute imposes an alternative
requirement, which is that the applicant be certified by the CDFI Fund.
See 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1)(B). Accordingly, newly-eligible CDFI
applicants are not required to meet the inspection and regulation
requirement and, therefore, there is no need to amend the existing
regulatory language, which would be carried over into proposed Sec.
1263.8. As discussed earlier, the requirement that a CDFI applicant be
certified by the CDFI Fund in order to be eligible for membership is
addressed by the definition of ``CDFI'' in proposed Sec. 1263.1. The
proposed rule, however, does make certain clarifying revisions to the
existing regulation text of proposed Sec. 1263.8, which are not
intended to alter the substance of the provision.
Long-term mortgage loans requirement. Section 4(a)(1)(C) of the
Bank Act requires that an applicant for membership make long-term home
mortgage loans. 12 U.S.C. 1424(a)(1)(C). ``Long-term'' is defined in
Sec. 925.1 to include loans with a term to maturity of five years or
greater. 12 CFR 925.1. ``Home mortgage loan'' is defined in Sec. 925.1
to include, among other things, first mortgages on one-to-four family
or multifamily property, and mortgage pass-through securities backed by
such mortgages. See id. Section 925.9 of the Membership Regulation,
which implements these provisions, provides that an applicant is deemed
to meet this requirement if, based on the applicant's most recent
regulatory financial report filed with its appropriate regulator, the
applicant originates or purchases long-term home mortgage loans. 12 CFR
925.9. Some newly-eligible CDFI applicants, such as loan funds and
venture capital funds, do not file regulatory financial reports.
Accordingly, proposed Sec. 1263.9 would amend the existing language to
provide that a Bank shall determine whether a CDFI applicant meets the
``makes long-term home mortgage loans'' requirement based on other
documentation provided to the Bank, and contemplates that a Bank can
decide what level of documentation can best allow it to determine
whether a particular type of CDFI satisfies this requirement.
Financial condition requirements. The current Membership Regulation
includes two separate provisions relating to the financial condition of
applicants for membership. Section 925.11 relates to depository
institutions (which includes federally insured state chartered credit
unions), while Sec. 925.16 relates to insurance companies. The
proposed rule would relocate those provisions to proposed Sec. Sec.
1263.11 and 1263.16, respectively, and would amend both of them to
incorporate language relating to CDFI applicants.
In proposed Sec. 1263.11, FHFA would require CDFI credit unions to
comply with the same financial condition requirements that currently
apply to state chartered credit unions that are insured by the
NCUA.\11\ All credit unions chartered by a particular state operate
under the same state laws and regulations. All are subject to oversight
by the same state regulatory agency and would have the same financial
reporting and examination requirements at the state level. Thus, for
this category of CDFI, FHFA believes that it is most appropriate for
the Banks to evaluate financial condition under the same regulatory
provisions that apply to all other credit union and depository
institution applicants. Those provisions are set out in proposed Sec.
1263.11(a) and (b) and require the Banks to evaluate the financial
condition of the applicants based on information in the regulatory
financial reports they file with their applicable regulators, their
audited financial statements, and the examination reports prepared by
their regulators. The key distinction for CDFI credit unions is that
they are not subject to oversight by the NCUA and consequently do not
file financial regulatory reports with the NCUA. Nonetheless, the CDFI
credit unions should file comparable reports with their appropriate
state regulator, and FHFA believes that those documents can be used by
the Banks to assess the financial condition of the CDFI credit unions,
applying the same criteria as in the existing regulations. To the
extent that any state chartered credit unions without NCUA insurance
may not in fact file regulatory financial reports with their state
regulator that are comparable to those filed by NCUA-regulated credit
unions, or are not required to have audited financial statements or
submit to regulatory examinations, FHFA requests comments on what other
documentation such entities would prepare that would provide the Banks
with comparable information about their financial condition.
\11\ As of December 31, 2008, 955 credit unions were members of
the Bank System. Of that number, 476 are state chartered and 479 are
federal credit unions.
To bring the CDFI credit unions within the scope of the current
financial condition requirements for depository institutions, the
proposed rule would amend the existing regulatory text in two
locations. The first amendment
[[Page 22853]]
would revise proposed Sec. 1263.11(a) to list the types of depository
institutions that are subject to its provisions and to include CDFI
credit unions within that list. The second amendment would add a new
provision, proposed Sec. 1263.11(b)(3)(iii), which would require all
CDFI credit unions to meet certain performance trend criteria. Under
the current regulation, the only depository institutions that must
satisfy those criteria are institutions with a composite examination
rating of ``2'' or ``3''. Because the CDFI credit unions are not
subject to oversight by the NCUA and because the Banks may be less
familiar with state examination ratings, FHFA believes that it is
prudent to require all such CDFI credit unions to demonstrate that
their earnings, nonperforming assets, and allowance for loan and lease
losses are consistent with the existing performance criteria. Apart
from those amendments, proposed Sec. 1263.11 would retain all of the
language from the existing Sec. 925.11. FHFA requests comments on
whether the application of these standards is appropriate for CDFI
credit unions and whether the nature or extent of oversight and
examination by a state regulator differs in any manner that would
require any of the provisions in this section to be modified. For
example, the current rule requires the submission of quarterly
regulatory financial reports and information from a regulatory
examination report. To the extent that any state chartered CDFI credit
unions might not have quarterly reports, financial statements audited
by a certified public accountant or regulatory examination reports,
FHFA seeks information on the types of financial condition statements
and regulatory reports that such entities do submit and what types of
examination and rating are provided by the state regulators.
For all other CDFIs, such as CDFI loan funds and venture capital
funds, FHFA is proposing new financial condition requirements. These
requirements would be incorporated into the existing provisions
relating to insurance companies, set out in proposed Sec. 1263.16(b).
Institutions in this category of CDFIs are not subject to the same
degree of state or federal oversight as are depository institutions and
insurance companies. Thus, they may not be able to provide the Banks
with documentation similar to examination reports or periodic
regulatory financial reports to aid the Banks in assessing their
financial condition. Although these CDFIs will have been certified by
the CDFI Fund, that process does not include an assessment of the
CDFI's financial condition. Moreover, the type and extent of available
financial documentation will differ for the various categories of
CDFIs. Although some CDFI loan funds and venture capital funds may be
able to obtain private ratings that would be analogous to those
relating to depository institutions, those are not routinely generated.
Because of those differences, FHFA is proposing to establish separate
financial documentation requirements and approval standards for
assessing the financial condition of this category of CDFIs, which are
intended to be analogous to those applicable to other applicants, while
taking into account the unique characteristics of CDFIs.
The structure of proposed Sec. 1263.16(b) would generally parallel
that used for depository institutions, i.e., the regulation would
identify the types of financial documents that a Bank must review in
assessing a CDFI's financial condition and would establish standards
for determining whether an applicant's financial condition is
sufficiently sound to admit it to Bank membership. Those amendments are
described below.
Section 1263.16(b)(1) of the proposed rule would specify two
categories of financial documents that a Bank must obtain and review
when assessing a CDFI's financial condition, and would authorize a Bank
to request any additional documents that it deems necessary to
assessing the financial condition of the CDFI applicant. The first
category of documentation relates to financial statements, and requires
the submission of an independent audit that has been conducted within
the prior year by a certified public accounting firm, in accordance
with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), as well as more
recent quarterly financial statements, if those are available. An
applicant also must submit financial statements for the two years prior
to the most recent audited financial statement. At a minimum, all such
financial statements must include income and expense statements,
statements of activities, statements of financial position, and
statements of cash flows. The financial statements for the most recent
year also must include detailed disclosures or schedules relating to
the affiliates of the CDFI applicant regarding the financial position
of each affiliate, their lines of business, and the relationship
between the affiliates and the applicant CDFI.
FHFA believes that the use of a GAAS-consistent audited financial
statement is a uniform and reliable means by which an applicant can
demonstrate to a Bank that it is in sound financial condition,
particularly in the absence of the regulatory financial and examination
reports that the Banks typically consider in evaluating other
depository institutions and insurance companies for membership.
Nonetheless, FHFA requests comments on whether there might be
alternatives to GAAS-compliant audited financial statements that would
allow a Bank to assess accurately the financial condition of a CDFI
applicant. If certain CDFIs do not typically obtain audited financial
statements, FHFA might consider allowing the Banks to use alternative
financial statements, but asks that any persons recommending such
alternatives provide detailed information about the quality of such
alternatives and the frequency at which they would be prepared.
Examples of such alternatives might include financial statements that,
while not prepared by a certified public accounting firm, would be
substantially similar to audited financial statements, or financial
statements prepared by a CDFI that have some other means of assuring
that they accurately present its financial condition. FHFA will
consider allowing the use of such alternative financial statements in
the final rule if it can be reasonably assured that the Banks can rely
on them to determine that the CDFI applicant is in sound financial
Section 1263.16(b)(1)(ii) and (iii) of the proposed rule further
requires a CDFI applicant to provide the Bank with a copy of the
certification it has received from the CDFI Fund, as well as any other
financial information concerning its financial condition that is
requested by the Bank. With respect to the issue of certification, each
CDFI applicant generally must provide a certification issued by the
CDFI Fund no more than three years prior to the date of the CDFI's
application for Bank membership. If an applicant's CDFI certification
does not meet that requirement, the applicant must submit to the Bank a
written statement that there have been no material events or
occurrences since the date of certification that would adversely affect
its strategic direction, mission, or business operations, and thereby
its status as a CDFI.
Section 1263.16(b)(2) of the proposed rule sets out minimum
financial condition standards that a CDFI must meet in order to become
a member of a Bank. Those standards relate to net assets, earnings,
loan loss reserves, and liquidity, and are described below.
Net asset ratio. The proposed rule would require that a CDFI
applicant have a ratio of net assets to total assets
[[Page 22854]]
of at least 20 percent, which is intended to address the capital
adequacy of the CDFI. For purposes of this provision, ``net assets'' is
to be calculated as the residual value of assets (including restricted
assets) over liabilities and is to be based on information derived from
the applicant's most recent financial statements.
FHFA is proposing this approach because it understands that the
inclusion of restricted assets within net assets is consistent with the
approach used by the CDFI Fund and others in the CDFI industry, as well
as with the accounting standards for nonprofit entities. Restricted
assets typically appear on CDFI balance sheets when donor or government
funds are specifically designated as capital, and are thereby
``restricted'' as to their possible uses. When used in this manner, the
capital may be classified as restricted, but it is nonetheless
available to absorb any losses. For example, the CDFI Fund commonly
awards funding for loan loss reserves, which may serve to lower a
CDFI's borrowing costs. FHFA requests comment on the inclusion of
restricted assets in the net asset ratio, and on the proposed use of a
minimum net asset ratio of 20 percent for membership eligibility.
Earnings. The proposed rule would require a CDFI applicant to
demonstrate that it has some earnings capacity. Thus, an applicant must
show that it has generated a positive net income for any two of the
three most recent years. For purposes of this provision, net income
would be defined as gross revenues less total expenses, based on
information derived from the applicant's most recent financial
statements. In the definitions section of the regulation, the proposal
defines ``gross revenues'' to mean total revenues received from all
sources, including earnings from operations, grants and other donor
contributions. This requirement is adapted from the earnings
requirement for insured depository institutions in the current
regulation, which requires that the applicant's adjusted net income be
positive in four of the six most recent calendar quarters. Because
CDFIs may not typically file quarterly regulatory reports, and
generally obtain an audit of their financial statements only once a
year, FHFA proposes to require that earnings be positive in two of the
three most recent years, rather than four of the six most recent
calendar quarters. FHFA requests comment on the appropriateness of this
measure of earnings and on the proposed minimum eligibility standard.
Loan loss reserves. The proposed rule would require that an
applicant's ratio of loan loss reserves to loans and leases 90 or more
days delinquent, including loans sold with full recourse, be not less
than 30 percent. The information to determine compliance with this
provision should be derived from the applicant's most recent financial
statements. Loan loss reserves, which help the CDFIs self-insure
against losses, are defined within this provision to mean a specified
balance sheet account that reflects the amount reserved for loans
expected to be uncollectible. The proposed rule is intended to provide
a flexible and relative standard, to acknowledge the CDFIs' mission and
loan origination practices while also requiring a buffer to protect the
organization's continued solvency and ongoing operation. The 30 percent
threshold is half of the requirement that would apply to depository
institution applicants. FHFA is proposing to allow the lower ratio in
recognition of a historically lower delinquency rate among CDFI-
originated loans, which have performed equal to or better than prime
loans. As noted, the CDFIs' fundamental mission is to stabilize
communities. Most CDFIs hold the loans they make and, consequently, the
risk in portfolio. These two conditions prompt the use of careful
underwriting, intensive homeowner and financial counseling, and
subsidies to assure borrower affordability. CDFIs have the ability to
modify a loan in response to a borrower's adverse life event, thus
preventing a foreclosure. Given these unique circumstances, lower loan
loss reserves would permit more capital to go to borrowers. However,
given current housing market conditions, FHFA requests comment on the
appropriateness of the proposed loan loss reserve measure, the
rationale for the different standard for CDFIs, or whether there are
any alternative standards that might also serve this purpose.
Liquidity ratio. The proposed rule would require that an
applicant's operating liquidity ratio be no less than 1.0 for the
current year, i.e., the year during which a CDFI applies for
membership, as well as in at least one of the two years preceding the
current year. The operating liquidity ratio is to include in the
numerator unrestricted cash and cash equivalents and in the denominator
the average quarterly operating expense for the four most recent
quarters. FHFA believes that this operating liquidity ratio provides a
measure of funds available to pay expenses and creditors by requiring a
CDFI to have sufficient liquidity to cover average operating expenses
for one quarter. FHFA requests comment on the appropriateness of the
proposed requirement for operating liquidity.
Self-Sufficiency or Sustainability Ratio. The self-sufficiency or
sustainability ratio is a measure used to evaluate the extent to which
a CDFI can cover its expenses from earned revenue and, by inference,
the CDFI's independence from grants and loans. The ratio is computed as
earned revenue divided by total expenses. Full self-sufficiency is
achieved when a CDFI achieves a ratio of 1.0 (100 percent) or greater.
However, self-sufficiency ratios are affected by the type of services
and grant programs operated by the CDFI. In some cases, the self-
sufficiency ratio may not adequately portray the financial condition of
the CDFI, and too stringent a ratio could countermand the service
delivery requirements for certification by the CDFI Fund. See 12 U.S.C.
4701(b). The proposed rule does not include a requirement for the self-
sufficiency ratio, but FHFA seeks comment on whether to include a
standard for the self-sufficiency ratio as part of the minimum
financial condition standards for CDFI members and, if so, what the
threshold standard should be.\12\
\12\ By way of reference, between 2003 and 2005, the
sustainability ratio for CDFI loan funds averaged around 65 percent;
the median was 63 percent. Venture capital funds, which have a
different business line, had a sustainability ratio of 68 percent.
Credit unions principally dedicated to lending would be expected to
consistently have ratios in excess of 100 percent. See Approaches to
CDFI Sustainability: Report prepared by the Aspen Institute Economic
Opportunities Program, for the Department of the Treasury, Community
Development Financial Institutions Fund, July 2008.
CDFI Bank Holding Companies. FHFA understands that there are some
bank holding companies that are certified as CDFIs, but it is not
including that category of institution in the proposed rule. Any bank
holding company would, by definition, control a federally insured
commercial bank, which is eligible for Bank membership in its own
right. Given that authority, FHFA believes that the appropriate vehicle
for Bank membership for such enterprises is through the existing
process for insured depository institutions. Nonetheless, FHFA requests
comment on whether it should include in the final rule additional
provisions relating to bank holding company membership based on CDFI
status. To the extent that any commenters address this issue, FHFA also
asks that they provide information about specific holding companies
that operate as CDFIs, their relationships to their depository
institution subsidiaries, and how membership via the CDFI
[[Page 22855]]
provisions would provide benefits not available as a result of the
depository institution becoming a member.
Character of Management. The current Sec. 925.12 requires that an
applicant's character of management be consistent with sound and
economical home financing. To meet the existing requirement, an
applicant must provide the Bank with a certification that it has not,
since the applicant's most recent regulatory examination report, been
subject to any enforcement actions, criminal, civil or administrative
proceedings, or criminal, civil or administrative monetary liabilities,
lawsuits or judgments.
The proposed rule would amend the existing provision by replacing
the reference to ``applicant'' with a listing of the types of entities
to which proposed Sec. 1263.12(a) would apply. The list would include
the institutions currently covered by this provision, i.e., depository
institutions and insurance companies, and also would add CDFI credit
unions to that category. As noted previously, because state chartered
credit unions that are insured by NCUA must comply with this provision,
FHFA believes that those provisions should apply as well to state
chartered credit unions that qualify as CDFI credit union applicants.
Because certain of the newly-eligible CDFIs, such as loan funds and
venture capital funds, are not regulated and, therefore, do not undergo
regulatory examinations and are not subject to enforcement actions, the
proposed rule would amend proposed Sec. 1263.12(b) to require such
applicants to provide to the Bank the same certification, except for
enforcement actions, with respect to the past three years. In light of
the fact that these CDFIs are not subject to CAMELS-type ratings
produced by the banking regulators, which evaluate an institution's
management, FHFA requests comment on whether there are any other means
by which a Bank can assess the character of a CDFI applicant's
Home Financing Policy. Under the current Membership Regulation,
applicants with a ``Satisfactory'' or better Community Reinvestment Act
(CRA) rating are deemed to meet the requirement that their home
financing policy is consistent with sound and economical home
financing. Section 1263.13(b) of the proposed rule would retain the
existing requirement that applicants not subject to the CRA--such as
CDFI applicants--must provide a written justification, acceptable to
the Bank, explaining how and why their home financing policy is
consistent with the Bank System's housing finance mission.
Rebuttable Presumptions. Section 925.17 of the Membership
Regulation allows presumptions of compliance or noncompliance with
certain membership eligibility requirements to be rebutted, upon
meeting certain requirements set forth in that regulation. The proposed
rule would amend the regulatory language to enable newly-eligible CDFI
applicants to rebut presumptive noncompliance with such membership
eligibility requirements, in the same manner as other applicants may do
under the current regulations.
Accordingly, the proposed rule would extend the existing rebuttal
provisions relating to presumptive noncompliance with the financial
condition and character of management requirements to CDFI applicants.
Such applicants could rebut those presumptions by submitting a written
justification providing substantial evidence, acceptable to the Bank,
demonstrating that their financial condition and character of
management are both consistent with the standards for approval as
Proposed Sec. 1263.17(e)(2) would provide that if a CDFI applicant
or any of its directors or senior officers has been the subject of any
criminal, civil or administrative proceedings reflecting upon
creditworthiness, business judgment, or moral turpitude in the past
three years, the applicant must provide a written analysis indicating
that the proceedings will not likely have a significantly deleterious
effect on the applicant's operations. The written analysis must address
the severity of the charges, and any mitigating action taken by the
applicant or its directors or senior officers.
Proposed Sec. 1263.17(e)(3) would provide that if there are any
known potential criminal, civil or administrative monetary liabilities,
material pending lawsuits, or unsatisfied judgments against the CDFI
applicant or any of its directors or senior officers in the past three
years that are significant to the applicant's operations, the applicant
must provide a written analysis acceptable to the Bank indicating that
the liabilities, lawsuits or judgments will not likely cause the
applicant to fall below its applicable net asset ratio set forth in
proposed Sec. 1263.16(b)(2)(i). The written analysis shall state the
likelihood of the applicant or its directors or senior officers
prevailing, and the financial consequences if the applicant or its
directors or senior officers do not prevail.
F. Subpart D--Stock Purchase Requirements
The proposed rule would make various technical changes to the stock
purchase requirements currently set forth in various provisions of
Subpart D. At present, the minimum stock purchase requirements
specified in Sec. 925.20(a) are based on statutory provisions that
cease to apply to a Bank once it has converted its capital structure to
the form required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act). Because all
but one of the Banks has completed its capital conversion, proposed
Sec. 1263.20 is being amended to add language to indicate that the
minimum stock purchase requirement for a member shall be the minimums
specified in each Bank's capital structure plan. For members of the
Bank that has not converted, the stock purchase requirement shall
continue to be as specified in the Membership Regulation. The proposed
rule also makes some conforming changes to proposed Sec. Sec. 1263.21
and 1263.22, both of which relate to distinctions based on conversion
to the GLB Act capital structure.
G. Other Subparts
The proposed rule makes no substantive changes in any of the
remaining subparts of the Membership Regulation. In Subpart H, relating
to the reacquisition of membership, the proposed rule would delete
language from the current Sec. 925.30(b) relating to institutions that
withdrew from membership prior to December 31, 1997, as the passage of
time has rendered that language moot.
H. Community Support Amendment--Part 944
Section 10(g)(1) of the Bank Act requires FHFA to establish
standards of community investment or service for members of the Banks
to maintain continued access to long-term Bank advances, taking into
account factors such as a member's performance under the CRA and the
member's record of lending to first-time homebuyers. See 12 U.S.C.
1430(g)(1), (2). The FHFB regulation setting forth such ``community
support'' standards is at 12 CFR part 944. Under these provisions, a
Bank member that is subject to the CRA is deemed to meet the CRA
standard if its most recent CRA evaluation is ``outstanding'' or
``satisfactory.'' See 12 CFR 944.3(b)(1). A member also is presumed to
meet the first-time homebuyer lending standard if its CRA evaluation is
``outstanding'' and there are no public comments or other
[[Page 22856]]
information to the contrary. 12 CFR 944.3(c). Members that are not
subject to the CRA, such as credit unions and insurance companies, are
only required to meet the first-time homebuyer lending standard. Id.
Because the newly eligible CDFIs are not subject to the CRA, they would
only be subject to the first-time homebuyer lending standard. Section
944.3(c)(1) includes a non-exclusive list of eligible activities that
meet the first-time homebuyer lending standard, such as: having an
established record of lending to first-time homebuyers; providing
homeownership counseling programs for first-time homebuyers; providing
or participating in marketing plans and related outreach programs
targeted to first-time homebuyers; and providing technical assistance
or financial support to organizations that assist first-time
homebuyers. See id. at 944.3(c)(1).
FHFA believes that a CDFI should be able to comply with these
requirements, even if it is not subject to the CRA and may have limited
experience in lending to first-time homebuyers. Nonetheless, FHFA
requests comments on whether it is appropriate to apply the current
requirements to CDFIs or whether it would be appropriate to adopt an
alternative community support standard for CDFIs that recognizes their
unique mission and business practices while still complying with this
statutory requirement.
I. Community Financial Institution Amendments
Apart from the amendments authorizing certified CDFIs to become
Bank members, HERA included certain other amendments relating to
``community development activities.'' Section 1211 of HERA amended the
Bank Act to broaden the circumstances under which ``community financial
institutions'' (CFI), which are FDIC-insured members with average total
assets of $1 billion or less, may obtain advances. Specifically, HERA
allowed CFIs to obtain long-term advances for the purpose of funding
``community development activities'' and further allowed CFIs to pledge
secured loans for ``community development activities'' as collateral
for their advances. Because a CFI must be an institution with FDIC
insurance, it does not appear that any of the newly eligible CDFIs, all
of which would lack FDIC insurance, would be eligible to take advantage
of these amendments to the advances and collateral provisions of the
Bank Act. Nonetheless, the Finance Agency requests comments on whether
there is any basis in the l