American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Public Transportation Capital Investment Grants Program Appropriation and Allocations, 21843-21850 [E9-10963]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
Further, the Exchange represents that
the Certificates are equity securities
subject to the Exchange’s rules
governing the trading of equity
securities, including the Exchange’s
equity margin rules. In support of this
proposal, the Exchange has made
representations, including:
(1) The Exchange’s surveillance
procedures are adequate to properly
monitor Exchange trading of the
Certificates in all trading sessions and to
deter and detect violations of Exchange
rules and applicable federal securities
laws. The Exchange may obtain
information via the Intermarket
Surveillance Group (‘‘ISG’’) from other
exchanges who are members of the ISG.
(2) Prior to the commencement of
trading, the Exchange will inform its
ETP Holders in an Information Bulletin
of the special characteristics and risks
associated with trading the Certificates.
Specifically, the Information Bulletin
will discuss the following: (a) The
procedures for purchases and exchanges
of Trust Certificates; (b) NYSE Arca
Equities Rule 9.2(a), which imposes a
duty of due diligence on its ETP Holders
to learn the essential facts relating to
every customer prior to trading an issue
of Trust Certificates; (c) trading hours;
and (d) trading information. In addition,
the Information Bulletin will reference
that an issue of Trust Certificates is
subject to various fees and expenses
described in the applicable prospectus.
This approval order is based on the
Exchange’s representations.
The Commission finds good cause,
pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the
Act,24 for approving the proposed rule
change prior to the 30th day after the
date of publication of notice in the
Federal Register. The Commission notes
that it has previously approved for
listing and trading on the Exchange
other issues of Trust Certificates issued
by Citigroup Funding, Inc. based on the
Index and other indexes that have
similar characteristics and payout
provisions to the Certificates.25 The
Commission believes that the
Exchange’s proposal to list and trade the
Certificates does not present any novel
or significant regulatory issues. The
Commission believes that accelerating
substantially similar to the requirements applicable
to Index-Linked Securities. See NYSE Arca Equities
Rule 5.2(j)(6)(A).
24 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
25 See Securities Exchange Release Nos. 59051
(December 4, 2008), 73 FR 75155 (December 10,
2008) (SR–NYSEArca–2008–123) (approving the
listing and trading of 14 issues of Trust Certificates
under NYSE Arca Equities Rule 5.2(j)(7)); and
59747 (April 10, 2009), 74 FR 18012 (April 20,
2009) (SR–NYSEArca–2009–20) (approving the
listing and trading of Trust Certificates linked to the
S&P 500 Index).
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approval of this proposal should benefit
investors by creating, without undue
delay, additional competition in the
market for Trust Certificates.
V. Conclusion
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,26 that the
proposed rule change (SR–NYSEArca–
2009–33) be, and it hereby is, approved
on an accelerated basis.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Florence E. Harmon,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E9–10863 Filed 5–8–09; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice 6608]
Secretary of State’s Determination
Under the International Religious
Freedom Act of 1998
The Secretary of State
designation of ‘‘countries of particular
concern’’ for religious freedom
Pursuant to Section 408(a) of the
International Religious Freedom Act of
1998 (Pub. L. 105–292), as amended (the
Act), notice is hereby given that, on
January 16, 2009, the Secretary of State,
under authority delegated by the
President, has designated each of the
following as a ‘‘country of particular
concern’’ (CPC) under section 402(b) of
the Act, for having engaged in or
tolerated particularly severe violations
of religious freedom: Burma, China,
Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia,
Sudan, and Uzbekistan.
The Secretary simultaneously
designated the following Presidential
actions for these CPCs:
For Burma, the existing ongoing arms
embargo referenced in 22 CFR 126.1(a),
pursuant to section 402(c)(5) of the Act;
For China, the existing ongoing
restrictions on exports to China of crime
control and detection instruments and
equipment, under Public Law 101–246
and the Foreign Relations Authorization
Act of 1990 and 1991, pursuant to
section 402(c)(5) of the Act;
For Eritrea, the existing ongoing arms
embargo referenced in 22 CFR 126.1(a),
pursuant to section 402(c)(5) of the Act;
For Iran, the existing ongoing
restrictions on United States security
assistance in accordance with section 40
of the Arms Export Control Act,
pursuant to section 402(c)(5) of the Act;
For North Korea, the existing ongoing
restrictions to which North Korea is
subject pursuant to sections 402 and 409
of the Trade Act of 1974 (the JacksonVanik Amendment), pursuant to section
402(c)(5) of the Act;
For Saudi Arabia, a waiver to ‘‘further
the purposes of the Act,’’ pursuant to
section 407 of the Act;
For Sudan, the use of the voice and
vote of the United States to oppose any
loan or other use of the funds of
international financial institutions to or
for Sudan, consistent with section 1621
of the International Financial
Institutions Act, pursuant to section
402(c)(5) of the Act; and
For Uzbekistan, a 180-day waiver to
‘‘further the purposes of the Act,’’
pursuant to section 407 of the Act.
Dated: May 5, 2009.
Kurt D. Donnelly,
Office Director, Office of International
Religious Freedom, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E9–10970 Filed 5–8–09; 8:45 am]
26 15
27 17
PO 00000
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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Federal Transit Administration
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 Public Transportation
Capital Investment Grants Program
Appropriation and Allocations
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The ‘‘American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act, 2009’’ (Pub. L. 111–
5; ‘‘ARRA’’), signed into law by
President Barack Obama on February
17, 2009, includes $8.4 billion for
transit capital improvements. The
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
published in the Federal Register the
transit formula program-related
provisions of the ARRA, as well as
program and grant application
requirements for these funds, on March
5, 2009. This notice implements the
Capital Investment Grants Program
provisions of the ARRA and provides
program and grant application
requirements for these funds, for FTA’s
New Starts and Small Starts programs.
DATES: FTA may de-obligate and
reallocate certain undisbursed funds by
May 11, 2010.
general information about this notice
contact Henrika Buchanan-Smith,
Director, Office of Transit Programs, at
(202) 366–2053. Please contact the
appropriate FTA regional or
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
metropolitan office (Appendix B) for
any specific requests for information or
technical assistance.
Table of Contents
I. Overview of This Notice
II. Capital Investment Grants Program
A. FY 2009 ARRA Funding Availability
B. Basis for Allocation
C. Program Requirements and Period of
D. Reporting Requirements and
Certifications Applicable to Recipients of
ARRA Funds
E. Technical Assistance
Allocation Table for ARRA Capital
Investment Grants Program
Appendix A: Grant Application Instructions
Appendix B: Regional Contact Information
I. Overview of This Notice
The American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
includes appropriations and tax law
changes totaling approximately $787
billion to support multi-pronged efforts
to stimulate the economy. Goals of the
statute include the preservation and
creation of jobs and promotion of
economic recovery, as well as the
investment in transportation,
environmental protection and other
infrastructure providing long-term
economic benefits to the Nation.
ARRA provides $8.4 billion for public
transportation. ARRA’s formula transit
programs—the Capital Transit
Assistance program and the Fixed
Guideway Infrastructure Investment
program—were the subject of FTA’s
March 5, 2009 Federal Register notice.
The March 5 notice further provided an
overview of the ARRA’s transit
provisions and established the
principles, policies, and procedures that
would apply to all ARRA formula
transit programs. Readers interested in
how FTA intends to implement ARRA’s
formula transit program resources
should refer to the March 5 notice for
more information. Published separately
are two discretionary program Federal
Register notices under the ARRA
Transit Capital Assistance Program: $17
million for the Tribal Transit Program
(published March 23, 2009) and $100
million for a new Transit Investments
for Greenhouse Gas and Energy
Reduction (TIGGER) Program
(published March 24, 2009).
This Federal Register notice provides
allocations of ARRA’s third and largest
discretionary transit capital program.
The Capital Investment Grants Program
makes available $750 million for FTA’s
discretionary New and Small Starts
Programs. The basis for FTA’s allocation
of this funding is described within this
notice, as are program grant and
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reporting requirements and the period
of availability of Capital Investment
Grants funding. This notice also
includes contact information for FTA
regional and metropolitan offices.
fraud, and abuse are avoided. FTA also
wanted to ensure that projects funded
with ARRA discretionary resources
demonstrated merit by meeting the
statutory project justification and local
financial commitment criteria of the
II. Capital Investment Grants
New Starts and Small Starts Programs.
Program—New Starts/Small Starts
ARRA provides that when FTA is
The Capital Investment Grants
selecting projects to be funded, ‘‘priority
Program authorizes the Secretary of
shall be given to projects that are
Transportation to make discretionary
currently in construction or are able to
grants as authorized under 49 U.S.C.
obligate funds within 150 days of
5309(d) and (e). This program will be
enactment’’ of ARRA on February 17,
implemented consistent with the
2009. The provisions of 49 U.S.C.
requirements of the New Starts and
5309(d) and (e) are not waived by
Small Starts Programs, which provide
ARRA. Accordingly, FTA analyzed the
funds for construction of major capital
schedules and construction cash flow
investments in new fixed guideway
needs of ten New Starts projects and one
systems, extensions to existing fixed
Small Starts project under construction
guideway systems, or, in the case of
or with Federal pay-out schedules
Small Starts, certain corridor-based bus
established in their Full Funding Grant
projects. The $750 million provided for
Agreements (FFGAs) or Project
the program is estimated to support over Construction Grant Agreement (PCGA)
20,000 direct and indirect jobs and will
extending beyond Fiscal Year (FY) 2009.
expedite the delivery of new major
FTA also reviewed the capacity of these
capital rail and bus investments in
projects’ existing contracts and of new
several cities across the Nation. For
contracts expected to be awarded by
more information about New or Small
July 2009. The analysis showed that
most of the eleven projects considered
Starts project development contact
for ARRA Capital Investment Grants
Elizabeth Day, Director of the Office of
funding demonstrated some contract
Project Planning, at (202) 366–5159, or
capacity to absorb additional revenues,
for information about published
but that projects differed in their
allocations contact Aaron C. James, Sr.,
assessed ability (based on current
Director of the Office of Engineering, at
construction and debt payoff schedules)
(202) 493–0107.
to rapidly make use of ARRA funding.
A. FY 2009 ARRA Funding Availability
As the contract capacity of the eleven
The ARRA provides $750,000,000 to
projects combined exceeded the amount
New Starts and Small Starts projects
of available ARRA Capital Investment
under the Capital Investment Grants
Grants resources—and because FTA
Program. The total amount apportioned
could not be assured that any other
for projects is $742,500,000, after a one
project in the New Starts or Small Starts
percent takedown for oversight and
pipeline not in construction could
administrative expenses provided in
obligate a significant amount of funding
ARRA as shown in the table below.
within 150 days of ARRA enactment—
FTA limited its allocation of
discretionary funding to this set of
eleven major capital investments.
Consequently, a two-step funding
Total Appropriation ...............
Administrative and Program
allocation approach was used. In the
Management Oversight
first step, each of the eleven New Starts
Deduction ..........................
¥$7,500,000 projects was allocated an amount equal
to 40 percent of its FY 2010 scheduled
Total Apportioned ..........
pay-out, while the Pioneer Parkway
EmX Bus Rapid Transit Small Starts
B. Basis for Allocation
project in Springfield, Oregon was
This notice allocates all ARRA
allocated an amount equal to its entire
funding for the Capital Investment
FY 2010 pay-out of $2,940,000, thus
Grants Program. In making these
completing the Federal funding
allocations, FTA considered both the
commitment to the project. The step-one
specific direction provided in the
allocation totaled $457,680,000 of the
legislation as well as Congress’ and the
available $742,500,000. In the second
Administration’s general objectives for
step, the remaining $284,820,000 was
accountability and transparency in the
distributed proportionally among five
administration of ARRA funds. These
New Starts investments in construction
objectives include the prompt and fair
with projected contract expenditures in
distribution of funding, the assurance
calendar year 2009 that are higher than
that funds are being used for authorized their FY 2009 scheduled New Starts
purposes, and that instances of waste,
pay-out. FTA believes that by
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
accelerating Federal funding to these
eleven projects, their sponsors will
achieve one or more possible positive
outcomes, including an acceleration of
the schedule of construction for a
project, a reduction in project finance
costs, and/or the re-distribution of
planned project resources to other local
transit priorities.
The allocation of Capital Investment
Grants Program funding is presented in
the Allocation Table of this notice. The
total Federal funding commitment for
each project will not change. However,
each FFGA’s final scheduled New Starts
pay-out will be reduced by the amounts
allocated in this Federal Register notice.
The allocation of ARRA Capital
Investment Grants funding to liquidate
New Starts and Small Starts
commitments will make available anew
previously committed Federal New or
Small Starts commitment authority. The
additional commitment authority
created by this $750 million allocation
totals $1.5 billion due to the statutory
method for calculating commitment
authority. This allocation has the benefit
of maximizing commitment authority.
This will allow FTA to make additional
New or Small Starts commitments in the
coming months and contribute to the
creation of jobs associated with
additional construction of new major
capital transit projects. In the absence of
ARRA resources and this allocation
approach, the additional commitment
authority to initiate new major capital
transit projects would not exist.
C. Program Requirements and Period of
Providing additional funding to major
capital projects under the Recovery
program will help New Starts and Small
Starts project delivery, as well as
National economy and local economies.
To maximize the effectiveness of these
funding decisions, FTA is requiring that
all ARRA Capital Investment Grants
funds be drawn down (outlayed) by May
11, 2010. FTA may de-obligate any
ARRA Capital Investment Grants
Program funding not drawn down by
recipients within the one-year period.
FTA encourages project sponsors
identified in this notice to apply for
ARRA funds as soon as possible. This
will ensure the ability to incur costs and
draw funds from the Treasury within
the year, thereby sustaining and creating
public transportation construction jobs.
In recognition of the difficulty that
some recipients may experience in
accelerating local matching resources,
and to ensure the timely expenditure of
ARRA funds, FTA will permit, as a
condition of the grant, a deferral of the
non-Federal match. Grantees may defer
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provision of this local match
simultaneously with the Federal funds’
draw down rate for up to three years
after the date of the FTA ARRA grant
award, with a possible extension at
FTA’s discretion. However, local match
to all ARRA Capital Investment Grants
funding must be available by the end of
the project’s New Starts/Small Starts
pay-out period, even if this is less than
three years from the date of the ARRA
grant. Each grantee should work with its
FTA regional office on specific wording
of this condition if interested in using
the deferral provision.
Since ARRA Capital Investment
Grants Program funding is being
administered through existing multiyear full funding grant agreements,
additional information can be found in
FTA Circular (5200.1A, Full Funding
Grant Agreements Guidance, December
5, 2002).
D. Reporting Requirements and
Certifications Applicable to Recipients
of ARRA Funds
As a condition of award, grantees
receiving ARRA funds will be required
to report on grant activities on a routine
basis. FTA grantees will be responsible
for reporting up-to-date and accurate
information in the milestone status
report and financial status report on a
quarterly basis, as well as additional
data elements that are required to be
reported in
Additionally, special certifications and
grant conditions also will be required of
ARRA grant recipients. FTA will issue
additional specific guidance on
reporting requirements in the near
future for your information. The ARRA
statutory reporting requirements and
certifications are identified below:
1. Section 1511: Certifications
For covered funds made available to
State or local governments for
infrastructure investments, the
Governor, mayor, or other chief
executive, as appropriate, is required to
certify that the infrastructure investment
has received the full review and vetting
required by law and that the chief
executive accepts responsibility that the
infrastructure investment is an
appropriate use of taxpayer dollars.
Such certification must include a
description of the investment, the
estimated total cost, and the amount of
covered funds to be used, and must be
posted on a specified Web site. A State
or local agency may not receive
infrastructure investment funding from
funds made available under ARRA
unless this certification is made and
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On February 27, 2009, the United
States Department of Transportation
(USDOT) Secretary LaHood sent letters
to all Governors providing guidance and
a template for this certification and
instructing them to send the Section
1511 certification and the other two
certifications by the Governor described
below to the Department at the
following address:
A single certification by the Governor,
based on the established planning
process, and including a link to a Web
site posting of the Statewide
Transportation Improvement Program,
which must contain the required section
1511 information for each investment,
will satisfy the requirement for
certification by the Governor for both
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) and FTA projects. If the 1511
certification previously submitted to
DOT by the Governor does not include
the project for which this funding is
allocated, the mayor or other local
official, as appropriate, may submit a
new certification specific to the Capital
Investments Grant project.
2. Section 1512. Reports on Use of
Recipient Reports.—Not later than 10
days after the end of each calendar
quarter, starting in October 10, 2009,
each recipient that received ARRA
funds from a Federal agency shall
submit a report to that agency that
(i) The total amount of ARRA funds
received from that agency;
(ii) The amount of ARRA funds
received that were expended or
obligated to projects or activities; and
(iii) A detailed list of all projects or
activities for which ARRA funds were
expended or obligated, including—
(A) The name of the project or
(B) A description of the project or
(C) An evaluation of the completion
status of the project or activity;
(D) An estimate of the number of jobs
created and the number of jobs retained
by the project or activity; and
(E) For infrastructure investments
made by State and local governments,
the purpose, total cost, and rationale of
the agency for funding the infrastructure
investment with funds made available
under ARRA, and name of the person to
contact at the agency if there are
concerns with the infrastructure
(iv) Detailed information on any
subcontracts or subgrants awarded by
the recipient to include the data
elements required to comply with the
Federal Funding Accountability and
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109–
282), allowing aggregate reporting on
awards below $25,000 or to individuals,
as prescribed by the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget.
The data elements required to comply
with Public Law 109–282 are: Name of
entity receiving the award; the amount
of the award; information on the award
including transaction type, funding
agency, the North American Industry
Classification System Code or Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance number
(where applicable); program source; an
award title descriptive of the purpose of
each funding action; and employee
compensation information for certain
contracts under limited conditions.
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) will collect these reports through
a central Web-based reporting system
and will provide further reporting
instructions at a later date. Additional
frequency of reporting may be required
to be responsive to Congressional
oversight requirements.
3. Section 1512(h) Registration
Recipients of ARRA funds that are
required to report information per
subsection (c)(4) must register with
Central Contractor Registration database
(CCR) or complete other registration
requirements as determined by the
Director of the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB).
The reporting and registration
requirements are effective with the
quarter ending September 30, 2009.
OMB has issued guidance requiring
FTA and other Federal agencies to
ensure that grantees and first tier
subawardees (subrecipients and
contractors) obtain a DUNS number, or
update their DUNS record if necessary.
OMB has also indicated that first tier
subawardees will be required to register
in CCR.
4. Section 1201(a) Maintenance of Effort
Not later than March 19, 2009, for
each amount that is distributed to a
State or its agency from an
appropriation in ARRA for a covered
program, the Governor of that State was
required to certify to the Secretary of
Transportation that the State will
maintain its effort with regard to State
funding for the types of projects that are
funded by the appropriation. As part of
this certification, the Governor was
required to submit to the Secretary of
Transportation a statement identifying
the amount of funds the State planned
to expend from State sources as of
February 17, 2009, during the period of
February 17, 2009 through September
30, 2010, for the types of projects that
are funded by the appropriation.
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This requirement applies only to State
funding for transportation projects
eligible for ARRA funding. DOT will
treat this maintenance of effort
requirement through one consolidated
certification from the Governor to the
Secretary, which must include State
funding for transit projects, as well as
highway and other transportation modal
projects. As of March 19, 2009, all States
and the District of Columbia had
submitted the required maintenance of
effort certification. The Department is
currently reviewing these certifications
for adequacy.
5. Section 1201(c)(2): Periodic Reports
For amounts received under each
covered program by a grant recipient
under ARRA, the grant recipient shall
include in the periodic reports
information tracking:
(A) The amount of Federal funds
appropriated, allocated, obligated, and
outlayed under the appropriation;
(B) The number of projects that have
been put out to bid under the
(C) The number of projects for which
contracts have been awarded under the
appropriation and the amount of
Federal funds associated with such
(D) The number of projects for which
work has begun under such contracts
and the amount of Federal funds
associated with such contracts;
(E) The number of projects for which
work has been completed under such
contracts and the amount of Federal
funds associated with such contracts;
(F) The number of direct, on-project
jobs created or sustained by the Federal
funds provided for projects under the
appropriation and, to the extent
possible, the estimated indirect jobs
created or sustained in the associated
supplying industries, including the
number of job-years created and the
total increase in employment since
February 17, 2009 and
(G) The actual aggregate expenditures
by each grant recipient from State
sources for projects eligible for funding
under the program during the period of
February 17, 2009 through September
30, 2010, as compared to the level of
such expenditures that were planned to
occur during such period as of the date
of enactment of ARRA.
Each grant recipient is required to
submit the first of the periodic reports
including the Section 1201(c)(2) data
required above by May 18, 2009 and is
required to submit updated reports not
later than August 16, 2009; February 17,
2010; February 17, 2011; and February
17, 2012.
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DOT had developed a standard
reporting form for these reports. FTA
will provide further reporting
instructions before the reports are due.
Grantees will be required to report
direct jobs, but the department will
generate data on indirect and indirect
jobs through the use of economic
models and factors applied to the data
provided in the grant awards and other
information reported by the grantee. All
States have acted to accept
transportation funds.
6. Section 1607
Section 1607 requires that the
Governor certify within 45 days of
enactment (April 3, 2009) that, for funds
provided, the state will request and use
funds provided by this Act and the
funds will be used to create jobs and
promote economic health. If the
Governor does not provide this
certification, then the state legislature
may act to accept the funds. All states
have acted to accept transportation
7. Section 1609
Under section 1609(c), FTA is
required to report to certain
congressional committees every 90 days
following enactment of ARRA on the
status and progress of projects funded or
proposed for funding under the Act
with respect to compliance with the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) and its implementing
regulations. FTA may request assistance
from grant recipients in compiling this
quarterly report.
8. Other Reporting
To satisfy the needs for transparency
and accountability related to funding
appropriated under the ARRA, grantees
may be required to provide additional
information not yet specified in
response to requests from the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), the
Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the
Government Accountability Office
(GAO), or the DOT Inspector General
(IG). FTA will inform grantees if and
when such additional reports are
E. Technical Assistance
FTA headquarters and regional staff
are pleased to answer your questions
and provide any technical assistance
you may need to apply for FTA ARRA
funds and to manage the grants you
receive. In addition to this notice,
Questions and Answers regarding FTA’s
implementation of the ARRA, and
additional resources may be viewed via
the FTA Web site https://
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
Appendix A
Instructions for Preparing a Grant
Application Using ARRA Funds
1. Pre-Application Stage
Note: To streamline the grant development
process, ARRA grants may receive official
grant numbers and be submitted before all
traditional pre-application requirements are
complete. However, ARRA grants may not be
awarded until all pre-application
requirements have been satisfied.
a. Planning. Project activities to be
funded must be included in a Federallyapproved Statewide Transportation
Improvement Program (STIP) for capital
and/or operating projects. Unified
Planning Work Program (UPWP) FTA
will not require that planning
requirements be completed before the
submission of grant applications for
ARRA funding. However, project
planning requirements must be
complete and properly documented
before grant award.
b. Environmental Determination. The
impact that a proposed FTA assisted
project will have on the environment
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has developed a toll-free hotline for
civil rights-related ARRA inquiries. The
number is 866–525–5561 and is
available at
civil_rights.html. You may also contact
the regional civil rights officer at the
Regional Office listed in Appendix B.
shall be evaluated and documented in
accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. section 4321 et seq.). All projects
allocated Capital Investment (New
Starts) funding under the ARRA should
have a ROD or FONSI on file.
c. Annual Submission of
Certifications and Assurances. A grant
applicant applying for assistance under
Federal Transit Programs including
ARRA programs must submit
certifications and assurances that are
applicable to the grant applicant’s active
and new grants during the fiscal year. A
grantee that has already submitted a FY
2009 Certifications and Assurances does
not need to resubmit these assurances.
d. Civil Rights Submissions. Civil
Rights submissions that may be required
include a Title VI Plan, Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Program, Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) Program, and ADA
Paratransit Plan. Typically, FTA’s
Regional Civil Rights Officer must verify
that all required Civil Rights
submissions are current at the time that
the grant application is entered into
TEAM. For ARRA funds, the grant
number will be assigned before civil
rights reviews are complete, but the
grant will not be awarded with pending
civil rights requirements. In addition, it
may be necessary to verify compliance
with specific Title VI, EEO, DBE and
ADA requirements as part of the grant
review and approval process. Please
work closely with your Regional Civil
Rights officer to ensure no delays in the
award of a grant.
PO 00000
Frm 00073
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Issued in Washington, DC, this 6th day of
May, 2009.
Matthew J. Welbes,
Acting Deputy Administrator.
2. Application Stage (Team Information)
Applications for ARRA New Starts
funds must be submitted electronically
through the Transportation Electronic
Award Management (TEAM) System.
Each ARRA program funding request
must be applied for in its own grant (i.e.,
ARRA Capital Assistance Formula funds
may not be applied for in the same grant
as ARRA Fixed Guideway
Modernization funds or ARRA Capital
Investment funds). Further, ARRA funds
cannot be commingled in a grant
application with New Starts funds
apportioned under SAFETEA–LU.
Further, all FTA circulars are posted on
our Web site, including: C4220.1F,
Third Party Contracting Requirements,
dated November 1, 2008; and C5010.1D,
Grant Management Guidelines
(November 1, 2008). In addition, FTA
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
ARRA Capital Investment grants
should be developed using the newly
created Section code in TEAM. ARRA
program codes appear in the color red
in the TEAM dropdown menu. The red
is only to distinguish the ARRA section
codes from other FTA program codes. A
Capital Investment (New Starts) ARRA
grant should be developed using the
following section code:
36—New Start-Economic Recovery.
Information that should be entered
into TEAM when preparing an
application includes:
a. Recipient Information. Applicants
should enter or update all required
information about the organization in
the appropriate fields in TEAM,
including recipient address, contact
information, union information,
urbanized area identification number
(UZA), Congressional district(s), DUNS
number, etc. The information shall be
current and accurate for each grant and
periodically updated as changes occur.
b. Project Information. Applicants
should identify the project start/end
date, program date, Executive Order
12372 review date, metropolitan
planning organization (MPO)
concurrence date (if applicable), and
grant project costs. The ‘‘brief project
description’’ field should include
information that can be used to report
the type of infrastructure investment
such as: Construction of Light Rail
(1) Project Description. This
information must be in sufficient detail
for FTA to obtain a general
understanding of the nature and
purpose of the planned activities. There
is a project description field as well as
a specific text field for this information
associated with each activity line item.
Project activities shall be sufficiently
described to assist the reviewer in
determining eligibility under the
(2) Program Date and Page of STIP or
Unified Planning Work Program
(UPWP). All projects must be included
in the current STIP. The STIP is jointly
approved by FTA and FHWA. FTA
funds cannot be obligated unless the
STIP is approved by FTA. The
application should note the page(s) in
the most recently approved STIP on
which the project(s) contained in the
application are listed. The electronic
system has a field designated ‘‘program
date’’ where the date of the most recent
FTA/FHWA STIP approval should be
In the case of ARRA grants, FTA
regional offices will continue to process
grants while awaiting STIP amendment
actions. Grant numbers will be assigned
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:05 May 08, 2009
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before the inclusion of the STIP date in
the grant application if the grantee is
awaiting formal STIP action or approval.
c. Budget. The appropriate scopes and
activity line items (ALI) should be used
when developing the project budget. All
sources of funds shall be identified and
confirmed. All rolling stock
procurements shall include vehicle
description and fuel type; expansion
activities shall include a brief
discussion of the expanded service. The
project budget should reflect the precise
activities for which the grant funds will
be used. As a streamlining measure,
FTA is not requiring that grantees
include any non-add scopes in the
project budget when purchasing
activities that are categorized as ITS,
ADA, or security.
d. Project Milestones. Estimated
completion dates for all milestones
should be provided and updated
quarterly. If milestones are not prepopulated by the TEAM system for a
particular activity line item (ALI) , use
the add function to add milestones for
that ALI to the grant application. At a
minimum, activities that will require a
contract award should have milestones
tracking (1) the date the RFP is issued;
(2) the anticipated date of contract
award; and (3) the date the contract will
be completed. Activity line items that
are not contracted out should minimally
include (1) the date the activity is
initiated and (2) the anticipated
completion date.
It is critical that milestones for ARRA
grant activities are updated and
monitored quarterly. Quarterly reports
must be submitted 10 days after the end
of each quarter.
e. Environmental Findings. The
application must include a proposed
classification of each ALI that is an
independent project with discrete
transit utility, in accordance with the
FTA/FHWA environmental impact
procedures. (See 23 CFR 771.115 and
771.117.) The date of the ROD or FONSI
for the New Start project should be
listed in the Environmental Findings.
f. Fleet Status. A fleet status report
does not need to be included in the
ARRA Capital Investment grant
application. Fleet information should be
contained in the fleet management plan.
g. Application Submission. Once FTA
deems (1) the TEAM application
template completed, (2) the activities
eligible, and (3) the budget complete
and firm, FTA will assign a grant
number. At this point, the grant is ready
to be pinned and submitted in TEAM by
the designated recipient/grantee. As
previously stated, ARRA grants may be
submitted prior to the completion of all
pre-application requirements such as:
PO 00000
Frm 00074
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Civil Rights documentation, Planning,
ARRA required certifications. This
concurrent review process is a departure
from FTA’s standard operating
procedures and only applies to grants
for ARRA program funds.
Note: Although ARRA program grants can
be officially submitted to FTA for review and
approval, grant funds can not be awarded or
obligated until all applicable federal
requirements including the Section 1511
certification required under ARRA have been
h. Certification of Labor Protective
Arrangements. ARRA Capital
Investment grants will be sent to DOL,
as soon as the budget is confirmed,
budget details are included in the grant,
and the application is officially
submitted for processing. DOL
procedures have minimum wait times
built in for replies or objections by
management and unions. Accordingly, a
grantee’s prompt response to DOL
communications regarding the grant
before the expiration of the minimum
wait period could result in the grant
being certified before the end of the
allowable processing period.
i. Grant Approval. Once FTA staff
determines through a final review of the
application that FTA program
requirements have been met and that
the ARRA section 1511 certification is
made and submitted to DOT for posting
to the DOT Recovery Web site, FTA will
reserve the funds and obligate the grant.
j. Grant Execution. After FTA has
awarded the grant, the applicant must
execute the award before funds can be
drawn down from the grant. Before
executing ARRA grants, the grantee will
be prompted to select both the rationale
for the investment and the purpose of
the investment from menus that have
been established in the reservation
screen. ARRA grants that include
activities funded using pre-award
authority will require the submission of
a Financial Status Report before grant
Application Checklist
Part I—Recipient Information
1. Is the Grantee Contact & Other
Information current and complete?
2. Are Annual Certifications &
Assurances pinned?
3. Is UZA/Congressional District
information entered and accurate?
4. Is Union Contact information
entered and accurate?
5. Has Civil Rights Program
Documentation been approved by FTA?
6. Has the applicants DUNS Number
been entered in the appropriate field?
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
Part II—Project Details
1. Does the Project Description
include adequate descriptive
information of funded projects?
2. Are the project activities included
in the grant eligible to be funded using
ARRA Capital Investment Program
Part III—Project Information
1. Has the grant been identified as a
new application or amendment?
2. Start/End date entered?
3. Has the Program Date (STIP or
UPWP date) been entered?
4. Have Control Totals been entered?
5. Does the brief project description
field adequately articulate what is being
funded (Example: Construction of Light
Rail System, Bus Rapid Transit
Vehicles, and etc.)?
6. If pre-award authority is applicable,
has ‘‘yes’’ been selected?
7. Has the EO 12372 Review field
been completed, if applicable?
a. Has descriptive information been
added in the details section of each ALI
that identifies the items being funded
using the line item?
Part IV—Budget
Part V—Project Milestones
1. Are ALI codes entered under the
appropriate scope codes?
2. Is grant for up to 80% Federal
3. Does the funding amount entered in
the budget match financial information
entered in the control totals in the
‘‘Project Information’’ field?
4. Does the rolling stock (vehicle) line
item contain accurate information such
a. Description of vehicles purchased.
b. Fuel Type.
5. Have details been entered into the
‘‘Extended Budget Descriptions?’’
1. Are milestones listed for each ALI?
(If an ALI does not have milestones,
they should be added.)
2. Have estimated completion dates
been entered?
Part VI—Environmental Findings
1. Has an environmental finding been
entered for each ALI?
Appendix B
FTA Regional and Metropolitan Offices
Richard H. Doyle, Regional Administrator, Region 1—Boston, Kendall
Square, 55 Broadway, Suite 920, Cambridge, MA 02142–1093. Tel.
States served: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Robert C. Patrick, Regional Administrator, Region 6—Ft. Worth, 819
Taylor Street, Room 8A36, Ft. Worth, TX 76102. Tel. 817–978–0550.
Brigid Hynes-Cherin, Regional Administrator, Region 2—New York,
One Bowling Green, Room 429, New York, NY 10004–1415. Tel.
No. 212–668–2170.
States served: New Jersey, New York ....................................................
New York Metropolitan Office, Region 2—New York, One Bowling
Green, Room 428, New York, NY 10004–1415. Tel. 212–668–2202.
Mokhtee Ahmad, Regional Administrator, Region 7—Kansas City, MO,
901 Locust Street, Room 404, Kansas City, MO 64106. Tel. 816–
States served: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Letitia Thompson, Regional Administrator, Region 3—Philadelphia,
1760 Market Street, Suite 500, Philadelphia, PA 19103–4124. Tel.
States served: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and District of Columbia.
Philadelphia Metropolitan Office, Region 3—Philadelphia, 1760 Market
Street, Suite 500, Philadelphia, PA 19103–4124. Tel. 215–656–7070.
Washington, DC Metropolitan Office, 1990 K Street, NW., Room 510,
Washington, DC 20006. Tel. 202–219–3562.
Terry Rosapep, Regional Administrator, Region 8—Denver, 12300
West Dakota Ave., Suite 310, Lakewood, CO 80228–2583. Tel. 720–
States served: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah,
and Wyoming.
States served: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and
Yvette Taylor, Regional Administrator, Region 4—Atlanta, 230 Peachtree Street, NW., Suite 800, Atlanta, GA 30303. Tel. 404–865–5600.
Leslie T. Rogers, Regional Administrator, Region 9—San Francisco,
201 Mission Street, Room 1650, San Francisco, CA 94105–1926.
Tel. 415–744–3133.
States served: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North States served: American Samoa, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii,
Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virgin Islands.
Nevada, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
Los Angeles Metropolitan Office, Region 9—Los Angeles, 888 S.
Figueroa Street, Suite 1850, Los Angeles, CA 90017–1850. Tel.
Marisol Simon, Regional Administrator, Region 5—Chicago, 200 West
Adams Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60606. Tel. 312–353–2789.
States served: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Chicago Metropolitan Office, Region 5—Chicago, 200 West Adams
Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60606. Tel. 312–353–2789.
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PO 00000
Frm 00075
Fmt 4703
Rick Krochalis, Regional Administrator, Region 10–Seattle, Jackson
Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue, Suite 3142, Seattle, WA
98174–1002. Tel. 206–220–7954.
States served: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 89 / Monday, May 11, 2009 / Notices
[FR Doc. E9–10963 Filed 5–8–09; 8:45 am]
National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA–2009–0095]
Technical Report on the Effectiveness
of Amber Rear Turn Signals for
Reducing Rear Impacts
AGENCY: National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation.
ACTION: Request for comments on
technical report.
SUMMARY: This purpose of this report is
to determine the effect of rear turn
signal color on the likelihood of being
involved in a rear-end crash. Federal
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108
allows rear turn signals to be either red
or amber in color. The primary
conclusion is that amber rear turn
signals are 5.3% more effective than red
rear turn signals at preventing
involvement in crashes where a careful
driver would typically use the turn
signals. The result is shown to be
statistically significant and consistent
with other published analyses on the
influence of rear turn signal color.
DATES: Comments must be received no
later than September 6, 2009
Report: The technical report is
available on the Internet for viewing in
PDF format at
You may obtain a copy of the report free
of charge by sending a self-addressed
mailing label to Kirk Allen (NVS–431),
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Comments: You may submit
comments [identified by Docket Number
NHTSA–2009–0095] by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
M–30, U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building, Ground
Floor, Rm. W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:05 May 08, 2009
Jkt 217001
You may call Docket Management at
Instructions: For detailed instructions
on submitting comments, see the
Procedural Matters section of this
document. Note that all comments
received will be posted without change
to, including
any personal information provided.
Allen, Statistician, Evaluation Division,
NVS–431, National Center for Statistics
and Analysis, National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration, Room W53–457,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE,
Washington, DC 20590. Telephone:
202–366–9308. E-mail:
For information about NHTSA’s
evaluations of the effectiveness of
existing regulations and programs: Visit
the NHTSA Web site at https:// and click ‘‘NCSA’’
near the upper right corner on the home
page; then click ‘‘Regulatory
Evaluation’’ under ‘‘Browse Topics’’ on
the ‘‘NCSA’’ page.
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108
allows rear turn signals to be either red
or amber in color. Previous work on this
subject includes laboratory experiments
and analyses of crash data that suggest
amber rear turn signals are beneficial.
The present study was designed around
the concept of ‘‘switch pairs’’—makemodels of passenger vehicles were
identified that had switched rear turn
signal color, and crash involvement
rates were computed before and after
the switch. This method should control
for extraneous factors related to vehicle
and driver characteristics. Crash data
from NHTSA’s State Data System was
used in the analysis. The principal
finding of the report is that amber
signals show a 5.3% effectiveness in
reducing involvement in two-vehicle
crashes where a lead vehicle is rearstruck in the act of turning left, turning
right, merging into traffic, changing
lanes, or entering/leaving a parking
space. The advantage of amber rear turn
signals is shown to be statistically
Procedural Matters
How can I influence NHTSA’s thinking
on this subject?
NHTSA welcomes public review of
the technical report. NHTSA will
submit to the Docket a response to the
comments and, if appropriate, will
supplement or revise the report.
PO 00000
Frm 00076
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
How do I prepare and submit
Your comments must be written and
in English. To ensure that your
comments are correctly filed in the
Docket, please include the Docket
number of this document (NHTSA–
2009–0095) in your comments.
Your primary comments must not be
more than 15 pages long (49 CFR
553.21). However, you may attach
additional documents to your primary
comments. There is no limit on the
length of the attachments.
Anyone is able to search the
electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR
19477) or you may visit https://
Please send two paper copies of your
comments to Docket Management, fax
them, or use the Federal eRulemaking
Portal. The mailing address is U. S.
Department of Transportation, Docket
Management Facility, M–30, West
Building, Ground Floor, Rm. W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590. The fax number
is 1–202–493–2251. To use the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, go to https:// and follow the
online instructions for submitting
We also request, but do not require
you to send a copy to Kirk Allen,
Statistician, Evaluation Division, NVS–
431, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, Room W53–312, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC 20590 (or e-mail them to He can check if
your comments have been received at
the Docket and he can expedite their
review by NHTSA.
How can I be sure that my comments
were received?
If you wish Docket Management to
notify you upon its receipt of your
comments, enclose a self-addressed,
stamped postcard in the envelope
containing your comments. Upon
receiving your comments, Docket
Management will return the postcard by
How do I submit confidential business
If you wish to submit any information
under a claim of confidentiality, send
three copies of your complete
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 89 (Monday, May 11, 2009)]
[Pages 21843-21850]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-10963]
Federal Transit Administration
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Public
Transportation Capital Investment Grants Program Appropriation and
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The ``American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009'' (Pub. L.
111-5; ``ARRA''), signed into law by President Barack Obama on February
17, 2009, includes $8.4 billion for transit capital improvements. The
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published in the Federal Register
the transit formula program-related provisions of the ARRA, as well as
program and grant application requirements for these funds, on March 5,
2009. This notice implements the Capital Investment Grants Program
provisions of the ARRA and provides program and grant application
requirements for these funds, for FTA's New Starts and Small Starts
DATES: FTA may de-obligate and reallocate certain undisbursed funds by
May 11, 2010.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information about this
notice contact Henrika Buchanan-Smith, Director, Office of Transit
Programs, at (202) 366-2053. Please contact the appropriate FTA
regional or
[[Page 21844]]
metropolitan office (Appendix B) for any specific requests for
information or technical assistance.
Table of Contents
I. Overview of This Notice
II. Capital Investment Grants Program
A. FY 2009 ARRA Funding Availability
B. Basis for Allocation
C. Program Requirements and Period of Availability
D. Reporting Requirements and Certifications Applicable to
Recipients of ARRA Funds
E. Technical Assistance
Allocation Table for ARRA Capital Investment Grants Program
Appendix A: Grant Application Instructions
Appendix B: Regional Contact Information
I. Overview of This Notice
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) includes
appropriations and tax law changes totaling approximately $787 billion
to support multi-pronged efforts to stimulate the economy. Goals of the
statute include the preservation and creation of jobs and promotion of
economic recovery, as well as the investment in transportation,
environmental protection and other infrastructure providing long-term
economic benefits to the Nation.
ARRA provides $8.4 billion for public transportation. ARRA's
formula transit programs--the Capital Transit Assistance program and
the Fixed Guideway Infrastructure Investment program--were the subject
of FTA's March 5, 2009 Federal Register notice. The March 5 notice
further provided an overview of the ARRA's transit provisions and
established the principles, policies, and procedures that would apply
to all ARRA formula transit programs. Readers interested in how FTA
intends to implement ARRA's formula transit program resources should
refer to the March 5 notice for more information. Published separately
are two discretionary program Federal Register notices under the ARRA
Transit Capital Assistance Program: $17 million for the Tribal Transit
Program (published March 23, 2009) and $100 million for a new Transit
Investments for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER) Program
(published March 24, 2009).
This Federal Register notice provides allocations of ARRA's third
and largest discretionary transit capital program. The Capital
Investment Grants Program makes available $750 million for FTA's
discretionary New and Small Starts Programs. The basis for FTA's
allocation of this funding is described within this notice, as are
program grant and reporting requirements and the period of availability
of Capital Investment Grants funding. This notice also includes contact
information for FTA regional and metropolitan offices.
II. Capital Investment Grants Program--New Starts/Small Starts
The Capital Investment Grants Program authorizes the Secretary of
Transportation to make discretionary grants as authorized under 49
U.S.C. 5309(d) and (e). This program will be implemented consistent
with the requirements of the New Starts and Small Starts Programs,
which provide funds for construction of major capital investments in
new fixed guideway systems, extensions to existing fixed guideway
systems, or, in the case of Small Starts, certain corridor-based bus
projects. The $750 million provided for the program is estimated to
support over 20,000 direct and indirect jobs and will expedite the
delivery of new major capital rail and bus investments in several
cities across the Nation. For more information about New or Small
Starts project development contact Elizabeth Day, Director of the
Office of Project Planning, at (202) 366-5159, or for information about
published allocations contact Aaron C. James, Sr., Director of the
Office of Engineering, at (202) 493-0107.
A. FY 2009 ARRA Funding Availability
The ARRA provides $750,000,000 to New Starts and Small Starts
projects under the Capital Investment Grants Program. The total amount
apportioned for projects is $742,500,000, after a one percent takedown
for oversight and administrative expenses provided in ARRA as shown in
the table below.
Capital Investment Grants
Total Appropriation..................................... $750,000,000
Administrative and Program Management Oversight -$7,500,000
Total Apportioned................................... $742,500,000
B. Basis for Allocation
This notice allocates all ARRA funding for the Capital Investment
Grants Program. In making these allocations, FTA considered both the
specific direction provided in the legislation as well as Congress' and
the Administration's general objectives for accountability and
transparency in the administration of ARRA funds. These objectives
include the prompt and fair distribution of funding, the assurance that
funds are being used for authorized purposes, and that instances of
waste, fraud, and abuse are avoided. FTA also wanted to ensure that
projects funded with ARRA discretionary resources demonstrated merit by
meeting the statutory project justification and local financial
commitment criteria of the New Starts and Small Starts Programs.
ARRA provides that when FTA is selecting projects to be funded,
``priority shall be given to projects that are currently in
construction or are able to obligate funds within 150 days of
enactment'' of ARRA on February 17, 2009. The provisions of 49 U.S.C.
5309(d) and (e) are not waived by ARRA. Accordingly, FTA analyzed the
schedules and construction cash flow needs of ten New Starts projects
and one Small Starts project under construction or with Federal pay-out
schedules established in their Full Funding Grant Agreements (FFGAs) or
Project Construction Grant Agreement (PCGA) extending beyond Fiscal
Year (FY) 2009. FTA also reviewed the capacity of these projects'
existing contracts and of new contracts expected to be awarded by July
2009. The analysis showed that most of the eleven projects considered
for ARRA Capital Investment Grants funding demonstrated some contract
capacity to absorb additional revenues, but that projects differed in
their assessed ability (based on current construction and debt payoff
schedules) to rapidly make use of ARRA funding. As the contract
capacity of the eleven projects combined exceeded the amount of
available ARRA Capital Investment Grants resources--and because FTA
could not be assured that any other project in the New Starts or Small
Starts pipeline not in construction could obligate a significant amount
of funding within 150 days of ARRA enactment--FTA limited its
allocation of discretionary funding to this set of eleven major capital
Consequently, a two-step funding allocation approach was used. In
the first step, each of the eleven New Starts projects was allocated an
amount equal to 40 percent of its FY 2010 scheduled pay-out, while the
Pioneer Parkway EmX Bus Rapid Transit Small Starts project in
Springfield, Oregon was allocated an amount equal to its entire FY 2010
pay-out of $2,940,000, thus completing the Federal funding commitment
to the project. The step-one allocation totaled $457,680,000 of the
available $742,500,000. In the second step, the remaining $284,820,000
was distributed proportionally among five New Starts investments in
construction with projected contract expenditures in calendar year 2009
that are higher than their FY 2009 scheduled New Starts pay-out. FTA
believes that by
[[Page 21845]]
accelerating Federal funding to these eleven projects, their sponsors
will achieve one or more possible positive outcomes, including an
acceleration of the schedule of construction for a project, a reduction
in project finance costs, and/or the re-distribution of planned project
resources to other local transit priorities.
The allocation of Capital Investment Grants Program funding is
presented in the Allocation Table of this notice. The total Federal
funding commitment for each project will not change. However, each
FFGA's final scheduled New Starts pay-out will be reduced by the
amounts allocated in this Federal Register notice. The allocation of
ARRA Capital Investment Grants funding to liquidate New Starts and
Small Starts commitments will make available anew previously committed
Federal New or Small Starts commitment authority. The additional
commitment authority created by this $750 million allocation totals
$1.5 billion due to the statutory method for calculating commitment
authority. This allocation has the benefit of maximizing commitment
authority. This will allow FTA to make additional New or Small Starts
commitments in the coming months and contribute to the creation of jobs
associated with additional construction of new major capital transit
projects. In the absence of ARRA resources and this allocation
approach, the additional commitment authority to initiate new major
capital transit projects would not exist.
C. Program Requirements and Period of Availability
Providing additional funding to major capital projects under the
Recovery program will help New Starts and Small Starts project
delivery, as well as National economy and local economies. To maximize
the effectiveness of these funding decisions, FTA is requiring that all
ARRA Capital Investment Grants funds be drawn down (outlayed) by May
11, 2010. FTA may de-obligate any ARRA Capital Investment Grants
Program funding not drawn down by recipients within the one-year
period. FTA encourages project sponsors identified in this notice to
apply for ARRA funds as soon as possible. This will ensure the ability
to incur costs and draw funds from the Treasury within the year,
thereby sustaining and creating public transportation construction
In recognition of the difficulty that some recipients may
experience in accelerating local matching resources, and to ensure the
timely expenditure of ARRA funds, FTA will permit, as a condition of
the grant, a deferral of the non-Federal match. Grantees may defer
provision of this local match simultaneously with the Federal funds'
draw down rate for up to three years after the date of the FTA ARRA
grant award, with a possible extension at FTA's discretion. However,
local match to all ARRA Capital Investment Grants funding must be
available by the end of the project's New Starts/Small Starts pay-out
period, even if this is less than three years from the date of the ARRA
grant. Each grantee should work with its FTA regional office on
specific wording of this condition if interested in using the deferral
Since ARRA Capital Investment Grants Program funding is being
administered through existing multi-year full funding grant agreements,
additional information can be found in FTA Circular (5200.1A, Full
Funding Grant Agreements Guidance, December 5, 2002).
D. Reporting Requirements and Certifications Applicable to Recipients
of ARRA Funds
As a condition of award, grantees receiving ARRA funds will be
required to report on grant activities on a routine basis. FTA grantees
will be responsible for reporting up-to-date and accurate information
in the milestone status report and financial status report on a
quarterly basis, as well as additional data elements that are required
to be reported in Additionally, special
certifications and grant conditions also will be required of ARRA grant
recipients. FTA will issue additional specific guidance on reporting
requirements in the near future for your information. The ARRA
statutory reporting requirements and certifications are identified
1. Section 1511: Certifications
For covered funds made available to State or local governments for
infrastructure investments, the Governor, mayor, or other chief
executive, as appropriate, is required to certify that the
infrastructure investment has received the full review and vetting
required by law and that the chief executive accepts responsibility
that the infrastructure investment is an appropriate use of taxpayer
dollars. Such certification must include a description of the
investment, the estimated total cost, and the amount of covered funds
to be used, and must be posted on a specified Web site. A State or
local agency may not receive infrastructure investment funding from
funds made available under ARRA unless this certification is made and
On February 27, 2009, the United States Department of
Transportation (USDOT) Secretary LaHood sent letters to all Governors
providing guidance and a template for this certification and
instructing them to send the Section 1511 certification and the other
two certifications by the Governor described below to the Department at
the following address: A single certification by the
Governor, based on the established planning process, and including a
link to a Web site posting of the Statewide Transportation Improvement
Program, which must contain the required section 1511 information for
each investment, will satisfy the requirement for certification by the
Governor for both Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and FTA
projects. If the 1511 certification previously submitted to DOT by the
Governor does not include the project for which this funding is
allocated, the mayor or other local official, as appropriate, may
submit a new certification specific to the Capital Investments Grant
2. Section 1512. Reports on Use of Funds
Recipient Reports.--Not later than 10 days after the end of each
calendar quarter, starting in October 10, 2009, each recipient that
received ARRA funds from a Federal agency shall submit a report to that
agency that contains--
(i) The total amount of ARRA funds received from that agency;
(ii) The amount of ARRA funds received that were expended or
obligated to projects or activities; and
(iii) A detailed list of all projects or activities for which ARRA
funds were expended or obligated, including--
(A) The name of the project or activity;
(B) A description of the project or activity;
(C) An evaluation of the completion status of the project or
(D) An estimate of the number of jobs created and the number of
jobs retained by the project or activity; and
(E) For infrastructure investments made by State and local
governments, the purpose, total cost, and rationale of the agency for
funding the infrastructure investment with funds made available under
ARRA, and name of the person to contact at the agency if there are
concerns with the infrastructure investment.
(iv) Detailed information on any subcontracts or subgrants awarded
by the recipient to include the data elements required to comply with
the Federal Funding Accountability and
[[Page 21846]]
Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109-282), allowing aggregate
reporting on awards below $25,000 or to individuals, as prescribed by
the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
The data elements required to comply with Public Law 109-282 are:
Name of entity receiving the award; the amount of the award;
information on the award including transaction type, funding agency,
the North American Industry Classification System Code or Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance number (where applicable); program source;
an award title descriptive of the purpose of each funding action; and
employee compensation information for certain contracts under limited
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will collect these
reports through a central Web-based reporting system and will provide
further reporting instructions at a later date. Additional frequency of
reporting may be required to be responsive to Congressional oversight
3. Section 1512(h) Registration
Recipients of ARRA funds that are required to report information
per subsection (c)(4) must register with Central Contractor
Registration database (CCR) or complete other registration requirements
as determined by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
The reporting and registration requirements are effective with the
quarter ending September 30, 2009. OMB has issued guidance requiring
FTA and other Federal agencies to ensure that grantees and first tier
subawardees (subrecipients and contractors) obtain a DUNS number, or
update their DUNS record if necessary. OMB has also indicated that
first tier subawardees will be required to register in CCR.
4. Section 1201(a) Maintenance of Effort
Not later than March 19, 2009, for each amount that is distributed
to a State or its agency from an appropriation in ARRA for a covered
program, the Governor of that State was required to certify to the
Secretary of Transportation that the State will maintain its effort
with regard to State funding for the types of projects that are funded
by the appropriation. As part of this certification, the Governor was
required to submit to the Secretary of Transportation a statement
identifying the amount of funds the State planned to expend from State
sources as of February 17, 2009, during the period of February 17, 2009
through September 30, 2010, for the types of projects that are funded
by the appropriation.
This requirement applies only to State funding for transportation
projects eligible for ARRA funding. DOT will treat this maintenance of
effort requirement through one consolidated certification from the
Governor to the Secretary, which must include State funding for transit
projects, as well as highway and other transportation modal projects.
As of March 19, 2009, all States and the District of Columbia had
submitted the required maintenance of effort certification. The
Department is currently reviewing these certifications for adequacy.
5. Section 1201(c)(2): Periodic Reports
For amounts received under each covered program by a grant
recipient under ARRA, the grant recipient shall include in the periodic
reports information tracking:
(A) The amount of Federal funds appropriated, allocated, obligated,
and outlayed under the appropriation;
(B) The number of projects that have been put out to bid under the
(C) The number of projects for which contracts have been awarded
under the appropriation and the amount of Federal funds associated with
such contracts;
(D) The number of projects for which work has begun under such
contracts and the amount of Federal funds associated with such
(E) The number of projects for which work has been completed under
such contracts and the amount of Federal funds associated with such
(F) The number of direct, on-project jobs created or sustained by
the Federal funds provided for projects under the appropriation and, to
the extent possible, the estimated indirect jobs created or sustained
in the associated supplying industries, including the number of job-
years created and the total increase in employment since February 17,
2009 and
(G) The actual aggregate expenditures by each grant recipient from
State sources for projects eligible for funding under the program
during the period of February 17, 2009 through September 30, 2010, as
compared to the level of such expenditures that were planned to occur
during such period as of the date of enactment of ARRA.
Each grant recipient is required to submit the first of the
periodic reports including the Section 1201(c)(2) data required above
by May 18, 2009 and is required to submit updated reports not later
than August 16, 2009; February 17, 2010; February 17, 2011; and
February 17, 2012.
DOT had developed a standard reporting form for these reports. FTA
will provide further reporting instructions before the reports are due.
Grantees will be required to report direct jobs, but the department
will generate data on indirect and indirect jobs through the use of
economic models and factors applied to the data provided in the grant
awards and other information reported by the grantee. All States have
acted to accept transportation funds.
6. Section 1607
Section 1607 requires that the Governor certify within 45 days of
enactment (April 3, 2009) that, for funds provided, the state will
request and use funds provided by this Act and the funds will be used
to create jobs and promote economic health. If the Governor does not
provide this certification, then the state legislature may act to
accept the funds. All states have acted to accept transportation funds.
7. Section 1609
Under section 1609(c), FTA is required to report to certain
congressional committees every 90 days following enactment of ARRA on
the status and progress of projects funded or proposed for funding
under the Act with respect to compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its implementing regulations. FTA
may request assistance from grant recipients in compiling this
quarterly report.
8. Other Reporting
To satisfy the needs for transparency and accountability related to
funding appropriated under the ARRA, grantees may be required to
provide additional information not yet specified in response to
requests from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the
Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Government Accountability Office
(GAO), or the DOT Inspector General (IG). FTA will inform grantees if
and when such additional reports are required.
E. Technical Assistance
FTA headquarters and regional staff are pleased to answer your
questions and provide any technical assistance you may need to apply
for FTA ARRA funds and to manage the grants you receive. In addition to
this notice, Questions and Answers regarding FTA's implementation of
the ARRA, and additional resources may be viewed via the FTA Web site
[[Page 21847]]
Further, all FTA circulars are posted on our Web site, including:
C4220.1F, Third Party Contracting Requirements, dated November 1, 2008;
and C5010.1D, Grant Management Guidelines (November 1, 2008). In
addition, FTA has developed a toll-free hotline for civil rights-
related ARRA inquiries. The number is 866-525-5561 and is available at You may also contact the
regional civil rights officer at the Regional Office listed in Appendix
Issued in Washington, DC, this 6th day of May, 2009.
Matthew J. Welbes,
Acting Deputy Administrator.
Appendix A
Instructions for Preparing a Grant Application Using ARRA Funds
1. Pre-Application Stage
Note: To streamline the grant development process, ARRA grants
may receive official grant numbers and be submitted before all
traditional pre-application requirements are complete. However, ARRA
grants may not be awarded until all pre-application requirements
have been satisfied.
a. Planning. Project activities to be funded must be included in a
Federally-approved Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
for capital and/or operating projects. Unified Planning Work Program
(UPWP) FTA will not require that planning requirements be completed
before the submission of grant applications for ARRA funding. However,
project planning requirements must be complete and properly documented
before grant award.
b. Environmental Determination. The impact that a proposed FTA
assisted project will have on the environment shall be evaluated and
documented in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (42 U.S.C. section 4321 et seq.). All projects allocated Capital
Investment (New Starts) funding under the ARRA should have a ROD or
FONSI on file.
c. Annual Submission of Certifications and Assurances. A grant
applicant applying for assistance under Federal Transit Programs
including ARRA programs must submit certifications and assurances that
are applicable to the grant applicant's active and new grants during
the fiscal year. A grantee that has already submitted a FY 2009
Certifications and Assurances does not need to resubmit these
d. Civil Rights Submissions. Civil Rights submissions that may be
required include a Title VI Plan, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Program, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, and ADA
Paratransit Plan. Typically, FTA's Regional Civil Rights Officer must
verify that all required Civil Rights submissions are current at the
time that the grant application is entered into TEAM. For ARRA funds,
the grant number will be assigned before civil rights reviews are
complete, but the grant will not be awarded with pending civil rights
requirements. In addition, it may be necessary to verify compliance
with specific Title VI, EEO, DBE and ADA requirements as part of the
grant review and approval process. Please work closely with your
Regional Civil Rights officer to ensure no delays in the award of a
2. Application Stage (Team Information)
Applications for ARRA New Starts funds must be submitted
electronically through the Transportation Electronic Award Management
(TEAM) System. Each ARRA program funding request must be applied for in
its own grant (i.e., ARRA Capital Assistance Formula funds may not be
applied for in the same grant as ARRA Fixed Guideway Modernization
funds or ARRA Capital Investment funds). Further, ARRA funds cannot be
commingled in a grant application with New Starts funds apportioned
[[Page 21848]]
ARRA Capital Investment grants should be developed using the newly
created Section code in TEAM. ARRA program codes appear in the color
red in the TEAM dropdown menu. The red is only to distinguish the ARRA
section codes from other FTA program codes. A Capital Investment (New
Starts) ARRA grant should be developed using the following section
36--New Start-Economic Recovery.
Information that should be entered into TEAM when preparing an
application includes:
a. Recipient Information. Applicants should enter or update all
required information about the organization in the appropriate fields
in TEAM, including recipient address, contact information, union
information, urbanized area identification number (UZA), Congressional
district(s), DUNS number, etc. The information shall be current and
accurate for each grant and periodically updated as changes occur.
b. Project Information. Applicants should identify the project
start/end date, program date, Executive Order 12372 review date,
metropolitan planning organization (MPO) concurrence date (if
applicable), and grant project costs. The ``brief project description''
field should include information that can be used to report the type of
infrastructure investment such as: Construction of Light Rail System.
(1) Project Description. This information must be in sufficient
detail for FTA to obtain a general understanding of the nature and
purpose of the planned activities. There is a project description field
as well as a specific text field for this information associated with
each activity line item. Project activities shall be sufficiently
described to assist the reviewer in determining eligibility under the
(2) Program Date and Page of STIP or Unified Planning Work Program
(UPWP). All projects must be included in the current STIP. The STIP is
jointly approved by FTA and FHWA. FTA funds cannot be obligated unless
the STIP is approved by FTA. The application should note the page(s) in
the most recently approved STIP on which the project(s) contained in
the application are listed. The electronic system has a field
designated ``program date'' where the date of the most recent FTA/FHWA
STIP approval should be entered.
In the case of ARRA grants, FTA regional offices will continue to
process grants while awaiting STIP amendment actions. Grant numbers
will be assigned before the inclusion of the STIP date in the grant
application if the grantee is awaiting formal STIP action or approval.
c. Budget. The appropriate scopes and activity line items (ALI)
should be used when developing the project budget. All sources of funds
shall be identified and confirmed. All rolling stock procurements shall
include vehicle description and fuel type; expansion activities shall
include a brief discussion of the expanded service. The project budget
should reflect the precise activities for which the grant funds will be
used. As a streamlining measure, FTA is not requiring that grantees
include any non-add scopes in the project budget when purchasing
activities that are categorized as ITS, ADA, or security.
d. Project Milestones. Estimated completion dates for all
milestones should be provided and updated quarterly. If milestones are
not pre-populated by the TEAM system for a particular activity line
item (ALI) , use the add function to add milestones for that ALI to the
grant application. At a minimum, activities that will require a
contract award should have milestones tracking (1) the date the RFP is
issued; (2) the anticipated date of contract award; and (3) the date
the contract will be completed. Activity line items that are not
contracted out should minimally include (1) the date the activity is
initiated and (2) the anticipated completion date.
It is critical that milestones for ARRA grant activities are
updated and monitored quarterly. Quarterly reports must be submitted 10
days after the end of each quarter.
e. Environmental Findings. The application must include a proposed
classification of each ALI that is an independent project with discrete
transit utility, in accordance with the FTA/FHWA environmental impact
procedures. (See 23 CFR 771.115 and 771.117.) The date of the ROD or
FONSI for the New Start project should be listed in the Environmental
f. Fleet Status. A fleet status report does not need to be included
in the ARRA Capital Investment grant application. Fleet information
should be contained in the fleet management plan.
g. Application Submission. Once FTA deems (1) the TEAM application
template completed, (2) the activities eligible, and (3) the budget
complete and firm, FTA will assign a grant number. At this point, the
grant is ready to be pinned and submitted in TEAM by the designated
recipient/grantee. As previously stated, ARRA grants may be submitted
prior to the completion of all pre-application requirements such as:
Civil Rights documentation, Planning, ARRA required certifications.
This concurrent review process is a departure from FTA's standard
operating procedures and only applies to grants for ARRA program funds.
Note: Although ARRA program grants can be officially submitted
to FTA for review and approval, grant funds can not be awarded or
obligated until all applicable federal requirements including the
Section 1511 certification required under ARRA have been met.
h. Certification of Labor Protective Arrangements. ARRA Capital
Investment grants will be sent to DOL, as soon as the budget is
confirmed, budget details are included in the grant, and the
application is officially submitted for processing. DOL procedures have
minimum wait times built in for replies or objections by management and
unions. Accordingly, a grantee's prompt response to DOL communications
regarding the grant before the expiration of the minimum wait period
could result in the grant being certified before the end of the
allowable processing period.
i. Grant Approval. Once FTA staff determines through a final review
of the application that FTA program requirements have been met and that
the ARRA section 1511 certification is made and submitted to DOT for
posting to the DOT Recovery Web site, FTA will reserve the funds and
obligate the grant.
j. Grant Execution. After FTA has awarded the grant, the applicant
must execute the award before funds can be drawn down from the grant.
Before executing ARRA grants, the grantee will be prompted to select
both the rationale for the investment and the purpose of the investment
from menus that have been established in the reservation screen. ARRA
grants that include activities funded using pre-award authority will
require the submission of a Financial Status Report before grant
Application Checklist
Part I--Recipient Information
1. Is the Grantee Contact & Other Information current and complete?
2. Are Annual Certifications & Assurances pinned?
3. Is UZA/Congressional District information entered and accurate?
4. Is Union Contact information entered and accurate?
5. Has Civil Rights Program Documentation been approved by FTA?
6. Has the applicants DUNS Number been entered in the appropriate
[[Page 21849]]
Part II--Project Details
1. Does the Project Description include adequate descriptive
information of funded projects?
2. Are the project activities included in the grant eligible to be
funded using ARRA Capital Investment Program funds?
Part III--Project Information
1. Has the grant been identified as a new application or amendment?
2. Start/End date entered?
3. Has the Program Date (STIP or UPWP date) been entered?
4. Have Control Totals been entered?
5. Does the brief project description field adequately articulate
what is being funded (Example: Construction of Light Rail System, Bus
Rapid Transit Vehicles, and etc.)?
6. If pre-award authority is applicable, has ``yes'' been selected?
7. Has the EO 12372 Review field been completed, if applicable?
Part IV--Budget
1. Are ALI codes entered under the appropriate scope codes?
2. Is grant for up to 80% Federal funds?
3. Does the funding amount entered in the budget match financial
information entered in the control totals in the ``Project
Information'' field?
4. Does the rolling stock (vehicle) line item contain accurate
information such as?
a. Description of vehicles purchased.
b. Fuel Type.
5. Have details been entered into the ``Extended Budget
a. Has descriptive information been added in the details section of
each ALI that identifies the items being funded using the line item?
Part V--Project Milestones
1. Are milestones listed for each ALI? (If an ALI does not have
milestones, they should be added.)
2. Have estimated completion dates been entered?
Part VI--Environmental Findings (NEPA)
1. Has an environmental finding been entered for each ALI?
Appendix B
FTA Regional and Metropolitan Offices
Richard H. Doyle, Regional Robert C. Patrick, Regional
Administrator, Region 1--Boston, Administrator, Region 6--Ft.
Kendall Square, 55 Broadway, Suite Worth, 819 Taylor Street, Room
920, Cambridge, MA 02142-1093. Tel. 8A36, Ft. Worth, TX 76102.
617-494-2055. Tel. 817-978-0550.
States served: Connecticut, Maine, States served: Arkansas,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Louisiana, Oklahoma, New
Island, and Vermont. Mexico and Texas.
Brigid Hynes-Cherin, Regional Mokhtee Ahmad, Regional
Administrator, Region 2--New York, One Administrator, Region 7--
Bowling Green, Room 429, New York, NY Kansas City, MO, 901 Locust
10004-1415. Tel. No. 212-668-2170. Street, Room 404, Kansas City,
MO 64106. Tel. 816-329-3920.
States served: New Jersey, New York.... States served: Iowa, Kansas,
Missouri, and Nebraska.
New York Metropolitan Office, Region 2--
New York, One Bowling Green, Room 428,
New York, NY 10004-1415. Tel. 212-668-
Letitia Thompson, Regional Terry Rosapep, Regional
Administrator, Region 3--Philadelphia, Administrator, Region 8--
1760 Market Street, Suite 500, Denver, 12300 West Dakota
Philadelphia, PA 19103-4124. Tel. 215- Ave., Suite 310, Lakewood, CO
656-7100. 80228-2583. Tel. 720-963-3300.
States served: Delaware, Maryland, States served: Colorado,
Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Montana, North Dakota, South
and District of Columbia. Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
Philadelphia Metropolitan Office,
Region 3--Philadelphia, 1760 Market
Street, Suite 500, Philadelphia, PA
19103-4124. Tel. 215-656-7070.
Washington, DC Metropolitan Office,
1990 K Street, NW., Room 510,
Washington, DC 20006. Tel. 202-219-
Yvette Taylor, Regional Administrator, Leslie T. Rogers, Regional
Region 4--Atlanta, 230 Peachtree Administrator, Region 9--San
Street, NW., Suite 800, Atlanta, GA Francisco, 201 Mission Street,
30303. Tel. 404-865-5600. Room 1650, San Francisco, CA
94105-1926. Tel. 415-744-3133.
States served: Alabama, Florida, States served: American Samoa,
Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Arizona, California, Guam,
Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Hawaii, Nevada, and the
Tennessee, and Virgin Islands. Northern Mariana Islands.
Los Angeles Metropolitan
Office, Region 9--Los Angeles,
888 S. Figueroa Street, Suite
1850, Los Angeles, CA 90017-
1850. Tel. 213-202-3952.
Marisol Simon, Regional Administrator, Rick Krochalis, Regional
Region 5--Chicago, 200 West Adams Administrator, Region 10-
Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60606. Seattle, Jackson Federal
Tel. 312-353-2789. Building, 915 Second Avenue,
Suite 3142, Seattle, WA 98174-
1002. Tel. 206-220-7954.
States served: Illinois, Indiana, States served: Alaska, Idaho,
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Oregon, and Washington.
Chicago Metropolitan Office, Region 5--
Chicago, 200 West Adams Street, Suite
320, Chicago, IL 60606. Tel. 312-353-
[[Page 21850]]
[FR Doc. E9-10963 Filed 5-8-09; 8:45 am]