Proposed Renewal of Information Collection: OMB Control Number 1094-0001, Alternatives Process in Hydropower Licensing, 16416-16417 [E9-8178]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 68 / Friday, April 10, 2009 / Notices
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
I. Abstract
DOI is below parity with the Relevant
Civilian Labor Force representation for
many mission critical occupations. The
Department’s Strategic Human Capital
management Plan identifies the job
skills that will be needed in its current
and future workforce. The job skills it
will need are dispersed throughout its
eight bureaus and include, among
others, making visitors welcome to
various facilities, such as parks and
refuges, processing permits for a wide
variety of uses of the public lands,
collecting royalties for minerals
extracted from the public lands,
rounding-up and adopting-out wild
horses and burros found in the west,
protecting archeological and cultural
resources of the public lands, and
enforcing criminal laws of the United
States. As a result of this broad
spectrum of duties and services, the
Department touches the lives of most
The people who deal with the
Department bring with them a wide
variety of backgrounds, cultures, and
experiences. A diverse workforce
enables the Department to provide a
measure of understanding to its
customers by relating to the diverse
background of those customers. By
including employees of all backgrounds,
all DOI employees gain a measure of
knowledge, background, experience,
and comfort in serving all of the
Department’s customers.
In order to determine if there are
barriers in our recruitment and selection
processes, DOI must track the
demographic groups that apply for its
jobs. There is no other statistically valid
method to make these determinations,
and no source of this information other
than directly from applicants. The data
collected is not provided to selecting
officials and plays no part in the merit
staffing or the selection processes. The
data collected will be used in summary
form to determine trends covering the
demographic make-up of applicant
pools and job selections within a given
occupation or organizational group. The
records of those applicants not selected
are destroyed in accordance with DOI’s
records management procedures.
II. Data
(1) Title: Applicant Background
OMB Control Number: 1091–0001.
Current Expiration Date: April 30,
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Type of Review: Information
Collection Renewal.
Affected Entities: Applicants for DOI
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 335,820
Frequency of Response: Once per job
(2) Annual reporting and record
keeping burden:
Average reporting burden per
application: 2 minutes.
Total annual reporting: 11,194.
(3) Description of the need and use of
the information: This information is
required to obtain the source of
recruitment, ethnicity, race, and
disability data on job applicants to
determine if the recruitment is
effectively reaching all aspects of
relevant labor pools and to determine if
there are proportionate acceptance rates
at various stages of the recruitment
process. Response is optional. The
information is used for evaluating
recruitment only, and plays no part in
the selection of who is hired.
As required under 5 CFR 1320.8(d), a
Federal Register notice soliciting
comments on the collection of
information was published on
November 28, 2008 (73 FR 72518). No
comments were received. This notice
provides the public with an additional
30 days in which to comment on this
information collection activity.
III. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed
information collection; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility and clarity
of the information to be collected; and
(d) ways to minimize the burden of the
information collection on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Burden means the total time, effort, or
financial resources expended by persons
to generate, maintain, retain, disclose or
provide information to or for a federal
agency. This includes the time needed
to review instructions; to develop,
acquire, install and utilize technology
and systems for the purpose of
collecting, validating and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information, to search
data sources, to complete and review
the collection of information, and to
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transmit or otherwise disclose the
All written comments will be
available for public inspection in the
Main Interior Building, 1849 C Street,
NW., Washington, DC during normal
business hours, excluding legal
holidays. For an appointment to inspect
comments, please contact Ophelia
Anderson by telephone on (202) 219–
0805, or by e-mail at A valid
picture identification is required for
entry into the Department of the
Dated: April 6, 2009.
Sharon Eller,
Director, Office of Civil Rights, Office of the
[FR Doc. E9–8179 Filed 4–9–09; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Proposed Renewal of Information
Collection: OMB Control Number
1094–0001, Alternatives Process in
Hydropower Licensing
Office of the Secretary, Interior.
Notice and request for
SUMMARY: In compliance with section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of
Environmental Policy and Compliance,
Office of the Secretary, Department of
the Interior announces the proposed
extension of a public information
collection and seeks public comments
on the provisions thereof.
DATES: Consideration will be given to all
comments received by June 9, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Send your written
comments to the Linda S. Thomas, U.S.
Department of the Interior, Office of the
Secretary, 1951 Constitution Avenue,
NW., MS 115 SIB, Washington, DC
20240, phone 202–208–7294, fax 202–
219–2374, or by electronic mail to Please mention
that your comments concern the
Alternatives Process in Hydropower
Licensing, OMB Control 1094–0001.
request a copy of the information
collection request, any explanatory
information and related forms, contact
Linda S. Thomas, U.S. Department of
the Interior, Office of the Secretary,
1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., MS
115 SIB, Washington, DC 20240, phone
202–208–7294, fax 202–219–2374, or by
electronic mail to
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 68 / Friday, April 10, 2009 / Notices
I. Abstract
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) regulations at 5 CFR part 1320,
which implement the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq., require that interested members
of the public and affected agencies have
an opportunity to comment on
information collection and
recordkeeping activities (see 5 CFR
1320.8 (d)).
On November 14, 2005, the
Departments of Agriculture, the Interior,
and Commerce published regulations at
7 CFR part 1, 43 CFR part 45, and 50
CFR part 221, to implement section 241
of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
(EPAct), Public Law 109–58, which the
President signed into law on August 8,
2005. Section 241 of the EPAct adds a
new section 33 to the Federal Power Act
(FPA), 16 U.S.C. 823d, that allows the
license applicant or any other party to
the license proceeding to propose an
alternative to a condition or prescription
that one or more of the Departments
develop for inclusion in a hydropower
license issued by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) under
the FPA. This provision requires that
the Departments of Agriculture, the
Interior and Commerce collect the
information covered by 1094–0001.
Under FPA section 33, the Secretary
of the Department involved must accept
the proposed alternative if the Secretary
determines, based on substantial
evidence provided by a party to the
license proceeding or otherwise
available to the Secretary, (a) that the
alternative condition provides for the
adequate protection and utilization of
the reservation, or that the alternative
prescription will be no less protective
than the fishway initially proposed by
the Secretary, and (b) that the
alternative will either cost significantly
less to implement or result in improved
operation of the project works for
electricity production.
In order to make this determination,
the regulations require that all of the
following information be collected: (1)
A description of the alternative, in an
equivalent level of detail to the
Department’s preliminary condition or
prescription; (2) an explanation of how
the alternative: (i) If a condition, will
provide for the adequate protection and
utilization of the reservation; or (ii) if a
prescription, will be no less protective
than the fishway prescribed by the
bureau; (3) an explanation of how the
alternative, as compared to the
preliminary condition or prescription,
will: (i) cost significantly less to
implement; or (ii) result in improved
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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operation of the project works for
electricity production; (4) an
explanation of how the alternative or
revised alternative will affect: (i) energy
supply, distribution, cost, and use; (ii)
flood control; (iii) navigation; (iv) water
supply; (v) air quality; and (vi) other
aspects of environmental quality; and
(5) specific citations to any scientific
studies, literature, and other
documented information relied on to
support the proposal.
This notice of proposed renewal of an
existing information collection is being
published by the Office of
Environmental Policy and Compliance,
Department of the Interior, on behalf of
all three Departments, and the data
provided below covers anticipated
responses (alternative conditions/
prescriptions and associated
information) for all three Departments.
II. Data
(1) Title: 7 CFR Part 1; 43 CFR Part 45;
50 CFR Part 221; the Alternatives
Process in Hydropower Licensing.
OMB Control Number: 1094–0001.
Current Expiration Date: May 31,
Type of Review: Information
Collection Renewal.
Affected Entities: Business or forprofit entities.
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 5.
Frequency of Responses: Once per
alternative proposed.
(2) Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping Burden:
Total Annual Reporting per Response:
200 hours.
Total Number of Estimated
Responses: 5.
Total Annual Reporting: 1,000 hours.
(3) Description of the Need and Use
of the Information: The purpose of this
information collection is to provide an
opportunity for license parties to
propose an alternative condition or
prescription to that imposed by the
Federal Government in the hydropower
licensing process.
III. Request for Comments
The Departments invite comments on:
(a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agencies, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) The accuracy of the agencies’
estimate of the burden of the collection
and the validity of the methodology and
assumptions used;
(c) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(d) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
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who are to respond, including through
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
collection techniques or other forms of
information techniques.
‘‘Burden’’ means the total time, effort,
and financial resources expended by
persons to generate, maintain, retain,
disclose, or provide information to or
for a Federal agency. This includes the
time needed to review instructions; to
develop, acquire, install, and utilize
technology and systems for the purpose
of collecting, validating, and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information, to search
data sources, to complete and review
the collection of information; and to
transmit or otherwise disclose the
All written comments, with names
and addresses, will be available for
public inspection. If you wish us to
withhold your personal information,
you must prominently state at the
beginning of your comment what
personal information you want us to
withhold. We will honor your request to
the extent allowable by law. If you wish
to view any comments received, you
may do so by scheduling an
appointment with the Office of
Environmental Policy and Compliance
by calling (202) 208–3891. A valid
picture identification is required for
entry into the Department of the
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
Office of Management and Budget
control number.
Dated: April 6, 2009.
Mary Josie Blanchard,
Deputy Director, Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance.
[FR Doc. E9–8178 Filed 4–9–09; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Invasive Species Advisory Committee
Office of the Secretary, Interior.
Notice of public meetings of the
Invasive Species Advisory Committee.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act,
notice is hereby given of meetings of the
Invasive Species Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Advisory Committee
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 68 (Friday, April 10, 2009)]
[Pages 16416-16417]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-8178]
Office of the Secretary
Proposed Renewal of Information Collection: OMB Control Number
1094-0001, Alternatives Process in Hydropower Licensing
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Interior.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: In compliance with section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of Environmental Policy and
Compliance, Office of the Secretary, Department of the Interior
announces the proposed extension of a public information collection and
seeks public comments on the provisions thereof.
DATES: Consideration will be given to all comments received by June 9,
ADDRESSES: Send your written comments to the Linda S. Thomas, U.S.
Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, 1951 Constitution
Avenue, NW., MS 115 SIB, Washington, DC 20240, phone 202-208-7294, fax
202-219-2374, or by electronic mail to Please
mention that your comments concern the Alternatives Process in
Hydropower Licensing, OMB Control 1094-0001.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request a copy of the information
collection request, any explanatory information and related forms,
contact Linda S. Thomas, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of the
Secretary, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., MS 115 SIB, Washington, DC
20240, phone 202-208-7294, fax 202-219-2374, or by electronic mail to
[[Page 16417]]
I. Abstract
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations at 5 CFR part
1320, which implement the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq., require that interested members of the public and
affected agencies have an opportunity to comment on information
collection and recordkeeping activities (see 5 CFR 1320.8 (d)).
On November 14, 2005, the Departments of Agriculture, the Interior,
and Commerce published regulations at 7 CFR part 1, 43 CFR part 45, and
50 CFR part 221, to implement section 241 of the Energy Policy Act of
2005 (EPAct), Public Law 109-58, which the President signed into law on
August 8, 2005. Section 241 of the EPAct adds a new section 33 to the
Federal Power Act (FPA), 16 U.S.C. 823d, that allows the license
applicant or any other party to the license proceeding to propose an
alternative to a condition or prescription that one or more of the
Departments develop for inclusion in a hydropower license issued by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) under the FPA. This
provision requires that the Departments of Agriculture, the Interior
and Commerce collect the information covered by 1094-0001.
Under FPA section 33, the Secretary of the Department involved must
accept the proposed alternative if the Secretary determines, based on
substantial evidence provided by a party to the license proceeding or
otherwise available to the Secretary, (a) that the alternative
condition provides for the adequate protection and utilization of the
reservation, or that the alternative prescription will be no less
protective than the fishway initially proposed by the Secretary, and
(b) that the alternative will either cost significantly less to
implement or result in improved operation of the project works for
electricity production.
In order to make this determination, the regulations require that
all of the following information be collected: (1) A description of the
alternative, in an equivalent level of detail to the Department's
preliminary condition or prescription; (2) an explanation of how the
alternative: (i) If a condition, will provide for the adequate
protection and utilization of the reservation; or (ii) if a
prescription, will be no less protective than the fishway prescribed by
the bureau; (3) an explanation of how the alternative, as compared to
the preliminary condition or prescription, will: (i) cost significantly
less to implement; or (ii) result in improved operation of the project
works for electricity production; (4) an explanation of how the
alternative or revised alternative will affect: (i) energy supply,
distribution, cost, and use; (ii) flood control; (iii) navigation; (iv)
water supply; (v) air quality; and (vi) other aspects of environmental
quality; and (5) specific citations to any scientific studies,
literature, and other documented information relied on to support the
This notice of proposed renewal of an existing information
collection is being published by the Office of Environmental Policy and
Compliance, Department of the Interior, on behalf of all three
Departments, and the data provided below covers anticipated responses
(alternative conditions/prescriptions and associated information) for
all three Departments.
II. Data
(1) Title: 7 CFR Part 1; 43 CFR Part 45; 50 CFR Part 221; the
Alternatives Process in Hydropower Licensing.
OMB Control Number: 1094-0001.
Current Expiration Date: May 31, 2009.
Type of Review: Information Collection Renewal.
Affected Entities: Business or for-profit entities.
Estimated Annual Number of Respondents: 5.
Frequency of Responses: Once per alternative proposed.
(2) Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Burden:
Total Annual Reporting per Response: 200 hours.
Total Number of Estimated Responses: 5.
Total Annual Reporting: 1,000 hours.
(3) Description of the Need and Use of the Information: The purpose
of this information collection is to provide an opportunity for license
parties to propose an alternative condition or prescription to that
imposed by the Federal Government in the hydropower licensing process.
III. Request for Comments
The Departments invite comments on:
(a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of the agencies, including whether
the information will have practical utility;
(b) The accuracy of the agencies' estimate of the burden of the
collection and the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
(d) Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on
those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other collection techniques or
other forms of information techniques.
``Burden'' means the total time, effort, and financial resources
expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, disclose, or provide
information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed
to review instructions; to develop, acquire, install, and utilize
technology and systems for the purpose of collecting, validating, and
verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and
disclosing and providing information; to train personnel and to be able
to respond to a collection of information, to search data sources, to
complete and review the collection of information; and to transmit or
otherwise disclose the information.
All written comments, with names and addresses, will be available
for public inspection. If you wish us to withhold your personal
information, you must prominently state at the beginning of your
comment what personal information you want us to withhold. We will
honor your request to the extent allowable by law. If you wish to view
any comments received, you may do so by scheduling an appointment with
the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance by calling (202) 208-
3891. A valid picture identification is required for entry into the
Department of the Interior.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.
Dated: April 6, 2009.
Mary Josie Blanchard,
Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance.
[FR Doc. E9-8178 Filed 4-9-09; 8:45 am]