New Standards for Domestic Mailing Services, 15380-15384 [E9-7570]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 64 / Monday, April 6, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
piece at the correct price or each piece
is of identical weight and the mailpieces
are separated by price, the serial number
field of each Intelligent Mail barcode
can be populated with a mailing serial
number that is unique to the mailing but
common to all pieces in the mailing.
This unique mailing serial number must
not be reused for a period of 45 days
from the date of mailing. These mailings
are not required to submit electronic
documentation for full-service, only an
electronic postage statement; except
mailers of full-service Periodicals letters
and flats and Bound Printed Matter flats
must submit electronic documentation
and an electronic postage statement.
Unique mailing serial numbers must be
populated in the Postal Wizard entry
screen field or in the Mail.XML
messages. Mailers must populate the
serial number field of all Intelligent
Mail tray labels and Intelligent Mail
container barcodes with the unique
mailing serial number.
Technical Specifications
[Revise the table as follows:]
5-digit scheme
5-digit sacks
SCF sacks
ASF sacks
BMC sacks
mixed BMC sacks
ASF sacks
BMC sacks
mixed BMC sacks
Price Level Column Headings
5-digit scheme
5-digit sacks
SCF sacks
ASF sacks
BMC sacks
mixed BMC sacks
b. Presorted First-Class Mail,
barcoded and nonbarcoded Periodicals
flats, nonbarcoded Periodicals letters,
and machinable and nonmachinable
Standard Mail:
[Revise the table in item b to add a
new fourth row with the following
STD Irregular Parcels—Presorted
[Revise the table as follows:]
Index and Appendices
Labeling Lists
SCF (for Standard Mail parcels and NFMs).
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with RULES
Exhibit 6.2.4
VerDate Nov<24>2008
L009 Mixed ADCs—Periodicals,
Package Services Flats and Irregular
Parcels and Standard Mail Flats
3-Digit Content Identifier
16:36 Apr 03, 2009
Jkt 217001
General Use
[Revise the heading and text of L009
to delete ‘‘Standard Mail irregular
parcels’’ to read as follows:]
6.2.4 3-Digit Content Identifier
6.2 Specifications for Barcoded Tray
and Sack Labels
6.0 Standards for Barcoded Tray
Labels, Sack Labels, and Container
Mailers must use L009 to label mixed
ADC bundles and sacks of Periodicals,
Standard Mail, Bound Printed Matter,
Media Mail, and Library Mail flats.
Mailers also must use L009 to label
mixed ADC bundles and sacks
containing Periodicals irregular parcels
and Bound Printer Matter irregular
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4700
39 CFR Part 111
New Standards for Domestic Mailing
Stanley F. Mires,
Chief Counsel, Legislative.
[FR Doc. E9–7569 Filed 4–3–09; 8:45 am]
Postal Service TM.
Final rule.
[Revise the table as follows:]
5-digit scheme
5-digit sacks
STD Not Flat-Machinable Pieces 6
Ounces Or More—Nonautomation
STD Not Flat-Machinable Pieces Less
Than 6 Ounces—Nonautomation
1.0 Standardized Documentation for
First-Class Mail, Periodicals, Standard
Mail, and Flat-Size Bound Printed
We will publish an appropriate
amendment to 39 CFR Part 111 to reflect
these changes.
Standard Mail
SUMMARY: The Postal Service is revising
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM®) to reflect changes to the prices
and standards for the products now
referred to as Mailing Services.
DATES: Effective Date: May 11, 2009.
Chatfield, 202–268–7278.
January 29, 2009 the Postal Service
published a proposed rule in the
Federal Register (Volume 74, Number
18, pages 5130–5137) that included
several mail classification changes,
modifications to mailpiece
characteristics, and changes in
classification terminology. A
supplemental proposed rule was
published in the Federal Register on
February 6, 2009 (Volume 74, Number
24, pages 6250–6257) amending and
clarifying certain standards. This final
rule contains revisions that will be
effective on May 11, 2009. We
additionally describe those standards
that were proposed for May 11, 2009 for
which we will delay implementation
until September 8, 2009.
For May 2010, we proposed:
elimination of the Standard Mail® Not
Flat-Machinable category, restriction on
inserts in flats, and a new flexibility or
foldability standard for flats. These
items will be included in a new,
separate proposal at a later date.
In the sections below, we identify
each revision, and summarize and
respond to comments regarding May 11,
2009 implementation.
Overview of Changes for Letters and
Flats for May 2009
We align standards for commercial
machinable and automation letters so all
machinable letters have the same
physical characteristics required of
automation letters, with the exception of
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 64 / Monday, April 6, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
a qualifying barcode. We make slight
revisions to the list of nonmachinable
characteristics. We received comments
in support of this alignment. Several
commenters requested clarification of
some of the elements that would render
letters nonmachinable. Questions were
raised about the effect of window
envelopes or attachments on the
addition of nonpaper surfaces to the list
of nonmachinable characteristics.
Several commenters questioned if this
new nonmachinable characteristic
would render laminated paper cards
nonmachinable. The intent of this
change is the alignment of machinable
and automation letter standards. Current
standards require automation letters to
be ‘‘made of paper.’’ Mailers who have
been able to establish that their
laminated paper cards are made of
paper and not plastic, have been able to
mail those items at automation prices
and will continue to be able to do so.
Letters with nonpaper surfaces, other
than envelope windows or attachments
that are allowed in a class of mail, are
not machinable. Several commenters
asked for clarification of when letters
with enclosed keys, coins or similar
objects are nonmachinable. If coins or
similar objects are either loose or make
the letter nonuniform in thickness, the
piece is nonmachinable. This revision
aligns with current standards in DMM
201.3.10 and with Customer Support
Ruling PS–328, available online at Commercial letters that are
not machinable are eligible to be mailed
as nonmachinable letters.
We proposed a new minimum 0.009
inch thickness standard for automation
and machinable letters. We received a
few comments in favor of this proposal
and a few opposed. We continue to
require automation and machinable
letters larger than postcard size to be at
least 0.009 inch thick, and we continue
the current minimum thickness of 0.007
inch for letters and cards up to postcard
size (41⁄4 inches high by 6 inches long).
We received several comments about
the difficulty in determining excessive
static charge or meeting coefficient of
friction standards. As announced in a
DMM Advisory notice on February 3,
2009, we postpone implementation of
new static charge and coefficient of
friction standards for automation and
machinable letters, while new methods
are explored to measure the standards.
Some mailers indicated that they have
methods to reduce effective static
charge. We recommend that mailers try
to measure and reduce the static charge
created by their mailpieces to no more
than two kilovolts and meet the paperto-paper coefficient of friction
recommendations between 0.24 and
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0.36. As we stated in a DMM Advisory
notice on January 28, 2009, we also
postpone new standards for window
Mailers have the option to prepare
First-Class Mail® and Standard Mail
automation letters and Standard Mail
machinable letters to all applicable sort
levels, with prices matching the level of
sortation chosen. We received several
comments objecting to this change and
one in favor of the change. Claims were
made that if a mailer chose to only
prepare mixed AADC trays, that we
would effectively be granting a discount
for nonpresorted letters. There are other
requirements for this mail, such as
Move Update compliance, CASS TMcertification for barcoded letters, and
ZIP® Code accuracy—all of which help
us process and deliver mixed AADC
mail more efficiently than single-piece
mail. Some commenters stated that
processing plants urged mailers to bring
in ‘‘residual’’ mail as early as possible;
they were also concerned that the
USPS® might impose earlier critical
entry times for this mail. The USPS has
the operational capacity to enable
timely processing without changing
critical entry times.
We will retain the current preparation
options for automation First-Class Mail
flats of either bundle-based or traybased sortation with applicable prices.
We received many comments opposed
to the proposal to eliminate bundlebased sortation, ranging from recent
investments in bundling equipment to
potentially less access to lower prices.
We are postponing implementation of
this change, and will reconsider it for
later implementation.
Rigid flat-size mailpieces that are not
able to meet the flexibility standards in
DMM 301.1.3 may be eligible for
automation prices if they are
determined to have flats machinecompatibility through a Pricing and
Classification Service Center (PCSC)administered testing process. Eligibility
for such pieces will be valid until May
2010. Mailers coordinate testing
requests via district managers of
business mail entry. Those pieces that
do not meet the published flexibility
standards for flats, but are authorized to
mail at flats prices by PCSC approval,
must be marked ‘‘Automation Flat.’’
Postponed Until September 8, 2009—
Flats Changes
The following changes for flats will
have a September 8, 2009
implementation date to provide
additional time for mailers to make the
adjustments to their operations.
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Polywrap standards, currently
applicable only to automation flats, will
apply to all flat-size mailpieces using
polywrap, except for flats mailed at
saturation and high-density Periodicals
or Standard Mail prices. We received a
few comments asking for exemption of
saturation and high-density flats, which
we have accommodated in our
revisions. We received some comments
requesting more time to comply with
this change and some comments in
favor of the change. In response to
requests for more time, the delayed
implementation will allow mailers who
have not been using approved polywrap
to make the transition. Detailed
specifications for polywrap approved
for use on flats, as well as a list of
approved products, is available at The use of automationcompatible polywrap on all flat-size
mailpieces improves mail processing
efficiency and applies standardization
and consistency for mailers of
polywrapped flats.
The polywrap selvage (overhang) on a
polywrapped flat will be included when
a flat is measured for maximum
dimensions, because selvage that
extends beyond the maximum height or
length interferes with efficient
processing. Several commenters thought
this restriction would render their larger
flats ineligible for flats prices. When our
flats-sorting equipment attempts to
process pieces that are larger than the
maximum length or height of a
mailpiece, the pieces are often culled
out. As an accommodation, we will
increase the maximum length of a
polywrapped flat to 15.75 inches
(inclusive of selvage) from the current
15 inches to accommodate some
additional selvage for larger
publications. As a reminder, we
continue to allow no more than 11⁄2
inches of selvage in the length and no
more than 1⁄2 inch in the height. We will
not include selvage when measuring for
minimum dimensions because the
selvage is not substantial enough for it
to be considered part of a uniformly
thick flat. We received no comments
related to selvage and minimum
We extend the deflection standards
currently applicable to automation flats,
to all flat-size mailpieces, except those
mailed at saturation and high-density
Periodicals or Standard Mail prices. The
deflection standards also change to
allow one inch less of vertical deflection
(droop) than is currently allowed. We
also eliminate the current exception for
oblong flats (those with a bound edge on
the shorter side) so all flats are tested
with the length placed perpendicular to
the edge of a flat surface. A few
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 64 / Monday, April 6, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
commenters asked that the exception to
deflection standards apply to highdensity as well as saturation flats. We
agree to make that accommodation.
Several commenters disagreed with the
more restrictive deflection standards on
all flats. Some commenters also objected
to the change in the testing procedure
for oblong flats, stating that those flats
would not pass the new test
administered by placing the bound edge
parallel to the edge of the flat surface.
As a reminder, the USPS reduced the
deflection standards in 2007, permitting
up to a 4-inch drop for pieces at least
10 inches long. The new standards will
allow a 3-inch drop for pieces at least
10 inches long, compared to a maximum
of 23⁄8 inch drop before May 2007. Our
difficulties in processing oblong flats,
and those that come close to the current
maximum deflection, made it clear that
the previous reduction was too
extensive. Some oblong flats may be
able to meet the new standards by
adding a tab to the open edges opposite
the bound edge or by other methods.
Our delayed implementation offers
mailers the opportunity to make
changes to slightly stiffen their ‘‘floppy’’
flats to meet the new standards. The
new standards, by allowing more
deflection for flats over 10 inches long
than for shorter pieces, provide
flexibility to the mailing community
while ensuring efficient processing of
the mail.
For consolidation purposes, we
remove definitions of irregular parcels
from the mail preparation standards in
DMM 465, 475, and 485, and provide
references to the current definition of
irregular parcels in DMM 401, Physical
Standards. This does not change the
current definition of irregular parcels.
Overview of Proposed Changes for 2010
All changes originally proposed for
2010 will be reissued in a subsequent
proposed rule. As information, we
briefly discuss those changes below.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with RULES
We proposed to merge standards for
nonautomation and automation flats in
May 2010; requiring all machinable
flats, whether or not they are barcoded,
to have the same physical
characteristics. The terminology would
change the categories to: machinable;
barcoded machinable; and irregular
flats. Irregular flats would encompass
two types of flat-size mailpieces. One is
a flat-size piece that is machinable, but
with parcel-like characteristics that
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affect deliverability, such as pieces with
rigid contents because the pieces cannot
be folded. Another type of irregular flat
is foldable with favorable delivery
characteristics, but is not machinable,
such as flimsy pieces that are difficult
to process on automation equipment.
Current flexibility standards in DMM
301.1.3 describe minimum flexibility as
demonstrated by ‘‘tabletop’’ flexibility
tests. Effective May 2009, rigid flat-size
mailpieces not able to meet the
flexibility standards in 301.1.3 may be
eligible for automation prices if they
demonstrate flat machine-compatibility
through a PCSC-administered testing
process. Delivery of rigid pieces is often
more costly than delivery of foldable
flats. Rigid pieces that do not fit in
smaller mail receptacles often result in
Postal employees having to leave nondelivery notices. This is similar to
delivery constraints for parcels.
For May 2010, we proposed a single
flexibility standard that would require
all machinable flat-size mailpieces with
rigid contents to be foldable, parallel to
the length, to a height no greater than 5
inches. Flat-size pieces failing to meet
this level of flexibility may be
categorized as irregular flats. Quite a
few commenters objected to the 5-inch
restriction, suggesting that allowing a 6inch height would accommodate the
contents that they mail in substantial
quantities, while others requested that
we allow pieces to be folded in either
We will provide revised DMM
language for new flexibility standards
and any new categorization of flats for
2010 in a subsequent Federal Register
We are postponing our proposal to
restrict inserts in flats. We received
many comments requesting
reconsideration due to the prevalence of
inserts that advertisers rely on as part of
their mailing strategy. We recognize that
mailers rely on loose inserts for
advertising purposes and understand
that we share common ground in taking
steps to be sure that inserts reach the
addressees and do not fall out of
mailpieces. Therefore, we will work
with mailers to identify publications
and catalogs with loose inserts that fall
out of the mailpiece and inhibit our
processing and delivery functions. In
most cases, a simple ‘‘shake’’ test may
provide a useful demonstration of
whether inserts are likely to fall out.
Pinching a flat with inserts by the upper
corner of the bound edge and shaking it
will tend to dislodge those inserts not
blown well into the body of the flat.
Inserts that are inserted or blown well
into the body of a flat tend to stay in
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Not Flat-Machinable (NFMs)
In 2007, we created an NFM category
for Standard Mail items that could not
meet revised automation flats standards.
We proposed to discontinue the NFM
category in May 2010. Since 2007, many
mailers have converted pieces that
might have been subject to NFM or
parcel prices, into pieces eligible for
flats prices. We will include any change
in the NFM categorization in a
subsequent proposal along with other
proposals to be effective in May 2010.
The Postal Service adopts the
following changes to Mailing Standards
of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM),
incorporated by reference in the Code of
Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR Part
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and
procedure, Postal Service.
■ Accordingly, 39 CFR Part 111 is
amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR
Part 111 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 39 U.S.C. 101,
401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001–3011, 3201–
3219, 3403–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632,
3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the following sections of
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM), as follows:
100 Retail Mail Letters, Cards, Flats,
and Parcels
Physical Standards
Physical Standards for Letters
Nonmachinable Criteria
A letter-size piece is nonmachinable
(see 6.4) if it has one or more of the
following characteristics (see 601.1.4 to
determine the length, height, top, and
bottom of a mailpiece):
[Revise item b to add that any
nonpaper exterior surface is
nonmachinable as follows:]
b. Is polybagged, polywrapped,
enclosed in any plastic material, or has
an exterior surface made of a material
that is not paper. Windows in envelopes
made of paper do not make mailpieces
nonmachinable. Attachments allowable
under applicable eligibility standards do
not make mailpieces nonmachinable.
[Revise item d to clarify that letters
are nonmachinable when certain items
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 64 / Monday, April 6, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
are loose or when they cause the
thickness to be uneven, as follows:]
d. Contains items such as pens,
pencils, keys, or coins that cause the
thickness of the mailpiece to be uneven;
or loose keys or coins or similar objects
not affixed to the contents within the
mailpiece. Loose items may cause a
letter to be nonmailable when mailed in
paper envelopes; see 601.2.3, OddShaped Items in Paper Envelopes.
[Revise item h by referring to sealing
standards in for all selfmailers as follows:]
h. Is a self-mailer that is not prepared
according to
[Revise item i by referring to sealing
standards in for all booklets
as follows:]
i. Is a booklet that is not prepared
according to
made of paper or if it does not meet the
standards in 201.3.0. Windows in
envelopes made of paper do not make
mailpieces nonmachinable.
Attachments do not render mailpieces
nonmachinable if allowed by eligibility
standards according to the class of mail
and if not prohibited in 201.3.0. In
addition, a letter-size piece is
nonmachinable if it weighs more than
3.3 ounces (up to 3.5 ounces) unless it
has a barcode and is eligible for and
claims automation letter prices or
Standard Mail Carrier Route letter
[Revise title of 3.0 as follows:]
200 Commercial Mail Letters and
3.2 Dimensions and Shape Standards
for Machinable and Automation Letters
Physical Standards
3.0 Physical Standards for
Machinable and Automation Letters
and Cards
[Revise title of 3.2 as follows:]
1.0 Physical Standards for
Machinable Letters and Cards
First-Class Mail
1.1 Physical Standards for
Machinable Letters
1.1.1 Dimensional Standards for
[Revise introductory sentence as
Machinable letter-size mail is:
[Add new item d as follows:]
d. Within an aspect ratio (length
divided by height) of 1.3 to 2.5,
inclusive. See 601.1.4.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with RULES
2.1 Criteria for Nonmachinable
[Revise 2.1 by noting that letters with
exterior surfaces not made of paper or
that do not meet automationcompatibility standards are
nonmachinable; that all letters over 3.3
ounces must have a barcode and claim
an automation letter price to avoid a
surcharge; and by removing the
individual listed items as follows:]
A letter-size piece is nonmachinable if
it has an exterior surface that is not
Jkt 217001
Mail Preparation
[Revise heading of 6.0 as follows:]
Preparing Automation Letters
2.0 Physical Standards for
Nonmachinable Letters
16:36 Apr 03, 2009
1.1.3 All Machinable Letters
[Revise the first sentence of 1.1.3 as
All pieces of First-Class Mail and
Standard Mail machinable letters must
meet the standards for automationcompatible letters in 201.3.0. * * *
VerDate Nov<24>2008
6.6 Tray Preparation
* * * Preparation sequence, tray size,
and Line 1 labeling:
[Revise items b through d to allow
optional preparation and modify
grouping requirement as follows:]
b. 3-digit/scheme: optional, but
required for 3-digit price (150-piece
minimum except no minimum for origin
or entry 3-digit/scheme); overflow
allowed; for Line 1, use L002, Column
c. AADC: optional, but required for
AADC price (150-piece minimum);
overflow allowed; group pieces by 3digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code when
overflow pieces from 3-digit trays are
placed in AADC trays. For Line 1, use
L801, Column B.
d. Mixed AADC: required (no
minimum); group pieces by AADC
when overflow pieces from AADC trays
are placed in mixed AADC trays. For
Line 1 use L201; for mail originating in
ZIP Code areas in Column A, use
‘‘MXD’’ followed by city, state, and 3digit ZIP Code prefix in Column C (use
‘‘MXD’’ instead of ‘‘OMX’’ in the
destination line and ignore Column B).
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Standard Mail
Mail Preparation
Preparing Nonautomation Letters
Machinable Preparation
[Revise introductory paragraph of
5.3.2 as follows:]
Traying and Labeling
Instead of preparing overflow AADC
trays with fewer than 150 pieces,
mailers may include these pieces in
mixed AADC trays when a tray of 150
or more pieces can be made. Mailers
must note these trays on standardized
documentation (see 708.1.2). Pieces that
are placed in the next tray level must be
grouped by destination and placed in
the front or back of that tray.
Preparation sequence, tray size, and
[Revise first sentence of 5.3.2 b to
allow optional preparation as follows:]
b. AADC (optional, but required for
AADC price); 150-piece minimum
(overflow allowed); group pieces by
AADC when overflow pieces from
AADC trays are placed in mixed AADC
trays; labeling: * * *
[Revise heading of 7.0 as follows:]
Preparing Automation Letters
Tray Preparation
* * * Preparation sequence, tray size,
and Line 1 labeling:
[Revise items b through d to allow
optional preparation and modify
grouping requirement as follows:]
b. 3-digit/scheme; optional, but
required for 3-digit price (150-piece
minimum, except no minimum for
optional origin/entry 3-digit/scheme(s));
overflow allowed; for Line 1, use L002,
Column B.
c. AADC: optional, but required for
AADC price (150-piece minimum);
overflow allowed; group pieces by 3digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code prefix
when overflow pieces from 3-digit/
scheme trays are placed in AADC trays.
For Line 1, use L801, Column B.
d. Mixed AADC: required (no
minimum); group pieces by AADC
when overflow pieces from AADC trays
are placed in mixed AADC trays. For
Line 1 labeling: use L011, Column B.
Use L010, Column B if entered at an
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 64 / Monday, April 6, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
[Revise 4.6d by adding a new last
sentence as follows:]
d. * * * Window envelopes also
must meet the specifications in 601.6.3.
ASF or BMC or for mail placed on an
ASF, BMC, or SCF pallet under the
option in 705.8.10.3.
See 401.1.0 for definitions of
machinable and irregular parcels.
Commercial Mail Flats
Physical Standards
Commercial Parcels
Stanley F. Mires,
Chief Counsel, Legislative.
[FR Doc. E9–7570 Filed 4–3–09; 8:45 am]
3.0 Physical Standards for
Automation Flats
Bound Printed Matter
[Renumber 3.3 through 3.7 as new 3.4
through 3.8, and add new 3.3 as
Mail Preparation
39 CFR Part 3020
Preparing Presorted Parcels
[Docket Nos. MC2009–21 and CP2009–26;
Order No. 197]
Basic Standards
Flats—Machine Compatibility
New Domestic Mail Product
Flat-size mailpieces meeting the
standards in 1.0 and 3.0, but unable to
meet the minimum flexibility standards
described in 1.3, are not eligible for
automation prices unless the mailpieces
demonstrate flats-machine
compatibility. Rigid flat-size mailpieces
in paper, polywrap or similar packaging
that allows for the pieces to be grasped
and inducted into USPS flat-sorting
equipment may qualify for automation
prices when meeting the following
a. Mailpieces must be enclosed in
envelopes or similar packaging capable
of withstanding normal processing on
USPS flat-sorting equipment.
b. Mailpieces must be approved for
automation flats pricing by the USPS.
Mailers seeking approval for mailpieces
under this standard must contact their
local manager, business mail entry for
instructions on submitting sample
mailpieces to the Pricing and
Classification Service Center (PCSC)
(see 608.8.0 for address) for analysis and
possible testing. Mailpieces having a
previous approval from the PCSC for
automation flats prices, granted after
May 2007, are not required to be
resubmitted for a new approval. These
and all other approvals granted under
3.3 expire in May 2010.
c. Mailpieces approved for
automation flats pricing under this
standard must print the endorsement
‘‘Automation Flat’’ directly under or to
the left of the postage imprint.
5.1.1 General Preparation
All mailings of Presorted Bound
Printed Matter (BPM) are subject to
these general standards:
[Revise item b as follows:]
b. All pieces in a mailing must be
within the same processing category.
See 401.1.0 for definitions of
machinable and irregular parcels.
302 Elements on the Face of a
Preparing Library Mail Parcels
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with RULES
Barcode in Address Block
When the barcode is included as part
of the address block:
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Media Mail
Mail Preparation
5.0 Preparing Media Mail Parcels
[Revise introductory paragraph of 5.1
as follows:]
5.1 Basic Standards
All mailings of Presorted Media Mail
are subject these general requirements:
[Revise item b as follows:]
b. All parcels in a mailing must be
within the same processing category.
See 401.1.0 for definitions of
machinable and irregular parcels.
Library Mail
Mail Preparation
[Revise introductory paragraph of 5.1
as follows:]
Barcode Placement
5.1 Basic Standards
All mailings of Presorted Library Mail
are subject to these general standards:
[Revise item b as follows:]
b. All pieces in a mailing must be
within the same processing category.
PO 00000
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Postal Regulatory Commission.
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Commission is adding
the Postal Service’s Priority Mail
Contract 5 negotiated service agreement
to the Competitive Product List. This
action is consistent with changes in a
recent law governing postal operations.
Republication of the lists of market
dominant and competitive products is
also consistent with new requirements
in the law.
DATES: Effective April 6, 2009 and is
applicable beginning March 30, 2009.
Stephen L. Sharfman, General Counsel,
202–789–6820 and
Regulatory History, 74 FR 12406
(March 24, 2009).
I. Background
The Postal Service seeks to add a new
product identified as Priority Mail
Contract 5 to the Competitive Product
List. For the reasons discussed below,
the Commission approves the Request.
On March 13, 2009, the Postal Service
filed a formal request pursuant to 39
U.S.C. 3642 and 39 CFR 3020.30 et seq.
to add Priority Mail Contract 5 to the
Competitive Product List.1 The Postal
Service asserts that the Priority Mail
Contract 5 product is a competitive
product ‘‘not of general applicability’’
within the meaning of 39 U.S.C.
3632(b)(3). This Request has been
assigned Docket No. MC2009–21.
The Postal Service
contemporaneously filed a contract
related to the proposed new product
pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3632(b)(3) and 39
CFR 3015.5. The contract has been
assigned Docket No. CP2009–26.
1 Request of the United States Postal Service to
Add Priority Mail Contract 5 to Competitive
Product List and Notice of Establishment of Rates
and Class Not of General Applicability, March 13,
2009 (Request).
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 64 (Monday, April 6, 2009)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 15380-15384]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-7570]
39 CFR Part 111
New Standards for Domestic Mailing Services
AGENCY: Postal Service \TM\.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Postal Service is revising Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM[supreg]) to reflect
changes to the prices and standards for the products now referred to as
Mailing Services.
DATES: Effective Date: May 11, 2009.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bill Chatfield, 202-268-7278.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On January 29, 2009 the Postal Service
published a proposed rule in the Federal Register (Volume 74, Number
18, pages 5130-5137) that included several mail classification changes,
modifications to mailpiece characteristics, and changes in
classification terminology. A supplemental proposed rule was published
in the Federal Register on February 6, 2009 (Volume 74, Number 24,
pages 6250-6257) amending and clarifying certain standards. This final
rule contains revisions that will be effective on May 11, 2009. We
additionally describe those standards that were proposed for May 11,
2009 for which we will delay implementation until September 8, 2009.
For May 2010, we proposed: elimination of the Standard Mail[supreg]
Not Flat-Machinable category, restriction on inserts in flats, and a
new flexibility or foldability standard for flats. These items will be
included in a new, separate proposal at a later date.
In the sections below, we identify each revision, and summarize and
respond to comments regarding May 11, 2009 implementation.
Overview of Changes for Letters and Flats for May 2009
We align standards for commercial machinable and automation letters
so all machinable letters have the same physical characteristics
required of automation letters, with the exception of
[[Page 15381]]
a qualifying barcode. We make slight revisions to the list of
nonmachinable characteristics. We received comments in support of this
alignment. Several commenters requested clarification of some of the
elements that would render letters nonmachinable. Questions were raised
about the effect of window envelopes or attachments on the addition of
nonpaper surfaces to the list of nonmachinable characteristics. Several
commenters questioned if this new nonmachinable characteristic would
render laminated paper cards nonmachinable. The intent of this change
is the alignment of machinable and automation letter standards. Current
standards require automation letters to be ``made of paper.'' Mailers
who have been able to establish that their laminated paper cards are
made of paper and not plastic, have been able to mail those items at
automation prices and will continue to be able to do so. Letters with
nonpaper surfaces, other than envelope windows or attachments that are
allowed in a class of mail, are not machinable. Several commenters
asked for clarification of when letters with enclosed keys, coins or
similar objects are nonmachinable. If coins or similar objects are
either loose or make the letter nonuniform in thickness, the piece is
nonmachinable. This revision aligns with current standards in DMM
201.3.10 and with Customer Support Ruling PS-328, available online at Commercial letters that are not machinable are eligible to
be mailed as nonmachinable letters.
We proposed a new minimum 0.009 inch thickness standard for
automation and machinable letters. We received a few comments in favor
of this proposal and a few opposed. We continue to require automation
and machinable letters larger than postcard size to be at least 0.009
inch thick, and we continue the current minimum thickness of 0.007 inch
for letters and cards up to postcard size (4\1/4\ inches high by 6
inches long).
We received several comments about the difficulty in determining
excessive static charge or meeting coefficient of friction standards.
As announced in a DMM Advisory notice on February 3, 2009, we postpone
implementation of new static charge and coefficient of friction
standards for automation and machinable letters, while new methods are
explored to measure the standards. Some mailers indicated that they
have methods to reduce effective static charge. We recommend that
mailers try to measure and reduce the static charge created by their
mailpieces to no more than two kilovolts and meet the paper-to-paper
coefficient of friction recommendations between 0.24 and 0.36. As we
stated in a DMM Advisory notice on January 28, 2009, we also postpone
new standards for window envelopes.
Mailers have the option to prepare First-Class Mail[reg] and
Standard Mail automation letters and Standard Mail machinable letters
to all applicable sort levels, with prices matching the level of
sortation chosen. We received several comments objecting to this change
and one in favor of the change. Claims were made that if a mailer chose
to only prepare mixed AADC trays, that we would effectively be granting
a discount for nonpresorted letters. There are other requirements for
this mail, such as Move Update compliance, CASS \TM\-certification for
barcoded letters, and ZIP[reg] Code accuracy--all of which help us
process and deliver mixed AADC mail more efficiently than single-piece
mail. Some commenters stated that processing plants urged mailers to
bring in ``residual'' mail as early as possible; they were also
concerned that the USPS[supreg] might impose earlier critical entry
times for this mail. The USPS has the operational capacity to enable
timely processing without changing critical entry times.
We will retain the current preparation options for automation
First-Class Mail flats of either bundle-based or tray-based sortation
with applicable prices. We received many comments opposed to the
proposal to eliminate bundle-based sortation, ranging from recent
investments in bundling equipment to potentially less access to lower
prices. We are postponing implementation of this change, and will
reconsider it for later implementation.
Rigid flat-size mailpieces that are not able to meet the
flexibility standards in DMM 301.1.3 may be eligible for automation
prices if they are determined to have flats machine-compatibility
through a Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC)-administered
testing process. Eligibility for such pieces will be valid until May
2010. Mailers coordinate testing requests via district managers of
business mail entry. Those pieces that do not meet the published
flexibility standards for flats, but are authorized to mail at flats
prices by PCSC approval, must be marked ``Automation Flat.''
Postponed Until September 8, 2009--Flats Changes
The following changes for flats will have a September 8, 2009
implementation date to provide additional time for mailers to make the
adjustments to their operations.
Polywrap standards, currently applicable only to automation flats,
will apply to all flat-size mailpieces using polywrap, except for flats
mailed at saturation and high-density Periodicals or Standard Mail
prices. We received a few comments asking for exemption of saturation
and high-density flats, which we have accommodated in our revisions. We
received some comments requesting more time to comply with this change
and some comments in favor of the change. In response to requests for
more time, the delayed implementation will allow mailers who have not
been using approved polywrap to make the transition. Detailed
specifications for polywrap approved for use on flats, as well as a
list of approved products, is available at The use of
automation-compatible polywrap on all flat-size mailpieces improves
mail processing efficiency and applies standardization and consistency
for mailers of polywrapped flats.
The polywrap selvage (overhang) on a polywrapped flat will be
included when a flat is measured for maximum dimensions, because
selvage that extends beyond the maximum height or length interferes
with efficient processing. Several commenters thought this restriction
would render their larger flats ineligible for flats prices. When our
flats-sorting equipment attempts to process pieces that are larger than
the maximum length or height of a mailpiece, the pieces are often
culled out. As an accommodation, we will increase the maximum length of
a polywrapped flat to 15.75 inches (inclusive of selvage) from the
current 15 inches to accommodate some additional selvage for larger
publications. As a reminder, we continue to allow no more than 1\1/2\
inches of selvage in the length and no more than \1/2\ inch in the
height. We will not include selvage when measuring for minimum
dimensions because the selvage is not substantial enough for it to be
considered part of a uniformly thick flat. We received no comments
related to selvage and minimum dimensions.
We extend the deflection standards currently applicable to
automation flats, to all flat-size mailpieces, except those mailed at
saturation and high-density Periodicals or Standard Mail prices. The
deflection standards also change to allow one inch less of vertical
deflection (droop) than is currently allowed. We also eliminate the
current exception for oblong flats (those with a bound edge on the
shorter side) so all flats are tested with the length placed
perpendicular to the edge of a flat surface. A few
[[Page 15382]]
commenters asked that the exception to deflection standards apply to
high-density as well as saturation flats. We agree to make that
accommodation. Several commenters disagreed with the more restrictive
deflection standards on all flats. Some commenters also objected to the
change in the testing procedure for oblong flats, stating that those
flats would not pass the new test administered by placing the bound
edge parallel to the edge of the flat surface. As a reminder, the USPS
reduced the deflection standards in 2007, permitting up to a 4-inch
drop for pieces at least 10 inches long. The new standards will allow a
3-inch drop for pieces at least 10 inches long, compared to a maximum
of 2\3/8\ inch drop before May 2007. Our difficulties in processing
oblong flats, and those that come close to the current maximum
deflection, made it clear that the previous reduction was too
extensive. Some oblong flats may be able to meet the new standards by
adding a tab to the open edges opposite the bound edge or by other
methods. Our delayed implementation offers mailers the opportunity to
make changes to slightly stiffen their ``floppy'' flats to meet the new
standards. The new standards, by allowing more deflection for flats
over 10 inches long than for shorter pieces, provide flexibility to the
mailing community while ensuring efficient processing of the mail.
For consolidation purposes, we remove definitions of irregular
parcels from the mail preparation standards in DMM 465, 475, and 485,
and provide references to the current definition of irregular parcels
in DMM 401, Physical Standards. This does not change the current
definition of irregular parcels.
Overview of Proposed Changes for 2010
All changes originally proposed for 2010 will be reissued in a
subsequent proposed rule. As information, we briefly discuss those
changes below.
We proposed to merge standards for nonautomation and automation
flats in May 2010; requiring all machinable flats, whether or not they
are barcoded, to have the same physical characteristics. The
terminology would change the categories to: machinable; barcoded
machinable; and irregular flats. Irregular flats would encompass two
types of flat-size mailpieces. One is a flat-size piece that is
machinable, but with parcel-like characteristics that affect
deliverability, such as pieces with rigid contents because the pieces
cannot be folded. Another type of irregular flat is foldable with
favorable delivery characteristics, but is not machinable, such as
flimsy pieces that are difficult to process on automation equipment.
Current flexibility standards in DMM 301.1.3 describe minimum
flexibility as demonstrated by ``tabletop'' flexibility tests.
Effective May 2009, rigid flat-size mailpieces not able to meet the
flexibility standards in 301.1.3 may be eligible for automation prices
if they demonstrate flat machine-compatibility through a PCSC-
administered testing process. Delivery of rigid pieces is often more
costly than delivery of foldable flats. Rigid pieces that do not fit in
smaller mail receptacles often result in Postal employees having to
leave non-delivery notices. This is similar to delivery constraints for
For May 2010, we proposed a single flexibility standard that would
require all machinable flat-size mailpieces with rigid contents to be
foldable, parallel to the length, to a height no greater than 5 inches.
Flat-size pieces failing to meet this level of flexibility may be
categorized as irregular flats. Quite a few commenters objected to the
5-inch restriction, suggesting that allowing a 6-inch height would
accommodate the contents that they mail in substantial quantities,
while others requested that we allow pieces to be folded in either
We will provide revised DMM language for new flexibility standards
and any new categorization of flats for 2010 in a subsequent Federal
Register proposal.
We are postponing our proposal to restrict inserts in flats. We
received many comments requesting reconsideration due to the prevalence
of inserts that advertisers rely on as part of their mailing strategy.
We recognize that mailers rely on loose inserts for advertising
purposes and understand that we share common ground in taking steps to
be sure that inserts reach the addressees and do not fall out of
mailpieces. Therefore, we will work with mailers to identify
publications and catalogs with loose inserts that fall out of the
mailpiece and inhibit our processing and delivery functions. In most
cases, a simple ``shake'' test may provide a useful demonstration of
whether inserts are likely to fall out. Pinching a flat with inserts by
the upper corner of the bound edge and shaking it will tend to dislodge
those inserts not blown well into the body of the flat. Inserts that
are inserted or blown well into the body of a flat tend to stay in
Not Flat-Machinable (NFMs)
In 2007, we created an NFM category for Standard Mail items that
could not meet revised automation flats standards. We proposed to
discontinue the NFM category in May 2010. Since 2007, many mailers have
converted pieces that might have been subject to NFM or parcel prices,
into pieces eligible for flats prices. We will include any change in
the NFM categorization in a subsequent proposal along with other
proposals to be effective in May 2010.
The Postal Service adopts the following changes to Mailing
Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM), incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations.
See 39 CFR Part 111.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and procedure, Postal Service.
Accordingly, 39 CFR Part 111 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR Part 111 continues to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 414,
416, 3001-3011, 3201-3219, 3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633,
and 5001.
2. Revise the following sections of Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), as follows:
100 Retail Mail Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
101 Physical Standards
101.1 Physical Standards for Letters
* * * * *
1.2 Nonmachinable Criteria
A letter-size piece is nonmachinable (see 6.4) if it has one or
more of the following characteristics (see 601.1.4 to determine the
length, height, top, and bottom of a mailpiece):
* * * * *
[Revise item b to add that any nonpaper exterior surface is
nonmachinable as follows:]
b. Is polybagged, polywrapped, enclosed in any plastic material, or
has an exterior surface made of a material that is not paper. Windows
in envelopes made of paper do not make mailpieces nonmachinable.
Attachments allowable under applicable eligibility standards do not
make mailpieces nonmachinable.
* * * * *
[Revise item d to clarify that letters are nonmachinable when
certain items
[[Page 15383]]
are loose or when they cause the thickness to be uneven, as follows:]
d. Contains items such as pens, pencils, keys, or coins that cause
the thickness of the mailpiece to be uneven; or loose keys or coins or
similar objects not affixed to the contents within the mailpiece. Loose
items may cause a letter to be nonmailable when mailed in paper
envelopes; see 601.2.3, Odd-Shaped Items in Paper Envelopes.
* * * * *
[Revise item h by referring to sealing standards in for
all self-mailers as follows:]
h. Is a self-mailer that is not prepared according to
[Revise item i by referring to sealing standards in for
all booklets as follows:]
i. Is a booklet that is not prepared according to
* * * * *
200 Commercial Mail Letters and Cards
201 Physical Standards
1.0 Physical Standards for Machinable Letters and Cards
1.1 Physical Standards for Machinable Letters
1.1.1 Dimensional Standards for Letters
[Revise introductory sentence as follows:]
Machinable letter-size mail is:
* * * * *
[Add new item d as follows:]
d. Within an aspect ratio (length divided by height) of 1.3 to 2.5,
inclusive. See 601.1.4.
* * * * *
1.1.3 All Machinable Letters
[Revise the first sentence of 1.1.3 as follows:]
All pieces of First-Class Mail and Standard Mail machinable letters
must meet the standards for automation-compatible letters in 201.3.0. *
* *
* * * * *
2.0 Physical Standards for Nonmachinable Letters
2.1 Criteria for Nonmachinable Letters
[Revise 2.1 by noting that letters with exterior surfaces not made
of paper or that do not meet automation-compatibility standards are
nonmachinable; that all letters over 3.3 ounces must have a barcode and
claim an automation letter price to avoid a surcharge; and by removing
the individual listed items as follows:]
A letter-size piece is nonmachinable if it has an exterior surface
that is not made of paper or if it does not meet the standards in
201.3.0. Windows in envelopes made of paper do not make mailpieces
nonmachinable. Attachments do not render mailpieces nonmachinable if
allowed by eligibility standards according to the class of mail and if
not prohibited in 201.3.0. In addition, a letter-size piece is
nonmachinable if it weighs more than 3.3 ounces (up to 3.5 ounces)
unless it has a barcode and is eligible for and claims automation
letter prices or Standard Mail Carrier Route letter prices.
* * * * *
[Revise title of 3.0 as follows:]
3.0 Physical Standards for Machinable and Automation Letters and Cards
* * * * *
[Revise title of 3.2 as follows:]
3.2 Dimensions and Shape Standards for Machinable and Automation
* * * * *
230 First-Class Mail
* * * * *
235 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
[Revise heading of 6.0 as follows:]
6.0 Preparing Automation Letters
* * * * *
6.6 Tray Preparation
* * * Preparation sequence, tray size, and Line 1 labeling:
* * * * *
[Revise items b through d to allow optional preparation and modify
grouping requirement as follows:]
b. 3-digit/scheme: optional, but required for 3-digit price (150-
piece minimum except no minimum for origin or entry 3-digit/scheme);
overflow allowed; for Line 1, use L002, Column B.
c. AADC: optional, but required for AADC price (150-piece minimum);
overflow allowed; group pieces by 3-digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code
when overflow pieces from 3-digit trays are placed in AADC trays. For
Line 1, use L801, Column B.
d. Mixed AADC: required (no minimum); group pieces by AADC when
overflow pieces from AADC trays are placed in mixed AADC trays. For
Line 1 use L201; for mail originating in ZIP Code areas in Column A,
use ``MXD'' followed by city, state, and 3-digit ZIP Code prefix in
Column C (use ``MXD'' instead of ``OMX'' in the destination line and
ignore Column B).
* * * * *
240 Standard Mail
* * * * *
245 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
5.0 Preparing Nonautomation Letters
* * * * *
5.3 Machinable Preparation
* * * * *
[Revise introductory paragraph of 5.3.2 as follows:]
5.3.2 Traying and Labeling
Instead of preparing overflow AADC trays with fewer than 150
pieces, mailers may include these pieces in mixed AADC trays when a
tray of 150 or more pieces can be made. Mailers must note these trays
on standardized documentation (see 708.1.2). Pieces that are placed in
the next tray level must be grouped by destination and placed in the
front or back of that tray. Preparation sequence, tray size, and
* * * * *
[Revise first sentence of 5.3.2 b to allow optional preparation as
b. AADC (optional, but required for AADC price); 150-piece minimum
(overflow allowed); group pieces by AADC when overflow pieces from AADC
trays are placed in mixed AADC trays; labeling: * * *
* * * * *
[Revise heading of 7.0 as follows:]
7.0 Preparing Automation Letters
* * * * *
7.5 Tray Preparation
* * * Preparation sequence, tray size, and Line 1 labeling:
* * * * *
[Revise items b through d to allow optional preparation and modify
grouping requirement as follows:]
b. 3-digit/scheme; optional, but required for 3-digit price (150-
piece minimum, except no minimum for optional origin/entry 3-digit/
scheme(s)); overflow allowed; for Line 1, use L002, Column B.
c. AADC: optional, but required for AADC price (150-piece minimum);
overflow allowed; group pieces by 3-digit (or 3-digit scheme) ZIP Code
prefix when overflow pieces from 3-digit/scheme trays are placed in
AADC trays. For Line 1, use L801, Column B.
d. Mixed AADC: required (no minimum); group pieces by AADC when
overflow pieces from AADC trays are placed in mixed AADC trays. For
Line 1 labeling: use L011, Column B. Use L010, Column B if entered at
[[Page 15384]]
ASF or BMC or for mail placed on an ASF, BMC, or SCF pallet under the
option in 705.8.10.3.
* * * * *
300 Commercial Mail Flats
301 Physical Standards
* * * * *
3.0 Physical Standards for Automation Flats
* * * * *
[Renumber 3.3 through 3.7 as new 3.4 through 3.8, and add new 3.3
as follows:]
3.3 Flats--Machine Compatibility
Flat-size mailpieces meeting the standards in 1.0 and 3.0, but
unable to meet the minimum flexibility standards described in 1.3, are
not eligible for automation prices unless the mailpieces demonstrate
flats-machine compatibility. Rigid flat-size mailpieces in paper,
polywrap or similar packaging that allows for the pieces to be grasped
and inducted into USPS flat-sorting equipment may qualify for
automation prices when meeting the following standards:
a. Mailpieces must be enclosed in envelopes or similar packaging
capable of withstanding normal processing on USPS flat-sorting
b. Mailpieces must be approved for automation flats pricing by the
USPS. Mailers seeking approval for mailpieces under this standard must
contact their local manager, business mail entry for instructions on
submitting sample mailpieces to the Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) (see 608.8.0 for address) for analysis and possible
testing. Mailpieces having a previous approval from the PCSC for
automation flats prices, granted after May 2007, are not required to be
resubmitted for a new approval. These and all other approvals granted
under 3.3 expire in May 2010.
c. Mailpieces approved for automation flats pricing under this
standard must print the endorsement ``Automation Flat'' directly under
or to the left of the postage imprint.
* * * * *
302 Elements on the Face of a Mailpiece
* * * * *
4.0 Barcode Placement
* * * * *
4.6 Barcode in Address Block
When the barcode is included as part of the address block:
* * * * *
[Revise 4.6d by adding a new last sentence as follows:]
d. * * * Window envelopes also must meet the specifications in
* * * * *
400 Commercial Parcels
* * * * *
460 Bound Printed Matter
* * * * *
465 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
5.0 Preparing Presorted Parcels
5.1 Basic Standards
5.1.1 General Preparation Requirements
All mailings of Presorted Bound Printed Matter (BPM) are subject to
these general standards:
* * * * *
[Revise item b as follows:]
b. All pieces in a mailing must be within the same processing
category. See 401.1.0 for definitions of machinable and irregular
* * * * *
470 Media Mail
* * * * *
475 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
5.0 Preparing Media Mail Parcels
[Revise introductory paragraph of 5.1 as follows:]
5.1 Basic Standards
All mailings of Presorted Media Mail are subject these general
* * * * *
[Revise item b as follows:]
b. All parcels in a mailing must be within the same processing
category. See 401.1.0 for definitions of machinable and irregular
* * * * *
480 Library Mail
* * * * *
485 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
5.0 Preparing Library Mail Parcels
[Revise introductory paragraph of 5.1 as follows:]
5.1 Basic Standards
All mailings of Presorted Library Mail are subject to these general
* * * * *
[Revise item b as follows:]
b. All pieces in a mailing must be within the same processing
category. See 401.1.0 for definitions of machinable and irregular
* * * * *
Stanley F. Mires,
Chief Counsel, Legislative.
[FR Doc. E9-7570 Filed 4-3-09; 8:45 am]