Medicare Program; Application of the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) for Deeming Authority for Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) Sponsors, 8967-8969 [E9-4320]
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 38 / Friday, February 27, 2009 / Notices
specific policies and procedures in
place that require accredited programs
to have a systematic process for
implementing a continuous quality
improvement process and plan, that is,
programs are required to develop
projects of their own design, and to
specify the outcome measures they are
currently tracking, providing a rationale
for selecting the outcome measures.
Furthermore, AADE also requires an
accredited program to undertake quality
improvement activities annually.
Comment: One commenter stated that
AADE’s proposed re-accreditation
methodology that would perform
random checks on providers’
professional licenses, certificates and
continuing education, would be
inadequate, since the staffing turnover
in DSMT programs is high. Random
credential validation could pose a
potential quality assurance problem.
Response: We agree with the
commenter that an accrediting
organization should comprehensively
validate professional licenses,
certificates and continuing education in
the re-accreditation phases to ensure
DSMT programs provide quality care by
qualified staff. AADE’s reaccreditation
methodology now requires programs to
notify the AADE of any change in staff
status, and to maintain documentation
of current verification of professional
licenses, certificates and continuing
education for inspection during the reaccreditation process.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that AADE adopt
NSDSMEP standard #10, requiring the
DSMT entity to measure the
effectiveness of the education process
and determine opportunities for
improvement using a written
continuous quality improvement plan
that describes and documents a
systematic review of the entity’s process
and outcome data.
Response: As stated earlier, AADE is
adopting the NSDSMEP in its entirety,
including standard #10.
Comment: A commenter expressed
concerns that AADE standards would
require its accredited programs to use
the AADE7TM self-care behaviors and
continuum of outcomes framework.
This could create a potential conflict of
interest if AADE-approved entities were
required to purchase the AADE7TM
framework as a condition of
Response: We do not believe there is
a conflict of interest if a prospective
program makes the business decision to
be accredited by the AADE and
purchase the AADE7TM to enhance its
data collection and quality
improvement practices. Also, AADE
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allows its accredited programs the
option to use other data collection tools.
DSMT programs also have the option of
seeking accreditation by either of the
other NAOs for DSMT: the American
Diabetes Association or the Indian
Health Service (accrediting American
Indian and Alaska Native programs).
Comment: One commenter suggested
that in addition to granting deeming
authority to NAOs, CMS should expand
outreach efforts to increase access to
DSMT programs by educating
beneficiaries, physicians, and qualified
non-physician practitioners (for
example, nurse practitioners, physician
assistants) to enhance their
understanding of the DSMT referral
Response: This is beyond the scope of
this final notice. However, educating
more professionals about how to care for
persons with diabetes, and educating
more persons with diabetes about selfcare is an area that we consider to be
beneficial. Currently, there are a number
of studies being conducted by our
Quality Improvement Organizations. We
expect to build on the lessons from
these studies to further reduce
disparities between health care received
by minority populations and to be able
to measure improvements as evidenced
by these studies. It is anticipated that
the studies will provide an opportunity
to learn the most appropriate treatment
modalities for a variety of serious health
concerns, including diabetes, that are
prevalent in our society.
IV. Provisions of the Final Notice
AADE’s application to become a NAO
for purposes of DSMT as authorized
under Section 1861 (qq) of the Act is
approved for a period of three (3) years
and becomes effective 30 days after
publication of this final notice. This
approval is subject to renewal
subsequent to the receipt of an
application from the AADE and subject
to review, evaluation and approval of its
V. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection and
recordkeeping requirements.
Consequently, it need not be reviewed
by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35).
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.773 Medicare—Hospital
Insurance Program; and No. 93.774,
Medicare—Supplementary Medical
Insurance Program)
PO 00000
Frm 00072
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Dated: February 6, 2009.
Charlene Frizzera,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. E9–3287 Filed 2–26–09; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare Program; Application of the
Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission (URAC) for Deeming
Authority for Medicare Prescription
Drug Plan (PDP) Sponsors
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Proposed notice.
SUMMARY: This proposed notice
announces the application of the
Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission (URAC) for deeming
authority as a national accreditation
organization for prescription drug plan
sponsors participating in the Voluntary
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
Program. This announcement describes
the criteria to be used in evaluating the
application and provides information
for submitting comments during a 30
day public comment period.
DATES: To be assured consideration,
comments must be received at one of
the addresses provided below, no later
than 5 p.m. on March 30, 2009.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer
to file code CMS–4142–PN. Because of
staff and resource limitations, we cannot
accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
You may submit comments in one of
four ways (please choose only one of the
ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may submit
electronic comments on specific issues
in this regulation to https:// Follow the
instructions for ‘‘Comment of
Submission’’ and enter the file code to
find the document accepting comments.
2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments (one original and two
copies) to the following address ONLY:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, Attention: CMS–4142–
PN, P.O. Box 8016, Baltimore, MD
Please allow sufficient time for mailed
comments to be received before the
close of the comment period.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 38 / Friday, February 27, 2009 / Notices
3. By express or overnight mail. You
may send written comments (one
original and two copies) to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS–4142–PN, Mail Stop C4–26–05,
7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer,
you may deliver (by hand or courier)
your written comments (one original
and two copies) before the close of the
comment period to one of the following
a. Room 445–G, Hubert H. Humphrey
Building, 200 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20201
(Because access to the interior of the
HHH Building is not readily available to
persons without Federal Government
identification, commenters are
encouraged to leave their comments in
the CMS drop slots located in the main
lobby of the building. A stamp-in clock
is available for persons wishing to retain
a proof of filing by stamping in and
retaining an extra copy of the comments
being filed.)
b. 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244–1850.
If you intend to deliver your
comments to the Baltimore address,
please call telephone number (410) 786–
7195 in advance to schedule your
arrival with one of our staff members.
Comments mailed to the addresses
indicated as appropriate for hand or
courier delivery may be delayed and
received after the comment period.
Bradshaw, (410) 786–2896.
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the close of
the comment period are available for
viewing by the public, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment. We post all comments
received before the close of the
comment period on the following Web
site as soon as possible after they have
been received: https:// Follow the search
instructions on that Web site to view
public comments.
Comments received timely will also
be available for public inspection as
they are received, generally beginning
approximately 3 weeks after publication
of a document, at the headquarters of
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244, Monday
through Friday of each week from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule an
appointment to view public comments,
phone 1–800–743–3951.
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16:39 Feb 26, 2009
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I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible
beneficiaries may receive prescription
drug benefits through a Prescription
drug plan (PDP) sponsor that has a
prescription drug plan contract with the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS). The regulations
specifying the Medicare requirements
that must be met in order for a PDP
sponsor to enter into a prescription drug
plan contract with CMS are located at
42 CFR part 423. These requirements
implement Part D of Title XVIII of the
Social Security Act (the Act), which
specifies the prescription drug benefits
that a PDP sponsor must provide and
the requirements that the organization
must meet to be a PDP sponsor. Other
relevant sections of the Act are parts A
and B of Title XVIII and part A of Title
XI of the Act, pertaining to the provision
of services by Medicare certified
providers and suppliers.
Generally, for an organization to enter
into a PDP contract, the organization
must be licensed by the State as a risk
bearing organization as set forth at 42
CFR 423.504(b)(2) of our regulations.
Additionally, the organization must file
an application demonstrating that it
meets other Medicare requirements in
part 423 of our regulations. Following
approval of the contract, we engage in
routine monitoring and oversight audits
of the PDP sponsors to ensure
continuing compliance. The monitoring
and oversight audit process is
comprehensive and uses a written
protocol that itemizes the Medicare
requirements that the PDP sponsors
must meet.
As an alternative for meeting some
Medicare requirements, a PDP sponsor
may be exempt from CMS monitoring of
certain requirements in subsets listed in
section 1860D–4(j) of the Act (crossreferencing section 1852(e)(4)(B) of the
Act) as a result of a PDP sponsor’s
accreditation by a CMS-approved
accrediting organization (AO). In
essence, the Secretary ‘‘deems’’ that the
PDP has met the Medicare requirements
via its accreditation, based on a
previous determination that the AO’s
standards are at least as stringent as
Medicare requirements. As we specify at
§ 423.168(b)(2)(ii) of our regulations, the
term for which an AO may be approved
by CMS may not exceed 6 years. For
continuing approval, the AO will have
to re-apply to CMS. An organization that
applies for PDP sponsor deeming
authority is generally recognized by the
industry as an entity that accredits PDP
sponsors that are licensed as
prescription drug plan sponsors. Section
1852(e)(4)(C) of the Act requires that
PO 00000
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within 210 days of receipt of an
application, the Secretary shall
determine whether the applicant meets
criteria specified in section 1865(b)(2)
(redesignated in 2008 as section
1865(a)(2)) of the Act.
On October 14, 2008 URAC submitted
to CMS an application for deeming
authority with respect to Part D
sponsors’ compliance with the
following PDP plan requirements, as set
out at 42 CFR 423.165(b):
■ Access to covered drugs;
■ Confidentiality and accuracy of
enrollee prescription drug records;
■ Drug utilization management,
quality assurance measure and systems,
medication therapy management; and,
■ The sponsors’ programs to control
fraud, waste and abuse. To be approved
for deeming authority, an accrediting
organization must demonstrate that its
accreditation program requirements
meet or exceed the Medicare
requirements for which it is seeking the
authority to deem compliance.
II. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
The purpose of this proposed notice
is to notify the public of the application
of the Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission for deeming authority as a
national accreditation organization for
prescription drug plan sponsors
participating in the Voluntary Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Program. This
announcement describes the criteria to
be used in evaluating the application
and provides information for submitting
comments during a 30-day public
comment period.
Deeming Application Approval Process
The application process for deeming
authority includes a review of URAC’s
application in accordance with the
criteria specified by our regulations at
§ 422.171(a). This includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
• The equivalency of URAC’s
requirements for PDP sponsors to CMS’s
comparable PDP sponsor requirements.
• URAC’s survey process, to
determine the following:
+ The frequency of surveys.
+ The types of forms, guidelines, and
instructions used by surveyors.
+ Descriptions of the accreditation
decision making process, deficiency
notification and monitoring process,
and compliance enforcement process.
• Detailed information about
individuals who perform accreditation
surveys including—
+ Size and composition of the survey
+ Education and experience
requirements for the surveyors;
+ In-service training required for
surveyor personnel;
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 38 / Friday, February 27, 2009 / Notices
+ Surveyor performance evaluation
systems; and
+ Conflict of interest policies relating
to individuals in the survey and
accreditation decision process.
• Descriptions of the organization’s—
+ Data management and analysis
+ Policies and procedures for
investigating and responding to
complaints against accredited
organizations; and+ Types and
categories of accreditation offered and
PDP sponsors and MA organizations
currently accredited within those types
and categories.
In accordance with § 423.171(b) of our
regulations, the applicant must provide
documentation relating to the following:
• Its ability to provide data in a CMS
compatible format.
• The adequacy of personnel and
other resources necessary to perform the
required surveys and other activities.
• Assurances that it will comply with
ongoing responsibility requirements
specified in § 423.168(c) of our
Additionally, the accrediting
organization must provide CMS with
the opportunity to observe its
accreditation process on site at a
managed care organization and must
provide any other information that CMS
requires to prepare for an onsite visit.
These site visits will help to verify that
the information presented in the
application is correct and to make a
determination on the application.
In accordance with section
1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act and our
regulations at § 423.168(b)(1), this
proposed notice solicits public
comment on the ability of URAC’s
accreditation program to meet or exceed
the Medicare requirements for PDP
sponsors which it seeks authority to
deem as being in compliance with such
requirements. In accordance with
§ 423.168(b)(1)(iii), comments are due
[at least 30] days after the date of
publication of this proposed notice.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
III. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection and
recordkeeping requirements.
Consequently, it need not be reviewed
by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35).
IV. Response to Comments
Because of the large number of public
comments we normally receive on
Federal Register documents, we are not
able to acknowledge or respond to them
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individually. We will consider all
comments we receive by the date and
time specified in the DATES section of
this preamble, and, when we proceed
with a subsequent document, we will
respond to the comments in the
preamble to that document.
V. Regulatory Impact Statement
In accordance with the provisions of
Executive Order 12866, this regulation
was not reviewed by the Office of
Management and Budget.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.773, Medicare—Hospital
Insurance Program; and No. 93.774,
Medicare—Supplementary Medical
Insurance Program)
Dated: February 13, 2009.
Charlene Frizzera,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. E9–4320 Filed 2–26–09; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare Program; Public Meetings in
Calendar Year 2009 for All New Public
Requests for Revisions to the
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding
System (HCPCS) Coding and Payment
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces the
dates, time, and location of the
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding
System (HCPCS) public meetings to be
held in calendar year 2009 to discuss
our preliminary coding and payment
determinations for all new public
requests for revisions to the HCPCS.
These meetings provide a forum for
interested parties to make oral
presentations or to submit written
comments in response to preliminary
coding and payment determinations.
Discussion will be directed toward
responses to our specific preliminary
recommendations and will include all
items on the public meeting agenda.
DATES: Meeting Dates: The following are
the 2009 HCPCS public meeting dates:
1. Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., eastern daylight time (e.d.t.)
Imaging Agents).
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
2. Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., e.d.t. (Drugs/Biologicals/
Imaging Agents).
3. Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., e.d.t. (Supplies and Other).
4. Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., e.d.t. (Supplies and Other).
5. Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., e.d.t. (Orthotics and
6. Thursday, May 28, 2009, 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., e.d.t. (Durable Medical
Equipment (DME) and Accessories).
7. Thursday, July 9, 2009, 9 a.m. to 5
p.m., e.d.t. (Durable Medical Equipment
(DME) and Accessories, including
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
(NPWT) devices.
Deadlines for Primary Speaker
Registration and Presentation Materials:
The deadline for registering to be a
primary speaker, and submitting
materials and writings that will be used
in support of an oral presentation are as
• April 14, 2009 for the April 28 and
29, 2009 public meetings.
• April 28, 2009 for the May 12 and
13, 2009 public meetings.
• May 13, 2009 for the May 27 and
28, 2009 public meetings.
• June 25, 2009 for the July 9, 2009
public meeting.
Deadlines for All Other Attendees
Registration: All individuals must
register for each date that they plan on
attending. The registration deadlines are
different for each meeting. Registration
deadlines are as follows:
• April 21, 2009 for the April 28 and
29, 2009 public meeting dates.
• May 5, 2009 for the May 12 and 13,
2009 public meeting dates.
• May 20, 2009 for the May 27 and
28, 2009 public meetings.
• July 2, 2009 for the July 9, 2009
public meeting.
Deadlines for Requesting Special
• April 14, 2009 for the April 28 and
29, 2009 public meeting dates.
• April 28, 2009 for the May 12 and
13, 2009 public meeting dates.
• May 13, 2009 for the May 27 and
28, 2009 public meetings.
• June 25, 2009 for the July 9, 2009
public meeting.
Deadline for Submission of Written
Comments: Written comments must be
received by the date of meeting at which
a request is scheduled for discussion.
ADDRESSES: Meeting Location: The
public meetings will be held in the main
auditorium of the central building of the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244–1850.
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 38 (Friday, February 27, 2009)]
[Pages 8967-8969]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-4320]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare Program; Application of the Utilization Review
Accreditation Commission (URAC) for Deeming Authority for Medicare
Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) Sponsors
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Proposed notice.
SUMMARY: This proposed notice announces the application of the
Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) for deeming
authority as a national accreditation organization for prescription
drug plan sponsors participating in the Voluntary Medicare Prescription
Drug Benefit Program. This announcement describes the criteria to be
used in evaluating the application and provides information for
submitting comments during a 30 day public comment period.
DATES: To be assured consideration, comments must be received at one of
the addresses provided below, no later than 5 p.m. on March 30, 2009.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer to file code CMS-4142-PN.
Because of staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments by
facsimile (FAX) transmission.
You may submit comments in one of four ways (please choose only one
of the ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may submit electronic comments on specific
issues in this regulation to Follow the
instructions for ``Comment of Submission'' and enter the file code to
find the document accepting comments.
2. By regular mail. You may mail written comments (one original and
two copies) to the following address ONLY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS-4142-PN, P.O. Box 8016, Baltimore, MD 21244-8016.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed comments to be received
before the close of the comment period.
[[Page 8968]]
3. By express or overnight mail. You may send written comments (one
original and two copies) to the following address ONLY: Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services,
Attention: CMS-4142-PN, Mail Stop C4-26-05, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer, you may deliver (by hand or
courier) your written comments (one original and two copies) before the
close of the comment period to one of the following addresses:
a. Room 445-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201
(Because access to the interior of the HHH Building is not readily
available to persons without Federal Government identification,
commenters are encouraged to leave their comments in the CMS drop slots
located in the main lobby of the building. A stamp-in clock is
available for persons wishing to retain a proof of filing by stamping
in and retaining an extra copy of the comments being filed.)
b. 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
If you intend to deliver your comments to the Baltimore address,
please call telephone number (410) 786-7195 in advance to schedule your
arrival with one of our staff members.
Comments mailed to the addresses indicated as appropriate for hand
or courier delivery may be delayed and received after the comment
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sue Bradshaw, (410) 786-2896.
Inspection of Public Comments: All comments received before the
close of the comment period are available for viewing by the public,
including any personally identifiable or confidential business
information that is included in a comment. We post all comments
received before the close of the comment period on the following Web
site as soon as possible after they have been received: https:// Follow the search instructions on that Web site to
view public comments.
Comments received timely will also be available for public
inspection as they are received, generally beginning approximately 3
weeks after publication of a document, at the headquarters of the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244, Monday through Friday of each week from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule an appointment to view public comments,
phone 1-800-743-3951.
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible beneficiaries may receive
prescription drug benefits through a Prescription drug plan (PDP)
sponsor that has a prescription drug plan contract with the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The regulations specifying the
Medicare requirements that must be met in order for a PDP sponsor to
enter into a prescription drug plan contract with CMS are located at 42
CFR part 423. These requirements implement Part D of Title XVIII of the
Social Security Act (the Act), which specifies the prescription drug
benefits that a PDP sponsor must provide and the requirements that the
organization must meet to be a PDP sponsor. Other relevant sections of
the Act are parts A and B of Title XVIII and part A of Title XI of the
Act, pertaining to the provision of services by Medicare certified
providers and suppliers.
Generally, for an organization to enter into a PDP contract, the
organization must be licensed by the State as a risk bearing
organization as set forth at 42 CFR 423.504(b)(2) of our regulations.
Additionally, the organization must file an application demonstrating
that it meets other Medicare requirements in part 423 of our
regulations. Following approval of the contract, we engage in routine
monitoring and oversight audits of the PDP sponsors to ensure
continuing compliance. The monitoring and oversight audit process is
comprehensive and uses a written protocol that itemizes the Medicare
requirements that the PDP sponsors must meet.
As an alternative for meeting some Medicare requirements, a PDP
sponsor may be exempt from CMS monitoring of certain requirements in
subsets listed in section 1860D-4(j) of the Act (cross-referencing
section 1852(e)(4)(B) of the Act) as a result of a PDP sponsor's
accreditation by a CMS-approved accrediting organization (AO). In
essence, the Secretary ``deems'' that the PDP has met the Medicare
requirements via its accreditation, based on a previous determination
that the AO's standards are at least as stringent as Medicare
requirements. As we specify at Sec. 423.168(b)(2)(ii) of our
regulations, the term for which an AO may be approved by CMS may not
exceed 6 years. For continuing approval, the AO will have to re-apply
to CMS. An organization that applies for PDP sponsor deeming authority
is generally recognized by the industry as an entity that accredits PDP
sponsors that are licensed as prescription drug plan sponsors. Section
1852(e)(4)(C) of the Act requires that within 210 days of receipt of an
application, the Secretary shall determine whether the applicant meets
criteria specified in section 1865(b)(2) (redesignated in 2008 as
section 1865(a)(2)) of the Act.
On October 14, 2008 URAC submitted to CMS an application for
deeming authority with respect to Part D sponsors' compliance with the
following PDP plan requirements, as set out at 42 CFR 423.165(b):
[ssbox] Access to covered drugs;
[ssbox] Confidentiality and accuracy of enrollee prescription drug
[ssbox] Drug utilization management, quality assurance measure and
systems, medication therapy management; and,
[ssbox] The sponsors' programs to control fraud, waste and abuse.
To be approved for deeming authority, an accrediting organization must
demonstrate that its accreditation program requirements meet or exceed
the Medicare requirements for which it is seeking the authority to deem
II. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
The purpose of this proposed notice is to notify the public of the
application of the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission for
deeming authority as a national accreditation organization for
prescription drug plan sponsors participating in the Voluntary Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Program. This announcement describes the
criteria to be used in evaluating the application and provides
information for submitting comments during a 30-day public comment
Deeming Application Approval Process
The application process for deeming authority includes a review of
URAC's application in accordance with the criteria specified by our
regulations at Sec. 422.171(a). This includes, but is not limited to,
the following:
The equivalency of URAC's requirements for PDP sponsors to
CMS's comparable PDP sponsor requirements.
URAC's survey process, to determine the following:
+ The frequency of surveys.
+ The types of forms, guidelines, and instructions used by
+ Descriptions of the accreditation decision making process,
deficiency notification and monitoring process, and compliance
enforcement process.
Detailed information about individuals who perform
accreditation surveys including--
+ Size and composition of the survey team;
+ Education and experience requirements for the surveyors;
+ In-service training required for surveyor personnel;
[[Page 8969]]
+ Surveyor performance evaluation systems; and
+ Conflict of interest policies relating to individuals in the
survey and accreditation decision process.
Descriptions of the organization's--
+ Data management and analysis system;
+ Policies and procedures for investigating and responding to
complaints against accredited organizations; and+ Types and categories
of accreditation offered and PDP sponsors and MA organizations
currently accredited within those types and categories.
In accordance with Sec. 423.171(b) of our regulations, the
applicant must provide documentation relating to the following:
Its ability to provide data in a CMS compatible format.
The adequacy of personnel and other resources necessary to
perform the required surveys and other activities.
Assurances that it will comply with ongoing responsibility
requirements specified in Sec. 423.168(c) of our regulations.
Additionally, the accrediting organization must provide CMS with
the opportunity to observe its accreditation process on site at a
managed care organization and must provide any other information that
CMS requires to prepare for an onsite visit. These site visits will
help to verify that the information presented in the application is
correct and to make a determination on the application.
In accordance with section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act and our
regulations at Sec. 423.168(b)(1), this proposed notice solicits
public comment on the ability of URAC's accreditation program to meet
or exceed the Medicare requirements for PDP sponsors which it seeks
authority to deem as being in compliance with such requirements. In
accordance with Sec. 423.168(b)(1)(iii), comments are due [at least
30] days after the date of publication of this proposed notice.
III. Collection of Information Requirements
This document does not impose information collection and
recordkeeping requirements. Consequently, it need not be reviewed by
the Office of Management and Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35).
IV. Response to Comments
Because of the large number of public comments we normally receive
on Federal Register documents, we are not able to acknowledge or
respond to them individually. We will consider all comments we receive
by the date and time specified in the DATES section of this preamble,
and, when we proceed with a subsequent document, we will respond to the
comments in the preamble to that document.
V. Regulatory Impact Statement
In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this
regulation was not reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.773,
Medicare--Hospital Insurance Program; and No. 93.774, Medicare--
Supplementary Medical Insurance Program)
Dated: February 13, 2009.
Charlene Frizzera,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. E9-4320 Filed 2-26-09; 8:45 am]