Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability, 8939-8940 [E9-4227]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 38 / Friday, February 27, 2009 / Notices
What Is the Next Step in the Process for
this ICR?
EPA will consider the comments
received and amend the ICR as
appropriate. The final ICR package will
then be submitted to OMB for review
and approval pursuant to 5 CFR
1320.12. At that time, EPA will issue
another Federal Register notice
pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(a)(1)(iv) to
announce the submission of the ICR to
OMB and the opportunity to submit
additional comments to OMB. If you
have any questions about this ICR or the
approval process, please contact the
technical person listed under FOR
Dated: February 23, 2009.
Deborah Y. Dietrich,
Director, Office of Emergency Management.
[FR Doc. E9–4230 Filed 2–26–09; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impact Statements and
Regulations; Availability of EPA
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Availability of EPA comments
prepared pursuant to the Environmental
Review Process (ERP), under section
309 of the Clean Air Act and Section
102(2) (c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act as amended. Requests for
copies of EPA comments can be directed
to the Office of Federal Activities at
An explanation of the ratings assigned
to draft environmental impact
statements (EISs) was published in FR
dated April 6, 2008 (73 FR 19833).
Draft EISs
EIS No. 20080375, ERP No. D–NOA–
B91005–00, Amendment 3 to the
Northeast Skate Complex Fishery
Management Plan, Implementation of
New Management Measures to
Rebuild Overfished Skate Stocks, End
Overfishing of Skate Fisheries, Gulf of
Maine (GOM), Georges Bank (GB),
South New England and Mid-Atlantic
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed project. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20080414, ERP No. D–COE–
Oyster Restoration in Chesapeake Bay
Including the Use of a Native and/or
Nonnative Oyster, Implementation,
Chesapeake Bay, MD and VA.
Summary: EPA believes that the
introduction of non-native oyster
species to the Chesapeake Bay, could be
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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environmentally unsatisfactory to
public health and the Bay ecosystem.
Rating EU2.
EIS No. 20080508, ERP No. D–COE–
F35047–OH, Lorain Harbor. Ohio
Federal Navigation Project, Dredged
Material Management Plan,
Implementation, Lorain Harbor,
Lorain County, Ohio.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed action. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20080519, ERP No. D–NPS–
D61062–PA, White-tailed Deer
Management Plan, Develop a Deer
Management Strategy that Support
Protection, Preservation and
Restoration of Native Vegetation,
Implementation, Valley Forge
National Historical Park, King of
Prussia, PA.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed action. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20080520, ERP No. D–CGD–
A11082–00, USCG Pacific Operations:
Districts 11 Area, California and
Districts 13 Area, Oregon and
Washington, Improve the Protection
and Conservation of Marine Protected
Species and Marine Protected Areas,
CA, OR and WA.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed project. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20080527, ERP No. D–AFS–
K65350–CA, Modoc National Forest
Motorized Travel Management Plan,
Implementation, National Forest
Transportation System (NFTS),
Modoc, Lassen and Siskiyou
Counties, CA.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental concerns about impacts
from continued use of roads and trails
within or adjacent to fens, wet
meadows, riparian habitat, and vernal
pools. Rating EC2.
EIS No. 20080539, ERP No. D–USA–
A10078–00, Gulf of Mexico Range
Complex (GOMEX), Proposed Action
is to Support and Conduct Current
and Emerging Training and RDT&E
Operations, TX, MS, AL and FL.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed project. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20080143, ERP No. DA–COE–
B32009–MA, Boston Harbor Federal
Deep Draft Navigation Improvement
Project, To Evaluate the Feasibility of
Channel Deepening and Related Berth
Improvements at the Port of Boston,
Chelsea and Revere, Boston, MA.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental objections because of the
lack of information relative to the extent
and impacts of blasting and the proposal
to create rock reefs. Rating EO2.
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Final EISs
EIS No. 20080433, ERP No. F–COE–
C35013–00, PROGRAMMATIC—Port
of New York and New Jersey Dredged
Material Management Plan, Updated
Information on 1999 Final EIS,
Implementation, NY and NJ.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental concerns because some
of the information in the Final EIS is
outdated and is not consistent with the
current Dredged Material Management
EIS No. 20080491, ERP No. F–SFW–
B64005–00, Lake Umbagog National
Wildlife Refuge, Comprehensive
Conservation Plan, 15 Year Guidance
for Management of Refuge Operations,
Habitat and Visitor Services,
Implementation, Coos County, NH
and Oxford County, ME.
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed project.
EIS No. 20080536, ERP No. F–COE–
K39099–CA, Berth 97–109 (China
Shipping) Container Terminal Project,
Construction and Operation, Issuance
of Section 404 (CWA) and Section 10
Rivers and Harbor Act Permits, Port of
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA.
Summary: EPA continues to have
environmental concerns about
significant and unavoidable impacts to
air quality and environmental justice
communities, and impacts to aquatic
resources. EPA recommended
commitments to mitigate air emissions
to meet health risk reduction targets,
implementation of a health impact
assessment to identify appropriate
mitigations for disproportionately
affected neighboring communities and
avoidance of fill.
Dated: February 24, 2009.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9–4226 Filed 2–26–09; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impacts Statements;
Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal
Activities, General Information (202)
564–1399 or https://www.epa.gov/
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact
Filed 02/16/2009 through 02/20/2009
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 38 / Friday, February 27, 2009 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
EIS No. 20090046, Draft EIS, BLM, OR,
Timber Mountain Recreation
Management Plan, Managing OffHighway Vehicle (OHV), Medford
District Office, Jackson County, OR,
Comment Period Ends: 04/13/2009,
Contact: Kristi Mastrofini, 541–618–
EIS No. 20090047, Draft EIS, COE, AL,
Foley Land Cut Portion of the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway, Proposed
Construction of Residential,
Commercial and Marine
Development, Gulf Shores and Orange
Beach, Baldwin County, AL,
Comment Period Ends: 04/13/2009,
Contact: Linda Brown, 251–694–3786.
EIS No. 20090048, Draft EIS, AFS, MT,
Montanore Project, Proposes to
Construct a Copper and Silver
Underground Mine and Associated
Facilities, Including a New
Transmission Line, Plan-of-Operation
Permit, Kootenai National Forest,
Sanders County, MT, Comment
Period Ends: 04/13/2009, Contact:
Bobbie Lacklen, 406–283–7681.
EIS No. 20090049, Final EIS, COE, CA,
San Diego Creek Watershed Special
Area Management Plan/Watershed
Streambed Alteration Agreement
Process (SAMP/WSAA Process),
Protecting and Enhancing Aquatic
Resource and Permitting Reasonable
Economic Development, Orange
County, CA, Wait Period Ends: 03/30/
2009, Contact: Corice Farrar, 213–
EIS No. 20090050, Final EIS, NIG, CA,
Graton Rancheria Casino and Hotel
Project, Transfer of Land into Trust,
Implementation, Federated Indians of
Graton Rancheria (Tribe), Sonoma
County, CA, Wait Period Ends: 03/30/
2009, Contact: Brad Mehaffy, 202–
EIS No. 20090051, Draft EIS, IBR, CA,
Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion
Project, To Develop Water Supplies
Environmental Water Management
that Supports Fish Protection, Habitat
Management, and other
Environmental Water Needs in the
Delta and Tributary River Systems,
San Francisco Bay Area, Contra Costa
County, CA, Comment Period Ends:
04/13/2009, Contact: Sharon McHale,
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20080528, Draft EIS, USN, 00,
Northwest Training Range Complex
(NWTRC), To Support and Conduct
Current, Emerging, and Future
Training and Research, Development,
Test and Evaluation (RDT&E)
Activities, WA, OR and CA, Comment
Period Ends: 03/11/2009, Contact:
Kimberly Klerk, 360–396–0927.
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Revision to FR Notice Published 12/
29/2008: Extending the Comment from
2/8/2009 to 03/11/2009.
EIS No. 20090021, Draft EIS, AFS, CA,
Inyo National Forest Motorized Travel
Management Project, Implementation,
Inyo, Mineral, Mono and Esmeralda
Counties, CA, Comment Period Ends:
03/31/2009, Contact: Susan Joyce,
Revision to FR Notice Published 01/
30/2009: Extending Comment Period
from 03/30/2009 to 03/31/2009.
Dated: February 24, 2009.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9–4227 Filed 2–26–09; 8:45 am]
Restricted Access to the Region 4
AGENCY: U.S. Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice concerning restricted
access to the EPA Region 4 Library due
to a renovation project.
SUMMARY: The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
is issuing this notice to advise the
public that the Region 4 Library will
close for approximately three (3) months
with restricted access to walk-in
patrons. The library will undergo a
major renovation to optimize the use of
space. During renovation, the current
physical space of the library will not be
accessible. The Regional Librarian will
be temporarily relocated to a room
adjacent to the current library.
Core services such as interlibrary
loans, cataloging, online literature
searches, quick and extensive reference/
research requests (including business
research, journal articles, etc.) will
continue to be handled by the Andrew
W. Breidenbach Environmental
Research Center (AWBERC) located in
Cincinnati, OH (also referred to as the
CINN Library). All requests for these
core services should be submitted to the
Region 4 Librarian or directly to the
Cincinnati Library:
EPA Region 4 Librarian—Ora M.
Howell, E-mail: r4-library@epa.gov,
Phone: (404) 562–8190;
Cincinnati Library, E-mail (preferred):
CI_Awberc Library@epamail.epa.gov,
Phone: (513) 569–7703, Facsimile: (513)
PO 00000
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DATES: The Region 4 Library will be
closed to the public and EPA patrons
during its renovation from
approximately March 2, 2009 through
May 31, 2009.
ADDRESSES: The Region 4 Library is
located at the Sam Nunn Atlanta
Federal Center, 61 Forsyth Street, 9th
Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30303–8960.
Region 4 Federal Library Managers—
LouAnn Gross at (404) 562–9642,
gross.louann@epa.gov, or Shayla Patillo
at (404) 562–8385,
patillo.shayla@epa.gov, or at 61 Forsyth
Street. Atlanta, Georgia 30303. General
information concerning the Region 4
Library may also be obtained by
accessing its Internet server (https://
the Region 4 Library is open to walk-in
patrons. During the renovation period,
which is expected to last from March 2,
2009 through March 31, 2009, the
library will be closed to public and EPA
patrons. The Region 4 Librarian will be
available at an alternate location to
respond to inquiries and forward
requests to AWBERC.
The change in Region 4’s Library
access policy does not affect any of the
core services provided through the
Memorandum of Understanding with
Dated: December 17, 2008.
J.I. Palmer, Jr.,
Regional Administrator, Region 4.
[FR Doc. E9–4232 Filed 2–26–09; 8:45 am]
Notice: Sunshine Meeting
ANNOUNCEMENT: 74 FR 7893, Friday,
February 20, 2009.
MEETING: Wednesday, February 25,
2009, 10 a.m. Eastern Time.
Session has been added, directly
following the open session.
Matters To Be Considered
Closed Session
Litigation Recommendation: Amicus
Curiae Recommendation.
Stephen Llewellyn, Executive Officer on
(202) 663–4070.
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 38 (Friday, February 27, 2009)]
[Pages 8939-8940]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-4227]
Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General
Information (202) 564-1399 or https://www.epa.gov/compliance/nepa/.
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements
Filed 02/16/2009 through 02/20/2009
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
[[Page 8940]]
EIS No. 20090046, Draft EIS, BLM, OR, Timber Mountain Recreation
Management Plan, Managing Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV), Medford District
Office, Jackson County, OR, Comment Period Ends: 04/13/2009, Contact:
Kristi Mastrofini, 541-618-2384.
EIS No. 20090047, Draft EIS, COE, AL, Foley Land Cut Portion of the
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Proposed Construction of Residential,
Commercial and Marine Development, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach,
Baldwin County, AL, Comment Period Ends: 04/13/2009, Contact: Linda
Brown, 251-694-3786.
EIS No. 20090048, Draft EIS, AFS, MT, Montanore Project, Proposes to
Construct a Copper and Silver Underground Mine and Associated
Facilities, Including a New Transmission Line, Plan-of-Operation
Permit, Kootenai National Forest, Sanders County, MT, Comment Period
Ends: 04/13/2009, Contact: Bobbie Lacklen, 406-283-7681.
EIS No. 20090049, Final EIS, COE, CA, San Diego Creek Watershed Special
Area Management Plan/Watershed Streambed Alteration Agreement Process
(SAMP/WSAA Process), Protecting and Enhancing Aquatic Resource and
Permitting Reasonable Economic Development, Orange County, CA, Wait
Period Ends: 03/30/2009, Contact: Corice Farrar, 213-452-3296.
EIS No. 20090050, Final EIS, NIG, CA, Graton Rancheria Casino and Hotel
Project, Transfer of Land into Trust, Implementation, Federated Indians
of Graton Rancheria (Tribe), Sonoma County, CA, Wait Period Ends: 03/
30/2009, Contact: Brad Mehaffy, 202-632-7003.
EIS No. 20090051, Draft EIS, IBR, CA, Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion
Project, To Develop Water Supplies Environmental Water Management that
Supports Fish Protection, Habitat Management, and other Environmental
Water Needs in the Delta and Tributary River Systems, San Francisco Bay
Area, Contra Costa County, CA, Comment Period Ends: 04/13/2009,
Contact: Sharon McHale, 916-989-7172.
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20080528, Draft EIS, USN, 00, Northwest Training Range Complex
(NWTRC), To Support and Conduct Current, Emerging, and Future Training
and Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Activities, WA,
OR and CA, Comment Period Ends: 03/11/2009, Contact: Kimberly Klerk,
Revision to FR Notice Published 12/29/2008: Extending the Comment
from 2/8/2009 to 03/11/2009.
EIS No. 20090021, Draft EIS, AFS, CA, Inyo National Forest Motorized
Travel Management Project, Implementation, Inyo, Mineral, Mono and
Esmeralda Counties, CA, Comment Period Ends: 03/31/2009, Contact: Susan
Joyce, 760-873-2516.
Revision to FR Notice Published 01/30/2009: Extending Comment
Period from 03/30/2009 to 03/31/2009.
Dated: February 24, 2009.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9-4227 Filed 2-26-09; 8:45 am]