Commodity Pool Operator Periodic Account Statements and Annual Financial Reports, 8220-8228 [E9-3840]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act. The FAA’s authority to
issue rules regarding aviation safety is
found in Title 49 of the U.S. Code.
Subtitle 1, Section 106 describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator.
Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the
agency’s authority. This rulemaking is
promulgated under the authority
described in Subtitle VII, Part A,
Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that
section, the FAA is charged with
prescribing regulations to assign the use
of airspace necessary to ensure the
safety of aircraft and the efficient use of
airspace. This regulation is within the
scope of that authority as it would add
additional controlled airspace at
Coleman Municipal Airport, Coleman,
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (Air).
The Proposed Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
proposes to amend 14 CFR Part 71 as
1. The authority citation for Part 71
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g); 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of Federal Aviation
Administration Order 7400.9S, Airspace
Designations and Reporting Points,
dated October 3, 2008, and effective
October 31, 2008, is amended as
Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace areas
extending upward from 700 feet or more
above the surface of the earth.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
Coleman, TX [Amended]
Coleman Municipal Airport, TX
(Lat. 31°50′32″ N., long. 99°24′14″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within an 8-mile radius
of Coleman Municipal Airport.
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Issued in Fort Worth, TX on February 12,
Roger M. Trevino,
Acting Manager, Operations Support Group,
ATO Central Service Center.
[FR Doc. E9–3815 Filed 2–23–09; 8:45 am]
17 CFR Part 4
RIN 3038–AC38
Commodity Pool Operator Periodic
Account Statements and Annual
Financial Reports
AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading
ACTION: Proposed rules.
SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures
Trading Commission (‘‘Commission’’ or
‘‘CFTC’’) is proposing to amend its
regulations governing the periodic
account statements that commodity pool
operators (‘‘CPOs’’) are required to
provide to commodity pool participants
and the annual financial reports that
CPOs are required to provide to
commodity pool participants and file
with the National Futures Association
(‘‘NFA’’). The proposed amendments
would: Specify detailed information
that must be included in the periodic
account statements and annual reports
for commodity pools with more than
one series or class of ownership interest;
clarify that the periodic account
statements must disclose either the net
asset value per outstanding
participation unit in the pool, or the
total value of a participant’s interest or
share in the pool; extend the time
period for filing and distributing annual
reports of commodity pools that invest
in other funds; codify existing
Commission staff interpretations
regarding the proper accounting
treatment and financial statement
presentation of certain income and
expense items in the periodic account
statements and annual reports;
streamline annual reporting
requirements for pools ceasing
operation; and clarify and update
several other requirements for periodic
and annual reports prepared and
distributed by CPOs.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 26, 2009.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by RIN 3038–AC38 by any of
the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
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Follow the instructions for submitting
• E-mail: Include
‘‘Commodity Pool Operator Periodic
and Annual Reports’’ in the subject line
of the message.
• Fax: (202) 418–5521.
• Mail: Send to David Stawick,
Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, 1155 21st Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20581.
• Courier: Same as Mail above.
All comments received will be posted
without change to,
including any personal information
Eileen R. Chotiner, Futures Trading
Specialist, at (202) 418–5467, Division
of Clearing and Intermediary Oversight,
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, Three Lafayette Centre,
1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC
20581. Electronic mail:
I. Background
Commission Regulation 4.22(a) 1
requires a registered CPO to distribute
an account statement to each participant
in each commodity pool that it operates
within 30 days of the end of the
reporting period.2 Regulation 4.22(c)
requires a CPO to file with NFA, and to
provide to each participant, an annual
financial report, audited by an
independent public accountant, for each
commodity pool that it operates within
90 days of the end of the pool’s fiscal
year or the permanent cessation of the
pool’s trading.3
CPOs operating pools offered solely to
qualified eligible persons (‘‘QEPs’’)
pursuant to Regulation 4.7 may claim
relief from certain reporting
requirements.4 In this regard, a CPO that
has claimed an exemption from certain
regulatory requirements pursuant to
Regulation 4.7 must distribute periodic
account statements to each participant
of an exempt pool at least quarterly, and
also must file with NFA and distribute
to participants in the exempt pool an
annual report within 90 days of the end
1 The regulations of the Commission cited in this
release may be found at 17 CFR Ch. I (2008).
2 Pursuant to Regulation 4.22(b), account
statements must be provided monthly for pools
with net asset values greater than $500,000 at the
beginning of the pool’s fiscal year; otherwise,
account statements may be provided quarterly.
3 NFA is a registered futures association pursuant
to Section 17 of the Commodity Exchange Act
(‘‘Act’’), 7 U.S.C. 21.
4 Regulation 4.7(a) defines ‘‘qualified eligible
person’’ to include participants that meet certain
eligibility criteria regarding their net worth, income,
and investments.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
of the pool’s fiscal year or the
permanent cessation of the pool’s
trading. Annual reports for Regulation
4.7 exempt pools are not required to be
audited by an independent public
II. Proposed Changes to Periodic
Account Statements and Annual
Financial Reports
A. Periodic Account Statements for
Regulation 4.7—Exempt Pools
Regulation 4.7(b)(2) requires the CPO
of a Regulation 4.7-exempt commodity
pool to provide each participant in the
pool with an account statement that
must indicate: (1) The net asset value of
the exempt pool as of the end of the
reporting period; (2) the change in net
asset value of the exempt pool from the
end of the previous reporting period;
and (3) the net asset value per
outstanding unit of participation in the
exempt pool as of the end of the
reporting period. The account statement
must be prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting
principles (‘‘GAAP’’), signed and
affirmed by the CPO, and distributed to
pool participants no less frequently than
quarterly within 30 calendar days of the
end of the reporting period.
The Commission is proposing to
amend Regulation 4.7(b)(2) to clarify
that the periodic account statement
provided to each pool participant must
disclose either the net asset value per
outstanding participation unit, or the
total value of the participant’s interest
or share, in the commodity pool as of
the end of the reporting period. The
proposal is intended to ensure that pool
participants receive sufficient
information to determine the value of
their investments in the commodity
pool from the periodic account
statement. Furthermore, the proposal is
consistent with the comparable
provision of Regulation 4.22(a) for pools
that are not Regulation 4.7-exempt,
which specifies that either the net asset
value per outstanding participation unit
or the total value of the participant’s
interest or share in the pool be included
in an account statement.
A commodity pool may contain an
organizational structure that includes
more than one series or class of
ownership interest. Different ownership
C. Changes to Extension Provisions
Under Regulation 4.22(f)
Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(c)
require a CPO to provide to each
participant in each commodity pool that
the CPO operates an annual report for
the commodity pool within 90 calendar
days of the end of the pool’s fiscal year.
The CPO is further required to submit
a copy of the annual report
electronically to NFA.
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) permits a CPO of
a commodity pool that invests in other
5 Regulation 4.7(b)(3) permits the CPO of a
Regulation 4.7-qualifying pool to claim exemption
from the specific annual report content
requirements and annual report certification
requirements, respectively, of Regulations 4.22(c)
and (d).
6 American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (‘‘AICPA’’) Audit and Accounting
Guide, Investment Companies paragraph 7.03.
7 AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide,
Investment Companies, Chapter 5, Complex Capital
B. Series Pools and Pools With Multiple
Classes of Ownership Interests
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
series or classes may exist due to
differences in fees and expenses,
currency denomination, trading, cash
management strategies, and other
aspects of the operation of the pool.
GAAP provides guidance regarding
the presentation of financial statements
for series funds 6 and for investment
funds with multiple ownership classes,7
and pool financial statements prepared
pursuant to both Regulation 4.22(c) and
Regulation 4.7(b)(3) must be in
accordance with GAAP. Commission
staff has received many questions from
CPOs, their attorneys and accountants,
and NFA regarding the proper
presentation of periodic account
statements and annual financial reports
for series funds and multi-class pools.
Therefore, the Commission is proposing
to amend Regulations 4.7(b)(2) and
4.22(a) to specify that, for series funds
structured with a limitation on liability
among the different series, the periodic
account statement may include only the
information for the series being
reported, although additional
information on other series may be
provided; however, for other series
funds and for multi-class funds, net
asset value and other information
required by the regulations must be
presented for both the pool as a whole
as well as for each series or class of
ownership interest.
The Commission also is proposing to
amend Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(c)
to clarify that, for series funds
structured with a limitation on liability
among the different series, the annual
report may include only the information
for the series being reported. For both
periodic account statements and annual
financial reports, CPOs of series funds
with a limitation on liability among the
different series are not precluded by
these amendments from providing
financial information to participants for
other series or classes of the pool.
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funds (referred to as a ‘‘fund of funds’’)
to claim up to an additional 60 days to
distribute the pool’s annual report to
pool participants and to file a copy with
NFA. CPOs may claim the Regulation
4.22(f)(2) fund of funds 60-day
extension by filing with NFA an initial
notice, containing specified
representations, in advance of the
annual report’s due date for the first
year the extension is claimed. In
subsequent years, the CPO may confirm
that the circumstances necessitating the
relief continue to apply by restating
certain representations in a statement
filed at the same time as the pool’s
annual report.
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) currently is
applicable only to CPOs that distribute
annual reports that are audited by
independent public accountants. CPOs
of commodity pools that are permitted
to distribute unaudited annual financial
reports to participants pursuant to
Regulation 4.7(b)(3) may request from
NFA up to a 90-day extension of the
filing deadline under Regulation
In adopting Regulation 4.22(f)(2), the
Commission anticipated, based upon its
experience, that a substantial majority of
the CPOs of funds of funds would be
able to distribute to the participants and
to file with NFA the pools’ annual
reports within 150 days of the end of the
respective commodity pool’s fiscal
year.8 The Commission further noted
that CPOs that could not meet the 150day filing timeframe under Regulation
4.22(f)(2) could continue to request an
extension of time to distribute and to
file the pools’ annual reports pursuant
to Regulation 4.22(f)(1).9
In recent years, however, the number
of CPOs that have requested additional
extensions under Regulation 4.22(f)(1)
after having claimed the 60-day
extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2)
has increased significantly. According
to data provided by NFA for pool
annual reports with a fiscal year ending
in 2006, CPOs claimed the 60-day fund
of funds extension under Regulation
4.22(f)(2) for over 650 commodity pools.
Subsequently, CPOs of approximately
50 percent of such pools filed requests
with NFA for an additional extension of
up to 30 calendar days pursuant to
Regulation 4.22(f)(1). Similarly, for
8 65
FR 81333 at 81334 (December 26, 2000).
the CPO of a commodity pool that
operated as a fund of funds and claimed an
automatic extension of 60 days pursuant to
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) for the filing of the pool’s
annual report would be limited to requesting no
more than an additional 30-day extension under
Regulation 4.22(f)(1). Thus, under Regulations
4.22(f)(1) and (2), all pool annual reports must be
distributed to pool participants and filed with NFA
within 180 days of the end of the pool’s fiscal year.
9 However,
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
pools with fiscal years ending in 2007,
CPOs claimed the 60-day filing
extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2) for
over 500 commodity pools.
Subsequently, CPOs of approximately
45 percent of such pools filed requests
with NFA for an additional extension of
up to 30 calendar days under Regulation
To address this issue, the Commission
is proposing to extend from 60 to 90
days the maximum amount of
additional time that a CPO that operates
a commodity pool that invests in other
funds may claim under Regulation
4.22(f)(2). Therefore, under the
proposal, annual financial reports for
funds of funds may be distributed to
pool participants and filed with NFA a
maximum of 180 days from the end of
a qualifying pool’s fiscal year. This
amendment would eliminate the need
for CPOs to file an additional request
under Regulation 4.22(f)(1), and also
would reduce the administrative burden
to NFA of processing these additional
requests. The Commission, however,
expects CPOs to distribute pool annual
reports to participants as soon after the
end of the pool’s fiscal year-end as
possible, notwithstanding the
availability of the additional
The 180-day timeframe for CPOs of
funds of funds to prepare and to
distribute pool annual reports also
would be consistent with the timeframe
within which registered investment
advisers distribute annual reports to
investors in funds of funds under the
Securities and Exchange Commission’s
(‘‘SEC’s’’) custody rule.11 Registered
investment advisers are not required to
comply with certain provisions of the
SEC’s custody rule with respect to the
accounts of limited partnerships,
limited liability companies, or other
pooled investment vehicles that are
subject to audit at least annually and for
which the audited financial statements
are distributed to partners, members or
other beneficial owners within 120 days
of the fund’s fiscal year-end or, in the
case of a fund of funds, within 180 days
of the end of its fiscal year.
The Commission also is proposing to
extend the application of Regulation
4.22(f)(2) to CPOs that operate
Regulation 4.7-exempt commodity pools
that do not prepare audited financial
10 In this regard, the Commission would expect
that pool annual financial reports would be issued
to the pool’s participants shortly after the
completion of the reports by the independent
public accountant or, for unaudited annual
financial reports, by the CPO.
11 17 CFR 275.206(4)–2(b)(3). ‘‘Fund of funds’’ is
defined for purposes of the custody rule at
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statements certified by independent
public accountants. As previously
noted, a CPO operating a pool that
meets the criteria of Regulation 4.7 may
claim exemption from certain annual
reporting requirements, including the
requirement of Regulation 4.22(d) that
the financial statements contained in
the annual report be audited by an
independent public accountant.
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) was adopted, in
large part, to address difficulties that
CPOs experience in obtaining timely
information about their pools’
investments in other funds in order for
the pools’ public accountants to prepare
audited financial statements. Annual
reports that are not audited, however,
are still required to be prepared in
accordance with GAAP. The CPOs of
unaudited funds of funds have
explained that they often experience
difficulties in obtaining the information
necessary from investee funds to
complete the preparation of the pools’
financial statements by the time
specified in Regulation 4.22(c). In order
to complete the financial statements of
the pools, the CPOs need information
establishing the value of the pools’
material investments from the investee
funds. These investments may be in a
number of investee funds, such as other
commodity pools, securities funds, or
hedge funds, both domestic and
offshore. The information that the CPOs
require frequently is unavailable until
the investee funds complete their own
audited financial statements. Thus, in
many cases, the CPOs cannot obtain the
information they require about the
investee funds in time for the annual
financial reports of the pools to be
prepared and distributed by the due
date. Under the proposed amendment,
CPOs of funds of funds for which
unaudited annual reports are prepared
also would be able to claim the
extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2).
In addition, the Commission is
proposing to remove the requirement
that a CPO that has filed a claim of
extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2) for
a particular pool must restate certain
representations in a statement filed with
the pool’s annual reports in subsequent
years. Instead, having filed the initial
claim, the CPO will be presumed to
operate the pool as a fund of funds and
otherwise continue to qualify for the
automatic extension; however, if the
pool no longer operates as a fund of
funds, then its CPO must provide NFA
with notice of the change in the pool’s
status and must file the pool’s annual
report within 90 days of the pool’s fiscal
year-end, as required by Regulation
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If the proposed extension of the time
period under Regulation 4.22(f)(2) is
adopted, CPOs that have claimed the
fund of funds extension will not need to
file new notices with NFA in order to
claim the additional 30 days to file and
to distribute their qualifying pools’
annual reports. As noted previously,
however, the Commission expects CPOs
to file and to distribute their pools’
annual reports as soon as possible after
the pools’ fiscal year-ends to ensure that
participants obtain information that is
as current as possible.
D. Streamlined Filing Procedures for
Liquidating Pools
Regulation 4.22(c) requires a CPO of
a commodity pool that has ceased
operation to distribute a final annual
report to commodity pool participants
and to file a copy with NFA within 90
days of the pool’s permanent cessation
of trading, but in no event longer than
90 days after funds are returned to pool
participants. Due to confusion created
by the reference in Regulation 4.22(c) to
two possible timeframes for filing a final
annual report, the Commission is
proposing to amend this regulation to
specify that the final annual report must
be filed no later than 90 days after the
pool ceases trading. A CPO that has not
distributed all funds to participants by
the date that the report is issued must
provide information about the return of
funds to pool participants, including an
estimate of the value of funds remaining
to be distributed and the anticipated
timeframe of when those funds are
expected to be returned. When the
remaining funds are returned to
participants, the CPO should send a
notice to all participants and to NFA.
The Commission further
acknowledges that the cost of preparing
audited financial statements, which may
reduce significantly the amount of funds
available to return to participants,
particularly where the pool has ceased
operation due to material trading and
investment losses, may exceed the
benefits to the pool participants. In
these situations, the most significant
information for participants is
disclosure of the factors that led to the
decline in the pool’s value, the fees and
expenses attributable to the pool leading
up to the liquidation, the manner in
which the pool’s operations were
concluded, and when and how much of
the participants’ investment has been, or
will be, returned.
The Commission therefore is
proposing to simplify the reporting
requirements for CPOs of pools ceasing
operation in order to assist them in
providing participants with the most
timely and meaningful information.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
This information would include a
Statement of Operations and a
Statement of Changes in Net Assets
since the last fiscal year-end annual
report, an explanation of the winding
down of the pool’s operations, and a
written disclosure that all interests in,
and assets of, the pool have been
redeemed, distributed, or transferred on
behalf of the participants. If the report
would otherwise be required to be
audited pursuant to Regulation 4.22(d),
the CPO may prepare an unaudited
annual report provided that the CPO
obtains from all participants, and files
with NFA, written waivers of each of
the participant’s rights to receive an
audited annual report. This latter
provision is consistent with case-bycase exemptions that Commission staff
has provided to CPOs of pools that have
ceased operation.
In order to clarify that the
requirement to file an annual financial
report upon the permanent cessation of
trading applies to Regulation 4.7-exempt
pools, the Commission proposes to add
to the introductory text of Regulation
4.7(b)(3) the language that appears in
the introductory text of Regulation
4.22(c) to this effect, subject to the
clarification proposed above.
Commission staff has confirmed that
Regulation 4.7-exempt pools are subject
to the same requirements as non-exempt
pools with respect to their final annual
reports in the annual report guidance
letter issued to CPOs each year by
Commission staff.12
E. Codifying Existing Policies Regarding
Special Allocations of Ownership
Equity, Unrealized Gains and Losses,
and Investee Funds’ Income and
1. Special Allocations of Ownership
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
CFTC Interpretative Letter No. 94–3,
Special Allocations of Investment
Partnership Equity,13 describes the
procedures for reporting in a pool’s
annual financial report special
allocations of partnership equity from
limited partners to the general partner.14
12 CPO guidance letters issued by the
Commission’s Division of Clearing and
Intermediary Oversight (‘‘DCIO’’) are available at
13 Available at
14 ‘‘Special allocations’’ are generally
distributions of profits or transfers of equity that
exceed a class’s proportionate share of profits based
upon the class’s proportionate capital contribution
to the pool. As noted in Interpretative Letter No.
94–3, a partnership agreement may often provide
that a special allocation is to be made for the
advisory services provided by the general partner,
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These special allocations must be
recognized in the financial statements in
the same reporting period as the net
income, interest income, or other basis
of computation of the special allocation;
classified in the Statement of Operations
as either an expense or a special
allocation of net income; separately
reported in the Statement of Partnership
Equity; and deducted in the
computation of the GAAP-required
At the time Interpretative Letter 94–3
was issued, no specific accounting
standard existed to address special
allocations of partnership equity.
Subsequently, the AICPA issued the
Audit and Accounting Guide, Audits of
Investment Companies, which contains
a provision stating that special
allocations of investment partnership
equity can be accounted for in one of
two ways. Pursuant to the Audit and
Accounting Guide, the amounts of any
special allocations may be presented in
either the Statement of Operations or
the Statement of Changes in Partners’
Capital in accordance with the
partnership agreement, and the method
of computing such payments or
allocations should be described in the
notes to the financial statements.15
Commission staff has consistently
taken the position that requiring a CPO
to report a special allocation in a pool’s
Statement of Operations provides the
pool’s participants with more complete
information of the impact of a
distribution of a special allocation to
their respective capital accounts,
notwithstanding the flexibility provided
by the Audit and Accounting Guide.16
The Commission, therefore, is proposing
to amend Regulation 4.22(e) to
incorporate the requirements currently
detailed in Interpretative Letter No. 94–
3. CPOs may continue to use the sample
financial statement reporting formats set
forth in the Interpretative Letter.
does not provide explicitly for separate
disclosure on the Statement of
Operations of realized and unrealized
gains and losses on non-commodity
interest trading activities.
In 1995, Commission staff issued an
interpretation of the requirements for
itemization of realized and unrealized
gains or losses in the commodity pool’s
Statement of Operations.17 The
interpretation noted that trading is often
done by commodity pools using
strategies that combine financial
instruments from different types of
markets, and, to reflect meaningfully the
results of such trading strategies,
permits the separate reporting of
realized and unrealized gains and losses
that combines the results of commodity
interest trading and non-commodity
interest trading that are part of the same
trading strategy. The interpretation
further noted that reporting realized and
unrealized gains and/or losses for
commodity interest transactions
separately from other financial
instruments that are part of the pool’s
trading strategy may be misleading to
pool participants as the separate
reporting may distort the real results of
the pool’s trading strategies.
In order to formally establish staff’s
interpretation, the Commission is
proposing to amend Regulation 4.22(e)
to state that realized and unrealized
gains and losses on regulated
commodities transactions presented in
the Statement of Operations of a
commodity pool may be combined with
realized or unrealized gains and losses,
respectively, from non-commodity
interest trading, provided that the gains
and losses to be combined are part of a
related trading strategy. Furthermore,
gains or losses from foreign currency
translations and conversions also may
be included with the related trading
strategy, or reported separately.18
2. Combining Gains and Losses on
Regulated Futures Transactions With
Gains and Losses on Non-CFTC
Regulated Transactions in the Statement
of Operations
Regulation 4.22(e) provides that a
commodity pool’s Statement of
Operations must itemize the pool’s total
realized net gain or loss from
commodity interest trading and the
change in unrealized net gain or loss in
commodity interest positions during the
pool’s fiscal year. Regulation 4.22(e)
3. Fees and Expenses of Investee Funds
Commission Regulation 4.22(e)
requires a CPO to itemize in the
Statement of Operations brokerage
commissions, management fees,
advisory fees, incentive fees, interest
income and expense, total realized net
gain or loss from commodity interest
trading, and change in unrealized net
gain or loss on commodity interest
positions during the pool’s fiscal year
directly incurred by the pool during the
course of the reporting period. A
purpose of this provision is to ensure
and that the amount of the allocation is based upon
a percentage of the partnership’s net income.
15 AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide,
Investment Companies, paragraph 7.49.
16 This position has been stated in DCIO’s annual
CPO guidance letters.
17 CFTC Letter No. 95–52, Comm. Fut. L. Rep.
(CCH) ¶ 26,421.
18 The proposed treatment of gains or losses from
foreign currency translation is consistent with
AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide, Audits of
Investment Companies, paragraphs 7.51 and 7.54.
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
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that pool participants receive a detailed
listing of the fees and other expenses
incurred by the pool for the reporting
For over a decade, consistent with the
policy of detailed disclosure of material
fees and expenses set forth in
Regulation 4.22(e), Commission staff has
encouraged CPOs to disclose separately
in pool annual reports income received
from, and fees paid to, investee pools.19
Specifically, CPOs were encouraged to
disclose in the notes to the financial
statements the amounts of management
and incentive fees and expenses
indirectly incurred as a result of
investing in any fund where the
investment in the fund exceeded five
percent of the pool’s net asset value.
Commission staff took the position that
such income, fees, and expenses should
be disclosed separately for each fund in
which a CPO invested five or more
percent of a pool’s net asset value.
Income, fees, and expenses incurred
from investments in one or more funds
where each investment in a fund
represented less than five percent of the
pool’s net asset value could be
combined and reported in the aggregate;
the total income on the detail schedule
should agree with the amount of income
reported for the income from
investments in other funds in the pool’s
Statement of Operations.20 The rationale
for this disclosure is that such
information is material for pool
participants to comprehend fully the
investment strategy and fee structure of
a commodity pool. In addition, the five
percent threshold is consistent with the
reporting thresholds set forth in the
relevant accounting requirements
regarding disclosure of investments in
other funds.21
Accordingly, the Commission is
proposing that information on the
amounts of income and expenses
associated with a pool’s investments in
investee funds, and identifying by name
the investee funds in which investments
exceed five percent of the pool’s net
assets, be required in annual reports for
pools prepared under both Regulation
4.22(c) and Regulation 4.7(b)(3).
19 Commission staff has discussed these
disclosures in the annual CPO guidance letters.
20 Fees and expenses are generally reported net of
any income by the investee fund to the CPO.
21 AICPA Statement of Position (‘‘SOP’’) 03–04,
Reporting Financial Highlights and Schedule of
Investments by Nonregistered Investment
Partnerships: An Amendment to the Audit and
Accounting Guide, Audits of Investment
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F. Use of GAAP
1. Regulations 4.22(c) and 4.7(b)(3)
Commission regulations require that
audited and unaudited financial
statements, as well as periodic account
statements, be presented and computed
in accordance with GAAP. This
provision consistently has been
interpreted by Commission staff to mean
GAAP as established in the United
States (‘‘U.S. GAAP’’). Nevertheless,
Commission staff has, on a case-by-case
basis, provided limited relief to CPOs
that operate commodity pools organized
under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction
by allowing the financial statements of
such pools to be prepared and presented
in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (‘‘IFRS’’)
instead of U.S. GAAP.22 In cases where
staff has provided relief, the relief was
conditioned upon the offshore pool
following certain key elements of U.S.
GAAP standards, including preparing a
condensed Schedule of Investments; 23
reporting special allocations of
partnership equity in accordance with
CFTC Interpretative Letter 94–3,
proposed to be codified as Regulation
4.22(e)(2); and, in the event that IFRS
would require consolidated financial
statements for the pool, adequately
reporting results of operations and
financial position specific to each class
of the pool’s investors. In addition,
using accounting standards other than
U.S. GAAP must not conflict with any
representations made to participants or
potential participants in the pool.
Because these criteria under which
CPOs have been granted relief from the
requirement to prepare pool financial
reports in accordance with U.S. GAAP
have remained constant, the
Commission is proposing that CPOs be
permitted to claim relief to prepare
financial statements pursuant to IFRS by
filing a notice that includes
representations regarding the operations
of their offshore pools, the preparation
of the pools’ financial statements in
accordance with IFRS, and the
additional information that will be
included in the reports in order for the
financial statements to be consistent
with U.S. GAAP. If IFRS would require
consolidated financial statements for a
pool, such as those with complex
capital structures (for example, master22 The annual CPO guidance letters issued by
Commission staff have discussed the conditions
under which such exemptions may be granted and
the procedure for making exemption requests. See,
e.g., Section III of the January 16, 2008 annual
guidance letter at
23 As required by AICPA SOP 95–2, subsequently
amended by SOP 01–1 and SOP 03–4.
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feeder structures or funds of funds),
such financial statements must contain
disclosures that adequately report
results of operations and financial
position specific to each class of the
pool’s investors.
Under the proposal, the notice must
be filed with NFA prior to the due date
for the report, and the CPO can continue
to prepare annual reports for future
years in accordance with IFRS as long
as all representations made in the initial
notice remain in effect. A single notice
may be filed for more than one pool
operated by the CPO as long as all the
representations in the notice apply to
each of the pools named therein.
Commission staff also has provided
relief on a case-by-case basis to CPOs
operating offshore commodity pools
permitting the use of accounting
standards established in other
jurisdictions, including the United
Kingdom, Ireland, and Luxembourg.
However, the Commission currently is
proposing to establish the notice
procedure solely for pools that are
following IFRS, due to IFRS’s global
nature and the various efforts under way
in the U.S. and other countries to
achieve convergence between IFRS and
local accounting standards.24 CPOs of
offshore pools that meet the criteria
specified in proposed Regulation
4.22(d)(2) but are using accounting
standards other than IFRS may continue
to seek case-by-case relief from the U.S.
GAAP requirement by filing relief
requests with Commission staff.
2. GAAP Requirement in Regulation
Regulation 4.13 provides an
exemption from registration for CPOs
that operate only one pool at a time, for
which no advertising is done and no
compensation is received; or that
operate pools that include no more than
15 participants each, and the aggregate
subscriptions to all pools do not exceed
$400,000. In 2003, the Commission
adopted additional registration
exemptions for CPOs of pools whose
participants are SEC ‘‘accredited
investors’’ 25 and that limit their trading
of commodity interests to a de minimis
amount, or that limit participation to
certain highly sophisticated investors.
In proposing the Regulation 4.13(a)(3)
and (4) exemptions that were adopted in
2003, the Commission stated that ‘‘this
relief is intended to encourage and
24 See, e.g., the February 27, 2006 Memorandum
of Understanding between the Financial
Accounting Standards Board and the International
Accounting Standards Board on convergence of
25 17 CFR 230.501(a) (2008).
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
facilitate participation in the commodity
interest markets by additional collective
investment vehicles and their advisers,
with the added benefit to all market
participants of increased liquidity.’’ 26
Regulation 4.13(c) specifies that, if a
CPO that has claimed an exemption
from registration under Regulation 4.13
distributes an annual report to pool
participants, the annual report must be
presented and computed in accordance
with GAAP and, if audited by an
independent public accountant,
certified in accordance with Regulation
1.16. The Commission has reconsidered
this requirement and determined that it
does not need to prescribe the form of
an annual report that is not required by
its regulations to be prepared,
distributed, or filed. Accordingly, the
Commission is proposing to remove the
requirement in Regulation 4.13(c) that
an annual report distributed to
participants in a pool for which
exemption under Regulation 4.13 has
been claimed must be prepared in
accordance with GAAP. The
Commission expects, however, that
CPOs will prepare their pools’ reports
pursuant to the terms of the pools’
operating documents.
III. Updating References to Financial
The Commission is proposing to
update both the periodic and annual
reporting provisions of Part 4 to
conform with current accounting
practices with respect to the references
to various financial schedules. These
changes would delete references to the
Statement of Changes in Financial
Position, which no longer exists; rename
the Statement of Income (Loss) as the
Statement of Operations; and rename
the Statement of Changes in Net Asset
Value as the Statement of Changes in
Net Assets.
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IV. Related Matters
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
(‘‘RFA’’), 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., requires
that agencies, in proposing regulations,
consider the impact of those regulations
on small businesses. The Commission
previously has established certain
definitions of ‘‘small entities’’ to be used
by the Commission in evaluating the
impact of its regulations on such entities
in accordance with the RFA.27 The
Commission has determined previously
that registered CPOs are not small
entities for the purpose of the RFA.28
The proposed amendments to
26 68
FR 12625 (March 17, 2003).
FR 18618 (April 30, 1982).
28 47 FR at 18619.
Regulation 4.7 and Regulation 4.22
would apply only to registered CPOs.
With respect to CPOs exempt from
registration, the Commission has
previously determined that a CPO is a
small entity if it meets the criteria for
exemption from registration under
current Regulation 4.13(a)(2). The
proposed amendment to Regulation 4.13
would remove an existing requirement
and does not impose any significant
burdens. Therefore, the Chairman, on
behalf of the Commission, hereby
certifies, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b),
that the action proposed to be taken
herein will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
A. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(‘‘PRA’’) 29 imposes certain
requirements on federal agencies
(including the Commission) in
connection with their conducting or
sponsoring any collection of
information as defined by the PRA.
Pursuant to the PRA, the Commission
has submitted a copy of this section to
the Office of Management and Budget
(‘‘OMB’’) for its review.
Collection of Information. (Rules
Relating to the Operations and
Activities of Commodity Pool Operators
and Commodity Trading Advisors and
to Monthly Reporting by Futures
Commission Merchants, OMB Control
Number 3038–0005.)
The proposed amendments will not
require a new collection of information
on the part of any entities subject to the
proposed amendments. Specifically, the
proposed amendments will modify
existing regulatory requirements by
clarifying information that must be
included in required periodic and
annual reports. The expected effect of
the proposed amended regulations will
be to increase slightly the burden for
this collection of information due to
including specific fee and expense
information in annual reports for funds
of funds. This increase affects only
annual reports for pools that invest in
other funds and therefore are required to
include the additional fee and expense
information, and does not affect reports
for pools that do not invest in other
funds. In addition, because the previous
submission of this collection contained
a calculation error with respect to the
total number of respondents, the burden
has been recalculated and the corrected
numbers are included in the current
estimate. The Commission estimates the
burden of this collection of information
as follows:
27 47
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29 44
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U.S.C. 3507(d).
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Estimated Annual Reporting Burden:
Number of Respondents: 9,200.
Total Annual Responses: 28,275.
Total Annual Hours: 167,550.
The Commission considers comments
by the public on this proposed
collection of information in—
Evaluating whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Commission, including
whether the information will have a
practical use;
Evaluating the accuracy of the
Commission’s estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
Enhancing the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
Minimizing the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Organizations and individuals
desiring to submit comments on the
information collection should contact
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, Room 10235, New Executive
Office Building, Washington, DC 20503,
Attn: Desk Officer of the Commodity
Futures Commission. OMB is required
to make a decision concerning the
collection of information contained in
these proposed regulations between 30
and 90 days after publication of this
document in the Federal Register.
Therefore, a comment to OMB is best
assured of having its full effect if OMB
receives it within 30 days of
publication. This does not affect the
deadline for the public to comment to
the Commission on the proposed
regulations. Copies of the information
collection submission to OMB are
available from the CFTC Clearance
Officer, 1155 21st Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20581 or (202) 418–
B. Cost-Benefit Analysis
Section 15(a) of the Act requires the
Commission to consider the costs and
benefits of its action before issuing a
new regulation under the Act. By its
terms, Section 15(a) does not require the
Commission to quantify the costs and
benefits of a new regulation or to
determine whether the benefits of the
regulation outweigh its costs. Rather,
Section 15(a) simply requires the
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
Commission to ‘‘consider the costs and
benefits’’ of its action.
Section 15(a) of the Act further
specifies that costs and benefits shall be
evaluated in light of five broad areas of
market and public concern: Protection
of market participants and the public;
efficiency, competitiveness, and
financial integrity of futures markets;
price discovery; sound risk management
practices; and other public interest
considerations. Accordingly, the
Commission could in its discretion give
greater weight to any one of the five
enumerated areas and could in its
discretion determine that,
notwithstanding its costs, a particular
regulation was necessary or appropriate
to protect the public interest or to
effectuate any of the provisions or to
accomplish any of the purposes of the
The Commission has considered the
costs and benefits of this proposed
regulation in light of the specific
provisions of Section 15(a) of the Act, as
1. Protection of market participants
and the public. The proposed
amendments should not affect the
protection of market participants and
the public as they primarily clarify
existing reporting requirements for
commodity pools.
2. Efficiency and competition. The
Commission anticipates that the
proposed amendments will benefit
efficiency by streamlining the annual
report filing process for funds of funds
and pools ceasing operation. The
proposal will also reduce the number of
requests for additional extensions for
funds of funds that must be processed
by NFA. The proposed amendments are
considered by the Commission as
benefiting efficiency and not impacting
3. Financial integrity of futures
markets and price discovery. The
proposed amendments should have no
effect, from the standpoint of imposing
costs or creating benefits, on the
financial integrity of futures markets or
the price discovery function of such
4. Sound risk management practices.
The proposed amendments should have
no effect, from the standpoint of
imposing costs or creating benefits, on
sound risk management practices.
5. Other public interest
considerations. The Commission
believes that the proposed clarification
of requirements for periodic reporting of
multi-class or series pools is beneficial
in that it results in the provision of more
meaningful information to participants
in those pools.
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After considering these factors, the
Commission has determined to propose
the amendments discussed above. The
Commission invites public comment on
its application of the cost-benefit
provision. Commenters also are invited
to submit any data that they may have
quantifying the costs and benefits of the
proposal with their comment letters.
List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 4
Advertising, Commodity futures,
Commodity pool operators, Consumer
protection, Reporting and recordkeeping
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Commission proposes to
amend 17 CFR part 4 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 4
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 4, 6b, 6c, 6l, 6m,
6n, 6o, 12a, and 23.
2. Amend § 4.7 to revise paragraphs
(b)(2)(iii), (b)(3)(i) introductory text,
(b)(3)(i)(B), and (b)(3)(i)(C), and to add
paragraph (b)(3)(i)(D) to read as follows:
§ 4.7 Exemption from certain part 4
requirements for commodity pool operators
with respect to offerings to qualified eligible
persons and for commodity trading
advisors with respect to advising qualified
eligible persons.
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii)(A) Either the net asset value per
outstanding participation unit in the
exempt pool as of the end of the
reporting period, or
(B) The total value of the participant’s
interest or share in the exempt pool as
of the end of the reporting period;
(C) Where the pool is comprised of
more than one ownership class or series,
the net asset value of the series or class
on which the account statement is
reporting, and the net asset value per
unit or value of the participant’s share,
also must be included in the statement
required by this paragraph (b)(2); except
that, for a pool that is a series fund
structured with a limitation on liability
among the different series, the account
statement required by this paragraph
(b)(2) is not required to include the
consolidated net asset value of all series
of the pool.
(3) Annual report relief. (i) Exemption
from the specific requirements of
§§ 4.22(c) and (d); Provided, That within
90 calendar days after the end of the
exempt pool’s fiscal year or the
permanent cessation of trading,
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whichever is earlier, the commodity
pool operator electronically files with
the National Futures Association and
distributes to each participant in lieu of
the financial information and statements
specified by those sections, an annual
report for the exempt pool, affirmed in
accordance with § 4.22(h) which
contains, at a minimum:
(B) A Statement of Operations for that
(C) Appropriate footnote disclosure
and such further material information as
may be necessary to make the required
statements not misleading. For a pool
that invests in other funds, this
information must include, but is not
limited to, separately disclosing the
amounts of income and expenses
associated with each investment in an
investee fund that exceeds five percent
of the pool’s net assets. The income and
expenses associated with an investment
in an investee fund that is less than five
percent of the pool’s net assets may be
combined and reported in the aggregate
with the income and expenses of other
investee funds that, individually,
represent an investment of less than five
percent of the pool’s net assets;
(D) Where the pool is comprised of
more than one ownership class or series,
information for the series or class on
which the financial statements are
reporting should be presented in
addition to the information presented
for the pool as a whole; except that, for
a pool that is a series fund structured
with a limitation on liability among the
different series, the financial statements
are not required to include consolidated
information for all series.
§ 4.22
3. Amend § 4.13 by removing
paragraph (c)(2) and redesignating
paragraph (c)(3) as (c)(2).
4. Amend § 4.22 to revise paragraphs
(a) introductory text, (a)(1) introductory
text, (a)(2) introductory text, (c)
introductory text, (c)(4), (c)(5), (d), (e)
and (f)(2), and to add paragraphs
(a)(2)(vii) and (c)(7) to read as follows:
§ 4.22
Reporting to pool participants.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(a)(4) of this section, each commodity
pool operator registered or required to
be registered under the Act must
periodically distribute to each
participant in each pool that it operates,
within 30 calendar days after the last
date of the reporting period prescribed
in paragraph (b) of this section, an
Account Statement, which shall be
presented in the form of a Statement of
Operations and a Statement of Changes
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
in Net Assets, for the prescribed period.
These financial statements must be
presented and computed in accordance
with generally accepted accounting
principles consistently applied. The
Account Statement must be signed in
accordance with paragraph (h) of this
(1) The portion of the Account
Statement which must be presented in
the form of a Statement of Operations
must separately itemize the following
(2) The portion of the Account
Statement that must be presented in the
form of a Statement of Changes in Net
Assets must separately itemize the
following information:
(vii) Where the pool is comprised of
more than one ownership class or series,
information for the series or class on
which the account statement is
reporting should be presented in
addition to the information presented
for the pool as a whole; except that, for
a pool that is a series fund structured
with a limitation on liability among the
different series, the account statement is
not required to include consolidated
information for all series.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph
(c)(6) of this section, each commodity
pool operator registered or required to
be registered under the Act must
distribute an Annual Report to each
participant in each pool that it operates,
and must electronically submit a copy
of the Report and key financial balances
from the Report to the National Futures
Association pursuant to the electronic
filing procedures of the National
Futures Association, within 90 calendar
days after the end of the pool’s fiscal
year or the permanent cessation of
trading, whichever is earlier; Provided,
however, that if during any calendar
year the commodity pool operator did
not operate a commodity pool, the pool
operator must so notify the National
Futures Association within 30 calendar
days after the end of such calendar year.
The Annual Report must be affirmed
pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section
and must contain the following:
(4) Statements of Operations, and
Changes in Net Assets, for the period
(i) The later of:
(A) The date of the most recent
Statement of Financial Condition
delivered to the National Futures
Association pursuant to this paragraph
(c), or
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(B) The date of the formation of the
pool, and
(ii) The close of the pool’s fiscal year,
together with Statements of Operations,
and Changes in Net Assets for the
corresponding period of the previous
fiscal year.
(5) Appropriate footnote disclosure
and such further material information as
may be necessary to make the required
statements not misleading.
(i) For a pool that invests in other
funds, this information must include,
but is not limited to, separately
disclosing the amounts of income and
expenses associated with each
investment in an investee fund that
exceeds five percent of the pool’s net
assets. The income and expenses
associated with an investment in an
investee fund that is less than five
percent of the pool’s net assets may be
combined and reported in the aggregate
with the income and expenses of other
investee funds that, individually,
represent an investment of less than five
percent of the pool’s net assets;
(ii) Where the pool is comprised of
more than one ownership class or series,
information for the series or class on
which the financial statements are
reporting should be presented in
addition to the information presented
for the pool as a whole; except that, for
a pool that is a series fund structured
with a limitation on liability among the
different series, the financial statements
are not required to include consolidated
information for all series.
(7) For a pool that has ceased
operation prior to, or as of, the end of
the fiscal year, the commodity pool
operator may provide the following in
lieu of the annual report that would
otherwise be required by § 4.22(c) or
§ 4.7(b)(3):
(i) Statements of Operations and
Changes in Net Assets for the period
(A) The later of:
(1) The date of the most recent
Statement of Financial Condition filed
with the National Futures Association
pursuant to this paragraph (c), or
(2) The date of the formation of the
pool; and
(B) The close of the pool’s fiscal year
or the date of the cessation of trading,
whichever is earlier,
(ii)(A) An explanation of the winding
down of the pool’s operations and
written disclosure that all interests in,
and assets of, the pool have been
redeemed, distributed or transferred on
behalf of the participants;
(B) If all funds have not yet been
distributed or transferred to participants
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by the time that the final report is
issued, disclosure of the value of assets
remaining to be distributed and an
approximate time frame of when the
distribution will occur. At the time of
the final distribution of the pool’s
assets, the commodity pool operator
must provide written notice to each
participant and to the National Futures
Association that all interests in, and
assets of, the pool have been redeemed,
distributed or transferred on behalf of
the participants.
(iii) A report filed pursuant to
paragraph (c)(7) of this section that
would otherwise be required by
§ 4.22(c) is not required to be certified
in accordance with paragraph (d) of this
section if the commodity pool operator
obtains from all participants, and files
with the National Futures Association
no later than the time that the
commodity pool operator files the
Annual Report, written waivers of their
rights to receive an audited Annual
(d)(1) The financial statements in the
Annual Report must be presented and
computed in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles
consistently applied and must be
certified by an independent public
accountant. The requirements of
§ 1.16(g) of this chapter shall apply with
respect to the engagement of such
independent public accountants, except
that any related notifications to be made
may be made solely to the National
Futures Association, and the
certification must be in accordance with
§ 1.16 of this chapter, except that the
following requirements of that section
shall not apply:
(i) The audit objectives of § 1.16(d)(1)
of this chapter concerning the periodic
computation of minimum capital and
property in segregation;
(ii) All other references in § 1.16 of
this chapter to the segregation
requirements; and
(iii) Sections 1.16(c)(5), (d)(2), (e)(2),
and (f) of this chapter.
(2)(i) The financial statements in the
Annual Report required by this section
or by § 4.7(b)(3) may be presented and
computed in accordance with
International Financial Reporting
Standards issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board if the
following conditions are met:
(A) The pool is organized under the
laws of a foreign jurisdiction;
(B) The Annual Report will include a
condensed schedule of investments, or,
if required by the alternate accounting
standards, a full schedule of
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 35 / Tuesday, February 24, 2009 / Proposed Rules
(C) The preparation of the pool’s
financial statements under International
Financial Reporting Standards is not
inconsistent with representations set
forth in the pool’s offering
memorandum or similar document;
(D) Special allocations of ownership
equity will be reported in accordance
with § 4.22(e)(2); and
(E) In the event that the International
Financial Reporting Standards require
consolidated financial statements for the
pool, such financial statements must
contain disclosures that adequately
report results of operations and
financial position specific to each class
of the pool’s investors.
(ii) The commodity pool operator of a
pool that meets the conditions specified
in paragraph (d)(2) of this section may
claim relief from the requirement in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section by filing
a notice with the National Futures
Association, within 90 calendar days of
the end of the pool’s fiscal year.
(A) The notice must contain the name,
main business address, main telephone
number and the National Futures
Association registration identification
number of the commodity pool operator,
and name and the identification number
of the commodity pool.
(B) The notice must include
representations regarding the pool’s
compliance with each of the conditions
specified in § 4.22(d)(2)(i)(A) through
(D), and, if applicable, (d)(2)(i)(E); and
(C) The notice must be signed by the
commodity pool operator in accordance
with paragraph (h) of this section.
(e)(1) The Statement of Operations
required by this section must itemize
brokerage commissions, management
fees, advisory fees, incentive fees,
interest income and expense, total
realized net gain or loss from
commodity interest trading, and change
in unrealized net gain or loss on
commodity interest positions during the
pool’s fiscal year. Gains and losses on
commodity interests need not be
itemized by commodity or by specific
delivery or expiration date.
(2)(i) Any share of a pool’s profits or
transfer of a pool’s equity which
exceeds the general partner’s or any
other class’s share of profits computed
on the general partner’s or other class’s
pro rata capital contribution are ‘‘special
allocations.’’ Special allocations of
partnership equity or other interests
must be recognized in the pool’s
Statement of Operations in the same
period as the net income, interest
income, or other basis of computation of
the special allocation is recognized.
Special allocations must be recognized
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17:19 Feb 23, 2009
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and classified either as an expense of
the pool or, if not recognized as an
expense of the pool, presented in the
Statement of Operations as a separate,
itemized allocation of the pool’s net
income to arrive at net income available
for pro rata distribution to all partners.
(ii) Special allocations of ownership
interest also must be reported separately
in the Statement of Partners’ Equity, in
addition to the pro-rata allocations of
net income, as to each class of
ownership interest.
(3) Realized gains or losses on
regulated commodities transactions
presented in the Statement of
Operations of a commodity pool may be
combined with realized gains or losses
from trading in non-commodity interest
transactions, provided that the gains or
losses to be combined are part of a
related trading strategy. Unrealized
gains or losses on open regulated
commodity positions presented in the
Statement of Operations of a commodity
pool may be combined with unrealized
gains or losses from open positions in
non-commodity positions, provided that
the gains or losses to be combined are
part of a related trading strategy.
(f) * * *
(2) In the event a commodity pool
operator finds that it cannot obtain
information necessary to prepare annual
financial statements for a pool that it
operates within the time specified in
either paragraph (c) of this section or
§ 4.7(b)(3)(i), as a result of the pool
investing in another collective
investment vehicle, it may claim an
extension of time under the following
(i) The commodity pool operator
must, within 90 calendar days of the
end of the pool’s fiscal year, file a notice
with the National Futures Association,
except as provided in paragraph (f)(2)(v)
of this section.
(ii) The notice must contain the name,
main business address, main telephone
number and the National Futures
Association registration identification
number of the commodity pool operator,
and name and the identification number
of the commodity pool.
(iii) The notice must state the date by
which the Annual Report will be
distributed and filed (the ‘‘Extended
Date’’), which must be no more than 180
calendar days after the end of the pool’s
fiscal year. The Annual Report must be
distributed and filed by the Extended
(iv) The notice must include
representations by the commodity pool
operator that:
(A) The pool for which the Annual
Report is being prepared has
PO 00000
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investments in one or more collective
investment vehicles (the
(B) For all reports prepared under
paragraph (c) of this section and for
reports prepared under § 4.7(b)(3)(i) that
are certified by an independent public
accountant, the commodity pool
operator has been informed by the
certified public accountant engaged to
audit the commodity pool’s financial
statements that specified information
required to complete the pool’s annual
report is necessary in order for the
accountant to render an opinion on the
commodity pool’s financial statements.
The notice must include the name, main
business address, main telephone
number, and contact person of the
accountant; and
(C) The information specified by the
accountant cannot be obtained in
sufficient time for the Annual Report to
be prepared, audited, and distributed
before the Extended Date.
(D) For unaudited reports prepared
under § 4.7(b)(3)(i), the commodity pool
operator has been informed by the
operators of the Investments that
specified information required to
complete the pool’s annual report
cannot be obtained in sufficient time for
the Annual Report to be prepared and
distributed before the Extended Date.
(v) For each fiscal year following the
filing of the notice described in
paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section, for a
particular pool, it shall be presumed
that the particular pool continues to
invest in another collective investment
vehicle and the commodity pool
operator may claim the extension of
time; provided, however, that if the
particular pool is no longer investing in
another collective investment vehicle,
then the commodity pool operator must
file electronically with the National
Futures Association an Annual Report
within 90 days after the pool’s fiscal
year-end accompanied by a notice
indicating the change in the pool’s
(vi) Any notice or statement filed
pursuant to paragraph (f)(2) of this
section must be signed by the
commodity pool operator in accordance
with paragraph (h) of this section.
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 18,
2009 by the Commission.
David A. Stawick,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. E9–3840 Filed 2–23–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 35 (Tuesday, February 24, 2009)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 8220-8228]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-3840]
17 CFR Part 4
RIN 3038-AC38
Commodity Pool Operator Periodic Account Statements and Annual
Financial Reports
AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
ACTION: Proposed rules.
SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or
``CFTC'') is proposing to amend its regulations governing the periodic
account statements that commodity pool operators (``CPOs'') are
required to provide to commodity pool participants and the annual
financial reports that CPOs are required to provide to commodity pool
participants and file with the National Futures Association (``NFA'').
The proposed amendments would: Specify detailed information that must
be included in the periodic account statements and annual reports for
commodity pools with more than one series or class of ownership
interest; clarify that the periodic account statements must disclose
either the net asset value per outstanding participation unit in the
pool, or the total value of a participant's interest or share in the
pool; extend the time period for filing and distributing annual reports
of commodity pools that invest in other funds; codify existing
Commission staff interpretations regarding the proper accounting
treatment and financial statement presentation of certain income and
expense items in the periodic account statements and annual reports;
streamline annual reporting requirements for pools ceasing operation;
and clarify and update several other requirements for periodic and
annual reports prepared and distributed by CPOs.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 26, 2009.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by RIN 3038-AC38 by any
of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
search/index.jsp. Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Include ``Commodity Pool
Operator Periodic and Annual Reports'' in the subject line of the
Fax: (202) 418-5521.
Mail: Send to David Stawick, Secretary, Commodity Futures
Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581.
Courier: Same as Mail above.
All comments received will be posted without change to https://, including any personal information provided.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eileen R. Chotiner, Futures Trading
Specialist, at (202) 418-5467, Division of Clearing and Intermediary
Oversight, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette
Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581. Electronic mail:
I. Background
Commission Regulation 4.22(a) \1\ requires a registered CPO to
distribute an account statement to each participant in each commodity
pool that it operates within 30 days of the end of the reporting
period.\2\ Regulation 4.22(c) requires a CPO to file with NFA, and to
provide to each participant, an annual financial report, audited by an
independent public accountant, for each commodity pool that it operates
within 90 days of the end of the pool's fiscal year or the permanent
cessation of the pool's trading.\3\
\1\ The regulations of the Commission cited in this release may
be found at 17 CFR Ch. I (2008).
\2\ Pursuant to Regulation 4.22(b), account statements must be
provided monthly for pools with net asset values greater than
$500,000 at the beginning of the pool's fiscal year; otherwise,
account statements may be provided quarterly.
\3\ NFA is a registered futures association pursuant to Section
17 of the Commodity Exchange Act (``Act''), 7 U.S.C. 21.
CPOs operating pools offered solely to qualified eligible persons
(``QEPs'') pursuant to Regulation 4.7 may claim relief from certain
reporting requirements.\4\ In this regard, a CPO that has claimed an
exemption from certain regulatory requirements pursuant to Regulation
4.7 must distribute periodic account statements to each participant of
an exempt pool at least quarterly, and also must file with NFA and
distribute to participants in the exempt pool an annual report within
90 days of the end
[[Page 8221]]
of the pool's fiscal year or the permanent cessation of the pool's
trading. Annual reports for Regulation 4.7 exempt pools are not
required to be audited by an independent public accountant.\5\
\4\ Regulation 4.7(a) defines ``qualified eligible person'' to
include participants that meet certain eligibility criteria
regarding their net worth, income, and investments.
\5\ Regulation 4.7(b)(3) permits the CPO of a Regulation 4.7-
qualifying pool to claim exemption from the specific annual report
content requirements and annual report certification requirements,
respectively, of Regulations 4.22(c) and (d).
II. Proposed Changes to Periodic Account Statements and Annual
Financial Reports
A. Periodic Account Statements for Regulation 4.7--Exempt Pools
Regulation 4.7(b)(2) requires the CPO of a Regulation 4.7-exempt
commodity pool to provide each participant in the pool with an account
statement that must indicate: (1) The net asset value of the exempt
pool as of the end of the reporting period; (2) the change in net asset
value of the exempt pool from the end of the previous reporting period;
and (3) the net asset value per outstanding unit of participation in
the exempt pool as of the end of the reporting period. The account
statement must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles (``GAAP''), signed and affirmed by the CPO, and
distributed to pool participants no less frequently than quarterly
within 30 calendar days of the end of the reporting period.
The Commission is proposing to amend Regulation 4.7(b)(2) to
clarify that the periodic account statement provided to each pool
participant must disclose either the net asset value per outstanding
participation unit, or the total value of the participant's interest or
share, in the commodity pool as of the end of the reporting period. The
proposal is intended to ensure that pool participants receive
sufficient information to determine the value of their investments in
the commodity pool from the periodic account statement. Furthermore,
the proposal is consistent with the comparable provision of Regulation
4.22(a) for pools that are not Regulation 4.7-exempt, which specifies
that either the net asset value per outstanding participation unit or
the total value of the participant's interest or share in the pool be
included in an account statement.
B. Series Pools and Pools With Multiple Classes of Ownership Interests
A commodity pool may contain an organizational structure that
includes more than one series or class of ownership interest. Different
ownership series or classes may exist due to differences in fees and
expenses, currency denomination, trading, cash management strategies,
and other aspects of the operation of the pool.
GAAP provides guidance regarding the presentation of financial
statements for series funds \6\ and for investment funds with multiple
ownership classes,\7\ and pool financial statements prepared pursuant
to both Regulation 4.22(c) and Regulation 4.7(b)(3) must be in
accordance with GAAP. Commission staff has received many questions from
CPOs, their attorneys and accountants, and NFA regarding the proper
presentation of periodic account statements and annual financial
reports for series funds and multi-class pools. Therefore, the
Commission is proposing to amend Regulations 4.7(b)(2) and 4.22(a) to
specify that, for series funds structured with a limitation on
liability among the different series, the periodic account statement
may include only the information for the series being reported,
although additional information on other series may be provided;
however, for other series funds and for multi-class funds, net asset
value and other information required by the regulations must be
presented for both the pool as a whole as well as for each series or
class of ownership interest.
\6\ American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(``AICPA'') Audit and Accounting Guide, Investment Companies
paragraph 7.03.
\7\ AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide, Investment Companies,
Chapter 5, Complex Capital Structures.
The Commission also is proposing to amend Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and
4.22(c) to clarify that, for series funds structured with a limitation
on liability among the different series, the annual report may include
only the information for the series being reported. For both periodic
account statements and annual financial reports, CPOs of series funds
with a limitation on liability among the different series are not
precluded by these amendments from providing financial information to
participants for other series or classes of the pool.
C. Changes to Extension Provisions Under Regulation 4.22(f)
Regulations 4.7(b)(3) and 4.22(c) require a CPO to provide to each
participant in each commodity pool that the CPO operates an annual
report for the commodity pool within 90 calendar days of the end of the
pool's fiscal year. The CPO is further required to submit a copy of the
annual report electronically to NFA.
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) permits a CPO of a commodity pool that
invests in other funds (referred to as a ``fund of funds'') to claim up
to an additional 60 days to distribute the pool's annual report to pool
participants and to file a copy with NFA. CPOs may claim the Regulation
4.22(f)(2) fund of funds 60-day extension by filing with NFA an initial
notice, containing specified representations, in advance of the annual
report's due date for the first year the extension is claimed. In
subsequent years, the CPO may confirm that the circumstances
necessitating the relief continue to apply by restating certain
representations in a statement filed at the same time as the pool's
annual report.
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) currently is applicable only to CPOs that
distribute annual reports that are audited by independent public
accountants. CPOs of commodity pools that are permitted to distribute
unaudited annual financial reports to participants pursuant to
Regulation 4.7(b)(3) may request from NFA up to a 90-day extension of
the filing deadline under Regulation 4.22(f)(1).
In adopting Regulation 4.22(f)(2), the Commission anticipated,
based upon its experience, that a substantial majority of the CPOs of
funds of funds would be able to distribute to the participants and to
file with NFA the pools' annual reports within 150 days of the end of
the respective commodity pool's fiscal year.\8\ The Commission further
noted that CPOs that could not meet the 150-day filing timeframe under
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) could continue to request an extension of time to
distribute and to file the pools' annual reports pursuant to Regulation
\8\ 65 FR 81333 at 81334 (December 26, 2000).
\9\ However, the CPO of a commodity pool that operated as a fund
of funds and claimed an automatic extension of 60 days pursuant to
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) for the filing of the pool's annual report
would be limited to requesting no more than an additional 30-day
extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(1). Thus, under Regulations
4.22(f)(1) and (2), all pool annual reports must be distributed to
pool participants and filed with NFA within 180 days of the end of
the pool's fiscal year.
In recent years, however, the number of CPOs that have requested
additional extensions under Regulation 4.22(f)(1) after having claimed
the 60-day extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2) has increased
significantly. According to data provided by NFA for pool annual
reports with a fiscal year ending in 2006, CPOs claimed the 60-day fund
of funds extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2) for over 650 commodity
pools. Subsequently, CPOs of approximately 50 percent of such pools
filed requests with NFA for an additional extension of up to 30
calendar days pursuant to Regulation 4.22(f)(1). Similarly, for
[[Page 8222]]
pools with fiscal years ending in 2007, CPOs claimed the 60-day filing
extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2) for over 500 commodity pools.
Subsequently, CPOs of approximately 45 percent of such pools filed
requests with NFA for an additional extension of up to 30 calendar days
under Regulation 4.22(f)(1).
To address this issue, the Commission is proposing to extend from
60 to 90 days the maximum amount of additional time that a CPO that
operates a commodity pool that invests in other funds may claim under
Regulation 4.22(f)(2). Therefore, under the proposal, annual financial
reports for funds of funds may be distributed to pool participants and
filed with NFA a maximum of 180 days from the end of a qualifying
pool's fiscal year. This amendment would eliminate the need for CPOs to
file an additional request under Regulation 4.22(f)(1), and also would
reduce the administrative burden to NFA of processing these additional
requests. The Commission, however, expects CPOs to distribute pool
annual reports to participants as soon after the end of the pool's
fiscal year-end as possible, notwithstanding the availability of the
additional extension.\10\
\10\ In this regard, the Commission would expect that pool
annual financial reports would be issued to the pool's participants
shortly after the completion of the reports by the independent
public accountant or, for unaudited annual financial reports, by the
The 180-day timeframe for CPOs of funds of funds to prepare and to
distribute pool annual reports also would be consistent with the
timeframe within which registered investment advisers distribute annual
reports to investors in funds of funds under the Securities and
Exchange Commission's (``SEC's'') custody rule.\11\ Registered
investment advisers are not required to comply with certain provisions
of the SEC's custody rule with respect to the accounts of limited
partnerships, limited liability companies, or other pooled investment
vehicles that are subject to audit at least annually and for which the
audited financial statements are distributed to partners, members or
other beneficial owners within 120 days of the fund's fiscal year-end
or, in the case of a fund of funds, within 180 days of the end of its
fiscal year.
\11\ 17 CFR 275.206(4)-2(b)(3). ``Fund of funds'' is defined for
purposes of the custody rule at 275.206(4)-2(b)(3)(c)(4).
The Commission also is proposing to extend the application of
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) to CPOs that operate Regulation 4.7-exempt
commodity pools that do not prepare audited financial statements
certified by independent public accountants. As previously noted, a CPO
operating a pool that meets the criteria of Regulation 4.7 may claim
exemption from certain annual reporting requirements, including the
requirement of Regulation 4.22(d) that the financial statements
contained in the annual report be audited by an independent public
Regulation 4.22(f)(2) was adopted, in large part, to address
difficulties that CPOs experience in obtaining timely information about
their pools' investments in other funds in order for the pools' public
accountants to prepare audited financial statements. Annual reports
that are not audited, however, are still required to be prepared in
accordance with GAAP. The CPOs of unaudited funds of funds have
explained that they often experience difficulties in obtaining the
information necessary from investee funds to complete the preparation
of the pools' financial statements by the time specified in Regulation
4.22(c). In order to complete the financial statements of the pools,
the CPOs need information establishing the value of the pools' material
investments from the investee funds. These investments may be in a
number of investee funds, such as other commodity pools, securities
funds, or hedge funds, both domestic and offshore. The information that
the CPOs require frequently is unavailable until the investee funds
complete their own audited financial statements. Thus, in many cases,
the CPOs cannot obtain the information they require about the investee
funds in time for the annual financial reports of the pools to be
prepared and distributed by the due date. Under the proposed amendment,
CPOs of funds of funds for which unaudited annual reports are prepared
also would be able to claim the extension under Regulation 4.22(f)(2).
In addition, the Commission is proposing to remove the requirement
that a CPO that has filed a claim of extension under Regulation
4.22(f)(2) for a particular pool must restate certain representations
in a statement filed with the pool's annual reports in subsequent
years. Instead, having filed the initial claim, the CPO will be
presumed to operate the pool as a fund of funds and otherwise continue
to qualify for the automatic extension; however, if the pool no longer
operates as a fund of funds, then its CPO must provide NFA with notice
of the change in the pool's status and must file the pool's annual
report within 90 days of the pool's fiscal year-end, as required by
Regulation 4.22(c).
If the proposed extension of the time period under Regulation
4.22(f)(2) is adopted, CPOs that have claimed the fund of funds
extension will not need to file new notices with NFA in order to claim
the additional 30 days to file and to distribute their qualifying
pools' annual reports. As noted previously, however, the Commission
expects CPOs to file and to distribute their pools' annual reports as
soon as possible after the pools' fiscal year-ends to ensure that
participants obtain information that is as current as possible.
D. Streamlined Filing Procedures for Liquidating Pools
Regulation 4.22(c) requires a CPO of a commodity pool that has
ceased operation to distribute a final annual report to commodity pool
participants and to file a copy with NFA within 90 days of the pool's
permanent cessation of trading, but in no event longer than 90 days
after funds are returned to pool participants. Due to confusion created
by the reference in Regulation 4.22(c) to two possible timeframes for
filing a final annual report, the Commission is proposing to amend this
regulation to specify that the final annual report must be filed no
later than 90 days after the pool ceases trading. A CPO that has not
distributed all funds to participants by the date that the report is
issued must provide information about the return of funds to pool
participants, including an estimate of the value of funds remaining to
be distributed and the anticipated timeframe of when those funds are
expected to be returned. When the remaining funds are returned to
participants, the CPO should send a notice to all participants and to
The Commission further acknowledges that the cost of preparing
audited financial statements, which may reduce significantly the amount
of funds available to return to participants, particularly where the
pool has ceased operation due to material trading and investment
losses, may exceed the benefits to the pool participants. In these
situations, the most significant information for participants is
disclosure of the factors that led to the decline in the pool's value,
the fees and expenses attributable to the pool leading up to the
liquidation, the manner in which the pool's operations were concluded,
and when and how much of the participants' investment has been, or will
be, returned.
The Commission therefore is proposing to simplify the reporting
requirements for CPOs of pools ceasing operation in order to assist
them in providing participants with the most timely and meaningful
[[Page 8223]]
This information would include a Statement of Operations and a
Statement of Changes in Net Assets since the last fiscal year-end
annual report, an explanation of the winding down of the pool's
operations, and a written disclosure that all interests in, and assets
of, the pool have been redeemed, distributed, or transferred on behalf
of the participants. If the report would otherwise be required to be
audited pursuant to Regulation 4.22(d), the CPO may prepare an
unaudited annual report provided that the CPO obtains from all
participants, and files with NFA, written waivers of each of the
participant's rights to receive an audited annual report. This latter
provision is consistent with case-by-case exemptions that Commission
staff has provided to CPOs of pools that have ceased operation.
In order to clarify that the requirement to file an annual
financial report upon the permanent cessation of trading applies to
Regulation 4.7-exempt pools, the Commission proposes to add to the
introductory text of Regulation 4.7(b)(3) the language that appears in
the introductory text of Regulation 4.22(c) to this effect, subject to
the clarification proposed above. Commission staff has confirmed that
Regulation 4.7-exempt pools are subject to the same requirements as
non-exempt pools with respect to their final annual reports in the
annual report guidance letter issued to CPOs each year by Commission
\12\ CPO guidance letters issued by the Commission's Division of
Clearing and Intermediary Oversight (``DCIO'') are available at
E. Codifying Existing Policies Regarding Special Allocations of
Ownership Equity, Unrealized Gains and Losses, and Investee Funds'
Income and Expenses
1. Special Allocations of Ownership Interests
CFTC Interpretative Letter No. 94-3, Special Allocations of
Investment Partnership Equity,\13\ describes the procedures for
reporting in a pool's annual financial report special allocations of
partnership equity from limited partners to the general partner.\14\
These special allocations must be recognized in the financial
statements in the same reporting period as the net income, interest
income, or other basis of computation of the special allocation;
classified in the Statement of Operations as either an expense or a
special allocation of net income; separately reported in the Statement
of Partnership Equity; and deducted in the computation of the GAAP-
required disclosures.
\13\ Available at
\14\ ``Special allocations'' are generally distributions of
profits or transfers of equity that exceed a class's proportionate
share of profits based upon the class's proportionate capital
contribution to the pool. As noted in Interpretative Letter No. 94-
3, a partnership agreement may often provide that a special
allocation is to be made for the advisory services provided by the
general partner, and that the amount of the allocation is based upon
a percentage of the partnership's net income.
At the time Interpretative Letter 94-3 was issued, no specific
accounting standard existed to address special allocations of
partnership equity. Subsequently, the AICPA issued the Audit and
Accounting Guide, Audits of Investment Companies, which contains a
provision stating that special allocations of investment partnership
equity can be accounted for in one of two ways. Pursuant to the Audit
and Accounting Guide, the amounts of any special allocations may be
presented in either the Statement of Operations or the Statement of
Changes in Partners' Capital in accordance with the partnership
agreement, and the method of computing such payments or allocations
should be described in the notes to the financial statements.\15\
\15\ AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide, Investment Companies,
paragraph 7.49.
Commission staff has consistently taken the position that requiring
a CPO to report a special allocation in a pool's Statement of
Operations provides the pool's participants with more complete
information of the impact of a distribution of a special allocation to
their respective capital accounts, notwithstanding the flexibility
provided by the Audit and Accounting Guide.\16\ The Commission,
therefore, is proposing to amend Regulation 4.22(e) to incorporate the
requirements currently detailed in Interpretative Letter No. 94-3. CPOs
may continue to use the sample financial statement reporting formats
set forth in the Interpretative Letter.
\16\ This position has been stated in DCIO's annual CPO guidance
2. Combining Gains and Losses on Regulated Futures Transactions With
Gains and Losses on Non-CFTC Regulated Transactions in the Statement of
Regulation 4.22(e) provides that a commodity pool's Statement of
Operations must itemize the pool's total realized net gain or loss from
commodity interest trading and the change in unrealized net gain or
loss in commodity interest positions during the pool's fiscal year.
Regulation 4.22(e) does not provide explicitly for separate disclosure
on the Statement of Operations of realized and unrealized gains and
losses on non-commodity interest trading activities.
In 1995, Commission staff issued an interpretation of the
requirements for itemization of realized and unrealized gains or losses
in the commodity pool's Statement of Operations.\17\ The interpretation
noted that trading is often done by commodity pools using strategies
that combine financial instruments from different types of markets,
and, to reflect meaningfully the results of such trading strategies,
permits the separate reporting of realized and unrealized gains and
losses that combines the results of commodity interest trading and non-
commodity interest trading that are part of the same trading strategy.
The interpretation further noted that reporting realized and unrealized
gains and/or losses for commodity interest transactions separately from
other financial instruments that are part of the pool's trading
strategy may be misleading to pool participants as the separate
reporting may distort the real results of the pool's trading
\17\ CFTC Letter No. 95-52, Comm. Fut. L. Rep. (CCH) ] 26,421.
In order to formally establish staff's interpretation, the
Commission is proposing to amend Regulation 4.22(e) to state that
realized and unrealized gains and losses on regulated commodities
transactions presented in the Statement of Operations of a commodity
pool may be combined with realized or unrealized gains and losses,
respectively, from non-commodity interest trading, provided that the
gains and losses to be combined are part of a related trading strategy.
Furthermore, gains or losses from foreign currency translations and
conversions also may be included with the related trading strategy, or
reported separately.\18\
\18\ The proposed treatment of gains or losses from foreign
currency translation is consistent with AICPA Audit and Accounting
Guide, Audits of Investment Companies, paragraphs 7.51 and 7.54.
3. Fees and Expenses of Investee Funds
Commission Regulation 4.22(e) requires a CPO to itemize in the
Statement of Operations brokerage commissions, management fees,
advisory fees, incentive fees, interest income and expense, total
realized net gain or loss from commodity interest trading, and change
in unrealized net gain or loss on commodity interest positions during
the pool's fiscal year directly incurred by the pool during the course
of the reporting period. A purpose of this provision is to ensure
[[Page 8224]]
that pool participants receive a detailed listing of the fees and other
expenses incurred by the pool for the reporting period.
For over a decade, consistent with the policy of detailed
disclosure of material fees and expenses set forth in Regulation
4.22(e), Commission staff has encouraged CPOs to disclose separately in
pool annual reports income received from, and fees paid to, investee
pools.\19\ Specifically, CPOs were encouraged to disclose in the notes
to the financial statements the amounts of management and incentive
fees and expenses indirectly incurred as a result of investing in any
fund where the investment in the fund exceeded five percent of the
pool's net asset value. Commission staff took the position that such
income, fees, and expenses should be disclosed separately for each fund
in which a CPO invested five or more percent of a pool's net asset
value. Income, fees, and expenses incurred from investments in one or
more funds where each investment in a fund represented less than five
percent of the pool's net asset value could be combined and reported in
the aggregate; the total income on the detail schedule should agree
with the amount of income reported for the income from investments in
other funds in the pool's Statement of Operations.\20\ The rationale
for this disclosure is that such information is material for pool
participants to comprehend fully the investment strategy and fee
structure of a commodity pool. In addition, the five percent threshold
is consistent with the reporting thresholds set forth in the relevant
accounting requirements regarding disclosure of investments in other
\19\ Commission staff has discussed these disclosures in the
annual CPO guidance letters.
\20\ Fees and expenses are generally reported net of any income
by the investee fund to the CPO.
\21\ AICPA Statement of Position (``SOP'') 03-04, Reporting
Financial Highlights and Schedule of Investments by Nonregistered
Investment Partnerships: An Amendment to the Audit and Accounting
Guide, Audits of Investment Companies.
Accordingly, the Commission is proposing that information on the
amounts of income and expenses associated with a pool's investments in
investee funds, and identifying by name the investee funds in which
investments exceed five percent of the pool's net assets, be required
in annual reports for pools prepared under both Regulation 4.22(c) and
Regulation 4.7(b)(3).
F. Use of GAAP
1. Regulations 4.22(c) and 4.7(b)(3)
Commission regulations require that audited and unaudited financial
statements, as well as periodic account statements, be presented and
computed in accordance with GAAP. This provision consistently has been
interpreted by Commission staff to mean GAAP as established in the
United States (``U.S. GAAP''). Nevertheless, Commission staff has, on a
case-by-case basis, provided limited relief to CPOs that operate
commodity pools organized under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction by
allowing the financial statements of such pools to be prepared and
presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards (``IFRS'') instead of U.S. GAAP.\22\ In cases where staff has
provided relief, the relief was conditioned upon the offshore pool
following certain key elements of U.S. GAAP standards, including
preparing a condensed Schedule of Investments; \23\ reporting special
allocations of partnership equity in accordance with CFTC
Interpretative Letter 94-3, proposed to be codified as Regulation
4.22(e)(2); and, in the event that IFRS would require consolidated
financial statements for the pool, adequately reporting results of
operations and financial position specific to each class of the pool's
investors. In addition, using accounting standards other than U.S. GAAP
must not conflict with any representations made to participants or
potential participants in the pool.
\22\ The annual CPO guidance letters issued by Commission staff
have discussed the conditions under which such exemptions may be
granted and the procedure for making exemption requests. See, e.g.,
Section III of the January 16, 2008 annual guidance letter at http:/
\23\ As required by AICPA SOP 95-2, subsequently amended by SOP
01-1 and SOP 03-4.
Because these criteria under which CPOs have been granted relief
from the requirement to prepare pool financial reports in accordance
with U.S. GAAP have remained constant, the Commission is proposing that
CPOs be permitted to claim relief to prepare financial statements
pursuant to IFRS by filing a notice that includes representations
regarding the operations of their offshore pools, the preparation of
the pools' financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and the
additional information that will be included in the reports in order
for the financial statements to be consistent with U.S. GAAP. If IFRS
would require consolidated financial statements for a pool, such as
those with complex capital structures (for example, master-feeder
structures or funds of funds), such financial statements must contain
disclosures that adequately report results of operations and financial
position specific to each class of the pool's investors.
Under the proposal, the notice must be filed with NFA prior to the
due date for the report, and the CPO can continue to prepare annual
reports for future years in accordance with IFRS as long as all
representations made in the initial notice remain in effect. A single
notice may be filed for more than one pool operated by the CPO as long
as all the representations in the notice apply to each of the pools
named therein.
Commission staff also has provided relief on a case-by-case basis
to CPOs operating offshore commodity pools permitting the use of
accounting standards established in other jurisdictions, including the
United Kingdom, Ireland, and Luxembourg. However, the Commission
currently is proposing to establish the notice procedure solely for
pools that are following IFRS, due to IFRS's global nature and the
various efforts under way in the U.S. and other countries to achieve
convergence between IFRS and local accounting standards.\24\ CPOs of
offshore pools that meet the criteria specified in proposed Regulation
4.22(d)(2) but are using accounting standards other than IFRS may
continue to seek case-by-case relief from the U.S. GAAP requirement by
filing relief requests with Commission staff.
\24\ See, e.g., the February 27, 2006 Memorandum of
Understanding between the Financial Accounting Standards Board and
the International Accounting Standards Board on convergence of IFRS
and U.S. GAAP:
2. GAAP Requirement in Regulation 4.13
Regulation 4.13 provides an exemption from registration for CPOs
that operate only one pool at a time, for which no advertising is done
and no compensation is received; or that operate pools that include no
more than 15 participants each, and the aggregate subscriptions to all
pools do not exceed $400,000. In 2003, the Commission adopted
additional registration exemptions for CPOs of pools whose participants
are SEC ``accredited investors'' \25\ and that limit their trading of
commodity interests to a de minimis amount, or that limit participation
to certain highly sophisticated investors. In proposing the Regulation
4.13(a)(3) and (4) exemptions that were adopted in 2003, the Commission
stated that ``this relief is intended to encourage and
[[Page 8225]]
facilitate participation in the commodity interest markets by
additional collective investment vehicles and their advisers, with the
added benefit to all market participants of increased liquidity.'' \26\
\25\ 17 CFR 230.501(a) (2008).
\26\ 68 FR 12625 (March 17, 2003).
Regulation 4.13(c) specifies that, if a CPO that has claimed an
exemption from registration under Regulation 4.13 distributes an annual
report to pool participants, the annual report must be presented and
computed in accordance with GAAP and, if audited by an independent
public accountant, certified in accordance with Regulation 1.16. The
Commission has reconsidered this requirement and determined that it
does not need to prescribe the form of an annual report that is not
required by its regulations to be prepared, distributed, or filed.
Accordingly, the Commission is proposing to remove the requirement in
Regulation 4.13(c) that an annual report distributed to participants in
a pool for which exemption under Regulation 4.13 has been claimed must
be prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Commission expects, however,
that CPOs will prepare their pools' reports pursuant to the terms of
the pools' operating documents.
III. Updating References to Financial Schedules
The Commission is proposing to update both the periodic and annual
reporting provisions of Part 4 to conform with current accounting
practices with respect to the references to various financial
schedules. These changes would delete references to the Statement of
Changes in Financial Position, which no longer exists; rename the
Statement of Income (Loss) as the Statement of Operations; and rename
the Statement of Changes in Net Asset Value as the Statement of Changes
in Net Assets.
IV. Related Matters
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA''), 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.,
requires that agencies, in proposing regulations, consider the impact
of those regulations on small businesses. The Commission previously has
established certain definitions of ``small entities'' to be used by the
Commission in evaluating the impact of its regulations on such entities
in accordance with the RFA.\27\ The Commission has determined
previously that registered CPOs are not small entities for the purpose
of the RFA.\28\ The proposed amendments to Regulation 4.7 and
Regulation 4.22 would apply only to registered CPOs. With respect to
CPOs exempt from registration, the Commission has previously determined
that a CPO is a small entity if it meets the criteria for exemption
from registration under current Regulation 4.13(a)(2). The proposed
amendment to Regulation 4.13 would remove an existing requirement and
does not impose any significant burdens. Therefore, the Chairman, on
behalf of the Commission, hereby certifies, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
605(b), that the action proposed to be taken herein will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
\27\ 47 FR 18618 (April 30, 1982).
\28\ 47 FR at 18619.
A. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (``PRA'') \29\ imposes certain
requirements on federal agencies (including the Commission) in
connection with their conducting or sponsoring any collection of
information as defined by the PRA. Pursuant to the PRA, the Commission
has submitted a copy of this section to the Office of Management and
Budget (``OMB'') for its review.
\29\ 44 U.S.C. 3507(d).
Collection of Information. (Rules Relating to the Operations and
Activities of Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity Trading Advisors
and to Monthly Reporting by Futures Commission Merchants, OMB Control
Number 3038-0005.)
The proposed amendments will not require a new collection of
information on the part of any entities subject to the proposed
amendments. Specifically, the proposed amendments will modify existing
regulatory requirements by clarifying information that must be included
in required periodic and annual reports. The expected effect of the
proposed amended regulations will be to increase slightly the burden
for this collection of information due to including specific fee and
expense information in annual reports for funds of funds. This increase
affects only annual reports for pools that invest in other funds and
therefore are required to include the additional fee and expense
information, and does not affect reports for pools that do not invest
in other funds. In addition, because the previous submission of this
collection contained a calculation error with respect to the total
number of respondents, the burden has been recalculated and the
corrected numbers are included in the current estimate. The Commission
estimates the burden of this collection of information as follows:
Estimated Annual Reporting Burden:
Number of Respondents: 9,200.
Total Annual Responses: 28,275.
Total Annual Hours: 167,550.
The Commission considers comments by the public on this proposed
collection of information in--
Evaluating whether the proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the information will have a practical
Evaluating the accuracy of the Commission's estimate of the burden
of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
Enhancing the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
Minimizing the burden of the collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses.
Organizations and individuals desiring to submit comments on the
information collection should contact the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Room 10235, New
Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503, Attn: Desk Officer of
the Commodity Futures Commission. OMB is required to make a decision
concerning the collection of information contained in these proposed
regulations between 30 and 90 days after publication of this document
in the Federal Register. Therefore, a comment to OMB is best assured of
having its full effect if OMB receives it within 30 days of
publication. This does not affect the deadline for the public to
comment to the Commission on the proposed regulations. Copies of the
information collection submission to OMB are available from the CFTC
Clearance Officer, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581 or (202)
B. Cost-Benefit Analysis
Section 15(a) of the Act requires the Commission to consider the
costs and benefits of its action before issuing a new regulation under
the Act. By its terms, Section 15(a) does not require the Commission to
quantify the costs and benefits of a new regulation or to determine
whether the benefits of the regulation outweigh its costs. Rather,
Section 15(a) simply requires the
[[Page 8226]]
Commission to ``consider the costs and benefits'' of its action.
Section 15(a) of the Act further specifies that costs and benefits
shall be evaluated in light of five broad areas of market and public
concern: Protection of market participants and the public; efficiency,
competitiveness, and financial integrity of futures markets; price
discovery; sound risk management practices; and other public interest
considerations. Accordingly, the Commission could in its discretion
give greater weight to any one of the five enumerated areas and could
in its discretion determine that, notwithstanding its costs, a
particular regulation was necessary or appropriate to protect the
public interest or to effectuate any of the provisions or to accomplish
any of the purposes of the Act.
The Commission has considered the costs and benefits of this
proposed regulation in light of the specific provisions of Section
15(a) of the Act, as follows:
1. Protection of market participants and the public. The proposed
amendments should not affect the protection of market participants and
the public as they primarily clarify existing reporting requirements
for commodity pools.
2. Efficiency and competition. The Commission anticipates that the
proposed amendments will benefit efficiency by streamlining the annual
report filing process for funds of funds and pools ceasing operation.
The proposal will also reduce the number of requests for additional
extensions for funds of funds that must be processed by NFA. The
proposed amendments are considered by the Commission as benefiting
efficiency and not impacting competition.
3. Financial integrity of futures markets and price discovery. The
proposed amendments should have no effect, from the standpoint of
imposing costs or creating benefits, on the financial integrity of
futures markets or the price discovery function of such markets.
4. Sound risk management practices. The proposed amendments should
have no effect, from the standpoint of imposing costs or creating
benefits, on sound risk management practices.
5. Other public interest considerations. The Commission believes
that the proposed clarification of requirements for periodic reporting
of multi-class or series pools is beneficial in that it results in the
provision of more meaningful information to participants in those
After considering these factors, the Commission has determined to
propose the amendments discussed above. The Commission invites public
comment on its application of the cost-benefit provision. Commenters
also are invited to submit any data that they may have quantifying the
costs and benefits of the proposal with their comment letters.
List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 4
Advertising, Commodity futures, Commodity pool operators, Consumer
protection, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Commission proposes
to amend 17 CFR part 4 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 4 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 4, 6b, 6c, 6l, 6m, 6n, 6o, 12a, and
2. Amend Sec. 4.7 to revise paragraphs (b)(2)(iii), (b)(3)(i)
introductory text, (b)(3)(i)(B), and (b)(3)(i)(C), and to add paragraph
(b)(3)(i)(D) to read as follows:
Sec. 4.7 Exemption from certain part 4 requirements for commodity
pool operators with respect to offerings to qualified eligible persons
and for commodity trading advisors with respect to advising qualified
eligible persons.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii)(A) Either the net asset value per outstanding participation
unit in the exempt pool as of the end of the reporting period, or
(B) The total value of the participant's interest or share in the
exempt pool as of the end of the reporting period;
(C) Where the pool is comprised of more than one ownership class or
series, the net asset value of the series or class on which the account
statement is reporting, and the net asset value per unit or value of
the participant's share, also must be included in the statement
required by this paragraph (b)(2); except that, for a pool that is a
series fund structured with a limitation on liability among the
different series, the account statement required by this paragraph
(b)(2) is not required to include the consolidated net asset value of
all series of the pool.
(3) Annual report relief. (i) Exemption from the specific
requirements of Sec. Sec. 4.22(c) and (d); Provided, That within 90
calendar days after the end of the exempt pool's fiscal year or the
permanent cessation of trading, whichever is earlier, the commodity
pool operator electronically files with the National Futures
Association and distributes to each participant in lieu of the
financial information and statements specified by those sections, an
annual report for the exempt pool, affirmed in accordance with Sec.
4.22(h) which contains, at a minimum:
* * * * *
(B) A Statement of Operations for that year;
(C) Appropriate footnote disclosure and such further material
information as may be necessary to make the required statements not
misleading. For a pool that invests in other funds, this information
must include, but is not limited to, separately disclosing the amounts
of income and expenses associated with each investment in an investee
fund that exceeds five percent of the pool's net assets. The income and
expenses associated with an investment in an investee fund that is less
than five percent of the pool's net assets may be combined and reported
in the aggregate with the income and expenses of other investee funds
that, individually, represent an investment of less than five percent
of the pool's net assets;
(D) Where the pool is comprised of more than one ownership class or
series, information for the series or class on which the financial
statements are reporting should be presented in addition to the
information presented for the pool as a whole; except that, for a pool
that is a series fund structured with a limitation on liability among
the different series, the financial statements are not required to
include consolidated information for all series.
* * * * *
Sec. 4.22 [Amended]
3. Amend Sec. 4.13 by removing paragraph (c)(2) and redesignating
paragraph (c)(3) as (c)(2).
4. Amend Sec. 4.22 to revise paragraphs (a) introductory text,
(a)(1) introductory text, (a)(2) introductory text, (c) introductory
text, (c)(4), (c)(5), (d), (e) and (f)(2), and to add paragraphs
(a)(2)(vii) and (c)(7) to read as follows:
Sec. 4.22 Reporting to pool participants.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, each
commodity pool operator registered or required to be registered under
the Act must periodically distribute to each participant in each pool
that it operates, within 30 calendar days after the last date of the
reporting period prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section, an
Account Statement, which shall be presented in the form of a Statement
of Operations and a Statement of Changes
[[Page 8227]]
in Net Assets, for the prescribed period. These financial statements
must be presented and computed in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles consistently applied. The Account Statement must
be signed in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section.
(1) The portion of the Account Statement which must be presented in
the form of a Statement of Operations must separately itemize the
following information:
* * * * *
(2) The portion of the Account Statement that must be presented in
the form of a Statement of Changes in Net Assets must separately
itemize the following information:
* * * * *
(vii) Where the pool is comprised of more than one ownership class
or series, information for the series or class on which the account
statement is reporting should be presented in addition to the
information presented for the pool as a whole; except that, for a pool
that is a series fund structured with a limitation on liability among
the different series, the account statement is not required to include
consolidated information for all series.
* * * * *
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(6) of this section, each
commodity pool operator registered or required to be registered under
the Act must distribute an Annual Report to each participant in each
pool that it operates, and must electronically submit a copy of the
Report and key financial balances from the Report to the National
Futures Association pursuant to the electronic filing procedures of the
National Futures Association, within 90 calendar days after the end of
the pool's fiscal year or the permanent cessation of trading, whichever
is earlier; Provided, however, that if during any calendar year the
commodity pool operator did not operate a commodity pool, the pool
operator must so notify the National Futures Association within 30
calendar days after the end of such calendar year. The Annual Report
must be affirmed pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section and must
contain the following:
* * * * *
(4) Statements of Operations, and Changes in Net Assets, for the
period between:
(i) The later of:
(A) The date of the most recent Statement of Financial Condition
delivered to the National Futures Association pursuant to this
paragraph (c), or
(B) The date of the formation of the pool, and
(ii) The close of the pool's fiscal year, together with Statements
of Operations, and Changes in Net Assets for the corresponding period
of the previous fiscal year.
(5) Appropriate footnote disclosure and such further material
information as may be necessary to make the required statements not
(i) For a pool that invests in other funds, this information must
include, but is not limited to, separately disclosing the amounts of
income and expenses associated with each investment in an investee fund
that exceeds five percent of the pool's net assets. The income and
expenses associated with an investment in an investee fund that is less
than five percent of the pool's net assets may be combined and reported
in the aggregate with the income and expenses of other investee funds
that, individually, represent an investment of less than five percent
of the pool's net assets;
(ii) Where the pool is comprised of more than one ownership class
or series, information for the series or class on which the financial
statements are reporting should be presented in addition to the
information presented for the pool as a whole; except that, for a pool
that is a series fund structured with a limitation on liability among
the different series, the financial statements are not required to
include consolidated information for all series.
* * * * *
(7) For a pool that has ceased operation prior to, or as of, the
end of the fiscal year, the commodity pool operator may provide the
following in lieu of the annual report that would otherwise be required
by Sec. 4.22(c) or Sec. 4.7(b)(3):
(i) Statements of Operations and Changes in Net Assets for the
period between:
(A) The later of:
(1) The date of the most recent Statement of Financial Condition
filed with the National Futures Association pursuant to this paragraph
(c), or
(2) The date of the formation of the pool; and
(B) The close of the pool's fiscal year or the date of the
cessation of trading, whichever is earlier,
(ii)(A) An explanation of the winding down of the pool's operations
and written disclosure that all interests in, and assets of, the pool
have been redeemed, distributed or transferred on behalf of the
(B) If all funds have not yet been distributed or transferred to
participants by the time that the final report is issued, disclosure of
the value of assets remaining to be distributed and an approximate time
frame of when the distribution will occur. At the time of the final
distribution of the pool's assets, the commodity pool operator must
provide written notice to each participant and to the National Futures
Association that all interests in, and assets of, the pool have been
redeemed, distributed or transferred on behalf of the participants.
(iii) A report filed pursuant to paragraph (c)(7) of this section
that would otherwise be required by Sec. 4.22(c) is not required to be
certified in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section if the
commodity pool operator obtains from all participants, and files with
the National Futures Association no later than the time that the
commodity pool operator files the Annual Report, written waivers of
their rights to receive an audited Annual Report.
* * * * *
(d)(1) The financial statements in the Annual Report must be
presented and computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles consistently applied and must be certified by an independent
public accountant. The requirements of Sec. 1.16(g) of this chapter
shall apply with respect to the engagement of such independent public
accountants, except that any related notifications to be made may be
made solely to the National Futures Association, and the certification
must be in accordance with Sec. 1.16 of this chapter, except that the
following requirements of that section shall not apply:
(i) The audit objectives of Sec. 1.16(d)(1) of this chapter
concerning the periodic computation of minimum capital and property in
(ii) All other references in Sec. 1.16 of this chapter to the
segregation requirements; and
(iii) Sections 1.16(c)(5), (d)(2), (e)(2), and (f) of this chapter.
(2)(i) The financial statements in the Annual Report required by
this section or by Sec. 4.7(b)(3) may be presented and computed in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards issued by
the International Accounting Standards Board if the following
conditions are met:
(A) The pool is organized under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction;
(B) The Annual Report will include a condensed schedule of
investments, or, if required by the alternate accounting standards, a
full schedule of investments;
[[Page 8228]]
(C) The preparation of the pool's financial statements under
International Financial Reporting Standards is not inconsistent with
representations set forth in the pool's offering memorandum or similar
(D) Special allocations of ownership equity will be reported in
accordance with Sec. 4.22(e)(2); and
(E) In the event that the International Financial Reporting
Standards require consolidated financial statements for the pool, such
financial statements must contain disclosures that adequately report
results of operations and financial position specific to each class of
the pool's investors.
(ii) The commodity pool operator of a pool that meets the
conditions specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this section may claim
relief from the requirement in paragraph (d)(1) of this section by
filing a notice with the National Futures Association, within 90
calendar days of the end of the pool's fiscal year.
(A) The notice must contain the name, main business address, main
telephone number and the National Futures Association registration
identification number of the commodity pool operator, and name and the
identification number of the commodity pool.
(B) The notice must include representations regarding the pool's
compliance with each of the conditions specified in Sec.
4.22(d)(2)(i)(A) through (D), and, if applicable, (d)(2)(i)(E); and
(C) The notice must be signed by the commodity pool operator in
accordance with paragraph (h) of this section.
(e)(1) The Statement of Operations required by this section must
itemize brokerage commissions, management fees, advisory fees,
incentive fees, interest income and expense, total realized net gain or
loss from commodity interest trading, and change in unrealized net gain
or loss on commodity interest positions during the pool's fiscal year.
Gains and losses on commodity interests need not be itemized by
commodity or by specific delivery or expiration date.
(2)(i) Any share of a pool's profits or transfer of a pool's equity
which exceeds the general partner's or any other class's share of
profits computed on the general partner's or other class's pro rata
capital contribution are ``special allocations.'' Special allocations
of partnership equity or other interests must be recognized in the
pool's Statement of Operations in the same period as the net income,
interest income, or other basis of computation of the special
allocation is recognized. Special allocations must be recognized and
classified either as an expense of the pool or, if not recognized as an
expense of the pool, presented in the Statement of Operations as a
separate, itemized allocation of the pool's net income to arrive at net
income available for pro rata distribution to all partners.
(ii) Special allocations of ownership interest also must be
reported separately in the Statement of Partners' Equity, in addition
to the pro-rata allocations of net income, as to each class of
ownership interest.
(3) Realized gains or losses on regulated commodities transactions
presented in the Statement of Operations of a commodity pool may be
combined with realized gains or losses from trading in non-commodity
interest transactions, provided that the gains or losses to be combined
are part of a related trading strategy. Unrealized gains or losses on
open regulated commodity positions presented in the Statement of
Operations of a commodity pool may be combined with unrealized gains or
losses from open positions in non-commodity positions, provided that
the gains or losses to be combined are part of a related trading
(f) * * *
(2) In the event a commodity pool operator finds that it cannot
obtain information necessary to prepare annual financial statements for
a pool that it operates within the time specified in either paragraph
(c) of this section or Sec. 4.7(b)(3)(i), as a result of the pool
investing in another collective investment vehicle, it may claim an
extension of time under the following conditions:
(i) The commodity pool operator must, within 90 calendar days of
the end of the pool's fiscal year, file a notice with the National
Futures Association, except as provided in paragraph (f)(2)(v) of this
(ii) The notice must contain the name, main business address, main
telephone number and the National Futures Association registration
identification number of the commodity pool operator, and name and the
identification number of the commodity pool.
(iii) The notice must state the date by which the Annual Report
will be distributed and filed (the