Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability, 7890-7891 [E9-3663]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 33 / Friday, February 20, 2009 / Notices
Terminal and Natural Gas Pipeline
Facilities, Coos, Douglas, Jackson and
Klamath Counties, OR.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental concerns about potential
degradation of in-bay resources
associated with the preferred alternative
pipeline route identified in the DEIS
and the level of analysis devoted to key
resources. Rating EO2.
EIS No. 20080386, ERP No. D–COE–
K39116–CA, SanPedro Waterfront
Project, Proposed Specific
Development Project and Associated
Infrastructure Improvements on
Approximately 400 Acres, Currently
Operated by Los Angeles Harbor
Department (LAHD), Located along
the West Side of Los Angeles Harbor’s
Main Channel, from the Vincent
Thomas Bridge to Cabrillo Beach, U.S.
Army Section 10 and 404 and Section
103 Marine Protection, Research, and
Sanctuaries Act Permits, (MPRSA)
City of Los Angeles, CA.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental concerns about
significant and unavoidable impacts to
air quality and environmental justice
communities, and planned ocean
disposal of sediments. EPA
recommended commitments to conduct
an already planned port-wide health
risk assessment, coordination with the
environmental justice community to
identify additional measures to offset
health impacts, implementation of a
port-wide health impacts assessment to
inform mitigation, and identification of
beneficial reuse opportunities for
sediment. Rating EC2.
EIS No. 20080461, ERP No. D–FRC–
B03007–00, Hubline/East to West
Project, Proposes to Modify its
Existing Natural Gas Transmission
Pipeline System in MA, CT, RI and
Summary: EPA does not object to the
proposed project. Rating LO.
EIS No. 20080462, ERP No. D–FRC–
K03031–CA, South Feather Power
Project, (Project No. 2088–068),
Application to Relicense its 104megawatt, South Fork Feather River,
Lost Creek and Slate Creek, Butte,
Yuba and Plumas Counties, CA.
Summary: EPA expressed
environmental concerns about water
quality and construction impacts, and
requested additional information on the
impacts of climate change on the project
and the analysis of cumulative impacts.
Rating EC2.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:55 Feb 19, 2009
Jkt 217001
Dated: February 17, 2009.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9–3661 Filed 2–19–09; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impacts Statements;
Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal
Activities, General Information (202)
564–1399 or http: //www.epa.gov/
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact
Filed 02/09/2009 Through 02/13/2009
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
EIS No. 20090035, Draft EIS, AFS, CA,
Tehachapi Renewable Transmission
Project, Construct, Operate and
Maintain New and Upgraded 500 kV
and 220 kV Transmission Lines and
Substations, Special Use
Authorization, Angeles National
Forest, Los Angeles County, CA,
Comment Period Ends: 04/06/2009,
Contact: Justin Seastrand, 626–574–
EIS No. 20090036, Final EIS, AFS, NM,
Glacier Project, To Maintain and
Promote Native Vegetation,
Communities that are Diverse,
Productive, Healthy, Implementation,
Superior National Forest, Kawishiwi
Ranger District, St. Louis and Lake
Counties, MN, Wait Period Ends: 03/
23/2009, Contact: Susan Duffy, 218–
EIS No. 20090037, Final Supplement,
AFS, MN, Echo Trail Area Forest
Management Project, Updated
Information to Addressing Water
Quality and Watershed Health,
Superior National Forest, Lacroix
Ranger District and Kawishiwi Ranger
District, St. Louis and Lake Counties,
MN, Wait Period Ends: 03/23/2009,
Contact: Carol Booth, 218–666–0020.
EIS No. 20090038, Draft EIS, COE, CA,
Regional Dredge Material
Management Plan, Develop a LongTerm Strategy for Managing Dredged
Sediment for all Harbors within the
Region, City of Long Beach and
County of Los Angeles, CA, Comment
Period Ends: 04/13/2009, Contact:
Larry Smith, 213–452–3846.
EIS No. 20090039, Draft EIS, AFS, SD,
Telegraph Project Area, Proposes to
Implement Multiple Resource
Management Actions, Northern Hills
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4703
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Ranger District, Black Hills National
Forest, Lawrence and Pennington
Counties, SD, Comment Period Ends:
04/06/2009, Contact: Chris Stores,
EIS No. 20090040, Draft EIS, COE, CA,
Natomas Levee Improvement Program
Phase 3 Landslides Improvements
Project, Issuing of 408 Permission and
404 Permit, Central Valley Flood
Control Board, Sutter and Sacramento
Counties, CA, Comment Period Ends:
04/06/2009, Contact: Liz Holland,
EIS No. 20090041, Final EIS, TVA, TN,
Watts Bar Reservoir Land
Management Plan, Amend and
Update the 2005 Plan, Guide Land
Use Approvals, Private Water Use
Facility, and Resource Management
Decisions, Loudon, Meigs, Rhea and
Roane Counties, TN, Wait Period
Ends: 03/23/2009, Contact: Richard L.
Toennisson, 865–632–8517.
EIS No. 20090042, Final EIS, AFS, MT,
Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest
Land and Resource Management Plan,
Implementation, Beaverhead, ButteSilver Bow, Deerlodge, Granite,
Jefferson, and Madison Counties, MT,
Wait Period Ends: 03/23/2009,
Contact: Leaf Magnuson, 406–683–
EIS No. 20090043, Revised Draft EIS,
AFS, CA, Moonlight and Wheeler
Fires Recovery and Restoration
Project, Analysis of the No-Action and
Action Alternatives, Mt. Hough
Ranger District, Plumas National
Forest, Plumas County, CA, Comment
Period Ends: 04/06/2009, Contact:
Rich Bednarski, 530–283–7641.
EIS No. 20090044, Draft EIS, IBR, CO,
Aspinall Unit Operations—Colorado
River Storage Project, Modifying
Water Flow Operations,
Implementation, Gunnison River,
Gunnison, Montrose, Delta, and Mesa
Counties, CO, Comment Period Ends:
04/24/2009, Contact: Steve McCall,
EIS No. 20090045, Draft EIS, USN, 00,
West Coast Basing of the MV–22,
Determining Basing Location(s) and
Providing Efficient Training
Operations, CA, AZ, Comment Period
Ends: 04/06/2009, Contact: Doug
Gilkey, 619–532–3348.
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20090018, Draft EIS, AFS, ID,
Lakeview-Reeder Fuels Reduction
Project, Proposed Fuels Reduction
and Road Treatment Activities, Idaho
Panhandle National Forests, Priest
Lake Ranger District, Bonner County,
ID, Comment Period Ends: 03/30/
2009, Contact: David Cobb, 208–443–
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 33 / Friday, February 20, 2009 / Notices
Revision of FR Notice Published 01/30/
2009: Extending Comment Period
from 03/16/2009 to 03/30/2009.
Dated: February 17, 2009.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9–3663 Filed 2–19–09; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2009–0104; FRL–8403–1]
FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel;
Notice of Public Meeting
AGENCY: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: There will be a 4–day meeting
of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory
Panel (FIFRA SAP) to consider and
review ‘‘The Ecological Significance of
Atrazine Effects on Primary Producers
in Surface Water Streams in the Corn
and Sorghum Growing Region of the
United States (Part II).’’
DATES: The meeting will be held on May
12–15, 2009, from 9 a.m. to
approximately 5:30 p.m.
Comments. The Agency encourages
that written comments be submitted by
May 4, 2009, and requests for oral
comments be submitted by May 8, 2009.
However, written comments and
requests to make oral comments may be
submitted until the date of the meeting,
but anyone submitting written
comments after May 4, 2009, should
contact the Designated Federal Official
(DFO) listed under FOR FURTHER
instructions, see Unit I.C. of the
Nominations. Nominations of
candidates to serve as ad hoc members
of FIFRA SAP for this meeting should
be provided on or before March 6, 2009.
Special accommodations. For
information on access or services for
individuals with disabilities, and to
request accommodation of a disability,
please contact the DFO listed under FOR
10 days prior to the meeting to give EPA
as much time as possible to process
your request.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Environmental Protection Agency,
Conference Center, Lobby Level, One
Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S.
Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA 22202.
Comments: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:55 Feb 19, 2009
Jkt 217001
number EPA–HQ–OPP–2009–0104, by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal:
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
on-line instructions for submitting
• Mail: Office of Pesticide Programs
(OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P),
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20460–0001.
• Delivery: OPP Regulatory Public
Docket (7502P), Environmental
Protection Agency, Rm. S–4400, One
Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S.
Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. Deliveries
are only accepted during the Docket
Facility’s normal hours of operation
(8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays).
Special arrangements should be made
for deliveries of boxed information. The
Docket Facility telephone number is
(703) 305–5805.
Instructions. Direct your comments to
docket ID number EPA–HQ–OPP–2009–
0104. If your comments contain any
information that you consider to be CBI
or otherwise protected, please contact
the DFO listed under FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT to obtain special
instructions before submitting your
comments. EPA’s policy is that all
comments received will be included in
the docket without change and may be
made available on-line at https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through regulations.gov or email. The regulations.gov website is an
‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means EPA will not know your identity
or contact information unless you
provide it in the body of your comment.
If you send an e-mail comment directly
to EPA without going through
regulations.gov, your e-mail address
will be automatically captured and
included as part of the comment that is
placed in the docket and made available
on the Internet. If you submit an
electronic comment, EPA recommends
that you include your name and other
contact information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD-ROM
you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification,
EPA may not be able to consider your
comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form
of encryption, and be free of any defects
or viruses.
PO 00000
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Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the docket index available
at https://www.regulations.gov. Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
is not placed on the Internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy
form. Publicly available docket
materials are available either in the
electronic docket at https://
www.regulations.gov, or, if only
available in hard copy, at the OPP
Regulatory Public Docket in Rm. S–
4400, One Potomac Yard (South Bldg.),
2777 S. Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. The
hours of operation of this Docket
Facility are from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The Docket Facility telephone
number is (703) 305–5805.
Nominations, requests to present oral
comments, and requests for special
accommodations. Submit nominations
to serve as ad hoc members of FIFRA
SAP, requests for special seating
accommodations, or requests to present
oral comments to the DFO listed under
Sharlene Matten, DFO, Office of Science
Coordination and Policy (7201M),
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20460–0001; telephone number:
(202) 564–0130; fax number: (202) 564–
8382; e-mail address:
I. General Information
A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
This action is directed to the public
in general. This action may, however, be
of interest to persons who are or may be
required to conduct testing of chemical
substances under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA),
FIFRA, and the Food Quality Protection
Act of 1996 (FQPA). Since other entities
may also be interested, the Agency has
not attempted to describe all the specific
entities that may be affected by this
action. If you have any questions
regarding the applicability of this action
to a particular entity, consult the DFO
B. What Should I Consider as I Prepare
My Comments for EPA?
When submitting comments,
remember to:
1. Identify the document by docket ID
number and other identifying
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 33 (Friday, February 20, 2009)]
[Pages 7890-7891]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-3663]
Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General
Information (202) 564-1399 or http: //www.epa.gov/compliance/nepa/.
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements.
Filed 02/09/2009 Through 02/13/2009 Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
EIS No. 20090035, Draft EIS, AFS, CA, Tehachapi Renewable Transmission
Project, Construct, Operate and Maintain New and Upgraded 500 kV and
220 kV Transmission Lines and Substations, Special Use Authorization,
Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County, CA, Comment Period Ends:
04/06/2009, Contact: Justin Seastrand, 626-574-5278.
EIS No. 20090036, Final EIS, AFS, NM, Glacier Project, To Maintain and
Promote Native Vegetation, Communities that are Diverse, Productive,
Healthy, Implementation, Superior National Forest, Kawishiwi Ranger
District, St. Louis and Lake Counties, MN, Wait Period Ends: 03/23/
2009, Contact: Susan Duffy, 218-365-3097.
EIS No. 20090037, Final Supplement, AFS, MN, Echo Trail Area Forest
Management Project, Updated Information to Addressing Water Quality and
Watershed Health, Superior National Forest, Lacroix Ranger District and
Kawishiwi Ranger District, St. Louis and Lake Counties, MN, Wait Period
Ends: 03/23/2009, Contact: Carol Booth, 218-666-0020.
EIS No. 20090038, Draft EIS, COE, CA, PROGRAMMATIC--Los Angeles
Regional Dredge Material Management Plan, Develop a Long-Term Strategy
for Managing Dredged Sediment for all Harbors within the Region, City
of Long Beach and County of Los Angeles, CA, Comment Period Ends: 04/
13/2009, Contact: Larry Smith, 213-452-3846.
EIS No. 20090039, Draft EIS, AFS, SD, Telegraph Project Area, Proposes
to Implement Multiple Resource Management Actions, Northern Hills
Ranger District, Black Hills National Forest, Lawrence and Pennington
Counties, SD, Comment Period Ends: 04/06/2009, Contact: Chris Stores,
EIS No. 20090040, Draft EIS, COE, CA, Natomas Levee Improvement Program
Phase 3 Landslides Improvements Project, Issuing of 408 Permission and
404 Permit, Central Valley Flood Control Board, Sutter and Sacramento
Counties, CA, Comment Period Ends: 04/06/2009, Contact: Liz Holland,
EIS No. 20090041, Final EIS, TVA, TN, Watts Bar Reservoir Land
Management Plan, Amend and Update the 2005 Plan, Guide Land Use
Approvals, Private Water Use Facility, and Resource Management
Decisions, Loudon, Meigs, Rhea and Roane Counties, TN, Wait Period
Ends: 03/23/2009, Contact: Richard L. Toennisson, 865-632-8517.
EIS No. 20090042, Final EIS, AFS, MT, Beaverhead-Deerlodge National
Forest Land and Resource Management Plan, Implementation, Beaverhead,
Butte-Silver Bow, Deerlodge, Granite, Jefferson, and Madison Counties,
MT, Wait Period Ends: 03/23/2009, Contact: Leaf Magnuson, 406-683-3950.
EIS No. 20090043, Revised Draft EIS, AFS, CA, Moonlight and Wheeler
Fires Recovery and Restoration Project, Analysis of the No-Action and
Action Alternatives, Mt. Hough Ranger District, Plumas National Forest,
Plumas County, CA, Comment Period Ends: 04/06/2009, Contact: Rich
Bednarski, 530-283-7641.
EIS No. 20090044, Draft EIS, IBR, CO, Aspinall Unit Operations--
Colorado River Storage Project, Modifying Water Flow Operations,
Implementation, Gunnison River, Gunnison, Montrose, Delta, and Mesa
Counties, CO, Comment Period Ends: 04/24/2009, Contact: Steve McCall,
EIS No. 20090045, Draft EIS, USN, 00, West Coast Basing of the MV-22,
Determining Basing Location(s) and Providing Efficient Training
Operations, CA, AZ, Comment Period Ends: 04/06/2009, Contact: Doug
Gilkey, 619-532-3348.
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20090018, Draft EIS, AFS, ID, Lakeview-Reeder Fuels Reduction
Project, Proposed Fuels Reduction and Road Treatment Activities, Idaho
Panhandle National Forests, Priest Lake Ranger District, Bonner County,
ID, Comment Period Ends: 03/30/2009, Contact: David Cobb, 208-443-2512.
[[Page 7891]]
Revision of FR Notice Published 01/30/2009: Extending Comment Period
from 03/16/2009 to 03/30/2009.
Dated: February 17, 2009.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. E9-3663 Filed 2-19-09; 8:45 am]