Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree in United States v. Kentucky Utilities Company Under the Clean Air Act, 6419-6420 [E9-2588]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 25 / Monday, February 9, 2009 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
information-gathering. For instance, the
form now requests day and evening
phone numbers, instead of work and
home numbers.
Frequency: Each time a use
authorization is requested.
Respondents: Individuals,
corporations, companies, and State and
local entities who want to use
Reclamation lands, facilities, or
Estimated Annual Total Number of
Respondents: 175.
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 1.
Estimated Total Number of Annual
Responses: 175.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 350 hours.
Estimated Completion Time per
Respondent: 2 hours.
We invite your comments on:
(a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of our functions, including
whether the information will have
practical use;
(b) The accuracy of our burden
estimate for the proposed collection of
(c) Ways to enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
(d) Ways to minimize the burden of
the information collection on
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. Reclamation will
display a valid OMB control number on
the Use Authorization Application Form
7–2540. A Federal Register notice with
a 60-day comment period soliciting
comments on this collection of
information was published in the
Federal Register (73 FR 56865, Sep. 30,
2008). No public comments were
OMB has up to 60 days to approve or
disapprove this information collection,
but may respond after 30 days;
therefore, public comment should be
submitted to OMB within 30 days in
order to assure maximum consideration.
Before including your address,
telephone number, e-mail address, or
other personal identifying information
in your comment, you should be aware
that your entire comment (including
your personal identifying information)
may be made publicly available at any
time. While you can ask us in your
comment to withhold your personal
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:35 Feb 06, 2009
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identifying information from public
review, we cannot guarantee that we
will be able to do so.
Roseann Gonzales,
Director, Policy and Program Services, Denver
[FR Doc. E9–2639 Filed 2–6–09; 8:45 am]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree
in United States v. Kentucky Utilities
Company Under the Clean Air Act
Under 28 CFR 50.7, notice is hereby
given that on February 3, 2009, a
proposed consent decree (‘‘Consent
Decree’’) between Kentucky Utilities
Company (‘‘Kentucky Utilities’’) and the
United States in connection with Civil
Action No. 5:07–CV–75–KSF, was
lodged with the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of
The Consent Decree would resolve
claims asserted by the United States
against Kentucky Utilities pursuant to
Sections 113(b) and 167 of the Clean Air
Act (the ‘‘Act’’), 42 U.S.C. 7413(b) and
7477, seeking injunctive relief and the
assessment of civil penalties for
Kentucky Utilities’ violations of:
(a) The Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (‘‘PSD’’) provisions in Part
C of Subchapter I of the Act, 42 U.S.C.
(b) The New Source Performance
Standards (‘‘NSPS’’) provisions of the
Act, 42 U.S.C. 7411;
(c) Title V of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7661
et seq.; and
(d) The federally enforceable State
Implementation Plan (‘‘SIP’’) developed
by the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Kentucky Utilities Company is a
Kentucky corporation headquartered in
Lexington, Kentucky. Kentucky Utilities
owns and operates five coal-fired
electrical power generating stations in
Kentucky. One of those stations, the
E.W. Brown Plant (‘‘Brown Plant’’) is
located on Lake Herrington in Mercer
County, Kentucky. The Brown Plant
operates three coal-fired boiler units.
Only Unit 3 at the Brown Plant (‘‘Brown
Unit 3’’) is the subject of this settlement.
The complaint filed by the United States
alleges that Kentucky Utilities modified
Brown Unit 3 without complying with
the PSD requirements of the Act
(including the requirements to first
obtain a PSD permit authorizing the
modification and to install and operate
the best available technology to control
emissions of sulfur dioxide (‘‘SO2’’),
nitrogen oxides (‘‘NOX’’), and/or
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particulate matter (‘‘PM’’)), and without
complying with the NSPS requirements
of the Act. The complaint also alleges
that Kentucky Utilities violated Title V
of the Act by failing to include the PSD
and NSPS requirements triggered by its
modifications in its Title V operating
permit for the Brown Plant. Finally, the
complaint alleges that Kentucky
Utilities illegally operated Brown Unit 3
at heat input capacities that were higher
than allowed by its operating permit.
The proposed Consent Decree would
require Kentucky Utilities to reduce
SO2, NOX and PM emissions at Brown
Unit 3 through the installation and
operation of state-of-the-art pollution
control technologies. In addition, the
proposed Consent Decree would require
Kentucky Utilities to contribute $3
million toward environmental
mitigation projects, including $1.8
million toward a carbon sequestration
research project overseen by the
University of Kentucky and the
Kentucky Geological Survey, $1 million
to retrofit diesel school buses with
devices to reduce particulate matter
emissions, and $200,000 toward the
National Park Service’s efforts to protect
and restore Mammoth Caves National
Park. Finally, the proposed Consent
Decree would require Kentucky Utilities
to pay a civil penalty of $1.4 million.
The Department of Justice will receive
for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of this publication comments
relating to the Consent Decree.
Comments should be addressed to the
Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, and either e-mailed to or
mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611, and should refer to United
States v. Kentucky Utilities Company,
D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–2–1–08850.
The Consent Decree may be examined
at the Office of the United States
Attorney, Eastern District of Kentucky,
260 West Vine Street, Suite 300,
Lexington, Kentucky 40507–1612, and
at U.S. EPA Region IV, 61 Forsyth
Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia 30303–
8960. During the public comment
period, the Consent Decree may also be
examined on the following Department
of Justice Web site, https://
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
Consent Decree may also be obtained by
mail from the Consent Decree Library,
P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611 or
by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia
Fleetwood (,
fax no. (202) 514–0097, phone
confirmation number (202) 514–1547. In
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 25 / Monday, February 9, 2009 / Notices
requesting a copy from the Consent
Decree Library, please enclose a check
in the amount of $16.75 (25 cents per
page reproduction cost) payable to the
U.S. Treasury or, if by e-mail or fax,
forward a check in that amount to the
Consent Decree Library at the stated
W. Benjamin Fisherow,
Deputy Chief, Environmental Enforcement
Section, Environment and Natural Resources
[FR Doc. E9–2588 Filed 2–6–09; 8:45 am]
Notice is hereby given that, on
January 14, 2009, pursuant to Section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) has filed written
notifications simultaneously with the
Attorney General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing additions or
changes to its standards development
activities. The notifications were filed
for the purpose of extending the Acts
provisions limiting the recovery of
antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages
under specified circumstances.
Specifically, since October 1, 2008,
ASME has published six new standards,
initiated seven new standards activities,
and established two new standardswriting committees within the general
nature and scope of ASME’s standards
development activities, as specified in
its original notification. More detail
regarding these changes can be found at
On September 15, 2004, ASME filed
its original notification pursuant to
Section 6(a) of the Act. The Department
of Justice published a notice in the
Federal Register pursuant to Section
6(b) of the Act on October 13, 2004 (69
FR 60895).
The last notification was filed with
the Department on October 3, 2008. A
notice was published in the Federal
Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the
Act on November 5, 2008 (73 FR 65884)
Antitrust Division
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—Alliance for Sustainable
Air Transportation
Notice is hereby given that, on
January 5, 2009, pursuant to Section 6(a)
of the National Cooperative Research
and Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C.
4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), Alliance for
Sustainable Air Transportation
(‘‘ASAT’’) has filed written notifications
simultaneously with the Attorney
General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing changes in its
membership. The notifications were
filed for the purpose of extending the
Act’s provisions limiting the recovery of
antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages
under specified circumstances.
Specifically, DayJet, Boca Raton, FL has
withdrawn as a party to this venture.
No other changes have been made in
either the membership or planned
activity of the group research project.
Membership in this group research
project remains open, and ASAT
intends to file additional written
notifications disclosing all changes in
On July 25, 2008, ASAT filed its
original notification pursuant to Section
6(a) of the Act. The Department of
Justice published a notice in the Federal
Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the
Act on August 25, 2008 (73 FR 50055).
The last notification was filed with
the Department on October 17, 2008. A
notice was published in the Federal
Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the
Act on November 21, 2008 (73 FR
Patricia A. Brink,
Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust
[FR Doc. E9–2595 Filed 2–6–09; 8:45 am]
VerDate Nov<24>2008
16:35 Feb 06, 2009
Jkt 217001
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—American Society of
Mechanical Engineers
Patricia A. Brink,
Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust
[FR Doc. E9–2596 Filed 2–6–09; 8:45 am]
Foreign Claims Settlement
[F.C.S.C. Meeting Notice No. 1–09]
The Foreign Claims Settlement
Commission, pursuant to its regulations
(45 CFR part 504) and the Government
in the Sunshine Act (5 U.S.C. 552b),
hereby gives notice in regard to the
scheduling of meetings for the
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transaction of Commission business and
other matters specified, as follows:
Date and Time: Thursday, February
19, 2009, at 10:30 a.m.
Subject Matter: Issuance of Proposed
Decisions, Amended Proposed
Decisions, and Orders in claims against
Status: Open.
All meetings are held at the Foreign
Claims Settlement Commission, 600 E
Street, NW., Washington, DC. Requests
for information, or advance notices of
intention to observe an open meeting,
may be directed to: Administrative
Officer, Foreign Claims Settlement
Commission, 600 E Street, NW., Room
6002, Washington, DC 20579.
Telephone: (202) 616–6988.
Dated at Washington, DC.
Mauricio J. Tamargo,
[FR Doc. E9–2670 Filed 2–6–09; 8:45 am]
Federal Council on the Arts and the
Humanities Arts and Artifacts
Indemnity Panel
AGENCY: The National Endowment for
the Humanities.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
Pursuant to the provisions of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub.
L. 92–463 as amended) notice is hereby
given that a meeting of the Arts and
Artifacts Domestic Indemnity Panel of
the Federal Council on the Arts and the
Humanities will be held at 1100
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20506, in Room 730,
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., on Monday,
February 23, 2009.
The purpose of the meeting is to
review applications for Certificates of
Indemnity submitted to the Federal
Council on the Arts and the Humanities
for exhibitions beginning after April 1,
Because the proposed meeting will
consider financial and commercial data
and because it is important to keep
values of objects, methods of
transportation and security measures
confidential, pursuant to the authority
granted me by the Chairman’s
Delegation of Authority to Close
Advisory Committee Meetings, dated
July 19, 1993, I have determined that the
meeting would fall within exemption (4)
of 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and that it is essential
to close the meeting to protect the free
exchange of views and to avoid
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 25 (Monday, February 9, 2009)]
[Pages 6419-6420]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-2588]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree in United States v. Kentucky
Utilities Company Under the Clean Air Act
Under 28 CFR 50.7, notice is hereby given that on February 3, 2009,
a proposed consent decree (``Consent Decree'') between Kentucky
Utilities Company (``Kentucky Utilities'') and the United States in
connection with Civil Action No. 5:07-CV-75-KSF, was lodged with the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.
The Consent Decree would resolve claims asserted by the United
States against Kentucky Utilities pursuant to Sections 113(b) and 167
of the Clean Air Act (the ``Act''), 42 U.S.C. 7413(b) and 7477, seeking
injunctive relief and the assessment of civil penalties for Kentucky
Utilities' violations of:
(a) The Prevention of Significant Deterioration (``PSD'')
provisions in Part C of Subchapter I of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7470-92;
(b) The New Source Performance Standards (``NSPS'') provisions of
the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7411;
(c) Title V of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7661 et seq.; and
(d) The federally enforceable State Implementation Plan (``SIP'')
developed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Kentucky Utilities Company is a Kentucky corporation headquartered
in Lexington, Kentucky. Kentucky Utilities owns and operates five coal-
fired electrical power generating stations in Kentucky. One of those
stations, the E.W. Brown Plant (``Brown Plant'') is located on Lake
Herrington in Mercer County, Kentucky. The Brown Plant operates three
coal-fired boiler units. Only Unit 3 at the Brown Plant (``Brown Unit
3'') is the subject of this settlement. The complaint filed by the
United States alleges that Kentucky Utilities modified Brown Unit 3
without complying with the PSD requirements of the Act (including the
requirements to first obtain a PSD permit authorizing the modification
and to install and operate the best available technology to control
emissions of sulfur dioxide (``SO2''), nitrogen oxides
(``NOX''), and/or particulate matter (``PM'')), and without
complying with the NSPS requirements of the Act. The complaint also
alleges that Kentucky Utilities violated Title V of the Act by failing
to include the PSD and NSPS requirements triggered by its modifications
in its Title V operating permit for the Brown Plant. Finally, the
complaint alleges that Kentucky Utilities illegally operated Brown Unit
3 at heat input capacities that were higher than allowed by its
operating permit.
The proposed Consent Decree would require Kentucky Utilities to
reduce SO2, NOX and PM emissions at Brown Unit 3 through the
installation and operation of state-of-the-art pollution control
technologies. In addition, the proposed Consent Decree would require
Kentucky Utilities to contribute $3 million toward environmental
mitigation projects, including $1.8 million toward a carbon
sequestration research project overseen by the University of Kentucky
and the Kentucky Geological Survey, $1 million to retrofit diesel
school buses with devices to reduce particulate matter emissions, and
$200,000 toward the National Park Service's efforts to protect and
restore Mammoth Caves National Park. Finally, the proposed Consent
Decree would require Kentucky Utilities to pay a civil penalty of $1.4
The Department of Justice will receive for a period of thirty (30)
days from the date of this publication comments relating to the Consent
Decree. Comments should be addressed to the Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources Division, and either e-mailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20044-7611, and should refer to
United States v. Kentucky Utilities Company, D.J. Ref. No. 90-5-2-1-
The Consent Decree may be examined at the Office of the United
States Attorney, Eastern District of Kentucky, 260 West Vine Street,
Suite 300, Lexington, Kentucky 40507-1612, and at U.S. EPA Region IV,
61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960. During the public
comment period, the Consent Decree may also be examined on the
following Department of Justice Web site,
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the Consent Decree may also be
obtained by mail from the Consent Decree Library, P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20044-7611 or by faxing or e-
mailing a request to Tonia Fleetwood (, fax
no. (202) 514-0097, phone confirmation number (202) 514-1547. In
[[Page 6420]]
requesting a copy from the Consent Decree Library, please enclose a
check in the amount of $16.75 (25 cents per page reproduction cost)
payable to the U.S. Treasury or, if by e-mail or fax, forward a check
in that amount to the Consent Decree Library at the stated address.
W. Benjamin Fisherow,
Deputy Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. E9-2588 Filed 2-6-09; 8:45 am]