Stainless Steel Bar From Brazil: Extension of Time Limit for Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 5817-5818 [E9-2184]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 20 / Monday, February 2, 2009 / Notices
analytical issues relevant to the
Department’s conduct of Sunset
Reviews is set forth in the Department’s
Policy Bulletin 98.3, ‘‘Policies
Regarding the Conduct of Five-Year
(‘‘Sunset’’) Reviews of Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Orders;’’ Policy
Bulletin, 63 FR 18871 (April 16, 1998)
(‘‘Sunset Policy Bulletin’’). The Notice
of Initiation of Five-Year (‘‘Sunset’’)
Reviews provides further information
regarding what is required of all parties
to participate in Sunset Reviews.
Statutory Time Limits
Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (‘‘the Act’’),
requires the Department to issue the
final results of a review within 120 days
after the date on which the preliminary
results are published. However, if it is
not practicable to complete the review
within that time period, section
751(a)(3)(A) of the Act allows the
Department to extend the time limit for
the final results to a maximum of 180
days. See also 19 CFR 351.213(h)(2).
Dated: January 27, 2009.
John M. Andersen,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
[FR Doc. E9–2197 Filed 1–30–09; 8:45 am]
Extension of Time Limit of Final
We determine that it is not practicable
to complete the final results of this
review within the original time limit.
Interested parties have raised complex
accounting issues in their case and
rebuttal briefs that require the
Department to further analyze its
positions with respect to these issues.
Thus, additional time is necessary to
complete the final results. Therefore, the
Department is fully extending the final
results by 60 days. The final results are
now due no later than April 5, 2009. As
this date falls on a Sunday, the final
results are due April 6, 2009. See Notice
of Clarification: Application of ‘‘Next
Business Day’’ Rule for Administrative
Determination Deadlines Pursuant of
the Tariff Act of 1930, As Amended, 70
FR 24533 (May 10, 2005).
This extension is in accordance with
section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act and 19
CFR 351.213(h)(2).
International Trade Administration
Certain Lined Paper Products from
India: Extension of Time Limits for
Final Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review
AGENCY: Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
EFFECTIVE DATE: February 2, 2009.
Stephanie Moore, AD/CVD Operations,
Office 3, Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
Street and Constitution Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20230, telephone: (202)
Dated: January 23, 2009.
John M. Andersen,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
[FR Doc. E9–2183 Filed 1–30–09; 8:45 am]
dwashington3 on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
On October 31, 2007, the U.S.
Department of Commerce (‘‘the
Department’’) published a notice of
initiation of the administrative review of
the antidumping duty order on certain
lined paper products from India,
covering the period April 17, 2006 to
August 31, 2007. See Initiation of
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Administrative Reviews, 72 FR 61621
(October 31, 2007). On October 7, 2008,
the Department published the
preliminary results of this review. See
Certain Lined Paper Products from
India: Notice of Preliminary Results of
the First Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review, 73 FR 58548
(October 7, 2008). The final results of
this review are currently due no later
than February 4, 2009.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:03 Jan 30, 2009
Jkt 217001
International Trade Administration
Stainless Steel Bar From Brazil:
Extension of Time Limit for Preliminary
Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review
AGENCY: Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
DATES: Effective Date: February 2, 2009.
Catherine Cartsos or Minoo Hatten, AD/
CVD Operations, Office 5, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
PO 00000
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Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–1757 or (202) 482–
1690, respectively.
At the request of interested parties,
the Department of Commerce (the
Department) initiated an administrative
review of the antidumping duty order
on certain stainless steel bar from Brazil
for the period February 1, 2007, through
January 31, 2008. See Initiation of
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Administrative Reviews, Request for
Revocation in Part, and Deferral of
Administrative Review, 73 FR 16837
(March 31, 2008). On October 27, 2008,
we extended the time period for issuing
the preliminary results of the review by
90 days until January 29, 2009. See
Stainless Steel Bar From Brazil:
Extension of Time Limit for Preliminary
Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review, 73 FR 63695
(October 27, 2008).
Extension of Time Limit for Preliminary
Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (the Act), requires
the Department to make a preliminary
determination within 245 days after the
last day of the anniversary month of an
order for which a review is requested
and a final determination within 120
days after the date on which the
preliminary determination is published.
If it is not practicable to complete the
review within these time periods,
section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act allows
the Department to extend the time limit
for the preliminary determination to a
maximum of 365 days after the last day
of the anniversary month. See also 19
CFR 351.213(h).
We determine that it is not practicable
to complete the preliminary results of
this review by the current deadline of
January 29, 2009, for several reasons.
Specifically, the Department has granted
the respondent, Villares Metals S.A.
(Villares), several extensions to respond
to the original and supplemental
questionnaires.1 Thus, the Department
needs additional time to review and
analyze the responses submitted by
Villares. Further, the Department
requires additional time to review issues
such as corporate affiliations and steel
grades of products reported by Villares,
as it will affect the Department’s
matching methodology in this case.
Finally, in response to the petitioners’
cost allegation submitted on November
1 See, e.g., letters to Villares from Laurie Parkhill,
dated April 18, 2008, May 22, 2008, July 11, 2008,
July 30, 2008, and December 19, 2008.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 20 / Monday, February 2, 2009 / Notices
4, 2008, we initiated a cost investigation
on December 2, 2008, and received
Villares’s cost information on January 9,
2009. The Department requires
additional time to review and analyze
Villares’s cost information. Therefore,
we are extending the time period for
issuing the preliminary results of this
review by 30 days until February 28,
This notice is published in
accordance with sections 751(a)(3)(A)
and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR
Dated: January 26, 2009.
John M. Andersen,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
[FR Doc. E9–2184 Filed 1–30–09; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
dwashington3 on PROD1PC60 with NOTICES
Wooden Bedroom Furniture From the
People’s Republic of China: Notice of
Court Decision Not in Harmony
AGENCY: Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
DATES: Effective Date: February 2, 2009.
SUMMARY: On January 7, 2009, the
United States Court of International
Trade (‘‘CIT’’ or the ‘‘Court’’) sustained
the final remand determination made by
the Department of Commerce
(‘‘Department’’) pursuant to the Court’s
remands of the amended final
determination of the less than fair value
investigation of wooden bedroom
furniture (‘‘WBF’’) from the People’s
Republic of China (‘‘PRC’’). See Final
Results of Redetermination Pursuant to
Court Remand, July 15, 2008 (‘‘Remand
III’’); Dorbest Limited, et al. v. United
States, Slip Op. 09–02 (CIT January 7,
2009) (‘‘Dorbest III’’). This case arises
out of the Department’s final
determination of sales at less than fair
value: Wooden Bedroom Furniture from
the PRC, 69 FR 67313 (November 17,
2004), as amended, 70 FR 329 (January
5, 2005) (‘‘Final Determination’’). The
final judgment in this case was not in
harmony with the Department’s Final
Robert Bolling, AD/CVD Operations,
Office 8, Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
Street and Constitution Avenue, NW.,
VerDate Nov<24>2008
15:03 Jan 30, 2009
Jkt 217001
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202)
January 5, 2005, the Department
published its amended final
determination and antidumping duty
order. See Final Determination. On
August 1, 2005, the Department issued
its voluntary remand redetermination
wherein it modified the value of labor.
See Wooden Bedroom Furniture from
the PRC: Final Results of
Redetermination Pursuant to the Court
Remand Orders, (August 1, 2005)
(‘‘Remand I’’). On October 31, 2006, the
court remanded the Department’s Final
Determination for further administrative
proceedings. See Dorbest Limited, et al.
v. United States, 462 F.Supp. 2d 1262
(CIT 2006) (‘‘Dorbest I’’). The
Department also requested and the
Court granted voluntary remands
concerning the following aspects of the
margin calculation for Rui Feng
Woodwork Co., Ltd., Rui Feng Lumber
Development Co., Ltd. and Dorbest
Limited (collectively, ‘‘Dorbest’’): The
treatment of spare parts; the elimination
of metal parts and canopies from
Dorbest’s calculation; and the valuation
of raw material expenses. On May 25,
2007, the Department issued its final
results of redetermination. Id.; see also
462 F.Supp 2d 1262 (CIT 2006) Final
Results of Redetermination Pursuant to
Court Remand, Court No. 05–00003,
May 25, 2007 (‘‘Remand II’’). In Remand
II, the Department, pursuant to the
Court’s opinion and order, modified
certain aspects of the Final
Determination as follows: (1) Revised
the labor rate for Dorbest; (2)
recalculated Dorbest’s resin value; (3)
recalculated the mirror value; (4)
revised the selection of surrogate
companies, by excluding Evergreen
International Ltd. (‘‘Evergreen’’) and
Jayaraja Furniture (‘‘Jayayraja’’) from the
surrogate financial ratio calculations; (5)
eliminated the spare parts discount
adjustment to Dorbest’s U.S. price; (6)
removed non-scope metal parts from
Dorbest’s normal value calculation; (7)
treated certain of Dorbest’s incoming
raw materials as direct material costs
rather than as a deduction from U.S.
prices; and (8) recalculated the separate
rate, based on the remanded
components of the margin calculation
challenged by the litigants.
On February 27, 2008, the Court
remanded the Department’s Final
Determination for further administrative
proceedings. See Dorbest Limited, et al.
v. United States, Consol. Court No. 05–
cv–00003, Slip Op. 08–24 (February 27,
2008) (‘‘Dorbest et al. v. United States’’)
(‘‘Dorbest II’’). The Department
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requested, and the Court granted, a
voluntary remand on the valuation of
Dorbest’s cardboard. Id.
On July 15, 2008, the Department
issued its final results of
redetermination pursuant to Dorbest II.
See Final Results of Redetermination
Pursuant to Court Remand, July 15,
2008 (‘‘Remand III’’). In Remand III, the
Department made the following
modifications to its Final
Determination: (1) Recalculated
Dorbest’s cardboard value; (2) revised
the selection of surrogate companies by
excluding Fusion Design Private Ltd.
(‘‘Fusion Design’’), DnD’s Fine Furniture
Pvt., Ltd. (‘‘DnD’’), Nizamuddin
Furniture Private Ltd. (‘‘Nizamuddin’’),
and Swaran Furniture Ltd. (‘‘Swaran’’)
from the surrogate ratio calculations;
and (3) recalculated the separate rate
pursuant to the Court’s instructions.
On January 7, 2009, the Court
sustained Remand III. The revised
antidumping duty margins are as
follows: For Dorbest is 2.92 percent;
Lung Dong Furniture Co., Ltd. and
Dongguan Dong He Furniture Co., Ltd.
is 2.71 percent; Shing Mark Enterprise
Co., Ltd., is 5.20 percent; Starcorp, is
17.50 percent; and the revised margin
for the parties that received separate
rates is 6.78 percent.
Timken Notice
In its decision in Timken, the Court of
Appeals for the Federal Circuit
(‘‘CAFC’’) held that, pursuant to section
516A(e) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (‘‘the Act’’), the Department
must publish a notice of a court
decision that is not ‘‘in harmony’’ with
a Department determination and must
suspend liquidation of entries pending
a ‘‘conclusive’’ court decision. See
Timken Co. v. United States, 893 F.2d
337 (Fed. Cir. 1990) (‘‘Timken’’). The
CIT’s decision in Dorbest III on January
7, 2009, constitutes a final decision of
that court that is not in harmony with
the Department’s final determination of
sales at less than fair value. This notice
is published in fulfillment of the
publication requirements of Timken.
Accordingly, the Department will
continue the suspension of liquidation
of enjoined entries pending the
exhaustion of all appellate rights. In the
event the CIT’s ruling is not appealed,
or if appealed, upheld by the CAFC, the
Department will publish an amended
final determination.
This notice is issued and published in
accordance with section 516A(c)(1) of
the Act.
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 20 (Monday, February 2, 2009)]
[Pages 5817-5818]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-2184]
International Trade Administration
Stainless Steel Bar From Brazil: Extension of Time Limit for
Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
DATES: Effective Date: February 2, 2009.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Catherine Cartsos or Minoo Hatten, AD/
CVD Operations, Office 5, Import Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
1757 or (202) 482-1690, respectively.
At the request of interested parties, the Department of Commerce
(the Department) initiated an administrative review of the antidumping
duty order on certain stainless steel bar from Brazil for the period
February 1, 2007, through January 31, 2008. See Initiation of
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, Request for
Revocation in Part, and Deferral of Administrative Review, 73 FR 16837
(March 31, 2008). On October 27, 2008, we extended the time period for
issuing the preliminary results of the review by 90 days until January
29, 2009. See Stainless Steel Bar From Brazil: Extension of Time Limit
for Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 73
FR 63695 (October 27, 2008).
Extension of Time Limit for Preliminary Results
Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the
Act), requires the Department to make a preliminary determination
within 245 days after the last day of the anniversary month of an order
for which a review is requested and a final determination within 120
days after the date on which the preliminary determination is
published. If it is not practicable to complete the review within these
time periods, section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act allows the Department to
extend the time limit for the preliminary determination to a maximum of
365 days after the last day of the anniversary month. See also 19 CFR
We determine that it is not practicable to complete the preliminary
results of this review by the current deadline of January 29, 2009, for
several reasons. Specifically, the Department has granted the
respondent, Villares Metals S.A. (Villares), several extensions to
respond to the original and supplemental questionnaires.\1\ Thus, the
Department needs additional time to review and analyze the responses
submitted by Villares. Further, the Department requires additional time
to review issues such as corporate affiliations and steel grades of
products reported by Villares, as it will affect the Department's
matching methodology in this case. Finally, in response to the
petitioners' cost allegation submitted on November
[[Page 5818]]
4, 2008, we initiated a cost investigation on December 2, 2008, and
received Villares's cost information on January 9, 2009. The Department
requires additional time to review and analyze Villares's cost
information. Therefore, we are extending the time period for issuing
the preliminary results of this review by 30 days until February 28,
\1\ See, e.g., letters to Villares from Laurie Parkhill, dated
April 18, 2008, May 22, 2008, July 11, 2008, July 30, 2008, and
December 19, 2008.
This notice is published in accordance with sections 751(a)(3)(A)
and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.213(h)(2).
Dated: January 26, 2009.
John M. Andersen,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing
Duty Operations.
[FR Doc. E9-2184 Filed 1-30-09; 8:45 am]