Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Approval of the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Incorporated for Continued Deeming Authority for Home Health Agencies, 4203-4205 [E9-684]
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mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 14 / Friday, January 23, 2009 / Notices
1. Type of Information Collection
Request: New collection; Title of
Information Collection: Evaluation of
the Medicare Care Management
Performance Demonstration (MCMP)
and the Electronic Health Records
Demonstration (EHRD); Use: The MCMP
demonstration was authorized under
Section 649 of the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization Act of 2003. This is a
three year pay for performance
demonstration with physicians to
promote the adoption and use of health
information technology (HIT) to
improve the quality of care for eligible
chronically ill Medicare beneficiaries.
MCMP targets small to medium sized
primary care practices with up to 10
physicians. Practices must provide care
to at least 50 Medicare beneficiaries.
Physicians will receive payments for
meeting or exceeding performance
standards for quality of care. They will
also receive an additional incentive
payment for electronic submission of
performance measures via their
electronic health record (EHR) system.
These payments are in addition to their
normal payments for providing service
to Medicare beneficiaries. The Office
System Survey (OSS) will be used to
assess progress of physician practices in
implementation and use of EHRs and
related HIT functionalities.
The EHR demonstration is authorized
under section 402 of the Medicare
Waiver Authority. The goal of this six
year pay for performance demonstration
is to foster the implementation and
adoption of EHRs and HIT in order to
improve the quality of care provided by
physician practices. The EHRD expands
upon the MCMP Demonstration and
will test whether performance-based
financial incentives (1) increase
physician practices’ adoption and use of
electronic health records (EHRs), and (2)
improve the quality of care that
practices deliver to chronically ill
patients. The EHRD targets small to
medium sized primary care practices
with up to 20 physicians. Practices must
provide care to at least 50 Medicare
beneficiaries. Approximately 2,400
practices will be enrolled in the
demonstration across 12 sites. Practices
will be randomly assigned to a
treatment and control group. The OSS
will be used to assess progress of
physician practices in implementation
and use of EHRs and related HIT
functionalities, and to determine
incentive payments for treatment
practices. In-person and telephone
discussions with community partners
and physician practices will be used to
learn about practices’ experiences and
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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strategies in adopting and using EHRs,
as well as the factors that help or hinder
their efforts. Form Number: CMS–10273
(OMB# 0938—New); Frequency:
Annually, Biennially and Once;
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit; Number of Respondents: 3434;
Total Annual Responses: 3434; Total
Annual Hours: 2586.
To obtain copies of the supporting
statement and any related forms for the
proposed paperwork collections
referenced above, access CMS’ Web site
ReductionActof1995, or E-mail your
request, including your address, phone
number, OMB number, and CMS
document identifier, to, or call the
Reports Clearance Office on (410) 786–
In commenting on the proposed
information collections please reference
the document identifier or OMB control
number. To be assured consideration,
comments and recommendations must
be submitted in one of the following
ways by March 24, 2009:
1. Electronically. You may submit
your comments electronically to https:// Follow the
instructions for ‘‘Comment or
Submission’’ or ‘‘More Search Options’’
to find the information collection
document(s) accepting comments.
2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments to the following
address: CMS, Office of Strategic
Operations and Regulatory Affairs,
Division of Regulations Development,
Attention: Document Identifier/OMB
Control Number l, Room C4–26–05,
7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore,
Maryland 21244–1850.
Dated: January 14, 2009.
Michelle Shortt,
Director, Regulations Development Group,
Office of Strategic Operations and Regulatory
[FR Doc. E9–1435 Filed 1–22–09; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare and Medicaid Programs;
Approval of the Accreditation
Commission for Health Care,
Incorporated for Continued Deeming
Authority for Home Health Agencies
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
PO 00000
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Final notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces our
decision to approve the Accreditation
Commission for Health Care,
Incorporated (ACHC) for continued
recognition as a national accreditation
program for home health agencies
(HHAs) seeking to participate in the
Medicare or Medicaid programs.
DATES: Effective Date: This final notice
is effective February 24, 2009 through
February 24, 2015.
Lillian Williams, (410) 786–8636.
Patricia Chmielewski, (410) 786–6899.
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible
beneficiaries may receive selected
covered services from a home health
agency (HHA) provided certain
requirements are met. Sections 1861(m)
and (o), 1891, and 1895 of the Social
Security Act (the Act) authorize the
Secretary to establish distinct criteria for
facilities seeking designation as an
HHA. Under this authority, the
minimum requirements that an HHA
must meet to participate in Medicare are
set forth in regulations at 42 CFR part
484 and 42 CFR part 409, which
determine the basis and scope of HHAcovered services, and the conditions for
Medicare payment for home health care.
Regulations concerning provider
agreements are at 42 CFR part 489 and
those pertaining to activities relating to
the survey and certification of facilities
are at 42 CFR part 488.
Generally, to enter into an agreement,
an HHA must first be certified by a State
survey agency as complying with
conditions or requirements set forth in
part 484 of our regulations. Then, the
HHA is subject to regular surveys by a
State survey agency to determine
whether it continues to meet those
requirements. There is an alternative,
however, to surveys by State agencies.
Section 1865(a)(1) of the Act (as
redesignated under section 125 of the
Medicare Improvements for Patients and
Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) (Pub. L.
110–275) provides that, if a provider
entity demonstrates through
accreditation by an approved national
accreditation organization that all
applicable Medicare conditions are met
or exceeded, we may ‘‘deem’’ those
provider entities as having met
Medicare requirements. (We note that
section 125 of MIPPA redesignated
subsections (b) through (e) of subsection
1865 of the Act as (a) through (d)
respectively.) Accreditation by an
accreditation organization is voluntary
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 14 / Friday, January 23, 2009 / Notices
and is not required for Medicare
If an accreditation organization is
recognized by the Secretary as having
standards for accreditation that meet or
exceed Medicare requirements, a
provider entity accredited by the
national accrediting body’s approved
program may be deemed to meet the
Medicare conditions. A national
accreditation organization applying for
approval of deeming authority under
part 488, subpart A must provide us
with reasonable assurance that the
accreditation organization requires the
accredited provider entities to meet
requirements that are at least as
stringent as the Medicare conditions.
Our regulations concerning reapproval
of accrediting organizations are set forth
at § 488.4 and § 488.8(d)(3). The
regulations at § 488.8(d)(3) require
accreditation organizations to reapply
for continued approval of deeming
authority every 6 years, or sooner as we
determine. The Accreditation
Commission for Health Care,
Incorporated’s (ACHC) term of approval
as a recognized accreditation program
for HHAs expires February 24, 2009.
II. Deeming Applications Approval
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act
provides a statutory timetable to ensure
that our review of deeming applications
is conducted in a timely manner. The
Act provides us with 210 calendar days
after the date of receipt of an application
to complete our survey activities and
application review process. Within 60
days of receiving a completed
application, we must publish a notice in
the Federal Register that identifies the
national accreditation body making the
request, describes the request, and
provides no less that a 30-day public
comment period. At the end of the 210day period, we must publish an
approval or denial of the application.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
In the August 22, 2008 Federal
Register (73 FR 49681), we published a
proposed notice announcing the
ACHC’s request for reapproval as a
deeming organization for HHAs. In the
proposed notice, we detailed our
evaluation criteria. Under section
1865(a)(2) of the Act and our regulations
at § 488.4 (Application and
reapplication procedures for
accreditation organizations), we
conducted a review of the ACHC
application in accordance with the
criteria specified by our regulation,
which include, but are not limited to the
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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• An onsite administrative review of
ACHC’s (1) Corporate policies; (2)
financial and human resources available
to accomplish the proposed surveys; (3)
procedures for training, monitoring, and
evaluation of its surveyors; (4) ability to
investigate and respond appropriately to
complaints against accredited facilities;
and (5) survey review and decisionmaking process for accreditation.
• A comparison of ACHC’s HHA
accreditation standards to our current
Medicare HHA conditions of
participation (COPs).
• A documentation review of ACHC’s
survey processes to—
++ Determine the composition of the
survey team, surveyor qualifications,
and the ability of ACHC to provide
continuing surveyor training;
++ Compare ACHC’s processes to
those of State survey agencies, including
survey frequency, and the ability to
investigate and respond appropriately to
complaints against accredited facilities;
++ Evaluate ACHC’s procedures for
monitoring providers or suppliers found
to be out of compliance with ACHC
program requirements. The monitoring
procedures are used only when ACHC
identifies noncompliance. If
noncompliance is identified through
validation reviews, the State survey
agency monitors corrections as specified
at § 488.7(d);
++ Assess ACHC’s ability to report
deficiencies to the surveyed facilities
and respond to the facility’s plan of
correction in a timely manner;
++ Establish ACHC’s ability to
provide us with electronic data and
reports necessary for effective validation
and assessment of ACHC’s survey
++ Determine the adequacy of staff
and other resources;
++ Review ACHC’s ability to provide
adequate funding for performing
required surveys;
++ Confirm ACHC’s policies with
respect to whether surveys are
announced or unannounced; and,
++ Obtain ACHC’s agreement to
provide us with a copy of the most
current accreditation survey together
with any other information related to
the survey as we may require, including
corrective action plans.
In accordance with section
1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the August 22,
2008 proposed notice (73 FR 49681)
solicited public comments regarding
whether ACHC’s requirements met or
exceeded the Medicare conditions of
coverage for HHAs. We received no
public comments in response to our
proposed notice.
PO 00000
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IV. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between the ACHC’s
Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare’s
Conditions and Survey Requirements
We compared the standards contained
in ACHC’s accreditation requirements
for HHAs and its survey process in
ACHC’s application for renewal of
deeming authority for HHAs with the
Medicare HHA conditions for
participation and our State Operations
Manual (SOM). Our review and
evaluation of ACHC’s deeming
application, which were conducted as
described in section III. of this final
notice, yielded the following:
• To meet the requirements at
§ 488.4(a)(3)(iii), ACHC revised their
record retention policy to require all
survey documentation be kept for a
minimum of 3 years.
• To meet the requirements at
§ 484.4(a)(4), ACHC revised its surveyor
training and evaluation policy to
include a process for addressing
unsatisfactory performance.
• To comply with the requirement at
§ 488.4(b)(3)(i), ACHC developed an
action plan to resolve issues related to
timely data submissions.
• ACHC modified its policies
regarding timeframe for sending and
receiving a plan of correction (PoC) to
comply with the requirements of section
2728 of the SOM.
• To meet the Medicare requirements
related to a plan of correction (PoC),
ACHC amended its policies to ensure
approved PoCs contain all the required
elements specified in section 2728 of
the SOM.
• ACHC revised its accreditation
decision letters to ensure they are
accurate and contain all the required
elements necessary for the CMS
Regional Office to render a decision
regarding deemed status of a provider.
B. Term of Approval
Based on the review and observations
described in section III. of this final
notice, we have determined that the
ACHC requirements for HHA meet or
exceed our requirements. Therefore, we
approve ACHC as a national
accreditation organization for HHAs that
request participation in the Medicare
program, effective February 24, 2009
through February 24, 2015.
V. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection and
recordkeeping requirements.
Consequently, it need not be reviewed
by the Office of Management and
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 14 / Friday, January 23, 2009 / Notices
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35).
Authority: Section 1865 of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395bb).
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.778, Medical Assistance
Program); (Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Program No. 93.773, Medicare—
Hospital Insurance; Program No. 93.774,
Medicare—Supplementary Medical
Insurance Programs)
Dated: November 21, 2008.
Kerry Weems,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. E9–684 Filed 1–22–09; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicaid Program; Town Hall Forum
on Access to Dental Care for MedicaidEligible Children; April 6, 2009
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: This notice announces a town
hall forum to discuss access to dental
care for Medicaid eligible children.
Beneficiaries, providers, dentists,
industry representatives, and other
interested parties are invited to this
meeting to present their views,
concerns, and recommendations related
to oral health issues. The forum is open
to the public, but attendance is limited
to space available.
DATES: Meeting Date: The town hall
forum will be held on Monday, April 6,
2009, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., eastern
daylight time (e.d.t.).
Deadline for Meeting Registration:
Registrations must be received by
Wednesday, April 1, 2009, by 5 p.m.,
Deadline for Requesting Special
Accommodations: Participants requiring
special accommodations should contact
Cindy Ruff at the address specified in
the ADDRESSES section of this notice by
Friday, March 27, 2009, by 5 p.m., e.d.t.
ADDRESSES: Meeting Location: The town
hall forum will be held in the
auditorium at the Center for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244.
Meeting Registration: Participants
may register via e-mail at or by regular
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mail at the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, Center for Medicaid
and State Operations, Family and
Children’s Health Programs Group, 7500
Security Boulevard, S2–01–16,
Baltimore, MD 21244.
Inquires: Send inquiries about this
meeting via email to
Cindy Ruff, 410–786–5916.
I. Background
In response to Congressional hearings
and Federal studies regarding access to
dental care for Medicaid eligible
children, we performed 16 State dental
reviews in 2008. We recently published
a National Summary of those State
reviews and identified several
opportunities for improving dental care
for individuals eligible for Medicaid.
We proposed to have a Town Hall
Forum to discuss these opportunities.
The Forum will provide a venue for
participants to provide feedback to us
on various oral health issues and to
discuss best practices and innovative
delivery models for dental care. We will
work with co-facilitators, the National
Association of State Medicaid Directors
and the American Dental Association, in
presenting the Forum.
II. Meeting Format
The meeting will begin with
introductions of the individuals
participating in the meeting and an
overview of the goal and objectives of
the meeting. There will be a brief
overview of the role and functions of
Federal and State programs in
delivering dental care to individuals
eligible for Medicaid. There will be an
opportunity for several States to briefly
present information on a promising oral
health practice in their State. The third
portion of the Forum will focus on
discussion of delivery of dental services
through managed care organizations,
payment issues, best practices/
innovative delivery models, and
recommendations for education and
outreach to dental providers and
Medicaid enrollees.
Prior to the Town Hall Forum, we will
distribute information via the CMS Web
site including an agenda and a set of
questions to be addressed at the Forum.
The materials will be posted on the
CMS web site at https://www.cms.hhs.
Registered participants may submit
additional questions/comments to be
considered for discussion at the Forum.
PO 00000
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III. Registration Instructions
There is no registration fee associated
with attending the meeting. All
individuals must register to attend.
Because this meeting will be located on
Federal property, for security reasons
any persons wishing to attend must
register at one of the addresses specified
in the ADDRESSES section of this notice
by the date specified in the DATES
section of this notice. Please provide
your full name (as it appears on your
State-issued driver’s license), address,
organization, telephone, fax number(s),
and e-mail address. You will receive a
registration confirmation with
instructions for your arrival at the CMS
complex or you will be notified the
seating capacity has been reached. The
meeting is limited to registered persons,
and seating capacity is limited to the
first 250 registrants.
Individuals requiring sign language
interpretation for the hearing impaired
or other special accommodations should
contact Cindy Ruff at the address listed
in the ADDRESSES section of this notice
by the date specified in the DATES
section of this notice.
IV. Security, Building, and Parking
This meeting will be held in a Federal
government building; therefore, Federal
security measures are applicable. We
recommend that confirmed registrants
arrive at CMS reasonably early, but no
earlier than 45 minutes prior to the start
of the meeting, to allow additional time
to clear security. Security measures
include the following:
• Presentation of government-issued
photographic identification to the
Federal Protective Service or Guard
Service personnel.
• Inspection of vehicle’s interior and
exterior (this includes engine and trunk
inspection) at the entrance to the
grounds. Parking permits and
instructions will be issued after the
vehicle inspection.
• Inspection, via metal detector or
other applicable means of all persons
brought entering the building. We note
that all items brought into CMS,
whether personal or for the purpose of
presentation or to support a
presentation, are subject to inspection.
We cannot assume responsibility for
coordinating the receipt, transfer,
transport, storage, set-up, safety, or
timely arrival of any personal
belongings or items used for
presentation or to support a
Note: Individuals who are not registered in
advance will not be permitted to enter the
building and will be unable to attend the
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 14 (Friday, January 23, 2009)]
[Pages 4203-4205]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-684]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Approval of the Accreditation
Commission for Health Care, Incorporated for Continued Deeming
Authority for Home Health Agencies
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Final notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces our decision to approve the
Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Incorporated (ACHC) for
continued recognition as a national accreditation program for home
health agencies (HHAs) seeking to participate in the Medicare or
Medicaid programs.
DATES: Effective Date: This final notice is effective February 24, 2009
through February 24, 2015.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lillian Williams, (410) 786-8636.
Patricia Chmielewski, (410) 786-6899.
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible beneficiaries may receive
selected covered services from a home health agency (HHA) provided
certain requirements are met. Sections 1861(m) and (o), 1891, and 1895
of the Social Security Act (the Act) authorize the Secretary to
establish distinct criteria for facilities seeking designation as an
HHA. Under this authority, the minimum requirements that an HHA must
meet to participate in Medicare are set forth in regulations at 42 CFR
part 484 and 42 CFR part 409, which determine the basis and scope of
HHA-covered services, and the conditions for Medicare payment for home
health care. Regulations concerning provider agreements are at 42 CFR
part 489 and those pertaining to activities relating to the survey and
certification of facilities are at 42 CFR part 488.
Generally, to enter into an agreement, an HHA must first be
certified by a State survey agency as complying with conditions or
requirements set forth in part 484 of our regulations. Then, the HHA is
subject to regular surveys by a State survey agency to determine
whether it continues to meet those requirements. There is an
alternative, however, to surveys by State agencies.
Section 1865(a)(1) of the Act (as redesignated under section 125 of
the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008
(MIPPA) (Pub. L. 110-275) provides that, if a provider entity
demonstrates through accreditation by an approved national
accreditation organization that all applicable Medicare conditions are
met or exceeded, we may ``deem'' those provider entities as having met
Medicare requirements. (We note that section 125 of MIPPA redesignated
subsections (b) through (e) of subsection 1865 of the Act as (a)
through (d) respectively.) Accreditation by an accreditation
organization is voluntary
[[Page 4204]]
and is not required for Medicare participation.
If an accreditation organization is recognized by the Secretary as
having standards for accreditation that meet or exceed Medicare
requirements, a provider entity accredited by the national accrediting
body's approved program may be deemed to meet the Medicare conditions.
A national accreditation organization applying for approval of deeming
authority under part 488, subpart A must provide us with reasonable
assurance that the accreditation organization requires the accredited
provider entities to meet requirements that are at least as stringent
as the Medicare conditions. Our regulations concerning reapproval of
accrediting organizations are set forth at Sec. 488.4 and Sec.
488.8(d)(3). The regulations at Sec. 488.8(d)(3) require accreditation
organizations to reapply for continued approval of deeming authority
every 6 years, or sooner as we determine. The Accreditation Commission
for Health Care, Incorporated's (ACHC) term of approval as a recognized
accreditation program for HHAs expires February 24, 2009.
II. Deeming Applications Approval Process
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act provides a statutory timetable to
ensure that our review of deeming applications is conducted in a timely
manner. The Act provides us with 210 calendar days after the date of
receipt of an application to complete our survey activities and
application review process. Within 60 days of receiving a completed
application, we must publish a notice in the Federal Register that
identifies the national accreditation body making the request,
describes the request, and provides no less that a 30-day public
comment period. At the end of the 210-day period, we must publish an
approval or denial of the application.
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
In the August 22, 2008 Federal Register (73 FR 49681), we published
a proposed notice announcing the ACHC's request for reapproval as a
deeming organization for HHAs. In the proposed notice, we detailed our
evaluation criteria. Under section 1865(a)(2) of the Act and our
regulations at Sec. 488.4 (Application and reapplication procedures
for accreditation organizations), we conducted a review of the ACHC
application in accordance with the criteria specified by our
regulation, which include, but are not limited to the following:
An onsite administrative review of ACHC's (1) Corporate
policies; (2) financial and human resources available to accomplish the
proposed surveys; (3) procedures for training, monitoring, and
evaluation of its surveyors; (4) ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against accredited facilities; and (5)
survey review and decision-making process for accreditation.
A comparison of ACHC's HHA accreditation standards to our
current Medicare HHA conditions of participation (COPs).
A documentation review of ACHC's survey processes to--
++ Determine the composition of the survey team, surveyor
qualifications, and the ability of ACHC to provide continuing surveyor
++ Compare ACHC's processes to those of State survey agencies,
including survey frequency, and the ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against accredited facilities;
++ Evaluate ACHC's procedures for monitoring providers or suppliers
found to be out of compliance with ACHC program requirements. The
monitoring procedures are used only when ACHC identifies noncompliance.
If noncompliance is identified through validation reviews, the State
survey agency monitors corrections as specified at Sec. 488.7(d);
++ Assess ACHC's ability to report deficiencies to the surveyed
facilities and respond to the facility's plan of correction in a timely
++ Establish ACHC's ability to provide us with electronic data and
reports necessary for effective validation and assessment of ACHC's
survey process;
++ Determine the adequacy of staff and other resources;
++ Review ACHC's ability to provide adequate funding for performing
required surveys;
++ Confirm ACHC's policies with respect to whether surveys are
announced or unannounced; and,
++ Obtain ACHC's agreement to provide us with a copy of the most
current accreditation survey together with any other information
related to the survey as we may require, including corrective action
In accordance with section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the August 22,
2008 proposed notice (73 FR 49681) solicited public comments regarding
whether ACHC's requirements met or exceeded the Medicare conditions of
coverage for HHAs. We received no public comments in response to our
proposed notice.
IV. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between the ACHC's Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare's Conditions and Survey Requirements
We compared the standards contained in ACHC's accreditation
requirements for HHAs and its survey process in ACHC's application for
renewal of deeming authority for HHAs with the Medicare HHA conditions
for participation and our State Operations Manual (SOM). Our review and
evaluation of ACHC's deeming application, which were conducted as
described in section III. of this final notice, yielded the following:
To meet the requirements at Sec. 488.4(a)(3)(iii), ACHC
revised their record retention policy to require all survey
documentation be kept for a minimum of 3 years.
To meet the requirements at Sec. 484.4(a)(4), ACHC
revised its surveyor training and evaluation policy to include a
process for addressing unsatisfactory performance.
To comply with the requirement at Sec. 488.4(b)(3)(i),
ACHC developed an action plan to resolve issues related to timely data
ACHC modified its policies regarding timeframe for sending
and receiving a plan of correction (PoC) to comply with the
requirements of section 2728 of the SOM.
To meet the Medicare requirements related to a plan of
correction (PoC), ACHC amended its policies to ensure approved PoCs
contain all the required elements specified in section 2728 of the SOM.
ACHC revised its accreditation decision letters to ensure
they are accurate and contain all the required elements necessary for
the CMS Regional Office to render a decision regarding deemed status of
a provider.
B. Term of Approval
Based on the review and observations described in section III. of
this final notice, we have determined that the ACHC requirements for
HHA meet or exceed our requirements. Therefore, we approve ACHC as a
national accreditation organization for HHAs that request participation
in the Medicare program, effective February 24, 2009 through February
24, 2015.
V. Collection of Information Requirements
This document does not impose information collection and
recordkeeping requirements. Consequently, it need not be reviewed by
the Office of Management and
[[Page 4205]]
Budget under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35).
Authority: Section 1865 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.778, Medical
Assistance Program); (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program
No. 93.773, Medicare--Hospital Insurance; Program No. 93.774,
Medicare--Supplementary Medical Insurance Programs)
Dated: November 21, 2008.
Kerry Weems,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. E9-684 Filed 1-22-09; 8:45 am]