Telecommunications Relay Services, Speech-to-Speech Services, E911 Requirements for IP-Enabled Service Providers, 79683-79696 [E8-30999]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
Local Multipoint Distribution Service
(LMDS) fixed, microwave operations
that require transmitting facilities on
land or in specified offshore coastal
areas within the continental shelf.
Subpart M sets forth the rules governing
the use of competitive bidding to
resolve mutually exclusive LMDS
applications for initial licenses.
Need: These rules are needed to
implement the Commission’s
competitive bidding authority under 47
U.S.C. 309(j). The provisions in 47 CFR
101.1107, 101.1109 and 101.1112 are
necessary to administer the
Commission’s designated entity
program under which small businesses
meeting certain eligibility criteria may
receive bidding credits on their winning
Legal Basis: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, and
Section Number and Title:
101.1101 LMDS service subject to
competitive bidding.
101.1107 Bidding credits for very
small businesses, small businesses, and
101.1109 Records maintenance.
101.1111 Partitioning and
101.1112 Definitions.
[FR Doc. E8–31007 Filed 12–29–08; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 64
[CG Docket No. 03–123; WC Docket No.
05–196; FCC 08–275]
Telecommunications Relay Services,
Speech-to-Speech Services, E911
Requirements for IP-Enabled Service
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with RULES
AGENCY: Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Commission addressed
several issues relating to the
Commission’s Internet-based TRS
Order, which adopted a system to assign
users of Internet-based
Telecommunications Relay Service
(TRS), specifically Video Relay Service
(VRS) and Internet-Protocol (IP) Relay,
ten-digit numbers linked to the North
American Numbering Plan (NANP).
DATES: Effective December 31, 2008,
except for the information collection
requirements contained in § 64.605 that
are not effective until approved by the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). The Federal Communications
Commission (Commission) will publish
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a document in the Federal Register
announcing the effective date for the
information collections in this section.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications
Commission, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
William Dever, Wireline Competition
Bureau, (202) 418–1578.
For additional information concerning
the Paperwork Reduction Act
information collection requirements
contained in this document contact
Judith B. Herman at (202) 418–0214, or
via the Internet at
summary of the Commission’s Report
and Order and Order on
Reconsideration (Order) in CG Docket
No. 03–123, and WC Docket Nos. 05–
196, adopted December 19, 2008, and
released December 19, 2008. The text of
this document is available for
inspection and copying during normal
business hours in the FCC Reference
Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY–A257,
Washington, DC 20554. This document
may also be purchased from the
Commission’s duplicating contractor,
Best Copy and Printing, Inc., 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC 20554, telephone (800)
378–3160 or (202) 863–2893, facsimile
(202) 863–2898, or via e-mail at It is also available
on the Commission’s Web site at
In addition to filing comments with
the Office of the Secretary, a copy of any
comments on the Paperwork Reduction
Act information collection requirements
contained herein should be submitted to
Judith B. Herman, Federal
Communications Commission, Room 1–
B441, 445 12th Street, SW., Washington,
DC 20554, or via the Internet to
The Commission will send a copy of
this Order in a report to be sent to
Congress and the Government
Accountability Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.
Final Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
This Order contains new or modified
information collection requirements.
The Commission, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
burdens, invites the general public to
comment on the information collection
requirements contained in this R&O as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. In
addition, the Commission notes that
pursuant to the Small Business
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Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Public
Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4),
the Commission previously sought
specific comment on how the
Commission might ‘‘further reduce the
information collection burden for small
business concerns with fewer than 25
In this Order, the Commission
assessed the effects of imposing a
requirement that Internet-based TRS
providers institute procedures to verify
the accuracy of registration information.
The Commission took steps to minimize
the information collection burden for
small business concerns, including
those with fewer than 25 employees. For
example, Internet-based TRS providers
may choose their use of verification
procedures. Indeed, the Commission
only required that Internet-based TRS
providers implement a reasonable
means of verifying registration and
eligibility information that is not unduly
burdensome. Moreover, the Commission
concluded that all Internet-based TRS
providers, including small entities, will
be eligible to receive compensation from
the Interstate TRS Fund for their
reasonable costs of complying with the
verification requirements adopted in the
Order. These measures should
substantially alleviate any burdens on
businesses with fewer than 25
Synopsis of the Report and Order
1. In this Order, the Commission
addresses several issues relating to the
Internet-based TRS Order, 73 FR 41286,
July 18, 2008, which adopted a system
to assign users of Internet-based
Telecommunications Relay Service
(TRS), specifically Video Relay Service
(VRS) and Internet-Protocol (IP) Relay,
ten-digit numbers linked to the North
American Numbering Plan (NANP). The
Commission determined that the
numbering system will ensure that VRS
and IP Relay users (collectively
‘‘Internet-based TRS users’’) can be
called in the same manner that voice
telephone users are called—using a
standard ten-digit telephone number—
and that emergency calls placed by
Internet-based TRS users will be routed
directly and automatically to
appropriate emergency services
authorities by the Internet-based TRS
providers. The Commission mandated
that the new numbering and emergency
call handling plan be implemented by
December 31, 2008. In an accompanying
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(Further NPRM), 73 FR 41307, July 18,
2008, the Commission sought comment
on additional issues relating to the
implementation of the ten-digit
numbering plan and emergency call
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
handling requirements for Internetbased TRS.
2. The Order addresses issues critical
to ensuring a successful transition to
ten-digit numbering by December 31,
2008. Specifically, the Commission
addresses 911 implementation issues,
the timing for user registration, use of
toll free numbers for Internet-based TRS
service, eligibility requirements and
verification procedures, assignment of
telephone numbers, and numbering cost
issues. The Commission also addresses
a petition for reconsideration filed by
CSDVRS, GoAmerica, Viable, and Snap;
a petition for clarification filed by
CSDVRS; a petition for reconsideration
and clarification filed by Sorenson
regarding 911 and E911 issues; a
petition for limited waiver filed by
Sorenson regarding the use of ‘‘proxy’’
and ‘‘alias’’ numbers, and a petition for
clarification filed by NENA and the
Association of Public-Safety
Communications Officials International
(APCO) concerning the types of
information a VRS communications
assistant may provide to emergency
personnel when relaying an emergency
VRS call.
3. Title IV of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) requires
the creation of a nationwide TRS
program to allow persons with hearing
and speech disabilities access to the
nation’s telephone network. TRS must
be available to the extent possible and
in the most efficient manner, and must
offer telephone system access that is
‘‘functionally equivalent’’ to voice
telephone services, as reflected in the
TRS mandatory minimum standards.
The functional equivalency standard
serves as the benchmark in determining
the services and features TRS providers
must offer to consumers. In some
circumstances, TRS equipment also
permits persons with hearing
disabilities to communicate directly
with each other (i.e., point-to-point
4. When Congress adopted section
225, relay calls were placed using a text
telephone device (TTY) connected to
the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN). Since then, the Commission has
recognized new forms of TRS, including
Internet-based forms of TRS such as
VRS, IP Relay, and IP CTS. Because
Internet-based relay services have not
been linked to a uniform telephone
numbering scheme and, instead, have
used shifting (or ‘‘dynamic’’) IP
addresses, there has been no consistent
means by which to reach an Internetbased TRS user. Also, because IP
addresses have not necessarily
correlated to an Internet-based TRS
user’s geographic location, there has
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been no consistent means by which an
Internet-based TRS provider can
directly and automatically route an
Internet-based TRS emergency call to an
appropriate public safety answering
point (PSAP).
5. The Internet-based TRS Order
addressed both of these issues. First, to
ensure that voice telephone users can
call a VRS or IP Relay user simply by
dialing a ten-digit number, i.e., in the
same manner that they would call
another voice telephone user, the
Commission required Internet-based
TRS providers to assign NANP
telephone numbers to persons who use
their service. The Commission
determined that Internet-based TRS
users should obtain telephone numbers
directly from an Internet-based TRS
provider, given that such a process is
functionally equivalent to the process
by which voice telephone subscribers
obtain telephone numbers. The
Commission also determined that to
obtain a telephone number, an Internetbased TRS user must register with his or
her selected (or ‘‘default’’) Internetbased TRS provider. In addition, the
Commission extended its local number
portability (LNP) obligations to Internetbased TRS providers, so that the full
array of obligations relating to the
porting of numbers from one service
provider to another will apply when an
Internet-based TRS user wishes to port
his or her telephone number to a new
default provider.
6. To make it possible for providers to
route a call from a voice telephone user
to a VRS or IP Relay user, using the TRS
user’s ten-digit telephone number, the
Commission adopted a central
numbering directory mechanism that
maps the Internet-based TRS user’s tendigit NANP telephone number to the
current Internet address of his or her
end device. The Commission concluded
that Internet-based TRS providers
would provision routing information
directly to the central numbering
directory on behalf of their registered
users. The Commission also determined
that this routing information will be in
the form of a Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI). A telephone number
assigned for IP Relay use will have an
associated URI containing a domain
name and user name, and a telephone
number assigned for VRS use will have
an associated URI containing an IP
address and device-specific protocol
information. The Commission further
determined that building, maintaining,
and operating the central numbering
directory would best be accomplished
by a neutral third party administrator
under contract with the Commission
and compensated through the Interstate
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TRS Fund (Fund). The Commission
concluded that, for security reasons,
only Internet-based TRS providers
should be authorized to query the
central numbering directory for the
purpose of obtaining information from
the numbering directory to complete
7. Second, to ensure that Internetbased TRS users can make emergency
calls that will be directly and
automatically routed to the appropriate
PSAP, the Commission required that
Internet-based TRS providers, prior to
the initiation of service, obtain
consumer location information from
each of their registered users. Further,
the Commission required each Internetbased TRS provider to transmit all 911
calls to the PSAP, designated statewide
default answering point, or appropriate
local emergency authority that services
the caller’s Registered Location and that
has been designated for
telecommunications carriers under the
Commission’s part 64 rules. Each such
911 call must carry a call back number,
the name of the relay provider, the
communications assistant’s (CA’s)
identification number, and the caller’s
Registered Location. The Commission
further instructed that such calls must
be routed through the use of ANI (or
pseudo-ANI, if necessary) via the
dedicated Wireline E911 Network, and
the Registered Location must be
available from or through the ALI
Database. The Commission made clear
that Internet-based TRS providers may
not fulfill their 911 obligations by
routing 911 calls to ten-digit NPA–NXX
numbers (so called ‘‘administrative
numbers’’) of PSAPs where a selective
router is utilized.
8. In the Further NPRM, the
Commission sought comment on
fourteen different issues relating to the
assignment and administration of tendigit telephone numbers for Internetbased TRS. Specifically, the
Commission sought comment on: (1)
Certain peripheral issues concerning the
proper handling of 911 calls placed via
Internet-based TRS; (2) registration
period; (3) the eligibility of Internetbased TRS users to receive multiple
telephone numbers; (4) the use of tollfree numbers; (5) what steps the
Commission should take, if any, to
facilitate implementation of standardsbased signaling between service
providers; (6) the assignment of a single
telephone number to multiple services;
(7) multi-line telephone systems; (8)
eligibility to obtain Internet-based TRS
telephone numbers; (9) the regulatory
treatment of IP CTS; (10) additional
security measures designed to ensure
the integrity of the TRS system and
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
Internet-based TRS equipment and
networks; (11) verification of
registration; (12) application of the antislamming rules to protect relay
consumers against unauthorized default
provider changes; (13) the extent to
which the CPNI rules should apply to
Internet-based TRS providers; and (14)
whether, and to what extent, in
connection with the compensation of
Internet-based TRS providers for their
reasonable actual costs of complying
with the Internet-based TRS Order, the
costs of acquiring numbers, and porting
fees, should be passed on to Internetbased TRS users. The Commission
received numerous comments on these
9. On August 15, 2008, CSDVRS,
GoAmerica, Viable and Snap filed a
petition seeking reconsideration and
clarification of the Commission’s
Internet-based TRS Order with respect
to the obligations of default and former
default providers to route consumer
information. The petitioners request that
the Commission revise its rule to allow
the consumer either (1) to continue to
use the devices once they have ported
their number with the understanding
that their routing information will
continue to be provisioned by the
original provider that supplied the
device or (2) to acquire a new device
from the new default provider. Sorenson
filed an opposition to the Petition for
Reconsideration and the TDI Coalition
and Hamilton filed comments in
response to the Petition for
Reconsideration. CSDVRS and
GoAmerica filed replies to Sorenson’s
opposition to the Petition for
10. On August 15, 2008, CSDVRS also
filed a petition seeking clarification that
the Commission’s rules require VRS
providers to provide fully interoperable
relay service. CSDVRS requests that the
Commission clarify that every VRS
provider has an obligation to ensure that
it is as easy for a VRS user to place
outbound calls via competing providers
as it is to place outbound calls via the
user’s default provider. Sorenson filed
an opposition to CSDVRS’s Petition for
Clarification and CSDVRS and
GoAmerica filed replies to Sorenson’s
11. On August 18, 2008, Sorenson
filed a petition for reconsideration and
clarification seeking the Commission to:
(1) Allow the continued use of ‘‘proxy’’
numbers; (2) recognize that 911 calls
must be routed over administrative lines
in certain circumstances; and (3) clarify
the date by which E911 must be fully
implemented. The TDI Coalition filed
an opposition to Sorenson’s Petition for
Reconsideration and the Joint
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Responders filed a partial opposition.
AT&T filed reply comments. On
September 30, 2008, Sorenson filed a
petition for limited waiver of the
prohibition on the use of ‘‘proxy’’ and
‘‘alias’’ numbers. CSDVRS, GoAmerica,
Hamilton Relay, and TDI Coalition filed
oppositions to Sorenson’s petition for
limited waiver. Sorenson filed a reply to
the oppositions.
12. On October 24, 2008, NENA and
APCO filed a request for clarification
that the Commission’s rule governing
the non-disclosure by a CA of the
content of a relayed conversation does
not prohibit a VRS CA, when relaying
an emergency call, from disclosing
background visual and auditory
information to emergency personnel.
Sorenson and the TDI Coalition filed ex
partes in support of this request.
A. 911 Issues
13. 911 Calls and the Call Completion
Rule. The Commission’s rules require
Internet-based TRS providers to use a
system that ensures that the provider
will answer an incoming emergency call
before other non-emergency calls, i.e.,
that the provider will prioritize
emergency calls and move them to the
top of the queue. In the Further NPRM,
the Commission sought comment on
whether, as an additional step to ensure
the prompt handling of emergency calls,
the call completion rule should be
modified so that if an Internet-based
TRS provider’s CA is handling a nonemergency relay call and identifies an
incoming 911 call that would be placed
in queue, the CA may terminate the
existing call to answer the 911 call
immediately. As the Commission noted,
under the current call completion rule,
a CA may not terminate an ongoing call
for any reason, including to answer a
911 call that would otherwise wait in a
queue for the next available CA.
14. Based on the record, the
Commission concludes that it should
not modify the call completion rule to
allow CAs to terminate an existing call
in order to answer a 911 call. As several
providers note, allowing CAs to
terminate a non-emergency call is
inconsistent with the principle of
functional equivalency and the role of
the CA as a dial tone. Moreover, the
assumption that the CA would be
terminating a call to answer a call that
is more urgent may, in fact, not always
be true. As Sprint Nextel notes, a call
between a patient and her doctor might
be terminated to answer an emergency
call that presents less life-threatening
issues. Further, several providers note
that there is little evidence in the record
to demonstrate that 911 calls made to
Internet-based TRS providers have been
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substantially delayed, or that there is
otherwise any compelling reason to
modify the current call completion rule,
particularly in view of the requirement
that providers prioritize incoming 911
calls. For these reasons, the Commission
declines to modify our rules to permit
CAs to terminate existing calls to
answer 911 calls. The Commission will
revisit this issue in the future, however,
if it receives information that,
notwithstanding the emergency call
prioritization rule, emergency callers
have had to wait more than a minimal
amount of time to reach a CA.
15. Prioritization of ‘‘Call Backs’’ If
911 Call is Disconnected. As noted
above, in the Interim Emergency Call
Handling Order, the Commission
required providers to implement a
system to ensure that incoming
emergency calls are answered before
other non-emergency calls so that an
emergency caller does not have to wait
in a queue for the next available CA.
The interim rules also require the CA to
give the emergency personnel, at the
beginning of the call, the CA’s callback
number so that the emergency personnel
can call back the CA if the call gets
disconnected. The latter rule was
superseded by the Internet-based TRS
Order, which requires, effective
December 31, 2008, that the CA give the
emergency personnel the caller’s tendigit number, rather than the CA’s call
back number.
16. As the Commission stated in the
recent VRS Numbering Waiver Order,
the requirement that VRS providers
implement a system to ensure that all
incoming emergency calls are
prioritized and do not have to wait in
a queue also applies to callbacks from
the emergency services personnel.
Therefore, the Commission again
reminds providers that they must ensure
not only that incoming 911 calls are
prioritized, but also that callbacks from
the emergency services personnel to the
consumer via the consumer’s ten-digit
number are answered by the provider
before non-emergency calls.
17. Relay of Visual and Auditory
Information to Emergency Personnel.
Recognizing the Commission’s
commitment to adapt the Commission’s
rules to ‘‘ensure that people with
disabilities who desire to use
interconnected’’ IP-enabled services
‘‘obtain access to E911 services,’’ NENA
and APCO request clarification that VRS
CAs may, ‘‘when reasonably necessary,
* * * provide visual information to a
9–1–1 telecommunicator that will
protect the life of the caller and/or
others, including first responders.’’
Authorizing such actions would ‘‘allow
interpreters to step in and describe a
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
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situation accurately when the deaf user
is unable to do so.’’ NENA and APCO
further ask that the Commission clarify
that VRS CAs may retain records of
what they see and hear during an
emergency call.
18. The Commission agrees in part
and so clarifies. The Commission’s rules
(and the statute) generally prohibit a CA
from ‘‘intentionally altering a relayed
conversation’’ and from ‘‘keeping
records of the content of any
conversation beyond the duration of a
call.’’ The Commission reads these
provisions to preserve the content and
privacy of the ‘‘relayed conversation,’’
but background visual and auditory
information regarding an emergency
that a CA may see and hear during a
VRS call is not part of the
‘‘conversation.’’ Thus relaying
background visual and auditory
information to emergency personnel
regarding an ongoing emergency does
not contravene the statutory and
regulatory protections for ‘‘relayed
conversations.’’ Bolstering the
Commission’s interpretation is the
Commission’s recognition that just as
emergency personnel garner important
information from the sounds they hear
during an emergency call with a hearing
user (the crackling of a fire, the
explosion of a gunshot), emergency
personnel may get functionally
equivalent information from the sights a
CA sees during an emergency call with
a VRS user (the flames of a fire, the
brandishing of a gun). Allowing a VRS
CA to relay visual and auditory
information regarding an ongoing
emergency to emergency personnel
should help protect the safety and lives
of VRS users and emergency responders.
Thus the Commission clarifies that,
consistent with the Commission’s rules
and the Act, a CA may relay background
visual and auditory information
regarding an ongoing emergency to
assist emergency personnel in
responding to an emergency VRS call.
Moreover, because of the importance of
quick action in the face of an ongoing
emergency, the Commission clarifies
that VRS CAs may retain a record of
background visual and auditory
information regarding an emergency for
a reasonable time after an emergency
call has terminated for the sole purpose
of providing that information to
emergency personnel should they call
B. Registration Period
19. In the Internet-based TRS Order,
the Commission required that every
Internet-based TRS provider offer its
users the capability to register with that
provider as the ‘‘default provider’’ and
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provide or port for that user a NANP
telephone number. In addition, the
Commission required Internet-based
TRS providers to obtain registration
information from all new users and
assign all new users a NANP telephone
number. The Commission explained
that requiring users to register and
assigning them NANP telephone
numbers has benefits that include
facilitating the effective provision of 911
service. In the Further NPRM, the
Commission sought comment on the
length of the registration period during
which Internet-based TRS providers
will register existing users, obtain their
initial Registered Location, and provide
the users new ten-digit NANP telephone
numbers. The Commission also sought
comment on whether there should be a
cut-off date for users’ registration with
a default provider.
20. The Commission received a
number of comments on this issue.
AT&T proposes a three-month
registration period and a three-month
permissive calling period. During these
periods, AT&T recommends education
and outreach efforts. AT&T recommends
that at the end of the permissive calling
period, Internet-based TRS providers
cease completing the non-emergency
calls of unregistered Internet-based TRS
users. The TDI Coalition recommends a
six-month period conditioned on the
Commission undertaking periodic
review of actual registrations resulting
from outreach and education efforts of
the Commission and Internet-based TRS
providers. CSDVRS recommends a 12month registration period with the
requirement that each VRS provider
submit its number of new registrations
on a quarterly basis to the Commission.
CSDVRS also recommends procedures
to be put in place after the cut-off date
in which callers will be routed to
customer service to become registered.
21. Several commenters recommend
no cut-off of calling capabilities for
unregistered users. NENA claims that
education of Internet-based TRS users is
preferable to cutting off service.
Sorenson also does not recommend a
cut-off period. Rather, Sorenson
recommends promoting registration and
education about the benefits of signing
up with a default provider, but not
refusing service to individuals who
choose not to register. GoAmerica
recommends that registration should be
required to obtain a ten-digit number,
but not required to use Internet-based
TRS service, i.e., users should not be
forced to register if they do not want to.
GoAmerica further comments that
mandatory registration is ‘‘contrary to
functional equivalence’’ as hearing
people do not have to register.
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22. As the Commission stated in the
Internet-based TRS Order, registration is
essential to the assignment and use of
NANP telephone numbers and has
important public safety benefits. The
Commission disagrees with GoAmerica
that registration is contrary to functional
equivalency. For traditional voice
communications services, users
‘‘register’’ when they sign up for service
by providing their name and address,
and in the case of interconnected VoIP,
registration is mandatory. The
Commission repeats that Internet-based
TRS providers must register eligible
new users before providing them
service. For example, any newlyprovisioned user (i.e., a user being sent
a new device, or application software
download) must be given a NANP
telephone number. The Commission
also adopts AT&T’s recommendation to
provide, for eligible existing users, a
three-month registration period
followed by a three-month permissive
calling period; during this six-month
period Internet-based TRS providers
will engage in consumer education and
outreach efforts.
23. As noted by AT&T, the permissive
calling period is comparable to the
permissive calling period that is used in
area code relief situations to provide
flexibility as consumers adapt to the
new numbering scheme. Accordingly,
Internet-based TRS users may place and
receive calls via the method used before
December 31, 2008 during the threemonth registration and three-month
permissive calling periods. Once an
Internet-based TRS user obtains a NANP
telephone number, the user may still be
reached by his or her ‘‘proxy’’ or ‘‘alias’’
number, but the Internet-based TRS
provider will provide a message
notifying the caller of the user’s new
NANP telephone number and advising
the caller that after June 30, 2009, the
user may only be reached by the NANP
telephone number.
24. Providers should have no trouble
getting most of their users with hearing
and speech disabilities registered by the
three-month target deadline, but the
permissive calling period provides
flexibility for a transition period in case,
for some reason, some users need more
time to register. Moreover, during the
permissive calling period, Internetbased TRS providers can continue to
engage in targeted education and
outreach. As discussed in our Internetbased TRS Order, registration is
necessary for Internet-based TRS
providers to associate an Internet-based
TRS user’s telephone number with his
or her IP address to allow for the routing
and completion of calls. Moreover,
mandatory registration is critical to the
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
effective handling of 911 calls.
Specifically, registration allows
Internet-based TRS providers to provide
first responders with location
information for emergency calls placed
over Internet-based TRS. The TDI
Coalition agrees that registration is
necessary for users to benefit from
effective 911 call handling. In addition,
mandatory registration will facilitate the
implementation of appropriate network
security measures by reducing access to
the Internet-based TRS providers’
databases and therefore, limit the
exposure of the databases to abuses,
such as hacking. In order to ensure that
Internet-based TRS users can realize the
benefits of the numbering system
adopted in the Internet-based TRS
Order, registration must be mandatory
with a definitive cut-off date by which
Internet-based TRS providers may not
complete the non-emergency calls of
unregistered users.
25. The Commission establishes the
following registration schedule: The
registration period will begin on
December 31, 2008, the implementation
date of the new ten-digit numbering
system. The three-month registration
period will end on March 31, 2009, and
the permissive calling period will end
on June 30, 2009. At the end of the
permissive calling period, existing
Internet-based TRS users who have not
registered with a default provider will
be treated like new Internet-based TRS
users. Internet-based TRS providers
must register these eligible users before
they may make non-emergency calls, in
accordance with the E911 goals set forth
in the Internet-based TRS Order. The
Commission encourages all Internetbased TRS providers to register their
eligible users during the three-month
registration period, but acknowledge
that there may be a need for additional
time and therefore, allow a three-month
permissive calling period. The
Commission also encourages Internetbased TRS providers to keep it apprised
of the status of customer registrations
during the registration period through
ex parte filings in these dockets.
26. Some providers have stated that
they are unable to distinguish a new
user from an ‘‘existing’’ user who is
dialing around the default provider with
which he or she is registered. The
Commission notes that, as a new user is
‘‘an individual that has not previously
utilized VRS or IP Relay,’’ someone to
whom the provider has already issued a
proxy number, for example, or someone
who has been issued a device that is in
contact with a provider’s server, would
not fall into the category of a ‘‘new’’
user. In support of mandatory
registration for new users as of
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December 31, 2008, the Commission
permits providers to request a user’s
ten-digit NANP number, which can be
used to verify whether the user is
registered with another provider. Such
verification can be made with a simple
query to the Numbering Directory using
the ten-digit number. This interim
solution will be available to providers as
of December 31, 2008. However, the
Commission may consider enhancing
this method with the capability to do a
reverse directory lookup of identifying
information in the incoming call against
the URIs of registered users, or the
Commission may adopt some other
solution if operational experience and
the record in this proceeding indicate
that another method would be
preferable. In any event, if a provider is
unable to discern whether someone
attempting to use its service is an
existing user, then it should treat such
user as a new user.
27. The TDI Coalition recommends
that once users register with a default
provider, they should be able to place
relay calls immediately, at least on a
temporary basis, through, for example,
the assignment of a temporary ‘‘guest’’
or application number/identification
system. Similar to the TDI Coalition,
Sorenson claims that providers must be
prepared to assign a user a NANP
number within an acceptable period of
time (e.g., three days, but no longer than
a week). The Commission believes that
under our registration and permissive
calling plan, there should be no delay
problems for existing Internet-based
TRS users, as they may continue to
place calls without a ten-digit,
geographically appropriate number until
the end of the permissive calling period.
For new users, the Commission agrees
with the TDI Coalition and concludes
that to the extent technically feasible,
Internet-based TRS providers must
allow newly registered users to place
calls immediately.
28. Sorenson Petition for
Reconsideration and Clarification.
Sorenson raises two issues in its
Petition for Reconsideration and
Clarification related to registration and
routing of 911 calls. First, Sorenson
requests that the Commission clarify
that its new rules applicable to E911
Service, which are effective December
31, 2008, only apply to 911 calls of
registered users. Because the new rules
require providers to make available
certain information that they can obtain
only from registered users, such as
Registered Location information, the
Commission hereby amends the new
rules to apply to 911 calls placed by
registered users. Sorenson also requests
permission to route 911 calls to the
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administrative lines of PSAPs in certain
cases, such as when a user’s Registered
Location is in a geographic area not
served by a Wireline E911 Network, or
when a non-default provider is handling
a 911 call but does not have access to
the 911 caller’s Registered Location or
other relevant information. The
Commission recognizes that in certain
circumstances such as these, the new
rules may not be fully applicable.
Therefore, the Commission amends our
emergency calling rules to specify that
the new rules only apply to 911 calls
placed by users whose Registered
Location is in a geographic area served
by a Wireline E911 Network and is
available to the provider handling the
29. Sorenson Petition for Limited
Waiver. Finally, Sorenson requests that
the Commission grant it a one-year
waiver of the Commission’s prohibition
on the use of ‘‘proxy’’ or ‘‘alias’’
numbers after December 31, 2008.
Sorenson claims a waiver is necessary to
avoid user disruption associated with
the transition to NANP numbers by
allowing Sorenson users to continue
receiving calls dialed using proxy
numbers. There is strong opposition in
the record to Sorenson’s petition.
Contrary to Sorenson’s position, the TDI
Coalition claims that continued use of
proxy numbers will actually create more
confusion for users. Specifically, the
TDI Coalition argues that many proxy
numbers are duplicates of NANP
numbers and therefore, using proxy
numbers once NANP numbers are
assigned could cause confusion for
users and interoperability problems for
Internet-based TRS providers. Parties
also highlight that callers using proxy
numbers will not have their location
information automatically transmitted
to the appropriate PSAP or receive
emergency callbacks through alternative
VRS providers in the case of a
disconnect. Moreover, commenters
argue that granting Sorenson’s petition
would allow Sorenson to continue to
maintain its closed directory system to
the detriment of other competing VRS
providers. There is consensus among
the commenters that any customer
confusion that may arise by the
termination of ‘‘proxy’’ and ‘‘alias’’
numbers with the assignment of tendigit NANP numbers can be adequately
addressed by a message provided by
Sorenson that notifies that caller of the
new NANP number of the called party.
As stated above, an Internet-based TRS
user may be reached by his or her
‘‘proxy’’ or ‘‘alias’’ number until the end
of the permissive calling period.
Additionally, the Commission
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concluded that Internet-based TRS
providers must provide a message
notifying callers that after June 30, 2009,
the user may only be reached by his or
her NANP telephone number.
Accordingly, consistent with the record
in this proceeding, the Commission
denies Sorenson’s petition for limited
30. Sua Sponte Clarification and
Reconsideration. The Commission also
clarifies, on its own motion, that all
users of Internet-based TRS must be
assigned ten-digit, geographically
appropriate numbers, meaning numbers
within their local rate centers. In our
June 24, 2008 Internet-based TRS Order,
the Commission noted that in ‘‘unusual
and limited circumstances,’’ Internetbased TRS providers could encounter
difficulty obtaining truly local
telephone numbers for their users. The
Commission suggested that in such
circumstances, Internet-based TRS
providers could ‘‘temporarily employ
suitable workarounds,’’ such as
assigning a user a telephone number
reasonably close to the user’s rate center
or using remote call forwarding, but
only until a geographically appropriate
number became available. First, the
Commission clarifies that under no
circumstances should a toll-free number
be assigned to a user as such a
workaround. As the Commission states
below, toll-free numbers must always
route to a user’s ten-digit,
geographically appropriate number. The
Commission clarifies this because it is
concerned that the assignment of a tollfree number as a user’s primary
identifier could degrade the provision of
E911 service to that user—a concern
made more acute by the short time that
providers, users, and the database
administrator have to implement the
new numbering system. Second, the
Commission reconsiders its prior
suggestion that Internet-based TRS
providers can use workarounds in
instances where they cannot obtain
geographically appropriate numbers,
such as assigning a non-local but
‘‘close’’ telephone number or using
remote call forwarding. The
Commission anticipates that the
instances in which geographically
appropriate numbers will be unavailable
from wholesale carriers will be rare, but
in those rare instances the Commission
now requires Internet-based TRS
providers to bring the situation to its
attention, and the Commission will
work with the carriers in that area and
other entities to resolve it so that all
users of Internet-based TRS service will
have truly local geographically
appropriate ten-digit numbers. To be
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clear, Internet-based TRS providers
must assign to each user a locally rated,
ten-digit, geographically appropriate
number. The Commission delegates to
the Wireline Competition Bureau the
authority necessary to work with the
Internet-based TRS providers, the
carriers, and the numbering
administrators to resolve any such
C. Use of Toll Free Numbers for
Internet-Based TRS
31. In the Further NPRM, the
Commission sought comment on the use
of toll free numbers for Internet-based
TRS, including any impact the use of
such numbers may have on the
provision of 911 service. AT&T claims
that Internet-based TRS users should be
discouraged from using toll free
numbers, and those users who elect to
retain their toll free numbers should be
required to pay for their use. AT&T also
advocates transitioning away from toll
free numbers due to concerns about the
ability of 911 databases to effectively
route 911 calls when associated with a
toll free number because, by design, toll
free numbers operate as inbound
numbers only. GoAmerica claims that
toll free numbers go beyond functional
equivalency, and recommends that all
Internet-based TRS users who are
assigned toll free numbers be assigned
geographically appropriate numbers.
GoAmerica argues that, should an
Internet-based TRS user want a toll free
number, the user should be able to get
one, and, like AT&T, GoAmerica
recognizes that toll free numbers do not
work with E911 systems.
32. The TDI Coalition encourages the
use of geographically appropriate
numbers and argues that if a provider
offers toll free numbers, ‘‘such offering
must be no more than an optional
alternative to geographic numbers.’’ The
TDI Coalition also argues that
mechanisms can be put in place to
facilitate the provisioning of 911
services through the use of pseudo-ANI,
similar to VoIP 911. Sorenson also
believes that Internet-based TRS users
should be able to obtain toll free
numbers, should not have to surrender
their toll free numbers—i.e., they should
be able to have a geographically
appropriate number and a toll free
number, provided both numbers are
assigned by the same provider.
Sorenson argues that the providers
should be responsible for the costs of
the users’ numbers and should be
permitted to submit costs to the
Interstate TRS Fund in connection with
only one number (toll free or
geographic) per device.
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33. CSDVRS recommends that VRS
providers be allowed, but not required,
to issue toll free numbers and that users
should be able to obtain toll free
numbers from any provider, not just the
default provider. With respect to 911
service, CSDVRS states that since toll
free numbers do not have access to 911
services, devices assigned only a toll
free number will need to carry clear
disclaimers about their 911 limitations.
34. The Commission concludes, for
the reasons discussed above in
connection with registration, that
Internet-based TRS users should
transition away from the exclusive use
of toll free numbers to ten-digit,
geographically appropriate numbers, in
accordance with our numbering system.
Important to this finding is that ten-digit
NANP numbers will ensure that
emergency calls will be routed directly
and automatically to the appropriate
PSAP. Accordingly, similar to the
Commission’s registration plan,
Internet-based TRS users are allowed a
three-month period to transition to tendigit, geographically appropriate
numbers, with an additional threemonth permissive calling period for
unregistered users. At the end of the
permissive calling period, the
Commission requires Internet-based
TRS providers to have assigned tendigit, geographically appropriate
numbers to all current holders of toll
free numbers who wish to continue
using those toll free numbers. An
Internet-based TRS user may retain a
current toll free number or obtain a new
toll free number so long as that toll free
number is directed to the ten-digit,
geographically appropriate number. As
discussed below, voice telephone users
are responsible for the costs of obtaining
and using their individual toll free
numbers and therefore, functional
equivalency does not require that the
use of toll free numbers in connection
with Internet-based TRS should be
compensable from the Interstate TRS
D. Eligibility Requirements and
Verification Procedures
35. In the Further NPRM, the
Commission sought comment on who
should be eligible to obtain telephone
numbers. Specifically, the Commission
sought comment on the need for
eligibility requirements or verification
procedures when telephone numbers
are assigned; e.g., must the recipient
have a hearing or speech disability and
therefore need to use TRS to access the
telephone system and, if so, should the
recipient be required to verify that fact,
or can a number be assigned to a voice
telephone user who may desire to
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communicate directly (video-to-video)
with a TRS user? The Commission also
sought comment on related issues,
including the effect of particular
proposals on the Interstate TRS Fund,
potential number exhaustion concerns,
possible other means by which the
Commission or providers can facilitate
the provision of ‘‘point-to-point’’
Internet-based calls, and the scope of
section 225 with regard to these
36. Eligibility To Obtain Ten-Digit
Numbers. The Commission concludes
that, at this time, only individuals with
a hearing or speech disability will be
eligible to obtain ten-digit telephone
numbers under the numbering system
adopted in the Internet-based TRS
Order. Although several commenters
request that the Commission also allow
hearing persons to obtain ten-digit
numbers from Internet-based TRS
providers for the purpose of enabling
point-to-point video communications
(i.e., non-relay calls) between a hearing
person and an individual with a hearing
or speech disability, the Commission
declines to do so at this time.
37. While the Commission recognizes
the potential benefits of facilitating
direct communication between TRS
users and voice telephone users, the
Commission nevertheless limits the
assignment of ten-digit numbers to
persons with hearing and speech
disabilities at this time. First, the
Commission is cognizant of the
limitations imposed by section 225,
which instructs the Commission to
prescribe regulations governing the
provision of ‘‘telecommunications relay
services,’’ and specifically authorizes
the recovery of costs ‘‘caused
by * * * telecommunications relay
services.’’ Direct point-to-point calling
is not a ‘‘telecommunications relay
service’’ under section 225. In addition,
the assignment of telephone numbers to
voice telephone users for the purpose of
point-to-point calls raises cost recovery
issues. The Commission must ensure
that costs specific to facilitating such
calls are excluded from those costs for
which providers may seek
compensation from the Fund (and also
are not included in those costs that
determine the compensation rate). For
example, costs associated with assigning
a telephone number to a hearing person
to facilitate direct calls, including costs
related to obtaining the number, recordkeeping, and technical support
activities, would not be compensable
from the Fund. The Commission
therefore finds that further evaluation is
needed of the specific costs that would
be associated with both assigning
numbers to voice telephone users for the
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purpose of making point-to-point calls,
and with the processing of such calls, in
order to establish safeguards to ensure
that such costs would not be borne by
the Fund. Finally, the Commission’s
paramount concern at this time is to
ensure that it facilitates calls to Internetbased TRS users with hearing or speech
disabilities and provide these users with
automatic 911 access consistent with
the functional equivalency mandate. For
these reasons, the Commission
concludes that only individuals with a
hearing or speech disability will be
eligible to obtain ten-digit telephone
numbers under the numbering system
adopted by the Commission at this time.
38. Eligibility and Verification
Procedures. The Commission also
sought comment on what safeguards
should apply, such as eligibility
requirements and/or verifications, when
a user registers with a default provider
and is assigned a ten-digit telephone
number. In addition, the Commission
sought comment on how providers
might verify the accuracy of initial
registration information in order to curb
IP Relay fraud. Commenters generally
support registration verification as a
means of ensuring that registration
information provided by users is
accurate and preventing the improper
use of Internet-based TRS, particularly
IP Relay. At the same time, commenters
emphasize that registration verification
procedures should not unduly burden
Internet-based TRS users in the process
of obtaining ten-digit numbers.
39. To verify the accuracy of initial
registration information and to help
ensure that VRS and IP Relay are used
only for their intended purpose,
Internet-based TRS providers must
institute procedures to verify the
accuracy of registration information,
including the consumer’s name and
mailing address, before issuing the
consumer a ten-digit telephone number.
In addition, to ensure that registered
users are aware of the eligibility
limitations set forth above, the
verification procedures must include a
self certification component requiring
consumers to verify that they have a
medically recognized hearing or speech
disability necessitating their use of TRS.
40. In taking these actions, the
Commission does not mandate the use
of any particular verification
procedures. Instead, the Commission
requires only that Internet-based TRS
providers implement a reasonable
means of verifying registration and
eligibility information that is not unduly
burdensome. Such means may include,
for example: (1) Sending a postcard to
the mailing address provided by the
consumer, for return to the default
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Internet-based TRS provider; (2) inperson or on camera ID checks during
registration; or (3) other verification
processes similar to those performed by
voice telephone providers and other
institutions (such as banks and credit
card companies). Such registration
should be accompanied by consumer
education and outreach efforts designed
to inform Internet-based TRS consumers
of the importance of providing accurate
registration information. The
Commission expects that these
measures will reduce the misuse of
Internet-based TRS by those who may
take advantage of the anonymity
currently afforded users, particularly IP
Relay users, without unduly burdening
legitimate Internet-based TRS
consumers seeking to obtain ten-digit
telephone numbers. The consumer
education and outreach materials also
should make clear that: (1) The
consumer may obtain a telephone
number from, and register with, his or
her provider of choice (notwithstanding
any prior relationship the consumer
may have had with another provider);
(2) the consumer may change default
providers at any time and, in doing so,
retain his or her telephone number by
porting the number to the new default
provider; (3) the consumer may make
calls through, and receive calls from,
any provider (and the consumer is not
limited to making or receiving calls
through his or her default provider); and
(4) the provider cannot condition the
ongoing use or possession of equipment,
or the receipt of different or upgraded
equipment, on the consumer continuing
to use the provider as its default
41. As stated above, these
requirements will apply to those users
who have registered and obtained a tendigit number beginning December 31,
2008, except for the information
collection requirements contained in
section 64.605 that have not been
approved by OMB and, as such, the
Commission will publish a document in
the Federal Register announcing the
effective date for the information
collection requirements contained in
this section. Such requirements subject
to OMB approval include the outreach
and education obligations set forth in
the above paragraph, as well as the
verification and self-certification
requirements. Because these
requirements are subject to OMB
approval, the Commission does not
require providers to implement these
provisions until they have received such
approval and are in effect. Once the
verification and self-certification
requirements become effective,
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
however, providers will be required to
verify the accuracy of any registration
information that was obtained prior to
the effective date, as well as obtain selfcertifications from users who acquired
ten-digit numbers, in compliance with
these requirements.
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E. Assignment of Telephone Numbers
42. In the Further NPRM, the
Commission sought comment on the
Consumer Groups’ claim that functional
equivalency requires that deaf and hardof-hearing users have one ten-digit,
NANP number for multiple devices. The
Commission also sought comment on
whether, if such a system were in place,
the cost of the additional functionalities
should be passed on to the Internetbased TRS user. In their comments in
response to the Further NPRM, the
Consumer Groups clarified their
position and stated that functional
equivalency does not require that a user
must have the option of using the same
telephone number with multiple types
of TRS services, but rather, that some
type of call forwarding would be
sufficient. With respect to the cost of the
call forwarding service, the Consumer
Groups urge the Commission to
consider their opinion that the
functionality of call forwarding is
commonly included in services
provided to telephone users at no charge
and that the additional administrative
costs to assess and collect such a fee,
which they believe will be nominal, will
exceed the cost of providing the
43. AT&T believes that the
Commission should not mandate a
single telephone number for multiple
services. AT&T believes that Internetbased TRS providers can implement call
forwarding and other services to offer a
one-number solution to users who have
registered with that provider as their
default provider. CSDVRS recommends
that providers be allowed, but not
required, to offer such a functionality as
it is an enhanced functionality rather
than a functionally equivalent feature.
GoAmerica shares the same view as
CSDVRS, but argues that it may be
problematic to have the same number
assigned for different services that have
different technologies, platforms and
endpoints. Sorenson recommends
deferring the issue to focus resources on
the immediate challenges of
implementing the new numbering
system. Similarly, NeuStar argues that,
‘‘[a]s technology evolves, it may be
possible for a single [telephone number]
to be associated with multiple services
in an IP environment, but that time is
not here yet.’’
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44. Assignment of numbers for
multiple types of service. The
Commission agrees that functional
equivalency does not require that an
Internet-based TRS user be assigned a
single ten-digit, NANP number for
multiple types of services. Given the
short timeframe to implement our
numbering system and the importance
of public safety, the Commission
determines that a ten-digit,
geographically appropriate number will
be associated with the URI of one user,
for one type of service, e.g., IP Relay or
VRS. Nothing in this Order is intended
to restrict an Internet-based TRS
provider from offering a feature that
would automatically forward an
incoming call for the user at one service
(e.g., VRS) to the user at another service
(e.g., IP Relay) in those cases where the
user has obtained numbers for both
services from the same provider if it
does not result in additional costs to the
Fund. However, a provider that is not a
default provider may not be able to
replicate the same feature based on the
information available in the Numbering
Directory. As the Commission garners
experience with the numbering system,
the Commission will be better able to
analyze possible solutions to allow a
single number to be associated with
multiple types of services consistent
with the emergency handling and
interoperability rules.
45. Assignment of telephone numbers
for multiple URIs for the same type of
service. The Commission does not place
limits at this time on the quantity of
telephone numbers that an Internetbased TRS user may obtain from
Internet-based TRS providers. For
example, a VRS user may obtain
different numbers for VRS devices at
different locations such as home and
office. This meets basic functional
equivalency and provides more reliable
E911 location information. Nothing in
this Order is intended to restrict an
Internet-based TRS provider that has
provisioned a user with multiple
numbers for the same service from
offering call-forwarding-type features
that automatically forward an incoming
call for the user at a URI associated with
one telephone number to the user at a
URI associated with another telephone
number if it does not result in
additional costs to the Fund. The
Commission notes, however, that an
Internet-based TRS provider that is not
the default provider of these numbers
may not be able to replicate the same
feature based on the information in the
Numbering Directory. Consistent with
the Commission’s rules, each provider
of Internet-based TRS is required to
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obtain from each registered Internetbased TRS user the physical location at
which the service will be first utilized
for each number and to provide the user
one or more methods for updating the
physical location for each number.
46. Assignment of telephone numbers
for multiple URIs at the same location.
Because the Commission does not place
limits at this time on the quantity of
telephone numbers that an Internetbased TRS user may obtain from
Internet-based TRS providers, a user
may also obtain numbers for different
devices on the same premises, such as
multiple VRS devices in the home.
Although the central Numbering
Directory does not permit a single
telephone number to be shared by
multiple devices at the same location,
nothing in this Order restricts an
Internet-based TRS provider or an
independent equipment supplier from
developing and implementing a solution
that provides a ‘‘multiple extensions’’
feature if it does not result in additional
costs to the Fund. As the Commission
garners experience with our numbering
system, the Commission will be better
able to analyze possible solutions to
allow a single number to be associated
with multiple devices consistent with
emergency handling and
interoperability rules.
47. Assignment of telephone numbers
for a single URI. Given the short
timeframe to implement our numbering
system and the importance of public
safety, the Commission finds that if
multiple ten-digit, geographically
appropriate telephone numbers are
associated with a single URI, they must
all be provided by a single Internetbased TRS provider. Thus, only one
Internet-based TRS provider is
responsible for managing the Registered
Location information associated with
that URI. This requirement will reduce
the likelihood of conflicting Registered
Location information for the same URI.
48. Recapturing unused numbers.
Because the Commission anticipates
that providers will not encourage
consumers to obtain more telephone
numbers than they actually intend to
use, the Commission declines to put
into effect a means to recapture unused
numbers at this time, but will monitor
the situation and reserve the right to do
so at a later date.
F. Numbering Costs
49. In the Internet-based TRS Order,
the Commission concluded that
Internet-based TRS providers may seek
compensation from the Fund for their
reasonable actual costs of complying
with the requirements adopted in that
order. The Order further concluded that
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costs recoverable from the Fund may
include those directly related to: (1)
Ensuring that database information is
properly and timely updated and
maintained; (2) processing and
transmitting calls made to ten-digit
numbers assigned pursuant to the
Internet-based TRS Order; (3) routing
emergency calls to an appropriate PSAP;
(4) other implementation tasks directly
related to facilitating ten-digit
numbering and emergency call
handling; and (5) consumer outreach
and education related to the
requirements and services adopted in
the Internet-based TRS Order.
50. At the same time, the Commission
stated that those numbering costs
compensable from the Fund did not
include ‘‘those costs directly related to
consumers’ acquiring a ten-digit number
or to the costs associated with number
portability.’’ Noting that voice telephone
users generally bear these costs, the
Commission sought comment on
‘‘whether Internet-based TRS users
acquiring ten-digit numbers should also
bear these costs. In addition, the
Commission sought comment on
whether other specific costs associated
with numbering should, consistent with
costs paid by voice telephone users, be
passed on to consumers, ‘‘including, for
example, E911 charges.’’ As explained
more fully below, the Commission
concludes that certain costs, which
typically are borne by consumers of
voice communication services, are not
compensable from the Fund and, at the
election of each provider and subject to
Commission approval (as explained
below), may be passed on to Internetbased TRS users who are registered with
that provider. These costs include: (1)
Costs associated with an Internet-based
TRS consumer’s acquisition of a tendigit geographic telephone number, (2)
costs associated with an Internet-based
TRS consumer’s acquisition and usage
of a toll free telephone number; and (3)
any E911 charges that may be imposed
on Interstate TRS providers under a
state or local E911 funding mechanism.
The Commission also addresses below
number portability costs.
51. Costs Relating to the Acquisition
of a Ten-Digit Geographic Number.
Section 225 states that the
Commission’s regulations shall ‘‘require
that users of [TRS] pay rates no greater
than the rates paid for functionally
equivalent voice communication
services with respect to such factors as
the duration of the call, the time of day,
and the distance from point of
origination to point of termination.’’ As
noted in the Further Notice, Congress
therefore contemplated that TRS
consumers would pay certain costs
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associated with making a call, just not
the additional costs that are attributable
to the use of a relay service to facilitate
the call. Because number acquisition
costs are not attributable to the use of
relay to facilitate a call, and because the
record reflects that these costs generally
are borne by users of voice
communication services, the
Commission finds, consistent with
section 225 and the functional
equivalency mandate, that number
acquisition costs are not compensable
from the Fund. Therefore, a provider
that assigns a telephone number to a
consumer may pass the costs on to that
consumer. However, to ensure that only
these customer-specific, actually
incurred costs are passed on, the
Commission requires that any Internetbased TRS provider wishing to pass on
numbering-related costs to its users first
obtain Commission approval. The
Commission delegates to the Consumer
and Governmental Affairs Bureau the
authority to rule on such requests.
52. Commenters’ arguments that costs
of obtaining ten-digit telephone
numbers should not be borne by
consumers are insufficient to justify
treating Internet-based TRS users
differently than users of voice
communication services with respect to
passing through number assignment
costs to end users. First, some
commenters contend that number
assignment costs are ‘‘generally small’’
and, as such, do not justify the
administrative expense that would be
involved in recovering them from
consumers. The Commission disagrees.
Internet-based TRS providers reasonably
may take into consideration the
administrative cost of billing consumers
in determining whether to pass certain
numbering costs on to consumers and,
if so, how much to charge. The fact that
providers may incur administrative
expenses, however, does not justify
treating Internet-based TRS users
differently from users of voice
communication services.
53. Second, the Commission disagrees
with the contention that it should allow
costs associated with acquiring numbers
to be reimbursed by the Fund to the
extent that anticipated ‘‘cost savings’’
resulting from the Internet-based TRS
Order (associated with a possible future
reduction in IP relay fraud) can be
expected to ‘‘outweigh’’ the cost of
acquiring numbers. Potential ‘‘cost
savings’’ to the Fund resulting from a
reduction in IP Relay fraud similarly
does not provide a basis for treating
Internet-based TRS users differently in
this context, given that the approach the
Commission adopts here is consistent
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with the language and functional
equivalency objective of section 225.
54. Finally, GoAmerica asserts that it
is ‘‘discriminatory’’ to charge deaf and
hard of hearing persons for telephone
numbers because Internet-based TRS
users already ‘‘pay more for the ability
to communicate than hearing persons.’’
In particular, GoAmerica suggests that
Internet-based TRS users must incur the
cost of high speed Internet access, in
addition to the cost of a regular
telephone line, in order to have both
TTY access and access to VRS. The
record, however, does not support this
claim. The record reflects that hearing
consumers who use interconnected
VoIP services may pay as much, if not
more, than Internet-based TRS users for
service costs that may include number
assignment charges, other associated
fees, and broadband Internet access. The
Commission therefore finds that
Internet-based TRS consumers’ costs to
obtain ten-digit telephone numbers are
not compensable from the Interstate
TRS Fund and, at the election of each
provider and subject to Commission
approval (as explained above), may be
passed on to the consumer.
55. Costs Relating to the Acquisition
and Use of a Toll Free Number. The
Commission also sought comment on
allowing the continued use of toll free
numbers by Internet-based TRS users. In
addition, the Commission sought
comment on whether Internet-based
TRS users should be subject to a fee for
the use of toll free numbers, as are voice
telephone users.
56. Although the Commission permits
the continued use of toll free numbers
by Internet-based TRS users to the
extent provided in this Order, the
Commission agrees with commenters
who assert that the costs associated with
obtaining and using a toll free number
should not be compensable from the
Fund. As AT&T asserts, for example,
users who elect to retain their toll free
number ‘‘should be required to pay for
the use of that number’’ and doing so
‘‘would make Internet-based TRS more
functionally equivalent.’’ The
Commission therefore finds that
Internet-based TRS providers may not
seek compensation from the Fund for
the cost of assigning a toll free number
that has been assigned to an Internetbased TRS consumer after December 31,
2008. Internet-based TRS providers
similarly may not seek compensation
from the Fund for usage charges
associated with any toll free number
held by an Internet-based TRS user after
June 30, 2009 (marking the end of the
registration period). Moreover, any toll
free number held by an Internet-based
TRS user should, on or before June 30,
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2009, point to the user’s assigned tendigit, geographically appropriate
number. After June 30, 2009, Internetbased TRS providers may not route calls
to users’ telephone numbers other than
their ten-digit, geographically
appropriate numbers that have been
associated with the users in the
numbering database. To be clear, costs
associated with users’ toll free numbers
will not be compensable and in no event
will an Internet-based TRS provider be
compensated twice for the same call,
such as when an inbound call to a user’s
toll free number is then routed to that
user’s ten-digit, geographically
appropriate number.
57. The TDI Coalition asserts that the
Fund should compensate providers for
the acquisition costs of a toll free
number and the toll charges in
connection with the use of such
numbers by Internet-based TRS users.
They note that the Fund currently
compensates providers for toll charges
associated with a toll free call to a relay
provider to initiate a relay call, and
contend that requiring Internet-based
TRS users to pay toll charges associated
with calls to their personal toll free
number would discourage the use of
such numbers for making relay calls.
Nothing in the record, however,
supports this assertion. In any event, it
is reasonable to compensate providers
for the cost of toll free calls to their
centers by persons initiating a relay call,
but not to compensate consumers for the
toll costs of personal toll free numbers
consumers may choose to use instead of
a geographically appropriate ten-digit
number. Toll free access to an Internetbased TRS provider’s call center offers
the equivalent of dial-tone service to
voice telephone users who wish to call
an Internet-based TRS user who lives in
the same local calling area as the caller
but who has not yet obtained a ten-digit
geographic telephone number. In
addition, such toll free access allows an
Internet-based TRS user who does have
a ten-digit number to place or receive a
call via an Internet-based TRS provider
other than the user’s default provider as
a ‘‘dial-around’’ call. Therefore,
providing compensation from the Fund
to providers for toll free calls in these
situations is consistent with the
functional equivalency mandate.
Providing compensation from the Fund
for the use of an individual toll free
number is not because there is a cost
associated with an individual’s use of a
toll free number, whether the person is
a voice telephone user or an Internetbased TRS user.
58. E911 Charges Imposed Under
State or Local E911 Funding
Mechanisms. In the Internet-based TRS
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Order, the Commission concluded that
Internet-based TRS providers may seek
compensation from the Fund for their
actual reasonable costs of complying
with the requirements adopted in that
order including, among other things,
costs directly related to routing
emergency calls to an appropriate PSAP
and other implementation tasks directly
related to emergency call handling. The
Further NPRM sought comment on
whether any specific costs that result
from the requirements adopted in the
Internet-based TRS Order should,
consistent with the costs paid by voice
telephone users, be passed on to
consumers, including, for example,
E911 charges.
59. Although the Commission
concludes that Internet-based TRS
providers may continue to seek
compensation from the Fund for their
actual reasonable costs of complying
with the emergency call handling
requirements adopted in the Internetbased TRS Order, the Commission
concludes that any E911 charges
imposed under a state or local E911
funding mechanism are not
compensable from the Fund. These
charges are generally passed on to voice
telephone users, as well as to traditional
PSTN-based TRS users, in the form of a
small recurring charge on their local
telephone bills. As such, to the extent
that Internet-based TRS providers incur
charges in connection with a state or
local E911 funding mechanism, each
default Internet-based TRS provider
may choose to pass these E911 charges
on to registered users of that provider.
60. Number Portability Costs. Section
251(e)(2) of the Act provides that ‘‘[t]he
cost of establishing telecommunications
numbering administration arrangements
and number portability shall be borne
by all telecommunications carriers on a
competitively neutral basis as
determined by the Commission.’’
Through its rules and orders, the
Commission has established a cost
recovery mechanism for shared local
number portability (LNP) costs under
section 251(e)(2), and has determined
that telecommunications carriers and
interconnected VoIP providers should
bear such costs on a competitively
neutral basis. Under this cost recovery
mechanism, shared LNP costs are
allocated to carriers and interconnected
VoIP providers in proportion to each of
those entity’s end-user revenues.
Interconnected VoIP providers and
telecommunications carriers, other than
incumbent LECs, are permitted to
recover the amount of shared LNP costs
allocated to that carrier or provider ‘‘in
any manner consistent with applicable
state and federal laws and regulations.’’
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61. In the Internet-based TRS Order,
the Commission imposed number
portability obligations on Internet-based
TRS providers and their numbering
partners in connection with the
numbering plan adopted in that order.
At that time, the Commission
specifically declined to require Internetbased TRS providers to contribute to
shared LNP costs. In doing so, the
Commission noted that Internet-based
TRS providers would have been unable
to recover their costs from end users
because, at least at that time, end users
were not required to register with an
Internet-based TRS provider.
Notwithstanding this determination, in
the Further NPRM, the Commission
sought comment on whether, and to
what extent, the costs associated with
number portability should be passed on
to Internet-based TRS users, and not
paid for by the Fund, because these
costs ‘‘generally are borne by voice
telephone users.’’ The Further NPRM
noted that because Internet-based TRS
users will now have a default
provider—e.g., the provider from which
they obtained their number or a
provider to which they ported their
number—that provider can pass number
portability costs to the user.
62. The Commission declines to
extend to Internet-based TRS providers
the obligation to contribute to shared
LNP costs at this time. As noted above,
the shared costs of number portability
are allocated to interstate
telecommunications carriers and
interconnected VoIP providers in
proportion to each of those entity’s enduser revenues (contributors file their
revenue information on the FCC Form
499–A, the ‘‘Telecommunications
Reporting Worksheet’’). Unlike those
entities, however, Internet-based TRS
providers do not have ‘‘end-user
revenues’’ and, instead, their costs of
providing Internet-based TRS are
reimbursed by the Interstate TRS Fund.
Therefore, although the Commission
believes that Internet-based TRS users
should be required to bear number
portability costs to the same degree as
voice telephone users, the Commission
must first determine how to calculate
Internet-based TRS providers’ share of
LNP costs given that these providers
have no end-user revenues. Until the
Commission can further evaluate how
best to allocate shared LNP costs to
Internet-based TRS providers, the
Commission will not extend to these
providers the obligation to make
payments toward shared LNP costs. The
Commission may elect to revisit this
issue in a future order.
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
G. Petitions for Reconsideration and
Clarification Regarding Interoperability
and Default Provider Changes
63. CSDVRS, GoAmerica, Viable and
Snap Petition for Reconsideration and
Clarification. As stated above, on
August 15, 2008, CSDVRS, GoAmerica,
Viable and Snap filed a Petition for
Reconsideration with respect to the
obligations of default and former default
providers to route information from an
Internet-based TRS user who has CPE of
one provider, but is using a different
provider as his or her default provider
(i.e., the user has ported his or her
number). The petitioners contend that
there is tension between the rule
prohibiting a provider that gave out the
CPE, but is no longer the default
provider, from acquiring routing
information from the user, and the rule
requiring a provider that has issued CPE
to ensure that the CPE delivers the
routing information to the user’s new
default provider. The petitioners claim
that once a user ports his or her number
to a new default provider, who is not
the provider that furnished the CPE, that
new provider does not have the ability
to collect the routing information from
that CPE, cannot update the central
numbering directory without the
assistance of the provider of the CPE,
and certain features and functionalities
of the CPE may not work. Accordingly,
the petitioners recommend that the
Commission revise its rules to give the
consumers who have received a video
device from a VRS provider the option
of either: (1) Continuing to use the video
device once they have ported their
number with the understanding that
their routing information will continue
to be provisioned by the original
provider that supplied the device (and
with the understanding that the device
may not retain all the features and
functionalities); or (2) acquiring a new
device from the new default provider.
64. The TDI Coalition filed comments
in response to the Petition for
Reconsideration seeking full
interoperability and urging Internetbased TRS providers to work to ensure
that routing information is directed to
the user’s default provider. The TDI
Coalition also notes that the issues
raised in the Petition for
Reconsideration regarding number
porting will also arise when a user
applies for a new NANP number from
an Internet-based TRS provider that is
not the provider who provided the
videophone. The TDI Coalition
advocates for extensive consumer
outreach to help the deaf and hard-ofhearing community understand how
their CPE may be affected if they switch
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default providers. Hamilton Relay
agrees with the petitioners that when a
user changes his or her default provider,
the new provider does not have the
ability to collect the routing information
from the user’s device. Hamilton Relay
does not oppose the recommendations
of the petitioners, but also recommends
that the Commission clarify that IPbased relay providers that do not
distribute their own end-user equipment
may use software or commercially
available third-party router equipment
to route and update IP address
information to the central numbering
directory provider or similar solutions.
65. Sorenson filed an opposition to
the Petition for Reconsideration, stating
that the Commission’s rules correctly
place the responsibility for updating
and maintaining routing information on
the default provider and limit the
information that may be acquired by the
former default provider. Sorenson states
that ‘‘[i]mplementation of the new rules
will require development of an industry
standard to ensure that each provider
can accept routing information
delivered by devices distributed by
another provider.’’ In response to
Sorenson’s opposition, CSDVRS and
GoAmerica argue, among other things,
that Sorenson has not provided any
guidance on the development or
timeline of its proposed industry
standard to allow any provider to accept
routing information delivered by
devices distributed by another provider.
Sorenson has committed, for one, to
move forward to create an industry
standard that will ‘‘enable each provider
to accept routing information delivered
by devices distributed by another
66. The Commission denies the
Petition for Reconsideration. The
Commission reiterates our conclusion in
the Internet-based TRS Order that an
Internet-based TRS user’s CPE should
directly provide necessary routing
information to the Internet-based TRS
user’s default provider. The
Commission further clarifies that rule
64.611(e) means that an Internet-based
TRS provider’s CPE that is being used
with a default provider other than the
one that issued the CPE must
automatically connect with the new
default provider just as it did with the
previous default provider that provided
the CPE. In this situation, the user
should not have to manually dial the
default provider first, and then dial the
called party. Moreover, the CPE must be
capable of delivering routing
information to the new default provider
just as it did to the previous default
provider that provided the CPE once the
porting process is complete. In addition,
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at a minimum, an Internet-based TRS
provider’s CPE that is being used with
a new default provider must be capable
of: (1) Accepting a URI or IP address
that the new provider uses for call setup
purposes; and (2) allowing a user to dial
a number that the CPE automatically
forwards to the new default provider.
However, at this time based on the
record before the Commission, the
Commission disagrees with
GoAmerica’s request that a default
provider that furnishes CPE to a
consumer must ensure that the CPE’s
enhanced features (e.g., missed call list,
speed dial list) can be used by the
consumer if the consumer ports his or
her number to a new default provider
and uses the CPE with the new default
provider. Providers may offer such
features on a competitive basis, which
will encourage innovation and
67. Point-to-point calling. The
Commission also clarifies a few aspects
of providers’ responsibilities with
regard to point-to-point calling between
VRS users. GoAmerica asserts that
Sorenson has recently tendered a
proposed industry standard that
‘‘supports its effort to disable
functionality and further restrict
consumer choice,’’ in part because the
Sorenson proposal allegedly would not
enable a device to continue to originate
point-to-point calling after the user’s
ten-digit number has been ported and
the device has been paired with a new
default provider. Sorenson replies that
the proposed standard that it put
forward had been designed under
extreme time pressure and had been
developed in a way that contemplated
how the specification would be
enhanced in the future to allow for
point-to-point calling. Sorenson states
that it is now preparing the additional
specifications required to allow users to
make point-to-point calls using ten-digit
numbers, and will add those to the
proposed standard.
68. While point-to-point calls between
VRS users are not relay calls, and thus
are not compensable from the Fund,
they do constitute an important form of
communication for many VRS users,
and any loss of such basic functionality
is simply not acceptable. First, the
Commission clarifies that all default
providers must support the ability of
VRS users to make point-to-point calls
without the intervention of an
interpreter. Second, the Commission
clarifies that all providers must ensure
that their devices are capable of making
calls after a change in default provider,
including point-to-point calls to other
VRS users. Thus, all providers who
provision equipment must make
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available to other VRS providers enough
information about that equipment to
enable any VRS provider to perform all
its functions as a default provider,
including enabling point-to-point
communications between VRS users,
whether those users have the same or
different default providers. For example,
as noted above, Sorenson has stated that
it is preparing the additional
specifications required to allow users to
make point-to-point calls using ten-digit
numbers, and will add those to the
proposed standard. The Commission
expects that Sorenson will do so
expeditiously, and the Commission will
be monitoring events closely to ensure
that this happens. As a corollary to the
former default provider’s obligations, no
provider may begin providing service as
a new default provider for a customer
until the provider is capable of
performing the functions described
above and in this paragraph with
respect to any device that was being
used with the former default provider’s
service. Finally, the Commission
requires that all providers check the
Numbering Directory for routing
information for ten-digit numbers, other
than those of their own users before
setting up a relay call or routing the call
to the public switched telephone
network (PSTN). Checking the
Numbering Directory to see whether the
user is dialing another registered VRS
user—that is, requesting a point-to-point
communication—will ensure that
providers do not establish a relay call
when it is unnecessary and
inappropriate to do so.
69. The Commission recognizes that
point-to-point communication between
registered VRS users is not
‘‘telecommunications relay service’’ as
defined in section 225 because it occurs
between persons with hearing or speech
disabilities, not between a person with
such a disability and a hearing person.
Nonetheless, the Commission has ample
authority to regulate the provision of
point-to-point calls between Internetbased TRS subscribers. First, the
Commission has authority pursuant to
its ancillary jurisdiction. Ancillary
jurisdiction may be employed, in the
Commission’s discretion, when Title I of
the Act gives the Commission subject
matter jurisdiction over the service to be
regulated and the assertion of
jurisdiction is ‘‘reasonably ancillary to
the effective performance of [its] various
responsibilities.’’ As the Commission
concluded in the Internet-based TRS
Order, the Commission has subject
matter jurisdiction over Internet-based
TRS services, a form of ‘‘interstate
communication by wire or radio.’’ And
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requiring that providers facilitate pointto-point communications between
persons with hearing or speech
disabilities is reasonably ancillary to the
Commission’s responsibilities in several
parts of the Act—sections 225, 255, and
70. First, facilitating point-to-point
calls furthers the purposes of section
225 itself. Section 225(b)(1) directs the
Commission to ensure that relay
services are available ‘‘[i]n order to carry
out the purposes established under
section 1, to make available to all
individuals in the United States a rapid,
efficient nationwide communication
service, and to increase the utility of the
telephone system of the Nation.’’ While
that section refers to relay services,
point-to-point services even more
directly support the named purposes:
They are more rapid in that they involve
direct, rather than interpreted,
communication; they are more efficient
in that they do not trigger the costs
involved with interpretation or
unnecessary routing; and they increase
the utility of the Nation’s telephone
system in that they provide direct
communication—including all visual
cues that are so important to persons
with hearing and speech disabilities.
Second, section 255—entitled ‘‘Access
by Persons with Disabilities’’—requires
that manufacturers of
telecommunications equipment or
customer premises equipment ensure
that ‘‘the equipment is designed,
developed, and fabricated to be
accessible and usable by individuals
with disabilities, if readily achievable,’’
and goes on to require providers of
telecommunications services to ensure
that their services are similarly usable.
These sections both contain clear
statements from Congress that it
intended persons with disabilities to
have the fullest possible access to the
Nation’s communications system.
Requiring point-to-point
communications capabilities serves
these goals. Third, section 1 itself
charges the Commission with making
available ‘‘so far as possible, to all the
people of the United States * * * a
rapid, efficient, Nation-wide * * * wire
and radio communications service.’’
Facilitating direct communication—
without an unnecessary third-party
interpreter—between citizens with
hearing or speech disabilities furthers
our mandate to make communications
available to ‘‘all the people.’’
71. The Commission encourages
Internet-based TRS providers to work
together to develop systems and
standards that will facilitate compliance
with the Commission’s rules. To the
extent, however, a default provider is
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unable to meet any mandatory
minimum standards under the
Commission’s rules or prior orders for a
new registered user who is using CPE
from a former default provider because
that new default provider does not have
access to the technical information
about that user’s CPE that would be
necessary to provide service in
compliance with those rules and orders,
the Commission waives those rules for
a period of one year (unless the
Commission indicates otherwise). This
waiver is limited in that it has no effect
on the requirements of providers of
Internet-based TRS services in general
to meet their mandatory minimum
standards unless and until they become
a default provider for a user who
already has CPE from a former default
provider, and the new provider lacks
sufficient information to provide certain
features to that user, such as speed
dialing. A temporary, limited waiver is
necessary in the public interest so that
Internet-based TRS providers may focus
on ensuring that ten-digit numbering
and E911 services function smoothly at
this time of transition to the new tendigit dialing system. This limited waiver
also has no effect on the requirements
for all providers to share information
about their CPE as required by this
Order and to be prepared to provide
service to customers who port their
numbers in from other providers as
required by this Order. The Commission
also reiterates the Commission’s
enforcement authority to resolve any
customer complaints that arise from
switching default providers. The
Commission will act expeditiously to
ensure that consumers have the option
to switch providers. Finally, the
Commission finds that with the
clarifications discussed in this section,
the Commission does not need to
modify any existing rules and therefore,
denies the Petition for Reconsideration.
72. CSDVRS Petition for Clarification.
CSDVRS also filed a Petition for
Clarification requesting clarification that
the Commission’s rule 64.611(a)(2),
which lays out a default provider’s call
routing obligations, does not negate the
requirement that VRS providers provide
fully interoperable relay service.
CSDVRS claims that the role of the
default provider, as set forth in the
Internet-based TRS Order, may give
default providers the impression that
they may make it difficult for consumers
to access alternative providers by
dialing around, by means such as popup screens or warning messages, or
degradation of the TRS call, video
quality, or video interpreter capabilities.
GoAmerica also expresses concern with
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the interplay of the Commission’s
default provider rule and the
interoperability rule.
73. There is opposition to CSDVRS’s
Petition for Clarification on the record,
arguing that the default provider
registration requirement does nothing to
undermine the Commission’s
interoperability rules and regulations,
and that prohibiting a specific list of
practices is unwarranted. To reiterate
and clarify to the extent necessary,
under the new numbering system,
Internet-based TRS users must be able to
dial around to competing providers just
as they do today. The Commission
agrees with CSDVRS that default
providers that distribute equipment may
not configure that equipment in a
manner that would increase the
difficulty of dialing alternative
providers beyond what consumers need
to do to reach these providers today.
The Commission’s rule 64.611(a)(2)—
which requires that a default provider
‘‘route and deliver’’ a user’s inbound
and outbound calls, unless the user
chooses to place a call with, or receives
a call from, an alternate provider—does
not inhibit or hinder dial around calling
by Internet-based TRS users.
Furthermore, a provider may not
penalize or retaliate against a consumer
who exercises his right to dial around
his default provider. The Commission
also reiterates the Commission’s
enforcement authority should
consumers be unable to dial around to
competing Internet-based TRS providers
once the new numbering system is
implemented. While CSDVRS’s basic
point is correct—that consumers need to
be able to dial around to any provider
without delays, warnings, distractions,
or other obstacles that might impede or
discourage such calls—the Commission
declines at this time to address specific
practices without the benefit of a more
developed record. Therefore, CSDVRS’s
Petition for Clarification is granted only
to the extent provided herein, and
otherwise is denied.
H. Consumer Protection Issues
74. In the Further NPRM, the
Commission sought comment on
whether to establish rules to protect
relay users from unauthorized default
provider changes (i.e., ‘‘slamming’’) and
to ensure the privacy and security of
relay users’ personal information. In
response, commenters generally favor
the implementation of consumer
protection measures to ensure that relay
users’ default providers are not changed
without their consent, and to guard
against the unauthorized disclosure of
consumer information. For example,
TDI Coalition states that, just as a voice
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telephone user reasonably expects that
his or her preferred service provider
will not be changed and his personal
information will not be disclosed
without the user’s authorization, an
Internet-based TRS user should be
entitled to the same expectation. The
Commission shares this view and, for
this reason, emphasizes that the
unauthorized change of an Internetbased TRS user’s default provider and
the unauthorized disclosure of an
Internet-based TRS user’s personal
information are both prohibited. The
Commission anticipates adopting rules
more specifically addressing these
prohibitions in a future order.
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
75. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980, as amended (RFA), requires that a
regulatory flexibility analysis be
prepared for rulemaking proceedings,
unless the agency certifies that ‘‘the rule
will not, if promulgated, have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.’’
The RFA generally defines ‘‘small
entity’’ as having the same meaning as
the terms ‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small
organization,’’ and ‘‘small governmental
jurisdiction.’’ In addition, the term
‘‘small business’’ has the same meaning
as the term ‘‘small business concern’’
under the Small Business Act. A ‘‘small
business concern’’ is one which: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2)
is not dominant in its field of operation;
and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
76. In this Order, the Commission
addresses several issues relating to the
assignment and administration of tendigit numbers for VRS and IP Relay
users. Specifically, the Commission
addresses 911 implementation issues,
registration, use of toll free numbers for
Internet-based TRS service, eligibility
for numbers for Internet-based TRS
service, assignment of telephone
numbers, and cost recovery issues. The
Commission also addresses a petition
for reconsideration filed by CSDVRS,
GoAmerica, Viable, and Snap, and a
petition for clarification filed by
CSDVRS regarding interoperability
concerns related to default provider
changes, dial-around capabilities, and
VRS CPE. The Commission’s
conclusions in this Order are necessary
to ensure that users of Internet-based
TRS receive functionally equivalent
telephone service, as mandated by Title
IV of the Americans with Disabilities
Act. The Commission’s conclusions are
not expected to have a substantial
economic impact upon providers,
including small businesses, because
PO 00000
Frm 00105
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
each small business will receive
financial compensation for reasonable
costs incurred rather than absorb an
uncompensated financial loss or
77. With regard to whether a
substantial number of small entities will
be affected by the requirements set forth
in this Order, the Commission notes
that, of the fourteen providers affected
by the Order, only four meet the
definition of a small entity. The SBA
has developed a small business size
standard for Wired Telecommunications
Carriers, which consists of all such
firms having 1,500 or fewer employees.
Currently, fourteen providers receive
compensation from the Interstate TRS
Fund for providing any form of TRS:
Ameritech, AT&T Corp.; CSDVRS; CAC;
GoAmerica; Hamilton Relay, Inc.; Hands
On; Healinc; Kansas Relay Service, Inc.;
Nordia Inc.; Snap Telecommunications,
Inc; Sorenson; Sprint; and State of
Michigan. Because only four of the
providers affected by this Order are
deemed to be small entities under the
SBA’s small business size standard, the
Commission concludes that the number
of small entities affected is not
substantial. Moreover, given that all
providers affected by the Order,
including the four that are deemed to be
small entities under the SBA’s standard,
are entitled to receive prompt
reimbursement for their reasonable costs
of compliance, the Commission
concludes that the Order will not have
a significant economic impact on these
small entities.
78. Therefore, the Commission
certifies that requirements set forth in
the Order will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
79. The Commission will send a copy
of the Order, including a copy of this
Final Regulatory Flexibility
Certification, to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the SBA. This initial
certification will also be published in
the Federal Register.
Ordering Clauses
80. Accordingly, it is ordered that,
pursuant to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(j), 225,
251, and 303(r) of the Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151,
152, 154(i), 154(j), 225, 251, 303(r), this
Second Report and Order and Order on
Reconsideration is adopted.
81. It is further ordered that, pursuant
to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(j), 225, 251, and
303(r) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152,
154(i), 154(j), 225, 251, 303(r), the
Petition for Reconsideration and
Clarification filed by CSDVRS, LLC,
GoAmerica, Inc., Viable, Inc., and Snap
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 250 / Tuesday, December 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
Telecommunications, Inc. on August 15,
2008 in CG Docket No. 03–123, WC
Docket No. 05–196 is denied.
82. It is further ordered that, pursuant
to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(j), 225, 251, and
303(r) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152,
154(i), 154(j), 225, 251, 303(r), the
Petition for Clarification filed by
CSDVRS, LLC, on August 15, 2008 in
CG Docket No. 03–123, WC Docket No.
05–196 is granted only to the extent
provided herein, and otherwise denied.
83. It is further ordered that, pursuant
to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(j), 225, 251, and
303(r) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152,
154(i), 154(j), 225, 251, 303(r), the
Petition for Reconsideration and
Clarification filed by Sorenson
Communications, Inc., on August 18,
2008 in CG Docket No. 03–123, WC
Docket No. 05–196 is granted to the
extent described herein.
84. It is further ordered that, pursuant
to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(j), 225, 251, and
303(r) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152,
154(i), 154(j), 225, 251, 303(r), the
Petition for Limited Waiver filed by
Sorenson Communications, Inc., on
September 30, 2008 in CG Docket No.
03–123, WC Docket No. 05–196 is
85. It is further ordered that, pursuant
to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 4(j), 225, 251, and
303(r) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152,
154(i), 154(j), 225, 251, 303(r), the
Request for Expedited Clarification of
Section 64.604(a)(2) of the Rules filed by
NENA and APCO on October 24, 2008
in CC Docket No. 98–67, CG Docket No.
03–123, and WC Docket No. 05–196, is
granted to the extent described herein.
86. It is further ordered that, pursuant
to rule 1.427(b) of the Commission’s
rules, 47 CFR 1.427(b), this Second
Report and Order and Order on
Reconsideration shall become effective
on December 31, 2008, except for the
information collections, which require
approval by OMB under the PRA and
which shall become effective after the
Commission publishes a document in
the Federal Register announcing such
approval and the relevant effective
date(s). As described above, the
Commission mandated in the June 24,
2008 Internet-based TRS Order that the
new numbering system and emergency
call handling requirements be
implemented by December 31, 2008. In
general, the issues addressed in this
Order clarify aspects of the
implementation of the new system and
affirm prior determinations and are
critical to ensuring a smooth transition
to the new system. The Commission
VerDate Aug<31>2005
22:13 Dec 29, 2008
Jkt 217001
does not believe that the shortened
implementation period will be a
significant burden on any affected
parties, who are already working to
implement the new system described in
the June 24, 2008 Internet-based TRS
Order. In any event, any burden to the
affected parties is outweighed by the
need to ensure a smooth transition to
the new, more functionally equivalent
numbering system for the community of
users, including a smooth transition to
the new emergency call handling rules.
87. It is further ordered that the
Commission’s Consumer &
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
Information Center, shall send a copy of
this Second Report and Order and Order
on Reconsideration, including the Final
Regulatory Flexibility Certification, to
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration.
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 64
Individuals with disabilities,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Telecommunications.
Federal Communications Commission.
William F. Caton,
Deputy Secretary.
Final Rules
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission amends 47 CFR part 64 to
read as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 64
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 254(k); secs.
403(b)(2)(B), (c), Public Law 104–104, 110
Stat. 56. Interpret or apply 47 U.S.C. 201,
218, 222, 225, 226, 228, and 254(k) unless
otherwise noted.
2. Section 64.605 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1) to
read as follows:
§ 64.605
Emergency calling requirements.
(a) * * *
(1) As of December 31, 2008, the
requirements of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) and
(a)(2)(iv) of this section shall not apply
to providers of VRS and IP Relay to
which § 64.605(b) applies.
(b) * * *
(1) Scope. The following requirements
are only applicable to providers of VRS
or IP Relay. Further, the following
requirements apply only to 911 calls
placed by registered users whose
Registered Location is in a geographic
area served by a Wireline E911 Network
PO 00000
Frm 00106
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
and is available to the provider handling
the call.
[FR Doc. E8–30999 Filed 12–23–08; 4:15 pm]
47 CFR Part 73
[DA 08–2721; MB Docket No. 08–115;
Television Broadcasting Services;
Omaha, NE
AGENCY: Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Commission grants a
petition for rulemaking filed by Mitts
Telecasting Company, licensee of
station KXVO–DT, to substitute DTV
channel 38 for its assigned posttransition DTV channel 15 at Omaha,
This rule is effective January 29,
Shaun A. Maher, Media Bureau, (202)
synopsis of the Commission’s Report
and Order, MB Docket No. 08–115,
adopted December 17, 2008, and
released December 18, 2008. The full
text of this document is available for
public inspection and copying during
normal business hours in the FCC’s
Reference Information Center at Portals
II, CY–A257, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554. This document
will also be available via ECFS (https:// (Documents
will be available electronically in ASCII,
Word 97, and/or Adobe Acrobat.) This
document may be purchased from the
Commission’s duplicating contractor,
Best Copy and Printing, Inc., 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC 20554, telephone 1–
800–478–3160 or via e-mail https:// To request this
document in accessible formats
(computer diskettes, large print, audio
recording, and Braille), send an e-mail
to or call the
Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202)
418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432
(TTY). This document does not contain
information collection requirements
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995, Public Law 104–13. In addition,
therefore, it does not contain any
information collection burden ‘‘for
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 250 (Tuesday, December 30, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 79683-79696]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-30999]
47 CFR Part 64
[CG Docket No. 03-123; WC Docket No. 05-196; FCC 08-275]
Telecommunications Relay Services, Speech-to-Speech Services,
E911 Requirements for IP-Enabled Service Providers
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Commission addressed several issues relating to the
Commission's Internet-based TRS Order, which adopted a system to assign
users of Internet-based Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS),
specifically Video Relay Service (VRS) and Internet-Protocol (IP)
Relay, ten-digit numbers linked to the North American Numbering Plan
DATES: Effective December 31, 2008, except for the information
collection requirements contained in Sec. 64.605 that are not
effective until approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The Federal Communications Commission (Commission) will publish a
document in the Federal Register announcing the effective date for the
information collections in this section.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William Dever, Wireline Competition
Bureau, (202) 418-1578.
For additional information concerning the Paperwork Reduction Act
information collection requirements contained in this document contact
Judith B. Herman at (202) 418-0214, or via the Internet at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Report
and Order and Order on Reconsideration (Order) in CG Docket No. 03-123,
and WC Docket Nos. 05-196, adopted December 19, 2008, and released
December 19, 2008. The text of this document is available for
inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC
Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW., Room
CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. This document may also be purchased from
the Commission's duplicating contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc.,
445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554, telephone
(800) 378-3160 or (202) 863-2893, facsimile (202) 863-2898, or via e-
mail at It is also available on the Commission's Web
site at
In addition to filing comments with the Office of the Secretary, a
copy of any comments on the Paperwork Reduction Act information
collection requirements contained herein should be submitted to Judith
B. Herman, Federal Communications Commission, Room 1-B441, 445 12th
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554, or via the Internet to
The Commission will send a copy of this Order in a report to be
sent to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to
the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
Final Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis
This Order contains new or modified information collection
requirements. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to
reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public to comment on the
information collection requirements contained in this R&O as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. In addition,
the Commission notes that pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork
Relief Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), the
Commission previously sought specific comment on how the Commission
might ``further reduce the information collection burden for small
business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.''
In this Order, the Commission assessed the effects of imposing a
requirement that Internet-based TRS providers institute procedures to
verify the accuracy of registration information. The Commission took
steps to minimize the information collection burden for small business
concerns, including those with fewer than 25 employees. For example,
Internet-based TRS providers may choose their use of verification
procedures. Indeed, the Commission only required that Internet-based
TRS providers implement a reasonable means of verifying registration
and eligibility information that is not unduly burdensome. Moreover,
the Commission concluded that all Internet-based TRS providers,
including small entities, will be eligible to receive compensation from
the Interstate TRS Fund for their reasonable costs of complying with
the verification requirements adopted in the Order. These measures
should substantially alleviate any burdens on businesses with fewer
than 25 employees.
Synopsis of the Report and Order
1. In this Order, the Commission addresses several issues relating
to the Internet-based TRS Order, 73 FR 41286, July 18, 2008, which
adopted a system to assign users of Internet-based Telecommunications
Relay Service (TRS), specifically Video Relay Service (VRS) and
Internet-Protocol (IP) Relay, ten-digit numbers linked to the North
American Numbering Plan (NANP). The Commission determined that the
numbering system will ensure that VRS and IP Relay users (collectively
``Internet-based TRS users'') can be called in the same manner that
voice telephone users are called--using a standard ten-digit telephone
number--and that emergency calls placed by Internet-based TRS users
will be routed directly and automatically to appropriate emergency
services authorities by the Internet-based TRS providers. The
Commission mandated that the new numbering and emergency call handling
plan be implemented by December 31, 2008. In an accompanying Further
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Further NPRM), 73 FR 41307, July 18,
2008, the Commission sought comment on additional issues relating to
the implementation of the ten-digit numbering plan and emergency call
[[Page 79684]]
handling requirements for Internet-based TRS.
2. The Order addresses issues critical to ensuring a successful
transition to ten-digit numbering by December 31, 2008. Specifically,
the Commission addresses 911 implementation issues, the timing for user
registration, use of toll free numbers for Internet-based TRS service,
eligibility requirements and verification procedures, assignment of
telephone numbers, and numbering cost issues. The Commission also
addresses a petition for reconsideration filed by CSDVRS, GoAmerica,
Viable, and Snap; a petition for clarification filed by CSDVRS; a
petition for reconsideration and clarification filed by Sorenson
regarding 911 and E911 issues; a petition for limited waiver filed by
Sorenson regarding the use of ``proxy'' and ``alias'' numbers, and a
petition for clarification filed by NENA and the Association of Public-
Safety Communications Officials International (APCO) concerning the
types of information a VRS communications assistant may provide to
emergency personnel when relaying an emergency VRS call.
3. Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
requires the creation of a nationwide TRS program to allow persons with
hearing and speech disabilities access to the nation's telephone
network. TRS must be available to the extent possible and in the most
efficient manner, and must offer telephone system access that is
``functionally equivalent'' to voice telephone services, as reflected
in the TRS mandatory minimum standards. The functional equivalency
standard serves as the benchmark in determining the services and
features TRS providers must offer to consumers. In some circumstances,
TRS equipment also permits persons with hearing disabilities to
communicate directly with each other (i.e., point-to-point calls).
4. When Congress adopted section 225, relay calls were placed using
a text telephone device (TTY) connected to the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). Since then, the Commission has recognized new
forms of TRS, including Internet-based forms of TRS such as VRS, IP
Relay, and IP CTS. Because Internet-based relay services have not been
linked to a uniform telephone numbering scheme and, instead, have used
shifting (or ``dynamic'') IP addresses, there has been no consistent
means by which to reach an Internet-based TRS user. Also, because IP
addresses have not necessarily correlated to an Internet-based TRS
user's geographic location, there has been no consistent means by which
an Internet-based TRS provider can directly and automatically route an
Internet-based TRS emergency call to an appropriate public safety
answering point (PSAP).
5. The Internet-based TRS Order addressed both of these issues.
First, to ensure that voice telephone users can call a VRS or IP Relay
user simply by dialing a ten-digit number, i.e., in the same manner
that they would call another voice telephone user, the Commission
required Internet-based TRS providers to assign NANP telephone numbers
to persons who use their service. The Commission determined that
Internet-based TRS users should obtain telephone numbers directly from
an Internet-based TRS provider, given that such a process is
functionally equivalent to the process by which voice telephone
subscribers obtain telephone numbers. The Commission also determined
that to obtain a telephone number, an Internet-based TRS user must
register with his or her selected (or ``default'') Internet-based TRS
provider. In addition, the Commission extended its local number
portability (LNP) obligations to Internet-based TRS providers, so that
the full array of obligations relating to the porting of numbers from
one service provider to another will apply when an Internet-based TRS
user wishes to port his or her telephone number to a new default
6. To make it possible for providers to route a call from a voice
telephone user to a VRS or IP Relay user, using the TRS user's ten-
digit telephone number, the Commission adopted a central numbering
directory mechanism that maps the Internet-based TRS user's ten-digit
NANP telephone number to the current Internet address of his or her end
device. The Commission concluded that Internet-based TRS providers
would provision routing information directly to the central numbering
directory on behalf of their registered users. The Commission also
determined that this routing information will be in the form of a
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). A telephone number assigned for IP
Relay use will have an associated URI containing a domain name and user
name, and a telephone number assigned for VRS use will have an
associated URI containing an IP address and device-specific protocol
information. The Commission further determined that building,
maintaining, and operating the central numbering directory would best
be accomplished by a neutral third party administrator under contract
with the Commission and compensated through the Interstate TRS Fund
(Fund). The Commission concluded that, for security reasons, only
Internet-based TRS providers should be authorized to query the central
numbering directory for the purpose of obtaining information from the
numbering directory to complete calls.
7. Second, to ensure that Internet-based TRS users can make
emergency calls that will be directly and automatically routed to the
appropriate PSAP, the Commission required that Internet-based TRS
providers, prior to the initiation of service, obtain consumer location
information from each of their registered users. Further, the
Commission required each Internet-based TRS provider to transmit all
911 calls to the PSAP, designated statewide default answering point, or
appropriate local emergency authority that services the caller's
Registered Location and that has been designated for telecommunications
carriers under the Commission's part 64 rules. Each such 911 call must
carry a call back number, the name of the relay provider, the
communications assistant's (CA's) identification number, and the
caller's Registered Location. The Commission further instructed that
such calls must be routed through the use of ANI (or pseudo-ANI, if
necessary) via the dedicated Wireline E911 Network, and the Registered
Location must be available from or through the ALI Database. The
Commission made clear that Internet-based TRS providers may not fulfill
their 911 obligations by routing 911 calls to ten-digit NPA-NXX numbers
(so called ``administrative numbers'') of PSAPs where a selective
router is utilized.
8. In the Further NPRM, the Commission sought comment on fourteen
different issues relating to the assignment and administration of ten-
digit telephone numbers for Internet-based TRS. Specifically, the
Commission sought comment on: (1) Certain peripheral issues concerning
the proper handling of 911 calls placed via Internet-based TRS; (2)
registration period; (3) the eligibility of Internet-based TRS users to
receive multiple telephone numbers; (4) the use of toll-free numbers;
(5) what steps the Commission should take, if any, to facilitate
implementation of standards-based signaling between service providers;
(6) the assignment of a single telephone number to multiple services;
(7) multi-line telephone systems; (8) eligibility to obtain Internet-
based TRS telephone numbers; (9) the regulatory treatment of IP CTS;
(10) additional security measures designed to ensure the integrity of
the TRS system and
[[Page 79685]]
Internet-based TRS equipment and networks; (11) verification of
registration; (12) application of the anti-slamming rules to protect
relay consumers against unauthorized default provider changes; (13) the
extent to which the CPNI rules should apply to Internet-based TRS
providers; and (14) whether, and to what extent, in connection with the
compensation of Internet-based TRS providers for their reasonable
actual costs of complying with the Internet-based TRS Order, the costs
of acquiring numbers, and porting fees, should be passed on to
Internet-based TRS users. The Commission received numerous comments on
these issues.
9. On August 15, 2008, CSDVRS, GoAmerica, Viable and Snap filed a
petition seeking reconsideration and clarification of the Commission's
Internet-based TRS Order with respect to the obligations of default and
former default providers to route consumer information. The petitioners
request that the Commission revise its rule to allow the consumer
either (1) to continue to use the devices once they have ported their
number with the understanding that their routing information will
continue to be provisioned by the original provider that supplied the
device or (2) to acquire a new device from the new default provider.
Sorenson filed an opposition to the Petition for Reconsideration and
the TDI Coalition and Hamilton filed comments in response to the
Petition for Reconsideration. CSDVRS and GoAmerica filed replies to
Sorenson's opposition to the Petition for Reconsideration.
10. On August 15, 2008, CSDVRS also filed a petition seeking
clarification that the Commission's rules require VRS providers to
provide fully interoperable relay service. CSDVRS requests that the
Commission clarify that every VRS provider has an obligation to ensure
that it is as easy for a VRS user to place outbound calls via competing
providers as it is to place outbound calls via the user's default
provider. Sorenson filed an opposition to CSDVRS's Petition for
Clarification and CSDVRS and GoAmerica filed replies to Sorenson's
11. On August 18, 2008, Sorenson filed a petition for
reconsideration and clarification seeking the Commission to: (1) Allow
the continued use of ``proxy'' numbers; (2) recognize that 911 calls
must be routed over administrative lines in certain circumstances; and
(3) clarify the date by which E911 must be fully implemented. The TDI
Coalition filed an opposition to Sorenson's Petition for
Reconsideration and the Joint Responders filed a partial opposition.
AT&T filed reply comments. On September 30, 2008, Sorenson filed a
petition for limited waiver of the prohibition on the use of ``proxy''
and ``alias'' numbers. CSDVRS, GoAmerica, Hamilton Relay, and TDI
Coalition filed oppositions to Sorenson's petition for limited waiver.
Sorenson filed a reply to the oppositions.
12. On October 24, 2008, NENA and APCO filed a request for
clarification that the Commission's rule governing the non-disclosure
by a CA of the content of a relayed conversation does not prohibit a
VRS CA, when relaying an emergency call, from disclosing background
visual and auditory information to emergency personnel. Sorenson and
the TDI Coalition filed ex partes in support of this request.
A. 911 Issues
13. 911 Calls and the Call Completion Rule. The Commission's rules
require Internet-based TRS providers to use a system that ensures that
the provider will answer an incoming emergency call before other non-
emergency calls, i.e., that the provider will prioritize emergency
calls and move them to the top of the queue. In the Further NPRM, the
Commission sought comment on whether, as an additional step to ensure
the prompt handling of emergency calls, the call completion rule should
be modified so that if an Internet-based TRS provider's CA is handling
a non-emergency relay call and identifies an incoming 911 call that
would be placed in queue, the CA may terminate the existing call to
answer the 911 call immediately. As the Commission noted, under the
current call completion rule, a CA may not terminate an ongoing call
for any reason, including to answer a 911 call that would otherwise
wait in a queue for the next available CA.
14. Based on the record, the Commission concludes that it should
not modify the call completion rule to allow CAs to terminate an
existing call in order to answer a 911 call. As several providers note,
allowing CAs to terminate a non-emergency call is inconsistent with the
principle of functional equivalency and the role of the CA as a dial
tone. Moreover, the assumption that the CA would be terminating a call
to answer a call that is more urgent may, in fact, not always be true.
As Sprint Nextel notes, a call between a patient and her doctor might
be terminated to answer an emergency call that presents less life-
threatening issues. Further, several providers note that there is
little evidence in the record to demonstrate that 911 calls made to
Internet-based TRS providers have been substantially delayed, or that
there is otherwise any compelling reason to modify the current call
completion rule, particularly in view of the requirement that providers
prioritize incoming 911 calls. For these reasons, the Commission
declines to modify our rules to permit CAs to terminate existing calls
to answer 911 calls. The Commission will revisit this issue in the
future, however, if it receives information that, notwithstanding the
emergency call prioritization rule, emergency callers have had to wait
more than a minimal amount of time to reach a CA.
15. Prioritization of ``Call Backs'' If 911 Call is Disconnected.
As noted above, in the Interim Emergency Call Handling Order, the
Commission required providers to implement a system to ensure that
incoming emergency calls are answered before other non-emergency calls
so that an emergency caller does not have to wait in a queue for the
next available CA. The interim rules also require the CA to give the
emergency personnel, at the beginning of the call, the CA's callback
number so that the emergency personnel can call back the CA if the call
gets disconnected. The latter rule was superseded by the Internet-based
TRS Order, which requires, effective December 31, 2008, that the CA
give the emergency personnel the caller's ten-digit number, rather than
the CA's call back number.
16. As the Commission stated in the recent VRS Numbering Waiver
Order, the requirement that VRS providers implement a system to ensure
that all incoming emergency calls are prioritized and do not have to
wait in a queue also applies to callbacks from the emergency services
personnel. Therefore, the Commission again reminds providers that they
must ensure not only that incoming 911 calls are prioritized, but also
that callbacks from the emergency services personnel to the consumer
via the consumer's ten-digit number are answered by the provider before
non-emergency calls.
17. Relay of Visual and Auditory Information to Emergency
Personnel. Recognizing the Commission's commitment to adapt the
Commission's rules to ``ensure that people with disabilities who desire
to use interconnected'' IP-enabled services ``obtain access to E911
services,'' NENA and APCO request clarification that VRS CAs may,
``when reasonably necessary, * * * provide visual information to a 9-1-
1 telecommunicator that will protect the life of the caller and/or
others, including first responders.'' Authorizing such actions would
``allow interpreters to step in and describe a
[[Page 79686]]
situation accurately when the deaf user is unable to do so.'' NENA and
APCO further ask that the Commission clarify that VRS CAs may retain
records of what they see and hear during an emergency call.
18. The Commission agrees in part and so clarifies. The
Commission's rules (and the statute) generally prohibit a CA from
``intentionally altering a relayed conversation'' and from ``keeping
records of the content of any conversation beyond the duration of a
call.'' The Commission reads these provisions to preserve the content
and privacy of the ``relayed conversation,'' but background visual and
auditory information regarding an emergency that a CA may see and hear
during a VRS call is not part of the ``conversation.'' Thus relaying
background visual and auditory information to emergency personnel
regarding an ongoing emergency does not contravene the statutory and
regulatory protections for ``relayed conversations.'' Bolstering the
Commission's interpretation is the Commission's recognition that just
as emergency personnel garner important information from the sounds
they hear during an emergency call with a hearing user (the crackling
of a fire, the explosion of a gunshot), emergency personnel may get
functionally equivalent information from the sights a CA sees during an
emergency call with a VRS user (the flames of a fire, the brandishing
of a gun). Allowing a VRS CA to relay visual and auditory information
regarding an ongoing emergency to emergency personnel should help
protect the safety and lives of VRS users and emergency responders.
Thus the Commission clarifies that, consistent with the Commission's
rules and the Act, a CA may relay background visual and auditory
information regarding an ongoing emergency to assist emergency
personnel in responding to an emergency VRS call. Moreover, because of
the importance of quick action in the face of an ongoing emergency, the
Commission clarifies that VRS CAs may retain a record of background
visual and auditory information regarding an emergency for a reasonable
time after an emergency call has terminated for the sole purpose of
providing that information to emergency personnel should they call
B. Registration Period
19. In the Internet-based TRS Order, the Commission required that
every Internet-based TRS provider offer its users the capability to
register with that provider as the ``default provider'' and provide or
port for that user a NANP telephone number. In addition, the Commission
required Internet-based TRS providers to obtain registration
information from all new users and assign all new users a NANP
telephone number. The Commission explained that requiring users to
register and assigning them NANP telephone numbers has benefits that
include facilitating the effective provision of 911 service. In the
Further NPRM, the Commission sought comment on the length of the
registration period during which Internet-based TRS providers will
register existing users, obtain their initial Registered Location, and
provide the users new ten-digit NANP telephone numbers. The Commission
also sought comment on whether there should be a cut-off date for
users' registration with a default provider.
20. The Commission received a number of comments on this issue.
AT&T proposes a three-month registration period and a three-month
permissive calling period. During these periods, AT&T recommends
education and outreach efforts. AT&T recommends that at the end of the
permissive calling period, Internet-based TRS providers cease
completing the non-emergency calls of unregistered Internet-based TRS
users. The TDI Coalition recommends a six-month period conditioned on
the Commission undertaking periodic review of actual registrations
resulting from outreach and education efforts of the Commission and
Internet-based TRS providers. CSDVRS recommends a 12-month registration
period with the requirement that each VRS provider submit its number of
new registrations on a quarterly basis to the Commission. CSDVRS also
recommends procedures to be put in place after the cut-off date in
which callers will be routed to customer service to become registered.
21. Several commenters recommend no cut-off of calling capabilities
for unregistered users. NENA claims that education of Internet-based
TRS users is preferable to cutting off service. Sorenson also does not
recommend a cut-off period. Rather, Sorenson recommends promoting
registration and education about the benefits of signing up with a
default provider, but not refusing service to individuals who choose
not to register. GoAmerica recommends that registration should be
required to obtain a ten-digit number, but not required to use
Internet-based TRS service, i.e., users should not be forced to
register if they do not want to. GoAmerica further comments that
mandatory registration is ``contrary to functional equivalence'' as
hearing people do not have to register.
22. As the Commission stated in the Internet-based TRS Order,
registration is essential to the assignment and use of NANP telephone
numbers and has important public safety benefits. The Commission
disagrees with GoAmerica that registration is contrary to functional
equivalency. For traditional voice communications services, users
``register'' when they sign up for service by providing their name and
address, and in the case of interconnected VoIP, registration is
mandatory. The Commission repeats that Internet-based TRS providers
must register eligible new users before providing them service. For
example, any newly-provisioned user (i.e., a user being sent a new
device, or application software download) must be given a NANP
telephone number. The Commission also adopts AT&T's recommendation to
provide, for eligible existing users, a three-month registration period
followed by a three-month permissive calling period; during this six-
month period Internet-based TRS providers will engage in consumer
education and outreach efforts.
23. As noted by AT&T, the permissive calling period is comparable
to the permissive calling period that is used in area code relief
situations to provide flexibility as consumers adapt to the new
numbering scheme. Accordingly, Internet-based TRS users may place and
receive calls via the method used before December 31, 2008 during the
three-month registration and three-month permissive calling periods.
Once an Internet-based TRS user obtains a NANP telephone number, the
user may still be reached by his or her ``proxy'' or ``alias'' number,
but the Internet-based TRS provider will provide a message notifying
the caller of the user's new NANP telephone number and advising the
caller that after June 30, 2009, the user may only be reached by the
NANP telephone number.
24. Providers should have no trouble getting most of their users
with hearing and speech disabilities registered by the three-month
target deadline, but the permissive calling period provides flexibility
for a transition period in case, for some reason, some users need more
time to register. Moreover, during the permissive calling period,
Internet-based TRS providers can continue to engage in targeted
education and outreach. As discussed in our Internet-based TRS Order,
registration is necessary for Internet-based TRS providers to associate
an Internet-based TRS user's telephone number with his or her IP
address to allow for the routing and completion of calls. Moreover,
mandatory registration is critical to the
[[Page 79687]]
effective handling of 911 calls. Specifically, registration allows
Internet-based TRS providers to provide first responders with location
information for emergency calls placed over Internet-based TRS. The TDI
Coalition agrees that registration is necessary for users to benefit
from effective 911 call handling. In addition, mandatory registration
will facilitate the implementation of appropriate network security
measures by reducing access to the Internet-based TRS providers'
databases and therefore, limit the exposure of the databases to abuses,
such as hacking. In order to ensure that Internet-based TRS users can
realize the benefits of the numbering system adopted in the Internet-
based TRS Order, registration must be mandatory with a definitive cut-
off date by which Internet-based TRS providers may not complete the
non-emergency calls of unregistered users.
25. The Commission establishes the following registration schedule:
The registration period will begin on December 31, 2008, the
implementation date of the new ten-digit numbering system. The three-
month registration period will end on March 31, 2009, and the
permissive calling period will end on June 30, 2009. At the end of the
permissive calling period, existing Internet-based TRS users who have
not registered with a default provider will be treated like new
Internet-based TRS users. Internet-based TRS providers must register
these eligible users before they may make non-emergency calls, in
accordance with the E911 goals set forth in the Internet-based TRS
Order. The Commission encourages all Internet-based TRS providers to
register their eligible users during the three-month registration
period, but acknowledge that there may be a need for additional time
and therefore, allow a three-month permissive calling period. The
Commission also encourages Internet-based TRS providers to keep it
apprised of the status of customer registrations during the
registration period through ex parte filings in these dockets.
26. Some providers have stated that they are unable to distinguish
a new user from an ``existing'' user who is dialing around the default
provider with which he or she is registered. The Commission notes that,
as a new user is ``an individual that has not previously utilized VRS
or IP Relay,'' someone to whom the provider has already issued a proxy
number, for example, or someone who has been issued a device that is in
contact with a provider's server, would not fall into the category of a
``new'' user. In support of mandatory registration for new users as of
December 31, 2008, the Commission permits providers to request a user's
ten-digit NANP number, which can be used to verify whether the user is
registered with another provider. Such verification can be made with a
simple query to the Numbering Directory using the ten-digit number.
This interim solution will be available to providers as of December 31,
2008. However, the Commission may consider enhancing this method with
the capability to do a reverse directory lookup of identifying
information in the incoming call against the URIs of registered users,
or the Commission may adopt some other solution if operational
experience and the record in this proceeding indicate that another
method would be preferable. In any event, if a provider is unable to
discern whether someone attempting to use its service is an existing
user, then it should treat such user as a new user.
27. The TDI Coalition recommends that once users register with a
default provider, they should be able to place relay calls immediately,
at least on a temporary basis, through, for example, the assignment of
a temporary ``guest'' or application number/identification system.
Similar to the TDI Coalition, Sorenson claims that providers must be
prepared to assign a user a NANP number within an acceptable period of
time (e.g., three days, but no longer than a week). The Commission
believes that under our registration and permissive calling plan, there
should be no delay problems for existing Internet-based TRS users, as
they may continue to place calls without a ten-digit, geographically
appropriate number until the end of the permissive calling period. For
new users, the Commission agrees with the TDI Coalition and concludes
that to the extent technically feasible, Internet-based TRS providers
must allow newly registered users to place calls immediately.
28. Sorenson Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification.
Sorenson raises two issues in its Petition for Reconsideration and
Clarification related to registration and routing of 911 calls. First,
Sorenson requests that the Commission clarify that its new rules
applicable to E911 Service, which are effective December 31, 2008, only
apply to 911 calls of registered users. Because the new rules require
providers to make available certain information that they can obtain
only from registered users, such as Registered Location information,
the Commission hereby amends the new rules to apply to 911 calls placed
by registered users. Sorenson also requests permission to route 911
calls to the administrative lines of PSAPs in certain cases, such as
when a user's Registered Location is in a geographic area not served by
a Wireline E911 Network, or when a non-default provider is handling a
911 call but does not have access to the 911 caller's Registered
Location or other relevant information. The Commission recognizes that
in certain circumstances such as these, the new rules may not be fully
applicable. Therefore, the Commission amends our emergency calling
rules to specify that the new rules only apply to 911 calls placed by
users whose Registered Location is in a geographic area served by a
Wireline E911 Network and is available to the provider handling the
29. Sorenson Petition for Limited Waiver. Finally, Sorenson
requests that the Commission grant it a one-year waiver of the
Commission's prohibition on the use of ``proxy'' or ``alias'' numbers
after December 31, 2008. Sorenson claims a waiver is necessary to avoid
user disruption associated with the transition to NANP numbers by
allowing Sorenson users to continue receiving calls dialed using proxy
numbers. There is strong opposition in the record to Sorenson's
petition. Contrary to Sorenson's position, the TDI Coalition claims
that continued use of proxy numbers will actually create more confusion
for users. Specifically, the TDI Coalition argues that many proxy
numbers are duplicates of NANP numbers and therefore, using proxy
numbers once NANP numbers are assigned could cause confusion for users
and interoperability problems for Internet-based TRS providers. Parties
also highlight that callers using proxy numbers will not have their
location information automatically transmitted to the appropriate PSAP
or receive emergency callbacks through alternative VRS providers in the
case of a disconnect. Moreover, commenters argue that granting
Sorenson's petition would allow Sorenson to continue to maintain its
closed directory system to the detriment of other competing VRS
providers. There is consensus among the commenters that any customer
confusion that may arise by the termination of ``proxy'' and ``alias''
numbers with the assignment of ten-digit NANP numbers can be adequately
addressed by a message provided by Sorenson that notifies that caller
of the new NANP number of the called party. As stated above, an
Internet-based TRS user may be reached by his or her ``proxy'' or
``alias'' number until the end of the permissive calling period.
Additionally, the Commission
[[Page 79688]]
concluded that Internet-based TRS providers must provide a message
notifying callers that after June 30, 2009, the user may only be
reached by his or her NANP telephone number. Accordingly, consistent
with the record in this proceeding, the Commission denies Sorenson's
petition for limited waiver.
30. Sua Sponte Clarification and Reconsideration. The Commission
also clarifies, on its own motion, that all users of Internet-based TRS
must be assigned ten-digit, geographically appropriate numbers, meaning
numbers within their local rate centers. In our June 24, 2008 Internet-
based TRS Order, the Commission noted that in ``unusual and limited
circumstances,'' Internet-based TRS providers could encounter
difficulty obtaining truly local telephone numbers for their users. The
Commission suggested that in such circumstances, Internet-based TRS
providers could ``temporarily employ suitable workarounds,'' such as
assigning a user a telephone number reasonably close to the user's rate
center or using remote call forwarding, but only until a geographically
appropriate number became available. First, the Commission clarifies
that under no circumstances should a toll-free number be assigned to a
user as such a workaround. As the Commission states below, toll-free
numbers must always route to a user's ten-digit, geographically
appropriate number. The Commission clarifies this because it is
concerned that the assignment of a toll-free number as a user's primary
identifier could degrade the provision of E911 service to that user--a
concern made more acute by the short time that providers, users, and
the database administrator have to implement the new numbering system.
Second, the Commission reconsiders its prior suggestion that Internet-
based TRS providers can use workarounds in instances where they cannot
obtain geographically appropriate numbers, such as assigning a non-
local but ``close'' telephone number or using remote call forwarding.
The Commission anticipates that the instances in which geographically
appropriate numbers will be unavailable from wholesale carriers will be
rare, but in those rare instances the Commission now requires Internet-
based TRS providers to bring the situation to its attention, and the
Commission will work with the carriers in that area and other entities
to resolve it so that all users of Internet-based TRS service will have
truly local geographically appropriate ten-digit numbers. To be clear,
Internet-based TRS providers must assign to each user a locally rated,
ten-digit, geographically appropriate number. The Commission delegates
to the Wireline Competition Bureau the authority necessary to work with
the Internet-based TRS providers, the carriers, and the numbering
administrators to resolve any such situations.
C. Use of Toll Free Numbers for Internet-Based TRS
31. In the Further NPRM, the Commission sought comment on the use
of toll free numbers for Internet-based TRS, including any impact the
use of such numbers may have on the provision of 911 service. AT&T
claims that Internet-based TRS users should be discouraged from using
toll free numbers, and those users who elect to retain their toll free
numbers should be required to pay for their use. AT&T also advocates
transitioning away from toll free numbers due to concerns about the
ability of 911 databases to effectively route 911 calls when associated
with a toll free number because, by design, toll free numbers operate
as inbound numbers only. GoAmerica claims that toll free numbers go
beyond functional equivalency, and recommends that all Internet-based
TRS users who are assigned toll free numbers be assigned geographically
appropriate numbers. GoAmerica argues that, should an Internet-based
TRS user want a toll free number, the user should be able to get one,
and, like AT&T, GoAmerica recognizes that toll free numbers do not work
with E911 systems.
32. The TDI Coalition encourages the use of geographically
appropriate numbers and argues that if a provider offers toll free
numbers, ``such offering must be no more than an optional alternative
to geographic numbers.'' The TDI Coalition also argues that mechanisms
can be put in place to facilitate the provisioning of 911 services
through the use of pseudo-ANI, similar to VoIP 911. Sorenson also
believes that Internet-based TRS users should be able to obtain toll
free numbers, should not have to surrender their toll free numbers--
i.e., they should be able to have a geographically appropriate number
and a toll free number, provided both numbers are assigned by the same
provider. Sorenson argues that the providers should be responsible for
the costs of the users' numbers and should be permitted to submit costs
to the Interstate TRS Fund in connection with only one number (toll
free or geographic) per device.
33. CSDVRS recommends that VRS providers be allowed, but not
required, to issue toll free numbers and that users should be able to
obtain toll free numbers from any provider, not just the default
provider. With respect to 911 service, CSDVRS states that since toll
free numbers do not have access to 911 services, devices assigned only
a toll free number will need to carry clear disclaimers about their 911
34. The Commission concludes, for the reasons discussed above in
connection with registration, that Internet-based TRS users should
transition away from the exclusive use of toll free numbers to ten-
digit, geographically appropriate numbers, in accordance with our
numbering system. Important to this finding is that ten-digit NANP
numbers will ensure that emergency calls will be routed directly and
automatically to the appropriate PSAP. Accordingly, similar to the
Commission's registration plan, Internet-based TRS users are allowed a
three-month period to transition to ten-digit, geographically
appropriate numbers, with an additional three-month permissive calling
period for unregistered users. At the end of the permissive calling
period, the Commission requires Internet-based TRS providers to have
assigned ten-digit, geographically appropriate numbers to all current
holders of toll free numbers who wish to continue using those toll free
numbers. An Internet-based TRS user may retain a current toll free
number or obtain a new toll free number so long as that toll free
number is directed to the ten-digit, geographically appropriate number.
As discussed below, voice telephone users are responsible for the costs
of obtaining and using their individual toll free numbers and
therefore, functional equivalency does not require that the use of toll
free numbers in connection with Internet-based TRS should be
compensable from the Interstate TRS Fund.
D. Eligibility Requirements and Verification Procedures
35. In the Further NPRM, the Commission sought comment on who
should be eligible to obtain telephone numbers. Specifically, the
Commission sought comment on the need for eligibility requirements or
verification procedures when telephone numbers are assigned; e.g., must
the recipient have a hearing or speech disability and therefore need to
use TRS to access the telephone system and, if so, should the recipient
be required to verify that fact, or can a number be assigned to a voice
telephone user who may desire to
[[Page 79689]]
communicate directly (video-to-video) with a TRS user? The Commission
also sought comment on related issues, including the effect of
particular proposals on the Interstate TRS Fund, potential number
exhaustion concerns, possible other means by which the Commission or
providers can facilitate the provision of ``point-to-point'' Internet-
based calls, and the scope of section 225 with regard to these
36. Eligibility To Obtain Ten-Digit Numbers. The Commission
concludes that, at this time, only individuals with a hearing or speech
disability will be eligible to obtain ten-digit telephone numbers under
the numbering system adopted in the Internet-based TRS Order. Although
several commenters request that the Commission also allow hearing
persons to obtain ten-digit numbers from Internet-based TRS providers
for the purpose of enabling point-to-point video communications (i.e.,
non-relay calls) between a hearing person and an individual with a
hearing or speech disability, the Commission declines to do so at this
37. While the Commission recognizes the potential benefits of
facilitating direct communication between TRS users and voice telephone
users, the Commission nevertheless limits the assignment of ten-digit
numbers to persons with hearing and speech disabilities at this time.
First, the Commission is cognizant of the limitations imposed by
section 225, which instructs the Commission to prescribe regulations
governing the provision of ``telecommunications relay services,'' and
specifically authorizes the recovery of costs ``caused by * * *
telecommunications relay services.'' Direct point-to-point calling is
not a ``telecommunications relay service'' under section 225. In
addition, the assignment of telephone numbers to voice telephone users
for the purpose of point-to-point calls raises cost recovery issues.
The Commission must ensure that costs specific to facilitating such
calls are excluded from those costs for which providers may seek
compensation from the Fund (and also are not included in those costs
that determine the compensation rate). For example, costs associated
with assigning a telephone number to a hearing person to facilitate
direct calls, including costs related to obtaining the number, record-
keeping, and technical support activities, would not be compensable
from the Fund. The Commission therefore finds that further evaluation
is needed of the specific costs that would be associated with both
assigning numbers to voice telephone users for the purpose of making
point-to-point calls, and with the processing of such calls, in order
to establish safeguards to ensure that such costs would not be borne by
the Fund. Finally, the Commission's paramount concern at this time is
to ensure that it facilitates calls to Internet-based TRS users with
hearing or speech disabilities and provide these users with automatic
911 access consistent with the functional equivalency mandate. For
these reasons, the Commission concludes that only individuals with a
hearing or speech disability will be eligible to obtain ten-digit
telephone numbers under the numbering system adopted by the Commission
at this time.
38. Eligibility and Verification Procedures. The Commission also
sought comment on what safeguards should apply, such as eligibility
requirements and/or verifications, when a user registers with a default
provider and is assigned a ten-digit telephone number. In addition, the
Commission sought comment on how providers might verify the accuracy of
initial registration information in order to curb IP Relay fraud.
Commenters generally support registration verification as a means of
ensuring that registration information provided by users is accurate
and preventing the improper use of Internet-based TRS, particularly IP
Relay. At the same time, commenters emphasize that registration
verification procedures should not unduly burden Internet-based TRS
users in the process of obtaining ten-digit numbers.
39. To verify the accuracy of initial registration information and
to help ensure that VRS and IP Relay are used only for their intended
purpose, Internet-based TRS providers must institute procedures to
verify the accuracy of registration information, including the
consumer's name and mailing address, before issuing the consumer a ten-
digit telephone number. In addition, to ensure that registered users
are aware of the eligibility limitations set forth above, the
verification procedures must include a self certification component
requiring consumers to verify that they have a medically recognized
hearing or speech disability necessitating their use of TRS.
40. In taking these actions, the Commission does not mandate the
use of any particular verification procedures. Instead, the Commission
requires only that Internet-based TRS providers implement a reasonable
means of verifying registration and eligibility information that is not
unduly burdensome. Such means may include, for example: (1) Sending a
postcard to the mailing address provided by the consumer, for return to
the default Internet-based TRS provider; (2) in-person or on camera ID
checks during registration; or (3) other verification processes similar
to those performed by voice telephone providers and other institutions
(such as banks and credit card companies). Such registration should be
accompanied by consumer education and outreach efforts designed to
inform Internet-based TRS consumers of the importance of providing
accurate registration information. The Commission expects that these
measures will reduce the misuse of Internet-based TRS by those who may
take advantage of the anonymity currently afforded users, particularly
IP Relay users, without unduly burdening legitimate Internet-based TRS
consumers seeking to obtain ten-digit telephone numbers. The consumer
education and outreach materials also should make clear that: (1) The
consumer may obtain a telephone number from, and register with, his or
her provider of choice (notwithstanding any prior relationship the
consumer may have had with another provider); (2) the consumer may
change default providers at any time and, in doing so, retain his or
her telephone number by porting the number to the new default provider;
(3) the consumer may make calls through, and receive calls from, any
provider (and the consumer is not limited to making or receiving calls
through his or her default provider); and (4) the provider cannot
condition the ongoing use or possession of equipment, or the receipt of
different or upgraded equipment, on the consumer continuing to use the
provider as its default provider.
41. As stated above, these requirements will apply to those users
who have registered and obtained a ten-digit number beginning December
31, 2008, except for the information collection requirements contained
in section 64.605 that have not been approved by OMB and, as such, the
Commission will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing
the effective date for the information collection requirements
contained in this section. Such requirements subject to OMB approval
include the outreach and education obligations set forth in the above
paragraph, as well as the verification and self-certification
requirements. Because these requirements are subject to OMB approval,
the Commission does not require providers to implement these provisions
until they have received such approval and are in effect. Once the
verification and self-certification requirements become effective,
[[Page 79690]]
however, providers will be required to verify the accuracy of any
registration information that was obtained prior to the effective date,
as well as obtain self-certifications from users who acquired ten-digit
numbers, in compliance with these requirements.
E. Assignment of Telephone Numbers
42. In the Further NPRM, the Commission sought comment on the
Consumer Groups' claim that functional equivalency requires that deaf
and hard-of-hearing users have one ten-digit, NANP number for multiple
devices. The Commission also sought comment on whether, if such a
system were in place, the cost of the additional functionalities should
be passed on to the Internet-based TRS user. In their comments in
response to the Further NPRM, the Consumer Groups clarified their
position and stated that functional equivalency does not require that a
user must have the option of using the same telephone number with
multiple types of TRS services, but rather, that some type of call
forwarding would be sufficient. With respect to the cost of the call
forwarding service, the Consumer Groups urge the Commission to consider
their opinion that the functionality of call forwarding is commonly
included in services provided to telephone users at no charge and that
the additional administrative costs to assess and collect such a fee,
which they believe will be nominal, will exceed the cost of providing
the functionality.
43. AT&T believes that the Commission should not mandate a single
telephone number for multiple services. AT&T believes that Internet-
based TRS providers can implement call forwarding and other services to
offer a one-number solution to users who have registered with that
provider as their default provider. CSDVRS recommends that providers be
allowed, but not required, to offer such a functionality as it is an
enhanced functionality rather than a functionally equivalent feature.
GoAmerica shares the same view as CSDVRS, but argues that it may be
problematic to have the same number assigned for different services
that have different technologies, platforms and endpoints. Sorenson
recommends deferring the issue to focus resources on the immediate
challenges of implementing the new numbering system. Similarly, NeuStar
argues that, ``[a]s technology evolves, it may be possible for a single
[telephone number] to be associated with multiple services in an IP
environment, but that time is not here yet.''
44. Assignment of numbers for multiple types of service. The
Commission agrees that functional equivalency does not require that an
Internet-based TRS user be assigned a single ten-digit, NANP number for
multiple types of services. Given the short timeframe to implement our
numbering system and the importance of public safety, the Commission
determines that a ten-digit, geographically appropriate number will be
associated with the URI of one user, for one type of service, e.g., IP
Relay or VRS. Nothing in this Order is intended to restrict an
Internet-based TRS provider from offering a feature that would
automatically forward an incoming call for the user at one service
(e.g., VRS) to the user at another service (e.g., IP Relay) in those
cases where the user has obtained numbers for both services from the
same provider if it does not result in additional costs to the Fund.
However, a provider that is not a default provider may not be able to
replicate the same feature based on the information available in the
Numbering Directory. As the Commission garners experience with the
numbering system, the Commission will be better able to analyze
possible solutions to allow a single number to be associated with
multiple types of services consistent with the emergency handling and
interoperability rules.
45. Assignment of telephone numbers for multiple URIs for the same
type of service. The Commission does not place limits at this time on
the quantity of telephone numbers that an Internet-based TRS user may
obtain from Internet-based TRS providers. For example, a VRS user may
obtain different numbers for VRS devices at different locations such as
home and office. This meets basic functional equivalency and provides
more reliable E911 location information. Nothing in this Order is
intended to restrict an Internet-based TRS provider that has
provisioned a user with multiple numbers for the same service from
offering call-forwarding-type features that automatically forward an
incoming call for the user at a URI associated with one telephone
number to the user at a URI associated with another telephone number if
it does not result in additional costs to the Fund. The Commission
notes, however, that an Internet-based TRS provider that is not the
default provider of these numbers may not be able to replicate the same
feature based on the information in the Numbering Directory. Consistent
with the Commission's rules, each provider of Internet-based TRS is
required to obtain from each registered Internet-based TRS user the
physical location at which the service will be first utilized for each
number and to provide the user one or more methods for updating the
physical location for each number.
46. Assignment of telephone numbers for multiple URIs at the same
location. Because the Commission does not place limits at this time on
the quantity of telephone numbers that an Internet-based TRS user may
obtain from Internet-based TRS providers, a user may also obtain
numbers for different devices on the same premises, such as multiple
VRS devices in the home. Although the central Numbering Directory does
not permit a single telephone number to be shared by multiple devices
at the same location, nothing in this Order restricts an Internet-based
TRS provider or an independent equipment supplier from developing and
implementing a solution that provides a ``multiple extensions'' feature
if it does not result in additional costs to the Fund. As the
Commission garners experience with our numbering system, the Commission
will be better able to analyze possible solutions to allow a single
number to be associated with multiple devices consistent with emergency
handling and interoperability rules.
47. Assignment of telephone numbers for a single URI. Given the
short timeframe to implement our numbering system and the importance of
public safety, the Commission finds that if multiple ten-digit,
geographically appropriate telephone numbers are associated with a
single URI, they must all be provided by a single Internet-based TRS
provider. Thus, only one Internet-based TRS provider is responsible for
managing the Registered Location information associated with that URI.
This requirement will reduce the likelihood of conflicting Registered
Location information for the same URI.
48. Recapturing unused numbers. Because the Commission anticipates
that providers will not encourage consumers to obtain more telephone
numbers than they actually intend to use, the Commission declines to
put into effect a means to recapture unused numbers at this time, but
will monitor the situation and reserve the right to do so at a later
F. Numbering Costs
49. In the Internet-based TRS Order, the Commission concluded that
Internet-based TRS providers may seek compensation from the Fund for
their reasonable actual costs of complying with the requirements
adopted in that order. The Order further concluded that
[[Page 79691]]
costs recoverable from the Fund may include those directly related to:
(1) Ensuring that database information is properly and timely updated
and maintained; (2) processing and transmitting calls made to ten-digit
numbers assigned pursuant to the Internet-based TRS Order; (3) routing
emergency calls to an appropriate PSAP; (4) other implementation tasks
directly related to facilitating ten-digit numbering and emergency call
handling; and (5) consumer outreach and education related to the
requirements and services adopted in the Internet-based TRS Order.
50. At the same time, the Commission stated that those numbering
costs compensable from the Fund did not include ``those costs directly
related to consumers' acquiring a ten-digit number or to the costs
associated with number portability.'' Noting that voice telephone users
generally bear these costs, the Commission sought comment on ``whether
Internet-based TRS users acquiring ten-digit numbers should also bear
these costs. In addition, the Commission sought comment on whether
other specific costs associated with numbering should, consistent with
costs paid by voice telephone users, be passed on to consumers,
``including, for example, E911 charges.'' As explained more fully
below, the Commission concludes that certain costs, which typically are
borne by consumers of voice communication services, are not compensable
from the Fund and, at the election of each provider and subject to
Commission approval (as explained below), may be passed on to Internet-
based TRS users who are registered with that provider. These costs
include: (1) Costs associated with an Internet-based TRS consumer's
acquisition of a ten-digit geographic telephone number, (2) costs
associated with an Internet-based TRS consumer's acquisition and usage
of a toll free telephone number; and (3) any E911 charges that may be
imposed on Interstate TRS providers under a state or local E911 funding
mechanism. The Commission also addresses below number portability
51. Costs Relating to the Acquisition of a Ten-Digit Geographic
Number. Section 225 states that the Commission's regulations shall
``require that users of [TRS] pay rates no greater than the rates paid
for functionally equivalent voice communication services with respect
to such factors as the duration of the call, the time of day, and the
distance from point of origination to point of termination.'' As noted
in the Further Notice, Congress therefore contemplated that TRS
consumers would pay certain costs associated with making a call, just
not the additional costs that are attributable to the use of a relay
service to facilitate the call. Because number acquisition costs are
not attributable to the use of relay to facilitate a call, and because
the record reflects that these costs generally are borne by users of
voice communication services, the Commission finds, consistent with
section 225 and the functional equivalency mandate, that number
acquisition costs are not compensable from the Fund. Therefore, a
provider that assigns a telephone number to a consumer may pass the
costs on to that consumer. However, to ensure that only these customer-
specific, actually incurred costs are passed on, the Commission
requires that any Internet-based TRS provider wishing to pass on
numbering-related costs to its users first obtain Commission approval.
The Commission delegates to the Consumer and Governmental Affairs
Bureau the authority to rule on such requests.
52. Commenters' arguments that costs of obtaining ten-digit
telephone numbers should not be borne by consumers are insufficient to
justify treating Internet-based TRS users differently than users of
voice communication services with respect to passing through number
assignment costs to end users. First, some commenters contend that
number assignment costs are ``generally small'' and, as such, do not
justify the administrative expense that would be involved in recovering
them from consumers. The Commission disagrees. Internet-based TRS
providers reasonably may take into consideration the administrative
cost of billing consumers in determining whether to pass certain
numbering costs on to consumers and, if so, how much to charge. The
fact that providers may incur administrative expenses, however, does
not justify treating Internet-based TRS users differently from users of
voice communication services.
53. Second, the Commission disagrees with the contention that it
should allow costs associated with acquiring numbers to be reimbursed
by the Fund to the extent that anticipated ``cost savings'' resulting
from the Internet-based TRS Order (associated with a possible future
reduction in IP relay fraud) can be expected to ``outweigh'' the cost
of acquiring numbers. Potential ``cost savings'' to the Fund resulting
from a reduction in IP Relay fraud similarly does not provide a basis
for treating Internet-based TRS users differently in this context,
given that the approach the Commission adopts here is consistent with
the language and functional equivalency objective of section 225.
54. Finally, GoAmerica asserts that it is ``discriminatory'' to
charge deaf and hard of hearing persons for telephone numbers because
Internet-based TRS users already ``pay more for the ability to
communicate than hearing persons.'' In particular, GoAmerica suggests
that Internet-based TRS users must incur the cost of high speed
Internet access, in addition to the cost of a regular telephone line,
in order to have both TTY access and access to VRS. The record,
however, does not support this claim. The record reflects that hearing
consumers who use interconnected VoIP services may pay as much, if not
more, than Internet-based TRS users for service costs that may include
number assignment charges, other associated fees, and broadband
Internet access. The Commission therefore finds that Internet-based TRS
consumers' costs t